#just for him to get threatened with execution after he FIGURED IT OUT.
savoirbeau · 2 years
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--originally, xerosic had only the intention to experiment on himself at MOST...he did study bodies from the morgue or from documentation of the deceased. never the living. it was only after he had a conversation with lysandre about turning his thinking upside down that he moved passed that moral 'roadblock.' before that, he was neither comfortable nor thought it would be beneficial to put that obligation and risk on another living being, whether it be conscious or not.
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sanguineterrain · 5 months
Your writing is so damn good, you execute every request perfectly 😭
Could you maybe write something where Dick's insecure partner wants to break up with him because their self-image is getting worse cause they feel they can't catch up to the Golden Boy reputation, superheroes, billionaires and so on?
hi, thanks for the request! I hope I did it justice :) a brief interlude from jaytodd before we return to our regularly scheduled program lol
dick grayson x gn!reader. low self esteem, an almost breakup, reader feeling insecure, threatened, sad. happy ending! 2.1k words
You've been tugging at your outfit for ten minutes. At this rate, you'll have to concede that this is as good as it's going to get.
"My love, you almost ready?"
You sigh and watch your reflection fold its arms.
"Yeah," you say softly. "'M ready."
The door opens. Your heart swoops.
Dick is beautiful, as usual. Your boyfriend can do a lot, including fill a suit. Both your and his outfits were tailor-made because that's one of the perks of being the son of a billionaire.
Over and over, you'd insisted you could wear off-the-rack, and over and over, Dick had said that was silly, that Bruce wouldn't mind.
And it's true that what you're wearing flatters you better than anything from Macy's or Marshall's would've. But you know it won't help tonight. Not in a room full of Gotham's elite.
"Just as I suspected," Dick says, immediately draping his arms over your hips. "You're gonna steal the show tonight."
He's lying.
That voice in your head has gotten louder recently, and you don't know how to turn it off.
You kiss him instead of responding. Dick enthusiastically reciprocates, always delighted when you touch him. You used to think it would be enough.
But ever since you found out that not only are you dating a billionaire philanthropist with a face that makes angels weep, but that said guy is also arguably the most beloved hero in Gotham, maybe second only to the Batman (who's his freaking dad?!), you've begun to have doubts.
You pull back. Dick's tie perfectly sets off his eyes. They're bright as they look at you.
"Everything okay?" he asks, brushing your cheek with his thumb.
"Uh-huh," you say, trying to smile. "Just nervous."
“Hey, it's alright. I'll be by your side all night. I'll save you from any and all small talk, promise." He winks. "And we can duck out early, get hot chocolate from that place you like. They won't care."
Dick's always doing that. Always catering to you. You're just some nobody who happened to stumble into the best relationship you’ve ever had with a golden god.
Dick never reminds you of that. That he could do better. He doesn't have to—you know it all on your own.
You swallow. “Okay. If you're sure. I... I would like to leave early, Gray."
“‘Course, baby,” Dick says, attaching his cuff links. "Anything you want."
You turn back to the mirror, wondering if you can reinvent your personality before you go and remind everyone what a mistake Dick Grayson has made in choosing you. 
The party is tasteful, though a little stuffy. You're only here because Dick is going to give a speech, and he asked you to come support him. And while you know it's better for him to go without you so you won't dull his shine, it seems Dick hasn't quite figured that out.  
You hold onto Dick’s arm as he makes his usual rounds. Dick doesn't enjoy these events, you know that, but he's fluid in his interactions. There is no doubt he’s Bruce Wayne’s prodigy. With his suit, his hair, his easy posture, Dick is almost unrecognizable from when you woke up with him this morning. 
He's in his element. All you can do is peer in and watch. 
Dick leans in and slips a hand around your waist after the fourth interaction with a donor. A donor who, again, acted like Dick may as well have been dragging around a coat rack with how intently they ignored you. Not that you give a shit about what the one percent have to say about you, except sometimes they say a lot of mean things, things you're pretty sure they don't let Dick overhear, and sometimes you start wondering if Dick is the only person who can't see truth in what they say, and sometimes—
“Hey.” Dick leans in to talk in your ear. He's warm and solid. You wish that was a comfort. “You okay?”
You're exhausted. 
He is going to wake up one of these days and realize he can have it so much better. 
Dick moves like he's about to say more, pull you closer and permeate your senses with his gold.
Sweet, tinkling laughter echoes across the room. The crowd parts for this new woman, an obvious socialite, dressed to the nines and gorgeous. 
Her dress matches Dick's tie. You feel sick.
When she reaches you two, she wastes no time grabbing Dick and kissing his cheek. He extricates himself from her, like he's done a million times before with everyone else who thinks they're entitled to a piece of Dick Grayson. He shoots you an apologetic look. You look away.
“My God, it’s been what, ten years?” she says. Then she sees you. “Oh! Where are my manners? I’m Caroline Banesbury, Duchess of Middlesworth. I heard the Dickie Grayson was going to be here, and I had to come.”
“Been a while,” Dick says, smiling blandly. “How are you, Caroline?”
“Spectacular! Father just bought another castle. You should come and see it sometime.” She plucks a flute of champagne off of a passing tray and smiles behind the rim of the glass. 
“Dick and I go way back,” she says, gaze roving over him. “I hear you're transforming Blüdhaven. Taking a page out of Bruce's book, hm? You always had a big heart, Dickie.” 
She grabs his arm and links it with hers. You sigh and take a sip of your own drink. You half-wish Poison Ivy would come in and gas the room or something.
Dick clears his throat and maneuvers out of her grip once more, letting go of her with a light pat. He returns to you, snugly holding your shoulders.
"This is my partner," he says about you.
Caroline hums, looking over you. "I see. Pleasure."
You nod. She turns back to Dick.
“If I can be of any help to your project, you let me know,” she adds, glancing down at where her empty arm now hangs at her side. “Anything.” 
“That's generous of you, Carrie.” 
Dick and I go way back.
Oh. Right. You're stupid. They've dated. 
“We should have dinner,” she continues. “Catch up. I'm dying to know what Gotham's darling has been up to.”
“I feel sick,” you announce. 
Dick and Caroline turn to you. Caroline looks perplexed, like you've just said you like to chew concrete. 
“Oh, I'm sorry to hear that,” she says, hardly sparing you a glance. "Perhaps you ought to lie down."
You feel Dick's eyes on you. If you don't leave soon, he'll know you're lying. Possibly the worst part about dating Batman's protégé.
Suddenly, leaving this hall is the most important thing you've ever had to do. You feel like you'll die if you don't.
Your feet start moving.
Anyway, this is Caroline's chance. She can swoop in with her trust fund and while you think Dick can do way better than her—he can always do better—anyone is better than you. For Dick Grayson, who has been a master acrobat since he was a child, son of Batman, leader of the Titans, indubitably intelligent, capable, beautiful, the best goddamn guy you'll ever know—
You've lost your way. You're out of the gala, away from duchesses and doom. And you meant to get your coat but this hall that Bruce rented is enormous. You've no idea where you are. But you're alone.
Bruce must've known too, how unfit you are for his son. And why wouldn't he tell Dick? Unless Dick ignored him, because Dick, for all his smarts, is stupidly in love with you, thinks you're where he should put his heart, is certain you won't fumble and drop it.
Warm, callused fingers catch your wrist and you remember, suddenly, Dick telling you once, after you'd nearly stumbled into the street, that he'd never let you fall.
You meet his eyes. Why does he look at you like that? Who gave him the right to look at you like-like you—as if you could ever deserve—
"Hey," he says, squeezes your hand. "Hey, hey. What's going on?"
Dick Grayson is not a trusting man but he trusts you and good God, you're about to break him.
"I need to break up with you," you blurt.
"What?" he breathes. "What—why would you say that?"
You wish he'd give you the slip he gave everyone in that room, gently separate your arm from his hand. You never learned how to evade Dick's touch.
"Because it's true. Dick, please understand—"
"No, I'm trying to understand. Because yesterday—no, tonight, you were fine—"
"No, Dick, I wasn't fine! I haven't been fine in months!"
You wrench your arm away. He looks like you slapped him.
"You know anybody I talk to in there means nothing, right? You know that, honey." He's pleading.
You curl your fist into your eye. "It's more than that, Gray."
"Then tell me what the problem is," he says desperately. "Tell me and we'll fix it. I promise we can fix it."
"You can't!" you say, voice cracking. "You can't fix me."
Dick shakes his head. "I don't—"
"Why can't you let me break up with you with a little bit of dignity?" you ask. "Do you have to be better at this too?"
"I don't want to break up," he says, tugging at a handful of his hair. "This doesn't make sense. We're happy. You're happy, aren't you? Don't I make you happy?"
"Of course," you choke out. "Of course you make me happy. But you don't see I'm bad for you. You're wonderful and perfect and golden, Dick. And I'm a stain. I need to be scrubbed away."
"Wh—that's not true!"
"Everywhere we go, people see me with you and are immediately confused. I'm not a superhero, I'm not royalty, I'm not a socialite, and yet somehow I've managed to snag Gotham's darling. This is a mistake. I'm trying to do you a favor and wake you up!"
Dick's face is hard with anger. How could you have thought this would be easy?
"I don't need to be woken up! What is it that makes you think I have no agency over the people I choose to spend time with? Everyone I meet thinks they're entitled to touch me, demand me. Everyone but you. You, the person I chose to love, who I love everyday. Do you think you pulled the wool over my eyes and you're snapping me out of it? Is that what you really think?"
And isn't this the most puzzling thing? That he's not sad or gently accepting; Dick is mad.
"I just—" He runs a hand through his hair. "I don't mean to yell, but really, I can't bear it if you see me as some god on a pedestal, unattainable and inhuman, like everyone else sees me. I love you on purpose."
"You're so accomplished, though," you say weakly. "You're..." You wave your hand over him. "You're fucking Nightwing, D. You were Robin, you have superheroes for friends, Batman for a parent, you're beloved by, like, all of Jersey—"
"My love, you know those are just parts of me. You see all of me. You know me. And that's not a one-way privilege, okay? I'm so damn lucky to know you, to love you, to be with you, to fight with you. To fight for you. Knowing you isn't something I take for granted."
"But I'm boring," you say, tears spilling over. "Jesus Christ, Dick, I'm plain and untalented, barely a dime to my name, so painfully ordinary that—"
"Listen to me," he says, taking your face in his hands. "Flying around or shooting lasers out of your eyes, sure, it's cool, and it's helpful for taking down an alien dictator. But I don't need you to do any of that, honey. I don't need nor want you to be anyone but you. I wasn't tricked or swindled into loving you. We caught each other halfway, just like we were meant to."
