#just because someone else is uncomfortable over it doesn’t mean everyone has to
gibberishfangirl · 3 months
WINDBREAKER | i’d let the world burn for you
Synopsis ✰ which boys i think would relate to that song lyric “id let the world burn, id let the world burn for you” and why i do or don’t see it happening
Characters ✰ Haruka Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Hayato Suo, Akihiko Nirei, Choji Tomiyama, Jo Togame
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Haruka Sakura ᡣ𐭩 -> okay hear me out. i see this being 50/50. i feel like Sakura is such a crash out at times especially when it involves you. this man will 100% crash out over you and bring hell on whoever hurts you. on the other hand… he is main character and is very heroic which is why i cant see him fulllyyyy resonating with this lyric. a hero simply cannot unleash hell onto everyone. but if its just targeted towards one individual he’s for sure going to jail for attempted murder. he’d most likely succeeded tbh so maybe not even attempted
Hajime Umemiya ᡣ𐭩 -> yes. no doubt about it. HEAR ME OUT. i know he’s also a hero and he’s a leader so he shouldn’t sacrifice everything he has for just one person. BUT HE WILL ANYWAY. this man is ready to die on that hill if it means you’re safe. being in love and having someone be so dear to him brings out a whole new side to him. if it had been any other person, definitely not, he’d be more rational. however, since it’s you and he’s madly in love, he’ll 100% set the world on fire himself. Ume is ready to stand up for the ones he loves. no question about it, he’ll take extreme measures without hesitation.
Hayato Suo ᡣ𐭩 -> okay. i want to say yes but in reality it’s like maybe 60%? i’m a helpless romantic and Suo is practically the definition of romantic so i like to believe he would for the plot. when Suo loves he loves hard and desperately. he’s the kind of man to sacrifice himself more than anything. he loves you like a bruno mars love song. yk grenade, the song, we all know it. that’s him. that’s just his song. he gives the vibe of sacrificing himself than the world for you.
Akihiko Nirei ᡣ𐭩 -> …no. DONT HATE ME but i dont see it happening at all. i mean he’d most likely die for you and take a bullet for you and all that romantic stuff. BUT SACRIFICE THE WHOLE WORLD?? now that’s a bit extreme in his book. he loves you and would die for you. off topic but Nirei just gives me the vibe that he would want to be buried next to you so that way the two of you can find each other in every timeline <3
Choji Tomiyama ᡣ𐭩 -> have you seen this man during his villain arc??? it’s a clear cut yes. this mf will actually kill someone with his own bear hands for you. he’d carry all the blood and taint himself if it meant you would be okay. he prioritizes you more than anyone else, so he will absolutely lose it over you. if anyone even had the audacity to put their hands on you. it’s game over. all that development he’s had and has worked on will vanish in less than a second. he’s the core definition of ‘0 to a 100 real quick’. it’s not even worth testing.
Jo Togame ᡣ𐭩 -> this song was made for him. literally his fucking song. hes made himself the bad guy before and he’ll do it again. especially for your sake. Togame might be a nice guy but dont ever mistake that for anything more. just because he can have a polite mouth doesn’t mean he won’t completely pummel someone into a state of oblivion just for making you uncomfortable. biggest crash out next to Sakura.
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Headcanons of what's like to date Bruce, Dick, Jason, Martian, Wally, and Clark?
Hi, sorry for taking so long, but I am very grateful for your patience!
Here you go...
Headcanons of what's like to date Bruce, Dick, Jason, Martian, Wally, and Clark?
I would like to state that I’m assuming you meant Martian Manhunter and not Miss Martian, but in the case that I am wrong and you meant Miss Martian let me know and I’ll add her to this or write a super-long essay of your guy’s relationship or something!
As always please do not copy my work in any way, shape, or form. Thanks!
Warnings: none i think... not spell checked...
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Bruce Wayne
Dating Bruce Wayne? Gotham’s favorite Billionaire and the Batman? Wow, good luck.
There is a lot of angsty shit in your relationship. Keep in mind it’s not like you guys have like crazy issues or anything, not to say that the Joker isn’t a crazy issue, but I mean that you don’t actually fight with each other a lot. 
You disagree quite a bit considering you watch him on monitors and he goes out and actually gets hurt, but all of that frustration and worry comes from a place of care.
However, you didn’t talk to him for days when he decided to let Dick join him in the field. You were beyond upset, especially since you knew the dangers of crime-fighting yourself, seeing as you used to be a vigilante. 
Regardless of that, it was Dick that convinced you to cut Bruce some slack. Eventually, you came to agree with the teenager, but only after you kicked Bruce where the sun doesn’t shine.
On a nicer note, definitely lots of gifts coming from his end even though he is called the dark knight.
Even when you were both playing hero and he didn’t know who you were under the mask he gave you little gadgets. You two had also met outside of hero-ing and in your real lives where he constantly graced you with the treat of coffee and/or donuts. 
He likes to get you nice treats and sweets. He knows you don’t care for expensive gifts, especially since you work for a lot of nonprofits.
As for PDA on a scale, I will give you a 7.5/10. A solid 2.5 for physical affection such as hand holding, forehead kisses, whispering in each other's ears, and being a little too close to each other but not so close that you freak out everyone else around you.
As for that leftover 5 on the scale, holy shit do you guys never shut up. The constant flirting is where most of this score comes from. Saying embarrassing and inappropriate shit anywhere and everywhere is common with you. You tease each other relentlessly and enjoy seeing the other squirm. It can be quite uncomfortable for others around you, but you tend to keep the more spicy comments quieter, which leads to all of your odd whisperings.
You sort of live with him…? You guys are most often at his place, but you did decide to keep your own just because you wanted something that you paid for and could afford unlike his gigantic fucking manor.
Bruce cares for you deeply and understands why you want to keep your independence and have at least something of your own, especially considering that you guys work together often.
You are close with all of his family, including each kid he adopts, takes in, or has under his proverbial wing. In fact, you kind of think they prefer you over him, or at the very least Jason definitely does. 
It might also be common sense now that Alfred also likes you more than Bruce because, in your guys' relationship, you have all of the brain cells and are logical. 
You both can be impulsive and rude. You both can come across as very blunt and private people. You work well together despite everything.
You were very glad in the end that you both found someone so supportive and understanding. 
You both were also glad that you had the guts to kiss him because, honestly, he was never going to make the first move without it being an epic disaster.
Dick Grayson
Yay! Okay, this guy and you wow. May I just say couple goals here. Like yes, wonderful, perfect together.
Will you go off on someone for hurting his feelings? Count on it. Whether it is physically fighting or verbally berating someone, you also support everyone’s favorite Blue Bird.
Cute nicknames? Yes, as I stated previously, Blue-Bird, you know because he had been Robin and then he became Nightwing, and Nightwing’s suit is black and blue. Also, his eyes are blue and they look so pretty you could stare at them all day. Also, often used but none as creative as Blue-Bird, sweetheart, darling, cutey, and love.
His pet names for you, are Darling, beautiful, sweetie, bundle of too much adorableness, most wonderful human being to ever exist, my reason for getting out of bed every morning, and love. It is obviously a wonderful mixture of names, and yes, sometimes you do worry about him.
I mean how could you not, you were there since he became Robin, you comforted him through every phase, from being a rebellious teen by denouncing Bruce, becoming Nightwing, forming his own group of heroes, and making the obvious mistake of wearing tights as a part of his costume (that one was particularly hard for you).
I will now rate your PDA, congrats you have received a 6/10. You guys like to give small face kisses (forehead, top of the head, cheek, nose, temple, etc.), you guys give each other small pecks on occasion, and always say ‘I love you’ when one of you has to leave. You hold each other's hands a lot. You guys are very sweet and very wholesome. The only time you aren’t is when you get reunited after a long time (2+ weeks) or a life-threatening thing happens (which is pretty often, I’m not going to lie). 
When you reunite do you share that time slowed down and you are running to each other with the wind in your hair moment before frantically grasping one another to share a passionate kiss. 
Sometimes he will tickle you and pick you up just to spin with you. This happens quite a lot and the two of you often have tickle fights.
You get along with his family, but you have no trouble standing up to them for him. You will fist fight with Jason and tell Tim to ‘shut up and go to sleep’. If Damian starts talking crap you won’t physically hit the child, but you will steal away his pets with treats, which annoys him because food > him.
You will scream at Bruce if necessary. Dick and his adoptive siblings will have to physically pick you up to get you away from the situation.
You guys never fight, except when you eat the last of each other’s ice cream. 
Jeez, you two are so cute together.
Jason Todd
You met early on but got together a few years after his death.
He used to annoy the shit out of you, but the events involving the Joker led you both in the same direction.
You both have a better understanding of each other than anyone else. You are field partners and the only real anti-heroes of Gotham.
You were quick to share an apartment once you both learned each other’s civilian names.
It is easier than you both expected to fall into a rhythm, which only made it easier to go from something platonic to something romantically domestic.
You never seemed to get in each other's way and could somehow calm the other down when the world became a little too quiet or loud. You both rarely slept in the separate beds you had brought and maneuvered into the one bedroom. In fact, neither of you really slept on a bed. 
Most nights you stayed up as late as you could and either returned home and passed out on the couch or watched tv till 3 am, cuddling, and passed out on the couch.
You guys are a little different than others. PDA is more of healthy ways to deal with trauma mixed with a little codependency (but nothing terrible, sometimes shit just gets hard for you both and you have some really off days). Hand holding, back rubs, hugs, and playing with each other's hair and hands are just ways to calm each other.
But back to PDA. Yes. 9/10. You will both totally make out in front of other people spontaneously without a care in the world. He tends to initiate it, but you certainly never have an issue with it.
After all of the shit you two have been through you don’t really care about other people’s comfort around you because you feel safe with each other and are each other's security blankets.
Pet names are definitely common. It is probably the most annoying thing he does when you work together fighting crime. You always hated how he was so arrogant and acted childish when he was Robin. Now he just calls you pet names and flirts ceaselessly with you while you fight together. He will call you sweetheart, darling, beautiful, gorgeous, love, my love, love of my life, and more when you are in the field. He calls you them outside of your night shift too, but that does not annoy you at all. 
You tend to use many of the back, if not all of them, because he means just as much to you. 
He always makes the most adorable face when you cradle his head and call him beautiful. Like this is the softest he will ever be with someone else and he just looks so small and cute and in need of a hug.
If he annoys you, expect gifts in the form of food and drinks. If you annoy him, expect to give him extra hugs and books. 
Yes, you read together, cuddling. Typically different books, but he acts as your personal heater and you love it.
Coffee shop dates, take-out-stay-in dates, and video game dates are to be expected. Also, pastries on top of buildings in the middle of the night are a great pastime.
Also, one last thing, just to mention, you are the only one allowed to use or even touch his guns.
Martian Manhunter
Telepathically communicating, yayyyyyyyy! Okay maybe too soon with that one. But really, expect to be snorting in a silent room as everyone looks at you like you're crazy except for him because he’s smiling fondly at your reaction. 
You two are very sweet together. You help the Justice League with PR stuff, so you talk with the group of heroes all the time.
You often work with the big names and more controversial people in the League, but you work with everyone when you need to.
Also, J’onn can fly so expect to be carried in his arms all the time. He won’t even think about it twice because why would he take you somewhere in a car when he can literally swoop you off your feet bridal style and fly off as you look up at him in complete adoration.
For the moment you’ve all been waiting for, PDA rating. I would say 3/10 in public and 6/10 in private. By that I mean outside world public and the justice hall, mount olympus, etc. as private. In your guy’s place he’s just a cuddle bug or a second cat because yes he bought you a cat for one of your anniversaries.
He cooks you dinner. You join him often, but like he loves to cook you dinner. You think it is really sweet, but he also loves to learn different earthly activities. That and M’gann sends him recipes she thinks you’ll like (and you always love them).
You once made him chocolate cake by the way and now he has a new favorite thing. He loves it and didn’t stop talking about it for months. 
He likes to hold your hands a lot. Sometimes when one of you is stressed the other reaches out in hopes of grounding them before they overthink. It’s very sweet and you both love the gesture.
You sort of also took M’gann under your wing when she first arrived and it melted yours and J’onn’s hearts when she first called you her aunt/uncle. At this point you're like the mom of the YJ and the go to friend for the league. It’s all very sweet but sometimes J’onn feels like the League is hogging you and ‘has to’ drag you away from everyone quite literally, which goes a little something like this:
“Oh, but J’onn, I was having a lovely conversation with Bruce.” “Oh, I’m very sorry, Y/n, but we really have to go,” as he starts to pull you out of the room. “Alright, sorry Bruce we can talk, more some other time?” Once you both make it out of the room you release a breath, “Dinner?” “Yes.” “Great because I’m hungry and Bruce was gnawing my ear off.” After that you both just laugh.
Dinner goes great by the way and you share chocolate cake at the end before going home to cuddle with your cat and watch baking and cooking shows.
Wally West
Just to get it out there, you show your guys affection through food and physical touch 
You make Wally whatever you can cook and make a lot of it for his boosted metabolism. You also order extra pizza for him.
He tries to bake you your favorite desserts but sometimes lacks the patience and other times he eats half of it.
He typically just always buys you your favorite snacks and desserts. Even then he always ‘sneaks’ a bite.
Your PDA is surprisingly low, but as he matures it definitely increases. Like Dick had told you all those years ago it took a while to get used to Wally eating.
I would rate you a 2/10 at the beginning of your relationship and an 8/10 when at your best. (basically Young Justice S1 Wally compared to S2)
You are always touching each other. I don’t mean in an inappropriate way, but considering it is Wally that isn’t unheard of, just not often done in public.
On top of that, he will carry you everywhere, superspeed, normal speed it does not matter. Hand holding always, hugging always. He just wants physical contact. And piggy backs.
But like also, his pickup lines. I repeat his pickup lines. They are so cheesy and corny and you find them endearing somehow. I mean I do too, he is a sweetheart so yeah.
He treats you so well too. Your well-being matters so much to him and if you need something, he will be there in like 3 seconds regardless of where he is.
Nicknames should be expected: whatever you do, whatever you like he finds a way to make it a nickname. He does use babe a lot, but it feels a little basic so he comes up with new one's all the time. Sometimes they stick and other times you choke on air, but the scientific method says that you will fail and retry so it doesn’t phase him.
For the record though, he is Wally so a lot of his nicknames are food based: honey, cupcake, sugar cube, sweet potato, and more.
If you nerd out with him he will never, I repeat, never let you go. 
Also if you wear his merch he will be all over you. Depending on the situation and the place it might get a little spicy, but in most cases he will wrap his arms around your middle and just hold you tightly as he falls back into a chair or couch or something. He will not let you go and will nuzzle his face into your neck for hours. For someone that is so fast and gets bored so easily, he will never want any of this to end. 
Clark Kent
Yeah, you know. You knew. You were well aware of who he was. One single pair of glasses did not fool you. I mean, you didn’t say anything until like the seventh date, but you knew.
Yay, lucky you are normal, in fact, you do not play hero in your free time, but you do have some abilities.
You blame the particle accelerator explosion that occurred in your last home for your abilities. But they were easy to hide and really helped with your job.
You are a psychologist/part-time therapist. You met Clark through an interview you did about the effects of the most recent attack in Metropolis on the citizens' mental health. You had to fight for this article to even exist, but you did so because you could feel the fear that radiated throughout it. 
You did everything you could to provide as much help and information as you could on the topic. Clark had been the photographer for the interview and you both immediately hit it off.
He asked you out to dinner when you stopped by his office to discuss doing another article. Clark said that to celebrate the occasion he could take you out if you wanted.
You said yes because free dinner was nice and he seemed like a good guy, so you thought why the heck not?
Of course, the date went well and you highly enjoyed his company. He asked you out again and said yes.
On your third date, he had to leave early for whatever reason, and then a minute later Superman flew by and started to stop a robbery a block away. Interested, you got as close as you could and were very shocked when you saw Superman’s face. 
You didn’t mention it, but he had the same aura with the slightest bit of guilt that you thought was likely toward leaving you mid-date.
Once he knew you knew he eased up a lot and told you all about his past and Krypton and his powers and his hero-ing. 
You guys have great communication, which is in part due to your empathic abilities. You can always tell when something bothers him and he is more than willing to talk through whatever troubles him. You do the same understanding that you both thrive off of honesty with each other.
Conversation always comes easy. 
Some activities you like to do together are going out for dinner, movie nights, baking, picnic dates, and annoying Bruce Wayne.
Your PDA scale would be like a 4/10 at most. You are very sweet with each other, but sometimes you both find it odd being extra coupley with others around you. Since Clark has super hearing he can tell when people are uncomfortable and since you have your empath abilities you can feel it too. Other people’s moods also affect yours in general so the more people there are the more overwhelmed you feel so you try to avoid anything more than a quick peck on the cheek. 
However, it is still very obvious you two are together because you spend a lot of time with each other and go to lunch together basically every day.
Around the Justice League, you can be a little more open with your affections but you both still prefer privacy.
Nicknames: yes. There are some of the basics: darling, dear, love, etc. Clark particularly likes calling you my dear and you enjoy calling him sweetheart. Sometimes you joke around when he enters a room and you say, “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s my boyfriend, Clark Kent.”
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jirsungs · 2 months
ep 17: i missed you (too)
word count: 3.1k
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You join Jisung in the kitchen and when he sees you arrive, he hops off the counter before he can look at your choice of outfit for the evening. 
But when he does, he wishes he could rewind the moment you walked in so he can pay more attention because holy fuck. Those words were the only coherent thing he could pull out of his brain, but he didn’t blame himself for the mental trouble, because seriously, holy fuck.
Lord, he wishes that no one else has seen you in this black strapless midi dress, which he’s 80% sure is from Kukombo, he remembered you and Ning raving about it a couple of weeks back. Your hair perfectly dolled up, just like the first time he saw you, with your pearl necklace layered by your Tiffany & Co. Infinity Pendant necklace sitting pretty on your collarbone.
He recalls you gushing about how much you love layering jewelry pieces together or how complete it makes you feel on the first night you hung out alone. He also remembers you telling him that the Tiffany & Co. necklace you’re wearing now was bought with Renjun’s card after you begged him on your birthday. 
“You look pretty.” Jisung blurts out before his brain can process that those words actually left his mouth.
His compliment makes you smile. “Thank you.”
Should I have said more? Was that not enough? She looks absolutely gorgeous, but if I say that, I might come off desperate and I am not desperate. Wait. Am I?
Pfft, no, of course not.
He shakes out of his mental dilemma when he hears you talk again, “You too—I mean, you look good.”
Despite you seeing him blush in front of you and mumble a “thank you”, his physical appearance did not match. An awkward guy dressed in his black graphic t-shirt and gray denim baggy jeans. To everyone else, he was seen as a stern, quiet dude who stayed close to his friends and played drums weekly, but to you? He was anything but stern or quiet.
“What’s with us always meeting in kitchens?” You try to joke, your horrible attempt to ease the weird tension in the air.
It was a pretty bad joke, if you could even call it one, but at least, you know that there will be someone who laughs at anything you say. And that’s Jisung. “Right? I guess it’s the place where we’re just destined to be together. We first met in Karina’s kitchen, then had our first interaction after Karina’s party in Johnny’s kitchen—”
“One horrible interaction.” You both wince at the immature memory. 
“Yep, it was pretty bad… But now, you’re here with me in Chenle’s kitchen after… ghosting me for two weeks.”
An awkward laugh escapes your mouth, not knowing what to say now that the air suddenly grew uncomfortable. Fortunately for you, Jisung doesn’t notice and is instead embarrassed by himself.
“Sorry, I said kitchen too many times. That was–it sounded weird.”
It’s been two weeks without him and yet somehow, he still holds the power of making it impossible for you to be mad at him. You hate that you always find his awkwardness endearing.
“You’re fine, Ji. In fact, it didn’t sound weird to me at all.” You reassuringly smile, nudging his side.
And that one overused nickname he's heard from multiple different people sounded the prettiest when it came from you. A light switched in him and the next thing you know, Jisung's ranting about Rockway's past gig to Jeno breaking their blender after attempting to make a blueberry banana smoothie for him before their workout at the gym.
Your friends come over once they spot you two in the kitchen corner together, cutting your conversation short. Suddenly, you’re in the arms of Ning and Haechan, engulfing you in a hug while Jisung is kept occupied in conversation with Renjun, Mark, and Jaemin. 
Soon after, your interactions die down with Ning and Haechan accompanying each other to go dance and the three guys who busied Jisung left due to Chenle pulling them away for a game of beer pong. 
