#junk journal techniques
artisticdivasworld · 30 days
Junk Journaling: Finding ephemera to use
Since we just talked about how to make a junk journal last post, now let’s talk about what you will use to fill it up and make it pretty. Junk journaling is like going on a treasure hunt where every little piece you find can tell a story. You can use almost anything to create your journal. First off, you might want to start with the basics, like old book pages. These can be from old novels,…
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field-guide-to-mud · 6 months
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let the rain fall and bring life
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New recycling process could find markets for 'junk' plastic waste
Although many Americans deposit their plastic trash into the appropriate bins each week, many of those materials, including flexible films, multilayer materials and a lot of colored plastics, are not recyclable using conventional mechanical recycling methods. In the end, only about 9% of plastic in the United States is ever reused, often in low-value products. With a new technique, however, University of Wisconsin–Madison chemical engineers are turning low-value waste plastic into high-value products. The new method, described in the journal Science, could increase the economic incentives for plastic recycling and open a door to recycling new types of plastic. The researchers estimate their methods could also reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the conventional production of these industrial chemicals by roughly 60%. The new technique relies on a couple of existing chemical processing techniques. The first is pyrolysis, in which plastics are heated to high temperatures in an oxygen-free environment.
Read more.
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mcromwell · 1 year
You posted a TikTok where you were drawing in a sort of junk journal you'd made for playing around and using up your art supplies in and I was wondering if you have resources on how to make a book like that? I love the idea and want to make one but there's a billion different options online for how to make something like that.
Sure, I can sort of go over what I did! It might be easier in a video, so I'll record one as well and upload it to TikTok. Some other folks have been asking, as well.
But the gist of it is: I made sheafs of papers about 1/2" thick each, enough of them to where the thickness of them stacked together equaled the thickness of the book cover. I sewed them together with a very crappy version of yotsume toji (a Japanese bookbinding technique). Could I have done it the right way? Sure! Did I? Nope! I was just messing around, making a trash book. The crappiness gives it character.
The cover is an old thrifted book I cut apart for collage that was falling apart. I fixed it by gluing fabric to the inside to give it structure. But maybe your cover won't be as messed up, in which case you're good to put the pages in. Then I sewed thicker twine into the cover, just a simple stitch, which I then sewed the sheafs into.
And it's, well, let's just say it sure does meet base criteria for a book! Barely! The way I did it, the pages don't lie flat and it's not a very sturdy bind and I didn't use bookbinding cord or thread, so, you'd be better off finding and following bookbinding tutorials from professionals, for now.
I am merely a trash creature fashioning things from garbage as best my little opossum hands can muster.
Thanks for asking! I'll show more in the video!
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Lan one day complains of slight joint pains, and Megaman goes off kinda. This is Lans first health problem due to aging, and Megaman gets hit with the fact Lan is gonna be gone one day. Lan hasn't even had a mid life crisis yet.
So Megaman starts to hover over him a lot, and re-reads Lans health journal and books a doctor appointment for a check up.
He wants Lan to be the healthiest he can be, but for some reason he wasn't prepared Lan getting older and his body won't be able to keep up with him and his shenanigans.
How could he not see this coming???
I’m so sorry, you meant for this to be a humorous ask and yet I went and did this
It starts with an off-handed complaint of a sore back.
Lan waves off the initial concern, saying he just strained it too hard trying to move some furniture around at the house.
Megaman believes him at first, the human back was fragile after all. But he still fusses and tells Lan to apply good lifting techniques.
But then Lan gets a couple of years older and soon he starts making remarks about how one of his knees hurt.
“It pops a lot and sometimes it gets sore.” He comments to Mayl one day at breakfast.
“You might have overdone it running or skating.”
It’s a very nonchalant conversation, one Megaman shouldn’t pay much attention to, and yet he can’t stop the anxiety that was climbing into his being.
Lan is getting older…
Since puberty the twins’ father has tried to make sure Megaman kept up with Lan milestone-wise. Modifications were made to give Megaman a body fitting for a teenager and then eventually an adult.
It was great at the beginning. It felt like they were actually growing up together.
But now here they are in the present with Lan complaining of aches and pains Megaman will never feel.
It put a dark cloud over the Navi because it brings hard truths he’s been avoiding for as long as he could.
Megaman may have promised he’d be with Lan forever, but forever isn’t something Lan’s humanity can guarantee.
