#just a psa !!!!
mortra · 5 months
saying this now because I was also a victim, it's not shoujo background, it's healing magic lol
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velnna · 1 year
Greetings everyone this is the PSA that now you can get the first chapter of my latest comic in PDF form 🎉 more details below 🔽🔽🔽
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The comic itself is a fantasy coming-of-age type story that started off as me and a friend just rambling about D&D character backstories. It's now neither D&D nor a backstory and we're having a blast
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It's all very loose and sketchy and we're working on it chapter-by-chapter at whatever pace we can. I post the full thing in advance + sneak peeks and random stuff on Patreon a lot. Also 99% of the new stuff you see on twitter etc (bug guy too) relates to it
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LINK TO CHAPTERS (updated as I go)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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bjornkram · 4 months
Major major major seizure warning for the new Garfield movie. There are several instances of the screen flashing black and white for 3-5 seconds throughout the movie. I can't give exact times but just be very careful if you're photosensitive and thinking about seeing it.
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radfem-polls · 3 months
How many radfems here have DID/OSDD? I've seen it mentioned a few times and also have it.
> I am diagnosed with DID
>I am diagnosed with OSDD
>I am diagnosed OSDD/DID but don't believe I have it
>I am self diagnosed with DID
>I am self diagnosed with OSDD
>I am plural (endo/tulpa/nontraumagenic)
>I'm a singlet and a radfem (no did no osdd)
>I'm bald/not a radfem
Hi thank you for the ask! I also have DID (diagnosed) 🫶🏾
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nando161mando · 1 year
The white nationalist group, the Asatru Folk Assembly, is holding a blot on October 28th at Stonehenge. Many people don't realize that this is a white nationalist group. Sign the petition and help stop them from using this community monument.
@antifainternational @anarchistmemecollective @kropotkindersurprise @radicalgraff
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jhuzen · 2 years
I hate that tumblr has turned me into a Dottore simp...
But now I can't stop thinking about Dottore with a boyfriend with ADHD. Would he make notes?? I also think it would be extra hilarious if the reader was his lab assistant, like-
Dottore: How the hell did you get this done so quickly??
Reader: I haven't eaten, drank or moved from my desk for the last 12 hours.
to worry a physician [m.reader]
morax anon and i are so in sync in the simping game, it’s beautiful. this is why ily. this was hilarious to write LMAO. so here’s another quickie for you. also don’t imitate dottore’s methods, he’s a lil unhinged 😔
𖦹 slightly suggestive in the end (again do not imitate dottore’s methods), a brief use of dottore’s real name
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“H-Hey now… let’s not… jump to certain actions that we might soon regret…”
The cold metal was difficult against your back, you felt like a slab of meat hurled on some form of metal chopping board. You tried to get up but your beloved was quick to push you back down.
You winced as the buckles tightened around your body.
“You know how much I despise hypocrites, [Name].”
Suffice to say, it was a miracle that you were the last man standing amongst the myriad of assistants that the infamous second harbinger have been given. He went through all of them like a child digging into sweets ferociously, sometimes even quite viciously tearing them all apart limb from limb.
And yet somehow, you were the odd one out. You somehow managed to even keep up with the asinine nonsense that Dottore prattles on and on, writing down notes that you can barely organize either because your master is already jumping on the next topic, that or simply because there are tendencies of you forgetting to do them.
But even that didn’t trip you up. Because by a shot of luck, the harbinger found himself curling into your presence and starting to appreciate your efforts to a certain degree. He’s merciless, but he’s grown lenient on days where you are completely restless. Dottore may be cruel but he’s not a hypocrite.
Perhaps it is why you’re proudly wearing the title as Dottore’s far more favored being than the rest — his dearest beloved, a promised love that Dottore could never bother to share with others. He was possessive, that’s for sure, and he will keep you away from anything and anyone, even from the many segments of himself. It was hilariously pathetic, it’s like seeing a cat get so terribly territorial — only that it’s the very same cat that can lobotomize you in a split second if you so much as screw up any of his work.
However, it was as if it was innately built in you to catch up with him. It’s why Dottore finds you so interesting and remotely entertaining — the fact that you can barely make an organized effort on certain things, but when it comes to him, you’re all ears and can fulfill just about any task he has given you. Truly, you are his pride and joy and there can be no one in this world that can even refute that in the slightest.
But even Dottore can be extreme in his expression of affection, often toeing the threshold between something wholesome and adorable to something completely insane.
And aren’t you just the klutz, making the poor doctor worry.
You knocked on the door before entering — Dottore already told you to come in regardless, considering that you’re the only he has given his permission to do so. But still, you were his assistant, and even as his boyfriend, you still held a high degree of respect to the man (lest you barge in on him on his bad day and end up becoming a lab rat).
“I got what you asked for.”
