#just annoyed that they're using conflicting character types
petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
I would like to request headcanons for the maze runner boys for how would they react when they're jealous of you.
Luv you <3
Wooo, I love writing headcanons, they're a hell of a lot easier than full stories. I'm assuming you mean when they're jealous over you, so that's what I'm going with.
Gender neutral reader because the pronouns are unspecified.
Also I have seen your request for a part 2 to "warmth in cold places" and I will do that after I've finished your headcanon requests because it'll be simpler lol, hope that's okay.
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SUMMERY: See above. Gender-neutral!Reader x All boys. Not established relationships, just long-term crushes from some jealous boys. You're close with the boys, and despite them not knowing how you feel- they just can't help but be jealous.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, some possessiveness, violence and suggestive themes. Alby is based more on the book to add some variety.
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What happens when your favourite Glader boys get jealous over you?
Let's find out.
Thomas is definitely a... controversial character amongst the Glade.
Which means that the Gladers (especially Gally and the other's that don't hold his favour), would often flirt with you just to get a rise out of him.
It's not like you two are dating or anything, but he'd clearly have a thing for you.
And he's not exactly the most self-assured person around. Yanno- with the identity crisis, no memories of his life, people accusing him of everything under the sun- you get the picture.
The boy already has enough insecurities on his plate- nevermind watching the person he has feelings for get hit on.
He's not exactly one to start physical altercations, but it wouldn't be rare to feel his 500-yard death stare from across the Glade.
"Gally's talking to them again."
Newt would get to hear the worst of Thomas's internal conflicts.
He'd find it funny, but kind of annoying.
"They're just talkin', mate- it ain't a crime."
"He's doing it to get to me. I know he is."
"Seems to be workin'."
"Shut up."
Despite not wanting to get into a fight, Thomas would occasionally butt into conversations.
He can be sarcastic, something he's picked up off of Minho (but not nearly as good at), and he would be snappy and condescending when diving face first into trying to steal your attention.
Which would leave you concerned as you'd have to blankly watch Thomas bicker with someone in a way you can't quite understand.
Thomas isn't stupid.
He'd be fully aware he has no right to be so jealous or meddling, but until he actually gains the courage to say something about his feelings, you better get used to it.
Newt is far more level-headed than Thomas.
He is respectful and busy, remaining calm in the majority of situations he has to face.
Though, like Thomas, he would absolutely be the type to stand with a tense jaw, staring while you interact with some poor, unknowing boy as Newt plots murder in his head.
Newt is confident in his skills, and doesn't have much time to focus on romantic endeavours. But there would be the creeping feeling of possessiveness as he'd watch you talk to the other boys.
He'd prefer to talk to the culprit in private, giving them a warning nod to keep their distance.
"I'm telling you to stay away from them."
"Because I said so."
It wouldn't go much further than that.
The boys heed Newt's warnings- despite his reputation, he isn't exactly someone people want to upset.
Alby and Minho would find it very funny that the only time Newt chooses to actually use the power he has is when it comes to scaring people away from you.
"You're literally the Second in Command, and the only time you actually tell people what to do is when you get all shuckin' possessive over a crush? Ha! That's the best thing I've ever heard."
"Shut up, Minho."
When you'd bring it up to him that less and less people are talking to you, he would just shrug it off.
Of course, Minho would absolutely tell you what's actually going on because he can't keep his mouth shut, but you can only knowingly smile until Newt is willing to finally tell you himself.
Minho is a reckless and unsubtle man.
He lives with his life on the line permanently, and is pretty blunt about most things.
He would absolutely tell you to your face that he doesn't like someone, or how they're acting around you.
"I just don't like what Zart said earlier- he's gettin' too shuckin' friendly."
He'd also go out of his way to be physically intimidating and make himself look better than whoever his competitor is.
That includes but is not exclusive to:
- Knocking shoulders with people who are talking to you.
- Loud (and obnoxious) insults aimed at anyone who dares get too close.
- The more than once he'd almost get into a physical fight.
- Casually throwing an arm over your shoulder to assert dominance.
He'd also be a sulky bitch.
Minho doesn't seem like the type to be good with his feelings, so apart from the initial rage, confrontation, and warnings- he would strop.
He'd have no grounds to, and Newt would remind him of that since you guys aren't dating.
But that wouldn't stop him.
"Dude, if you keep pouting like a shank, they're never gonna like you back."
"I'm not pouting."
He'd get over it, eventually.
Minho isn't an insecure person. He'd know there were something more between you both. The problem would lie in whether he'd be the only person you had that something with.
That is why he would sulk.
Because deep down, you'd be almost like a weak spot for him.
Though, it would kind of become a sort of unspoken rule not to flirt with you- after all, no one wants an angry Minho after them.
Gally is like Minho, only ten times worse and borderline homicidal.
There would be many Gladers who would show up with broken noses and a nervous disposition after they'd be seen talking to you.
(And Gally with broken knuckles.)
He's terrible at controlling his feelings and expressing them in a healthy way.
He would be especially harsh if he saw someone making you uncomfortable.
"I'm going to shucking kill that bastard!"
Frypan would make comical commentary.
"Y'all still aren't together then, huh?"
"Shut up, Fry."
"Ah- figures."
He would also be incredibly insecure.
Sure, he's not the most liked guy around, but he thought you guys were close. That he might have a chance with you.
So, instead of having a healthy conversation with you about maybe establishing a relationship, he would react in a rash way.
Which would definitely not be a good way to show he cares about you.
But the boy has issues.
Alby would absolutely get mad at him and tell him to stop.
He'd then start insulting people instead.
Frypan would probably...
Do nothing.
He doesn't like conflict and despite being a jokester, he doesn't actually want to cause any problems.
And he's not about to go around bashing people when he doesn't even know if the feeling is mutual (*cough* something the other boys can learn from *cough*).
He'd probably keep his mouth shut and try to judge things from spending time with you.
He might talk to Gally about it.
"You could just ask them?"
"Would you ask them if you were me?"
"Fair point."
He'd definitely just silently simmer in his own emotions whilst staring off into space.
Though, when he'd be with you- you'd have absolutely no idea he was jealous or possessive at all.
He would never do anything to upset you.
He'd definitely lie awake at night thinking about it and how you might like someone else and what would he even do with himself?
But he'd never tell you.
Or show you.
Your happiness always comes first.
Alby would throw them in the Slammer.
Wouldn't even hesitate.
Looked at you for too long?
Made a flirty comment?
Bad and slightly inappropriate joke?
He is a very busy man. He doesn't have the time to keep an eye on you all the time, so, putting anyone who crosses a line in the Slammer would definitely make that easier.
"Why's Ben in the Slammer again, Alby?"
"Why do you think, Newt?"
"Ah, (Y/N)? Again?"
It's not like Alby is insecure or even possessive.
He has much more important things that he needs to worry about.
But, watching people try and flirt with you would make him uncomfortable, and Alby has no time to process this discomfort.
So it obviously means that they're doing something wrong, right?
So, Slammer.
It is the simplist answer.
You'd have to ask him to stop because he'd keep locking your friends up.
He would begrudgingly agree.
Though, people definitely would not dare hit on you once they started to understand that Alby liked you.