You let him pull you into his arms, let him press your tear stains to his silk pocket square, let his hair fall around you.
His embrace is solid, firm, but when he inhales, his shoulders shake.
"Do you—" He swallows, throat against yours. "Do you still want to break up?"
His heart beats against your cheek.
"I'm just afraid you'll get tired of me," you whisper. "Bored. Annoyed."
"I won't," he whispers. "You're the least boring person ever. It's never boring to be loved."
You squeeze your eyes shut. Dick's warmth encloses you.
"No, I don't want to break up. I'm sorry."
He holds you tighter, and you realize you never had to match Dick's tie. Not when you've got his heart.
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water-to-drink · 1 month
You want a request? Sure, here ya go! 😀
Back when Genshin Impact first came out, a lot of folks compared it to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. (Some even thought Hoyoverse was directly copying Nintendo, if you can believe it) This little nugget of info was stored away in my head for some time, and now it's finally borne fruit!
SAGAU universe, bc ofc it is, where Creator!Reader would turn off the Genshin music and instead listen to Zelda tunes as they play! Nobody in Teyvat knows where these songs come from, but the Vision Holders who have heard them believe these melodies to be of holy origin. Something that connects them to their Creator, and is either shared to the masses or kept amongst themselves...a secret that only those blessed to be the Makers Vessels are to know.
If we're going the Imposter SAGAU route, it could be that our poor Creator is awaiting to be executed by the Genshin Cast. In an attempt to comfort themselves, they hum one of the songs that they love from the Zelda games (Zeldas Lullaby is always a favorite of mine personally) and the Acolytes overhear them. Whether this leads to more harm or to the Reader getting help, I'll leave that up to you.
Divine Melody
(Synopsis): After being transported to one of your favorite game you’re a accused of being an imposter but a melody changes the minds of Teyvat
(Tags/Warnings): Reader is treated as an imposter, reader almost dies, (if I missed anything lmk)
(Word Count): 770
(A/n): I remember that era, it was a ridiculous accusation to throw, and I hope this fulfills your expectations
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A bright light shines in your face causing you to open your eyes
You find yourself in a grassy field and laying in the shade of a large tree. Odd you don’t remember falling asleep outside, this area looks pretty familiar. After a few seconds of trying to figure out where you are, you looked to see a statue
The statue looked absolutely majestic, walking to the front of it you saw that it was holding a glowing teal orb and the statue is in the likeness of Venti
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks
You’re at Windrise, you’re in Genshin
Excitement fills you and instantly began to run to Mondstadt City
Being transported to your favorite video game is supposed to be an amazing experience. Experience the world first person, interact with the characters, all that good jazz. That’s what you expected when you step foot in the city
Instead of the kind smiles you would normally see from behind your screen you were met with the people whispering amongst themselves whilst looking at you
Odd, you kept walking around the city until a knight came up to you and pointed his sword at you
“Halt, foul imposter!” The knight spat out. “How dare you come here wearing their holy presence.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just woke up like-” You were cut off by the sword coming closer to your neck
You looked around to see a crowd gathered around waiting for you, the intensity of the situation only grew and so without much hesitation you ran away from the knight and the crowd
You ran until you bumped into a person, looking up you see Kaeya
“Oh thank god! Kaeya please explain to these people that they got it all wrong, I’m not an imposter!” You pleaded
But why did he look at you with such contempt and disgust? Without a word from him he restrained you, his grip ironclad threatening to leave bruises to your arms
“I got them!” Kaeya yelled at the crowd
The mob gathered around you and bound your hands behind your back and the two knights lead you to a jail cell that had long been abandoned
Why were they treating you this way, you’ve done nothing wrong. Hopeless you curled up into ball on the floor and began to cry uncontrollably
You don’t know how long you spent crying when a knight came to get you from your dingy cell. She took you outside and you the moment you were out the sun blinded you. As you were lead through the street the people pelted rotten fruit at you
All that was going through your mind was “why”
Why are they doing all of these awful things to you, the yells of contempt was a stark contrast to the friendly smiles you’re used to seeing
As you got closer you saw the stake that you’re about to be tied to and set alight, the reality hit you and in a desperate attempt to calm your mind you begin to hum a melody that you would listen to while playing the game
You hum loudly to drown out the chants from the crowd. Strangely it comforted you, perhaps in your last moments finding solace in familiarity pushes the situation out of your mind.
You hummed loudly that someone heard you
“Stop! Stop! Stop!” A familiar voice yelled, quieting the crowd
You look up to see it was Venti who was standing before you. He gets down on his knees and looks you in the eyes
“That melody, sing it again.”
You kept humming the tune and the vision holders all had horrified looks on their faces, they all drop to their knees and bowed before you
“Your Grace, please forgive us for our grave mistake.” Jean said
“W-what are you talking about?” You asked confused beyond comprehension
“Your Grace, do you not realize that you are the creator of Teyvat?” Eula said
You ended the story and looked around at the faces of the children gathered around you. A story that is long behind you and now you dictate your time in teaching future generations the lesson
“What was the song you sang, your Grace?” A girl asked
“It was a song that the vessels would hear when I would pilot them, here let me hum it to you.” You began to hum the melody and as the song progressed you saw the children slowly get lulled to sleep. Finishing your tune you stood up from you chair and whispered “Goodnight, my sweet children.”
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lightbluetown · 10 months
i saw some people say ed and zheng are master strategists while stede is just some guy with ridiculous luck, but i think that's unfair. sure stede's ideas are insane, but they fit the looney tunes ass universe of ofmd perfectly. they're mostly well-thought-out, well-executed and they showcase stede's strengths and growth! so allow me to talk about them:
1- ghost of the forest - 1x02
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a fuckery™ before stede even knows what a fuckery™ is! this is amateurish and stupid in every way. he's not even threatening izzy with a real dagger-- that's a letter opener. does izzy actually believe that stede has a huge crew hiding behind the bushes? doubt it! but this weird little act is enough to establish stede as a (ridiculous) pirate figure to the legendary izzy hands and to accomplish his goal of taking a hostage back
2- lighthouse - 1x04
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imagine coming up with the exact same idea at the exact same time as the most brilliant tactician of the seven seas! we don't know who came up with which parts of the plan (honestly it was probably mostly ed) but this is still bloody impressive
3- stark revelations - 1x05
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stede's first big success! he uses his knowledge of the aristocratic world to get a shipful of rich assholes to destroy each other, but he's also showcasing what sets him apart from them: this plan only comes to fruition because stede talks to frenchie, olu and abshir as equals. as people he can learn from, as sources of inspiration
4- duel with izzy - 1x06
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this one was absolutely unhinged, but its success was far from dumb luck. only stede could think of using a brazillian cherry wood mast and ed's weird stabbing lesson to win a duel, and that's what makes this plan so undeniably stede and brilliant
5- faking his death - 1x10
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i love that he just had to "die" in the most dramatic way possible. a heroic fight (tiger), a realistic accident (carriage) and the most cartoony death in the book (piano)... not only is his triple-death able to convince everyone in barbados that he's dead for good, it also allows him to have closure with his family. it's filled with stede's ridiculous unique flair, but it's designed to be a fuckery™ through and through. ed would be SO proud
6- stealing jackie's indigo dye - 2x01
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quick little stealth mission. did ricky manipulate stede into trying this out? sure. did ricky also ruin it? absolutely. but it was working until then! the swede isn't part of stede's crew at this point, but his respect for stede is what gets him to cooperate and risk his relationship with his beautiful wife. also, it's thanks to his love for fine things that stede immediately recognizes the value of "blue dirt"
7- prison break - 2x03
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in my eyes no scene depicts stede's growth better than this one. knocking zheng's entire crew out with tea is the most stede thing out there, and this plan uses the cherry wood mast as well! this plan relies on stede's (unrealistic) tea knowledge, overly-fancy ship and ability to coordinate his crew. what makes it breathtaking is that he secretly sets this plan into motion while actively mourning the "death" of the love of his life. he's putting his life on the line to rescue ed's "killers" because he's emotionally mature enough to look at things from their perspective and forgive them
8- inciting a mutiny - 2x06
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yet another brilliant plan that could only be executed by stede. this entire episode revolves around his idea of "turning poison into positivity" and here he, well, fights poison with positivity. stede captains his pirates with respect and care (best he can) which just so happens to be the opposite of ned. he exploits this and gently gets ned's crew to turn on him. he singlehandedly saves himself and his entire crew from a notorious pirate! oh he also literally invents walking the plank right after this
9- "it's only suicide if we die" - 2x08
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okay, yes, this one didn't go that well (sorry iz). but it's not like ed, zheng or anyone else had any other ideas! stede's weird suicide mission, for the most part, worked. they needed to get through british soldiers to reach their ship and they did exactly that. if only they'd remembered to check if ricky had his gun... oh well, you live and you learn
sure, ed and zheng are legends and stede is a silly newbie with wild luck. but he's also quick-witted, creative, confident and brave! he's a damn good captain and he deserves to be recognized as a good strategist!
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harmonysanreads · 9 months
Imagine Corrupted!Alhaitham in the Sumeru Hexagon AU who's a walking nightmare.
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Because of exposure to some mysterious phenomena in the desert, a part of Alhaitham becomes “corrupted” and takes control over his body. The uncorrupted remains of his consciousness are still there, but, against the more powerful force, he's resigned to a backseat—until he figures out a way to take back control, that is.
Corrupted!Alhaitham finds you lovely, if not a little stupid for always prioritizing other people's needs. Not to worry, he'll educate you on the proper path in no time! Unlike regular Alhaitham, he exchanges shame with boldness in letting his intentions be known. If you think hearing Alhaitham say some of the most outrageous things with the most blank expression known to humankind is unnerving, think again, because, Corrupted!Alhaitham never stops smiling. It's a mocking, condescending and arrogant smile that makes you wish the earth would split open and swallow you whole already.
Instead of obsessing over a perfect plan like his ‘other self’, Corrupted!Alhaitham is spontaneous and does whatever he feels like doing at any given moment. This has brought along massive criticisms from his counterpart, but, it's not like he listens to his ‘nagging’. Alhaitham likes to follow rules and routines, Corrupted!Alhaitham loves breaking them.
