Cofays Corner!
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cofay ¡ 3 months ago
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I’m t r a p p e d
HS, ⚽️ and writer
I mostly write fics about Bakugou because I FLIPPING love him but I do write other fics from time to time!!! Please feel free to read or skim thru..
Most of my writings do come out really late because of my life outside so if you do happen to find yourself waiting for a part 2 or 3 oh you’ll be waiting </3
For the most part I write about cute little event that’s I think in my head about characters and how they would act lol…
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cofay ¡ 4 months ago
I'm currently making a survival book, its going to inclue everything you need to run, how to cross borders (only if necessary), the safest states right now, the unsafest states, how to protect yourself in a red area, what places to stay at if your running, nearby jobs and other ways to get money, what foods are best to get, how to make certain foods, electronic related advice, the safest messaging apps, what not to say in messages, guide to doctors if you have a uterus or are a women, what plants are safe to eat, various poisons, how to deal with cops, a map of the local area and where cops hang out, how to survive in the woods, clothes you should bring, what to do about your period if your on the run, methods of birth control and what's the best, how to legally change your name and the amount of money it costs, how to a car if your in a non walkable area, first aid tips, how to get and use a burner phone, what type of weapons you might need and how to use them, a guide on how to use most commonplace guns, chargers to use for any devices you might bring.
All of it, I've got multiple notebooks to I'm spreading it across them.
I'm looking for other things to add too it, or if you see one or more subjects in here that you know a lot about/ can help with, feel free to reply or reblog with it, and if you don't want it attached to your profile, my asks are open and free to use. Anything is helpful, anything at all.
I'll be deleting this by January, you have until then to send.
Please, please please please, reblog this. don't just 'like' it
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cofay ¡ 4 months ago
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My bitch bad like a diva!!
After your modeling career took off you never failed to absolutely amaze everyone anywhere you went with your hair and outfits..soo naturally a hero like the Shouto Todoroki wouldn’t be attracted to very explosive personalities…
It’s been a while since you’ve met him at a quite random event he never seemed like the type to like to watch models walk up and down the runway but after he saw you and you’re beautiful shiny skin and the way your hair bounces as you walked down the runway…the sway of your hips and that face you had on was putting him inside some sort of trance….
And right then is when he knew he wanted you and all of you. No holding back now,
The show was over and well the after party is where everyone is at right now including you, so putting on his best outfit he drove to the house it was located at a huge mansion that looks like it could fit like 20 orphanages talk about humbling anyways he walked in the loud music filling his ears..he scanned the room
Until his eyes landed rightfully onto you~
You were hustling pouring yourself a drink alone surprisingly, he approaches you with long strides.
“Um..I heard you were a model”
You turned around “Oh? Yeah—I mean I am, what about it?”
“I just…was stating an observation… are you?”
“I’m doing fine and you?” You say with a slight smile
“I’m good also I really like your outfit” he says looking you up and down
“Mhm…pretty right.?” you say softly before walking closer towards him, “I really like your eyes” you wink smiling softly
He blushes blinking a bit in confusion it’s not like he’s never received a compliment before it’s just that you were staring so deeply into his eyes while saying that it just makes him nervous he covers his mouth with his hand looking away spitting out a quick ‘Thank you’
“Aww the strong hero’s blushing?”
He snaps his head back at you, “I am?—oh it’s—“
“Don’t be nervous I’m not gonna do anything tough guy” you say inching closer to him and pinching his bicep
Okay maybe the alcohol was talking or something in the air but he really REALLY just wanted to kiss you after seeing you smile and just your features up close it was just too much for him to take in all at once but know he might have to reconsider going to work today…because…well…you’re asleep right next to him in his bed..
You’re asleep in his bed?!
You’re eyes flutter open when you say up rubbing your eyes you groan softly, you look around yawning softly and before noticing holy crap.. this isn’t your apartment what happened last night?
You kinda wish you knew what happened last night before you quickly got up grabbing your clothes and whatever resembled your belongings before bumping into a strong figure.
“Where are you going?”
“I was just grabbing my things normal one night stand things” you say sarcastically before trying to get past him, he stops you again this time holding you in place
“One night stand?”
“Yeah, I mean you’re a really busy man so if you excuse me—“
“You’re staying for breakfast”
You blink in confusion looking up at him “why?”
“Because I’m going to make you mine.”
Bold don’t you think?
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cofay ¡ 4 months ago
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Something so sweet about thinking that I’m better..