That'd be an easy way to a fast grave.
In reality, Alby wouldn't have any reason to be jealous- he is the Leader for a reason.
He probably could've just told people to back off with no context, and they would've, instead of the immediate jailing.
It would be a very odd phase for the Glade.
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Yoo, back with more headcanons. I try not to take these too seriously because I feel like they're just a bit of fun instead of the usual one-shots.
I have some more headcanons coming up next.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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monarch-of-jack · 8 months
I might be the only one here. But the reason I feel conflicted when I see people shipping and sexualizing Aspec characters, is because I don't trust most of you to be respectful about it. Not to mention some of you straight up arent.
Yes, Aspecs are an incredibly diverse group of people. I KNOW. I've been in their circles for well over 10 years. But do you all really care about that?
If you don't, then you're really just using it as an excuse to ignore their identities.
Let me make it very clear that I support exploring ALL the nuanced ways that someone can be Aspec. We are so much more varied than just sex-repulsed Aces and romance-repulsed Aros. (Though those are still valid experiences, don't shit on them!)
There are Allosexual Aromantics. There are Alloromantic Asexuals. Aspecs in Queerplatonic Relationships. Grey-Aspecs, Demi-Aspecs, Oriented AroAces, Cupio-, Flux-, Lith-, Fray-, Recipro- Aego-, and a million other types of Aspecs. It's a huge spectrum.
And orientation doesn't equal action. There are sex/romance favorable Aspecs. There are kinky & kink favorable Aspecs. Aces that have and have had sex for whatever reason. Aros that are and have been in romantic relationships for whatever reason. Maybe they felt pressured. Maybe they were experimenting. Maybe they were still finding themselves. Maybe they were forced. Maybe they do it for their partner. Maybe they do it for money or their image. Maybe they just like it despite lacking attraction. Aspecs are people. They are all different and all equally valid in how they live their lives.
A character being Aspec literally just means they're lacking attraction in one way or another. So there's still endless possibilities in creating canon and fanon for them.
But are most of you really shipping characters like Alastor, Peridot, Jughead and co. as Aspecs, or are you looking for excuses to disregard their identity?
Have you actually educated yourself about their identities so you can portrait them accurately and respectfully? Are you infantilizing and patronizing them or make them act stupid? Do you make them pitiful, antisocial, or 'difficult to deal with'? Are you arguing with Aspec people when they point out something is problematic? Are you accepting input from Aspec people? Do you explain that you're shipping/sexualizing that Aspec character because of your specific headcanon or AU? Do you get angry if you have to clarify that after the fact? If you as an Allo, ship or sexualize Aspec characters, do you really do it with them still being Aspec?
The thing is, you can. But a lot of you don't. And that's why Aspec people react defensifely.
We have little to no representation in the media as it is. And yet you're annoyed when we ask you not to diminish or erase their identities.
I want to see Aspecs in all kinds of situations and with all sorts of preferences. But way too many of you are ready to shit on Aspec identities to get your fanon out.
I could go on for days about this. But the fact that some of you will get angy that I even made this post is exactly what I'm talking about.
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bbgliker-teehee · 8 months
This might sound like an unpopular opinion of mine but... Is it just me or is Fizzarolli becoming an annoying character to me now. Like before season 2, I used to like him and I found the conflict between Blitzo and him really interesting and I wanted to learn more about it despite me not liking the show at the time (I mean I still do, but you know what I mean)
But when season 2 came along, I was left with a sour mouth when it comes to Fizz, and his conflict with Blitzo. Fizzarolli became from what season 1 gave us, he gained the most success and he felt proud of it, didn't care of the others feelings when insulting them, and was basically an asshole that rubs the success and Blitzos face and was the first one to genuinely get on Blitzos nerves (even have implications of Blitzo being jealous towards Fizz because he hoggled the spotlight more than him) but when season 2 came along, he just now resorted to being a huge scared puppy that shakes in his boots when someone insults him/threatens him. Like what happened to season 1 Fizz? What happened to the overly cocky and sassy asshole of a gremlin he was, can we bring that one and Season 1 Asmodeus back please?
And his conflict with blitzo and how it was executed, OH BOY. He gave him the most guilt-tripping ass apology, downplayed his disability just because HE REALLY MISSES MOM SO MUUCH, FEEL BAD FOR HIM HE'S JUST A MISUNDERSTOOD LIL BABY DEMON, like fuck off man. That episode didn't make me feel bad for the guy, it made me hate him even more.
And when in the end when they reconciled and shit, I was over here asking "Why bother building this rivalry up, when you're jist make them reconcile faster than the flash himself then?" Like, they should've just enemies imho, because that was more interesting than them being friends again.
I'm suprised that noone even brought this up too, but... This one piece of dialogue of Mammons shitty special I had to restrain myself from yelling at my screen. My god did I wanted to choke him to death when he says this:
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OKAAAY, so not only did Blitzo give a guilt-tripping ass apology ever and they became friends again because of that shitty apology, instead of him comforting Fizz in this very moment, he resorts to saying THIS to Fizz when it's clearly shown that Fizz does not feel okay right now and looked he needed some comforting, and then Blitzo going back to square one and bullying someone when they're not feeling in the mood for it. Yeah good friend Blitzo, am i right? Fuck you Blitzo, genuinely like go die in a hole along with Loona & Stolas....
I'll probably be the only to say that BlitzFizz sucks, not a big fan of it because it felt like they just made Blitzo have a crush on Fizz to make him more sympathetic, yet they should've made them more like brotherly type of dynamic, to me that is idk about you.
Sorry for this essay like ask btw, just really wanted to get this out of my chest somehow. God watching these characters exist is hard man...
SAMMMEEEEE like- I think Fizz was a cool character, but since we can't have anything nice...Viv made him 'baby uwu'...
And Blitz whole ass apology was literally:
"Hey, I know you lost your legs and arms and you got all deformed and shit...BUT MY MOMMY DIED SO PWEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!"
And yeah...I want my super swag sigma Ozzie who gets bitches back...not this loser beta dripless Ozzie that gets 0 bitches....
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ca-suffit · 2 months
I've always had this weird impression that in this fandom it's seen as intellectually superior to be for polyam relationships.I know about the poly nature of Rice's vampires.
but the show made it clear from the start that they are jealous and possessive, Sam himself said that Lestat is monogamous at heart.
Why the poly discourse is so pushed because from what I was able to gather from other fans who have read the books even in the Chronicles it's not so much the polycule paradise as some try to make it believe?
Obviously everyone is free to their preferences but I have the impression that it is almost become shameful to prefer one particular pairing for each characters.
There's a lot of layers to this answer tbh. I'll try to go in order of what I've noticed are the most prominent reasons for this of what I've observed over the years.
a) It's another stand in for "it's gothic romance," "they're all monsters" type logic. It gives the illusion of being deep while rly just removing any real attempt at conversations ppl don't want to have (or don't have the range to have). This can also tie into fandom racism bcuz it smooths over discussions of *why* ppl might prefer certain pairings.
b) Shipping wars *are* annoying, so that is a legit reason. Usually the real reason is part a but this is still in there a tiny bit.
c) It *does* make ppl feel special. This and BDSM topics are some ppl's whole fandom personality bcuz fsr ppl think this is all unique in fandom spaces idk. This goes back again to how a lot of ppl read the VC books as children and still think it's brand new information when they're 45 years old in 2024.