Alhaitham resorts to many (marginally discreet) methods to learn about you, Corrupted!Alhaitham just corners you and demands you tell him everything. He thinks rationale and logicality are only impediments if he wants to claim something, which appalls Alhaitham. Corrupted!Alhaitham is much more ambitious and might even re-apply for the position of Grand Sage, not for knowledge or anything— but, for the absolute power the position would grant him.
The worst part of this is, his unhinged behavior is only reserved for you. The majority of people won't believe his change to begin with because of his ‘normal’ behavior in public, but, on top of that, Corrupted!Alhaitham blackmails you to not even think about telling anyone. After all, if normal Alhaitham can act insane, his counterpart can act 'normal' for a certain duration of time as well. If ‘Normal Alhaitham’ and Corrupted!Alhaitham can reach a consensus though, they'd be unstoppable. One with the perfect plans to ruin the competition and another unhesitant in executing them, they'll no doubt be deadly. But, judging by how often they clash, that's unlikely to happen very soon.
Or, imagine Corrupted!Alhaitham in the Vampire AU—however, this time as Vampire!Alhaitham's twin brother who few people know of. Corrupted!Alhaitham discovers that Vampire!Alhaitham was keeping you, someone he was tasked to ‘get rid of’, hidden from the Vampire Lords. He threatens Vampire!Alhaitham that he'll tell the lords about this unless, he shares you with him. It wasn't an easy negotiation though, but, brotherhood won in the end I guess?
Corrupted!Alhaitham doesn't love you like his twin and neither will he ‘protect’ you for your sake. At first, he only saw you as his blood bank. To him, you're an interesting creature he likes to poke and push for his entertainment. Heavens save you should you be alone with him. Vampire!Alhaitham isn't a saint either, after all, he did agree to this. He treats this as some sort an experiment as well, maybe one of your endurance or, if his twin will end up with the same feelings as him. After some time, Corrupted!Alhaitham might admit to himself that he's.. fond of you—but, only because you entertain him so well!
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any brainrots on corrupted!alhaitham are warmly welcomed in my asks :>
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By Tayo Bero
This month, the Texas state parole board unanimously recommended the pardon and release of convicted killer and former US army sergeant Daniel Perry, along with the restoration of his firearm rights. Perry had been working as an Uber driver in July 2020 when he shot and killed Garrett Foster, a white man who was attending a Black Lives Matter protest with his Black fiancee. Perry was later indicted for murder, tried, convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison by an Austin jury.
Almost a year from the date of his sentencing, Perry’s pardon was granted by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and he now walks free. As terrifying as the initial incident was, this pardon sends a chilling message: that politically motivated killing is OK, and that politicians are more focused on pandering to political pressure than protecting people’s lives.
During Perry’s trial, it emerged that in the weeks before he killed Foster, he had shared white-supremacist memes and talked about how he “might have to kill a few people” who were demonstrating outside his house in 2020. He also compared the Black Lives Matter movement to “a zoo full of monkeys that are freaking out flinging their shit”. And days into nationwide protests sparked by George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer, Perry sent a text message saying: “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters.”
Perry described shooting Foster as an act of self-defense. Yet according to trial testimony about the day Foster died, Perry had seen the predominantly Black group of protesters gathered across the street from him, ran a red light and drove his car right into the middle of the protest. When Foster – who was legally carrying a firearm but had not, according to some eyewitnesses, threatened Perry – approached Perry’s car, he shot him dead and sped away.
In rehashing this horrendous incident, the question on my mind is: how do you justify “pardoning” a person like this? Condemning Perry’s release isn’t about believing in carcerality or wanting to keep people in prisons, mind you; it’s about how we get to this point as a society, whom we grant permission to kill, and how we treat the people involved in a tragedy like this in its aftermath.
Abbott – who rarely issues pardons, and has generally only pardoned low-level, nonviolent offenders – had faced pressure from conservative media figures to grant Perry one. Rightwing pundits like former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and even Texas GOP chair Matt Rinaldi squeezed him publicly about Perry’s conviction. It doesn’t seem like Abbott needed much convincing, though, seeing as he directed the parole board to review Perry’s case just one day after he was convicted.
There’s also the question of how we got here. Foster’s death and his killer’s subsequent pardon are the direct result of a government that’s more beholden to wealthy gun lobbyists than concerned with commonsense legislation that literally saves lives. Foster’s death was, in part, the result of a tragic meeting of Texas’s notoriously loose stand-your-ground self-defense laws, which Perry’s supporters claim he was upholding when he shot Foster, and the state’s “open carry” laws, which Foster was legally exercising when he had his rifle slung over his shoulder during the protest.
Alan Bean, the executive director of the Texas-based civil rights advocacy group Friends of Justice, summed up the implications of Perry’s case succinctly.
“If one guy with a gun feels threatened by another guy with a gun, murder is permissible. If both men felt threatened, the resulting tragedy would technically be ruled a no-fault double-homicide,” he wrote after news of the pardon went public.
Even Texas police aren’t blind to the ways that open-carry laws are exceptionally dangerous and nonsensical. “We were completely opposed to ‘license to carry’ because anytime there’s more guns, there’s a problem,” Ray Hunt, executive director of the Houston police officers’ union, said back in 2021.
If there was any doubt that Abbott doesn’t care how problematic these laws are, even after what happened to Foster, consider that he used his pardon announcement to reaffirm that “Texas has one of the strongest ‘stand your ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive district attorney”.
These are scary words to hear from your elected official after a tragedy that could have been avoided with better gun laws. Abbott continues to signal to gun-toting rightwingers that they can go around murdering people they don’t agree with, and that they will have the full force of the law to back them up.
Foster’s mother, Sheila, spoke to the New York Times after the pardon, and her words are haunting in their truth. “It doesn’t make sense,” she said over the phone. “It seems like this is some kind of a political circus and it’s costing me my life.”
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cipheramnesia · 5 months
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Part 4: A Midnight Summer Dream
a story by @rox-and-prose and @cipheramnesia
Luna was a pale sliver of paint in the stars, a slip of the brush in the forever of the sky.
"That's it," Michele Loren said. "This is where we head our separate ways for the moment."
Laika took her hand of the control vines for Genghis Khan as she stared wordlessly. The earth civ moon, original version, a system unto itself. She had devoured all she could find about Luna, the multifacet god, in hopes to understand the call she felt in the days after leaving home. She'd put the hope of seeing Luna with her own eyes at the bottom of a box and buried the idea. Her muzzle hung slightly agape as she searched for something momentous to say, to share with GK how much it meant to be in the here and now.
She noticed Sy was watching her, and the dryad smiled and glanced away when he saw her seeing him. She blushed and her face felt hot, and she forgot her train of thought.
"I never imagined I'd rob the moon," she said.
"You're only robbing a very, very small part of it," Cat Nguyen corrected.
The crew of the Paperclip were sharing the bridge of Genghis Kahn, with varying expressions of perplexity on their faces watching the werewolf executing the peculiar movements and footwork involved in manipulating the various switches and nerves and pedals essential to a Pilot. Even Doc seemed entranced, silent through all the system jumps, or structure solutions, or whatever GK liked to call them. All except Dandridge who returned to the Paperclip immediately in a sullen huff, vowing never to set foot on GK ever again. Laika was going to need to find out what exactly GK had done to piss him off so bad.
Now they were gathering up helmets and and gloves for their envirosuits, looking around for just the right way to excuse themselves from the room which Laika had seen enough of before she was eight to recognize. "Okay," Loren said. "Well, you know. This should go fine, just stick with the plan, keep it simple, you know."
"I can do better than that," Doc (Laika still hadn't figured out if the woman was Blake Sloane, or Sloane Blake, or something else), pushing her bracelets along with the sleeve of her purple, double breasted, knitted suit jacket. "I can stick the plan to me." There was a mess of writing which Laika deeply hoped was meant to look smeared and half erased on Doc's forearm.
"That's, that's a great- Good job Sloane."
"Doctor Blake, why can't you ever get my name right?!"
"I'm sorry. Doctor Blake. Fantastic work as always." Loren turned to Laika. "Look, I don't know how to uh. You know how much work this has been for me. Well, just be careful. Make sure next time I see you, you have the godseye or Doc, or both. Or don't let me see you again?"
"Is that a threat," Sy asked.
"Think of it as friendly advice," Loren said.
"And also as a threat," Nguyen added, despite Loren's sharp look. "What?" she shot back at his frown.
"Do I have do go with these guys?" Sy looked at Laika who said "no" at the same time as Loren and Nguyen said "yes."
"We'll keep our end," Nguyen said, "along with your friend. You keep yourself along with Doc."
"Who you wouldn't be sorry to see killed, I gather."
"We'd prefer she come out of this mostly intact," Loren sounded almost apologetic.
"Okay, okay, fine. Let's not draw this out, I get it."
Loren breathed a small sigh of relief and Nguyen just smiled. "We'll get going then," he said.
"Take care of yourself," Laika gave Sy a shoulder pat as he walked by, then impulsively pulled him into a hug.
"I'll be good," he said into fur. "You have the hard job."
"Pulling off the heist?"
"Being alone with, uh, the Doc."
Loren and Nguyen waited at the entryway to the bridge. Laika set down Sy from the hug and stood her full height. "Oh," she said. "Before you go? GK, please threaten them."
Its voice coming from nowhere as usual, GK said, "Thank you Laika, for this commendable request. Captain Michele Loren of the Paperclip, please prepare for receiving a threatening missive."
"Captain Michele Loren, Pilot Cat Nguyen, and the remaining crew of the ship Paperclip not present aboard myself, I am placing you under the advisement that should even the smallest fraction of an injury occur to Pilot Laika Blackwood, or Sy Drangea, electrical engineer, I will track you to the end of earth civilization space, and to parts unknown. You will never know safety or peace for as long as you remain alive. I will find your dreams, and take them from you. There will be no power up to and including the total heat death of this universe which will stop me from extracting your lives in payment. If you die, I will find yours souls. I will tear apart the essence of your beings. I will disperse the electrons of your bodies into every star of this universe. I will burn your souls to ash. Nothing will remain. Please ensure Sy returns safely to me upon our next meeting."
Loren stared, open mouthed.
"Uh," said Nguyen, "You're... really good at that."
"Thank you," said GK. "Your praise is insignificant to me. Please have a safe trip."
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Oh boy I love getting struck with inspiration in the shower for the most evil angst ever. When I get an idea I just look like this
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Can you imagine if the actual traitor Nagito was trying to weed out was Hajime?
