#my unfiltered optimism and enthusiasm
razberrybones · 1 month
The online therian community sucks
Some of it really does. From what I've seen from tiktok? eugh yeah. and it's really not as welcoming on other platforms as it is here. I'm happy for all of the positive aspects and good people i've found, the accessibility to resources and knowledge is something i really adore. But I cant say anything for in person interactions or I guess? the in person community? Haven't met another therian or nonhuman out in the wild </3 I'm envious of everyone who has lmao
I dont know enough of the online therian community to actually be able to say if anythings wrong with it or if there's something we could do to improve, but im open to suggestions.
I get the feeling this was likely sent as hate, but I'm very optimistic pfft
If it was sent as hate, lets try to work though this yeah?
So first things first, I'm tired and a very flawed being with limited knowledge on this topic. I'm gonna be wrong and considerably ungraceful with some things, and i welcome anyone to add on where they can. Now, lemme give it a shot.
By 'sucks' i'm taking it as you personally don't like it. Not liking something is perfectly okay, but going out of your way to tell someone that you personally do not like something that is theirs is mean, and not a good look. I know you've likely heard that everywhere, too. Its a seemingly simple message that a lot of people just don't understand or ever manage to apply to their lives because they don't care to.
Let's try and explain it.
So hate? Why spread it? Normally it comes from dissatisfaction in the self, or situation the person is in or was in. Growing up and being in unhealthy environments contributes a lot. Anywhere with particular societal expectations has ingrained this toxic cookie cutter type mentality on top of whatever they've been taught by their life this far. I understand why people choose to hate, but it's only going to keep the cycle repeating. That is feeling awful and then being awful because of it.
People tend to spread hate the most when they hate themselves. It is always taught. Sometimes by people who are ill intended but sometimes they genuinely meant well, they themselves just didn't know any better. What matters now is what're you going to do with it? This awful painful feeling? Most people just put it back out into the world perpetuating the cycle, and that is the easier thing to do, but unlearning it is the best thing you can do for yourself and others.
We've been taught that only certain things are okay or should be accepted, but there's really not any harm in it if it's not hurting anyone. And that goes for everything non harmful such as wearing clothes not in fashion or liking sea turtles a lot, even all together looking or working different, not just therianthropy or nonhumans.
Learning that other things, sometimes besides just what you've been taught, are okay will help you accept vastly different people and situations in life. And most of all! Yourself.
From what I've seen people throw out hate because they think they have to be one certain way, and then this thing that was originally meant to keep them safe is harming them and others. They've made a little metal cage in their head, and now the bars and joints are cutting into them. They've far out grown it, and have no reason to stay in the cage, but it's safe to them. It kept them safe from whatever was out of the cage. That thing is long gone of course but it was a very scary experience. Stepping out is horrifying if you think a tiger is going to bite you.
You need to evaluate if you're actually in a safe space to set out of the cage, whether you feel safe or not. Be patient with yourself and all of that. Just remember you're a person who's never done this before, you're not going to have a good idea of what you're doing or anything. It's okay to fuck up. Just start little.
It really pains me when i see hate online, because I just worry for that person. I know someone who isn't just parroting what they've heard wouldnt do that. It just paints a picture of dissatisfaction and gives them an uncomfortable air. I really wish everyone could be okay and learn it feels much better to be open minded and grow. It's like they're putting themselves in a blender and saying "this! this is the perfect form!" and man, im rambling now and dont remember my point. It is past my bedtime. but!! I want to help.
I want to help everybody. Everybody is fuckin awesome they just dont know it yet, and i can help if they are willing. I can show them if they're willing. I love everybody, maybe not their actions or how they feel sometimes but everyone is a person or being and that's worthy of love. That's enough. so get up there and change smth, make your life a little better, sit outside without your phone for a bit, watch a ted talk while you brush your teeth. its fucken awful now, but you'll never see if it gets better if you jsut stop seeing all together. Its a new day everyday, you get a fresh start so often, so many opportunities to do what you can. Even just thinking about it is a start if you cant pull yourself to take that first step. The first is the hardest but i truly believe life wouldn't throw smth at you that you couldn't handle. You can do it, one step at a time.
And now it's late for me, and i hope the best for everyone. i think i lost my point half way through, but after rereading it a few times i still cannot tell. I hope it is good enough :salute:
Wait i think i just realized you're the lamb. if im remembering the name correctly.
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A request of hc or whatever you are up to for Gambit with a sunshine!reader?
Here comes the sun
The X-Mansion's garden was a vibrant display of colors, but it was nothing compared to the burst of light and energy that you, the sunshine!reader, brought to it. Your bright personality and unfiltered joy were like a constant beacon of warmth, a sharp contrast to Gambit’s usual smooth and mysterious demeanor.
On this particular day, Gambit had decided to channel his inner charm and enigma, hoping to impress you with his suave ways. He had meticulously planned out an afternoon in the garden, where he’d put his plan into action. He donned his most charming smile and approached you, who was busy tending to the blooming flowers, your own radiant aura making the surroundings seem even more cheerful.
“Hey there, sunshine,” Gambit said, his voice smooth and intentionally low. “Care for some company in this lovely garden of yours?”
You looked up from the flowers you were arranging, your face lighting up with a bright smile. “Oh, hey, Gambit! I’d love some company! Isn’t it a beautiful day? The flowers are so happy today, don’t you think?”
Gambit couldn’t help but chuckle at your infectious enthusiasm. He leaned against a nearby tree, trying to maintain his mysterious air. “Well, I was thinkin’ maybe I could add a bit of mystery to this cheerful scene. You know, stir things up a bit.”