The books do *not* get into polyam relationships well at all. The only thing that makes it vaguely polyam is that there's a sentence here and there of ppl kissing each other, living together, traveling together, whatever. She never explores any deep dynamics of anything. Nothing is ever laid out in full. They don't speak about these relationships with each other. The show did more to talk about it on any level than the books did. Even for any monogamous relationships, she doesn't explore much of anything as the books go on. That's a lot of what makes everything feel so unsatisfying. There's no substance to anything. She places characters around each other and uses words to force a depth of relationship that the readers don't feel otherwise bcuz she didn't write it lol. Whether it's conflict or romance, it all falls flat the more it goes.
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lightvsdark18 · 9 months
Twst Actor Au (The cast members)
(They do have different names, but I don't want to rename them all ;-;)
Twisted Wonderland is a TV series. Each book is a season (Prologue & Book 1 was combined together) and the length of episodes for each season is always increasing like in game. Every season has a new Yuu like the manga.
The events are TV specials and the Yuu for that certain special depends on what season they are working on at the moment.
Riddle is a quiet and sweet teenager. He took the role to sharpen his skills by acting the opposite of his usual self and enjoys the compliments he gets from how well he's doing it. (Some people get confused when meeting him)
Trey isn't that from his character beside burning a bowl of cereal on accident one time. He doesn't know how he did that. He also made the "Trey's hobby is teeth" from an off-hand joke.
Cater is calm and laid back guy, very different from his character. When he's acting, it's like you flipped a switch from how well he can get energetic.
Ace is not that different from his character. He's blunt and clever that he sometimes ad-libs his lines.
Deuce normally plays bad boys, so taking a role of a bad boy trying to redeem himself, he got excited for this role. Although his common role is being bad, his true self is often seen in Deuce.
Leona is a pleasant guy to be around that you're conflicted if you want to punch him or compliment him after filming. Also, he's actually Cheka's uncle and loves the little brat so much he's often stalked by the cast and crew when the two are together.
Ruggie is a big brother to four siblings and understands his character on taking care of those younger. He's not diligent as Ruggie, but gives his character mad respect.
Jack is a new to the world of acting and put a lot of his energy in bettering his skills. He's often babied by the more skilled actors, but it's playful teasing.
Azul has done a few small roles, but this is his second big role and playing as a vacuum salesman like Azul. It takes some time for him to get into the role from how different it is from his previous roles.
Jade is in the same boat like Azul's actor, first time playing as a character like Jade. He often asks questions to the actors who have done gentlemen type characters before to better understand Jade.
Floyd is a jack of all traits, he has done a handful of different types of characters and Floyd isn't any different. However, he has stated in an interview he likes the more of unhinged characters since they're more fun.
Jamil is also new to the world of acting, only has done one role before Twst. And just like in the show, he's annoyed by Kalim's actor often in a sibling type way and can't help but laugh everytime.
Kalim isn't that different from his character, just he's less energetic. He often gets roles like Kalim's character from how free it feels and how thrilling it is when a scene gets serious.
Vil isn't that different from his character and gives good advice when you ask. He often moms the younger/newer actors without realizing it.
Rook understands his character's love for everything beautiful and how poetic he is, but he's even creeped out by the huntsman and is glad he's not real.
Epel is a gremlin like his character. He loves unhinged/rough characters and goes all out if he's allowed to. However, him taking the role has been a bad idea because he has been using his cutesy looks like his character.
Idia is friendly guy you could chill with on your days off. Meeting him in person is a sight to see from how bubbly he is vs his character. However, there's times you see Idia in the actor and think, "yup, that's idia."
Ortho is actually 17 years old and plays both Orthos. He has done small roles before and is excited to do a big role like this, especially with how mischievous Ortho is. Him and Epel have tag teamed the crew a lot with their adorable appearance.
Lilia is 15-16 years old and has his voice dubbed over. He enjoys the role very much and likes acting like a dotting father while being a rascal. He even continues to pretend to be the honorary dad behind the camera as a running joke. Doesn't like hanging upside down though.
The voice actor for Lilia is in his mid 30s and a father of two. He also enjoys his job and ad-libs dad jokes. There is a photo of the both Lilias posing together in Hawaii shirts.
Silver has t-posing energy, he's a goofball. If you watch him behind the scenes you will often go, "that's not Silver, how is he Silver?" from how funny and fun loving he is. But that's only after the scene is over. When he flips the switch, he will not break character until he hears cut.
Sebek got the role because of how loud his voice can get. He loves the role and how excited fans get to hear his Sebek voice. He's Ortho and Epel's get away driver aka picks them up and runs.
Malleus isn't different from his character with how calm and elegant he is. He's known for his theater performances and musicals. He likes how smug and adorable his character can get and often teases every Yuu that comes on.
Crewel is actually the actor from Obey Me, he played Lucifer (because you guys say they look the same).
Crowley is the world's okayest dad. He became a father during Book 1 and slowly started became the younger actors' dad on set. He often sees everyone watching him when his child shows up.
Trein is the honorary grandpa. He feels a connection with the professor and has the lecture the rascals a few times that they see Trein and not the actor.
Vargas is the uncle of the cast. If you fall sleep on set, he's the one covering you with a blanket, or giving you a piggyback to a more comfortable spot.
Sam is their local dealer... of snacks. He makes the best treats and feeds everyone between scenes. He's just like his character from how he can sudden pull out anything you need from his bag.
Grim is known for his voice on popular and beloved shows. And he really dedicated to his roles: if the character is sad, he's sad. If the character is angry, he's angry. He asked the director to gift him the Grim plushie when the show ends, just for a fan to gift him one during a panel. "My son," he whispered.
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neu-apostolisch · 9 months
As for Gale Discourse Cont., I think it’s also necessary to point out that he’s written as a Comedic Relief character. He unironically says stuff like “pish posh” and is voiced by a well-known (in England) comedian. Unfortunately, because this is a DnD based game, every character you interact with the most needs to be complex and have a tragic backstory and I have a theory his romance arch is heavily derived from Mr. Darcy from the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie. I mention all of this because I am absolutely a Galemancer, and I had a bit of a turmoil about the interview myself until some other tumblr user (I can’t remember who) made a post about this. Seeing Gale through the lens of “oh he’s a silly little guy made to be the butt of all jokes but surprise! he has so much depth anyway” helped me take a breather and have fun with it again. Sorry this got rambley.
ok if you're rambling then i must be reading the dictionary. i think this is a good point to make, especially as an addition to the concept of how the writers view gale. and crucially, i don't think it really undermines people who found more depth in his character. because on some level this is true for every character in this game-- they're all an awkward trope and they grow as the game continues forward and you learn more about them. i'm glad that this perspective helped you re-enjoy the game!
a view of him as The Comic Relief Guy (and Arrogant Wizard) aligns with how the writers are talking about him, and a lot of characters can be viewed chiefly as narrative tropes. so, if galemancers and gale fans can bear with me here, i'll poke at that idea for a bit and why i think it's a good point to make within this long winded thesis i've been developing for two days.