“Come on idiot why are you walking that slow?”
“Uhh maybe because it’s weird to be here with you out of all people”
“Shut up.”
I mean it’s night like it was super awkward when you two were alone but there was just something that you felt like was creeping up on you guys even if it was a feeling you just felt nervous
He had to be planning something…
Soo naturally being curious and a bit scared because it was getting darker you guys were walking for a while. You stood closer to him before speaking up again.
“Where are we going that makes us walk this long?”
“Just wait,”
“Come on tell me—“ he hand clamps over your mouth
“MMM?!” He chuckles at the sound of your muffled cursing
“Told you to wait..actually we’re here,” he lowered his hand from your mouth shoving them deep into his pocket.
He brought you to see a flower field…it was beautiful filled with bright colors of roses I mean you just wanted to run through them and lay all over in the flowers.
“Oh…wow this is pretty..”
“Yeah…I know right?” He smirked “Hey dumbass I got you something,”
“What?” You turned around facing him before seeing a big bouquet of light pink roses with a white bow wrapped around it, “Bakugou..”
“Look, I know I’m not the best but…will you be my girlfriend?”
I mean you didn’t expect yourself to say yes but you did you don’t know why it just came out like unconsciously…it’s not like you never liked did have some sort of thing for him in a way you just thought he never notice
But now it’s like all those feelings came back and hit you like a damn truck.
Maybe he’s not so bad afterall….this spring might be fun…
@kinara359 here pooks <333
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cofay ¡ 4 months ago
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Soft moments with Katsuki…
It’s an average day you knew being pregnant would be hard but not this hard…gosh this baby makes it look like you’re ready to pop already! But Katsuki always knew how to make everything feel better too bad he isn’t home..
To make up for the time you spent sleeping you made yourself a midnight snack and choose to watch a couple movies not to you’re eating you hear the door handle shiver slowly and your husband enter with a huff.
You *were* about to get up but he made it too you with strong strides as he stood in front of you he just gets down in front of you and lays his head on your lap placing his hands onto the sides of your hips.
“Hey baby…” you say softly running your fingers through his thick blond hair, “..Bad day at work?” You ask. He hums nodding his head as a response, you sigh massaging his head as he just lays there in between your thighs.
Moments like these you’ve always comes to cherish it was rare for Katsuki to come home while you were up and it was even rarer for him to be vulnerable yeah he’s can be sweet at times but he would never want you to see him worn out or tired because he just doesn’t want you to see him ‘hurt’ in any way
But hurt or not, happy, sad, hell even angry, you knew you would always love Katsuki until the day you both die
A/n: IM SOO SORRY I haven’t been writing because of sports and I was super sick, and too much has been going on but I do have some drafts that I will post soon!! So stay tuned
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
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Short fic<3
I’ve been here 60years and I’m still not bored!!
You and Shouto were married for almost 3 years which is for the both of you the longest you’ve ever been with someone and sometimes almost unconsciously you tend to think that you’re just a burden to Shoto and the internet seems to think the same…well other than Shouto himself.
You were just sitting in the kitchen when you found yourself scrolling through Shoutos account just out of curiosity of what he found you wedding photos and date night pics the captions just taking you in awe. They would usually say something on the line of ‘I love my S.O😌’
Well at first you were smiling until you read the comments on his most recent post which was a post about you guys saying your vows and as you scrolled deeper and deeper into the comments you kept finding more and more people talking about how ‘he shouldn’t marry someone like you’ and how ‘they’re not even good enough for him’.
I mean you never really let things like this get to you because you know people are always going to say something like this just to get under others skins but it still hurt you to know that you kinda believed them..and that you had your own doubts about you and Shouto .
You were deep into the comments so much that you failed to see your husband arriving home. You look up putting your phone down and going up to greet him with a smile and a kiss.
“Hey baby,”
“How was work?” You ask placing a small peck on his lips
“It was fine, what were you doing on your phone”
“Oh…uh nothing”
“Come on baby don’t lie” he says a small pout forming as he walks in slipping his shoes off and going over to the bedroom to undress.You follow him confused and conflicted on weather should you tell him what you read or not.
“ you ever read your…instagram comments?” You fiddled with your fingers looking down
“Not really?…why?”
You sit on the bed looking down at your knees and swinging your feet back and forth feeling like a child.
“Because um…well I read some and I- never mind..”
Shouto turns around facing you and crouches in front of you.
