#just don't be cowards with double standards
niightniines · 3 months
isn't it so weird that Misa Amane was kidnapped by L against her will, tortured and confined for seven weeks, and almost killed herself because of it, but nobody who ships Lawmane talks about it because I guess they don't want to recognize the parts of their ship that are a little fucked up? like ok what happened to "I'll never ship yagamane even in au context because it's just too toxic!" alright then do that for other ships too.
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musical-chick-13 · 11 months
When all of this is over (*this meaning: when I get through my godforsaken list of 10 wips) I am writing a fic where everyone is just in love with Misa and she does whatever she wants, I have seen TOO MUCH, people do not GET IT.
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postoctobrist · 11 months
so, I know you mainly answer gender related queries (nothing but respect, btw o7), but I was hoping you could help me with a sexuality question I've been struggling with.
So I'm a pretty young cis guy, and I'm definitely not straight, and the closest identity I feel describes me is pansexual. But, when I picture the kind of person I wanna marry, I always picture a woman (don't care about AGAB), or someone who presents femme. And this double standard has been really eating at me. Like, what, men and masc people are good enough for me to fuck, but not enough to love? Is it internalized homophobia? Am I a two-faced coward?
I also think I might be poly, which would certainly make this whole situation easy to deal with, but I haven't been in a poly relationship or situation, so I don't know if I'm actually built for that or if I just think it's a neat idea in theory.
anyway, thank you for your service. love the podcasts. hope this isn't a "sir this is a Wendy's" type ask for you
that’s not a double standard that’s just a normal location on the Kinsey scale
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cassandraevans · 5 months
I'm too much of a coward to reblog your long Anti-Eddie/Pro-Shannon post, but I just wanted to say thank you 😭🙏 I feel like it's so hard to find anyone who's willing to be Eddie-critical in this fandom, so it was a breath of fresh air to see you ranting about it.
I honestly didn't care much for the Eddie/Shannon relationship (I have a hard time caring about most Eddie plots TBH), but the way that Shannon was treated never sat right with me. And it got SO much worse after watching Eddie Begins, too!
Eddie willingly chose to keep leaving his wife and child. He was an absent husband/father by choice, but he always tried to act like he was forced into making that decision (which is SO manipulative & such a victim-mindset). Also, the way that he talked to Shannon in those flashbacks was such a red flag. I get that overcoming toxic masculinity is part of Eddie's character development throughout the show, but he was really scummy in the past, and it sucks how people try to brush it under the rug and excuse his behavior.
But he wasn't any better to her in S2 either, like you said. He kept her and Christopher apart (for completely selfish reasons), he used her for his own pleasure (which is the yuckiest part of it all I think), and there was just the biggest, most hypocritical double standard known to man.
Anything that Shannon did wrong, Eddie did worse tenfold!! And she had valid reasons for what she did. He was just a self-centered prick.
Shannon and Christopher deserved so much better-- from Eddie, the narrative, and the fans.
Hey thank you. I think you put it more precisely into words then I did. I'm on season 6 right now and in ep 16 he says he only proposed Shannon because she was pregnant, this man was never in love with her, but at least he married her when she was pregnant but I can't help but think she may have been better off never marrying him. I had a crush on Eddie when he was first introduced and wanted and was rooting for him but after learning about his deliberate choices as the episodes went by, man I don't even know when it turned to pure rage against this man. Now I've seen some spoilers that I don't want any elaboration on but if he's going to be paired with Buck than he better fucking earn it, I will not tolerate any bullshit he pulled with Shannon with Buck. If it is/does become canon, Eddie better treat my Buck like a fucking prince. 😤 (no spoilers please)
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akajustmerry · 2 months
Doubting claudia and Louis's abuse by lestat so many times this season, making both of them unreliable & have louis say lestat's version of events was the true one. and then louis saying to him at the end dw pal it was mutual abuse also claudia's death was my fault not yours and sorry and thank you for abusing me cause at least i get to live forever and never addressing lestat's role in killing her in interviews and talk about their bond instead jfc, and ppl want me to think I'm crazy or reading the text wrong for saying the finale was for lestat. armand's character and motivations don't make any fucking sense anymore just cause we had to make lestat the white savior and armand a coward, despite being the oldest vampire who was literally thanos at the start of the season. (but also he's the sole murderer and abuser who louis broke up with and immediately forgave and absolved his other abuser and murderer who done all the same things armand did). Ik I'm being a little uncharitable to the writing but come on if this isn't racist what is. I don't trust them with any character anymore especially armand now that he's the most passive boring character cause lestat has to look cool and strong by comparison. and worried how they'll portray marius's character cause i heard he'll be lestat's friend.