He starts buckling down about Lan’s health and care afterwards. No more junk food, he needs to incorporate more healthy snacks in his diet. His exercise regime was great, but he needs to stop being reckless. Lan isn’t that same 12 year old who would perform crazy stunts in the name of world saving. Anything Megaman deems unfit for Lan’s aging body would be terminated.
Lan initially doesn’t mind. Megaman is always looking out for his health. But his concern soon starts to feel more like an obsession and the younger brother feels it’s time to speak up.
“As much as I like added fiber to my diet, I feel like you’re overdoing it with the meal planning.” Lan jokingly says as he jacks Megaman into his copybot so he can converse with him better. “And did you seriously sign me up for an aerobics class?”
Now more comfortable in his copybot, Megaman looks to his twin sheepishly, “I thought aerobics would be a more age-appropriate activity for you than the skating.”
“Age-appropriate? Megaman I’m 30, not 60!”
“I know,” Megaman defends himself, “but it wouldn’t hurt to start taking care of your body better. You won’t be young forever you know…”
Lan is quiet for a while, letting those words sink in. It suddenly clicks in his head what his Navi—no, his brother--is really saying to him.
Sighing, he moves to better sit beside Megaman and throws his arm over his shoulder in a half hug.
“Hub, you know I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, right?”
Megaman lowers his gaze, his green eyes watering at the use of his real name.
“Lan...you know as well as I do how short life can really be. If I can find ways to prolong our time together, then I will.”
Lan tries meeting his brother’s eyes, an encouraging smile on his face, “I know you will, and I appreciate that; but you remember what the doc said at my last physical that you forced me to go to: I’m as fit and healthy as a horse! All my blood tests are negative. Sure my back aches whenever I try to move Mayl’s piano across the room for the 5th time in a year, and maybe my knees pop more than usual, but that’s just part of getting older. Other than that, my form is just as good as when I was 20!”
Megaman is quiet for a while. Realistically speaking, Lan is right. He really is much healthier than most adults. If anyone could live a long life, it’s him.
But still...
Despite still having hang ups about his twin getting older, Megaman swallows those feelings in favor of managing to return Lan’s smile.
“Yeah...I know. I shouldn’t worry too much, but I can’t help it.”
Feeling satisfied, Lan pats Megaman on the head, ignoring his older brother’s pout, “I know you can’t. You wouldn’t be my annoying, mother hen of a brother otherwise.”
Megaman gasps in offense, “Annoying?! Here I am wanting the best for you, and you call me annoying? How rude!”
Lan laughs, sticking his tongue out at Megaman, “It’s true though!”
Megaman rolls his eyes at his brother’s behavior, “Sticking your tongue out at me now? Your body may be older but you definitely haven’t matured at all!”
As the two bicker and banter, the previous conversation is forgotten. Though not completely, as each year goes by, Lan’s mortality would forever be a grim reminder for Megaman.
It’s difficult, but he will try not to let it consume him.
Because the thought of facing a life without Lan will kill him a second time...
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shantijuniors · 13 days
How to Shift Your Child from Intake of Junk Food to Nutritious Meals
In today’s rapidly changing world, problem-solving and critical thinking skills are more important than ever for children. These abilities not only help them in their academic pursuits but also in their personal and future professional lives. Here are some comprehensive strategies to nurture and enhance these essential skills in children.
In today’s rapidly changing world, problem-solving and critical thinking skills are more important than ever for children. These abilities not only help them in their academic pursuits but also in their personal and future professional lives. Here are some comprehensive strategies to nurture and enhance these essential skills in children.
Encourage Curiosity and Questioning
Children are naturally curious, and fostering this curiosity is crucial for developing their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. We can encourage curiosity by:
Creating a Question-Friendly Environment: Encourage children to ask questions about everything they see and experience. Respond to their questions thoughtfully and guide them in finding answers themselves.
Modeling Inquisitiveness: Demonstrate curiosity by asking questions and seeking out new information in everyday situations. Show them that learning is a lifelong process.
Providing Diverse Experiences: Expose children to a variety of experiences and subjects. Visit museums, nature reserves, and cultural events to spark their interest and stimulate their minds.
Promote Open-Ended Play
Open-ended play allows children to explore, create, and solve problems without predefined outcomes. This type of play fosters imagination and cognitive flexibility. Key strategies include:
Supplying Varied Materials: Offer a range of materials such as building blocks, art supplies, and natural objects that can be used in multiple ways.
Facilitating Role-Playing Games: Encourage children to engage in role-playing games where they can invent scenarios and solve imaginary problems. This promotes empathy and perspective-taking.
