alice-lupine · 8 hours
Got it.
Galileo adjusted his sunglasses slightly- opening his mouth to speak, but nothing but a rush of air came out, so he simply grabbed a chair and sat there.
He… What had happened when he was gone? What happened to Vulpes? Last he’d heard Vulpes had finally escaped the legions’ grasp, and was making his way back home…
What had happened? And why did he hate himself for leaving the few people who cared about him without even saying goodbye?
Vulpes looks up groggily and stares at Gaileo.
His expression switches to a mixture of pain and distress. His appearance is disheveled- he seems oily and there's a small unpleasant musk coming from him, and you can tell he's stopped taking care of himself. You can feel the raw hurt, betrayal and resentment- you feel like he's spent nights weeping, and countless days of depression..
Your training tells you he's having a mental breakdown due to your presence.
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alice-lupine · 8 hours
“Not the fucken time.”
She pushes the marines out of the room. And turns to Galileo and Vulpes.
“Talk to each other. I’ll deal with the people.”
Galileo adjusted his sunglasses slightly- opening his mouth to speak, but nothing but a rush of air came out, so he simply grabbed a chair and sat there.
He… What had happened when he was gone? What happened to Vulpes? Last he’d heard Vulpes had finally escaped the legions’ grasp, and was making his way back home…
What had happened? And why did he hate himself for leaving the few people who cared about him without even saying goodbye?
Vulpes looks up groggily and stares at Gaileo.
His expression switches to a mixture of pain and distress. His appearance is disheveled- he seems oily and there's a small unpleasant musk coming from him, and you can tell he's stopped taking care of himself. You can feel the raw hurt, betrayal and resentment- you feel like he's spent nights weeping, and countless days of depression..
Your training tells you he's having a mental breakdown due to your presence.
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alice-lupine · 11 hours
"Alice, Alice!"
"The legion found James Garret and even I don't know where he is!"
I think Dr Garret was with the NCR considering the apparent revival of that one idiot of a general
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alice-lupine · 17 hours
☢ Fallout OC asks ☢
1. Are they a human, ghoul, synth, or something else?
2. Are they a canon main character? (Lone Wander, Courier Six, etc.)
3. What is their SPECIAL?
4. What perks or tagged skills do they have?
5. What is their highest skill? Lowest?
6. Were they born pre-war or post-war?
7. Do they wish they lived before the war / could go back to life before the war?
8. Did they live in a vault? If not, have they been inside of one?
9. Where did they grow up? Where do they currently reside?
10. What language(s) do they speak?
11. What type of education have they received?
12. Can they read, write, and/or do math?
13.What is the most frightening experience they have endured?
14. What is their fondest memory?
15. What is their proudest moment / accomplishment?
16. What is their biggest regret
17. Do they have a job? How do they make a living?
18. Do they have any disabilities, mutations, or implants / enhancements? Do they have any chronic illnesses?
19. Who (or what) are they emotionally closest to?
20. Who do they consider to be their family?
21. Do they travel alone or with a companion?
22. Do they have any pets?
23. How do they feel about physical touch / affection?
24. Do they have a romantic partner or partners?
25. Are they quick to trust others?
26. How would others describe them / their disposition?
27. What faction(s) are they a member of / allied with?
28. What faction(s) do they despise?
29. What is their moral alignment / karma?
30. What decisions have they made or actions have they done that affect their canon wasteland? (Did they blow up Megaton, have they killed/spared any major characters, etc.)
31. What is their goal in life? What impact would they like to leave when they’re gone?
32. What is their go-to weapon or weapon class?
33. What is their fight-or-flight response?
34. What armor / clothing do they typically wear?
35. Do they have power armor training? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
36. Have they ever saved someone’s life? Have they ever killed someone?
37. What is the worst injury they have experienced?
38. What is their favorite radio station?
39. What is their favorite song?
40. What is their favorite type of weather?
41. What is their favorite time of the day?
42. What is their favorite wasteland creature?
43. What is their favorite meal and drink?
44. What is their favorite smell?
45. Do they have any specific hobbies or talents?
46. Do they play any sports? How about board games or card games?
47. Do they enjoy reading?
48. Do they collect anything?
49. What item(s) do they always have on their person?
50. Do they travel by foot or by other means?
51. Do they own a Pip-boy? If so, how did they get it?
52. Can they swim?
53. What do they think of the ocean?
54. Do they prefer showers or baths?
55. Are they past, present, or future oriented?
56. How do they feel about robots? (Eyebots, Mister Handys, Sentry Bots, etc.)
57. What is a sensation / texture they cannot stand?
58. Do they believe in luck? Do they have a good luck charm?
59. Do they idolize anything / anyone?
60. Are they religious? Spiritual?
61. What are their thoughts on chems and alcohol?
62. Do they have any weaknesses or struggle with any vices?
63.Do they need / wear glasses?