sorry idk who Marius is, but yeah anyway. I think any show that ends with a Black abuse victim agreeing with and forgiving their white abuser, while having a painfully obvious double standards for characters of colour and white ones is 100 percent a racist show. also, treating abuse like a fun trope to play with just makes it a show with bad taste.
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omegaverse-guide · 17 days
All About Alphas
This post is supposed to summarize and explain alphas in the context of the omegaverse. If you don't know what that is, refer to Omegaverse 101 first. Posts on betas and omegas wil follow and be linked here.
For the most part, people in omegaverse story are baseline humans and function as such, unless your canon (or AU of that canon) deals with aliens or magic. The difference is mostly in the reproductive system, which, in the case of alphas, mostly means their dick.
So how big are those dicks?
Big. A lot of the time, that's all you get, and all you need. The alpha has a big dick, usually even for alpha standards, and the omega likes it. It's up to you, the reader, to then imagine whatever size of dick seems appealing to you. When measurements are given, they vary wildly. Some will give you reasonable sizes of ~16cm/6in in erect length, that an actual human with above average dick size could reasonably have and put into someone, while others will throw reality to the wind and double that size, all while making the dick as thick as a thigh, and it'll still feel good stuffed into someone else. Somehow. Don't question it, just imagine, with every horny cell in your body.
Those are mostly the same, though they may occur more frequently. I mean, who really needs refractory periods? We got all the soft cuddling out of the way while the knot was in, so we can immediately go again! Unless the knotting was like six hours and involved like 20 orgasms. Maybe at least a snack is warranted. Some sustenance may be needed to produce all that cum anyway. How much cum? A real human male manages perhaps 1-2 teaspoons of it. The average omegaverse triples that, but don't be surprised to see way, way more. 10 times, 20, 30. Upper limits are for cowards, and omegaverse authors may be known for many things, but cowardice is not one of them.
Not every omegaverse contains knots, but the majority do. The base of an alpha's dick has the ability to swell during sex, which will lock the alpha to their partner for a period of time if the knot forms while the alpha is inside. This ensures their come is trapped inside for a while, and increases the chances of pregnancy if the partner is capable of it. The knot can last however long the author likes. Sometimes it's only ~5min, on average ~20min, but it can last multiple hours as well. The rest of the dick may go soft directly after ejaculation, or stay hard for the entire duration of the knotting. Or, if it's on the longer side, it may go soft and get hard again, to ejaculate multiple times. Even if the dick stays hard the entire time, it may still ejaculate more than once, and/or provide more than one orgasm to the alpha.
While they're not as common as knots, some stories provide alphas with fangs. These may be an extra pair of teeth that drop and retract, or it's simply their canines that are either larger all the time or drop and retract as needed. These fangs exist to create a mating bite that will result in a mating bond, usually with an omega. They can ache when an alpha is really horny. Sometimes they dispense a chemical that forms the bond, though sometimes that chemical is simply mixed into the saliva, or does not exist at all.
Scent glands
Alphas have them, usually. They tend to be around the neck/shoulders, often with additional ones on the wrists and/or inner thighs. Alpha scents are generally described as musky, and while they can be anything that fits your blorbo, they don't tend to be sweet or unobtrusive, which is associated with omegas and betas.
Mating glands
Those are far from as common as the scent glands, though also usually located around the neck somewhere. Alphas tend to be the ones doing the biting, so they don't need a mating gland unless the author wants the bond between alpha and omega to be mutual and equal, or another alpha is gonna bite down on it.
Fairly common for alphas, though not as integral as the omegas' heats. They can occur periodically, often once a month, or only happen if triggered by an omega's heat. Though even if they do happen on their own, an omega's heat may still trigger them. While they sometimes function as an equivalent to heats, their intensity varies much more. A rut could leave an alpha unable to control themselves, trying to bone every omega and fight every alpha in their vicinity, or it could just make them slightly horny and aggressive, but still perfectly capable of functioning in regular society with a modicum of self-control.
