#xod jb
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princesdecentdoodles · 8 months
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hi xoxo droplets tumblr
this one goes out to you
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one12345two · 3 months
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xoxo droplets but it‘s neko atsume
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werkwerkelizaaa · 1 year
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JB personally gifts you one of these when you get landed in detention by Nate for the first time
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xoxo-jb-brainrot · 1 year
Idk I just..
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Why pran wearing the goofy outfit!!!!!!!
(Might draw them in the goofy movie fits because I’m actually unhinged.)
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olteacup · 2 months
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his parents suck, hate them
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why does he look so horrified when she does anything romantic TT
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kinda made me feel bad sorry everett ik you had a crush on Pran (canon)
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tehehe we
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i have no idea why i just realized he had a brow piercing sdhcj
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fun fact pran doesnt have a blushing sprite throughout the whole game
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jeremywasriven · 2 years
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mcr reference (i am autistically fixated) shitpost with bae and jb cameo
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gb-patch · 2 years
HYPOTHETICALLY if you were to ever make an xoxo remake, would we still play as JB or would you add character customization?
I'm afraid not, the only reason an XOD remake may happen is because it wouldn't require a lot of work on the script, which tends to be the most time-consuming part of our VNs. We couldn't redo the scenes from the ground up to facilitate personalty customization. There'd never be the time.
And, unfortunately, even just putting in an MC with customizable pronouns wouldn't work that well since the boys have varying gender preferences. So, we'd need to rewrite the events from the way they react to someone they might date to versions when they were with someone who'd be exclusively a friend. For example, Shiloh dates women specifically. Sadly (or happily) he wouldn't do his evil, manipulative flirting if you played as a male or non-binary MC. Every scene of his would be different for those players.
And that'd be unfair, to release a game with MC customization where the only gender who can get all the guys is female. There's a lot of queer characters in the cast but some of the boys are straight. I wouldn't want to retcon their sexualities.
Plus, JB really is her own character to me. I wouldn't feel great taking away her well-established identity either. If there was gonna be a custom MC, it couldn't be her. She'd have to be erased from the world entirely or put in as a side character, neither option is ideal.
So, for various reasons, XOD is gonna have to remain a game about the adventures of one very particular gal. While our future games will continue to be made to tell the player's story.
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regulusstarz · 2 months
Jeremy x Pran headcanons!
first time posting.. im totally cool haha..
This is my first time ive really written in this format, so sorry if it kinda sucks. I tried to keep it as close to canon as possible, but there's only so much you can do with those two stubborn silly billies..
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» The confession took fucking LONG. Eventually JB just couldn't stand to witness that anymore and decided to play matchmaker.
» Jeremy would've probably confessed after JB pushed him to it. Pran would've been too stubborn and internally scared of messing up the friendship to do it. (JB used the fact that Jeremy could just tell Pran she forced him if he didn't reciprocate as a way to get him to finally do it).
» JB was not allowed to be there after the confession. Pran needed some alone time after it, but did accept Jeremy's confession eventually.
onto when they're actually dating!!
» Dates would probably be just hanging out like they always did. Pran sketching something while Jeremy does his own thing. Maybe they occasionally comment on something, but it's mostly just quietly enjoying each other's presence.
» Because of Jeremy's germaphobia, they don't actually really touch much. Pran is already a well-known person to him, so he can do little touches like laying against one another or holding hands for a couple minutes, but can't bring himself to go further than that.
» He knows Pran is secretly touch starved and wishes he could hug him, but his Germaphobia just makes him unable to do that. Just thinking about it makes him shudder.
» But Pran doesn't really have a problem with it. He knows how Jeremy is, and respects it. He would probably only do whatever Jeremy asked. The most he'll try to do is maybe simple hand touching (like fingers grazing one another), but even that would be extremely rare. He would feel way too guilty about making Jeremy uncomfortable to actually try and initiate anything.
» Jeremy didn't tell his parents and Pran didn't either. Jeremy because he didn't want to deal with his parents possibly making an even bigger fuss about his (boy)friend, and Pran because he thinks his family is not worth introducing Jeremy to. Jeremy already knows how shitty his parents are, no need to get them involved.
» But when Graduation comes near, they'd probably skip out on prom and go somewhere else togheter instead. Jeremy's parents would most likely want him to spend that day with them, but Jeremy either admits to Pran being his boyfriend in that moment and says they want some time alone (similarly to when you go to prom with Jeremy in XOD), or says that he and Pran had already made plans.
Sorry if they were short!! I tried my best. I'll probably get better with time ^^', i hope you enjoyed it though!!
