#just dm me if something is inaccurate or offensive and tell me how i can make it better
ya-what--ya-erster · 11 months
Hey can we stop being assholes please
TW: implied slurs, suicidal thoughts, SA (sort of?)
you aren't cool when you use racial slurs or homophobic slurs or any other slurs and you aren't cool when you make fun of people who have mental health problems or disabilities (physical or mental)
"Did you see the (Yes, the n-word im sorry) over there?" Go back to the, like, 1800s please. Racism is not cool. Don't say that word.
"Nobody likes you, you (f-slur, sorry again)." Do you realize how much it hurts when us queer folk hear that? And we hear it a lot. So please don't. We don't need the whole world to hate us. It isn't hard to just be kind.
"Oh, your name is Austin? More like autistic" Okay NOT AN OKAY INSULT. Literally stfu. Autism is not something you should be repulsed by. It's not something you should use as an insult. Autistic people are people just like you.
"People who have anxiety/depression are such weirdos." Yeah thanks, I heard you, now I want to die even more thanks so much. I will gladly off myself so you dont have to deal with such a "weirdo."You've confirmed that nobody wants me here and that people think badly of me. I really appreciate it.
"We should dress up as special Ed kids for halloween cuz then we can pretend to be stupid freaks!" Do you even realize you're talking about another human being. Actually, do you? I'm not sure you do. Be nicer.
All of the above is things I've heard, occasionally they're directed at me. I haven't heard anything much on the next example so bear with me.
Don't do the thing where you call the girl a whore and slut shame her and then pat the guy on the back cuz he got laid. Just, no. Don't make the girl feel like she's done something wrong, then tell the guy good job. STAWP.
Next thing, recent experience, sorry if you're the ppl who have already heard me be pissed about it.
Respect privacy. Respect boundaries. When the person in front of you in line for lunch keeps moving away from you, you're too close, back up. Don't touch their ass. Don't stand so close that you can feel them shaking with fear. And don't try to pull the same thing twice. (btw, i told him off yesterday and it felt very nice).
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a-cloudy-dayy · 2 years
helping your little with cronic pain!🦭
(this is based on the experience i have with my little and from research i made but it can be different for every kiddo)
☁️ listen to what they tell you, do not take their pain as something unimportant or silly
☁️ assure them that it's not their fault nor did they do something wrong to have to go through this
☁️ do not force them to do more than what they are capable of unless they request it
☁️ suggest warm baths or a massage
☁️ stablish a routine with simple tasks they can do + reward them when they complete the tasks
☁️ give them lots of attention and reassuring words
☁️ make sure they have a proper sleeping/eating schedule (poor sleep can worsen pain)
☁️ they might suggest their own way of dealing with that pain and it's your job to listen and not criticize it
☁️ avoid over-focusing on the pain as to not make them think about it more than they should
☁️ do not isolate your kiddo, encourage them to play maybe sitting down or cooking something as well
☁️ avoid being over-protective: we all make a huge fuss when our babies are in pain and believe me, it's a normal thing, but in some cases it can make the situation even more overwhelming for them
☁️ if needed, prompt them so they can tell you where they're feeling the pain + avoid touching the area unless they request you to
☁️ even in pain, your kiddo should respect the rules that have been specified beforehand, that means they dont have any kind of immunity to those (do not accept bad behavior or hurtful words)
☁️ don't go crazy over trying to find a cause for your kiddos pain, most of the time, no matter how much research you do, it doesn't have an identifiable cause. it will just make them feel worse about it, let's try to avoid it.
☁️ plan activities that don't require much movement, something they can enjoy and have fun with
☁️ cuddles are a must, of course with your kiddo's consent first
☁️ help them with tasks only when needed
☁️ i cannot stress this enough: assure them it's not their fault to go through this!!
☁️ make them laugh, those precious giggles should never disappear
☁️ make sure they are wearing comfy clothes and that they have their favorite stuffie with them
☁️ put some relaxing music and try some breathing exercises
☁️ big stretches can help (only in some cases) so try to add it in the routine as well
☁️ always do your research, they deserve to have someone acknowledging their situation
most importantly: don't leave them alone, validate their feelings and the pain they are in. it's important for us to be empathetic and to understand. it can get too much at some point but if it's hard for you imagine how hard it can be for them! take a deep breath, regain some power and go back to that kiddo that loves you <3
and to those little kiddos that struggle with this, you're seen, you're important and you are so so valid! there's always a rainbow after the storm💌
if there is something inaccurate, offensive or explained wrongly please let me know either on my dms or asks and i will change it!
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dekuscrybaby · 4 years
Bakugou with a reader that is anorexic? Maybe bc she wants to look better in her hero outfit or she wants to be more like the rest of the girls in 1-A? Sorry if it’s a triggering topic!
hi, love!! thank you for requesting this!! i’m sorry it took a bit of time, i had to do a little bit of research so i don’t offend anyone who is dealing with something like this. i’m hoping i did i decent job at this but i’m sorry if it’s inaccurate or offensive, please feel free to educate me if something is wrong or too stereotypical. this is considered a triggering topic so i’ll be sure to add a warning and put the hcs under the cut for the sake of everyone. before you read, i just want to say that if you are dealing with something like this that you’re beautiful!! everyone deserves to feel great in their skin and seeking help does not mean you’re weak or anything, i hope every one of you is well. please stay healthy and my inbox and dms are open if you ever just want to chat or get something off your chest! also remember that society sucks ass and their opinion does not matter, you’re freaking awesome regardless!
TW: eating disorder below the cut!!!