The elusive female alpha
Generally, they exist. Rare is the fic that outright states only men can be alphas. However, it's usually the badass female character the main m/m ship is friends with, or one of their parents, or some other side character. Regardless, she's not involved in what's going on in the bedroom, so we don't need to figure out her genital situation. Of course, some authors have still done it, always eager to go where noone else has ever gone before. It can be as easy as saying she has that dick on top of her pussy, and it's always been there, though then you have to deal with the ramifications of female alphas being identifiable at birth even without modern medicine. It can also grow inside of her and only pop out during puberty, or even remain retractable through life. It could also just be her clit growing into a dick during puberty. Maybe her balls always stay inside her body, maybe not. It's a mostly untapped market, and no consensus has been found, so if you, dear reader, are intrigued by this, venture forth with your own ideas!
Societal standing
Alphas are naturally dominant, and thus are generally imagined to be in a position of relative societal privilege. You live under patriarchy, you know how it is. For a pwp fic, you don't need anything else, and the same goes for some pure and innocent fluff.
One key difference though is the existence of betas. Not that this really has to change much - but at least it probably means alphas aren't seen as the standard default human, that privilege now gets handed over to betas. In turn, alphas get to be a bit special, the obvious leaders, whether it's just the pack or an entire nation or the whole galaxy.
Still, if you get really into the trope, there are an infinite amount of variations, that are much harder to summarize than the biology. I've compiled a short list of ways alphas can fit into society, just know it's incomplete and I have no way of incorporating every nuance of every 100k+ omegaverse fic out there. Many omegaverse fics even include societies in the process of change, or clashing cultures, so there really is no one way to write alphas and their role in society!
Total alpha domination
In this society, alphas rule. Whether it's by force or law or both, alphas decide everything in society, and hold all the important positions. Even if there is nominally equality, everyone defers to the alphas, and their power structures hold. Or perhaps there is no equality even on paper, and people largely agree alphas are superior or are scared enough to follow even if they disagree. This isn't the most common scenario, but it lends itself to darker stories rather well, as well as stories set in primitive societies.
Alpha leadership with beta backup
This is what I've seen most often. Alphas have traditionally been the leaders in this society, the ones who become kings and make all the important decisions, but with a network of betas behind the scenes. Alphas in this still hold privilege, but can be questioned, not just by other alphas but by betas as well. On smaller scales, laws tend to be in place to protect betas and omegas from being at an alpha's whims. Most modern AUs fall into this category. It can even leave space for powerful omegas without changing society itself.
Alpha brutes
In this case, alphas aren't the leaders. It's the betas, though it could also be the omegas. Alphas with their competitive and aggressive nature are seen as suited to physical work and combat - but not decision-making. They are the footsoldiers with no hopes of rising to an officer rank, the dangerous beasts driven by instinct in a modern society who has progressed past physical violence as a means to attain power. They may still hold some privilege simply through biology and instinct (and they may still score most omegas), but face oppression as well in the form of negative stereotypes about their intelligence and self-control, or being denied certain jobs and important positions.
Breeding stock
Alphas are reduced to nothing but their ability to procreate. Again, it's likely the betas calling the shots in this case, but it could also be the omegas. Whatever physical or natural dominance alphas have is taken from them in this scenario, so they're either left to try and attain a semblance of it when they're with omegas, or even that is outside of their power. Again, this is rare, but fun if you're into certain stuff.
Alpha Instincts
Whether it's just nebulous feelings or a distinct inner voice the POV character can actually talk to, alphas have instincts that are stronger than what a normal human experiences - perhaps even impossible to resist, if the author so chooses. So, what are they compelled to do?
Mate & Breed
Obviously, that's the first and most important one, the one the whole trope is famous for. An alpha wants to mate and breed an omega, especially if said omega is in heat. That's just what they do.
Protect (& Provide)
Not quite as famous, but almost as integral. Once the alpha has acquired the mate and possibly even impregnated them, they must be defended. It's incredibly common that this same instinct also compels the alpha to provide for their mate/pack, usually by bringing them food (even if it's just stuff they bought from the grocery store). If you so choose, this also makes them naturally inclined to take of their kids, though far from all fics do so, as child rearing is often relegated to omegas.
