#just deliberating on if I should upload it or not so uh well here it is.
verefex · 1 year
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Corrupted by slime. I don't think the city is safe
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suzukiblu · 1 year
"Okay," Cassie says, and the two of them head into the kitchen together. She should definitely, definitely call somebody, but she still doesn't. "So the name thing . . . do you want one that actually means something, or just one that sounds cool, or . . . ?"
"I just want one," Not-Kon/Not-Match says with a shrug, opening the fridge and peering inside. "Not gonna be picky about the details, this is more about performing emergency emotional triage and asserting an individual identity and sense of self as quickly as possible than anything else." 
"Uh," Cassie says, just staring at him for a moment. "What?" 
"I might have some superhero-grade therapy technique uploads in my head," Not-Kon/Not-Match admits, pointing at his temple for a moment. "Which is probably a point for somebody not Tim making me, because I cannot imagine that dude's ever spoken to a single fucking therapist who wasn't either from Arkham or the victim of a crime. There's soba noodles and shrimp in here, how's that sound? Oh, and edamame." 
"I'm down with that," Cassie says. "Do you want any help?" 
"Do you know how to cook soba noodles?" he asks. "Or edamame?" 
"Honestly I didn't know you had to cook edamame at all," Cassie says. 
"Raw soy protein is poisonous," he says. 
". . . so yeah I'll just do the dishes when you're done, how's that," Cassie offers sheepishly. 
"Solid plan," he says, then points at the kitchen island. Cassie sits down on one of the barstools in front of it and pulls out her phone to start browsing, like, baby names sites or something. 
"All the really good names I know are Greek," she says. "Don't know any available Kryptonian ones, like I said. I thiiiiink Lex Luthor might be German but don't quote me on that and really, fuck that guy anyway."
"Yeah, I don't want anything to do with him," Not-Kon/Not-Match agrees, pulling a package of noodles and some weirdly random-seeming vegetables out of the fridge. "He already messed with and mind-controlled Kon, fuck if I wanna find out what he'd try and do to me." 
"'Conner' is an Irish name, apparently?" Cassie suggests as she skims search results, frowning consideringly at her phone. "As far as I know Kon only went by it because it sounds kinda like 'Kon-El' but I guess it's still an option." 
"Hm," Not-Kon/Not-Match says, frowning too. "Well, that's as good a place to start as any. Although you really don't have to think about it this hard, I really did mean it when I said I wasn't gonna be picky about this." 
"You're four hours old and your entire existence is a massive ethics violation," Cassie says, glancing up at him again. He's busy reading the back of the soba noodles' packaging, but still clearly listening to her. Hopefully that's a good sign, that he's been listening to her. "I am definitely gonna think about it this hard. Or do you want, like . . . a Tim-adjacent name, maybe? If he made you?"
"I don't know," Not-Kon/Not-Match says. "Him making me is still just my best guess and it might not be great for his secret ID either. Also I don't know if I hate him for making me yet or not, so I don't know if I want anything to do with him either." 
"Point," Cassie says, frowning again and trying another site. That . . . might be a problem, yeah. If Tim actually is currently messed up enough to deliberately make a whole entire person and also try to make that person Kon . . . 
Well, he's probably not gonna react well to said person not being Kon, for starters. Especially if said person also wants nothing to do with him. 
Gods, yeah, there's a horrible thought. 
Please just don't let this lead to Gun Batman, Cassie prays to herself. Please don't let that be where this situation is heading. 
"Hmmm," she says. "Well, either way Kon's still like, your brother, right? So it'd make sense to give you a name related to one of his."
"I don't really know," Not-Kon/Not-Match says thoughtfully as he sets up a pot of water on the stove and starts sorting through the vegetables on the counter to line them up next to the cutting board. "Although I guess he might've thought so? Apparently he called Match his brother when they first met. And, you know, I have a functioning concept of free will and I don't have any particular desire to murder him or his friends, so he probably would've liked me better than he liked Match. Then again, Kon's also already dead, so maybe I'd feel differently about the murder thing if he weren't? But if he weren't dead I wouldn't exist anyway, so . . . catch-22, maybe?" 
Cassie, again, is reminded that Not-Kon/Not-Match is still running the numbers on the supervillain thing. So . . . yeah. That is very much a thing, still. 
"Please tell me that your mental uploads told you that murder is bad," she says, eyeing him warily again. If they didn't, she and Tim are going to be having an even longer long talk than the one she's already planning. 
"They did," Not-Kon/Not-Match confirms. "They also told me that I was Kon, though, so I'm currently taking all their provided information with a grain of salt." 
Fuck everything, Cassie thinks with far too much feeling.
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ignitedbynatsu · 3 years
Are You Really That Dense?
A/N: sooo what we've learned is that when I say I will upload the next day, you should probably expect an update a day or two later 😅. Anyway this one is requested by @enchantingpeachherocreator I hope you like it as much as I loved writing it ❤️
Warnings: swearing
Genre: angst tot fluff
"So when are you going to confess your unconditional love for him?" The green-haired mage took a seat beside you as he caught you staring at his friend once again.
"I will once you admit your own feelings" you shot back, not taking any relationship advice from someone that wasn't even ready to accept their own feeling.
"I'm afraid that I do not know what you are talking about" he tried to play the dumb card which only earned him an eye roll from you.
"I doubt he even sees me that way" you mumbled, breaking your one-sided staring context, leaning your head on your crossed arms in front of you.
"Why don't you hint that you see him as more than just a friend?" Freed suggested at which you scoffed "if the obvious flirting isn't gonna do it, then I don't know what, I bet even Natsu has noticed how I feel, and he hasn't even noticed how Lucy looks at him like he has hung the stars in the sky"
"Yeah... Even I'm surprised that Bickslow hasn't caught on yet. It's almost getting painful" he agreed
"Maybe he's deliberately ignoring it like Gray's doing with Juvia" you mumbled. You'd rather have him straight out reject you than just stringing you along just 'cause he thinks it's fun. You weren't a toy he could play with and just throw away when he lost interest.
"How about one last big gesture? If he doesn't pick up on that then maybe it's indeed better to move on" your friend proposed. You finally lifted your head up from your arms to look at him. "Like what?"
"I don't know... Something personal" he pondered his own suggestions for a second before he suddenly snapped his fingers like an amazing idea just crossed his mind "isn't there a saying like the way through a man's heart is through his stomach?"
"Freed! You're a genius!" At that moment, your eyes got reignited with a sparkle of hope that you had lost over the past weeks.
You knew that you were probably settings yourself up for failure, but you didn't care because you had hope. Hope that Freed, his and your best friend, had given, and he wouldn't give you false hope if he knew you had no chance, right?
Due to the anticipation for Bickslow, you could hardly sleep that. Possible outcomes swirled through your mind that went from a picture-perfect scenario to the most heartbreaking rejection. You hoped with every cell in your body it would be the first.
"Hi Bickslow!" your usual cheerful self was amplified, and he didn't have the slightest clue as to why.
"Hey (Y/N), what you got there?" His eyes fell upon the box that you were carrying in your hands.
"Oh you know, I was a bit bored last night and thought I'd do something sweet to show how much I appreciate you" you explained as you opened the box to reveal his favourite cake.
"Just for me? If I didn't know better I would think you'd try to confess something" he gladly took a slice and let his teeth sink into the sweet dessert you had poured all your love in last night.
A nervous chuckle escaped your lips "about that..."
"(Y/N), this tastes horrible" he laughed as he placed the half-eaten piece back into the box "you trying to poison me or something?"
"I didn't think it tasted that bad" the hope left your eyes as soon as it came as you watched the man in front of you ridicule your baking skills.
"Then you should let your taste buds get checked out. No wonder you only wanted me to taste that garbage" he took the box and threw it into the nearest bin, along with your heart.
You were devastated, heartbroken and humiliated as the whole guild looked at what Bickslow was making such a fuss over. Perhaps he was just stringing you along. "Sorry"
Freed and Laxus sighed as they saw the heartbroken girl ran out of the guild and their clueless friend staring at her retrieving form "what's her problem?"
"Even you can't be that dense" Laxus scoffed in disbelief at his friend's question.
"What do you mean?" Freed was getting more and more fed up with his friends acts, especially since it was hurting his other best friend, so when that final question left his mouth he decided to draw the line.
"Stop it, Bickslow. Just stop it. I cannot believe you just did that to her. You really wanna keep playing the dumb card and act like you don't know how she feels about you? How she has been feeling about you for the last couple of months? You could have just turned her down softly, but no, you wanted to make a big deal out of it and humiliate her in the process. I hope you had a good laugh out of it, asshole" the green-haired mage didn't even wait for a reaction as he stormed out of the guild as well, determined to find his best friend.
"... She likes me?" He was doing his best to process Freed words. Words he had longed for so long to hear. He could have never imagined hearing them in this situation.
He didn't mean to hurt you. That was never his intention. He thought you had done something in the cake to mess with him. How could he have possibly known that it was part of your confession? Something he could've never hoped you'd do one day. After all, he always thought you were way out of his leak. He was certain that any chance of you reciprocating his feelings, was now completely out of the window. The worst part, he had nobody but himself to blame for that.
"You fucked up" Laxus also got up to leave him but Bickslow stopped "Laxus! You have to help me. I didn't mean to hurt her. I really didn't know. Please, I don't know what to do."
His pleas were to no avail as the blonde shook his head "I'm sorry, but, you're on your own for this one"
Some may say that it was unfair the way Laxus treated him, but he knew that if Bickslow wanted to make things right, he'll have to do it on his own. He had to show her he really meant it. Plus it was also a bit of payback for making his friend cry, but that was just a bonus.
He tried talking to you, he really did, but you were always busy. If you had no excuse, Freed was certain to step in and guide you away. It frustrated Bickslow, but he knew he had no right to feel that way. Not at your nor at Freed. He fucked it up.
You on the other hand were torn. You wanted to listen to him, have to hear what he had to say, but you couldn't. You wouldn't survive opening your heart back open to him only for it to be shattered moments later again. Yet, you still cared. Noticing every little thing that changed from his quietness to his slouched posture, nothing passed by you.
That's how you noticed the bandages around his fingers and the one covering his cheek, making him not able to put on his helmet.
"Where are you going?" You ignored Freed's questions as you made your way to where Bickslow was sitting alone.
You towered over him as you stopped right next to the table he was sitting at "what happened?"As soon as he heard your voice it felt like the wind got knocked out of him. He had practised the words he wanted to say to you countless times in his head, yet when you were standing here, next to him, all he could say was your name. "(Y/N)..."
You tilted your head a bit to the side as you waited for him to continue, but no words left his mouth. You nodded your head once as you understood that he didn't want to talk to you. Had you been reading the signs wrong again? You weren't surprised if you had.
But as you turned on your heels to leave again, Bickslow grabbed your wrist. He wasn't going to let you leave again. Not this time "wait!"
You stopped in your tracks and turned back around to face him. His pleading eyes looked at you, begging you to stay. Those dark red orbs you loved so much but didn't get to see very often. All of it was enough to make you stay put and just listen to what he had to say.
"I- uh- I'm sorry" he apologized as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. Once again you waited for him to continue, but nothing came "that's it?"
He was alerted by your reaction. You didn't sound mean or dismissive as he thought you would, no, you sounded tired and heartbroken, making his heartache all the more. He did this. He was the cause of your pain 
"No, that's not what I meant, I mean it is what I mean, I am really sorry for what I did, it's just..." Your eyes softened as he struggled to find the right words. You knew you should keep your walls up, but how could you when he still held your heart?
"Let's start with what happened" you suggested as you motioned to his hands.
A faint colour of red coloured his cheeks as he looked down on his hands as well "Well, funny story actually, well not that funny, but uh-" he cleared his throat and took a deep breath. He never had a problem talking to you before, so why did it seem so impossible now? "I was trying to make you a cake, and it didn't really go as planned"
Your heart swelled at thought of his gesture, but then you remembered the way he belittled your baking skills, making you narrow your eyes again slightly "what happened to your cheek?"
"The cake kind of blew up and burned my cheek" your eyes shot up at his explanation. How do you blow up a cake? Let alone burn your cheek with it in the process?
"Anyway that's not what's important" he dismissed the story as he once again sucked in a large breath. It was now or never "I am really sorry for the way I treated you that day. I never meant to hurt you. I know it's hard to believe, but I really didn't know that you liked me back. I guess I just placed myself in the friend zone from the moment I met you because I didn't think I had any chance with you, to begin with. Because of that the thought of you actually liking me never crossed my mind."
"Why'd you think you weren't good enough for me?" You asked confused. To you, he was perfect. Sure he had done some questionable things in the past, but he showed he was a man worthy of redemption. He was a man worthy of your heart.
"I can't even put in words how perfect you are. You're everything I wished my dream woman to be and more. I always thought you'd deserve someone better like me. Someone who could treat you the way you deserved to be treated. Someone like Laxus or Freed" he tried to explain.
A soft smile played along your lips as you heard the names of your friends, who were clearly in love with each other, fall from his mouth. He really was just incredibly dense. "So please, (Y/N). Give me a chance to prove myself. I'd love you unconditionally, I will treat you the way you deserve to be treated, I... I'd even worship the ground you walk upon-"
"How about we take things slow?" You stopped him before he'd spew even more nonsense.
"Wait! So you forgive me?" He couldn't contain his excitement at the thought of you agreeing to give him a second chance, and when you gave him a sheepish nod he couldn't help but pick you up and spin you around "How about we go on a date? I take you to the best restaurant in town!"
"I'd love to you" you agreed and placed your lips softly against his cheek, making him a stuttering mess once again.
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shihalyfie · 3 years
What went down with the DigiFes situation, from the community and translator perspective
I think the events of the last few days have gotten everyone in a huge fuss, and because everything got caught up in a lot of chaotic social media stuff, there’s been a lot of questions about what came from what and who knew what at what time. Fortunately, I happen to be:
Someone who’s a veteran in this fanbase and thus has a small handful of friends in this community, who also have their own friends
Someone who understands a little Japanese (although not as much as others in this community do) and therefore can read things in Japanese myself to some degree without needing someone else to translate it for me
So hopefully I can shed some light on what kinds of things were being discussed, and what was known and not known at what time in this fanbase with all of this.
The most important thing I want to establish is that there was no organized coalition or smear campaign. (Kind of ironic I have to say this when the topic at hand has so much to do with conspiracy theories.) I’m a veteran, I know friends who are veterans, they know other friends who are veterans but don’t know me at all. My friends usually agree with and like the same things I do, and I give them advice and assistance with my skillset when I can, and they return the favor. We pass things along through the grapevine, not through some super-secret club grapevine, just via the nature of social relationships and some Discord servers (multiple; again, not everyone knows each other). So these are my impressions of what happened, based on said grapevine.
How it all started
Konaka’s blog is long. Like, really long. Which is only natural, because he was recapping basically the entire 51 episodes of Tamers in excruciating detail, so no translator in this fanbase would be able to translate all of that and not lose their mind! So for the most part people who couldn’t read Japanese had pretty much given up on reading it (with maybe a few dedicated people using machine translation), and some people who understood Japanese would point out parts they found interesting, but for all intents and purposes it remained untranslated and not super-accessible to the mainstream. (Even the Japanese fanbase itself wasn’t super aware of the blog’s existence.)
So when that first post in May about 9/11 dropped, the people who did read Japanese started going “uh...”
At the time, the DigiFes stage reading hadn't been announced yet. So, in other words, everyone reading it only knew it as, functionally, him namedropping an alt-right YouTuber and praising his observations. The reaction from anyone reading the blog at the time was something along the lines of “disappointed and mildly concerned.” (Note the mildly.)
The posts in June about the Great Reset and the anti-vaccine sentiment were when people keeping an eye on the situation started to get really worried about how far this was going to escalate. At this point, I want to make something clear that may not be apparent to those who weren’t keeping up or who are outside the fanbase: Most of the translators and Japanese-reading people deliberately chose not to be too public about this at this time.
This is the irony surrounding the fact that said translators are now being accused of trying to further “cancel culture”: cancellation was absolutely not what anyone wanted back then! If anyone wanted to create a smear campaign, 9/11 conspiracies, the Great Reset, and anti-vaccine statements are already more than enough to make a starting case. But at the time, this was a blog that very few people (Japanese or otherwise) knew about, translating it would basically just boost its platform more than it would have had in the first place (which would be counterproductive), and -- well, let’s be real, it’s not hard to imagine that people might get reactionary over it, and people would go nuts. Was there any real benefit that would come out of that? Not really, no.
So at the most, those keeping an eye on it might have vented a bit on their personal accounts, but some even tried to self-censor with “[redacted]” or vagueposting, because this was a matter that needed to be handled with delicacy. Thus, there were “mild rumors through the grapevine” about what was going on, but those who knew were trying to hold back with restraint and mostly inform people quietly in the hopes of this not needing to become some kind of huge social media campaign.
(Also, to be a bit blunt about it, it’s really hard to be in front of someone who loves Tamers and is gushing about it and showing admiration for Konaka, knowing all of this and wanting to say something, but feeling like a jerk if you pop their bubble like “also, he’s probably an alt-right conspiracy theorist now.” Not to say that the ignorance-is-bliss concept is always a good thing, but...)
But since the blog posts in question were discussing the prospect of having his sentiments in fiction, everyone reading them was on edge anticipating what might be in store for DigiFes. The hope was that it might blow over. Hopefully, everything would be in the form of subtle themes with plausible deniability, it would all stay within the realm of “it’s not worth causing a fuss over this,” that would be the end of it, and we’d all move on with our lives.
Unfortunately, “Political Correctness is activating Cancel Culture” isn’t exactly subtle.
DigiFes and the aftermath
I think it’s too easy to assign too much responsibility to the fansub group that was indirectly responsible for breaking the news for all of this, but actually, the truth is, this would have gotten out anyway.
Even when the stream itself was going on, there were Japanese livebloggers, and there were also English speakers who caught on that something was happening with “the Tamers fighting political correctness”. Some hours later, an upload of the stream went live on YouTube, and quite a few people started watching it and caught onto what was going on. If the fansub group that released the now-infamous version hadn’t done it, I’m absolutely certain someone else would have eventually (perhaps in a different language first, but nevertheless). And even before then, information about what the hell was going on was already starting to circulate in broken and incomplete forms. That fansub solidified what was going on, and perhaps accelerated the moment the bomb dropped on everyone, but if it hadn’t been there, it would have happened much more gradually and chaotically.
On top of that, while the use of Western alt-right rhetoric (seriously, please do not try to bring the “injecting Western politics into Japanese media” argument here when all of us are asking him to take the Western politics out) meant that it went over most of the Japanese audience’s heads (hence your answer to “who approved this?”), there was at least one Japanese person who was politically savvy enough to call it out for what it was in disgust. (I’m not linking them here because I’m not dumb enough to fling them in a place where some of you trigger-happy people will go after them.) They didn’t even need to be super in-tune with Western politics to get it; they understood enough to tell that there were some pretty alarming extremist views in there. If they understood that much, it was naturally going to follow that the Western side was definitely going to become aware one way or another.
Even all that aside, at the very least, said fansub is accurate; imagine how much worse this situation would have been if someone else had taken it up and confused things further with a misleading translation, or, worse, deliberately messed with the contents. Basically, this debacle could have easily been a lot worse.
I don’t think anyone expected this to get as big as it did (as in, to the point mainstream anime reporters outside the fanbase picked up on it). There was a similar tri. reading back in 2016, but even a lot of the hardcore fanbase barely remembers it exists! These aren’t even supposed to be canon, either! But when you have that disclaimer at the front, and the contents are really like that, it was probably inevitable for it to become a social media sensation. I mean the contents...sure are a thing.
