#jupiter and semele
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koredzas · 1 year ago
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Dosso Dossi - Jupiter and Semele. 1520
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mythinart · 6 months ago
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jupiter and semele by gustave moreau (1894-1895)
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realmoftheacornking · 7 months ago
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Jan Hermansz van Bijlert (Dutch, 1587-1671), "Jupiter and Semele," 17th c.
Semele, a mortal woman (and daughter of a human King), impregnated by Jupiter (Zeus), is dying after just having given birth to Bacchus (Dionysus), whom the Father God is holding.
In Greek mythology, the infant Dionysus was turned over to Silenus, a Satyr-god, to raise. Perhaps it was all to the good--Zeus would never win a "Father of the Year" competition.
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constanzarte · 2 years ago
Júpiter y Sémele,
Gustave Moreau (1894-1896)
En esta obra encontramos el mayor despliegue de fantasía y entelequia del artista, donde es apreciable una vorágine de personajes imaginados, fabulosos e irreales.
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En este caso, la inspiración de la pintura procede de la mitología clásica. Según Ovidio, Sémele era hija del rey tebano Cadmo y la diosa Harmonía. Júpiter se enamoró de la muchacha debido a sus grandes encantos pero, al no ser esta una diosa, debía transformar su figura para no mostrar su aspecto real, ya que de lo contrario la muchacha moriría al instante.
Juno, legítima esposa de Júpiter fue a visitar a Sémele y la convenció de que realmente su amante no era quien decía ser, sembrando las dudas de la muchacha. Un día Júpiter le dijo a su amada que le concedería cualquier deseo que tuviese, ya que estaba feliz del embarazo de esta. Sémele aprovechó para pedirle que le mostrase su verdadero aspecto. Júpiter intentó disuadirla pero, al insistirle la muchacha, decidió satisfacer sus deseos mostrándose en todo su esplendor, surgiendo así un volcán de luz y fuego que terminó por matar a la joven. Aún así, pudo salvar el fruto de su unión cosiéndoselo a su propia pierna. De la unión de Júpiter y Sémele nació Baco, Dios del vino.
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iohnmcmullen · 11 months ago
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hotteabuns · 8 months ago
ya all the size difference books checks out now
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-Jupiter and Semele-
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talonabraxas · 4 months ago
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“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” ― Rumi
Jupiter & Semele Talon Abraxas
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audreyscribes · 1 year ago
Author's Note: Hi everyone, so some of you have been expecting this. I wasn't lying that I hadn't give it some thought but I didn't write this earlier since I wasn't sure how I could make it work. It might not be what you guys expected but here it is. This is going to be a stretch and please suspend your expectations for this. This is for the anons who asked if I could do Hera. I tried. This is what I came up with. Thanks for reading, liking, and reblogging! I really appreciate it! [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
*Warning: Immense wall of text below [Keep Reading]
I can only see this happening, given that Hera is very loyal to Zeus, and how a demigod child of Hera is born. 
You’re a child of Zeus when the King of the Gods became mortal (SOMEHOW) temporarily and Hera supported him like the loyal wife she is. 
You’re either born like how Athena births her children, where Hera thought about (a) mortal man, or like Hebe (in some mythological records) where she was born from Hera eating a piece of lettuce, from Hera by herself, but was somehow born half-mortal, instead of immortal. 
You were crafted out of clay by Hera? Maybe???
You were born when Hera had become mortal herself (SOMEHOW????), born with Zeus’s help *COUGH*. 
Regardless, your existence or any other demigod child of Hera is unheard of. Like it was not even a thought of possibility. 
No one is sure how to proceed or wrap their minds around your existence. I don’t think you’re told how you were born, but even if you were told, you’re sworn by the River of Styx not to tell anyone except outside a few very selective approved individuals. This is because out of the listed reasons above, only one doesn’t insinuate anything relating to the King or Queen of Gods being mortal; which would reveal a weakness to the two monarchs of the Gods and the harmony of peace among the gods, or indicate Hera of cheating which would break the foundation of marriage and the law behind it. This unfortunately creates a lot of gossip behind your back about your godly mother and you’re the physical representation of it. Something Hestia herself tells you about, in a disapproving way to your godly parent.  