Establish Dominance
This is important. At least in bed, alphas generally want to dominate their omegas instinctually. But this also drives them to compete with other alphas, whether it's over a potential mate or not. Whether it's petty or violent, if an alpha doesn't control themselves, they'll be fighting a lot, with a win boosting their ego and a loss seriously bruising it.
...And that's about it! You've made it all the way to the end!
Remember, I've been generalizing - if there is any one thing you don't like, you can remove it from your fic! This is your playground! Everything here can be changed and challenged, adjusted to fit your fandom and your blorbo and your own desires. This is just an overview.
Have fun writing and reading!
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dsaf-confessions · 3 months
@stevens-lemonboyfriend (I finally got a "True" confession and boy howdy can you GUESS who its about.)
Ok so. Idk if this counts as a hot take or not, but Dave was forgiven wayyyy too easily while Steven gets his character coward-ized and gets shade thrown at him throughout the whole "I forgive you" Jack speech.
I get that this is Flipside dave or whatever but theres literally no beef between him and Dee (whom he killed might I remind you) in the Flipside segments. Yeah Dee's mad at him at first but then the fights over and when you come back theyre just... chilling?? Ig?? (I know that its been a month but I don't like how it's just... dropped. I wish theyd at least talk about it)
Both Steven and Dave are in a position in which they effectively have no control over themselves when they do their fucked up shit (Dave is being Gaslit gatekept girlbossed by Henry to kill kids or whatever while Steven got his whole past removed from him and got forced to send springlocked employees to The Factory TM because thats programmed into the phoneys)
But while Dave gets forgiven instantly bc "theyre totally 2 different ppl trust me guyz ;3" & him and Jack are gaycoded or whatever while Steven needs to get turned into a coward man because I guess dsaf 1 Steven is just thaaaaat irredemable huh. [/sarcastic]
Jack "I need to save all the souls!" Kennedy when he needs to save all the souls like he said he would (which includes the guy He Personally Does Not Like <- aka; not worthy of redemption apperantly.) :
(Im still not over what a double standard Jack has between Dave and Steven. God.)
Anyways so I watched that one Notrealname Notatall video about dsaf (that got a remake recently Iirc) and I needed to get this out of my head ig.
TL;DR: free my boy Steven he did all that shit but dsaf 3 took the nuance out of him
[Also if you have any rebuttals or info you wanna add feel free. My memory on 3's flipside isnt the sharpest so I might have fucked up something. I acknowledge that. I wont feel any less awkward about it though-]
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perfecteggpartyland · 4 months
I notice you keep repeating the same arguments and asking the same questions. saying kevin is a coward doesn't mean I have no empathy for him or hate him at all. it's also not the personal attack you seem to be acting like it is. characters are allowed to be nuanced. no comment on the jean thing because you are already so "deep in the trenches" fighting imaginary hate when you could just chill out, and telling you my opinion on jean would just make things worse for you. breathe and relax. it's not that deep.
First of all I know it's not that deep and don't you just love when people try to prove their points without an explanation and just call you dramatic when you explain and prove them wrong? No one expect one person explained why they think so; and one one answers my questions about jeans double standards; I'm chill and just asking why people think Kevin is a coward ; and people like you are scarce;, people who do call Kevin a coward in a lot of cases unlike you have no empathy and hate him which I think is unfair personally; I keep repeating the same arguments cause no one elaborates; I'm not rude or anything; literally the first person who dmed me said "but I wanted you to go ballistic 🥺" and I'm overreacting? And I'm really interested into why some people think Kevin is a coward and jean isn't ; or both of them are cause they spent year at the nest and know better than Neil what moriyamas are capable of; Neil's bravery has shitty consequences for everyone and he still doesn't get that moriyamas are powerful whether he likes it or not; I never insulted anyone and people are still telling me I'm overreacting when I'm just telling them my arguments and they don't 🤷 if you want to engage in a discussion we actually have to discuss something not just telling me one sentence just to spite me 🤷 if you don't like to just ignore me it's fine I'm not acting like it's personal attack at all people just because some of you refuse to accept somethings can be flawed;
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gryficowa · 4 months
Seriously, how can you not get angry with some Americans when they only think about themselves and then say you have no empathy because you tell them outright that they are cowards for choosing Biden over the third one?