Minimizing Screen Time: Limit time spent on passive screen activities. Encourage activities that require active engagement and problem-solving.
Integrate Problem-Solving in Daily Activities
Everyday tasks present numerous opportunities for children to develop problem-solving skills. Some methods to integrate these tasks include:
Cooking Together: Involve children in cooking, where they can learn to follow instructions, measure ingredients, and make decisions about flavors and textures.
Gardening Projects: Gardening teaches children about patience, planning, and problem-solving as they figure out how to make plants thrive.
DIY Projects: Encourage children to take part in DIY projects around the house, such as building a birdhouse or repairing a broken toy. These projects require planning, critical thinking, and perseverance.
Teach Effective Communication
Good communication skills are vital for problem-solving and critical thinking. Children need to learn how to express their thoughts clearly and listen to others. Strategies to enhance communication skills include:
Active Listening Exercises: Practice active listening with children by summarizing what they’ve said and asking follow-up questions. This helps them feel heard and valued.
Discussion and Debate: Engage children in discussions and debates on various topics. Encourage them to form opinions and support their arguments with evidence.
Storytelling: Storytelling is a powerful tool for developing communication skills. Encourage children to tell stories about their experiences or create fictional tales.
Encourage Reflective Thinking
Reflective thinking enables children to analyze their experiences and learn from them. Techniques to promote reflective thinking include:
Journaling: Encourage children to keep a journal where they can write about their daily experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
Reflective Questions: Ask children reflective questions such as, “What did you learn from this experience?” or “How would you approach this problem differently next time?”
Mindfulness Practices: Introduce mindfulness practices that help children become more aware of their thoughts and feelings, fostering a reflective mindset.
Develop Critical Thinking Through Reading and Discussion
Reading is a fundamental way to develop critical thinking. Encourage children to read widely and engage them in discussions about what they’ve read. Key strategies include:
Diverse Reading Material: Provide children with a variety of reading materials, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. This exposes them to different perspectives and ideas.
Critical Reading Questions: While reading together, ask questions that encourage children to think critically about the content. Questions like, “Why do you think the character made that choice?” or “What would you have done in that situation?”
Book Clubs: Form a book club where children can discuss books with their peers. This fosters critical thinking and collaborative learning.
Encourage Creative Problem Solving
Creative problem solving involves thinking outside the box and coming up with innovative solutions. Strategies to encourage creativity include:
Brainstorming Sessions: Hold brainstorming sessions where children can freely share their ideas on how to solve a problem. Emphasize that all ideas are welcome, no matter how unconventional.
Art and Craft Activities: Engage children in art and craft activities that require them to think creatively and solve problems, such as designing a unique piece of art or creating something useful from recycled materials.
Science Experiments: Conduct simple science experiments at home that encourage children to hypothesize, test, and observe outcomes. This promotes scientific thinking and creativity.
Also Read: How to Shift Your Child from Intake of Junk Food to Nutritious Meals
Foster Independence and Decision-Making
Allowing children to make their own decisions and solve problems independently is crucial for their development. Methods to foster independence include:
Chores and Responsibilities: Assign age-appropriate chores and responsibilities that require children to make decisions and solve problems.
Guided Choices: Offer choices in various situations, allowing children to weigh options and make decisions. For example, let them choose between different activities or snacks.
Supportive Guidance: While it’s important to provide support, try to step back and let children work through challenges on their own. Offer guidance only when necessary.
Encourage Collaborative Learning
Collaborative learning helps children develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills through teamwork. Strategies include:
Group Projects: Engage children in group projects where they need to collaborate, share ideas, and work together to solve problems.
Peer Learning: Encourage peer learning where children can learn from each other by discussing ideas and solving problems together.
Community Involvement: Involve children in community service or group activities that require them to collaborate and think critically about how to address community needs.
Model Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking
Children learn a lot by observing adults. By modeling problem-solving and critical thinking, we can provide them with a powerful example to follow. Strategies include:
Thinking Aloud: When faced with a problem, think aloud so children can hear your thought process. Explain how you approach the problem and the steps you take to solve it.
Sharing Experiences: Share your own experiences with problem-solving and critical thinking. Discuss challenges you’ve faced and how you overcame them.
Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive attitude towards challenges and mistakes. Show children that problems are opportunities for learning and growth.
Also Read: How to Choose the Best Childcare and Kindergarten that Helps in Child Development
By implementing these strategies, we can significantly enhance children's problem-solving and critical thinking skills, equipping them with the tools they need to navigate and succeed in an ever-evolving world.