Chenle was successful in dragging Jaemin and Renjun while Mark followed suit. But as Mark was about to leave, he stopped to offer Jisung a spot to join, which you encouraged, since Rockway usually boasts about how skilled he is at the game. But he turned down his friend’s offer with a shake of his head. 
You guess Jisung made a signal to the clueless guitarist because Mark says no more, glancing between you and him before letting out an “Ohhh…” He winks at the guy next to you, who you see grow more flustered by the minute, and exits out of the kitchen.
Jisung finally lets go of the breath you didn’t realize he was holding onto for so long and you’re left alone together once more.
The quiet gives Jisung the perfect opportunity to continue catching up with you. You’re not even thirty minutes into the conversation when it gets interrupted again, this time by Yeonjun and Jeno whining about their loss in beer pong. And after multiple pleas from them, they were finally able to pull the beloved drummer boy away from your side.
“I’ll be right back after this, I promise.” Jisung gives you one last pouty look before the guys tug him by the arms. 
“Yeah yeah, don’t get clingy, lover boy.” Yeonjun chirps out as he and Jeno drag him away, the latter following up with a, “We’ll take good care of him, Y/N!”
Your eyes follow the three guys, they join the crowded table that has multiple red solo cups set on either side, and you take notice of how Jisung radiates a whole new light when he’s surrounded by his bandmates, along with your friends. You adored that you all became such a tight-knit group so quickly. It’s nice. Well, sometimes. Haechan and Mark currently screaming over one another is one of the reasons why you say “sometimes.”
“You guys already have Yeonjun! Let us have Jisunggg!” Haechan whines. 
Mark lets out a humorless laugh, “What’re you talking about? Renjun clearly made y’all win last game!”
Your eyes shift over to Jisung, who’s covering his ears at the noise. It makes you laugh under your breath.
Luckily, the argument between Haechan and Mark didn’t last long because the next time you looked over, they were already concentrating on their game. Shotaro, a mutual friend of Rockway’s, was focusing his aim on the cup. 
While Jisung is playing beer pong with the others, you’re left alone, feeling peaceful as you watch the party around you. But to your dismay, your content mood turns sour when you see Jaeyun, your ex-situationship, walk over.
“Y/N alone at a party? That’s a new one.” He snickers, pouring himself a cup of the cheap beer.
You watch him take a sip and scowl. “What are you doing here?” 
“It’s an open-invite party, pretty face. You know I never skip out on these.”
“You’re not even friends with Chenle, or anyone here, for that matter.”
Jaeyun takes another sip of his drink, “Eh, so what? Again,” He lowers himself to directly meet your eyes, “It’s a free party.”
He disgusts you.
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Once Jisung takes his turn throwing the small ping-pong ball towards the cup and it lands inside, as expected, his teammates Jeno, Mark, Yeonjun, and Wonbin cheer and hype the drummer up at his performance. 
As Jisung glances between the four guys surrounding him, he sees you accompanied by someone in the background. His friends don’t notice him moving to the back of them as their attention is set on Jeno already being pushed to the front for his turn.
His eyes widen when he realizes who's talking to you. Jaeyun. The one guy you told him about on your first hangout together when he was curious about your past. He’s glad you didn’t hide yourself away from him when he asked because now, he knows that the guy is nothing but a lovebombing asswipe. But what he isn’t so thrilled about is the fact that he shares a class with the guy, let alone the same major. 
You’re uneasy, he can tell. It’s painful to watch. And he’s sure your feeling gets worse once he sees you grow visibly stiff when a girl comes over and kisses Jaeyun on the cheek.
Insecure isn’t typically a word Jisung would use to describe himself. He sometimes becomes doubtful of himself, sure, but insecure isn’t a word that would be in his pile of descriptions. Plus, he knows he's on your mind every second of every day, and that was more than enough assurance for him. 
But Jaeyun intimidated the hell out of him, he knew this, despite being a few months older than him, Jaeyun was bulkier and he was aware that his looks could kill, he guessed that’s how he got you gripped on him at one point in your life. However, that still didn’t stop him from excusing himself from his friends, lying to them that he needed to go to the bathroom.
Surprisingly, his friends paid no attention to his departure with how engrossed they were in their game, making it easier for him to rush to the kitchen. 
You’re too busy tolerating Jaeyun and his next fling’s drained conversation they were having with you, to notice him walk in. That is until you feel a presence beside you and an arm wrapped around your waist, leading you to look up at the culprit and see Jisung. It was new seeing him touch you so comfortably like this, or be possessive either. You weren’t complaining though, it was definitely something you could get used to.
But the said man doesn’t have time to make eye contact with you because all he’s focused on is his main goal here, and that’s for Jaeyun to get out of your goddamn face.
“Sim, you’re not making her uncomfortable, are you?”
What is he doing? You think. Jaeyun letting out a low whistle and opening his obnoxious mouth again doesn’t allow you to dwell on it.
“Wow, Y/N, I didn’t think you were into,” He eyes Jisung up and down unimpressed, “lousy playing drummer boys all that much.”
Oh God.
You feel Jisung’s arm around you tense up, “What did you just say?”
Jaeyun only snickers. You watch Woona, his new fling who you, unfortunately, remember the name of cling onto him tighter. You roll your eyes at the action.
“I mean, as far as I remember, you were better than picking underground losers off the low-paying nightclubs his band plays at.”
You scoff. It was obvious he knew nothing about Jisung, Rockway, or any of their successes, “You’re full of shit, Jaeyun.”
Your ex-situationship couldn’t care less about what you said because once he sees Jisung’s fuming face slightly falter, he knows he got him. So he continues, “Jisung, I’m warning you now, man. You better find a better chick 'cause all you got right now is some bitch who’ll whore around for anyone with a dick attached—”
Everything happens in a blink of an eye. You seriously don’t know how.
One moment Jisung’s arm is wrapped around your body then the next, he and Jaeyun are on the kitchen floor while Jisung lunges at him right away, giving Jaeyun barely time to react before his fist crashes down on him. The connection to Jaeyun’s jaw creates a painful crunch that echoes across the room, resulting in some partygoers reacting to the scene.
Your expression never changes as you watch in disbelief at the whole thing, Woona instantly screaming and trying to push Jisung off. It doesn’t work though, she falls over when Jaeyun attempts to regain himself, bouncing back a punch that has Jisung’s head taking a hit to the side. But Jisung rapidly returns his attention. Regaining control of his fist, he delivers another vicious blow to Jaeyun’s face, then follows with another, and another, and by the next punch, he finds himself losing control.
The number of punches he’s thrown, Jisung stays unaware of it, and frankly, he doesn’t give a shit about it. He continues to stay unaware even when people’s arms are grasping him from behind to force him from the wounded Jaeyun.
“Jisung, what the fuck is wrong with you?” It isn’t until Haechan’s distressed voice snaps him out of his daze, that he finally notices Jaeyun being helped up by Yuta and Jungwoo.
He observes Jaeyun’s bleeding lip and bruised face and finds no remorse in his heart. Throwing punches at the guy isn’t the worst thing he could’ve done, he knew that Jaeyun knew he deserved it too.
Instead of answering Haechan and the others as their worries talk over one another, his breath remains raggedy when he takes a glance over at you, you didn’t move from the spot, your hand over your chest as you’re heaving, trying to recollect yourself from what just happened. His gaze is fixated on you while your eyes shift between Jaeyun and Woona, who’s giving you the worst side eye known to man. 
Jisung guesses he didn’t hit Jaeyun hard enough, because he dares to open his mouth again. His voice raspy and taunting, “Shit, you’re lucky your band came to the rescue ‘cause I would’ve ripped you apart.”
“You never shut your mouth, do y—” It was stupid, Jisung knew it was, but it still had him attempting to pounce forward in the grasp of his friends but they swiftly pulled him back, making loud protests.
With all the voices that rang throughout the room, Chenle’s was the only one that caught Jisung’s attention, seeing his best friend angry was a usual thing, just not like this, “Ji, if you don’t wanna calm yourself down, take this shit outside.”
“Fine.” The younger’s eyes soften as he looks between Haechan and Jaemin who are currently holding him, “Let go of me.”
Haechan arches his brow at him, unsure of whether to trust Jisung or if he'll start something when he’s freed, but the two exchange a look before letting him go.
And just like that, Jisung storms out of the kitchen, paying no mind to Jaeyun who tries to reach for him. He exits Chenle’s apartment, and you immediately follow after him. 
Your hurried steps make contact with the concrete sidewalk as you reach outside of the house, trying to walk faster to match his pace. The cold air quickly reaches your body, making you rub your arms in hopes of warming up. 
When you’re walking close behind him, you speak up, “Jisung, I can’t believe you just did that! That whole thing was unnecessary, I don’t even know why you decided to get yourself hurt over someone as stupid as Jaeyun!” Your words coming out as a scold.
His abrupt stop in his tread almost makes you bump into him, but he turns himself around and faces you. He lashes out. “Unnecessary? My ass, it was unnecessary! I couldn't stand hearing him talk about you like that, especially when he's the one who treated you like garbage.”
Confused at his sudden outburst, you lash back, “Jisung, why did you do that?”
Jisung releases a deep breath, “Y/N, I did it because…” He can’t dare to look at you, so he glances up at the night sky instead. "Geez..."
You grow angrier seeing his focus not on you, “What, Jisung? What?”
“Fuck, because I like you, you idiot! Can’t you see that?” Your eyes slightly widen and you swallow the next agitated remark resting on your tongue. With you now becoming quiet, he allows himself to slowly calm down, “Look… I know I'm not the best with words, we know that. But these whole two weeks of me waiting by the phone just for one single text from you confused the hell outta me. I mean, at one point, you're hating me, and then I'm hating you, to us being friends, now to whatever this is.” He motions his hands between the two of you in a stressed manner.
Still. You can’t believe your ears, so you dumbly ask, “You what?”
He’s calmed down by this point, looking like an ashamed puppy, “I like you, Y/N. I really really like you.”
“And what makes you think I didn't feel the same?” Now it's Jisung's turn to be confused, his lost eyes being nothing but cute to you. Even beaten up, he was adorable. You sigh, “I like you too, stupid.” 
“Oh, thank God.” 
In a flash, his head is tilted down to match your height, and he leans in, his hands reaching for your jaw. Then, his lips meet yours. His fingers keep their place on your jaw, gentle and scared to move down. Finally, he thinks. Expecting you to pull away, he’s surprised when you kiss him back, your hands gripped on his shirt, pulling him closer to you. Fireworks weren’t going off, but your heart sure felt like they were.
You never thought your first kiss with Jisung would be like this, desperate and full of want. But you don’t care, he longed for this, and so did you. 
He pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. He circles your waist with both arms, before he speaks, his breath still heavy, “I know that you told me you always wished for a fairytale kiss, but I couldn’t help it anymore. So, uh, I hope that kinda made up for it?”
He just kissed you and he’s awkward?
You affectionately smile, “It made up for it, Ji. Really.” You loop your arms around his neck. “Now is this a bad time to apologize for how stupid it was to ghost you or…?”   
He chuckles, “You’re cute.” You pout and mumble a “shut up” before he continues, “But yes, it is. I mean, I already forgave you the moment you came over. I’m kinda hurt you didn’t realize that.”
His fake frown leads you to remove one arm from his neck and smack his chest, “I can’t read between the lines!” 
“My bad, my bad. That was my fault for thinking so.”
You hmph, both of your arms taken off his neck for you to cross them instead, “Thank you.”
Jisung thinks your attitude is adorable, and he can’t even be mad at you. Especially with you finally in his arms again after yearning for you for three months, it made everything worth it.
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previous ☆ masterlist ☆ next
note: THEY FINALLY SAID IT YALLL 🙏 this chapter is cliché and cheesy af!!!! but did i still kick my feet proofreading it? of course, i did 🤭 also so sorry for such a late update ☹️, i got busy prioritizing other things! but i'm finally back!
🎫: @idkwhatursayinh @sunghoonsgfreal @multifandomania @nanaxwi @odxrilove @sourrpatched @hancafe @chaellaa @dojaejunging @jising-jisang-jisung @heheheeral @haechansbbg @renjunsversion @seunghancore @woshixinqgiu @jiiieun @pinknjm @mrshwang-park @neozon3nha @joyzluvr @aerivrs @nosungluv @haechology @beomgyusonlywife @injunnie-lemon @tommina @222low
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bakugoushotwife · 11 months
kinktober day twenty-two: cunnilingus
>>> idk why i’m only here for yandere rough megumi sjdkfkffkg i mean he isn’t all the way yandere but it’s strongly implied, y’all enjoy!
>>> starring: megumi fushiguro x curvy!f!reader >>> cw: yandere-ish behavior, cunnilingus (f receiving) clearly, doggy, overstimulation, prone bone kinda, creampie, jealous megumi. >>> wc: 2.5k >>> event masterlist.
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it really was his favorite place to be. being between your legs, face buried in your warm, wet and sweet-tasting cunt was so soothing and fulfilling to him he simply could not get enough. he wondered if he had an oral fixation specifically because of your pussy, almost concerned with how much he loves being on his knees wherever whenever just to get a taste of you. at the beginning of your relationship, megumi was a bit…nervous around you. it wasn’t like his mind wasn’t coursing with lewd thoughts about his pretty little curvy angelic goddess of a girlfriend, he just didn’t know how to tell you he craved your cunt on his face like normal men crave water. so yes, he had to come out of his sexual shell so to speak. but it seems this god forsaken get together at gojo’s was going to ease him out of it—and your cunt wouldn’t be his sweet release, it would be his sloppy playtoy by the end of the night.
not to say that megumi wasn’t pleasing you enough already, though, of course. he may be a bit routine about things, but he always took care of you. did you want him to be a little rougher from time to time? sure, but you’ve never been with someone so eager and passionate about eating you out either. that alone was worth his perhaps lack in kinkiness.
though your boyfriend has a bunch of his own ideas including a host of naughty things he wants to do to you as well as the ones spurring from his crippling jealousy. he’s not even quite sure where it comes from, gojo gave him everything he needed out of life and he never felt jealous of other kids growing up despite his unconventional upbringing. but when it came to you, he felt something sinister tug at him. maybe it was because you are so otherworldly beautiful that he can’t help but be on standby, waiting for someone to make a shitty comment about your body or stealing you away. maybe it’s because he knows he’s not doing enough to earn the pleasure of calling you his. but no one else could do any better than him, he knows that for sure.
so why is yuuta trying? he knows full well who you belong to—gojo’s famed favorite former pupil has you pulled aside, which doesn’t go unnoticed by your protective and sensitive boyfriend. it’s been years since you all had gojo-sensei’s class, but megumi still hated that yuuta okkotsu. his dad favored him as his successor over him, and even yuji took to him pretty quickly. those were reasons enough to hold a forever grudge, but watching the older man hold all your attention was driving him to murderous thoughts. having all the former sorcerers in one spot wasn’t a good idea—especially not when megumi had acquired an absolute babe in the time apart from his now young adult friends.
especially not when yuuta had you leaned against the wall, nervously chuckling to whatever he was saying, eyes darting around to look for your boyfriend. megumi was frozen in place, trying to settle the argument between the devil and angel on each shoulder. he could just approach yuuta and explain reasonably that you’re spoken for, and that he should keep it moving. but on the other hand, he thinks he should punch yuuta in the face because everyone knows you’re spoken for and that he’s your man. then he should drag you upstairs and fuck you sore and screaming until every person in attendance was uncomfortable. he can see you get increasingly anxious, so he makes the decision.
“c’mon okkotsu. you know that’s my girl.” you hear the ice drip from his tone. he’s not playing any games, and that’s clear by his unamused scowl and the way he folds his arms over his chest. you’re relieved to see him, smiling softly at the man you’ve always known to be your stoic and calm boyfriend. but the look in his eyes as he slides them over to look at you sends a shiver down your spine. yuuta chuckles nervously, blaming the alcohol and your cute dress for his lack of sense.
megumi growls at that, rearing his hand back to start a real problem. this was practically his house, he didn’t care about any potential repercussions—but your voice comes over him to invoke reason.
“hey hey, point made. he’s gone.” you know it’s true based off the shuffling of yuji and toge getting off the couch to ensure that yuuta and megumi are separated before it can come to blows. you lean into his chest, but his gaze only follows the group of boys as they shift upstairs.
his arms fall around your waist, and he wonders if he actually even heard what you said or if your voice alone was enough to make him hesitate. the rest of the party guests still watch the scene—wondering if it gets better or worse from here. some of them had experienced megumi’s temper before, some knew it was a horrific mix of nurture and nature, both his father and the man who raised him horrifically jealous beasts of nature. and the apple doesn’t fall far.
“go upstairs. find a room.” he snarls, daring anyone in attendance to speak up against him. your cheeks flush at his command. he’s only ever spoken to you with a gentle tone, with patience and understanding and all the warmth a man like himself can convey. but you’ve yearned for this other side—this gruffness in his voice and the unwavering dominance in his eyes. he doesn’t care that everyone’s watching—in fact, he wants them to. you nod eagerly, turning tail to find an unoccupied spare room in gojo’s giant house.
he only loiters behind long enough to let everyone watch you obey him—the prettiest woman in the universe, who could easily have anyone she ever wanted, caters to his every whim and order. he lags behind you just a bit, but you can feel his presence. it’s dark. he’s always been a distant, more guarded man. because of that, he’s always been regarded as cold. but his light never felt daunting until now. he never felt oppressive or controlling or possessive; you don’t have to look over your shoulder to know he’s close. it makes heat lick up your stomach walls and bubble down your legs as you wobble towards a room at the end of the hall that was sure to be vacant. you knock to be sure anyway, but megumi reaches around your waist to open the door anyway. his other hand grips your hip, pushing your forward with the pressure of his pelvis against your ass.
you gasp and stumble into the darkness, giggling a little in excitement as you find the bed. megumi’s fingers find the light switch, and you turn to look at his anger riddled features, something only jealousy could produce.
“yuuta okkotsu, huh?” he asks, pulling his shirt over his head. it messes up the spiky tendrils of his hair, but you don’t notice over the crazed look in his eyes. he’s pale and lean, dips along his slender abdomen indicating the strength hiding beneath. he fiddles with his belt next. “you have a voice. why didn’t you tell him to back off?”
you flush with embarrassment, anxiety rippling at your core to mix with the burning excitement. “i—i was try—“
“i—i” megumi mocked, licking his teeth. he walked closer to you, taking over that tiny little sundress you wore that was no doubt the only layer keeping him or anyone else away from your drooling cunt. it aggravates him. you look this beautiful out in public all the time—and it really didn’t matter if you were in this slutty dress or a goddamn burlap sack, anyone with eyes in their head could tell that you were an angel among mortal men. “you’re too nice for your own good. you almost got his ass kicked because you don’t know how to speak up for yourself.”
you bite your lip, nodding along to his scolding. you know you should apologize to him, but you can’t deny how much it turns you on to see him so angry. especially when he approaches you, pushing your sitting form in to a laying one so he could yank you by the hips to the bottom of the bed. he flips your sundress up, snarling again when he finds you bare—and soaking fucking wet.
“oh i see. you’re cute enough to parade around like this but can’t tell other boys you have a man?” he spits on your pussy, sliding it around your hood and lips with his middle and ring fingers. “i’ll help you find your voice.”
he shoves your thighs apart and keeps them like that, rolling his eyes as you squirm and writhe. it’s only in excitement, though. your hands find his hair to prove it as he dives toward your cunt, lapping at you eagerly. he can’t help but moan at your taste—no matter how many tried only he got to experience this moment, the way you look with his mouth suckling on your clit; brows draw up in ecstasy, lip already swollen and puffy from your teeth repeatedly gnawing into it. he couldn’t help but be obsessed with you, anyone would be—it was clear that pretty much everyone was.
but you remind him of your love when you clutch your thighs around his face, tugging his hair so hard he has no choice but to bury his face deeper, sucking and biting on your clit so roughly you whimper—big hands that always stay cool to the touch paw at the meat of your thighs to let you know just how much he enjoys being one that pleasures you. he needs to hear you scream his name—needs you to let everyone know who it is that’s got you seeing stars and arching off the mattress.
“meg—gonna cum, oh sh—“ your stomach burns, and you lurch and crumple to try to relieve it, but megumi holds you down. he grunts to egg you on, demanding your orgasm to come quicker as he nibbles on the very source of your pleasure, sending colorful orbs flashing across your vision as you wail his name. you’re getting there, but he knows you can get louder.
