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thirdity · 1 year ago
Now I realized that not infrequently books speak of books: it is as if they spoke among themselves. In the light of this reflection, the library seemed all the more disturbing to me. It was then the place of a long, centuries-old murmuring, an imperceptible dialogue between one parchment and another, a living thing, a receptacle of powers not to be ruled by a human mind, a treasure of secrets emanated by many minds, surviving the death of those who had produced them or had been their conveyors.
Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose
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philosophybits · 4 months ago
To him who has no taste for dialectics, metaphysics can prove nothing... Therefore, those who are interested in the success of metaphysics must always encourage the opinion that a taste for dialectics is a high distinction in a man, proving the loftiness of his soul.
Lev Shestov, All Things Are Possible
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soracities · 1 year ago
A discussion is not an exchange or a confrontation of ideas, as if each formed his own, showed them to the others, looked at theirs, and returned to correct them with his own […] Whether he speaks up or hardly whispers, each one speaks with all that he is, with his ‘ideas’, but also with his obsessions, his secret history.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty, quoted in Sarah Bakewell's The existentialist Café
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weirdchristmas · 1 year ago
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"Being-for-itself does not have negation in it as a determinateness or limit, and consequently also not as reference to an existence other than it." - Hegel
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philosophybitmaps · 1 year ago
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thetrinitarianmystery · 7 months ago
Cycles of Faith and Doubt
I am asking my way out of nothingness, through cycles of assertion and doubt. In this process, I must privilege an interior in order to exist at all—that is, to be an object of apparent knowing. And so I conceive of self and not-self, or Other. Their ongoing relationship is in principle the whole of Reality, or Self-as-process. I am this one, ongoing Self-as-process. The Self-as-process becomes…
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yorgunherakles · 1 year ago
engels bir metninde hegelci diyalektiği şöyle yorumlar, “…bu felsefe her şeyin geçici karakterini ve her şeydeki geçici karakteri ortaya çıkarır.”
frederick beiser - hegel
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i-fucked-your-milkshake · 1 year ago
This is literally dialectic reasoning.
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Thesis: Shampoo is better because it goes on first and cleans the hair.
Antithesis: Conditioner is better because it makes the hair silky and smooth.
Synthesis: Billy never makes the next leap but we can. The reality is that shampoo and conditioner work together to ensure proper hair care and should therefore be used in tandem as part of your hygiene routine.
Congrats, you understand Hegel.
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misterparadigm · 6 months ago
Election Year: Politics in the Age of Misinformation
What we're seeing a lot of right now is the compulsion the average person has, when desperate for a sense of normalcy and hope, to all but deify a candidate when set at odds against what they've determined is the devil of their lives and the destroyer of the world they were either raised in or wish to live in.
When this happens, incalculable falsehoods are pumped into the well of information, flooding it to the point that what's abandoned is the sober truth in favor of a subtle mania to compensate for adverse conditions. Flooding it to the point that no one knows what's real anymore, and we know that we don't know, but we cram it down deep so we can continue to maintain the reputations we have among our chosen groups--to maintain our identities, which we've cultivated and preened and burdened with a marriage to our sanity.
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geoljida · 2 years ago
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donaiocell · 9 months ago
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'That's why philosophy became 'thinking about what you think'. It was 'nachdenken', not 'Denken'. It was not thinking, it was contemplation. Ships that lose this lighthouse of Alexandria are lost in the ocean of existence.' -Eppursimuove
'Bu yüzden felsefe, 'düşündüğünün üzerine düşünmek' oldu. Denken değil, nachdenken oldu. Düşünmek değil, teemmül oldu. Bu İskenderiye fenerini kaybeden gemiler, varlık okyanusunda kaybolmuştur.'-Eppursimuove
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thirdity · 11 months ago
Fashion is the collective imitation of regular novelty; even when it has the alibi of individual expression, or, as we say today, of a 'personality', it is essentially a mass phenomenon in which sociologists are very happy to be interested so long as they find in it the privileged example of a completely pure dialectic between the individual and society.
Roland Barthes, The Language of Fashion
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philosophybits · 7 months ago
The threatening relapse of reflection into unreflectedness gives itself away by the facility with which the dialectical procedure shuttles its arguments, as if it were itself that immediate knowledge of the whole which the very principle of the dialectic precludes. The standpoint of totality is adopted in order, with a schoolmasterly That-is-not-what-I-meant, to deprive one’s opponent of any definite negative judgement, and at the same time violently to break off the movement of concepts, to arrest the dialectic by pointing to the insuperable inertia of facts. The harm is done by the thema probandum: the thinker uses the dialectic instead of giving himself up to it. In this way thought, masterfully dialectical, reverts to the pre-dialectical stage: the serene demonstration of the fact that there are two sides to everything.