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fatimi20 · 2 months
The Abundance Mindset Journal
The Abundance Mindset Journal
You will receive a folder with 30 high-quality printable PDF file.
11 US Letter size 8.5" x 11" pdf files as follows:
* 1 pdf for the entire planner - 30 pages in total. 
with a Table of Contents for easy navigation.
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Click on the video link to dee it.!
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You can print it at home or at your local printing store that you trust.
The Abundance Mindset Journal is designed to help individuals cultivate a mindset of abundance, fostering personal growth, positivity, and a greater sense of fulfillment in life. Its primary aim is to guide users in shifting their focus from scarcity and limitations to opportunities and possibilities. Here are the key objectives of this journal:
Positive Thinking Development:
The journal encourages daily practices that promote positive thinking. By regularly reflecting on what is going well and what one is grateful for, users can rewire their brains to focus on the positive aspects of their lives, reducing negative self-talk and fostering a more optimistic outlook.
Gratitude Cultivation:
Gratitude is a cornerstone of the abundance mindset. The journal provides structured prompts to help users identify and appreciate the good in their lives, both big and small. This practice enhances overall well-being and satisfaction, making it easier to recognize and attract more positive experiences.
Goal Setting and Achievement:
The journal assists users in setting clear, achievable goals. By breaking down long-term aspirations into manageable steps and celebrating progress along the way, users can maintain motivation and momentum. This goal-oriented approach reinforces the belief that one has the power to create and attract abundance.
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs:
The journal includes exercises to identify and challenge limiting beliefs that hold users back. By transforming these beliefs into empowering ones, users can unlock their potential and expand their horizons, embracing new opportunities with confidence.
Mindfulness and Presence:
Mindfulness practices integrated into the journal help users stay present and fully engage with their current experiences. This presence allows for a deeper appreciation of the present moment, reducing stress and increasing contentment.
Self-Reflection and Awareness:
Regular self-reflection prompts encourage users to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This heightened self-awareness helps users understand their patterns and triggers, enabling them to make conscious choices that align with an abundance mindset.
Visualization Techniques:
The journal incorporates visualization exercises to help users vividly imagine their desired future. This technique strengthens the belief in achieving those desires and aligns the subconscious mind with conscious goals, making it easier to manifest abundance.
Acts of Kindness and Generosity:
By encouraging acts of kindness and generosity, the journal helps users experience the joy of giving, which in turn fosters a sense of abundance. This outward focus can create a positive ripple effect, enhancing both personal and community well-being.
The Abundance Mindset Journal ultimately aims to transform how individuals perceive and interact with the world around them. By fostering a mindset rooted in positivity, gratitude, and possibility, it helps users create a life filled with joy, purpose, and abundance.
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The Abundance Mindset Journal video
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twiainsurancegroup · 3 months
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drheidikling · 5 months
Strategies for Managing Depression in Daily Life by Heidi Kling Ph.D.
Depression can make even simple tasks seem impossible. However, you can find relief and return to a standard life by employing simple coping mechanisms.
Recognizing and writing down negative thought patterns, such as catastrophizing and all-or-nothing thinking, will help identify negative thought processes and provide realistic alternatives.
1. Try to Keep a Positive Mood
Heidi Kling Ph.D., points out that depression can feel like a dark cloud looming over your life, impacting work, relationships, and physical health (such as changes to appetite leading to weight fluctuations or unexplained aches and pains). While outsiders might dismiss it as simply feeling blue, clinical depression is a severe mental illness and should be taken seriously.
When feeling down, try shifting your focus and recognizing what's good in your life. While discussing problems can be helpful, please do not dwell on them for too long. Express yourself creatively through dance, painting, doodling, or writing. Don't forget laughter can do wonders for our mood - don't be afraid of laughing, as even just one good belly laugh can make you much happier within minutes! Heidi Kling psychologist
Sleep is essential; avoiding junk food and caffeinated drinks before bed can help ensure a good night's rest. Exercise can also improve mood. Finally, connect with friends and family regularly - face-to-face meetings are best, but video calls may also prove fruitful!
2. Get a Good Night's Sleep
Depression can make sleeping difficult. Additionally, depression may trigger cravings for unhealthy foods and beverages like caffeinated beverages or heavy meals that interfere with both mood and energy levels.
