an organised mess
45 posts
Masterlist • Bella • she/her • probably tweeting shite • stressed about uni •  Requests are: OPEN
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
hey can i please be added to your taglist?
Of course! I'm not writing much at the mo because of work and the current ~sitch~ but I'll add you to my list in case I do post anything! 😊
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
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It’s so nice to see how chill the designers of Harry’s cardigan are being about people making replicas, they could’ve reacted badly to so many people “stealing” their design but now they have actually released the pattern and all the measurements. I have attached them if anyone is interested.
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
just when my evening gets boring....we get this piece of art 👀👀
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colors ‣ eighteen!verse
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Y/N has an idea, Tom is happy to oblige. 
Y/N thinks it would be fun to color in Tom’s tattoos…. and he never says no to his princess.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: smut, lowkey daddy kink, fluff, smoking (weed)
a/n: another installment of the eighteen!verse series! i would love to hear your thoughts about this piece!
masterlist ✦ taglist
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
John Boyega’s speech at Hyde Park London today, June 3 2020
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
this was everything I needed AND MORE (also loving the name change!)
UGH I hope you don't stop here but if you do this is...a really perfect ending????? I dunno if it's possible to be in love with someones talent but if it is I'm like 10/10, on the floor, tripping over my feet in love with your work 😍
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pretty please: part five | tom holland x reader
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: How do you deal with your debilitating, stupid, soul-destroying crush on your childhood best friend, Tom? Apparently, by trying to set him up with someone else.
Word Count: 7.4K
Warnings: maybe smut??, just know it’s 18+, swearing, idiots to lovers shenanigans
Mini Playlist: Dress by Taylor Swift // Pretty Please by Dua Lipa // Sugar by Brockhampton 
series masterlist // part one // part two // part three // part four // part five
Thanks to my angelic beta @hypnotized-so-mesmerized​! 🥰
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
“I’m not about colourless vegetables, like cauliflower is just the suckier version of broccoli and carrots are lightyears better than parsnips,” - if that's not THE BEST argument for why colourless veggies are shit I dunno what is
Also - Thomas? Hawaiian pizza? Absolutely not you HEATHEN
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Ugh I love this fic so much it should be illegal for one person to be this talented I need mooorreeeeee 😍😍😍
pretty please: part four | tom holland x reader
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: How do you deal with your debilitating, stupid, soul-destroying crush on your childhood best friend, Tom? Apparently, by trying to set him up with someone else.
Word Count: 5.1K
Warnings: swearing, the usual pining and stupidity, 18+ for sure (smuttish? Smut? I don’t believe in spoilers)
Mini Playlist: Dance To This by Troye Sivan ft Ariana Grande // Sober by Lorde // A Kiss by The Driver Era // New Romantics by Taylor Swift
series masterlist // part one // part two // part three // part four
Thanks to my babe of a beta-reader @hypnotized-so-mesmerized​!!! ❤️
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
This was everything my Sunday needed and more dear GOD how are you so talented???? 🥺🥺🥺
pretty please: part three | tom holland x reader
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: How do you deal with your debilitating, stupid, soul-destroying crush on your childhood best friend, Tom? Apparently, by trying to set him up with someone else.
Word Count: 6.2K
Warnings: idiots to lovers, even more chaotic, stupid levels of pining and unresolved sexual tension, an introspective, insecure reader, a very innocent mention (blink and you’ll miss it) of choking kink??
Mini-playlist: Landslide by Fleetwood Mac // The Louvre by Lorde // A Kiss by The Driver Era // goodnight n go by Ariana Grande
series masterlist // part one // part two // part three
Thanks to my superstar beta @hypnotized-so-mesmerized​!!! 💕
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
I keep thinking about this and the more I do the more I realise that it's never the actual smut im enjoying when I'm reading a fiction (I mean yeah, goddamit that's a really good part BUT) but the build up and the indecision and the tension??? That is the mark of excellent fanfiction, and also why I bloody loved chapter 2 and this entire thing from start to finish
Damn chapter 2, that little scene near the in Pretty Please, had me blushing a little ngl. I read stuff that you’ve written, and I wonder how the hell did something like 50 shades get published when a mildly explicit scene was hotter than the books and movies combined. I hope you write a chapter 3, and the reader eventually gets laid after some good ol’ fashioned slowburn, cause I feel like that’s what you’ll do to keep us entertained, but yeah loved it!!!!!!!!!!!
i’m very obsessed with the idea that like the act of sex isn’t where it’s at, it’s all about the tension, desire and the prelude/foreplay to sex - the fic is literally named after pretty please by dua lipa which is a song about sexual tension and it’s a weird mix of silliness and unresolved (when will it be resolved???) sexual tension 😈
chapter three is coming soon and we’ll see what happens!!
thank you, love 🥰
pretty please (tom holland x reader)
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
Do you follow any accounts that have really good Peter Parker imagines, one-shots, reactions etc?
I followe SO MANY GREAT ACCOUNTS! And I’m probably going to making a recriminations post at some point but here are a few at the top of my head as i’m still waking up! (If I didn’t include its honestly because i’m half asleep and I just couldn’t remember i’m sorry! You know I love your things)
@tomsrebeleyebrow 🍑
@heyhihellowhatsup0 ✨
@peteywillproceed ✨
@angelic-holland ✨
(My brain couldn’t remember any more accounts I WILL MAKE A WHOLE POST ABOUT THE REST OF YOU I SWEAR)
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
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Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
tom holland ghostwrote this: confirmed
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
Author’s Note: Hi guys! Whew, this was a journey! Over 6k words and I am exhausted! It’s been through like ten name changes and five rewrites and I still think it sucks ass but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! x
Summary: You made the mistake of falling for a guy. He broke your heart. Moving on was the easiest thing in the world - until it wasn’t.
Word Count: 6.2k
Your breathing was heavy, ragged as lips trailed across your skin and sucked bruises on your ribs. You gasped as his fingers trailed across your chest, gathering you in his arms when he crawled back up to your lips and crashed into you like a wave breaking against a shore.
You were happy.
So happy.
Your heart swelling with joy as he laced his hands in yours and whispered quiet promises against your lips.
You didn’t know if it was light or dark. Morning or night. All you knew was the fire flooding your veins and the electricity setting your nerves alight.
The ‘I love yous’ and the promises of forever.
And then it all came crashing down.
*three months later*
Lights blared bright in your eyes, music so loud it stung your ears. Your hands were sweaty, wrapped around a beer bottle you’d held for so long it was warm and frothy. But it was the only thing keeping you grounded as you tossed your hair on the dancefloor and moved through the crowd of writhing bodies.
“You know how much trouble we’re in, right?”
You swung around, arms in the air and sight tainted by the haze of vodka. “Stop being such a buzzkill Houdini! Twat isn’t back till Tuesday.”
“Houdini? That’s a new one,” Harry raised an eyebrow and ignored your swipe at his brother, eyeing you warily as you stumbled over his foot. “Maybe cool it with the shots now?”
You cackled, pink and blue strobe lights slicing through your best friend’s body as you twisted and curved in time to the music. “Maybe cool it with the mothering, Harriet.”
“I’m only mothering you because you threw an illegal party in my brother’s house.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, finally stopping dancing when he gave you the ‘I’m serious, you’re an idiot’ look he’d perfected the first time you’d thrown a party. Except that time, it had been in your own house, and not your secret ex…whatever’s.
