Just Another Sinner
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Hello. This is the blog of an Snk obsessed, sleep deprived, piece of fanfic writing trash. My AO3. Multishipper but mostly ereri and eruri. Ask me anything, I don't bite :) If you enjoy my work you can Buy Me a Coffee(if you want)
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sinfulavenue · 3 years ago
The year is 2184, average earth temperature has doubled, only a few million people remain on earth. A green-movement managed to travel back to 2022. What are they doing?
They stand on the streets with megaphones and shove pictures of the scorched earth in people’s faces. In their desperation they scream at people that this will be their great, great grandchildren’s future if they don’t act now. Nobody believes that they are from the future and people in 2022 don’t care because they know they’ll be long dead before things get that bad. The time travellers do everything they can, they do interviews on TV and radio but are dismissed as crazy climate activists who have photoshopped the images to push their agenda. They are mocked online and turned into memes. The time travellers realise that no matter what evidence they present, humans will never change their ways. They are forced to resort to extreme measures.
Using their advanced technology they wipe all remaining fossil fuel reserves from the earth. The world wakes up to a crisis, one that is very much their problem and will affect them in their lifetime. As prices skyrocket, fuel and electricity are rationed and world order collapses, world leaders realise they have two options. Run out of fossil fuels and have technology be set back to the dark ages or focus all their efforts into finding a new and more sustainable source of energy!
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sinfulavenue · 3 years ago
Me: *Attempts to write for the first time in months
Me five minutes later: 
 yeah now I remember why I haven’t done this in so long. This shit is hard!
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sinfulavenue · 3 years ago
writing advice: never italicize words to show emphasis! if you’re writing well then the reader will know and you don’t need them!
me: oh really??? listen up, pal, you can just try an pull italics from my cold, dead fingers
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sinfulavenue · 3 years ago
how to stay motivated as a writer
Reread your old writing, especially those scenes you're most proud of
Write something silly. It doesn’t need to be logical, consistent or included in your story. Write something dumb
Compare your old writing to your new writing. Seeing how much you've improved can be very motivating
Explore different storylines, those type of storylines that would never make it into your story, but you'd still like to play around with
Choose one of your least favorite scenes and rewrite it
Read old comments from people praising your work
Create a playlist that reminds you of your wip
Draw your ocs
Don't push yourself to get back into writing the thing that made you stop writing in the first place. Write something else
Write what you wanna write, no matter how cliché it might be. It doesn't matter, if you want to write it, write it
Take a break, focus on another hobby of yours. Consume other pieces of media, take a walk to clear your head
You don't have to write in chronological order from the very beginning if it isn't working for you! Sometimes a scene you aren't interested in writing can become interesting after you've explored other scenes that is connected to that one
Read one star reviews of ''awful'' books. You'll unlock a new sort of appreciation for your own writing
Create a new storyline, or a new character! Anything that helps bring something fresh into your story. Could even be a completely new wip!
Not writing everyday doesn't make you a bad writer. Take a break if you feel like you need one
Remind yourself to have fun. Start writing and don't focus all your attention on following ''the rules.'' You can get into the nitty-gritty when you’ve familiarized yourself with writing as an art. Or don’t. It's fiction, you make your own rules
Go to sleep, or take a nap. Sleep deprivation and writing does not go hand in hand (trust me)
Listen to music that reminds you of your characters/wip
Remember why you started. Know that you deserve to tell the story you want to tell regardless of the skill you possess
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
not to be emotional on main but fanfiction is a gift and it’s so fundamentally human to tell each other stories and i am deeply grateful to have that in my life. thank you all for adding so much emotion and meaning to the world with your words
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
A lot of them probably wouldn't last at your job
Last year I had an internship at a fancy office during the day, and a food service job at night. One of the ladies at the office told me she needed a part-time job for some extra cash, and I let her know about an opening in my food service job, described what would be expected, all of that. 
Guys. She quit after one (1) shift, called me the next day, and ranted, “You never told me it was going to be that hard, is that what you do every night?! I’m not 20 anymore, I’m 50, I can’t believe they only pay you $9.50/hr to do all that work!” [For the record, I had coworkers who were 65+]
She was shocked when I explained that yeah, most food service jobs require you to stock heavy boxes, work the register, and learn to cook/prep food, then clean up before you go home. It never occurred to her that people who “just flip burgers” actually have demanding jobs. 
“I’m going to have to be extra nice to those people from now on!” Like yeah, no shit?
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
here’s your reminder to let yourself create. not create ‘well’, just create. draw badly. write shitty poems. sing stupid songs. make whatever you want & have a great time doing it. that’s what creation is for. it’s self expression, not perfection
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
you’re going to love again, find a job again, create art again, do what you love again, feel powerful again. you’re going to be back on track. i don’t know when, but you are going to feel like yourself again, eventually. this isn’t the end. hang in there.
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
biggest betrayal is when it’s supposed to thunderstorm and it doesn’t
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
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Exam 📝
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
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always appreciate levi’s back & muscles.đŸ’Ș💯
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
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Pay them ppl man.
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
i hate applying for jobs because the employers are always like: do you enjoy working in a stressful environment???? do you strive for unobtainable standards of perfection???? are you good at dealing with people that make you feel extremely uncomfortable??? do you mind losing real hours of your life in order to make minimum wage?? are you a fan of capitalism??? do you love selling your soul just so you can afford to live???
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
what ships do you tolerate in SNK and do you write NSFW headcanons?
Hi anon. To answer your first question, while there are some pairings that I personally don’t ship or even don’t like, I wouldn’t say there are any ships that I absolutely don’t tolerate. I am not someone who engages in shipping wars or ship hate or drama and I like to think of my blog as a safe space for all Snk fans.
To answer your second question, I don’t really write NSFW headcanons. Tbh I haven’t really written many headcannons at all besides a one off post about how SNK characters would have coped with the 2020 pandemic (which was a spur of the moment thing). I mainly write fanfic. I would be open to writing more headcanons in future and I’d be open to requests if that was something people wanted. Idk about NSFW though. Not because I’m prudish or anything but I’m just not sure I’m interested in doing that sort of thing.
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sinfulavenue · 4 years ago
“While many people think fanfiction is about inserting sex into texts (like Tolkien’s) where it doesn’t belong, Brancher sees it differently: “I was desperate to read about sex that included great friendship; I was repurposing Tolkien’s text in order to do that. It wasn’t that friendship needed to be sexualized, it was that erotica needed to be 
 friendship-ized.” Many fanfiction writers write about sex in conjunction with beloved texts and characters not because they think those texts are incomplete, but because they’re looking for stories where sex is profound and meaningful. This is part of what makes fan fiction different from pornography: unlike pornography, fanfic features characters we already care deeply about, and who tend to already have long-standing and complex relationships with each other. It’s a genre of sexual subjectification: the very opposite of objectification. It’s benefits with friendship.”
— Francesca Coppa, “Introduction to The Dwarf’s Tale,” The Fanfiction Reader (via francescacoppa)
Someone put it into words. I gotta sit down
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