#jungle kin
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 6 months
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stimboard : of adventureland, magic kingdom! i think it's cool how many different vibes this portion of the park includes... that spitting camel always used to get me when i visited the parks!
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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Shitty Five Pebbles aesthetic: what do you mean lashing out at other people for my own failures isn't achieving anything? fuck you for saying that. come here i'm going to kill you through unknown means
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fnafkinsafespace · 10 months
hello! could i have a montgomery gator stimboard with themes of the jungle, claws (or paw gifs if you can’t find any claw ones), nature, and stars? thanks a bunch!
-montysaur anon (if that’s not taken)
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Monty stimboard with stars, claws, nature and jungle themes for montysaur anon
(🐊) (🌴) (⭐)
(🌴) (⭐) (🐊)
(⭐) (🐊) (🌴)
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catwings-kinhelp · 1 year
Moodboard for a water and earth element demon with a tropical theme!
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Requested by Anonymous
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otherkinotd · 1 year
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Today's otherkin of the day is Maurice, who is tigerkin 🐯
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skaldyr · 6 months
You know you’re leopardkin when you listen to jungle sounds to fall asleep to.
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smile-files · 2 years
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i specifically kin season 1 ben because i haven’t gone through my character arc yet. then he was still a (kicked) puppy
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chick-kin-nuggets · 1 year
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Coastal Drive- ADMO
QUEEN- Kanaria
Lost One’s Weeping- Neru
SR20DET- Blksmiith
CREEP U- Black Dresses
Playground for a Wedgeless Firm- The Chemical Brothers
E-vapor-8- Altern-8
BRING IT ON (inferiority superiority)- Giga
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thewanderingbleu · 1 year
watch out besties, a new memory just dropped and now I have a badass protag origin story >:)
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incessantlydull · 2 years
I kin lukewarm pavement
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
“My bad, homeslice.”
“You are so old.” Duke grumbled at Dick, clutching his bleeding nose where Dick had just kicked it by accident in the middle of showing Damian a move.
“I’m not old!” Dick quickly grabbed the med kit to help stem the blood flow and assess the injury. “I know you’re trying to get back at me right now, but I’m not old!”
“You literally used “I’m the bomb.com” yesterday, unironically.” Steph grinned. Her wrapped fists slammed into the punching bag, Steph’s form taking on a bit of Cassandra’s flow. She alternated between brutal kicks and devastating punches, the repetitive motions ingraining the moves until it was less of a move and more of a reflex. “Face it, you’re getting old.”
“I believe you are greying, Richard. Perhaps you should invest in hair dyes.” Damian smirked, handing duke a bandage.
“Greying? GREYING?” Dick looked as if he’d taken a devastating blow, dramatically clutching his metaphorical pearls and swooning. “My hair is perfectly black! Look at these gorgeous locks, Damian! You’re killing me! I’m not turning old!”
“Yeah, guys, he’s not old.” Tim chimed in from his own training area, bo staff no longer slicing through the air. Instead, Tim was crouched down, adding enhancements and gadgets onto his staff.
“Thank you, Tim! See? At least I can trust Tim to have my back!”
“He’s not old,” Tim repeated, glancing up in amusement. “He’s just elderly.”
Dick let out a dramatic gasp. “Betrayed! By my own kin! You beasts!”
“Oh no, what a nightmare.” Duke intoned sarcastically, muffled behind the patch job done on his nose.
“This is the jungle, Richard. The laws of nature must be upheld.” Damian jabbed a pouting Dick Grayson back to the training mats.
Duke snickered, wiping off specks of blood. “Yeah, and the elderly gotta make way for the young.”
“You guys are such assholes, I respect it.”
Duke gave him an innocent look, aided by the guilt inducing bloody rag on his face.
“Thanks. I’m a a natural at it.” Steph threw a grin over her shoulder and finished up her training. “Hey, old man, wanna show me that flip you did off of Brunner’s Chemical Disposal?”
Dick grumbled but acquiesced.
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(AU what if: What if Mythical Forest! Reader had no one and was sent out as a sacrifice? What if Dabi and Shigaraki were respected and feared rather than hated?)
Warning: (Mentions of violence, animal murder, brothels and the use of whore. Non consensual hypnosis)
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Long ago, a deal between the nearby village and two nagas had been struck. In exchange for peace and protection from intruders, the nagas would have to receive food and protection fees from the village.