“Come on, like goodie-two-shoes-Tommy is ever gonna know.”
“He might, Y/n,” Harry shrugged, widening his arms “how are you planning on hiding the fact that three hundred people trashed his house?”
“By not telling him. Don’t pretend you’re not enjoying this,” you grinned, moving your hips and dragging him back onto the dance floor “for one night your brother isn’t breathing down your neck, enjoy it and live a little! We can figure the rest out in the morning.”
He started to protest, pushing against your hands, but you strengthened your grip and pulled him into the crowd, ignoring the grunts from the people nearby. You loved Harry, you really did, you’d grown up with his annoying-as-fuck tendency to be a tattle tale, put up with the refusal to go out on a school night for years, and until you’d gotten involved with Tom you’d never questioned it.
But one night was all it took for everything you thought you’d known about your best friend’s brother to be completely shattered. And since then? Well, you didn’t exactly give a shit someone had smashed his Rolex tonight.
“You realise you could just admit the break-up upset you, right?” Harry laughed as you forced him to move “you don’t need to go full on Wild Child instead of talking about your emotions.”
“It was one night, there wasn’t a break-up, and your brother can get fucked,” you replied a little too quickly, wishing you were talking about anything else.
“I’m just saying, there are healthier ways to deal with getting your heart broken than destroying his house.”
You snorted and took a sip of your beer, almost gagging at the staleness. “The bloke already hates me, what’s a little property damage between enemies?”
“About £50,000 worth of legal fees.”
“Wow, you’re really bringing the heat tonight, aren’t you Holland?” you smirked, widening your eyes “almost like you learned from the best.”
“Yeah, Sam’s really good at one-liners,” he grinned in reply, and you punched his shoulder playfully.
Suddenly, you felt eyes on you, the unmistakable sensation of someone looking you over. You spun in a circle, zeroing in on every distracted party goer until you found the bright blue eyes burrowing under your skin and making you burn all over.
Nudging Harry, you pointed over his shoulder and forced him to turn around. “Hey, who’s that?”
“Err…I think his name’s Josh?” he gave you a funny look, like he couldn’t quite figure out the sudden change of topic. “He’s one of Sam’s mates from catering.”
“Is he single?”
Harry sighed at your smirk, running a hand through his hair in exasperation. “Jesus, Y/n, why would I know? If you’re so determined to get over Tom, go snog him or something.”
“For your information,” you grinned, starting to back away through the crowd “I’m completely over the heathen, but if it takes me snogging a cute guy to prove that to you, I guess I won’t complain.”
Harry had all but disappeared by the time you finished your sentence, but you knew he’d heard you when his middle finger shot up from somewhere in the middle of the heaving mass of partygoers, and you chuckled to yourself. You needed a distraction tonight, anything to not have to think about Tom and the trail of broken hearts he’d left in his wake three months ago.
Turning around, you were fully prepared to go and find Josh and put this whole mess behind you, when you slammed into a chest so hard you would’ve fallen over if it wasn’t for strong arms pulling you back up.
“Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean…” you trailed off, spotting the sandy blond hair and cocky smirk “actually, you know what? I totally did mean to do that.”
“Just like you totally meant to loudly shout your intentions to make out with me?” Josh raised an eyebrow, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks. Thank God for foundation.
“Obviously, how else would you have known?”
Before he could answer, you’d pulled him down to your height and slammed your lips against his, surprise jolting through your body when you realised he was actually a good kisser. You were just getting into it, letting your hands slide into his hair, when a loud shout brought the room to a standstill and silenced the music.
“What the FUCK is going on?”
You jerked away from Josh, you’d recognise that voice anywhere, and spun towards the kitchen table. Tom was on top of it, his face livid and full of thunder, his eyes searching the room for an explanation. “Well?”
You gulped, goosebumps erupting across your body as the realisation of what you’d done set in. But then you remembered, Tom wasn’t even meant to be back from filming for another three days - why the hell was he here?
“It’s just a party, man,” someone shouted from the crowd.
“Yes, I’m aware of what it is,” Tom replied drily, his eyes finally landing on you “and I know exactly who’s responsible for it.”
His words sent a chill down your spine, the eye contact more than you’d had in three months from him. It felt funny finally seeing him after all this time, like you’d found a missing piece to a puzzle you couldn’t finish, but the cold look he was giving you was barely any different to how you’d left him.
He was looking between you and Josh, his tongue pressed against his cheek, and for some inexplicable reason you felt guilty. Like you’d been caught doing something illegal instead of just exercising your right to kiss as many damn people you fancied.
Finally, Tom set his jaw and tore his eyes away from you, the loss leaving you empty.
His voice dropped dangerously. “All of you – get the fuck out of my house.”
A few days later, you were hanging your clothes out to dry when your phone buzzed in your pocket. You pushed a peg into your mouth and dragged it out cack-handed, juggling the pile of washing and the box of clean clothes as you struggled to read the caller ID.
“Have you heard from him?” you asked earnestly into the phone, barely breathing as you waited for a response.
“Nice to talk to you too, cheery,” Harry grumbled, the sound of sleep clogging his voice.
“Are you seriously just waking up? It’s eleven o’clock!”
“Did you forget I was twenty-one yesterday?” he replied “I’m pretty sure I wasn’t in bed until six am.”
“Oh, right, yeah I saw those pictures.”
“Yeah so you’ll forgive me if I’m not completely awake yet.”
You ran a thumb over your lip, your eyes dropping to the pile of crinkled washing on the grass. You’d only meant to put it there for a second, but you’d forgotten how much it had rained last night and now the edges were stained with mud and your once clean bedsheets were stained green.
“Typical,” you muttered, trying to dust some of it off. Why did it always feel like this? Like when you were finally taking a step forward, something else was dragging you back two. It was only a minor thing, you could always just rewash them - but it wasn’t just the sheets, was it? Ever since…that night, you’d felt like you were walking through treacle, balancing on a knife’s edge you hadn’t seen before stepping into the unknown.
“What was that?” Harry asked, the sound of pots clanging in the background jerking you back to your conversation.
“Oh nothing, I just um, I just dropped some washing. Are you cooking?”
“Um…yeah, sure that sounds good – oh, Tom, hey.” Your best friend’s tone suddenly flipped like a switch, the audible gulp ringing through the handset. You barely had time to wonder why he was acting so cagey about cooking when a rugged voice began muttering in the background. You froze, your grip on your basket loosening as you stepped through the door.
You could barely hear what they were saying, but then Harry’s voice reappeared on the other end of the receiver, a slight nervous wobble creeping in. “Hey, err Y/n?”
“Yeah?” you replied, shaking off your shock and beginning to throw the ruined sheets back into the wash.
“Tom wants to talk to you.”
“Well tell him that-”
“He’s not an owl, Y/n,” Tom cut you off. “He doesn’t have to pass messages back and forth.”
Heat rose in your cheeks, frustration flowing through your veins as you balled your hands into fists and raked them through your hair. Somehow his voice was even more annoying than before. “Don’t quote Harry Potter at me, Thomas, especially when you’re just as guilty of doing it.”
“Doing what, exactly? You’re the one that trashed my house.”