I have ASD and social anxiety, so when I call someone a coward, it's fucking stronger (I also don't like traveling and I'm afraid of heights…)
Seriously, instead of taking a risk in a group, you would rather have blood on your hands and participate in the genocide winning the elections…
And then you will pretend that you had no other choice, even though you had it, but you did not choose it under the excuse of "He won't win"
What also annoys me is that when Americans find out that you are not from the USA, they assume that you don't have many things that they have (Because you can see that paid ambulances are normally a privilege, that's fine), and if you say that you have then they will start their shit and be outraged that you are bragging (Double standards)
Americans just piss me off because they prefer to attack children or dig up tweets from people who were underage when they wrote them, which is fucking disgusting behavior (Yes, it refers to "Cavetown" and anti-Semitism, it's sick that this was forced person to publicly apologize for such a fucked up reason)
This kind of thing irritates me in the USA (And it's not the only country where people irritate me)
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
Is it really anon hate, or is it just someone on anon asking you a question that you know you can't answer without acknowledging your double standards?
And while I don't deny I'm a coward for doing this on anon, maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing for you and others to examine what kind of environment you've created, either intentionally or unintentionally, where many of your fellow Sansa fans, people in your own fandom, don't feel comfortable saying these things to you under their own name, for fear they'll get dog-piled, ridiculed, and called "fake Sansa fans."
(post referenced) (I think.)
That post wasn't actually related to fandom at all but to someone else being dog-piled by aggressive anons after posting incendiary antisemitic content, and then blaming me for it. It made me want to make a statement about how anon hate is always wrong. I don't send anon hate and I don't approve of it being sent by others.
I don't recall getting any fandom-related hate recently, apart from someone accusing me of occupying a high horse, which, you know, if they feel that way, I must accept that.
If you've recently sent me a question meant to challenge my perceived double standards about Sansa, I have certainly not felt targeted by hate, though I also don't recall that happening.
That said, I am immensely amused by your view of me as someone who has the power and influence to "create an environment" where "many" fans of Sansa are somehow united in their fear of my, I can only assume, legions of loyal bloodhounds just twitching with eagerness to harrass others at my command.
I interact with maybe three people on this platform regularly, apart from reblogging cool posts that cross my dash. Where are these legions that dogpile people I disagree with? I would love to see them. I could ask them all to post cute baby sloth gifs to brighten my workday instead. I post into a void that I call The Internet and sometimes tumblr informs me I get little heart-shaped likes or amusingly tagged reblogs. I don't have the time to run a hate-based campaign against Sansa Infidels or some such, so all of you with different opinions can rest easy that while you post your truth, I'm trying to get my seven-year-old to accept the importance of brushing his teeth.
(I have been admonished, in the past, for what in retrospect amounts to vagueblogging about subjects that came up in other posts that I took as prompts for my own thought process. It wasn't intended maliciously, but I see how it was perceived that way. I apologized to the person - who approached me in private chat - and I have tried to make sure I no longer do that. Apart from that, my own impact on this fandom is pretty nebulous to me. You seem to see something very different from what I experience.)
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
In Defense of Our Alliance
My dear friends, there's trouble on the timeline today and it hurts my heart. I'd like to make a case for peace, if I may...
Every group of friends and all communities need every so often to hash out differences in points of view, personalities, and policies--but I suspect there's a bit more to it than that, this time.
We are beset on all sides with enemies we cannot fight.
Billboard keeps deleting sales without explanation, deaf to our requests or complaints. They absolutely have a double standard for the artists who pay radio to play. We cannot be sure any of our new buying methods will work, and in this economy, nobody has money to burn without a care.
YouTube keeps deleting views, again without explanation, despite folks streaming under premium accounts and following best practices. Watching those counts go down by the hundreds of thousands every hour is maddening, especially when it doesn't happen to artists who pay for ads.
Spotify froze and split title tracks. Hanteo deleted sales data the second records broke. The company went completely silent--neither celebrating Jimin's Hot100 #1 nor publicly acknowledging his being unfairly pushed down the chart--again, without explanation or recourse. Even some members were silent about his achievement.
Meanwhile, the LA Times is writing love letters to other groups trying to use our group for validation, which is just baffling.
This is to say nothing of the cult, the haters, the shooters from other fandoms, dragging our friends and our members through the mud, nonstop, all day every day, with a particular viciousness I'd normally associate only with actual diagnosed psychopaths.
