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markscherz · 8 months ago
a person who named a genus, on tumblr
Actually, three genera, but Anilany and Nanohyla are not as catchy as Mini. A full list of the taxa I have described is available on my website. :)
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specialmouse · 2 months ago
DONATE — @ghadaanqar4
The Weight of Water: Khaled’s Story
5 am. Wake up to the frozen dark. You feel the cold before you remember where you are, then who you are. It makes less and less sense every time. You look up at the concrete ceiling and it all comes crashing back down on you again. A year of this and it hasn’t gotten any easier to wake up—it just gets heavier, and heavier, and heavier. Your baby niece, Noor, coughs in the corner, choking on the fluid in her lungs. There’s nothing stopping you from catching what she has except whatever cruel strain of luck has remained with you. It isn’t luck that keeps you alive, at least not completely. What keeps you alive is yourself—not your soul, no. Your muscles, your bones, your tendons, your animal body. It screeches in pain as it adjusts to the waking world, but you let it join every other scream you ignored last night. You have to get water today, just like yesterday, and the day before, and before, and before…
There’s something else you have to do first, though. Your brothers join you in the back-breaking, kilometers-long trek for water, and your sister and mother help make the bread from the flour you buy at the market—but who makes the money for that? That’s on you, now. Not your father, not anymore. Before the war, you used to fantasize about this, about taking care of everyone. You were going to school to make so much money that no one born in your family name would ever have to lift a finger again. Now your job is sending your story to Westerners online, desperately hoping they can send enough money to buy a bag of flour.
The money trickles in slowly. Not only is it hard to manage the outreach and carry the water and buy the flour and patch the windows and comfort the baby and look for medicine and—God, is it going to end soon? You’re so tired. You’re so, so tired… and it’s gotten worse.
Recently you found a website with users more sympathetic to your cause. The website itself, though, is hostile; it sees you as a scammer, as a pest. It’s blocked your messages from reaching your helpers, the people who have helped bring in the money that has kept your family alive. You make another account, and message your helpers, but they won’t respond. You plead with them in their language and it still does nothing. Why are they ignoring you? Have you become another scream in the distance? Was that all it took for them to leave you?
Before the war, you used to swim in the sea for hours, surrounded by water on all sides. You would float on your back and close your eyes to the sun. The water could have carried you forever.
In the corner, Noor coughs, and coughs, and coughs.
Ghada’s old account has been shadowbanned by Tumblr!! She is now @ghadaanqar4 !!!! Please do not ignore her during this time, make sure to share this post so that she regains the support she had, it is keeping her family alive…
@omegaversereloaded @punkitt-is-here @tamamita @skunkes @ot3 @valtsv @wolfertinger666 @paper-mario-wiki @nyancrimew @spongebobssquarepants @sabertoothwalrus @90-ghost @komsomolka @sawasawako @wolf-aid @hotvampireadjacent @necromancelena @certifiedsexed @isuggestforcefem @3000s @chokulit @ankle-beez @pitbolshevik @pissvortex @prisonhannibal @apas-95 @neechees @memingursa @afro-elf @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @marxism-transgenderism @beetledrink @bevsi @beserkerjewel @feluka @i-am-a-fish @spacebeyonce @b0nkcreat @11thsense @grox @aflo @slimetony @boobieteriat @iregularlyevadetaxes
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morguezsz · 11 months ago
good GOD I am so angry.
I, as my bio suggests, am a minor. I am also asexual. And feeling quite dysphoric about all the adults in my life telling me ‘I wouldn’t know until I’ve tried it.’ But that’s a different topic.
I needed a little boost for myself so I looked at the asexual tag here on tumblr, so I’d feel less alone.
There are always thirst traps and other things of that kind on any popular tag. But I saw so many, on the asexual tag, that I actually cried, ripping my skin off as I did so.
There will always be people that abuse the tag system, I know. Tagging your posts with trending tags to make them more likely to show up on people’s dashes is a corporate tactic. But to see so many of these ads, I can barely call them posts, on the asexual tag, made me physically ill.
Asexuality is often overlooked by not just cishets but the LGBTQ+ community so often. To see that a safe space for positivity for such a overlooked community was being vandalised for the sake of marketing makes me so angry and so upset for myself and all the other people who fit under the umbrella of asexuality or aromantic who just want to feel like they belong.
I’m a relatively new blog, but I know how tumblr works. I know how the world works. The way the world is run means that we are all victims, and I thought that maybe society, that damned, twisted thing, could let us have a little corner to protect ourselves.
All it does is hurt. it hurts, and it hurts, and it hurts. Companies aren’t going to get new customers by ripping apart supposed safe spaces, and young asexual kids like myself aren’t going to get any validation or even feeling of home from seeing thirst traps targeted toward our community.
it’s targeted. I can tell. And I am by no means an expert, but this tag abuse is hurting everyone. And no one is doing a thing about it.
please boost this. Reblog, like, whatever. This is damaging people far more than you think, and it needs to be resolved.
thanks for hearing me
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lostintransist · 4 days ago
The Boys' Home | Part 6
*If you asked to be on a tag list and you haven't been, please ask again. Somtimes I think Tumblr eats my comments.
Part 1 | AO3
You loved them. Swear to any God you love your boys but FUCK! Sometimes the urging from childhood, the lizard brain screaming for peace, made it really hard to not lose your mind at them. All four of your boys were whining, fighting, and being a general nuance to each other and you. The grocery store would never be the place for them to fight like this.
Once a week during the summer you had to make a grocery run. Four growing boys at home every day meant they roved through any accessible food like locusts. If your local store offered pickup you would pay a decent amount to use it. It would save you from days like this.
Seth, at eleven, should have known better than to let Darren, at six, cause him so much distress. But being a preteen is a bit like being in hell so who knew how much he could hold back the yelling? Darren also fought with Sam, also six, and Reggie, ten.
Frankly, they all needed a nap and would argue they didn’t. The full moon incoming tonight helped only to fuel the chaos in their small bodies.
They had argued over who got to sit where and then during the drive over Reggie looked too long at Darren who screamed about the offense. Sam had started screaming that Darren was being too loud and then Seth tried to make them stop, by yelling. The nitpicking and annoyance at the others existing continued into the store. Halfway down the freezer aisle and that much closer to freedom. Glancing down at your list you curse in your head— you forgot about the milk and butter you needed. Of course, those marketing masochists had to put them in the back corner of the building.
As always you made note of where your boys were in relation to each other, the cart, and any other customers. Not many people in the freezer section today; a teenager who slowly read labels through the glass, two old men, shock white hair figuring them to be grandfather age, and the one man in a hat who ran numbers on the calculator on his phone.
Pushing the cart, and all four boys who have lost the privileges of walking without holding on, just beyond the freezer you needed you turned your focus away for two hells-damned seconds. No sooner than the blast of chilled air cooled against your skin than the yelling started.
The crinkle of the vegetable bag below your fingers did not drown out the sound of a different plastic screaming and small, roundish objects hitting the ground. Side-stepping and slamming the door shut you held back the yell by the thinnest of margins.
“Boys!” The mom voice came out in full force. “Enough! Clean up every grape you spilled.”
Four panicked faces stared up at you.
They scrambled to pick up each of what now appeared to be one hundred-plus tiny fruits rolling away in every direction. Movement had you looking up from the offending mess you see every man but one disappearing around the corner. You would call them cowards but you were interrupted.
“Powerful mum voice you have there,” John remarked as he watched your boys pick up every grape flung wide in their tomfoolery.
Glancing at your new neighbor you gauge the sarcasm as low. The tilt of his brows reads more as impressed and slightly annoyed than anything else.
“It’s a talent. My mom voice is stronger than my teacher voice.”
When Sam lifted a handful of grapes, bad intentions in his eyes, you let out two quick hisses of air. All the boys paused and glanced at you. Everyone but Sam turned back to their task as they realized they were not the child in trouble. Eye contact with your boy and a quick head shake were enough of a redirect to avoid further problems.
“Never could quite figure out how my mum could call us all to order so easily. Watching you do it makes me wonder which is stronger, my captain voice or your mom voice.” John has now joined you as the boys scoop and deliver their mistreated goods back into the bag.
A light smile drifts over your lips, even as your chest remains tight.
“I bet the mom voice would work well on your Johnny, and probably Kyle. Jury’s out on Simon,” you wink when John catches your eye. “Bet if I caught you with it I would get a reaction though.”
John let out a belly laugh, big enough to drift. An older woman toddled past the other end of the aisle. Well guess the conversation would be town-wide by desert.
“You know what? I’ll take your bet. What are you offering?”
The boys were nearly done. Thinking fast you blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“If I win you agree to man the grill for the neighborhood meetup you can make it to. Next one is in two weeks.”
They were always hosted at your house, which is fine but that meant you were in charge of the grill. Mostly you were in charge of the grill because the last time any of the men had touched it they left it so gross you banned them from touching it again. You hated cooking meat. It freaked you out that everything might not be fully cooked.
Folding his arms John nodded slowly, as if thinking it over.
“Seems like a good offer. If I win I ask for deserts for our next poker night.”
A fair offer. Equal in labor, skill, and expectation as to what you would demand as your winnings.
“You’ve got yourself a deal,” offering John your hand, you shake on it.
“Got a good grip there teach,” he patted you on the shoulder.
Something about that interaction tickled your brain. But as the boys were finally finished cleaning up the mess they had made you needed to leave it.
“Good. Hands on the cart,” you fired off the command.
“But mom!” Seth cried, affronted in only a way an eleven-year-old can be.
“But Seth!” You whined back before dropping into a deadpan expression. “Kid we have two things left to grab. You can grab the cart or I can ask John here to take you home.”
Neither looked terribly impressed with the option. They made eye contact before Seth grabbed the wire of the cart with a sigh.
John lifts a brow at you.
“Welcome to small towns John. You can and will be used as punishment by other people’s parenting,” you reply with a shrug and a grin. “Alright boys, let’s go.”
He chuckles behind you as you push your full cart and the four dour-faced children who want nothing to do with the buzzing lights of the store. Once the milk and butter were secured the boys convinced you to buy some popcorn. Shareable snack acquired you were able to direct the chaos toward check out.
This step moved fast. Seth and Reggie both scampered to the end of the second conveyor belt and bagged all the groceries the cashier sent their way. Darren and Sam touch every fucking thing within their limited reach until you threaten them with getting put in the cart.
Mary Ann is your cashier today. She had been one of your students two years ago, passing math and even taking online math courses through the community college two towns over. Her dad, Richard, talked about her going off to a fancy college once her associates were done. You had offered to write her a letter of recommendation if ever she needed or wanted it. Mary Ann was a good kid. She might now be twenty but until you were dead, she would be one of your kids.
“Heard you snapping at the boys in the freezer aisle. Everything going okay?” Her hands don’t stop moving even as Mary Ann asks the question.
The eye roll is unstoppable.
“The hooligans need a nap,” Darren and Sam start to protest but you ignore them and finish your sentence. “There was an incident with the grapes. We got it all cleaned up though.”
“Oh good,” Mary Ann scanned the last item and tapped a few buttons on her side. “Your total is—��
She got cut off by Reggie wailing like a hot brand had been taken to his ass.
Slamming your card against the reader you cursed the heartbeats until it beeped. Reggie was now screaming for you and Seth was yelling. Once the awful beep that always made you think your card declined sounded you were snatching Sam and Darren by the hands and snapping at Seth and Reggie to ‘push the fucking cart and if you don’t quit screaming in here.’
The violence of their voices continues. Reaching the van you turn it on, plug in your phone, turn on the most bass-heavy song you can find in a short glance, and up the volume. Seth and Reggie climb in first, to the way back followed by Sam and Darren who click themselves into their booster seats. They all know that if you are turning on the bass it is to drown them all out and screaming will do nothing but cause you to roll the windows down and turn the volume up even higher.
Was it good parenting? No. But it kept you from wrecking the fucking van so it wasn’t the worst choice you could make. Loading the groceries in the back you give in to your anger a tiny bit and slam the door closed. Angrily stalking the cart back to the corral and sending it careening in also helps a bit.
Parenting is the hardest thing you’ve ever done, and most of that comes from confronting your own damn issues. Sometimes though? It is hard because it’s hard to be near a person learning to be a person.
Each child is given a bag or two to take inside and deposit on the counter before they are free to disappear into the woods or up to their rooms. The absence of them in your space and face lets you take the deepest breath and scream into your hands. The small bones shake from the force of your yelling.
“Okay. You can do this. Fuck, the full moon is tonight and then you should get your children who don’t hate that someone breathed near them back.” Taking another deep breath you start putting everything away, still talking to yourself. “We can have chicken nuggets, mac’n’cheese, and salad. Popcorn and a movie before bed and then a large glass of something for me.”
Face in the freezer as you rearranged everything to fit as Simon’s voice from outside scared you into a shriek.
“Do you always talk to yourself?”
Boys Masterlist | Masterlist
@leahnicole1219 @harperstyles @sigynxlokiwifelover @fluffysmiko @lily-bug3 @demothers-empty-blog @literallegendicon
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angelikook · 4 months ago
Red String of Fate
Tumblr media
Pairing(s): Janitor and delivery person!Yoongi x college student!reader
Genre: Fluff, angst, e2l-ish, college au-ish, soulmate au-ish
Word Count: 10.7k
Warning(s): Profanity, alcohol use
Summary: The red string of fate connects two enemies. However, Yoongi’s red string, which is attached to Y/n, suddenly disappears after he meets her the second time.
A/n This fic officially marks my comeback to Tumblr *insert applause here 👏* After years of hiatus, my life finally settles a bit so I can continue what I've always loved. I had so much fun writing this one. Enjoy! This fic is still unedited though, I'll edit it ASAP.
Masterlist | Join/Leave Taglist
There were three things that Yoongi wished didn’t exist. One, flat-earthers. Two, anti vaxxers. And three, the red string of fate.
During 21 years of his life, he learned that not only the red string of fate foresaw the relationship of two people, but also the fact that it predicted hostility between them and not romance like what those legends had said. Not to mention the disturbing fact that he could see them for as far as he could remember.
He’d seen his parents divorced, his two best friends fought one another, and even random people argued on the street. And what was the similarity of all of them? That damned red string that was attached between the people involved. The sure sign that those people would go their separate ways sooner or later.
As he went about his typical Saturday which consisted of getting ready for work, doing some deliveries, and depositing some money to his parents’ bank account, he noticed the absence of his red string. With an almost inhuman speed, he finished the rest of his routine and called his only friend.
The door jingled as he pushed the door open. In an instant, a smell of coffee entered his nostrils. He couldn’t help but to take a long whiff, enjoying the rich aroma.
Upon seeing him walking in, the boy who stood behind the counter grinned at him. “Take a seat. I’ll come to you in a bit.”
He strode to his favorite spot in the cafe, at the far corner near the window where he could watch the pedestrians outside.
The boy who was once behind the counter turned the store sign to ‘closed’, turned off some of the lights, and made some drinks before sauntering to Yoongi with two cups in hand.
“Sorry for meeting you at this time, Tae. I honestly don’t know what to do if you are busy.”
“No worries. It’s not like I’ve other things to do after this.” The boy placed a cup in front of Yoongi.
“Thanks,” Yoongi mumbled. “Won’t your boss be angry if you have a guest here?”
“Nope. In fact, she encourages us to have guests. To introduce the cafe to more people, she said.”
“Good marketing strategy.”
“I know right. So, what do you wanna talk about?”
Yoongi told the boy in front of him about his day. From the moment he woke up, until the time he texted his friend to meet up with extra detail when he realized his string had disappeared.
He was just finished with the second to the last delivery. The lady who received the food thanked him and went back inside her house. He took it as a cue for him to continue with his last delivery.
It was when he was checking the next address when he felt something was missing.
He patted his pockets to look for his phone, wallet, and keys which were still intact. He made sure he didn’t forget the food he needed to deliver. He even checked his phone in case there was a task he’d forgotten to do.
But he found none.
With head full of confusion, trying to remember what was missing, he drove to the last address.
Five minutes away from the last place he needed to go, at a traffic light, his eyes fell to his left pinky, the place where his red string attached to him. The place where there was no longer a red string.
His eyes were big as saucers as he inspected his pinky.
During 21 years of his life, there was not a single time, as far as he knew, in which the red string ever disappeared. It could twist, bend, stretch, and become thinner, but never disappear. It could even fade sometimes, but could never vanish.
He looked around to see other road users. Their red strings were glaringly obvious. Some even had a deep red color.
He sighed though not all his worries went away.
He didn’t lose his ability, just his string.
“Oh my God! I just realized that your string is very much gone.”
“Do you have an idea of what this means? Or what caused this to happen?”
Taehyung leaned back in his chair and shrugged. “It’s your fault for not joining our weekly meeting.”
Yoongi met Taehyung at a club specifically made for people who can see the red string. He didn’t know what made him join the club, but he could probably blame his curiosity for that.
“I have work. Plus, it’s not like you understand what’s going on either after attending them.”
“Touché. But, do you know who’s at the other end?”
“I knew about it a few weeks ago.”
How stupid of him to ignore the weather forecast this morning. It said that there was going to be a thunderstorm. Yoongi just realized how accurate the forecaster was as the rain hit against the library's windows loudly.
His shift as the campus’ janitor had ended an hour ago, but since the rain didn’t let him go home and he was stupid enough not to bring an umbrella, he decided to wait in the library until the rain subside.
Every now and then, a thunder illuminated the dimly lit library before breaking in an ear-splitting noise. And every time it happened, he couldn't help but to wince even after hearing it for the nth time in the past hour.
He was sitting on the floor in the corner while gripping the encyclopedia on his lap. His mind couldn't cooperate for the last few minutes. He'd been reading the same line for countless times now and he grew agitated.
On the next aisle, a couple had been arguing for the past five minutes. And as much as Yoongi didn't like to eavesdrop, he had no headphones he could use to cover his ears.
"So, going out with my best friend behind my back was your brilliant solution?" the girl half-yelled.
They had been half-yelling the entire time. They knew that they weren't allowed to be loud here, yet they still chose a library out of all places to have an argument. That ticked Yoongi off.
"She came to me first, okay? I didn't know you weren't there. She said you were coming along," the boy defended himself.
Yoongi rolled his eyes. Of course a cheater would make up stupid reasons.
“Here’s what’s going wrong. One, you could leave her once you knew. Two, you could tell me you were with her. Three, you could cross-check with me first. And you did nothing out of all three.”
Yoongi smirked and nodded in agreement though he knew well they couldn’t see him. It was exactly what he’d say in a situation like that. He liked this girl, they had a similar way of thinking.
Yoongi suddenly grew curious at what the girl looked like. He scooted closer towards their voices and peeked between the books on the shelf.
Just like what he’d imagined, the girl was gorgeous. Or, at least as gorgeous as a sleep deprived college student can be.
She had a cute nose and lips, and bright eyes despite looking tired and sleepy. Dark eyebags and fading eyeliner decorated her eyes. Her hair glistened under the dim light, probably still wet due to the rain. Her pink lipstick also started to wear off, showing off her natural chapped lips.
The boy grew quiet for a bit. “Sorry, babe. It won’t happen again.”
She snorted. “I know. Because there’s no such thing as next time. Bye.”
As she walked off, his eyes trained down to her pinky, a habit he’d had because of the stupid ‘talent’ he had. He followed the red string on her pinky to the other end of the string, another habit he’d had because he was full of curiosity.
Most of the time he couldn’t see the other end, since enemies usually weren’t within sight with each other. This time, though, he kinda hoped that hers would connect to the boy she was dating. That way, it’d explain why they broke up.
Not as expected, her string ended on his pinky.
“Do you hate her?” Taehyung asked after sipping on his hot chocolate.
“Maybe that’s why the string disappeared?” Taehyung suggested. “The string only connects enemies. Maybe if it makes a mistake like this, it’ll disappear.”
“Can the string make a mistake?”
Taehyung shrugged. “You don’t hate her, though.”
“But why didn’t it disappear right then, why today?”
Taehyung bit his lip, deep in thought. “Did something happen today?”
“Not today, but I met her yesterday.”
He was late to work and his dead watch was to blame. Somehow it slipped his mind to change the batteries and now he had to deal with his own stupidity.
As he scurried to campus, someone accidentally crashed into him from behind. His tattered bag fell and spilled its contents.
"Oh my! I'm so sorry!" A girl crouched beside him and helped him pick up his stuff.
"It's okay," he replied timidly.
Right as he put the last thing into his bag, the girl's friend, who since then only loomed over them in silence, clicked her tongue in annoyance.
"Can you be faster? I have a presentation in 10 minutes."
When Yoongi and the girl stood up, he finally got the chance to see who the girl's friend was. Their connected red string only confirmed it further.
Since the last time Yoongi saw her, she was in a worse condition. A cup of coffee was in one hand, a laptop in the other. Her eyes were puffy and dried tears were visible in her cheeks. Unlike back then at the library, she didn't wear any makeup. She wore an old oversized sweater which looked older than Yoongi's seven years old bag with a pair of washed up jeans that were baggy in weird places.
The girl who helped him snapped back at her, "That's your own fault for having a midlife crisis this morning."
The library girl only linked her arm around the girl's arm and dragged her.
He knew she was supposed to be his enemy, but for the rest of the day Yoongi couldn't help but to wonder what happened to her. His curiosity got the best of him now that he knew she was on the other end of his string.
Did she have another relationship problem? Or maybe her ex pleaded to get back together again? Or maybe just college stuff?
"You didn't ask her name?"
"She was in a hurry,” Yoongi defended himself.
"Still. I think we need as much information as possible, and a trusted person."
"Like who?"
"The club's leader? Are you kidding me?"
"Hey! He might be the only one who knows about this ordeal."
"But you're talking to him." It wasn’t a question.
Taehyung shook his head. "No. You talk to him."
"We're talking to him."
Despite Namjoon’s busy schedule and Yoongi’s multiple jobs, meeting him was easier than Yoongi had initially thought. One day he just texted him and not five minutes later Namjoon replied to meet up the next day after his shift ended. Just as promised, Taehyung came as a moral support and to provide with drinks.
After hearing Yoongi’s story, which was occasionally added by Taehyung with small details, Namjoon frowned. He bit his bottom lip and his eyes became unfocused.
“Do you think you can help us?” Yoongi asked after a minute of silence, already expecting a negative answer from the way the leader was behaving.
Namjoon’s eyes focused back to Yoongi’s. “I’m not sure. I’ve read something about this, but there wasn’t any more research about that. Maybe I can ask the previous leaders and see if they know about it.”
“Isn’t there anything we can do?”
“You said you knew who was on the other end. Can you bring her here? Maybe she knows something.”
