#jupiter power
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sailorsenshigifs · 6 months ago
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jupiterkimchipower · 8 months ago
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We believe you #sailor Jupiter
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dudedidujust · 10 months ago
can't stop thinking about that joke about Jason having to ask for every bolt of lightning he uses, but what if- what if that was true.
just imagine Jupiter giving a restricted amount of bolts he can use in a set time and not renewing them until the time limit has passed. just imagine Jason in battle counting off every lightning strike and trying to save them for later. just imagine that the only way to get more is begging to a father who does not care to listen. sometimes the count varies and he's in the middle of a fight and suddenly the lightning he's summoning puffs into smoke in his hands and he's left scrambling even though he's sure he hasn't run out. Jason learns to manipulate the winds, to fly, to fight and win without lightning ever sparking between his fingertips because there's always a chance that he may need it later, that a greater emergency could occur. He's fighting Krios, furious and fast when there's suddenly smoke where there should be lightning and he grits his teeth, raises his sword, and keeps going. He wins.
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somewhereincairparavel · 4 months ago
'i hate jason grace because he thought he was worthy enough to compete with percy' I'm sorry have y'all SEEN jason. this man defeated a TITAN without weapons and his bare hands to the point the titan wanted to rise from the UNDERWORLD with the help of a GODDESS to seek vengeance over him. I think we can cut him slack for having some well deserved self respect bc I'd brag too wtf
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raesquantum · 5 months ago
WAIT - Guys-
Jesus was a demigod.
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kingeparr · 4 months ago
abt percy jackson's middle name - a long post
let's talk about percy's middle name, its implication and what is my headcanon for it!!
first a warning!! i know very little abt actual greek mithology. i've tried to read my copy of odyssey and illiad a total of 10 times and i CANNOT for my life understand that shit. having said that, my mythos knowledge is based on hours on wikipedia sources pages, greek miths articles and more. anyways, this will have spoilers of the Percy Jackson Universe by Rick Riordan.
having been warned, I should start with one point:
percy doesn't have a middle name in canon. From what we've known it's never mentioned a middle name at all, wich is not very uncommon in the PJO universe, as most character do not have one (from the top of my head the only ones that canonically have one are Rachel and Reyna (Rachel Elizabeth Dare and Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano))
BUT in most fandom fanfics that feature his middle name, he is called Perseus Achilles Jackson. Again, it is not canon, but it is so common that most people think it is true. Unfortunately, it doesn't make sense.
It's canon that Sally was the one that named Percy, and she chose Perseus, a son of Zeus, as her choice because he was one of the only Greek heroes that in most versions of the myths get to live a long and relatively happy life after their adventures. From what I've known most times Perseus dies of old age or ascends as a constellation along with his mother and his wife, Andromeda.
Now, what are the implications that we know of?
this will be mostly speculation and head canons, so beware!!
i don't think Rick Riordan ever stated, but it is possible to draw parallels between Percy and Annabeth with Perseus and Andromeda, essentially in their first quest, even more in the series. The same is possible to associate with other characters with names derived from Greek myths.
and, until now, all of Percy's quest he has come back alive, even if the world was ending or if he has gone trough Tartarus, he has come back alive.
As it stands in canon, it's often said that names have power !! saying gods, monsters or others names will call their attention, or give them power. it could be associated that those names with History, or a Legacy HAVE more power and purpose behind them. Ex: Castor and Pollux, Jason, could even say Leo etc.
that is great, and reforces that its possible Sally did something right about the naming.
now, next part is a FULL BLOWN HEAD CANON!!
to me, his full name is Perseus Ulysses Jackson. let me tell you why.
Ulysses = Odysseus
Ulysses comes from Odysseus, yes, the Greek hero hated by Poseidon from the Odyssey. Why would Sally do that? Same reason of why Perseus.
Odysseus, despite all his Odyssey, came back home. In the Odyssey, is said he will live the rest of his life peacefully, and apparently he lived mor 10 years as Ithaca's King. There is another myth where he is killed by his son with Circe, but ignore that for this post.
I think it would make sense for the way they both lived that even if Poseidon hated him, that Sally would have her son named after a hero and a general that even after everything he went trough he still made home, still had people who believed in him, even if Sally herself were not there to see him, like Odysseus' mother, at least he would be alive.
Someone that is selfish in a way if that means he lives. In the same way Sally calls herself selfish for trying to have Percy with her for more time during the years before TLT. For that she endured Gabe.
Not that she knew that of course, but the fates could be at work. I'm always fan of a good foreshadowing.
Now Speaking of foreshadowing, next topic
2. Ulysses - Roman name
Ulysses is the roman version of Odysseus, still has the same meaning and the roman version of the myth is not that different. Why roman, then?
First, because my Odyssey copy was with the Roman names and I was very pissed at that when I was 12 and tried reading it for the first time and discovered that the FUCKING ODYSSEY MAN WAS NOT CALLED ODYSSEUS IN MY VERSION, to my frustration.