“Passing messages through Harry! You didn’t exactly have the balls to tell me yourself you were running off to Colorado for three months.”
“Because you blocked my number!”
You sighed, eyes flicking towards the timer on the washing machine. It was true you’d blocked Tom’s number, but three months ago you’d been lying in his bed talking about how you felt and finally, finally admitting everything you’d kept bottled up since you were fourteen.
And then the next day he’d told you it was a mistake.
Went running off to America like a coward.
Leaving Harry to pick up the pieces and you to realise that everything you thought you could’ve had was pure fantasy.
So yes, you’d blocked his number. But it wasn’t like you hadn’t had a reason, and he had to know that. There was no way he could be that thick.
“What do you want, Tom?” you said at last, leaning against the machines. Maybe if you just let him say what he had to say this would all be over and you could go back to not giving a fuck.
Suddenly, the line clicked and the monotonous hum of the phone shutting down rang in your ear.
“What the…?” you trailed off, pulling the phone away from your ear to stare at it in shock. Had he…just called you…to argue with you…and then hung up on you?
Beside you, the door began to creak open and you jumped into the air, your phone flying across the room and landing face up on the tiles. You swore under your breath, bending down to retrieve it just as you felt someone else step into the room behind you.
“Sorry, I’ll just be a- Tom? Your mouth fell open at the sight of the boy stood in front of you, the brown curls you’d run your hands through only months ago gone, the light you’d known in his eyes dead and scattered amongst the ashes.
“I think we need to talk,” he said slowly, holding his hands up as if you were going to shoot him “about everything.”
Your mouth began to move, words flying around in your brain, but no sound came out as you struggled to piece together any semblance of thought. “What are you doing here?”
“I just…after the other night I figured we needed to talk. Properly talk.” He reached for your hand but you snatched it away, your heart beating loudly in your ears.
“Y/n, I know…I know what I did was shitty. But I just need you to hear me out.”
You scoffed, backing away from him until you were pressed against the garden door. “You think now’s a good time for this?”
“I think the best time was three months ago when you were next to me in bed,” he bit his lip, and this time you looked at him. Like, really looked at him.
His jeans were stained in all manner of dodgy areas, his shirt the old Tesco one you’d got him as a joke for his birthday. He had huge, purple bags beneath his eyes, and his socks were two different colours, like he’d been in such a rush he’d forgotten to check; you didn’t even bother to ask about the crocs.
“Well,” you whispered, letting out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. “At least you finally realised that.”
He nodded earnestly, moving towards you and freezing when you threw up your hand to stop him. “I did. Oh God, I did. I spent three months feeling like the shittest person in the world and I didn’t know how to call you to explain.”
“So you thought you’d accost me in my laundry room?”
“It…wasn’t my best plan. But you didn’t exactly make it easy for me to contact you.”
Your mouth fell open, your hand flying to your chest. “Watch it, Holland, or I might think you just tried to blame me for this whole mess.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Well, it sure as hell sounded like that was what you meant!” He flinched as you raised your voice and your arms, but you didn’t feel sorry for it. You’d spent months feeling like a complete idiot, wishing you’d never even told him how you felt. And here he was, trying you blame you for the mess he caused. “So tell me, Tom, just what exactly you think you’re doing here.
“I came to apologise-”
“That’s a good start.”
“And to say that I meant what I said…y’know, before I left.”
You raised an eyebrow, leaning against the door frame with your arms crossed. Tom was halfway across the room now, his hands curled in front of him as he swiped them on his jeans. He was biting his lip, the glasses he didn’t need halfway down the bridge of his nose and it took every inch of you not to break and run to him, fall into the arms you knew so well and forget it had all happened.
You knew what it was like, the vanilla and the cinnamon that would waft up your nose and remind you that you were home. The strength of the arms that would ground you and hold you to Earth. It was so tempting, so inviting to just go back - but where would that get you?
No, going back wasn’t an option anymore. There was only forwards, where the path behind you was well trodden and full of tears.
“That’s nice,” you said at last, shaking your head. “But you can’t really expect me to believe you.”
He sighed, his shoulders slumping when he realised you weren’t giving in. You wondered if he knew how deep he’d cut you, what those words had meant to you and how you’d felt when he’d snatched them away. You wondered if Harry had told him everything that happened over the next few months, how you’d almost broken and yet from the outside you looked happier than ever. You almost hoped he knew how you’d bounced back. How you were fine now.
Or at least, how you pretended to be fine.
“Maybe this isn’t the best place to do this,” he cast an eye round the room warily, and your skin bristled when his gaze finally landed on you. “Can we go up to your place?”
“Absolutely not.”
The words were out of your mouth before you could think, shocking yourself more than you shocked Tom.
“Well…will you come to mine?”
“Sure, if I need to see Harry,” you responded as the washing machine pinged “is there anything else? My laundry’s done.”
“Y/n, we need to talk about this,” he replied, his voice barely more than a whisper “you can’t just ignore me.”
You fixed him with a look, throwing the clean sheets into your basket with more force than necessary and walking towards him. You were so close you could smell his aftershave, different from his normal, more minty than you would have liked. You could see every hair, every line on his face, but it was the look in his eyes that broke you, the sadness that you’d felt for so many months hovering just within him too.
“No, Tom, we don’t,” your voice broke and fresh hot tears began to stream down your face. “The time for talking about it was before you left for Colorado. Now…now’s the time for me to move on, because you broke my heart Tom, you broke it.”
You were full on sobbing now, choking on your words as you spluttered through them. “You smashed it into so many pieces that I couldn’t find them all. And now you’re trying to smash it again, but I won’t allow it. I won’t allow you to take anymore of my heart than you already have.”
“I didn’t-”
“I don’t care Tom!” you screamed, but he barely flinched. You threw the basket down so hard it bounced on the floor and spilt the sheets again. “You had all that time to find out, all that time to do something about it, and you didn’t! So you’ll have to forgive me when I say I don’t want anything to do with you.”
“So that’s it then? Everything you said all those nights ago means nothing any more?” his voice was filled with a pain that cut you to the core, the wobble in his throat making your heart ache more than you expected.
“It means everything, and that’s the problem,” you sniffed, dropping your head to the floor.
You felt Tom draw closer, his body so close to yours that you could feel his heat. He lifted his fingers to your chin, catching your jaw and raising your head so your eyes met his.
“Why does it have to be a problem?”
You paused, almost not saying it. “Because I can’t let you break me again.”
He nodded, backing away, his fingers leaving your chin and you felt empty from the loss. “I’m sorry.”
It was barely a whisper, just loud enough for you to hear but not quite deep enough for it to mean anything. He turned and started walking away, pausing at the door to look back at you. He opened his mouth to say something, his bottom lip wobbling, but he shut it again before any words came out.
Then he disappeared and let the door bang shut behind him.
Relief flooded your body, seeping through every crack in your bones and every fragment of your heart. You were done with the excuses, the comments, the desperate pleas from Harry that his brother was an idiot and too caught up with work to realise what he’d done wrong. You were busy too, but that hadn’t ever made you spew a bunch of crap about loving someone since you’d seen them in the lunch room. It had never made you fill somebody’s heart with hope only to crush it in the morning with just a few simple words and excuses blamed on alcohol.
The final click of the lock was enough to make you slide against the door. Sink down to the floor. Bury your head in your hands.