“He doesn’t know her name, though,” Taehyung chimed in before Yoongi could say anything.
“That’s fine. Take as much time needed. I need to talk to the previous leaders anyway. Just tell me once you’re ready.”
“Joon,” Taehyung called him, catching his attention. “Is it possible that the string is wrong? Yoongi doesn’t hate her and that’s why the string disappeared?”
Taehyung’s question echoed in his mind for days on end. If his theory was right, then why was the string still there on the day at the library? Why didn’t it disappear right away? And what was going to happen now that his string was gone?
But one more question stood out the most to him. How could he ask for her to come with him without sounding creepy?
With the clock struck seven, his shift had ended and he could go home. He changed out of his uniform and walked towards the campus’ exit where there were some students still lingering.
He rolled his eyes at them. ‘Those kids are so lucky to be able to get an education at a place like this and they’re probably unaware of it,’ he thought.
Right as he was about to step out the door, a poster caught his eyes. More specifically, a face he’d grown to recognize just caught his eyes.
The poster was talking about a speech that was going to be held in a week’s time. The speech was going to be about the importance of vaccines and would be attended by some famous speakers. He knew one of the speakers.
It was the library girl. But unlike at the library nor in front of the campus, she wore a bright smile. She flashed her teeth, her eyes twinkled. Her makeup was perfectly done, thanks to meticulous makeup artists who took time with her face.
Underneath her photo, her name was printed in bold. Y/n L/n.
Yoongi gasped as he read her name again and again. He even tried how her name tasted in his mouth when he said it.
Her name was exactly like herself. Sweet, but not too sweet, with a hint of salty for her sharp words. It was closest to salted caramel in his mind.
But what was more important was the fact that he’d found her name. He grinned to himself at the thought. His only feat left was to talk to her and ask her to meet Namjoon.
The speech was held after the lunch break, which meant he got half a day to plan what to say to her. However, since he woke up, his mind had been a cloudy mess, he couldn’t think straight.
He tried to jot down possible things he could say to Y/n, but his clammy hand kept wetting his paper. He tried to type his thoughts on his phone, but his supervisor caught him playing on his phone and scolded him. All his efforts were futile in the end. His mind, paper, and phone notes were still as empty as they were this morning.
The night before, he’d talked to Namjoon and Taehyung, but both were as helpful as his empty mind.
“Just say whatever. It’s better if you tell her we’ll be talking about the red string,” Namjoon had said.
“Tell us how it goes, okay?” was the only thing Taehyung said.
When the time arrived, he waited in front of the campus’ hall where the speech was held.
Through the glass doors, he could see Y/n and a couple other speakers he didn’t care for. He couldn’t hear what they said, though. They took turns to speak, each more passionate than the speaker before them until the time Y/n stepped to the center of the stage.
All these time Yoongi only saw the angry, sad, and tired Y/n to the point he’d internalized the idea that she was like that most of the time. This was the first time he saw her speaking in front of hundreds of audience with a burning passion.
From outside where he couldn’t hear a single thing, he still felt moved and inspired by just seeing her hand gestures alone. He couldn’t imagine what it felt to be able to listen to her speech.
When she was done with her speech and bowed to the audience, they erupted in cheers and clapped their hands.
The event quickly ended with the MC saying some closing speech. With that, the crowd left the hall one by one not even minding Yoongi who was standing outside. Only a couple of faculty members and students still lingered inside, chatting animatedly with the speakers.
A pang of jealousy coursed through him at the sight of them. If money wasn’t a problem for him, he would have had a higher education just like these people. And to be reminded that those students were around his age made him sullen.
Among all the people inside, Y/n was the first to leave the hall. Looked like lady luck was on Yoongi’s side today since Y/n left all alone.
Yoongi quickly snatched his only chance and approached her.
“Hi. You’re Y/n, right?”
“Hi. Yeah, I am. And you are?” Her honey voice was sweeter than what he’d heard at the library. He could tell from her voice alone that her mood was definitely better than the last time he saw her.
“Yoongi. I’m the campus’ journalist.” At this point he just spewed out lies and he thought he was quite good at it. “Can we talk for a bit?”
“Sure. About what?”
“I was listening to your speech earlier,” another lie, “and I think you’re strongly opinionated,” not a lie. “I’m wondering if I can interview you? It’s gonna be about the red string.”
She furrowed her eyebrows. “The red string?”
Yoongi involuntarily gulped in fear Y/n would reject him.
“I don’t think I have anything to say about that, I’m sorry.”
His heart dropped.
Y/n was about to leave when Yoongi spoke up again, “Umm… It’s okay. We’re going to compile different opinions into one anyways, so if you don’t have a lot to say about it, that’s fine.”
“Oh.” Y/n stopped in her tracks. “When’s the interview then? Is it now? Because if it’s now, I have-”
“No, don’t worry. We can have the interview anytime you’re free. Plus, I won’t be the one interviewing you, an expert or something will ask the questions and I’m just gonna sum them up.”
Y/n nodded. “Can we do it tonight? Maybe around eight after the classes end?”
Technically, Yoongi could, but he didn’t know whether Namjoon was free or not.
“I need to ask the interviewer first. Make sure they’re free and all.”
Yoongi pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Can I have your number?”
Asking for a girl’s number was an achievement he didn’t know he would reach.
Y/n punched in her number and gave the phone back to him. “What’s your name again?”
Yoongi put his phone back into his pocket. “Yoongi.”
The walk to the cafe Taehyung worked at was as awkward as it could get. Two people who just knew each other for a couple of hours walking together, not knowing what to say to break the tension. Not to mention this was Yoongi’s first time walking with a girl.
Yoongi didn’t know whether he should feel lucky or not with Y/n trying to start small talks between them. Lucky because he didn’t have to come up with a topic, unlucky because he had to keep building lies upon lies.
“What year are you in?” Y/n kicked a small rock away from her path.
Yoongi counted in his head. 21 years olds usually were in their third year.
“Third. You?”
“Same. What are you studying?”
“I’m in art. Music.” In his defense, he did music in his free time, so he wasn’t exactly lying.
Y/n halted in her tracks. “Music?”
Uh, oh. Did he just say something wrong?
Yoongi also stopped walking and gave Y/n a questioning look.
“As far as I know, there’s no music major here.”
“Umm… I mean I’m studying art, but also join the music club.”
Y/n started walking again. “I see.”
Yoongi sighed in relief. Nice save.
“What-” The words caught in his throat. “What about you?”
The interview went pretty much the same. Only a series of questions and short answers. She was right when she said she didn’t have anything to say about the red string.
“Do you believe the red string?”
“What do you know about it?”
“Not much.”
“Some people can see it.”
“It connects soulmates.”
Yoongi stifled a laugh. If only life wasn’t so cruel, it would happen.
“What if I tell you I can see the red string?”
Y/n shrugged. “Good for you.”
“You don’t wanna know to whom yours is connected?”
And other questions that Yoongi had tuned out in boredom. From his peripheral vision, Y/n was holding back a yawn as if to confirm to him that the interview was indeed boring. The now cold coffee in front of them did nothing to keep them alert.
Thanks to his ability to ignore his surroundings for long periods of time, the interview came to an end before he knew it.
Namjoon glanced at the clock before closing his notebook. “It’s almost 10. Sorry to keep you until late.” He stood up and shook Y/n’s hand. “Thank you for helping us.”
“No problem,” Y/n said, though her eyes were starting to droop.
Yoongi was trying hard to hold his smile. It was a rare sight to see someone so tired they barely could keep their eyes open.
Worry and realization clawed at his heart at the sight of Y/n. With a little money he had in his pocket, he had to pay for her favor. Not pay directly with money, because that would be rude. But maybe give her something that she needed.
As if on cue, he heard Y/n’s stomach rumble as they said their goodbyes.
That was it! He could buy her food as a thank you.
He only had money to feed one person, though. It was supposed to be his dinner.
Yoongi bit his lip in confusion. He needed to pay tonight because he didn’t know if they were going to meet again. Plus, going without food for one night wouldn’t be that bad for his health, right? He could just start breakfast earlier the next morning.
He had made up his mind.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna eat?” Y/n asked after swallowing her burger. In front of her, Yoongi could only stare at her food while drooling.
“I’m not hungry.”
“You can take my fries.” She pushed her fries towards Yoongi. “I don’t eat fries. They make me fat.”
He gratefully shoved one into his mouth, savouring it before chewing on it. “And burger doesn’t?”
“Well, it contains meat and lettuce, so it’s not 100% carbs.”
Yoongi silently nodded though he was sure a burger contains more calories.
“How come I never see you on campus?” Y/n asked.
They had been walking towards her place for a while and Y/n refused an awkward silence to fill the air.
“We’re in different buildings, remember?”
This wasn’t a lie. Yoongi indeed worked most of the time in the arts building, a solid 100 meters away from the science building.
“Right. I keep forgetting that. Sorry.” Y/n giggled. As cliché as that sounds, her laugh sounded like bells in his ears.
“Don’t be sorry. No one really cares about art majors.”
Her giggles died down. “I care. I think art is a great way to make a statement. Not to mention it transcends all language barriers. A great media to change the world, isn’t it?”
That was definitely a view of art that Yoongi had never heard before. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t stunned at her words.
“Wow,” Yoongi eventually blurted. No wonder she was giving a speech a few hours ago.
Y/n stopped in front of a huge gate belonging to an apartment building before turning to him.
“Thank you for the food and for taking me home. I owe you one.” She smiled.
“No. Take the food as a thank you for helping me with my article.” At this point, lies came flowing out of his mouth. “And taking you home is just something normal everyone does.”
“Still. I gave you a favor, but you gave me two. It’s only right if I pay you somehow.”
“I want to, though. It helps me sleep at night.”
Yoongi stared at Y/n’s eyes. They were droopy and red from sleepiness, but still held sincerity. Before he drowned in her eyes, he pulled himself back and nodded.
That night, Yoongi fell asleep with a half-empty stomach and a full heart.
The next few days went by as usual. Wake up, get ready, go to work, go home, sleep. No Namjoon, no Y/n, nor Taehyung in his mind. He was truly back to his boring life before his string disappeared.
The only difference was the ringing noise of Y/n’s words in his ears. ‘Art is a great way to make a statement.’
All these times, he only did art—music—because it was all he knew. He’d known of the possibility of making a statement with music, people had brought politics and social issues into their songs, but he wasn’t brave enough to challenge himself with those issues. He always thought that only famous or rich people were allowed to make such statements.
Yoongi’s next interaction with Y/n was in the form of a text.
Hey, Yoon. Sorry for disturbing you. But I’m curious whether my interview will make it to the campus’ newspaper.
He quickly made up another lie.
Hey. It’s fine. The team decided to change the topic, sorry. Kinda sad, I know.
Y/n instantly replied.
But you’ve worked hard for this! Can’t you say anything to them?
Oh, how he wished he could. Problem was, he wasn’t even a student here.
No convincing will do. They have made up their mind.
Y/n sent in two messages.
That’s inefficient journalism, wasting perfectly good interviews.
Before he got the chance to read Y/n’s second message, his supervisor warned him to put his phone down.
He only got the chance to read the message after his shift ended.
I think it’s the right time for me to pay you back, don’t you think?
Ice cream definitely wasn’t the first thing that came to his mind when Y/n said she wanted to pay him back. He was thinking something like paying for his bus ride home, or maybe buying him some food just like what he did for her. Basically anything that would be more useful than just a sweet dessert that couldn’t even fill an empty stomach.
He wasn’t one to complain, though. In his defense, he hadn’t had one in a long time; he didn’t even remember when was the last time he ate one. He was rather happy to break his long streak with Y/n.
“Something’s wrong with the journalism club,” Y/n said before putting a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.
“How so?”
Y/n waved her spoon around. “How redundant to have a person interview a bunch of people only to change the topic in the end?”
Yoongi shrugged. “Things happen.”
“Does this happen often? If yes, that’s crazy.”
“I don’t think so.”
Y/n snorted. “You probably wanna keep your club’s secret. I understand.” Y/n angrily scooped her ice cream. “Aren’t you angry at being mistreated like this?”
“To be honest, I don’t care. It’s not like I like this club anyways.”
“You should leave the club, then. Do something you actually like instead of rotting in that club.”
Yoongi just nodded. What else could he do? He wasn’t even a member to begin with.
“What do you like to do? You said something about the music club.”
“Yeah. I do music in my free time although I’m not that active in the club.”
“Do you do gigs?”
Finally a topic he didn’t need to lie about.
Yoongi answered after he swallowed, “I don’t do that type of music. I don’t perform. I produce music.”
Y/n’s eyes widened. “This is the first time I know a music producer. What's it like to produce music?”
Yoongi told her about the first time he learned how to produce music, who taught him that, and even where he learned that. He was 13 at the time and a neighbor offered to show him how to produce music. It was the first time he knew music, it was love at first sight.
“I think it’s great for you to know what you wanna do,” Y/n commented after he finished his story.
“That’s the thing.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I want to pursue it deeper but I don’t know how.”
“You can take up producing jobs?” she suggested.
It was time for him to open up. “There’s this entertainment company looking for an intern, but I don’t know if I can squeeze some time for that.”
Y/n’s face that was once relaxed, now became stern. “Are you sure you want to produce music your whole life?”
It was the same question his parents had asked him when he told them he wanted to do music.
He nodded.
The creases in Y/n’s face disappeared as she leaned back in her seat. “There you have it. Clear up your schedule and run for your dreams. If it’s worth it, you make time for it.”
That was the cue he needed to send his CV.
Despite his protests of not wanting to disturb her time, Y/n met Yoongi after her classes ended just a few days after he sent his CV.
Y/n grinned immediately upon seeing Yoongi in front of the campus’ gates.
“Have you seen the results?”
Yoongi shook his head, not trusting his voice.
“What are you waiting for? Open it!” Y/n peered into Yoongi’s phone.
With clammy, shaky hands, he opened the email and read the message.
Dear Min Yoongi,
We’ve read your CV and would like to discuss more with you on Tuesday, July 6th, 2021 at 13:00.
Go Youngjae
He was still registering the message and rereading it over and over again when Y/n jumped and yelled, “This calls for a celebration!”
Y/n, her yellings, and people watching them thinking they were weirdos were all around him, yet his mind was clouded with the words from the message.
Only when Y/n grabbed his shoulders to grab his attention he was brought back to reality.
“What do you think?” she asked.
“Huh? A celebration?”
Y/n nodded so enthusiastically he worried she would accidentally hurt her neck.
“Okay, then.”
Y/n took a sip of her beer. “I’m jealous of you.”
Around them were bustling with people coming home from their work to eat.
“You’re talented enough to achieve your dreams.”
“I’m not accepted yet.”
“Yet,” Y/n emphasized. “It’s just a matter of time before you work there.”
Yoongi frowned. “What do you wanna do then?”
“That’s the thing. I don’t know,” she whisper-yelled before taking a large gulp of beer. “And people think we’re adults who are supposed to know what we’re doing.” Y/n snorted.
Yoongi sipped on his own beer while nodding. Sometimes people around him forgot that he was a 21 years old kid who still needed guidance on life. Just because he had two jobs, didn’t mean he knew what he was doing.
“Are you happy with your life right now?” he asked.
Y/n shrugged. “I’d like to think so.”
“Then keep doing what you’re doing.” He knew his advice didn’t help, but he wasn’t graced with the talent to console people.
“I can’t keep being a student.” Y/n laughed in frustration. Her eyes were brimming with tears. “In a year, we’ll graduate. And then what? It’s all black for me while you’re interning. At least you have direction while I’m still as blind as a bat.”
“That sounds depressing.”
“Because it is!” Y/n whined before taking another sip. “Sorry to ruin your celebration with my sad girl problems. Let’s just talk about you.”
Oh, Y/n didn’t know how much he’d rather have his celebration ruined by Y/n than to celebrate on his own.
In between her fading makeup, he could see Y/n’s face started to turn pinkish. Out of courtesy, he gently pulled her beer away from her.
“I think you’re tipsy.”
“No, I’m not.” Y/n reached back for her beer but it was out of reach. “Give it back.”
He argued with something he knew she wouldn’t refute, “You’ll ruin our celebration even further if you’re drunk.”
That kept her sober for the rest of the night.
“I think you’re too keen for celebrations,” Yoongi commented as he eyed Y/n with a bottle of wine. He didn’t even want to know how much it cost a fortune to buy that.
“Who doesn’t like to celebrate?” Y/n sat on her couch and patted the space beside her. “Don’t just stand there. Sit down!”
It was just a few hours after his interview. While he didn’t want to assume how well it went, Y/n believed it went pretty well. In her defense, had the interview gone wrong, he wouldn’t be here in her apartment, he would be crying away in his bedroom. Thus, Y/n convinced him to have another celebration.
Y/n couch was soft to the touch and probably cost more than his kidneys, he felt bad of having to sit on it and potentially dirtying it. But Y/n didn’t pay attention to it while she poured the wine into his glass.
“We have work tomorrow.” He immediately corrected himself with a cough. “Class, I mean.”
“We won’t drink a lot.” She handed him his glass. “Just one glass.”
Yoongi took the glass. “Just one glass.”
But of course one glass turned to two, and three, and a morning full of confusion and hangover.
Yoongi woke up startled. He sat up and gasped for air. His head was killing him, as if someone was hammering his head. His throat was dry, as dry as the desert. More importantly, he didn’t know where he was until the memory of the night before came rushing into his head.
Y/n pouring his drink, laughing at something silly he said, leaned closer and closer to him as her awareness slipped away little by little. And the feeling of her chapped lips on his.
He choked on his saliva. Did he really just kiss her? Or was it just a dream?
His fingers lingered on his lips, trying to remember the taste of Y/n’s lips.
“Oh, you’re awake,” a familiar voice emerged from the kitchen. “Are you thinking about the kiss?”
Yoongi stared at the girl sitting on the dining table.
“Relax, nothing happened. Just a drunken kiss.” She shrugged before shoving a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.
How could she talk about the kiss so lightly? Or maybe he was reading too much into it while the kiss really didn’t mean anything.
“Does that happen often?” he croaked. He winced, he really needed to drink.
As if reading his mind, Y/n grabbed a glass of water and gestured to it, ushering him to take it.
Yoongi slowly got up from the couch, hissed when his headache flared, and walked to the dining table.
“Being drunk or the kiss?”
“The drunken kiss.”
She snorted. “Can you believe it? I don’t get drunk that often and I don’t kiss people every time I’m drunk.”
“You were almost drunk a few days ago.” Yoongi took a seat in front of her.
“Almost. Not completely black out drunk like last night.”
With how nonchalant Y/n seemed, Yoongi blurted out the burning question, “Doesn’t the kiss mean anything to you?”
“I’d like to believe that a drunken kiss means nothing.” She shrugged. “We’re drunk, we can’t even recall it. A meaningful kiss is not a kiss you easily forget.”
“And if you’re drunk but still remember it?”
“Is it still meaningful if the person you kiss doesn't remember it?"
Just like how it always had been, Y/n’s words rang through his ears for days. When he was scrubbing the walls, mopping the floor, taking the trash out, and even on the weekends when he had deliveries.
Not only her words, but the taste of her dry lips and the way she leaned to him etched permanently in his mind. The way she poured him a drink, the way she lazily ate her breakfast. He memorized it all like a fanatic memorizing the Bible. Not leaving a single detail out.
It was just a matter of time until he decided to take action against it.
“I can’t do this. I need to come clean with her.”
The time happened to be a week after the kiss after Taehyung’s cafe closed for the day.
“What? Who? Why? What happened?”
“I think I’m starting to like her, hard. Y/n, I mean.”
Taehyung gave him a meaningful look.
“Don’t give me that look,” Yoongi groaned. “I know it’s wrong because we’re supposed to be enemies. But she’s so fascinating, you know.”
“Tell me about it.”
“She has this… different views of things.”
Taehyung nodded understandingly. “Of course. A quirky girl who can change you. Like an unoriginal love story.”
Yoongi thought, had Y/n been there with them, she would say something along the lines of, "That what makes those movies realistic, doesn't it? Real people don't fight zombies for love."
His mind had been poisoned with the thought of her.
“She’s not just quirky, okay,” he protested, though he didn’t know whether he was defending himself or Y/n. “She’s not quirky at all. In fact, she’s the typical college student.”
“The rich, spoiled one?” Taehyung raised an eyebrow.
“The rich and spoiled one.” Yoongi nodded while chuckling, remembering your fear of adulthood and your lavish apartment.
“I don’t know, dude. But whether you like her or not, or even love her, you still need to come clean.”
Yoongi quieted down at the thought of having to confess his lies to Y/n.
“I know,” he whispered. “But I’m scared.”
“What are you scared of?”
What was he scared of? To be honest, he didn’t know. It wasn’t like he was going to confess his feelings or anything. Just coming clean that he wasn’t a student, but a janitor. That he wasn’t a broke college student, just broke.
Maybe he feared the unknown. He was entering a whole new territory he had never been to.
He’d made up lies upon lies to the person he thought he would never kiss, would never be addicted to. Would never wonder how their day went or if they had breakfast.
He was stupid. Stupid for making up those lies, stupid of ever wondering about his red string, stupid for getting involved too deep with Y/n. His supposed-to-be enemy, a person he should’ve avoided. Stupid for catching feeling with her.
He wanted to kick himself, or Taehyung, or even Namjoon. Himself because he made up those lies. Taehyung because he supported him. Namjoon because he pushed him to come up with anything.
But he knew one thing for sure. If Y/n left him after his confession, he would never forgive himself.
He was going to keep his secret a little longer. If Y/n leaving him was inevitable, at least he had delayed it as long as possible.
Y/n’s life must only contain college and celebrations.
After the results came back—he was officially an intern—Y/n wanted to hold another celebration in his stead.
“We must celebrate every milestone in our lives,” she had said.
Going by her motto, he reluctantly agreed to have another celebration. This time in the form of a small party. So small, only three people were involved. Y/n, Taehyung, and himself.
“Taehyung is your barista friend, right?” Y/n asked enthusiastically when Yoongi told her about his plans. “I always wanted to work part time as a barista,” she sighed dreamily.
Y/n was in charge of the drinks—Yoongi told her not to bring alcoholic drinks. Taehyung was with the take out food. And Yoongi was going to host the party in his house.
He hoped his mom wouldn’t mind having his friends come over.
In fact, his mom was the complete opposite. She was too hyper in his opinion.
First of all, his mom literally bonked him in his head with a vegetable spoon. “Had you told me about it, I’d make some food.”
Second of all, she embarrassed him in front of Y/n. “Yoongi here never told me that he has a pretty friend like you.”
Third of all, she started playing matchmaker. “Are any of you dating Yoongi? No? I think he looks good with Y/n, don’t you think, Taehyung?”