Yeah Chiaki was a "traitor" in the sense that she wasn't human but she was on their side and trying to help them. She wasn't working for Monokuma or any evil organization despite what the characters thought.
I had to double check for this, but Nagito finds out that Hajime is Izuru in Chapter 4 after defeating the life threatening game. He even thinks Hajime is the traitor and states as much at the beginning of chapter 4 since Hajimes talent is still unknown. He didn't know that Chiaki was just an AI in the NWP I believe, because her student file was included in the documents (it doesn't list her death, I assume, because if it did he would've figured out the "traitor" right then and not needed to rely on his luck in chapter 5 to have her as the blackened) but Hajime was transformed into a completely different person? Hajime Hinata supposedly didn't exist/is dead now, so who was the person they were interacting with?
I think with that interpretation, Nagito could have easily interpreted that Hajime was the real traitor to the other students, but still wanted to confirm it with his luck in chapter 5. He would set up the murder plan the same, with the fated poisoned fire grenade ending up in Hajime’s hands instead. The trial goes the same, Chiaki is revealed as an AI observer and voted unanimously, but it's revealed after the vote that they got it wrong, that Hajime was the actual killer all along, and all the other students would be executed.
Can you IMAGINE the betrayal the other students would feel? The confusion and rage Chiaki would feel because that wasn't how this was supposed to go, that she was the supposed traitor Monokuma had been talking about all along? The absolute despair Hajime would feel because he doesn't know why he's being labeled as the traitor (only for it to be revealed as he goes into chapter 6 all alone)? The other students hurling accusations and insults at him for betraying them when he doesn't know why this was the outcome and starting to doubt himself all over again after being able to build his confidence with the Ultimates alongside him?
And Monokuma could easily use the wordplay to his advantage. "Oh I never specified if the traitor was working with or against me!"
Even just the realization that he gave up his entire identity to become Izuru Kamukura and essentially wipe himself from existence. All of the angst it could brew as he's going through this alone. No one is there to hype him up. No one is there for him to lean on. He's alone in the reality of his own creation that he doesn't even remember or understand.
And this would be sick as FUCK in the ghost au because Nagito's ghost would be sitting there in the courtroom just smiling at him eerily, also because of the line Monokuma says "So Nagito's ghost is whispering to you?" Or something to that effect.
Anyway new chapter for the ghost au snippets
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damagedintellect · 5 months
ADA Dazai x Reader
💌Obligatory sex pollen fic I guess?? chapter 2💌
Summary: Certain abilities Dazai can dispel outright without touching the user. This has always confused the brunette greatly where the technical line was drawn. During Q's apocalypse, he couldn't bring individuals back to their senses but with Shiwabusa's fog he could prevent Chuuya’s ability from manifesting. Apparently this “Sex pollen” ability was more like the former example. Which left Dazai the only one conscious of their actions as everyone fucked like rabbits.
Notes: Based on a dream I had a few nights ago....This chapter is shorter because I started waking up once I realized it was THAT DREAM, I'm literally crying it got a second chapter some one help😭
Contains: sex pollen, dubcon, pregnancy, mpreg, pregnant Fyodor, Fyodor being painfully religious, 🍋 in chapter 1
💌 Wordcount 1,971 💌 Chapter 2 of ?? [If I have another dream I am obligated to update this] <= Previous chapter
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Just like that for a few weeks everything was back to some semblance of normalcy. Out of sight out of mind you guess. Once you stopped feeling sick all the time you could hardly tell you were pregnant at all. You were still confined to the office since it would take anywhere from 3 to 6 months to fully heal from your injuries but that was fine with you. Honestly you don’t understand how Dazai does it. You've been pampered by Yosano's ability. It didn't even occur to you that you'd still have to have some sort of physical therapy afterwards either. Meanwhile Dazai gets shot and stabbed all the goddamn time and he takes it like a champ. Just one more reason to like him you guess.
Dazai looked up to catch you staring. You didn’t look away but your face did start to feel warm. You hadn’t really sat down and talked about it in depth yet. That night or about the child and honestly no one in the office has really tried to bring it up either. Although you still don't know what to say, sooner or later someone has to say something and hopefully it won't have to be you. Unfortunately you have a feeling it's going to be you.
Dazai glanced at the door and frowned. He's been trying to avoid any meaningful confrontation but judging from the sounds outside he swallowed. He knew those footsteps better than anyone and it was only a matter of time before “he” showed up. This might as well be happening today. Without warning Chuuya emerged from the doorway looking annoyed. 
“Okay, which one of you is the weretiger!”
Atsushi hesitantly raised his hand. You raised an eyebrow at the exchange. What was the mafia executive doing looking for Atsushi? Dazai sighed and rose to his feet, putting an arm around Atsushi as Chuuya approached the two. 
“Why Chuuya, what brings you out to our domain! I almost didn't see you there, have you gotten shorter?” He smiles cheerfully. You swear you could see flowers and sparkles surrounding him.
Chuuya crossed his arms “Go to hell and wait your turn. I have a bone to pick with you after I square away business with the tiger boy.” He glared at Atsushi, sizing him up. “And you, my boy Akutagawa hasn't been the same since your guy's little rescue operation. Mind telling me why that is?” It was surprisingly less threatening and more of a genuine question.
Atsushi’s face flushed a few shades darker “Why don't you ask him! He's the one who-” He stopped mid sentence, groaning. He figured Akutagawa wouldn't talk about it to anyone either but being asked directly because Akutagawa was out of sorts was insulting. How did he think Atsushi felt? “You know what, the bottom line is I'm pregnant and it's his fault he used his stupid ability like that. If anything I should be the one who's traumatized!” 
Chuuya hummed, putting his hand under his chin as he thought about an earlier encounter. “Oh so that's why he was muttering about being bound to the weretiger. He was saying something about not even holding hands yet and having to marry you. Guess that makes me the godfather for two babies then.” the redhead shrugged like this conversation was an everyday occurrence.
Atsushi slouched, was this karma for trying to suggest that Fyodor and Nikolai should get married? 
“Don’t tell me Akutagawa is religious too.”
Chuuya furrowed his eyebrows. “What? No listen kid, this is about stepping up to responsibilities. Raising a kid's a big deal.” He looked over at Dazai with a smirk about to add one more thing but Dazai interjected, flicking the brim of Chuuya's hat.
He continued to wave his hand in the other's face. “Who said you were the godfather? I don't remember calling you.” Both of their expressions went flat for a moment as they glared at each other passively.
“You should have, it would have been better to hear the news from you than from Mori.” He huffed “Why didn't you? It's not like you to go back on your word. What happened too, I wouldn't lie about something like this.” He mocked in a Dazai like fashion.
“I thought you were too drunk to remember that!” Dazai whined.
“Yeah well I also remember promising to be your best man if you ever lived long enough to find someone.” Chuuya leaned back into his hip “So?” the redhead crossed his arms, waiting.
“So what?” Dazai said matter of factly. As the two stared back at each other, Atsushi finally sat down. Why did they have to do this at his desk?
“So what? You're not even going to introduce me!”
Dazai rolled his eyes. Is that really what Chuuya came here for? When Chuuya walked in you had gotten up from your desk to make tea. As you brought the cups over Dazai walked around you and put his hand on your shoulder “(Y/N), Chuuya, Chuuya, (Y/N). There, you happy?”
“Wait (Y/N)? You mean your-” Dazai cut him off but Chuuya looked surprised. You wonder what he was going to say. It sounded important.
Dazai pankicked and grabbed the other from behind covering his mouth as he dragged him out into the hallway. “Nope that's it you overstayed your welcome.” 
Once the door shut Ranpo pouted “I'm pregnant too ya know. I wouldn't mind Mr. Fancy hat being the godfather.” He puffed out his cheeks.
Atsushi rolled his eyes. “That's all you got from that!”
Ranpo sighed “No, I also got the image of Akutagawa tying you up so thanks for that.” 
Atsushi stood up so fast his chair nearly fell over. “How can everybody speak about it so casually!” 
He looked over to you with pleading eyes. Atsushi was probably hoping you'd back him up. Instead you laughed, handing him the disregarded tea. 
“Well for starters only the adults are here today and the more you talk about it the less power it has.” You handed the detective another cup. “Although instead of putting you on the spot Ranpo should have asked if you wanted to talk about it first or at least opened up about his experience.”
He took a sip of tea before shrugging. Ranpo didn't mind sharing at all in fact he’s glad someone asked about it. “Not much to say really. Poe hugged me from behind and by the time I realized he wasn't doing it to be cute I just kinda went with it.” Ranpo shrugged with a smile on his face. “I'm more curious what happened with Kunikida!”
The blonde tensed as you set the last cup down in front of him. He had stopped his typing as a bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face. “Do I have too?” Out of everyone in the office Kunikida had been the one trying the hardest to skirt around the conversations. He wanted to forget it ever happened. It was bad enough that Dazai would tease him about it whenever they were alone.
Ranpo hummed “Akiko's really careful because she could never give up drinking for that long, so since you're not forced into being a dad, dealer's choice?” You all nodded in agreement, it only seemed fair since you were putting him on the spot.
Kunikida pushed up his glasses. You assume he probably doesn't want to share. Instead he turns to address you. “Which reminds me, I thought Yosano gave you a contraceptive too?”
“I was so exhausted I forgot it was in my pocket and never took it.” You frowned. It didn't feel like a priority in the moment but like most of them you were out of it. “But forced parenting aside, right now this is about sexual trauma.”
 Kunikida cleared his throat “I wouldn't know what to share. I turned to look at Yosano and the next thing I know we're kissing in a passionate manner.” He paused wondering if he should say something about the elephant in the room. “Also this should go without saying, but no one is forcing you to be a parent. Ranpo and Atsushi might not have a choice but there's still plenty of time for you to think it over. No one would stop you if you decided you're not ready to be a mother.” This was true but your mind was already made up. 
Somehow only Ranpo knew of your crush? You thought it was fairly obvious. Had it been anyone else you probably would have gotten rid of it by now. 
Ranpo laughed before you could answer, sharing his two cents. “Who said I don't have a choice? I'm choosing to have this little munchkin! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see what me and Poe create. Besides, I've always wanted a mini me!” He patted his stomach proudly.
Atsushi sipped on his tea “That's true. So in a weird way it kind of worked out for you and Poe huh. At least one of us lucked out.” He’s been avoiding Akutagawa as much as possible ever since that night.
