#just in case <3
leopardmuffinxo · 1 year
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when you want to impress your crush, but your siblings keep teasing you
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transjudas · 10 months
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David Tennant on imposter syndrome (x)
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plusultraetc · 5 months
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What a time to be a Percy Jackson fan because one fanfic will be like “Annabeth’s perspective in ep 8!” Clearly written by a child and its 10/10
And then the next fic is a goddamn percabeth miscarriage fic and it’s also 10/10 but it’s like oh yeah some of yall are fully in your 30s
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pinkyjulien · 4 days
Clowns going crazy over Veilguard's CC and
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Locked the FUCK in don't do that to me...........
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i need canned special...
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smokestarrules · 2 years
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this is the only post I have time for right now but I could not let this incredible Amity frame slide into the background of my mind 
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pr1nce-elias · 3 months
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Gonna draw modern au Harrow and Gideon as this. Gideon wants to order.
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razberrybones · 1 month
The online therian community sucks
Some of it really does. From what I've seen from tiktok? eugh yeah. and it's really not as welcoming on other platforms as it is here. I'm happy for all of the positive aspects and good people i've found, the accessibility to resources and knowledge is something i really adore. But I cant say anything for in person interactions or I guess? the in person community? Haven't met another therian or nonhuman out in the wild </3 I'm envious of everyone who has lmao
I dont know enough of the online therian community to actually be able to say if anythings wrong with it or if there's something we could do to improve, but im open to suggestions.
I get the feeling this was likely sent as hate, but I'm very optimistic pfft
If it was sent as hate, lets try to work though this yeah?
So first things first, I'm tired and a very flawed being with limited knowledge on this topic. I'm gonna be wrong and considerably ungraceful with some things, and i welcome anyone to add on where they can. Now, lemme give it a shot.
By 'sucks' i'm taking it as you personally don't like it. Not liking something is perfectly okay, but going out of your way to tell someone that you personally do not like something that is theirs is mean, and not a good look. I know you've likely heard that everywhere, too. Its a seemingly simple message that a lot of people just don't understand or ever manage to apply to their lives because they don't care to.
Let's try and explain it.
So hate? Why spread it? Normally it comes from dissatisfaction in the self, or situation the person is in or was in. Growing up and being in unhealthy environments contributes a lot. Anywhere with particular societal expectations has ingrained this toxic cookie cutter type mentality on top of whatever they've been taught by their life this far. I understand why people choose to hate, but it's only going to keep the cycle repeating. That is feeling awful and then being awful because of it.
People tend to spread hate the most when they hate themselves. It is always taught. Sometimes by people who are ill intended but sometimes they genuinely meant well, they themselves just didn't know any better. What matters now is what're you going to do with it? This awful painful feeling? Most people just put it back out into the world perpetuating the cycle, and that is the easier thing to do, but unlearning it is the best thing you can do for yourself and others.
We've been taught that only certain things are okay or should be accepted, but there's really not any harm in it if it's not hurting anyone. And that goes for everything non harmful such as wearing clothes not in fashion or liking sea turtles a lot, even all together looking or working different, not just therianthropy or nonhumans.
Learning that other things, sometimes besides just what you've been taught, are okay will help you accept vastly different people and situations in life. And most of all! Yourself.
From what I've seen people throw out hate because they think they have to be one certain way, and then this thing that was originally meant to keep them safe is harming them and others. They've made a little metal cage in their head, and now the bars and joints are cutting into them. They've far out grown it, and have no reason to stay in the cage, but it's safe to them. It kept them safe from whatever was out of the cage. That thing is long gone of course but it was a very scary experience. Stepping out is horrifying if you think a tiger is going to bite you.
You need to evaluate if you're actually in a safe space to set out of the cage, whether you feel safe or not. Be patient with yourself and all of that. Just remember you're a person who's never done this before, you're not going to have a good idea of what you're doing or anything. It's okay to fuck up. Just start little.
It really pains me when i see hate online, because I just worry for that person. I know someone who isn't just parroting what they've heard wouldnt do that. It just paints a picture of dissatisfaction and gives them an uncomfortable air. I really wish everyone could be okay and learn it feels much better to be open minded and grow. It's like they're putting themselves in a blender and saying "this! this is the perfect form!" and man, im rambling now and dont remember my point. It is past my bedtime. but!! I want to help.
I want to help everybody. Everybody is fuckin awesome they just dont know it yet, and i can help if they are willing. I can show them if they're willing. I love everybody, maybe not their actions or how they feel sometimes but everyone is a person or being and that's worthy of love. That's enough. so get up there and change smth, make your life a little better, sit outside without your phone for a bit, watch a ted talk while you brush your teeth. its fucken awful now, but you'll never see if it gets better if you jsut stop seeing all together. Its a new day everyday, you get a fresh start so often, so many opportunities to do what you can. Even just thinking about it is a start if you cant pull yourself to take that first step. The first is the hardest but i truly believe life wouldn't throw smth at you that you couldn't handle. You can do it, one step at a time.
And now it's late for me, and i hope the best for everyone. i think i lost my point half way through, but after rereading it a few times i still cannot tell. I hope it is good enough :salute:
Wait i think i just realized you're the lamb. if im remembering the name correctly.
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druidgroves · 2 years
do they have like. normal drugs in fallout. is weed allowed. is someone pulling a breaking bad & making meth in a goodneighbor warehouse. it can't all be jet & psycho right
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pcktknife · 2 years
the only pokemon that haven't appeared in a switch game are all from gen 5 (and one from gen 6) inchresting
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leopardmuffinxo · 1 year
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Damn. I'm good. 🔥🔨
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cat-attack1701 · 1 year
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Draws of Saxton Hale I did cus I have normal feelings about him.
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loveskilljoy · 1 year
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8g-soymilk · 11 months
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Day 19 of @quezify's Eggtober! Wanted to make some eggs into clouds for today. Process GIF below the cut:
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daisyychainssj · 10 months
Sometimes I go onto Twitter and I’m so baffled by what I’ve read I just sit there for a few minutes. I’ve seen multiple relatively big accounts within the qsmp fandom in the past few minutes tweet about how Pepito’s admin is throwing away the story of the past few days between Pepito and Roier and how the ccs are the main characters not the eggs and the admin shouldn’t be doing things that disregards the ccs lore. I’m so confused because how is Pepito sleeping outside disregarding or impacting roier’s lore in anyway???? q!roier has said MULTIPLE times that he can’t get attached to pepito, said to Pepito’s face that he loved Bobby more, Pepito has been neglected by roier and I understand why I do but that is literally the direction this has been going the past few days on day ONE Pepito literally slept in a DIRT HOLE OUTSIDE how is this any different??? People need to just admit they’re whining because they have a preference about certain admins and are upset that it’s no longer richas’ admin filling in for Pepito’s admin. Like complaining about things on Tumblr is whatever because there’s not that much of a chance it’ll be seen by the admins but the entire situation with Empanadas admin proves that people’s shitty takes can be seen by them. Ugh anyway sorry for the rant it just pissed me off especially after all the shit the admin playing Pepito got yesterday too it’s like damn people need to go outside and realise it’s not that deep fr just let the admin do their thing and relax
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