Yoongi had had enough.
“Mom,” he groaned. “Please, stop.”
His mom giggled. “Alright, alright. I’m going back to my room. After you’re done, clean everything up, okay.”
“So, Tae,” Y/n immediately opened her mouth after Yoongi’s mom left, “Is your boss looking for a part-timer?”
“I don’t think so. She never mentions anything about that.”
Y/n nodded sadly. “If she ever looks for a part-timer, can you tell me? I’m interested.”
Y/n eyes lit up. “Oh my God, really?” She laughed. “I owe you one.”
Taehyung waved his hand dismissively, “Nah, I don’t mind helping out a friend.”
“Are we friends?”
Taehyung shrugged. “A friend of my friend is my friend.”
Y/n clapped in excitement. “That’s what I think, too! I think we’re going to be great friends.”
While they were having a conversation, Yoongi only listened and imagined a life without Y/n. A life after he confessed. His parties would just be filled with silence. Heck, he wasn’t even sure if he would ever throw a party ever again.
But then another thought popped up. This one was more urgent like a ticking time bomb.
He had to leave his current job, and Y/n, to work at his new place.
No matter if he told her or not, she would eventually be out of his life.
The question had changed, then. It used to be when he was going to tell the truth. Now, it was whether he wanted to leave her on a good note or not.
“Hey.” Y/n touched his arm lightly to pull him from his thoughts. “Are you okay? Why are you so glum?”
Yoongi just shook his head, not trusting his own voice.
“Are you sure?” She frowned.
“Y/n, prepare the fruit punch! Let’s have a toast for Yoongi,” Taehyung said, catching both of their attention.
Soon after his friend said that, Y/n’s warm touch left his arm.
Though the party only ended when both of his guests went home, the fun part of the party left with Y/n. It was marked by her phone rings.
She quickly tossed her stuff into her bag and explained, “It’s my alarm. I have an assignment I forgot to do and a class early in the morning.”
“You’re going home now?” Taehyung’s glass of half-full fruit punch looked sad in his hand.
She sighed. “I’m sorry for ruining the party.” She looked at Yoongi. “Again.”
“It’s okay,” Yoongi replied. “How will you get home, though? It’s dark outside.”
“I’ll call a cab.” Y/n slung her bag over her shoulder. “Tell your mom I say thank you for having me.”
With one last glance at Yoongi, she left.
“What does she mean by ‘again’?” Taehyung dared to fill the silence.
Yoongi explained everything. About the burger after her interview, the ice cream, the beer and Y/n’s sob story, the interview and the drunken kiss, and this party. All the while Taehyung listened to every word he said.
“You can’t keep her in the dark. She’s too nice and sincere,” Taehyung finally said.
“I’ll leave her anyway. I can’t keep my job at the campus while being an intern.”
“And never tell her the truth? That’s cruel, dude.”
“It’s either that, or she hates me for the rest of her life.” With a choked voice, he added, “I don’t want her to hate me.”
“You can’t possibly think of that.” Taehyung shook his head. “You’re selfish if you do that.”
“Is it wrong to be happy?” Yoongi cried.
“Yes, if you’re sacrificing her trust. Your happiness is just a lie.”
“But you were the one encouraging me to talk to her back then!”
“Had I known you were going to fall with her, I would have told you to be honest.”
He shook his head, refusing to listen to his friend’s words. He had made up his mind and there was no need for Taehyung to make him doubt his choice.
“I’m going to enjoy my time with her as long as possible.”
Taehyung’s next word, however, echoed in his mind. “You’re going to regret this.”
You’re going to regret this. The words kept ringing in his ears, just like Y/n’s words. But unlike hers that was soothing, this was hot and painful. He deserved it, though. He needed a constant reminder that he was living his best life at the expense of Y/n, her trust, and Taehyung.
“So, there’s this opening party for a new club this weekend.” Y/n stirred her tea with her straw. “And I need a plus one. I’d ask my friend, but she has a seminar or something.”
As Taehyung’s words screamed in his mind, Yoongi asked, “You want me to come with you?”
“Well, if you’re okay with that. We won’t be there long, I promise. I just wanna say hi and stuff.”
You’re going to regret this.
“Sure. What should I wear?”
Y/n shrugged. “Anything comfy. It’s just like a normal frat party at someone’s house.”
Yoongi had never been to a frat party.
By the time they arrived, the party had already started. The music blared out loud, Yoongi was sure the neighbors were filing a complaint. Inside, people were dancing, singing, and playing drinking games.
Yoongi winced when a drunk person hit him accidentally.
This wasn’t a pleasant experience.
Y/n had been long gone from his side, being dragged away from him right when they passed the door. He remembered Y/n flashing him an apologetic smile and mouthed to him, “I’ll be back.”
She’d be back. All he needed to do was stay exactly where he was and don’t catch other people’s attention. He wouldn’t want an art student to recognize him.
“Hey, I think I know you,” the drunk person from earlier slurred.
Yoongi cursed under his breath. So much for trying to stay low profile.
“No, you don’t,” Yoongi replied, trying to get away from him, but he instead grabbed his arm.
“Yes, I do. I’ve seen you somewhere.” He called his friends over. “Do you know this guy?”
Gulping, Yoongi saw some of them nodded while the others shook their heads.
“I’m sure I’ve seen him before.” The drunk guy frowned, trying to remember where he met Yoongi. “Did you watch our speech?”
Yoongi’s eyes widened. There was no way this dude was a speaker there. He didn’t recall him at all.
“What’s going on here?” A booming voice came from behind him.
Yoongi turned around and sighed in relief when his eyes met with Y/n’s.
“Y/n! Have you ever met this guy?” The drunk guy pointed to him.
“Yes! He’s my friend. Get away from him.” Y/n yanked the guy’s hand off of Yoongi’s arm.
“Okay, geez.” The guy raised his hands in surrender and walked away.
Once the guy was out of ear sight, Y/n hissed, “What were you thinking? He’s a person you don’t wanna get involved with.”
“He approached me first,” Yoongi defended himself.
Y/n shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. Just try not to get too close with him.” Y/n whispered in his ears, “He’s a fuckboy.”
Y/n took his hand and was about to pull him out of the party when suddenly another drunk guy stopped them.
Yoongi immediately recognized the boy to be Y/n’s ex, the one she was talking to back at the library.
“Y/n!” he called, pretending to be surprised, but Yoongi could see straight to him. “I didn’t know you were gonna be here.”
Y/n snorted. “That’s supposed to be my line. Now, get out of my way.”
“No way. I haven’t seen you in weeks. I miss you.”
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. “And I don’t. If you have some kind of self respect, please go away.”
“There’s no way you don’t miss me. Are you seeing someone else?” The boy nodded his head towards Yoongi. “Him?”
Y/n gave her ex a straight face for a few seconds. But then her face lightened up as she whispered to Yoongi, “Play along.”
“Yes!” she answered while linking her arm around Yoongi’s. “I’m with him.”
It was the ex’s turn to furrow his eyebrows.
He checked out Yoongi. From his face, down to his clothes and shoes. Scepticism was evident on his face.
“He doesn’t look very loaded,” the ex commented, much to Yoongi’s dismay.
Y/n shrugged. “At least he’s smarter than you.”
The ex’s attention was back on Y/n. Yoongi finally could draw a deep breath.
“He can’t possibly make you happy.”
“And your cheating ass can? Get out of my face.” Y/n pushed the ex away to the point he stumbled.
As Yoongi and Y/n walked past him, the ex yelled, “I’m marking your face, remember that.”
“Whatever. Just ignore him,” Y/n said.
“I’m assuming he’s your ex?” Yoongi asked though he already knew the answer. He could recognize the lanky boy anywhere.
“Yep. Thanks for the help, by the way.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“You did a lot by staying quiet.” Y/n chuckled softly as she shook her head. “He was looking for a fight, your silence confused him.”
“Why did you come to this party if it’s filled with problematic people?” he asked.
“I need to at least stop by. The club was my idea, after all.” Y/n shrugged. “Plus, not everyone there was problematic. Some are nice.”
Yoongi nodded. “I see.”
Y/n sighed. “Let’s go home, shall we?”
Resigning was another problem he had to deal with. First of all, he needed to make a letter of resignation which he didn't know how to make. Second of all, he had to print the letter though he didn’t have any printers. Third of all, he had to face his manager whom he only met once.
His manager stared deep into Yoongi’s eyes after reading his letter. “You have a new job?”
“When will you start working there?” His boss tossed his letter to the trash can.
So much for trying to make a good letter.
“Two weeks from now.”
His boss pursed his lips for a moment before answering, “Okay, then. You may leave.”
“Thank you.”
Once he was outside his boss’ room, Yoongi exhaled in relief. His current job was coming to an end.
And so was his friendship with Y/n.
Three days before Yoongi left his current job, Y/n wanted to meet him in front of the campus after her class ended. He didn’t know why she wanted to meet him. After all, all she sent was a short text.
Meet me at 7 at the usual spot. Important!
He couldn’t help but to feel a sinking feeling at her last word. Did she find out about who he actually was? Or about the red string?
He was going to get his questions answered soon since he could already see the back of Y/n’s head.
But he didn’t even get the chance to greet her when Y/n turned around to face him and shoved her phone in front of Yoongi. A photo of him in a janitor uniform while holding a broom was displayed.
Yoongi stopped in his tracks and gasped. His eyes wide and mouth agape.
“Where did you get that?” Inside his deepest mind, he knew who’d taken the picture.
“What is this?” she demanded.
“This is edited, right?” Her voice wavering, eyes brimming with tears. “You’re just a student just like me. Right?” She sounded desperate. Desperate to believe that Yoongi wasn’t lying to her.
All Yoongi could do was to look down and shake his head in shame.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she sniffled. “I trusted you.”
“I wanted to tell you but I was looking for the right moment.”
“Bullshit! That’s all what they say. Have you ever thought of me as a friend?” She stared at Yoongi with so much venom in her eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
Y/n wiped her tears aggressively. Her mascara started to run down her cheeks. She looked similar to the day at the library. The day Yoongi was making fun of her ex for being stupid. But this time, he was the stupid one.
“Stop saying sorry, dammit! What part of you are real? Are the company, the email, your internship all lies? Your ambitions, too?” At this point, her tears flowed freely down her face. “Answer my questions!” she yelled ferociously, not minding about passersby who stopped to watch them.
Yoongi really wanted to spill everything. From the library, the connected red string, then when it disappeared, the speech, and the friendship he’d gotten from it. But his mouth was sealed. Closed with the weight of the words.
With the lack of an answer, Y/n shove her phone back into her bag. She nodded and sniffled one last time.
“You’re just like my ex. A liar. A dirty, dirty liar.” She laughed sourly. “You know what’s funny?”
Yoongi shook his head.
“The fact that my ex was right all along. You can’t make me happy.” She visibly gulped, trying to hold back her tears. “Thanks for the friendship all this time. Goodbye.”
Just like that, she left his life without a trace.
Each word coming from her mouth attacked him like bullets. And it only hurt more every time he replayed it. He liked the pain, though. He deserved it after ruining his second friendship. He deserved it after hurting his friend.
The remaining days at his current job dragged on. He couldn’t focus at all. He kept forgetting his tasks, forgetting to turn off the ACs after the classes were over, getting scolded by his supervisor.
Not to mention that he found out Y/n had blocked him on every single of his social media, effectively cutting any means of communication.
“The manager told me you’re leaving. But I don’t want you to slack off,” his supervisor once said.
He wanted to scream at his supervisor, his manager, anyone that there was a giant tear in his heart. His heart was bleeding and it wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. The best he could do was show up to work. But just like at the night when Y/n confronted him, his mouth was shut tight.
That same day, Namjoon visited him after his shift ended. While there was a twinkle in the leader’s eyes, Yoongi’s eyes were filled with void.
“I’m done with my research,” Namjoon said.
Yoongi sighed. He just wanted Namjoon to say whatever he had to say and leave him alone. Better if Namjoon cursed him too before he left.
“You’re actually in a good place.”
Yoongi wanted to laugh at that. Oh, the irony.
“She’s no longer your enemy. But, you're in a grey area right now. Play your cards right, and you'll find your true love. Take a step wrong, and you'll make a new enemy.”
“Look.” It was the first time he opened his mouth in front of Namjoon. “I know you’re just trying to help. But it’s too late.” He bit his bottom lip. “I already made her an enemy.”
Instead of curses, Yoongi was getting a warm, knowing smile.
“It’s to be expected, actually. Your string was attached to her, after all. I never said it was easy to make her your true love. Only that it was a possibility.”
“Then, do I still have the chance to-” He didn’t need to finish his question for Namjoon to know what he wanted to say.
“Since you’re no longer attached to her, your enemy status is not permanent.” Namjoon laughed. “So, I’d say, go for it.”
Yoongi stared at the ground in disbelief. Warmth emerged from his heart, where emptiness was once, and spreaded throughout his body.
“But she hates me,” he whispered.
“I’m not a counselor. But you might have a chance, if deep down she feels the same.”
That was the problem. He didn’t know if she felt the same.
On his last day, Yoongi was packing his stuff up from his locker, shoving it mindlessly into his old duffle bag.
His supervisor was leaning against the locker beside him with an envelope in hand.
“You’re actually leaving, huh?”
“I don’t break promises.” Yoongi zipped up his bag and closed the locker.
His supervisor handed him the envelope. “Here’s your pay. Thanks for working with us.”
With a curt smile, Yoongi accepted the money. His job here was done.
He was about to leave the perimeter of the campus, promising himself not to look back for the last time, when he heard someone shout his name. Someone he had been dying to talk to. Someone he’d be willing to break his promises for.
He turned around and came face to face with the owner of the voice.
“I’m sorry,” they both said at the same time.
Yoongi gestured to Y/n to talk first.
“I’m sorry I didn’t let you explain first. I was too caught up in my emotions.”
“No worries. It’s nothing compared to lying.”
“I've already come to terms with it. You were probably scared. It happens to the best of us.”
Yoongi nodded. “I was. This is better, actually. I don’t need to hide the truth anymore.”
“What were you scared of?”
He took a moment to respond. “I guess, being rejected.” It came out more like a question.
Y/n frowned. “Why would I reject you?”
“In my mind, you’re rich and amazing and perfect, basically everything a person wants to be. And because of that, I’m scared you’d think of me as being less than you.”
Y/n snorted. “I’m not perfect. My life is fucked up in its own way. I just never tell anyone about it.”
His mind reverted back to Y/n’s fight with her ex back at the library, and again at the party.
“I would never think of you less. Even if you lied to me.” Y/n flashed him a genuine smile, a sign that he had been forgiven. “Mistakes happen so we can learn from them. What’s important is that at least we acknowledge that and learn to be better.”
Yoongi nodded. He knew her words would ring in his ears for days as usual.
“May I know who took the photo?” he asked.
“My ex.”
His suspicion was confirmed. Somehow he felt even more at peace.
“He marks my face, no wonder.”
“I already told him not to mess with you again.”
“It’s nothing.” Y/n shook her head.
Y/n looked down at the duffle bag in his hand. “You’re leaving now?”
“Yeah. It’s time for me to move on with my life.” ‘And move on from you’, he added in his mind.
“Do you wanna grab ice cream for the last time? For old time’s sake?”
Y/n scooped her ice cream as she said, “Stupidly, I forgot to give you the chance to explain yourself. Again.”
Yoongi shrugged. “It’s no big deal.”
Y/n dropped her spoon. “It is for me. So for my sake, please explain.”
Just like that, Yoongi blurted everything out. Letting out everything that had been pulling him down. The fight at the library, the interview, and everything happened after that. Including the red string.
“Wait, red string?” Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.
“Right. You don’t believe the red string actually exists, do you? Well, I can see it.”
Y/n’s eyes widened as big as saucers. “Are you making up another lie?”
“Unfortunately, that’s the truth.”
Y/n leaned back in her chair as she snorted. “There’s no way that’s true.”
“Well, if you don’t believe me, you can ask Taehyung. You believe him, right?”
“Yeah, he’s still my friend.” She blinked her eyes repeatedly. “But what does that have anything to do with him?”
“He can see them, too. That’s how we know each other, actually.”
Y/n laughed in surprise. “I’m surrounded by crazy people.”
“We’re not crazy!” Yoongi searched for Taehyung’s contact in his phone. “Just talk to him first.”
After one ring, Taehyung picked up the call.
“Why are you calling me? I don’t want to talk to you until you’re telling her the truth.”
“I’m doing that right now, but I need your help.”
“For what?”
“Tell her about the red string, our red string, and the fact that we can see them because she doesn’t trust me.”
A shuffling sound could be heard in the background. “Okay. Give her the phone.”
During the entire phone call, Y/n was mostly nodding while saying, “Yes”, or, “Sure, or, “I understand.” Some questions were also thrown around like, “Mine was attached to Yoongi?”, and, “Mine disappeared?”
A few minutes later, the call ended and Yoongi’s phone was back in his hand.
“Wow,” that was all she said.
“So, do you believe me now?” Yoongi bit his bottom lip.
“Now I understand why you lied to me.” Y/n giggled. “Had you not lied to me, I wouldn’t come with you.”
“That was what went in my head at the time.”
“But what if I believed the red string? Or if I could see them?” Y/n teased before shoving her ice cream into her mouth.
Yoongi was stunned for a while. “I’d like to not think about that.”
Y/n laughed so loud it was etched into his head permanently.
The ice cream date could only go so long before they had to part ways and go home.
“So, this is goodbye?” he asked nervously, the duffle bag still clasped in his hands.
Y/n shook her head and smiled. “No. I believe this is a ‘see you later’.”
“See you later, then?”
“See you. When you’re famous, please have a collab with me so I can be famous, too.”
Yoongi let out a genuine laugh for the first time since the fight with Y/n.
Though parting and saying goodbye were never his forte, at least he could let out a laugh. He wouldn’t want his ‘see you later’ ruined with tears or sobs.
Not only Y/n’s laugh was stuck in his mind, the way Y/n’s hand flicked when she waved at him would also be another memory of her he treasured the most.
He swore to himself he still remembered the way to the administration office, but somehow all memories of the campus suddenly disappeared once he went past the gates.
As he was trying to recall where the administration office was, his thoughts were interrupted with a loud cheer coming from a group of girls in graduation gowns.
He frowned and stared at the group, showing his displeasure.
“Wait, Yoongi?” A girl ran away from the group and hugged him, making him stagger.
Yoongi was about to scold whoever just hugged him when his eyes landed on a familiar face. It was Y/n, his old crush.
“Y/n?” He stared at her attire. “You’re graduating?”
Y/n nodded while flashing her teeth at him. “Surprise!”
“You didn’t tell me you’re graduating.”
“Well, it’s been a year since we last met, right? It’s time for me to graduate. I’m sick of this place.” Y/n glared at him while pointing to the map he was holding. “And you didn’t tell me you’re a student here.”
“It’s only right to study here after working here.”
“Still! What about your work?”
“My boss wants me to pursue a higher education.”
“Oh, I see.” Y/n turned around to look at her friends before facing back to Yoongi. “I’m almost done with my stuff.” Her eyes glistened in mischief.
With a bored look, Yoongi asked, “What do you have in mind?”
He still remembered how outgoing Y/n was. It was something he liked about her.
“You finish whatever you need to do, then meet me at our usual spot, then we go for ice cream. What do you think?”
“Is it another celebration?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow.
“Of course.”
Yoongi’s smile was enough as an answer.
@lyoongx @jjddk @babeejeon @thehopelessromanticclub @okvmv
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edgeray · 7 months ago
HI, first of all, i love your write so much 💕💕💕💕💕, you're so creative, please, as long as you feel good writing, write!!! You are very good at it, and you feed Arle stans so weel.
Second, did you by any chance watched bridgerton ? If not, just ignore it, it's more to give a historical context (and dresses in beautiful scenery, for sure). Bridgerton is a period show (and books) that takes place at the beginning of the 19th century (1810-1820) [Although, I think Arlecchino would fit even more within the context of the Victorian age, but I think it might be an idea saved for another request]. Given the context, I believe my request becomes clearer :
Arlecchino who pretends to be a man (dressing and acting like one) to get married to the reader.
It's not news to anyone that Arlecchino is part of a powerful nobility family and it's also not news to anyone that she hates playing the female role given to her (and I can't imagine her wearing the fluffy dress ever!!!!), so seeing her childhood best friend become the diamond of the season (basically the favorite debutant of the season for both the queen and the suitors, in a very short way) She realizes that she needs to enter the marriage market too, in this case to fight for your hand.
Please feel free to change any part of the order, I don't want this to become boring for you to write.
So thank you for share your works and read it, (can i?) 🪷anon.
Courting a Lie
(Arlecchino x Fem! Reader)
A/N- Of course you can be 🪷 anon! Thank you for your kind words. I aim to feed. Arle for everyone!! Sorry that this is super late… I will assume the reader is female for this because a debutant is a woman. Also didn't know how to make it GN! since there's no gender neutral aristocratic titles as far as I know. Sorry GN! readers :(  While I haven't watched Bridgerton, from your description of the era, I've read quite a few manhwas set in a European aristocratic society that sounds just like this. I get the general gist of what you're saying from those manhwas so I drew some inspiration from there.  I've never really written for a historical fiction AU so we shall see how this goes. Apologies in advance if it is cringe. I did change a few things for the plot, but not because it was boring, more because of my own plot/backstory building. I actually had a lot of fun researching random bits for this request, and this request is among my most developed and thoughtful works on Tumblr! Still don't know how to dialogue though… I really liked writing this kind of setting so I would be pretty happy if a part 2 of this was requested... how did I do in terms of writing this? hopefully not too far from bridgerton?   Content warnings / info - arlecchino is referred to as a man and uses masculine pronouns for a little bit, 2.0k words
You don't quite remember what occasion it was when you first met her. Perhaps it was a charity ball or some celebration. Either way, you were at most eight years of age when you met your first friend, a quiet, petite child hiding in the corner of the Snezhevna Estate's garden, ducked nearby a bush. You wandered away from the garden party, as you couldn't find any other children your age that weren't pestering, so you explored the edges, admiring the flowers. 
You stumbled upon a white haired child, with her white dress sullied by her kneeling on the dirt. Similarly, her pale hands were soiled, as if she had dug into the earth with her fingers alone. You nearly gasped at the sight–no lady would ruin their dress so carelessly, especially a dress seemingly adorned as hers. Nevertheless, you were in awe of the courage to do so. Was it possible she wasn't educated well? It'd be damaging to her family's reputation if anyone were to see the condition of her apparel.
You approached her carefully, your voice small in hopes that you wouldn't sound rude. 