Until they made a seemingly unreasonable demand, they wanted a child. Not a virgin woman nor man, but a child. Shigaraki made his request known at the last exchange, his voice longing for a child to raise as his own.
“I don’t want one of those whores at your brothels, I don’t want your gold, I desire a child.”
His mate, the scarred one who declared himself as Dabi, echoed his mate’s statement. They couldn’t breed and have their own hatchlings, thank the gods for that, so they went with the next option.
The village elders refused that demand, how could they give up their kin to monsters? Had they grown a taste for human flesh?
Were Dabi and Shigaraki that heartless? Once the village denied their request, Shigaraki grew violent. All of the village’s livestock had been slaughtered, blood stained the green grass and the fences.
Some hunters were lured out of their homes and had their bones crushed and skin melted away by venom. Shigaraki had a simple request, why couldn’t they just answer it?
Dabi wasn’t exactly innocent either, he hunted down foolish humans like a feral beast and proceeded to kill them, like a feral beast. The village had no choice but to meet their demands, so Shigaraki could stop his violent temper tantrum.
The forest was dark as you were sent out, you whimpered at seeing the gates to your village shut. You were a measly orphan who certainly wouldn’t be missed, so you were perfect for this opportunity.
You hoped that the rumors of Shigaraki using child bones as toothpicks weren’t true. Sticks and leaves crunched and broke under your feet as you wandered aimlessly through the jungles, birds tweeting and distant howls of wolves filled your ears as you looked around paranoid.
Shigaraki watched as you stumbled around helplessly as he gave a little smile, oh you were utterly perfect. He slowly slinked out of his hiding spot, his tail slithering across the floor. “Hello my dear.” He said softly. You froze before yelping in fright. You stumbled like a newly born fawn as you gave a frightened whimper at seeing Shigaraki. His gaze softened as he got closer.
“Aw, little lamb, it’s okay. Papa is here.” He purred. You couldn’t help but begin to cry from the fear, which utterly broke Shigaraki’s heart. What did those rotten villagers say to you about him?
He had no choice but to work his hypnotic magic on you, forcing you into a state of relaxation and calmness. You ceased your cries as Shigaraki gently lifted you up into his arms. Dabi decided to slink out as well, frowning at seeing your relaxed state.
“You know that shit fucks with peoples brains.” He lightly scolded. “Oh hush, our baby was in clear distress. She needed to relax.” Shigaraki defended as he smiled down at you.
“She’s like a little cherub.” Dabi commented as he booped your nose. Shigaraki let out something akin to a purr before the two slinked together in the forest.
With their new baby in tow
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pachu09 · 9 days
Spirits of Nature AU
"*He is Harbinger of Doom!.*"
Tobirama snarled in fury as he gestured to his River that was flooded with lava after the Goddamn Volcano erupted.
Hashirama frowns at him even as the Spirit of the Forest watches with dull eyes as his vast jungle was consume with flames.
Thousand of years of nourishing each other and their territories were gone in an instant because of an anomaly.
His river, Anija's Forest and Human's lives are lost...
Just because a Spirit of Volcano had been borne? settled down? between their territories.
Tobirama curled his lips in disgust as he glowered at the Spirit of the Volcano. The Spirit stared at him blankly.
" If you want so badly to remain friends with him then do so....I will never welcome that Spirit in my territory. The moment he step even a foot in my Rivers...I will make sure the Ocean will drown that fucking Volcano even if it kills me. "
Tobirama turns around to leave his Anija with that accursed Spirit. He mentally tried his connection with his Rivers to cool off the lava that was happily lapping away at his clean waters...he sneered in disgust.
He might have to call for the Human's aid to clean the filth out of his waters. The nearest towns would help happily...since they all benefitted from his River Waters.
They surely wouldn't be happy that after the Volcano killed most of their kins they are also threatened with its lava flowing freely onto his Waters....
Tobirama clicked his tongue and dove into his river as soon as his feet touches it. He glared hatefully at the bubbling lava happily covering at least half a portion of his River...
" Just you wait. Your filth will never taint my Rivers again. " he muttered in fury as he carefully avoided the lava and swam underneath the water towards the Human's settlement.
And true to Tobirama's self proclaim promise. He never let the other Spirit near his Rivers again. The Ocean at the end of the Continent they lived in always bubbled angrily ( reflecting Tobirama's anger ) whenever the Spirit of the Volcano skirted around Tobirama's territory. He is always on watch at that menacing Spirit. He never lets his guard down even if he had to also ignore his Brother. He had even stop stepping a foot inside his Anija's forest eversince the dangerous Spirit had befriended his Brother.