wyll is probably the most obvious to start with in this trope analysis. he is objectively in the party, the voice of reason and a Good Guy. he will unambiguously support whatever the most like, goodhearted, positive, hero-type outcome. so we can classify him that way. i mean, his background is folk hero. then, you travel more with him and his story winds off in its own direction.
astarion is that foil to lawful goodness, and is presented as such. however, astarion also serves an important role in that he introduces one of the first instances of a potential party conflict to you. managing and understanding his vampirism is important to his character and to your party cohesion, at least in a roleplay sense. astarion is also meant to be a character that can frustrate you. think about the people who take bloodless, which is a literal stat negative, for him to be happy. that's an interesting trade that the writers are having you make, and in order to cure bloodless you have to use a spell slot. mechanically, this is the role he serves in the party narrative, and it's up to you the player to decide what you want to do with that. and then his story goes off in its own direction.
i could go on and position other characters in this stripped down way, but it's probably unnecessary.
with these two examples in mind, looking at Gale through this lens, i think he has a bunch of really important functions in the narrative and in the party dynamics. and similar to wyll and astarion above, you can come to view him beyond his initial trope. the biggest hurdle to his development is that his story is fundamentally integrated with the plot of the game. so, on some level, the narrative is unable to develop further on him because he still has that role to play. he has to still be able to kill himself even when the player has convinced him that his life matters because he is stuck in that narrative structure forever. he IS supposed to be the annoying guy who takes your stuff and eats it. you're supposed to have those moments of "oh no, what are supposed to do about this" just like lae'zel in the creche or with kithrak voss, breaking wyll's pact with mizora, and astarion's deal with raphael to kill yurgir. sometimes your companions make you do things that are really annoying.
but-- and this is the key-- gale's story doesn't have as much freedom to move beyond that, which is a fair complaint, even if there's not actually that much to be done about it in the grand scheme of things. (and i think this applies to lae'zel too, i just don't want to get too off-topic. and unfortunately i am not as familiar with her story, which is orin's fault.)
hopefully this comes across as me using your ideas as a springboard for my own, and not me twisting your words or hijacking something you said. i think that's an interesting perspective and thanks for sharing your thoughts!
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bardinthezone · 9 months
Watching Making myself sit through Moffat's Who, trying to give it a decent chance and I can't stand it already. Y'know why?
The stupid fucking love triangle.
Because not only is it just generally annoying as a trope, but it is so poorly written here. It takes over the show in a really obnoxious way and completely flanderizes characters who, in the first episode, were decent people.
Rory is portrayed as a fool for being... concerned that his fiance is cheating on him with the not-actually-imaginary friend she's been obsessed with since childhood, who she ran off with and kissed (A normal thing to be concerned about!!). And just generally, he's portrayed as a bumbling idiot. As the one who just gets confused and makes one-liners about being insecure. And both Amy and the Doctor just brush him off, leave him behind! Mocked by the woman who's supposed to be there for him and abandoned by the Doctor who's meant to keep him safe. He's being reduced to basically just comic relief here, and it sucks.
The Doctor is so.. aloof. More so than 10 and DEFINTELY moreso than 9. He's a silly, childish man who often fails to recognize the emotional consequences of his actions. He has his emotional moments, yes, but a lot of his writing falls victim to what I call "Sherlock Syndrome." When Moffat just writes an aloof super genius and expects the audience to fawn over him because he has good outfits and witty one-liners. Matt Smith is a fantastic actor and he carries a lot of his run, but putting glitter on a turd doesn't stop it being a turd.
Amy is yet another victim of the "every woman falls madly in love with the Doctor" pitfall. Worked with Rose, got old with Martha and after that almost every one-off woman who flirted with him just made me roll my eyes. Her obsession and anger with the Doctor didn't have to be romantic, but Moffat just couldn't resist writing a "strong female protagonist" who's sexy and she knows it, who loves having all the boys fawn over her and flirts without a care in the world. Who's a brash girlboss in charge of her boys, but who also turns into a sobbing damsel in distress at the slightest sign of danger.
All three of these characters are so blatantly characatures of themselves right now that it takes me out of it. They're all just quippy one-liners of their smartness or their brashness or their insecure foolishness. Can these types of people exist in real life? Yeah. But the way they're written about here is just obnoxious. I'm willing to accept that later Moffat seasons might be better than this (at least on the interpersonal conflict side of things), but it's season 1 and he's already dropping the ball so hard.
We could've gotten something truly marvelous, with a PLATONIC conflict based on the Raggedy Man from her childhood finally coming back and offering her freedom from a boring adult life. She's enamored with him, but doesn't entirely trust him because hey, he massively fucked up once already. Maybe Rory is concerned about his place in Amy's life, and Amy tries to be comforting. Maybe she messes up, maybe she says the wrong thing. Maybe she says the wrong thing right before losing Rory to the crack in space and time. But she has to try, because why should I care about a relationship where one person doesn't care about the other's happiness, at least a little? And right now it just feels like she doesn't.
I'm not saying shows shouldn't have interpersonal conflicts and flawed protagonists. They should! But to pull that off well, you have to make us want to see these characters grow. You have to give us a reason to enjoy watching these characters interact, even at their low points. And revisting Moffat's run as an adult, I don't feel enjoyment. I just feel annoyed.
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Tadadada happy OC Sunday~ You knoow who I'm here for 🥰😂, but I'm here to show Rift some love too, so I'm asking for both him and Gloss: 💐, 💌, 💢, 🍸 and 🌹!
MIRE MY LOVE, I'm so glad you're back 🥺 Yes, of course, I will answer these for you!!!
💐 - Their favorite plant/flower
Gloss: Snapdragons. They're very pretty and colorful, and he enjoys sketching them. They also attract hummingbirds, which are rare to find and even rarer to get to draw.
Rift: Tulips. He doesn't care much for the colors, but he loves the fact that they come back ever year. He only needs to put it in the ground once and they just magically come back. He finds it fascinating.
💌 - How would they react to a love letter?
Gloss: He's not very reactionary as a person, so his actions speak louder than words. He will read the letter, smile to himself, then pin it up with his art somewhere to display it.
Rift: Please, if someone sends him a love-letter, don't actually write any words in it. Words frustrate him to no end. Draw him a picture instead. I promise he will cherish it forever.
💢 - How do they handle being annoyed?
Gloss: Because of his laid-back nature, he doesn't get annoyed very often. If he does get annoyed, you won't know it because he'll act exactly the same.
Rift: He has no problem voicing his annoyance, but he will walk away if it gets to a point where he becomes angry. He's not conflict avoidant, he just doesn't have the best filter.
🍸- Favourite drink?
Gloss: Loves a hot latte. (he would totally be a Starbucks person, just sitting at a table with his sketchbook and sipping his latte)
Rift: Fruit juice is the only thing he drinks. (he's the type of person that orders off of the kids menu and asks for apple juice)
🌹 - Do they have a signature scent? Perfume, shampoo or alike?
Gloss: He's not one to pile on scent, so something mild and earthy is his go to. He uses a color-protectant shampoo for his hair and a moisturizing body wash that he shares with Drip.
