#just do better at looking into the situation! because while he said he didnt want to be mean he was just sitting there making fun of them
stellardeer · 6 months
TL;DR - How would you kick someone out of your house without involving police? and Should you?
My no-note blog is probably not the best place to ask this question, but maybe someone will come along and answer, who knows.
So in the ideal circumstance that we abolish the police, I've been wondering about a specific scenario. Say there is a person in your home, for whatever reason, who has no legal right to be there, and you do not want them there (again, for whatever reason) but they refuse to leave and you want to forcibly remove them from your home.
Most people nowadays would threaten to call the cops on them, and usually that alone is enough to get people to leave. I've never actually had this problem myself, but I've known numerous people who've talked about these kinds of situations (and coincidentally they were all middle class, if that tells you anything...) I, personally, would think twice (or a million times) about calling the cops on someone, especially if the person in question is particularly vulnerable to police brutality. So, even if the police aren't abolished, I still want to know the proper alternative to handle this kind of situation.
I'm a pretty weak, easily overpowered person, so my first instinct would be to like.. call someone I know or go get a strong neighbor or something to help me get this person off of my property.
I know that the specifics of the situation also play a key role here, too, on how to handle it. Like, if the person is reasonable, I would hope that just telling them to leave would get them to go - easy enough. But if they refuse to move.. what do I even do? If it's someone that I know very well, I might think to take a break and just walk away from them and hope we can sort things out once we've calmed down. If it's someone that I don't know very well, though, (not even necessarily an intruder, but just say someone who is overstaying their welcome) and especially if tensions are not even high, I wouldn't really know what to do. Some states even have squatters rights, so like.. sometimes you literally CAN'T do anything about this person being in your home, and in some cases they can even get you kicked out. I think it's kind of obvious that if the person clearly has violent intentions towards me, then I have a right to defend myself, but again, I am not going to be able to do that by myself, and I don't know what the legalities are around asking for help from another citizen, i.e. not a cop, if someone means to do you harm?
And what if you do ask for help and your helper ends up injuring the person in the process of trying to get them out?? I'd imagine it's still better than calling a cop, and risking getting a life-ruining criminal record, or worse, shot and killed. But I'd also imagine there could be grounds for them to sue if they get injured by the helper since the helper is not a professional of any kind and not protected in anyway. Only some states have protections against self defense anyway, and I don't know if it even counts if you invited the person into your home willingly and they weren't being violent to begin with. Like.. if they person is just stubbornly standing there and then your burly neighbor puts hands on them first, I don't think that even counts as self defense for the homeowner? At that point if the person fights back then they have a case for self-defense.
And I don't know what the leftist attitude is towards personal property like that anyway, like should we even have a right to our own home? I don't know the leftist view on that, I get the idea that individualism is not the move, but like.. do we still have our own personal space? Space that we are allowed to bar others from entering? Even if that space extends to the entirety of a 2-bedroom home? I'm asking sincerely, because I really haven't read enough socialist theory, so I don't know what the opinions are on home ownership in general. Like in an ideal society, would we supposedly just allow the person to stay for as long as they like, as long as they aren't hurting anything? That's another part of it, like what if they aren't doing any harm but I still don't want them there? Am I wrong for wanting them to leave, even if I don't know them? Supposing even if they are an intruder, if they haven't stolen anything or hurt me or my animals, but they just... won't leave, should I even be mad about that?
But again, forget an ideal society, let's take it back to reality, assuming that I live in the US and the laws are exactly the same as they are in this moment, police are not abolished, but I am choosing to not involve the police in this matter... what is the right thing to do???? Should I just resolve myself to accept that this person lives with me now?? I don't even live in a state with squatters rights, so I don't legally have to, but.. should I? (more thoughts and anecdotes if the tags if you feel like reading)
#leftism#socialism#communism#abolish police#this is open to debate for anyone it's one half sincere question and one half ethics think piece#like.. there may not be any one 'right' 'good' answer for every situation i just want to hear opinions from people who know more than me#please try to be civil and i know this might sound like a stupid question but I'm asking it in good faith#I feel like a LOT of people (at least US citizens) will just tell me 'well duh you have a right to not want someone in your space'#but like idk i've been thinking over this for a few days now and questioning if I even do have that right??#like obviously i have a right to boundaries but do i have a right to a 784sq ft home?#if i have extra space im not occupying all of the time is it wrong for me to keep someone out of it?#i'm someone who prefers to live alone and i've just recently got my house to myself after having a guest for over a year#he is a friend of mine and it made me miserable having him here sometimes (despite him doing nothing wrong)#but our other friends kept telling me to kick him out and i just couldnt believe they would even suggest that??#like.. just because i want to live by myself doesn't mean it's better to put him out on the street??#i still cant believe they saw no issue with that#and not once while he was here did i ever consider making him leave so this question isn't about him or anything#this anecdote is just an example of like.. differences in opinion on personal space#i have a 2-bd trailer and i've been waiting to turn my second bedroom into an office#but i let him live in the extra room while he was here because i was able to get by just fine without it#but i think i might feel different if someone i didnt know just showed up in my home one day and wanted to live here#or what if my friend (not that he would EVER) did become violent and i DID need to force him to leave? like .. what do??#this question mostly came up because someone i met recently was telling a story about a terrible roommate he had#but his (the person telling the story) parents owned the property or something and this guy's lease was up but he wasn't leaving#so they threw all his stuff out because he had been gone for a couple weeks and they assumed he wasnt coming back#but then he showed up one day looking for his things and was trying to take stuff from the kitchen#and the guy (telling the story) told him that he couldn't take anything and he needed to leave and said he would call the cops if he didn't#and i kept my mouth shut (especially cause the roommate sounded particularly foul) but i would not dream of calling the cops over that#but it was like... just because they owned the property and he didn't want him there calling the cops was a perfectly reasonable response#it sickens me
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kindlecorner · 1 year
pls pls pls I'm so curious what nickisnotgreen/greenisnotnick video frustrated you! bc I never see anyone criticize his content but he's not that great imo
it was the sorb3t video. I was interested in his opinion since I hadn't seen many people in the circles I watch talk about it! but I felt increasingly more frustrated as the video went on, because it was very apparent he didn't do any research into kaigai idols.
I didn't know much about it myself at the time, but I appreciate japanese culture a lot and did my own digging from other kaigai idols' (and japanese folks') opinions/feelings about the situation before watching the video.
his entire commentary felt tone-deaf, and it was parts him saying 'im not trying to make fun of them', while other parts were b-roll footage of him with hasanabi laughing at the girls' videos. so it was just like? it felt super disrespectful.
I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, so I watched the whole thing. but he made it apparent in several parts of the video that he did not do his due diligence in researching the topic— so it gave an outside-looking in perspective of a culture he's not a part of. his opinion boiled down to 'its kinda cringe but that's okay because it's not something I'm a part of', and encouraged people to tell him more about it in the comments.
for me, an influencer has a responsibility to do their research when speaking on a topic that's part of a culture they are not privy to. or really, do SOME sort of research into things they talk about in general. several thousands of people probably have that video as their only point of reference to the situation, and it's muddied with someone's half-baked opinion on the topic. MOST of the things that people were telling him in the comments was readily-available information that I easily found in twitter threads, which is where the blacklash started. it felt soooo ignorant for him to speak on something without doing anything other than showing me he doesn't care enough to look stuff up for his videos.
I wasn't like— a huge fan of him, but after that it made me so put off I didn't want to watch any more of his videos. I'd like to hope he does better in the future, but 🤷 I won't be around to see it unfortunately.
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funlovinzara · 2 months
Monster trio rejecting you Pt.3
Warnings: Fluff, arguing in Zoros part
You and Luffy both talked and had a deeper understanding of eachother, you were in love but Luffy never experienced that nor did he know that was what he was feeling.
He truly did love you in the end, he never even knew he broke your heart in the first place.
“Y/nnnn come on come on come onnn. We have to go!!! You aren’t still talking to Ace are you?”
“No no im not, im coming give me a minute!”
You were still changing to head off on the ship, Luffy being as impatient as he was couldn’t wait. He busted into your room and snatched you out while you were still fixing your hair
“Lets go!! We…I cant go anywhere without you!!”
You both got off the ship and you see Luffy run off into the forest and quickly return with a weird looking flower in his hand.
“For you!!”
He places it in your hair and giggles, “you aren’t ever leaving me!!”
Sanji decided to take the time to speak to you and apologize, Hes just now realizing that what he said didn’t respect a lady at all, he didnt know how to win your heart back.
Especially with brook being your new best friend, it rages him to see how more comfortable you are with brook than him.
“Huh? Yeah?” You turn around to see sanji standing a few feet behind you.
“I need to talk to you…im sorry about what i said. I think i do really like you. I cant see you talking to other men even a skeleton for goodness sake.”
There was silence as you both stared at eachother
All this time you’ve spent trying to get over him all shattered into pieces. Not that he isnt attractive to you anymore its just what he said was a red flag, but since hes apologizing its better than nothing.
You think its better to build up a better friendship before you get with him.
“We can try. But it wont be so easy for you.”
“Really y/n..? You’re sure right? What i said, i didn’t expect you to…”
You gave him a hug, it relieved so much tension. Now you both were on good terms and no one can get through the bond you two were going to build. As for brook, obviously your still going to talk to him! Hes your bestie!!
However he was a around the corner watching the whole situation, he gave Sanji a lecture beforehand. He didn’t think he would actually take action though. He is proud, and hoping things go well.
Hes furious at the sight, not that he cares but he does??
The man turns his head slightly and he sees that its..Trafalgar D. Law????
Hes even more ticked. He didnt think Law was a dangerous person but he didn’t want YOU to be around him.
He said loud enough for you and Law to hear, you both turn your heads.
“Ah Roronoa Zoro.”
“C’mon, were leaving.”
“What? No why?”
“Theres no point of us being here, we have to go back to the crew.”
“I…huh? I don’t understand.”
“What do you understand?” He says snapping back.
“You live up to your reputation, Zoro.”
“Shut it mushroom hat, lets go.” He forcefully grabs your hand and you try to wiggle free. “Zoro let me go!! What the heck are you doing-!”
You haven’t even gotten to exchange contacts with Law, luckily while you weren’t looking he snuck it in your pocket.
You both exit the auction house and you violently snatch your arm away from Zoros grip. “ZORO!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?”
All you get is silence from him.
“I cant be happy just for once, you rejected me and yet you’re pulling me away from my only chance of ever getting someone who will like me here!! What the heck is your problem??!”
“Y/n i cant let you do that because i love you. I look like a jerk i KNOW already. But i need you.”
This situation got even more weird. You haven’t completely gotten over him to be honest, but this was so unexpected.
“We can talk about this later. We have a crew remember.”