He had also branded the Spirit of the Volcano's Brother as a dangerous entity. The Spirit if Lightning is a menacing entity that makes Tobirama feel fear and loathing. It doesn't even help that the other Spirit always repeatedly pokes around his territory. As if by doing so he thinks Tobirama will let him in....
Tobirama had made a quiet vow that he'll never let an Uchiha Spirit pollute his territory ever again....
But that vow was unintentionally broken when Tobirama let a little Uchiha Spirit settle near one of his largest lake...
One day, Tobirama glowered darkly as Uchiha Madara stood outside his lake's boundary.
Uchiha Madara stared darkly back at him. Tobirama plans to again ignore the other Spirit...but the other entity's words made Tobirama instantly pops veins on his forehead.
" I was unfairly banished from your territory. But my littlest kin gets an instant welcome from you...that is hardly fair because there is no difference between us, Senju! "
Tobirama sneered in disgust. " There is a massive difference between the two of you. First of all, Kagami actually asked for a permission to settle in my territory. Second of all, he is just a little geyser....unlike you who looms threateningly all over my territories....and last and most importantly...Kagami is actually cute and a gentle child unlike you who looks like a Brute, acts like a Brute and thinks like a Brute. Go away Uchiha, you will never step foot in my territories ever again, you'll have to kill me first if you want to get in. "
The Spirit of River carefully maintained his disgusted expression while internally he is afraid that Madara will force his way in even with a barrier between them. He narrowed his eyes as Madara casually puts his hand on top of the barrier and spidercracks bloom beneath his palm that glows menacingly....
Tobirama swallowed his fear. He knew he wouldn't last even an hour if he fought the Spirit of the Volcano. But he'd rather be dead than let the other Spirit inside his beloved territories again.
As quick as a wind, Tobirama tensely watched as Madara took off his hand over the weakening barrier....but the other Spirit's smile made ice slide down Tobirama's spine. It is a smile that is threatening and full of unknown promises....
Within a blink, the Spirit of the Volcano disappeared without saying anything more. It baffled and terrified Tobirama for usually the other Spirit harasses him without a rest, usually by screaming his head off or threatening to bust down his barriers. This kind of silence is a new one that brought unknown shivers down his back. It felt like he would be hunted down and what?...Tobirama shakily inhale...no sense in overthinking things...he just needs to repair his barrier and he can hide in the center of territories again to avoid that Brute of a Spirit.
A week later Tobirama watches with terrified eyes as the Volcano erupted again....but this time its deadly ashes, black smoke, giant boulders and burning lava completely swallows his Rivers and lakes ( some of the Human settlements too if the terrified and anguished screams he can hear are actually real ) but surprisingly avoided to destroy any of his Brother's territory.
Tobirama had ignored Kagami's pleas to come with him to safety. He was rooted to his spot as the Spirit of the Volcano emerge from the burning lava that already covered half of one of his favorite lakes.
He stared with terrified eyes as the other Spirit's eerie red red eyes settled on him.
" Won't you let me in now, Senju? "
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pk-ghost · 2 months
how would ness & lucas fare in yoshi's world? do you suppose yoshi eggs would make good omelets...?
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They do great! Yoshi’s home island has some dangerous spots but it is mostly a paradisaical place full of pleasant flower fields, colorful mountains, and nice weather. There’s Bowser’s minions here and there of course but they’re mostly harmless as long as you don’t get in Bowser’s way.
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"Our Yoshi’s not here right now, but his family is! And they’ve been telling us all about their adventures back when Mario was a baby! Can’t believe they know him, the man, the legend! From when he was a baby!"
"They’ve also been showing us different places. Yesterday they took us to the jungle and I think Ness found his kin."     
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"Boo, you’re just jealous I’m now friends with the monkeys!" "Me? Noo, no. I’m actually happy for you."
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Omelettes? Yoshi eggs are big, but I’m not sure if you can make omelettes with them. All the eggs I’ve seen are either the eggs he throws at people or the ones he lays after…swallowing people?"
"Believe me, those are not fun." "Besides, I don’t think I ever wanna try cooking a Yoshi egg. They are our friends!"
"And we want them to stay our friends! One time, Mr. Game & Watch tried to cook a Yoshi egg and…well, he survived but he got the ass-kicking of his life." "I don’t think Yoshi will ever forgive him." "Dude I don’t think he will."