It was relief, that was what it was. That was what you had to tell yourself. So you could get back up again and walk back to your flat and make everything okay again.
It wasn’t sadness.
It couldn’t ever feel like sadness.
So why did it feel like it was?
“Are you sure you want to go tonight?” Harry asked as he watched you smudge your lips with red. “Nobody will notice if you’re not there.”
You rolled your eyes at the dramatics, capping the lipstick tube with a satisfying click and spinning on your heel. “Oh please, it’s a party – we’re not storming off to war.”
“Yeah but it’s…Tom’s party.”
“And last I checked we weren’t exactly on speaking terms,” you shrugged, grabbing your bag from your bed. “He’s not likely to come anywhere near me, there’s going to be hundreds of people there.”
Harry shook his head and pushed himself off the door frame, fixing you with the look you were tired of getting. It had been two weeks since Tom had come to your flat and you were still nowhere near over it; not that you’d ever admit it, but you’d never been over it in the first place.
When Harry had mentioned that Tom was throwing a party to celebrate the release of his new movie, your immediate reaction had been words you couldn’t repeat in front of a three year old. But then he’d turned on the puppy dog eyes and you were suddenly feeling bad about making him go it alone.
“You could make friends with a plant pot, what do you need me there for?” you’d asked.
“Yeaaahhhh, but who’s going to stop me falling face first into that plant pot when I’m pissed?” Harry had replied, grinning at your annoyed face.
“Fine, but I’m drinking the first thing in sight and you’re keeping Tom away from me.”
“What is it with you two? You spend half your time acting like you hate each other. Wouldn’t it just be easier to, I don’t know, suck it up and get together already?” Harry interrupted your thoughts, jerking you back to reality with a flick of his wrist.
You snorted. “We tried that, didn’t exactly work that well.”
“Well it might work a lot better if you actually talked to the guy.”
“Damn it Harry,” you slammed your palm against the door. “I don’t want to talk to someone who told me he loved me and then ran three thousand miles away the next day!”
You could feel the sob building up in your chest, the one you’d buried so deep you’d forgotten it was even there. The walls seemed to tilt towards you as you stumbled into the hall, barely noticing as you slid against the kitchen door frame and forced air into your lungs. God you didn’t want to talk about this, not now when everything you’d done to bury this had worked so well.
“But you do want to talk to Tom! Maybe not the guy that broke your heart, but the guy you’ve been in love with since we were fourteen,” Harry said, exasperated. “You’re going around pretending like you’re over him, like you haven’t thought about him in months. But you threw that party for the same reason you kissed that bloke for, and you know it!”
“Are we seriously fighting over your brother right now? Are you back to being the damn messenger, because I can’t…I can’t keep…” tears were spilling over your cheeks, searing your eyes and stinging the familiar patches of skin that had been stained with the same tears only a few months ago. You tried to breathe, tried to refocus your mind but the world was swimming and you could hardly see anymore through the blurry glass of your tears.
Before you could think, Harry had pulled you into his arms and smothered you against his chest, his hand coming up to stroke your hair. “Sod the party, let’s just watch a movie and get some pizza.”
“No, no, I want to go,” you mumbled against his chest “I need this…I think. Just to see him and know that it’s all done, so I can move on and forget it ever happened.”
“Fuck that, Y/n, let’s just stay here.”
“Please? I really need this.”
Harry pushed you back gently, running a finger under your mascara stained eyes as he took a deep breath. You could see the indecision, the uncertainty at letting you step into the unknown written across his face. In this moment, it was you or his brother, and you hoped to God it was the latter. “This is the last time?”
“The last time,” you promised.
“Well,” he sighed, checking his watch, the long moment fading and passing into the night “I guess we have a party to get to.”
When you pulled up to Tom’s house, the lights were out and the curtains were drawn. You threw Harry a look, surprised that there was nobody spilling out of the doors and no music shaking the walls, but he didn’t seem to notice it.
“Err, where is everybody?” you asked, peering out of the window for signs of life.
“Haven’t the faintest,” Harry replied, pulling the handbrake on and reaching over you to open the door. “Do you wanna go in and I’ll catch up? I need to sort something quickly.”
You rolled your eyes and gathered your things from the backseat, feeling uneasy about the lack of people. “I can’t believe you’re sending me in there alone.”
“It’s just for five minutes, you’ll survive.”
“Or maybe I won’t and you’ll be reading my eulogy.”
“I look forward to it,” Harry smirked “I can finally tell people how nasty you are.”
You punched him in the shoulder and stepped out of the car, taking a deep breath before starting towards the house. You felt stupid in the heels, the red lipstick suddenly feeling to garish and over the top.
You rolled your shoulders and set your jaw, running a hand nervously through your hair whilst the other clung tightly to your bag. The clack of your shoes against Tom’s gravel set your teeth on edge, and on impulse you reached down and pulled them off, enjoying the bite of the winter air against your hot feet.
By the time you reached the door, your confusion had only grown, because the house was completely silent and there were certainly no signs of a party. You spun around to find Harry and demand that he take you home, because it was nine o’clock, there was obviously no party, and you weren’t facing Tom alone.
Except his car was gone.
You bit your lip in surprise, looking up and down the street in case he’d just moved the car to park it somewhere safer. But he was nowhere to be seen - the road was empty save for a man running to his van at the bottom. You rolled your eyes and reached for your phone, realising the guy was taking the piss and figuring that if you called him before you saw him again you might not actually murder him.
But your phone was gone and come to think of it Harry hadn’t even been dressed for a party. What the hell was going on?
You debated knocking on another house’s door and asking to borrow the phone, call for a cab and just go home. But it was late and you felt bad about disturbing people that were probably sleeping, all because your best friend was an arsehole and you were too much of a coward to knock on Tom’s door. At last, you gave in and walked back up the drive, pausing at the front door and bracing yourself to see him.
How the hell were you going to explain it? “Oh sorry Tom, no I didn’t actually mean to come here, Harry just thought it would be funny to play a prank and don’t worry I’ll kill him myself the next time I see him.”
At least you looked nice, you thought, raising your hand to knock. At least he wouldn’t think you were ugly and a bitch.
As you moved your hand towards the door, it suddenly swung inwards, the hallway dark and unlit. You gasped, stumbling backwards, peering fearfully into the house in case some burglar was about to come running straight past you. But as your eyes began adjusting to the light, you noticed something strange about the floor.
It was covered in rose petals.
“Tom?” you called out nervously, stepping into the house. “Tom? It’s Y/n. Your front door is open…?”
You moved deeper into the house, quietly closing the door behind you so you didn’t wake him if he was sleeping. Keeping your hands against the wall in case you slipped, you made your way down the hall, noticing a soft glow coming from the kitchen. You paused when you reached the doorway, wondering if you should’ve grabbed your keys or a weapon in case there really was a burglar in here.
But at the last second, you lost your footing and stumbled through the doorway, falling into the kitchen with a soft thud and gasp.
It took a second for you to process it all, but when you finally did you almost felt your heart stop. Fairy lights glittered over every inch of the wall, the floor here too covered with rose petals and flowers. The kitchen table, bowing in the middle just like everything else Tom had made on that bloody wood work course, was covered in a cloth, two plates and a single candle decorating the surface. You stared transfixed at the setup, your mouth falling open in shock.