Tearing himself away from his work, the doctor turned to you, half of his brain still very much attuned to the poor monstrosity of a cadaver that he just recently hacked away and toyed with, “What did I ask for?”
“Uhh… well, financial expense report for your Balladeer project in Sumeru, some relevant literatures for your current… cadaver endeavors, the new assignments that you got from the Jester that you somehow managed to push on me, the letter from Sumeru’s grand sage that you kept on whining about, and some samples that you asked from some poor unfortunate soul out there.”
Dottore’s eyes narrowed as he retained all the errands you’ve listed. Only for him to turn to you, a look of complete skepticism plastered on his temporarily unmasked face, “…That’s everything that I asked you to do.”
You slowly nodded, “…Yes? Is… something wrong with that?”
“I have made precise calculations of the average arrival of every single thing that I asked from you. A good half of them would have taken you a few weeks at most.”
“…Yes, well aware of that.”
You suddenly felt your poor tie getting yanked down as you came face-to-face with your normally unhinged lover, “Are you slacking on me? Are you cutting corners? You know I have no tolerance for such things.”
“Wait, dear— my tie.”
“I believe that head of yours should be the focus of your concerns, dear.”
At this point, resistance was futile, so you merely gave in with a sigh, carefully placing the basket filled with every single thing that he asked for. Dottore gave a side glance at your submissions, almost taken aback by the mountainous height of the papers you’ve stacked.
Still, while he may be lenient on you on certain things, he knows and expects that you above all are aware of the fact that he highly prioritizes his work. He still has to keep you in line after all if you’re starting to slag on your duties as his assistant.
“This is suspiciously early. It’s only been four days since these assignments. What did you do?”
You laughed a little, “You know I would never jeopardize your work, Zandik. I’d rather be six-feet under than even consider that in the first place.” The way his red eyes glowered, was enough to make you feel small, “…I… swear it…”
“I only had to cut out a few unnecessary things on my schedule so I can focus on my tasks… like… sleep or… meals. Just… a couple, I promise.”
That wasn’t true. It wasn’t a deliberate cutting out. It’s only that you’ve fixated on your work and that you were always itching to be on the move that you completely lost track of your time and ultimately screwed with your time frame in eating and sleeping. You barely ate and barely slept and your stack of work was the testament of that.
What. Dottore blinked slowly as his brain processed the information you so very generously dropped on him. You, in your efforts of focusing on your tasks… had managed to cut off the only very reason why you’re even alive in the first place. The most necessary part of your day, which now somehow was deemed as otherwise, was cut out of your schedule just to do his work.
Dottore has discreetly admired your dedication as his assistant, and quite frankly that was the reason why you’re still alive and still sleeps in the same bed as he does every single night. But something about the fact that you’ve neglected yourself just for his work was enough to irk the ruthless doctor.
The loosening grip on your tie tightened into a vice and before you knew it, your back was met with the cold hard surface of an empty operating table — it wasn’t even one of those that bend and are cushioned for comfort, it was where he often placed his experiments in.
“Wait, wh—” you quickly swallowed your complaint the moment you saw his eyes glinting dangerously down at you.
“I need to pry your brain open.”
You almost choked on air as you heard your lovers words, you immediately propped yourself up by your elbows, “What do you mean pry my brain open?!”
“I mean cracking that thick skull of yours to see whether or not something went wrong in your wiring,” Dottore’s movements were swift as he climbed up to the table, straddling your hips as he reached for the belt buckles attached at the side of the this cold metal slab.
“H-Hey now… let’s not… jump to certain actions that we might soon regret…”
And now here you are, at a complete stalemate with your beloved boyfriend, with you completely under his mercy. You were tied down and those leather straps were not at all helping you in making your grand escape. Not to mention, you can’t exactly just shove off your boyfriend.
“Not eating or sleeping for days just to complete your work would have been admirable had it not been for the fact that you need it.” Dottore sighed, reaching out a gloved hand to cup your face, squishing your cheeks together, “And here I thought you were slacking on your work… only to find something far worse.” The grip on your cheeks tightened.
You only shot him a pleading look, absolutely trying not to get your brain picked on. Your beloved had finally granted your reddening cheeks some mercy as he let go of it, “It’s not exactly something I can help, y’know? It just comes onto me naturally.”
“You not eating or even barely sleeping for the next four days is natural?” The harbinger was perplexed to say the least. “Would you like me to repeat that again so you can hear just how utterly asinine your words are?”
Huffing, you turned your cheek to the other direction, only to be faced by a dismembered head and immediately looked back at your lover, “I just wanted to make sure you have no hassle in the long run. And like I said, I don’t mind it.”
“I, however, mind the fact that if you keep this up, I might be looking for a potential replacement in just a few days once you kick the bucket.” He huffed back at you, “I hate inconveniences.” His scowl was deep and showed complete frustration towards you and your actions.