One thing I should point out about the disclaimer is that it only mentions the program itself. It doesn’t bring up the blog, and it doesn’t bring up who wrote this scenario, just the fact that the program contains alt-right rhetoric and conspiracy theories. Because it does! It’s not even technically praising or condemning the content within, it just says “we don’t agree with it”! What the group did condemn was...approaching staff about it (and especially starting a fight). Because, in the end, that’s what the disclaimer was for: a heads-up about what was in there, and an added reminder that the people translating this are just translating it for the sake of informational purposes. Or, in other words:
It was a content warning. Even without the disclaimer, there were many, many people who would have recognized the contents for what they were and been caught by it unawares, and become upset by it. There were many people who said that they were glad to have that there because it at least gave them some time to mentally prepare for what they were about to be slapped with!
It really, really was a disclaimer. When you have something that level of extremely politically charged stuff, it’s only natural to start suspecting that the translation group had an agenda (official translations tend to get this a lot when content is remotely political). But no, the translation group did their due diligence, even if their opinions were starkly opposed to what was in there.
I was not personally involved in that translation, but I’ll give you this (copy-pasted with permission, from someone who wasn’t technically involved directly in it but was privy to discussions while it was being done):
no we brought up all of those questions like the fact that Yamaki's clearly off his rocker and this isn't supposed to be taken seriously in the first place or that maybe if we're lucky he'll just sound like a fake woke boomer but no matter how you slice it the plot is about him "convincing" the unbelieving Takato and co. into rallying up against the true enemy of Political Correctness and that's just literally the alt-right playbook in a nutshell
the thing even made it to YouTube, we were basically racing against the clock
I mean I really want to say this is plausible deniability but I don’t know how you can get any less subtle than this, this is not something you can mince words
like I really wish we could pass this off as “as long as you don’t know the blog you can take this innocently as political commentary or something” but I honestly don’t think this is something you can take innocently even without context
tbh the Political Correctness part is the most cringeworthy but Yamaki’s rant about fact checkers being evil and all that is probably a lot more worrying when you think about it
tbh I’ve never felt as conflicted about what’s the right thing to do as I do now
So in other words, it was not a reckless decision to just tack on a political label; it was done after a lot of consideration about the consequences to put the label on and what people would think of it with or without context, whether there might be a glimmer of light possibility to try and pass this off as more innocuous as it was, and eventually a determination that, in the end, there was indeed alt-right rhetoric in the program, and should be labeled accordingly.
The result was that, of course, everything broke out on social media, chaos burst out, a lot of hearts were unfortunately broken, and a lot of alt-righters started invading spaces accusing people of proving him right with cancel culture. Ironically, my personal observation is that, while there were exceptions, most people in the actual fanbase did honor the requests to not harass people about it, and this may actually be the most solidarity I’ve ever seen from the Digimon fanbase in my life, which is saying a lot considering how we usually tend to be a drama magnet most of the time. The ones who were actually directly messaging him were his newfound supporters locking down on offering him “support against people trying to cancel him” (I think they were more heartbroken and upset at him than anything...), and most of the harassment came from alt-righters not even in the fanbase, namesearching and sending harassing, accusatory messages to anyone involved for as much as expressing mild dismay. (You want to talk about harassment and being attacked for having an opinion? Pot, meet kettle.)
This leads us back to the question of the blog: if you’ll remember, I just said that the fansub in question did not bring it up at all. That’s because, at the beginning, there was no intention to bring it up if it wasn’t necessary; this was not intended as a smear campaign. The warning was attached to the DigiFes program because it was about the DigiFes program. But the resulting chaos had a lot of people bring up the blog because it better contextualized what was going on, and discussion led to people looking it up themselves and posting fragments of it on social media, sometimes even using machine translate.
Ultimately, that’s the reason this document was released: it was the same reason as the fansub being released at the time it was, which was “if it hadn’t been released, the alternative was watching things get disseminated more slowly and chaotically.” I will say outright that I was one of the people who got to lay eyes on that document before it was publicly released (and even helped out with some advice here and there); it’s no secret that it was being quietly passed around as an internal memo prior to the outbreak. The original version of the document had a request to not post it on public social media because of the chaos it would cause, and while I don’t know how many people got to see it before it was released, I’m under the impression that it was enough people that I was quite surprised everyone who saw it respected that request.
Why does the document contain a ton of analysis and debunking on top of just the translations? Well, when you’re translating those blog posts, you’re technically giving it a bigger platform (which was one of the reasons it was originally considered better to not post it publicly). Since the document exists primarily to inform people, especially about why certain things that may seem innocuous actually have wider context behind them, it’s going to need to contain an analysis like that.
The summary
There were a lot of decisions involved by a lot of different people through all parts of this ordeal. I think it’s fair to criticize whether they were the right decisions in retrospect or whether certain things should have been done slightly differently (including my small role in this), but nevertheless, it was one where the risks involved were thought through and taken into account in every step of the situation, with a desire to avoid chaos, or at least prevent it from getting too much worse. When you have contents like this, a controversy honestly is inevitable -- how on earth are you going to be able to put contents like Yamaki reciting off all the typical alt-right YouTuber talking points and ending in Political Correctness activating Cancel Culture and not expect that to make a stir at some point? -- and so, in the end, this wasn’t so much a conscious attempt at stirring the pot as much as it was the dam finally breaking, and a desire to keep it from spilling over too much. Nobody coordinated this! I think everyone just really hates drama.
Knowing all the steps and thoughts that went on behind all of this, I think being reactionary or accusatory for clout is the last thing anyone involved wanted to be. Considering just how many of these steps above could have easily been made into exposure, from the posts all the way back in May and June to the internal memo document that was made to keep friends quietly informed but could have been leaked to the public with only one bad actor, there was an active, common desire among people who didn’t even know each other to try and minimize the potential damage as much as possible. When you look at the situation now, of course it looks awful and hardly like something that came out of “trying to minimize damage”, but in reality there’s only so much you can do when the contents really are like that, and I personally believe everyone involved was doing what they thought was their best option as the situation kept changing.
I can’t speak for anyone else, especially since I don’t even know most of the people involved, and I didn’t have much of a role in all of this, but I think everyone involved, myself and my friends and everyone who’d been keeping tabs on this situation for months, has been going through a lot of heartbreak and conflict over what to do next, so please understand that there was a lot of thought put into all of it, and that it really was a difficult situation no matter how you look at it.
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mel-the-fangirl · 4 years
The Escort
Walter Marshall x Reader
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Words: 2,064
Warnings: none
Happy super late Valentine’s, Cavillry! As usual, this is a very very late upload but in my defense, it does say in my bio that I am a procrastinator soooo... Anyway, I’m really excited about this miniseries because I love the movie (The Wedding Date, 2005) and I really wanted to write Walter, I hope I do him justice!
Feedback (good and bad!) means the world to me as rookie writer, so I hope you’ll like, reblog and leave me some replies!
You could not believe you were doing this. You just couldn't. But there you were doing it, even though your mind screeched at you to stop and save a little dignity for yourself.
The fact that you even considered doing this was already a serious loss of dignity points, so what the hell. People did this all the time, didn’t they? There wouldn’t be a whole network of people clumped into this app if it wasn’t a normal occurrence.
It just wasn’t a normal occurrence for you.
Once you filled your head with rationalisations to make yourself feel better, you took a deep breath and began browsing through what the great city of New York had to offer.
Z, 6’, loving hands, fit, athletic, good manners, for water sports, caramel complexion.
For water sports? What in the hell did that mean? And that single initial in place of an actual name? Serial killer vibes. No, thank you.
Lenny, 6’2”, pretty fit Italian, excellent dinner companion, all occasions catered.
Alright. Okay. Now we’re talking. Tall, European, excellent dinner companion equals to good conversationalist, accommodating. Lenny goes on the list of possibilities.
Terry, 6’, my soft voice will arouse you, my strong hands will pleasure you,  let me show you how a woman should be treated, hourly/overnight rates.
Oh no no no. Major creep vibes from Terry. That ad alone had you reaching for another long swig of wine.
Joey, 5’8”, are you into champagne?, bodybuilder, will treat you like a queen.
“If you like piña coladas…” you sang in not even remotely the right key, topping off your drink
Josh, 5’9”, I can make you feel sexy and wanted. Fit, sensual, strong.
“Well!” you exclaimed drunkenly, almost spilling wine on your couch, “Tough beans, Josh! I don’t need a man to make me feel sexy and wanted!” you faltered a bit, your drunk mind still seeing the holes in your logic
“I just… Need a man to help me not look like a tragic spinster in front of my family and my ex...”
With that thought fresh in your mind, you reached for some more wine.
The ads went on and on as you scrolled through your phone, it was all a little overwhelming, how were you going to make sure you weren't hiring some psychopathic serial killing pervert to pose as your date to your sister's wedding?
The groan you let out bounced off the walls of your apartment. The reality of your situation was sinking in little by little. 
Yes. You were hiring a male escort for your sister's wedding. It was your baby sister's wedding, by the way. You were a hundred percent aware that what you were doing was completely and utterly pathetic but you’ve already weighed the pros and cons in your head countless times.
Showing up alone: pitying looks, whispering behind your back, having to face ex by yourself, staggering levels of embarrassment.
Showing up with handsome -hired- date: mother can finally get off your back, date is more handsome than ex, ex will want to shrivel up and die, no one will know date is male escort except you and him.
Now, let’s break down some of the guests just for the sake of being thorough. 
There’s your slightly overbearing mother (slightly meaning every call you have with her opens with the question: “how's your love life, dear?” or “I have the most amazing man to set you up with!”), all of her judgy eagle-eyed friends (mostly rich widows whose sons your mom shamelessly shoves your way), your extended family (some terrifyingly old school great aunts and uncles who will definitely ask if you’re married and smile sympathetically when you say you’re not), and last but certainly not the least, Jeffrey, your ex-fiancé (best man, but apparently not the best man for you, his words not yours).
"Lordy fuck." you exhaled hard, chugging your wine straight from the bottle
How on earth did you get here? Sitting alone in your apartment, working your way through your second bottle of wine (or third? Who was keeping count?), clicking on ads that spoke of "hot single males in your area" waiting to meet you.
Would it be fair to pin it all on the end of your engagement?
Picturing that moment, you decided that it was only fair. Those were five years of your life you would never get back, you were prepared to sign on for more but, yeah.
You were blindsided, that's the only way to describe it. All the while, you thought that you and Jeffrey were on the same page, at the same place in life. You were the golden couple, the couple that all the other couples wished they could be, when you two walked past, girlfriends would give their boyfriends a slap on the shoulder that meant, "Why can't we be more like them?"
It was so out of nowhere, one minute you were discussing wedding cake options over dinner, then suddenly you're putting the ring in his palm, completely in shock. 
After that, you threw yourself into your work despite the fact that you were already a budding workaholic to begin with. That's how you ended up earning six figures a year. 
Six figure salary, check. Doing pretty well in life all things considered, check.
But even with all that, there weren't any conversations over casseroles and cobblers about your many achievements. Nope, your mother and her friends would much rather discuss their worries that you would essentially, die alone.
Your little sister, Amy, getting married before you didn't exactly help to put a lid on all the chatter. And with Jeffrey being the best man? And you being maid of honour? 
It was a disaster waiting to happen.
Maybe you could make up an excuse believable enough to get you off the hook so you wouldn’t have to go?
Were you really thinking about bailing on your little sister’s wedding? If she wasn’t taking cues from your mother, it would be the only one she ever had.
Not one of your finest moments as a sibling.
With the complications of your situation fully realised, you took to reading the ads with a little more effort. Luckily, you didn’t have to look for long.
Nick, 6’, male, tall, good looking, strong build. You will not be disappointed.
The ad was considerably less flashy than the others but you supposed that’s what drew you to it in the first place. It was understated, simple, and his ad wasn’t entirely made up of overcompensating flexing pics.
Mostly because he didn’t need them.
Call off the search, send the boys home. You had a winner here!
Staring up at you from your phone screen was the most handsome man you have ever seen in your life. Literally.
A mane of thick, artfully disheveled curly hair, eyes that were a light shade of blue that had a sort of dark intensity and intelligence that you could spend days trying to understand, and a smile. Oh, that smile was absolutely suckerpunching. It was odd though, something in your head was telling you that this man did not smile often.
You couldn’t tell if the warmth blooming in your chest and creeping towards your cheeks was from all the wine or from examining this prime specimen. Jeez Louise!
“Phew!” you fanned yourself upon stumbling on a photo of him crossing his arms in a tank top. Good God, you hoped he had a license for those guns!
You had to set your phone down for a minute to think things through although it seemed absolutely nuts that you had to think twice at all. It’s just that after the initial excitement and hormones wore off, it was becoming more and more evident that this man was too good to be true.
Just look at him! Were there actually men that looked like that? And why didn’t they live closer to you? A quick sweep of his profile placed him in Minneapolis.
What were the crime rates like there? And did they have a high rate of murders relating to escort services?
Before you could even google anything related to that, you stopped yourself. If you kept at this rate, you would never get anything done! Finally, after a methodical deliberation (aka ogling the pictures on his ad), you saved Nick’s contact number to your phone.
Aaand that’s as far as you’d go for the night. You could call him tomorrow when you weren’t a floundering drunk. It was like your mother always said, “Always be sober for a business transaction, but anything else calls for a cocktail.”
The following morning, you sat at your little breakfast nook, eggs still piping hot and untouched, and a hangover in full effect. You’ve been staring at the phone number for so long, you could say it in your sleep.
Come on, Y/N, the wedding is five freaking days away.
What if this guy was fully booked? You didn’t want to spend five days surrounded by family with Mr. my-soft-voice-will-arouse-you, did you?
You slammed your finger down on the call icon and stuck the phone to your ear. Your heart beat faster and faster with every ring and your palms became so slick with sweat that you almost dropped your phone a couple of times. 
Maybe you should have taken your mother up on the multiple occasions that she wanted to set you up with someone. Alright, on second thought, you didn’t really want to be with someone who only looked good on paper but was actually an insufferable mama’s boy.
“Hello?” a male voice answered, catching you off-guard
Oh, God. Okay, you’re really doing this.
“Yes, hi! Hi. Uh, I’m looking for Nick!” you chirped, in a startled high pitched squeak you didn’t dare recognise as your own
The silence on the other end was starting to make you sweat behind the knees. It suddenly dawned on you that you didn’t mention any specifics.
“Uh, sorry! I got this number from the, uh, the ad. I’m looking for Nick?”
“Yes! Yes, that’s right, but Nick isn’t in right now. This is his manager.”
Was that a good sign? That a male escort had a manager? Did all male escorts have managers? You clearly didn’t know enough about this stuff.
“It’s a pleasure, Mister..?”
There was another beat of silence before the person on the other line answered, you tried your hardest not to overthink about what that could have meant.
“Foley! I’m Foley, Nick’s manager.” Mr. Foley’s voice returned to your ear, sounding much too bright for your liking. 
Christ, what were you, a cop? To be honest, you were exhausted. Despite all the alcohol in your system last night, you barely got any sleep. You spent the rest of the night reading through some reviews of Nick’s service as an escort.
He had a glittering five star rating.
One woman hired him to pose as her husband at a high school reunion and by the end of the night, she ended up proposing to him. He respectfully declined and even bought her dinner afterwards.
That review alone was enough to convince you that you would be in good hands. So, it was time to buckle down, swallow the nerves, and handle your business like the adult you were.
“Mr. Foley,” you shook your hair out and put on your professional voice. “I’d like to book your client for five days, give or take. I need a plus one for a wedding. Is he available to leave on the-”
“Please hold. I’ll check his schedule.”
“Oh. But I didn’t mention when I-”
“He’s available. Would you prefer to pick him up at JFK or will he meet you at your place of residence?”
“Oh. Uh, I guess I could pick him up. Do I pay for his ticket or..?” you were feeling a teensy bit of whiplash at how fast this was all going
There was some rustling on the other line and the muffled sounds of bickering. You tried not to let that concern you.
“We’ll handle that, Ms. Y/L/N. We have your number, we’ll be in touch for further details. Good bye.”
The line went dead and you were left staring at your phone in confusion. Did you tell him your name?
214 notes · View notes
tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: Main Story 7-20 Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Video
Chapter 7 – Rains of Monte Cristo: 7-1 / 7-3 / 7-5 / 7-7 / 7-9 / 7-11 / 7-13 / 7-15 / 7-17 / 7-19  ♦️ ♦️  7-20 / 7-22 / 7-24 / 7-26 / 7-28 / 7-30 / 7-32 / 7-34 / 7-35
NXX Base
It was yet another new day. In the NXX base, Artem was updating the case information for Simon. After completing upload of the video recording, he had a sudden moment of absentmindedness.
Artem: I wonder how she’s faring…
He looked at the common screen on the side. On the massive Stellis map, faintly-flashing markers indicated the other NXX members.
Luke’s marker was in a certain spot in the north district, at the location of the assistive team he’d mentioned before. Vyn’s marker was moving rapidly, most likely towards the house of a “special respondent”. And the markers indicating Marius and MC had been at Yaofu Community for a while.
Artem: Yaofu Community?...
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Yaofu Community
In Yaofu Community, Marius and I were prepping to perform the second crime scene reenactment.
MC: (Good thing luck’s on our side. We found a residence with the exact same layout beside Hang Fei and Qi Yu’s.)
As for why Marius and I were doing our second reenactment, it had to do with our discussion at the natural park earlier.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Natural Park
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Marius: Awesome. With this video, our investigation can take a huge step forward.
MC: Then how about we take this opportunity to organize our thoughts?
Marius: Sure.
MC: First, starting from Wang Chunchong…
MC: What he was deliberately hiding before was his murder of Simon. And he hid this because…
Marius: Easy. All else aside, Wang Chunchong’s innocent in the Hang Fei and Qi Yu case, at the very least.
Marius: If the police didn’t know that Wang Chunchong had murdered Simon, then when they were investigating Yaofu Community…
Marius: Wang Chunchong could be acquitted.
Marius: But on the flip side, if the police knew that Simon’s case had to do with him, even if the Yaofu Community case ended…
Marius: Wang Chunchong would not be able to walk out of jail.
MC: Yes.
MC: Although after figuring this out, a bunch of new questions come up.
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MC: First, why would Wang Chunchong murder Simon?
Marius: Could it have to do with Tyson? The timing of Simon’s murder and the timing of when Wang Chunchong and Tyson started to work together is very close.
Marius: Wait, if that’s the case, then when Wang Chunchong said “Something that only I, Tyson, and a dead person know about”…
MC: It’s probably about the Heirson raw materials!
Marius: Looks like our investigation was a great success this time!
MC: Next, the second question is, who wanted to frame Wang Chunchong with this case?
Marius: Someone who wanted to frame Wang Chunchong must have known about his plan to murder Simon.
Marius: Someone like that… Tyson? Hang Jiahe? Could Xu Yin be a possibility?
MC: No, I don’t think Xu Yin’s a possibility.
MC: She’s only aiming for Wang Chunchong’s shares and spot on the board of directors, so she should be the one who least wants something to happen to him.
Marius: But it doesn’t seem like Tyson has any motive to murder Hang Fei or Qi Yu either…
MC: That being so, Hang Jiahe is really suspicious.
MC: But we need proof to back that up.
MC: Why would Hang Jiahe murder Hang Fei and Qi Yu, and why would she frame Wang Chunchong…
MC: Plus, how did Wang Chunchong’s fingerprints appear on the murder weapon, and how did Hang Fei and Qi Yu’s DNA appear in the suitcases…
MC: We’ve got to figure those out.
Marius: Then how about we do another round of crime scene reenactment? We still have another trail of actions that we haven’t analyzed yet, right?
MC: You mean, how the victims were murdered?
Marius: That’s right. Since the clue that the police have was used by the true murderer to frame Wang Chunchong…
Marius: If we reenact the process of the crime as judged by the police, we’ll sure to find some parts that don’t match up.
Marius: These parts that don’t match up just might help us.
[Flashback end]
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After, we handed the video to the police. After viewing the video, the police overturned the charges against Wang Chunchong and began investigation anew. Darius thanked us, then reminded us to contact him as early as possible if we found anything else.
MC: The exact course of action inferred by the police before was…
MC: Wang Chunchong brought food laced with G24D and knocked on the door for Room 1001, pretending to want to apologize.