“don’t hold back now, do better.” he seems agitated as he hooks his arms around your thighs—pulling your cunt to his face without any means of escape. he slides his tongue back in your hole, intense jaded emerald eyes watching your contorted face of deliriousness. you were brainless already, chants of ‘megumi—megumi—megu—meg-megumi!’ roll past your lips as he slides his tongue along your entire slit, nose bumping against your swollen and oversensitive clit so hard he almost feels bad for all his old classmates and friends listening to your guttural cries. almost.
you’re weightless, suspended in space—floating in a river of unending bliss. it’s too much. you’re finally getting what you’ve always asked for and you can’t handle it—and his pants are still on. the only things tying you to the planet are: the feeling of his soft hair clenched tight in between your fingers, the tears stinging at the corners of your eyes from the sheer pressure of his mouth milking your pussy, and his delicious grunts of demand. you can’t deny him, and your hips clearly beg for more as they hump his face to push you towards your second edge in just a few minutes.
he hopes yuuta and all those other motherfuckers that have ever thought about toeing the line get the fucking message—you’re certainly being loud and clear. your vision darkens completely, mouth dropped in a permanent yell of his name. it’s perfect, and megumi lacks the patience to be gentle, for once. he shoves you back, lips glistening with your slick, cheeks red from his hard work and eyes flickering with a cold flame so hot your whole body burns for him.
he shrugs, shoving his pants down and tugging at the hand of his solid black briefs next. “face down, ass up.” you bite your lip in anticipation, rolling to your stomach in the pretty arch he requested. he nods at your obedience, getting up on the bed with you. his cool touch finds your hips at the same time his fat cockhead finds your entrance—and he’s pulling you down on him mercilessly. “don’t you dare quiet yourself. i want them to hear everything.”
his growl affects you almoat as much as his rough strokes, curved pale length stabbing through to your cervix without any breaks in between. megumi cursed under his breath, pulling your arms behind your back to ensure that you struggled to obey him. it was cute watching you turn your face in the covers so he—and everyone else—could hear your animalistic cries. he pins your wrists in one massive trap of his own hand, his other still leveraging a hold on your hip to keep you from escaping his brutal ruts.
it’s no wonder he’s a jealous fucking freak over you at all. your pussy was magical, soaking wet and beaten into the shape of him and him alone—you gripped him like his own personal mold. he couldn’t stomach anyone even thinking about having you in the way he has you right now. it messes with him that he can’t stop that—but maybe your gorgeous curses of his name will be enough to ward off such worries for a while. he fills you so perfectly you could never think about another man anyway—even if he was only soft and gentle and tender with you, a far cry from what he is right now, you’d never stray. but especially with this performance, with your brain jolting around in your head and nothing but fire and ice flooding your senses—you can only scream out your love for him just like he wants.
“that’s what i’m talking about. scream and cum, babe.” he encouraged, letting your hands go so he could yank on your hair. he tugs hard, and it sends electricity shooting down your spine. his voice is so raspy and needy as his cock twitches inside your walls—as unforgiving and tight as they were since you were fluttering close to your release. “i said cum.”
you gasp out, feeling him pinch your clit again, the final push you needed as you reach out for the headboard. he keeps you from crawling away by knocking you flat to the bed, hand sprawled across your back to make you take it. you’re a goner, only able to feel the ridges of his cock abusing your worn hole—scraping against the entrance to your womb from this angle. his speed dies down and warmth floods your cunt, making a dumb little smile spread across your face. he rolls his hips into your ass slower, riding out your high. he’s panting, running a hand through his sweaty hair before he leans over to kiss you. he’s still needy, eagerly finding your mouth and kissing you with a beautiful mix of passion and aggression.
it sinks in then just how rough he’s been with you, and his eyes flash with regret. his lips move to form an apology—but a knock on the door cuts him off.
“hey junior—you done? everyone’s traumatized. great work.” gojo snickers—clearly proud of his boy.
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jealous TR men
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Warning: jealousy, cursing,
Paring- Rindou x reader, ran x reader, Sanzu x reader, Mikey x reader, baji x reader, chifuyu x reader, kazutora x reader, Koko x reader, inui x reader, Draken x reader
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Omg this boy.
He's something else sometimes
Can be a pain in the ass
He will just glare at the person that is making him jealous.
He won't say anything or do anything
He just would stand behind you with his arms crossed, staring down the person.
If the person doesn't leave from under his glace well he would just flip the person off and grab you arm and pulls you away.
He won't say anything
If you ask if he is jealous he will just roll his eyes, not saying anything and continues to walk with you.
He's patient. He can wait till the person is done talking to you and things because he knows in the end you're with him and not the other person.
Now if they put their hands on you. Well you see. That's a different story.
He doesn’t mind pulling you away while giving the person a nasty glare.
Or giving the person a broken arm.
Matters where they put their hands on you.
But in all he is super patient till they make you super uncomfortable or touch you. Those two things cross the lines and he doesn’t mind beating someone up because of it.
He's not patient like Ran. Not at all. He is probably the least patient out of everyone on this list, Baji close to him.
But he wouldn’t mind coming behind you and glaring down the person till they leave
Now if the person is feeling brave and the will to die
Then he doesn’t mind beating the person up
Now you might want to calm him down or at least try to.
He overall is pretty patient. He will glare at the person and that's kinda it.
Or he will try to get you to go somewhere else or get your attention on him or something else.
He honestly wouldn’t want to get too violent with the person but if he does cross a line he might just lose a finger or two. Or maybe an arm.
Whichever mikey says that should be cut off.
Like Sanzu, he's really not patient.
He will talk to Chifuyu about it, if Chifuyu is there (most likey is) Chifuyu would try to calm him down
But if the person does cross a line all hell breaks loose and he will grab you, curse at the person, and walk away.
He will finish this later but he doesn’t want you to see or anything.
He's kinda inbetween.
I mean he trusts you and everything so it's not like that or anything
He just doesn’t trust the person talking to you.
Will send Baji on them if needed. (he would join with Baji)
Then he would want to be able to have some time with you to make him feel better.
Oh my. This baby boy.
He would cry when you guys aren't in public or after everything happened.
He would just watch you guys before going over to you guys and hugging you from behind and hiding his face.
More like he just does not want anyone to know he is close to crying.
Please give him love so then he doesn’t get the wrong idea that you want someone else.
He would pay the person to leave you alone
He would do that in private
Doesn’t want you to see
Now after that if the person doesn’t stay away well he has his ways of making the person stop.
But he will buy you more presents then normal so then you would still stay with him and no one else.
Tell him he doesn’t need to do that and that he is enough.
So scared of losing you just like-
Like Ran and Chifuyu
He trusts you and he knows you're with him in the end so he doesn’t fear.
But if the person crosses a line or something they will be on the ground in seconds. He will not tolerate that.
He then turns around to look at you and starts walking away telling you to come on.
He…I guess it matters what's going on.
I mean if you guys are just talking he will go behind you and wrap an arm around you and listen in.
If you ask what he's doing he will just say that he is interested in what you guys are talking about.
Now if the person crosses the line well he doesn’t mind kicking them in the gut and then walking away and asking you what you want to do or just continue doing what you guys were doing.
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cofay · 2 months
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Winter nights❄️
I mean you liked everything about Shoto from his hair his eyes his lips his hands absolutely everything
He’s been your crush for a while now and the year is coming close to a end for everyone else this may seem like good news you know they get to spend the winter break with their family, friends even girlfriend and boyfriend whatever they just have someone to spend it with. And you well.
You didn’t.
You were sitting alone in your room writing a letting that you would give to Shoto at least three days before winter break. As you were writing you heard a knock at your door you shoved the letter in your desk and got up turning and making sure that there’s no evidence of your letter. I mean you need to hide because if anyone finds out it will spread like wildfire..and you do not want it getting to Shoto.
You opened up the door finding Uraraka standing there. “Hey!! Um I just wanted to drop by and ask you something” You opened the door letting her in and closing it before sitting on the bed with her next to you.
“So what’s up.”
“Uh so…Izuku and I wanted to have like some sort of friends night out like a small movie night and we’ll…I just wanted to see if you wanted to join.”
“I don’t really know…”
“SHOTOS GOING TO BE THERE” she blurts out
“Wait what?”
“I know how you want to tell Shoto that you like him and we’ll….i kinda….had….sit something up…” she says smiling sheepishly
“WHAT? Wait— you planned something for just us two?”
“I can’t say all the details but…I just need you to show up okay?”
“Uhm…fine okay.”
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅
Welp it was time to leave the comfort of your dorm and meet up with them outside. You put on your best outfit slipping on your jacket and grabbing your scarf wrapping it around your neck you grab the note off your desk quickly sticking a small bow onto it before putting it in your pocket.
As you walked to the door you wanted to rethink everything..why did Uraraka plan this..why are you giving it to him way early now and most importantly will he even say yes. As the thoughts swarmed your head you failed to see Shoto standing at the sidewalk corner by himself, you make your way to him.
“H-hi Shoto…”
“Where are the others..?”
“I don’t know?…”
You guys sat there in silence for about five minutes before you heard a deep sigh
“Come on let’s go.”
“Where are we going?
“To a park I know”
You nod following him closely as you guys make it to the park you both sat down on a bench relatively close to each other. As you guys sat there you couldn’t help but feel tense. You take your hand out your pocket pulling out the small note before looking over at Shoto slightly and then just placing the note on his left thigh.
Shoto looks down at the note and he picks it up slowly..he opens it reading it. As he read you couldn’t help my at least try to peak at his expressions but what if he’s uncomfortable.. what if you just made it weird between you guys and he doesn’t like you at all. Oh my gosh you should have just thrown it in the trash I mean—
You hear the sound of Shotos voice yanking you back down to earth. You turn to face him your face already feeling hot just by being near him.
“Yes?” you say rather quickly
“Are you sure you feel this way about me?”
“I’ve always had— I mean— I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable I didn’t mean to, I just thought that while we’re alone this would be the best time to—“
A soft kiss is placed on your lips as you feel his cold hands hold your cheeks. You kiss him back gently, leaning in forward into his touch. Soon you feel a small wet drop touch your nose you open your eyes to see that it was snowing talk about good timing you pull back away from Shoto slowly.
“I like you too Y/n”
I mean you were almost star struck this is real right…it has to be you finally have someone to spend the winter break with or at least something to look forward too. You couldn’t help but smile you look down holding your cheeks at your grin widens.
Finally winter won’t be that bad after all..
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dadsbongos · 3 months
I love the way you write kabru, could you write some of the general headcanons for him?
super all over the place. i got maybe a bit too into the nsfw headcanons cuz i need to destroy him ~~~ general headcanons:
The type to imagine oc battle amvs in his head to their medieval music but pretends he’s just smoldering chill cool guy
Outside of general note-taking or journaling, I fully believe he’s had dreams of being a novelist as a kid
Probably avoids interacting one-on-one with Falin without Marcille or Laios as buffers because of her stubbornly remaining monster traits, as well as like… “hey girl you killed me!!”
But as time goes on n he gets used to her, he probably ends up just seeing her as a cutie pie like everyone else does
Would thrive coming up with criminal punishments, maybe not watching some of them because excessive gore icks him out but theorizing is always fun to him
Would similarly thrive in a court setting, and would jump at the opportunity to be the angel and devil on laios’ shoulders through the whole thing
I think he’s the type of man to bare a heavy conscious about things he considers immoral or rude, like having a hard time forgiving himself for mistakes or even just generally “bad” things in his past
Likes the idea of being a family man but gets scared shitless at the actual effort it would take to raise children and maintain a marriage
Would be a total reality TV junkie and anime lameoid in modern era - he loves the melodrama
if/when Mickbell ever gave him permission to refer to him by “mick” (or just any half-foots say he can call them by first name alone) he’d squeal and kick his feet for dayssss knowing what it means in a cultural context for half-foots
Tries not to be That Guy, but feels a little complimented when people tease at what a smooth talker he is. Loves getting to have his redditor “heh… just my natural charisma…” moment
Strikes me specifically as bisexual btw i dunno why but its just jumping at me
Not in love with Rin, but likes her? But doesn’t? But doesn’t NOT like her? He’s trying to maintain distance because sometimes he feels a spark, but then goes back to thinking of her as just a childhood friend. Feels very guilty and selfish if he thinks about her feelings for him for too long, especially since he’s kind of a known charmer. Earnestly hopes she moves on from him no matter the state of his feelings though
Nsfw headcanons:
Likes foreplay wayyyy more than sex because he gets off seeing how crazy he can drive his partners before they just start begging with zero shame
Would enjoy group sex or two-party affairs, his only iffy stance is being watched by someone else. Unless he knows the voyeur VERY well it just feels uncomfortable to be the one getting observed. Down to be the voyeur though hehe
Has a stupid lil whispy laugh he does when he’s getting teased im gonna get feral
Could never play a brat, you tell him shut up and he salutes you with sweaty hands
Could do hate sex! If he realllllllly doesn’t fuck with your vibe, but he’d have to know you personally. Hate sex feels weirdly more intimate to him because he has to expose real feelings he has, so in a way his ass doesn’t even hate you he’s just annoyed you keep bickering with him
If he’s supposed to be submissive, I think he’d like to get a couple light slaps. Maybe choke him a wee bit.
Can’t take humiliation unless its in a sandwich where the degradation is hidden between 2+ praises
Idk if its because its me or if this is real, but I can see him blurting out a “mommy” if he’s super delirious with pleasure
Circling back to the voyeur thing, I think his other hardcore no is somnophilia. Either way, he just can’t get into it. But he’s not the type to shame people for their goons
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can i request reader x hermits (seperate) ? like reader has a bunch of old scars and on a hot day they wear a tank top and expose all of their scars? completely okay if not AND TAKE CARE OF URSELF🫶
Okay, let me tell you, as someone with quite a visible scar on my face (I was a very courageous and dumb kid) and a few less visible ones on my hand, I get asked about it so so often and this request hits hard and I have decided to put my whole soul into it as headcanons. I've just picked a couple hermits I feel would have different reactions to it so here u go!
This boy is not going to mention it, like, at all
He has his own bad memories and sad backstory so he understands that you might not want to talk about it
The only reason he would ever talk about it would be if you ever showed any discomfort or insecurity about it
If you just never talked about it he wouldn’t either
Maybe at some point he would reassure you about yourself if you’re both deep in a relationship, but he would never explicitly mention the scars 
If you do mention them at all, it depends on how you approach it
He knows how to tell situations very well and I think he would still be careful about it
If you approach it humorously, like it doesn’t affect you then he will too
Maybe ask you where some of the bigger ones are from and expect you to tell him some good stories
If you get uncomfortable about them, or insecure he will reassure you
“I love you no matter what” or “I think they make you look cool”
He will always be supportive
He does try his best, but the moment he sees you he can’t help it
Shock on his face as he clearly looks you over
It’s clear he is concerned, and if you’re alone he will ask you about it
Stuff like if you’re okay, if you ever want to talk about it or if you need anything
If you reassure him you’re fine, he will totally dote on you after he is done being shocked
Will kiss your exposed scars and talk about how pretty or handsome you are to him
He will totally try to spend extra time with you, both because he learned a new thing about you that makes him love you even more but also because he is secretly making sure you’re totally okay
Even if you say you are, he would rather make sure
He will keep a little bit of a closer eye on everything you do and every little emotion you display just to keep himself sure you’re really okay
Either way he loves you how you are
This fool, this dumbass man
He cannot keep his mouth shut at all
He thinks communication is so much easier and better than having to just bottle things up or keep guessing what everyone else is thinking
So he just mentions it, asks where they’re from if you’re okay with him asking
He tries to guess it, if you’re not
The guesses will start out super detailed stories that are so far fetched as to ease you into it
“So this one is obviously from a wolf attack, where you managed to fight off 3 wolfs the size of the moon with nothing but your bare hands”
Then he will slowly try to reel it in and guess them more accurately
If one is sort of a piercing one, he will say you lost a duel in a bow fight
The one on your arm? That one is a cut from training your sword skills
He is just spitballing, trying to get it right
Either way he will pester you until you open up to him, he will not let it go
He thinks it’s so cool and really makes you look tough
Will ask you to protect him since you’re so strong
Will also definitely trace your scars whenever you are idle and he has the chance to
Even if you ask him not to, it just happens and he will laugh it off
He starts to slowly like them, the more he sees them
Every rare moment you show them, he slowly appreciates them more and more 
Really weird but he has favorites
He just loves them to be honest
It makes you so uniquely you
No matter what he will start out by making some sort of snarky little comment
“Did you fight your kitchen drawer and lose or something?”
It’s not mean spirited at all, it’s supposed to be humorous 
He just likes to approach things with lightheartedness and jokes 
He knows it might be a serious topic, but his objective is always to turn it into something fun or less serious to try and make you feel better about it
He won’t dote on you or reassure you like the others unless you open up about it
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you the way you are, his love is just more subtle like that
It’s small things you wouldn’t immediately notice about his reaction to it
Sometimes he will look at one of them and imagine the pain or maybe even accidentally imagine the person who might have given it to you
It’ll make him look at them with hatred, but it’s not directed at you even if it would seem that way
He’d make up little fantasies of revenge in his head to clear the thoughts
At this point you might even be the one who will have to reassure him that it’s no problem anymore, if it ever even was 
He will instantly be all over you, and no matter your approach he will be excited
Unless you just start straight up crying he won’t notice if you’re sad or insecure about them cause he is just so excited about seeing a different part of you
He’s the same as Scar where he wants to know where every little scar comes from
If it’s serious he will of course reassure you, but he will definitely also compliment them no matter what
He just think they suit you, and in the end Bdubs is sort of just a hopeless romantic
Anything that is a part of you, he loves it
Anything that is you is beautiful
Which in turn makes your scars beautiful too
He feels closer to you, looking at them because in the end it tells your story and your past, making him feel like he is closer to it 
It’s something he’s probably been sad about before, that not every inch of your life is tied together, that there are parts of you that he can’t be a part of which is before you met
But seeing the scars can help him understand that part, and sort of relate to you in a way that he finds very intimate
So of course he will pester you about them any given time they are on display
He does love them, just as much as he loves you
She’s definitely the most careful out of all of them, at least out of the ones who want to approach the topic at all
As much as she is a rambunctious personality she is also an extremely caring thoughtful individual 
And as much as she doesn’t want to overstep her boundaries she also has to know you’re okay
So she approaches it very head on, but she picks her words very carefully
“I don’t know if you ever want to talk about it, but I’m willing to listen if you ever want to tell me anything about your scars.”
That’s all she ever says about it, and at that point it’s up to you to go to her about it
She wants to be as respectable to you about it as possible
She has the mindset that she doesn’t need to know if you don’t want her to know
As long as she’s sure you’re okay now, your past doesn’t matter to her
For what she thinks about them look wise, she does think they suit you
It’s not going to change how she thinks about you, knowing you have a few scars
And she has a couple herself so it doesn’t really matter
She still loves you
Tango is probably the one with the roughest reaction
He is pretty emotionally driven, and just seeing something like that on you genuinely breaks his heart
It’s almost like he is going through the pain you went through with every single scar at once
He’s almost just,,, getting teary eyed seeing you and you might get confused at the looks he is giving you as you see each other
You probably won’t understand exactly what is going on with him and he simply takes your hands in his and he stares at you before embracing you in a warm hug
He wants you to feel physically that he is there for you
“Where are these all from?”
You cannot get out of a heart to heart with this man, and even if it’s all from totally normal and uneventful encounters he still thinks it’s very serious
Even if it was not traumatic like, at all, just you at some point being in pain is awful to him
Just the few times you’ve gotten hurt while on the server with him has been awful for him so to know you’ve gone through pain that’s left scars is unbearable
He doesn’t like your scars, hands down I will just say it
He hates having a constant reminder that you experience pain because he wants nothing but happiness for you
Obviously it’s delusional to think you’d never experience anything bad, he knows that, but he still wants that to be the case so bad and having to see it every time just sucks for him
That’s not to say he doesn’t think you’re still beautiful, he does, he thinks you’re amazing
But he does just wish you’d never have to go through that 
Oh boy
His first thought, and I am sorry to admit this, would be how hot that is
He loves that type of thing, he can’t help it
This guy loves a man/woman with a story to tell, and scars to show
BUT that does not mean that the next thought isn’t slight worry
He’s been through it all, considering he is experienced with every kind of server and an admin who has had to consider all kinds of walks of life and he knows what some servers are like
That in itself has lead to him being very observant and mindful, and he also knows exactly how to handle it no matter what
He won’t ask, he will wait for you to come to him, if need be
If you do explain them, he will take it from there. Sad? He’s got just the right words to assure you that you’re both safe and that it changes nothing in his opinion of you (It does.. He finds it so hot)
Happy and uncaring? He is making the best jokes you’ve ever heard about it
There is no losing with this blessing of a man
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billlydear · 2 years
can you do a fic where Billy gets jealous and argues with his girlfriend but she knows he’s just scared she’ll leave bcoz his dad always tells him it’s his fault his mom left so she doesn’t let him push her away? he deserves someone who’ll stay :’(
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word count: 1467 // masterlist | inbox (please request) | WIP list
reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! your feedback motivates me to write more, so thank you for your support :-)
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Sometimes, Billy Hargrove has two voices. One is his own, slightly brash, but deep and warm to your ears. The second is more grating, rough and venomous; his father’s. Sometimes Neil Hargrove possesses his son, makes him say things he doesn’t really think, things he doesn’t really mean. And Billy doesn’t get himself back until it’s too late, until the words are out there, sucking the love out of your body from the deep wounds they administered.