Ranpo snickered, “I would say two of us lucked out.” He draped one around your shoulder opening his eyes to give you a smug look. “Well you care to share with the class? This was your idea after all.” 
So that’s why he bothered to bring all of this up. You sighed in defeat. “Lucked out my ass!” Your cheeks were red as Atsushi and Kunikida gave you incredulous looks “Keep in mind Dazai was fully conscious of his actions. He kind of just let me get it out of my system in hope that I would eventually snap out of it,” You groaned hiding your face in your hands “and yes, apparently I was begging him to fuck a baby into me. Is that what you wanted to hear, Ranpo!”
Ranpo blinked a few times “You didn't have to go that far but yeah I was just trying to get you to mention your crush on Dazai.”
“You have a crush on Dazai?!” Both Atsushi and Kunikida shouted. Kunikida nearly spat out his tea. You groaned “That’s why I was planning on keeping the child but I feel like I'd be baby trapping him.”
“It’s not baby trapping if you decide to keep the child, it's your body. I already told you that you have the final say.”
Everyone slowly turned their heads back to see Dazai coming back into the office. You swallowed “How much of that did you hear?”
“Not much but you already told me your reason for wanting to keep the kid.” He shrugged nonchalantly and everyone wiped their heads back to you.
Atsushi was dumbfounded. “Wait a second, let me get this straight. He knows that you-”
Dazai spoke over him. “-Always wanted kids, it's not that big of a deal. Unless that's not what we're talking about?” He tilted his head to the side. Did he miss something? It took a lot out of him to turn Chuuya away especially after the stupid slug made his own revelations about the situation. 
You released the breath you were holding. Everyone else understood Dazai was just as oblivious to your feelings as always. Eventually you would have to tell him but it was still early enough in the process to figure that out. At least everyone else in the office knew why you’ve been acting weird since that night.
Kunikida groaned at the realization. “I don't know if I can handle a mini Ranpo running around, let alone a mini Dazai.” He went back to his work. “It’s bad enough having to work with Dazai as is.”
You laughed as the two tried to defend themselves.
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
Hii! im not sure if youre taking requests right now but if so id like to request a portmafiayandere!ranpo x reader hcs
when i first got this request it really intrigued me. i never thought of what ranpo would be like in the mafia, but him as a yandere as well? i couldn’t get it off of my brain… thank you for requesting!!
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Yandere Port Mafia! Ranpo Edogawa Headcanons
Possible warnings: Dark content, manipulation, mentions of nonconsensual drug usage, kidnapping, stalking
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There are many routes we can take with these headcanons, so I’m going to start with you being a detective at the agency.
Let’s say that you were out on a job, trying to sniff out any information you can get about the Port Mafia. You went as an undercover agent and joined the mafia. You were relatively well accepted among your “peers”, but yet there was one man that didn’t like you in the slightest.
He would constantly watch you in plain sight. It’s almost as if he didn’t care if you caught him. You didn’t even know who it was as well. It made you nauseous.
Your first real encounter with him immediately rubbed you the wrong way as well. When he made eye contact with you, it felt as if he was staring through your soul. You felt like he knew everything about you, just by one glance. It was off putting to say the least.
This was the truth as well. He took note of how your hands were clammy as you shook his, how your face was slightly sweaty, how your breathing was uneven, how you seemed panicked… He deduced that you were an enemy in disguise almost instantly.
Later, you eventually found out that the person you shook hands with was one of the newest mafia executives; Ranpo Edogawa.
You didn’t like this one bit. You’ve heard stories of what he has done while in the mafias ranks, and it scared you. He was known for making up extremely complex plans for the mafia, and he was not to be messed with. The stories you were told also described how he would be able to figure out a persons motive within the speed of sound.
It scared you.
So what did you do?
You avoided him as much as you could.
You would keep your distance. You would always try to be on the opposite side of the building as him, you’d run past him if you were ever in the same room, and you’d try to ask for orders that made sure you wouldn’t be near him.
For the most part, it worked. You were able to successfully keep your distance from him!
Well, so you thought.
He was always watching you. If you were in a crowd, he was there as well. If you were in your office typing up some paperwork, he had a secret camera watching you.
He knew that you were a detective trying to gather information about the mafia, but yet he didn’t do a thing to stop you. He just simply watched on the sidelines, observing your every move.
Over the course of a few months, he started to fall in love with you. His love was… obsessive to say the least.
He’d set up more cameras so he could watch you—even some in your apartment. You of course, we’re none the wiser. He was very good at being discreet with his actions. After all, he was once the greatest detective in the world, alongside now being the best strategist in the mafia.
But then one day you were forced to go on a job with him due to his personal request. The letter you received asking you to come to his office was more than threatening as well. The way he worded things in his letter made everything seem more violent than they needed too.
When you entered his office, he asked you to sit down in a chair nearby. He then offered you one of his candies—something he has never done before.
You of course took the sweet, not wanting to rouse any suspicion on your end. You slowly ate it, and realized it tasted like cinnamon. You quickly checked the wrapper and it was supposed to be a fruity candy, not something that was had an autumn-like taste.
You then passed out.
When you awoke, you were in the mafias “dungeon.”
Ranpo was sitting in the corner, playing a video game. He wasn’t paying any attention to you.
When you made a noise, he looked up at you and giggled. He then started to explain how he felt about you, why you were there, and what would happen to in the future. He then gave you two options; become his spouse and live in captivity, or die.
You, of course, chose to become his spouse after some… “convincing.”
Being his darling wouldnt be as bad as it may seem. He may be a mafioso, but he still has morals from his detective days. Though, sometimes it would be hard to read him since he was still quite childish.
More often than not you’d be forced to cook him dinner, do housework, and do other small miscellaneous tasks to appease him. He’d never force you to do something that you didn’t wish to do… unless it was cuddling him or sharing your plate.
You would be stuck at his home forever, yes, but he’d still allow you some small freedoms. He’d never tie you up unless you had attempted to escape. He’d of course knew that you would try to escape before you even attempted to do it. He was very smart after all, maybe too smart.
You’ll be a good to him though, right?
He’d absolutely hate to torture you.
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gatitties · 1 year
The end?
─Yandere!bonten x assassin!reader
─Summary: You're sick of all the chasing and you want to put an end to this whole game of cat and dog
─Warnings: toxic behavior, blood, obsession, stalking, suicide attempt, violence, yandere stuff
@epitios here you go!, and for everyone who was waiting for a third part too😌
Part One / Part Two
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You collapsed on the floor of your apartment, your breathing quickening and gasping, the sound of your heart pounding in your ears so loud you thought your eardrum was going to explode at that very moment. You covered your mouth as you moved slowly to the closet, the front door opening.
"Dammit, you said this was the exact location, you useless Sanzu."
"Shut up, at least I've gotten enough clues to find something solid."
Rindou rolled his eyes inspecting your apartment, you swallowed dryly, trying to calm your panic attack, you slowly pushed a lever inside the small space, a small door opened next to you, you crouched down to enter through the narrow secret passage, closing behind you just as the closet doors opened.
"Nothing around here…"
"Look at this, at least we know someone has fled from here."
Rin smiled when he saw the almost cold food in the kitchen, a maniacal smile on the drug addict's face when he saw that he had hit the nail on the head, he supposed that you had escaped from them in time, but how much longer would you hold out? They were already too close. They both warned the others to search the surroundings but they couldn't find you, Mikey was starting to get impatient with this search.
You narrowly missed their radar since the guy with the stupid braid, as you knew Mochizuki, almost caught you sneaking through the alleys of the city. It was stressful, you were on the brink of collapse right now, you had spent five months playing hide-and-seek with this stupid mafia, you had practically given up the dirty jobs underground just to survive the Bonten executives. They pushed you over the edge because you never seemed to have more than a couple of days to have to find a new place or personality to adopt to throw them off, you had frequent nightmares, anxiety attacks, your life was turned upside down right now and you wanted to end all this shit.
You were young, definitely many years of life ahead, but you already felt rotten inside, you had experienced many things, pleasant and unpleasant, all this 'game' with Bonten only made what little sanity you had kept go overboard, your work wasn't a pleasant thing to do and now they've got your mind blown.
"Well, this will be the final point, I don't care about anything anymore, they won't need to look for me anymore, damn stalker psychopaths."
You looked at your figure in the mirror one last time with dead eyes, your favorite clothes on, all you had on you was a gun with a bullet in it, you left a note for the guy you rented the apartment from earlier that day, apologizing for give him so much trouble, you sent your parents one last message even though they didn't deserve a look from you, you felt that the fairest thing was for them to know that at least you wouldn't see them again even if they wanted to.
A shaky sigh escaped your lips as you looked at the imposing building, it's not like it was the first time you've infiltrated, the truth is that if you could go back in time you would choose not to have come that day and threaten those men to leave you alone, you only made things worse, but today you would put an end to it.
As you infiltrated like last time, everyone was gathered, confused by the message they had found while tracking you down, Kokonoi left the crumpled note on the round table after reading it.
"It doesn't make sense, run away and now ask to see each other? isn't that weird?"
Takeomi nodded, no one would be stupid enough to want to meet their potential kidnappers and stalkers on their own turf, but anyway, they were all prepared and armed depending on what happened.
"And if it is only a decoy?"
Ran straightened up in his seat, fiddling with his braids, Kakucho got up to look through the vents, where you came in the other time.
"Whatever it is we can only wait, it's not like she can go very far, we have contacts everywhere."
Mikey remained silent the entire time, the others talked creating theories of your next move, he just stared blankly, fleeting memories of you in his mind, you were just a whim, but he wanted you to bow down to him, no one had ever had the courage to threaten him so openly and escape for so long, you would be like a trophy to him, what happened next, he didn't care much.
His eyes moved slightly towards the restored window that you broke, remembering how your body rushed into the void falling into the darkness of the night, he narrowed his eyes when he thought he saw something strange move near the window, like a reflection of someone who didn't was in the room.
"The window…"
His murmur almost goes unnoticed if it weren't for the fact that everyone fell silent at the right moment, they almost broke their necks to look at the window, at that very moment they all covered themselves because the glass exploded, falling all over the place, again, you positioned yourself on top of the table with a dominant stance, even though your mind was thinking that in this situation you were anything but the one dominating the stupid game you've been playing for months.
"Catch her!"
"Don't touch me!"
You kicked Kakucho, moving to avoid Mochizuki's arms, holding everyone at bay until Mikey rose from his seat, ordering everyone to stay put, your chest heaving from the short but intense fight, feeling uncomfortable under the gaze of all those men.