Heidi Kling Ph.D., suggests that building healthy habits into your everyday routine can help relieve depression symptoms. Our treatment will teach you positive lifestyle changes to use after medication and talk therapy are no longer effective, such as meditation, sleep hygiene methods, and breathing techniques to promote mental health, exercise, and other physical activities, as well as diet and lifestyle strategies designed to keep depression away.
Staying connected with friends and family during a challenging period is vitally important. Journaling can be invaluable in this regard, allowing people to express their thoughts and feelings without judgment while providing insight into what's happening. Furthermore, journaling may also assist people in recognizing patterns, triggers, and warning signs associated with depression; disgruntled, resentful, or irritable people could be experiencing hidden depression behind atypical behaviors such as these.
3. Stay Active
Heidi Kling, Ph.D., highlights that exercise can help combat depression by elevating mood and energy levels and stimulating brain activity positively, according to studies. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day - start slow and build up gradually until longer durations are possible; walking, dancing, yoga, or swimming are excellent choices.
Maintain a balanced diet, mainly by reducing sugar and refined carbs that may contribute to energy crashes and mood slumps—incorporating foods rich in B vitamins like leafy greens, citrus fruits, beans, chicken, and eggs. Heidi Kling therapist
Try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and help your body slow its heart rate and blood flow, creating a relaxing effect.
Spend time with family and friends. Social support will increase your sense of belonging and support, and discussing concerns with someone can provide perspective and solutions.
4. Take Care of Yourself
Depression can affect all aspects of your life, from feeling sad or empty to changes in appetite or unexplained aches and pains. However, taking steps daily to manage the disorder is essential for successful living. Dr. Heidi Kling
According to Heidi Kling Ph.D., exercise and other coping strategies may be effective, but don't forget to give yourself some respite too. Spending time being creative, such as painting or playing an instrument, engaging in something fun, dancing to your favorite tunes, or simply laughing with a friend, can help lift your mood and revitalize energy levels.
Communication is often beneficial in solving problems; avoid dwelling too heavily on negative experiences or dwelling too long on them. Try to mix in lighter conversations as well.
Practice mindfulness by noting the things you are grateful for, writing them down, or both. Additionally, keep a "negative thoughts log." When damaging self-talk surfaces, report it and what caused it so you can confront it later - this makes for a great add-on strategy to any existing recovery plan.
5. Stay Connected
Depression makes it hard to connect with others, heightening feelings of isolation. Therapy may help develop better communication skills and restore your faith in relationships again, or join a support group dedicated to depression for encouragement, validation, and insight into overcoming it.
Self-care practices include seeking help for small tasks and participating in outdoor activities whenever possible. Try not to over-remember negative thoughts or events in time by dwelling too much on them; focus instead on living in the present moment. Keeping a journal may also help express emotions and detect distorted thinking patterns.
As per Heidi Kling Ph.D., depression can affect anyone, but with proper knowledge and professional assistance, it's possible to live well despite living with it. By making efforts such as staying physically active, sleeping well at night, caring for oneself well and remaining connected with family and friends while using fundamental coping mechanisms like meditation to manage it more effectively, depression can be managed more successfully, and joy can be restored in daily life.
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artisticdivasworld · 1 month
Junk Journals: What exactly are they?
This post, I want to explore a different type of art. I want us to look at junk journals and see what they are, how to make them, what to do with them, and why you should have one. We cover all sorts of other types of art information on this blog and you can reference a few here and here and here.  Now let’s see what all the fuss is about these junk journals. Have you ever even heard of them…
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straightuptreatment98 · 5 months
How does CBT Treat Anxiety?
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT is a widely known and recognized therapy to treat anxiety disorders.  The therapy examines the negative thought patterns. Additionally, the therapy observes the behavior when a negative situation or trigger happens.
CBT helps in identifying the root cause of anxiety disorder. Thereby, confront your fears and anxiety with CBT experts.
By having a close look at the negative thoughts, the therapist suggests new and positive ways of thinking. Because when one changes the thoughts or approach to the problem, the feeling for a particular situation or thing changes.
The Cause of Anxiety
If any unexpected event happens in our lives such as divorce, loss of close ones, or getting fired from a job, etc. it creates a deep state of sorrow and sadness in the individuals. But what happens with people suffering from anxiety is that they get trapped in the loop of feeling unworthy, lonely, sad, and negative for an extended period.
The problem lies in the thought pattern, one finds difficulty in accepting the situation or in being optimistic about life. Thus, a professional CBT therapist listens to the client’s anxiety story and suggests multiple ways to cope with the anxiety mechanism. Thus, connect with a cognitive behavioral therapist and find solution to the feelings of anxiety.