“Look at me baby..” he lifts your chin with his head his other his rubbing your thigh. “I don’t care what any of those comments say..for me you’re perfect and you’re just the person I wanted to’re the love my of my life and my best friend at the same time”
You chuckle looking away blushing a bit a small smile forming.
“I’m sorry I just feel like a child..or childish sorry I put you through this-“ he cuts you off with a kiss
“It’s not childish and plus I love your cute personality” he says getting back up and resuming his changing. You look down at the ring on your finger feeling like a dumb teenager again. It was then and there you knew Shouto was made for you.
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
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I love the way it feels to be a hater.
Sometime so sweet about thinking that I’m better..
You and Katsuki always had this weird dynamic he was like a bully but would try to make different advances on you to get you to be his ‘girlfriend’ which confused you completely. Did he hate you or did he like you..?
With every bone in your body you would try to ignore him or avoid him at all costs yeah you knew he ‘liked’ you but if slamming someone into a locker is how he shows it you sure as hell didn’t want any part in this.
There were times if you were hurt he’ll help you back up but not without a smart remark or a reminder of how ‘weak’ you were.
“You’re really lame you know couldn’t ever be as strong as a hero..not with the way you’re being tossed around”
He lends his hand towards you and you reject it
“Shut up mister ego” you say harshly getting up and dusting your clothes off
I don’t think he’ll ever figure out what to do with his feelings, he’ll never confess right to you of course he won’t.
So he’ll created a plan with Kirishima.
You would be walking to lunch alone because you didn’t have any friends in the class before to occupy you so that’s good enough now as you walk to lunch Katsuki would be passing by that hallway using the excuse that he ‘has to go to the bathroom’ good thing he’s in a double period.
Anyways continuing his master plan after that hell ’accidentally’ bump into you knocking over your books to when he slips in a note that tells you where to meet up with him while ‘helping’ you pick it up.
Now here’s the thing he’s stuck on. You practically HATE him by now, you hate his smart remarks, his constant bullying, him constantly being in your business or where ever you are.
So he needed something that would make you come well good or bad he didn’t care as long as you met up with him willingly or not he just needed you there.
It was 8 in the afternoon and after finding that note that had to be slipped into your book you rolled your eyes getting up off the bed and putting on almost whatever.
You clearly didn’t want to leave the comfort of your bed yet you still did. Because of the note.
‘8’oclock store park near the school or else’
I mean you weren’t afraid of Katsuki but you didn’t know what he could do I mean to you, you don’t want to be on anyone’s bad side but you really don’t know why he would bully you shove you belittled you ever chance he got.
Yes it did annoy you but clearly you have people pleasing tendencies so you would avoid him so you wouldn’t have to face him and his scowl that always stretched across his face.
Finally you showed up a hoodie and some shorts it was a little warm. You sat at a bench waiting and checking your phone almost anxiously like you felt like someone was watching you.
And you were right…he was watching you walking up from behind before standing in front of you.
“Yo loser.”
You jumped his voice startling you, slowly you look up
“Come with me.”
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
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Short fic!
You and Kazehaya started dating back at the end of high school, he had asked you out first because you were really really shy. And clearly didn’t know how to express yourself. Today is you guys anniversary and maybe you’ll surprise him with something you’ve never done before.
“Kazehaya!” You waved running up to him as you smiled from ear to ear
“Y/n! Are you ready for today’s date?”
“Ah- yes!” You walk up to him holding his hand you smile looking up at him
As you guys walk around the aquarium you gaze into the glass watching all the sea creatures swim around in an ocean like environment. There was blue around you it was like a fairy tail dream for you the lights Kazehaya standing close by.
You brought him to the food court because you were getting a bit hungry after you guys got your food you sat nearby a shark tank watching the sharks swim around you both.
As you’re eating you notice Kazehaya looked a little flushed and nervous.
“Kazehaya…? Are you okay?”
He practically jumped at your words
“Mm-mm I’m fine…it’s just- well we haven’t been alone together for this long..and well..”
You chuckled covering your smile “It’s okay I’m nervous too..” you say looking down at the leftover food you had. You place the food onto the side table. “Kazahaya I-i…I brought something for you”
“What is it?…” he says turning to face you
“Here..” you pull out a small dark blue box two of them handing his one. “It’s for you open it”
He opens it slowly revealing a small ring a promise ring, he looked at it with awe a smiling creeping up onto his face until he’s full blown smiling from ear to ear.