MC: After entering, the three people ate at the bar table. After, Hang Fei and Qi Yu fell unconscious due to the drugs.
MC: He moved the two to the ground, cushioned them with sofa cushions, then struck the victims’ heads multiple times.
Marius: Then let’s reenact things in this order.
Marius: I’ll play Wang Chunchong, you play Hang Fei.
MC: Sure.
Marius walked out the door, holding the bag of food from the table. I set up the camera.
Marius: Let’s start.
MC: Yep.
Marius closed the door.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
The doorbell rang.
Hang Fei: Who is it?
Wang Chunchong: Me.
Hang Fei opened the door.
Hang Fei: Ah, it’s Chunchong. Come on in.
Wang Chunchong: …
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Midway, Marius stopped.
MC: What’s the matter? Why aren’t you coming in?
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Marius: Uh, jiejie, your acting isn’t quite right.
MC: ???
Marius: Think about it. Considering how many times Wang Chunchong and Hang Fei fought, would Hang Fei treat Wang Chunchong that nicely?
Marius: Would he let Wang Chunchong in that easily?
MC: True, how did I forget about that?
Marius: So, you’ve got to be a little ruder, a little more aggressive.
Marius: Bring on your professional lawyer’s attitude.
MC: Okay.
I nodded solemnly.
Marius: Then, I’ll start again.
MC: Sure.
The door closed again. I took a deep breath and lowered my voice.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
The doorbell rang again.
Hang Fei: Who are you?
Wang Chunchong: Me.
Hang Fei: Who are you?
Wang Chunchong: Wang Chunchong.
Hang Fei opened the door.
Hang Fei: Master Wang, what brings you here?
Wang Chunchong: What else? It’s obviously for my marriage with Jiahe.
Hang Fei: Marriage? Now you know to bring up marriage.
Hang Fei: Weren’t you pretty stubborn the past few times? Didn’t you say that I was extorting you of your Wang family’s money?
Hang Fei: Wanna try bringing up marriage now? Too late.
Wang Chunchong: …
Wang Chunchong: You’re right, it’s all my fault. So I came here to apologize.
Wang Chunchong handed his bag to Hang Fei.
Wang Chunchong: This is the signature dish from that restaurant you love. See it as a compensatory gift from me.
Hang Fei: You want to make me give in with just this…?
Hang Fei snatched the bag away.
Hang Fei: Let me make things clear. If you don’t double the betrothal gift, I won’t let my daughter marry you.
Wang Chunchong: I know. I came today to talk about this.
Wang Chunchong: Uncle Hang, you see…
Wang Chunchong scanned the area.
Wang Chunchong: Let’s not talk about the betrothal gift under the eyes of the masses – you know, not letting outsiders in on this.
Wang Chunchong: How about we talk inside?
Hang Fei: … Come in, then.
Hang Fei let Wang Chunchong in and closed the door.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
I let Marius in, then turned around, nearly ramming into him.
MC: Marius, why aren’t you walking in?
Marius: I was thinking, if Wang Chunchong really entered Room 1001 under the apology pretext…
Marius: With his personality while facing someone like Hang Fei, he must have been suppressing his emotions hard that day.
Marius: If that’s the case, Hang Jiahe must be “extremely important” to Wang Chunchong.
MC: But other possibilities exist, like…
Marius and I looked at each other.
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MC & Marius: The one who came wasn’t Wang Chunchong at all.
Marius: If the one who came was someone who was more familiar with Hang Fei and Qi Yu, then not only could they avoid the cumbersome entrance process earlier…
MC: Hang Fei and Qi Yu also wouldn’t be resistant to them, and would thus be easier to act against.
Marius: …
MC: …
MC: Marius, let’s continue with our reenactment. Maybe we’ll get more clues.
MC: After, let’s focus on reenacting each person’s actions and not bother with unnecessary dialogue.
Marius: Sure.
Marius took the bag in my hand and walked to the bar table on the side of the room.
Marius: After entering, Wang Chunchong recommended that Hang Fei and Qi Yu try the food he’d brought.
Marius placed the bag on a plate on the bar counter. I sat beside him, pretending to scoop food up.
MC: After eating the food, Hang Fei and Qi Yu rapidly fell unconscious due to G24D.
Marius: Wang Chunchong dragged them onto the ground, and then…
Marius’s empty carrying movements suddenly stopped.
Marius: Something’s wrong.
MC: What?
Marius: There was no need for Wang Chunchong to drag them onto the floor.
MC: Why?
Marius: I’ll show you.
Marius returned to the bar table, chose an empty seat, and made a few gestures to indicate a person bent over, face down.
Marius: If an unconscious Hang Fei were theoretically sitting on this chair…
Marius: After confirming his unconsciousness, I could already make my move.
Marius: Taking one step back, if the murderer theoretically thought that striking the back of the head didn’t guarantee the damage well enough, they would just need to turn the chair around.
Marius: That way, Hang Fei would go from being bent over to laying his head on the table, and the front of his head would be on full display.
Marius: They could’ve made their move then, too.
Marius: The more the movements when committing the crime, the more they’ll probably leave traces.
Marius: So I have no idea why Wang Chunchong would bother moving the victims to the floor.
MC: …
MC: If there’s no subjective reason, could there be an objective reason?
MC: Like, maybe something unexpected happened?
I copied Marius’ actions, trying to act in a way that wouldn’t require me to move the bodies. But when I turned the chair around so that the “bodies”’ heads could face me, I noticed where the issue was.
MC: I know why they had to move the bodies.
Marius: ???
MC: There’s a prerequisite to what you just described – your height.
MC: As you’re tall enough, you can strike the victims while they are on the chairs.
MC: But to me, these chairs and table are somewhat high. If the victims are still sitting on them…
MC: Doing this under these conditions would be extremely uncomfortable, and it would be hard to guarantee my accuracy.
MC: But moving them to the floor would make everything much easier.
Marius: Wang Chunchong’s around my height. Based on this…
MC: That’s right. The murderer shouldn’t be Wang Chunchong – it must be a female of average height or a smaller male.
Marius: Looks like someone’s even more suspicious.
MC: Yes, but let’s go through everything, just in case.
Marius nodded. He walked to an empty area, pretended to take a sofa cushion, then acted out striking motions.
Marius: Wang Chunchong grabbed a hammer at random from the nearby toolbox, murdered Hang Fei and Qi Yu, and then…
Marius: He cleaned up the crime scene and decided to dispose of the corpses.
Marius: Thus, he brought the bodies to his house via fire escape and got two…
MC: Stop.
Marius: What’s the matter?
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MC: There were already suitcases in Room 1001 – plus, they were ones used by Hang Fei and Qi Yu.
MC: If they used these two suitcases, even if the police detected the victims’ DNA in them after, they’d deem it as normal.
MC: Why would he expend such effort to move the bodies and use his own suitcases? Isn’t this more likely to leave clues of his actions?
MC: Plus, Wang Chunchong still hasn’t thrown out those two suitcases.
Marius: …
Marius: Wait, didn’t you say before that Hang Fei’s blood was detected in the suitcases in Room 1001?
MC: Yeah, what…
MC: Marius, do you mean that the suitcases used to discard the bodies were actually the ones in room 1001?
Marius nodded.
MC: If so, someone must have placed the victims’ DNA in Wang Chunchong’s suitcase deliberately…
MC: When would it have been?
MC: Also, if our guess about the suitcases is true, the whole crime must have happened in Room 1001.
Marius: Looks like we’ve got to return to the crime scene.
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luvlyrv · 4 years
Just Vacation Girlfriends (Seulgi x Fem!Reader)
Genre: Fake dating, fluff
Summary: You and Seulgi enter a precarious fake dating situation, hijinks ensue. Except the hijinks aren't light-hearted, but rather deeply personal and intimate experiences. What are you and Seulgi really?
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Hi, it has literally been 5 months since I last wrote lol, I'm sorry. It's not like I hate writing it's just that there were other things I could and had to do. I apologize for taking so long to upload again, especially for the amount of feedback I got for my first post! 68 followers and 90 notes! I know it may seem like rookie numbers to some but I really want to thank you all. I'm having my winter break now so I should be able to post a lot during this short period. If I'm lucky I may be able to semi-consistently post during the school year as well ;). Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes/wtf moments I'm writing at 3AM and have slept for two hours total for the past 40 hrs, cut me some slack please.
Date: 12/24/20
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The chops of your knife against the cutting board were interrupted by your phone ringing. You stop making dinner as you look over your shoulder to your phone a couple inches away on the counter. Your eyebrow perked up as you read the caller ID, it was Seulgi. Of course, you immediately set your knife down to talk to her.
"Hey Seul, what's up?"
"Hi..." Seulgi began to yawn. "I just wanted to hear your voice today."
You can't help but to let out a small smile as you felt your face getting warmer. Luckily Seulgi wasn't actually there to tease you about it.
"Ah, well, here's my voice. Is it relaxing enough, your majesty?"
You can hear a faint and muffled sound of laughter from Seulgi before you hear her tired voice through the speaker again.
"Hm, well I guess that'll do. I'm actually calling to make sure you wanna come with us on vacation again."
"Of course I do, I've been going with you guys for years. I'll make sure it works with my schedule."
"Yeah, I know that and I'll send you the dates, it's just that..." Seulgi let out a long sigh, "there's some other things you need to know."
"And that would be?"
"Pretend to be my girlfriend."
"Please, Y/N. It'll just be for a week. I know it's a lot to ask but I need it."
You're speechless for a bit and deliberate on what to say next. Not wanting to worry your friend with your silence you ended up just saying, "Yeah, uh okay, I can work with that... why though?"
"You know how dating is like. Not a lot of time, not a lot of privacy. My parents understand this but they're still worried you know? They worry about how my future will be like if I'm spending basically over a decade just working. Something about it takes time to find the right man, settling, babies, blah blah blah. If you pretend to date me that'll ease their worries and I won't even have to worry about a scandal since it isn't real and only my parents would know anyways. Besides... we're close enough where we can pull this off convincingly, right?"
You take a second to think. It was a strange situation to be in, but as far as you knew you would only have to pretend for the week you would spend with her family. Her family wouldn't be seeing either of you after then, and maybe you could also fake breakup if things get sticky. With Seulgi's last statement... it was true that you've been really close with her and her entire family since you were both little. All it would take would be amping up the friendly touches and banter.
"Yeah, we are. Alright. I guess we should iron out the details about our fake relationship later though. You kind of sound like shit. Rest up if you can."
"Talk to you soon, Y/N."
With that, Seulgi ended the call and you were left with dinner still unprepared and a lot on your mind.
* *
The plan was to go to the airport and fly out to the island with Seulgi, where you could rehearse your story until you would meet up with the rest of her family and go about the vacation as normal. Except for the not so minor detail of you having to be Seulgi's girlfriend.
Seulgi sits by the window as you sit next to her. You try to get comfortable, but you really can't. There's a churning mixture of nervousness in your stomach. Even though it was all pretend, it was hard to imagine yourself trying to make it look real. Although you and Seulgi both felt like it would be easy to pull it off convincingly... there was something you couldn't quite place tugging at your heart-strings.
Your thoughts are interrupted as you hear her sweet voice.
"When did we start dating?"
"Uhm, ah, I know this! It was... er-"
"July 7th."
Seulgi begins to look at you. Her eyes are filled with both a pleading look and a disappointed look. She starts quizzing all the little, and very fake, details of your relationship. You answer them correctly for the most part and Seulgi's mood seemed to improve knowing you weren't completely hopeless. You're starting to get into the swing of things when all of a sudden Seulgi asks something completely unexpected.
"And what's our favorite position in bed?"
You felt your face immediately heat up as your eyes opened wide in shock.
"I- I mean, uh, what?"
"K-kidding of course." Seulgi says this with a smile, yet she seems to shake a little. Maybe she was also surprised with her sudden crude sense of humor. She begins to reach down and grab a small book from her bag. "I think we'll be good for now, just relax until we get there."
You just nod your head in response and slip in your earbuds.
* *
Although it wasn't like you have never spent a vacation with Seulgi, things felt weird.
First was the way her family treated you, especially her parents. The both of you walked into the beach house hand in hand. Her parents were completely unbothered. Later that day when eating dinner, Seulgi decided it was time to announce your relationship. As the conversation at the dinner table seemed to finally be dying down, she set down her fork and began to talk.
"Guys, listen up, I've been holding onto this news for some time now, but I really wanted to do it when everyone could see each other. What I've been wanting to say is... " It seemed to you, that maybe just for a little moment, Seulgi was trying to steel her nerves.
"Y/N and I are dating."
Silence. The two of you were met with utter silence. It wasn't the type of condemning and judging silence, but rather one of indifference. Everyone seemed completely unbothered with this news. The silence was thankfully quickly broken by Seulgi's mom.
"Well, I'm glad you guys have finally sorted your feelings. I'm sure you're both very happy now." Her mom said it with a small but warm smile. Everyone else seemed to nod in agreement. You couldn't help but to ask, "No big congratulations? What about the fact that we're both girls? "
Seulgi's brother laughed a little before talking.
"I mean... sorry. We can act a bit more excited if that's what you want. It really is something to be celebratory about... it's just that you don't usually clap for a fish when it swims, right? You know what I mean? It's just all a bit... expected and natural. As for the 'we're both girls' I don't care, and everyone else probably doesn't either."
To say the least, that was not the reaction that you and Seulgi expected. After dinner the two of you were stuck trying to think about what it all meant. You guys were also both stuck with the fact that you'd share one room and one bed for the rest of the week.
Again, it wasn't like you haven't done things like share a bed with Seulgi before. It was just that the relationship business was getting stuck in your head. Everything normal suddenly felt dangerous. Things like even looking in Seulgi's way felt like it took caution. That night, it was decided that there would be a pillow barrier between the two of you.
By the third night the pillows were all on the floor as the you hung onto each other for warmth, finding comfort in the contours of the other's body.
Things like this kept on happening. You would set up arbitrary rules to feel normal again and destroy them all within a blink of an eye. You just kept on acting on things without intending to.
For example, the other day Seulgi woke up early to cook breakfast. You couldn't help but to feel the absence of her body and warmth and followed her out to the kitchen soon after. Even though you were in a half-asleep state your feet found their way behind Seulgi and your arms snaked around her waist.
You burrowed your face into the crook of her neck. Taking in that familiar and oh-so-comforting scent that is Kang Seulgi. Since when did her scent make you feel at home? Since when did you feel so at ease with her? You had a sneaking suspicion that it has been this way for a very, very long time.
These thoughts didn't matter though, as your body began to move with hers to the soft music she had playing from her phone. She didn't try to resist your touch at all. Instead, it seemed that she melted under your touch, with you seeing her shoulders dropping and feeling her backing in further to your embrace. Before you knew it the serene moment ended when Seulgi finally finished cooking breakfast.
You would frequently hold hands whenever the family was around, yet even though you could spend your free time wherever with whoever, you were attached to Seulgi's hip and she to yours. You two would always end up doing something together, or perhaps you would do nothing, and instead just enjoyed the fact that the other was there while quietly still holding hands.
Holding her hand quickly became your best comfort. Her soft and warm hands seemed to fit perfectly with yours, fitting together just the way you'd want them to. Something about her hands electrified you every time.
The once seemingly distinct line between platonic feelings and romantic feelings began to get blurrier and blurrier with each passing second. This doubt and confusion culminated when going on one of the last outings planned for the vacation.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, during the outing a spontaneous couple's event was hosted. Your mouth began to dry up as the host looked at you and Seulgi, urging each other to kiss.
As far as everyone else knew, you've been dating for a decent amount of time now. Enough of an amount of time for them to assume you had kissed already. You looked into Seulgi's eyes in distress. You could feel the host boring his eyes into you. You could feel practically everyone's eyes staring in anticipation.
Seulgi drew her body closer and that was when you knew your fate was sealed.
* *
A couple hours later and you're back at the house now. Laying in the bed you've shared for the past few nights you finally look at her. She looks back at you with waiting eyes. Slowly you reach your hand up from under the blankets and softly laid it on her soft cheek. She responds by placing hers on top of yours.
Staring at the deep brown of her eyes, you take it all in. You feel heat radiating from her body. You watch her body rise and fall with a mix of a calm yet eager breath. The close proximity that the two of you share is something that was typical, yet so different in the moment. With bated breath you finally say the unspoken words. The words that should've been said long ago. The air and sound barely passes through your lips.
"I love you."
The two of you close in, giving the lightest kiss in the world. There was barely any pressure but you could feel her lips touching yours. Even though you've kissed already, this one meant so much more. Even if this was such a small and innocent kiss, it was the shyness of it all, the realization that it means something that made your heartbeat race.
Putting your foreheads together, Seulgi said with a quiet voice.
"It's been like this since forever, hasn't it?"
"Yeah. Let's keep it that way."
In the back of your head you wonder, was this to please her parents or was this to please her?
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temilyrights · 4 years
Summary: Jack Sloane x Reader. You accidently mistake a dinner invitation from Jack as a date. 
A/N: Exam season has had me in zombie mode but I'm almost alive again! I started writing this in like September and completely forgot about it until I picked it up again a few weeks ago. Pretty light angst considering my work. I wanted a better title but I couldn’t think of one and wanted to upload. Anyway, as always, feedback is welcome and appreciated :) Enjoy!
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You smooth out the wrinkles in your outfit as you make your way down the path to Jack’s house, flowers clenched tightly in one hand, and teeth digging into your lip.
This was actually happening. A date with Jacqueline Sloane. You blow out a breath and knock on the door, trying to keep a calm exterior while your stomach does somersaults.
“You’re here!” Jack cheers as she opens the door, and you’re instantly blown away. She’s wearing a simple white button-down, French tucked into a pair of blue skinny jeans that fit her like a glove. Her feet are bare of shoes and socks, so you can see her freshly painted red nails, and her hair is in its usual beach waves.  She’s stunning. “Y/N?”
Your eyes snap up to hers. She’s watching you with amusement. “Sorry, uh, hi.” Your cheeks tinge pink, and in an attempt to hide that fact from Jack you shove the flowers at her. “Uh, I got you these.”
She gracefully accepts the bouquet, her smile turning soft as she looks from the flowers to you. “My favourite. How’d you know?”
You shrug. “You aren’t the only one who notices things.” It hadn’t been too hard to work out, she’d had a bouquet of them in her office a while back and then again in her living room recently. She’d had other types as well, but you noticed the way she always smiled a little brighter when she saw the beautiful arrangement of iris’ and daffodils. It suited her, and coincidentally also portrayed a fitting message. The yellow daffodils represented new beginnings and the blue iris’ hope, which was what tonight felt like.
She drops her head to breath in the flowers, a look of bliss crossing her face before she meets your eyes again. She reaches for your hand and squeezes, rubbing her thumb in circles across your palm. “Thank you. I love them.” She’s closer than before, and your eyes drop to her lips momentarily before you quickly meet her gaze again. Jack clears her throat and steps back, releasing your hand in the process and you try not to miss the contact. She signals down the hallway, “Well, I should go find a vase for these. If you join everyone else in the living room, I’ll be in in a minute.”
“E-everyone else?” You ask as your stomach drops, but Jack is already walking away, nose buried back in the flowers. You force yourself inside, and take your shoes off, leaving them by the door. It’s when you move to hang your jacket in her coat cupboard that you finally hear the sound of Ellie’s distinctive laughter flowing through the house.
You pause, squeezing your eyes shut as you bury down the humiliation and disappointment coursing through you. Of course, you’d misunderstood Jack invite for dinner. Thinking back, she never did specify it was a date, but she hadn’t mentioned other people either, and you’d just assumed, or hoped, or whatever, because it didn’t matter. Of course, Jacqueline Sloane didn’t want to date you and oh no you’d just bought her flowers! Flowers!
You groan and make your way further into the house, forcing a smile on your face as you step into the living room. Ellie, Nick, Tim, and Delilah are all sitting around but are way too consumed in what they’re debating to notice you. You take the opportunity to lean against the door frame and listen.
“Easy. No junk food.” Nick smirks, leaning back into the couch.