He walks up to you and looks into your eyes for a second before landing a peck on your forehead.
“I cant let anyone have you. Now, are you gonna take that number out your pocket or what?”
IF YALL ASK FOR A PART 4 IM GONNA CRY.😭 this is the last part periodd
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sinsirellaxx · 4 months
hi!! could i request the slytherin boys reacting to you moving on after breaking up w them bc of all the shit they pull… like they didnt believe her when she said she was done with them but they see her with another person who maybe treats her better?
Slytherin boys – Seeing you with another person that treats you well
Warning: Toxic boys. Not proofread.
Mattheo …
… thought you’d be back in his arms within a month. You’d live through the different stages of a break-up before realizing that your life was meaningless without him – he was sure of it.
… is in denial when he sees you with someone else. He’ll think you’re just trying to make him jealous – to bring him crawling back to you and beg for you to take him back. That must be it.
… will stalk you and your new partner and is speechless when he finally realizes that you have moved on.
… he’d be absolutely livid if you were together with one of his friends. He’d probably tackle them to the ground before throwing the first punch – betrayal and jealousy clouding his mind.
Theodore …
… scoffs when he sees you with someone else.
… would be all “What a downgrade.”, while trying to stroke his wounded ego. Because how dare you? How could you move on, while he still had hope – while he still had feelings for you.
… would start ‘hating’ you, from that day on. He’ll deny having feelings for you – or having ever loved you, to make himself look less weak and avoid the pitying yes of the other students. But he was as transparent as glass.
… glares at you whenever you pass him with your partner and will wait for any moment to find you alone, just to say, “Where’s that new boyfriend of yours?”.
Lorenzo …
… immediately looks for a new girlfriend just to make you jealous. At least, that’s what he is aiming for: He wants to hurt you. Break your heart and have you beg for him to take you back. He’s sure you’ll be back in his arms within days. But he’ll make you wait and work for it.
… is utterly pissed when you don’t pay him any attention at all. You are so happy and distracted with your new partner – it makes him want to vomit.
... will quickly get rid of his new girl.
… thinks of a plan to destroy your new relationship: He’ll brew a love potion and has someone else slip it into your partner’s juice. Soon, your partner will be obsessed with someone else, and you’ll realize how much of an idiot that new partner of yours is.
Draco …
… is so cocky. Did you really think you could ever find someone better than him? Please. He’d smirk whenever he saw you two together.
… is humbled very quickly when he realizes that you are truly happy with your new partner and his whole attitude changes.
… grows increasingly sad and depressed – disappointed with himself and feeling utterly empty.
… just wants you bad but does not actively do something to get you back, thinking he doesn’t deserve you.
Blaise …
… watches you from afar, his chest tight as he thinks of all the times your laugh was directed at something he had said.
…would be too proud to actively do something at first.
… might spread nasty rumors about your new partner though.
… tries to orchestrate a situation in which he comes to your rescue after a while – because he has finally had enough of watching you lovebirds.
Tom …
… mocks you for your poor choice in men.
… knows that he is better than your new thing and watches you in contempt.
… will – depending on whether he really loves you or not – get rid of your new partner: He won’t tolerate someone else touching or loving you.
… will call you his slobbery seconds if he does not have any real feelings for you. You didn’t deserve him anyway.
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yourlovermumu · 1 year
Okay… hear me out
Teacher Miguel giving extra credit to virgin student but she has to let him f her 😱
“Um mr O’Hara we shouldn’t be doing this..”
While she’s getting destroyed
“Oh and you act like you don’t love it”
warning: non con, teacher-student non con, full nelson, blackmailing.
dont like it dont read it i dont wanna traumatize you.
you have been failing your classes A LOT recently. you had terrible scores on all of the subjects, but especially spanish.
and it didnt help that your love life and everything else was a mess right now, how could you study in this situation?
but you really had to pass this time.
so what do you do? cheat of course.
problem is you werent sneaky enough and now your being called to your spanish teacher's office because he caught you cheating.
you nervously bit your lip and just stood at the door to his office, just standing there for a good while and you honestly were debating onto wither you should make a run for it or not however you decided you better meet up with him fast before you get into more trouble.
and so here you were, sitting on the soft cushions of the black couch in his office as you fidgeted with your fingers, scared to make eye contact with him because of the consequences of your actions.
and it definitely didnt help that he was silent the whole time, writing on a notebook calmly as he occasionally glanced over to the stack of papers on his desk that you assumed were test papers.
the very test that you cheated on.
perhaps he was writing reports on the test perhaps he was not but did he really need to do this right now? couldnt he have done it before or after he was done with you?
''ahem.'' rang a deep voice through out the room.
you snapped your eyes back from your lap, looking up at him startled.
'''now then, (name), would you care to explain as to why you decided to cheat on your spanish test, hm?'' he questioned with a raise of his eye brow and a nonchalant expression on his face.
you gulped.
''..uhm...i- i am sorry-! i wont do it again! i am sorry!'' you apologized desperately.
he shook his head, getting up from his seat and walking toward you. you almost backed away when he reached for your chin and lifted it up with two fingers.
''shh...'' he hushed you.
''thats not what i asked of you, now was it? i didnt want an apology. i wanted an explanation. i'll ask again...'' he paused as if to let you process his words in your dumb little head slowly.
''why did you cheat?'' he repeated.
you were silent. unsure of what to say or do. dumbly looking at him, frozen in place.
''answer me.'' he said a lot more firmly now.
and you knew if you didnt reply right now you would really regret it. so mustard up the courage to push out a few words out of your mouth, albeit coming out in stutters.
''Í had to- i am sorry- shit- i just really need to pass this time. i-i didnt- god- i shouldnt have! i really am...sorry.''
hearing your words, miguel o'hara smirked, letting go of your chin as he looked to you a smugly.
''ah, is that so? then you should've just told me so from the beginning, doll.''
his words confused you greatly. what did he mean by that? but you really didnt need any further explanation when he leaned down, placing beefy arms on both sides of your head as he leaned in to whisper in your ear in a low deep sensual voice.
''you could've just told me you were struggling...i would've helped you. all you had to do was ask, doll.'' he said as he brushed a hair strand behind your ear before cupping your face with his large hands.
''in fact i would give you extra credit and the best marks possible if only you did me a little favor...''
''...what?'' your heart was beating against your ribcage. you wanted to deny all this. no it wasnt happening right now. no this isnt true. is this going where you think it is?
but it was. it was very very real.
''fuck-- yeah... your doing great.'' he praised. one hand placed on the crown of your head, running his hand through the silky hair and occasionally tugging and tightening his hold on your hair when you your tongue swiped against the veins on his cock or if you deep throated him suddenly without warning.
''k---keep going...'' he groaned as he couldnt help but throw his head back, gritting his teeth because of the pleasure you gave him.
you took him out of your mouth slowly, licking his long member along the way and swirling your tongue on it when you reached the tip, sucking it into your mouth afterwards as you closed your eyes.
''eyes on me, muñeca.'' he huffed, running a hand through his hair. ''keep your eyes on me when you suck my cock. look at me.''
''yes professor...'' you mumbled with his tip in your mouth, causing your words to come out muffled and sent vibrations through his dick. he let out an whimper at the feeling and quickly sinks his teeth into his plush lips to prevent it from happening again.
it felt so good inside your mouth. warm and tight. the feeling of your tongue on his cock, the feeling of being able do something so sinful with you, not to mention how pretty you look taking his dick.
it all drove him insane.
''f-fucking hell, cariño...stop teasing''
you blinked up at him at his words. watching the way his cheeks were slightly flushed and how his eyes were slightly glossy as he breathed heavily, gritting his teeth.
as much as you would like to deny it...the sight was turning you on.
you didnt give him a verbal response. instead you took him in your mouth in one go, deep throating him. he gasped audibly. his hands tightening on your hair.
you bobbed your head up and down, though tears treathened to spill from your eyes from taking him in so deep you knew better then to do this half-assedly. your grades depended on it!
his eyes become shut as he cums with a loud groan. spilling his seed into your mouth. and you finally take him out of your mouth, and just when your about to spit out his cum--
''shallow. all of it.'' he orders sternly. and you end up obeying, because what good would it do you to disobey him?
''good girl...so obedient.'' he chuckled, his breath still heavy as he recovered from his orgasm.
''but..i am gonna have to test just how obedient you can be, doll.'' he smirked wickedly before grabbing you by the arm, lifting you up and pulling you close to him.
''let me fuck that pretty pussy, doll. let my cock be inside you. i'll fuck you real good, i promise.'' he whispered sensually as he used his thumb wipe your chin before running it along your bottom lip.
''this- this wasnt what we agreed on professor...'' you mumbled, averting your eyes from him shyly.
he laughed.
''oh my sweet little princess....did you really think i would just let you go without fucking your tight little cunt? did you really think i was that nice?'' he cooed, a smug smile on his lips.
''undress. right fucking now.'' he commended. it was stern and serious, you could tell he wasnt joking around.
you hesitated. not knowing what to do. should you just make a run for it? and tell everyone what he tried to do? no that would mean they would know what you did. voices rang inside your head, making you freeze in place.
what should i do what should i do what should i do what should i--
''listen here, princess.'' he began. his voice snapping you from your train of thoughts.
''you either let me do whatever i want with you obediently or....i take you right here and now, forcefully, and you lose your mind while taking my cock''
you shivered at the threat. yet it wasnt because of fear, no.
it was a different feeling. a feeling you so desperately wanted to deny. yet the wetness coating your panties proved you wrong all the more.
''s-sir...'' you looked up at him almost pleadingly, unsure of the situation and as much as you wanted this you were gonna stick to your will. your not some submissive little lamp. theres no way your gonna give in to him this easily, right?
''you said...you'll help me if i just..sucked your cock..did you lie to me?''
he chuckled. A dark eerily chuckle that made you shudder.
''princess...me? lie to you? no sweetheat...i am no liar. your just stupid.'' he kissed your cheek in an loving manner yet the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes radiated no such loving warmth.
''your just so stupid its cute. it makes me want to just devour you. its cute how you struggle, its cute how trusting you are, its cute how naive you can be, its cute how you squirm when your scared, everything about you..top to bottom, everything is just so adorable.''
he kept going on and on as you struggled, squirming like an desperate little prey.
''but you promised-! you cant just- professor...you really wont do this to me, will you? why would you...lie to me professor? why me?''
he smiled at your words.
''heres the thing, cariño...you shouldnt trust men.''
he caressed your cheek, a smile still gracing his lips as he spoke.
''not men like me...not men like me who are so desperately in love with you. because god how could i let go of you once i got the chance to have you like this? i just cant, mi vida.''
he leaned in, pressing his lips onto yours, slowly opening his mouth to deep the kiss and encourage you to do so as well by caressing your cheek softly.