Now blushing a bit you’re looking down at his hands as he puts the ring on. “Do you like it?”
He reaches out for your hand taking your ring out your box. “I’ll put yours on..” he slowly takes your left hand and places the ring on slowly. You look up making eye contact with him and blushing profusely. “It’s like I’m proposing”
“Kazehaya!” you shove his shoulder embarrassed. He laughs still holding your hand.
“It’s sweet you did this Y/n”
“I’m happy you’re my girlfriend.”
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
See me like no other (mmm)
And I think I like your point of view
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Part 1…Part 2…part 3…
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You were becoming more and more paranoid with the Erotes you were getting more nervous and cautious about Izuku and you so you choose today to finally try and at least explain him what happened.
You texted him asking if you guys could meet up at a park and of course he obviously obliged happily.
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You started walking down the street and towards the park dressed in a casual outfit your hair out and the wind breezing through it you held onto your bag.
After a while you make it towards a crosswalk and unexpectedly you see Izuku, unconsciously you smile and he smile back spotting you and waving you wave back a chuckle leaving your lips. You looked at his pretty face smiling even more.
As you were both waiting for the street light to turn red your smile drops as you notice something behind him.
It was one of the gods that you worked for you would think of him as a mentor well when you were younger now he was kinda of just there whenever you messed up.
And by some freaky fucked go miracle you could still see him, you wanted to warn Izuku you wanted to tell him to turn around but you didn’t know if you would like crazy or something like that you couldn’t lose Izuku you can’t afford it.
You don’t know why or how but you could still see the gods that would mean…No…no…no. Almost immediately the light turned green and you started to worry as he walked towards you, increasing your own pace you were going towards him also still keeping an eye on the god behind him.
One look.
That’s all it took to fuck everything up.
How could you let this happen you could almost see the way his eyes shifted away from you. Your eyes widened as you slowed down your pace completely watching him walk past you like you didn’t exist.
You turn around watching him approach another woman and basically linking arms with her as if they knew each other you scoff in disbelief as you watched them walking away.
And slowly you knew who did this. You knew how this happened. Those damn Erotes they told..they ran and told everyone up there about you and your new life..why why..why you. Why did you have to be so stupid.
You turned around to face the god just to find out he was gone and just like when you first saw him you followed him following Izuku to this fancy restaurant watching from the window as he walked with this girl.
Interlocking fingers…
So lovingly…
It was supposed to be you in that position.
You just had to ruin things for yourself right? Now you learned your lesson.
You walked back into the museum where you first met him. And you saw them all five of them you watched them as they stood there observing the same painting you did.
Suddenly you felt a rush of emotion and emotion you’ve almost never felt this intense before.
Anger…no no you’re infuriated.
Hastily you make your way towards the group.
“You back stabbing..conniving—“
you froze it was like someone had control over you one of the Erotes turn around slowly..
“What have we done wrong?”
“You know what you did!” You spat
Another turns around facing you “We were doing what we were here for.”
“You liar! You-You didn’t have to take him away it’s all your fault—“
“Our fault? You fell in love with a mortal”
Two more turns around leaving one still facing the painting. “It’s not our fault you don’t know your place in this world, Mortals are only filled with—“
“Don’t you dare say it.”
The last one turns “Greed. That’s what they’re filled with and you know it as well as we do.” You gulp panting angrily. “Why is it that you feel this way? Is being a god not enough for you?”
“…you didn’t have to tell anyone. We were happy.”
“You were happy.”
And they let you go after that flying away leaving you there alone you were before back at square one. With responsibilities with your old life back. Did you want to go back to how it was. No. Of course you didn’t.
But you knew deep down there was no way for you to get what you wanted, even if you went out your way to get it. It was going to be taken away again.
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
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Yuji would be the best boyfriend ever!
You were feeling pretty sick today and you also so happen to have a headache and a horrible stomach ache..Yuji wasn’t home yet so you were in the bed hugging your stomach just praying you could sleep the pain away. It was only a couple hours later when you heard the front door open and could practically see Yujis smile already. You would have went to greet him if you weren’t feeling so bad.
“I’m home babe!”..”Babe?”
As he got closer to your shared room he saw you on the bed huddled under the cover a wet rag over your forehead and tissues on the table Stan next to you already he processed what was going on. “Baby I’ll be right back okay” he says placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
Yuji had this thing if even if you were sick he didn’t mind kissing you or showing affection, if you had a runny nose didn’t matter, bad cough didn’t matter, a high fever didn’t matter he’s touching you all over.