Ellie makes a noise of outrage, eyes bulging, “You’re joking, right? That means no chocolate, chips-”
“I’m not seeing a problem.” You smother a chuckle. He thought you didn’t all know about the chip stash he had locked away in his desk that he always ended up inhaling when he thought no one was around.
“-no takeout, and no burgers.”
“What? Burger’s don’t count!”
Delilah laughs, “Yes, they totally do.”
“Fine, whatever, I’m still sticking with my answer.” Nick huffs.
Ellie just rolls her eyes. “Well, obviously I’d choose no TV, how about you Tim?”
“The two don’t correlate, it’s not a fair would you rather.”
“You just can’t decide if you’d rather never watch Star Trek or eat Doritos again,” Delilah smirks.
“No, it’s just not a fair question!”
“Come on Tim, just admit you can’t live without your yearly Star Trek rewatch.”
Ellie hums, “Yeah, but can he live without Domino's stuffed crust pizza either?”
Tim rolls his eyes, “It’s not a fair-” he cuts off when he spots you in the doorway, eyes sparkling with delight at the chance for an escape, “Hey, look it’s Y/N.”
The other’s all swing around to look at you as you smirk. “Would you rather? Really?”
Ellie shrugs, “Need something to pass the time why we waited for you to appear.”
“Wait for me to- I’m early?” You pull your phone from your pocket to double-check, “Yeah. Early. Jack said half six and it’s only 6.27 now.”
They all frown looking between each other, Tim is the one who speaks, “She told us six.”
“What? She told me and Nick five-thirty!”  
“Dinner’s basically ready if you all-,” Jack says as she enters the room, her words quickly die off and she comes to a halt as you all snap around to look at her. Her eyes narrow, “Want to move to the dining room...Have I missed something?”  
“You gave us all different arrival times?” Nick asks.
“Oh, yes.” Jack nods. Everyone stares at her waiting for her to continue, and she rolls her eyes, “Nick, I knew you and Ellie were coming together and when you do you are almost always at least 45 minutes late to every plan we make. Tim and Delilah, you are usually about 30 minutes late too. Y/N on the other hand is practically always on time. By giving you different arrival slots, I could be sure you’d all be here by 6.40 when dinner would be ready.” She shrugs, signalling to Ellie and Nick, “You two didn’t arrive till six so I wasn’t completely off.”
Tim’s and Ellie’s mouths hang open in shock, while Nick looks mildly annoyed and Delilah is watching Jack with an impressed smirk. You don’t really know how to respond, but when Jack looks at you, her eyes dancing with amusement, you can’t help but chuckle.
“Now, dinner?” She claps her hands together, swinging on her heels and exiting the room before anyone can utter another word.
Jack’s outdone herself. The room smells absolutely mouth-watering. And Ellie voices as much when she swallows her first mouthful of food with a moan. “Oh my god, Jack. This is delicious.” Everyone murmurs along in agreement and Jack preens.
The conversation flows easily and as much as you try to keep yourself engaged, laughing and commenting in all the right places, you quickly find yourself retreating. You’d deliberately taken the seat furthest away from where Jack sat at the head of the table, choosing instead to sit beside Ellie. Tim sat the other side of you, at the end of the table. While Delilah was opposite you, and Nick beside her.
Jack's eyes had flicked to you a few times now, she was beginning to notice your odd behaviour. It wasn’t like you to be so silent, but you knew she wouldn’t say anything until she could get you alone, and it wasn’t like that was going to happen any time soon. Delilah was also watching you, and when she caught your eye, she shot you a questioning look. You quickly buried your head in your glass instead of answering it.
“So, how was your date the other night?” Jack smirks at Ellie, eyes teasing as Ellie releases a dramatic groan.
“Oh, don’t. We can’t all have the luck you do. How is the mystery person you won’t tell me about?” Ellie gleams, as Jack’s eyes widen.
Your gaze snaps to her, words spilling forth without thought. “I didn’t know you were seeing someone?” Hurt seeps into your voice and you just hope it’s subtle enough that nobody notices.
“There isn’t anyone!” Panic flashes in her eyes before she looks away and clears her throat, “I mean, there was a couple of dates with a man, but it’s not- we aren’t- I’m not seeing him.”
You drop your head so she can’t see the pain clear in your face, and quickly reach for your wine glass and take a large gulp. Jack does the same as an awkward silence takes over the room until Ellie, thankfully, starts talking again, drawing the attention of everyone and allowing you a moment to compose yourself.
Delilah’s watching you when you look back up and immediately catches your eye. She looks at you like she understands like she sees exactly what you’re so desperately trying to hide, and your emotions come swarming back tangling in your throat. Jack’s eyes bore into the side of your head too, but you refuse to look because you know the second you meet her eyes, she’ll see it all.
“Excuse me,” You cough, pushing yourself up from your chair a little too roughly and knocking the table. It doesn’t slow you down though, and you don’t meet anyone’s eyes as you quickly flee the room.
You lock the bathroom door behind you with a shaky hand and then lean back against it, allowing the cool wood to calm you down as you take deep breaths. Tears burn your eyes, and you so desperately don’t want to let them fall but they do anyway.
A date. You’d thought tonight was a date, and not only had you been wrong, but she plainly wasn’t interested as she was dating other people!
Your mind screams as you curse yourself for being stupid enough to get your hopes up. How many times were you going to have to learn this lesson? When had getting your hopes up ever ended positively for you?
Pushing yourself off the door you sigh, carefully wiping the tears from your face in an effort to not disturb your makeup. You wipe at your slightly smudged mascara with tissue, it’s not perfect but it works enough to hide the evidence of your tears. Pulling yourself together you spare one last glance at yourself and open the door.
Jack’s leaning against the wall outside, biting the hangnail on her thumb. She quickly drops her hand and stands properly the second you step over the threshold of the bathroom. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course. I just needed to pee.” You force a small laugh, hoping to dispel her worry and any questions.
She arches a brow, “Without flushing the toilet?”
“Are you policing my bathroom breaks now?” You laugh as panic clutches at your chest.
She takes a step closer, eliminating most of the space between her and you. Her eyes track your face as her brows furrow, “You’ve been off all evening.”
“I’m just tired.” You shrug and look over her shoulder, “Come on, let’s get back to the others.” You go to step around her, but she grabs your wrist, and you instantly freeze. You close your eyes before looking back to her. She’s watching you so closely and your heart starts thumping in your chest, but you force a small smile anyway, “Jack, I’m fine. It’s just been a long week and I’m just tired.”
“You said that already.”
You roll your eyes and take a step back. Needing to break the contact between your skin and her. “Yeah well, maybe because it’s true.”
“Also, you’re a terrible liar.”
“Can’t be that bad, still managed to beat you at poker more than once.” You tease back, hoping to distract her with jokes instead of letting her push any further.
“I was distracted.”
“Fornell’s chatter annoys you that much?”
“I learnt to tune him out a long time ago.” She hums.
You frown, “Then what was distracting you?”
Jack's eyes flash like she knows she’s been caught out, and she takes another step back and tries to laugh, “Maybe we should go back and join the others.”
“No, wait a minute!” You grab her wrist and pull her back in. She rolls her eyes, but you know it’s a defence to make you believe she’s not bothered when she clearly is. You think over the last poker night you’d won a few months back. You’d been in a great mood because Jack had gotten a little drunk and had been all smiley and touchy. After the game had finished, she had disappeared to Fornell’s kitchen to grab a beer and returned with one for you.
“For our champion.” She’d smirked, leaning down and hanging her hands around your neck as she passed you the drink. Your face had promptly turned scarlet and when you’d looked up at Jack to see her soft eyes and drunken smile the rest of the world had faded away. Your eyes had only been drawn away from her lips when someone coughed loudly.
It’d been Grace who had had a smug smirk on her face and thinking back she’d been shooting Jack that look a lot recently which was almost always returned with a glare from Jack.
“Grace?” You ask.
“What?” Jack frowns.
“She’s been distracting you.”
“Right, yeah. It’s Grace.” She nods along, and it doesn’t take a psychologist to know she’s lying.
“Now who’s the bad liar.”
She arches a brow, “Still you. I should probably be insulted by how much you look like you don’t want to be here tonight.” Her lips pout slightly, proving she is actually upset by it.
“I turned up on time, that’s a good indicator I do.”  
“Yeah, with flowers…” Her brows furrow again, her eyes examining your face. You release her wrist and step back, but it only causes her frown to deepen. “You bought me flowers.” She says as if she’s trying to piece a puzzle together aloud. “My favourite flowers and you dressed up more than usual…” Her eyes widen before quickly turning soft, “You thought it was a date.”
“No. No, I didn’t.” You rush out, even as your cheeks turn red and you wish for the ground to swallow you up whole.
Her eyes remain soft, a smile pulling at her lips as she takes a step closer to you. “You thought it was a date.”
“Jack,” You gulp, shaking your head. Her hand brushes against yours.
“You thought it was a date.” She repeats again, and it’s only when she’s this close that you finally realise just how happy she looks. There’s no pity in her eyes, and the tension seeps from your shoulders as you smile hesitantly.
“I may have thought this was a date.”
She grins as her spare hand grips at your waist. “You thought it was a date.”
You roll your eyes, “Do you wanna say anything else other than those five words?”
Her eyebrow arches, a cocky smirk tugging at her lips. “How about you kiss me?”
“What about your guests?”
“I’m sure they can handle a few more minutes without us.” As if on cue a smash sounds from the dining room and Jack sighs, “or not.”
“Sorry, Jack!” Ellie shouts, “I’m cleaning it up, don’t worry!”
“If there’s now red wine over my carpet I’m going to kill her,” Jack grumbles and you’re pretty sure she’s only half-joking.
“Maybe don’t kill our friend. I’d miss her.”
She sighs dramatically as she tries to keep her lips from curling into a smile, “If you insist.”
“I know it’s a huge sacrifice on your part, but I’m sure there’s something I can do to make it worth it.” You smirk.
Her eyes darken as she leans in closer. She’s focused on your lips but at the last second her eyes meet yours, “Before our first date?” She whispers.
You twirl a strand of her hair around your finger, before moving to caress her cheek. Her eyes fall close as she sighs and leans into the touch. “Wouldn’t want you to kill Ellie.”
She hums, “Yes. Might have no choice otherwise.” Her eyes open, sparkling brightly as her lips twitch.
“Yep.” You nod, as your eyes trail across her lips. “It’s all for the greater good. Saving lives. All that jazz.”
“Hey, Jack. Have you got anymore- Oh, oh my god, sorry.” Tim apologises, immediately turning back around as he steps into the hallway. He keeps his back to you. “Sorry. Uh, kitchen roll, dishcloths, if you have any could you bring some when you’re done. Again, sorry.” He quickly hurries off, and even though you can’t see his face you know it’s bright red.
You immediately start laughing, “I swear he’s as bad as Jimmy sometimes.”
Jack hums and then sighs as she steps away, forcing you to drop your hands from her. You can’t help but pout slightly.
“I should go check out this mess.”
“Yeah.” You sigh, and you don’t feel bad for silently wishing everyone else would go home so, you could spend the rest of the evening alone with her.
As if following your thoughts, she smirks. “They can wait a few more minutes.” And in one swoop, she steps forward, her hand sliding around and gripping your neck before pulling you in and kissing you.
Your eyes widen in shock before they quickly fall close. You pull her in closer, matching her hurried, hot kisses. It’s like fireworks, or maybe more just heat shooting straight between your legs, but you could so easily drown in her kisses forever.
She pulls away though, a proud smirk on her face. You must look as dazed as you feel. “You’re definitely staying tonight.” She hums, eyes dark and she’s practically devouring you with them. You gulp slightly, turned on beyond belief and you can’t believe you still have to sit through the rest of dinner and dessert with your friends.
“Any chance we can kick everyone else out now?”
She laughs and pecks your lips, “Don’t think they’d appreciate that.”
“Don’t really care.” You grumble.
Her eyes sparkle and she steps away, despite you trying to keep her close. “I’m going to get dishcloths. The sooner we get back in there the sooner I’ll have you all to myself.” She winks and retreats to the other room before you can utter another word.
You gulp and head back to the dining room in almost a trance. Delilah breaks into laughter the second she sees you; Nick and Ellie are both grinning, and Tim still has a pink tinge to his face.
You clear your throat and take your seat as Jack enters the room.
“Oh, thank god it’s just water.” She sighs in relief as she makes her way to the soaked carpet beside Ellie’s chair.
“Hey, Y/N.” Delilah chuckles again, and you hesitantly meet her eyes. “You’ve got a bit of lipstick…” She points to her own lips.
Your eyes widen in surprise and you swing around to look at Jack whose face is full of faux innocence.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You whine, trying to rub the pink hue from your mouth.
“Where’s the fun in that?” She smirks.
“Should’ve just let you kill Ellie.” You mumble, using your reflection in your glass to see if you’ve been successful.
“Hey!” Ellie protests, “Why am I dying?”
You don’t answer her question, and Jack just returns to cleaning the mess without responding. Ellie pouts.
The second dessert finished, you not so subtly begin guiding everyone to the door, and the moment it closes behind Ellie (who you know took deliberately longer to leave just to spite you), Jack spins you around and pins you to the wall.
“Now who’s the one that wants to kill Ellie.” She hums as she begins to leave a trail of kisses up your neck.
“Between us, I’m sure we could do it successfully.” You sigh as she hits a particular spot, and you feel her smirk. “But no more Ellie talk. Or murder talk. Or anything talk that isn’t about you getting me in your bed.”
“Agreed.” Jack hums, before finally capturing your lips with hers. Your knees turn weak, and you’re grateful for the wall behind you. Your hands find her hair and her leg slides in between yours. You release a breathy sigh at the pressure, gripping at her hair and causing her to groan and lean harder against you.
“Bed. Now.” You order, and she’s more than happy to comply.
It’s a mission to get to her room because you both refuse to separate, too focused on getting the other out of their clothes.
“I’m going to make you scream,” Jack whispers against your lips, as her hands tease up your now shirtless body.
“Oh, yeah?” You smirk, “Do it then.”
And she does. Multiple times.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Blushing in His Colours, Chapter 3
TITLE: Blushing in His Colours CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 3 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki being a Daddy Dom, his adores and loves his little, worships the ground she walks on. She has vaginismus, but he couldn’t be more supportive with her. RATING: M
When Loki saw Mia the following day, a blush instantly graced her cheeks, making him grin. He went over to her and kissed her cheek in greeting, making the others around them all ‘oooooo.’ He glared at them in return.
‘The date went well last night then?’ Clint asked with a smirk.
They were in the kitchen having breakfast before starting their day.
‘A gentleman never tells.’ Loki said as he held his head high.
Mia went to sort out her breakfast, unable to stop blushing at being the main focus of the conversation within the team.
‘You’re far from a gentleman.’ Stark snorted.
Loki narrowed his eyes at him and folded his arms over his chest. ‘I’d beg to differ.’
Mia had her back to the group as she poured milk into her cereal. But she did speak up. ‘Loki was the perfect gentleman last night. More than rest of you are, that’s for sure.’
Loki grinned and looked rather smug. The team all laughed.
‘Oh no, his mischievousness is already rubbing off on you.’ Tony said as he put his face in his hands, then he looked at Loki. ‘Do NOT corrupt our sweet and innocent Mia!’
When Mia turned around, she met Loki’s gaze and he winked at her with a mischievous smirk. ‘I am making no promises.’
Because Mia’s job was to keep up their social media appearance, it meant she was often right in the action. Taking pictures of the team ‘behind the scenes’ providing it didn’t compromise any mission, as the fans loved to see what the superheroes got up to at times.
So she found herself in the lab with Loki, Tony, Bruce, Fury and Vision. She was typing some stuff up on her laptop in the corner, Loki kept glancing in her direction, unable to stop looking at her.
‘Oi, stop staring at your new girlfriend and concentrate!’ Tony remarked as he tossed a pen at Loki, but with his quick reflexes Loki was able to catch the pen before it hit him, glaring at Tony.
Mia had heard and she couldn’t help the big smile that spread across her face. She tried to concentrate on her work though, even if she could feel the God’s eyes on her often.
Later on, Mia disappeared to get something to eat from the kitchen. When she returned, she had food and drinks for everyone. Including Loki’s favourite flavour of muffins that she had baked a few days ago. When Loki thought about it, she often went out of her way for other people, especially him. She always seemed to get his favourite drink or food and would always beam happily when he thanked her.
The following day Mia was down on the training floor on the benches, watching Thor, Steve, Natasha and Clint training. She was taking a few pictures and posting onto their media. She was thinking about heading off, but Loki entered the hall and she decided to stick around for a bit. Smiling like mad when he waved at her.
He had his full armour on, like Thor, and jumped in to start training. Everyone knew he was deliberately showing off because Mia was watching, even she knew. But she found it flattering, and was always impressed with his skills.
But he was caught unaware.
He had just tricked the rest of them using his illusions and pinned Thor down with a dagger at his throat. When he got up off Thor, he looked over to Mia. He winked at her and grinned, but that’s when he was blindsided by Natasha getting him in a headlock with her ridiculously strong thighs and knocking him down to the ground with a loud thud.
Thor, Clint and Steve all burst out laughing. Mia laughed too and put her hands over her mouth. Loki got up, rather flustered as he flicked his hair back from his face and wiped the dust from his arms. He looked over at Mia sheepishly.
He wandered over towards her as she gathered her things up and stood to meet him.
‘Impressive.’ She smiled up at him.
Loki chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. ‘Aside from the end.’
‘Still impressive. Not many would be able to get up unscathed from being taken down by Natasha.’
‘True. And I was a little distracted by something rather beautiful.’ Loki reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear, then trailed his fingers along her jawline.
‘There’s uhm… the monthly Avengers interview coming up. I was wondering if you fancy doing it?’ She asked, giving him puppy dog eyes.
It was something new she had started doing, Tony was the first one last month. A small five-minute interview that Mia posted. Just to give fans a little personal insight into the team.
‘Of course. Give the fans who they really want.’ Loki smirked.
‘You do have quite the fanbase, actually.’ Mia laughed.
‘I do?’ Loki frowned, but was intrigued.
‘Oh yeah. They call themselves Loki’s army. Quite the army too.’ She grinned.
Loki titled his head, but he did look a little smug. ‘Well, they have good taste… Are you in my army?’ He raised an eyebrow.
Mia smirked, deciding to play a bit. Feeling brave again. ‘I dunno. Maybe I’m team Hulk.’ She shrugged.
Loki’s mouth parted in mock shock. ‘Well, I will need to work harder to get you on my team.’
‘Sooo… Is that a yes for the interview?’
‘Of course. Anything for you.’
Mia had asked Loki to meet her before breakfast the next morning in the living room, to do the interview. It would give her time to come up with some good questions.
But Loki decided he wanted to do the interview somewhere more private. So he went along to her room an hour before he was due to meet her.
He knocked and heard Mia call out to just come in. When he entered though, Mia was surprised to see it was Loki.
‘Loki! Hi.’ She stammered quickly, surprised.
Loki was also surprised, she was in her pyjamas. Light blue, with cute baby penguins on them. But his first thought was how adorable she looked, with her messy hair too.
‘Oh gosh! I was expecting Wanda. Sorry, I uh… Let me just get changed real quick.’ She said in fluster, practically sprinting into her bathroom.
Loki smiled and waited until she was dressed. That’s when his eyes were drawn to what she was watching. He was a little confused when he noticed it was on the cartoon channel. But he didn’t think overly much of it, until he then spotted something peeking out from underneath her pillow. Curious, he went over and had a look, it was a colouring book of Disney characters.
His first thought was, did she have a secret child here? But he shook that off, knowing it was ridiculous. He was slightly confused as to why she would have a colouring book. Then he just thought perhaps it was something she enjoyed doing in her down time.
Loki stepped away from her bed, just as Mia emerged from the bathroom. She was looking embarrassed as she stuffed her pyjamas away in a drawer.
‘Sorry… I uhm, should probably check who’s there first.’ She said sheepishly.