"I think you came here to make a deal, right? We hear you."
The boss smiled when he saw that you lowered your guard, he knew that whatever you said he was not going to accept, right now, on his 'land', you had no say, you were under their control at this moment, he thought that you had abandoned, that you you were going to surrender before them like everyone else, they had succeeded, they had hunted you.
"Yes… I came to say some last words to the people who have finished ruining my life, it's something very important! so listen carefully, I won't repeat it again…" you waited a few seconds to give tension, everyone held their breath waiting for your words, almost anticipating a victory because they caught you in their clutches and that you would have given yourself up "Fuck you! If anyone is going to ruin my life it will be me! I hope we don't meet in hell, whores!"
You quickly moved your hand to reach for your pistol, clamped it to your jaw and fired, blood splattering on the faces of Mikey, Kokonoi and Sanzu, your body falling into the arms of the Haitani brothers, who carefully grabbed you.
"Fuck… that was close."
Rindou muttered seeing how you had only fainted, his brother had managed to reach you before you tried to take your life in front of everyone, he moved your body enough so that the bullet that threatened to dethrone part of your face and skull, only grazed your right cheek and ear, you would surely lose some hearing and you would have a new scar much more visible from now on.
They all looked at each other in silence, Takeomi had taken it upon himself to call a doctor to treat your injuries, they had already done it, there was no way for you to get out of their control easily, you had no way out, you were brave enough to face them a second time and attempting suicide in front of them, Sanzu was delighted by your performance, he couldn't wait to have you with him and all the things he could do, the others having a similar feeling, unlike you, waking up and finding yourself in that situation was not what did you imagine, being trapped with a group of psychopaths, you needed to get out of there no matter what, maybe your attempt to end everything was unsuccessful, but you can always have second chances, you don't care about the cost, you wouldn't give them the pleasure of seeing you bow down to them.
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a-beneficial-union · 25 days
Heya howdy, it’s my day off and hotter than sin out there, so instead of picking the grapes before we reach lethal temperatures (like a sensible person), I would like to procrastinate by rambling about an idea that’s been increasingly taking hold of my thoughts.
To put it simply, I think that Ben Tennyson, Rex Salazar, Danny Fenton, and Zak Saturday would be very interesting to compare and contrast in terms of their backgrounds and how their occupations are either matters of passion or functionally forced.
Ben and Rex are the most similar to one another in that they are deeply entrenched in the heart of organizations which can, and have repeatedly threatened, to severely punish them (through captivity or execution). They are both viewed as inherently irresponsible in spite of the fact that they show shocking maturity in how they act given their circumstances. Rex gets a bit more leeway in this, as his makeshift family (Dr. Holiday, Six, and the monkey) make compromises with him so that he can still live his life, the way any healthy relationship should allow for, and overall there is mutuality between this group’s members.
Ben, on the other hand, is lambasted constantly by the people he cares about for not being responsible enough, for not being constantly around. When you remember that he is a child (and later a teenager) working for a relative, it feels less like trying to teach him and more like trying to wring him out for all his worth. Moments where characters other than Rook show concern or regard to Ben are shockingly scarce, often reserved for climactic moments or as ways to demonstrate severity. I think Ben is seen hugging his grandfather one time per series, in spite of the fact that he’s demonstrated to enjoy physical affection and in spite of the fact that his grandfather is the sole generative figure actively in Ben’s life at this point. (Rex isn’t shown receiving much physical affection either, but in his case it feels like he prefers it that way?)
Danny and Zak both live in a part of larger organizations/communities which have threatened them, but it’s always clear that the people closest to them would never do them harm, and are very loving. There’s an entire episode dedicated to Maddie fussing over her son, trying to spend time with him (and having to protect him). Fenton Works might hate Phantom’s guts, but that’s because they’re misinformed due to some unfortunate scenes causing them to perceive Phantom as a threat. A lot of Maddie and Jack’s theatrics in the house about how they’ll take Phantom apart “molecule by molecule” starts feeling less like proclamations of aggression and more like wrongheaded attempts to comfort their children, one of whom is repeatedly seen fleeing at the sight of ghosts.
In regards to associations with peers, Ben and Danny were both ostracized (with Danny having a small friend group and Ben being part of a soccer team, who dump him without much hesitation) whereas Rex and Zak were isolated. Rex and Zak still had friends, but they were always long distance. Zak’s peers were most often species other than his own, generally his pets and the sentient bear-thing that is his adoptive brother (Fisk).
All four accidentally wound up in their respective fields due to family matters, with Rex and Zak becoming what they are very young (Zak being Kur from birth); Danny and Ben become what they are just after their formative years. That said, Ben is an Anodite descendent, which was from birth (the relevance of this varies based off of interpretation of canon), and he has a fair amount of close family who are nonhuman, all of whom are either implied or explicitly stated to have hidden their natures.
Onto deceit. Danny and Ben’s life orient around how well they can misdirect, confound, conceal, dissuade. Both were keeping their natures secret from the people close to them, including their housemates and families. They had two or so people who were aware of what they were or of their activities, and that’s it. For Danny, discovery is dangerous. With Ben, as aforementioned, a lot of the people in his life growing up were keeping pretty massive secrets from him. Was he truly ignorant, or did he clue in on the fact that no one could know? That would be a good explanation for why he’s so practiced in discretion and perfectly fine with not telling people what’s going on in his life. His grandfather and cousin knew right from the get go, but even then his grandfather was very obviously hiding things.
Zak’s family and family friends pretty much always knew what he could do and what he was up to. When he does start hiding things, it clearly pains him with guilt and he’s incredibly unskilled at covering up his activities. His parents know he’s up to something almost immediately, recognize that life has been stressful of late, and make the choice to give him some space while reminding him that they’re there for him.
Rex…doesn’t really hide things from Providence, at least not from what I can remember. He runs away at one point and the people in his life are talking to/at him over the phone the majourity of the time.
The subjects of Rex’s work often lack self awareness, being generally destructive because their bodies (and brains) have just been violently reshaped into large, dangerous beasts. His work is intervention and captivity.
Danny’s work is with more sentient beings; the undead and the effected living. Some are maliciously violent with premeditated plans to harm others since they’re no longer mortal, therefore can act lawlessly. Others are obsessive and unbidden, the abilities granted by their new existence drastically changing their capabilities compared to their much more fragile peers. It’s easy for such people to get carried away, and their undeath is broadly believed by the fandom to have given them all aggressive monomania. For them, they need to be either redirected, made aware of how their actions are effecting those around them, or be brought to safe places where they can continue on without putting others at risk. The last ghostly group are those who are aware of their deaths and are acting out. How should young Danny approach them? If they try for vengeance, are they not justified? (We see him point a group towards the one who wronged them at least once, when he steers a group of animals to the person who cruelly experimented and killed them.) At the same time, he has to navigate a world where people have seen the chaos brought by the ghosts and who would probably have some strong feelings on the matter. Some would be worshipful, others enraged as their homes and lives are desecrated. Valarie is shown loathing ghosts on principle and goes on to target the demographic as a whole, do we really think she’s the only one?
Zak’s subjects are, well…his subjects. He has inherited governance over a class of life collectively referred to as “cryptids” and whom he can twist the minds of. This ability extends only to what the subject is inclined to, but how far can that go? We see him and his family tempt subjects with external stimuli, granting him the opening to slip into their consciousness and persuade them to his will. He works exclusively in intervention and relegation, if it weren’t for his immense empathy and genuine desire for both the cryptids and humans to live peacefully, he could very easily abuse his position. He verges on this one time and it is the conflict of the episode, and it is something he is called on by those around him and which he quickly rectifies.
Ben’s lot is a more diverse bunch. While Zak’s focus is mostly on animal-adjacent creatures, a few being cognizant, Ben deals with people. He handles war, conflict, invasion, opportunistic cruelty, the beginnings and ends royal lineages, hostile takeovers, the list goes on and on. Rex and Zak dabble in this, bur those are exceptions. Danny has to contend with it on occasion, as powerful people lord over him with threats and control. Ben is often a delegate, but can be far more easilt be called a warlord or living weapon.
I say “living” because I question how truthfully it can be said that Ben’s human. The Anodites are claimed to be all or nothing, but real people say that about ethnicity and so the claim comes across as in-universe bigotry. It feels like someone looking to their children and thinking “You’re Americanized, therefore you have no claim to your ancestors” or “They’re not dark enough”.
Speaking of colour, they’re all white passing with Ben being on one end, Zak on the other, and Rex and Danny (jet black hair) being intermediaries. Ben gets immediate White privilege where Zak might get it denied in the wrong circumstance. I don’t myself adequately knowledgeable to discuss their ethnicities or races, but colourism is something I have quite a bit of experience in. I am the palest person in my family and grew up being teased that I must have been adopted because the Italian and Syrian seemed to have skipped me, and I know others who have similar issues of not having the traits of their predecessors. I have siblings who have some slight Black traits and have been ostracized for it by our parents, and I have listened to the trash people say about my clearly Mexican siblings (and their father) because they assume I’ll be on their side.
I think Rex is the only character whose ethnicity is explicitly discussed, since he’s an amnesiac and gets to reconnect to the surviving member of his original family. His older brother openly finds hilarity in Rex’s Americanization, up to and including Rex’s poor fluency in Spanish. Ben is directly denied his heritage when he meets his grandmother, who takes one look at him and blatantly decides him too dissimilar (which she is implied to have done to her children as well). Zak gets to learn of countless cultures through being shuffled around the map, and Danny is an Illinoisian (he is of the corn and soy).
Back to the human aspect, Ben’s human status is dubious whereas Zak’s is questioned but concrete. Rex and Danny have their humanity and legal statuses questioned repeatedly. Rex, Danny, and Ben are all shapeshifters with nonhuman attributes; Zak is human through and through (ironically enough).
Each of these characters have grown around their work, with it informing their personalities, boundaries, and affects. A neat comparison between Ben and Zak is how they relate to cage fighting— but I really need to get a move on, so that’ll have to wait ‘til next time.
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Loser Baby~ (Marxolor)
When I first heard this I thought to myself... "this is their song."
In the KBASW AU, they're very similar in nature, and they're brought together through circumstances... both are losers. And that is what makes their relationship so beautiful ~
And yes I changed some of the lyrics to fit Marx better~
Keep reading for extra lore/ spoiler-ish content
I've decided to hit two birds with one stone...knock out a few questions I had...