You could hear him rustling around in the kitchen if sounded like he was doing multiple things at once. It was funny when he dropped something and you would hear a soft ‘Crap’ or ‘Shoot!’ It was cute how he tired not be loud or disturb you during these times.
After waiting a couple minutes he came back with a bowl of your favorite soup and a hot cup of tea for your throat. He smiled sitting down next to you and laying the things on the night stand beside your tissues.
He raised his hand taking the rag off your forehead and feeling it with the back of his hand then his palm. Softly sighing he grabbed the bowl of soup. “Open wide okay baby..” you obliged opening your mouth slowly as he fed you your soup finally after finishing the bowl you spoke up.
“M’ sorry Yuji..I haven’t been feeling too good and you just came back and now you have to take care of me—“ he cut you off
“What are you trying to say! That you’re a burden? Because if that’s what it is you’re not..I love to take care of you like this..” he says with a bright smile on his face
“Shh don’t want you losing your pretty voice okay..just let me take care of you okay” he says placing the bowl back down onto the stand “And plus I think you’re cute when you’re all huddled up like this you cheeks always get puffy making you look like a pouty baby” he coos cupping your face as you huff.
“Yuji..come on..”
“What?? I just love you so much baby” he says shaking your head and squeezing your cheeks. “I love you..”
“Come on say it back..pretty please”
“I love you too Yuji.”
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
다 표현하지 않아도
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Part 1…Part 2…Part 3…
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As you walked the dark streets you sighed softly looking down..Well until you had an idea.
What if you had no responsibilities at all? What if you were a mortal? What if you weren’t in this position at all? You could have a normal life.
You could even have a shot with Izuku I mean what could go wrong?
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It was late spring things were just getting warm and summer was right around the corner. You did all that you could walking down the road later that night.
You could smell the sweet flowers..feel the soft breeze, hear the thick sound of thunder and felt the soft touches of rain it was almost perfect the moonlight softly shining over you and down onto the flower field.
You looked up into the sky lifting your hands up to your shirt and unbuttoning it slowly. Then goes your pants…it may have seem crazy or strange but this was you stripping yourself of your responsibilities of making people fall in love.
Of building marriages, of making and creating families,friendships and more, you were finally
Free of the aches free from the stress, the pressure the pain you’re finally lift your head back letting the rain droplets hit your face and run through your hair you closed your eyes smiling as you shed your old self. As you shed your position of control and love.
A week later you ended up finding some nice more suitable clothes for your new found interest. You also gained the courage to show up to Izuku’s penthouse. You walked up the stairs slowly every bone inside of you basically felt like it was sat on fire.
You were scared, giddy, sad, and excited all at the same time you couldn’t help but smile as you inch closer and closer to his front door.
You waited a second before the door slowly opened revealing the green haired boy. He tilted his head to the side confused clearly by you showing up, but you on the other hand couldn’t help but smile as you basically jumped up and down at the sight of him.
He can finally see you’s been so long
“Who are you?”
“Y/n!…I-im sorry you probably are confused right now because I’m here unexpectedly…but uh..I-i got something!”
You pulled out a small bag from behind your bag handing jt towards him. Slowly and maybe cautiously he opened it revealing a small bracelet with non-other than a cupids bow and arrow along with a four leaf clover. “It’s for you…”
You looked at his face watching his expressions just hoping..hoping that he would accept it and maybe let you get some more words out..and then maybe you could be friends or more..maybe.. as you scanned his face you watched as his confusion slowly turned into something else. A sweet bright smile from him.
You felt like you were in a dream that you didn’t ever want to wake up from.
“Thanks—oh shit..I’m sorry do you want to come inside?”
And basically after that you guys hit it off started off by meeting up at parks to going to small carnivals to huge amusement parks then to him asking you out and then it turned into small dinner dates and now to this. You sleeping in bed with him resting his head on your chest.
It was all you ever wanted to love and be loved at the same time. You just wanted to live this little life that you had acquired. Even if it could all go to hell at any just wanted at least a minute with Izuku to yourself and you would be fine.
Well if only those Erotes would stop showing up to just watch you. Even though you’ve basically became a mortal you could still see them you didn’t understand it. You’re a full mortal right? Something’s wrong.. really wrong.
You watched them from the comfort of Izuku’s bed staring at them from outside the window until they left abruptly..a shiver was sent down your spine and you shifted a bit causing Izuku to move also and mutter something.