You giggled, clearly not fazed by his attempts at being enigmatic. “Oh, Gambit, you’re always so cool and mysterious. But I think the garden’s already perfect just the way it is. And you know what? I bet we could have even more fun if we just enjoyed the day together.”
He watched as you twirled around, your energy seemingly making the flowers around you bloom even brighter. Gambit sighed, his carefully crafted mysterious persona melting away in the face of your overwhelming brightness.
“You know, sunshine,” he said, trying to regain some of his charm, “I’m not sure I can compete with all this light you’re throwin’ around. But I’ll do my best to keep up.”
You laughed, walking over to him with a playful glint in your eye. “You don’t have to compete with me, Gambit. You’re perfect just the way you are. Besides, your attempts at being mysterious are pretty cute.”
Gambit’s smile widened, a genuine warmth replacing his earlier coolness. He took your hand, his touch gentle and affectionate. “Well, if it’s ‘cute’ you want, then I suppose I’ll just have to embrace it. Maybe a bit of sunshine is just what this garden needs.”
You beamed at him, your heart swelling with affection. “See? That’s the spirit! Let’s make the most of today and have some fun. Who knows, maybe we’ll discover a new kind of mystery together!”
As you both wandered through the garden, chatting and laughing, Gambit found himself enjoying the day far more than he had anticipated. Your constant optimism and joy had a way of turning even his smooth and mysterious plans into something light-hearted and fun.
By the time the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the garden, Gambit realized that the real charm wasn’t in being mysterious, but in sharing moments of genuine happiness with you. Your light had a way of illuminating even his own darker corners, making the day one of the most memorable and joyful he’d had in a long time.
And as you both sat together, watching the sun dip below the horizon, Gambit couldn’t help but think that sometimes, being around someone as radiant as you was all he needed to make life’s mysteries a little less enigmatic and a lot more wonderful.
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mytravelblogging · 9 months
How Has My Travel Blogging Evolved Over Time?
In the vast realm of travel blogging, the evolution of one’s personal journey is as captivating as the destinations explored. “MyTravelBlogging“ has been my digital canvas, reflecting not only the places I’ve visited but also the growth and transformation I’ve undergone as a travel blogger. This narrative explores the five significant phases that have shaped the evolution of “MyTravelBlogging.”
Embarking on the Journey: The Genesis of MyTravelBlogging
My initial foray into the world of travel blogging was fueled by sheer wanderlust and a desire to share my experiences. The early days of “MyTravelBlogging” were characterized by raw enthusiasm, unpolished narratives, and a genuine eagerness to document every adventure. At this stage, I relied heavily on personal anecdotes and unfiltered emotions, offering readers an authentic glimpse into my travels.
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Finding My Voice: Navigating Through Style and Substance
As “MyTravelBlogging” gained momentum, I embarked on a quest to find my unique voice amidst the cacophony of digital travel narratives. This phase was marked by experimentation with writing styles, photography techniques, and content structures. I began to realize the power of storytelling – not just recounting my experiences but weaving them into compelling narratives that resonated with a broader audience.
In this period of evolution, I embraced a balance between informative and emotive content. Travel guides, tips, and itineraries started complementing the personal stories, creating a harmonious blend that catered to both the practical needs of fellow travelers and the emotional connection sought by those yearning for vicarious adventures.
Building a Community: The Social Aspect of MyTravelBlogging
A pivotal turning point in the evolution of “MyTravelBlogging” was the recognition of its potential to foster a community. I delved into social media platforms, establishing a presence beyond the confines of the blog. Engaging with followers, responding to comments, and participating in travel-related discussions became integral to the growth of both the blog and its audience.
The community aspect extended beyond virtual interactions. “MyTravelBlogging” started organizing meet-ups, collaborating with fellow bloggers, and even initiating collaborative projects with readers. This phase not only widened the reach of the blog but also transformed it into a hub where like-minded individuals shared their passion for exploration.
Monetization and Professionalization: Turning Passion into a Profession
As the audience of “MyTravelBlogging” expanded, the prospect of turning passion into a profession became increasingly tangible. This phase saw a shift towards strategic growth, with a focus on monetization avenues and professional collaborations. Sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and partnerships with travel brands became an integral part of the blog’s revenue model.
Simultaneously, the need for a polished and professional online presence became evident. The evolution included website redesigns, improved branding, and the development of multimedia content such as podcasts and videos. While maintaining authenticity remained a priority, the transition towards a more professional outlook allowed “MyTravelBlogging” to sustain itself as a viable career.
Adapting to Changing Trends: Navigating the Digital Landscape
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital media, adaptability is key. “MyTravelBlogging” underwent a phase of adaptation, aligning with changing trends and technologies. This included optimizing content for search engines, harnessing the power of new social media platforms, and embracing emerging formats like virtual reality and live streaming.
The evolution also involved staying attuned to the shifting preferences of the audience. User-generated content, interactive features, and real-time updates became integral to keeping the blog fresh and relevant. This phase emphasized the importance of not just embracing change but also leading it, ensuring “MyTravelBlogging” remained at the forefront of the dynamic digital travel space.
The journey of “MyTravelBlogging” is not just a chronicle of places visited; it is a testament to personal growth, adaptability, and the transformative power of storytelling. From humble beginnings fueled by wanderlust to a professional platform influencing the travel landscape, each phase of evolution reflects not only the changing nature of the blog but also the dynamic landscape of travel blogging as a whole. As “MyTravelBlogging” continues to evolve, the journey remains as exciting as the destinations it explores.
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