From the beginning, you knew he had two voices. One would offer you a ride to the nearby diner after school, and laugh with you over milkshakes, sweet and sugary. And the other would scoff when you asked to braid his hair, ‘I’m not a girl,’.
You knew he was at war with himself. He acted so differently, so conflictingly after a day at school than he did when he drove to your house for a date night, that you were almost certain the issue was with his home environment. In a rare moment of inner peace, he’d told you about his father, and everything clicked into place.
Since then, you’ve been fighting with Neil. Not the physical man that made your boy’s life a living hell, but the one inside his head, the one that tells him he can’t reach for your hand in public, the one who says it’s pussy shit to hold his girlfriend’s pink purse for her.
You’re fighting with him now, or at least, you’re planning to. Billy’s mouth is moving but Neil’s voice is coming out, telling you to get out and go home.
“No, Neil.” You tighten your jaw, standing firm by the bed, “I’m not leaving.”
“The fuck did you call me?” Billy’s eyes go dark, lip curling in a sneer.
“I’m not talking to you,” You inform him, “I’m talking to him. He’s in your head, Billy. I know you don’t want me to leave.”
“Yes I do,” He seethes, “You- You’re being unreasonable!”
“No, I’m not.” You shake your head, sitting on the edge of his bed and watching as he stands by the door like a caged animal, “I’m telling you that I’m allowed to meet with my science partner in the library after class to work on our project, and that nothing romantic will happen between us.”
“You’re going to a dimly-lit, secluded place with another man after school hours! You could just do it in class, or work in the park, with people around.”
“The teacher isn’t giving us class time, and we need it to be quiet or else we won’t be able to focus. The library is the perfect place.”
“Yeah,” Billy scoffs, sounding just as intimidating as his father, “I bet he said that, too. Perfect place to make a move.”
“If he makes a move, I’ll leave.” You reason, watching Billy roll his eyes. He turns for the door, presumably to usher you out or storm off for a smoke break, “Because I leave when I’m upset or uncomfortable. Which is why I’m still here, Billy,” You call out to your boy, desperately hoping he can wrestle his father away and take the wheel, “Because I’m not upset with you for something that your father did to you. I know it’s him, telling you that everyone you love will leave you. But I’m not going to, because I know you don’t want me to. You want me to stay, and I will, Billy. I’ll stay.”
His hand goes slack against the doorknob where it’s half-turned, and he freezes. He turns, only his head, to glance back at you where you’re sitting on the bed, eyes scared and defeated, coated in a layer of tears, “You’ll stay?”
You know he means it double. He wants to know that you’ll stay on his bed, you won’t storm out and tell him never to call you again. But he also wants to know you won’t up and leave for the boy from your science class, that if given the chance, even after you’ve seen the worst of him, you won’t have anyone else.
“I’ll stay,” You repeat, nodding and holding a hand out for him.
He hesitates to take it. You know Neil is fighting, kicking and shouting and hitting and punching. Name-calling, pansy, pussy, good-for-nothing, disappointment. But your boy wins out, hands on the wheel once more, voice restored in his throat, albeit a bit shaky.
“I’m sorry,” He croaks, shuffling over the carpet in his heavy boots to approach you, “I shouldn’t have said all that shit.”
He takes a deep breath before he holds your hand, and you reward him for doing it with a soft brush of your thumb over his skin. You pull, leading him to sit beside you on the bed. He blinks back tears, rapidly so, but they win in the end, and one slips from his eye.
“Fuck,” He hisses, rushing to smear his sleeve against his eye, “I- I don’t know why I was angry at you.”
“It’s because he wants you to be, Billy.” You murmur, rubbing a soft hand over his back, “He wants you to think that you’re some chronic fuck-up. He wants you to think everyone is going to leave you, because he won’t, and then you’ll think he’s good for it. But he’s not good for treating you like this, Billy, for doing this to you. He stays because he has power over you, but I stay because I love you. You know that, right? That I love you?”
“Yeah,” He breathes, nodding where his head is buried in his hands, “I know. And I.. love you, too.”
That’s big for Billy. He’s a show-not-tell kinda guy, because telling hasn’t seemed to matter in the past. He told his mom a thousand times, but she’s not here now, is she? So he shows you, and you know it. He just doesn’t always tell you, and that’s how you know you’ve gotten through to him.
“Let me see your face,” You plead, slipping your hand out of his own to take his cheek, “Please?”
He lets you turn his head, but he can’t look you in the eyes with tears on his face.
You lean in, and when your lips approach his eyes, he shuts them. You press your lips soft, light as a feather, to his eyelids, his wet lashes leaving stains on your skin. There’s a glistening tear beneath his right eye, and you kiss it away for good measure.
When he opens his eyes again, he’s looking at you. He looks at his tears shining on your lips, reaches out to wipe the liquid away, and lets his hand linger on your face.
“I’m sorry I ruined our night.” He repeats, “This was supposed to be nice.”
“It’s okay. It can still be nice, it’s not ruined. Arguing doesn’t ruin things,” You promise Billy, “You apologized, and I know you’re sorry, and I forgive you. So I still want to have a nice night with you.”
He doesn’t have anything to say, not with words, but he nods, bumping his nose against your cheek. It means he wants to have a nice night with you, too.
“What do you wanna do, Billy?” You ask, smiling and chasing his nose with your cheek when he tries pulling away. It means that you’re leaned against him now, and he dares to drop a kiss to the pudge of your cheek.
“Would you, uh..” He hesitates, but powers through, condemning his dad to silence, “Would you read to me?”
You nod, “What book, handsome?”
“Any- I don’t care,” He shakes his head, letting you stand and cross to his very minimal bookshelf, mostly books he’s had to read for school, “I just wanna hear your voice.”
When you settle back in bed it’s with The Crucible, a book that you’re currently reading in English, and that he’s definitely behind on. You sit first, backed up against the wall and slouched slightly, and he lays on his stomach, his head resting on your stomach. His hands wind around your thighs and lock him in place, and his eyes are drifting shut before you’ve even cracked the cover.
Before you can start, he squeezes your thighs, “Y/N?”
“Yeah?” You hum, brushing a hand through his hair to get a stray curl out of his face.
“Thank you. For staying,” He clarifies, speaking into your stomach because he doesn’t know if he can look you in the eye, “And forgiving me.”
“I love you, Billy.” You hope he realizes that that’s your answer, that’s why you stayed, that’s why you forgave him, and you feel him smile into the skin of your stomach through your shirt. You think he got your message, “I’ll always stay.”
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reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! your feedback motivates me to write more, so thank you for your support :-)
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
she, by proxy | myg, kth
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(or, the one where yoongi gets what yoongi wants, even when what he wants is taehyung. especially when it's taehyung.)
✤ pairing: yoongi x reader; taehyung x reader; yoongi x taehyung ✤ genre: est. relationship (yoongi x reader), pwp ✤ rating: explicit; minors dni ✤ warnings: a lot of swearing, drinking but no one's drunk, a friend group in which everyone is queer and has fucked at least once probably, taehyung is a messy hoe but yoongi's an entire disaster, pining, open relationships, polyamory that is discussed briefly, i have been told there are some feelings involved. the most important: there is gay stuff in here!!! i repeat, some of this is VERY GAY! please do not read if that isn't your thing! ✤ smut warnings: girls making out, a threesome, dudes kissing, oral sex (m. receiving), anal fingering, vaginal fingering, taegi get pegged, dirty talk, dudes touching themselves a lot, come as lube (but there's also real lube dw), come eating, voyeurism, a lil slapping (thighs/clit), the dom/sub dynamics shift throughout the fic but mainly dom!reader, very mild degradation, a lil begging, taehyung cries, fingers always seem to wind up in mouths, hair pulling, frottage, yoongi accidentally gets edged, praise, protected sex, dp (fingers & piv at the same time). i think that's it :') but let me know if i forgot anything. ✤ word count: 8.3k ✤ credits: thank you to @effortandmore / @the-boy-meets-evil / & @here2bbtstrash for beta'ing this for me. my personal porny fairy godparents. i appreciate you all a whole lot. ✤ author's note: can you believe my degenerate brain dreamed this up and then i wrote all of it in two days in a delirious haze, opened the doc this morning to make final edits, and added almost 2k more. idk who i am anymore. if i missed anything it's bc i finished & edited this during jk's live and i was distracted, to say the least. anyway this is embarrassing i feel like a prude so i'm gonna go hide. pls come scream in my inbox with me unless it's to yell tired shit at me abt writing mxm/pegging/whatever else i warned you this is gay.
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You hadn’t been surprised the first time, and you’re not surprised now, countless times later.
A girl slides into Taehyung’s lap—long hair, bubblegum pink, almost certainly a wig—and his hands immediately go to the small of her back. Large, nearly swallow her up, and they move to rest possessively at her hips, his grip tight as he pulls her closer. Her top is cropped latex and leaves very little to the imagination, which isn’t an issue for you or Yoongi because she’s not what Yoongi’s looking at. His eyes are locked on Taehyung’s hands; locked on the way the tendons flex as he manhandles the faceless girl in his lap, hikes her over one thick thigh.
Ten more seconds of this and all of you will be looking for a new club.
The air is hazy and thick, the floor sticky with god knows what, and Yoongi reaches for you beneath the table. His own large hand finds your smaller one, those knobby knuckles almost uncomfortable when he twines your fingers together. He’s still staring at Taehyung, and you want to do something, say something, it’ll be someone else soon, stop watching, you’re only gonna hurt yourself, but you know him, and you know when he gets like this it’s best to just let him ride it out. Suffer a little.
(Right now, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be tortured as last time, at least—when all of you had gone someplace else, some seedy spot in an Itaewon basement, and Taehyung had some girl pressed against the wall outside the bathrooms, fingers buried deep in her cunt as she shook and came. And Hobi, smarter and sharper than any of you but still so fucking stupid, had just—
“Fuck, man, they’re gonna need a mop and bucket for that. I mean, shit, it was so much? The sound when it hit the floor—”
Jeongguk had pulled a face. Half doe-eyes, half mortified terror. “When what hit the floor, hyung?”
“Her fucking squirt, Jeonggukie, what the fuck do you think—”
And Namjoon, just as wide-eyed and terrified as Jeongguk but for an entirely different reason, had laughed awkwardly and said, “Haaa, maybe we should talk about something else?” as he looked between Hoseok and Yoongi.
That night had been shit-tier, nearly unsalvageable, so at least it doesn’t seem like Taehyung’s in that kind of mood. At least the girl in his lap still has her clothes on. At least his hands are someplace you can see them. At least Yoongi’s still beside you.)
So you bide your time. Take stock of who’s still here and where they are, because the girl in Taehyung’s lap has her lips on his neck and things might go south faster than you’d originally anticipated. Hoseok and Jimin are on the dance floor, hips doing something sinful and too much; Namjoon’s at the bar, jaw clenched as the bartender passes him over for the fourth time in a row; Soyeon and Hyungseo are in the other side of your booth, tongues sloppy as they kiss just because they feel like it; Jeongguk, shoved in the corner on Yoongi’s other side, is slack-jawed as he stares at them, and Jeongguk is a fucking pervert so you know he’s hard.
“Put your dick back in your pants, Jeonggukie,” you say, loud enough for him to hear you over the music. The bass is heavy as it drops, feels like it’s thrumming through your veins, and Jeongguk startles. Bangs his knee on the underside of the table in his panic, and Soyeon and Hyungseo don’t bother breaking apart to look. “You want another drink?” you ask Yoongi, squeezing his hand a little tighter.
He shakes his head, finally drags his attention away from Taehyung. There’s someone new in his lap: chin-length silver hair, thin legs that go on for miles, tan skin covered in boldly-colored tattoos, could be anyone. Yoongi isn’t looking anymore, but you are, so you catch it when Taehyung looks up. Looks right at Yoongi, wants to see if he’s watching, but instead he just finds you. “Gonna go smoke,” Yoongi answers, and you slide out of the booth to let him leave.
“Is hyung okay?” Jeongguk asks when the two of you are pressed back together. He sips leisurely at his drink, trying to make it last until Namjoon makes it back from the bar with another one. Something baby blue and shockingly green, a little umbrella on top. Two cherries. “He seems sad. Hey, watch this.” Jeongguk pops one into his mouth and presents the knotted stem to you seconds later.
This is the part you never know how to explain: that Yoongi loves you but sometimes he wants someone else. Not instead, but too. That you love Yoongi and want him to have whatever he wants, and that jealousy is foreign to you. That you and Yoongi love each other but do things a little unorthodox, which is not out of the ordinary for a friend group as ran-through and commingled as yours, but still takes patience and care to explain.
So you just ruffle Jeongguk’s hair, laugh at his squawking protests, and wrangle him so you can press a kiss to the top of his head. “Don’t worry this pretty little head about your hyungs, okay?”
Jeongguk surfaces with a glare, surface-level because you’ve embarrassed him in front of two hot girls that are still making out, and hides his flushed cheeks behind his drink. “Is it about Taehyungie-hyung?”
“What’d I just tell you?”
He pouts, but you’re saved from another interrogation by Namjoon’s unceremonious return to the table. He’s so flustered by his one-sided feud with the bartender that he slams the blue-green drink down a little too hard, spills half of it in Jeongguk’s lap. “Move over,” he says to you, and you cock an eyebrow in return. “Please,” he amends, like that’s what you’d been looking for, but when you still don’t move he gets a little whiny and panicked. “They’re relentless,” he says, pointing his thumb at Soyeon and Hyungseo like you can’t see them. “Don’t make me—”
“What about me!” Jeongguk wails, pressing his hands pathetically to his groin like he’s trying to stem bleeding, at the same time you roll your eyes and fire a, “Says Mr. Eight-gigabyte Porn Folder,” at Namjoon.
You receive another glare, this time from Namjoon, and he doesn’t hesitate to steal Jeongguk’s spot against the wall when he goes to the bathroom to deal with his soaked pants, only to start swearing when he realizes the seat is wet, too. “Jesus fuck—”
“That’s what you get.”
“Fuck off,” Namjoon fires back. “Where’s Yoongi-hyung?”
“Outside smoking.”
“Smok—why is he smoking?” At your silence, he jerks his head up, intent on getting an answer out of you. Instead, his question dies on his tongue as he follows your line of sight. Another new person in Taehyung’s lap, sucking Taehyung’s fingers into their mouth. “Ah, yeah. That fucking guy.”
You can’t help but laugh. “Be nice, Namjoonie. You know Taehyung would hook up with a microwave if it gave him attention.”
“What number is that, then? Hasn’t he gotten enough attention?”
“Third I’ve seen. The first one was cute. I thought for sure he was gonna leave with her.”
Namjoon huffs, shakes his head. Takes a long pull of his beer. “He’s not gonna leave with anyone. He just does this to piss off hyung.” Then, like he’s coming to a realization, he turns to look at you with a quizzical look. “Wait, where’d Seokjin-hyung go?”
You stare back in disbelief. “How long were you at the fucking bar? He left hours ago.”
“Did he?” Then, quieter and to himself, “How long was I at the fucking bar?”
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Whatever game Taehyung is playing, Yoongi is woefully inept at playing along.
Doesn’t know when it’s his move or when it’s time to sit and watch. Doesn’t know the rules. Doesn’t really listen when you try to explain it to him; probably doesn't want to hear it. Yoongi seems to think he’s at his best when he’s a little sad, a little miserable and yearning. At its core, that’s what the game is, and as much as he keeps touching the thorns to see if he’ll bleed, you know he still enjoys it.
(Know he gets off on it, too.)
Yoongi reaches for you. Steadies himself with his hand on your shoulder, pupils wide as saucers—dark dark dark in the corner of this grimy club—eventually breaking into a smile when you grab his sweat-slick hands and guide them to your waist. Your bodies move together like waves, pushing apart only for Yoongi to continuously pull you in closer, dazed from the feeling of you pressed against him.
“Fuck,” he breathes, words impossible to hear over the music, “look at you. So fucking pretty.”
He threads a knee between your legs, the sound of his groan drowned out as you roll your hips against him. Maybe Yoongi doesn’t know the rules to this game, but you do, and you make sure Taehyung’s watching when you drag your core against Yoongi’s thigh. He groans again, and his hands grip your hips tighter, moving you back and forth on him the way he does when you ride him.
You watch as he drags his eyes upward, see the exact moment he spots Taehyung across the club. His profile is lit up by the strobe lights, filling in the contours of his bone structure with greens and blues. He’s with Jimin and Hoseok now, dancing with the girl from earlier with the pink hair, her back pressed to his chest. He leans down and whispers recycled filth into her ear that she seems to buy. You watch as Yoongi closes his eyes tight; watch him pretend it’s Taehyung dancing with him; it’s Taehyung’s hips he’s gripping onto; it’s Taehyung who’s moaning and desperate for him in this moment.
You watch as his eyes snap open again.
You watch as he realizes he’s in this daydream alone.
And you wonder, briefly, if this should bother you. If this is fucked up, that Yoongi’s hard against you because he’s thinking about someone else, and you find that you don’t care. What you and Yoongi have doesn’t need to make sense to anyone except the two of you.
“Wanna go home,” Yoongi slurs into your ear, fucked up from the feel of you, the thought of Taehyung.
You smirk, tangle your hands in his hair and tug a little just to fuck him up even more. “Yeah? What d’you wanna go home for? It’s still pretty early.”
“Wanna fuck you,” he whines. Tries to hold you in place to grind harder against you and whines again when you move just out of reach. “Baby.”
“You know the rule.” There’s a drop of sweat that rolls down the side of Yoongi’s neck that you chase with your tongue. “Tell me what you actually want and we can leave.”
The breath he sucks in is harsh, fractured, like your question is a special kind of torture. You know it is. Unlike with Taehyung, this is a game both you and Yoongi know the rules to. Unlike with Taehyung, this is the game Yoongi plays to win. The song changes again, this time to something filthy and slow, and Yoongi fits himself to your back, moves until both of you are facing Taehyung. “Want you both,” he says into your ear. Nips at the lobe. “Want to watch you fuck him the way you fuck me.”
“Don’t wanna fuck him yourself?”
You feel him shake his head. “Not this time.”
“What are you doing, then? In this fantasy of yours?”
Yoongi presses closer, the outline of his hard cock pressing into the small of your back now. “Watching, at first. Wanna see you ruin him.” His hands skim along your skin, dip beneath the hemline of your shirt, dance across your stomach. “Wanna watch you make him fucking cry.”
“Are you telling me how?”
Yoongi’s laugh is low, a little caustic. “I won’t need to. He’s so fuckin’ easy.”
“And yet you want him this bad,” you taunt. “Someone easy like that—doesn’t seem to be your type.”
He bites along your neck. “Watch yourself.”
“I’m not the one all fucked up over Kim Taehyung.” You make eye contact with the man in question. Watch as the look on his face fades into a smirk, syrupy and slow. Sleezy, you think. He probably is as easy as Yoongi says. “I should tell him how fucking hard you are. Should tell him you’re gonna take me home and fuck me and come thinking about him. That’s pretty fuckin’ dirty, Yoongi.”
It’s nothing you haven’t said before. Sometimes you press even harder, humiliate him a little when he seems to be in the mood for it, but this time he goes stock-still. Silence stretches between the two of you, the only people standing still on this dancefloor, and you’re halfway turned around to see if Yoongi wants to fuck or cry when he says, “Do it, then.”
You laugh. All part of the game. But then Yoongi grabs your hand, moves it to his cock, straining against his skin-tight jeans, some kind of message that’s gotten fucked up in translation. “Yoongi—”
“Tell him,” he says, expression shuttered and serious.
