explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
❤ @Abby-yatesiisms
❤ - lips
Holtz had been bent over her work table for five consecutive hours without so much as looking up. The only signs she was in-tune to anything other than her latest technical gadget was her arm, which would quickly move underneath her desk to snag a pringle or two when she became hungry. She crunched while she worked, the top of her desk completely covered with machine parts, screws, drill bits, chunks of scrap metal, and paper with complex blueprints scrawled on them. Her soldering torch was being held (quite dangerously) between her teeth as they grit in concentration, hands working quickly and mechanically on the new proton gun. It’s latest update would have ghosts blasted to bits upon contact, but the only problem Holtz had was the trigger. Because the shooting range it provided was so small, it was difficult to hit the targets she had set out in the back alleyway earlier.
The engineer had been stumped for quite awhile, continuing to tinker with the exterior of the shiny proton gun until Abby- Abby with her handy ghost information at the ready happened to state the obvious- she could program a rotating device on the gun. Ghosts were fairly mobile creatures and Holtz, with her machinery-tuned brain had been focused more on the parts than on the targets. Tossing down her power tools with a clang, the engineer positively beamed at Abby. “My lord and savior” she had cried dramatically, arms thrown out wildly, bright eyes fixed excitedly on Abby’s like they always would when the two would figure something out together. “Abs, you are amazing. This is a breakthrough, imagine the prehistoric paranormal ass we could kick with this puppy!”
Holtz had poured her heart and soul into this creation and she was so happy, so grateful for Abby’s help that she had spontaneously jolted forward over her desk and gripped the woman by the sides of her cardigan, planting a kiss on her lips. Oil stained gloves released the cardigan only when there was a loud smash, realizing that she must have knocked down the torch in her haste. Lurching to grab it, the engineer’s cheeks darkened, still stunned.
“Yeahhh uhmmm. I was…gonna say ‘sorry’ ‘bout that but..” Holtz recovered a little as she straightened up, smile widening at the satisfying sight of a flustered Abby. “That’d be a dirty lie.” With a wink, she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her coveralls and sauntered back off to her work space.
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
Send a url with a symbol and my muse must kiss them on that spot!
♥ - cheek ❥ - nose ❤ - lips ❣ - forehead ❦ - hand ❧ - neck ♡ - back ۵ - shoulder ღ - top of head
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
Cute/fluffy sentence starters
“You have lovely eyes, you know.”
“Your smile is as radiant as ever.”
“How are you so sweet?”
“Kindness… such a rare quality you possess.”
“Your hugs always serve to cheer me up.”
“Just seeing your face brightens my day.”
“Are you sure you’re not an Angel?”
“Do you know how precious you are to me?”
“You’re too cute for your own good.”
“Come… sit with me. Tell me a story.”
“Could we cuddle?”
“Your hands always seem to make me feel safe.”
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
Holtzmann quickly removed her glove before shaking hands with the self-proclaimed ghost hunter, not wanting to get any of the acidic substance she had been handling earlier in the day on the woman’s hand. She had taken to Abby instantly, fascinated with her book. Her expression morphed from curiosity to enthusiasm, as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You wanna hunt down spooky spectators with me? I mean, I’ve watched my fair share of Buffy, but that’s vampires- not ghosts.” She grinned, arms thrown wide open. “I dunno what I could do for ya, Abby. Unless-” she broke off, wheels already turning around rapidly in her brain. Abby knew how to find ghosts, but catching them seemed a whole other ballpark- something that required a machine. “I uh, do make some pre-tty awesome machinery. How ‘bout it? Could catch us a ghost. Free of charge for you, cause uhmmm.  I don’t charge friends.” A wink was shot Abby’s way as Holtzmann grinned expectantly.
You left your USB in the library computer and I had to go through your files to figure out who you are and in the end I read the entirety of this book you’re working on and wow you’re really good?
((It shall be done! :3))
Abby was working on a book for a long time, not even close to finishing it. It had at least fifty chapters currently since she had worked so hard at the book itself. Although it was informational text since she never wrote fictional text except for maybe some fanfaction on Wattpad. Because to be honest, who doesn’t do that?
The brunette had then gotten up to leave just to get a coffee, and maybe use the bathroom cause she had been working on the book for hours so she left everything unattended and then. Well. She was gone.