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pokebreeder · 4 months
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Burrowing Bellsprout root deeper than their purebred kin- leaving only their head and leaves exposed, or even just the opening of their mouth. As a result, they are much more efficient at absorbing nutrients from the soil.
Earthen Weepinbell root at the bases of trees rather than hanging from branches, waiting to ambush prey that passes by.
A terror of the jungle, Subterranean Victreebel lurk buried in the earth, with just their mouth exposed like a trap door to swallow unsuspecting victims. The inside of their bodies is hardened like steel, making escape near impossible.
Commission for @kamkong! Commission info Here!
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dragons-bones · 5 days
FFXIV Write Entry #22: Kith and Kin
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Prompt: rencounter (free write) || Master Post || On AO3 (coming in October)
A/N: Spoilers through Patch 6.5: Growing Light, and very very very minor ones for Dawntrail.
Radz-at-Han was a truly beautiful sight from the air. Built atop a large, lonely plateau rising above the Thavnairian jungle, the city covered its entire surface in a myriad of brightly painted buildings, open plazas decorated with mosaics, and lush gardens on multiple rooftops. And even from this distance, there was no mistaking the crowds that bustled throughout the city and crossed the great bridge connecting Radz-at-Han to the rest of Thavnair.
Excitement bubbled up in Ehll Tou’s throat and she trilled an adventuring song as she began to glide downward in a smooth spiral.
The airship landing was easy to spot, a series of long platforms jutting out from the plateau close to the main gate. As she drew closer, Ehll Tou spotted a figure waving from the end of the westernmost dock: large and broadly built, grey skin, large ears, a sinuous trunk, and wearing a beautiful sari of pink and purple. Ah, that must be Nidhana! Ehll Tou obligingly adjusted her course.
The arkasadora took some steps backward as Ehll Tou neared, her ears held up perked and alert. Almost to the edge now, Ehll Tou threw herself into a backwards loop—it had taken quite a bit of practice to relearn how to do that in her adult body—both as display and to slow her momentum. Coming back upright, she flared her wings as a finally braking maneuver, and landed delicately on one foot, and then the other.
[Hello!] she sang happily. [Are you Nidhana?]
“I am indeed!” Nidhana said, striding forward with surprising grace for a being so tall. She held out her hand, and Ehll Tou reached forward to shake eagerly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ehll Tou! Welcome to Radz-at-Han.”
[A pleasure to meet you as well!]Ehll Tou said. [I’ve heard so much about you and your city! Thank you so much for allowing me to attend your introductory alchemy class.]
“Oh, it is a delight to accept a student so diligent and eager to learn,” Nidhana said, beginning to walk down the pier. “I am only sorry I cannot introduce you to Master Vrtra and Mistress Azdaja, but diplomatic business has taken them to Tural and I’m not certain when they will return.”
Ehll Tou kept easy pace beside her and reached into her bag, retrieving her hat and carefully pinning it back to its rightful, jaunty place atop her left horn. [That’s all right,]she said. [There will be plenty of time to properly meet my kin! I am not in any rush.]
“Ah, the benefits of a draconic lifespan,” Nidhana sighed wistfully. “The things I could learn over such time!”
The two chatted happily as they traveled through Radz-at-Han’s streets towards the High Crucible, with Nidhana pointing out many shops and restaurants and landmarks and Ehll Tou dutifully committing them to memory as she built her mental map of the city. She drew curious looks from many Hannish citizens, though dragons had become a somewhat more common sight since Vrtra began openly ruling as satrap. The adventurers were a familiar sight, and some she even knew from Ishgard! With those she exchanged hellos and promises to meet for a snack and cup of tea.
“Such a wonderful world we now live in,” Nidhana said, her trunk curled and ears gently flapping in the manner Ehll Tou was quickly learning meant happiness. “As terrible as the Final Days were, its aftermath has brought new life to the city and Thavnair as a whole. New foods, new ideas, new friends!”
[It is wondrous to see,] Ehll Tou trilled and tapped her claws together with excitement. [I never thought to see the end of the Dragonsong War, but now I may safely travel the lands of man and learn new skills and meet new peoples, and compose songs to share it all with my kin and encourage them to travel and learn, too!]
Nidhana trumpeted a laugh. “Oh, Sisters have mercy on me, I know now why Synnove adores you so much! It is going to be an honor to teach you, truly!”
Ehll Tou chuffed, chest puffing with pride.