And then Tom appeared.
Clutching the biggest bouquet of daisies you’d ever seen in your life.
“You like it?” he whispered “I know daisies are your favourite.”
“What��what is all this?” you breathed, still gobsmacked by the softly glowing room.
Tom smiled, moving closer to you and setting the flowers on the table. “A really over the top apology.”
“This is for me?”
“Obviously, dummy,” he laughed, flinching when you smacked his arm. “Hey! I spent money on these flowers, I’ll have you know!”
“And what a dreadful waste, Holland, don’t you care about our environment?” You were joking but your breath was still caught, your brain trying to play catch up as the scene played in front of you, like you were watching this all happen to someone else. Someone luckier.
“I care more about you,” he replied, and somehow he was even closer than before. “I care more about you than anything else in my life. And I couldn’t quite figure out how to explain that three months ago.”
“And you know now?”
He nodded, pulling you towards him. “I think I do, yes.”
“Then say it.”
His lips parted, his eyes caught on yours as he reached to cup your cheek. A waft of his aftershave made its way towards you, the mintiness of before replaced with the warm vanilla you remembered so well. The glasses were gone and he was wearing the burgundy suit you’d had too many dreams about to remember. 
But in that moment, none of that mattered. 
All you could think about in that moment was the way he was staring at you.
Like you were the most precious thing on Earth.
“Three months ago I told you how I wanted to spend forever with you, how you’re all I’ve thought about for years. How you consume every part of me, spend your days dancing in my mind and reminding me of everything we could have. But what I didn’t tell you was why.
“Because I didn’t know. I didn’t know why it is that I love you so much, and that’s what scared me – the fact that I could feel something so deeply for you and have no rational explanation for it. So I thought the logical thing was that the feelings weren’t real and they weren’t that powerful, that if I tried to move on then we’d eventually forget and nothing would be lost.
“Those months away from you were torture, not knowing how badly you were hurting and why you’d blocked my number. I didn’t realise how much of an ass I was until Harry flew out to America and practically beat down my door.”
“Harry went to America?” you interrupted him “when?”
Tom smiled, his thumb rubbing your cheek in slow circles. “That weekend you thought he had that photography competition. He flew out to kick my ass and ask what the hell happened.”
“I wondered how he knew so much,” you chuckled quietly “it was like he came back from that weekend and he knew exactly what to say.”
“Because that’s Harry, he always knows exactly what to do,” Tom shrugged.
“Tonight was his idea, wasn’t it?” you grinned, watching as he blushed fuchsia.
“Well, the idea was. But I take full credit for putting it together!”
You laughed at his face, the crinkles in his smile and the dimples in his cheeks so familiar you could have drawn them blindfolded. You reached up to trace them, still not quite believing this was real, when just two weeks ago you thought he’d left that laundry room and walked out of your life forever.
“Hey Tom?” you murmured, wrapping your fingers around his. “Two weeks ago when you came to see me…how did you get there?”
He frowned and looked at you like you’d gone insane. “Harry dropped me.”
“So he wasn’t cooking?”
“If Harry was cooking the fire brigade would’ve been called.”
You giggled, knowing it was true. He’d tried to cook pancakes for you last year and you’d had to throw out the pan because you couldn’t scrape it off.
“Why would you think he was?” Tom asked, smiling softly in the dim light.
“Well, it sounded like there were pans clanging in the background,” you said “I just figured he was making breakfast.”
“I told him to say that,” Tom admitted, his cheeks still red “I actually bought you a present back from Colorado but I broke it in the car.”
“You never were very careful, were you Tommy?” you smiled, reaching up instinctively to brush his curls behind his ears. When all your fingers found was stubble, your hand settled in the curve of his neck, cupping his cheek as you tried to find the words to explain what would happen next.
“All I know is that you’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time,” he replied, not taking his eyes off you “and if getting you back took Harry lying about making breakfast? Then I’m not going to complain. I don’t want to waste another second that I could be spending on you.”
You laughed, nestling your head into the crook of his neck as he drew you closer. Vanilla overwhelmed your senses as you sank into his familiarity, overcome by the sweetness and homeliness. You’d had so many questions, and so little time to ask them, but after it all there was still just one that remained answered.
“Why me?” you asked, looking up at him through your lashes “why me when you could have literally anyone else?”
“I-” he stopped himself, stumbling over the knee-jerk reaction as he took a deep breath. “Because there’s never been anyone but you.”
“And this is real?” you whispered, feeling the unknown stretch in front of you as your heart skipped a beat. “Because if you say it is, that you want this, I can’t go back again. I’ll be jumping without a parachute.”
Tom smiled, tilting his head to the side. He caught your gaze, his hands wandering to your waist and pulling you closer whilst your heart beat faster than it ever had before. You held your breath as he leant forward, catching your lips with his.
The moment they touched was like he’d lit a bonfire inside you; your skin burned and your lungs filled with the smoke. You could hardly breathe, feeling your nerves spark alight and race with electricity, every touch bringing you closer to how you’d been three months ago. Memories of that night danced across your vision, playing like a record you’d longed to open – every kiss, every touch, every whisper on replay in front of you.
At last, he pulled away, taking the fire with him while electricity crackled in your veins.
“Then I guess, darling,” he whispered, hushed under his breath “I’ll simply have to catch you.”
@zabdisamor @jinxfanfics @jillanaholland @enjoymyloves @ihopethatwemeetinanotherlife @averyfosterthoughts @ziggyspurplehaze
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
Y’ALL this new fic is nearly 6k words long and whew i am EXHAUSTED! i got so carried away with it and it’s changed titles like ten times and been rewritten so many times I’ve lost count.
BUT it will offiicallly be up in the next couple of days, and I thought i’d post a snippet of it here since it’s like half midnight in the UK and i’m too hyped on the thought of it to sleep.
So, thank you so much for the support recently, and I hope you enjoy “Falling/Party Rockers/Someone You Won’t Talk About’ (yes i know the name’s are ridiculous let me BREATHE)
Your breathing was heavy, ragged as lips trailed across your skin and sucked bruises on your ribs. You gasped as his fingers trailed across your chest, gathering you in his arms when he crawled back up to your lips and crashed into you like a wave breaking against a shore.
You were happy.
So happy.
Your heart swelling with joy as he laced his hands in yours and whispered quiet promises against your lips.
You didn’t know if it was light or dark. Morning or night. All you knew was the fire flooding your veins and the electricity setting your nerves alight.
The ‘I love yous’ and the promises of forever.
And then it all came crashing down.
Read the whole thing here.
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
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a very confused Peter Parker in space
15K notes · View notes
peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
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I actually like it better broken.
6K notes · View notes
peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
All The Lies
Author’s Note: I’m so glad you guys liked the teaser for this yesterday, I hope the full thing lives up to expectations! As always, I hope you enjoy! x
Summary: Admitting you got cheated on is hard. Being cheated on by the person your best friend set you up with is harder. But telling your best his girlfriend was the other woman? Impossible. What good could even come from it?
Word Count: 3,582
“I cannot believe you!” You yelled, hands in your hair, jaw almost on the floor. “You told him what?”
Harrison just laughed, wiping the dish you’d unceremoniously dropped in his hands after the revelation and putting it back in the rack. “I didn’t know it was a private thing.”