''let me fuck you.''
''i promise...i wont hurt you. i'll be gentle.'' he spoke against your lips, kissing them desperately like he craved for every single bit of your body, mind, and soul.
turns out...you were an submissive little lamp. because what else would you be if you so willingly gave into all of this fucked up stuff?
nothing but a stupid little submissive lamp.
---- ---- ---- ----
''ugh-- please--- mmfp-!'' you moaned as your hands dug into the softness of the coach.
''please what, baby? speak.'' he chuckled as he bounded into you hard, lifting your legs with his forearms and pinning them to your shoulder.
he had you in full nelson, continuously making you bounce up and down on his dick.
''f-fuck..your so tight...'' he groaned. ''are you a virgin or something? heh...''
you whimpered out a breathy ''y-yeah..o-oh''
''hm?'' he bounced you up and down on his length effortlessly as he breathed heavily against your ear.
''what did you say, cariño?'' he questioned, not because he was teasing, but actually because he didnt catch what you said.
''i s-said-- oh m-my god...'' you stuttered. your mouth hanging open from how good he was hitting you.
''you were so opposed to letting me fuck your cute little cunt minutes ago...look at you now. your just drooling for my cock, arent you baby?''
he smiled as he re-angled your hips. making him hit a certain spot inside you, you whimper in response.
''aw...so cute. your just fucked dumb on your professor's cock, arent you?''
he laughed before lifting you up higher then usual and holding you there for a little over 1 second and then slamming you back down making air get knocked out of your lungs.
''tell me you love my cock, cariño. that you want my cock to make you feel good. that you want me and only me to fuck you like this. you dont want anyone else to touch you like this, right?''
''n-no..'' you managed to let out. ''y-your the first person t-to fuck me like this professor...i-i love your cock professor..give me more-! i want more-! m-make me cum again please..!'' you babbled on.
''yeah? nobody fucked you as good as me, baby? thats a shame. but dont worry...you dont have to think about any of those guys that you fucked around with anymore...not when you have me baby.'' he pulled your head back to pull you into a messy kiss. slipping his tongue inside your mouth as he groaned at how tightly your cunt hugged his cock.
''n-no i- i never...mhmp-! did things like this before..'' you let out an in breathy voice, huffing and panting when he pulled back from the kiss.
''...what?'' he questioned. his hands on your thighs coming to a halt. ''you never did things like this before, cariño?''
''no..'' you confirmed.
''hey hey...but that would mean..'' his eyes widened at the realization and you simply gave him an hesitant nod.
''...did i just take your virginity, angel?'' you bit your lip in response as you squirmed in his lap, your head still turned behind to look at him.
''y-yeah..'' you mumbled.
he groaned at that. and you could feel his cock twitch inside you.
''your joking...no way..''
''i am no--'' you were cut off my your own moan as his grip on your thighs tightened again, as he thrusted in and out of you in an inhuman pace.
''w-wait-- slow down- nnhghh...''
he didnt listen. nor could he make sense of anything right now when his mind was going crazy by countless thoughts. he couldnt believe he was your first. and the thought made him completely lose it.
its not his fault though. you brought this upon yourself the moment you believed him when he said he'll be gentle with you.
and i am sorry i kinda switched things up a bit but i still hope you like it <3
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stanfordswifey · 1 year
"Sharing? Oh please."
Part 3. <- You are here
Part 2.
Part 1.
Tumblr media
You had just gotten into a short coma, no one knew when you would wake up, hell- no one even knew if you would live.. but two soldiers waited patiently. Giving you gifts daily, visiting you daily and even sleeping in your hospital room, ghost and könig had made a truce and decided to pay off your hospital bills together.
Ghost was your childhood friend, someone you could trust, someone who cares for you, who would do ANYTHING for you. König is your ex boyfriend, you chose him because you really liked his accent, his cute homemade gifts for you, everything he did, he did for you, for your wellbeing, for your good. But he messed up, he messed up bad when you caught him cheating, sure it might have only been a one time thing but it still hurt didn't it? And the fact he was sober too.. all while you were pregnant. But now thats not a worry..
A year had passed by, the doctors had to take away your now dead baby from your stomach, she didn't survive the crash. König felt guilty, he thought it was his fault. But it is his fault.. if only he hadn't been cheating-- your thoughts pause, you felt your body getting warmer, you finally regained consciousness again.
You wake up, fluttering your heavy eyelids open to see simon on the couch beside you, he looked peaceful. You couldn't help but smile.
You mumble, your mouth was dry and your voice was barely comprehensable but he heard and immediately got up.
His eyes widen at the sight of you smiling, his heart feeling warmth after so long. He rushed over and pulled you in for a hug, tears in his eyes threatening to fall.
"You're awake! Oh my god.. i missed you so much"
You chuckle, hugging him back, ignoring the pain everywhere in your body. You smile at him, pulling away from said hug.
"where's.. where's könig?"
You ask, hope in your voice vanishing when ghost opened his mouth. He felt his heart clench, his tears falling down. Even after all of that.. you're still looking for him..?
"he's busy, but i'm here.. please! I can treat you better"
You cant help but chuckle at him awkwardly, tilting your head in confusion.
"You like me? I thought you only ever saw me as a friend"
His heart throbbed at those words. 'Friend' friend?! Would a friend wait for years just to be with you?
He hugged you again, tears falling. You hug him back, knowing it's not often he'd be willing to hug someone.
"Please.. give me a chance love, i can treat you better! You deserve better"
Ghost begs, pulling away from the hug and kneeling down, looking up wt you with pleading eyes, this gets you off guard and you look dumbfounded at the sight. The door opens to reveal a chuckling könig at the other side.
"Ghost? I thought you were better than that"
He chuckled, ghost getting up and rolling his eyes, standing in front of your bed in a defensive stance, clearly irritated.
"Look who's talking."
He barked, könig getting hurt but doesnt show ot, he walks over to you and places his hand on your cheek, caressing your face gently, he smiled at you so lovingly before placing a kiss on your forehead, the feeling of his masked lips giving you butterflies.
"König.. i told you we were over didnt i?"
You hiss, pushing him away. Ghost smirks, finding the whole situation amusing. König lets go of you, sitting down and sighing, trying to keep his emotions in check as to not cry.
"You heard what the lady said"
"Shatz, please.. i'll do better this ti-"
"Shut up. You cheated on me."
"4 years of dating and you still cheated? Shame on you könig"
König scoffs, turning to ghost and glaring at him angrily.
"I, however, could treat her better."
He whispers, playing with your hair gently, his gloved hands feeling soft and comforting, you felt butterflies and you blush.
"As if. You don't deserve her."
Konig says in a rude tone, holding your hand lovingly. The two men making you a blushing mess and you're screaming in your head.
"guys please- i'm tire-"
"Do you want a snack?"
"I can order you McDonald's if you want"
"I'll buy you anything you want, sweetheart"
"I can go get some water for you"
They cut eachother off, competing for your love. You cant help but blush, turning away and regaining your cool before responding.
"Water and food sounds great"
They give you a smile, both of them walking away to get what you need.
The moment they got outside of the room, könig turns to ghost.
"I think she still likes me"
"She blushed at me earlier"
They turn towards eachother
"..you saw her blush at us earlier right?"
"Let's keep this up for a bit, i think she's into us both"
Simon turns to könig with an irritated expression, crossing his arms.
"I'm not sharing."
"Well, neither am i"
"Guess she's going to have to pick then."
there might be smut in the next part..
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impactedfates · 8 months
hello! jing yuan meeting his kid he had from a previous relationship?
so jing yuan had a previous lover, he didnt visit her until he learned that she was in a bad situation/ struggling with poverty
so he goes to visit and sees a kid that looked like him that he never knew of, they were neglected by their mother while he was gone all these years
reader is the kid, thankss
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★ A/N: I decided to mash these 2 into one as I feel like the reader would've gotten trust issues if their mother neglected them, not to mention what if the mother lied to their kid painting JY (their father) as a bad guy :0 Anyways, I hope the anons don't mind I merged the requests into one
☆ Genre/Trope: Platonic + Familial + Hurt/Comfort?
★ Format: Bullet Pointed Scenarios
☆ Warnings: Readers mother is neglectful/a toxic mother (+ alcoholic)
★ Extra: Reader is young (11-12) // Jing Yuan trying his best to heal whatever his ex partner did // Also 2 posts in one day haha, had a bunch of free time during the storm
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I feel like for Jing Yuan to not visit his past lover nor have her contacts, she'd have to already be a bad partner. What I mean is, Jing Yuan seems like the type to even after a break up, not want it to affect his relationship with the other person UNLESS said other person was toxic. If that makes sense???
But anyways, I don't know if that mattered. Let's assume that a friend of said ex partner went to Jing Yuan for help. Explaining her situation in hopes Jing Yuan would be willing to help.
He is, much to the delight of the friend. However he underestimated just how bad the situation is, as when he went to check. The house is in shambles.
Dirty dishes building up in the sink, trash on the ground it's hard to move around in, there's a kid and aeons it smells like such dog sh-
Wait a kid!?
Jing Yuan stares at you, you stare at him. It's just...silence. Despite everything and how long it may be. He knows that you're his kid. And after getting over the initial shock. He gently calls you over, but you refuse. Shaking your head and even creating a bigger distance.
He lets out a small sigh, unsure on what to do but just decides to look for your mother again. Telling you to please stay put, and once he does find the mother. Passed out on the couch with alcohol bottles around, he gets an even better view on what you seem to have went through.
Things have been dealt with, the mother is gone and in jail for child negligence which leaves you with your biological father who is more than happy to look after you.
At the same time though, your mother had both neglected your needs. Giving just the bare minimum to keep you alive and had fed you lies. The man in front of you may be your father but you can't help but believe the harsh words your mother told you.
But to your surprise, he's nothing like how she described. He's...gentle...patient...and never raises his voice at you. Even when you make a mistake and start tearing up ready to apologise, he's already brushing it off. Saying it's fine, not to worry.
Jing Yuan isn't bothered by your behaviour at all. He understands and knows. He takes a few days off work, to just ensure you're all better. You get new clothes, a big meal prepared for you and a new room. It's such a...new feeling.
Jing Yuan doesn't force you to do anything, doesn't force you to hug him or be near him. All he asks is that you stay safe in the house. He doesn't outright ask for you to trust him just because he's your father, he gains your trust. No matter how long it'll take for you to be comfortable around him.
Even when he needs to go back to work, he asks you if you're more comfortable to come with him to work and he can set up a place where you can relax and do whatever you wish. Or if you'd rather be at home. If you choose to just stay at home, he'll order some guards to ensure your safety and if Yanqing has gained your trust in this time. He'll ask the young boy to be your babysitter even if your age difference isn't that large.