“It’s okay..I’m still here just needed to sit’s fine go back to sleep..”
You say running your fingers through his hair and rubbing circles around his back with your other hand. Even then while you were sleeping you istg couldn’t help but shake the feeling that something was needed to do something about it quick.
But not to quick you don’t want to alarm anybody or make a wrong move you can’t risk ruining everything no..not now not when things are perfect.
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
You know me like no other…
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Part1….Part 2…Part 3…
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You were Cupid you make people fall in love with one other y’know? Just spreading love all around. Well you didn’t exactly like your job. In fact you dreaded having to do this forever, for the rest of your life. Instead you longed for something else.
Something better.
You yearned for your own happiness with a lucky guy.
But sadly you had responsibilities, and the god’s weren’t going to let you tear it down just to feel something stupid mortals feel.
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It was a normal day you were following people and with just a look you could make them fall in love with each other. You were in the elevator with a women standing closely behind her you were dressed from head to toe in black, as you waited a man walked in the elevator and with just one looked you walked out as they kissed behind you.
Grueling…Boring…Uneventful…and yearning that’s all you felt you were jealous. Jealous of the mortals, jealous of their lives every single one of them. As you walked outside you sat at a small table right outside of a coffee shop.
The thing is nobody can see you
Absolutely nobody
That’s the problem after every person you just end up wishing you could be them falling in love, having family’s, getting married…you sigh as a person walks past you, quickly you get up and grab an umbrella and walking behind her
It didn’t take long until the rain started to pour down and as if on queue a random guy showed up and you did what you always did made them fall in love as they turned away walking hand in hand under the umbrella together you turn the opposite way following someone else
They walked into a museum it was crowded as you look up you see the huge magnificent painting.
The creation of Adam.
It was the best painting you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Well until you saw him. Izuku Midoriya, you’ve only seen him a couple times I mean nobody gets to make someone with a name as big as him fall in love and it seemed like he wouldn’t anytime soon with being the number one hero.
You watched as people left one by one. But he stayed and just admired the painting while you on the other hand admired him. He was beautiful, from his fluffy green hair…his freckles….his bright green eyes. He was perfect.
Just the guy you imagined you would
Fall in love with….gosh how you wanted him to hold you.
As he started to walk away and to the elevator you followed him closely behind, you stood behind the curly head watching him intently, a women walked in and usually you would have…well done what you were supposed to do but you couldn’t…even if you tried.
You kept looking at him following him even as he walked out following him into the bus you sat in the seat right next to him leaning in closer as you analyzed his features. But atlas good things come to an end.
You watched him walk out the bus knowing you most likely wouldn’t be able to follow him walk out the train watching him walk away almost wanting no wishing for him to see you, to touch you, you listen to you, to be with you.
You looked up catching the eye of the five Erotes or your helpers, you’ve never seen them work before but you know if they caught wind of what you were thinking of doing they would snitch right to the gods.
And most likely you didn’t want that to happen you can’t let that happen so you followed a random person and did what you always do.
Give them what you wanted.
It was a late night and you couldn’t stop yourself anymore you snuck into Izuku’s penthouse coming in through the window stepping softly on the floor…you tip toed through the halls softly finding his room rather quickly.
You cracked opened the door and then you saw his sleeping body you went next to him brushing a small curl out his face taking in all you can, you climb onto the bed over top of him hovering over his face.
You didn’t stop yourself you knew it was wrong but you still just wanted to see..just this once, you lifted your hand softly grazing his cheek it felt so soft you soon lifting your hands up into his hair running your fingers through his kinky curls and watching them bounce back to normal.
Everything felt so real a certain way well until you turned your head to the you looked into the mirror your reflection was nowhere to be seen.
Making your face turn sour you turned your head to the window seeing the erotes once more you frowned getting off of him and leaving his house all together.
You walked the empty streets looking around watching the trees blow slowly in the cold wind looking up into the starlight sky and the flickering street lights shining towards the wet damp ground.
Oh how you just wanted to change everything.
You wanted things to be different
So bad.
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
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“What if I don’t see you again?”
Those were the last things you asked Katsuki your husband. You were both pro-hero’s after the war you believed things would remain calm especially after Katsuki almost died, but I guess things won’t be so easy for you guys…
It was a normal day you were staying at home for the time being because you found out you were pregnant, you were happy and you wanted to surprise Katsuki with the good news you check the time on your phone waiting for 3 o clock (when he usually comes home)
You choose to go for a small walk with the dog a German shepherd her name was Lucy now you know it was a blank common name but you loved it so it was made official.