“My breakups are not a matter of public interest,” you told him pointedly “and why did you even feel the need to tell him about it anyway?”
“I dunno, we were just out and you came up and he asked what you’d been up to recently.”
You almost screamed, biting down on your lip before you could snap and say something you’d regret. “You could’ve answered that with ‘she’s good’, there was no need to tell internationally beloved actor Thomas Stanley Holland that my relationship was a complete and utter failure.”
He snorted, draining the sink of washing up liquid and chucked the tea towel into the washing machine. You leant against the counter, staring out of the window whilst you wondered what the most effective way to kill your best friend was and whether this constituted a well meaning kicking-out-of-your-flat. Sighing, you shook your head and blinked back the tears that had pooled in your eyes when you were distracted – you’d promised yourself you wouldn’t think about it, after weeks on the sofa and tonnes of ice cream. It wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.
“Y/n?” Harrison said softly, moving behind you so his chin rested on your shoulder.
You took a deep, shuddery breath, plastering the best fake smile you could muster on your face and spun around to face him. “Yep?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you weren’t ready for people to know yet,” he pursed his lips and rubbed your arm, pulling you into a tight hug when a sob wracked through your body. You clung onto his shirt, feeling the material dampen as you pressed your face against it, trying to remember to breathe, trying to forget the loss of a two year relationship.
“It’s okay,” you finally managed, choking back the sobs, even though it definitely wasn’t. “I just didn’t expect you to be so blunt about it. Or to tell Tom.”
“Well he was going to find out sometime, or were you planning on leaving it till he came over and Justin wasn’t in the flat anymore?”
You laughed between tears, wiping your face with your palms. “That one.”
“And, may I ask, have you been Googling Tom again? Since when did you know his middle name?” Harrison poked your chest playfully and you rolled your eyes, batting his hand away.
“Since he wouldn’t stop teasing me about mine last time he came over, I figured I needed some ammunition.”
“Ahh, you never were that good at revenge, were you?”
“Excuse me?” you gasped, pretending to be offended “what are you implying?”
“Y/n, Tom’s an actor – he’s been teased so much about that name I honestly don’t think he gives two shits.”
You could hardly breathe between laughs, the tears drying up faster than they ever had before, and you wondered if that was what progress had looked like. You’d thought it was progress when you’d gotten out of bed, when you’d stopped eating two tubs of ice cream a day and finally brushed your hair, but the truth was Justin had still been in the back of your mind, always there, always reminding you of that night you so desperately wanted to forget. Except for the first time in months, for that little split second, he hadn’t, and it had just been you and Harrison in your own little bubble.
“Anyway, speaking of the dipshit, he’s home tomorrow,” Harrison pulled his coat off the back of a chair and slid his arms into the sleeves.
You frowned, trying to remember what Tom had told you the last time you’d spoken to him. You’d known both Harrison and Tom since you were young, always that little bit closer to Harrison, and you’d been nervous about Tom coming home because he’d missed so much. You’d dreaded telling him everything that had happened, because he was the one that had set you up with Justin all those years ago. So, when he’d invited you and Harrison out to Morocco a few weeks back you’d stayed behind, too scared to face up to reality. You thought you’d have more time to prepare yourself – he was supposed to be on set for another month. “Oh really? He’s done filming already?”
“Yeah, something about a schedule mixup,” Harrison shrugged and fished his car keys out of his pockets “there’s a welcome home party at Nikki’s tomorrow night, are you coming?”
Oh, that. You remembered the invite, burning a hole in the pocket of your jacket. You’d seen the little white note card lying on the floor last week, but you’d been so caught up in Justin and that stupid picture you’d barely had time to process it.
“Sure, I think it’s in my calendar.”
“I can’t believe you still have a calendar,” Harrison rolled his eyes.
“Hey, some of us like being organised!” You chased after him as he made for the door “Some of us actually make it to appointments!”
“It’s 2020, Y/n,” he smirked, looking over his shoulder as he got the flat door open “It’s time to live a little and take some risks!”
You pushed your tongue against your cheek and tutted. “And what if I don’t want to?”
“Then life is going to make you,” Harrison called, already disappearing into the hallway outside “and I, for one, am going to enjoy watching.”
You pulled up to the Holland house later than you meant to.
Mostly because you’d spent half an hour in front of the mirror wondering if it was a better idea to just stay home. But also because you’d tried putting makeup on for the first time in weeks and somehow you just looked worse.
You’d ended up back on the floor, sobbing so hard you thought your chest would cave in and wondering if it was even worth going tonight. You hadn’t seen your best friend in months, and it sucked that you had to ruin it by having a conversation you never wanted in the first place.  By the time Harrison texted you asking when you were gonna get there, it was way past six and you were embarrassingly, stupidly late.  
You shouldn’t have gone.
Yet here you were.
And everything felt so much worse.
“Y/n!” a familiar voice yelled as you hopped out of the car and spun around. Harry was running down the steps and launching himself towards you, pulling you into a tight hug before you’d even locked the car. “Harrison told me, I’m so sorry, Justin’s a dickhead. No wonder you didn’t wanna tell Tom.”
“Yeah, well we didn’t need to ruin two relationships did we?” you laughed, pushing away the pain. You’d practised what you were going to say, run your lines like you were rehearsing a movie. You figured there was no way you were going to make it through this without crying, but you could at least try.
Harry opened his mouth to say something, clearly confused by what you’d just said, but you were interrupted by Harrison flying down the stairs and yanking you into the house. “Finally, thought you’d died or something.”
“Nope just car trouble,” you lied, more than grateful as he dragged you away from a frowning Harry. “Where’s Tom?”
“Right here, darling,” he said, stepping into the hallway and swinging you into the air.
“Jesus Christ, Thomas let me down!” You laughed, bashing his back as he spun you in a circle. Harrison grinned as Tom tipped you upside down, spinning you so violently the black and white floor blurred into one, meaningless grey, and you had to close your eyes or else you would’ve ended up vomiting.
“Six months, SIX MONTHS its been since you graced me with your presence!” Tom turned you back upright and pulled you against his chest, arms wrapping around your waist. “You can let me have this!”
“Yef but canft breafthe,” you mumbled into his shirt.
“Don’t care, you owe me.”
“Alright alright,” he relented, letting you go. You could feel the heat flooding your cheeks as you smoothed down your hair and fixed your top, rubbing your palms against your jeans. “But you do owe me a proper cuddle.”
“Should’ve stayed in England, mate, there’d have been plenty to go around,” Harrison smirked, but you eyed him wearily, knowing exactly what he was referring to. For a good three weeks after the break up, you were pretty certain Harrison hadn’t left your side.
Tom seemed to pick up on the double meaning, sliding his eyes between you and Harrison in turn. “Am I missing something here?” he asked.
“Depends how you interpreted it,” Harrison said, turning towards the living room. “But you two probably need a catch up. I’ll go find Sam and give him a hand with dinner.”
You glared daggers at his retreating back, mentally cursing him for not even allowing you to take your shoes off. You felt Tom’s hand rest gently on your shoulder, the other tilting your face to face him, and you took a deep breath, knowing that if you didn’t get it over with, you’d never be brave enough again.
“Yeah, he’s right, we probably should,” you sighed, and Tom’s frowned deepened.
“Is everything okay, Y/n?”