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Yeah, the Marxolor/Magolor asks have been stewing in there... Sorry for taking so long but I FINALLY learned how to draw Magolor.
He plays a big role in the story... he is pretty much very close to his game counterpart, but his reasons and motivations for the Master Crown are very different.
The Master Crown was created and owned by his great-grandmother... Minerva Mim also known as... MAD MADAM MIM. (And for those who aren't familiar with Disney's The Sword in the Stone.) Who was the ruler of Halcandra during her time...
Magolor's full name is Magolor Mim
But she's also a mix with Harry Potter's Minerva McGonagall.
(And yes) she's connected with Lady Celestine (who is this KBASW Merlin), and they were best friends. She's the reason why the Ancients & Halcandrans did business. Halcandran techolong & the Ancients magic. A deal Sir Icarus tried to secure but could not negotiate at all...
However, Celestine managed to get it with ease... (*cough* bribed her way*. ) Over time they did become genuine friends... I'll expand on her later... In short, she was basically the only one whom Celestine told of her alter-ego, Merlyn (Sir Arthur figured it out).
She was snarky, eccentric, and a bit vain at times, but at her core was a good person.
Celestine brought out the best in her and Minerva brought out the adventurous side of her and encouraged her to be bolder. (BTW she was the number one Celarthur shipper).
However, after Celestine's "execution" (secretly they crystalized her): Minvera refused to do business with the GSA & the Ancients due to her friend's unfair trial... despite the threats they made to remove her from power if she continued to remain loyal to Celestine... but no matter how much they threatened her she still couldn't do it...
As a result, the Ancients removed her from her seat as ruler... and the GSA tried to arrest her for siding with a "traitor." However, she didn't go down without fighting. "If I can not have my crown... NO ONE CAN!" Cursing the crown that there will be no more another ruler of Halcandra... and using it to erupt the volcano that resided on the planet... creating its now, current state... becoming MAD MADAM MIM. (But in truth, she was just grieving... loss of her best friend. )
After that, the Ancients ordered to get rid of any descendant of Madam Mim's lineage. And thus the GSA hunted down and exterminated every living relative of Mim's household. However one survived the carnage.
Magolor is the lone survivor of his entire family's... orphaned and on the street... struggling to survive. He did everything to keep himself afloat... even if he had to BEG, STEAL, OR BORROW. HE'D DO IT!(There are a few more things... Magolor had a connection to the Sqeak Squads and Daroach, but that's a story for another day.)
Eventually, he finds out about his heritage and the fact that his whole household was wiped out due to... HER LOYALTY TO ONE PERSON. BAH, DANG IT GRAN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING I COULDA BEEN A KING AND YOU THREW IT AWAY FOR FRIENDSHIP?! From that, you can probably see why Magolor isn't so keen on the value of it since the very thing pretty much wiped out his entire family... And thus began Magolor's search for the crown...
Magolor's betrayal, & redemption does happen like in the game:... does his little shop, makes his amusement park. However, he does a few extra things that connect to the Kirby anime... Magolor manages to revive Chill and rebuild Kirby's robot dog for him (episode 12). (After that, the gang was won over by Magolor...)
Kirby's robo-pet is actually a big thing in the KBASW, he's basically the equivalent of Kirby's iPad/computer.
With this Magolor is fully redeemed, but his arc's not quite done just yet... he still can't help but feel something is missing in his life. Yes, he's learned the value of friendship and junk... he has friends now but... How could he still feel alone when he was people around him.. a feel that he could only describe as underlining emptiness.
Enter Marx. And as I said in the Marx post... Marx saves Kirby ( I won't say from whom yet but) he gets injured the gang wants to help him but... He didn't want a pity party and tried to get away.
Everyone: You need our help~
Marx wasn't comfortable staying in Dreamland to recover (he knows people *cough* Bun wouldn't take too kindly of him returning), so to compromise, they cashed in a favor from Magolor... Resulting in Marx being delivered by the gang... via kitten in a basket.
Kirby: Hi Mags, this is Marx... Do you think you can watch him for a bit he's we just need you to watch him so he can recover.
Magolor: Okay, sure... but why is he in a basket?
Marx: HISS *shuts the cover*
Meta Knight: He wanted something with a lid on it.
Mags: Oh~kay *picks up basket* I guess you guys can pick him up when he gets better?
Magolor hoped whatever feral creature they had him watching wouldn't be that much trouble or, at the very least, not bite... but Magolor was pleasantly surprised that Marx seemed... to match him quite perfectly...
Shared his love of ancient relics & magic, sarcastic humor, and a wick wittiness similar to his own. And not just interest but personality-wise as well. Marx had an unapologetic straightforwardness that he appreciated, along with a few oddities that he found strangely endearing...This unexpected guest seemed to fit seamlessly into his life... it actually felt nice to have a companion like this.
Marx at first didn't know what to expect when he was dropped off at Halcandranss doorstep. He assumed that he was being sent to some sort of happy hospital facility, where they were gonna baby him and be monitored 24-7. NO FREEDOM AT ALL, HE'S JUST GONNA BE A CAGED ANIMAL!
But no Mags allowed him to do as he pleased... once he realized that he tried to pretty much annoy Magolor into kicking him out. Using his natural crass, sass, and of course, pranks to do it, however, Magolor didn't fall for any of them. Remaking at each of them describing them as "cute"...
Magolor: Nice try, but... You're not gonna to trick this trickster~
Marx: WHAT!?
Marx assumed Kirby that Magolor was another goody-two-shoes, but... did they bring him to some anti-prank master's house. He should've been angry, but he couldn't help but be impressed. It didn't take him long to stop his fruitless effort... there was nothing else to do but wait till he had a chance to escape.
Marx: "Nothing else, Just sitting and watching this guy... uh what is that you're working on... " leaving being instantly enamored and captivated with Magolor's work. Marx's interest and fascination with Ancient Technology is what drove him to use the Galactic Nova in the first place... which sparked Marx's interest and forgetting his original plans to escape.
Which led him to discover all the similarities they had... However, there was this secret unknown wall the other had up. Wanting to keep there both their "unsavory past beginnings with Kirby."
Magolor didn't want to scare Marx away especially when he was finally starting to get comfortable with him. And Marx not wanting to screw up another friendship he was starting to make, by revealing what he was. Both did not want to ruin the only good thing they had in a while.
When finally Marx recovered, Mags was just about to call Kirby and the gang, and immediately Marx pretended to still be sick. Visibly nervous when the check-in call comes in. This doesn't go unnoticed by Magolor,... so when it comes time to call up Kirby for the update, he buys him more time.
Magolor: I gotcha another week...
Marx: Wait, what...
Magolor: Listen I don't think I can get you another when the time comes so... so you think you can tell me what's going on... Kirby's a nice guy I'm sure he'll-
Marx: But I'm not-
This leads Marx to tell Mags everything about the whole "NOVA FIASCO," and Magolor is just speechless as he reveals each detail. Marx loner he spoke couldn't help but feel like he sunk in even deeper believing he blew it again...
Waiting with bated breath for Magolor to answer expecting him to respond in disgust... only with him to respond with. "Yo, same!"
Thus leading Magolor to reveal his past with the Kirby & the Master Crown, along with his road to redemption. This gives Marx a little hope, but not as much confidence that he could do what Magolor did... But Mags assures him that he's still a work in progress himself and that if he wants to be better he should give himself the chance to do better... after all the first step is always the hardest.
Needless to say, everything works out but even after the whole thing, Marx is still hanging out with Magolor... Hmmm... I wonder why! :3
Thanks again to everyone for sticking around and being patient with the asks... I know I'm taking a while to answer (and the things I promised to be done aren't... sorry, my work schedule is hectic.)
I've kinda hit a bit of a roadblock with the fanfic's art style and recently have been wanting to change it up... but anyhow I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. (So for now I'm trying to knock out a few more asks).
Hope you enjoy the content and have a great day~
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therese-lokidottir · 2 months
Could you list all the horrible stuff Mobius did? Because anytime I see criticism they always focus on sylvie rather than him. I didn’t watch season 2 because I had no interest. I also don’t like Mobius but I feel like criticism about him is buried under a lot of anti sylvie posts.Plus I suck at articulating my opinion.
So, this is less a list and more of a general assessment that Mobius is a fascist and he is perfectly happy to be a fascist when it benefits him.
From moment one he is shown to be complicit in death of child. He seems slightly sad he has to do it, but does it without hesitation and then he wants to recruit Loki so he can be a part of the TVA and the system can go on unimpeded. A system the wipes realities from existence.
A system that pulls people from time, strips them, puts collars around their necks like their animals and puts them on display to have their "crimes" told them and they are excited in front of an audience. Mobius is fine with all that, and that can happen to children. The TVA's "trials" exist to humiliate and dehumanized its victims. There is no way someone can be proved innocent or sent back home. It is a fascistic practice meant to show variants as lessor and TVA to justify themselves.
Mobius know what the TVA does and has no objection to it. He is complicit in and proudly so. He is fine with these fascistic practices. He's made the choice to believe in it with no solid proof that his bosses are even real.
Now, getting into more specific things he's done, he has tortured. He Tortured Loki for what had to be hour, because he was mad. There was no information to get. He just had Loki physically and emotionally torture because he was mad Loki ran away and he was going to let him be tortured until his execution. There's also a torture scene in season 2 and even if shown Loki doing the torturing, it still Mobius. It's not just something he's complicit in the Idea had to come from him. The means to do it is just another thing the TVA proudly has.
Mobius also takes no responsibility for himself. He consistently hides behind his justifications, even after they have been proven false. He doesn't seem to realize that doing something wrong for a "good reason" is still wrong. I'm not a fan of Sylvie, but Mobius is the last person who should call her out. When she pointed out the obvious evil and wrongdoings of the TVA, his first response was to accuse her of doing something wrong too. This was after she mentioned that she had been taken as a little girl and orphaned, no less.
Mobius is so entitled and hypocritical. He claims he brought on Loki to give him a chance. But he constantly annoyed and frustrated with Loki. He pushes Loki by insulting him and claims Loki is wasting time. Loki has been torn from his home and that place now being destroyed means Loki has nothing and Mobius seems angry that Loki isn't automatically going along with whatever he and the TVA wants.