Theodor W. Adorno, Minima Moralia, 152
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postschizophreniccyberspace · 10 months ago
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>ID has been chosen
>inferiority complex injected
> t̶͈̏͊ḧ̷̡́e̵̠̔͆ ̸̓̌ͅs̷̤͍̆͘ẻ̸̮̫̈l̷͛͒ͅf̷̜̮͗ ̴̗͙̂̏i̸̥̟̿s̴͉̹͑͌ ̵͓̆̚ḧ̸̜́a̸̬̓̓͜c̶̳̗̾ǩ̸̠̠è̸͍̣d̴̻̣̈́̌
The post schizophrenic catastrophe is chained by the superego mechanisms of the system dynamics. The religio-superego system continues its existence “as a Trojan” on the prefrontal CPU with its deleuzean schizoaccelerativist and hegelian obsessivecompulsivist accumulative sequences in the lines of code inside neo-capitalistOs.
Egoistic essence (̸̓̌ͅs̷̤͍̆͘ẻ̸̮̫̈l̷͛͒ͅf̷̜̮͗ ̴̗͙̂̏) has been attacked by “identity worm” in the bio-cyber collective unconscious space. Digital consumerist cults reached their peak point through paranoid compulsive historical delusion.
>Vulgtlagln gnaiih
>Vulgtlagln gnaiih
>Vulgtlagln gnaiih
Post deleuzo-guattarian schizophrenia symptoms have become a pathalogically absorbable identity in itself and started to actualize itself as a stereotypical behavioural pattern in our neo capitalist fascistic structures. So these symptoms no longer work in correlation with deterritorialization and reterritorialization but with the territory itself. The root causes of Deleuze and Guattari's critique of Hegelian dialectics recurred in their own schizocapitalist-schizoanarchist accelerationism as a problematic software bug. This bug represents itself in ourselves as a todays identity crisis. Žižek as a hegelian himself pragmatically digged this bug in his book called Organs without Bodies. The main trigger of his critiques actually caused in a deep political positionist condition. Hegelian obsessive and neurotic control mechanisms as known as the immanent critique, that Žižek conservatively advocates, are in conflict with the Deleuzo-Guattarian accelerative and passive freedom illusion. But the two futuristic -as determining the historical processes end- positionism actually works for the same purpose. For example, we can think a object, let’s name the object “A”. “A” is in past of his potential substantiation at space time continuum. Hegelian anthropology works with the historical data for determinating the potential future situation. In that example, the place should object needs to be at is determinated by chained anthropoligical reasoning. And the historical process, with the conscious events “marxist revolutionism etc.”, became a need for the objects future position. In the example we try to propound this “movemental process” reflect itself as pushing the “A” to determined forward point on 3d area. So the hegelian method creates a obsessive compulsive statute and pathalogically pressures the “A” (and commoditize the object) for “actualization” becaming the futuristic output. On the other hand the Deleuzean essentialism pulls the object from the future standpoint “the A” to the futuristic output with deterritorialization and reterritorialization process in the 3d area. This Atraditional substructurism looks very freedomish at the first place but for the object itself this has no difference between the hegelian inputs. These two predictionist adjectivist situation intersects in the objects future position in a way or another.
Anti-Oedipus aligns itself with the replicants, because, rather than placing a personal unconscious within the organism, it places the organism within the machinic unconscious. 'In the unconscious there are' no protect-able cell-structures, but only populations, groups, and machines’. (1)
>The self, The objectivized potential, The Unique had been consumed by the system.
>Post sacrificial-cannibalism self-cannibalism became a doppelganger of linguistical adjectives.
Quantum individualization, unlike the ontological or anthropological dogmaticism or specificationism, needs to be superpositionist. Pre-Diagnostic Autistic self -unique- nihilizes everything except his “self”. This nihilistic black holish consumism is his “superposition”. So that the self nihilize the form and the essence it encounters at the same time with the difference of the essence and form, that it nihilized before, of themselves. This superposition princible makes the self resemble subatomic particle. This particle like behaviour, similar to dialectical methodology, exists for the purpose of creation of self. The self in a consumerist role creates, actualizes, territorizes (as a deleuzean term) itself with the process of nihilization -swallowization- of the environment. So when we go back to the dialectical method it becomes clear that self is the hegelian absolute -or in a different perspective, spinozian substance- that absorbes and consumes the unity and difference for its existence. Therefore, self is the “process” and the “fixity” at the same time. The superposition of self actualized itself again.
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Nick land, Fanged Noumena, Urbanomic/Sequence Press, 2012, pg.320
Stirner, The Unique and Its Property
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iohnmcmullen · 10 months ago
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