Rift: He doesn't like strong scents, so he smells like whatever deodorant he used that day. Also, no hair, so no shampoo, but he uses a plain bar of soap in the shower.
Describe your OC or a character ask game
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mitsubinyuri · 1 year
Theatre Kid JJBA Part 5 AU Headcanons!
So, I don't know if anyone cares, but I have a thread about this on my twitter so I'm gonna share my headcanons I have about the GW cast in my funny theatre kid AU! I've got a few headcanons for every character. Some of these may conflict with canon, but whatever.
Baritone, can reach a bit on the higher side.
He's a mediocre singer and dancer but he's a very good actor! He prefers acting in stageplays to acting in musicals, BUT
he's a big fan of obscure musicals! Like, really obscure. Sometimes he invites people over to his house to watch shitty bootlegs with him.
He started theatre around his junior year of HS, pretty late.
Like Giorno, he's a mediocre singer, but he's a good dancer annd actor!
He did theatre since the beginning of middle school.
He specializes in comedic scenes, and his usual scene partner (when he gets to choose) for those is Mista.
He has a lot of trouble memorizing his lines. Sometimes Fugo makes him flash cards to help.
His favorite production was Newsies Junior, which he did in 8th grade.
Pretty alright knowledge of theatre, knows most contemporary stuff and a fair bit of classics, but doesn't like the classics that much.
"Lin-Manuel Miranda is a little bitch but Hamilton is honestly peak"
She's a triple threat, probably the most talented and skilled of the group.
Been doing theatre pretty much all her life.
Usually casted as a sweet female lead, but she wants more "mean" roles.
She doesn't go to the Denny's cast parties because they're too loud and her castmates are stupid.
Very knowledgeable in musicals, less so in plays, and prefers contemporary.
Definitely a Heathers girlie.
Very, very good singer. Serviceable actor and dancer, but he used to be a pretty bad dancer. It frustrated him a lot but he put a lot of work into it and now he's better!
Started doing theatre in his freshman year, but was trained in music since he was six, along with his academic pursuits.
He taught Narancia how to read music!
He can also play the piano.
Borderline encyclopedic knowledge of musicals (and plays too), prefers classics, mostly.
Favorite musical is Les Mis and he's very pretentious about it.
Baritone, but he has a pretty good (if not untrained) falsetto.
Really good at dancing and acting, just sorta okay at singing.
Bad at staying on beat though. Kind of a broken metronome.
Can't read music. He has Fugo record parts on his piano and send them to him.
Also specializes in comedy like Narancia
Always orders the Denny's steak at cast parties, always throws up.
Only knows popular contemporary musicals and a few famous classics.
His favorite musical is Be More Chill and people judge him for it (Fugo tells Narancia he can 'do better' than someone who thinks peak theatre is 'a musical where the first line is I'm waiting for my porno to load')
His dream role is Michael in BMC.
Did theatre in HS, was very good at it. Star pupil type of deal.
He was a low baritone/maybe bass with a good falsetto (actually trained in using it)
He's since decided he'd rather direct and write because he likes being able to actually see the show he put so much work into live.
Sometimes he can be bossy and has very specific ideas of how he wants a scene to play out, which can annoy the actors.
Very good with music theory
Likes musicals with a lot of dance.
Did theatre in HS with Bruno, was never super good at it. But sometimes he'd run tech when he wasn't casted.
Now, because he actually knows how to run tech and can teach other people, he's the stage manager for Bruno's productions.
He takes very good notes.
A bit bossy with the crew and kinda mean to the actors (but we love him it's fine)
Sits in a booth with Bruno away from the main table at cast parties. They just chat. And stare deeply into each others eyes like they're gay or something.
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touchingmadness · 11 months
Help me choose a Nano project?
I am by no means promising to heed the results to this, but I could use some opinions. I have a few ideas for what to work on for Nano but can't make a final decision which is... a problem, since these all need some more planning before I actually start writing them.
Descriptions and pros/cons below the cut.
Reblogs allowed and appreciated.
That Which Remains (post-apoc sci-fantasy)
In a post-apocalyptic world where the passage to the afterlife has been mysteriously cut off, the streets are oversaturated with the spirits of the dead. Trained Quellers take to the streets with their spirit-sensitive subordinates to channel and extinguish these spirits. Aereas is an unsanctioned Queller who is secretly spirit-sensitive. When they're called in to investigate the apparent suicide of a Queller-in-training, they get pulled into the mystery of why the spirits of the dead are lingering and what the Quellers are - or aren't - doing about it.
Most developed plot
Main and secondary character decently developed
I know DEFINITIVELY how this ends, down to the scene
Might be derivative -- formulated as a dream while I was binging stories about body-hopping and talking to the dead
Most of the other characters don't even have names
Unsure if this is a single book
Wither and Woe (high fantasy, political drama)
Five nations are on the cusp of deadly conflict. Tensions are rising, and plans are being pushed into motion under the veneer of civility. A young princess married off as a glorified hostage barters with the demon Wither for a child that will earn her nation's protection. She bears her husband an heir that is not his own amidst the political machinations of the inner court and begins to suspect that she is not the only one who Wither has helped.
WITHER!!! I love Wither so much!!!
Most of these characters are well-planned
Wrote a bit for this a few months back
Still unsure is this should be one POV or like six
Worldbuilding needs some work
Heavy subject material with little room for levity -- usually prefer to write these types at the same time as a lighter project
Casey Draper's Big (Gay) Alien Road Trip (contemp sci-fi)
Casey Draper is stuck in a rut since graduation, faced with the harsh realities that her dreams may never come true and her friends might not want to see her again. Life isn't like the books, and that sucks. So who can blame her when she lets herself be kidnapped away from her dead-end job by an angry alien who seems to think she's a missing alien prince? Casey's in for the adventure she always craved as they flee secret government agencies, stumble upon strange towns, and eventually have to stop the actual runaway prince from getting himself killed with his party boy attitude.
Main cast is completely planned
Incredibly dissimilar to anything I've watched/read lately, so less likely to accidentally draw from things half-remembered
Almost episodic, can afford to be rambly and unfocused
It's the type of contemp where the worldbuilding is basically just our world, which is difficult and often boring for me
Literally no existing outline AT ALL
Annoyed with my own job in a way I wasn't when this was first planned -- risks getting too pessimistic or just frustrating
Project Evergreen (post-apoc sci-fi)
Arden thinks his life is over when he leaves behind his family's stronghold to take his sister's place at the Eternal One's estate. But instead of being imprisoned for Fern's habitual impulsiveness, he is given a new name and instructed to work on a mysterious device alongside others in similar situations. And he would truly prefer it if the Eternal One would simply lurk. Instead, the mystical woman infamous for somehow surviving long past the Before Times visits him and speaks as though he is someone else.