“Hello,” you greeted first, and the child turned her head over her shoulder, gazing at you. 
Your breath hitched as you glanced at her eyes, each black pit filled with a red cross in the center that made you suppose she didn't fit into any aristocratic family. You didn't know of any noble family that had such eyes, and it's only been known from noble families to hold particular sets of eyes. Did this girl really belong to nobility? 
“I know I'm not supposed to be in the dirt. Now leave me alone,” she says before turning away, her voice sounding far too monotone and androgynous for you to consider her a young noble lady. Nonetheless, the clear difference between her and the other guests of the function intrigued you. She was educated, or at least it seemed like it, but she had a disregard for creating a good impression. You ignored her request, instead, plopping yourself down beside her to see what it was in the dirt she was so interested in. 
“What are you digging in the dirt for?” You asked. She slumped, as if irritated by your persisted presence. 
“I'm looking for bugs. So go away, unless you want a spider on you,” she warned without looking at you, with the evident expectation her threat would ward you away. 
It did not, in fact, deter you. If anything, you pressed on, your expression contorting to that of fascination. “What kind of bugs?”
That seemed to snatch the young girl's attention as she turned to you, widened eyes as she observed you, searching your face for any lies. She couldn't believe that there was someone else who could be so ‘lady-like.’ Her apathy returns shortly after, and she glances back at the mound of dirt before her. 
“Young ladies aren't supposed to be interested in pests or dirtying their hands,” the white-haired child states, but it seems more like a recital of someone else's words. 
“Maybe. But it's fun, right?” You replied, offering her a small smile.
Although she still didn't face you, you watched her eyes gleam with life. Your grin grew in accordance. 
“So… you like bugs?” She questioned as she cups a worm she managed to uproot. 
“No way. Not touching them,” you shutted her down immediately and she pouted as you shook your head vigorously. 
“But… I thought you were better company than those other kids. So… I hope you don't mind having me too much?” you sheepishly remarked, wincing a bit at your apparent nervousness. In response, the girl huffed, gracing you with a faint smile. The sight sent flutters through your stomach, filling you with a rush of giddiness you never felt before. 
“Just don't scream, okay?” Is all she answered back.
And that was how you befriended the bastard daughter of the Snezhevna family. Since then, the two of you have been exchanging letters, and met each other at every possible social gathering in secret. Although your family discouraged meeting her so often, you ignored them. However, when you had just turned twelve, her letters stopped, as if she disappeared. You asked Marchioness Crucabena about her daughter, and all you received from the matriarch was a cold cut message: Peruere was receiving ‘education’ for indefinitely. 
Your heart sunk as you crinkled the letter in your hands, tears welling in your eyes at the thought of never seeing your dear friend again. Where had Peruere gone? You hastily wrote another letter, inquiring more about the education or if Peruere could write you back, but the Marchioness would not indulge you with additional information, essentially telling you to mind your business and to stop writing to her. 
You remember weeping into your pillows for the entire night until your eyes dried up, red and puffy from rubbing them constantly. You were haunted by memories of star gazing, of laying on the garden grass, of lounging in one another's arms. Your few moments of bliss were gone forever, stripped away with her absence. 
Pureure always wished she wasn't born into a noble family. Aristocratic society was tedious and pretentious. Why her father ever chose to engage with something as disgusting as the Marchioness, it most definitely wasn't out of love–a fabled concept among nobles really. Peruere knew little of what happened to the late Marquess–his death was caused by a carriage accident–but she knew her birth father was with the Marchioness after the death. 
Regardless, between her and her half-sister Clervie, the Marchioness deemed Peruere better fitted as the heir of the family. In Peruere's opinion, Clervie would have made an impressive matriarch. However, when she inquired Clervie about it, her sister vehemently rejected the notion, wanting to remain carefree as she always was. For as heedless as her older sister was, she would be the model of a noblewoman, the favorite debutante had she wanted to take on the aristocratic responsibilities. In any case, Marchioness Crucabena always had a noticeable distaste for the two of them and Peruere suspected it was because she had no sons and marrying once more would mean losing the inheritance of her late husband. 
Peruere soon learned why exactly she was chosen as the next heir. It was easier for her to pose as a male rather than Clervie in order to appease the Marchioness. Added with Peruere's bastard status, few people knew of her existence, or more so, her familial ties with the Marchioness. With the Marchioness’s ‘education’ Peruere, the bastard daughter with a commoner surname, was transformed into Arlecchino Snezhevna, a bastard son with the Snezhevna surname, and so inheritor of the Marquess title. Pereure was erased effectively in the span of six years. 
Because Arlecchino was a bastard son, that label would have made it difficult to impose herself among other noblemen, and most especially, marry another powerful family. In that sense, what she could not make up in legitimacy, she had to make up in other qualities as a noble. Her hours, from dawn to dusk, consisted of history, economy, and art lessons, etiquette and mannerisms classes, 
and learning various skills such as conversational, dancing, equestrian, fencing, and hunting. Obtaining any length of slumber came few and far, and when rest was finally permitted, her body often ached too much for her to drift.
Instead, she laid conscious at night, her head tilted towards the window, the stars winking back at her. Her thoughts returned to you, as they always have during her respites, and she would wonder again and again if you were looking at the same night sky as she was, reminiscing over memories of stargazing. She often raised her hands to her eyes, the only question lingering in her mind would be if you would recognize these hands if she met you again, the same hands that held you. Alone in her chambers, Arlecchino, no Peruere, promised that she would meet you again, and maybe, this time she would never have to leave your side again. 
She only hoped that she would be good enough for you. 
Your heart is thumping rapidly against your chest while your clammy and fidgety hands grasp onto the gloved hand of your dance partner, maintaining deep breaths and keeping your composure as best as possible. You match the steps of the bachelor gracefully and diligentfully, feeling many spectators’ gazes on your back. It’s both invigorating and exhausting to realize that you are the diamond of the season. Receiving this many dance requests is a good sign, yes, but it only means that you are creeping closer to having to choose a suitor.
And inevitably lose Peruere forever. 
You quickly snap out of your thoughts in order to further entertain your dance partner with small talk, and finally the dance ends. 
“Thank you, Earl Childe. It was a pleasure dancing with you. You make an excellent dancer,” you offer the young redhead a beaming expression. 
“You're quite one yourself. I quite enjoyed our time. Perhaps we could dance more privately at a later date?” The sauve bachelor replies back, matching your practiced smile with a cocky one. 
“Perhaps,” is all you say, and thankfully the bachelor walks away. 
You let out a sigh of relief, but it seems you thought too soon, as another set of footsteps approach you from behind. Turning around, you’re met with perhaps the most refined and handsome gentleman you've graced your eyes upon. Immediately, you feel your cheeks swell and you feel unnaturally timid. Sincere red-crossed eyes meet yours, and a faint, charming smile stretches on the lips of the nearing bachelor.
“May I have this dance, Lady [F/N]?” He offers his hand gracefully, and you take his. 
“I haven't introduced myself, pardon me. I am, Earl Arlecchino, Earl of Snezhevna,” he introduces himself with a knowing smile, or rather, she introduces herself as your face contort to that of shock at the mention of her family name. You halt as she initiates the dance, her grin growing as fondness spreads over her facial expression.
“Peruere?” You whisper as you reach out, placing a hesitant hand on her shoulder, your other gloved hand in hers. Her body warmth bleeds through the contact, and you sense it flow through your entire body. 
“It's Arlecchino, for appearances. I trust you won't expose me?” Peruere says, her eyes scanning over your entire form in awe. “You're… I don't quite have enough words to describe you. You're utterly beautiful.” 
You flush at the compliment before you forcefully tear yourself away from the bubbling giddiness within you, nodding at her first question. Your face attempts to appear stern and angry, but your eyes sabotage that. “I missed you… dearly. Where have you gone? Why didn't you write to me? I kept waiting for you…” 
Peruere's face softens, morphing to one of regret and sympathy. “I haven't stopped thinking of you either. My mother demanded I suddenly take lessons on how to be a nobleman, and with that, I was no longer Peruere, but Arlecchino. During that time, I had to endure everything my mother gave me, and I hardly had time to sleep. I have tried to send you some, but I suspected that the Marchioness meticulously checked what was sent and received. I've kept a pile of letters that I wrote for you, so you would be able to read everything I had to say over the years.” 
You inhale slowly before nodding, understanding her words. “You kept plaguing my dreams, Arlecchino. You don't know how long I've wanted to see you. Please… never leave me again. I don't think I can bear being without you again.” 
It's Arlecchino's turn to be surprised. “You… Are you asking me what you think you're asking me?” She breathlessly inquires, her voice on the edge of exhilaration, and you give her a hopeful smile. 
You nod. “I… I always thought you were the one since we were little. I didn't want to spend my time with anyone else. So… can you be beside me again?” 
Peruere nearly melts at your request. “As long as you'll allow me another dance.” 
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elryuse · 2 months ago
Evergarden Familia 2
Yandere Gahyeon X Male Reader
Tags : Yandere Mafia Gahyeon, Dominant Gahyeon, Dark n Gritty, A Lot Of Torture, Submission, Obsession
Words : 8,1k
Tumblr media
Another Commission For My Friend @starconstruction On Tumblr and Ko-fi. Hope you Liked it Buddy.
The months following Y/n’s escape from Evergarden were a haze of sleepless nights, constant vigilance, and fleeting moments of hope. The city was a labyrinth of shadows, but no corner was truly safe from Gahyeon’s reach.
She was relentless.
Each time Y/n moved to a new safe house, news of her growing influence would follow him. Her reputation as the Queen of Evergarden spread like wildfire, her power cemented with fear and ruthless efficiency.
He heard whispers of her searching for him, offering exorbitant rewards to anyone with information. The underworld trembled at the mere mention of her name, but Y/n held onto his freedom with every ounce of his being.
Four months after his escape, Y/n found himself in Busan, a city far removed from the chaos of Seoul. The salty sea air and bustling markets provided a fleeting sense of anonymity.
For weeks, he had managed to stay under the radar, taking on odd jobs to sustain himself. But his luck was running out. Supplies were low, and he was nursing an infected wound from a skirmish with one of Gahyeon’s bounty hunters.
As he sat in a dimly lit motel room, bandaging his arm, Y/n couldn’t shake the feeling that time was running out. The walls seemed to close in around him, the weight of Gahyeon’s looming presence suffocating.
“Just a little longer,” he muttered to himself, though the words felt hollow.
That night, it happened.
The sound of boots echoed down the motel hallway, followed by hushed voices and the metallic click of a gun being cocked. Y/n’s heart pounded as he grabbed his knife, knowing he couldn’t fight his way out this time.
The door burst open, and there she stood. Gahyeon.
She was dressed in all black, her hair tied back in a sleek ponytail. Her eyes burned with a mix of fury and longing as she stepped into the room.
“Y/n,” she said, her voice deceptively soft. “Did you really think you could run from me?”
Y/n gripped his knife tightly, his gaze locked on hers. “I had to try.”
Gahyeon tilted her head, a cruel smile playing on her lips. “And look where it got you. Bleeding, hiding… pathetic.”
Her words cut deeper than any blade, but Y/n refused to back down. “I’m not going back with you, Gahyeon.”
“Oh, you don’t have a choice,” she said, her tone sharp. “You belong to me, Y/n. You always have.”
The fight that ensued was brutal. Y/n lunged at her, but she was faster, stronger, and more prepared. She disarmed him effortlessly, pinning him against the wall with a knee to his chest.
“You’re weak,” she hissed, her face inches from his. “You can’t survive without me.”
Y/n struggled, but the infection and exhaustion had taken their toll. He could barely lift his arms, let alone fight back.
Gahyeon leaned closer, her breath warm against his ear. “You thought you could escape, but deep down, you knew I’d find you.”
Her words sent a shiver down his spine. She was right—he had always known this day would come.
The days that followed were a blur. Gahyeon took him back to Evergarden, her grip on him tighter than ever. She refused to let him out of her sight, assigning guards to watch him even in her absence.
Y/n’s protests fell on deaf ears.
“I don’t care what you want,” Gahyeon snapped during one of their many arguments. “You’re mine, Y/n. And I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you.”
“You don’t own me,” Y/n shot back, his voice trembling with anger.
Gahyeon’s expression darkened, her eyes glinting with dangerous intent. “Oh, but I do. And the sooner you accept that, the better.”
Over time, the constant battles began to wear Y/n down. Gahyeon’s obsession was unrelenting, her love twisted and suffocating. Yet, there were moments—fleeting, rare moments—when he saw glimpses of vulnerability in her.
Late at night, when the world was quiet, Gahyeon would sit beside him, her head resting on his shoulder.
“I only wanted to protect you,” she whispered once, her voice tinged with sadness.
Y/n didn’t respond, but a part of him couldn’t deny the sincerity in her words.
Still, the weight of her possession pressed down on him, grinding his sanity to dust.
Y/n sat by the large window of the Evergarden estate, watching the rain streak down the glass like tears. His reflection stared back at him, a hollow shell of the man he once was. Gahyeon’s mansion was a gilded cage, trapping him in a life that wasn’t his own.
She had won. She always won.
The room was eerily quiet, save for the faint ticking of the clock. It marked the hours, minutes, and seconds of his confinement. Y/n leaned back, his fingers absentmindedly tracing the scar on his forearm—a souvenir from one of Gahyeon’s hunters.
“You’re thinking of running again.”
Her voice startled him. He turned to see Gahyeon standing in the doorway, her silhouette framed by the dim light of the hallway. She wore a loose, elegant dress, her hair cascading over her shoulders.
“I’m not,” Y/n replied, his voice flat.
Gahyeon stepped into the room, her presence overwhelming as always. “Liar.”
She closed the distance between them, her movements deliberate and predatory. Y/n stiffened as she sat beside him, her hand resting on his knee.
“Why do you keep fighting me?” she asked softly, though her tone carried an edge of danger.
“Because I’m not a possession,” Y/n said, his gaze meeting hers. “I’m a person, Gahyeon. Not something you can lock away and control.”
Gahyeon’s expression flickered, a brief crack in her armor. “You’re more than that to me.”
“Am I?” Y/n challenged. “Because it doesn’t feel like it.”
The tension between them was palpable, stretching thin like a thread about to snap. Gahyeon’s grip on his knee tightened, her nails digging into his skin.
“You don’t understand,” she said, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and desperation. “I’ve lost too much, Y/n. I won’t lose you too.”
“You’re not losing me,” Y/n replied, his tone weary. “You’re suffocating me.”
Her eyes burned with an intensity that made his chest ache. “You’re the only thing that keeps me sane,” she whispered. “The only person I can trust.”
Y/n wanted to believe her, but the weight of her obsession made it impossible.
Over the following weeks, Gahyeon’s behavior grew more erratic. She would oscillate between moments of tenderness and terrifying possessiveness.
One night, Y/n found her sitting in the garden, staring blankly at the moonlit flowers. She looked small, almost fragile—a stark contrast to the ruthless queen she presented to the world.
“Gahyeon,” he said softly, approaching her cautiously.
She didn’t look at him. “Do you hate me, Y/n?”
The question caught him off guard. He hesitated before replying, “I don’t hate you.”
“Then why do you keep trying to leave?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Because…” Y/n struggled to find the right words. “Because I can’t live like this. I can’t be what you want me to be.”
Gahyeon turned to him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I don’t want you to be anything but mine.”
Her vulnerability was disarming, but Y/n couldn’t ignore the darkness that lurked beneath it.
The breaking point came one stormy night.
Y/n had been confined to his room after a heated argument. Gahyeon’s paranoia had reached new heights, and she had ordered guards to ensure he didn’t try to escape again.
But Y/n wasn’t deterred. He had spent years as a pawn in the 3 Crows, learning how to manipulate his environment to his advantage.
When the opportunity arose, he slipped out of the estate under the cover of darkness, his heart pounding with the exhilaration of freedom.
He didn’t get far.
Gahyeon found him hours later, drenched from the rain and cornered in an abandoned warehouse. Her guards had been sent away, leaving them alone in the echoing silence.
“You never learn,” she said, her voice cutting through the darkness like a blade.
Y/n squared his shoulders, refusing to cower. “I can’t keep living like this, Gahyeon.”
“And I can’t live without you,” she countered, her eyes flashing with fury. “Why can’t you see that?”
Their argument escalated, the storm outside mirroring the chaos between them.
“I’d rather die than be your prisoner,” Y/n shouted, his voice cracking with emotion.
Gahyeon’s hand shot out, grabbing his collar and pulling him close. “You don’t get to choose, Y/n,” she hissed. “You’re mine, and I’ll never let you go.”
The storm outside raged on, but the tempest in Gahyeon’s eyes burned hotter. The abandoned warehouse felt like it was closing in around Y/n, her presence suffocating and inescapable.
“You’d rather die?” she repeated, her voice low and venomous. “How dare you even think that?”
Her grip on his collar tightened, forcing him to meet her gaze. Her nails dug into his skin, and he could see the storm brewing within her—a volatile mix of fury, heartbreak, and unrelenting obsession.
“You don’t understand what you mean to me,” she whispered, her tone deceptively soft. “You’re not just some pawn in my game, Y/n. You’re my king.”
He scoffed, his defiance flickering despite the fear gnawing at him. “A king in chains is no king at all.”
Her lips twisted into a cruel smile, one that sent chills down his spine. “You think you’re in chains? No, my love. This world is the chain. I’ve freed you from it.”
Before Y/n could respond, Gahyeon pushed him against a rusted pillar, pinning him there with an iron grip. The storm outside howled through the broken windows, the wind whipping her hair around her face like a dark halo.
“You don’t get to leave me,” she hissed, her voice trembling with a terrifying mix of rage and desperation. “Not now. Not ever.”
Y/n struggled against her hold, but she was stronger than he remembered. Her obsession had fueled her, turning her into something more dangerous than he could have anticipated.
“You think you’re the only one suffering?” she continued, her voice rising. “Do you know what it’s like to build an empire, to rule a kingdom, and still feel empty because the one person you love keeps trying to run away?”
Her words cut deep, but Y/n refused to back down. “Love? This isn’t love, Gahyeon. This is madness.”
Her hand shot to his throat, her grip firm but not choking. Her lips curled into a sinister smile as she leaned in, her breath hot against his ear.
“Madness?” she whispered. “Maybe. But it’s the kind of madness that will burn this world to the ground if it means keeping you by my side".
Gahyeon released him suddenly, stepping back as if to give him space. But her movements were calculated.
“You want to see how far I’ll go for you?” she asked, her voice eerily calm. “Fine. Let me show you.”
Before Y/n could react, she pulled out her phone and made a call. Her tone was cold and commanding. “Bring them in.”
The warehouse doors creaked open, and two of her men entered, dragging a battered figure behind them. Y/n’s heart sank as he recognized the man—a contact he had made in Busan, someone who had helped him hide.
The man’s face was bloodied, his body trembling as Gahyeon’s men threw him to the ground.
“Gahyeon, don’t—” Y/n began, but she silenced him with a raised hand.
“You think you can run from me?” she said, her gaze fixed on the trembling man. “You think anyone can hide you from me?”
Without hesitation, she pulled a gun from her holster and aimed it at the man’s head.
“Stop!” Y/n shouted, stepping forward.
She turned to him, her eyes blazing. “Then stop fighting me, Y/n. Stop running. Admit that you’re mine.”
Y/n’s fists clenched, his mind racing. He hated her for what she had become, but he hated himself even more for the part of him that hesitated, that feared what she might do.
“I’ll never be yours,” he said, his voice steady but his heart pounding.
Gahyeon smiled—a cold, predatory smile. “Oh, you will be. One way or another.”
The man’s scream echoed through the warehouse as Gahyeon pulled the trigger. The sound of the gunshot reverberated in Y/n’s ears, but it wasn’t just the violence that shook him. It was the way she turned to him afterward, her expression serene, as if she had simply swatted a fly.
“Do you see now?” she asked, her voice soft and almost tender. “No one can protect you from me. No one can love you like I do.”
Y/n stared at her, a mixture of horror and disbelief washing over him. “You’re insane.”
Gahyeon stepped closer, her hand reaching out to cup his face. Her touch was gentle, a stark contrast to the blood on her hands.
“Maybe I am,” she admitted, her smile bittersweet. “But you’ve made me this way, Y/n. You’re the reason I’m like this. And you’re the only one who can keep me sane.”
Y/n's nightmares had become his reality. Each passing day, Gahyeon tightened her grip, molding him into a weapon for her empire. His protests, his defiance-none of it mattered. She had decided that if he wouldn't love her willingly, she would make him indispensable to her reign.
The cold steel of a gun now felt like an extension of his hand. Every bullet fired, every life taken-it all added to the growing abyss in his soul.
"Do you see, Y/n?" Gahyeon murmured one night as they stood on the rooftop of Evergarden's fortress, overlooking the city she now ruled. "This is the world we're creating together. You and I-unstoppable."
Y/n said nothing, his jaw clenched as he stared at the distant city lights. Those lights were a reminder of everything he had lost.
"Your silence doesn't bother me anymore," Gahyeon continued, stepping closer. "Because I know you'll fight for me. You'll kill for me."
Her hand rested on his shoulder, her grip firm. "And soon, you'll understand that there's no life for you outside of this. Outside of me."
The missions began the next day.
It started with a rival syndicate encroaching on Evergarden territory. Gahyeon had no patience for negotiations. She wanted blood, and she wanted Y/n to be the one to spill it.
"I don't want to do this," Y/n said as they sat in the back of her armored car, her guards flanking them.
Gahyeon tilted her head, her dark eyes glinting. "You don't have a choice, my love."
She reached into her coat and pulled out a sleek, black knife, pressing it into his hand. "I'm not asking for your permission. I'm telling you what you'll do. For me. For us."
Y/n stared at the blade, its weight heavier than anything he had ever held.
"Why me?" he whispered, his voice hollow.
"Because you're the only one I trust," Gahyeon said simply, her voice laced with conviction. "And because every time you fight for me, you prove that you belong to me."
The attack was swift and brutal.
Y/n moved through the rival syndicate's headquarters like a phantom, taking down guards with precision and efficiency. He hated how natural it felt, how years of being Sang-hyun's weapon had made him so adept at taking lives.
When the last body fell, he stood amidst the carnage, his hands slick with blood.
Gahyeon entered the room moments later, her heels clicking against the blood-stained floor. She surveyed the destruction with a satisfied smile, her gaze finally landing on Y/n.
"You did well," she said, her tone warm, almost affectionate.
Y/n dropped the knife, his chest heaving with the weight of what he had done. "I'm done. No more."
Gahyeon's smile faltered, but only for a moment. She stepped closer, cupping his face in her hands.