You hesitated, gnawing at a loose piece of skin on your thumb. “Not…not really. Can we go sit in your bedroom? I feel awkward doing it here.”
Tom nodded, not taking his eyes off you as you took your shoes off. You could feel him staring at your neck, knowing his brain was working over time to figure out what was going on that was so bad you had to wait to tell him. You knew he’d be thinking the worst, it was just what he did, and usually you never had to make that a reality.
But today…today was different - and you had no idea how he’d take it.
“So,” he said, closing the door and pulling you onto the bed “what’s up?”
You pushed your tongue against your cheek and looked everywhere but his face, knowing you’d lose all the confidence you’d built the moment you looked into his eyes. His room was clean, a few pants chucked across the floor and a couple of dust bunnies lurking beneath the bed, but he’d only been a day. He had more than enough time to dirty it up to its usual standard.
“Seriously, Y/n, you’re scaring me now.” Tom’s voice reminded you he was still sitting in front of you, the two little lines creasing his brow even deeper now.
“Sorry, it’s just…I don’t really know how to phrase this.”
Tom smiled, taking your hand in his, and you almost snatched it back in shock. His palms were warm and clammy, just as trusting and open as they’d always been. You had a feeling this might change things. “It’s just me, I’m not going to tell anyone.”
“But’s that’s not the point. It’s just…well, it’s about Maura.”
“Maura? As in, my ex-girlfriend Maura?” Tom drew back slightly, confusion still written across his face. “What about her?”
“Well I- wait, your ex girlfriend?” you stopped mid-sentence, realising what he’d just said, mouth hanging open in shock. Tom gulped, flicking his eyes away from yours, and shuffled backwards on the bed. He wouldn’t meet your eyes, desperately looking for anywhere else to focus on, and this time it was you getting more and more confused. “Since when did that happen?”
“Since before I went away,” he sighed, scratching the side of his head as if that was enough of an explanation. “I figured we weren’t right for each other.”
“But I thought-” You’d been going to say you thought he loved her, thought she was the one for him and that was who he was going to end up with. This all seemed so…so random, so out of the blue you couldn’t even have written it as a surprise twist in a book. You could barely process what he was saying, a thousand thoughts crossing your mind at once. Why hadn’t he told you? What the hell had happened for him to break up with her? But the most important one of all, the one you didn’t really want to let yourself believe, kept flashing in front of your eyes like a neon sign.
If they’d broken up before he went away to film Cherry, then that meant Maura had been single that night.
“Justin cheated on me,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself. “He cheated on me when you were away and I’ve had no idea how to tell you.”
“He did what?” Tom’s eyebrows shot up so fast they were a blur, and before you could process what he was doing he had his phone in his hand and was scrolling through his phone. “I’m gonna kill the bastard.”
“Wait, no, Tom, stop,” you desperately reached for the phone, clawing it from his grip as he tried to turn away from you.
“That arse hole cheated on you, Y/n, he’s not getting away with it!”
“But you don’t know what happened!” You finally grabbed the phone and yanked it away, panting from the effort. “There’s more to it than that!”
“Like what? What possible excuse could he have for cheating on you, Y/n?”
You huffed, folding your arms across your chest. Tom’s face was red with anger, his hands curled into fists at his sides. “We’ve kind of gotten off topic here.”
“Well you were the one that brought up getting cheated on,” Tom stepped towards you, holding his arms out “I honestly had no idea.”
You collapsed into his reach, remembering how much you’d craved his smell and warmth over the months he’d been gone, and sighed against his chest. “That’s because I didn’t want you to know. I made Harrison promise not to tell anyone.”
“But why? It’s not like I would’ve blamed you for it, it wasn’t your fault.”
“No,” you admitted “but, the thing is…he cheated on me with Maura and-”
“And you thought we were still together,” he finished the sentence for you and the relief that washed through you was like water poured on a wildfire. You’d kept it bottled up for months, sobbing to Harrison and wondering how the hell you were supposed to tell him about it. To finally say it, to finally hear him understand, was worth more than you’d realised. “You didn’t want to hurt me too.”
“Especially not whilst you were filming. I knew how much you loved her and I couldn’t bear the thought of upsetting you when you were thousands of miles away.”
He laughed, the sound hollow and unnerving as he guided you back to the bed and held your fingertips with his. His gaze was fixed on the door, barely acknowledging you as you turned to stare at him in bewilderment. “The irony is, you did still upset me.”
You frowned, your lips parting in confusion and your heart beating wildly in your chest. “What?”
Tom raked a hand over his face and lay back against the bed, his chest heaving a sigh as you fell down beside him. His curls were gone, the stubble of his head prickling your fingers as you reached up out of habit to run your fingers through it, trying not to panic. You’d worked so hard to keep everything to yourself so it wouldn’t mess up his work, that the thought you somehow hadn’t even managed to do that was crippling.
“When I set you up with Justin two years ago, it was for a reason other than just wanting you to get out more,” he said eventually, turning to face you. “I couldn’t admit something to myself and I figured the best way to…stop thinking about it, was to pass the problem on.”
“What problem?” you shook your head, still not really understanding what he was trying to get at. Tom’s hand reached to cup your waist and you gasped at the contact, not used to being this close to him.
“You,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against yours. “You were my problem. Y/n, I’ve been in love with you for years and I couldn’t admit it to myself. I thought if I saw you happy with someone else it would make everything go away, but somehow…somehow it just made it worse.”
You couldn’t breathe, paralysed by Tom’s revelation from your head to your toes. Your eyes were locked with his, filled with desperation and a sadness you’d never seen before, and your heart almost broke at the thought he’d held himself back from this for years.
You’d never given much thought to it really, there’d been the usual teasing in secondary school but once Tom had gotten with Maura it had pretty much stopped. There’d never been any confusion, no wondering about what might have been – to you, he’d always been Tom, the boy who’d wiped a booger on you at six, and copied your chemistry homework for four whole years and never been caught. Sure, you knew exactly what people saw in him, why girls chased him on the streets and oogled him in the gym, and now that you thought about it you’d always liked it when you went swimming.
But he was still just Tom.
“I…I don’t really know what to say,” you said at last, pulling away from him slightly. You saw hurt register in his eyes, and it killed you to be the one that caused it. But what else could you say? You couldn’t tell him you loved him too because it was a lie...
...wasn’t it?
“Anything - anything but that this has scared you away.”
You held back a sob, somehow feeling more conflicted than you had than when you’d come here in the first place. “It hasn’t, I’ll always love you Tom,” you saw hope flare in his eyes “but I don’t think I love you like…like that.”
He nodded, pushing his tongue against his cheek and pulling away from you. Suddenly the air went cold, all the energy disappearing with him, and you wanted to sob at the loss. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair, his back blocking you from seeing his face, and you ran a finger across your lips, at a loss for what to say.
You knew today would go badly, but you hadn’t expected it to be because of this. You’d prepared yourself to deal with the fall out of a cheating girlfriend, not a declaration of love, and now you just didn’t know what to do.
Thinking on instinct, you reached out and wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling his shoulders shake as his warm hands embraced yours and he leant back into your body. You glanced at his cheeks, reaching up to wipe away a tear, and sighed into his neck, wondering how you’d gotten here.
“I’m sorry, you probably didn’t expect that,” Tom laughed, the sound full of a profound sadness you’d never heard in him before.