There are immediate renovations to the Hera cabin, mostly because it is not livable at all. You’re temporarily put in the Big House until things are done to the Hera cabin. Annabeth has been given an official ‘pardon’ by Hera because of this, so there’s that? At least.
Annabeth isn’t sure how to interact with you, given Hera’s clear distaste to her, and how you’re her daughter, but at the same time you’re also innocent. 
Percy is also a bit conflicted given Hera was the one who gave him the amnesia and the whole camp Half-blood and Jupiter thing, but he goes about it a bit easier because he knows all about bearing their godly parents misdeeds and grudges and all that. 
On the other hand, you’re living with the knowledge that by technicality, a lot of people could’ve been married under the Ancient Greek laws. For example, Percy and Annabeth could be or would’ve been married when you heard that they were playing hacky sack with an apple and if Percy threw the apple at Annabeth, and she caught it, it would’ve technically counted as “accepting a marriage proposal”, and they were married-
Your mother’s domain is technically powerful and important but at the same time, it’s not very useful to you; considering there’s a lack of married individuals among the campers and the only one who is married is Mr. D, but you don’t dare to. But it’s not like you can do anything anyway since he is a god and you’re just a demigod…that and he’s been avoiding you.
Mr. D just avoids you and you’re not sure until someone tells you that Hera tricked his mother, Semele, into making Zeus reveal his true form to her to prove he was Zeus, evaporating her. 
If Camp Half-blood has the aura of uncertainty, then Camp Jupiter is the opposite. The treatment towards you is the opposite where they treat you with reverence but because Juno is so revered, being her child makes you feel isolated.
The cabins that are at odds with you are the Aphrodite, Zeus, Athena cabins, while the cabins that are more cordial with you are the Hebe, and surprisingly the Ares and Hephaestus cabins. 
At least there are a bunch of beautiful white lilies at Hera’s cabin, making the cabin more of a place to live than a renovated temple. The lilies are there because it is said they were born from her. 
Argus is also your bodyguard for a reason. He was created by Hera for the sole purpose of being a guard and watchman, and considering you are the daughter of Hera, you fall under his duties. Not long after you were born, when you have grown out of the age protection Hera can protect you from, and Hebe when you’re past 8 years old, the monsters start coming into droves. There are monsters immediately trying to kill you, not just fueled because you’re a powerful demigod, but because of also Lamia, who she personally comes hunting for you. This is because Lamia, when she was a mortal queen and had the eye of Zeus, Hera was responsible for killing all of her children and became what she is now, and is also responsible for monsters hunting demigods to this day. Argus is only able to protect you only for so long so sharpen your skills and fight for your life. 
When you get claimed, the world goes absolutely silent. Everyone stares upon the claim mark floating above your head, a peacock, like its a crown above your head. The spread feathers of the peacock does certainly make it look like one. With a crown above your head and a field of white lilies sprouting beneath your feet like a white carpet, it almost makes you think you’re a child of royalty being announced.  But you don’t let yourself be that deluded much longer. They stare at the mark longer than you like to admit, some blinking and rubbing their eyes as if they are seeing an illusion. You already know who your godly parent is, so you know the claim is just a message to Camp Halfblood. 
That you are the demigod child of Hera. A being that has not been thought of to even possibly exist. An impossible existence. 
Yet here you are. And you knew how. And yet you couldn’t tell any of them because Hera made you swear to not reveal that information to anyone outside of a very selected few confidants. If they knew any of the truths, then it would break the balance of the gods and would bring chaos to them; threatening them and you. 
The claim begins to fade, disappearing into glittering lights and as it falls upon you, so do the campers’ eyes. Thousands and thousands of eyes stare at you, not for you, but what you are. 
