freakin-faraday-cage · 8 years ago
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@abby-yatesiisms their next child needs to be a little boy for reasons
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worldofthepsychic-blog · 8 years ago
@abby-yatesiisms is ranting at St. Venkman because he’s a prick.
Peter stood there, leaning on his cane. His hip hurt, and he really just wanted to go back to his apartment and rest, but this wasn't right. Abby was never home. Didn't the kid deserve at least one decent parent? Somebody had to be home. God knows he wasn't. He'd been at that dive bar, a literal haunt for the locals, seeing what was up. He couldn't help it if the kid had tagged along.
"Uh huh." He nodded. "You're an expert on me now, I see. You really know what makes me tick."
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explcsionhazard · 8 years ago
❤ @Abby-yatesiisms
❤ - lips
Holtz had been bent over her work table for five consecutive hours without so much as looking up. The only signs she was in-tune to anything other than her latest technical gadget was her arm, which would quickly move underneath her desk to snag a pringle or two when she became hungry. She crunched while she worked, the top of her desk completely covered with machine parts, screws, drill bits, chunks of scrap metal, and paper with complex blueprints scrawled on them. Her soldering torch was being held (quite dangerously) between her teeth as they grit in concentration, hands working quickly and mechanically on the new proton gun. It’s latest update would have ghosts blasted to bits upon contact, but the only problem Holtz had was the trigger. Because the shooting range it provided was so small, it was difficult to hit the targets she had set out in the back alleyway earlier.
The engineer had been stumped for quite awhile, continuing to tinker with the exterior of the shiny proton gun until Abby- Abby with her handy ghost information at the ready happened to state the obvious- she could program a rotating device on the gun. Ghosts were fairly mobile creatures and Holtz, with her machinery-tuned brain had been focused more on the parts than on the targets. Tossing down her power tools with a clang, the engineer positively beamed at Abby. “My lord and savior” she had cried dramatically, arms thrown out wildly, bright eyes fixed excitedly on Abby’s like they always would when the two would figure something out together. “Abs, you are amazing. This is a breakthrough, imagine the prehistoric paranormal ass we could kick with this puppy!”
Holtz had poured her heart and soul into this creation and she was so happy, so grateful for Abby’s help that she had spontaneously jolted forward over her desk and gripped the woman by the sides of her cardigan, planting a kiss on her lips. Oil stained gloves released the cardigan only when there was a loud smash, realizing that she must have knocked down the torch in her haste. Lurching to grab it, the engineer’s cheeks darkened, still stunned.
“Yeahhh uhmmm. I was…gonna say ‘sorry’ ‘bout that but..” Holtz recovered a little as she straightened up, smile widening at the satisfying sight of a flustered Abby. “That’d be a dirty lie.” With a wink, she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her coveralls and sauntered back off to her work space.
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toosexyforacademia · 8 years ago
a pet ghost || closed
{ continued from X }
“This could be a new breakthrough! A ghost in a domestic habitat, don’t you understand what types of studies we could do? This could be really helpful. At least let her keep if for a small, little amount of time. Okay? Like say two weeks? Then we’ll make a final decision here.”
⚛ Incredulity paints Erin’s face as Abby speaks, aren’t all standard hauntings just ghosts in a domestic habitat?  Hands immediately go to rub at her temples as she ponders the situation at hand.  
“Abby,” Her tone is patient; something done with great difficulty. “that thing tried to kill us in the past.  Lest you’ve forgotten.”
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okaygoggles-blog · 8 years ago
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A tiny yawn left the lips of the blonde scientist lips after yet again pulling an all night ‘sleepover’ at GB HQ. A  coffee in hand, two sugars, Holtzmann set it down before  the other woman, brushing her hair from her sleeping  face.
 “ -- You told you me you were going to go home, Ab’s.” She reminded her, taking off her long, white lab coat only to place it around the other woman’s shoulders.
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freakin-faraday-cage · 8 years ago
@abby-yatesiisms || continued 
“Then wouldn’t that make me both incest and a pedophile?” She laughed a bit, putting a Jillian down, “That would make this one the fifth then,” she attempted to explain, trying to clue Holtz in better, she figured she was going about it all wrong. So Abby just looked Holtzmann in the eye, hoping this was going to work.
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“Ew. Okay, I’m not a child. Nope. No. That put a bad taste in my mouth.” Holtzmann stuck her head out and shook her head. She also tried to avoid Abby’s gaze, she usually found it difficult to say no to her wife when she looked at her in such a manner. “Triplets are a handful.” Holtzmann tried to make a case for herself. “You really want to add another into the mix?”
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freakin-faraday-cage · 8 years ago
"Hey, our kids are pretty great." - abby-yatesiisms //oH NO MY FINGER SLIPPED OOSPIE- ;3
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“Yeah, well, they’ve got some pretty great moms.”
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freakin-faraday-cage · 8 years ago
Don’t Touch Her!
@abby-yatesiisms || Continued here because tumblr!ask is a little shit
A bruised and beaten Abby looked at Holtzmann with her broken, crooked and a lense shattered, exposing a black eye.
“Holtzmann! Leave!” she shouted, her lip, bleeding
“No!” Holtzmann growled. “I’m not leaving you here!” 
Three tings were sure to piss Holtzmann off: Stale Pringles, the U.S. Government, and her friends in danger. She swung her proton gun at the attacker in question. 
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worldofthepsychic-blog · 8 years ago
"What's this? I didn't order soup. He wrinkled his nose at the container. "And no wontons either. What kind of soup is this supposed to be?" He shoved it back into the man's hands.
"I'm sorry, your order must have gotten mixed up with the woman down the hall. I could uh- go back?"
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toosexyforacademia · 8 years ago
👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻 ERIN THEY ARE DANCING 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻 @Abby-Yatesiisms
⚛ “At this point, Abby, I think they look like they’re mocking me and my life’s work.”
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“It’s like each one of them is saying ‘nah nah nah nah booboo, stick your head in doodoo’.  Or in my case...s l i m e.”
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toosexyforacademia · 8 years ago
eatin’ ice cream || closed
“But we’re a team, that means it’s OUR money,” Abby corrected. “Anyways, we can share. Okay? Grab a spoon and dig in with me.” The brunette told the physicist.
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⚛ Erin eyes her fellow scientist holding the (very delicious looking) ice cream with pure disdain.  The creamy contents of the carton are now contaminated beyond remediation.  
Arms crossed over her chest, Erin turns her nose skyward with a curt, “No.”
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