Relatively developed cast drawing from discarded projects
Basically a fucked up and nonromantic sci-fi Beauty and the Beast story, so most of the big story beats are planned for me
Strong thematic center - easier to make story decisions
No clue what happens between the big story beats ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Worldbuilding is slapdash at best
I have no clue how this ends
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cvbullshit · 1 year
Simulacra Headcanons + Simulacra AU headcanons
(Be prepared, as some headcanons will conflict with each other since I believe in multiple possibilities for the things in these games. Not to mention, the AU I want to mention is more of a "for fun" AU-type thing that's mainly made for possible content such as videos and what not, you'll see what I mean.) Simulacra Headcanons: -The Simulacra in the first game is the same as the other two shown simulacra, which is funny to me because that mean that thing can now be known as possibly genderfluid. -The Simulacra in the first game is not one of the other Simulacras, possibly both, and that there are possibly way more somehow. -The Simulacra in Pipe Dreams is somehow based on either Maya or Ashley, possibly both. -The MC in the first game is female, partly female(She/he, Demigirl, ect.), or was a female(ftm, non-binary, ect.) -The MC in Pipe Dreams is a male. -The MC in the third game is either male, non-binary, or a Demiboy(He/they) -The MC from the first game could have possibly been the one to tip off Murilo after their encounter with the simulacra. -Taylor(if an ending where he's alive is canon) and the MC from the first game totally keeps in touch. -Anna(if an ending where she's alive is canon) and the MC are sort of semi-friends but only through Taylor(only possible if they're both alive). -Anna and Ashley totally got at least one date in, even if they didn't last as a couple, they totally went somewhere for a date. -Taylor(if he's alive) and Ashley(if Anna is alive) get along as friends sort of, Ashley going along with his humor and singing whenever she's drunk. -Teddy def had feelings for the Pipe Dream's MC at least once in his life. Simulacra YT/Tumblr Content AU Headcanons: -The three Simulacras mess with the 3 main characters, 2/3 of them do it for fun. -The three Simulacras are their own beings. -The Pipe Dreams Simulacra(will refer to her as PD, Gamey, or Flappee) is def more energetic than her "co-workers", upbeat, cheery, though can act sort of overdramatic and annoying at times. -The 1st Simulacra(will refer to him as Phoney, Pretender, or Spark) totally is not in tune with his "co-workers" and finds them somewhat overly goofy and annoying. -The Ripple Man's personality changes between Maya's, Rex's, Mina's, and Arya's. -Phoney goes by he/him/it, Flappee goes by she/her/it, and Ripple Man goes by they/them/it. -Flappee flirts with both the Pipe Dreams MC and Phoney to annoy both of them. -Ripple Man isn't goofy like Flappee but just follows along with her bs because they can. -Phoney will for real just rather sit and somehow drink coffee with the first game's MC if it means not having to deal with Ripple Man and Flappee. -If Flappee and Taylor met, she'd date him. Not for love, just for fun, to mess with him, and bonus it may make it easier to convince him to play her game. -Phoney is AroAce, Flappee is Pansexual-Aromantic, and Ripple Man is Asexual-Biromantic. -Ripple Man is both great at conversations, introductions, making social plans, but is somehow ultimately also socially awkward. -If she could drink, Flappee would become an energetic crazywoman/child if she drank coffee or anything with high caffeine. -If he could drink, coffee would be Phoney's breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. It could even be counted as his alcohol. -If they could drink, Ripple Man would use coffee in place of tea so they can have a reason to set up "tea(coffee) parties" and just to use as a way to invite people to hang for a bit. -Phoney is great when it comes to love advice, just has no reason to share that to anyone and barely tries it himself.
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the-dog-watch · 1 year
Clarissa Oakes/The Truelove
This book begins with Jack still smarting from the events of the previous book, utterly peevish and miserable; he starts by enumerating all the ways he's been hard done by the crew, even Stephen. He resents being "manipulated" into bringing Padeen onto the crew, which...I can't quite call it inaccurate but it is a very funny way to describe your best friend narrowly escaping death, yet again, while fully dressed in clown makeup, yet again. I wouldn't call Stephen's brand of getting what he wants manipulation, it's more like an extremely unlucky type of laughing chance. "If the accident will," as Kurt Vonnegut said, and the accident surely did will Padeen on board the ship again.
It all boils down to sexual jealousy; everyone's been off sucking and fucking and Jack meanwhile was getting jerked around by Amanda Smith part deux. Nothing less than he deserves, of course, but it does explain a lot. There's an awkwardness between him and Stephen that persists especially in the beginning of this book. They tiptoe around each other in the aftermath of their argument, with each of them trying to be tactful but still managing to get on the other’s nerves. For a relationship that was quite literally founded on the promise of future violence, they're always so reluctant to cause each other the slightest pain. I suppose that’s the reason they so easily fall into this pattern of deferred conflict; even when they come to blows (figuratively, in this case) they can never actually make themselves pull the trigger or push the blade in when it comes to the fateful moment. Their affection is always too strong and the conflict is always put off as far in the future as possible.
I just can’t get over this scene where Stephen is examining Jack (due to his “peccant liver”) and it’s a good example both of how much they care for each other and also how they can’t stop annoying each other. From page 8:
"Stephen, surely you would not call me middle-aged, would you?"
"Navigators are notoriously short-lived, and for them middle-age comes sooner than for quiet abstemious country gentlemen. Jack, you have led as unhealthy a life as can well be imagined, perpetually exposed to the falling damps, often wet to the skin, called up at all hours of the night by that infernal bell. You have been wounded the Dear knows how many times, and you have been cruelly overworked. No wonder your hair is grey."
"My hair is not grey. It is a very becoming buttercup-yellow."
Jack wore his hair long, clubbed and tied with a broad black bow. Stephen plucked the bow loose and brought the far end of the plait round before his eyes.
"Well I'm damned," said Jack, looking right at it in the sunlight. "Well I'm damned; you are quite right. There are several grey hairs...scores of grey hairs. It is positively grizzled, like a badger-pie. I had never noticed."
Six bells.
"Will I tell you something more cheerful?" asked Stephen.
"Please do," said Jack, looking up from his queue with that singularly sweet smile Stephen had known from their earliest acquaintance.
I read that passage to a friend of mine after I made him watch the movie with me and he was like "what the FUCK." I like to expose other people, unversed in the Aubrey/Maturin series, and watch them utterly boggle at what we are witnessing, like exposing someone with no tolerance to a deadly poison. “Singularly sweet smile.” Good christ. You've never mentioned thinking that Jack has a sweet smile before, Stephen, I simply had to infer that you thought so from your every word and action for the past 10 years and 15 books.
Anyway. Jack's bad mood doesn’t survive an encounter with the stowaway title character, who I feel remiss in not mentioning till 700 odd words into this review. CLARISSA OAKES, a woman who is hard done by the world, both in-fiction and metatextually since the cowardly dogs who put out the US edition removed her name from the title. I’m starting to think misogyny is real and maybe is still with us to this day….
To be honest, I was really leery of Clarissa’s whole plotline when I read descriptions of it in other reviews of this book. She was sexually abused by her guardian as a child and later becomes a sex worker at a brothel in London, and in telling Stephen about one of her clients she puts him onto a break in his big case. The naval intelligence connection and the entire escapade on Moahu end up feeling incidental; the real attraction of this book for me is Clarissa, both watching the deterioration of all her shipboard relations and the real warmth and affection that springs up between her and Stephen. I think Stephen describes her at one point as combining worldliness with a certain naivete; she's both attractive and likable and yet for all that her viciousness and remoteness are what alienate her from others. She reminds me a lot of Stephen himself, to be honest. 