Likely CBT involves several techniques to deal with the situations.
Restructuring or Framing
Herein, an individual is expected to observe the negative thought pattern and assess the worst possible occurrence to reduce the fear, pain, and anxiety attacks. One is also asked to place importance on minor details. One is advised to understand why the feeling of anxiety is coming.
Journaling is the best form of mental exercise, wherein you can write down how you are feeling, and the emotions that are bothering you. This way a therapist helps in changing the negative thought pattern to positive ones, by asking to write positive affirmations.
Relaxation Therapy
The relaxation technique helps significantly in reducing stress and releasing anxiety completely. The relaxation therapy used by therapists includes deep breathing exercises, meditation, relaxing of muscles, etc. Thereby join group therapy for adults in Los Angeles and replace the upsetting patterns of thinking.
Book the CBT Session Online
So, if you or any of your close ones are struggling with anxiety disorders. And finding it difficult to overcome the challenges of anxiety. Then seek professional guidance from Straight Up Treatment and consult our team of best CBT therapist in Los Angeles.
Book the session with CBT therapy in Los Angeles and feel at ease. Bid goodbye to the junk thinking that is not serving you in any good way. And give a good kick start to your life with the interactive CBT session.
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paperprincessinspo · 9 months
Halloween Junk Journal Flip-Through
Etsy Patreon YouTube Instagram Pinterest Happy spooky season!!! It’s no secret Halloween is my favourite holiday so I’m very excited to share my Halloween Junk Journal with you all today. I created this junk journal using the Creep & Create kits and the Regency Halloween kits from my Etsy shop. Check them out here. It was so much fun creating this! I loved trying out new techniques and…
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archie-tan7 · 10 months
If I could turn back time, what would I do differently and why?
Oooohh, I like this question. Umm, so first of all, let's begin from the beginning. Okay, so the exact point in time where I want to go back is 7th grade. The first time I decided to not go outside and watch Kdramas instead. Yup, not doing that again. Even if it was hard, I would try my best to make time for playing outside, maybe not with others since I understand why an 11-year-old me felt so left out. But I would not ignore her physical health. And also, I would find a good music teacher, or if not, then learn vocal techniques online. Try to bond more with Papa. Understand Mumma more. Guide my younger brother better. Be a better friend to my bestie. Read more. Start maintaing a diary and also hiding it better. Be more friendly to people and a bit extroverted. STOP eating junk food and develop healthier eating habits filled with nutrition. Develop and MAINTAIN good hygiene.
In 8th grade, I would stop being resentful of a senior who got selected for a solo singing part instead of me. Also, I would learn skincare and exercise routines. I would also be more confident in class since I always feared being wrong. Who cares if I'm wrong? Fuck that shit. Be more grateful towards my friends who really cared about me. I would take singing and music more seriously as a hobby. Study more and get that academic excellence award. Start to learn more about the world aka read newspaper.
In 9th grade, again I would just maintain good physical activity and skin care. Plus, get motivated to do well academically from my friends. I would work on my self-esteem issues and just be more self-aware and self-reflective. Also, stop being less of a bitch to my parents. Plus, read more books. Also, I would stand up for the class prefect position. I would NEVER write that cringey ass letter to my then friends about being insecure and instead actually open up. And also, stop my benchmate for fatshaming me. Develop a habit of writing creative stuff.
In 10th grade, I would take my studies more seriously because I'm pretty confident that I could become one of the toppers in my school and they would fucking put my name on the school website to make sure everyone knows and I get the credit I deserve. I would let go of my infatuation to my then crush. Again, I would be more outspoken and friendly. I would actually enjoy my trip, instead of being a depressed bitch and also have a good time in that pool. I would consistently journal, read books, writing, practice singing and studying. Most importantly, I would not take Science stream and not join coaching for medical entrance exam. Fuck that shit. I would choose humanities and work towards my career of a psychologist. I would start treatment for PCOS.
In 11th grade, I would either actually pay attention in class or study the books on my own. I would continue singing, reading and introspection. I would learn more housework and kitchen. Learn about personal finance. Make a career plan. Talk to my school friends more often. Work on my glow-up. Take my medications. Do well in exams. Participate in competitions. Develop writing skills for temporary jobs. Stay away from online addiction. Start doing hair care. Not talk with any stranger on the Internet. Guide my brother better. Get therapy.