You got up walking to your shared bedroom. Getting a small sun dress and some sandals as you walked out you grabbed your dogs leash and let her out her cage hooking her leash onto her collar you slipped on your shoes and left.
Everything was going fine until you saw and explosion and a body flying across smashing through a small shops window you heard screams and saw people running then you saw someone in the air seems like that had some fire quirk holding them up with flames bursting out under their feet.
You step back scanning for somewhere to go until the person eyes landed on you I mean you were in the middle of crossing the street sticking out like a sore thumb.
You might have thought he took that time to notice and figure out that you were also a pro hero well he was flying towards you until you saw he get completely tackled by the same person you saw flew through the window one glance at the blond hair and you knew it was Katsuki.
Your dog growled and barked ready to be let off the leash.You should go help right? Or should you run. Honestly you don’t know you’re just standing there frozen for a second until your dog slips out of her collar and starts running towards the two who are now wrestling on the ground fire and small explosions erupting from them both.
You chase after the dog catching up to Lucy you find them.
“Katsuki!” His head snapped facing your gaze
“What the hell are you doing here go home!” He yells still struggling to hold the person down.
“Now!” it sounded almost as if his voice was cracking in that moment or was it just your hearing. In a spilt second the person reached their arm up burning a side of his shoulder he grunted forcing their head down more.
Hearing him in pain set the dog in attack mode and the dog bolts to Katsuki side biting the persons hand you still were frozen unsure what the hell to do!?!
That’s when a burst of flames broke out you covered your face leaning back seeing Katsuki somehow being lifted up now it was too fast to notice until he got throw around again. You took this moment to sprint into his direction well trying too you felt someone yank your arm.
“You don’t get to ru—“ he was cut off by one of Katsuki explosions hitting him in the side of his face. Holy shit. As you stumbled back you heard their screams their cry’s of how much it hurts when they finally looked back up it was almost too much to digest you could kinda see their skull it was that bad.
The air smelt of burnt skin a horrid smell if you would say so yourself you could hear Katsuki ragged breaths from the behind you, quickly you went to his side.
“Are you okay?”
“Y/n it’s not safe here go home or go get backup I don’t want you hurt.” He says firmly gripping his shoulder
“But- you’re hurt I can help you-“ you raise your hands to his shoulder ready to heal him he grabs your wrist pulling you closer to him
“Listen to me. I don’t want you hurt- I rather I get hurt instead of you do you understand?”
“But what if…you get hurt badly please I can—“
“No you can’t.Y/n just listen—“ you cut him off
“No! Katsuki you could end up seriously hurt or-or dead I-i can’t deal with that I can- I can help I swear I’ll help—“
“Y/n…Go.” he says squeezing your hands “Go for me okay? I’ll be back home before you know it.”
“What if I don’t see you again?” You said your voice shaky
“You’ll see me again okay. I love you.”
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
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Kill booksoon
A/n: this was inspired by the movie ‘Kill Booksoon’ its an action kdrama movie I highly recommend watching it’s on Netflix for free
Recap: You and Sakuna work in a company where everyone can make their ‘debut’ but here’s the catch your not a normal company not at all you kill people,rivals,higher up people anyone you kill them and when you do it’s called ‘Shows’ for your colleagues to see and become inspired to make their debut, After you purposely failed your show someone makes orders to kill you….but you survive and now have to face Sakuna in a fight to the death.
You drive to the company building getting out the car and walking into the empty building to find only one worker waiting at the front desk.
“You know you can go home right?”
“I- uh”
“You want to see who’s going to come back down?”
“…” he stays silent looking away as you smirk slightly you enter the elevator looking up as the numbers increase until you reach the top floor. Sakuna’s office.
You take a deep breath before the elevator doors opened as soon as they opened wide you were met with gunfire you stood still as every bullet missed your body barley grazing you, you smirk cocking your head to the side.
You walk in after the gun jams and he also walks leading you towards a table with two couches sitting across from each other you sit down back facing the window a Sakuna takes a seat facing in front of you.
You looked down to his weapons two knifes…you look at yours a small dull sword.
“You never use both hands so one must be injured” you state looking back up to face Sakuna’s gaze.
“Even if I have an injured hand it won’t become my weakness.”