“You wanna think about this for more than ten seconds? You haven’t talked to him since the last time you guys hooked up and you want me to go tell him you… what? That you want to have some weird cuck threesome with him?”
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That’s exactly what you told him.
(Because you know Yoongi, and you also know Taehyung. Your dig at him to Namjoon was very much based in truth, and with how fucked up the dynamics of your friend group are, it hadn’t taken much more than sending Yoongi out into the cold to order a taxi, swaying your hips a little, re-glossing your lips, and disposing of the girl with the bubblegum pink hair. No one had batted an eye.
“I’m going home to fuck my boyfriend,” you said, leaning into Taehyung’s space. He was draped on the couch again, legs spread in a way that was frankly obscene. “Would you like to join us?”
“That depends, angel. How do you fuck him?” he asked, spreading his legs wider.
You stepped closer. Cupped his cheek, dug your nails into his skin a little, and said, “Better than you ever did,” all condescension.
Taehyung had just laughed. Pressed his tongue into the fat of his cheek. “I guess we’ll see about that.”)
And now you’re here, Taehyung sprawled on the bed beneath you. You can see why a sight like this would have Yoongi fucked up as long as he has been: Taehyung’s golden skin contrasting against the crisp white of the sheets, dark hair fanning against the pillows, curls falling into his eyes, chest heaving. Each time he throws his head back you’re torn between sinking your teeth into the column of his throat and wrapping your hands around it. It’s easy to ruin him when he looks like this; easy to give Yoongi what he wants.
“What should I do with you?” you think out loud, and Taehyung’s responding whimper draws a laugh out of you. “Yoongi wants to watch me fuck you,” you continue, hands teasing toward the sensitive skin of his inner thighs. You pinch, slap away the sting. “Would you like that?”
Taehyung’s cock—long and thick, still glistening with spit from when you sucked him off—twitches at the thought. “Y-yeah, fuck, want that,” he answers, hands moving to fist the sheets. He’s been so good. Has done exactly as you said. “Wan’ you to fuck me.”
“Should I fuck you the way you used to fuck your hyung?” Both Taehyung and Yoongi moan at the same time, and it’s so stupid, you think, this game they’ve been playing. Cat and mouse, as if the conclusion hasn’t been inevitable this whole time. “Use your words, Taehyung.”
“Yeah,” he says again, Adam’s apple bobbing heavily in his throat. “Y-yeah, like that.”
You hum, reach behind you for the bottle of lube. Yoongi mutters a quiet shit from the other side of the room and you glance over. Mouth hung open, lips wet; jeans pushed halfway down his thighs, the outline of his cock visible through his briefs, hand squeezing at the base. Cheating a little, but still not touching himself the way you know he wants to. He’ll be the first to cry, at this rate.
Eyes back on Taehyung. You wonder if he’d normally preen, put on a show. You wonder if he did that with Yoongi, some whole thing. “He’s told me about it, you know,” you say, clicking the lube open. Sounds more like a gunshot in the small space of your bedroom, where the only other sounds are labored breathing and the city outside. “Told me all about how you used to split him open with that big cock.” You tip the bottle sideways, let the lube dribble out and over Taehyung’s balls. He hisses at the cold, mutters a swear. “Told me he’d struggle to take it sometimes.”
“You two are—fuck.” Whatever Taehyung was going to say is cut off as your finger follows the lube, trails down to his hole. You circle it there, make sure it’s wet, press a little just to watch his hips jerk. “You two are fu-fucking weird.”
“Mm, maybe,” you concede, “but you should see how hard he comes when he’s thinking about you.”
You gather more lube on your finger, then, and press it inside. Just to the first knuckle, just enough to make Taehyung whine. “I guess you already know that, though,” you continue. Pour a little more lube on Taehyung’s skin. Pull your finger out enough to slicken it, push it back in a little further. “Was it good for you?”
His moan is broken and low, deep and heady. A sound that makes the world feel like it’s tilting; a sound that makes you want to chase it. “Yeah,” Taehyung answers, and it could be a response or a declaration when it’s followed by, “so fucking good.”
“Yoongi is good, isn’t he? He listens so well.” With your free hand, you grab Taehyung’s face roughly, turn his head in the direction of where Yoongi’s sitting. “Look at him,” you instruct. He already looks fucked-out. Cheeks flushed, breathing hard, knuckles white where he’s gripping onto the arm of the chair. “Look at how good he’s being, not even touching himself.”
And Taehyung… Taehyung almost looks ashamed. Won’t meet Yoongi’s gaze, now that they’re so close, now that it’s real, and this won’t do, will it, so you dig your nails in a little harder, drag them down his cheek, tell him again to look at his hyung. Then—
For the first time all night, their eyes meet at the same time.
Yoongi’s whimper is loud. The loudest you’ve ever heard him outside of actual sex. You work in a second finger alongside the first, build up a steady rhythm, and Taehyung isn’t faring much better. Little by little he opens up for you and you’re thankful for the way he sucks you in, adjusts. It’s getting harder to ignore the heat between your own legs, watching two beautiful men fall apart in vastly different ways, even though you want to drag this out, want to make Taehyung cry and give Yoongi exactly what he wanted.
And, god, Taehyung is so fucking pretty.
You tell him as much, and his smile is greasy, looks even more lewd when you crook your fingers and his eyes roll back. He’s still tight around you when he asks for a third so you shake your head, tell him no, tell him he’s greedy, and you think people must not make him beg much, the way he’s pouting. Taehyung has a face that gets him whatever he wants and a cock to match, and you’d understood it before, why Yoongi couldn’t really let it go, but it’s different when it’s right in front of you, making a mess of your sheets.
“I must be going soft on you,” you tell him, working in another finger the next time he asks. “Yoongi wanted me to make you cry and here I am, giving you whatever you want. Maybe I should let him decide what you get.”
Taehyung shoots a hand out, grabs at your forearm. “Don’t,” he says, voice hoarse, bordering on pleading. “Please. He’s still mad at me, won’ give me anything.”
A huff of breath escapes you. “He doesn’t look very mad to me. Looks like he could probably come on command if you told him to.” It’s not an exaggeration, not really; Yoongi is gone, looks like a stiff wind could have him spilling all over himself. “But maybe that’s what you deserve.”
You nail Taehyung’s prostate the next time you crook your fingers and he sobs. You do it again, then a third time. Precome oozes out of his cock, deepens the pool on his belly. You keep it up until tears pool on his waterline, until he’s reaching for you again, begging you to stop, words cracking as he tells you desperately that he’s going to come. “Angel, fuck, please, I’m gonna—”
“No, you’re not,” you tell him, all authority. “You’re not going to come, are you, because I haven’t told you to. Yoongi hasn’t told you to.”
The first frustrated tear streaks down Taehyung’s cheek. “Oh my fucking god,” he chokes out, forcing his hips flat to the bed, tries to force you to stop moving. But your rhythm is steady, confident, three fingers working with the space he’s left you, and it isn’t until you watch his balls tighten that they slow. Taehyung’s sweat-slick, looks even more golden under the amber lamplight, and it’s dizzying, the way the color shifts as his chest heaves with his ragged breaths.
There’s only enough time for you to slip your fingers out, grab the lube, slick up the strap-on that’s fastened around your hips, before you’re pressing the head against Taehyung’s hole, still dripping wet. “It’s so big,” you muse, grinning wickedly at the man beneath you, “I don’t know if it’s going to fit. What do you think, Yoongi? Is this how you used to feel?”
When you look over this time, Yoongi has his cock out, briefs tucked beneath his balls, stroking fast. Clicking your tongue, he looks up through half-lidded eyes, hand stilling immediately. His nod is almost imperceptible, too disoriented to answer, and you’ll give him this one. Won’t push it. What you will push, though—
You’re not sure if it comes from Yoongi or Taehyung. It might’ve even come from you, because you’re transfixed, can’t tear your eyes away from the sight of your stupid flesh-colored dildo disappearing into Taehyung’s body. Fucking greedy, you think, mostly at yourself, because if this sight is good you can only imagine what you’d see if you were watching his face. Brows furrowed, mouth pinched. A look not far off from that night in the club, the determination on his face as he fucked that girl with his fingers, uncaring who heard or saw.
But this is your show. Yoongi’s fantasy. Whatever girls—people—Taehyung has fucked in seedy clubs across Seoul are of little importance here. All that matters is the steady push of your hips, the slow roll once you’re fully buried, the pleasure that jolts through you when you’re able to grind a little against the toy, the way Taehyung thrashes against the sheets, incoherent as he babbles, stuck between more and too much.
“Okay?” you ask, hands skimming along his warm skin. Goosebumps trail in their wake, and you settle them on his thighs. Press them up and to the side as he nods, giving yourself more space, and Taehyung’s moan is loud, unabashed. His cock lies neglected against his stomach, begging you to reach out and grab it, stroke him, make him come too fast so you have another bruise to press on, some way to embarrass him.
But this is your show, Yoongi’s fantasy, and you don’t have to look because you can hear how close your boyfriend is to getting himself off. Can hear the way his breath hitches, can hear when his rhythm changes. Quicker, now. More insistent. If Taehyung looked over at him, it’d be all over, and you almost tell him to do that, too.
“Stop touching yourself,” you say to Yoongi. A second time when he disregards the first, too far gone, too close. “Yoongi.” He whines but he listens, shoves his fingers in his mouth to stem the urge, and Taehyung watches it all.
You’re still thrusting, thighs burning, sticky where they meet Taehyung’s, and it won’t be your lengthiest performance, that’s for sure. So you call Yoongi’s name again, beckon him over, and he hesitates, looks so unsure. But it’s so stupid, the way he and Taehyung dance around one another—and you know, you know Taehyung wouldn’t be shaking like this if it were just you, if Yoongi wasn’t in his head, wasn’t watching—so you’re insistent. “Come here,” you tell him, and you make sure your voice is spun sugar when you say it.
Yoongi listens. Stumbles over on unsteady legs, knees nearly buckling when he gets close enough to also watch the way the strap-on fucks into Taehyung’s hole, the way it stretches obscenely to accommodate it. “Baby.” He threads his hands into your hair and kisses you hard and messy. Taehyung moans beneath you so you know he’s watching, and you will your body to move faster, fuck him harder.
When Yoongi pulls back, it’s obvious. The longing in his eyes. “Tell him,” you say, and he looks caught-out, would almost look angry if he were capable of it. “This is your fantasy, isn’t it? So tell him.”
“I—” He looks down at Taehyung again, meets his gaze again, and he must see something there you can’t, because all the hesitation is gone when he says, “I want to kiss you.”
And you know what it means.
Because that had been the rule between the two of them. No staying the night, no kissing. You know what it means for Yoongi to ask for that, what it’d mean if Taehyung allowed it, and it nearly cracks your heart in half that it’s the only thing he’s willing to ask for when his wants are endless when it comes to Taehyung.
“Oh my god,” Taehyung moans. “Fuck, hyung, yeah—yeah, c’mere, kiss me, please, fuck.”
Yoongi looks like he’s been punched in the gut. Looks overwhelmed, given this kind of permission, so he goes about it all wrong. Starts to kneel at the side of the bed before you tsk and grab him by his own hair. “Do it right,” you instruct.
He moans. Aborts whatever he was about to do and climbs over Taehyung on the bed, straddles him, fitting in between both of you perfectly, close enough for his cock to slot against Taehyung’s. They both moan, and their game had been so fucking stupid it sends a lick of anger through you. Yoongi ruts his hips once, twice, and then he’s leaning down and cupping Taehyung’s face and pressing his lips—still wet from you, still wearing your spit—to Taehyung’s.
And Taehyung comes immediately, nearly untouched. Spills all over himself with a loud, broken sob.
“Holy shit,” you say, hips slowing until they’re still. “Holy shit, that was fucking hot, what the fuck.”
Taehyung trembles in the comedown and Yoongi presses in closer, kisses him through it. Can’t seem to stop now that he’s allowed. He’s still rutting, has Taehyung teetering on oversensitivity, so you grab Yoongi’s hips to slow him. “Careful, baby,” you say softly into his ear. Press a kiss to the nape of his neck. Give him a minute to back away from the ledge again and get himself under control, let Taehyung catch his breath. “Are you okay, Taehyung?” you ask, hands once again touching any of his skin you can find. You knead at the muscles in his calves.
There’s some garbled response. Something you think is supposed to sound like an affirmation. “Words, please.”
“Y-yeah,” comes his response.
“Okay. I’m gonna go grab something to clean you up, all right?” You press another kiss to Yoongi’s shoulder, turn your attention to him. “Then we’ll finally give you what you want, yeah? Finally let you come.” A shiver runs up his spine and he nods weakly. “Can you prep yourself while I’m gone?” Another shaky nod. “Good boy. Gonna pull out now, Tae.”
You do so slowly. Taehyung hisses, sucks in a breath through his teeth. Hisses again when you replace the toy with your thumb, try to ease the discomfort of being so suddenly empty. With another kiss pressed to Yoongi’s shoulder, you mumble an I love you into his hair, and then you’re gone.
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There’s always been something about the way Yoongi touches himself.
Like the goal is more than simply getting off. Like there’s reverence in it, something beyond purpose. Yoongi touches himself the way other people drop to their knees at church and pray.
Sometimes it’s long and drawn out. Sometimes his hands skirt over every inch of his own skin before he finally brings them to his cock. Sometimes he rests on his haunches in the middle of the bed and angles himself toward the mirror and watches, his cheeks aflame the entire time because he’s embarrassed to see himself like that, three of his own fingers fucking himself, but the embarrassment almost feels just as good. Sometimes he has you beneath him, raining down praise as his fist works the length of his cock.
Sometimes he does it entirely wrong, like now.
Two pale, lube-slick fingers work in and out of his hole. His own, then, and not Taehyung’s. Just like you’d asked. You’re a little surprised, thought maybe Yoongi might panic and retreat with you gone, but they’re both where you’d left them. Taehyung’s talking all the while, saying god knows what in that deep timbre, and it’s straight up pornographic the way his large hands rest on the cheeks of Yoongi’s ass, pull them apart.
The damp cloth in your hand feels useless. Is useless, you think, because Yoongi had told you something, once, deep in the throes of another cerebral fantasy—
“I can’t believe I have to keep telling you this,” you say, and everything immediately goes still at the sound of your voice, “but do it right, Yoongi.”
Taehyung lifts his head, stares at you skeptically. Probably mirroring the look on Yoongi’s face that you aren’t privy to with his back to you. “We’ve talked about this,” you continue, stalking closer. All eyes on you as you drop the cloth to the floor. “Are you clean?” you ask Taehyung, and he nods, expression still dubious.
And then you’re reaching between both of them, swiping your fingers through the mess of cum on Taehyung’s stomach, and he understands immediately. “Are you gon—fuuuck. Fucking christ.” The first swipe goes to Yoongi’s mouth, and there’s no hesitation as he sucks your fingers clean. Your free hand finds Yoongi’s, the one he’s working himself open with, and pulls it away. Replaces it with your own, your two longest fingers covered in the second swipe of Taehyung’s cum, and you fuck them in and out faster than Yoongi had been.
“Filthy,” Taehyung chokes out, clearly overwhelmed; another groan when Yoongi starts sucking at his neck, biting, claiming.
It’s primal, the way Taehyung reacts, the way Yoongi embeds himself under his skin, tries desperately to make a home there. Something permanent this time; or, at least, a home that won’t burn down like the last one. Won’t be reduced to a smoking heap of bitter ash. And you wonder, as you watch the way these two beautiful men fit together, if Taehyung will be holding the match or the key this time.
You press slow, open-mouthed kisses along the knots in Yoongi’s spine. Drizzle more lube on your fingers, work him open more. Whisper I know, baby, I know when he gets impatient and a little too demanding. Swap the condom on the strap-on and slick it up, just like last time, and then you’re pressing into Yoongi instead of Taehyung, the way you’ve done so many times before.
Everything is familiar and different: the drag, the pull, the noises spilling out of Yoongi’s mouth. Those staccato whines varied in pitch, sometimes drawn out and sometimes punched and short. This is what you know. This is your home, and you think, as Taehyung looks at Yoongi, so fucking endeared, as he gently cups his face, as he says—
“Hyung, you look so pretty. You’re doing so well, hyung, fuck, I didn’t think I’d ever see you like this again.”
—you think your house might look nice with an addition. An extra space carved out only for Taehyung. A room where Yoongi can exist in endless adoration.
“Make yourself useful, Kim Taehyung.”
Because Taehyung listens. Because Taehyung is good in all the ways that Yoongi is good, and he doesn’t have to be told twice when the order deals in Yoongi’s pleasure. So all of you adjust until Yoongi’s on his hands and knees, gripping tightly onto the headboard, and Taehyung shuffles down the bed until he can get his mouth on Yoongi’s cock.
“Fuck, yeah, just like that,” you say, and Taehyung moans at the praise, the vibrations making Yoongi gasp and jerk.
You know when you hit his prostate, too; know this is going to be over soon from the way he buries his face in the crook of his elbow and screams. You know it from the way he starts to shake. From the unintelligible filth that pours from his mouth as Taehyung swallows him all the way down. From the way he stutters out a, ba-baby, wha’bout you, gonna come like this, and you pet his hair, voice soft again when you say, this is for you, Yoongi, you can come, I know it’s so much.
There’s a final husky, drawn-out moan, and then there’s quiet.
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Lucidity returns slowly.
The heat kicks on. A police siren wails in the distance, seven floors below you. You re-wet your cloth and do your best to clean the dried cum from Taehyung’s skin, your smile fond as he whines at the cold, tries to squirm away. Yoongi doesn’t move an inch, just collapses face-first onto the mattress and lets everyone fuss over him. Starts snoring a few minutes later, after you’ve pulled the duvet up to his ears and he’s tucked in and warm.
You move to the dresser. Pull out two t-shirts—oversized on you, tight in the shoulders on Taehyung—and clean underwear. And then you pause, because Taehyung’s already plucking his own clothes off the floor, already has his fucking socks and briefs on, and it’s… it doesn’t feel right, is the thing. Doesn’t feel like he should be leaving. Not tonight, maybe ever.
“Where are you going?” you ask, and you do a good job of keeping the hurt out, at sounding normal.
Taehyung doesn’t get it. Looks at you like you’re a little stupid and a lot crazy, because he looks at you, then at the world outside the window, and finally at Yoongi before answering. “I—leaving?”
Taehyung looks at you like you’re a lot stupid this time. “I don’t…” Pauses. Tries to sink into the floor to no avail. “Look, I think maybe this was a mistake? Hyung and I—I don’t think this is what he wants.”
“And how do you know what he wants?”
“Because we’re here,” he answers, anger seeping in. “Because I’m standing in your apartment. His girlfriend, and—”
You sigh. “If you want to leave, I’m not going to stop you, but I think it’d really hurt him if you left.” You leave off the again. It’s not your trauma to dredge up. Yoongi wouldn’t want you to, and that’s reason enough. “I would like it if you stayed, if that means anything.”
“The two of you are fucking weird,” he says again, but he looks less torn. Looks less like he would plow you over to get to the door, and it’s… progress. It’s good. You can work with a halfway thing. “Hyung would really—you think he wants me here?”
It’s spoken about in the way a broken thing always is: delicately, hesitantly, like Taehyung’s afraid of the answer, afraid to find out the results of this stupid game of his own design. “He does. It’s not my place to say much more than that, but I think the two of you are overdue for a conversation, if nothing else.”
Taehyung nods. Starts looking less and less like he’s out of place; starts looking like object permanence, takes a corporeal form within the four walls of your bedroom. “There’s space here for you,” you say, with the amount of care words like these require, “if you want it.”
“What does that mean?”
“Whatever you want it to. Nothing has to be decided right now, but I know Yoongi. You know him, too. I just don’t want to see him hurt again.”
Taehyung nods again. Peels his socks off. “You’re sure?” he asks, and when you nod, he climbs back into bed, seems to somehow know which side of the bed is Yoongi’s, two magnets drawn together. Something inevitable.
You breathe out a sigh. Finally slip the t-shirt and underwear on. Flick the lamp off and let yourself have a minute to enjoy the calm, Yoongi’s body heat next to you, still snoring softly between you and Taehyung. And then, because you can’t resist—
“You two are really fucking stupid, you know that?”
You hear Taehyung swallow. “I’m sorry,” he mumbles, sounding the part of a scolded child, and as much as you try not to, you’re smiling again, fond and endeared, into the dark. “I know.”