Overall, Jing Yuan is definitely surprised to find out he has a child but that surprise turns into unhappiness when he finds out how you've been treated. He ensures your mother gets put in jail for her negligence then takes you in. He doesn't force you at all to trust him, he slowly earns it and whether or not you do end up trusting him eventually. He doesn't mind either outcome.
Because in the end, he doesn't care if you actually trust him or not. What he cares about is if you're healthy and happy. That's his main priority at this moment and time.
If/When you are finally ready, he's there with open arms. Happy to have you see him as a father figure and happy he can heal whatever damage his ex partner ever did to you.
He's happy because you're happy.
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I started basing this slightly off a book I read for school as I thought it fitted haha. I'm unsure what to think of this but hopefully it's okay...
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cripplecharacters · 25 days
is it ok to have two main characters who share a disability but one views it with internalized ableism while the other doesn't? im writing two characters w chronic fatigue (one is a protagonist and the other is a villain) and wanted to have a little back and forth between them but i didnt know if itd be insensitive to have the villain view his cfs as a negative thing while the protagonist accepts it as something part of themself i do not have cfs myself
In general, it's perfectly fine to have two (Or more!) characters with differing views on a shared disability. In fact, I think it's better than fine!
There's a very wide range of experiences and perspectives in the disabled community, which is something that I rarely see portrayed in fiction. Though, admittedly, I rarely see media with multiple disabled characters, let alone multiple characters with the same (Or even similar) disability.
That being said... there is something that makes me pause with this concept.
Why is the villain the one that thinks of his disability in a negative way? Why is the hero the one that "accepts it as something part of themself"?
Furthermore, what do you mean when you say that? You can accept something about yourself without viewing it as something necessarily positive. Likewise, you can view something positively while still not accepting it.
There's a sort of attitude that's commonly directed towards physically disabled people with the expectation that we need to be "positive" about our disabilities and "not let it stop us/hold us back/etc." A lot of people have good intentions but there's a few problems with this sentiment. Namely, it dismisses the complicated experiences and feelings that a lot of us have around our disabilities.
Although there are some differences between this concept and the "disabled villain" tropes, it still comes back to the main problem of it. In this case, it's less about equating disability with villainy and more about the attitude towards disability. Is it a bad thing to feel negatively about your disability?
Of course, this isn't to say that this is what is happening with your situation. It's just something to be aware of.
If you want to keep the current arrangement where the villain thinks of his disability more negatively and the protagonist is more accepting of it, there are a few things that should be considered.
Why is it the villain that thinks of it negatively?
Does the villain's way of seeing his disability have any impact on why he became a villain?
Why is the protagonist more accepting of their disability?
What will their 'back and forth' look like? What purpose is it serving in the overall story? Does it affect the characters or change the way they see their disabilities in any way?
I do think that this could be a very interesting concept to play around with, especially when it comes to looking at the factors that can make somebody into a villain and how those same factors can also affect how somebody sees themself and their disability.
Is the protagonist more accepting of their disability because they had the support and acceptance growing up that the villain didn't? Does the villain feel more negatively about their disability for the same reason that they became a villain in the first place?
This concept really has the potential to discuss some difficult topics and portray them in a really interesting way but you do need to be careful with this.
Make sure that you aren't equating your villain's view of their disability with their morality and it would be good to show that these things aren't black and white. Show the protagonist having days where they do feel negatively about their disability, focus more on the factors that have influenced each character's views rather than the views themselves, don't show the protagonist as being morally above the villain because of how they view their disability.
A lot of us do feel negatively about our disabilities and there's nothing wrong with that. It doesn't make us evil or bad or pessimistic -- it just makes us human.
In summary, just be careful with the implications that you've giving here and think about how your disabled audience might feel about this portrayal.
~ Mod Icarus
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Stray kids OT8 x reader ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
Stray kids reacting to you having old but still visible self harm scars </3
Genre : fluff, comfort
Warnings : mention of old self harm scars on forearms and tighs 
There are the 3 firsts members!!! I will do the others soon dont worry!!
remember that you are amazing the way you are!! never give up you can do it, ik you can!! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
bangchan : 
• he noticed first when he came home and you were washing the dishes.
The weather was getting hot those days so you decided to wear a short sleeved pajama.. you were aware of your old and still visible scars, but you just hoped that Chan wouldnt notice.. You couldnt bare wearing an hot, thick pajama in this weather, and it will only make your boyfriend more suspicious, so you decided to just pretend theyre not here and see what will happened, and even tho, the situation where he will see them had to come one day.. You didnt wanted to scare him or get him worried, but you trusted him, like he trusted you..
So one day, when he came home, he removed his jacket and shoes while yelling an "I'm home babyyy" before making his way into the kitchen, and giving you a back hug with some complementary kisses on the neck, like usually.
You answered with an wide smile, one of his favorite, and a kiss on the lips.
You continued washing the dishes until you could feel his glance on you.. You turned your head at him to see him starring at your forearm, a really worried look in his eyes. 
"B-babygirl? what are those?" he said taking your arm in his hands, analizing the healed wounds closely.
"mhm.. nothing, chan. just some- hard past, i guess? I'm better tho, I promise"
"You promise?" he said still worried ;
"mhmhm promise" you smiled.
After this, he offered a cuddle session while asking you some questions ; without overwhelming you tho.
He asked since when you had them, why did you started it and if you wanted to talk about it..
He finished by kissing them, praising how strong you are and how he will always love every inches of you forever. <3
Lee know : 
• he noticed them while he was teaching you a dance.
That day you two were in the dance practice room because you wanted to learn the dance cover of a song you liked, and most importantly ; to spend a great time with your amazing and lovely boyfriend.
Even tho you knew he was very strict and serious when it comes to dance, you wanted to share his hobby and you knew that deeply, it made him really happy.
So you wore a comfortable outfit : an white tee shirt and legging, it matches and it was cute.
Generally you would take the time to wear arms warmers because even if your scars were old, you felt ashamed of them... but today was a very hot day, and you know you would remove them anyways, so you just prayed god to not let him notice them 🙏
After a while, you started to struggle with one move so you asked him for help.
He took your arm to show you how to move it and the he noticed.
He noticed.
He was took aback at first, zoning out for two or three seconds before reacting fast.
"Since when do you have those..?"
"oh." you just answered
Even tho you trusted him with every cells of your body, you always hated belng so vulnerable and weak..
There were a big silent ; neither of you knew what to say or how to react.
He was the first to talk again tho.
"I presume theyre... self inflicted?" 
You didnt answered, and he got the message, suddently he patted your head cutely ; you were a bit confused at first before he spoke.
"It's okay Jagiya, you dont have to say anything, I wont force you, but if you have anything in this silly mind of yours, know that ill always be here no matter what, okay?"
You slightly smiled and nodded, he kissed your cheek before coming back to showing you that move.
Changbin :
• He noticed them while cuddling with you.
You were spending a really tough day and you were really tired... Plus it was soooo hot this afternoon, you were suffocating in your clothes.. so you decided, after coming home, take a shower, and doing your skincare, that you will wear that one pajama you had brough online a time ago.. It was pink and white, with a cute patern. in fact 🤓☝️ (sorry.) you were hesitating between two pajamas and changbin choosed this one. You putted it on and looked at yourself in the mirror "it looked better on the model.." you thought to yourself. Its not like you didnt liked the  pajama ; no you loved it. The thing you didnt like was yourself. your body. 
When you looked at your reflection, your eyes met your tighs and your forearms.
You layed on your bed, looking at your scars..
They reminded you how you hated yourself, how theres so many things that you dont deserve, how you were useless, how you d- 
"Bunny hiiiii!!! im hommmeee!!" Changbin said while comming in, snapping you out of your thoughts, you were so focused that you didnt even heard him.
You smiled brightly, opening your arms so he can bury himself in them ; and he did.
Changbin was very affectionate and loved physical affection, so cuddles were daily with him, and you didnt minded at all.
He rushed in your arms and snuggled with you, a big happy smile on both your faces.
"I missed you so muuchhhhh" 
"me too" you smiled and answered.
after like 15 or 30 minutes of quiet cuddles and kisses, you two switched to a new position.
"wait-" he said
you chuckled and nodded, before he cuddled you even harder causing you to giggle.
Then he saw your tighs.
he saw them.
he paused a moment while you were still giggling, not knowing he saw them.
"y/n?" his smile faded away 
"yea?" you looked up at him and you understood...
"i.. "
he carressed your tighs with his hand, frowing.
"I never saw you had scars here before?"
"Sorry..." you mumbled "It was a long time ago, dont worry about me" you smiled saddly.
"do you have others?" he asked, worried.
"actually" you gave him your arms "yes, here"
He looked at them, his eyes almost watering, but he didnt wanted to cry in front of you
He gave you a really tight hug 
"Its okay binnie, its over now"
"are you sure?" he said worried in your neck
"mhmhmhm" you answered before covering him in kisses.
im so sorry if it was a little short..
tysmmm for reading like i said other members are coming soon!! <33
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dullgecko · 27 days
Goblins eating mostly raw meat is actually untrue, they do nearly always cook their food because it better that way, with the only exceptions being if they're starving or if they're eating a person that really really pissed them off. This is why Riz gets bitey when he's angry, if you eat the thing making you mad, you don't have to deal with it anymore, right?
They're actually quite grossed out at the idea of eating anything raw or bad (moldy cheeses, sushi, anything with raw eggs, etc), because, even with their strong ass stomachs, if you eat raw/bad food, you get sick, of course!! these leads to Riz watching the bad kids eat cookie dough in just sheer horror.
Goblins in Solace mostly live in the mountains of chaos, where giving away the location of your home could get your entire clan killed. That means that sometimes lighting a fire is a /very bad idea/ and you need to suck it up and eat your dinner raw, its not preferred but they're able to do it without getting sick. Goblin almost always choose to make their homes near salt deposits though (which put them in a lot of conflict with other species) which means that while they can't often cook their meats over a fire they can certainly cure a lot of it. Usually with a mix of herbs and spices to add to the flavour. It also means that the meat lasts a lot longer and can be stored over winter. In an environment where getting your next meal is a case of life and death you're also not about to throw something out if it goes a bit mouldy. It might taste gross but that's calories which might mean the difference between seeing tomorrow or not.
Riz, however, does NOT live in the mountains. He lives in a city, with awesome things like OVENS and MICROWAVES so he cooks his damn food whenever he likes. He might cook it a little less well-done than a normal Solesian would prefer (or think is safe, he's particularly fond of rare chicken) but its still cooked. If he's hanging out with Gorgug he'll eat raw meat with him, but the half-orcs parents usually spring for good quality beef which even humans enjoy rare.