64. How / where do they generally sleep?
65. Describe their living space. (How do they decorate it? Does it have running water and/or electricity? Etc.)
66. Describe their eyes.
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alice-lupine · 1 day
How do you find the energy to smile all the time? Don’t you get…tired?
Well-mannered ladies keep working when they're tired.
...In my worldview!
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alice-lupine · 1 day
She opens her mouth to speak before something catches her eye and she goes quiet for a bit. A minute later she finally speaks again.
“Is miss Crawford still alive? I think you may want to change that.”
Would you still view me as a friend if I went insane?
...insane in what way?
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alice-lupine · 1 day
An unknown force grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him to the couch, setting him by a glaring Alice
“Don’t even think about leaving right now.”
Galileo- either asleep or unconscious- arrived atop of Junior who knows how many hours or days later- he certainly didn’t!
Saying he was in bad shape was well, a bit of an understatement…
Galileo! Not you too! My word.. Look at the state of you? What were you thinking?! We must repair you at once! And by "we", I mean the Auto Doc. Stay still!
[He whistles for the mobile medical device, and it comes scurrying over After dispensing an unconscious @alice-lupine onto the couch, it stands beside Mobius and returns to stationary mode.]
Junior, let him down carefully, okay?
.. -- / .- / -... .. --. / -... --- -.-- / --. .-. .- -- .--. .- / .. / -.- -. --- .-- / .... --- .-- / - ---
[Junior drops him onto the ground. Mobius sighs.]
Well.. we’ll make do. Galileo? Can you hear me?
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alice-lupine · 1 day
"The mind ages, but the body does not. What kind of cruel god would play such tricks?"
"A deity of irony, perhaps."
"To preserve flesh in its prime, to keep muscles and organs in peak condition while memory fades into the shadows."
"The body does not show the relentless passing of time, but the mind does. Eyes that have seen far too much are forced to comprehend the reality that this is their life. People say the eyes are the window to the soul, but these are opaque, unable to see in or out."
"What do you do when you outlast everyone you know?"
"You cry out for the gentle touch of oblivion, you pray for the void that never arrives."
"What kind of god plays these games? Perhaps not a god at all, but something far more indifferent."
I don’t know honestly. But for those you outlast. I say you try and tell their stories so that they may live on longer, at least in memory.
0 notes
alice-lupine · 2 days
She leads him back to the couch and locates a semi-weighted blanket that she lays over his lap while she replaces the empty radaway bag with a new one while popping an anti-psychotic pill for her self and handing one to Vulpes. She checks the Geiger counter, breathing a sigh as it appears to be going down steadily.
"we're almost out of this Vulpes."
Galileo- either asleep or unconscious- arrived atop of Junior who knows how many hours or days later- he certainly didn’t!
Saying he was in bad shape was well, a bit of an understatement…
Galileo! Not you too! My word.. Look at the state of you? What were you thinking?! We must repair you at once! And by "we", I mean the Auto Doc. Stay still!
[He whistles for the mobile medical device, and it comes scurrying over After dispensing an unconscious @alice-lupine onto the couch, it stands beside Mobius and returns to stationary mode.]
Junior, let him down carefully, okay?
.. -- / .- / -... .. --. / -... --- -.-- / --. .-. .- -- .--. .- / .. / -.- -. --- .-- / .... --- .-- / - ---
[Junior drops him onto the ground. Mobius sighs.]
Well.. we’ll make do. Galileo? Can you hear me?
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alice-lupine · 2 days
“You’re not there Vulpes. Do you want to hold my hand?”
Galileo- either asleep or unconscious- arrived atop of Junior who knows how many hours or days later- he certainly didn’t!
Saying he was in bad shape was well, a bit of an understatement…
Galileo! Not you too! My word.. Look at the state of you? What were you thinking?! We must repair you at once! And by "we", I mean the Auto Doc. Stay still!