‘Not at all. I should’ve said it was me.’ Loki smiled and walked over to her, he rubbed her arm and then leaned down to kiss her on the lips, making her squeak a little and blush so hard. ‘I was rather hoping we could do the interview somewhere private? The others will be a distraction in the living room.’ He chuckled.
‘Yeah, sure. Where would you prefer?’ Mia asked, still slightly flustered from the innocent kiss.
Loki shrugged. ‘Here, if that suits you? Or we could go to my room if you’d rather?’ He asked.
‘Here is good.’ Mia nodded and went over to her desk, clearing some space.
During the interview, Loki couldn’t help but be besotted with her. It was a good excuse for him to be able to just stare at her without being called out on it from the others. He kept his flirting to a minimum, knowing this was going online.  
Mia managed to keep her cool when she asked him questions, she had set up a camera to film him so it was more personal for the fans. They went nuts over the first one with Tony, so she hoped this one would be an even bigger hit.
Once it was uploaded, Mia showed Loki some of the comments. His fangirls were going crazy over it. Especially when Mia had asked him what he thought about having a fanbase. He’d replied in a charming way, saying he appreciated having so much support.
He read one comment: Heck, Loki can rule over me any day! I would kneel for him without being told to!
‘Quite a few say similar. Your, uh, attempt at ruling Earth is all over Tumblr and YouTube. Many have made fan videos out of them.’ Mia said with a laugh.
‘Really? I thought everyone would have been repulsed by what I did.’
‘Not everyone. I mean, I’d kneel for you.’ Mia said without thinking as she shrugged. Then she realised what it was she had just said. Her eyes widened.
‘Oh, really?’ Loki growled a little, leaning down closer to her as he was stood behind her, while she sat on the chair at her desk.
Mia cleared her throat and tried to ignore the fact she had just openly admitted somewhat a fantasy to Loki and that his breath was hot against her neck.
‘This interview is already a huge hit, more so than Tony’s.’ She said to try and change the subject. But Loki spun her chair around so she had to face him as he put his hands on the arms and trapped her in.
‘No changing the subject, pet.’ He chuckled at her doe in the headlights look.
‘I… wasn’t… really… I just don’t know what to say after that.’ She blurted out nervously, her eyes skittishly moving all over his face, unsure on where to look.
But she was saved by the knock. Wanda had arrived, which Mia was slightly relieved for. Though she had a feeling Loki would try and bring it up again later.
He left the girls to it, heading back to his room.
His mind kept wandering to what he’d found in Mia’s room. Or what he’d seen. He went to his laptop and sat down, after thinking for a moment he went to google to see if he could find some answers.
After some researching, he wasn’t entirely sure how he ended up on a kink site. But there he was, reading all about a Daddy Dom/little dynamic.
Some of the characteristics of a little suited Mia to a T. It really got him wondering if she was in fact a little. He then realised that while thinking of her in this kind of way he was slightly aroused.
He looked through a Daddy Dom’s characteristics and was surprised to find he fit a lot of them. When he thought about it, being in that kind of relationship with Mia was very appealing to him. And he thought how it kind of made sense why one girl actually called him Daddy during sex once… Perhaps he just oozed Daddy Dom appeal, he thought smugly.
But he now had to figure out for certain if Mia was into this kind of thing… or if it was just a coincidence. He could of course just ask her outright, but he didn’t want to scare her off if that wasn’t something she was into. He wasn’t going to lie, now he knew about the subject more and had thought about it, he would be a bit disappointed if she wasn’t…
‘Hmm…’ He tapped his lower lip in thought, deciding how to proceed.
After a lot of mulling it over, he decided that trying to coax it out of her naturally was going to be his best route.
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tenacityreturns · 4 years
aokaga fic alert!
plot: in which kagami and aomine talk about beautiful soul by jesse mccartney and also accidentally injure each other ♥  rating: sfw, very domestic, it’s just them being stupid idiots. also i wrote this in one sitting without taking breaks or reading over it so.... haha.... word count: 2098
it all started with two guys, chilling on the sofa, going through each other’s phones. or more specifically, the music apps (and kagami’s photo reel, but don’t tell anyone because aomine had only gone in looking for something of nigou!). whenever kagami encounters a song title that interests him, he’ll click on it and let about ten seconds play before he changes song again. he gets the idea. 
aomine, meanwhile, will let the songs he finds play in full. not because he respects the skip button and doesn’t want to overuse it, but because he doesn’t understand english and it becomes background noise. he’s just chilling now. legs stretched out over the couch and on top of kagami’s knees, his back leans on the armrest and he thinks about dinner instead. how cheeky he’s feeling with directly impact how extravagant his dining requests will be.
“i just took a screenshot,” kagami says blankly, with a light frown on his face.
“i wanted to remember this song, it’s kinda cool.”
“but you’re using my---”
“yeah i know that, i forgot.”
aomine half smiles, returning to the screen. dummy. “i’ll send it to you later.”
he decides to lightly hack his boyfriend and dives onto his instagram. looks up his own page, saves a recent selfie, uploads it from kagami’s account. first, he thinks about captioning it something like sexy, or why is this guy so hot??? but decides against it and instead writes ‘i’ll never be as cool as him :(’ haha. good, harmless prank. who’s this girl that liked it immediately, huh! well, they follow each other, but aomine doesn’t like how snooping around like this is making him feel. his blue eyes will raise, taking in the sight of kagami tapping his hand against aomine’s shin in time with the song. his lips are moving, then his shoulders.
is he... sort of singing along? but to which song? he can’t hear the music from his own phone well enough with kagami’s so nearby, but then... he doesn’t recognise this american music... hm. aomine’s fond smile is forced into a smirk for dignity’s sake.
“what are you doing?”
“huh?” kagami blinks, and the tapping stops. “i used to love this song.”
“used to? it’s on your recently heard playlist, dude.”
“it’s a classic.”
“is it? i never heard of it.”
“me and niji sing it all the time, y’know, just around.”
“okay,” this emotion, unlike the snooping guilt, is straight up jealousy. shut up about nijimura already! we get it! you’re friends! “what’s it about?”
“uh,” cogs turn. his lips move again, maybe in time with the song’s lyrics? aomine isn’t sure. “like, he’s singing about not caring about looks. just... you know, wanting the person’s beautiful soul. that’s what it’s called.”
“sappy,” what a loser. this sounds like the kind of thing satsuki would be interested in for sure. aomine gets an instagram notification from kise and ignores it, then remembers his prank and that this is kagami’s phone! he opens the app again and that blond bastard has written a comment: 
‘looks like you need a new password kagamicchi!’ 
and seen right through the prank! dumb luck. except--- here’s tetsu commenting: 
‘you should never leave your phone with untrustworthy people, kagami-kun.’ 
shut the hell up!
but his oblivious rival distracts the on-coming fury by starting to sing. the tapping against his shin has started again, and he’s still scrolling through the playlist and changing songs, but singing this beautiful soul song. in english. show off! ah, he’s got a nice voice though. and he looks real cute sitting there like that. aomine doesn’t suspect kagami of snooping through the photo reel or posting to instagram, in fact: the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. aomine’s head rocks to lean against the back cushions of the sofa. his fond smile returns.
“you singing about me, bakagami?”
of course he’ll find a way to ruin a perfectly nice moment, and a fleeting glimpse of serenity in his boyfriend. kagami doesn’t look away from his phone, but says something in english that sounded like a comeback. aomine presses his heel into kagami’s thigh, but it incites a more genuine flinch that he’d been expecting and both legs are instantly retracted.
“sorry,” aomine blurts, “i forgot about your leg.”
“what about it?” kagami replies breezily in japanese again ( that is, as breezily as possible through gritted teeth ).
hello again, guilt! aomine rests his knees against the couch, peering around them to watch kagami recover. if he doesn’t in five seconds, aomine will--- no, he can’t last that long. he sits up.
“ah, man, can i get you something?”
“i’m fine, it’s just cramping from sitting so long,”
this guy! they’d not been sitting for half an hour yet! he’s just saying that so aomine won’t feel bad... the bastard... of course he’s going to feel bad!
“wipe that look off your face!” kagami exclaims, “now get outta my way so i can lie down.”
he doesn’t look pissed off, or in pain anymore, which is something. god, wouldn’t it just be easier if kagami could tell him when his half-hearted grumpy statements are genuine or when they’re just him speaking and sounding angry because it’s how he talks? 
aomine rolls himself off the sofa. “is your leg okay?” 
“don’t worry about it,” the redhead returns to aomine’s phone but extends his arm off the sofa. an invitation to join him? but can’t he just say that he isn’t mad right now? ah, look! now he’s glaring at him! “daiki. are you gonna make me say it?”
“say what?”
kagami crunches forward and the arm, still extended, reaches for aomine’s hand. of course he’ll accept the gesture. one second, they’re holding hands ( safe, comfortable, in understanding ), and the next, aomine is falling onto the couch and acutely aware of making sure he doesn’t land on the bad leg.
“be careful!” he scolds, arms bracing against the back of the couch, knees safely avoiding kagami’s limbs. “sheesh!”
“i said don’t worry, didn’t i?”
“i dunno, you talk a lot of shit,” how come aomine’s pissed off at him now!
“what!” kagami launches forward and wraps one of his arms around aomine’s waist, dragging him back as he lies down again.
“taiga!” aomine’s still more concerned about the injury.
“shut up about my fuckin’ leg or i’ll snap you like a toothpick!”
ugh! fine, alright. he’ll give in. aomine definitely sends kagami a look. it’s short-lived, though, and he finds a teasing smile. his hand rests on kagami’s massive bicep. “with these muscles? good luck with a real toothpick, buddy.”
“shut the fuck up, i’ll show you!”
there’s no doubt that kagami hadn’t actually intended to show him, but aomine’s back lasts a total of two seconds of a too-tight hug before it cracks. loudly. it didn’t hurt. caught him off guard, yes, makes him have to pause and stretch his back for a second, sure, but it didn’t hurt. kagami’s staring, aomine notices. not immediately apologising despite the sound, he sees! red eyes are wide, lips tightly turned downwards. he’s waiting to check the damage before damage control kicks in.
“you good?”
“is that all you got?”
“sorry about your back,”
aomine lowers down to lie chest-to-chest. he adjusts so that it’s comfortable to lie with his head on kagami’s shoulder. “yep.”
“does it hurt?”
“good,” and just like that, an arm drapes around aomine’s shoulders and they’re lying in almost silence again. kagami’s phone is somewhere on the other end of the sofa, still playing that muffled song. how long does it go on for?! that beautiful whatever conversation feels like it happened hours ago! of course, it had been the singing that started the teasing which sparked the retort which justified a prod, which had hurt and begun this mess. aomine exhales. kagami starts humming along to what aomine has guessed is the chorus.
“what sorta sappy shit is he saying now?” he closes his eyes.
“uh,” kagami begins to translate the lyrics disjointedly, really having to think about it before he says it in japanese.
I don't want another pretty face I don't want just anyone to hold I don't want my love to go to waste I want you and your beautiful soul
“it sounds better in english,” he then explains, “and when jesse sings it.”
“what do you mean nah?”
oops. well, yeah! alright. so aomine likes kagami’s voice better than this jesse person’s! big whoop! “nothing. so you were definitely singing about me, then.”
“yeah, i got sick of dating hot people and decided to settle.”
“shut the fuck up,” aomine’s smiling, knowing full well that kagami’s not dated anybody before. cheeky little shit!
“all the d-cup supermodels in america, you know.”
“i thought i told you to zip it?” he lifts his head. the stare-off doesn’t last long before kagami just straight up kisses him on the cheek! “hey!”
“can i have my phone back?”
he deliberates being difficult. deliberates telling kagami to get it himself, that he doesn’t know where it is, or just no. for fun, mostly. but then, that kiss had been really cute... and kagami had been kind of nice just now, before the bullshit, about translating and stuff... fine. this once, kagami’s off the hook. saved, even. aomine pushes ( carefully! ) up, finds the phone precariously close to the edge of the sofa, and returns to his place. once comfortable, he’ll hand it over. ah! the prank! he’d forgotten about that. kagami gives aomine his phone too and they are once again silent.
huh. that sure is a lot of facebook likes. his last picture wasn’t even that interesting. or was it? aomine opens the app, trying to recall what it could be about. did he get notifications for likes on things he’d shared? aomine rarely shared anything. oh, to be fair, he did share a video of nigou yesterday saying “he’s the only member of seirin i respect”... was it... that?
a picture aomine absolutely did not post is at the top of his own feed. it’s the seirin team picture, but, naturally, aomine had first seen only tetsu and kagami ( the others are definitely there, but not as interesting or important to look at, you know? ). posted twenty minutes ago. captioned: “i apologise for my last post about seirin, i’m a big idiot. they are really cool”
“hey!” aomine lifts his head up again, though this time, with an expression full of accusation. it meets kagami’s equally offended gaze.
“you posted to my instagram!”
“you posted to facebook! that’s worse!”
“no way!”
“yeah way!”
“everyone knew i got hacked, though,” he grins, “you ain’t slick at all.”
“as if i would ever call myself a big idiot, ever. they would instantly know you posted that to facebook. who else thinks seirin is cool?”
“everyone with brains!”
aomine set his head down again. so much for trustworthy boyfriend, kagami taiga! though... isn’t it kind of funny that they both, separately, decided to post to each other’s social media? he’s trying hard to be pissed off about it, but the smile is too strong and, once again, he’s smiling over something kagami has done. satsuki comments under that hacked facebook post:
‘two sides of the same coin.’
which, to the unaware, means nothing. in reality, it makes him think of that thing he’s still accidentally in the habit of saying sometimes. the only one who can beat me is me. maybe kagami really is similar to himself after all? however, it’s hard to imagine that they’re that similar. aomine really likes kagami, after all.
“hey, taiga?”
maybe aomine will tell him he loves him again. does it cheapen it if he’d said it yesterday as well?
“what’s for dinner?”
“chicken, i think.”
aomine blinks. that was almost spooky.
“still here,”
“love you.”
“pfff,” it’s a scoff! “lame.” insulting!”
aomine pinches him gently in the side. it makes him laugh, even if kagami isn’t that ticklish.
“alright! love you too, obviously. i kissed you, didn’t i?”
“yeah, yeah, yeah. chicken sounds good.”
“are you gonna tell me you love chicken, too? who’s the sap now?”
someone explain why such an irritating response would make aomine’s chest swell as much as that kiss on the cheek? yeah, he’s dead sure if he hadn’t been before. he loves you, kagami taiga, you dumbass, so much. of course he does. they’re two sides of the same coin.
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Uh oh... did we do that?
Pairing: Draco x y/n
Warnings: underage drinking, mild swearing
A/N: been reading and writing fan fiction for years but I've never uploaded any of my own work, so please be nice! any feedback is highly appreciated. P.S. this sounded and looked a lot better in my head 
inspired by Emma Watson dancing in The Bling Ring, endless amounts of videos on DracoTok and the vibes that 212 by Azealia Banks gives me
Slytherin common room party – think low-key green lighting, firewhiskey, Draco in an all-black suit that kinda thing 
In the hundreds of years since Hogwarts’s conception, not once have the Slytherin house hosted an ‘all houses invited’ party. Sure, they were invited (and rarely came) to the Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor parties, but they never thought to return the favour. That is until Pansy’s raging crush on a Ravenclaw boy in the year above prompted her to throw an all-inclusive rager, much to the dismay of her Slytherin classmates.  
Naturally, this caused some concern from the other houses, as the new spread around the Great Hall the morning of the so-called ‘unmissable’ event. There was a palpable buzz of deliberation from the separate tables, with the clearly same queries on everyone’s minds.
“I don’t know Ron – I mean, these are the Slytherin’s we’re talking about,” Hermione cast a furtive glance to the sea of emerald robes on the far side of the hall, much to Ron’s dismay.
“Oh come on ‘Mione, what’s the worst that can happen?”
“Oh I don’t know, how about humiliation from Malfoy’s smug face when we realise it’s a prank, or maybe a fight where irreversible hexes are thrown around?” Harry quipped, clearly sharing Hermione’s caution.
Ron and y/n shared a knowing look, both being the more carefree members of the group.
“Here’s an idea,” y/n explained rationally, “how about we just show up anyway – fashionably late, of course – and if the whole thing turns out to be some big joke, we can host our own impromptu party in the common room? That way it won’t be a complete waste of time… or alcohol.”
It was Harry and Hermione’s turn to share a look, knowing no matter how hard they tried they were inevitably going to give in eventually.
“Fine,” Hermione grumbled, “but if it all turns pear shaped, I’m sending you both to the hospital wing with a nasty bat bogey hex.
The much-awaited night had finally rolled around, and y/n felt that nervous but excited anticipation that she often felt before occasions such as tonight’s. All day the latest gossip of the party could be heard between the older Hogwarts’s students. At one point, Madame Pince had to usher around 20 students out of the library for whispering ‘too loudly’ about the event. Multiple classmates had come up to y/n throughout the day, all asking the same question: ‘Are you thinking of going tonight?’ As usual with Hogwarts, news never failed to travel fast.
“Are you sure this looks ok?” Hermione twisted her hips side to side in the dorm’s full-length mirror, trying to discern if the length of her skirt showed to much leg or not.
“’Mione, are you kidding? You look incredible, seriously. Ron’s gonna flip when he sees you, won’t be able to take his eyes off your a-” y/n’s sentence was cut short by a well-timed pillow being tossed at her head by Hermione, who had started to form a pink blush across her cheeks.
With both of them re-checking your outfits and makeup in the mirror, y/n and Hermione did a quick, pre-party shot for luck and headed down to the common room to meet the boys.
By the time they had arrived at the Slytherin common room, the party was already in full swing; couples were spotted around the corridor outside, claiming to ‘need some air’ whilst making out against the stone walls, and the pungent smell of firewhiskey with a slight cut of something sweeter (butterbeer?) hit them like a brick wall as the group entered. The room was encased in dark green lighting, highlighted by the murky lake shimmering some light into the otherwise darkened room.
It seemed as if almost every student – 5th year and above – were present, either seen dancing and grinding on the makeshift dancefloor at the back, loitering around the drinks table in search of another drink or, if you were Pansy Parkinson, sat on one of the plush sofas on the lap of a Ravenclaw boy, who looked equal parts satisfised and confused about his current situation.
Either way most people were already fucked, or at least on their way.
“What were you saying earlier about a prank Hermione?” Ron smirked smugly, as he grabbed her hand and pushed his way over to the drinks table with a blushing Hermione trailing after.
Y/n couldn’t help but think, maybe tonight will be fun after all.
An hour later, and y/n could definitely feel the numb tingling of the firewhiskey spread throughout her body, offering a pleasant release from the previous week’s stress. Though not yet brave enough to venture onto the dancefloor, she swayed her hips lightly to the music as she chatted happily with Luna in the corner – apparently the Ministry were behind the recent surge of wrackspurts in the air, using them to control our minds.
“Well well, if it isn’t Weaslebee and Scar-head polluting my common room,” a little ways across the room however, Ron and Harry were having less of a pleasant time.
Turning around to see the towering, slender figure of Draco Malfoy with his signature smugness, flanked by his usual cronies Crabbe and Goyle. Stood tall in his black turtleneck and blazer combo, with his platinum hair perfectly styled (of course), Draco was unsurprisingly catching the attention of most of the girls (and a fair amount of guys) in the room. Wherever he moved, eager eyes tended to follow, with the hope of him glancing their way. Harry and Ron, however, were unfazed.
“Malfoy,” Harry briefly and glumly acknowledged Draco with the turn of his head, before turning back to people watch.
“You know, I’ve always heard that Gryffindor parties are supposed to be some of the best,” Draco taunted, “but I have to say your lot seem pretty boring to me. I mean, I thought you were supposed to be the ‘fun ones’”. Crabbe and Goyle sniggered behind him, always quick to boost his ego.
“This is nothing,” Ron countered, the alcohol only intensifying his competitive nature, “you should see the way y/n and Hermione get when that bloody muggle song of theirs plays – they go mad.”