Five days later, Ehll Tou was browsing one of the markets, humming happily to herself as she examined a stall of clockwork devices. Her first days of classes had gone well and she had settled into the nest that the Alchemists’ College had prepared for her in the student housing close to the High Crucible. She was making new friends, too, and while some of it had no doubt been engendered by the allure of a draconic classmate, once her classmates realized how well-read she was, they had quickly settled into a mix of gossip and idea sharing. Such fun!
She did miss Hautdilong and Arvide, but they had encouraged her to take this opportunity, and she would be back home within the next few moons once the class was concluded. And in the meantime, she would write letters to them, eagerly await their own, and acquire some souvenirs to bring home with her!
Today was a free day and while she would later meet with her classmates to review their notes and prepare for their first laboratory session, this morning was the perfect time to shop.
Ehll Tou had already purchased some silk for a potential sewing project she had in mind, thread for embroidery in colors that made her purr, and a number of interesting snacks she could share at the study session. The clockwork had caught her eye, used as she was to Ul’dahn styles, and her perusal right now was for an item or two she might carefully disassemble to compare its construction to a Goldsmiths’ Guild mammet she was building. A watch was always a good starting point…
A flash of moving scarlet caught her eye, and Ehll Tou raised her head to spot a dragonet further down the boulevard. She blinked curiously; none of her cousins had said they would be visiting Radz-at-Han, but the dragonet didn’t quite look like any of her cousins, either. Perhaps this was a Meracydian dragonet, one that Great Mother Tiamat felt was well enough to travel beyond the safety of her restored brood? Oh, what fun, she hadn’t met any of her Meracydian kin yet!
Ehll Tou made her selections, gently haggling with the shopkeep, and shook hands once they were both content with their deal. She exchanged gil for the watches, placed her purchases within her satchel, and trotted off down the street.
As Ehll Tou drew closer, she noted that the dragonet was certainly no Dravanian but was quite pretty: her wings had feathers, and a fluffy ruff of white feathers crowned her head behind her horns! She whistled a hello, and the dragonet turned—
—this was not a dragonet.
Ehll Tou scrambled to a stop.
{Oh, look at you!} The great wyrm in a dragonet’s body swooped closer. {What a beautiful dragon you have grown into, scion of Ratatoskr!}
Her voice purred and rolled around the careful enunciations of Dragonspeak in both Ehll Tou’s ears and mind. The sound was warm and multi-toned, drums and dulcimers and heavy woodwinds, a deep contralto of age and experience and affection. In it was echoed the symphonic rumble of Kinfather Midgardsormr and the memory of the green skies of the Dragon Star; the hatching songs of new generations and warsongs of wyrms flying to protect their children; the hollow loneliness of a red moon and the dream of home.
Ehll Tou dropped into a bow, neck low and wings spread, and frantically pawed through her mental library of etiquette. Azdaja the Lost had never mothered a brood, so ‘Great Mother’ would not be the proper courtesy title, but perhaps a more mortal term would work, she could contract the layers of generations into one—
[It is my honor, Great Aunt Azdaja,] Ehll Tou trilled in Dragonspeak, though the term for ‘aunt’ translated rather awkwardly.
{Such wonderful manners, I am well met,} Azdaja said, squinting her eyes closed in pleasure. {Further formality is not necessary, little niece.}
Ehll Tou popped up from her bow, fairly vibrating with excitement. [Thank you, Great Aunt! I am Ehll Tou.]
{Yes, yes, Ehll Tou of Dravania! First of a new generation of dragons born to peace.} Azdaja’s voice had warmed even further. {My brother and I just returned to Radz-at-Han last night. How fortuitous that I met you this morning; Vrtra planned to send you an invitation to dinner so that we might properly meet and exchange songs. Would you be able to attend tonight?}
[Oh, yes, I would! Today and tomorrow are my rest days,] Ehll Tou said, fighting the urge to fairly dance in place. Oh goodness, to share family songs with two of the great wyrms! So much to learn! So much to share! She was going to be the utter envy of Zenith and Anyx Trine!
Azdaja’s laugh was a rippling sound of bells and flutes. {Might I accompany you?} she said. {I am still learning much about Radz-at-Han myself, and such excursions are always more joyous with company.}
[It would be my pleasure!] Ehll Tou couldn’t stop her excited hop as Azdaja came to hover next to her, both of their attentions caught by a samosa stall opening as the lunch hour began.
This, Ehll Tou knew, was going to be one of the best days she ever had.
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