And we knew there would be challenges, maybe even a contrived scandal or two, around Jimin's release. But I don't think anyone could predict this level of a shit show.
Everyone is exhausted; everyone is on edge.
What was supposed to be a fun and safe space has become a battleground.
And most of us are so ready to defend Jimin and the other members, yet we have zero hope of a fair fight.
It is no surprise to me that, with all that fatigue and pent-up anger, we are starting to fight amongst each other.
I must acknowledge that there are a fair few things we need to hash out as a fandom--the ability to call a spade a spade and not be labeled an anti; the ability to block or take time away and not be called a coward; the ability to criticize but not give in to hate or cult-like narratives; the ability to speak our minds without spewing negativity. There's a lot that needs to be addressed, and it's for heads clearer and smarter than me to untangle it all.
But I will say this:
Jimin has only us. That much is very clear.
So I put it to you now:
We NEED our archivists, who help capture and catalogue the important milestones and the little moments that illustrate why our fandom believes what it does.
We NEED our tutors, who help us make the most of our streams and purchases and votes so we are not wasting time and money and effort.
We NEED our cheerleaders, who help reset our attitudes into more positive, gentler, kinder, more honorable kinds of fans.
And we NEED our discourse blogs, the ones who can entertain multiple points of view without bashing or adopting any particular stance.
Most of all, right now, we need to unite. Because Jimin has very few other folks in his corner. Hobi goes in today. And while his other members love him, I strongly suspect he will feel the absence of Hobi's unfailing support, his clear demonstration of affection, and his wise counsel.
Now more than ever, we must come together. And to do that, we each much decide:
Why are we here?
If you're here to experience pleasure over a ship or a rush of adrenaline over drama and tea, if you just want to look at pretty pics and fics and not really get involved--okay. You are a casual fan. Nothing wrong with that. All I ask is that you do no harm while in this space. Don't fuel the flames of any feud, please.
But if you're here for Jimin, for BTS, for Jikook... then the goal has to be to support Jimin and BTS and Jikook first and foremost, yes? Even though it would feel great to pop off on someone you don't like or agree with (and I'm in Super Menopause thanks to medication so I absolutely sympathize with folks who do pop off--god knows, I have), please try to ask yourself:
Does it serve our common purpose?
Does it help?
Is it kind?
Would Jimin and Jikook feel honored by it?
Would BTS be proud of us?
And if the answer is no, then: forgive yourself for being human. We are none of us perfect.
But maybe take some time away to reset and recharge.
Real life is stressful; fandom life is stressful. Try to get some deep sleep. Let yourself enjoy a nutritious, hearty meal. Watch a comedy show that makes you belly laugh. Look at something so beautiful it makes you tear up. Listen to uplifting music. Pet an animal. Take a walk. Enjoy a luxurious bubble bath. However you restore yourself to your BEST self, you deserve that.
And then? Bring your best self back to this fandom. Because otherwise, we abandon it to the loudest assholes out there.
In the end, I believe we all want to support our boys and to make the best judgements on how to be a good fan. We may disagree on how to do that. But that's no reason to insult our allies or harshly judge the way they conduct themselves.
Shame is not a teaching tool.
Let's lead by example.
I'm a small blog. I'm nobody important. If you've read this far, I'm already surprised. But if you're still with me--please take this much to heart: I sincerely want us to get back to being the loving, intelligent, hard-working, focused fandom we've always been.
We are just regular people. We are going to have bad takes, and bad days, and bad attitudes. But let's give each other a little grace.
And if someone truly has bad intentions, and wants to ruin things, then let us calmly, quietly walk away from them. No need to give our precious time and attention to anything toxic. Toxic people feed off it and only get stronger, anyway.
Our time and energy is best spent on what brought us all here in the first place: BTS.
These are my thoughts, and I mean to say them sincerely and gently.
If this post rubbed you the wrong way, my DMs are open and I'm willing to listen to your thoughts. (Because DMs are always the best place to question someone or discuss something sensitive, I think.) But it's very unlikely that you'll change my mind about the need for us to work together and treat each other compassionately, so, you might wish to just quietly block and be on your way instead.