“Yeah right,” the blonde scoffed, “they’re both too stuck up to ever actually have fun.”
“Oh yeah? I’ll prove it to you!”
“C’mon Ron, let’s just leave it-”
“No Harry, there’s no way I’m losing this argument. Oi Lee,” Ron hollered to Lee Jordan, the trusted DJ at every Hogwarts party, “put on that song – you know – that one muggle song… can’t remember the bloody name now,” Ron started to trail off.
Luckily, Lee was able to decipher Ron’s drunk slurs, “You got it Ron.”
As soon as the first few beats thumped out of the speakers, y/n let out a squeal of joy. Searching for Hermione, they caught eyes from across the room and both knew what they had to do; meet on the dancefloor between them and let loose. Both being muggle born, the two girls shared a love of muggle music that their magical born friends didn’t. It bonded them when they first became friends and now had influenced even those who weren’t muggle born to enjoy it too.
As the beat dropped, the girls started to dance. Bopping their heads from side to side, they swung their hips in time with the music. With her back to Hermione’s chest, y/n let her head roll back onto her friends’ shoulder as they drunkenly laughed for no apparent reason. Y/n’s black mini dress had begun to ride up her thighs slightly, meanwhile her hips continued to roll and grind suggestively – neither girls remotely aware of anyone around them, nor the shock of particularly their Slytherin classmates, who weren’t used to seeing this side of them.
Especially not Draco Malfoy, his jaw slack as his eyes were entranced in the girl’s direction.
“Uh oh,” Harry teased, “looks like Malfoy’s got his eyes on your girlfriend.”
“Um Harry,” Ron stared at Draco’s face in disbelief, with a slight hint of amusement, “it’s not ‘Mione he’s looking at.”
Unaware of the intense gaze from her long-time enemy Draco Malfoy, y/n continued to dance seductively.
Draco’s initial expression of shock had now turned into his signature grin, his icy blue-grey eyes trailing over y/n’s curves. His eyes expressed admiration (something rare for someone who usually showed distain for almost everything) and apparent attraction for the girl. His head filled with lewd thoughts as he yearned to know more about her – until now he thought he’d had her sussed, but now he started to question his good-girl perception of her. His hand rubbing at his jaw slightly, completely entranced by every swing of her hips.
“Godric, he’s looking at her as if he’s in love with her,” Harry uttered, entirely bewildered by the look on Malfoy’s face – it was a look of attraction and almost tenderness that was starting to scare him.
Ron brought a hand up to his forehead, “Uh oh… did we do that?”
hey, if you managed to get all the way to the end, thank u sm!! any feedback is appreciated. I have an idea for part 2 if anyone wants that :) 
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sunshine-pup-fics · 4 years
R E C K L E S S // Iida x Reader
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A fic? After over 6 months of writers block?? When my last fic was posted before Christmas??? WHO KNEW I HAD IT IN ME!?
Not me. 
I’ve been struggling to focus on even just one short Oneshot long enough to get it done... Quarantine sounds like the perfect time to get stuff done, but I've been bogged down in work.  I have no idea when the next fic will be done. I don’t even know if people read this blog anymore. This was actually requested on my Wattpad upload of these fics, but its something! Hope I still got the skills-
WARNINGS: Angst, implications of death, a heated argument.
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Working hard. Studying diligently. Striving the best and carrying the Iida name. That's what was important to him. He had to uphold his reputation, his stature. Who else was meant to keep the class in check, if not him? And admittedly, he'd been doing well so far. He was acing his studies and was on track with his quirk training. Nothing was supposed to get in his way of becoming a Hero. So it became a concern when he started to find himself... distracted. It started with casual glances. Brief ones whilst he waited for the next notes, or before he left the classroom for lunch, or when he passed them in the hallway, or when- okay, so more times than he'd like to admit. But then it moved to small talk. Asking about their day or reminding them of the weather when they left class.
Soon enough, he found himself writing their name neatly in the margins of his notes. He was embarrassed, appalled even, by his own behaviour, and even rewrote the entire page of notes when Izuku had asked to borrow them. He knew this was unacceptable. He could not, would not, let this... complication, get in the way. He couldn't risk it. Not when he was already on the path to what he had worked toward for so long.
Yet after a gruelling 4 months after his initial realisation, he was still trying to ignore it, snuff it out, he was going absolutely mad. He had tried not speaking to them, but that lead to an entire ordeal on its own. He tried just ignoring the feelings, 'digesting the butterflies', but it just made him more aware of how they made him feel. Every day was its own battle against himself. How were you ever supposed to win that?
So after much deliberation, he resigned himself to just tell them. It was the only logical conclusion to this mess. No matter the outcome, it would be over, right? Either he'd gain their affections and have the most astonishing person by his side, Or, and he didn't want to think about this outcome to much, he'd be rejected. Told he wasn't good enough. Perhaps to stoic. Maybe he wasn't smart enough. Could he considered too over the top? Possibly he overthought things.
But he wasn't good enough. He knew that. But he had to do it for his own sake. So he could accept his fate and move on. At least things would go back to the way they were before. He could just focus on being a hero again.
Exhaling his breath, along with his nerves, Iida tentatively knocked on their door. There was a muffled "coming" from inside, followed by footsteps. The door cracked open, the hallway lights illuminating a small portion of the unlit room. (Y/n)s face appeared through the crack, a warm smile forming on ther lips as they realised who it was. They quickly slipped outside, closing the door behind them. Iida quietly cleared his throat, gaze shifting to stare at the wall beside their head. "What can I do for you Iida?" Their voice was calming to him, it nearly left him speechless. Nearly. "Ah, I was just wondering- well, seeing how well you've worked recently—" He paused, earning himself a inquisitive look from the (h/c). He cleared his throat, refocusing his gaze on them. "I would like to take you out to eat on Friday night." (Y/n) raised a brow, but otherwise had smug look on their face. "I wasn't aware the class rep was rewarding us for working diligently." Their words held no mockery or ill will, but Iida still felt his stomach churn over the words all the same. He lightly shook his head, forcing a polite smile. "With how much you've improved, I thought it would be a good reason for praise." (Y/n) nodded along. "Alright, sounds good to me. Friday it is. Though you..." They trailed off for a moment, letting their gaze slip to the floor. "You know I have to go visit my parents first, right?" Iida simply nodded, a sincere glint in his eyes, perfectly framed by his glasses. He raised a hand over his heart and bowed his head. "Of course, I would never dream of taking that time away from you." At his sweet answer, (Y/n) could barely contain the warmth that spread through them. "Can't wait then."
Iida went over his outfit again in the mirror. This wasn't too flashy was it? Or was it not flashy enough? They were just going to a simple diner... Why was he so worried about this? He couldn't stop thinking about (Y/n). Had he already messed up? Asking them out... would it have been better if he continued to squash his feelings? Surely not. He really did truly want to be there for them, but he knew that relationships cost time and effort, which was not something he had a lot spare of at UA. He glanced at his phone. He had another 20 minutes before (Y/n) usually got back, but he figured he'd go wait in the common room... maybe it'd keep his mind off it.
Heading down, he noticed everyone crowded around the TV. It was deathly silent besides some news reporter rambling nonsense. He wanders over, peering over the heads of his classmates. There was a large red banner at the bottom with "BREAKING NEWS" scrolling past every few seconds. He leant over to Uraraka, who was seated on one of the couch armrests. "What's this about?" She jumped, gaze shooting to him as she let out a yelp. A few others turned to look at them, looking overly alarmed to see Iida standing there, but they said nothing. "U-Uh.. Well... We were watching some TV when some news came in..." she trailed off. "There was a villain attack on a store near here. It usually wouldn't be a big deal but we heard Aizawa get called out for it so... we're just uh... watching to see whats the problem." Uraraka stiffly turned back to the others, returning their gazes. Iida turned his attention back to the screen, at just the perfect time. "A young girl near the scene spring into action at the beginning of the villains attack, bravely intercepting one of the villains acid attacks and using her quirk to save those nearby, nearly at the cost of her life. Further inquiry is needed, but the girl has reported to be one of the infamous students of 1A attending UA." The class watched in silence as their classmate, and friend, flashed up on screen, mostly hidden behind a very angry looking Aizawa. The silence became deafening. Everyone was too afraid to breathe. "They acted quickly, managing to save a small family who otherwise may have been lost." "W-Well... they look alright. I'm sure they're fine." Deku muttered, anxiously rubbing the nape of his neck. "What do you mean theyre fine. That reporter just said they nearly lost their life." Iidas voice boomed throughout the common room. Everyone looked to him in varying degrees of surprise, fear and sympathy. He blinked rapidly, exhaling a deep breath before averting his gaze. No one knew what to say. Uraraka reached out, gently patting his arm. Deku scooted closer, stumbling over his words as he tried to reassure his friend. "Look-" Mina pointed at the screen and everyones focus fell back to it. "It said they left the premises a while ago for safety reasons. If Aizawa is there then they'll probably come back here right?" The group nodded. "Unless they have to go in for questioning. They did use their quirk without permission and get involved in a villain attack-"
The group went dead silent as they heard the front door swing open. First to enter was Aizawa, somehow looking more tired than usual, followed by a rather downcast looking (Y/n). Midoriya opened his mouth to speak, but was silenced by a glare from their teacher. "I'm sure you're aware of what happened. However it doesn't concern you lot... for once. Make sure you get to bed on time." He turned to (Y/n), cold gaze as he stared down at them. "I'll be dealing with you tomorrow..." He averted his gaze, before placing a gentle hand on her shoudler. "Good work." And then he left.
(Y/n) only glanced toward the group, hands clutched to their chest and a downcast look on their face. They said nothing, only quickly averting their gaze before heading toward the stairs. "(Y/n)" They paused, turning their gaze toward the voice. Iida was staring them down across the room. They opened their mouth like they were going to speak, only to quickly close it and bite their tongue. They made no movement toward the stairs however. Iida briskly walked over. "What are you doing?" (Y/n) clicked their tongue. "Going to my room. Kinda had a rough night." They lingered there for a second, squinting at him. "Ah-" Their face lit up in realisation before it fell back to a frown. "Sorry, but I think I'll have to forego our plans." Iida shook his head. "That doesn't matter. I just wanted to know what you were thinking." His mouth was set in a thin line. "What... What I was thinking? What- oh. Right. When I 'leapt bravely into action'? I was saving someones life." Their voice was low, and their eyes were set. They were challenging him. "What you did was not right. As a UA student you should know better than to pull stunts like that." (Y/n) flinched away from him. "Excuse me? I saw someone in trouble, and I acted. I would have done it whether I attended UA or not." Iida frowned. Both their voices were beginning to raise. "Then that proves you're not ready to become a hero. You have to think about yourself too." "Sorry, I wasn't aware you were the one who decided who should and who shoudnt become a hero now. I'll be sure to listen to your advice next time!" "All I'm saying is that you shouldn't have risked yourself like that without at least calling for backup or alerting proper heroes!" "It was the logical thing to do! I couldn't just leave them there!" "You should be ashamed! It was a reckless attempt, and you were lucky no one was hurt!" "That's what heroes do, Iida! We act when no one else can!" They accusatorially stabbed his shoulder with their finger, glaring at him. "That doesn't mean you don't think things through and act in haste! You clearly didn't actually plan any of it!" He leaned forward, towering over them. "Oh what? So now I'm incompetent because I saved someone's life?" their glare hardened and they flung their arms out. "Nearly at the expensive of your own life! It's imbecilic!" "Oh I'm sorry 'Mr go off and fight a known hero killer alone head on', I didn't hear you over your hypocrisy!" "That was a mistake, at least I understand that! You know that situation could have gone wrong and have ended up the same as with your family, correct?" "You. Leave. Them. Out. Of. This." They glared daggers at him, words dripping with malice. "Tell me I'm wrong. You shouldn't have taken that risk!" "I can't believe this. You're so invested in scolding me for one stupid mistake! Maybe I shouldn't have done it, but I did! I risked my life for another because I couldn't bare to watch another family be torn apart by grief as mine did. Is that it, are you happy now?" "N-No! Of course not!" "What else do you want then? Why do you even care?" "Because I'm worried!" "So is everyone else, but I don't see them interrogating me! I've already been chewed out by Aizawa too! Everyone else understands something had to be done! Why is this so important to you?" "Because I was scared I might loose you! Scared I'd hear the news the love of my life had died!" The room went silent. Iida closed his eyes for a moment, hauling a deep breath before facing his words. (Y/n) stood, body shaking as they hauled breaths. They blinked rapidly, emotions swelling behind their eyes. After a moment longer, they finally dropped their arms to their sides, lowering their head in defeat. "And to think I believed that 'the love of my life' would support me. That you would understand better than anyone why I had to do it. Oh how wrong I was." They summoned as much hatred as they could, staring Iida down without falter. And then they left. They spun on their heel, nearly sprinting out of the common room into the night. The few classmates had long been silent, unable and unwilling to butt into their argument. Uraraka tentatively inched closer, leaning sideways to try and catch Iidas gaze. He didn't even notice her. His shoulders shook with each of his breaths, weighed down by his own guilt and his eyes glistened behind his glasses. "Iida-" Uraraka began to speak, voice nothing more than a whisper, but she was cut off. "I know... I know." He hauled a deep breath, straightening his back as he set his gaze on the exit. To hell with his reputation. His studies, his work. He only needed to make sure they was okay.
He didn't even need his quirk to catch up with (Y/n). They'd collapsed on one of the benches, sobs and cries muffled by their hands as they vainly attempted to stop. He could hear them muttering to themself, vile comments on their idiocy. He felt his heart splinter, an oceans worth of regret slamming over him as he realised he had done this. He was the cause of their suffering. Their tears and their cries. Iida staggered toward them, subconsciously reaching out. Upon his movement, (Y/n)'s gaze snapped to him. For a moment, all he could see was the hatred and anguish... and then it slipped away. Scrambling to their feet, they closed the gap between them. He barely had time to react before they'd collapsed into him, smushing their face into his shirt to hide their face, balling the fabric in their fists. Iida instinctively wrapped his arms around them. He'd make up for what he'd done, even if it cost him everything else.
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peteywillproceed · 5 years
“We Were On A Break!” - Part 2
Author’s Note: It’s here! I’ve been so excited to upload this! Thank you again for all the amazing support so far, I can’t believe we hit a hundred followers already! You’re all so so amazing! As usual, let me know if you wanna be added to my tag list, and I hope you enjoy x
Summary: Tom might’ve broken your heart, but the prospect of you moving to another country changes everything (kinda Friends TV show crossover!)
Word Count: 4,720
Read Part 1 First
Turns out, you wouldn’t.
Mostly because Tom couldn’t keep his hands off alcohol. But also because he couldn’t keep his promises either.
Your eyes fluttered open to face an empty bed. It was cold and the covers were gone, and you felt a little furrow of confusion work its way through your brow. You were used to waking up alone when you’d been together, but some how you’d thought this might change things – that he might finally do the half decent thing and bring you some coffee.
But the open door reminded you that to Tom, you’d never be someone he brought coffee to. You were the person that fixed him up when he was pissed, told him how great he was when he was sad. Yet when it came to you, he couldn’t even find it in his heart to stay a little while.
“Tom?” you called, frustration and sleep coating your voice. You groaned, feeling your muscles protest as you sat up, grimacing at the tight jeans and unforgiving fabric of last night’s clothes. You were still half hoping he might just be in the bathroom, but when loud voices drifted up the stairs, cheers from boys still a little drunk from the night before ringing in your ears, you wondered how you’d let him suck you into this in the first place.
In a huff, you threw yourself out of the bed and grabbed your jacket, double checking none of the sneaky bastards downstairs had helped themselves to your purse. A glance at your phone reminded you you’d never told Sarah where you’d ended up last night, and even Cameron had blown it up with calls. Regardless, you’d missed your first lecture, and you wanted to curse Tom for getting under your skin again.
Poking your head out of the door, you wondered if you could just make a dash for it down the stairs. Doing the walk of shame at 10am in the morning when the only thing you had to be ashamed of was how gullible you were wasn’t exactly an experience you were thrilled about, but here you were. You started sneaking away as fast as you could, making it to the door before a familiar voice stopped you in your tracks.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?”
“Hey, Harrison,” you sighed, dropping the handle in defeat. You glanced past his shoulder to make sure no one else had heard him and put a finger to your lips.
“Are you and Tom back together?” he whispered, eyes lighting up in excitement, and you hastily shook your head.
“No way. I made a mistake last night, probably not the one you think. Now would you save me the embarrassment of having to talk to him?”
Harrison raised an eyebrow, folding his arms as he poked his cheek with his tongue. “You want me to let my best friend make a stupid arse mistake and let you go?”
“Yes?” you said, voice filled with hope, internally screaming as he rolled his eyes.
“Hurry up then, I guess. He’s gonna go for his morning run in about thirty seconds.”
Throwing your head back in relief, you grinned at him and gave him a thumbs up, twisting the handle and darting from the house just in time. As the door clicked shut, you caught the remnants of Harrison brushing off a confused Tom, covering your back as he told him it was just the postman.
As you practically ran down the street, you tried to push Tom to the back of your mind. He was the last person you wanted to deal with right now, and whatever games he was playing could wait. You had bigger priorities right now, and you intended to not let Tom push you about anymore. That was the last time you let him write the rules; from now on, you were in charge.
You turned left at the end of the street, shoving your way into the familiar café on the high street. Your brain was all kinds of messed up, and before you could even start to think about processing last night you needed a huge mug of coffee and the internet.
“Hey, Gunther,” you smiled, ignoring the awe struck look he gave you. “Medium americano to sit in please.”
“Sure, Y/n. No Sarah today? I, uh, kept the sofa free for you.” You followed where he pointed, but there was basically no need for his reserved sign. The café was practically empty.
“Err thanks. But I just need a computer today.”
“Sure, sure. On the house, I’ll bring your drink over in a bit.” He winked at you as you started over towards the computer bar and nabbed the one closest to the radiator, relief washing over you as warmth covered your frozen body.
You tapped your leg impatiently as you waited for it to boot up, annoyed you’d forgotten your phone charger. You were waiting on what could have been the most important email you’d ever receive in your life, and the deadline was last night. You’d been meaning to keep an eye on it all night, but then things had gotten weird with Tom and you’d just forgotten about it.
Studying physics was the hardest but most rewarding thing you’d ever done, but you were graduating and you needed somewhere to keep pushing your mind. So when your professor had brought up that he needed an assistant to work on a PhD program with him in France, you’d jumped at the chance – travel the world, and get an awesome qualification at the same time. All you’d needed was the funding, and today was the day you would know if everything you’d worked for was coming true.
You were holding your breath as the gmail screen loaded, barely acknowledging Gunther’s comment as he set your coffee down beside you. All you could focus on was the string of black text crossing your screen as your eyes scanned the page and took in what it was saying.
“Dear Miss Y/l/n, congratulations, we are delighted to award you the grant to support your further studies in Paris – OH MY GOD!” You screamed in amazement, choking back sobs as all three of the people in the café turned to stare at you. Jesus, you’d done it. Actually done it. You were going to Paris! PARIS! To study the stars! For free!
Your heart was pounding and you could hear the blood racing in your ears. In a haze of blissful amazement, you snatched your phone of the table to call your mum, before remembering it was dead. You could hardly remember getting to your feet and rushing towards the café’s landline, punching in the only number you could remember.
“Y/n? Oh my god! Where’ve you been? We’ve been so worried, we even called your mum thinking you were back there!” Sarah’s panicked voice screamed through the phone, and you wondered how on earth she knew it was you calling.
“Shh, Sarah, shh just be quiet for a sec, okay? I did it! I got the grant! I’m going to Paris!”
There was stunned silence on the other end of the phone, before she too erupted into a set of screams so deafening you had to hold the phone away from your ear. “Y/n that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you! Have you told your mum?”
“No, my phone’s dead and yours was the only number I could remember!” You giggled, relieved to hear Sarah burst into laughter too.