You sighed looking around for anything else that can be used as a weapon, as you’re scanning the area you notice that it’s impossible to beat Sakuna without knowing his full weakness.
“What? You can’t guess my next move” your gaze drops back onto him as he speaks in a cocky tone smirking at you
“I don’t have too.”
“Because I already know your weakness.”
You state looking back down into the cup filled with whiskey he chuckles darkly the sound bellowing throughout the office.
“What is it then Y/n?”
“It’s me. Y/n L/n…I knew that but…when did it start?” You say looking back up into his eyes almost innocently.
You pick up the glass and your knife turning around chucking the glass at him with a smile on your face. He blocked it but with a spilt delay as if you put him in a daze. He turned around looking at you with wide eyes and his mouth opened only slightly.
As he saw your smile. Your beautiful smile he thought back to when you guys first met and the way you smiled back then at him the way those small wrinkles formed slowly. It was only then when he knew he could let you go.
Only then when you stabbed him in his chest is when he snapped back to reality this sick reality where you were is weakness. Where you weren’t his forever where you never belonged to him.
As the knife sunk into his chest your smile faded a you watched him choke on his own blood. You pushed it deeper and as if it was a chained reaction your frown got deeper also, a stray tear fell from your eyes sliding down your cheek.
You back away standing in front of him now as he bleed out he reaches his hand out and you hold it. Until his raspy voice speaks up again.
“I’ve thought about this…about who would make it out alive…and I thought would it be hell to live without you? Or would it be hell for you to know that your sister is watching this?”
You back away getting up as your lips quiver turning to face the camera you mutter back to him.
“No she isn’t.”
You drove home tears now filling your eyes as you mutter to yourself. “She isn’t..she isn’t” as if that would change anything as you pulled up you entered the penthouse reluctantly walking towards your sisters room you stood In front of her door watching her sleep..You felt relieved watching her peacefully finally you allowed yourself to relax making your way to your room and getting ready to change.
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
I’m so greatly grateful for all the followers like I really really appreciate it and the REPOST OMG THANK YOU PLEASE
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
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Imagine Kirishima x idol or famous reader??
A/n: again a short fic I’ll write more of this one for sure with other characters or make a part two
Basically you and Kirishima were dating for about a year and of course he new you were and idol and famous at best but he never knew just how many fans you actually had.
It was only when you told him that you were going to be doing a world tour and if he wanted to come along where he actually found out that you were indeed so famous that he couldn’t even comprehend it.
When you finally took the stage the amount of screams, cheers and applause from the crowd shocked him and he could tell they loved you. Like a lot.
As you sang people screams and cried I mean when he saw the first girl cry after you touch her hand slightly he was just trying to hold himself together how are you actually this famous?? How much do your fans really love you?? Are you like the next level BeyoncĂŠ??
When you guys finally came back home from your world tour you were exhausted just wanting to cuddle up with him and watch a movie as you were getting ready for bed you hear his voice
“Uh..I didn’t know you were that..famous”
“Hm? Kiri! Come on I’m not that famous but um I guess you could say that? Why is something wrong??”
“No it’s just… that’s like super cool that you were able to make a change like that you know?”
He comes closer to you a small smile playing on his face then out of nowhere he picks you up and spins you around.
“Kiri!” You squeak
“What? I’m just so proud my baby is like super duper incredibly famous!” He coos putting you down
“Aww stop~”
~~^. .^~~
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cofay ¡ 7 months ago
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Peas in a pod
Kiribaku! Who let you become their newest addition to their friendship
Kiribaku! Who let you become their third pee in the pod bringing you everywhere they go
Kiribaku! Who comforts you whenever you feel bad or sick they just can’t leave you alone right?
Kiribaku! Who spoil you rotten whenever you feel bad about you self
Kirishima! Who always tells you how grateful you are and how lucky he is to meet someone like you
Kirishima! Who always gives you small kisses down from your cheeks to your neck just wanting to show you love
Kirishima! Who takes you on cute unplanned dates because he just wanted to spend time with you
Kirishima! Who gives you small gifts to cheer you up and spoil you even more
Bakugou! Who always makes you lunch or dinner even breakfast just to hear you coo about how good his food is
Bakugou! Who always has to has his hands somewhere around your waist or holding resting under your stomach
Bakugou! Who even though doesn’t like to express himself as much or has problems doing so always utters sweet nothings in your ear as you’re sleeping
Bakugou! Who is always there to defend you even when you claim you don’t need it he just wants to be your hero
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