“I didn’t, but I’m glad I know,” you replied, feeling more sure as soon as you’d said the words.
“Of course. It seemed like it was upsetting you not telling me, and if telling me has made it any easier for you than I’m glad I know.”
“I wouldn’t exactly say it’s made things easier.”
You smiled, bending down onto the floor and cupping his cheek. “Maybe not, but things are always better out than in.”
“Isn’t that a drinking joke?”
“It applies here,” you grinned, relief filling you as he cracked a small smile. “Besides, things change.”
Tom’s brow furrowed, big brown eyes turning to look up at you as you rubbed your thumb over his chin. “What?”
Hesitating, you bit your lip and met his gaze, remembering what Harrison had told you yesterday about life and taking risks. This was either a horrendously bad idea or about to change a hell of a lot in the space of five seconds. 
You weren’t exactly known for your rational decisions after all, you barely managed to make it out of your flat alive most days. But the second he’d said it, the second he’d made you question everything you believed, you knew you had to find out what it felt like, even if it was just once and never again.
And so you went for it, without thinking, and pushed your lips against his, feeling the shock wave course through his body and his rigid mouth melting against yours as he finally registered what was happening. For a second, you wanted to pull away, pretend like it never happened, but then Tom reached for your neck and fireworks exploded behind your eyes.
It was like nothing you’d ever felt before, butterflies flapping excitedly in your stomach, your heart swelling and beating faster than ever before. Bolts of lightning raced through your veins, electricity crawling across your skin and setting your nerves on fire as his lips moved slowly against yours. Suddenly, there were no more questions, no more overthinking, just you and Tom, exactly where you were supposed to be.
And, for the first time in weeks, you were stupidly...embarrassingly...happy.
When you finally pulled away, you were both a little breathless, a little starry eyed and overwhelmed. Your lips curved into a smile, a small laugh escaping you as you fell against Tom’s arms and nuzzled your face into his chest.
“Does this mean...” he started, but you pushed your finger against his lips.
“Don’t even question it, Thomas,” you grinned, reaching up to press another kiss to his cheek. “It’s not something that needs to be thought about.”
Before you could think, his lips were back on yours and this time you were in his lap, pulled flush against his chest and he was running his tongue along your bottom lip. 
But before you could deepen the kiss, the door behind you suddenly burst open, Harrison nearly giving you a heart attack as he yelled at the top of his lungs.
“Oh FINALLY! Harry? You owe me twenty quid!”
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peteywillproceed · 5 years ago
All The Lies - Teaser
Summary: Admitting you got cheated on is hard. Being cheated on by the person your best friend set you up with is harder. But telling your best friend his girlfriend was the other woman? Impossible. What good could even come from it?
Word Count: 939 (full fic 3k)
A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this one, so I hope you enjoy it! The full fic will be up tomorrow x
“I cannot believe you!” You yelled, hands in your hair, jaw almost on the floor. “You told him what?”
Harrison just laughed, wiping the dish you’d unceremoniously dropped in his hands after the revelation and putting it back in the rack. “I didn’t know it was a private thing.”
“My breakups are not a matter of public interest,” you told him pointedly “and why did you even feel the need to tell him about it anyway?”
“I dunno, we were just out and you came up and he asked what you’d be up to recently.”
You almost screamed, biting down on your lip before you could snap and say something you’d regret. “You could’ve answered that with ‘she’s good’, there was no need to tell internationally beloved actor Thomas Stanley Holland that my relationship was a complete and utter failure.”
He snorted, draining the sink of washing up liquid and chucked the tea towel into the washing machine. You leant against the counter, staring out of the window whilst you wondered what the most effective way to kill your best friend was and whether this constituted a well meaning kicking-out-of-your-flat. Sighing, you shook your head and blinked back the tears that had pooled in your eyes when you were distracted – you’d promised yourself you wouldn’t think about it, after weeks on the sofa and tonnes of ice cream. It wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.
“Y/n?” Harrison said softly, moving behind you so his chin rested on your shoulder.
You took a deep, shuddery breath and plastered the best fake smile you muster on your face and spun around to face him. “Yep?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you weren’t ready for people to know yet,” he pursed his lips and rubbed your arm, pulling you into a tight hug when a sob wracked through your body. You clung onto his shirt, feeling the material dampen as you pressed your face against it, trying to remember to breathe, trying to forget the loss of a two year relationship.
“It’s okay,” you finally managed, choking back the sobs, even though it definitely wasn’t. “I just didn’t expect you to be so blunt about it. Or to tell Tom.”
“Well he was going to find out sometime, or were you planning on leaving it till he came over and Justin wasn’t in the flat anymore?”
You laughed between tears, wiping your face with your palms. “That one.”
“And, may I ask, have you been Googling Tom again? Since when did you know his middle name?” Harrison poked your chest playfully and you rolled your eyes, batting his hand away.
“Since he wouldn’t stop teasing me about mine last time he came over, I figured I needed some ammunition.”
“Ahh, you never were that good at revenge, were you?”
“Excuse me?” you gasped, pretending to be offended “what are you implying?”
“Y/n, Tom’s an actor – he’s been teased so much about that name I honestly don’t think he gives two shits.”
You could hardly breathe between laughs, the tears drying up faster than they ever had before, and you wondered if that was what progress had looked like. You’d thought it was progress when you’d gotten out of bed, when you’d stopped eating two tubs of ice cream a day and finally brushed your hair, but the truth was Justin had still been in the back of your mind, always there, always reminding you of that night you so desperately wanted to forget. Except for the first time in months, for that little split second, he hadn’t, and it had just been you and Harrison in your own little bubble.
“Anyway, speaking of the dipshit, he’s home tomorrow,” Harrison pulled his coat off the back of a chair and slid his arms into the sleeves.
You frowned, trying to remember what Tom had told you the last time you’d spoken to him. You’d known both Harrison and Tom since you were young, always that little bit closer to Harrison, and you’d been nervous about Tom coming home because he’d missed so much. You’d dreaded telling him everything that had happened, because he was the one that had set you up with Justin all those years ago. So, when he’d invited you and Harrison out to Morocco a few weeks back you’d stayed behind, too scared to face up to reality. You thought you’d have more time to prepare yourself – he was supposed to be on set for another month. “Oh really? He’s done filming already?”
“Yeah, something about a schedule mixup,” Harrison shrugged and fished his car keys out of his pockets “there’s a welcome home party at Nikki’s tomorrow night, are you coming?”
Oh, that. You remembered the invite, burning a hole in the pocket of your jacket. You’d seen the little white note card lying on the floor last week, but you’d been so caught up in Justin and that stupid picture you’d barely had time to process it.
“Sure, I think it’s in my calendar.”
“I can’t believe you still have a calendar,” Harrison rolled his eyes.
“Hey, some of us like being organised!” You chased after him as he made for the door “Some of us actually make it to appointments!”
“It’s 2020, Y/n,” he smirked, looking over his shoulder as he got the flat door open “It’s time to live a little and take some risks!”
You pushed your tongue against your cheek and tutted. “And what if I don’t want to?”
“Then life is going to make you,” Harrison called, already disappearing into the hallway outside “and I, for one, am going to enjoy watching.”
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@zabdisamor @jinxfanfics @jillanaholland
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