In 12th grade, I would take my studies even more seriously. Become THAT girl: healthy diet, workout, journaling, meditation, academics, social life, skincare, hair care. Definitely get into my dream college. Have a plan for my career in psychology in college. Work on developing my style: fashion, makeup, walk, personality. Separate my fantasy from reality. Continue everything from above.
Post-college entrance exam, start action on career before college starts. Internships, read journals and books, find connections on LinkedIn. Make goals for all the 4 years of college and achieve them. Make sure I am confident in myself: looks, personality, knowledge and empathy. Learn to dance (party-style). Read philosophy and non-fiction books.
In 1st year of college, take my studies seriously early on since current university is fucked up. Talk to a lot of a people first and then join friend groups. Find one person to stick to and become "besties". If not, then be okay with being a loner. Hang out my actual current bestie more because she deserves better than this. Be more active. Start gym. Become more knowledgeable. Do internships from home, build good rapport with teachers. Learn more psychology. Join the NGO thing. Start building resume and ensure good CGPA.
Well, the reason for all these things is pretty obvious. I do NOT like myself currently. I'm not doing well in any of the aspects of my life. Like I'm not using any of my gifts or privileges well enough. I'm SO disappointed in me and I literally fail myself all the time. And being aware of that doesn't help. At all.
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Who is doing the creative practice and the underpinning research? When I need inspiration I often give myself time to play video games, watch cartoons or read comics which all help to make me feel creative again. Also I find junk journals or scrapbooks inspiring as well and doing these things are a good place for me to start, almost like creative stretching for my brain.
Who am I as a designer? I am an artist, photographer and designer. An avid art enjoyer and media consumer. I enjoy video essays and queer influences. I enjoy horror and the macabre and yet also bright, bold, in your face colours and designs with cartoon and anime-like influences. These are some crazy contrasts in my own ideas and what I enjoy but it’s a fun mix and perfect balance for myself.
What are the influences on me as a designer? I’m a very thinking person, empathetic almost to a fault where it made me a really nervous kid. I’m also trans and although I knew this about myself for a long time I’m only now beginning to medically transition and in that questioning period of my life I’ve unpacked and explored a lot about gender and gender roles and how these effect queer and cis people alike.
How can I unpack the personal design ideologies that cultural shifts, ethics, and responsibility that impact my design-making? I unpack these ideologies in my own work. I explore how it’s like to not be stereotypically masculine or feminine and how this feeling of not being manly or womanly enough is something that both cis and queer people struggle with and so these boxes we put on gender are harmful for everyone. I think a lot about this and obviously I’m always checking the news and it’s a hard place right now to look at the news and feel safe as a trans person and it annoys me the misinformation which is spread and believed .
How might I expand my visual vocabulary by understanding the environmental, social, cultural, political contexts of my design influences? I think I could definitely enjoy looking back more one older queer artists and designers, especially those in Aotearoa and seeing the type of work they created and what were there influences. I want to connect more with the past in this way.
Where do I stand in relation to my practice and what do I value? In relation to my practice I value image making and unconventional looking things. It’s fun to push the boundaries of what is considered art or good design. Because really, if something looks good and is compelling it works as design.
What is the nature of my communication design practice and research? I think over the years I’ve developed a good practice and process to how I made and think about my work. Even though sometimes it’s all over the place and there can be times where I get behind I know that with how I design I will usually be able to complete work before deadlines.
How do my environmental, social, cultural, sub-cultural, political contexts and influences show up in my work? I’m always looking at things from a trans and queer perspective since it’s something I’m most passionate about which makes it easy to incorporate these ideas.
What key themes, ideas and conversations are speaking in or through my work? Themes of gender and sexuality and very prevalent. But also these Cartoon inspirations follow as well I think.
What specialist subject knowledge do I want my work to convey? My relationship with gender as a trans man is an area I’m passionate about and is something very unique to me. Especially since I know I’m not typically masculine and I know that confuses a lot of people.
Are there specific techniques and crafts I want to hone within my practice? I love exploring the analoge techniques with design even though it takes a lot of extra work and usually printing and paper money. But if I could give myself more time to explore this medium I’d love to. Collage, publications, physical textured paints, pencils, pens, etc. Although I am most comfortable doing digital art and design work.
Who are the local and global creatives, designers, illustrators, photographers that you want to connect with? I think it would be fun to have a space with a bunch of other creatives where we can just display and create work. Otherwise I haven’t got a specific goal im mind but working with others would be fun I think but I would also still like to do a lot of my own work alongside following briefs or a company.