"Oh, Y/n," she murmured, her tone dripping with mock sympathy. "You don't get to decide when it's over. Only I do."
As the weeks passed, Gahyeon continued to use Y/n as her weapon, sending him on mission after mission. Each time, she would watch from the sidelines, her eyes filled with a twisted pride.
"You're perfect," she told him after one particularly bloody battle. "Everything I've ever wanted."
Y/n felt himself breaking under the weight of her words. He wanted to hate her, but her twisted affection left him conflicted.
One night, after a particularly harrowing mission, Y/n finally snapped.
"I'm not your toy!" he shouted, slamming his fist against the table in her office. "I'm not some puppet you can control!"
Gahyeon remained calm, leaning back in her chair. Her fingers steepled as she regarded him with a predatory smile.
"You're more than a puppet," she said. "You're my partner. My equal."
"Equal?" Y/n spat. "You don't treat me like one."
Her smile widened. "Because you haven't accepted your role yet. But you will. In time."
The breaking point came when Gahyeon ordered Y/n to eliminate a group of innocent civilians who had unknowingly crossed Evergarden.
"They're not a threat," Y/n argued, his voice trembling with anger.
"They're an example," Gahyeon countered coldly. "One the rest of the world needs to see."
Y/n refused, throwing the gun to the ground. "No. I won't do it."
For the first time, Gahyeon's composure cracked. Her eyes blazed with fury as she approached him, grabbing his face with both hands.
"You don't say no to me," she hissed. "Not now. Not ever."
Y/n met her gaze, his own eyes filled with defiance. "Then kill me, Gahyeon. Because I won't be your monster anymore."
The room fell silent, the tension between them palpable.
Gahyeon's grip loosened, and for a moment, Y/n thought she might actually let him go. But then her lips curved into a chilling smile.
"You'll do it," she said, her voice soft but unwavering. "Not because I'll force you, but because deep down, you know you're already mine."
Y/n's world had become an unending spiral of blood and shadows. Every mission, every death-each step brought him closer to a point of no return. And through it all, Gahyeon watched him with a possessive intensity, her control over him tightening like a noose.
Days turned into weeks, and Y/n began to feel like a ghost haunting his own life. His soul, once so heavy with defiance, now felt hollow.
"You're quieter than usual," Gahyeon remarked one evening as they dined in her lavish penthouse.
Y/n didn't respond. He stared at the untouched food on his plate, his appetite long since stolen by the weight of his actions.
She reached across the table, her hand brushing his. "You're doing good work, Y/n. Evergarden is stronger than ever because of you."
He pulled his hand away, his voice cold. "At what cost?"
Her smile faltered, replaced by a flicker of irritation. "Don't start this again."
"You've turned me into something I never wanted to be," he said, his voice rising. "I'm not your soldier, Gahyeon. I'm not your weapon."
She stood abruptly, her chair scraping against the floor. "You're mine," she said, her voice firm and unyielding. "Everything you are, everything you've done-it's all for us. For Evergarden."
Y/n pushed back his chair, standing to face her. "For you, you mean. This isn't about us. It's about your obsession with control."
Her eyes darkened, and for a moment, he thought she might strike him. But instead, she took a deep breath, regaining her composure.
"Do you know what happens to people who defy me, Y/n?" she asked, her tone dangerously calm.
"I don't care anymore," he said.
Her lips curled into a sinister smile. "You will."
The next day, Gahyeon summoned Y/n to a secluded warehouse-a familiar setting, one that made his stomach churn with dread.
When he arrived, he found a group of men tied to chairs in the center of the room. Each one bore the bruises and cuts of a brutal interrogation.
"These men tried to betray me," Gahyeon said, stepping out of the shadows. "They conspired with a rival syndicate to overthrow Evergarden."
Y/n's fists clenched. "What does this have to do with me?"
She handed him a gun, her eyes locked onto his. "You're going to make an example of them."
"No," he said immediately, his voice firm.
Gahyeon's expression hardened. "This isn't a request."
"I'm done killing for you," he said, throwing the gun to the ground.
Her gaze turned icy, and she stepped closer, her presence suffocating. "If you don't do this, Y/n, I'll make sure their families pay for their betrayal. Their wives, their children- I'll burn their entire lives to ash."
His heart sank. She had him trapped, as she always did.
"You don't have to do this," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
She leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear. "Yes, I do. Because this is how I keep control. And if you won't help me, I'll make you watch as I do it myself."
The first gunshot echoed through the warehouse, and Y/n felt a part of himself shatter.
He had done it. He had pulled the trigger. Not because he wanted to, but because Gahyeon had left him no other choice.
When it was over, the room was silent, save for the ringing in his ears.
Gahyeon approached him, her hands reaching out to cup his face. Her touch was gentle, almost tender-a cruel contrast to the carnage around them.
"You see?" she murmured. "You belong to me, Y/n. Body, soul, and everything in between."
He didn't respond, his eyes hollow as he stared past her.
She smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "You're perfect, my love. And one day, you'll thank me for this."
That night, as Y/n lay awake in the darkness of his room, he felt something inside him shift.
He couldn't keep living like this. He had to find a way out, even if it killed him.
But deep down, he knew that escaping Gahyeon wouldn't be easy.
She wouldn't let him go. Not without a fight.
The air in the Evergarden penthouse was tense as Gahyeon paced back and forth, her heels clicking against the marble floor. Y/n stood in the middle of the room, his arms crossed, defiance etched into every line of his face.
"I'm not doing it," Y/n said flatly, his voice firm.
Gahyeon stopped pacing and turned to face him, her eyes narrowing. "You don't get to decide that."
"I just did."
The room fell silent, the weight of his words hanging between them like a loaded gun.
For a moment, Gahyeon's expression softened, as if she were pleading with him to see reason. "Y/n, I don't want to fight you on this. This is for us for Evergarden."
"This isn't for us," Y/n shot back. "This is for you. For your obsession with control."
Her lips pressed into a thin line, her patience wearing thin. "You don't understand what's at stake here."
"I understand perfectly," he said. "You want me to kill another rival, another threat to your empire. But I'm done being your weapon."
Gahyeon's jaw tightened, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "Do you think you have a choice? After everything I've done for you, after everything we've built together, you want to walk away?"
"It's not walking away," Y/n said, his voice rising. "It's reclaiming what little humanity I have left."
Her eyes darkened, and the softness in her expression vanished, replaced by something colder. "Humanity?" she said, her tone mocking. "You think you can have a normal life after everything you've done? After everything I've done for you?"
"I'd rather die than keep living like this," Y/n said, his voice trembling with emotion.
Gahyeon took a step closer, her presence overwhelming. "You don't mean that."
"I do," he said, meeting her gaze with defiance.
Her composure cracked, and for a brief moment, Y/n saw the vulnerability beneath her hardened exterior. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by a steely resolve.
"If that's how you feel," she said, her voice dangerously calm, "then you've left me no choice."
The punishment came swiftly and without mercy.
Two of her most loyal enforcers dragged Y/n into a dimly lit basement, his struggles futile against their iron grip. They chained him to a chair in the center of the room, the cold metal biting into his wrists and ankles.
Gahyeon entered moments later, her heels clicking against the concrete floor. She dismissed the enforcers with a wave of her hand, leaving her alone with Y/n.
"I didn't want to do this," she said, her voice quiet but firm. "But you've forced my hand."
Y/n glared at her, his chest heaving with anger. "You think this will make me obey you?"
"I think it will remind you who you belong to," she said, her tone devoid of emotion.
She stepped closer, pulling a knife from her coat. The blade glinted under the dim light, and Y/n felt a chill run down his spine.
"You'll heal," she said, almost as if trying to reassure herself. "But you need to learn that defiance has consequences."
Y/n's breath hitched as she pressed the blade against his cheek, the cold metal sending shivers down his spine.
"Do you know why I'm doing this?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Because you're a monster," Y/n spat.
Her eyes flashed with anger, but she didn't flinch. Instead, she leaned closer, her lips brushing against his ear. "No, Y/n. I'm doing this because I love you. Because I can't lose you."
She pulled the blade away and stepped back, her hand trembling slightly.
"I don't want to hurt you," she said, her voice breaking. "But if it means keeping you close, if it means keeping you safe, then I'll do whatever it takes."
The days that followed were a blur of pain and exhaustion. Gahyeon didn't allow Y/n to leave the penthouse, keeping him under constant watch. She personally tended to his wounds, her touch surprisingly gentle despite the darkness of her actions.
"You'll thank me for this one day," she said as she wrapped a bandage around his wrist.
Y/n didn't respond, his eyes hollow and distant.
Gahyeon's gaze softened, and she cupped his face in her hands. "I know you hate me right now, but that's okay. Hate is still a connection, Y/n. And as long as we're connected, I can work with that."
He turned his head away, refusing to meet her gaze.
She sighed, her thumb brushing against his cheek. "You'll see, my love. This is all for us. For the glory of Evergarden."
The basement was silent, save for the occasional drip of water echoing through the room. Y/n was strapped to the cold metal chair once again, his wrists and ankles bound so tightly the restraints dug into his skin. His shirt was torn and bloodied, his breaths shallow and labored.
Gahyeon stood before him, her silhouette illuminated by the dim, flickering light. She looked almost ethereal, an angel of death watching over her prey.
“I didn’t want it to come to this,” she said softly, her voice calm yet laced with steel. “But you’ve left me no choice, Y/n. I told you, didn’t I? You belong to me.”
Y/n didn’t respond. His head hung low, sweat and blood dripping from his chin onto the floor.
“You’re strong,” she continued, circling him like a predator. “Stronger than anyone I’ve ever known. That’s why I love you. But even the strongest need to be reminded of their place.”
She crouched down, lifting his chin with her fingers. His eyes, though dull and heavy with exhaustion, still held a spark of defiance.
“You’re still fighting me,” she whispered, almost admiringly. “But you can’t fight forever.”
The hours stretched into eternity. Gahyeon’s methods were meticulous, calculated to break him piece by piece. Sometimes it was physical—blades tracing shallow lines across his skin, ice-cold water poured over his head to shock his senses. Other times it was psychological—taunting him with his failures, whispering promises of freedom that would never come.
“Why do you resist me, Y/n?” she asked during one of the sessions, her tone almost tender. “Don’t you see? There’s no life for you outside of this. Outside of me.”
Y/n gritted his teeth, his voice hoarse. “I’d rather die than be yours.”
Her eyes flashed with anger, and for a moment, she looked as if she might strike him. But instead, she stepped back, composing herself.
“Die?” she echoed, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. “You think I’d let you escape me that easily? No, Y/n. You don’t get to leave me. Not ever.”
Eventually, his body began to betray him. The lack of sleep, the relentless pain—it all blurred together, breaking down his defenses. His mind grew foggy, his thoughts tangled and incoherent.
Gahyeon noticed the change immediately.
“You’re close now,” she murmured, brushing a strand of hair from his face. “So close to surrendering.”
Y/n’s lips parted as if to respond, but no words came out.
She leaned in, her breath warm against his skin. “It’s okay, my love. Let go. Stop fighting.”
The moment came unexpectedly. One final, whispered taunt from Gahyeon was all it took to shatter the last remnants of his resolve. His shoulders slumped, his head falling forward as a broken sob escaped his lips.
“There it is,” Gahyeon said softly, her voice filled with satisfaction. “That’s what I’ve been waiting for.”
She cupped his face in her hands, tilting his head up to meet her gaze. His eyes, once filled with fire, now stared back at her with emptiness.
“You’re mine now,” she said, her tone dripping with possessiveness.
She pressed her lips to his, the kiss soft but filled with a fierce intensity. When she pulled back, she began to shower him with kisses, her lips brushing against his forehead, his cheeks, his jawline.
“You don’t need to fight anymore,” she whispered between kisses. “You don’t need to think. Just let me take care of you.”
Y/n didn’t resist. He couldn’t.
She pulled him into her arms, cradling him like a prized possession. “You’ll see, my love. This is how it’s meant to be. You and me, together forever.”
Gahyeon’s breath was hot against his ear as she leaned in, her voice a low, sultry whisper that sent shivers down his spine. “You’ve been running from me for too long,” she said, her tone laced with amusement and something darker—something possessive. Her fingers trailed down his arm, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. He tried to pull away, but her grip tightened like iron, her nails digging into his skin just enough to remind him who was in control.
“Let go of me,” he growled, his voice strained, though there was a tremor beneath the anger. He wasn’t sure if it was fear or something else entirely. Her lips curled into a smirk, those dark eyes gleaming with a hunger that made his stomach twist.
“Oh, darling,” she cooed, tilting her head as if he’d said something adorable. “I told you already. You don’t get to decide when this ends.” Her other hand cupped his cheek, her thumb brushing over his bottom lip. He flinched at the touch, but she only smiled wider. “You’re mine now. Whether you like it or not.”
He opened his mouth to protest, but before he could utter a word, her lips crashed against his. The kiss was anything but gentle—it was hungry, demanding, and utterly consuming. She claimed him with a ferocity that left no room for resistance, her tongue slipping into his mouth as though she wanted to devour him whole. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, but the fight slowly drained out of him. Against his will, his body began to respond, heat pooling low in his gut as she pressed herself against him.
When she finally pulled back, he was breathless, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Her gaze locked onto his, those dark eyes filled with a predatory gleam. “There it is,” Gahyeon said softly, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “That’s what I’ve been waiting for.”
She cupped his face in her hands, tilting his head up to meet her gaze. His eyes, once filled with defiance, now stared back at her with an emptiness that only fueled her obsession. “You’re mine now,” she declared, her tone thick with possessiveness. Her thumb brushed over his lower lip again, her touch lingering as though savoring the moment.
Her lips began to wander, peppering soft kisses across his forehead, his cheeks, his jawline. Each kiss was tender, almost reverent, yet there was an undeniable intensity behind them. “You don’t need to fight anymore,” she whispered between kisses, her voice honey-sweet and hypnotic. “You don’t need to think. Just let me take care of you.”
He didn’t resist. He couldn’t. Something about her touch, her voice, had shattered the last remnants of his resolve. His body felt heavy, his mind clouded, as though she had cast a spell over him. She pulled him into her arms, cradling him like a prized possession, her fingers gently carding through his hair. “You’ll see, my love,” she murmured, her lips brushing against his ear. “This is how it’s meant to be. You and me, together forever.”
Her hands slid down his chest, slow and deliberate, as if memorizing every inch of him. When they reached the hem of his shirt, she tugged it upward, her movements unhurried but purposeful. He didn’t stop her, his mind still foggy, his body pliant under her touch. The fabric slipped off his shoulders, puddling at his feet, and she hummed appreciatively, her gaze raking over his exposed skin.
“Perfect,” she breathed, trailing her fingers down his torso. Her touch was electric, sending sparks of pleasure coursing through him despite the conflict raging in his mind. She leaned in, pressing a kiss to the hollow of his throat, then another just above his collarbone. Each kiss burned like a brand, marking him as hers.
His breath hitched as her lips moved lower, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Her hands found his waistband, and she paused, looking up at him with a teasing glint in her eyes. “Do you want me to stop?” she asked, though they both knew the answer. Her fingers toyed with the button of his jeans, her smile widening when he remained silent.
“That’s what I thought,” she purred, undoing the button and sliding the zipper down with agonizing slowness. His jeans pooled at his feet, leaving him completely vulnerable before her. She stepped back, her gaze roaming over him with blatant admiration. “So beautiful,” she murmured, her voice almost reverent. “And all mine.”
She closed the distance between them again, her hands finding their way to his hips as she guided him backward until the backs of his knees hit the edge of the bed. Without hesitation, she pushed him down, following him as he fell onto the mattress. Her knee nudged his legs apart, and she settled between them, her weight pressing him into the sheets.
Her hands roamed over his body, her touch equal parts gentle and commanding. She leaned down, capturing his lips in another searing kiss, her tongue sweeping into his mouth. He moaned softly, the sound muffled by her lips, and she grinned against him, clearly pleased with his response.
“That’s it,” she whispered, breaking the kiss to trail her lips down his neck. “Just let go. Let me take care of you.” Her hands continued their exploration, mapping out every curve and plane of his body as if committing him to memory. When her fingers brushed against his growing arousal, he gasped, his hips jerking instinctively.
She chuckled, the sound low and husky, and wrapped her hand around him, stroking him slowly. “See?” she murmured, her breath warm against his ear. “You don’t have to fight it. You belong to me now.”
Her movements became more deliberate, her grip tightening ever so slightly, and he groaned, his head falling back against the pillows. She took advantage of his exposed throat, pressing open-mouthed kisses along the sensitive skin, her teeth grazing lightly just to hear him whimper.
“Gahyeon…” he managed to choke out, his voice ragged. It wasn’t a plea for her to stop—it was something far more dangerous. He hated how much he wanted this, how much he craved her touch despite everything.
“Shh,” she soothed, kissing him deeply again, her tongue sliding against his in a way that left him dizzy. “Don’t fight it, my love. Just feel.”
Gahyeon’s lips curled into a wicked smile as she felt him shudder beneath her touch. She could see it in his eyes—the surrender, the way his defenses crumbled like sand slipping through his fingers. His chest rose and fell unevenly, his breath hitching as she continued to stroke him, slow and teasing, drawing out every ounce of his resistance until there was nothing left but her.
“That’s it,” she murmured, her voice low and dripping with satisfaction. “Just let go. You don’t need to hold back anymore.” Her fingers tightened around him, just enough to make him gasp, and she leaned down to capture his lips again, her kiss fierce and demanding. He moaned into her mouth, his hands twitching at his sides as if he wanted to touch her but didn’t dare.
She pulled back slightly, her breath mingling with his as she whispered, “You can’t even move without me, can you? That’s how much you need me.” Her tongue flicked against his bottom lip, and she bit down gently, eliciting another groan from him. “Tell me,” she coaxed, her voice soft but insistent. “Tell me who you belong to.”
He hesitated, his jaw tightening as he fought against the words, but Gahyeon wasn’t patient. Her hand moved faster, her thumb brushing over the sensitive tip of him, and his resolve shattered. “Y-you,” he stammered, his voice hoarse. “I belong to you.”
Her smile widened, and she released him abruptly, leaving him trembling and desperate. “Good boy,” she purred, her hands sliding up his chest as she shifted above him. She positioned herself so that her thighs bracketed his hips, her warmth hovering just above him. “Now… let me show you what it means to be mine.”
With a slow, deliberate movement, she lowered herself onto him, their bodies joining in one fluid motion. His breath hitched, his head falling back against the pillows as she took him inch by inch, her own breath coming in shallow gasps. She reveled in the sensation, in the way he filled her completely, and when she finally settled against him, she let out a soft sigh of contentment.
“Do you feel it?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “How perfectly we fit together? Like this was always meant to be.” She rocked her hips gently, testing the waters, and a shiver ran through her as pleasure sparked along her nerves. “You were made for me, my love. Only me.”
He clenched his teeth, trying to stifle the sounds threatening to escape him, but Gahyeon wouldn’t allow it. She began to move, her pace steady and unhurried at first, each roll of her hips designed to draw out every ounce of pleasure. His hands gripped the sheets beneath him, his knuckles white as he struggled to maintain some semblance of control, but it was no use. She was in complete command, her body moving with a rhythm that left him helpless.
“Look at me,” she commanded, her tone sharp but laced with a strange tenderness. Reluctantly, he lifted his gaze to meet hers, and she smiled down at him, her eyes burning with an intensity that sent a jolt of electricity through him. “I want you to watch as I take what’s mine.”
Her movements grew more forceful, her hips slamming against his with increasing urgency. The sound of skin meeting skin filled the room, punctuated by his choked gasps and her soft moans. She was relentless, driving them both closer and closer to the edge, her nails digging into his shoulders as she held on tightly.
“Say it again,” she demanded, her voice breaking slightly as pleasure coiled tight within her. “Tell me who you belong to.”
“You,” he gasped, his voice strained. “I belong to you, Gahyeon.”
Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment, a wave of pure satisfaction washing over her. “Again,” she breathed, her hips never faltering in their rhythm.
“I belong to you,” he repeated, louder this time, his body arching beneath her as the pressure inside him built to unbearable levels. “Only you.”
She could feel it—the tension in his muscles, the way his breathing turned ragged—and she knew he was close. But she wasn’t ready to let him go yet. With a sharp twist of her hips, she slowed her pace, forcing him to endure the agonizing buildup for just a little longer.
“Not yet,” she cooed, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead. “I want to savor this.” She resumed her movements, slow and torturous, her fingers trailing down his chest as she watched him unravel beneath her. “You’re so beautiful like this,” she murmured, her voice thick with desire. “Completely at my mercy.”
He groaned, his hands grabbing at her waist as if to urge her on, but she shook her head. “No, my love. This is my pace. My rules.” She pressed her lips to his in a searing kiss, her tongue delving into his mouth as she ground down against him, the friction sending sparks shooting through both of them.
When she finally allowed herself to pick up speed again, it was with a wild abandon that left him reeling. Her hair fell in messy waves around her face as she rode him with everything she had, her cries mixing with his as they spiraled toward release together. And then, with a final, brutal thrust, she pushed them both over the edge, their voices rising in unison as pleasure consumed them entirely.
Gahyeon collapsed against his chest, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as she clung to him. She could feel his heart pounding beneath her ear, a frantic rhythm that matched her own, and she smiled against his skin. “Mine,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “Forever mine.”
Gahyeon lay there for a moment, savoring the warmth of his body beneath her, the way his chest rose and fell with each breath. She traced lazy circles on his skin, her fingers lingering over the scars and imperfections that made him human, made him real. Her human. Her lips curved into a small, possessive smile as she pressed a kiss to his collarbone, her tongue darting out to taste the salt of his skin.
“You’re so perfect,” she murmured, her voice low and sultry. “Every part of you… every breath, every heartbeat. All mine.”
Y/n stirred beneath her, his fingers twitching slightly as if trying to regain control of his body. But Gahyeon was quick to react, her hand sliding down to grip his wrist firmly, pinning it to the bed. “No, no,” she chided softly, her lips brushing against his ear. “You don’t get to move unless I say so. Remember? You belong to me.”
His eyes fluttered open, hazy and unfocused, but they locked onto hers almost instinctively. There was something in that gaze—something raw and vulnerable—that made her heart ache with a twisted kind of love. She cupped his face again, her thumb stroking his cheekbone as she leaned in closer, their breaths mingling.
“Do you understand?” she whispered, her voice trembling with barely contained emotion. “You don’t need to think. You don’t need to fight. Just let me take care of you. Let me love you the way you deserve.”