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
Holtz’s already wide eyes seemed to grow bigger behind yellow tinted glasses, cheek tilting bizarely against her closed fist. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. If I had the keys to locate these little nuggets, I’d be tracking them down like Pokemon!” Turning back to the screen, she slumped over the keyboard, displaying her bad posture. “Alright, Abby m’dear- in case you’re not aware of this, you’ve gotta scientific guide to catch these little nuggets. Right here.” The woman standing over her was met with a manic grin.  “I was gonna head back down to the science lab, buuuut-” her tongue poked the inside of her cheek, drawing out her words “this ghost hunting deal is pretty sweet. You could find one.” The engineer’s mind seemed to work a mile a minute while she was excited and she faltered, realizing she had never introduced herself. “I’m Holtzmann. I blow stuff up for a living.”
You left your USB in the library computer and I had to go through your files to figure out who you are and in the end I read the entirety of this book you’re working on and wow you’re really good?
((It shall be done! :3))
Abby was working on a book for a long time, not even close to finishing it. It had at least fifty chapters currently since she had worked so hard at the book itself. Although it was informational text since she never wrote fictional text except for maybe some fanfaction on Wattpad. Because to be honest, who doesn’t do that?
The brunette had then gotten up to leave just to get a coffee, and maybe use the bathroom cause she had been working on the book for hours so she left everything unattended and then. Well. She was gone.
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
Anyone who had kept company with Holtzmann and listened to the ideas that were constantly whirring around in her brain was aware of her extremely open mind. After all, it had been her idea to create the prototype of a nuclear powered skateboard- and take the scraps of the failed nuclear powered skateboard to create a toaster after all had failed. She hadn’t actually officially ‘seen’ a ghost, but she would animatedly stake out empty theaters and chem labs after hours to try and spot one. The only knowledge Holtzmann was aware of when it had to do with ghosts was what she had seen while watching ghost hunting shows. But this- this was a beautifully written, science-based study on different types of paranormal entities and she was hooked. Class II, Class IV- there were different types? The engineer had found herself poring over the pages, gears working around in her head. Her own extensive scientific knowledge made it a quick read, but by the time the author of the book had returned, Holtzmann was still slumped on top of the seat and scrolling through the library computer. Fascinated with this newfound knowledge, not once did she question the legitimacy of the book.
Swiveling around on the chair, Holtz’s hand rested on her cheek as she surveyed the author of this ghost classification book, eyes comically wide. Not embarrassed about being caught, her featured morphed into a grin of pure enthusiasm. “You’re uhmmm- you’re Abby, aren’t ya? Unless that’s some sorta pen name. Freakin’ fantastic book you’ve got, this stuff’s the bomb! Reaaaal page turner.” Her drawl may have made the statement sound sarcastic, but her eyes only shone with sincerity as she pumped her fist in the air. Not bothering to drop her voice an octave, she plowed on. “Ever come across some ghosty pals before?” 
You left your USB in the library computer and I had to go through your files to figure out who you are and in the end I read the entirety of this book you’re working on and wow you’re really good?
((It shall be done! :3))
Abby was working on a book for a long time, not even close to finishing it. It had at least fifty chapters currently since she had worked so hard at the book itself. Although it was informational text since she never wrote fictional text except for maybe some fanfaction on Wattpad. Because to be honest, who doesn’t do that?
The brunette had then gotten up to leave just to get a coffee, and maybe use the bathroom cause she had been working on the book for hours so she left everything unattended and then. Well. She was gone.