What are the influences on them and what engages you in their work? I also enjoy looking at other queer artists like Pati Solomona or even Petra Collins who are both photographers with a specific aesthetic that I really enjoy. I also enjoy designers who use analogue collections of material and images like Patrick Thomas and his screen-printing work.
In what (if any) ways are you collaborative and engaging in communities? I used to post a lot of my personal art projects online and it was more of a place to keep a collection of my finished work. It was good to create and space where I could get critique and compliments from other artists and I would do the same with them. It also helped as an archive so I could look back at the progression of my work and it made it easier to see these improvements. Then I also work with my friend who’s also an artist by working on film or photography projects and I work with them to help produce their own work. Working in these spaces is mutually beneficial for both of us as young artists and designers.
What Impacts, concepts, thematics, and organising principles are at play in the creative practice? Anything creative anywhere requires concepts and organisation. There are rules to follow and even when a design or creative piece decides to omit these rules that is still a very informed decision and they’re actively working against the rules put in place which one could argue it’s a different way of following and thinking about the rules of organisation, thematics and concepts. I’m an enjoyer of following these rules but also breaking them to do something more unconventional to reflect unconventional types of gender expression.
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Crafting with Love: Exploring the Beauty of Hearts in Junk Journals
Hearts in junk journals add a touch of love and whimsy, creating visually captivating and emotionally resonant pages. Let your creativity flow as you experiment with different techniques and incorporate these elements into your junk journal. Remember, the joy of junk journaling lies in the freedom to express yourself, so have fun, embrace the creative process, and let your heart guide you as you create beautiful pages that reflect your unique story.
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jsms01 · 1 year
From Unhealthy to Fit: My Weight Loss Journey
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From Unhealthy to Fit: My Weight Loss Journey
Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but it can also be a life-changing experience. In this article, I will share my personal weight loss journey from being unhealthy to becoming fit. I will talk about the struggles, obstacles, and the lessons I learned along the way.
My Starting Point
At the beginning of my weight loss journey, I weighed 250 pounds. I knew I was overweight, but I didn't realize how much until I saw the number on the scale. I was shocked and felt ashamed of myself. I had no energy, felt tired all the time, and was not happy with how I looked. I knew I needed to make a change, but I didn't know where to start.
Setting Goals
I realized that to achieve my weight loss goals, I needed to set realistic and achievable goals. I began by setting a goal to lose 50 pounds in six months. I broke down my goal into smaller targets, such as losing 2 pounds per week. I also started tracking my food intake, exercise, and progress using a journal.
Developing Healthy Habits
To lose weight and become fit, I knew I had to change my unhealthy habits. I started by eliminating processed foods, sugary drinks, and junk food from my diet. I replaced them with healthier alternatives, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and water. I also started cooking my meals at home and planning my meals in advance. In addition to changing my diet, I started exercising regularly. I began with light exercises, such as walking and stretching, and gradually increased the intensity and duration of my workouts. I also started weight training to build muscle and increase my metabolism.
Overcoming Obstacles
My weight loss journey was not without its challenges. There were times when I wanted to give up, but I reminded myself of my goals and why I started in the first place. I also reached out to friends and family for support, which helped me stay motivated. One of the biggest obstacles I faced was overcoming my emotional eating habits. Whenever I felt stressed or sad, I would turn to food for comfort. To overcome this, I started practicing mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing. I also sought the help of a therapist, who helped me develop healthy coping mechanisms.
Results and Reflections
After six months of hard work and dedication, I had lost 50 pounds. I felt more energized, confident, and happier with myself. I had also developed healthy habits that I continue to follow to this day. Looking back, I realized that my weight loss journey was not just about losing weight. It was about developing a healthy relationship with food and exercise, overcoming my emotional eating habits, and improving my mental health.
Losing weight and becoming fit is a personal journey that requires commitment, dedication, and hard work. It's not just about achieving a number on the scale; it's about improving your overall health and wellbeing. I hope that my weight loss journey can inspire others to take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle.
- How much weight did you lose? - I lost 50 pounds in six months. - Did you follow a specific diet plan? - I did not follow a specific diet plan, but I focused on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods and avoiding processed and junk foods. - How did you stay motivated throughout your journey? - I stayed motivated by setting realistic goals, tracking my progress, and seeking support from friends and family. - Did you experience any setbacks during your journey? - Yes, I faced several obstacles, such as emotional eating and lack of motivation. However, I overcame them Read the full article
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