And for a quick second, your sleep and nutrient deprived mind had finally stopped to take in as you realized that this was Dottore’s odd way of showing concern. He met your gaze, and with the way your eyes tendered as the realization sank into you, he was far too late.
“Aww, pumpkin… you were worried—?”
“Perish the thought. Absolute lunacy. Whatever. Have it your way — I’ll indulge myself this time.”
“Indulge your… H-Hey! Where are you touching?!”
Dottore’s smile was wicked and devious as his hands traveled somewhere far south, copping a quick feel, “By my initial diagnosis, it seems as though you’ve been experiencing bouts of hyperactivity to the point of neglect at your food intake as well as the much needed rest. Why don’t I sort this out? As your personal physician, I suggest we do something about that before assigning your prescribed medications, no?”
Fret not, he made good on his promise — and fed you before tucking you in bed… but not after feeding him yourself.
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alittledizzy · 5 months
I can't believe this is a post I have to make.
I am not a crit blog. This is not a blog there you will see any doxxed or personal information about public figures. I have never written anything into a fic that Dream has not shared himself voluntarily and publicly online. Different people have different ideas of what they find comfortable in a fic, and in the past people have objected to me referencing Dream's weight and using his full first name (of which Clay is the most common nickname of) and acknowedging that he has an ex things went badly with, who used to be very publicly a part of his life.
None of this is information is sourced from anywhere besides Dream's own social media, except the name thing, and it just never occurred to me people would be upset because I used a full version of something that anyone would assume Clay is short for. I understand some people believe that things Dream posted online should be off limits too because he posted them while addressing controversies. My personal line is that if he shared it with his audience, on his social media, of his own volition then it's part of public knowledge.
You can disagree with this. But please don't harass people or concern troll other people just because they read my fic and you hate me. I'm still here because I decided fandom is worth trying to put up with it. But don't force other people to make that decision just because you want to make me miserable. They don't deserve that.
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Just a psa for fic writers who use the “trauma bond” tag, please make sure you’re using it correctly. A trauma bond is not two people who experience similar trauma and bond over it. It’s a carefully curated, manipulative bond between abuser and victim to keep the victim coming back because of the addictive highs and lows that come with abuse.
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If you want to tag two characters bonding over shared trauma, a good substitute tag would be “bonding over shared trauma.” Trauma bonding is, by definition, an abusive relationship and may steer people who have experienced it away from your fic. Please spread the word and happy writing!
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sn0id · 1 year
In honor of Spooky Season, this is yet another PSA that McKamey Manor is a scam and a cult. The so-called "scariest haunted house in America" is not a haunted house, it is a janky yard to which the sadistic creep known as Russ McKamey lures victims with the potential of a cash prize, assaults these people to the point of hospitalization and disability, and will do anything to ensure he never has to pay the prize money.
Do check out the youtube channel Reckless Ben, where they are currently in the process of exposing this scam. They are far from the first to try, but have gotten close enough that they are currently being sued by Russ. Unfortunately, shady business has youtube suppressing this content so it hasn't blown up as it should have. I won't go into specifics here because there's too much history, but it is a wild ride and an issue that is in desperate need of more recognition. So please look this up and reblog. Whether you're in it for the entertainment or because it's an important cause that's way overdue, I really don't care, the word just needs to get out.
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whump-in-the-closet · 1 month
in the battle between me and doing my assignments. uh. assignments are kicking my ass. so im not going to be as active— i’ll still pop on every now and then so feel free to tag me in stuff and send asks, i’ll get around to it. also i have some juicy prompts in my inbox. i see em i’ll get around to them but i want to give them the time they deserve
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lilcowzia · 1 year
20 piece mcnugget is only a dollar more than a 10 piece so tbh it just makes economical sense to go for the bigger one
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vivalski · 2 years
Begging people to not tag my art as NS/FW. It's not my fault you get flustered at some pasionate kiss or a shirtless guy like some old victorian lady. All you're doing is telling Tumblr to flag my art as mature and hide it.
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plumadot · 3 months
if you don't like my art or subject matter don't reblog it thanks gkfjdkgjfg
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imagine-creative · 11 months
Hey Y'all!
I changed my Tumblr handle so people could find me easier from my TikTok :) but it's still me! my art water mark will change to this handle bar but all art prior is still valid :) Love y'all! have a great day!
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nando161mando · 1 year
"PROTEST: BOOT TRANSPHOBIA, Channel 7 HQ, 160 Harbour Esplanade Docklands, 5:30PM, Friday, 15th September. Share widely!" Australia
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@antifainternational @kropotkindersurprise @radicalgraff
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lyranova · 11 months
A small reminder to people who comment under fics/posts/art/etc:
If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.
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