ANYWAY, second point: Percy has a connection to the Roman since the first book.
In his classes with Chiron, Percy fights in Roman armor, swords and has Latin classes, and while that is all good and cool, i always found it strange of Chiron to teach Latin, and not Greek. Of course, it could be a ruse of Chiron to distance Percy even more from his greek side, while still helping him learn about the world. it could be nothing.
but to me is not nothing.
Percy has a weird facility with Latin at 12 that Jason did not have with Greek at 16. And while it could be argued that they did not have their memories, Percy was a 12 yo boy that CURSED IN LATIN in a time of distress. I bet they did not have classes about "How to curse in Latin" and i doubt Percy searched for that somewhere.
Percy is very connected with the Roman side of the demigod world, he feels drawn to New Rome, goes to the Roman Uni and he gets so wrapped in it he becomes PREATOR in like a week!! while Jason spent months on the Greek side.
Percy has a lot of participation in Both sides of the demigods being a kinda important figure in both camps.
now, a subtopic.
Percy Jackson: Son of Neptune
Percy is presented as a son of Neptune from the get go in camp Jupiter, wich he doesn't protest at any time (from what i remember), the thing is Poseidon IS different from Neptune specially their roots.
Poseidon is primarily the god of the sea. Neptune is the god of rivers, springs, and waters.
Technically, Percy should not have control of any type of water or rivers, his father is the god of SEA, saltwater. Even then, he can control even the rivers in the Underworld. He has such control of "water" that he can control ALL LIQUIDS! That is not Poseidon's domain, the control of Waters is Neptune's.
knowing this i like to believe the following.
Percy is the son of both Poseidon and Neptune. Don't ask me the logistics, i wouldn't know, and i don't care. HOWEVER when you add things up, it makes sense, in my head, at least.
In conclusion, Sally associates her son's fate with two heroes that go trough MANY hardships but get back home, are strong and live kind of happy lives after that. One of them is mainly Greek, being his first name, what he is primarily called. The other is Roman, it is there, but it's not mentioned, but it still is his name, and it gives him power.
Specially, when you think that the roman counterparts all have a child, except Neptune. Pluto has Hazel, Hades had Bianca and Nico. Jupiter had Jason, Zeus has Thalia. Poseidon has Percy, Neptune has no one? seems unequal and unbalanced in a way the gods wouldn't allow.
Not only that but why would Neptune "claim" or let be claimed a son that wasn't his when Rome hasn't been grateful or careful with him? His last child was scorned (i don't remember the name but it's said that they were basically blamed for earthquakes or something in the 1900)
as the series goes and percy draws MUCH MORE POWER from rivers and other liquids than from the ocean, and the time it took for percy to be born he could be powerful from both sides. he is the first demigod of Poseidon in 70+ years, but he is the first demigod rrom Neptune in 100+ !!!
it makes sense that even if he is called a greek, as his name evokes, he is connected and powerful on his Roman side. It is not a coincidence that people thought he was a god when he first arrived in Camp Jupiter.
It's a tribute for both his Roman and Greek sides, to invoke the names and fates of two powerful kings that are burdened with responsibility, and that learned and lived after their quests.
i could talk about this for hours, specially if Epic's Odysseus by Jorge Rivera-Herrans is taken in account (wich I am doing) but I will not elaborate
anyway, Percy's middle name is Ulysses and I'm right, idc.
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cod-sins · 2 years ago
Hi! :)
Can I request könig w/ a insecure chubby s/o headcanons? (If you're okay with writing that) I read your könig headcanons and this came in my mind
Have a good day!! :33
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.ೃ࿐ Format: Hcs.
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Undisclosed. Fat/chubby/plus-sized.
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW. NSFW UNDER CUT.
.ೃ࿐ Word Count: 725.
[A/N: Why not kill two birds with one stone? It's not just big girls he likes, it's big boys too! König likes 'em all. Also if this seems a little repetitive sorry my brain is fried and so is my laptop. P.S. My gay ass really likes cheek cupping so yall gon see a lot of that.]
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König understands what it feels like to be insecure about your own body. He was the tallest boy in his class and always felt singled out by his fellow classmates. There were times were he absolutely dreaded going to school knowing he would be ridiculed and teased about how tall he was. To him it was one of the worse things he experienced so he would never want anyone to deal with that ESPECIALLY his partner.
You would stare at yourself in the mirror, constantly comparing yourself to other people you saw. You always felt as if you weren't good enough when it came to everyone else. You tried to ignore it but the feeling always kept crawling back. It would get to the point where you feel like you weren't even good enough for your own boyfriend. You began hiding your shape, wearing clothes that were double your size, and switched out your things for stuff you'd normally wear in the Winter/Fall.
König would start to pick up on this. Noticing that you started skipping meals or wearing clothes that weren't usually your type. He would gently pull you aside to find out what's wrong. Probably waiting until you were both lying in bed to ask, so you couldn't dodge his questions.