Riz tended to eat a lot of mouldy or bad food when he was younger especially after his dad died and they dropped down to a single income household. He was starving (kids at his school would often steal his free lunches) but didnt want his mom to worry so he'd eat whatever he could find even if it was gross. Sure he can eat mouldy food just fine but its not like he ever went LOOKING for it, he just has a vendetta against wasting food after being food insecure for so long so sometimes it just happens.
He hasn't had to eat actually bad food in a long time (though he will occasionally eat questionable leftovers) because he gets most of his meals at school or when hanging out with his friends. If anyone tried to steal his food these days he's pretty sure his friends would make sure they never /stopped/ finding the body.
That being said, when he caught his friends passing around a tube of cookie dough he wasted no time in slapping it out of their hands and promptly throwing it away. They were NOT goblins and the packaging even said 'do not consume raw' on the side due to risk of salmonella poisoning. Riz Gukgak did NOT fuck around when it came to protecting his friends (though he still wouldnt eat sushi even if it was a life and death situation, its mostly because of the wasabi though).
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Aita for blocking a friend on instinct? So i (f16) have this friend, (m16) we can call him D, who i've been friends with since kindergarten.
About a year ago, i started growing very close to D through our friend group's dnd campaign we held every friday. I knew him for a long time but that was the first time we had started hanging out out of school. We were talking on snapchat every night just chatting and after a while he started to send much more... revealing snaps. Just his bare shoulders but like without a shirt. He said it was because he had to let his medication for his back dry. I was a little uncomfortable, but we were friends so i didnt think that it would escalate into anything weird.
After about a month, D starts sending snaps in a towel and pictures of his chest which made me very uncomfortable. I kind of let the chatting die down after that because it was the only way i could think of that would be enough to gently let him down easy (i was wrong). I stopped going to the hangouts with that group and kind of distanced myself because how uncomfortable D made me. This only made D try harder to get my attention.
I was still friends with the others in the group so i would often have one-on-one hangouts with the others and watch tv. One thing we watched was Miraculous and we laughed and joked about it all the time. D overheard us or something and went home and binge watched the entire series in a week. Then everytime i ate lunch with that friend group, D would always make direct references to Miraculous or sing the theme song really loud. This wasnt once a day, D would make miraculous references every single minute. He became obsessed with the show (which, for reference of how weird it was, D is a very religious Christian boy. He gets upset if he gets an A- and never drinks caffeine (no problem with any of those things but just understand that kind of guy being deep within the fandom of Miraculous out of all shows 😭)). It was so bad, and it once again was making me very uncomfortable.
Eventually, it got to an insufferable point where D changed his route to go home and made sure to pass me every day after school and wave. I started avoiding him in the halls, he would always ask obscure questions that werent that important. I couldn't understand why he couldn't get that i didnt want to be friends with him anymore so i set boundaries.
A text i sent to D: i apologize if i ever caused any misunderstanding, but i would like to make it clear that im not romantically interested in you. i can see that you have been trying to grow closer, but i dont feel the same way. i don't appreciate being followed around, and i dont like when people force themselves to like the same things i like. its not attractive to be a copy of someone. i enjoy being your friend but it's difficult to disregard these things. if im being totally honest, when you do things like this, it makes me really uncomfortable and borderline creeped out. i know crushes wont disappear overnight but i would appreciate more space. if youre looking for a girlfriend, this isnt the right person, nor the right way to get it. and i wont tell anyone about this so dont worry about word spreading or anything. thank you
D's response: Oh, I'm so sorry I made you think that! I don't have a crush on you, I just noticed how you don't hang out with our friend group as often and I just wanted to make sure that I was being as nice as possible to make sure you weren't mad at us or anything. I did start to think that maybe me trying all that made me seem clingy or annoying, so I'm really sorry for all of that. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll try to do better now!
This didnt sit right with me because after all of that i cannot fathom how that translates to "i wanted to include you". This made me question a lot about the situation.
Reasons i feel like i MBTA: i'm over thinking things and D could be a genuinely a nice person. Its hard for me to read the room and i need to work on that and probably apologize to D.
Reasons i feel like i MNBTA: i should trust my instincts rather than ignore them. I've had a psychological abuser in my family before and the situation could be a stalker behavior that i've learned is not ok to have.
What are these acronyms?
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ender-reader · 1 year
DP X DC/Marvel Prompt 1#
sooo I've had this mind obsession about giant fluffy monsters so why not jam Danny and DC/Marvel into this mess to make a cool prompt?
Summary: Danny's been sealed away in an ancient temple. someone (could be a hero or a scientist that deals with ancient stuff, i forgot what they're called) finds the entrance but cant go past that. they call Batman/Tony and/or Constanaine/Dr.strange for help(probably along with one of the batkids or Spiderman). Chaos ensues.
What exactly happened to Danny: Danny's been sealed away in an ancient temple during a a time mission from CW that caused him to go in his eldritch horror form and getting sealed away in a temple using chains and of course: Blood blossoms but not to the extent that they continually hurt him, just enough to keep him sealed away, after all: if you hurt a baby ghost, it probably wont end well.
Note: this can be ghost king danny if you want.
and i know i got the characters wrong but im trying, its been a while since i watched marvel
onto the somewhat detailed prompt:
DP/Marvel(or DC, just change who the characters are):
Wang (i think that was his name? the guy that always doubts dr.strange but helps him anyways) has picked up a strange magic signature somewhere around Egypt, after he decided to go and investigate himself, he found an entrance to a sealed ancient temple with a few dead bodies nearly hidden by sand. When he tried to enter, he felt death magic pulse through him and he quickly moved his hand away, whatever was in there, whoever put the seal on this temple wanted to either keep whatever's outside out... or whatever's inside in. he didnt like this not one bit, he does the one thing that would make sense (kinda in his deep opinion): he goes to Steven Strange.
"So your telling me, that you found an ancient temple that's radiating 'infinite realm' kind of death magic and tried to enter it ON.YOUR.OWN?" Strange said rubbing his nose bridge with a sigh. "I dont get whats wrong with that? Death magic's still magic and you two are wizards." Tony said raising a judgemental eyebrow at Strange.
"yes thats true, BUT, infinite realm magic's not like normal magic, not even normal death magic." Wang explained raising a finger at the 'but'. "so? its still magic? or does it have diffrent properties?" Peter, tired of only listening decided to start asking some questions to understand the situation better.
"to understand infinite realm magic, first you need to know what are the infinite realms" Strange countered with a heavy tone, looking at Tony and Peter.
"Strange, we are not to speak of the dead so openly" Wang hissed turning to look at Steven. "oh come on, they're gonna find out eventually and you know it, better they know or one of them gets killed trying to find out." Strange said furrowing his brows glancing around him as if expecting something to attack him. Wang only grumbled sitting on a chair that was not there before.
"the infinite realms is a realm between worlds, like a pocket dimension. it is also known as the realm of the dead, the realm of ghosts, souls, and spirits. it is neither heaven or hell, it is were the dead go when they have too strong obsessions that keep them going, it is where the dead go when they don't want to let go of their life. it has its culture, rulers, ghost types, Gods and Goddesses called Ancients, islands of different shapes and sizes. it also has: A Ghost King, one who rules all the kingdoms, tribes and all ghosts in the infinite realms. they have the title of High King. They run on a substance called ectoplasm, which can be considered the main source of infinite realm magic.
Do not mess with the dead and they will not mess with you. Don't engage with infinite realm inhabitants because the risks are far too high. The last high king was Piriah Dark, he went mad and devoured worlds, not much is known about the new High King, all we know is that he was only around 2 death years old which in on its own baffling." Strange said crossing his arm, his voice was heavy with danger and seriousness.
"so we DON'T mess with the temple?" Peter asked curiously. "..." Wang and Strange didn't know how to answer that.
i cant help but imagine this scene happening:
Danny: *giant chained eldritch horror* *narrows eyes and hisses*
Bruce/Tony, Constantane/dr.Strange and Zatanna/Wang: "..." *intimidated and are ready to fight if needed*
one of the batkids/Peter: "...omg its like a giant kitten!" *proceeds to pet said giant eldritch horror*
the adults: "..." *horrified
Danny: "..." *purrs*
if someone uses this please tag me and maybe send the link please?
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kenlvry · 2 years
how stan kyle and kenny would act when you suddenly ignore them as a prank!
note:its my first time doing this so i hope its okay! if theres any misspellings im sorry!!
kenny mccormick
•tbh at first he was so confused, you didn't greet him at the bus didn't even made eye contact, you talked to the other guys but just him you ignored
•he would try to get your attention, calling your name multiple times and even "accidentally" fell infront of you. in his defense he was desperate!
• he'd ask kyle and stan for help, they would say that maybe you're in a bad mood. cartman then interrupted saying "maybe she finally found someone else" "shut the fuck up fatass"
•he was so frustrated and you were enjoying this so much, when he got home he immediately went out pick flowers from some garden and went ro your house
•your mom called you downstairs because someone was there to see you but when you saw kenny holding flowers in his hand looking so nervous you bursted out laughing.
•he didnt know what was going on and you had to reassure him that it was a prank and apologize for ignoring him, he didn't know how to react so he just laughed, then later would sulk and get slightly mad
•you apologized by cuddling and watching a movie tgt with him <3
stan marsh
•when you first ignored him on the bus he didn't even notice it, bc usually your the one who says hi to him first. he thought you maybe forgot
• but when you sat down next to kyle instead of him he was confused af, "look stan your girlfriend likes kyle better"
•he just stared at you two the entire ride to school, glaring at his bestfriend but at the same time questioning why you would sit down next to him when he has a completely free spot right next to him!!
•at school was worst, he thought that he was just overthinking it. but when ms garrison asked all of you to go in pairs of two and you picked kyle instead of him, oh he was angry
•you looked at him and almost burst out laughing when you see him just staring at you two, before he realised it he was paired up with wendy bc kenny paired up with cartman! oh could this day get any worse he thought
•wendy was annoying him so bad and you were silently laughing to yourself bc of how annoyed he looked, he didnt even try to hide it
•it didnt last long though bc at the end of school you saw wendy getting real close with stan, why was she feeling up your man!?!?
•you marched right up there and confronted that bitch, she scoffed and backed up. you awkardly looked at stan who was now glaring at you
• "oh? i thought you were ignoring me, almost felt like i was a ghost" he said while rolling his eyes, you laughed so hard and apologize multiple times
•he forgave you but he would sulk for a couple of days just so he can get your attention :)
kyle broflovski
• at first, when you didnt wave back at him on the bus he was a little annoyed but he thought you didnt see him bc you were wearing headphones
• but then you had the nerve to sit down next to cartman!! you couldve sat down next to kenny or next to stan, even better next to him, but you choose cartman????
•like stan he would glare you so hard, if you were sitting behind him he would full on turn his body and peeked over to your row and just stare at you two.