In any case, I just wanna say... I see you guys, out there. I see you trying hard. I see you contemplating the best way to make use of your time and resources. I see your bubbly enthusiasm and your devastating frustration. I see you, and I think each of you are very human, in the best sense of the word. Despite all the heart aches and hardships, I'm still proud to count myself among you.
It's not much, but I'm sending you guys my love and support. <3
It's gonna be okay. We'll get through this.
I'll show you.
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peachjagiya · 5 months
im sorry jo but this doesn't make sense at all. and narratives like these make me wonder where are all the jungkook biased tkkrs? because even if it is not your intention things like this get jungkook hate. you're implying that jk purposely "lied" (even if it is to protect tkk, although if he wanted to protect tkk, why would he say anything at all about who he hung out with then) and tae is the victim in this scenario. again this is something that i do not agree with. it paints a picture where tae talks about jungkook frequently but jungkook doesn't. even if it is not your intention, this results in jungkook getting hate from toxic tae biased tkkrs that tae is the bold one always putting himself on line of fire, rebelling against bighit but jk is the coward, a company puppet who always says things that gets tae hate.
and again i know this is not your intention at all, but this is just coming from the frustrations of a jungkook biased tkkr😓i really want you to look at this with jungkook in mind as well
The sigh I just sighed.
Why am I taking the weight of your frustration with other people? Look back over my blog. I double bias Jungkook and Tae, I defend him often.
You lot need to stop throwing words like lies around. You said that, I did not. Omission for safety and protection of his personal life is not lying.
Do you think they don't ALL omit truths that might not go over well? Tae included.
And do you not also think that you're giving toxic antis a free ride by focusing on people who do support JK?
I have deleted posts a couple of times when people pointed out that I'm inadvertently promoting a narrative used by toxic fans. I'm not opposed to being told. But I'm sorry, "JK bent the truth about something"? If a crazy person is going to pick that up and beat him with it, when every single celebrity on earth does it, I really can't control the depths they'll go to, can I? People who twist words will always find words to twist.
And finally, consider whether holding him up as a perfect human being, who couldn't possibly tell a white lie, contributes to a different kind of toxicity. Because if you make him perfect, he has no room to live a normal life. He'll always be beholden to that perfection. He can't swear in a song, he can't talk about sex, he can't smoke, he can't hang out with a female, he can't get tattoos, he can't just be a guy because you hold him to an unachievable standard. And the fans act entitled to perfection that he can absolutely never ever achieve. Then act aggressive when he doesn't meet those standards. That would be mental abuse if you did it to a partner or a family member and it's parasocially abusive to do it to him when you supposedly admire him.
I'm sorry this has come off defensive. But I get entirely too many asks expecting me to answer for a bunch of toxic fans that I do not associate with. They're not my children. Take it up with them.
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dsafstevenfanclub · 2 months
^^ the version posted to dsaf confessions (may ft. Small Edits)
The version under this is copy pasted DIRECTLY from my notes app
Idk if this counts as a hot take or not, but Dave was forgiven wayyyy too easily while Steven gets his character coward-ized and gets shade thrown at him throughout the whole "I forgive you" Jack speech.
I get that this is Flipside dave or whatever but theres literally no beef between him and Dee (whom he killed might I remind you) in the Flipside segments. Yeah Dee's mad at him at first but then the fights over and when you come back theyre just... chilling?? Ig?? (I know that its been a month but I don't like how it's just... dropped. I wish theyd at least talk about it)
Both Steven and Dave are in a position in which they effectively have no control over themselves when they do their fucked up shit (Dave is being Gaslit gatekept girlbossed by Henry to kill kids or whatever while Steven got his whole past removed from him and got forced to send springlocked employees to The Factory TM because thats programmed into the phoneys)
But while Dave gets forgiven instantly bc "theyre totally 2 different ppl trust me guyz ;3" & him and Jack are gaycoded or whatever Steven needs to get turned into a coward man because I guess dsaf 1 Steven is just thaaaaat irredemable huh. [/sarcastic]
Jack "I need to save all the souls!" Kennedy when he needs to save all the souls like he said he would (which includes the guy He Personally Does Not Like <- aka; not worthy of redemption apperantly.):
(Im still not over what a double standard Jack has between Dave and Steven. God.)
Anyways so I watched that one Notrealname Notatall video about dsaf (that got a remake recently Iirc) and I needed to get this out of my head ig.