He didn’t respond, not with words, but his body relaxed under her touch, his resistance fading like smoke in the wind. Gahyeon smiled, triumphant and tender all at once, and shifted her weight so she could straddle him properly. Her hands roamed his chest, her nails scratching lightly over his skin, leaving faint red lines in their wake. She reveled in the way he shivered beneath her, the way his breathing hitched when she found a particularly sensitive spot.
“You’re so responsive,” she purred, leaning down to press an open-mouthed kiss to his neck. She nipped at the skin there, just hard enough to leave a mark, a reminder of who he belonged to. When she pulled back, she admired her handiwork, her lips curving into a satisfied smirk.
But it wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. She wanted more—more of him, more of this feeling, this connection. She wanted to lose herself in him completely, to drown in the heat of his body and the sound of his voice. So she did what came naturally: she took.
Her hands slid lower, tracing the line of his hips before gripping him firmly. He gasped, his back arching off the bed as she began to stroke him, her movements slow and deliberate. She watched his face closely, drinking in every twitch and tremor, every flicker of pleasure that crossed his features.
“That’s it,” she coaxed, her voice soft yet commanding. “Let go. Let me make you feel good.”
He groaned, his head tipping back against the pillows as her hand moved faster, her grip tightening just enough to drive him wild. She could feel him hardening in her grasp, could feel the tension coiling in his body, and it only fueled her own desire. Her thighs clenched around him, her core throbbing with need, but she forced herself to focus on him. This was about control. About possession. About him.
When she sensed he was close—too close—she suddenly stopped, pulling her hand away and earning a desperate whimper from him. His hips bucked, seeking friction, seeking release, but she simply shook her head, her smile widening as she leaned down to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“Not yet,” she teased, her breath warm against his skin. “I want to see how much you can take.”
She shifted again, positioning herself above him, and slowly lowered herself down, taking him inch by agonizing inch. She bit her lip, stifling a moan as she felt him fill her, stretching her in the most delicious way. Once she was fully seated, she paused, giving them both a moment to adjust, to savor the connection. Then, with a slow roll of her hips, she began to move.
Every thrust was deliberate, every movement calculated to draw out the pleasure for both of them. She kept her pace steady, unhurried, her hands braced on his chest as she rode him. Her hair fell in messy waves around her face, sticking to her skin with sweat, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was the way he looked beneath her, the way his eyes glazed over with bliss, the way his hands clutched at the sheets as if he were holding on for dear life.
“Look at me,” she commanded, her voice firm despite the breathlessness creeping into her tone. Reluctantly, his eyes met hers, and she smiled, her movements becoming more intense, more demanding. “Good boy. That’s it. Just like that. Don’t look away.”
He obeyed, his gaze locked onto hers as she pleasured him, as she claimed him completely. She could feel her own climax building, coiling tightly in her stomach, but she held on, determined to push him over the edge first. Her rhythm faltered, her hips stuttering as her control slipped, but she tightened her grip on his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin as she pressed on.
“Come for me,” she urged, her voice breaking on the words. “Please. I want to feel you. I want to know you’re mine in every way.”
His breath caught, his body tensing beneath her, and then he was coming undone, his release spilling into her with a ragged groan. The sight of him—lost in ecstasy, utterly at her mercy—was enough to send her spiraling over the edge as well. She cried out, her walls clenching around him as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her.
For a moment, neither of them moved, both too lost in the aftershocks to do anything more than breathe. Then, slowly, Gahyeon collapsed against his chest, her cheek resting over his heart as she listened to its rapid beat. Her fingers trailed idly over his skin, tracing patterns only she could understand.
“Mine,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “Always mine.”
- To Be Continued -
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yeah-uh-the-pilot · 4 months ago
Another thing. I don’t follow anyone on social media. I don’t use IG, i don’t use anything except for tumblr. So i have no idea whether anyone has said anything about Tommy’s (and Lou’s) departure.
But if they haven’t, from a solely marketing standpoint, this is fucking insane.
This is not just the n-th character brought in to be a LI. This was a character that already existed in the universe.
It’s a character - and an actor - that was respected by the audience and the cast. Kenny Choi - that with JLH is probably responsible for 90% of the stuff we love in 911, let’s face it - was incredibly supportive of Tommy and Lou. Hell, he went out of his way to say that he was happy to finally see Buck with someone he actually cared about for once. Tracie Thoms was super supportive.
He was included in videos and reels and what the fuck ever that compared Bucktommy to Klaine.
This is the worst fumble they’ve ever had on screen. This is worse than the S6 finale.
They have the time to make it a gotcha thing and bring back Tommy and pretend that that was the plan all along, but the trust the fans and the general audience had is lost forever.
Good luck, 911. I hope that when you crawl on your knees to beg Lou to come back he has a good negotiator in his corner. He’s the one with the power now.
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rylem33 · 3 months ago
The Camera Doesn't Lie
I hope you all enjoy this new story. If you liked it, you can find it and all of my 100+ stories over at my blog (link on my Tumblr home page).
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Eliza tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she wandered through the antique stalls. The final project for her sociology course was her chance to make a difference. Her theme, The Faces of Strength, aimed to shine a light on the struggles of the homeless community. Her professor had been thrilled with her idea, praising her for her empathy and commitment.
But Eliza wasn’t here for praise. “I just…want to help them,” she’d said during their last discussion.
As she scanned the market, her eyes landed on an old, sleek camera resting in a faded velvet case. 
“Excuse me,” she called to the shopkeeper, an older man with a wiry beard. “Does this camera work?”
“Ah,” he said, his smile spreading as he picked it up and held it out. “The Iris 2000. It’s a special piece. A real classic.”
Eliza looked it over, intrigued by the faint engraving on the lens. “How much?”
“For you? Twenty bucks.”
Her brow furrowed. “That seems fair.”
The old man chuckled. “I think you’ll enjoy the results.”
The price was within her limited budget. She handed over the cash and tucked the camera into her bag.
The community center’s main hall was decorated with string lights and colorful banners that Eliza and a handful of volunteers had painstakingly set up the night before. Tables were piled high with donated coats, gloves, and blankets, and the scent of warm casseroles and fresh bread wafted from the buffet line.
Eliza stood near the donations table, hands on her hips, surveying the scene with pride. Weeks of planning, endless emails, and sleepless nights had culminated in this charity dinner and giveaway for the local homeless community.
Beside her, Lisa, a fellow volunteer, was unpacking another box of donations. “You really outdid yourself this time, Eliza,” Lisa said, pulling out a bundle of knitted scarves.
“Thanks,” Eliza said with a tired but genuine smile. “I just wanted everyone to feel cared for tonight, you know? A warm meal, some essentials…it’s the least we can do.”
Lisa paused, holding up a bright orange bikini with a baffled expression. “Okay, but…what about this?”
Eliza turned, her eyebrows shooting up as she stifled a laugh. “Seriously? Someone donated a bikini? A bright orange bikini. In the middle of winter?”
Lisa chuckled, dangling the bikini from her fingers. “Yeah, because this is definitely what you wear when it’s twenty degrees outside.”
Eliza shook her head, laughing. “I guess someone was really cleaning house.” She grabbed the bikini and tossed it into the corner of the box. “Let’s stick to coats and boots for tonight, huh?”
“Agreed,” Lisa said, grinning.
The community center was alive with guests lined up for the buffet and sifting through tables of donated supplies. Eliza and Lisa worked tirelessly, darting between guests to answer questions, restock tables, and keep everything running smoothly.
“Eliza, we’re running low on gloves over here,” Lisa called from across the room.
“Got it!” Eliza said, grabbing a box from the supply corner and weaving through the crowd.
As she set the gloves on the table, her eyes fell on the camera tucked into her bag. She froze for a moment, her heart skipping a beat. The project! I completely forgot about the photos.
She hurried over to her bag and pulled out the sleek, vintage camera she’d bought earlier that week. Its weight felt satisfying in her hands as she adjusted the lens.
“Hey, Lisa!” she called, raising her voice above the chatter.
Lisa appeared a moment later, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. “What’s up?”
“I need pictures for my project,” Eliza said, holding up the camera. “I was going to document the event, but it’s so busy I almost forgot.”
Lisa smiled. “Oh, right! That’s a great idea.”
Eliza aimed the camera at the tables filled with donated items, adjusting the frame. But before she could take the shot, Lisa stopped her.
“Wait,” Lisa said, placing a hand on Eliza’s arm. “You should be in the picture.”
Eliza frowned, lowering the camera slightly. “What? No, that’s not the point. It’s supposed to be about the event, not me.”
Lisa gave her a knowing look. “Come on, Eliza. You put all of this together. You should be in at least one picture to show the hard work you’ve done.”
“I don’t know…” Eliza hesitated, glancing around at the bustling room.
Lisa tilted her head and smiled encouragingly. “It’s your project. People will want to know who’s behind all this. Just one picture, for context.”
Eliza sighed, reluctant but unable to argue with Lisa’s logic. “Fine. But just one.”
Lisa grinned and gestured for Eliza to stand by a table piled with scarves, coats, and blankets. “Okay, stand here. Maybe hold one of the items to make it look natural.”
Eliza grabbed a thick scarf and draped it over her arm, standing stiffly beside the table.
“Relax a little,” Lisa said, laughing as she adjusted the camera. “You look like you’re posing for a passport photo.”
Eliza forced a smile, adjusting her posture. “Better?”
“Much. Hold still—aaaand…perfect.”
The flash of the camera was surprisingly bright, and for a moment, Eliza felt disoriented. She blinked, rubbing her eyes as the sensation faded.
Lisa lowered the camera and smiled. “There you go. See? That wasn’t so bad.”
Eliza nodded, though her thoughts lingered on the odd feeling from the flash. She glanced down at herself, smoothing her sweater absently.
“You okay?” Lisa asked, noticing her distraction.
“Yeah,” Eliza said quickly, brushing it off. “Must’ve just been the light. Let me see the picture.”
Lisa turned the camera around to show her the screen. Eliza stared at the image.
There was something about the picture, she couldn’t quite put her finger on it, that made her look…better.
“Huh,” she said softly.
Lisa grinned. “You look amazing, Eliza. Like a natural.”
“Yeah…” Eliza murmured, unable to look away. “I guess that old camera takes better pictures than my phone.”
Eliza moved away from the donations table and spotted Tony, a familiar face among the guests, sitting near the buffet line with a plate piled high with food.
“Tony!” she called out, her smile bright and warm as she approached.
He looked up, his face breaking into a grin. “Eliza! You’ve outdone yourself this time. This is incredible.”
Eliza slid into the seat across from him, waving off the compliment. “It’s not just me. A lot of people worked hard to make this happen.”
Tony chuckled. “Yeah, but you’re the one who brought us all together. You should be proud.”
Her chest swelled at his words, she felt pride, but satisfaction at the recognition. Maybe Lisa was right about being in the pictures.
“Thanks, Tony,” she said, her tone soft. “I just wanted everyone to feel cared for, even if it’s just for one night.”
“That’s why you’re the best,” he said, his grin widening.
Before Eliza could respond, she noticed Lisa nearby, camera in hand.
“Smile!” Lisa called, and before Eliza could react, the flash went off.
Eliza blinked, again momentarily disoriented by the light. This time, she felt oddly warm.
“Lisa!” she said, half-laughing as she turned toward her friend. “A little warning next time?”
Lisa grinned sheepishly. “Sorry! But it’s such a great moment. I couldn’t resist.”
Eliza hesitated, her annoyance fading as she caught sight of the camera. She touched her hair, smoothing it absentmindedly.
“Do you want to take another one?” Lisa offered, holding up the camera.
Eliza hesitated for only a moment before nodding. “Yeah, okay. One more.”
She turned toward Lisa, adjusting her posture and tilting her head slightly. Her smile was more deliberate this time.
The rush was immediate. Her heart beat faster, and she felt her lips curl into a wider smile.
Lisa lowered the camera, laughing. “See? You look great again.”
Tony chuckled. “Eliza, you’re a natural. Maybe you should be in the pictures more often.”
Eliza turned toward him, her smile bright but sharper than before. “Well,” she said, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, “it doesn’t hurt to show people who’s responsible for all this.”
Tony blinked, the words catching him a bit off guard. “Uh, yeah. You’ve earned it.”
“Exactly,” Eliza said, her tone carrying a hint of satisfaction. She glanced back at Lisa. “Let me know if you need more shots for the project.”
Eliza strode toward the dessert table, clicking her heels as she walked. She stopped as she passed a wall-mounted mirror, tilting her head as she studied herself. Her hair seemed shinier. Her skin, usually blotchy after a long day of volunteering, had a smooth glow.
She reached up, brushing a hand over her cheek. I didn’t even put on makeup today, she thought, her lips curling into a slight smile.
“Looking good, Eliza,” she muttered to herself before a flicker of confusion crept in. Wait—heels? She glanced down. Sure enough, the sturdy flats she’d been wearing earlier were now sleek black heels.
Her brows furrowed, but she brushed the thought aside with a shrug. It’s been a busy night. Maybe I grabbed the wrong shoes on my way out.
“Come on, Lisa!” she called over her shoulder, the sound of her heels clicking against the tile floor growing oddly satisfying.
Lisa hurried to catch up, the camera swinging from her hand. “Where to next?”
Eliza gestured toward the dessert table, where Ms. Louise was chatting with another guest. “Over there. Let’s get some more shots.”
Ms. Louise looked up as Eliza approached, her face lighting up. “Eliza! You’re making the rounds tonight, huh?”
Eliza smiled, her teeth startlingly white. “Of course. I want to make sure everyone’s having a good time.”
Louise gestured to the pie on her plate. “You’ve outdone yourself. This event is amazing.”
“Of course it is,” she said smoothly. “I mean, let’s be honest, who else could’ve pulled this off?”
Louise blinked. “Well, it’s clear you’ve worked hard…”
“Hard?” Eliza interrupted with a laugh. “Louise, this took more than just hard work. It took vision. Talent. And, well…” She gestured vaguely to herself. “Not everyone can manage something like this.”
Louise hesitated, her gratitude faltering. “You’re a real blessing, you know that?”
Eliza’s smile widened. “Oh, I know,” she said, her voice dripping with self-satisfaction. “But it’s nice to hear it said out loud.”
Lisa stepped closer, raising the camera. “Can I grab a picture of you two?”
“Of course,” Eliza said, immediately straightening her posture. She glanced at Ms. Louise, her smile faltering slightly. “Louise, maybe sit up a little straighter? And wipe that smudge off your cheek.”
Louise blinked, flustered. “Oh, sure.” She quickly dabbed at her cheek with a napkin, her movements hurried.
Lisa hesitated, glancing between the two women. “Uh, ready?”
“Ready,” Eliza said, her pose relaxed but deliberate, her chin tilted just enough to catch the light.
The rush she felt was instant. Eliza felt her heart race as warmth spread through her chest and down her arms. Her dress, once loose and practical, clung to her figure in a way that accentuated her curves.
She ran a hand over her waist, her brows knitting briefly. Did this dress shrink?
“Looks great,” Lisa said, lowering the camera.
“Let me see,” Eliza demanded, stepping forward.
Lisa handed her the camera, and Eliza’s lips parted slightly as she stared at the image. Her hair looked longer and lighter. And her figure looked good, no…striking.
She handed the camera back with a satisfied smile. “Perfect,” she said, glancing at Ms. Louise. “See? You look good when you try.”
Ms. Louise hesitated, her smile faltering. “Uh…thanks, I guess.”
“Take another one of just me,” she said as she nudged Louise to the side.
“Umm, okay,” Lisa replied.
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Eliza stepped onto the stage, her heels clicking against the polished wood. She turned, letting the lights hit her just right, and gestured for Lisa to follow.
“Everything okay?” Lisa asked, stepping up beside her.
Eliza blinked, snapping out of her daze. “Yeah, fine,” she said quickly, flipping her hair over one shoulder. “Just…thinking about the next shot.”
Lisa raised the camera. “What are you thinking?”
Eliza turned to the stage, a slow smile spreading across her lips. “Let’s get one of me up here,” she said, her voice edged with excitement.
Lisa hesitated. “You sure? I thought we were focusing on the guests.”
Eliza’s smile tightened. “This is my project, Lisa. People need to see who made this happen.”
Lisa frowned but nodded, following Eliza as she stepped onto the stage.
“Over here,” she said, her voice sharp. “Stand by the aisle so you can get the full angle.”
Lisa hesitated, glancing around at the guests who had started to notice. “Eliza, are you sure? This feels…a little much.”
Eliza’s gaze snapped to Lisa, her eyes narrowing. “Do you want these pictures to turn out well or not?” she snapped.
Lisa flinched but moved into position, raising the camera.
Eliza’s smile returned, layered on thick for the camera. She tilted her head slightly, her pose effortless and confident. “Make sure you get my whole body in the frame. And don’t forget the lights behind me, I want everything to look perfect.”
Lisa’s hands tightened around the camera, but she nodded. “Fine. Ready?”
“Always,” Eliza said.
She stepped forward, grabbing the camera out of Lisa’s hands. “Let me see.”
Eliza studied the photo, her lips curving into a satisfied smirk. She looked…stunning. 
“This is amazing,” she murmured, handing the camera back without looking at Lisa. “Keep going. We’re on a roll.”
“Eliza…” Lisa’s voice was hesitant. “Don’t you think we should…”
“Lisa,” Eliza interrupted, her tone icy. “You’re here to help me, right? So help me.”
Lisa’s jaw tightened, but she did as she was told.
Eliza descended the stage, her heels clicking loudly as she approached a group of guests near the dessert table. She smiled broadly, her gaze sweeping over them like a spotlight.
“Hey, everyone,” she said, her voice warm but calculated. “Mind if we get a picture?”
The group nodded eagerly, shuffling into position.
Eliza stepped to the center, gesturing for them to move slightly. “You, stand over there. And you, don’t slouch. This is going to be in my project, so we need to look our best.”
One of the women hesitated, her smile faltering. “Oh, um…okay.”
“Perfect,” Eliza said, brushing off the hesitation as she adjusted her hair. “Lisa, take it from this angle. And make sure you don’t cut me off.”
Lisa raised the camera, her lips pressed into a thin line. “Ready?”
“Of course,” Eliza said, her smile bright but shallow.
Eliza quickly examined the picture.  Her hair seemed even lighter, and the faintest glint of gold appeared in her earrings.  When did I put on earrings?
“You look great, Eliza,” one of the guests said, her voice soft with admiration.
Eliza flashed a fake smile.. “Thanks. You could look good too, if you cleaned up a bit and knew how to pose.”
The woman blinked, her face falling as she looked at her second hand clothes.
“Don’t worry,” Eliza added smoothly. “It’s just something to think about for next time.”
“Eliza…” Lisa started, her voice trembling. “Do you…hear yourself?”
Eliza stopped, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she turned to face Lisa. Her smirk was icy, her patience thin. “What are you babbling about now?”
“You,” Lisa said, gesturing with a shaky hand. “The way you’re acting. The way you’re treating people. This isn’t you.”
Eliza raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. “Oh, really? And who exactly am I, Lisa?”
Lisa stepped forward, her expression desperate. “You’re kind. Compassionate. The Eliza I know cares about people. She doesn’t talk down to them or treat them like props for some project.”
Eliza laughed, the sound sharp and cold. “Is that what you think this is? A little project? Please, Lisa. This is my work. My success. And if you can’t see that, maybe you’re not as smart as I thought.”
Lisa flinched but held her ground. “You’re being cruel, Eliza. Do you even hear yourself? You’re treating everyone like they’re beneath you. This isn’t the person who planned this event.”
“Oh, please,” Eliza snapped, her eyes narrowing. “This event wouldn’t even exist without me. None of it would. So, excuse me if I expect a little gratitude for everything I’ve done.”
Lisa’s mouth fell open, her face pale. “That’s not… I’m worried about you!”
“Worried?” Eliza’s lips curled into a mocking smile. “Don’t bother. I’ve never been better. Maybe you should stop worrying about me and start worrying about yourself.”
Lisa stepped back, stunned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means,” Eliza said, her voice dripping with venom, “you’re just bitter because for once, it’s not all about you. Admit it, Lisa, you can’t handle the fact that I’m the one in charge. That I’m the one everyone’s looking at tonight.”
Lisa shook her head, her grip tightening on the camera. “That’s not true. I’m just trying to help…”
“Spare me,” Eliza spat, cutting her off. “You’re just a jealous little bitch who can’t stand not being the center of attention.”
Lisa flinched as if she’d been slapped, her hands shaking.
“Give me that,” Eliza demanded, snatching the camera from Lisa’s hands before she could respond.
“Eliza, wait…”
But Eliza was already turning away, her stride purposeful as she headed toward the donation pile, the click of her heels echoing through the room.
She reached the table piled high with clothes and supplies. Her eyes scanned the pile until they landed on the bright orange bikini she and Lisa had laughed about earlier.
Her lips curled into a slow smile as she picked it up, holding the fabric between her fingers.
“Eliza,” Lisa’s voice came from behind her, strained and pleading. “What are you doing?”
Eliza turned, the bikini dangling from her fingers. “I’m just putting all the donations to good use. It’s not like any of these people could wear it anyway.”
Lisa stared at her, horror etched across her face. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, I’m very serious,” Eliza said, her voice low and sharp.
Without another word, Eliza turned and strutted toward the back room, her golden hair bouncing with each step.
Eliza entered the room, the orange bikini clutched tightly in her hands. Her heart was racing. 
Standing before the mirror, she held up the bikini, smirking as its bright color contrasted against her hair. Why not? she thought. It wasn’t like anyone else would appreciate it the way she could.
She pulled off her dress, noticing for the first time how much her body had changed. Her waist was narrower, her stomach flat and toned. Her thighs were long and lean, her arms sculpted like she’d spent hours at the gym.
The bikini fit perfectly. Eliza ran her hands down her sides, her smirk widening.
I look…incredible.
“Let’s see what this baby can do,” she muttered, angling the camera toward herself.
She struck a pose, hips cocked, lips slightly parted, and snapped the first selfie.
The flash hit, and the familiar hum surged through her, stronger than ever. Eliza gasped as the changes rippled through her body. Her hair lightened further, turning an icy platinum blonde. Her lips plumped, forming a perfect pout, and her cheekbones sharpened, giving her a high-fashion model look.
She stared at herself in the camera’s display, her heart racing. “God, I’m gorgeous,” she whispered, her voice carrying a new sultry edge.
Eliza adjusted her posture, turning slightly to show off her profile. She raised the camera again, a look of excitement in her eyes.
Another flash, another rush. Her body grew more defined, her chest fuller, her waist impossibly narrow, her hips curving just right. Tattoos appeared on her arms and ribs, delicate but striking, adding to her newfound allure.
She ran her fingers over the ink, her smirk growing. “Perfect,” she purred.
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“Eliza!” Lisa’s voice called from the hallway.
