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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
mobile games
jetpack joyride - this game uses the taps of you hand to boost you jetpack to fly by holding the screen you will continuously fly but you must watch out for lasers, rockets and others
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subway surfers - this game is a infinite runner game with each swipe left or right to doge the trains, barriers or walls, the longer the game goes on the fast the moment gets which gives you less reaction time
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angry birds - this game has you located in one position and you must drag a slingshot back to fire birds at pigs with each level you progress you can gain 3 stairs based on your performance
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flappy bird - this game much like jetpack each tap boost your player up but there is no contuse hold so you must tap every time but you need to pass the Mario looking pipes to gain points
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fruit ninja - this game has you as a ninja cutting up fruit within a time limit with each swipe on the screen you will chop fruit but you must be aware there can be bombs throw up as well
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
retro controllers
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The retro-inspired 8Bitdo SN30 Pro controller is compatible with Switch, Windows, Mac OS, Android and 8Bitdo Retro Receivers! The Gamepad is wireless Bluetooth and has USB C connection, rumble function, motion controller support, and players LED indicator. - overall i think from the look of this the controller would be very comfortable to use
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Hyperkin has recreated the original Xbox controller aka "Duke" As an officially Xbox-licensed controller, compatible with the Xbox One family of devices and Windows 10 PCs. my veiw is the same i feel this would be comfortable as well, and what i think is unique about this it the size its very large for a controller even back when it first came out
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Quick mode Switch at the back, no need for combination buttons to power on. Extra 2 pro-level back buttons which can be easily remapped or profiled via ultimate software. A dedicated profile button with corresponding indicator lights, optimized grips to be more comfortable what i see is unique is the hand grips as they point down,
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The controller features a total of six digital buttons, two staggered analog sticks, a directional pad and two hybrid analog and digital triggers. The primary analog stick is on the left, with the D-pad below it
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Take your game to the next level with Hall Effect analog sticks to provide 3D Controller support for compatible titles on the SEGA Saturn with the console receiver. You can also take the controller to USB-enabled consoles or devices to keep that familiar feel with your favorite games. Utilize modern features such as four shoulder buttons, Home and Select buttons, and button macros for additional features
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
metal gear solid shock
this game has an enemy that has telenakese and he uses the rumble feature to move your controller by telling you to put your controller on the floor and then turns the rumble on
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
Hex based (x3)
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius Relics of War - this turn based combat game has you knee deep in the grim dark setting of Warhammer fighting as a faction you only goal is to wipe out the others and clam the planet for you faction whether you with the imperium or waking from your eternal slumber as the necrons you will fight till there's nothing left
Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris - The development team behind the award-winning game Advanced Tactics: World War II is back with a new and improved game engine that focuses on the decisive early days of World War II, The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris is the first in an innovative series of operational World War II wargames that also include a strategic element. 
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Terraforming Mars - this game starts with you choosing a corporation and start building facilities, researching innovative technologies, and managing all kinds of production resources. Just don't forget that rivals exist and will do all they can to slow you down! But don't worry, you can also send things their way to make sure it's equal grounds.
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
Isometric (x3)
Q*Bert - this is a game where you have to turn all of the cubes yellow whilst dogging enemy's and letting them turn them back
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Into the breach - this game has you piloting a mech as a remnant of humans you must fight aliens that are threating you very way of life, you will fight your way to wipe out them before they get to you first in this turn based strategy game
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Mario rpg - this is your basic rpg game but with a Mario skin layered on top with the turn based fighting and party's of characters you might make your way threw the worlds and find the boss
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
Standard square grid
Pvz -
Pvz is a tower defense game where you play as a survivor of a zombie apocolipys and all you have to defend your self is plants from the pea shooter to a sunflower, the plant all cost sun which you can gain over time which you only get 25 or place sun flowers who give 50
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Warhammer - Warhammer is a table top game where you can play by yourself or agents a opposing force, the movement is grid-based but also by the role of a dice to move or attack
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Cities Skylines - this is a building game where you manage a city by yourself building schools fire services and other major stuff to keep your city clean and running, you can place your buildings in a grid based area like the image below
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
Grid Movment
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
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these three are different examples of controllers used from ones that are actual weapons to ones that just translate the movement of your hands to the game and lets it go from there
2nd image is using Wii remotes to play some Wii sports,
the third image uses controllers strapped to a body of a gun and there in a vr arena, agents other people and in a team
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
Makey makey
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this is a device where you can turn anything that's not a controller into a controller for you game but translating the the control to a Xbox controller
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
Retro What games were these used to play? Menacer (Sega Megadrive)
This is a light gun, much like the gun used for duck hunt you would point it at your screen and shoot the targets as they come at you
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Zapper (NES)
Same as the Menacer this is a light gun, the games your where able to use it for most notable is duck hunt
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Power Glove (NES)
this was a controller that uses the movement of your hand to select games, swap them or just control them with the D-pad and buttons on the fourarm
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Jaguar (Atari)
The Atari Jaguar is a home video game console developed by Atari Corporation, The Jaguar utilizes a multi-chip architecture that was difficult to use for most contemporary developers.