TL;DR: free my boy Steven he did all that shit but dsaf 3 took the nuance out of him
@stevens-lemonboyfriend (I finally got a "True" confession and looky here can you GUESS who its about.)
This is accurate, and it's something that always bothered me. I love the good ending, and I agree that Steven got thrown under the bus whereas Dave didn't. Dave was forgiven easily, but Steven was not. (I understand Peter, since he hasn't completely forgiven him, but I like to think that over time he forgives him). I have a lot of thoughts about this, but they can be summed up as "this whole thing is a double standard", like you said. [-✨]
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fluxofthemouth · 6 months
4. What are some of your rp pet peeves?
5. What is the most difficult thing about writing your current muse?
4. Hmmm... I think rp is a hobby where effective communication is absolutely crucial. A lot of pet peeves and even terrible experiences come out of people, myself included, falling into strong emotions, easy routes, double standards, fear of being walked all over, or just not having the energy to properly show up for someone else. I'm going to wriggle out of saying something negative primarily bc I'm a coward lmao, but yeah I hope everybody is reserving some grace for themself & everybody else bc communication is genuinely hard to get right no matter who you are, & this is specifically a website for troubled freaks.
5. I want to write Piter as an effective villain, but I don't want to ruin someone's experience by taking it too far. I think I err on the side of caution when I don't need to sometimes. I've absolutely had exchanges with villain or complicated muses like: I'm checking in to make sure the other person is having fun & they're like, (1) he's fine (2) make him worse
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theothergal · 2 years
What's with Luke hate anyway?
Seriously there are people that say "Luke Is mysogynistic and a coward because he didn't risk his life to save June (because expecting a single man to enter in a highly militarized country and save his wife and daughter ON HIS OWN Is not unrealistic at all)" and at that same stan Nick even if he agreed to work for Gilead since the very beginning (do you remember that scene when the Sons of Jacobs were discussing how to enslave the women and he didn't bat an eye or it's just me?).
I'm not saying that you can't like Nick, but seriously, there's a huge double standard that needs to be addressed.
Like, Luke cannot do anything good.
If he cries he's weak, if he tries to keep cool he doesn't understand June's rage. He's mysogynistic for not knowing better and he's inadequate if he tries Is best to support June through her trauma even if he doesn't understand It fully.
Apparently working for the refugees, trying to get as much informations as possible about June and Hannah and raising Nichole Is not enough, to show his love for June he should have gotten himself killed in Gilead.
Yeah, I don't understand those who say that he didn't do enough to get June out. What else was he supposed to do? Nick Is a supporter of the regime and a Commander, of course he had the power to help June, he's more privileged than the both of them.
Luke would have been shot the second he put a foot in Gilead, and even if he didn't, he didn't even know where June was. He would have probably died before finding her, considering that he's not an high ranking man, nor a fertile woman, so he's expendable. Gilead's authorities wouldn't have shown him any mercy.
And it's not like he did nothing. Like I said, he worked to help the refugees, he did the best he had with the tools he had.
I'm not saying that he's a saint, but he's definitely judged too harshly, especially considering that the man who Is supposed to be so much better than him Is a war criminal.
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lilredghost · 1 year
can't wait for anakin to find out obi-wan is an omega in the "their fragrance comes from you" verse so that he can be irrationally jealous of omegas AND alphas around obi-wan now ^_^
DUDE ME TOO. I know intellectually that Anakin needs to be reasonable about Obi-Wan having friends so that their relationship is healthy, but like. Jealousy brain go brrrrr
I'm actually thinking of flipping the script on this one and having Obi-Wan be jealous that Anakin always smells like one of his alpha friends once they're back in Jedha. And like...yes he smelled a bit like them before, but that was also before they got together. Now Obi-Wan has to worry about whether he can perform well enough, whether he can keep Anakin happy even though he's not a real alpha. And Anakin deserves a real alpha.
But when he acts jealous, Anakin is like "Double standard?? I don't say anything about it when YOU (an alpha) smell like LUMINARA (an omega)," and obviously Obi-Wan can't explain his reasoning! It's just different, okay!!
But anyway they make up bc Anakin sees an opportunity and employs the "fuck me yourself, coward" tactic to goad Obi-Wan into scenting him. (And obviously Anakin scents him back. Daily. Just to make sure Luminara doesn't get any ideas.)
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