•cartman was also like wtf, while kyle was staring at you two he made hand gestures signaling he had no idea why you sat down next to him .
• class was ok, you didnt really do anything to make him overthink as much but he still thought about the incident, lunch came and it was the bus situation all over again!
•next to kyle was an empty seat but alsoo next to cartman was another empty seat, you wanted to see how kyle would react so you decided to sit down next to cartman
•oh he was livid, his eyes were wide open and he almost looked like he was gonna fight cartman right then and there, cartman saw the killer glare he was getting real nervous ong, "bro, dude, bro i dont know why she sat down next to me, calm down ok calm down" "shut.the.fuck.up fatass"
•you were enjoying it tbh, you wanted to continue the challenge but when school ended, it was just too hard for you to keep doing it, kyle had approached you looking angry and said "i dont know why your ignoring me and if i did anything wrong im sorry but if ur gonna break up with me for cartman, then im gonna loose my shit"
•you couldnt handle it anymore and laughed, the fact he thought you were gonna break up with him was so funny, kyle looked at you still angry but confused, you told him it was a prank and apologized for it. he couldn't be more dumbfounded
•like stan he would sulk for a while but after taking him to several mcdonalds date he was back to his original self <33
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drkbluedream · 2 months
Please... Make a fanfic of one of the Sabbath crew, anyone.
Thank you🫶
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Leaving a toxic relationship is a hard thing. Not really when you are the toxic one maybe.
Mention drugs
Cast ; Yoo Wooin, Joker
Clear sky turned dark after cloud decide to cover the surface. Seems like it's going to rain sooner or later. You look around panicked. You didn't bring any umbrella to use and there's not much place to hide from rain.
You turn on your phone and made sure you have arrived at the right place. You supposed to be at Wooin hangout area but it's very quiet. Probably they know it's going to be raining so they change place to meet. You sigh and hugs your knees. Having a thought about how waste of time, money and energy for you to come here.
You plan to meet him, have a talk, and beg for forgiveness. You regret asking for a breakup from Wooin that you decided to end everything. But you was on one of your so called episode.
So here you are. Alone, in dark alley, with nothing. No extra clothes, not much money, and no internet connection. Maybe you should've told him that you want to meet him. That's going to help you out for sure. But you got feeling that he will reject your invitation if you said you were coming.
While you were about to cry, you heard steps coming closer to you. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
You immediately look up as you heard his voice. The excitement you felt make you immediately stand on your feet and hug him. "Wooin, I miss you"
Wooin didn't seems shocked with your action to suddenly come without saying, hug him without warrant. After all he been with you for a long time before. He knows you inside and out. As you crying on his chest, he just pat your head and stroke you back. "There there. I'm here now, right?"
Situation went silent for few minutes where you don't want to let go of the hug and Wooin didn't seems care if you want to stay in that position for a long time. Both of you just stand there, hugging, like a statue.
"Who do you come here with?" He asked.
You just shake your head that 'stuck' on his chest. "Cab" you answer, short.
Wooin stay silence a bit. "then what's your plan after coming here?"
You looking at him as you dumfounded by his question. "I don't.. have one" you let go of the hug as you sure it will trouble him a lot. You can hear Wooin sighing after listening to your answer.
"You didnt book a hotel for yourself to stay didn't you?"
And you shake your head again.
Stupid girl with a stupid plan.
"I'm sorry I can't let you stay in my place. You know I stayed with Joker right?" Wooin said. But after looking at your pathetic state, he called Joker and explain your situation.
You glad that Joker understand and allow you to stay over for one night. Even though if he doesn't want let you stay, you planned to drag Wooin along with you.
You follow Wooin to their house. It's not very tidy yet not messy either. It's a house of two guys. It's normal to have some mess here and there. You don't look around much. Your eyes just stick on Wooin. Unsure how to convince him to get back together with you.
You aware it's your fault for being stupid enough to ask for breakup. But who thought Wooin will easily accept it? Not you obv. You thought he really in love with you that he don't want to let you go but turn out he is not. He doesn't really care about you. He just treat you the same way he did to anyone who ask for attention from him. Then why you desperate for him? Because you never feel loved.
"You can stay in my room and I will sleep in--" without letting Wooin finish his sentence, you grab him by his collar and kiss him.
"What is this? New tactic?" he chuckle and push you.
Wooin is weird. Even though you guys brokeup, he don't mind you kiss him, hug him pestering him. Perhaps he loves the attention. Perhaps he like the idea of you need him. He did say he won't push you away after breakup but doesn't this too much?
Some might say it's better to stay the way it is. You and him still could do what couples do. No it's different. What you need is unwanted attention. Good morning and goodnight chat. Weird updates. Sharing ideas and jokes. Sleep calls and all. Usually Wooin will chat you first when you were in relationships. But after you guys brokeup it's all gone. Obv. Wooin still will do those if you ask for it. But you look desperate so you stopped.
But then here you are. Looking up at him trying to read him mind. Does this guy still want you or does he just seriously look at you as a friend? 'we still can be friend' that was his last word when you guys brokeup before you hang-up the call. Long distance is hard indeed.
"Do you really don't want to give me second chance?" You hold his shoulder and make it to support you while you tiptoing, try to match his height.
He didn't answer you and avoid eye contact. Yet his hand around your waist, making sure you to not fall.
"Do you enjoy breaking my heart? Listen to my sobs and cry whole my heart on the phone?" Yes yes you called him and beg for second chance but you got rejected twice. Pathetic girl still not give up on him and come to meet him even though the distance between both of you more than 200km.
"It's time for you to feel what I felt" he answered. His voice soft but it's clear he is clench his teeth. Wooin take a deep breath and look at you. "Don't think I don't love you. I do. I still do infact."
You look at him with teary eyes. He said all that but it feels like he doesn't mean it. You try to find his sincerity but there is none. He moved on. "Was I being hard on you?"
Wooin just nod.
You can't hold your tears that I dropped. Wooin wipe it off and bring your head to his chest.
How can't you still love this man?
He said he won't give you second chance but his actions is otherwise.
"I forgave you." He again, patted your back.
You grab his face and kiss him. You try to hold his groin from outside of his pants but he hold your hand.
"I didn't do it with someone who isn't my partner."
Again. He reject you again.
"Please. One last time. I will be gone forever from your life" your tears falls as you begged. So unlady like. Yet he smile and wipe it off your face. "There there. Don't cry"
Wooin lead you to his room and make you sit on his bed. He didn't turn on the light as he aware you have been insecure with you body. He kiss you and slowly push you to make you lay down on his bed. Slowly he kiss your cheeks, neck, and your ears.
"I want to see you" you sobs and try to find him in dark.
But unfortunately you can feel a cloth wrapped on your eyes. Probably tie that he have around him. Then you can feel he open your clothes, only to leave it wrapped around your wrist. Leaves you immobilized.
"Wooin, please. I want to see you" you can't handle the feel of wanting to see your love of life while having make love. You aware you should have never reject his request to open the light while doing it.
You can hear the switch been turned on.
"I don't know what you have been insecure but you are so pretty."
You can feel he start kneeling above you and his hand slowly move from your chest to your hips.
"It's flawless" Wooin whisper.
"Wooin, I'm scared. Please. I want to see you"
Your boobs have been fondle with a pair of hand that you really familiar with. You can feel the callouses on his palm. It shows how long someone been training with his bike. After awhile, something hot and wet lick your nipple, makes you become bit more sensitive. With his split tongue, and piercing, it feels a bit more different.
It’s quiet yet the room filled by your sinister voice, moaning and pleading him for more. Wooin didn’t leave your pussy alone. He put one of his knee there and you, who have been craving for him, start to move your hips, riding on his thighs.
“You are wet. Just from a bit of tease”
“Only for you”
“Liar” he bite your nipple made your voice stuck on your through. Shocked by pain and pleasure. “My fave M” he slap you boobs before going down on you.
You can feel he ripped your panties after tossing your skirt upside. It always been Wooin favourite. Ripping your panties. You also intentionally wear the one that’s easy to rip off.
Wooin keeps spreading your legs apart and hold with his two hands. Rubbing your thigh and kiss around your private area.
You can feel hot breath around your private part. You can hear Wooin’s trying to clear his throat before sticking out his tongue and lick the opener of your pussy. His finger playing with your clit, making sure he stimulates you perfectly.
Eating you out while fingering you is a heaven for him. Have i mentioned he has split tongue and piercing? Everytime the piercing touches your clit, it gives you more weird sensation. With you unable to push him as your hand is stuck on bed head, he could go as long as he can. Your thigh keeps sandwiching him but it doesn’t bother him. Infact he is happy that your smell is conquering him. Wooin hope the time would stop. He hope he can rewind time and back to the time where he reject to meet you on your birthday. Yea he regret but what’s done is done.
Wooin didnt stop when you shower his face with your dirty squirt. He lick it clean. Drink you as if he didnt get any water ever since he wokeup this morning. When he realised your asshole been twitching, he start to lick that area too. He knows you have been playing with your back door for more pleasure.
The more you beg to the faster his hands do his work. He use his tongue at the fullest. “Beg more” he said. The vibration from his voice gives you more sensation. “Beg like a little slut”
He stopped when you almost come. You whine but you can feel how wide Wooin’s lips curl. Satisfied with your reaction. That was intentional. Making you cum non stop and deny it.
He continues edging you again and again. Makes you hear your own voice begging and plead. Mixed with noise your wet pussy made.
“Can you hear that babe? You pussy wet for me” “Yes, scream my name more. Beg more” “Oh how i love your voice turned raspy and you gasping for air” “Stop trying to break free. Itll live bruises.”
“I will let you know why i do this ok, love?.”
His hand stopped and flip your body. Putting your body on his thigh. He rub your ass thats buttnaked. Eh
“Gaslight” “Manipulated” “Abusive” “Dishonest” “Anger issue”
Every words he said, followed by spank on your butt. Didnt let you relax even a bit. Didnt even feel sorry for you even a bit. Your ass turns bright red with visible vein that looks like almost burst. Didnt let you rest, he put in a plug in your butt and continue.
“Trust issues” “Obsessive” “Negative” “How am i supposed to get back with someone like you? You dont love yourself.”
Wooin then stopped a bit. He stroke the idea that been spanked by him.
“I do love you. Even now. But i need to prioritise myself too. I cant let you drag me down. Not until i know i can stand on my feet. I wont let anyone drag me down.” He play with your back.
“I forgive you, dont worry. I dont hate you. I know you will eventually come here so i prepare something for you. I dont mind if you hate me after this. I will disappear. Not from this world. Just from your world.” He said that while rubbing your lower stomach. Remembered how much he hate the idea of having kids.