"Liebe," he said softly while repeatedly rubbing circles into your back. "is, everything alright with you?" He continued with pauses in his sentence. You mumbled out that you were fine but this answer didn't satisfy König. He pulls you up, rearranging y'alls position so that you were making direct eye contact with him. Even on his lap he still managed to hover over you.
He asks you once again with a more focused look in his eye. “Schatz, what's the matter with you? You have been acting so…different lately. You aren't yourself these past few days.” He says frowning.
Unable to hide it any longer you begin to cry into his arms, confessing that you don't feel worthy about being his partner. You tell him how you don't feel attractive and that you aren't comfortable with your body anymore. König pulls you into a hug, kissing your head while muttering “Oh Liebeling, can't you see how beautiful/handsome you are? You shouldn't hide or change any part of yourself. You are so perfect the way you are, that's why I fell in love with you in the first place.” He says solemnly while cupping your face.
To counter the way you're feeling König would start spoiling you with brand-new clothes, taking photos of you, and giving lots of attention to parts of your body. Don't like your stretch marks? He's tracing them up and down with his fingers smiling. Dislike your stomach/fat rolls, well he doesn't! It's natural and a sign that you're body is alive and you're well taken care of. Think your fat fingers are unappealing? He's already placing them on his face and gently kissing them.
König is going to make it his mission to make sure you feel good about yourself.
Even though his social anxiety is bad he would try and take you out places to flaunt you off. He wants you to know that you can come to him when you feel bad about yourself he's your boyfriend after all.
[A/N: That was the SFW now for me to be a horny degenerate with some once again mild (very self-indulgent) smut. Picking up from the crying part.]
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The only time König wants to see you cry is when he's overstimulating you, so after he's done soothing you he starts kissing his favorite parts of your body starting from top to bottom. He kisses your cheek before moving down to your neck, sucking and lightly grazing it. Spending a considerable König continues to go lower and lower until you're on your back and his mouth is on your heat.
He'd spend hours down on you, sucking your dick/clit, eating your ass/pussy making sure you feel loved. He gets so much pleasure from watching your legs shake after giving him your third orgasm. You're vision is hazy and you have your hands buried in his hair. You could feel him slightly humping the bed for some form of relief.
By the time you're done you're covered in sweat and ripped lingerie. Bite marks, hickeys n bruises are speckled all over your body. König would savor this moment forever keeping a polaroid photo safely tucked away just in case he misses you too much on a mission. <3
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turtlevariabilis · 1 year ago
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cpyclopse · 2 months ago
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I did a quick little ghiralink doodle but!!! lesbain edition<333
[My Art]
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sailorsenshigifs · 7 months ago
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dorcasmckinnonn · 1 year ago
i mean yes, reyna avila ramirez allreno is physically strong. like very physically strong. but I think that the moment where she was her strongest was when she chose to move on from her past. even after loosing everything; her home, her childhood, she found her place and a new home in camp jupiter.
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ultipoter · 1 month ago
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Sailor Moon rewatch has been happening and I wanted to give redrawing this particular screenshot a go, because this scene has me weeping every time
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zeropointfortyseven · 1 month ago
Maybe I’m just too late to realize, but Jason Grace (PJO) and Adora (She-Ra) are actually really alike. They have similar backstories, personality traits and goals! Maybe someone have already written this, and done an analysis on them, but here is mine!!!!
Jason and Adora:
Both of them are blonde individuals who were taken in and raised in the military since they were small, are their mother figure’s (Hera, Shadow Weaver) favorite child, and are purely seen by their leadership skills. At the beginning of the story, both of them were kidnapped by the “enemy” (who they learn are actually good guys) and joined forces with them to save the world from evil (at one point or another in the story, both of them were forced to fight their previous allies - fighting Romans/soldiers from Camp Jupiter, The Horde).
There are a lot of expectations and pressure on them, since both of them are seen as “important” and “dutiful” people by their position in society (Jason being Jupiter’s son, and Adora being She-Ra). They’re constantly trying their best to not let their friends down, constantly trying to act and be like how everyone wants them to be (a warrior/hero/leader/etc.), and has intentionally tried to sacrifice themselves, but to no avail (both of them were stopped by a brown-haired “friend” of theirs - Leo, Catra).
Both of them are also connected to magical horses, each have a magical weapon, and each have a childhood friend that was seen for a while as the “enemy” by their allies (Reyna and Catra). As well as, both of them likes to have a sense of purpose, has felt out of place with their new allies, has a hero complex, and feels like they alone are responsible for the well-being of others (Jason, due to the promise to look after the lesser gods, and Adora, due to the abuse of Shadow Weaver).
I didn’t mean to write this much, but it’s insane how similar they actually are!
Should I add something???
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venus-minako · 6 months ago
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Mars x Mercury x Jupiter
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lebba-moonlight · 4 months ago
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A lot of doodles I made
(Fanny x Black Hole, Jupiter x Neptune, Mercury and Venus, Puffball and/x Golf Ball)
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