[He whistles for the mobile medical device, and it comes scurrying over After dispensing an unconscious @alice-lupine onto the couch, it stands beside Mobius and returns to stationary mode.]
Junior, let him down carefully, okay?
.. -- / .- / -... .. --. / -... --- -.-- / --. .-. .- -- .--. .- / .. / -.- -. --- .-- / .... --- .-- / - ---
[Junior drops him onto the ground. Mobius sighs.]
Well.. we’ll make do. Galileo? Can you hear me?
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alice-lupine · 2 days
*Alice grumbles as she was woken up by Vulpes’s movements.*
“Lay back down dumbass, the Geiger counter still hates us so that means you got to wait a bit more before moving around.”
Galileo- either asleep or unconscious- arrived atop of Junior who knows how many hours or days later- he certainly didn’t!
Saying he was in bad shape was well, a bit of an understatement…
Galileo! Not you too! My word.. Look at the state of you? What were you thinking?! We must repair you at once! And by "we", I mean the Auto Doc. Stay still!
[He whistles for the mobile medical device, and it comes scurrying over After dispensing an unconscious @alice-lupine onto the couch, it stands beside Mobius and returns to stationary mode.]
Junior, let him down carefully, okay?
.. -- / .- / -... .. --. / -... --- -.-- / --. .-. .- -- .--. .- / .. / -.- -. --- .-- / .... --- .-- / - ---
[Junior drops him onto the ground. Mobius sighs.]
Well.. we’ll make do. Galileo? Can you hear me?
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alice-lupine · 3 days
“At least he isn’t thinking he’s in alagomoro any more. So the radiation in his system is slowly coming out.”
*She helps vulpes back on the couch*
“Get in the auto doc, Galileo. No one Is having a conversation until everyone is physically healthy enough.”
Galileo- either asleep or unconscious- arrived atop of Junior who knows how many hours or days later- he certainly didn’t!
Saying he was in bad shape was well, a bit of an understatement…
Galileo! Not you too! My word.. Look at the state of you? What were you thinking?! We must repair you at once! And by "we", I mean the Auto Doc. Stay still!
[He whistles for the mobile medical device, and it comes scurrying over After dispensing an unconscious @alice-lupine onto the couch, it stands beside Mobius and returns to stationary mode.]
Junior, let him down carefully, okay?
.. -- / .- / -... .. --. / -... --- -.-- / --. .-. .- -- .--. .- / .. / -.- -. --- .-- / .... --- .-- / - ---
[Junior drops him onto the ground. Mobius sighs.]
Well.. we’ll make do. Galileo? Can you hear me?
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alice-lupine · 3 days
*alice also soon falls asleep, leaning against Vulpes on the couch as she slumbers.*
Alice appears before you while you’re in the throes of a hallucination, looking a lot better than she was before.
“Vulpes you need to come with me.”
*He pulls out his revolver and starts flagging her down*
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alice-lupine · 3 days
“Things no one should go through.”
*she gently pets his head before bridal carrying him to the couch and setting him down and continuing with the administration of the radaway while continuously rubbing his hand to try to comfort him.*
“Do you know any methods to remove radiation that won’t be too intrusive?”
Alice appears before you while you’re in the throes of a hallucination, looking a lot better than she was before.
“Vulpes you need to come with me.”
*He pulls out his revolver and starts flagging her down*
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alice-lupine · 3 days
*She sighs and sits besides him, draping a blanket over his shoulders.*
“I won’t let anyone hurt you while you’re like this. Take your time.”
Alice appears before you while you’re in the throes of a hallucination, looking a lot better than she was before.
“Vulpes you need to come with me.”
*He pulls out his revolver and starts flagging her down*
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alice-lupine · 3 days
“It’s not. Let me show you.”
*she guided him outside and to the grass.*
“What color was the grass at Alamogordo?”
Alice appears before you while you’re in the throes of a hallucination, looking a lot better than she was before.
“Vulpes you need to come with me.”
*He pulls out his revolver and starts flagging her down*
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alice-lupine · 3 days
*She crouches down.*
“Vulpes, can you please tell me where you think you are right now?”
Alice appears before you while you’re in the throes of a hallucination, looking a lot better than she was before.
“Vulpes you need to come with me.”
*He pulls out his revolver and starts flagging her down*
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