“Oh God, maybe you should call her. She thinks you’ve been kidnapped!”
You rang off quickly, slumping against the wall, overwhelmed by the whole morning. In just the space of a few hours, you’d gone from utterly humiliated to high on happiness and amazement. You’d worked so hard for this, put in so many extra hours just to get half way to where you were today. And here were the results, your future, all laid out in front of you like a pretty picture.
You were going to Paris, to do something you’d always dreamed of doing, ex-boyfriend be damned.
A few days later, you were spread out on your bed, putting away the last of your revision notes when you heard the knock on your bedroom door. Figuring it was Sarah who’d forgot her keys, you turned down the music you had playing softly in the background, and called out to her.
“You’d forget your head if it wasn’t screwed on, numpty,” you laughed, snatching the keys off her desk and heading towards the door.
“Err, actually Y/n, it’s me.”
Your hand froze halfway to the door handle, your body rigid with a strange concoction of fear and excitement. You hadn’t heard his deep, velvety voice since last week, and you hated the way the sound sent shivers through your body. You could almost picture him, slumped against the door frame, his fist hovering over the ‘do not disturb’ sign in his usual deliberate ignoring of the rules.
“What, Tom?” you sighed, flinging the door open. God, you didn’t have time for this. You were leaving for Paris in just over a week and you still hadn’t packed half your stuff.
“Can I talk to you a minute?” he asked, his face unreadable. If he was anything, you would have said he looked scared, and the realisation made you start with the shock of seeing him anything other than cocky.
“If you make it quick, I’m busy,” you snapped, standing to one side to let him in.
You clicked your tongue and let the door slam shut, folding your arms as he started looking around your room. He trailed his hands over your bed, and you shuddered at the unwelcome memories that flooded your head, the feeling of his cool fingers against your skin and the familiar, lustful stare he’d always had drowning out any sense of resolve you thought you’d had.
Somehow, you pulled it together enough you jerk him out of his trance. “Well?”
“You’re going to Paris?” he spun around, his tone so accusatory you wanted to slap him. What right did he have to have feelings about your future? When he’d given all that up with just a few words months ago?
“If you must know, yes, I am. It’s for a PhD.”
He snorted and you grit your teeth, about to kick him out if he said anything stupid. “Good, that’s…good. I know you always wanted to do that.”
“Thanks.”  You let out the breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding and pursed your lips.
He looked to the side, hunching his shoulders as if he had far more to say but didn’t know if it was smart to say it. You could see the indecision in his eyes, feeling quietly pleased your choice had unsettled him; finally, he was the one being wrong footed.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well, I didn’t realise I had to run every decision I made by my ex-boyfriend,” you rolled your eyes, restraining yourself from snapping too much.
“It hurt a lot hearing it from Harrison.”
You nodded, but you couldn’t quite bring yourself to feel sympathetic. You didn’t know why he felt like he had such a right to your life, when he’d made it blatantly clear he didn’t want to be a part of it anymore. You fiddled with the rings on your fingers at his comments, trying to clear your head enough to form a coherent answer.
“I can’t say I’m sorry, Tom,” you sighed at last, and he nodded. “I don’t know what you want me to say if I’m honest. You ended things and I’m moving on. I’ve got things to be getting on with and they don’t involve you, so I don’t feel overly inclined to keep you updated on my schedule.”
As you spoke, you could feel the anger bubbling up inside you, and you fought to keep it down. You’d worked so hard to make things right, to make it seem like you couldn’t give a damn anymore, and you refused to crumble at the last hurdle.
“I get that,” he nodded. “When did you find out?”
“Last week.”
“And when did you tell Harrison?”
“Last week,” you shrugged, meeting his eye with a steely glare. You were beginning to get annoyed with all of his questions, because he hadn’t even told you what he was doing here. All he’d done so far was waltz in and throw questions at you left, right, and centre, like the entitled prick you’d never thought he was.
“Was he okay with it?” Tom touched his cheek, drawing your eyes to the brief contact, and you shook your head.
“Does it matter, Tom? If you’re so interested, ask him yourself.”
“I wanted to hear it from you.”
“I don’t know why,” you spread your arms wide “you’ve not exactly called since the last time we saw each other. I’m not someone you can just call when you need me and then dump me the next day. If you’re here to do that, then you can piss off now.”
“Of course I’m not here for that!” Tom’s mouth fell open and he sounded genuinely shocked at what you were saying.
“Then why are you here?” you threw your head back, exhausted already from this conversation and wanting nothing more than to run far away.
“I…don’t know,” Tom admitted, collapsing onto your bed. “After you disappeared the other night, I figured that was the end of us, that I’d really blown it that time. I wanted to call you, to set things straight, but you’d made it so clear in the past that you wanted nothing to do with me that I thought maybe it was for the best.”
“Well clearly you changed your mind,” you eyed him, but his words caught at your heart strings.
“I did. I honestly did. I can’t stop thinking about you, Y/n. You’re in my dreams, in my thoughts, hell I can’t go a minute without something reminding me of you, and when Harrison told me about you leaving...” he gulped, leaving his sentence unfinished and glanced up, red rimming his eyes. You stepped towards him and tentatively put your hand on his shoulder, not sure what to say.
“You’re telling me all of this a bit late. And to be honest, after the way you’ve behaved, I’m not sure I believe you.”
“And you have every right not to,” Tom was suddnely on his feet, inches from your face. Your breathing hitched and he swallowed audibly, his hand reaching up to cup your face. “But know that I’m not here to trick you or mislead you, I’m here as one hundred percent myself, and I’m trying to fix the biggest mistake I ever made.”
The contact made you shiver, drawing you further into Tom’s arms. A thousand thoughts swirled in your head as you stared into the deep chocolate pools you’d once known every inch of. Everything about him was intoxicating, from the slippery velvet words that came from his lips to the deep, woody pine smell that made you want to bury your head into every jumper he owned. You were drowning in Tom, and just for a minute you forgot everything that had happened.
All that you remembered was the here and now, the silence stretching for miles between you as you were locked in his embrace. He was inching closer, and your heart was pounding faster, threatening to burst from your chest in an all-consuming, blinding explosion. You weren’t breathing, hardly moving, as he tilted your chin towards him and brought his hand to tangle in your hair. His fingers threaded through the knots with ease, the familiarity a surprise to you as your eyes fluttered closed at his touch. You were moments away from kissing him, and God you wanted to.
But wanting was not the same as needing.
You stepped back abruptly, watching hurt cross Tom’s face as swiftly as though you’d plunged a knife into his chest. You tried to say something, anything, but the words got caught in your throat, and instead you were breathing hard and gasping for air, the sudden loss of contact a shock. How did you explain to him how you felt? Now you were the one that had ripped away something good, something beautiful, and being on the other side of it felt awful.
But you knew, you were certain, that kissing Tom would only bring you more hurt than you’d already had, and you weren’t sure your heart could take anymore.
“I’m…I’m sorr…sorry,” you stuttered, feeling hot tears start sliding down your face.
Tom shook his head slowly and looked down at the floor. You weren’t certain, but you were almost positive you’d seen the glassy covering of tears just about to fall. “It’s alright.”
“I, um, I think you should go,” you mumbled, twiddling with your fingers. Your heart had broken so many times over this guy that you just wanted to let yourself be alone for once, to feel and suffer and wallow in the overwhelming sadness and heart break that followed you and Tom wherever you went. Perhaps this time, it would finally teach you a lesson.
He met your eyes with a desperate look, but this time he didn’t close the space between you. The anticipation hung in the air as you both waited for the other to make a move, and suddenly the overwhelming urge to run towards him and kiss him until you couldn’t breathe took over your rational brain. You fought it down with a harsh wipe of your cheek, feeling the tackiness of the tears there drying on your palm.
At last, Tom nodded, and started towards the door, grabbing the jacket he’d tossed over the chair. “Y/n?” he glanced over his shoulder.
“Yeah?” you said at last, barely looking him in the eye.
“For what it’s worth, I really am sorry.”
And then he was gone, disappearing from your room as quickly as he’d come without so much as a goodbye. As soon as the door had slammed shut, you felt your heart shatter, and you fell to the floor as your knees gave way, all the strength you’d held suddenly ebbing away.
Tears poured down your reddened face, your hands thrust into your hair as you sobbed into your knees. You curled them into your chest, desperately pulling yourself close in an attempt to shut out the encroaching world that had crushed your fragile body so many times over. It seemed unfair, almost cruel, that this was happening again – you were reliving that horrible night all over again, and you just wanted it to stop.
This was supposed to be a good day. A positive day. Where you’d moved on and were planning for an exciting future. Except now you’d been stripped right back to core, your emotions exposed and everything torn to shreds. Your heart was laying naked somewhere in Tom’s palms, your tears running through the cracks in his skin. Because as much as you hated to admit it, there was still a part of you that longed to chase after him, beg him to stay.
And it was the very part of you that had destroyed you.
Departure day came quicker than you’d expected, and you were still reeling from Tom. Harrison and Sarah came with you to say goodbye, their hugs lingering as you stood in the departure lounge.
“I’m gonna miss you!” Sarah sobbed, scraping at her cheeks as fresh tears rolled down them.
“Not as much as I’m gonna miss you,” you laughed. “But you can come visit any time you like.”
“That better be the same for me too, Miss Y/l/n,” Harrison smirked, pulling you into his arms.
“What? You’re the British one here, Harrison, you can make a day trip whenever you fancy!”
“Consider that done,” he winked, and you swatted him on the arm. You exchanged a look with him as the laughter died, both knowing he wouldn’t have been the only British boy with you today if things had gone differently.
“For what it’s worth, Y/n, I’m sure he would have come,” Harrison sighed, stroking your arm.
“Yeah, right,” Sarah scoffed “he didn’t call, didn’t text, just left her there on the floor after ripping her heart out again.”
“Tom’s an idiot, we all know that, but he’s decent when he’s not being stupid.”
“Unfortunately, he’s being stupid most of the time,” you muttered, glancing down at your phone one last time in the hopes he might have changed his mind. But the screen was still blank, just your regular old Spiderman background staring you in the face.
Suddenly, a voice came over the tannoy, and dread filled your stomach. “This is the last call for flight 217 to Paris, France. Please proceed to Gate 48.”
“Well, that’s me,” you gulped, turning to your friends with wide eyes. “Is it normal to be this scared?”
“Moving to another country all by yourself? Of course it is,” Harrison smiled warmly, and you trusted him the most. After all, he’d done it four years ago. “But you’ll be back for graduation next month. By then you’ll have forgotten all of the nerves and you’ll be a proper Parisian.”
You laughed and gathered your bags, giving them one final hug before starting towards the gate. “I love you guys!” You called over your shoulder.
“We love you too!”
You disappeared into passport control, fear filling your stomach. That was it, the last sighting of any familiar faces for a very long time, and it was of Harrison answering the phone. As you handed your passport over to the stern looking lady at the booth, you couldn’t help but wonder if what Harrison said was true, if being a Parisian really was that simple. It didn’t seem it, but if Tom could make a new life in a completely different country, then you sure as hell could to.
Tom. Oh God. You hadn’t wanted to think about him. Not now, when any thought of him previously had left you a crippling mess and unable to talk. Numbly, you took your passport back and wandered into the concourse, looking for directions to Gate 48. Anything to distract you from what might have been.
When you finally found your gate, your head was still full of thoughts of Tom and everything you should’ve said, and the lady checking your boarding pass had to ask you three times before you registered she was talking to you.
“Is everything okay, love?” she asked, stamping the ticket.
“Oh, yeah,” you shrugged “just a lot going on right now I guess.”
“Yeah, I’d say so. You only just got here in time, take off is in fifteen minutes.”
“Thanks,” you smiled, but it didn’t reach your eyes, and she stuck her hand out as you tried to walk past.
“Guy trouble?” she narrowed her eyes and you jumped in shock.
“How did you-?”
“Oh please, I see enough young men and women walking through these gates every day looking a little lost. And Paris? Is there any please more obvious to go to for a broken heart?”
“I thought it was the city of love?” you raised an eyebrow, and the woman laughed.
“Of course darling, that’s why it’s perfect for heartbreak.”
Her words rattled around in your skull, ‘darling’ working its way through the layers of iron around your heart and embedding itself into the tissue. That was what he had called you. You hadn’t thought about the word in days, and here this woman was, so casually saying it, as if you hadn’t had your heart torn in two by the very man who practically invented the word.
Images of Tom swam before your eyes, the brown curls and dimpled smile nestling into your mind. You felt tears prick in your eyes as the memory of his voice swirled through his ears, so realistic you could’ve sworn he was right next to you.
It was so random, it was like he was there. You could hear him yelling, a cruel trick your mind was determined to play, and yet it was so real.
“Y/n, please, wait!”
He sounded out of breath, but at the sound of your name you spun around in surprise, dropping your rucksack in shock as Tom came sprinting through the crowd. He was wearing his usual black t-shirt and jeans, but he was clutching a small strip of paper and racing towards you.
“Is that you?” the woman who’d stamped your ticket asked with a knowing smile.
“Tom?” your mouth fell open “what are you doing here?”
He skidded to a stop, the eyes of hundreds of passengers trained on him as he bent double and gasped for breath. “I…couldn’t…let…you…leave…without saying…goodbye.”
“What?” you balked, not sure what to say. Your flight was leaving in less than ten minutes – of course Tom would cock this up for you.
“Y/n, please, please don’t go,” he gripped your shoulders, pulling you against his chest. At first, you resisted, but at the sight of his pleading eyes and desperate voice, you collapsed against you, and his chin fell on your head. “Oh God, I thought I’d missed you.”
“How’d you even get in here?” you asked.
“Bought a ticket.”
“You did what?”
“Apparently I’m on the second flight out to Canada now,” he grinned, stepping away from you.
“You did all that to ask me to stay?” your mouth moved before you could think, but Tom was nodding vigorously, still panting.
“I got the wrong airport at first, then I rang Haz and he told me you’d just gone into passport control. I figured I had enough time to make it, but then I got here and your flight wasn’t on the departures board.” So that was the phone call Haz had taken as you’d left.
“You know, asking me to stay isn’t possible, Tom,” you sighed as reality hit you like a truck “I’ve got a job to do, and I want this so badly. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. Asking me to give all that up for you when you broke my heart is…a lot.”
“I know, I know. Okay, look, don’t stay then. But let me follow you.”
“Tom…” you started, shaking your head “this is all so complicated.”
“Well let me make it less complicated for you then,” he said, and suddenly you were kissing, and stars were exploding behind your closed eyes. His lips moved with yours, sending sparks of electricity racing through your veins. Your skin crawled as a thousand fires spread across your body, heat warming your chilled bones. It was everything you needed and didn’t want at the same time, but it felt right, it felt good, and suddenly you knew you should have kissed him the day he’d come to your dorm.
When you broke apart, the lady at the desk was clearing her throat as the final warning bell sounded. “Miss Y/l/n, are you boarding this plane or not?”
You glanced between her and Tom, the prospect of the future or the enticement of the past. You knew what would win out, you were too sensible to give into a guy who’d just run through an airport for you – but there was no reason you couldn’t have both.
“I am,” you nodded, picking up your rucksack and smiling at Tom, whose eyes had widened slightly. “There’s another flight out in two hours. Change your ticket and come with me.”
“Will you meet me there?” he called out as you started walking backwards.
“I’ll be waiting,” you replied, blowing him a kiss. Suddenly, everything felt right again. Maybe Tom would break your heart again, maybe he wouldn’t. But the prospect of forever didn’t mean much right now, you were too busy living your life. All that could come – for now, you just had to focus on your future and taking one step at a time. If Tom was really that serious about you, he’d show it soon enough.
And if he didn’t? Well then, you’d be okay with that too. Because something told you, as you walked away, that whatever was to come would be brilliant.
And you couldn’t wait to find out what it was.
@zabdisamor @jinxfanfics @jillanaholland
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bngtanah · 4 years
Private Dancer | JK (m)
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summary: You keep Jungkook company as he stays late for practice and he ends putting on a different kind of show.
part of the EXPECTATION! oneshot collection.
pairing: jungkook  x reader genre: pwp(smut) words: 3.11k warning: smut, black!reader, boyfriend!jk, stripping, thigh riding, interruption, m/f
a/n: still over here foolish. there’s so much to re-upload T_T
Your name: submit What is this?
Jungkook had always been a hard worker. From the day that you met him, that particular trait was one that you admired immensely. When he committed to something he always put 100% of his effort into making sure that the outcome was nothing short of perfection and you loved that about him.
Except when you didn’t.
Jungkook’s bullheaded dedication to giving his whole mind and soul to a project often meant you became a second thought when his current goal had nothing to do with you. Like tonight, for instance, you’d lost track of the amount of time you had been stuck in the practice room with him. Watching intently as he repeated the same song choreography time and time again. It was entertaining at first since you always enjoyed watching him in his element; dancing and singing like no one else was watching. It was enthralling to be quite honest. But that was hours ago and all the feelings of amazement had melted away to lethargy.
You were slumped against the back wall using Jungkook’s jacket as a makeshift blanket to keep warm as he stopped himself mid spin and shook his head then raced over to restart the song he had been dancing to all night.
“Ah, why can’t I get this right?” He muttered to himself, wiping away the strands of hair that were stuck to his sweaty forehead. “How did that look, babe?” he asked, glancing toward you.
“The same as it did two hours ago, Jungkook” You answered, not bothering to open your eyes.
His head perked up from the boombox and he finally looked in your direction. You rarely called him by his full name unless something was wrong and the image of you curled up in the corner of the couch bundled up with his jacket made him focus on something other than his dance routine for the first time that night.
“I’m sorry. This must be so boring for you, Y/N….” He sighed, scratching the back of his head.
“It wasn’t at first but… I think I’m just going to head home,” You grumbled and attempted to get up “I thought we would get a chance to hang out before you start promoting but obviously you’re too busy.”
“No! Y/N, don’t go.” Jungkook protested, but you waved him off.
“Seriously, it’s alright. You can still come over if you get out of here before the sun rises.”
Jungkook pursed his lips in thought for a few seconds before reaching out to grab both of your wrists as you walked toward him.
“Please, Y/N. Just stay for one more song?” He pleaded, placing your hands on his chest. You were beyond tired and the thought of spending another minute in the dance studio gave you a headache, but then he smiled at you. One of his genuine, adorable smiles and you found yourself without a defense against the batting of his big brown eyes.
“Fine,” You groaned “One more song and then I’m going home.”
“You might not want to…” He muttered, and you looked at him questioningly, expecting an explanation. He shook his head instead and motioned back to the couch “Just take a seat, Y/N.”
You obeyed and returned to the couch, arms crossed against your chest and a single eyebrow raised as you attempted to decipher exactly what was going through your boyfriend’s head. Your thoughts were interrupted when he glanced in your direction again, this time wearing a playful grin instead of the intense look of concentration he’d had on his face all night.
“Do you remember that thing you asked me to do for you the other night?”
You didn’t respond. You had no clue what he was talking about; you asked him to do a lot of things when he actually had the free time to spend with you. Jungkook continued to smile despite your silence and soon enough he was standing right in front of you, hooking his finger under your chin. He lifted your head up to look at him and you blinked a few times.
“You really don’t remember?” He asked you, his head tilted and the smirk still gracing his perfect lips. The intimacy in his stare was almost too much, sending a shiver down your spine that you barely managed to hide from him when you realized exactly what request he was referring to.
“Kookie, you can’t be serious,” You let out a short breath and tried to smile back, “I was drunk when I said that…”
“I’m very serious,” He replied without a beat. “Consider it a thank you for staying with me tonight. I know it may not seem like it but I feel better when you’re with me.”
Before you could answer, he suddenly turned around and made his way over to the little “DJ booth” in the corner of the room. He scrolled through a few songs on his phone until soft pulsating music began pouring through the speakers. It wasn’t fast and loud like the song he was practicing to earlier, but instead, it was slow and sensual, and low enough that you could still hear the shuffle of his sweats as he walked over to you and got close again.