“Okay. Go to sleep, Tae. I expect a very nice thank you gift in the morning.”
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It doesn’t happen in the morning. Not really.
It happens sometime in the middle of the night. The light streaming in through the sheer curtains gives away nothing more than silver-amber light, the moon and the city. Could be minutes since you fell asleep, could be hours; all you know is Yoongi’s at your back, arm slung possessively over your middle, and his heat is stifling.
“Yoongi,” you hiss, because it’s not just his heat. He’s hard again, cock pressing against the swell of your ass just like it was in the club, and you feel him smile against your neck when he realizes you’re awake. Feel him rock his hips, just a little.
He nips at your lobe, your jaw. “Hi, baby,” he says, like this is just another morning. Like he’s about to present your favorite mug to you, coffee fixed exactly how you like it. “Why didn’ you wake me up?”
“For what?” you breathe out, voice already wavering. All Yoongi has done is skim his warm hands under your oversized t-shirt, swirl a finger around your navel.
Yoongi tuts. Feels weird to be on this side of it, the illusion of condescension. “To fuck you. Make you come. You didn’t earlier.”
“I meant what I said—”
“I know you did,” Yoongi interjects, “but I don’t find that to be a very acceptable excuse.”
You roll your eyes, no heat in it, but then Yoongi’s hand moves to the hem of your underwear and slips inside. Your hips jerk when he moves two fingers lightly over your clit, jerk again when he finds you already wet and groans deep and husky into your ear. And it’s not loud, but it’s loud for this room at whatever-the-fuck time it is. “Gotta be quiet,” you whisper to him, and he laughs, thinks you’re joking. “I’m serious,” you say, and you want to sound authoritative but it comes out as a whine when he sinks those fingers into your cunt.
“Why would I need to be quiet?” he asks. Crooks them as best he can from this weird angle, you on your side with your back pressed to him, Yoongi halfway on top of you. “Shouldn’t I be loud?” He hits a spot that whites your vision. “Shouldn’t everyone in this fucking place hear it?”
Usually you wouldn’t care. Your apartment building has heard worse, including whatever debauchery the three of you had gotten up to mere hours ago, but—“Taehyung’s asleep.”
Yoongi startles, goes still. “What?”
“What d’you mean Taehyung’s asl…” You feel him turn. Feel him realize, for the first time, that there is a very-asleep Taehyung on his other side, and you want to ask how he hadn’t noticed before, want to say didn’t you realize how cramped this bed is, it’s not big enough for three people, we’ll have to get a new one, but. Yoongi hadn’t expected him to stay, hadn’t expected it to even be an option, so of course it would’ve been a blind spot.
Your heart cracks in half again.
“What’d you say to him?” he asks. Not accusing, almost awed, like you knew a code, the secret passcode to getting Taehyung to stay that Yoongi hadn’t had before.
You reach back, find Yoongi’s hair. Scratch gently at his scalp. “Just that I thought you’d like it if he stayed. That’s it, nothing else. I wouldn’t.”
“I know, I wasn’t…” He sucks in a deep breath, holds it, lets it go. He’s okay. “This is okay with you?”
A laugh spills out of you. “You’re asking me that now? I was nearly fist-deep in his ass a few hours ago but him sleeping in our bed is crossing some kind of line?”
“Sex can be different,” Yoongi argues, “and it’s me, you know, like it’s my hangup, not yours—”
“I want you to be happy,” you answer honestly. “Whatever that looks like. I told him there’s room for him here if he wants it, but they’re not my knots to untangle. If he wants to stick around, if you two can get your shit together… we’ll figure it out. It only needs to make sense to us.”
Silence. Then—“I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard in my fucking life,” Yoongi groans. “Jesus Christ.”
“I should’ve known hyung was the type to get a boner from open and honest communication.”
Yoongi startles again at the low rasp of Taehyung’s voice. “And that’s exactly why I said I fuck him better than you,” you fire at him, deadpan. He laughs. You don’t have to look at Yoongi to know how red he’s turned.
“You said that to him?” he chokes out, all mortified disbelief, at the same time Taehyung says, “Maybe you’ve got a point, angel.”
The mattress sinks under Taehyung’s weight as he shuffles closer to the two of you. Must touch Yoongi somehow, because there’s a high-pitched whine from the back of his throat, so loud in your ear, has heat coursing through you. “Finish what you started, hyung,” Taehyung says, and Yoongi’s nod is jerky, his hands uncoordinated under Taehyung’s watchful stare.
Yoongi moves over you fully, wastes no time before he’s working his fingers in and out at a steady rhythm, sucking at your skin. Taehyung groans quietly, doesn’t need to be told a goddamn thing; rids you of your shirt so Yoongi can mouth his way from your jaw to your neck, collarbones to chest, one nipple and then the next. Pleasure licks up your spine, outweighs how overwhelming it is to have Yoongi this geared-up, wound this tight; to have Taehyung’s hands roaming over every inch of skin his hyung doesn’t have his mouth on.
“Yoo-Yoongi,” you choke out, because this has really gone from zero to a hundred and he’s been pressing incessantly on your g-spot for too long to remain unaffected.
It’s building, building, building, and you’ve fully lost control of your hips, grinding against the heel of Yoongi’s palm like you’re desperate for it. (You are.) And Taehyung just laughs darkly, says, “Think she’s gonna come, hyung,” just to get under your skin.
“Mm, yeah. Might make a mess.” He slaps at your clit and that’s it, that’s what does it.
And Yoongi knows you, doesn’t he, because he knows how you like to get fucked. Knows to click his tongue at you, give you that disappointed look; knows to wipe your release on your thighs. Knows to barely let you catch your breath before he’s slipping on a condom and pushing inside of you.
After his fingers, the stretch from his cock feels dizzying. Feels on the edge of too much, and Taehyung’s commentary is doing fuck-all to help you come back to earth. Keeps saying shit like goddamn, hyung, yeah, fuck her like that. Maneuvers you so your back is pressed to his chest, now, your head on his shoulder, so Yoongi can slip his tongue into Taehyung’s mouth while he ruins you. It’s filthy, it’s so fucking filthy, and you think, selfishly, that a room won’t be big enough. You’d build Taehyung an entire goddamn house to keep it like this, to keep the three of you safe in this bubble.
“Imagine, hyung,” Taehyung starts, and you know what comes out of his mouth next is going to be nasty. Yoongi knows it, too, eyes starting to go glassy. A million constellations reflected as he looks at the two of you. “If we fucked her at the same time. Both of us in that tight pussy. Our cocks togeth—”
You’re not sure if the deafening moan comes from you or Yoongi. Either way, his hips falter, cadence reduced to stuttered thrusts as he tries desperately not to come just from Taehyung spewing more filth out of his devilish mouth. But you want to see it. Want to see what happens when he’s pushed to the brink of horny delirium, so you say—
“Do it.”
—and Yoongi has to stop altogether. Grips your hips so hard you know they’ll bruise, and you think, for a second, that he actually did come. Everything is quiet for a second, just more labored breathing, and then Yoongi picks his head up. Looks more fucked-out than you’ve ever seen him, even more than earlier, and looks straight at Taehyung.
“Put your fingers in her.”
Taehyung breathes harshly through his nose. Waits for you to nod, give him the okay, and then his hands leave your hair and skim down your body. They’re so warm, so large, cover so much skin that it truly feels like he’s everywhere, like it’s more than just him touching you. The closer he nears to your cunt, the more overpowering it is, the harder it is to breathe.
“Is this what you want, angel?” he asks, words warm on your skin as he presses them just below your ear. “You’re a greedy girl, getting hyung’s cock and my fingers.” He rubs circles into your clit, sends you spiraling. You’re dangerously close to a second orgasm (could be a third, could be a hundredth, considering Yoongi never let you come down from the first) and there’s a split-second right before he dips his fingers into your cunt, works them in alongside Yoongi’s cock, that you feel engulfed.
Everything is on fire.
You, most of all.
Taehyung sucks his fingers into his mouth, gets ‘em wet, works in slowly. Just his middle finger at first, and Yoongi falters again, moans out an oh fuuuck that betrays exactly how far gone he is. And you aren’t far behind, the stretch from both of them unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. You can’t imagine how it’d feel if it was more than just Taehyung’s fingers, except you can, and Taehyung notices when the thought has you clenching, has you a little wetter, because he laughs at you, tells Yoongi like he can’t tell on his own. Like your boyfriend is a little dumb, like he’s never fucked you before, and that does something to both of you.
One finger turns into two. Yoongi’s a fucking mess, absolutely gone of the feel of them inside you, against his cock, can’t stop moaning. The tight fit has Taehyung’s fingers pressed snug against your g-spot, exactly how Yoongi’s had been, and it’s too much. Too much.
“I’m, fuck—I’m gonna—”
When you come it feels like the end of the world. It feels like rapture. It feels like every atom in your body has been rearranged, like the gods themselves are rewarding you specifically with the sound of Yoongi following right behind you, moaning low and ragged, spilling into the condom.
In the comedown, he kisses you—soft, tender, with every iota of love and affection contained in him. “I love you,” he says. Presses another kiss to the corner of your mouth. “You okay?”
“Not sure,” you answer honestly. “Give me three to five business days to decide.”
Yoongi’s smile is shy, almost embarrassed. More gums than anything else. Behind you, the rumble of Taehyung’s laughter against your back, rattling your ribs. Rattling your heart, maybe, lodged safely between them.
It expands, makes more room—the one for Taehyung, that house—and Yoongi’s lips find Taehyung’s next and you know it’ll be okay. These two stupid boys, they’ll figure it out, put a cease fire to their foolish game.
Yeah, something inevitable.
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as always, thank you for reading! my inbox is always open if you’d like to leave feedback. i’d love to hear your thoughts! ❤
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lilacs-and-vanilla · 1 year
@shslsimpette commented on a different Spot post that they want an N$FW alphabet for the Spot 😈
Honestly I was thinking of making one of these because they seem very thorough. Great way to make a guideline for smut writing.
First one I’ve done before, and it was hard to get all of the words for the funky letters like Q and X. But anyways…
(god this took so long…)
N$FW Alphabet for The Spot/Johnathan Ohnn
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All of the writing beyond this point is smutty
A - How good is he at aftercare?
He’s very doting.
“Did that feel good?” “Are you alright?” “Do you need anything?” “Let me get you some water.” “Do you want to rinse off?”
If you decide you want a bath, he will use his portals to (haphazardly) run you one so he doesn’t have to leave your side.
Cuddles and pillows and blankets galore, trying his best to make you comfortable.
B - What’s his favorite body part on you?
He likes looking at your face, studying your features and committing them to memory. Especially your eyes.
It completely stumps the both of you as to how he can perceive things like sight, scent, and sound without normal features like a nose or eyes or ears, but you won’t question it.
He doesn’t mean to stare, he really doesn’t. You can always tell when he is though, because the his face portal swirls in a different kind of way. What an interesting way to read someone.
He just likes your eyes, your freckles, your birthmarks, your scars, the features that set you apart from everyone else and makes you you.
The fact that he’s missing his own face adds to this little obsession. He misses his old body, but that doesn’t mean he can’t love you for yours.
It’s not entirely sexual, but he does like watching the way your face looks when you’re.. ahem. Enjoying yourself.
The way your eyes roll back, or the way your mouth hangs open, the drool and the tears. He loves all of it and he loves that he’s the one making you look that way.
C - Cum. Anything to do with that particular liquid.
He doesn’t excrete normal bodily fluids like saliva or semen. At least not anymore. Anything that comes out of him is dark and oozy.
If he’s overstimulated, all of his holes will start leaking. It can get a bit messy, especially on the sheets. Thank goodness it doesn’t stain fabric or skin…
He gets very embarrassed whenever he starts leaking (or sees it leaking out of you).
D - What’s his dirty secret?
He won’t admit it, but he’s stolen a few pieces of your clothing.
It’s proven that he can eat through the hole on his face and taste and sense spice. So I want to assume that he can also smell.
He likes to hold your clothes or your sheets over the hole in his face while he touches himself, sometimes even slipping some of the fabric in to get a taste.
But there was one time he got a little too carried away and now one of your favorite hoodies that you thought you lost is floating around in dark matter space somewhere.
He’s too ashamed to tell you.
E - Experience. How much does he have?
None. None whatsoever. At least not any hands on experience with partners other than you.
He’s seen enough p0rn (the good stuff, none of that over dramatic acting crap) to know what’s good or not. He knows what to look for, signs your close or if you’re uncomfortable.
In typical scientist fashion, he has his strategies and, in theory, he could easily keep you on the edge for as long as he wants or absolutely wreck you.
He just hasn’t mustered up the courage to put his plans into action though…
F - What’s his favorite position?
Ride him. Ride him. He likes seeing you on top of him.
He’s very vanilla when it comes to this. He doesn’t want you to twist or bend in uncomfortable positions.
But with that power of his, the ability to stick a limb through one hole and make it appear somewhere else? What else could he do…?
G - Goof or aloof? His general attitude.
He’s a goof. A whole nerd. What else would you expect of a scientist?
The only time he’s not is when he’s brooding, focused on revenge, on proving himself.
He wants to prove he’s not just some “Villain of the Week.” He wants to prove to you that he’s all you need.
H - Hair. How much does he have? Is he well groomed?
The poor man misses his hair, so he lives vicariously through yours.
He’s not particularly into hair pulling. He does enjoy this though:
Your head leaned back against a pillow on top of his fist as he grips the back of your head, holding it in place as he… (insert smexy scene that I can’t put into proper words right now).
When you’re both finished he likes to run his fingers through it, play with it, braid it, just touch it in general.
I - Intimacy. How is he in romantic aspect?
He tries to be romantic, and sometimes it works. Other times it comes off cheesy. That just makes you love him more though.
He’s a bit traditional. Flowers, candle light, cute little picturesque date night set ups (away from onlookers, obviously)
Secluded spots around the city like rooftops or museums and restaurants after they close.
And when you tell him it’s goofy shit like this that makes you want to absolutely destroy him in the bedroom, date night is normally cut a little short.
J - Does he jerk off?
He prefers to do it with you, but if he’s alone he’ll make do with his hands.
K - What are his kinks?
Edging. Edge him until all of his holes are leaking black ooze (call me weird, I have a vision). Edge him until he whines and cries and begs to cum.
Degrade him, but in a nice way. He won’t let anyone do it but you. Don’t call him pathetic. Don’t make him feel bad about himself. Make him feel like you’re in control. Like he can let himself go.
L - Location. What’s his favorite place to do it?
He’s down to do it anywhere as long as no one else is around.
And he can really go anywhere. Anywhere in your dimension or any other. Pick a spot, and he’ll take you there.
M - Motivation. What turns him on?
The edges of his holes are sensitive. If you touch the place where spot meets skin, he’ll squirm.
It feels like a tingle to him. A localized one.
Run your fingers along the inside of a hole on his palm and the feeling will shoot up his forearm. Do it on his stomach or his thighs or god forbid between his legs when his cock isn’t in use (he keeps it somewhere), and you’ll work him up real quick.
N - No, absolutely not. What turns him off? Something he won’t do?
He won’t participate in exhibitionism. He wants to be the only one to see you come undone. It’s all because of him after all. He should be the only one to witness it.
O - Oral. How does he feel about it? Giving? Receiving?
Seeing as though he doesn’t have a mouth anymore, he can’t eat you out. But he really, really wishes he could.
He was reluctant to let you put himself in your mouth, seeing as though he wasn’t sure if his strange ooze could be safely digested.
You were confident though, insistent you wanted it.
P - Pace. Fast and rough or slow and gentle?
It depends on how he feels.
If he’s feeling intimate and romantic, laid back, he’ll take things slow.
If he’s trying in that state of mind where he’s trying to prove himself to you, he will give it all he’s got to the point where he wears himself out.
Q - Quickies. How does he feel about them?
If you work him up in public, he will find somewhere in an alley or rooftop to bang one out. To bang you.
R - Does he take risks?
What’s a good villain without a few risks? And he wants to be a good villain. He just doesn’t think that applies to the bedroom.
There was the time he got a bit carried away, and in the middle of a particularly intense love making session, one of his portals opened involuntarily.
You immediately recognized your apartment building’s elevator. The mirrored walls, the carpet, the sliding doors closing behind a neighbor as they were leaving.
He apologized profusely and said he’d close it, but you told him to keep it open and he was too riled up to stop now. He was so close. Maybe just one more minute…
It was a sick, nerve-racking game of elevator roulette.
S - Stamina. How many rounds will he last?
He can last maybe two or three rounds when he’s on top. If you want more, you’ll have to take over, climbing on top of him and pressing him into the bed as you pull more out of him.
T - Toys. Does he use them? On you? On himself?
He’s a big fan of vibes. Whether it’s something that goes inside either you or him or something that slides around his cock.
Anything that gives off that extra little buzzy feeling.
He doesn’t like fleshlights. He’d rather be inside you.
U - “Unfair!” How does he feel about teasing? Giving? Receiving?
He’s absolute shit at dishing it out. He gets too flustered to tease you, even when he’s on top.
He’s also the “don’t bully me, I’ll cum” type. Tease him, degrade him (but be kind), call him your little cum puppy (Dalmatian comment reference?) and he will pass away.
V - How vocal is he? What sounds does he make?
Johnathan has a tendency to ramble during love making. One moment he’s drilling you or getting drilled by you, and the next he’s telling you fun facts about whatever comes to mind.
He doesn’t do it on purpose. His brain simply short circuits at some point. He goes with what he knows.
(Why don’t you turn it into a game? See how many facts he can name about a specific subject before he cums…)
In general, he’s very whiny. That coupled with all of the begging creates a perfect symphony.
Exhibit A: “Ohh fuck! Ah, youfeelsssoosogood.. please, (Y/N) please. m’ so close, please. don’t stop dontstopp aaahhn~”
W - Wild card. A miscellaneous headcanon.
As a part of the monster fucker fandom, of course anything that doesn’t have a standard cock has a tentacle one.
Anyways. Portal cock…
Enough said.
X - X Marks the Spot (kms for this joke). His favorite place to be touched.
Anywhere! He just wants you to touch him.
So many people think he’s scary or creepy. When you touch him, all of that goes away.
Y - Yearning. How high is his sex drive?
He’s not insane about it to the point where he constantly craves sex but when he gets in the mood he can be very needy.
Z - ZZZ… how long does it take to fall asleep after the deed is done?
If he’s been thoroughly fucked beyond his limit, he will pass out almost immediately after (after cuddling up beside you and making sure you’re comfortable)
Feel free to ask for different characters to write these for! (but maybe limit it to 4 or 5 letters…)
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 1 year
love me tender...or maybe not - moment of faith
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pairing: cupid bf!wonwoo x human fem!reader
genre: fluff, smut. minors dni.
warnings: soft dom!wonwoo, sub!reader, unprotected sex (stay safe), hair pulling, oral sex (f rec), making out, mild nipple play, teasing and playful banter, use of petnames (angel, sweetheart, love, baby), body worship, a few happy tears
word count: ~2.2k
summary: the cupid learned his lessons. now he’s about to take the real next step with you.
Author’s note: Here it is, the grand finale of the mini series! Thank you to everyone who voted in the wip poll and followed/supported this series up until now *throws hearts around the dash*
series taglist: @enhacolor​ @misssugarlips​ @flowerwonu​ @duhnova​ @heartkyeom​ @junkissed​ @himbocoups​ @wonwussy​ @idyllic-ghost​​ 
nsfw taglist: @rosecult​ @bibinnieposts​ @ovai​ @littlemisssarcastic21​ @tinkerbell460​ @jonghyuns-husband​ @romromthedeer​ @y00nzin0​ @llsiriusminorisll​ @booyouwhore17​​ 
© multi-kpop-fanfics, 2023. No reposting allowed. No translations without permission allowed.
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“Mmmh, it was so fun tonight,” you mumble tiredly, “I almost didn’t want to leave.”
“Yeah, I could see that from the way you were complaining about your feet, love.” Wonwoo chuckles as he slides his coat off his shoulders.
“Just because my heels were uncomfortable doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun!” You whine in defeat as you fail to take off your shoes.
“I know, sweetheart,” the cupid agrees, “Just wanted to tease you, that’s all.” 
"Since when did you get so cheeky?" You playfully narrow your eyes towards your boyfriend.
"Ever since you unlocked the confident Wonwoo in me." he caresses your cheek and lifts you in his arms without a warning.
"Hey!" You yelp when you're in mid air and erupt into a fit of giggles until he carries you all the way to the bedroom. 