Argus stands beside you, standing like a guard and his protective stance only adds to the confirmation.
Mr. D drops his can of diet coke and as it splatters across the floor, Chiron finally breaks out of his stupor. He kneels and bows before you, his limbs shaking a bit as he stutters as he announces. 
“The bloodline is determined. Hera, Queen of the Gods, Goddess of Marriage, Women, Martial harmony, and protector of women during Childbirth. Hail, [y/n] [l/n], child of the queen of the gods.”
There is silence before chaos erupts as everything is turned over their heads.
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the-mortuary-witch · 4 months ago
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Dionysus is a god of wine, fertility, theatre, and ecstasy. He is the son of the god Zeus and the mortal Semele, and is often depicted as a youthful and handsome god with a penchant for revelry and indulgence. Dionysus is often associated with wild and untamed nature, as well as with the overturning of social norms and the celebration of primal instincts.
Appearance: Dionysus’ appearance can vary somewhat, but he is often depicted as a handsome, youthful man with long, curly hair and a wreath of grapevines or ivy on his head, symbolizing his association with wine and the theatre. He is often depicted wearing a flowing, loose-fitting himation (a type of cloak) and sometimes carrying a thyrsus, a staff topped with a pinecone that is associated with his role as a god of wine and ecstasy.
Personality: in terms of personality, Dionysus is often seen as a god who is passionate, vivacious, and sometimes unpredictable. He is also seen as a god who is not bound by social norms or conventions, and who is often associated with chaos and the overturning of established order. In his interactions with his devotees, Dionysus is often seen as a figure who encourages his followers to let go of their inhibitions and embrace their primal nature and deepest desires. He is also seen as a god who rewards faith and loyalty and inspires ecstatic experiences and a sense of connection to a higher power.
Symbols: thyrsus, ivy crown, grape vine, theatrical masks, and phallus
God of: wine, drunkenness, parties, wilderness, vegetation, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, theatre, LGBTQ+ Community, and fruitfulness 
Culture: Greek
Plants and trees: grape, ivy, cinnamon, silver fir, bindweed, and figs
Crystals: amethyst, tiger’s eye, serpentine, leopard jasper, amber, green opal, jade, grape agate, rose quartz, garnet, carnelian, and bloodstone
Animals: leopard, tiger, goat, donkey, lion, snake, bull, and panther
Incense: cinnamon, ivy, grape, patchouli, fig, musk, fennel, and frankincense 
Practices: transformation, wine and herb magick, personal growth, art magick, nature worship, healing, and dance magick
Colours: red, purple, green, burgundy, and gold
Number: 5 
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Tarot: The Hanged Man The Devil, and The Hierophant
Planets: Pluto and Jupiter
Days: Monday, Thursday, Bacchanalia, Dionysia, Lupercalia, New Years, and Yule
Parents: Zeus and Semele
Siblings: several paternal siblings 
Partners: Ariadne, Nyx, Aphrodite, Achilles, Acoetes, Adonis, Ampelus, Hermaphroditus, Hymenaios, Laonis, and Prosymnus
Children: Priapus, Hymen, Thoas, Staphylus, Oenopion, Tauropolis, Euanthes, Comus, and Phthonus
Grapes: Dionysus was often invoked to ensure a bountiful grape harvest and the continued production of wine. Additionally, grapes themselves are often associated with life, fertility, and abundance, which further reinforces Dionysus' connection to them.
Wine: it was an important part of ancient Greek and Roman culture and social life, and was often consumed during religious rituals and festivals. As the god of wine, Dionysus was often invoked to ensure the fertility of the grape harvest and the production of wine.
Ivy: it’s a parasitic plant that wraps itself around other plants and trees, and was seen as a symbol of Dionysus' transformative power and ability to bring forth new life. In addition, ivy was used as decorations for Dionysia rituals and festivals, and was sometimes braided into crowns and wreaths worn by his followers, the bacchants.