“Take this as my last gift from me for you”
Wooin hands lead your face to face him. Without seeing anything, you kiss his mouth. It was really intense kiss. You can feel he try to pass some short of pill inside of your mouth but you try to reject. He hold your cheek with his hand, leave your mouth open abit, enough to make it enter your mouth and continue kissing you.
Gave up, you just let him kiss you with the pills that you swallowed. Not long after, you feel extreme pleasure and you see a lot of colour pop infront of you. You feel happy and thats the last thing you remember before you passed out.
You wake up with feeling heavy. You try to look around but failed as everything is blurry. Its not bright yet not really dim. Its cold and quiet. Remembered you were in Wooin room, you try your best to sit and then stand.
“Wooin?!” You shout his name. Your throat feels so dry and burning. Tears coming out from your eyes without any particular reason.
“Wooin??” You crawl out of bed. Your body feels hot as if you burning alive. All your joints feel weak that its really hard for you to even crawl.
You arrived infront of the door. “W-wooin”
Again, you fall. Last thing you remember is you see Joker carry you and put you on the bed.
The stuffs he gave you turn out to be ecstasy that he has been selling to high schoolers.
Who expect thats the last time you meet Wooin? He deleted all his pictures and his number on your phone. Blocked you on socmed, change his username everything. He, himself, take down and delete all post you made about both of you on your socmed.
Even waited at Joker place, he said Wooin wont come back. You endup staying at his place for few days before going home.
Yeah he didnt comeback.
All his friends refuse to talk to you. Or answer anything regarding him.
What break you the most is he didnt put his dick inside of you :D ----------------
i got an ask long time ago to write specifically Wooin from Sabbath being toxic in relationship. and i feel bad to ignore this ask too long so i decide to use this ask. thankyou for reaching out. sorry for taking long time. i went through a lot.
based on real event
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cloveroctobers · 9 months
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A/N: I want to attempt to make this a bit lighter but with the way the bear is set up? Happiness is a process. 🥂 Also this takes place BEFORE 7 fishes? Maybe a year or two prior, so thats probably six or seven years ago from now? The timeline isn’t overly important with this show so whatever your brain feels is cool with me! Also decided to do this in headcanon/note form this time around because things are definitely about to get hectic for me. Merry Christmas Eve or Happy Holidays to you all! 🫶🏽 hope its filled with nothing but greatness + all things that are lovely and not chaos.
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE + I’m using: SCENARIO — 4.) Decorating the tree + DIALOGUE — 2.) “You know what they say, don’t eat yellow snow.”
<- read my previous December anthology prompt here.
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Michael Berzatto always loved cold weather and sure his birthday happened to always fall on a brutal cold day… he always put more effort into everyone else’s.
It’s something he’s always done and maybe it had to do with his childhood where most birthdays his own parents forgot about it, treating it as any other day because that’s simply how they viewed their own and wouldn’t even get him a card at least.
He grew up fast and pushed those terrible feelings as far down as they could go and focused on caring for everyone else.
Lucky for him, he had his younger siblings that always managed to put a smile on his face, showing him that they wouldn’t ever forget
and a shit eating grin would also appear thanks to his best friend Richie who always showed up with packs of beer and encouragement to head out to a strip joint but somehow Tiffany always figured out that plan!
a gallon of warmth poured into his chest when you would call him at midnight or the break of dawn, wanting to be the first to send him well wishes for another year.
You were always something special to Michael.
Which is why on the morning of November 15th, he showed up to your place, just to tell you later that you were going tree hunting while he went down to Chicagoland to get the rest of his hours in.
He heard how bummed out you were about your boyfriend not being in town (yet again) to go get a tree for the place you moved into back in July.
Michael didn’t particularly hate the guy but he also felt like he didnt care enough as much as he should with someone like you.
He was always elsewhere and Michael was just praying that he didn’t ask you to marry him and call it selfish but he didn’t see a glimmer in your eyes when you looked at the guy.
Michael felt like you two were just dating out of convenience—until you both found better, which YOU would but you didn’t seem to see that.
Which of course sparked arguments and the guy walked in on that argument, demanding to know what was going on and you didn’t want to escalate the situation so you sent a warning glance for Michael not to take it there.
He never listened.
A ban from the house was laughable to Michael because who tf did this guy think he was to tell him to stay away from his best friend’s house? He maybe “the man,” of the house but he wasn’t man enough to love you. You have to show you care in a relationship and put in the work and this guy wasn’t it. You were an after thought and that pissed Michael off.
and he didn’t give a shit if the guy was 6’6 and built like a linebacker, it was fair game in mike’s eyes! Michael would say what he felt and he was super protective over you—which you appreciated but not in that moment.
Before hands could ever go flying and out of the respect he has for you, he said his peace and left the home—since thats what you wanted…with the both of you not speaking for a week—which was painful.
And also painful to Richie’s ears because Mikey wouldn’t shut up about it!
You as a topic? Was never on the low.
“Are you finally gonna admit to the audience that you’re sweet on them, Mikey Boy!?” The amusement was clear in Richie’s piercing blues and Michael was tempted to smack it right off.
“Shut your mouth and get back to work, ya bastard!”
Michael knew the guy talked shit about him behind his back but regardless Michael was in your life WAAAY before this guy was even a factor! He wasn’t going anywhere,, unless you told him to but he hoped that never happened.
Your boyfriend didn’t like how you kept Michael around but he knew how to put on a mask too, being a FBI agent and all that, which means he was hardly around anyway so…that gave Michael more time with you in the end, which definitely made your boyfriend more irritated when he bothered to check in from work!
Michael found it funny that your boyfriend thought he was doing something by flying back to Indiana with you to spend (the controversial holiday) thanksgiving with your dad, step-mother, and half-siblings just to disappear again into his work as soon as the both of you returned to chicago.
While he was off on a case, Michael was there taking on the failed promises, which included: tree shopping.
Having a hybrid schedule, working as a publisher and just starting a meeting with a client, you were caught off guard the morning Michael greeted you on your front steps on HIS birthday.
He was all grins and barely in the appropriate wear for the approaching winter but fr! a hoe never gets cold you know? “You asked what i feel like doing for my birthday, right sweetheart? Spending it with you doll face and gettin’ us a tree, how’s that sound?”
You can can barely get any words out due to being on a call but a sweet smile that actually matched your eyes was enough confirmation—although it was on the tip of your tongue to argue, Michael took that to his advantage that you couldn’t in that moment.
Which didn’t mean you wouldn’t hammer him with texts a little later—but Michael sucked at texting so your attempts would probably go unseen anyway.
It was around six, you just got off thirty minutes ago and went to freshen up, ready to text Michael when he’s already at your door, keys in hand, shining teeth of a smile, your favorite sandwich in hand: a wrapped Porchetta, chicken parm, or a caprese sandwich (if you don’t eat meat) ready for you to eat on the go, since the farm closes at eight-thirty and the drives about thirty to forty-five minutes depending on the traffic…
Michael’s got terrible road rage and hates traffic but you’re not the best driver when the sky falls so you have no choice this evening but…he’s at ease with you on the passenger side.
He’s telling you entertaining stories as you eat and when you’re done, he’s asking for your review—although it’s your favorite sandwich so of course it’s going to be highly rated! but he just likes to hear you talk about the things you enjoy
he’s interested in your day since your work days are completely different and he’s not afraid to give his opinions if the author you’re working with sounds like an asshole.
Shopping with you can sometimes take forever but Michael doesn’t seem to mind. If you’re looking for the perfect tree, even if it’s ugly as hell, you’re gonna get the damn tree.
He’s used to artificial trees because the real one his family had after he just turned fifteen, his ma threw a lit cigarette at once, unbeknownst to the rest of the berzatto family, almost burning it to a crisp as she whipped around to yell at a seven year old Sugar about something, so his dad swore off “spending his hard earned money for Donna to ruin,” leaving Michael to stop looking forward to Christmas trees
Yet he was here on his birthday with you, happy to be here and help you find whatever you needed.
“What about that one?” You pointed at what would probably be the eighth one, if Michael thought to keep count.
He can’t help it—
He glances over his shoulders and scowls, “looks like uncle Lee, fucking balding in the middle.”
“Wha? Am I wrong?! I’m just sayin, sweetheart…if you love that one, I’ll like it.” Michael raised his hands in surrender while you huffed, rolled your eyes and spun on your flats, diving in between a row of fully stocked trees.
Eventually you find a wide white spruce tree that the both you felt strongly about to bring back home
and the man is willing to throw his back out for you, getting it up your steep front steps, not allowing you to help him one bit, which is frustrating for you ofc.
Once positioned in your living room, just the way you want it, Michael wipes the back of his hand against his forehead dramatically.
“What would you like to drink?”
“I’m fine. Just gonna get some air, then when I get back we’ll discuss when you want to decorate it, yeah?”
You shake your head at Michael while he heads back to the front of the house through the screened in entrance before entering November’s air.
When he’s taking longer than expected, you go hunting for him just to flail around on some black ice after stepping down from the last step but manage to somewhat catch yourself on the railing.
Thankful for a bruise rather than a broken tailbone, you curse to yourself as the throbbing pain shoots down your femur.
And surely, Michael fucking berzatto appears from the shadows to assist you, “hey! whatcha doin’ down there?”
“I slipped on some stupid black ice…where were you?”
“You sure it wasn’t the yellow snow?”
“The what?” You exasperate as Michael guides you to your feet.
Michael points at the spot to the right of your front lawn and you scowl as he says, “you know what they say, don’t eat yellow snow!”
He laughs but stops short as you cut your eyes at him, “did you come out here to piss on my lawn when there’s two bathroom’s inside?”
Michael scoffs, “don’t go pointin’ fingers at me because you busted your ass. That ain’t my fault babe and you know I wouldn’t do that! I told you that was Richie’s drunk ass.”
Sighing you rub at your sore thigh, “I still owe him a kick in the ass for that.”
“Yeah you do,” Michael smirks as the both of you move to head back inside, “despite that, it was good house warming.”
You nod as you’re back inside the warmth of your new home and rest against the couch while Michael’s back to analyzing the tree you picked. “Hey, I’ve got you something.”
Michael shakes his head although a twitch of a grin is there,“I told you that you didn’t need to get me anything.”
“Shush,” you held up your hand at the man who raised his brows at you, “it’s nothing crazy but it’s in the fridge.”
He sighs at you but goes to your bright yellow kitchen nonetheless. Michael always gets caught up standing in your kitchen, just imagining all the meals he could get up to in here since it seems so bright and welcoming yet empty.
You were more of a breakfast person which is why he was always down to go to diners because of you, whereas he was more a lunch person because of his old man, hence why Chicagoland was a deli spot but Michael was okay with shifting his ways for you.