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
Nintendo DS
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Nintendo DS featured a duel screen so you could interact with anything on the bottom half but the top acted like any normal screen
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Playdate is a handheld Device The device features a mechanical crank the crank moves the player and depending how fast you move it depends how fast he runs or if you turn it counter-clockwise he goes backwards
Doodle jump
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this game features a really unique way to move, your character is always jumping but it uses gyro controllers so if you tilt your device left he jumps towards the left and same with the right
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
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The Kinect uses infrared vision to map out your skeleton to then control the movements of the image player and do the different games that require you to move
Wii Motion Controllers
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much like the Kinect it uses infrared cam to know where your pointing you can use this remote as a remote and hold it like it or use it as a steering wheel by pivoting it sideways
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, eXtended Reality these are ways we have made to take the virtual world to use from making headsets that use the surroundings so build up a game in your own home or to full immures yourself with the game
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
Alex Johansson
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Taken from his Bio {I'm Alex Johansson, an award winning experimental games designer, installation designer and educator based in and from Sheffield. I've been making unusual, playful experiences that use unconventional inputs for over a decade and have had opportunity to tour my works and teach internationally. }
Alex makes games using a alternative controller using custom controllers for specific games
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
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ddr is a music game that uses a giant d-pad to control the game with falling arrows from the sky you must rithemly hit them in order to gain points and upgrade your multiplyer
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
Media and techniques
Evaluative section on the media and techniques that were used and explored in your project. What did you learn? How did research help this? How did these techniques meet your proposal?
Throughout the main timeline i used unreal engine 5.3 to build and create the game using photoshop to create a very simple hud, and using sketch fab for weapon models and the desk in the main menu, within the game one thing i was able to get a grasp on was the ammo counter which is displayed by the weapons ammunition which with each shot the bar/mag disappeared until reloaded
Purpose / theme / concept
Evaluative section: the thought processes and the way you solved problems. The creative journey and the decisions you made to meet the context and theme of your project. What did you need to change or explore to make sure you hit the themes of your proposal? Did you need to alter your idea or direction / outcome?
There is much more i'd love to of added and based from the police academy film the strip i wanted to have rows of houses, bars, sheriffs building a nice little rural western village, i did need to alter a few of my ideas from the original pitch like with the strip not being a town like build but also the CQB was meant to be a hospital type building and you would clear each room and hallway, if i had more time i would have gotten it to those standards maybe even more textured
Evaluative section on the final product. Did you meet your expectations? Does your outcome fulfil the project that you set and meet your FMP brief?
I somewhat met my expectations i did not get most of what i wanted between poor time management to just getting stuck on one item for longer than i should, there are some spots where i got everything i set out to do which i am happy about but the main proposal i think was not fully met
Evaluative section on the processes of evaluation, feedback and peer assessment. On reflection how you could have improved your project and what could you have done to support the improvements needed. What have you learnt and what do you need to make sure you do next time to improve your project?
I could improve on my skills by better time management and focusing on items for a certain time there are many things that could be improved from the hud, to weapons and even the textures and targets,
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
Game Of Me - oh wow what is this? Projection mapping and a game and physical artefacts and... okay, cool
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Pocket Plant Carefully growing a digital plant by controlling light:
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Morse - Like Typing Of The Dead but typing morse code to direct forces in WW2?
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onrailshooter · 1 year ago
Game specific
Guitar hero
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this is a music game where you play as a guitarist and play different songs using the colourd buttons on the neck they corresponds with the colourd notes falling down from the top
Donkey Kong Bongos
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much like the top game this plays like guitar hero, where you hit the bongo in the order it tells you to make music
Dreamcast Sega Bass Fishing remote
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this controller as you can see is succeeding to emulate a fishing rod handle the bit on the side [the crank] is what you would use to real in the fish you have caught
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