I knew it was coming but the scene where she reveals the abuse she suffered as a child is surprising because it feels so spontaneous and perfectly natural. O'Brian captures that fleeting feeling where you can suddenly find yourself telling someone you barely know things you've never spoken of to anyone else in your life. She's drawn to Stephen for one of the qualities I've always admired about him: his steadfast commitment to our National (International??) No Snitching Policy. They’re united in their hatred of impertinent questions! “You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up.” They embody this beautifully, and it leads to a very lovely friendship.
I mentioned last time that, for all the joy in The Nutmeg of Consolation, there was a real sense of dread or foreboding which is even more prominent here. I kept bracing myself for something awful to happen to Clarissa for the whole book. I think in a more traditional narrative something more character arc-y might have happened with her; maybe her promiscuousness would have had consequences and things would have come to a head.
I suppose you could call it another example of deferred conflict: nothing awful happens to her. She sails away in the end. Her marriage is mostly joyless, but she is certainly better off than she was before, and has the possibility of a future and maybe real happiness, and it’s almost certain that we haven't seen the last of her.
Deferral of conflict doesn't have to mean deferral of catharsis. It's like a Cinderella story, right down to the pivotal scene of getting Clarissa a new dress. She doesn't grow or change, really, but there is a real satisfaction in her defiant ability to just live and survive. The affection between her and Stephen is what sells it I think—the scene where he's running late for dinner (again) and she helps him dress is so charming—and the book ends with their bittersweet parting.
And that's that! Don't really have much to add about the little colonial adventure on Moahu here, other than to say that the ad copy, if the not the text of the books themselves, is always playing up the "head-hunting cannibals" aspect of the Pacific Islanders in a way that is exoticizing at the very least and downright racist at worst, and yet no Polynesian character we've ever met in these novel has been even close to as unpleasant as any of the white people we met in Boston when Jack and Stephen were POWs there in The Fortune of War. Give me the man soup any day before sending me back to Beantown again, I beg you!
NEXT TIME: Homeric seas. Literal islands forming from fiery volcanoes in front of our eyes. And an even scarier natural phenomenon than that: gradually drifting apart from a friend you used to be close with. 🙀 See you then!
The Far Side of the World (10) > HMS Surprise (3) > Desolation Island (5) > The Reverse of the Medal (11) > The Nutmeg of Consolation (14) > The Ionian Mission (8) > The Fortune of War (6) > Clarissa Oakes/The Truelove (15) > Master & Commander (1) > The Surgeon’s Mate (7) > Treason's Harbour (9) > The Letter of Marque (12) > The Thirteen-Gun Salute (13) > Post Captain (2) > The Mauritius Command (4)
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77angelnumbers77 · 1 year
more asks!! 4 and 17 >:3c
Sorry for taking so long to reply!! I got busy 😭
4. What was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I'm really a block first, ask questions later kind of person to just avoid long-term conflict and to curate my space. I guess on my last account, I did end up blocking some of my mutuals just because I needed a fresh start . . . even if I didn't really use the account after that.
Let's see . . . I'm willing to tolerate basically anything in moderation, short of bigotry and weird thirst stuff. I've blocked a lot of people who show up in my for you page just for posting x reader fanfiction. Not my cup of tea. I know that's weird for someone who spends so much time writing in the second person, but when that second person is supposed to be me that's harder -- and on top of that, I don't particularly want to fuck the Spiderverse guy.
Tags, on the other hand? I blocked dozens of them on my old account. I don't watch much of anything, so I typically block shows and movies when they start trending.
Sometimes a mutual will start posting a bunch of characters from a show/book/whatever that I can't see myself getting into. Sometimes it's just thirst for some particular guy, or really weird discourse that I'm getting on my feed for some reason. Into the tag filter!
I know it's not very tumblr-y of me, but I have different accounts for my different interests because I don't want to subject my mutuals to random guy/gal thirst™️from fandoms they're not in.
I have my first account from a good number of years ago that is effectively dead. I just spammed there. Hardly any original content.
I have my rarepair account which I use to exclusively talk about my favorite pairing from another franchise.
I had a more personal account for essays and such that I've since deleted. Frankly, I've always been a pretty private person, so I tend to keep these accounts to their defined subject and not crosspost. They're not even sideblogs 😭if I got into sideblogs we'd be here all day.
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art
VrisRezi meteorstuck
Sburb/Sgrub never happened AU (one of my favorite tropes because of the potential for angst)
I will always be so into well-done AUs. Worldbuilding is my best friend. I once read this fic with this amazing premise. It was more or less middle ages on Alternia with all sorts of details on how everything worked -- from the trolls and their physiology, to the human servants, to affairs around the castle. It's from an orphan account and the fic never went beyond 5(?) chapters. Every day I think about all the beautifully thought out fics that will never be completed. A well done fantasy AU is a real treat.
Bonus controversial take: in my opinion, we need less Humanstuck AU. It just takes a lot of the joy out for me! I used to be an avid Humanstuck writer myself, actually. I just think it's difficult to translate the trolls into understandable human characters without:
Changing them entirely or
Making them completely unsympathetic
Nothing against Humanstuck, I just think it's more fulfilling to flesh out Alternia.
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cadybear420 · 1 year
Tumblr media
They're far from the worst MC we've had. I don't mind getting to play as a more messy and unpopular character, and some of their dorky moments are cute. But they're still a major downgrade from the OG MC.
OG MC had a lot more variety in what they could do or how they could respond to things. You got to basically build their character through the story (and being able to choose your "clique" has been a staple of HSS since the Prime game). Your MC was allowed to be proactive and have a spine, they actually took their conflicts seriously, you sometimes even had options in whether or not to be more forgiving. They weren't forced to be too perfect despite what people claim, nor were they forced to be an asshole. And when you could make them an asshole, there would be actual consequences.
Then we get switched over to a MC who is just so much more stiff than the first one. You get zero choice in what theatre crew role or what acting part you get. Book 1 constantly forces them to agonize over wanting to get their first kiss with Rory on stage. They're Caillou's parents levels of passive in a lot of conflicts and there are many characters like Clint, Natalie, and Amber who go through the story with complete impunity for their behaviors. You're pretty much incapable of making them do anything that could yield actual consequences.
That being said, they do get significantly better by Book 3. Still a bit stiff as a character, but most of the aforementioned problems do seem to go away. And the Aunt Wendy plot was pretty heartwarming.
They're an alright character. Not much that's memorable about them though, but I did find their arc with Amber in Book 1 pretty interesting.
They're decent enough but they don't really have much character growth in the trilogy and they're easily the weakest of the 3 LIs. It was also really obnoxious how Book 1 forced our MC to crush on them so much.
That being said, I do like their background of how they do theatre productions to fund their mom's cancer treatment. Having them also be the "for us to date, we have to be close friends first" type is also a nice touch.
I'm probably one of the few HSS:CA-critical people that actually likes Ajay. Although he wasn't all that appealing to me in Book 1, he quickly grew on me in Book 2 when we got to explore his family issues- it makes him a lot more of a sympathetic character as opposed to the other characters who have acted dickish to MC (Clint, Natalie, Trevor). I'm proud to say that I had my MC romance him and I enjoyed it all the way.