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otomes-and-tears · 1 year
Hey so its the first time I ever request something but I don't have money to buy the xod dlc and I'm craving bae content atm.
How about like how would he react or act with a gn reader who isn't that much of a jerk but is best friends with JB and also fits perfectly his, at least physical, type? It can be a headcanon, one shot or whatever you want, I just really wanna read something about him lmao
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♦ Bae with someone who's his type ♦
► tags/warnings:
► words: 756
► Masterlist
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Bae is the kind of person who deeply admires aesthetics;
He has dozens of different frames for his glasses just so that he can match them to his designer clothing;
So finding someone who fits his exact type would pique his interest;
Not enough that he’d stop being a snobbish wimp, of course;
But as someone who likes admiring cute things he’d make some effort to be around you more often;
He doesn’t even try to be subtle about it;
He’d find excuses to talk to you and give you the occasional compliment, although with his permanently sarcastic tone of voice and general attitude it’s really hard to tell if he’s being genuine;
And because he’s Bae, of course, he’d condescendingly give you advice;
Even more often than he does to most people, actually;
He’d suggest you style your hair in a specific way or another because it “looks better”;
And if you indulge him and wear your hair that way the following morning… Well, I’m sorry, but he’d take it as permission to act as your personal stylist;
He’d keep recommending specific hairstyles and outfits to you and if you didn’t wear them he’d be very patronizing about it;
Oh, and Bae would act like what he’s doing is a huge favour to you instead of the reality, that is that he thinks you’re cute and acts like you’re his doll;
If you manage to be best friends with JB, it means you have a high tolerance for people with huge egos, so being around Bae isn’t really that challenging;
JB would be happy to be able to spend time with both of you and would gladly welcome him hanging around;
Enough that JB, Bae and you become a little trio;
Other students at SSB will either think you’re a saint or be incredibly worried about your sanity for hanging around the jerks willingly;
But what can you say? Even if JB’s constant flirting with Bae bothers you a little, spending time with them leads to some very amusing situations, so it isn’t bad at all;
By the way— being the object of Bae’s interest and befriending him will lead to him giving you a few special nicknames, that he wouldn’t use when annoying talking to other people;
Oh, and regardless of your relationship being romantic or entirely platonic;
If he sees you in cute pyjamas he’s going to go absolutely feral;
I think the special nicknames are the point where JB would be 100% sure that he has a crush on you;
Sure, he acts a little different towards you, but the way he treats you is similar to how he’d sometimes treat Jeremy, another person he finds to be incredibly cute;
So she wouldn’t assume it to be romantic initially;
But when he calls everyone the same few nicknames it kind of stands out when he calls you something different;
She has an eye for gossip, and would start reading too much into every single interaction she witnesses between you;
And yeah, JB might have a bit of a crush on Bae (He’s an attractive jerk and therefore fits her criteria) but in a rare display of compassion, or maybe morbid curiosity as to how it’d play out, she decides to play cupid;
But, like Bae, JB is allergic to the idea of subtlety;
She would straight up tell you that she knows you have feelings for him and she thinks he very obviously likes you too;
And would proceed to feed you information about Bae;
Things that she learned from attending Jerksquad meetings and information Shiloh gathered for her;
Bae would not make a move until he’s forced to;
Being exactly his type wouldn’t change that, so unless you want to start dating him after graduating high school, making a move would be up to you;
He just thinks high school romances are silly and he intends to date to marry so he doesn’t want to waste time on something like this if it isn’t going to be serious;
And I do think his massive ego would kind of make him avoid a scenario in which he’s possibly rejected;
Anyways— if you do end up in a relationship, I don’t think that much would change;
Only that his insistence on dressing you up would grow and he’d go as far as to buy you outfits and accessories to wear;
He does have way too much money at his disposal and I think he’d genuinely have a lot of fun with it!
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When Aurora goes to Jeremy's graduation she's not surprised at all that he avoids her. She does, however, find who she's pretty sure is Pran outside the building. After confirming it is her, she passes on the gift she brought for Jeremy onto her. Because as funny as it would be, she doesn't want to actually upset her little brother.
(Also JB and Jeremy don't break up until after graduation in this timeline, and when she sees Jeremy getting flustered over this random girl in the audience she's like who the FUCK is that and that's why she's the only group member besides Pran to know ab that side of his family.)
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princesdecentdoodles · 8 months
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cant believe i never posted this
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granolapranala · 1 year
Rising from the dead to make a post that no one but me will care about: assigning the droplets boys metalocalypse characters.