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
“ you’re trying to seduce him, not break his neck. ” “ he’s not gay. ” “ be catty. be flirty. be the opposite of your bitter, angry self. ” “ that looks like a trash bag. why are you wearing a trash bag? ” “ can you zip this up for me? ” “ that looks like a dildo. put it down. ” “ is that your evil laugh? you sound like joker on helium. ” “ i need a robin thicke kind of fuckboy. ” “ that british accent offends me & i’m not even british. ” “ if you touch my butt one more time i swear…. ” “ of course the lights seem too dark you’re wearing fucking sunglasses. ” “ HOLY SHIT THIS IS HEAVY. ” “ peter pan didn’t have such nice thighs though. ” “ no, you can’t say that. kids will be around so keep it PG-13. ” “ can someone help be carry this? PLEASE. ” “ isn’t this the song americans use in all high school movies? ” “ you can all be the stars of tonight. i’ll be THE FUCKING MOON. ” “ those sandals are so ugly they make jesus cry. ” “ who’s phone is ringing? i said VIBRATE ON. ” “ i didn’t break it. it broke all on it’s own. ” “ i’m allergic to dust i can’t do this. ” “ i’m not being dramatic. I AM dramatic. ” “ maybe i’m gay? ” “ no fireworks. we’re not americans. ” “ i hope you’re not making out in there! ” “ cinderella wouldn’t say ‘FUCKING HEELS’. neither can you. ” “ did you rip the dress? DID YOU RIP THE DRESS? ” “ you can’t say ‘i love you’ so violently. ” “ who carved a dick into the table? can the dick carver raise his hand? ” “ put your shirt on, you’re not chris evans. ” “ FOCUS AND STOP SINGING HAMILTON DAMNNIT. ” “ he’s her dad, not her daddy. ” “ you can’t say ‘bro’ to a king. ”
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
two word starters
“ don’t stop ”
“ please don’t ”
“ don’t shoot ”
“ give it ”
“ shut up ”
“ damn it! ”
“ stop it! ”
“ you’re crazy ”
“ that’s insane ”
“ get out! ”
“ don’t leave ”
“ i’m tired ”
“ that’s bad ”
“ be honest ”
“ be careful ”
“ be nice ”
“ you’re wrong ”
“ go home ”
“ watch it ”
“ fuck me ”
“ kiss me ”
“ we can’t… ”
“ we shouldn’t… ”
“ you’re perfect ”
“ that’s awful ”
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
good responses to getting stabbed with a sword
that’s fair
not again
are you gonna want this back or can i keep it
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
“you’re hogging the blankets!”
It was movie night- and yes, alright, Holtzmann had promised herself that she would absolutely finish her new device that would annihilate ghosts at the push of a button- but it was movie night. “Terminatooooor!” the engineer had crowed  while charging from her work space to the couch and jumping over the back, eyes fixated eagerly on the cyborg assassin onscreen. The abandoned power tools remained sprawled on top of her work bench, covering up her latest series of blueprints.
Holtz took her job very seriously- each machine rewired and screw hammered into place was achieved by total concentration. Unfortunately, this concentration came in bouts, spurting out and wiring upwards depending on what piqued her interest at the moment- especially since she was going on forty-five minutes of sleep. She was currently sprawled haphazardly across the couch, beat up boots leaning casually against Erin’s longer legs. The screwdriver she had been using while working had long since clattered to the floor and tinted glasses hung bizarrely from her ear. Jolting back to consciousness at the exclamation from her coworker, Holtz grunted quietly. “Gotta rewire the inside of the proton gun and amp up the power of the…oh.” A hand brushed the glasses back up on her nose, lips curving into a toothy smile as she became aware of the predicament- she had wrapped herself up tightly in the blankets while Erin had been shoved to the side of the couch. “Oops.” With a tug, she messily draped some of the blanket over the redhead, eyes glinting with mischief in response as she inched closer.  “Did you wanna share?”
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
cuddly / platonic-ish memes
“your feet are cold.”
“movies are made for watching, not for asking questions.”
“you’re hogging the blankets!”
“we should cuddle… for warmth.”
“is that your hand on my leg?”
“scoot over.”
“can we watch something else? this is scary.” 
“are you shivering?” 
“if you start snoring, i won’t be responsible for what happens to you.”
“did you eat all the popcorn?”
“your hair keeps getting in my face.”
“are you even wearing pants??”
“stop kicking me!”
“you’re a good pillow.”
“do i look like a foot-rest to you?”
“do i look like a pillow to you?”
“i’m cold.”
“why can’t you ever just lay still?”
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
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Ghostbusters schematics and blueprints 
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
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                            it’s 2040,
                                         our president’s a plant.
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
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If there’s something strange in your neighbourhood who you gonna call?
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
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Ghostbusters (2016) - “Ain’t no bitches gonna hunt no ghosts”
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
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Jillian Holtzmann + TV Tropes
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
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