Without warning, his body started slowly moving, almost as if he was experimenting with how you would react to him in that moment. Your eyes followed him and even though you were still couldn’t believe that he was actually going through with this, you couldn’t deny the way his movements were making you feel, and the smug grin on his lips told you he was truly only getting started. 
He studied your face, biting his lip slightly as he looked at you and you backed up on the couch just slightly to give him more room. He took that as an invitation to get closer and spread your legs slightly before putting his hands on the back of the couch for leverage. He moved slowly, deliberately so that his body was practically on top of yours without really touching you and started body rolling again, causing a very visible shiver to run down your spine.
“Are you trembling already, baby?” You heard him tease you, bringing you out of the little spell you were in. You looked up at him and shook your head and his lip curved up a bit in the corner, barely noticeable. “I haven’t even done anything yet”
“Just shut up and strip for me,” you hissed in response.
“Patience…” He hummed and rolled his body, again emphasizing the thrust of his hips. Even though he was barely touching you it was almost like you could feel him. You were almost certain that having him strip for you would be an embarrassing gesture you could tease him about later. You never imagined that he would actually do and do it so well. You should have known he would put everything he had into his performance. Jungkook never did anything half-assed. There was still a small part of you that wanted to giggle whenever he would go down to the floor and thrust upward in your direction but you were definitely into all of it. That was evidenced by the way you felt your underwear becoming more moist each time his upper body brushed against yours, and your thighs begged to be rubbed together for some type of friction.
He chuckled softly and grabbed both of your wrists, putting your hands higher on the couch, moving his body towards you slowly until finally he was close enough to feel you. He pushed his hips into yours and you gasped at the feeling. He was half hard already, and the fact that you were having the same effect on him gave you a bit of confidence. You used your feet to hook against his thighs and attempt to push him harder into you, to feel him more, but as soon as you did Jungkook smiled and pulled away.
“Nu-uh, No touching baby.” He chuckled.
“Please tell me you’re kidding,” You groaned.
“Nope. You wanted a stripper so we’re gonna do this right, that means you can look but not touch.”
“Why do you know so much about strippers?”
“Don’t worry about that.”
Your eyes narrowed in annoyance which only made Jungkook laugh harder and cradle your cheeks between his large hands, “Don’t pout, this is what you wanted.”
You rolled your eyes, heavy, but you shrugged anyway and motioned for him to continue with his little show. Him stopping you was probably for the best, considering it wouldn’t have taken much for you to want much more than just making out on the couch, and you didn’t come here to sleep with him in the practice room where just about anyone could walk in.
You watched closely as he resumed his dance, and then brought his hands down to the edge of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head, leaving him in just his grey sweat pants, making it very obvious that he wanted the same thing that you did. The way he held himself back was actually somewhat impressive. This was far from the first time you’d seen him shirtless but now that he was here in front of you, close enough to touch, you could feel yourself growing more and more frustrated that you weren’t allowed to reach forward and feel his smooth skin under your fingers. 
“Like what you see?” He asked as he tossed his shirt in your direction.
“I hate you Jungkook,” was your answer.
Jungkook grinned broadly as you responded, and you were positive that he was reveling in the feeling of you being completely desperate to touch him. The way his hips were moving only added to the feelings of frustration pooling at your center and you pushed your legs together for some slight relief.
“I want you too, baby girl.” He groaned, looking down at the way your thighs were rubbing together. You stopped your movement once he caught on and he smiled gently, leaning forward and putting his hands on your thighs to make them move in the same way that they were before, “Don’t stop.” He whispered against your skin as he nuzzled his face against your neck. They way his fingertips pressed deeply into your thighs let you know that he was definitely done playing games.
He sighed loudly, eyeing you up and down as you made a small attempt to pleasure yourself then his eyes suddenly flashed over to the door. You wondered what could possibly be more deserving of his attention at this particular moment but your questions were answered when he walked over, turned the lock with a click and made his way back over to you again.
He sat down on the couch for the first time that night and he smoothed a hand up your thigh, “Get on my lap, baby.”  Without a second thought, you settled into his lap, lips moving over his with an urgent need as his hands quickly moved to grope your body. 
“We could go back to my room.” He whispered in between kisses that started behind your ear and traveled down your neck. “I don’t want to,” You answered and winded your hips down against his crotch. The closer your bodies pressed together, the more your wanted to feel his length buried inside you. You reached for the hem of your top, which was already halfway up your torso, and pulled it up over your head. Soft moans of his name passed your lips as he gently nipped at your neck and you harshly tugged at a tuft of his hair.
He let out a low moan and didn’t waste any time in putting his hands on your hips and pulling you even closer into him, thrusting up into you. A heavy moan tumbled from your lips, and he suddenly had a hand over your mouth. “You have to be quiet, Y/N.” 
“Mhm,” You replied through a breathy moan as you brought yourself down onto his lap, harder this time. His hard cock had to be uncomfortable in his sweats, but he didn’t seem to mind as he moved in time with you. He removed his hand from your mouth, putting it back onto your hip and continued to thrust with you, hitting your clit whenever he bucked up in a certain angle. You could barely control yourself as another noisy moan formed in the back of your throat. The thought of someone hearing you both made you cautious and also turned you on even more. He ran one hand through your curly tresses and used the other to keep you in place, pulling you closer whenever he would thrust up.
As much as you enjoyed the friction that was being created between you two you were also growing impatient for the main attraction and soon found yourself reaching down, feeling for a way to get him out of his pants when his hands landed on yours, “You really don’t have any patience do you?” 
“No,” You admitted, pulling your lips off his neck for a moment to look at him. “Don’t act like you’re not the same way.”
He snickered and glanced to the side, rethinking what he had planned to say as he toyed with the strap of your bra. “I want nothing more than to be buried so deep inside you that you’d have trouble walking tomorrow,” He said slowly and carefully as he pulled down the strap he had curled around his finger “But I don’t have a condom, so unless you’re willing to take the risk….”  He practically purred as he pulled down the other strap and unhooked your bra from the back, “You’ll have to settle for something other than that.”
Before you could answer and scold him for not being prepared, your nipple was in his mouth and you lost track of your thoughts. Flicking his tongue over your stiff nipple before sealing his lips around the dark brown bud, grazing his teeth over it. His tongue flattened against your golden peak, sucking at it hard. He bucked his hips up once again while his mouth teased your breasts, and you were almost convinced that he could get you off based on that action alone.
Jungkook had other ideas, apparently, as he grabbed hold of your hips and maneuvered your body so that you were no longer straddling his waist but securely seated on one of his thighs. He motioned for you to move your hips and when you did he flexed his thigh, moving it against your core in the perfect position. Your clit hitting a fold in his sweats, causing even more pleasure to shoot through you. Soon you built up a rhythm and braced yourself by grabbing on to his shoulders for support as you breathing became sporadic, you were getting close and he could feel that in the way your thighs flexed and shook with every thrust forward. He raised a suggestive eyebrow at you and then slid his hand down the front of you pants, straight into your underwear to let his fingers slip between your folds. He groaned lowly in his throat, trying to stay quiet “You’re so wet, how are you this wet?”  He asked with a husky grunt.
He barely gave you the time to reply before he spread the lips of your core open, sliding a finger inside and finding the spongy tissue of your most sensitive spot. “Are you this wet for me baby?” he moaned, and you echoed the sound and nodded quickly as his fingers twisted and curled inside you. You tensed around his fingers and then continued moving your hips, riding his fingers over and over again until you could feel the dull pressure of ecstasy buried within you grow tighter and tighter with each thrust and movement of your hips. You groaned again, and he crashed his lips against yours in a sloppy and careless kiss right before there were a series of knocks on the door, hard and nonstop. Your eyes widened and so did his before he stopped himself and cursed under his breath, “Shit.”
“Yah, Jungkook-ah! Why is the door locked? Open up!” Hoseok and Jimin’s overlapping voices could be heard from the other side making Jungkook more swiftly to erase any signs of your intimate session. He pulled his fingers out of you, wiping them on the material of his pants, and then with his free hand he put a finger up to his lips, telling you to be quiet. “Why are they here so late?” You whispered.
He shrugged and frowned toward the door, clearly imagining what it would be like to make his hyungs evaporate with just a thought, but instead of wishing for the impossible he was putting his hands on your waist and moving you from his lap. He got up, grabbing the shirt from the floor to put it back over his torso before bending to you hand you your shirt with a genuine frown. He waited until you were dressed again to press a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“Sorry, I-.”
Whatever he was about to say was interrupted when the banging on the door resumed. Jungkook groaned loudly then turned to open the door, revealing Hoseok and Jimin who both looked annoyed by how long he took to answer their calls.
“How long does it take to open a door, Jungkookie?” Jimin asked as he brushed past the younger male.
“What are listening to, anyway? You should be practicing for-” Hoseok cut himself off when he caught the glimpse of you huddled up on the couch. “Oh, Y/N I didn’t know you were here.”
“Don’t mind me, I’m leaving!” You responded quickly, jumping up from the couch even though your legs felt like jelly. “I’ll see you later Kookie.” You smiled and kissed his cheek before slipping out the door.
Knowing glances passed between Jimin and Hoseok as they noted the slight wobble in your walk and the light sheen of sweat that covered both your bodies.
“Please, just tell you didn’t do it on the couch, I sleep there!” Jimin pouted and was subsequently ignored by Jungkook who dashed around them to grab his jacket and follow you out of the practice room.
“You guys can have the room, I’m..uhm..tired! Yeah, tired I’m going home!” He shouted over his shoulder as he ran to catch up with you to finish what he’d started.
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herondaleholly31 · 5 years
She’s Mine. Billy Hargrove X Reader
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Request: Hey, can I request a jealous Billy in school imagine? Like he sees the reader talking to other guys and decides to prove that she’s his?
 A/N: Hey guys, here's another ST request, and after binge watching the entire thing I just had to write it. Keep sending in your requests, I promise I’m working my way through them. Thanks for being so patient the past few weeks, I'm writing way more now due to the extra time I have so hopefully uploads will be  regular during the summer. 
Like and Reblog! :) 
word count: 1200
Billy arrived just as the Bell for lunch rang. He roared the clutch on his Camaro, jut to make it clear that he had arrived, then turned the car off and sat back, filling his lungs with smoke from the cigarette that he had clutched between his lips. The blaring sound of The scorpions caused a group of girls to scowl as they walked past, before clocking who was in the car. “Hey Billy,” One of them simpered, waggling her fingers and slowly batting her eyelashes whilst her friends giggled. Billy gave her a quick upwards nod, but his eyes didn’t linger; instead they scanned the hoards of people that were walking out of Hawkins High in to the watery April sun. He couldn’t see the person he was looking for-he couldn’t see you. He flicked the cigarette, climbed out the car and slammed the door shut, the smack reverberating loudly. As he strutted down towards the school he kept scanning, ignoring the wandering eyes of girls or the scowls of their boyfriends. He saw your friends but you weren’t with them and by this point  his patience was starting to fray. He didn’t want to be here any longer than he needed to, instead would rather spend the afternoon smoking with you lying in once of his shirts on his bed. He rounded the corner and saw you by your locker. He couldn’t help but stop for a moment to admire the way your jeans clung tight your skin, his favourite pair because You were transferring books from your bag into your locker, your bag resting on your hip meaning your body arched slightly, something Billy wasn’t used to seeing you do with that amount of clothes on. A couple of people said hi to you as they passed, and you smiled politely and waved, but mostly you were just minding your own business. He was just about to walk up and surprise you, when a voice called “hey Y/N.”
You turned and smiled “Hey Ted.” Ted Fletch walked up, smiling widely. Billy hung back for a moment, anger starting to boil in the pit of his stomach. 
“Here let me help you,” Ted grabbed the books from the top of the teetering pile in your hands, to which you nodded gratefully. 
“Thanks. What’s up?”
“Our history test for Travis is tomorrow right?” 
“Uh huh,” You nodded.
Ted groaned “Brilliant.”
“Guess you should actually look over your notes at some point,” you laughed. 
“Or, if you’re free,” Ted moved in s little, his eyes looking you up and down briefly, Causing Billy to have a strong urge to punch him till he bled “We count meet up tonight. You know….to study.” 
“Oh…i don’t”
“Hey Baby.” Billy was leaning on the locker behind you, one arm resting against the wall whilst the other was hooked lazily into his pocket You didn’t need to fully turn around to feel his chest against your back, leaning in as he nodded at Ted “Fletch.” 
“Billy.” Ted’s smile had gone, replaced by a look of half fear half annoyance as he instinctively took a step away from you. You felt the blush colour your cheek and ducked your head as you tried to stop your heart from pounding loudly against your chest. Billy didn’t notice, still looking at Ted, his eyes flashing sinisterly. ‘I didn’t know you and Y/N knew each other.” 
“He was asking me about the history test tomorrow,” You were able to say, just as Ted said “I was just asking Y/N if she wanted to hang out tonight and study.” 
‘Oh,” Billy tutted sarcastically ‘Well, it's a shame cause we’re busy tonight.” Not breaking his eye contact Billy deliberately moved his arm from the locker, slowly trailing his hand down your back until he reached the back pocket of your jeans. With one finger he hooked you into him, his hand sliding down into the pocket, his fingers moving slightly against the material and causing a shiver to shake your legs and hips. You fought to keep your breathing steady so as to not show Billy the effects his touch had. ‘We do?” You asked, turning to look up at Billy’s face, eyebrows raised in a questioning expression. Billy chuckled softly, his tongue swishing across his bottom lip quickly as he leant closer to you “Last night? I said I’d take you to the movies.” he was leaning in closer now, and you were very aware of where you were stood, with people walking past and staring curious. Billy didn’t care though, instead leaning in to drawl “maybe get two seats at the back.” He then hooked his hand around your neck and pulled you in, stopping your gasp of surprise by kissing you in a way that made your head spin. You tried to pull away slightly but with a small bite to your bottom lip you felt your shock subside as he felt your body melt.  He hummed softly with pleasure, then pulled away, loving the way your head moved forward so to close the gap again. 
“I’m sorry man, I didn’t even realise you two were a thing.” You completely forgotten that Ted was there, and you turned back to him, wiping your lips quickly. Billy kept his hand in your back pocket, snd this time you moved  so your arm wrapped around his waist. 
“Yup.” Billy smirked. “ We are.” He looked down at you, briefly, and there was a quick flicker of a genuine grin “She’s mine.” But when he looked back at Ted, all there was something threatening about his tone as he said “So if I were you Fletch, I’d stay away from her. Got it?” 
Ted swallowed. He nodded quickly then back away until he mixed with the rest of the students that were filling outside.  Satisfied, Billy turned to talk to you, expecting some sarcastic comment or a teasing “Hargroveeee.” 
He was not expecting the slap. Pain shot through his cheek and his stumbled back slightly, his hand cupping the sensitive skin. “What was that for?” He asked, surprised.
“That’s for being a dick.” 
“Is it being a dick if I’m just claiming what’s mine?” 
“When you phrase it like that, yea.” 
Billy  scoffed but even he couldn’t hide the fact that this show of control was extremely attractive. He put his hands on his hips, causing the v of his open shirt to widen and show off more of his collarbone. “You’re really full of surprises aren’t you Sweetheart?” 
“Oh trust me,” you smiled “you’d haven’t seen the half of it.” 
“Oh really?”At this Billy bit his bottom lip, shook his head, then grabbed you by the waist and started pushing you towards the doors. Your brain flustered but you willingly followed him out the front doors or the school and through the car park towards Billy’s Camaro. Billy’s breathing was heavy as if he’d been running as he kept his hand firmly On your back. You both got into the car and he revved off, the smell of burning tires following you as he shot off down the Hawkins high street.
“Where are we going Billy?”
“We are going back to mine,” Billy’s voice gravelled “and you’re going to show me these surprises.”  One hand stayed gripped to the steering but he moved the other to rest on your thigh, and you knew in that moment of the true effect you had on him. His kept his foot low on the gas as the car shot through the town, and by the way you were laughing that what he had said was true. You were his, and he was surprised by how much he loved that. 
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sinfulavenue · 5 years
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Hey guys! As promised here is a sneak peak at chapter 22 of TKWNR. Please note this is still a WIP so the final version may differ when I upload the full chapter but I hope sharing part of my messy unfinished draft will let you guys in a little and help me get over this ridiculous fear of not being ‘perfect’ because perfect doesn’t exist right? I realise none of this is going to make sense out of context so I’ll provide a little. This scene is part of a flashback to 1999. Levi is a teenager. Kenny is hosting a poker tournament at an old mansion  that was left to him by his friend Uri Reiss. The poker players are all in high spirits but Levi has had an uneasy feeling all night ... like something is about to go down. Also feel free to go back and re-read ch21 because I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t remember a thing that was happening. A lot of stuff in the flashback is stuff that was mentioned in the last chapter.
To Kill With No Regrets (sneak peak)
 What am I doing?
This is what Levi asked himself as he stared at his reflection in the kitchen window. He found the edge of the sink and gripped it. Dark thoughts raced through his head.
He shouldn’t have come .... he should have told Erwin where he would be tonight.
But he didn’t. And now he was so alone. So afraid.
The light burst on and he froze. It couldn’t be.
Stiffly he turned. But sadly he was not mistaken. His old friend stood at the opposite end of the kitchen, staring with mild concern.
“The hell are you doing here!” Levi had blurted it out before he could stop himself. Farlan began to frown.
“Well hello, it’s nice to see you too.”
“I’m sorry ... it’s just ...”
His words hung ineptly in the air. It had been weeks since he had last seen Farlan, months since they’d had a meaningful conversation.
“So how is ...  um well everything?” he asked, forcing conversation. Farlan deliberated a little too long before murmuring his static reply.
“Alright I guess.”
Levi had never wanted to push him away ...
“And your mom?” he asked, guiltily remembering her declining health. “How is she?”
A cheer from the gamblers downstairs only accentuated the great gulf between them. Farlan sniffed and folded his arms.
“Haven’t heard from Isabel in a while,” he said, changing the subject. “Did she move again or she just ignoring me?”
Levi sighed. Isabel. There was a letter on his desk gathering tea rings and dust. He hadn’t got round to sending it yet.
“Yeah uh, she’s living with a new foster family now,” he said, guiltily remembering his promise to write her every week. “Somewhere in Karanes. Remind me and I’ll give you the address.”
But Farlan had already stopped listening. His eyes glazed over as he chewed on a hangnail. Levi gritted his teeth. Enough.
“Farlan.” All out of small talk he reverted to his original question. “What are you doing here?”
“I invited him.”
A hand landed on his friend’s shoulder.
Kenny. When he strode into the kitchen, Levi took a step back. The alarm bells in his head had started as background noise. But now they were loud and clear.
“Glad you could make it,” said Kenny, smiling unnaturally. “Didn’t think you were gonna show.”
“Not show?” Farlan scoffed. “After boasting all night that I was off to play poker with the best!”
Kenny laughed and slapped him on the back.
“Help yourself to booze,” he said, ushering him into the hallway. “Oh but hey! Stay out of my liquor cabinet. Too expensive to waste on brats who don’t appreciate a good bottle.”
That was all it took to get rid of Farlan. The second he was gone Kenny slammed the kitchen door. Levi finally broke.
“Kenny! What the fuck!” he cried. “You invited Farla-“
“Shhh!” his uncle hissed. But Levi had had enough.
“No! Tell me right now what’s hap-”
“Oh for fuck sake!” Kenny grabbed him by the collar. “Move! In here!”
Next thing Levi knew he’d been thrown into the closet with the mops and the brooms. Kenny slammed the door, plunging the tight space into darkness. Levi gasped for breath.
“Kenny I -”
His uncle slapped a hand over his mouth.
“Don’t speak!” he snarled. “D’you hear me!”
Levi closed his eyes and held his breath as Kenny’s liquor fumes washed over him. The walls were stationary but closing in nonetheless. Just when he thought he might pass out his uncle slowly removed the hand from his mouth. Levi knew better than to speak again.
“I’ve got a situation ...” Kenny’s voice was low and uncharacteristically nervous. “Can I trust you?”
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