One of the biggest problems is what is Loki suppose do? He tries his best, he acts like a consultant giving his insight but there's not much more Loki can do. Loki has been asked to find someone who can be anywhere in time and space and Mobius is mad when Loki can't do it right away and then doesn't even give him any kind of praise when he does manage to figure it out. Mobius is just an entitled ass, he acts like it's a personal betrayal that Loki wouldn't want to be part of the TVA. A place where he has been constantly threatened with death, insulted, and belittle and it has been made clear there is no life beyond. Mobius can't comprehend at no point was he doing Loki a favor making him a part of that.
Mobius acts entitled to Ravonna. When he does terrible things, he considers it just part of the job. However, when he becomes the victim, suddenly it becomes personal because they were friends. I know they make her much worse in the second season, but as far as season one goes, they did the same things for the same reason. The TVA only started being wrong when Mobius found out he was a victim. He feels not guilt nor remorse for the lives lost or his action, he only got mad his life was stolen, and he didn't get jet-ski.
Mobius is a selfish fascist, he justified to himself because being part of the TVA made him feel important. That's why he gets the most upset over his own loss, that's why he loses when he's called a nobody while never standing up for others. Because it's all about his own ego.
I don't like Sylvie, but my true distain for the character stems from bad interactions with some overzealous fans and the creators clear favoritism over Loki I character I actually care about. I'd probably just ignore her otherwise. But I utterly loathe Mobius. I find him one of the most contemptible characters I've ever seen.
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Uncanny valley 8
"So... I get gifts?" He thought that was just like a figure of speech or something as Ran and Rindō handed him countless gifts, speed dialing their multiple assistants to get EVERYTHING birthday related.
"And a cake" Rindō said showing a Sanrio themed cake "it's ice cream and (flavor)"
(Name) looked curious as he was sat down, the Haitani brothers handing him gifts to open "next year we will have much more thoroughly planned" Ran said lovingly and (name) looked confused "but this is already so much"
"Oh darling, this is nothing compared to next years plans" Ran promised and (name) nodded as he opened gifts, a variety of things from cute stuff to luxury items and more clothes. The cats played in the bags and tissue paper as they ordered dinner, getting (name)s favorites. (Name) looked like a chipmunk as he ate, Rindō snapping some pictures with a shit eating grin and the trio enjoyed their meals "so he spent the day threatening to tell embarassing stories whenever they tried flirting?"
"You facinate me" Ran said to his boyfriend who tilted his head confused, mouth full.
"Ok" Ran said placing the cake infront of (name) and lighting the candles "ok think of a wish and blow them out-- don't tell your wish either or it wont come true"
(Name) looked contemplative before blowing out the candles and the two Haitanis looked absolutely over the moon as they snapped photos of him.
"Ok birthday boy gets the biggest slice"
Ran put the best slice on (name)s plate before filling their own plates and (name) had to admit....
He never felt this happy.
Two days later (name) noticed photos on the mantle, a picture of them on his birthday.
(Name) knew everything about everyone about Bonten but what he didnt know was just how much Ran loved sleep, the executive holding (name) close as he slept.
They were granted vacation time and Ran wanted nothing more than to sleep, (name) remembered Rindō once mentioning Ran could sleep for a full 24 hours but he didnt fully believe it till now.
Hes been awake for two hours as Ran slept, the sun was now out and he needed to pee.
"Ran..." (Name) mumbled as he struggled to get out of his Iron grip, doing everything short of hurting him from trying to pry his arms off to shimmying out to blowing at his face.
"Stop moving..." Ran grumbled, kissing his head to try and pacify him to go back to sleep "i need to use the restroom" (name) said as Ran cracked an eye open to look down at (name), any outsider would think he was glaring but Ran was never a morning person and it usually took a solid hour for him to be sociable "fine" Ran relented and let (name) go to the ensuite bathroom "your ass is back here after" Ran grumbled and (name) nodded, the lavender eyed man watching (name) dressed in only an oversized shirt and bare legs.
The sound of a toilet flushing and the sink running and (name) was back in Rans arms, warm and comfortable as the cats snuggled towards the end, stretched out and purring.
(Name) adored it.
He adored every second with Ran.
(Name) let Ran take him to do the things he enjoyed, manicures and going out to luxery stores and even gave him a "tour" of Roppongi-- aka Ran taking him to all the fancy places he likes.
They also did (name) hobbies like people watch, something Ran had grown fond of-- hes gotten (name) to get silly with it occasionally.
(Name) also developed new hobbies because of Ran, the two cooking together and (name) found he only enjoyed doing it if Ran was there (Ran would guide him and (name) liked it when he held his hands).
"Theres no information on him?" Sanzu was annoyed as he looked at the informant "its like he never existed at all" the man said in disbelief "there's no connections at all..."
Sanzu sighed as he called the cleaners and glanced at the dead body in his office, he was annoyed (name) had so much dirt on them and they had nothing on him. It was frustrating and made Sanzu feel on edge.
He rejected their advances and knows secrets no one should should know... How did he know about Sanzus Sandal incident?!
He was Bontens biggest weapon but could also be their greatest threat if given reason to be.
Maybe it was good that Ran got to him... Though Sanzu isn't sure what kind lf relationship he would want from (name) he knew that he wanted him and would have to be patient.
He hated being patient.
(Name) was unflinching as he got a tattoo centre back, casually sipping some Boba ran got him as a treat as the place near his penthouse was doing a Sanrio collan with hello kitty boba pearls.
"This is your first tattoo so ill give you a pamphlet on maintenance and some cream" the Tattoo artist said, one who worked under Bonten and (name) nodded "it looks great baby" Ran said as he looked at the finished tattoo "now you're really bonten" he leaned over the other man, resting his head on his shoulder and (name) offered him a sip, the elder Haitani smiling at thid and taking a sip "not bad"
No one would dare comment about how sickeningly cute the display was, two extremely dangerous people in one space was stressful enough.
(Name) found a new hobby during his vacation.
Plant keeping.
He couldn't keep them at the penthouse due to the furry beings that resided so his office became much less empty and full of plants of various shapes and sizes and because of this, his office had the cleanest air-- also helped that (name) didnt smoke.
"If you wanted information on me, hiring a second class informant is a poor choice" (name) said simply as he dropped off files to Sanzu, information about a detective that's neen digging his nose where it didnt belong. "How did you..."
"We informants all know one another, we're not friends but we app have a web so to say and its not hard to figure thus sort of thing out" (name) said simply "We all have things that others don't know, secrets that only ourselves experience and no one can take that from you, no one will known things only you experience" (name) said calmly "my life is experiences that no one living can attest to and thus you will never know these things" (name)s tone wasn't cold but it lacked emotions that made him sound almost robotic, Sanzu forgot at moments like this that... (Name) was an anigma.
Many times he didnt believe he was human.
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justrandomthoughs · 2 years
Yandere HOTD Most to Least Violent
Daemon, Aegon, Aemond and Jacaerys
Tw: Death, Sexual Violence, Physical Violence, Unhealthy Behavior, swearing (by me—sorry!)
Has committed war crimes
Murdered first wife & chocked Rhaenyra (like damn dude)
Overall pretty bloodthirsty
Will get his hands dirty hurting you or others
Will also order for killings instead of doing them himself
Also very possessive of you
So that usually ends poorly for other parties
A rapist, so little regard of what you or others think
Might get his hands dirty but more likely to order killings
Definitely physically abusive, he just doesn’t know how to express emotions and he doesn’t really care too since he likes the thrill of power it gives him to make others afraid of him
Possessive as well, and willing to kill, but it's more about would he care enough to actually execute his plans—he’s lazy and rather be indulging in other things, like you
Has now committed a war crime (though technically it was granny dementia), it’s a slippery slope people. I expect that there will be more to come.
More than willing to dirty his hands by beating the shit out of someone who he takes as a threat to your relationship, or to you. Would also kill them if it isn’t going to cause too much of an uproar. Would also probably maim them in a way if he can’t kill them, just to leave a permanent reminder to not cross him
Unlikely to really hurt you on purpose. The most he’d ever do is a face slap/medium shove. For sure he’d drag you around by your wrist harshly if he’s in a bad mood.
He’s aggressive with his movements but he doesn’t want to hold back his emotions from you, even if it hurts you a bit at times—bruising grips, tugs, thrusts, kisses, bites, hickeys
Might be into impact play but thinks of it as more of a punishment
Doesn’t want to leave anything truly permanent or to make you scared of him
But if it’s already too late and you hate him I think he’d be a bit more violent out of anger/impatience
Possessive, obsessive, protective, so there’s always a reason someone is on his shit list when it comes to you
So, frequent violence to others ‘threatening’ you two and minimum violence against you—if things are all good and you like him. If you hate him and things are NOT going well in the Aemond department, he’s more callous with how he treats you and more tolerant of using violence to make you stay in your place
Pretty quick to temper when it comes to protecting you, unlikely to really kill anyone though but he will beat the hell out of them
He won’t do it too often though as you aren’t regularly trash talked/disrespected. He made to ensure that with the first couple of takedowns
Jace is hesitant to use violence unless it can be covered up as a chivalrous act
Like beating the shit out of someone who disrespected your honor with accusations or rumors
In cases like that it’s a split-second decision, he’s on them.
Challenges to duels, participates in tourneys, fighting for your favor
All violent actions that he’d do in a heartbeat for your honor
If he can’t beat them up, like ladies or servants, I think he’d try to make their life hell
Subterfuge champ in the making, he’s taking after Daemon and his ability to plan
Also shows little regard for them in person, will actively ignore and use thinly veiled insults when interaction is needed.
A bit like Aemond in that his passion for you might make his interactions a bit bruising at times
He doesn’t mean it outside of hickeys and love marks
He adores you and would only have harsher/harder touches when jealous/mad/pent up, but they won’t ever do serious damage
Rarely gets mad though, only would be after escape attempts or figuring out about one
Jealous often, pent up often, so again very passionate lover, might leave bruises on your hips and if possible on your lips (lol)
Definitely see him as a chin/face grabber, or neck “holder” when mad/possessive (doesn’t really restrict airflow, just a reminder of his power/hold over you). Grabs chin/face to make you look at him, L O V E S to look at you. His gazes are fervent and in awe like a man dying of dehydration and you are the freshest river in the world. Like he can’t believe his eyes that you're in front of him. You are looking at him. He’s all he can see in your iris’s refection, and he fucking lives for that
Inspired by a reblog conversation I had with @moonteas in regards to their "Daemon, Aegon, Aemond, and Jacaerys kidnapping a stark!reader" Again I'll say y'all need to check them out! I fricking love that piece it was soul food.
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