(The numbers didn't add up since there are 7 jerks and 5 dethklok guys so I left out JB and then I couldn't find someone that Nate fit. He'd be Charles if Lynn was out of the picture for sure tho)
Pran- Nathan
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I swear I am not only going on designs, but that's definitely part of it (pretty big men ♡). Both are strong silent types with a lot of hate. Their general demeanor and outlook is similar. Plus, both canonically didn't speak (at least for a while) as kids (and the one scene of child Nathan reminds me of all the descriptions of child Pran). Both are some of the least academic/booksmart of the cast, also. Not everything fits (Nathan has a leadership role, passion, and a good relationship with his family, all unlike Pran), but they have enough strong basic similarities that I had to compare them.
Shiloh- Toki
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Both are completely all over the map characters: are they sweethearts? Are they true genuine assholes? Are they somewhere in between? What is wrong with them? Are they okay? Both are very cute and childlike in presentation with a lot of unsavory traits underneath. Plus, both of of tend to be followers, going along with other people's random plans. Toki has more of a set characterization than Shiloh (who's kind of an enigma), but if anyone in the droplets cast fits Toki, it's Shiloh.
Everett- Pickles
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I also debated Nate as Pickles but Everett works a lot better. Both are tiny guys filled with rage. Just anger and bitchiness in a tiny body. Pickles has had the most physical fights out of any character in his show, and the blood droplets kill levels confirm that Everett is the most violent of the jerks. Also, if Everett wasn't on constant watch by Nate, I think he'd absolutely be a party boy and drink a lot. The main difference in character is that Pickles has family issues galore and Everett is a momma's boy. Plus, Pickles is rarely an instigator and tends to just react to things, while Everett starts problems seemingly for fun. The comparisons are getting looser.
Bae- Skwisgaar
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(I think JB also would've made a good Skwisgaar but I left her out of this) It's all about the confidence and self obsession. Both think that they are so fucking cool and want to lounge around and relax. They also both seem weak as hell (Bae is, and Skwisgaar seems to be, if his build and demeanor is anything to go on). Both have the utmost confidence in their own abilities and like to piss off their rival (either Nate or Toki) with that. The main difference between them is that Skwisgaar seemingly does a lot of work to be the best, he's constantly practicing guitar and he writes/works on the albums, whereas Bae kind of does jack shit and still thinks he's all that. Also, Bae's sex-adverse asexuality versus Skwisgaar's eternal ho phase lol
Jeremy- Murderface
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I'M SORRY. This one is weird. I guess the main thing tying these two characters together is low self esteem. Most of dethklok and most of the xod cast don't really hate themselves- these two do. They also both have body issues, tied into that self hatred, that come up somewhat regularly. Both make everyone around them miserable, partially on purpose and partially because they are just Like That. The way they do it is different (Jeremy is a downer and Murderface just pisses people off), but it's the same general effect. There are a lot of differences, mainly that Jeremy is a germophobe and Murderface is nasty, but I had to assign someone Murderface and I wasn't losing the Pran-Nathan comparison so whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lynn- Charles
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Just in role more than anything. Guy in charge of a group of assholes, who really does care about those assholes and puts up with all the insults and difficulty they throw at him. (Also hot. They are hot.)
Petition to put dethklok into an xobd-style dark comedy yandere dating sim/cyoa and to put the jerk squad in an adult swim cartoon with several legitimate music albums please and thank you
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one12345two · 2 months
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Credit to the original meme artist @sweepswoop_ on Twitter!!!
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thatlittledandere · 2 years
💕 XOXO Droplets
Though I don't generally ship dating sim characters and XOD is hardly an exception
JB x your guy of choice. She's such a good match for all of them
JB x Everett getting a special mention because Eve is my favorite my baby my darling my little meow meow. I mourn that even when I'm fully honest in the type game I get him and then learn his type is my exact opposite SDGHFSFGJ
Nate and Everett. Their friendship is the most important part of the game and the way they fit together so seamlesslyand balance each other out and bring out the best in each other and are always there for each other and can be fully honest and comfortable and genuine together and care about one another so much and show it so openly is AAAAAAAAA it makes me INSANE I was already SO soft for them and THEN The Creator herself came forth and said that since neither of them are straight and they're already so compatible they would work well as a couple too and there's a good chance they could end up together if JB isn't with either one?? And I'm supposed to be normal about that? What the hael
Whatever is going on with the RP blogs on here whenever they're being active. Can't believe they shipped Jeremy and Shiloh before they both had an Our Life cameo and got more people interested in the dynamic
Shiloh and consequences of his actions
Send me 💕 and a fandom and I'll list all my ships from it
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