You enter the bedroom and he gently puts you down on the mattress, kneeling in front of you shortly after. You wordlessly watch him unbuckle the straps of your heels and slide them off your feet, pressing a gentle kiss on your knee before standing up.
“I have to say though,” you say while unzipping and removing your skirt, “You were right about the guys, they are quite fun and adorable.”
“Adorable, you say, huh.” Wonwoo scoffs lightly as he folds his button-down shirt and pants, sliding on a pair of sweats.
“Don’t get me wrong, baby,” you quickly defend yourself, “It’s purely in a friendly way, you’re obviously the most adorable angel in the universe.”
“I never doubted you, love,” he walks over and presses a kiss on your forehead, “Now hurry up, you should take off your makeup soon, I’ll handle your clothes.”
“Yes sir.” You joke and take your pajamas with you, heading to the bathroom to take off your makeup and do your skincare.
A few moments later, the both of you are tucked under the sheets on your shared bed, cuddling to your hearts’ content.
But not for long, since someone else has other ideas.
“Are you still tired, love?”
“Hmm, depends on what you have in mind.”
“I can think of a few things,” Wonwoo grins, “Want me to tell you?”
“You’re so horny, Woo.”
“I’m not really sorry, to be honest.”
“Don’t be,” you chuckle, “Besides, I’m really curious to know what you have in mind….Wanna show me?”
Wonwoo’s grin grows even wider and he immediately pounces on you, smothering you with kisses and sneaky touches under your pajama shirt. You nod affirmatively and he unbuttons your shirt with his deft fingers, hissing when he notices your lack of bra.
“You’re an imp.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
He taps your collarbone and you lift your upper body to completely take off your pajama shirt, allowing him to press kisses on both of your nipples, dragging his teeth over the taut buds.
“I want to be on top this time.” Wonwoo boldly requests and your eyes shoot up in surprise. It’s the first time he has ever asked you such a thing, but you definitely do not mind it at all.
"Y-You do?"
"If I didn't, I wouldn't be saying it now," he touches the tip of his nose on yours, dragging it over your left cheek, "I've been thinking about it for quite a long time now."
"And what were you picturing in that pretty head of yours?"
"Having you underneath me, all sweaty and pliant, your body and voice singing for my sake."
“Oh? Is my pretty little angel getting brave and bold?” you grin at him. 
“Your pretty little angel isn’t as little as you think he is,” he grins back and he pushes you flat on the mattress, his body frame making you feel small compared to him. His crimson red wings shift on his broad back and circle around you, the soft tips caressing your skin. Goosebumps erupt all over your flesh and a shiver runs down your spine, straight to your core.
Wonwoo leans down to scatter kisses over the column of your neck, his lips moving on your skin with the same tenderness he kissed you the first time - until he reaches your mouth.
Once his lips are on yours, his tongue is sliding in your mouth and chases yours, until he's pulling it in an almost crazed kiss, coaxing moan after moan from you.
Seeing Wonwoo taking the upper hand so easily and willingly makes your heart swell with pride and love - he's nothing like the shy, inexperienced cutie he was when you first settled in. But he's definitely the same loving angel who'll give you everything you'll wish for.
"You're awfully distracted now, angel," Wonwoo puts his hand on your jaw and tilts it upwards, "You were so cocky just a few seconds ago."
"Fuck," you breathe, "I've created a monster, haven't I?"
"A monster? I feel insulted," Wonwoo tuts disapprovingly, "If anything, I'm the product of your actions."
"Sounds like you're trying to villainize me, Nonu," you wrap your arms around his neck, "You were 100% on board with everything, don't back out on this."
Wonwoo grins and lifts your legs, sliding your pajama pants and panties off. He carelessly throws them somewhere in the room and parts your legs wide open, licking his lips when his eyes fixate on your soaked pussy and glistening clit.
"Take a picture, it will last longer," you giggle, but it's cut short when Wonwoo throws your legs over his shoulders and dips his head down to kiss your tummy.
"Your body is forever engraved into my mind, love - no need for pictures." He pecks your inner thighs before running his tongue over your hip bones. You shiver at the contact of his wet muscle on your heated skin and your hands skim over his nape, slowly ascending into the roots of his lavender colored hair.
“Pull them as hard as you want, love.”
“You didn’t have to tell me, Nonu.” You don’t hesitate to pull his hair once you feel his tongue slip past your entrance and eagerly lick around your walls, his hands massaging your inner thighs.
The tight grip on his hair seems to work wonders on your boyfriend, because Wonwoo isn’t hesitant to moan right on your pussy as he drags his tongue in and out of your hole.
“Can you spread your legs for me, love?”
You nod with a hum and do as he says, parting your legs wide enough to give him space. Wonwoo gets up and slides his sweats off along with his boxers, his erect cock slapping against his abs. You giggle when you notice the small precum stain on his skin, but he’s cutting you off by tapping his cock on your pussy.
“Ah, don’t tease!”
“Hmm, and why not?” He raises his eyebrow.
“Because I need you to fuck me raw and full of your cum.”
“Say please, then.”
“Nonu please, just stick it in!”
“Good girl.”
He positions his tip in your entrance and with one swift thrust, he bottoms out in your pussy and moans at the sudden warmth engulfing his shaft.
“Such a perfect fucking pussy, God.”
He laces his fingers with yours, keeping your hands beside your head, all while he's desperately thrusting his cock in you. Soft moans and strained groans escape his mouth, licking and sucking the spot in the crook of your neck.
"Mmm, that's it, love," Wonwoo breathes against your neck, "You sound so fucking good when you moan like this."
He drives his hips a bit faster, face scrunched up in pleasure and wings rustling around your tangled bodies. His cock twitches in your pussy, signaling his impending orgasm - but he wants to hold it, until he watches you come undone underneath him.
"Yeah, baby?"
"My p-pussy- It feels like it's on fire, fuck," you sob and detangle your hands from his, digging your nails into his back, “I won’t last long.”
“That’s fine by m-me, darling,” Wonwoo stutters and juts his hips erratically, “I would love to see you unravel because of me.”
His words are enough to send you into a spiral and you let out a loud moan when you feel your orgasm wash over your body - your back arches off the mattress and your chest touches your boyfriend’s, nails leaving crescent dents on his soft skin.
He finds the chance to throw your legs over his broad shoulders and fold your body in half, trapping your hands beside your head again as he fucks his cock even harder.
"B-Baby, it's t-too much!" You cry out, hot tears running down your cheeks from overstimulation.
"Fuck, I know, sweetheart, I'm sorry," Wonwoo almost chokes back a sob, "J-Just a little more, I promise." 
His hips and thighs burn from the effort he puts into his thrusts, his eyes sting from the protruding tears but all he can focus on is your pussy trying to milk him dry for all he has.
He's barely able to keep himself up when he cums inside you, his cock spurting rope after rope of cum in your pussy. Tears of pleasure run down his face when he gently puts your thighs down, hands still laced with yours. His forehead touches yours and you're both letting out breathless laughs, accompanied by a short peck on each other's lips.
“I think we should do this more often.” Wonwoo grins triumphantly.
“Baby, we fuck almost every day at this point.” You laugh.
“I meant me being on top, sweetheart.”
“What? You didn’t like it?” 
“What are you talking about? I’ve been waiting for this to happen for so long!” You admit but you get an instant reality check and slap your hand over your mouth, making your boyfriend laugh out loud.
“There’s no need to be embarrassed about it, love” Wonwoo gently peels off your hand, “Besides, you’re the one who taught me that.”
“I- Fair enough,” you agree, “Now if you excuse me, I need to use the bathroom as soon as possible before it’s too late.”
“Oh, of course, sorry.” Wonwoo carefully slips out of you and rolls over on the bed, watching you stumble your way to the bathroom with an amused smile.
Once he makes sure you’ve closed the door behind you, he immediately goes through your nightstand and takes out a small, red velvet box and hides it under your pillow, making himself comfortable on the bed again, mere seconds before your return.
“That was fast.” He comments when you hurriedly lay on the bed and pull the covers over your naked body.
“It was cold and I’m naked - OW!” You bump your head on the pillow, “What the fuck, what’s- oh.”
You lift the pillow and notice the small jewelry box, your blood running cold at the sight. You sit up on the bed and look at your boyfriend with a dumbfounded expression.
“What….is this?” You point at the box.
“That….is a jewelry box.” Wonwoo smiles back at you.
“Is this some post nut clarity moment or what?” You laugh nervously.
“Open the box and you’ll see whether it's a joke or not.”
You hesitantly open your box and cover your mouth in surprise when your eyes scan the striking silver ring, a small diamond resting on top of it and a pair of angel wings on each side of the diamond.
“Wonwoo, are you fucking serious?”
The cupid doesn’t answer but merely straightens his back and looks at you with a more serious look on his face.
“Oh my God, you’re actually serious.” Your voice comes out as a sob.
“Y/N, listen to me,” Wonwoo scoots closer to you, “I know it seems sudden to you, but I am certain about my feelings, let alone wanting to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“I…” You trail off, eyes growing steamy and hands starting to shake.
“If you’re not sure about this, it’s okay-”
“Are you fucking dumb? Of course I want to spend my life with you!” You wipe your eyes, “And fuck, this is so pretty - Where and most importantly, when did you get this?!”
“I got it this morning and hid it right there,” he points to the drawer of the nightstand, “It was risky, but totally worth it.”
“So that’s why you were acting all weird this morning when you came back!” 
“I’m sorry, love, but it was essential for my plan to succeed,” Wonwoo takes the ring from the box and holds your right hand tenderly, “Now, if you excuse me.” He slides it on your ring finger and admires your hand, lacing his fingers with yours.
“It’s so pretty, Wonu.”
“I think it’s even prettier on you, sweetheart.”
You lay down with your boyfriend by your side holding you close to his chest.
“Hey, Nonu?”
“Yes, dear?”
“Do cupids usually get married?”
“Honestly? No, they don’t.”
“Then what about us?”
Wonwoo turns his face towards yours with a playful smile.
“We’ll just have to find out for ourselves.”
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Be Your Alibi
This was supposed to be a small thing, it ended up not being small. My bad. Btw, the narrative is all over the place sorry about that. Couldn’t stick to one person this time around. Special shout out to @mentallyundone for all help with parts of this means a lot!! 🩷 (this definitely should’ve been like a three parter, also no read more because the app doesn’t have it and it deletes my stuff when I do use it)
The whole group is in the hospital, half of them needing to be looked at and the other half not quite threatening anyone but definitely trigger ready. It’s not long until the police come in, immediately handcuffing Eddie to his bed and having someone stand there to stop anyone from entering. Nancy manages to convince Dustin that he’ll be fine, they’ll figure out how to get the handcuffs off and keep him out of jail, but for now the handcuffs and police officer stays.
“What else could we tell them to let him go?” Dustin demands. It’s been officially two weeks since they defeated Vecna/Henry/One and Hawkins is slowly putting things back together. The Party is all together again and the actual adults are back with a very alive Hopper. The only ones not with them is Max, who’s still in an induced coma, Lucas is with her and Eddie, he’s still in the hospital with a hand in handcuffs but overall recovering and most likely annoying the hospital staff (and the police guard).
“Powell told me that unless he has a solid alibi that isn’t a kid, there’s nothing until Owens releases the cover story” Hopper explains, a glare directed at Dustin who had his mouth open again, “no, your little club doesn’t work either. Half of it is kids under eighteen.”
Dustin huffs and crosses his arms, “well! What else could work?”
Standing next to him is Steve, who bites his lip as he thinks to himself. It’s not the plan, it could end up horribly for him and Eddie, but they do have enough information on each other and all their past dates to be a very reliable alibi. He’s also not a child, turning twenty very soon actually and Wayne could back him up. It could, technically work.
Looking around at the lost and frustrated faces, it makes up his mind. He pushes himself off the wall and clears his throat, getting the attention on him. “I can be his alibi”
It’s uncomfortably silent now, he feels his skin crawl as everyone in the room stares at him. Nearly all of them look doubtful, Dustin’s snorting like it’s a joke, “oh yeah? And what were you doing? You don’t even like Eddie”
Steve blinks at him and holds back a laugh, because him not liking Eddie? Not possible. If anything, he likes Eddie too much. Way too much actually. Wayne told him once that he and Eddie can be insufferable actually. Not that anyone in this room knows that.
“I can be his alibi,” he repeats louder, ignoring Dustin completely and staring straight at Hopper, “He had hellfire and I went to the basketball game, but he came home with me. We had pizza from DomiNick’s, I have leftovers and we watched Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. We didn’t finish it, got too caught up into each other.” He glances away, face flushed as he thinks of their last date night, “We took a shower then crashed in my room”
No one says anything, all just staring at him and he’s even more uncomfortable. If Eddie was next to him, he’d make some sort of joke to get the attention off him. But he’s not here and Steve just wants someone, anyone to say that the alibi will work.
“Are you, are you really suggesting that you and Eddie were hanging out?”
He shakes his head, “We weren’t just hanging out, we were on a date. If you want more, proof or someone to back me up, we can ask Wayne. Eddie’s uncle, he’ll back me up”
Hopper shakes his head, rubbing a hand down his face before looking back at him. “Harrington, you do understand what you’re saying, correct? You’re willing to say you’re dating another guy.”
“You don’t even know if Eddie will be willing to do that!” Dustin nearly shouts out, “you think someone will believe that? The story has a lot of details and you’re saying that you like men, but there’s no way anyone would believe that!”
Steve crosses his arms, determined and annoyed that they don’t know how much thought he’s actually put into this. How he knows Eddie will eventually agree and repeat the story with even more details, like how they decided making out on the couch was more fun than watching Luke Skywalker try to get Darth Vader away from the dark side or that they ended up in the shower together before falling asleep in bed wrapped around each other. “I know what I’m saying Hop. I’m completely fine with admitting it now, and Eddie will be fine with it”
Hopper nods and grabs his shoulder to pull himself up, “come on then, let’s go now while you have that story fresh. We’ll talk it over with Munson, you sure about his uncle?”
“yeah Wayne will be fine with it” he nods and looks back at his friends, all of them staring at him with varying looks of disbelief and confusion, no disgust or anger. Well, Mike looks annoyed and maybe there might be disgust. Honestly, that just might be Mike’s default for Steve. Hopefully there isn’t disgust or anger later on when it comes to light how true his ‘story’ is. He doesn’t think that matters right now though, “Eddie won’t need us to get the story straight- um, that really did happen. Just not that day” He finally admits once he and Hopper are outside and getting into his car.
Hopper’s in the passenger seat, he still looks exhausted over what had happened. The man didn’t even bother with demanding he drove, “The hell you mean?”
He grips the wheel, pulls out of the driveway and takes a deep breath before admitting, “I’m actually dating Eddie. We’ve been together before Starcourt was burned down, he kept bugging me at Scoops. Didn’t think anything of it until his friend Jeff explained to me that Eddie was actually flirting with me, told me to either tell Eddie I don’t like guys or to give him a chance.” He glanced over out of the corner of his eye to see Hopper rubbing a hand up and down his face, “That was nearly nine months ago, I’m practically living with him and his uncle”
The drive is even more silent after, Hopper’s mumbling something and Steve can’t hear him. But he’s at least not cursing him for dating another guy, so it’s not all terrible. They make it to the hospital in no time, parking close enough to the front for Hopper. Steve spotted Wayne’s truck while parking, thankfully they wouldn’t have to make multiple stops.
“So, you, uh you’re gay then?” Hopper’s gruff voice cuts into Steve’s thoughts, “That’s what you’re saying?”
He shakes his head, not answering him yet. Flashing a smile at the receptionist “Here to see Munson, please”
It’s only once they’re in the elevator and alone that he answers, “I’m not gay- I still like girls. I just, just like Eddie too. I think he called it bisexual?” Shaking his head he looked back at Hopper, “doesn’t matter right now. Wayne knows, it’s hard to keep things from him, he probably already knows all of what really happened, Eddie doesn’t keep many secrets from him”
He shakes his head and smiles, thinking it’ll be nice to have another actual adult around that knows what hell they’ve been through. Hopper doesn’t bother saying anything else and Steve’s a little thankful for it. This was a lot even if he offered it, once he’s outside of Eddie’s room he ignores the police officer in favor of just opening the door (also ignoring the “hey!” From said officer) and walking inside with Hopper following him.
He doesn’t bother hiding how hearing Eddie’s voice makes the tension go away, he’s smiling and there’s Eddie sitting up in bed with his yellow sweater pulled over the hospital gown, a notebook sitting in his lap. Wayne’s sitting down in the chair next to him.
“Hey Eds” he moves closer and sits next to him on the bed, “Got some bad news and uh, good news I guess?”
Eddie squints his eyes at him before glancing at Hopper, his body goes a little stiff and Steve notices Wayne sit up straighter in his chair. “bad news?”
Steve reaches for his free hand and squeezes, “You’re stuck with handcuffs still since the police want a solid alibi. Since the cover story still isn’t out yet”
Eddie closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, trying not to get too upset. “And the good news? Is it good or just, not bad?”
“Well, it’s news?” Steve doesn’t know how exactly to describe the fact that he’s willing to out himself and Eddie and their whole relationship, it’s a lot, something he didn’t think they would need to do at all. At least not of people not in their inner circle, “I…offered to be your alibi. That we were together when everything happened, pizza with Star Wars. My house, and uh,” he glances up at Wayne, “Also said Wayne could also back us. That he knows about us”
The room isn’t quiet, the beeping from the medical equipment is still going and there’s the bit of noise from outside but everyone in the room is quiet. Eddie’s eyes are wide and Wayne looks concerned, and Steve is gripping Eddie’s hand like a lifeline still. Hopper has moved enough to lean against the sink and he hasn’t spoken yet, he doesn’t have a reaction.
“Stevie, you- are you sure?”
He nods and moves to sit on the bed, facing Eddie, “Yeah, Eds. I’m not, like excited but there’s nothing else anyone could come up with. They don’t want to take the kids words and everyone else in town believes Hellfire is a cult. We know each other, been together so often and Wayne has seen us, the boys too. We have a number of dates behind us that we wouldn’t need to study a fake story”
“But, baby- I can’t ask you to put yourself out there like that, I don’t want you to-“
Steve shakes his head and ignores the eyes on him and Eddie as he leans forward to rest his forehead against Eddie’s, “You don’t have to, I’m offering. I love you, honey. I don’t want you in jail, you’re innocent. I’ve thought about it, they’ll figure out why we didn’t come forward. Or we explain how dangerous it is for us, either way, I’m doing this for you”
Eddie’s eyes are watery, he nods and slumps against Steve.
It doesn’t surprise Wayne to see the boys like this or to hear those words of love either. He’s been hearing it for the last few months now, even before the official three words were said from his boys. Eddie is and always will be a sap and Wayne has found out that Steve is right there with him. He doesn’t make it obvious that he’s still on edge with the idea of them outing themselves to get the police off their backs. For now he looks over at Hopper, raising an eyebrow, “Ain’t you supposed be dead?”
Hopper shakes his head, rubbing a hand down the back of his head, “Didn’t stick. Harrington wasn’t lying?”
“He wasn’t, these two are lovesick fools. That should be enough right?” Wayne glances at the boys and finds Steve rocking Eddie slightly, he can barely catch him telling his nephew about what he missed, “need a straight answer, will this work?”
“Christ, it should. Powell’s good, reasonable. The whole- thing should work” He looks a little off center as he looks at the two on the bed before looking back at Wayne, “He said your nephew doesn’t keep secrets from you, what’d he say?”
Wayne crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair, “Apparently he’s been to hell and that Steve’s been dealin’ with it with y’all since eighty three. Things make a whole lot more sense now”
“Yeah, that sums it up” Hopper nods along before sighing, “I don’t want to say it because the last time, I ended up locked away in an Russian prison. But, this could be it. Hopefully we’re done”
The plan is simple, bring physical proof and statements and Wayne to the police station. Steve’s got pictures, the boys statements along with Wayne and a determination to get his boyfriend out of handcuffs. Nothing was gonna stop him, even if Dustin still didn’t believe it would work.
Powell looks permanently tired and unamused, “Sit down, Mr. Harrington and Mr. Munson. What can I do for you?”
Steve sat up straight and placed his box on the desk, “I’m here to tell you, Eddie’s innocent and he wasn’t with Chrissy when she died, he was with me”
“Why was she at his trailer then?”
Steve made sure to keep his face natural, and not annoyed so quickly. “I’m not sure about that, maybe she broke in and thought he was there? We’ll never know but what I can tell you, Eddie was at my house with me when she died. We had pizza from DomiNick’s and watched a movie, then crashed in my bed.”