Leopard: in Greek and Roman mythology, Dionysus is often depicted as being associated with leopards or having a leopard pelt. Leopards are agile, powerful, and stealthy animals, which may reflect Dionysus' wild and untamed, yet graceful and powerful nature.
Amethyst: according to legend, amethyst was originally white but was stained purple by wine, which was spilled on the stone of a statue of Dionysus. This transformation symbolizes the god's ability to turn something ordinary into something extraordinary, as well as his association with wine and the intoxicating effects of intoxication. In some interpretations, amethyst is also seen as a stone with protective and spiritual properties, which may be why it is often associated with Dionysus' divine power.
Theatre: Dionysus is often associated with theatre and the performing arts. He is the god of the theater and is believed to have transformed the tragedy and the comedy into the two main categories of the art, with his followers creating the first theatre plays. In the city-state of Athens, the theater was a major cultural institution and was often dedicated to Dionysus, with the theatre season beginning with the Dionysia, a festival in honour of the god.
LGBTQ+: in ancient Greece, Dionysus was worshipped as a god associated with liminality and the transformation of identities. This aspect of his cult is sometimes interpreted as a reflection of the acceptance and inclusion of LGBTQ+ identities, who, like the god, transgressed and challenged societal norms and expectations. Many followers of Dionysus, regardless of their sexual orientation, were known for their wild and ecstatic behavior, and for transcending societal boundaries. This has led to some modern practitioners of his cult to use him as a symbol of queer liberation and acceptance. Dionysus has also had both men and women as lovers
He’s honoured in fertility and harvest rituals. 
The maenads, the female followers of Dionysus, were known for their wild and ecstatic behavior, often indulging in drunken revelries, singing, and dancing.
The satyrs, the male companions of Dionysus, were often depicted as half-man, half-beast creatures with goat-like features, who were known for their sexual prowess and lasciviousness.
Sometimes he is referred to as Bacchus in the Roman pantheon.
The cult of Dionysus was one of the most important cults in the ancient world, and was associated with mystery and initiation rituals.
Dionysus was born twice, first as the son of Zeus and the mortal woman Semele, and then later, when Zeus sewed Dionysus into his thigh to protect him from Hera's wrath.
According to The Bacchae by the Greek playwright Euripides, the hero King Pentheus of Thebes opposed the introduction of Dionysian rituals and was torn apart by his own mother and aunts in a Bacchic frenzy.
Set up an altar dedicated to Dionysus, and place offerings of wine, grapes, or other items that are symbolic of his domain on it, light a candle and some incense, and say a prayer or invocation to call upon Dionysus, close your eyes and enter into a meditative state, and focus on connecting with Dionysus. When you feel that you have established a connection, ask Dionysus for guidance or assistance, and wait for a response.
Dionysus, god whose arrival is swift and certain, enduring friend of women and men whose welcome is warm, bringer of light, we see you in shadows. Dionysus, granter of great blessings, your presence is a heady wine.
Kind hearted god, to each  you give as is fitting, each vessel you fill only as we can bear, and yet with even a sip, we are drunk upon you, and our faith is affirmed. Awesome god, but our own will we drink deeply, with you we become lost, we wander, we are found. Hail to you, Lord Dionysus.
Having recurring dreams or visions of Dionysus or his imagery, such as grapevines, ivy, or wild animals.
Unexplainable desires for wine or other intoxicating substances, or a pull towards the arts and creativity.
Experiencing sudden and unexplainable changes in your mental state or mood, such as feeling a strong sense of ecstasy or passion.
Finding yourself drawn to images or symbols of Dionysus. 
Experiencing a strong sense of connection to nature and the world around you, or feeling a pull towards wild and untamed places.
Developing a sudden interest in ancient Greek mythology and rituals associated with Dionysus, such as the Bacchic frenzy.
Feeling a strong sense of liberation or empowerment, as if a heavy burden has been lifted, or a desire to explore and embrace your own wild side.
Olive oil. 
Images of the things he’s associated with. 