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bakugou with a fem s/o who’s anorexic
i’m going to be honest with you and i’m sorry if this sounds blunt but it’s what i hc
bakugou does not care what you look like!!!
you will always and i mean ALWAYS be beautiful to him in his eyes
he might not say it but he genuinely believes you are the most beautiful girl he’s seen and that’s kinda obvious bc he’s with you for a reason and that’s bc you're beautiful inside and out 😌💅
you’re his distraction from hero work 😳 but he really doesn’t mind bc you’re so damn pretty
now actually addressing the request!
bakugou is deadass head empty on hero course work so he might not notice the subtle signs of anorexia
he does notice that you stopped eating lunch with him as much as you used to but you would always use the school work as an excuse
and who is he to deny his girl his education?
so you’re in the clear for a little while until he starts to notice you look a bit sick
your once vibrant eyes now look dead and sunken in
but he just thinks you’re staying up too late for homework
he can only remind you to sleep some more before putting that thought aside
he next notices how your hair begins to fall out in clumps when he tries to run his fingers through your hair 
“it’s an allergic reaction to this hair mask i did the other night” he doesn’t quite believe it but he doesn’t want to doubt you so he’ll let it slide again
he starts to become extra suspicious when he finally gets you to eat lunch with him after so long
he notices that you’re adding a bunch of numbers together while you’re pointing at each item in your lunch 
his eyebrows are furrowed and he’s questioning why you’re counting until he notices a litter of bruises along your arm as your blazer rides up a little
instantly grips your arm and questions you
“why’re you bruised?”
he glances down at your exposed thighs and notices that your skirt fits a lot looser than he remembers
now that he’s looking at it, your blazer seems to fit loose too, and your shirt
“babe, what’s going on?” his voice is stern but not too angry, he’s dialing it back for you
you rip your arm from his grip, wincing as your skin is a lot more sensitive since you’ve stopped eating
“nothing” you grumble before leaving the cafeteria and going into the bathroom 
you can’t help but glance over your reflection, feeling sick at what you see, but that’s not your fault, your mind has been taken over by this disorder
as you’re poking around your tummy and thighs, mumbling about how you feel “disgusting”
the bell rings and you sigh before walking back to class, avoiding bakugou on your way back
the lack of food in your system makes it hard for you to concentrate in class so you’re almost dozing off until you hear everyone move around and suddenly bakugou’s in front of your desk
“are you deaf or something now?”
“we’re practicing hand-to-hand combat, go get dressed in your gym uniform”
you do as your you’re told, making sure to change in a bathroom stall bc you don’t want to hear any remarks from your friends over how “disgusting” you look
you walk out onto the training field and bakugou’s eyes rake over your figure and this uniform also fits a lot more looser than he remembers
he’s slowly piecing it together but it’s still not completely pieced
he’s still deep in thought trying to figure out what’s going on and that’s when you’re called up for your turn
the moment you begin to exert your body, you pass out
bakugou goes ape shit after this and does not hesitate to take you to the nurse’s office 
seeing as you’re lacking nutrients, your instantly hooked onto an iv so you can regain everything you’ve been losing up to this point
bakugou had to plead and beg in order for recovery girl to let him in on what was happening
it took a lot of pleading and begging
once he’s filled in, he feels like a shitty boyfriend for not noticing sooner and he plans to have a few words with you when you wake up
so when you do wake up, you feel a something rough circling on the back of your hand and you freak out a little
you accidentally tug on the iv and it makes you a little uncomfortable until bakugou begins to comfort you, trying to make sure you don’t injure yourself 
once you’re calm, he stares at you with this look in his eyes that looks both angry and concerned, but it’s more concerned than anything
“what the hell was going through your mind, dumbass?”
“what are you talking about?” you still don’t want him to know
he sighs, “the old hag told me everything already. please, just let me in, tell me what’s wrong.”
you look away from his intense stare “nothing’s wrong”
“y/n, you passed out during training! and it wasn’t even bc you’ve been overworking yourself, you’ve been starving yourself. what’s going on?”
something about the look in his eyes and tone of his voice brings out the tears
you didn’t mean to worry him, but you did
so you spill 
“i’m so sorry.”
“hey, hey, hey. don’t be sorry. just tell me what’s wrong, maybe i can help,” he rubs gentle circles into your wrist
“i just- i hate the way i look. every time i look at myself, i feel so gross. especially in my hero suit and i found myself wanting to be as thin as the other girls. so i thought that if i stopped eating or at least limited my calorie intake, i’d lose all the unwanted weight.”
as you’re telling your story, bakugou’s frowning because he feels like he could’ve done a better job at expressing just how perfect you are in his eyes
“i didn’t think this would lead me into passing out and worrying you, i’m sorry for being stupid.”
“damn right you were being stupid.” he responds with his gruff voice
“i can’t believe you believed that dumb voice in your head.”
“‘suki what are you talking about?”
“i’m saying that you’re actually the most perfect girl in our class and i can’t believe you can’t see that. you definitely did not need to lose weight but if you really wanted to be healthier then there are better methods you could’ve followed instead of just hurting yourself. i think you look absolutely stunning in everything you wear including your hero costume. you’re hands down the hottest student in the hero course, after me of course. you’re the hottest girl in this damn school.”
that second to last line makes you giggle quietly, which he’s so glad to hear 
“but seriously, you’re absolutely perfect in my eyes. don’t change yourself because you want to look like everyone else. you really scared the shit out of me, don’t do it again, please. i will literally hype the fuck out of you every morning until you start to see how you perfect you are. i love you okay?”
you could only smile and nod, “i love you too.”
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