It’s quiet then, Steve and Wayne both on high alert waiting for Powell’s response. This is where it’ll be either a death sentence for both Eddie and Steve or a realization that there’s at least one more person in this small minded town that isn’t close-minded.
Powell sighs and runs a head down his head and just looks at Steve, then slumps just a bit, “Look, if you’re saying what I think you’re saying. I’m not going to do anything to you for even implying it for your friend. I don’t think you’ll want that to be your official statement to the public, correct?”
“Well, I mean, no. But Eddie really is innocent, there’s no way he did any of it.” Steve answers back and slumps in his seat, “Could- is there any way it doesn’t have to be released officially? Like- like-“ he’s grasping at straws trying to figure out something, anything to say.
“Look, kid. I’ll take your statement and visit Munson to see if it matches-“
“it will!”
He sighs, “I’m sure it will. Since the town decided to do a witch-hunt against him while I’m chief of police, and I don’t want another one happening. I’ll get take the cuffs off and start paper work to get him under a house arrest instead, then i’ll help you figure out a different way to stop a mob”
Wayne eyed him, crossing his arms, “you’re willing to help now?”
“Truthfully, I didn’t think your nephew did any of this. I only caught him selling once but besides that? His hands are technically clean. I saw what happened to all those victims, I don’t see how he would’ve done any of that by himself.” Powell explained and leaned forward looking between the two, “So, we’ll have your statement, take Mr. Munson’s and seal it. The town won’t hear the real one, I’ll give them something else entirely”
Steve nodded while his brain raced with thoughts. “So, you’re uh, okay with what I was saying?” He needs to know if his and Eddie’s secret is safe. Needs it said aloud and not just implied, before he can feel even remotely okay with what might be happening, it needs to be said.
“Harrington, I’m not sure what exactly you want from me right now. Just know that what you’re telling me will be between us and will stay sealed once this is all over, as long as I don’t catch either you or Munson doing anything illegal, all is fine with me.” Powell explained and pulled out a drawer, “Now, we’ll start that paperwork and then I’ll visit the hospital later, I assume both of you will be there?”
Paperwork doesn’t take long and before Steve can really process what just happened, he’s back instead the comfort of Wayne’s truck and they’re driving back to the hospital. It’s been two days since he told his friends and coming up with this fake alibi at least until Owens and the government comes in with their own cover-up. He’s hoping that happens before any official statement comes out from Powell.
The excitement of Eddie being released under house arrest is dimmed just a little by them getting ambushed by their friends.
Steve is too busy being an overbearing boyfriend and watching Eddie’s every move as they walk into his house to notice the group in the living room. Eddie’s too busy whining about being fine, “Stevie, I’m fine. The doctors said to just take it easy. You don’t have to be this paranoid, just- gimme your hand” he quickly grabs Steve’s hand and stopped them from moving, “All I need right now is this, okay? Well, maybe a bed and you as my pillow-“
Both of them don’t jump necessarily, they do flinch and Steve pulls Eddie closer to himself. That’s when they notice Dustin and the rest of them, Dustin’s the one they focus on since he’s the one who spoke up. He looks more annoyed than anything, there’s not a hint of anger or disgust.
The rest of the group looks curious, Steve can see Robin’s face and she looks happy and pissed off. He knows it’s because they’re soulmates and he never told her about his boyfriend. The other one that stands out to him is, Will. He’s wide eyed and look’s grateful for some reason.
Steve sighs and says, “Look, maybe we can talk about our relationship another day? Eddie just got out of the hospital and I just outed our relationship just to save him from being thrown in jail.” He doesn’t tell them that he’d also just like to be in bed with Eddie and know that he’s alive and safe with him.
There’s grumbles from most of the group, everyone walking out and the only ones left with them is Robin and Dustin. They’re not surprised, especially Steve. These two are stubborn. “We’ll leave after you explain why you never told us about you, thought we were best friends?”
“You are my best friends,” Steve starts off and flicks his gaze between both of them, before settling his eyes on just Robin, “We meant to, even when the relationship was still new and before the Russians appeared. But then the upside down was back and then school was back.”
“Eventually we just sorta, gave up trying to figure out a good time” Eddie took over, squeezing his hand before looking at the other two, “we still had plans to tell you. My friends, they’ve known since the beginning and Stevie wasn’t out to either of you so- plans happened but so did life”
Robin and Dustin are quiet and Steve doesn’t know what to do with that, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, really.”
“Dingus- you don’t have to say sorry” Robin says then pulls both of them in a hug, “I’m sorry for making you feel like you had to say that. I’m happy for you, really! Maybe a little annoyed you managed to get a boyfriend before I got girlfriend” she whispers the last part in his ear and he laughs and squeezes her, “I do want all the details of how you became a couple!”
She smacks a kiss to both of their cheeks before walking out and then it’s just them and Dustin.
“I’m- still so confused, but I guess I get it. I’m sorry for exploding on you, Steve.” Dustin admits, shaking his head, “Just, why would you hide even a friendship between the two of you from me? I’ve been trying to get you two to meet and you’ve known each other the whole time?”
Steve sighed and moved away from Eddie to pat Dustin’s shoulder before pulling his cap down, “Look, Eddie and I’ve known each other for years. We did go to school together- yes we didn’t run in the same circle- and it took me getting a lame job-“
“And a hot sailor outfit!”
He rolled his eyes and Dustin pulled a face, mumbling out “ew” before looking back at Steve, “anyway, it took a lot for us to even get together and then after, I just- I just wanted something for myself for a bit but his friends already knew then his uncle, so we did planned to tell you guys especially after you joined hellfire. But you have to know how scary it is for us”
It takes Dustin a second for it to process, because that’s one thing Steve knows about him. He’s a genius but sometimes things just don’t process the same way. Especially things like this.
Dustin nods, “yeah, yeah I’m sorry for getting upset again. So you were going to tell us- tell me?”
“Of course, dude. You’re our annoying little brother, would’ve told you guys. We did have a plan, the upside down ruined it” Steve grins and moved back to Eddie.
Eddie grins too but doesn’t move closer, instead he wraps his arms around Steve to lean his weight slightly against him, “now scram, I wanna cuddle my boyfriend.” That gets his desired reaction, Dustin scrunches his nose In annoyance and walks rolls his eyes before walking out the door. Leaving the couple alone officially.
Instead of moving, Steve turns Eddie around so they’re facing each other and leans his forehead against Eddie’s. Eyes closed, arms wrapped around each other. Only a simple kiss is enough for them right now, just enjoying being each others arms is enough. They’ll eventually go to Steve’s bedroom, undress to their boxers and climb into bed. Steve on his back and Eddie not necessarily curled into his side, since his bites are still healing and hurts, but still he gets his wish for his boyfriend-shaped pillow.
Tomorrow they’ll officially tell their friends about their relationship and explain what happened with Powell. For now, they’re just happy to sleep in the same bed with each other and not have to worry about the upside down or monsters. All that matters is them.
Wellllllllll, I didn’t mean for this to get this long. Like, I was just wanting the alibi thing but with an actual secret relationship 🫣 I went a little outta hand and honestly I probably could’ve wrote out them telling their relationship to everyone but decided nah. Maybe I’ll write that out another time. Tagging those who made comments on my original post & those I talked to about this!
@i-less-than-three-you @artiststarme @stevesoli @grandwretch @val-from-lawrence @mentalcyborg @boop-ba-doop @lwhoscribbles @itsfreakingbats @annoyinglyfanon @counting-dollars-counting-stars @moonshadows-13
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queen-of-the-avengers · 5 months
Practice Makes Perfect
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~700
Warnings: fluff
Summary: You're working on a movie alongside your celebrity crush, Elizabeth Olsen. Can you overcome your nerves enough to get through it?
Squares Filled: wanda maximoff for @badbitchesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Action movies are your specialty. Action movies are what make you comfortable. You like doing your own stunts, getting makeup done to look bloody, and getting your adrenaline going because of how extreme they want you to act. It’s what you’ve always known since all the movies you’ve been in have been action films.
Not this time.
Your agent got you a role in a modern romance film since she thought you’d be perfect for it. You are but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to act in one. All the action films had a bit of romance to it but nothing like what they‘re asking you to do now. You only accepted because the director is a really good friend of yours and you couldn't turn her down.
Not only are you nervous about being in a romance movie, but you’re even more nervous that you’re acting beside the legendary Wanda Maximoff. Elizabeth Olsen has been your celebrity crush for years and you’re not sure how you’ll be able to film a romance movie with her without freaking out.
Actually, she’s more than just a celebrity crush you have. You’ve met her a few times over the years and she is the sweetest person you’ve ever met. She is shy and reserved but she is down to Earth and genuinely cares about people. She is a good person and that’s hard to find nowadays with celebrities.
You pace back and forth in your trailer with the script in hand for the few scenes you’re going to be acting out later. The director feels like it helps to get all the awkward and uncomfortable scenes out of the way so you don’t have to feel it later on, so the script is nothing but kissing scenes here and touching scenes there.
God, why did you think you can be able to do this? If your costar was anyone else, you wouldn’t have a problem with it. It’s only because it’s her that you do. What if she doesn't like the way you kiss? What if she doesn’t want to kiss you? What if she becomes repulsed by kissing you that she doesn’t want to do the rest of the movie?
Making her feel uncomfortable is the last thing you ever want to do, and you don’t want to ruin what you two have if there is anything there to ruin.
Someone knocks on your trailer door, interrupting your thoughts.
“Who is it?” you ask.
“Lizzie. Can I come in?”
You practically throw the script somewhere in your trailer so it doesn’t look like you’ve been obsessing over it. You lean against the counter in an attempt to look nonchalant.
“Yeah, sure. “ The door opens and Lizzie walks in with a smile on her face. “What’s up?”
“I wanted to talk to you before we head down to set for the day.”
“Oh? What about?”
She looks around the room and sees the script half on the couch and half hanging over it.
“About that. I’m guessing you read most of it if not all?”
“Yeah, I did,” you nod, your resolve fading fast.
“Anything I can do to make it better? I figure we should talk about it so it doesn’t become awkward when we’re actually doing it.”
“I gotta know, are you in a relationship? I know actors who have these scenes are, but I have to know.”
“No, I’m not,” she smiles and walks closer to you. “Are you?”
“Good. We got that out of the way.”
“Yeah.” Your breathing picks up the more she comes closer to you. “So, what are we going to do about it?”
“Well, you know the saying, ‘practice makes perfect’?”
“I think that applies here, don’t you think? You don’t want either of us messing up and having to redo the scene dozens of times to get it right, right?”
Now that you think about it, it might not be a bad idea until you think of everyone watching you mess up.
“Right,” you whisper.
“Then come here.”
She pulls you in by your belt loops and kisses you softly at first to test the waters. Only when you cup her jaw with both hands does she kiss you a bit harder. Butterflies explode in your stomach from the contact because this is everything you thought it was going to be and more. 
You two don’t need practice because this comes naturally to both of you.
“You give me butterflies,” you whisper against her lips.
“Same here,” she grins.
And that is how you started dating your wife, Elizabeth Chase Olsen.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
continuation of my outsider pov fic i wrote a million years ago. maybe someone will enjoy! cw: medical drama
When Sophie comes back to the waiting room, Daniel is still sleeping. He’s not wearing the Red Bull Racing t-shirt anymore, her son’s she’s since realized, and has instead replaced it with a non-descript grey jumper. Only the oversized sweatpants have stayed, his top long enough to cover the tiny 33 stitched into the pocket.
Arms folded tightly over his chest, there’s a frown creasing his brow that gives away the tension that must be holding his body tight, even as he sleeps. The strange white-blue light from the vending machine opposite bathes his face, making him look more tired than he did earlier in the soft orange glow of Max’s kitchen. Their kitchen.  
It adds to the guilt twisting itself up into knots inside her stomach, the thought of waking him up, but he’s twitching, uncomfortable, and she wants somebody to talk to.
It’s late. Victoria is on a plane.
“Daniel,” she says, touching his shoulder as gently as she can. It’s enough to have him jerking awake anyway, eyes darting around the room before landing on her face. There’s a moment, a flicker of confusion, then-
“Max?” He asks, his voice cracked down the middle with sleep-tinged terror, and- “is he-”
“There is no change Daniel,” Sophie assures him quickly, “we are still waiting for him to wake up.” Then, because he’ll want to know, “the doctor has been though.”
His expression clouds, the sky before a thunderstorm.
“You should have woken me up,” is all he says, but she can hear the words he doesn’t speak.
I deserve to be involved.
Gone is the man who just hours earlier stayed home in Max’s clothes. Since being in the hospital it’s been all vicious demands for information, for medicines, for miracles. As though proximity and looking through the window into the hospital room they aren’t allowed to enter yet reminded him of his rightful place in Max’s life.
That, or fear.
“I- I thought you would like to sleep,” She tries, but it’s only a half-truth. Max is her baby, and she is not used to sharing him with anybody but his father, who has already flown home to his new wife, his two new babies.
She expects more of a fight, but Daniel eventually just nods, shoves his thumbnail into his mouth and starts to chew at it’s edges.
“Right, yeah, of course- Sorry,” he mumbles around it, eyes glancing between the door, the clock and the floor.
Standing over him, for a moment she feels lost. Uncertain of what to do, what to say.
“I brought you some food though,” she settles on, remembering what made her wander away from the room in the first place. She takes the two prepackaged sandwiched out from under her arm where she’s been squashing them. “You should eat something,” she adds in what Victoria calls her mother-knows-best tone when Daniel just stares at her. “I did not know what you would like, but I thought everyone likes cheese, yes?”
She holds it out to him, and to her surprise, that gets him to smile. Awkwardly, hand touching the back of his neck.
“Actually, um- I’m lactose intolerant,” he says like an apology with a shrug.
Of course.
“Oh.” Then holding out the other packet instead, “here. I have this one, also. Roast chicken.”
Something flickers over Daniel’s face, and for a moment she’s worried he’s about to tell her he’s a fucking vegetarian, when she realises it’s softness. The deep lines of his worry momentarily smoothing.
“This is great, Sophie,” he promises softly, taking it from her outstretched hand. “Thank you.”
She takes a seat beside him in the plastic chair, feels every uncomfortable ridge of it press into her skin. A constant, aching reminder of where she is and why. An inescapable reality. Daniel opens his sandwich, but the lead weight in her stomach makes her a hypocrite, makes her put hers down on the empty chair besides her.
There’s no one else around, it's long past visiting hours. She tries not to think about what that must mean, that they’ve let them stay sat in this purgatory. That no one has told them, ‘go home, there won’t be any change.’ There could be change, and they both know it could go either way.
There’s nothing. No nurses, no doctors, no priest in the hospital chapel. She already checked. Just the ticking of the clock above both their heads, driving her insane.
“Before you said, 6 years,” she plucks from the silence to stop it choking her. Beside her, she feels Daniel tense. “That is a long time.”
He takes a bite of food and chews for a long time in favour of answering.
“Yeah. It is,” is all she gets once he’s swallowed. She nods, turning her body towards him, to try to get him to meet her eye.
“And you are- You are happy together, yes?”
This time there is no hesitation.
“Yes.” As though it could be anything other than the truth.
He still won’t look at her though, staring instead at the crusts of the bread.
“Even- Even though you race each other?” She pushes, because even an argument right now would be better than silence. Would help each of them to feel less alone, give them somewhere to lay down a little of the hurt.
For a moment, Sophie thinks he isn’t going to answer. Then, Daniel dumps his food onto the chair next to him too and finally turns to face her.
“Look, it’s- It hasn’t been all smooth sailing, I won’t lie to you,” Daniel allows, after another beat. His eyes search her face, as though looking for permission to go on. She nods again, but doesn’t speak. “This, ah, this season hasn’t been great for me. It might be my last, but Max, he- He helps. He calls me on my bullshit when I need it, he- Well I would be a lot less happy without him.”
He cringes then, like he’s worried he’s said too much, then continues quickly, almost defensively-
“But I look after him too, I do. I do a good job of making him happy too, I-"
Shaking his head, he breaks off before lifting his hands to bury his face into his palms.
I look after him too, Sophie turns over in her brain, and isn’t that all she ever wanted for Max? How badly has she failed for him to question that enough to feel he needed to hide from her.
Whatever she was looking for, she hasn’t found it in making Daniel look defeatedly back at the floor.
“I am sure you do,” she promises, though there is a mountain of undeniable evidence against her having any idea. She reaches to touch his shoulder, tentative. “Max is not somebody to do anything he does not want to. I think you would not have lasted 6 months if you did not. 6 years, is- “
It’s a lifetime, when you are twenty. She knows people who have married, separated and divorced in less time.
“I’m glad he got to have that,” she finishes, words forced past the tightness of her throat, “if- I’m glad.”
Daniel's head snaps back around to look at her. For a moment, his face goes perfectly still, before awful realization crests over it.
“Incase-“ She tries, but she doesn’t get another word out. Daniel is jumping to his feet, coming to crouch in front of her. Hands on her knees he looks up at her shaking his head.
“No, no, no,” he says, firmer than she’s heard him be before now, “Sophie, no. None of that okay, I cant- I can’t hear that right now. Max is going to be fine.”
The taste of salt at the corner of her mouth surprises her. She’s crying. When she speaks again, shaking her head too, her voice is cracked.
“He’s going to be fine,” Daniel interrupts, and she doesn’t know who he is trying to convince more. “In a couple of hours they’re going to take us to his room, and- And he’s going to laugh at us for being so worried, okay?”
She rubs her fingertips over her eyes, smearing her tears across her face. All she wants is Daniel’s words to be true. It’s all she wants in the world.
“You do not know what,” she says because it’s what makes him seem so cruel to her right now. How can he promise a mother that her baby will be fine when he knows nothing more than she does?
But when he hangs his head, hand still clutching her kneecaps, she feels guilty for trying to take his hope from him.
“I love him,” he tells the tiled hospital floor. “He has to be okay, Sophie, I- I love him.”
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valenschmidt · 27 days
Got to love people always assuming someone is straight. Heteronormative society. Oliver has as far as we know one long term female partner that he ended things with not too long ago (after nearly a decade it seems). That doesn’t automatically mean he’s straight. As mentioned by yourself, he doesn’t see a difference when having to kiss a man nor a woman. He also alluded to caring more about how a person makes you feel and if they bring happiness to you than gender (in the Men’s Health live from June). He also did a little interview from a few years ago where he said he loved Pose and wanted to be on the show. That is a show about black and brown queer characters in the 80s/90s ballroom scene in New York. The only white guy on that show was Evan Peters (who always works with Ryan Murphy) whose character liked trans women. Simply, if Oliver likes it, he doesn’t care what anyone else has to say.
Hello anon!!!
Right?!?!?! Bt mostly love to get Oliver into their argument saying that he is straight and that is why the kissing looks weird and bla bla bla and...
1st I didn't mention Oliver in that bucktommy post because He is definitely NOT the reason why that kiss (makeout session according to them) looks stiff and awkward
2nd Oliver actually confirmed he doesn't mind kissing men like he really said that it was the same as kissing a woman so the issue was not with him. If he has to tongue kiss a man he will absolutely do it
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Also yes he has never actually confirmed his sexuality and even though we only know about his on and off for years ex Hannah, so we can't assume he is straight or not until he himself confirms it and until then, his sexuality is none of our business.
I will be using this post as well to make a clarification
I for one am straight so I never want to assume anyone's sexuality and I don't ever want to press someone to tell me because it is none of my business unless they want to tell me that. If someone is from the lgbtq community and wants to tell me I will be ready to embrace them and thank them for telling me and be as supportive as I can (I am quite literally called Valentina like the ally from that one video so it makes sense 🤣) so everyone from the community will always have a safe space in my blog to talk and I welcome any advice if I step over the line about something
Going back to Oliver, we should not assume he is straight but no one should ever question his sexuality now that Buck has been confirmed bi because he doesn't owe his sexuality to anyone so it pisses me off that bt want to excuse his fave lfjr being stiff while kissing a man by saying they are both straight so of course they are uncomfortable because they are actors but no. It shouldn't be like that... if they are not comfortable then they can say so and talk about it with the intimacy coordinator and Oliver has pretty much confirmed that he isn't uncomfortable so...
And on that topic I don't want a repeat of what Kit Connor went through so this is not for you anon this is just a general thing... If/when Eddie is confirmed gay and buddie gets together I don't want ANYONE talking about Oliver or Ryan's sexualities because they don't owe it to anyone to say anything.
Have a good day anon! Thank you for giving me the space to talk
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