Eliza turned toward the sound, her smirk fading into a scowl. Her again? She clicked her tongue in annoyance.
Lisa appeared, her expression a mix of confusion and alarm. “Eliza, what are you…” Her words trailed off as her eyes widened, taking in the transformation.
“Do you mind?” Eliza snapped, gesturing to the camera. “I’m in the middle of something.”
Lisa blinked, struggling to process what she was seeing. “Eliza, what’s happening to you? You’re…”
“Beautiful?” Eliza interrupted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Yeah, I know.”
Lisa took a hesitant step forward. “This isn’t right. You’re acting…cruel. And that camera…”
“Is the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Eliza finished, cutting her off. She turned back to the mirror, raising the camera once more. “Maybe you should try it. God knows you could use some improvement.”
Lisa flinched, her face pale. “Eliza, stop. Please.”
But Eliza ignored her, snapping another picture.
She turned to Lisa, her gaze cold and dismissive. “You can go now,” she said, waving a hand as if shooing away a pest.
Lisa stared at her, tears brimming in her eyes. “Eliza, don’t do this.”
Eliza laughed, the sound sharp and mocking. “Oh, Lisa. It’s already done. And if you can’t see that, then you’re even more pathetic than I thought.”
She spun on her heel, the camera still clutched in her hand, and strutted away without a second glance, her every step oozing confidence and superiority.
The crowd at the event turned to stare as she re-entered the room, their faces a mix of shock and awe. But Eliza didn’t care. Let them look. Let them admire.
After all, this was her moment.
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nanamineedstherapy · 2 days ago
Ooga Booga Toji gets Hunted
Previous Chapter: Ooga Booga Sukuna gets Reverse Bonked (Tumblr/Ao3)
Summary: Prehistoric, period-accurate Neanderthal JJK daddies courting you with grunts, rocks, & zero verbal communication. Just prehistoric buffoonery. A/N: BRO. LISTEN. You ever just wake up & think, what if Toji was a little cavewife? What if he was bonked over the head like a prehistoric Looney Tunes character & dragged into domestic life against his will? What if a woman looked at him & went yes, I will be taking this like she was picking out a melon at the market? I am here to answer these questions. This fic is 90% brain damage & 10% actual words. Please enjoy Himbo Toji Arc. As usual, => This is a different reader, but the same Toji—unfortunately for you. => No suggestive bits in this one. => This is Toji’s chapter, but Gojo, Sukuna & Nanami are also here. Next chapter will be for Suguru, hopefully in a day or two. The other guys are getting their solo stories, with guest appearances in each other’s on a regular. So I recommend reading all of them, but I can’t force you to make good life choices.
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Fushiguro Toji is used to chasing.
He chases mammoths.
He chases sabertooths.
He chases Gojo (his natural prey).
He is not used to being chased.
And yet, here he is.
Being hunted.
By you.
It’s been days. Everywhere he goes, you appear.
At first, he thinks he’s imagining things.
Shadows in the trees. Strange footprints in the mud.
A weird feeling of being watched.
But then—
He sees you.
Crouched behind a bush. Unblinking. Staring.
The next day? You are closer.
The next night? He wakes up to find you squatting near his fire.
No blink. No sound.
Just raw, feral focus.
Toji feels fear for the first time in his life.
He grunts. (What want?)
You stay unmoving, unanswering.
Toji’s heart stops.
It’s terrifying.
It’s confusing.
It’s starting to do things to him.
(Things he doesn’t want to think about. Things that make him grunt angrily and punch rocks to feel manly again.)
At dawn, he sneaks away from the tribe. Takes only his spear.
Travels far.
Through forest. Over rivers. Past rival tribe (he still punches Gojo on way).
At some point in the night, Toji stops to drink water.
Then he hears it.
Twig snap!!!
He looks up.
Squatting. Staring. Again.
Like a cursed cave goblin.
Toji almost chokes on his own spit.
You have been tracking him. Following his scent. Watching him from the trees like some squirrel.
Toji doesn’t know why.
Doesn’t know if you want to mate him or murder him.
(Both are possibilities.)
You grin.
Then you jump.
Toji dodges. Fast. He’s the best hunter in the tribe.
But you’re faster.
Rock swings. Toji barely avoids it.
You grunt. (Tsk. Fast.)
Toji tries to fight back.
Tries to assert dominance.
You only grin wider.
Toji’s heart beats wrong.
Rock hits skull.
World goes dark.
When he wakes up—head throbbing, vision blurry—he is in a cave.
Not his cave.
Your cave.
He is not tied up, but he might as well be.
You are blocking the exit.
And watching him.
Like a feral animal guarding its prize.
Toji grunts. (Let me go.)
You grunt back. (No.)
Toji try push past.
You grab his jaw. Inspect.
Toji freezes.
Oh no.
This is how he inspects meat.
You are checking his quality.
Like he is a fucking rabbit.
Toji snarl. (I NOT RABBIT.)
You pat his cheek. (Good strong mate.)
Toji’s instincts scream.
He is prey now.
Toji tries to leave.
You drag him back.
Toji refuses to eat food.
You shove it in his mouth.
Toji chokes. Gags. Tries spit it out.
You glare.
Toji chews.
You pat his head. (Good boy.)
Toji stares at wall. Existential crisis.
Toji wakes up to the worst thing imaginable.
He is being scrubbed.
Like some mangy, flea-infested stray.
In the river.
By you.
Toji snarls. Fights. Thrashes like a cornered beast.
Bites your arm.
You bonk him.
Toji goes limp.
You do not care.
You hold him down. Scrub harder.
At some point, he stops fighting. Sits there. Pouting.
You click your tongue. (Stinky mate.)
Toji glares. Growls. Does his best to look scary. (He is not scary. He is wet.)
Toji turns.
That damn bastard is sitting right next to him—also being scrubbed by his own mate.
Grinning at Toji.
Enjoying his suffering.
Toji sees red.
He lunges.
You grab his face.
Shove him back. Push him underwater.
Toji comes up, sputtering. Furious. Drenched.
It is horrible.
It is humiliating.
It is—
Because one day?
Toji just... stops fighting.
Now, he sits by fire.
Eats willingly.
Watches you.
Eyes narrowed.
You grunt. (Good mate.)
Toji exhales. Defeated.
But when you leave the cave to hunt?
He does not run.
Not because he is weak.
Not because you broke him.
But because...
The food is good.
The furs are warm.
And you are kind of hot.
Oh no.
Toji sighs. Stares at his hands.
Instead of running—
He sharpens your spear.
One day, you return to the cave.
Toji is... rearranging the furs.
You grunt. (What doing?)
He grunts back. (Making cave better. You live like animal.)
You tilt head. (Good mate.)
Toji grumbles.
But does not deny it.
Later, he carves mammoth figurine.
Leaves it by your sleeping spot.
You find it. Grin.
Toji pretends not to notice.
That night?
You return from hunt.
Drop fresh kill at his feet.
Toji smirks.
(Good hunter,) he grunts.
You nod.
And just like that—
The best hunter in the tribe becomes the best house-husband in the valley.
The next day, Sukuna is also suffering.
He sits by river.
Scowling. Wet.
Across from him, Toji and Gojo. Also wet.
They exchange knowing looks.
They understand now.
There is no escaping this fate.
Sukuna growls. Crosses arms. Refuses to look at his own mate.
She clicks her tongue.
Sukuna bares teeth. Hisses.
She grabs his face. Scrubs harder.
Gojo snickers.
Sukuna swings.
Gets grabbed. Dunked underwater.
Emerges. Coughing. Furious. Betrayed by gods.
Toji shakes head. (Stop fighting. No win.)
Sukuna glares.
Will never stop fighting.
Will never—
Nanami passed by, smugly carring his laughing mate on his back like a monkey.
Sukuna sits by the tribe fire. Pouting.
He has been fed.
His hair braided.
His mate hums.
He grumbles.
Sharpens her spear.
Toji and Gojo sigh in solidarity.
They all stare into the flames.
The fire of their lost freedom.
The era of wild, untamed men is over.
Now they are simply... husbands.
Toji wakes up to the smell of smoke.
This is not unusual. Caves are smoky. Fire is life.
What is unusual?
He is hanging upside down.
Like a slaughtered deer in a butcher’s hut.
Like some offering to gods.
Like some sacrificial goat.
Feet tied together with vines.
Dangling from a tree branch.
Swaying gently.
Toji blinks.
Toji processes.
Toji sees you.
Crouched by fire.
Sharpening a flint knife. Humming.
Toji’s entire soul malfunctions.
He howls. (What the—)
Thrashes. Swings like an overgrown fruit.
Branch creaks.
You look up. Squint. Grunt. (Squirmy meat.)
Toji freezes.
Did you just say meat?
Have you been grunting ‘meat’ instead of ‘mate’ this whole time and it got lost in translation???
He needs to leave. Now.
You stand. Walk over.
Sniff him.
You poke his bicep.
Squeeze his asscheeks.
Punch his thigh. (OW.)
You nod. Satisfied.
Give an approving grunt. (Good meat. Strong. Juicy.)
Had you been raring him like cattle this whole time, feeding him, bathing him? Just to cut him down.
Toji’s survival instincts start playing the drums. ( WAIT. STOP. NO MEAT. AM MATE. )
You pause. (Mate?)
You frown.
(But... meat.)
You tilt your head, considering.
(Mate... better than meat?)
You stare at him. Deep in thought.
Too much thought.
Toji doesn't have time for contemplation.
His ass is burning.
His entire back is roasting over the fire.
With a snarl, he flexes, yanks, snaps the branch clean in half, and lands—
Right on his ass.
He groans. Grumbles. Rubs his tailbone.
(Crazy mate,) he grunts.
You squat next to him.
Poke his cheek and grunt.
(Mate strong. Mate fast. Mate... pretty.)
Toji bluescreens. (Pretty???)
You nod. (Pretty.)
Toji stares into the void, grits teeth. Refuses to blush.
This is not how he expected his day to go.
Now Toji is in charge.
He builds a bigger fire.
Skins the boar.
Roasts the meat perfectly.
You watch.
Eyes narrowed.
Toji feels the weight of your stare.
The burning intensity.
Toji has been watched many ways before.
Never like this.
Not with the focused hunger of a woman planning long-term investment.
You grunt. (Good hunter.)
Toji smirks. Hands you food.
You accept.
Chew. Nodding.
You grunt. (Mate strong. Mate smart. Mate... good cook.)
Toji leans closer. (Yes. Good mate.)
Your gaze flicks to his jawline.
To his biceps.
Back to the meat in his hands.
Something about seeing him like this—half-naked, covered in soot, feeding you—
You grunt. (Very pretty mate.)
Toji coughs.
Adjusts his sitting position.
Avoids your very direct gaze.
Keeps his eyes on the fire.
For the first time in his life—
Toji does not know if he is the hunter or the hunted.
Toji is happy.
He was hunted. He was bonked. He was stolen.
But now? Now he loves it.
At first, Toji resisted. He was a man of instinct, survival, and brute strength. But then he saw you—wild, unhinged, terrifying. You cracked him over the head with a rock, dragged him back to your cave, and called it mating.
He adapted. Now he thrives.
Because Toji is a smug bastard.
And you? You are insane.
When Toji walks through the tribe, he is unbearable.
Every time some poor excuse of a man dares to look his way, he flashes his big, sharp teeth like a trophy display.
"Yes. My mate chose me."
"Yes. My mate strong."
"Yes. My mate will birth strong cubs."
And if any of those weaklings so much as glance at you for too long?
Toji growls. Deep. Menacing. (She is mine. You weak. I kill you.)
This is a problem.
Not because of the men.
But because of the women.
The first time a woman dared look at Toji for too long, you did not hesitate.
You picked up a rock.
And launched it.
The woman barely dodged. Screamed. Ran.
Toji blinked. Then tilted his head, watching you with interest. Your eyes were wild. He grinned.
This happens again. And again.
Woman look? You grunt. (No.)
You pick rock.
You throw rock.
Woman scream. Dodge. Run.
Toji watches, deeply amused.
He looks at you. Sees the crazy in your eyes.
His grin widens.
It keeps happening.
Woman look? You throw rock.
Woman talk near Toji? You chase with stick.
One woman touches his arm?
Oh, you tackle.
You growl. Show teeth.
The woman cries.
Toji loves this.
Whenever you chase women away, he puffs out his chest. Stands taller. Grunts at the other men with smug satisfaction. "My mate insane. Yours could never."
Nanami, watching this unfold daily, finally mutters, “You need to control mate.”
Toji, watching you prepare another rock-throwing attack: “Why would I do that?”
You throw rock at Nanami.
Nanami dodges.
Then notices his mate doing the exact same thing—chasing Toji’s mate around with a burning stick.
Nanami tries to hide his smile.
Fails miserably.
Eventually, the chief steps in.
Because too many women have fled.
Because you have almost killed three.
Because everyone is terrified.
The chief grunts. (No more. No more crazy mate.)
Toji grunts back. (Why?)
Chief grunts harder. (Too many women cry.)
Toji, picking his teeth lazily, grunts back. (No.)
The chief’s brow twitches, he howls. (If she does it again, you both leave the tribe.)
Toji shrugs. Looks at you.
You grin.
And throw another rock.
Directly at chief Yaga.
The chief glares.
Picks up his spear to chase you both.
Toji smirks, grabs your waist, lifts you onto his shoulder.
And runs back to your cave with record speed.
And that is how Toji and his insane mate almost got kicked out of the tribe.
Toji, grinning the entire time. (My mate best.)
Toji happy.
A/N: Alright, tell me the truth.
Choose wisely. History will judge you. (Drop your answer in the comments or I will throw a rock at you.)
Next Chapter: Ooga Booga Suguwu gets mated to Female Mowgli after Neanderthal BL Betrayal (Tumblr/Ao3)
All Works Masterlist
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malusokay · 1 year ago
Malu's Monthly Mail Submissions ・:*₊‧౨ৎ
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In a recent voting (this one), I asked you guys if I should add a "Community page" to my little monthly mail. I did NOT expect so much enthusiasm for this idea, so of course, we're going to make it happen!!
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How it works  ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。
It's simple: Every month, I'll make a post with a theme for you guys to get creative with. Submit your post via messages (here on Tumblr, obviously), and I will go through everything and select a few to feature in my monthly mail.
Of course, those posts will be created, AND I will also make sure to link your account so people can find your blog easily — kind of like a shout-out!! (unless you want to stay anonymous, which of course, is fine too!!)
Don't worry about making it look perfect, I will edit everything (sentence structure, grammar, and all that fuzz so... DONT BE SHY <3)
What to submit  ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。
I want to give you lots of creative freedom here so you can really submit anything: Recipes, tips, wellness stuff, book recommendations, poetry, advice, DIY ideas, little guides... Just the typical girlblog stuff, haha.
the only condition is that it has to fit the theme!! <3
This Month's theme  ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。
It's March, Easter is early this year, and spring is just around the corner... I'm sure you guys get the idea!!
Spring cleanout, easter prep, fresh flowers, picnic dates, farmers markets, longer days, spending more time outside, self-care... That's the vibe <3
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I'm so so excited to see how this will go and I truly look forward to creating this month's Monthly Mail. <3
‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧౨ৎ
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winterandwords · 1 year ago
Writeblrs, I adore you
Shout out to my friends who are here for the writing, who come to Tumblr as your Writing Place, who share what you write and build community around your passion for writing, and who consistently offer absolutely wild amounts of support and encouragement to other writers.
I've never felt belonging in an online writing community the way I do here. On Writeblr, I don't have to talk about my life or anything other than writing if I don't want to. I don't have to be a brand or have a content strategy or curate a version of myself to appeal to a wider audience or give a shit about statistics.
I don't have to Do A Marketing or do anything at all other than be in love with writing and hang out with other people who are in love with writing too. I get to read the amazing stuff you write and I get to share the stuff I write with people who enjoy it. I'm at home here.
Writeblrs, you make this little corner of the internet so beautiful and cozy and welcoming just by being who you are and doing what you do 💜
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jasminewalkerauthor · 4 months ago
So you've wrote a book, what's next?
So I recently started uni and naturally immediately joined my universities writing and book societies, last week I was sat editing my book when a couple of people approached me. Apparently through some light instagram stalking they had found out I published books and was wondering how on earth do you even do it.
Upon being on tumblr this week it turns out that this is a question that a lot of people are interested in, this being probably my most requested post ever?
ANYWAY. You've wrote a book, either you're two drafts in or fifty drafts in it doesn't entirely matter. I am going to give you the bad news that the work has only just begun.
The first choice you really need to make is whether or not you want to pursue traditional publishing or self/indie publishing. I believe the common misconception of the difference between the two is that one is 'Easier' than the other. Both are hard, just in different ways.
Traditional publishing is hard to break into, you need to convince enough of people that your book is worth selling which can be incredibly difficult and results in a lot of heartbreaking emails. However once you have that publishing deal you have those people in your corner to help with editing, cover design, and distribution among other things.
Self publishing, much like the name suggests, means that you have to do everything yourself, edit (or source an editor), design (or source a designer), marketing, the works. However the plus side of self publishing which I like is that you have a lot more creative control and freedom.
Now to be fully transparent, I am an indie author, naturally I am going to know a lot more about a process I have actually gone through rather than one I havent. However I do believe I can provide at least a rough guideline of the process so that people can get an idea of what going into it.
So starting with traditional publishing, assuming that you have a full draft that you've at least done some self editing on, your first step is finding an agent. You'll need a couple of things for this. First is make a document of the first 30 pages of your manuscript (a 'sample' if you will), and a query letter which is almost like a cover letter for your book, this is what potential agents will look at to judge whether they want to represent your manuscript.
I dont think I need to say it but your query letter is VITAL, please take time with it, some agents may not even look at your sample if your query letter is bad.
Now, searching for agents is relatively easy, there are a lot of databases online that will give you a list of agents and whether or not they are accepting submissions. Most agents will also have a kind of 'wishlist' of manuscripts they're looking to represent (e.g. sci-fi, philosophy, high fantasy), look for agents with a wishlist that includes your kind of book.
Once you have an agent they will be able to go to different publishing houses with your manuscript, hopefully leading to a book deal at some point. From there the publishers will help with editing, design, and distribution.
With self publishing the process is a bit more complicated. First is the editing process. Either you can edit your own manuscript if you feel up to it or you can source an editor. There are three different editors you can hire: Developmental editor, Line editor, and Proof reader. Almost every editor charges per word of your manuscript.
I would also recommend looking for Beta readers, these are readers who will read through an early copy of your manuscript for feedback (These are NOT editors, more reviewers). There are also ARC readers who you send an early copy to about 2-3 months before release to build interest in your book.
When it comes to the actual publishing itself, there are two main publishing platforms: kdp and ingram spark. Both of these are three besides the fact that you will need to buy an ISPN for your book to use ingram spark.
I think i'll leave it there because this is LONG, but i may turn this into a series, what do y'all want to know about?
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girlbossblackbeard · 1 year ago
obligatory warning that this post is gonna be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO foolishly long and rambling with all my silly little theories and thoughts and if you ALSO have silly little theories and thoughts you should ABSOLUTELY share them here please!!!! we can clown so much harder when our cacophonous honking harmonizes!!!!!!!
NOW ONTO THE POST (putting it under a read more so tumblr doesn't literally explode):
-the revenge looks BUSTED AF: i don't know if this is from general disrepair when ed is in his kraken era or if she was in a battle but her sails are all dirty in the opening shot of the trailer, and later we see stede on her deck with tattered sails and ropes everywhere, AND i'm like 99% sure that the shot of buttons ziplining from one ship to another is him going from the Chinese warfleet ship to the revenge, which i'm guessing is essentially stuck bc the sails are so torn they would never be able to catch the wind strongly enough to move her. I also wonder if the shot of roach shooting a canon at something is him shooting a canon at her since we had all those allusions to her exploding from samba, vico, and david on twitter all those months ago
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-stede's earring: he DOES NOT HAVE THE EARRING when we see him lying on the deck next to roach and sighing dramatically nor does he have it during his conversation with Olu about stede dumping him, but he DOES have the earring in later shots like the beach english fight and when he's talking about being a failure his whole life which means WE WILL GET TO SEE STEDE GET HIS EAR PIERCED!!!!!!!!!! we'll get to see him make the decision to look even hotter and who knows who does the piercing for him idk!!!!!! @sluterastede had a dastardly beautiful thought in her brain about ed giving stede the piercing and stede making groaning noises and izzy once again thinking they're flapping their jacks right there on the deck in front of god and everybody!!!!!
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-stede is spilling his heart out ("i let him down. i should've just told him how i feel") to susan on her ship (you can tell it's her by the long hair)
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-interesting that there's a drawing of a donkey next to ed's wanted poster considering s1 had the line "a rich donkey is still a donkey". also i can't really read what the surrounding posters say other than "WANTED 20 GUINEAS". is this in the republic of pirates?
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-stede says "i will find him" meaning ed may be actively avoiding stede at the beginning of the season???? (or the basic laws of travel physics have finally caught up to them)
-"look, captain, you know blackbeard's gonna murder you" i just think it's interesting that Olu is referring to him as blackbeard again even though ed told everyone in his pink robe era to call him ed. like it makes sense that he'd say blackbeard considering ed is on a rampage but it just made my brain wheels start spinning
-the Kraken crew are eating cake :)
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-ed is holding a torch while letting the storm rain down on him: i don't think the laugh we hear is his because i don't think his mouth is even open during that slow-mo shot
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-STEDE with a TEAR in his EYE as he says "i think i hurt him pretty bad"
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-ed sobbing on the floor while the little bride cake topper is next to his head
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-ed choking on the weed smoke i'm ACTUALLY crying, but also: where the fuck is ed when he's sitting in the chair smoking??? i thought it was on deck at first bc above his head is really dark and it looks like the lanterns we see on the deck of the revenge but there's a chandelier too?? it might be whatever shop Anne Bonny and her friend "you two know each other?" run bc behind ed in that chair is just a bunch of random furniture and a chandelier like we see when ed and stede are at the market. in fact, i think ed is smoking with Anne Bonny because I think that's her hand in the corner of that shot:
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-"no more booze, no more drugs, and no more _____" not sure what the end of that sentence could be but we know that the "stede" that was put in there is NOT what he actually says!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-"you two know each other?" now hold on a sec because it kinda sounds like stede met Anne Bonny and Co. separately from Ed/before that market scene (maybe in the teaser clip of Anne on Stede's lap??) WHAT IF WE GET THE AITA SCENARIO WHERE ED AND STEDE TELL PEOPLE ABOUT THEIR VERSION OF EVENTS AND NO ONE REALIZES THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT EACH OTHER UNTIL THAT MOMENT BC THEY'RE BOTH SO BIASED ABOUT ONE ANOTHER
-the evil guy definitely got his nose sliced off by Jackie. good for her :D I also don't think the evil guy is Hornigold, i'm still holding onto my theory that the man in the white rags we saw in the teaser and this trailer is hornigold's "ghost" that ed needs to contend with to find his inner peace or whatever a la stede with nigel's "ghost". but i DO think the evil guy is the rich prince dude from that leaked audition tape from rhys's friend. if memory serves, the guy wants to buy his way into the pirate lifestyle but he's pompous and entitled which makes him reckless. based off the production stills we also got today, he still had a nose when he went into Spanish Jackie's...but i don't think he leaves with one. so because he gets butthurt over invading a space that was NOT meant for him and faces the consequences of purposely disobeying their customs, he defects to the english navy and goes on a rampage against all piracy, very MRA energy :/ also, later izzy says to him "you don't know the first thing about piracy" which would further support that this guy just tried to buy his way in
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-izzy gets an honest-to-god pegleg but he doesn't start the season off with it because we see him in several shots with both legs, like the wedding raid and swordfighting stede on the beach. unsure if he loses it due to infection from the toe situation or if he gets shot in the knee like i've seen some posts talk about, but @sluterastede mentioned that one of the leaked audition tapes for archie included dialogue about an amputation so maybe that character has to uh. Get Her Roach On
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-as i mentioned before with the teaser analysis, izzy is clearly training stede for something and now im guessing it's the english but like we kinda knew that !