When he opens your fridge, he scans through it, easily picking up on what items belongs to your macho boyfriend and scoffs to himself before spotting a medium sized box tucked in the back of the fridge.
“Did you find it, Mikey?” You call out to your friend who latches onto the box, kneeing the fridge closed before making his way back into the living room.
He plops down on the couch next to you, eyeing you while you smile over at him patiently waiting.
“Here goes nothing,” Michael quietly says before pulling the top back to eye the mold of the zuccotto, “…you fucking didn’t.”
“I did,” you nod before explaining, “I thought about making one but I also didn’t want to disappoint you and then I remembered you’ve been wanting to try that bakery that’s here on my side of town, so I made a call and hope you like it.”
Michael swallows the lump in his throat at the gesture. He can’t remember the last time someone’s got him a cake but this wasn’t just some simple task. This was important because this means you listened.
You listened to how he told you that his nonna used to call him, “pumpkin bear,” because he was chunky and the shade of a Orange left in the sunlight fresh out the womb and that she made the best zuccotto he’s ever had and never tried anyone else’s since she’s passed.
Not even his ma could touch his nonna’s but he would never tell the woman that!
“The bakery’s a combined Italian-French place which they don’t really advertise until you’re actually inside but the little elderly lady who made it was the cutest thing and I thought you’d probably trust her.”
“I wanna kiss you on the mouth, you’re so good to me, you have no idea!” Michael pointed at you, voice thick with emotion.
This may seem small to any other but it really meant a lot and you could sense that as Michael gripped your hand to squeeze and press kisses to. “Happy birthday, Mikey.” You whisper.
Michael groans as he pinched the corners of his wet eyes for a moment, “I love you, you know?”
“I love you back,” you smile, “now can we try!?”
“Hell yeah we can but I get first bite this time.”
“I guess…it is your birthday after all.” You wink.
The taste test was so worth it, to the point Michael made it his mission to go meet the elderly woman down at her bakery during one of his breaks from the restaurant.
He shared kind words and got to know Giuseppina or “Josy,” up until the point they actually became friendly with Josy sending her husband Charles over to try what Chicagoland had to offer as well.
He had you to thank for that, reminding him of the good in his life, even what once was.
It isnt until the first week of December when Michael comes around again to decorate your tree.
“What the hell happened?” Michael quizzes you when he spots you with a brace taking up a huge portion of your thigh.
Guess that makes sense why you took so long to get the door.
You sigh, “hello to you too, Mike. Care to come in?”
“Yeah, yeah. Hi.” Michael greets, gripping your hip and pressing a kiss to your cheek before stepping into the too warm house.
You tell him you slipped again and that resulted into a bruised bone, which is less severe than a fracture and something you can heal at home with ice, and meds you wouldn’t be taking—so you’re just taking it easy.
“Why hasn’t inspector gadget put down any salt yet?” Michael commented as he shoved his thin jacket into the small closet tucked in the corner of the living room.
You have your oddly placed fireplace lit and boxes everywhere to dig through.
Sighing you plop back on the couch, “He’s busy but he brought up the decorations from the basement and I can do the salt myself.”
“Oh yeah? Why haven’t you?”
“…it’s cold.”
Michael fans his hands at you, “newsflash babe, we’re in Chicago not Kansas or wherever the hell he’s from and after we’re done tackling this tree, I’m gonna fix it.”
“Did you hear what I said?”
The look he sent you with his dark eyes made you mold your lips together and cross your arms before you pushed off the couch to head over to a few of the boxes.
Michael does the honors of playing some Motown Christmas music on your tv to fill the tension, but he wouldn’t apologize for looking out for you.
The bare minimum when it comes to your boyfriend doesn’t impress him, not one bit and although you didn’t like and told Michael that you didn’t like him dragging your man, you couldn’t change Michael’s mind about him at all!
He was gonna hurt you and Michael was waiting for the asshole to just rip the band aid off or when you woke up and dumped him yourself.
Michael knew you had it in you and knew you deserved better than to just settle for what looks good on paper.
The smooth deep growl of Marvin Gaye singing, “I want to come home for Christmas,” (I heavily stand on the fact that Marvin Gaye is one of Michael’s favorite singers!) filled your home as the both of you went through the boxes, picking out your decor that brought all sorts of feelings to your frame.
You reminisced about what your life was and if your dad still had any of your old ornaments you made as a child, knowing your mother would have and what your life could be as you took your side of the tree, placing ornaments up as Michael hummed to the music.
The both of you worked in silence which wasn’t the usual although Michael was much louder than you, being quiet wasn’t the norm of your friendship.
And it wasn’t because of what Michael said to you, you weren’t that sensitive—it was you getting in your head about the holidays.
About your dad, step-mom, and siblings deciding not to speed Christmas with you like originally planned because they were going on a cruise and the possibility of your boyfriend traveling to freaking Europe around that time for work made you think about the upcoming loneliness
Yes you had another friend outside of Michael but it was just this odd feeling that you didn’t particularly want to define or gave much thought about until now…
“Hey, stop thinkin’ so hard and just be here with me, huh? Your favorite person on the planet.” Michael calls over the music, after catching you staring up at the length of the tree with one ornament still in your hand.
When your eyes meet his and that famous grin stretched over his features, you roll your eyes once you realized what he said, bringing you back into the spirit and moved around the living room in search of your stool.
Michael holds the stool until your comfortably on it before moving one hand to the small of your back to keep you stable.
When you glance back at him you state, “how do you know?”
“Know what?”
“You’re my favorite person when there’s a billion people in this place?”
“Ah, It’s all over your face! You know how they say heart on your sleeve? Well in your case, it’s on your face.” Michael comments as he holds your stare before you slowly get down to be face to face with him, “and don’t you worry, you’re mine too.” 🥹🥹🥹
You pat his jaw, “damn straight, baby. And don’t you forget it.”
“Never will,” Michael chuckles, “do I get to do the honors of putting up the star?”
You plop down on the couch, digging through what’s left in the box you were working on, “we don’t have a star.”
“…Run that by me again?” Michael turns to you.
You nod, “we wanted to do something…less traditional and it was between either a bow or what he went for…a stag.”
Michael eyes the topper and scowls as he reaches for the cream deer head, “im gonna keep my mouth shut on this one.”
“Thank you.”
after awhile, Michael finds his way collapsed next to you eyeing the tree as the both of you sip at some cranberry punch you made the other day, eyeing some rosemary you had floating through it.
“It actually turned out pretty, no?” You ask, shoulder to shoulder with the bearded man.
Michael sips from the mason jar and savors the earthy tangy flavor, “best lookin’ tree I’ve ever seen!”
Resting your head against Michael’s shoulder you take in the scenery, feeling a little less alone as Michael’s lips peck your brow, reminding you that it’s best to hold onto what you have, rather than what you don’t. 
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆𐙚 ⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆𐙚 ⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆𐙚 ⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆𐙚 ⋆⁺₊
read my final ~5 days of Xmas~ anthology prompt here.
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quartztwst · 11 months
his treatment of kalim, while it is a two way street, but he complains that kalim never does anything for himself, when its j*mil who never lets kalim do such. Kalim is probably the most nicest character, and j*mils midirected anger pisses me off so bad 😭, especially since j*mil could’ve honestly talked to kalim about it.
While it might not be as socially acceptable, it would be for him because its KALIM he wants to talk too. Instead of immediately resorting to taking him out of the equation he could’ve just talked to him, im sure kalim would’ve been open to it !! 😭😭 j*mils overblot also was just hella annoying 😔 YOU can like him, and ofc think of the situation otherwise, just me personally i didnt lkke how it was handled 😭😔
i do like his design though, and his development and concept is something i enjoy, just not how it was handled 😔
In my defense,
He's 17
HELPP LMAO but anyways. Yeah, all of that is totally valid and I actually don't know that much about Jamil but I do think the hate is misdirected but at the same time, i believe its understandable why. I think the reason why he hates Kalim is because of his obliviousness to the situation they're in and also obviously because he's always after him.
"His parents kept telling him he's under Kalim. Why not hate them?"
Yeah his parents forced him to do that but that's HIS parents. The one he loves. That's family and he knows their situation.
"Why couldn't he hate Kalim's parents then?"
No doubt he holds some type of resentment for them too idk
But I don't think he is as close with kalim's parents to even feel that much hatred as he is with Kalim. Like yk you don't even know that person well enough to even hate them.
I do think he does hold resentment for them but I believe since he's more near Kalim and is always told:
"Kalim goes first"
"Kalim wins."
"Kalim is above you."
He's told that constantly and they don't mention "Oh his parents are better" or smth
His parents probably said "Kalim's family is above us" but I do think "Kalim is first" or smth like that has been consistently said to him that it's been ingrained in his mind.
Also imagine ur parents putting another kid above you, would you not hate that kid? I mean yeah you'll hate your parents but also that kid too.
Like the sheer resentment and confusion you'll feel because "what makes that kid better than me?" "What's so much better?" "Aren't I better?" "Do you not love me?"
LIKE IMAGINE WHAT JAMIL FELT WHEN HIS PARENTS WERE LIKE "don't do that!!! Kalim needs to win!!"
And also he's been doing shit for Kalim since they were born so I think he's just doing his job when he keeps doing shit himself and doesnt let Kalim do it 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ idk I literally don't know but it's silly but he consistently does it so Kalim could look good. Everything he does is for Kalim to look good like he's taught.
And that's kind of the reason why he went to NRC so he could escape from Kalim and focus on becoming a cool wizard but Kalim's dad found that and literally shoved Kalim into it too, ruining Jamil's freedom. Crowley got paid a small loan of million madols and made Kalim dormleader.
Yeah it's not Kalim's fault but it deepens Jamil's hate for him because HE worked hard but Kalim's daddy pays the school and boom, Kalim's dormleader.
I think that's why he says Kalim's mere existence makes him defer everything for him. He has to put off winning a board game, he has to put off competitions, he has to put off getting good grades, he doesnt become dormleader for Kalim to look good.
And the fact that he had to put off EVERYTHING for Kalim. I mean yeah they could've talked but JAMIL ISNT VERY OPEN LIKE THAT. Kalim would really love it if Jamil was open about it but Jamil was always told to hold off his tongue. HE'S BEEN TAUGHT THAT.
I LOVE KALIM TOO don't get me wrong I love Kalim but hating on Jamil is a GRRRRRRRRRRRRR for me like GRRRRRRRR
I used to hate Jamil for that same exact reason. Why did he betray Kalim? Kalim did nothing wrong to him. But I just got to understand Jamil a little more.
Even if Kalim is the nicest character, there's people that hate him.
I'm sorry for going off on a rant and stuff. I see Jamil hate and I start being a Jamil Defender
Yall call him a hypocrite
I call him misunderstood 🥺 (pick me Jamil please pick me)
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