Strong or spicy smelling incense. 
Ivy leaves. 
Apple seeds. 
Alcoholic beverages. 
Honeyed milk. 
Stand up for those that are marginalized. 
Write stories/plays for Him. 
Drink grape juice or alcohol (only if you can and want to).
Take care of your physical and mental  health. 
Go on wine tours. 
Attend festivals, parades, and parties. 
Wear faux leopard or tiger print. 
Learn about theatre. 
Practice acting/join a theatre club. 
Donate and support local theatre groups. 
Stay up late enough that reality shifts a little. 
Honour his children, Ariadne, and his companions. 
Do things that bring you pleasure. 
Take an improv class. 
Read/write more poetry. 
Attend pride and support LGBTQ+ groups. 
Wear fruity scents. 
Unapologetically blast your music. 
Stay hydrated. 
Take a writing class or continue your writing.
Go to a party. 
Eat grapes or drink grape juice. 
Be the light in the chaos. 
Find ways to add more ivy into your life. 
Get in the habit of asking for someone’s pronouns before assuming.
Use more vinegar in cooking. 
Work on your balance between chaos and organization (both are very important). 
Make crafts using wine bottles/corks. 
Watch an old musical. 
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silmarillaure · 3 days ago
I kinda wish Camp Jupiter had a different concept than Camp Halfblood instead of being another Demigod camp.
Romulus and Remus are the only Demigods exclusive to Roman Mythology that don't have Greek variants. Besides them, Roman Demigods were non-existent (and yes I count Aeneas as Greek because he was the son of Aphrodite in the Iliad before he was the son of Venus in the Aeneid).
In fact, Mars and Mercury are the only Olympian gods with pure Roman offspring that don't exist in Greek Mythology at all (although Mercury's twin sons, the Lares, are minor gods instead of Demigods)
Jupiter didn't cheat on Juno with mortals like Zeus did (expect with Semele/Alcmene to produce Bacchus/Hercules I guess but they're still treated as Greek without even getting a Roman names). The only affair he had that was exclusive to Roman myth is with the Roman Goddess Jaturna, but it didn't produce any offspring.
The Titans (especially the 2nd gen ones) were more likely to have Demigod offspring than the Roman Gods.
Rick should've given us Camp Othrys because if you know anything about Hyperion's three children, they were big humanfuckers (but of course Rick had to kill off Helios and Selene booooo👎!).
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hildegardavon · 4 months ago
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Jean-Baptiste Deshays, 1729-1765
Jupiter and Semele, n/d, oil on paper laid down on canvas, 37.5x30 cm
Private Collection
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classicalcanvas · 2 years ago
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Title: Jupiter and Semele
Artist: Gustave Moreau
Date: 1895
Style: Symbolism
Genre: Mythological Painting
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sex-death-rebirth · 2 years ago
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Jupiter and Semele by Gustave Moreau, 1895
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 1 year ago
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Jean-Baptiste Deshays de Colleville (French, 1729-1765) Jupiter and Semele, ca.1760 Norton Simon Museum of Art, Pasadena CA
The painting appears to depict the penultimate moment in the affair between the god Jupiter and the mortal Sémélé, as described in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Having discovered her husband Jupiter’s infidelity, a jealous Juno disguises herself as Sémélé’s nurse and persuades her to ask her lover to show himself in his godly form on their next rendezvous. On Jupiter’s next visit, Sémélé is consumed by the brilliant lightning and thunder of his true presence.
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what-even-is-thiss · 2 years ago
I’ll never be over the fact that in Ovid’s telling of Bacchus’ birth story Semele made Jupiter swear he’d come to her to have sex in the same way he would to his wife. And apparently this required he hit her with a thunderbolt. And Jupiter was like “Well maybe if I use the small lightning bolt she won’t get disintegrated”
And then she was disintegrated. Obviously. Because she was mortal. You idiot.
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iohnmcmullen · 11 months ago
Adonai Jupiter Elohim
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