-olu is in a bar fight??
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-THE "ED GETS CAUGHT IN A BUCKET ON A ROPE DURING THE STORM AND GOES OVERBOARD" THEORY IS OUT. THE "ED TIES HIMSELF TO A MF BIG ASS ROCK AND JUMPS OFF A GOD DAMN CLIFF TO GO ON SOME SOUL-SEARCHING JOURNEY UNDER THE SEA" THEORY IS IN. and what the FUCK is the rag man doing with ed up on that cliff hello?????? if my theory is correct and that is in fact hornigold's ghost or whatever, what advice or harmful shit is he saying that makes ed do that?????????????????????? but do note the large rock with the rope around it in the first pic
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-the revenge crew is blowing up SOMETHING on the side of a building. maybe to cause a distraction or gain access inside the building? is it the side of Spanish Jackie's?? also hiiiiiiii lucius <3
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-"our entire escape relies on this" i'm just assuming they're trying to escape from the english bc that seems to be the Big Bad of the season??
-not plot related but during the rope swinging training session izzy slaps stede on the ass and makes this face (sir??????):
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>he also has his pegleg here so their mentorship may ramp up after izzy is out of commission for hand-to-hand combat. maybe izzy was supposed to have a larger fighting role alongside ed in defeating the english but once he became incapacitated he realized he would need to train someone else up for the job so ed would be sufficiently protected. but it also had to be someone izzy knew would be willing to die for ed to save his life if it came to that, just like izzy would
-"i've been a failure my whole life. it's not so bad once you get used to it" is stede talking to ed here? is that ed's hair in the corner of the frame??
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>side note: as mentioned above, stede also has his earring by this point!!
-"you're going through that 'if i was a regular dude' phase" first of all, SPANISH JACKIE AND EDWARD TEACH BEST FRIENDS TRUTHERS RISE UP. second, why would ed be considered a regular dude now?? how did he lose his reputation? did he willingly give it up or was it taken from him? is this permanent or just temporary? or did he fake his own death with the cliff and the rock thing so he could retire and live a more normal life?? the swede doesn't seem scared of him at all in the final clip from the trailer, straight up asking him if he's poor and going "back to basics". of course, that could just be a power trip from being one of Jackie's newest husbands (or at least her waitstaff)
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-possibly totally minor/just a continuity error thing, but: ed has a red ring. we saw it in s1 as he picks up the rather fine cashmere and we see it as ed dramatically drapes himself across the ship's helm with his head on his hand. we do not see it in the scene where he's smoking (see above) or the scene where he's talking to the rabbit. now, if you'll allow me a little bit of clownery for a moment, red has been explicitly coded in this show to be a symbol of love/the heart, especially as it pertains to edward like his red silk scarf as a metaphor for his heart in s1. what if. what if he. gave the red ring (his heart) to. SomeOne. because.....................because his heart belongs to st--[GUNSHOTS]
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-olu, jim, and archie with garlic around their necks and making a cross with their fingers - clearly they think someone is a vampire on the ship. @sluterastede proposed it could be izzy, especially if he's on the brink of death due to an infection and frenchie managed to spread his superstitions to other people on the ship!
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-THIS FUCKIN GUY. WHO ARE YOU??? it seems like he kidnaps stede and his crew and throws a party on the ship and drugs the drinks which is why everyone is kinda tripping/laughing in some parts. but then everyone gets tied down (stede to the mast, wee john's hands get squished, olu and roach's heads get squished, and jim and archie's feet get secured to the ship's railing i think??). also that wide shot is definitely the rando dude hitting some shrill high note at the same moment the revenge crew cry out in pain from all the squishing (except maybe jim and archie - they might just be laughing at the others bc they're badasses and this pain is nothing). also don't know what the guy is looking at when we first see him but im thinking maybe it's a wanted poster of stede and he's looking at the description of the gentleman pirate to confirm it's the dude right in front of him/that he's captured?? also i think roach is wearing flowers from the drug party in his apron when he fires that canon, so maybe he's tripping too and shoots a canon?? i need a prayer circle for the revenge's safety at this time
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-stede has a bullet hole???????????????? did ed fucking shoot him in the heart?????????????????????????? he also notably does NOT have the earring in this scene but he does have the sexy stiddies (blue) shirt like we see in the other shot where he DOES have the earring. maybe this weirdo dude pierces stede's ear bc he thinks stede needs to look more piratey?? or stede gets absolutely sloshed (or drugged) and gets his ear pierced idk !!! maybe jim does it bc they're effortlessly cool and has a bunch of ear piercings!!!
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-idk if this is a coincidence or not but i'm pretty sure stede in his training scenes with izzy is wearing the clothes he wore in that final shot of s1 as he rows to find the crew on the island (white linen shirt, dark pants, brown belt and boots). so either costume changes are happening later in the season, they're reusing outfits like normal people do, or the training montage happens extremely early on in the season
-so originally with the teaser trailer i thought ed falling in the water was followed by the shot of ed coming out of the water on the beach. i don't know if i fully believe that anymore because ed is NOT wearing his jacket on the cliff (see above), but he IS wearing it as he comes up out of the water, so either it's two different events and ed just spends a lot of time in the water this season or he puts his jacket on before jumping off the cliff
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-ed his holding his right side as he slashes that dude on the beach so he definitely got hurt in battle but i hope it's not him getting stabbed bc ur supposed to cleverly take the sword on the left where all the unimportant bits are :(((
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-I VERY STRONGLY BELIEVE that the person in the scene where stede turns around and shoots his gun into the air and everyone else on deck suddenly draws their weapons against that person is our boy lucius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's wearing a beret?????????? @sluterastede proposed that lucius got picked up by the english navy after getting thrown overboard and that's why we see him in the english navy garb (which we later see frenchie in too?? i believe an infiltration fuckery is afoot). also the fact that the shot immediately after this one is of Black Pete doing a happy little fist pump which i'm choosing to interpret as a cute little easter egg symbolizing Pete gets reunited with his love. i also also also believe lucius is in the shot of buttons about to zipline from one ship to the other. i missed him :')
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-okay i know i said in an earlier post that stede running across the beach was romantic but i changed my mind and i think izzy is just making stede do cardio as part of his training lol. his outfit matches the one he's wearing when swordfighting izzy in that earlier wideshot and i think he even still has the scarf belt and the full beard in both scenes (explained at the end of this post via production stills) so maybe they have an honest to god training montage that takes course over several days and we get an incredible 80s powerballad to play on top of it while stede thinks of ed to motivate him or whatever. david jenkins hire me to help write season 3 i have ideas
-i think jim is behind stede as he breaks into the weirdly religious room we saw in the teaser when stede punches that guy??
-ed is pretty bloodied in the shot of stede leaning over him and saying VERY worriedly "ed????" so my theory is that ed got hurt in battle or he was taken captive by the Chinese warfleet and stede was worried he was grievously injured. however, once ed comes to and realizes who's kneeling over him, he gets pissed and headbutts stede because he's still mad at him for breaking his heart, and maybe his hands are restrained/his body is too weak so he can't push stede away. or maybe they had to begrudgingly work together on some mission and stede fucked it up and ed got hurt so he's mad about that idk!! ALSO HE'S WEARING THE CRAVAT HELLO
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-ed in buttons's shirt looking so PEACEFUL what the HELL. obviously it's from the same general time as him being in Spanish Jackie's when she's talking to him about being a regular dude and later when the swede asks him if he's poor addkjfajdfhlkefh i fucking love this show and its writing so much. but ed says "no, i'm just trying something different man >:/" so i wonder if this is ed at the end of s2 or if this is more towards the middle as he's still in the thick of his healing journey. maybe buttons teaches ed about meditation and/or the tai chi he practiced with the Chinese warfleet crew??
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-the BTS production still of ed with his "trust no one" tattoo also features what i believe is the treasure chest we see jim carrying off the ship in the shot where fang is smashing two dudes' heads together!
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-i also think the BTS production still of stede with the beard is early on in ep 1 because he has a full beard (that im hoping someone on the revenge bullies him into shaving off to the scruff we see in the rest of the promo materials) and ALSO because he's wearing a long red scarf around his waist, which we never see again in any of the other promo material - except, however, around his neck as a makeshift cravat:
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>it's the same exact material and everything! my guess is he gets his ass handed to him in a fight (maybe against izzy??) and his scarf belt gets destroyed, so he repurposes the shredded fabric into his necktie
-there's literal gold bars in the background of this production still lmao the kraken crew got BUSY during ed's goth era
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>speaking of, the fucking hair dye dripping down izzy's forehead in this production still:
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*sad clown noises*
in conclusion:
anyway that's my second dissertation on less than 2 minutes of content that turned out to be quite literally 6 pages long :)
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lizzy06 · 7 months ago
Ukai Keishin x Reader Fic Recs!!(Tumblr/AO3/Wattpad)
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Haikyuu! Fic Rec Masterlist
Other Characters Fic Rec Masterlist
Assumptions ✨by MrsTanaka (oneshot, soulmate au) Soulmate AU in which the name of your soulmate is tattooed on your wrist.[COMPLETED]
Your Shoujo Prince by queensbury ✨✨💖 A collection of unrelated Ukai x reader stories. [COMPLETED]
Smoke Stop ft. Keishin Ukai ✨✨by cloudnine_1 (oneshot, enemies to friends to lovers, angst,hurt/comfort) You were a hard working marketing manager working in the Miyagi prefecture. But one day while rushing again to work, you happened to bump into a blond haired man at a smoke stop who may have annoyed the hell out of you for no reason, and he seemed to think the same. Just wait until he realizes that your grandfather is the coach of Nekoma High’s Volleyball team-.[COMPLETED]
Something More✨ by melremade (friends to lovers, angst with happy ending, hurt/comfort, smut)In the ten years that you’d known Ukai, how could you never have noticed the way he looked at you?[COMPLETED]
A prevailing Love✨ by @liillyliilly (oneshot, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, humor, idiots in love, love confessions)a memory from childhood- getting locked in the bathroom. the life he's living now still carries themes from his teenagerhood.[COMPLETED]
The Way To A Woman's Heart Is Through Her Stomach✨  by  theacevampire (oneshot, enemies to lovers, fluff, humor, implied smut)I always thought the blonde cashier at the Sakanoshita Market was cute. Until he opened his mouth.[COMPLETED]
Unexpected Connection by Teapots_and_Teacups (oneshot, fluff)You're a divorced mother to 8 year old Takeru. You find an romantic connection with Ukai Kenshin thanks to a chance meeting at a mixer. You didn't know that technically he already knew your younger brother Tooru.[COMPLETED]
seek the light✨ by sanktaallina (oneshot, friends to lovers, fluff, smut)ack home after losing your job, you wander into a convenience store not realizing you would see a familiar face.[COMPLETED]
Is There Anyone Out There? by FearTheDerpyCone (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff)Soulmate AU with Ukai where whatever you write on your own skin shows up on your soulmate's skin as well.[COMPLETED]
Fly (Keishin Ukai)✨ by KarasunoParkingLot (fluff, hurt/comfort, amnesia, mutual pinning)They said she would be the best player in the world. Four years on and she had not touched a Volleyball since. However, what happens when she finally decides to turn her life around and becomes the assistant coach for her younger brothers volleyball team? [COMPLETED]
I Still Love You by @awearywritersworld (angst)Your younger cousin Hinata is desperate for someone to fill in as Karasuno’s volleyball coach until Takeda is able to find a more permanent solution. You oblige, eventually meeting the man who accepts the job, your ex, Ukai Keishin.[COMPLETED]
Second Chances✨ ✨by applescentedcandle (smut, fluff)It was supposed to be a one-night stand with a man you had nothing to do with, in a town you only visited once in a blue moon. You were a lawyer in Tokyo, he owned a shop in Miyagi. You were never supposed to see each other again.[COMPLETED]
The Upside of Change ✨by melremade (oneshot, friends to lovers, fluff, hurt/comfort)You had been Ukai’s best friend for so long that he never saw it coming—the realization that he was in love with you. And now that he knew, how could things ever be the same?[COMPLETED]
Piss Off Your Parents ✨ by @lostinthewiind (series, fluff, eventual smut)freshly turned 18, you want to prove to your parents that you aren't a child for them to push around anymore. First, get a job at the local corner store. Second, use the store owner's 26-year-old son with piercings and a cigarette addiction to piss your parents off. Third, accidentally fall in love.[COMPLETED]
petty game of cards by @ushiko (oneshot, ) Just keishin getting his ass whooped by his girlfriend in speed. [COMPLETED]
Five by glassandroses(oneshot, fluff, humor)You and Keshin have always had a strange, flirty banter when you come to his shop every Sunday. It only escalates when he refuses to let you pay for your tea, so you did what you do best…You played a little game.[COMPLETED]
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silentbeaves · 27 days ago
(NOTE. I've barely proofread this LMAO)
The two are heading down a gravel path towards a small town. Petra’s steps are concentrated and calculated as she holds a few emeralds that she’s going to trade in for some gold bars, mainly to repair Miss Butter, as the sword has gotten a little worn down, despite having enchantments to prevent that. Jesse, for whatever reason decided to tag along. She’s brought her own items. Some iron, a few emeralds, and a couple of diamonds, just in case she wants to buy anything special from the market.
“So, since I didn’t get to say good morning to you, how’ve you been?” Jesse asks, lightly tugging at Petra’s free hand.
“Oh, sorry, I was in a bit of a rush. Didn’t expect you to come along,” she says. “I’m alright, though.” Petra gently wraps a pinkie around Jesse’s. It’s a minor touch, not important; Petra does it quite often nowadays. But Jesse can’t help but feel her heart flutter.
“It’s alright, I get it.” Jesse grins, squeezing her finger around Petra’s.
Then silence falls upon both of them and to Jesse, it feels a little awkward. The sound of crunching beneath their boots and subtle breathing only fuels the awkwardness. Not that Jesse isn’t used to silence, but she would enjoy some conversation with, y’know, her one and only. 
“What’re you gonna use the emeralds for? You never told me.” She starts.
“To repair Miss Butter. She’s gotten a bit damaged since the last caving trip,” Petra scoffs. “The one where I had to save your sorry butt every second.”
Jesse huffs in response, but it’s light-hearted. “Hey, at least you were hot, doing it.” Petra’s eyes widen, and she shakes her head in total disagreement. “No, no, I was not.” Her face is visibly turning red, and the tips of her ears are burning up.
The shorter chuckles, elbowing her. “Um, yes, you were.”
Recovering from her brief embarrassment, Petra shoots back. “Uh-huh. And was that the reason you were so pathetic there? Couldn’t help staring at me?”
Jesse blinks awkwardly, feeling the weight of her body straining her legs suddenly. “No…”
“Pfft, you don’t sound very sure.”
She just couldn’t stand it when Petra teased her back like that. It sent her swooning. Urgh!
Petra lifts a hand to study the emeralds that rest in her palm, getting visibly bored on the walk to the town. She scratches at scars, reaches to the back of her neck, and fiddles with her collar. She’s kinda cute when she does that. Jesse can’t help but stare, unable to pull her eyes away.
“Hm?” Petra glances at Jesse from the corner of her eye.
Jesse hesitates, but she goes along with her weird train of thought. “You look as pretty as those emeralds you are holding.”
Petra chuckles in amusement, finding that flirt to be absolutely awful. “That was the worst one yet, Jess.” She quips.
“Fine.” Jesse crosses her arms. “You’re pretty handsome.”
Raising a brow, Petra stops walking and turns to Jesse. “What’re you trying to do?”
“Flirt with you.”
“And your end goal?” 
Jesse feels her stomach drop. Admitting this will be no easy feat. She scuffs her boots along the gravel, her gaze falling to the ground. “I, uh… To get you to-- to kiss me.”
Petra, stunned, takes a small step back. “Oh.” Her body is tense, but she does her best to relax it. “Um, I mean-- you could’ve just… asked? You don’t have to win me over, or whatever.” She begins taking slow and hesitant steps towards Jesse, stuffing her emeralds in her pockets.
“I-I know, but it just feels… awkward, heh.” How awful, Jesse can feel that her face is burning up. Just the thought of kissing her is flipping her stomach in all sorts of directions. They’ve never kissed before, and the chance to bring it up never really occurred. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to--”
“...No! No, no, Jesse. It’s…” She’s desperately trying to find the right words, gesturing her hands around in the air, clawing for a sentence. “It’s fine! If you want to, we can, just let me know when.” Petra begins walking past, but Jesse grabs her by her collar.
“I want to. Now, if it’s okay.” Jesse gazes up into Petra’s eyes, but she’s unable to keep eye contact for long.
“I… now? Like, now, now?” The redhead grimaces, her face etched with fear. “Are you sure?”
Slowly, Jesse nods.
Petra can practically feel the sweat beginning to bead on her forehead…
“You okay with it?” Jesse asks.
Weakly, she nods. “I’m just… don’t expect it to be any good.” And with that, Petra begins to reach up to Jesse’s jawline, her fingers just ghosting her cheek.
Deciding to be a little brave, Jesse places her boots on top of Petra’s, grabbing her shoulders and lifting herself to an equal height. This makes Petra suddenly very hesitant, and her eyes look anywhere but at Jesse.
“C’mon, don’t chicken out, Petra.”
“I-I wasn’t!” She reels her hand back, clenching it. Chuckling, Jesse reaches to grab her fist, caressing it with her thumb.
“It’s okay, just take it slow. I know you’re not used to this.” Her voice is soft and gentle, plenty reassuring. Not to mention the touch. It sends prickles of warmth spiking through Petra’s chest. Not a feeling she’s used to. Not the touch she’s used to.
“Okay, okay. I-- I’ve got this,” Petra stammers, her heart beginning to race. “Easy, easy.” Jesse’s hands slide from her shoulders, down her sides and to her waist, steadying herself, and trying to ground Petra from her anxieties.
Ugh, she’s too hesitant to do this. What if she messes it up? What if Jesse doesn’t like it? What if… someone’s watching them? That would be beyond embarrassing, and awful for her reputation. 
Sighing, Petra turns her head away, a hand reaching back down to her pockets. “Listen, I just need to get these emeralds--”
Jesse is glaring at her.
“Okay, okay, fine.”
Jesse begins to lean in slowly, giving her enough time to ease into it. Petra’s breath hitches, and her brow furrows. But Jesse’s confidence is alluring and slightly contagious. And with her mind finally made up, she leaned in as well, closing her eyes and closing the small gap that had been between them just moments before. 
Her brows raise with pleasure and realisation. It’s not as bad as she thought it’d be. Jesse’s lips are soft and comforting against hers, and she gives an involuntary sigh of relief into her mouth. At that, Jesse’s grip on her waist tightens, bunching the fabric between her fingers. A pair of hesitant hands make their way up Jesse’s back, one hand reaching up as far as the back of her head, feeling her brown, fluffy, although slightly untidy, hair.
Jesse slightly tilts her head, making the kiss more comfortable and slightly more passionate for the both of them. Petra’s lips are so firm and sure, even if a little chapped. As if that doesn’t make it more endearing, though. She pulls Petra’s body against hers, a small, almost inaudible moan escaping her lips. It makes the redhead shudder and tense, and Jesse can feel it. She feels her muscles tighten, so she pulls back, allowing both of them to catch their breaths and give it a small break.
“Hoh… wow…” Petra breathes out, completely dazed and flushed. Jesse, to no surprise, is also completely red.
“Heh, you alright, there?” The shorter cups Petra’s cheek, rubbing her thumb where her freckles are. She’s so delightful to gaze upon, especially this close. It’s not often Jesse gets to. 
“Yeah, I just-- didn’t expect it to be so…” She trails off, her eyes meeting Jesse’s. Her gaze is soft, as she stares up at Petra, a small glint in her eye.
“You wanna go again?” Jesse enquires, her voice gentle, and not prodding.
Dumbfounded, Petra blinks. “Yeah, sure.” Never in a million years would she imagine agreeing to kiss someone, twice for that matter. But here she is, kissing the one person she doubted she’d ever kiss…
And with the perfect scenery, god rays, a lovely gentle breeze, and no one else around, they kiss once again, this time Petra leaning in first. Her hands are less hesitant to feel around Jesse’s body as she kisses her, eliciting small moans and sighs.
Petra never understood what was so pleasing about kissing and touching and all that sappy stuff. But now? After hearing and feeling Jesse, she finally gets it. It proves your love for someone, what you’d do for them, and how much you trust them. To be so vulnerable as to get so close…
A hand reaches to cup Jesse’s jawline as they both drawback, faces flushed, and heads spinning. Jesse steps down, grabbing Petra’s other hand and raising it to her chest. “Thanks, Petra. It means a lot to me.”
“You don’t have to flatter me.” Her voice is slightly wavering; she’s still dazed.
The shorter then gives a small peck to the back of Petra’s hand, a grin worn on her face.
 “I gotta say, you’re really good at kissing,” she says, as the two make their way down the path again.
“Thanks,” Petra replies, her strides are less calculated and confident and rather more casual.
She’s been very vulnerable and open today, and Jesse would say that’s an amazing step up from a few months ago. They could just barely hold hands for longer than five seconds. And here Petra was, being the most vulnerable Jesse’s ever seen.
Ugh, she’s so sweet.
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