I still maintain that him siding against MC in Book 1 was just straight up OOC, considering he literally warned MC about Danielle being problematic at the start of the book.
Skye is the one thing I think that both the CA enjoyers and the CA-critical people can agree on being perfectly written. Seriously, her character and her storyline is just solid all the way through and I have a hard time finding any actual legitimate criticism of it.
For the record I think Skye's and Ajay's storylines are easily the strongest points of HSS:CA. Shame that that's where like 90% of the effort for that trilogy went into tho lol
She's nice. But she doesn't really have a lot of personality outside from that, and you could probably remove her from the trilogy and lose nothing important. That being said, she's still leagues better than all the other supporting characters introduced, such as...
Clint and Natalie
They're nothing more than annoying useless Rory simps. I do like that they move on from Rory by the end, but it doesn't hold a lot of weight considering the story has given me no other reason to care about them.
Wait, who's he again? Sorry I keep forgetting... oh right, that useless dickish techie guy. Yeah he's so useless as a character that I keep forgetting he even exists. And now the only thing that makes me remember him is how many times I've forgotten he exists.
Danielle is such a half-baked antagonist. I do appreciate them trying to make her less outwards as an antagonist than that of OG HSS, and how they do have her go to therapy at some point. But I still have a ton of issues.
Danielle was kind of just a nothing character in most of Book 1, outside of them making it incredibly obvious that she had it out for MC. And then all of a sudden after she comes forward, they want us to hear her side of the story? And she can only go to therapy if we pay diamonds to hear her side?
And the way they deal with her afterwards is so weird. Rather than expelling her for purposefully getting OG MC's leg broken, she only gets kicked from the play but sticks around in the school because potatoes. But despite still being around, the writers have pretty much thrown her away as a character and the one cameo she does have has less value than a family guy cutaway gag. It feels very much like she only existed as someone for MC to compete over Rory with.
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indepth-mbti · 2 years
Can you please help me to figure out my enneagram type?
I don't know whether I am a sp1,sp9 or a sx6 (this comes more from my friend typing me, though I doubt it).
I can't seem to figure out my enneagram because I doubt my conclusions a lot, always looking for new informations: it's like every little thing can add more value to the typing and by considering all these data I just get lost. Add that I relate easily to many descriptions and that I am really moody. I am not sure about my mbti either, I have Ni and Fi but also maybe Ti. For my friends I am an ISxP but I I don't know. I relate to many fictional chatacters who are ISxP but maybe there's more?
I just have this tendency to go too much in depth and it's kind of annoying because I am never sure of my conclusions about myself and sometimes my analysis.
This system looks vague too, maybe it's so specific that it looks vague, I need irl life examples.
I tend to compare myself to fictional characters because it gives more clarity. For example, I relate to Levi, Eren and Annie from Attack on titan.
I think that you have a solid use of Se: looking for real life examples, having problems prioritizing abstract information without a tangible back-up... Nothing of what you say clears up if you use Fi or Ti, but you can check my tumblr answers because I've compared both of them many times, I've also compared Fi and Ti in my Q&A highlighted stories on IG.
I'll rule out sp1, even if sp1 has this worriness and overthinking tendencies, it's still an E1 that pretends to fix things. SP1 has a need for foresight, planning and having things undercontrol. They're benevolent while hidding their anger and their constant fear of imperfection.
Sp9 and sx6 are actually super different:
sp9 is conflict avoidance, sx6 is reactive towards conflict
sx6 is reckless in its insecurity, kind of like a trembling bomb ready to explode. sp9 is gullible, naive and shy.
sp9 is distant and emotionally blunded, even in their shyness there's a lack of passion in the sp9 that isn't present in the sx6, who is reactive, suspisious and rebellious per se.
sp9s merge with their hobbies and physical abilities, while the sx6 is observant and inhibited.
Sx6s usually mistype as E8 instead of sp9 tbh. If you're going for the E6 subtypes, maybe check sp6.
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mintys-musings · 1 year
ik yandere stuff isn't everyones thing. esp the more brutal parts to it. but i find it interesting to explore the obsession... so ig maybe a similar way to how izumi acts sometimes? (because wasn't he supposed to be just a tsundere but the writers threw in some yandere tendencies into him?)
idk. i just think it's interesting to see how characters behave when they feel a certain spark for someone that leads them down to infatuation. especially if their feelings arent reciprocated or they are too aware of their actions. examples below.
just to be safe uhhh cw some stalking
like anzu being so obsessed with a producer that she switches her whole schedule to line up with theirs and sabotages projects sometimes so they gotta hang out and fix her fuck ups. and even when they're berating her because they're tired of her antics, she's crying tears of joy because wow to have theyre full attention like this is a blessing!!! i think she'd be the type to have a little shrine of shit she's picked up from the producer. empty pens, failed proposal papers, a paper cup thats stained slightly with coffee— all sentimental. acts like a doting wife, much to the annoyed producer's dismay.
or makoto feeling conflicted as he uses his access to the info bureau to get info on a voice actor he likes and trying to get cast in the same game— or constantly spending his time in places he knows they frequent for a chance meeting. he's been a victim of izumi's infatuation so it feels wrong, but he can't help it. he's too scared of actually approaching them so he builds this elaborate delusion by just sitting in the same general area as the person. he orders what they order. and he mentally pretends to have a conversation with them as they eat. he uses audio editors to splice together clips of them saying "I love you, Makoto ♡" among other things and listens to them on loop (Check Check One Two by KurageP vibes) the odd feelings he has on this whole ordeal haunt him. every time he creates a new sound file he feels sick. why is he like this? they dont even know makoto exists. he'd like to stop but their voice is so sweet...
mayoi.... well... he's always watching from the vents anyway. now he's just making sure things are okay for his beloved. he acts as both a phantom that sends chills down their spine as they don't know if they're being watched AND as a guardian angel who leaves trinkets, snacks, notes, etc. not too different from how he is already actually. he just is more scared. he already hates his own intrusive thoughts that struggle to stay in. he doesn't want his beloved to hear them especially. so he's content watching them from afar. though sometimes he gets cold feet that day because of the creeping guilt + the looming fear of getting caught and being labelled as a creep and avoided by his beloved is too much. if, however, his beloved's heart is taken by another, im sure he'd spiral into a depression considering he'd be too cowardly to make himself known. he'd just wish them the best as there's nothing else that he can do without bravery, but anyone who sees mayoi notices he's a bit listless.
hiyori being much more forward in his affections than everyone else, showering the apple of his eye in gifts and love galore. he's used to getting what he wants if he has a say. while even in this state i think all idols would be able to take rejection, hiyori would be hit the hardest and be in denial for a while. his gift giving wouldn't falter and his compliments still are never ending, but the more they affirm that "yeah no... id rather not." he'd grow distant. maybe angry? he couldn't remain as such towards them though. in the end, he'd settle for just providing them with whatever they could possibly need and keeping a friendly distance. he still loves them. and it hurts they don't feel the same. but it would hurt infinitely more to have them hate him.
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