#jungkook x chubby y/n
candywife333 · 3 months
Moo Moo
I know it has been a while, so sorry about that guys. Here is PART 2, hurried along due to popular request. Thanks babe, @yuna0309, for making this story come out faster😂than it was originally slated to! I definitely needed the push. We will have one more part to this. I intend to not procrastinate the last part and have it out ASAP.
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chubby cow hybrid y/n x alpha wolf jungkook
cameo of Wheein and Hwasa from Mamamoo and a lot of Taylor swift lyric references throughout
triggers: lactation kink, humiliation, dub con, bullying, body shaming, angst, betrayal
He continued crucifying Y/N's gentle heart, "Do you know how many times I did her? She moo'd like a cow every time, as she spilt milk onto the floor. Her pussy is loose and floppy, used up by me. Why would I get with someone with such low self esteem that she gives me unlimited access to her pussy like that, screaming of love every single time. Delusional bitch. As if she would be ever worth my love or undivided attention".
He was so casually cruel in the name of being honest, in the name of telling the truth. What an honest, upright man. Y/N hid behind a potted plant , sliding down to the floor in agony. He had crumpled her like a useless piece of paper , whose words were forgotten.
Maybe she was just a low down cow slut, who wasn't good for receiving love from him or anyone. Maybe it was time she left.
And that is what Y/N did.
She packed her bags and left.
The horrifying debacle had happened the day before graduation incidentally. Y/N said good-bye to her friends and packed up whatever remnants of her life she had in her hometown. Hwasa sniffled loudly, tears spilling down her face as she sobbed ,"Why are you leaving us? BECAUSE OF WHAT SOME STUPID, UGLY ASS , DISGUSTING PREDATOR SAID ABOUT YOU"? To Y/N's dismay, even Wheein hiccuped, tears streaming down in torrents down her pale cheeks.
Wheein mumbled out ,"You know that you are worth more than any of the predators in this town. You are the heart and soul of our town. Without you, all the young hybrids without parents would go without milk. They would go without your care and love that you give them every Saturday at the orphanage".
Even Y/N couldn't help herself as she silently wept, eyes red, riddled with sorrow at her situation. Even as Wheein and Hwasa embraced her, as she sobbed wretchedly on the floor of her room, she could not stop weeping for all she had lost and all she was going to lose. She may not love her classmates or her school, but she loved the young souls in her town. She sure loved the babies of her town, the gentle souls who never judged her by her looks. They held a pure, unconditional love that she had never been the recipient of. A love she was deemed undeserving of, in the eyes of teenagers and adults . She never received that type of love even from her own parents.
She would miss the babies with chubby cheeks, thick thighs, and pudgy arms. The ones who she cooed and stumbled around, as she cradled them in her lap on the cold harsh winds of winter that were not protected by the red brick walls of the decrepit, run-down orphanage. She would miss the ones she would babysit and watch when their parents were not at home, working long hard hours in the town factory. She would miss feeding them her milk, quenching their thirst for love and attention-their little rotund hands fisting and catching on her shirt in silent adoration as they nourished themselves. Feeding was never just about feeding, it was about connection. Connection to another's soul--transferring unto young babies love and care that they deserved. It was about celebrating a child's entry into the world , by bestowing onto him/her, unconditional comfort and warmth.
But the town would not understand...only absence might teach them. And so she would make herself scarce, absent. She thought she would miss Jungkook, but there was no love left within her to give to him anymore. He had ripped her heart open so callously, she did not know if she could ever heal from this. It would leave a scar, a permanent dent in her soul. It would confirm to her, that perhaps she could never be loved by a man or by perhaps anyone --other than the innocent souls who depended on her.
He had blessed her with a revelation, and if Y/N was anything ---she was perhaps naive , but she was not a goddamn fool to stick around as he trampled her heart to prove his worth in the eyes of other foolish men. He had devalued her, maligned her name, called her a slut- a blatant lie , called her delusional for giving him the gift of her love and her presence. He had insulted her body that wasn't merely to serve as an ornament for any singular man's lust, but he insulted her functional, life giving body--the body of a maternal figure to many kids who had none , a nurturer.
Yet the revelation was, that, what she could give--she could very well take away. And the time had clearly come to do that action.
So, she disappeared into the darkness.
The clock had struck 12 , and there was not a sound to be heard in the town square.
Not a sound to be heard, except the squealing and gurgling of babes faintly resounding in the balmy summer night.
----------------6 years later---------------------------
Jungkook was at his wit's end as he sat down at his office, thick black hair askew , perspiration trickling down his temples . He had become the mayor of the town and he could not have a single night of rest for the past few years as he struggled to take on the burden that came with the heavy mantle of power from his dad.
Their town had been doing alright 5 years ago, till they started noticing a decline in the health of infants. Infants of the town, and especially infants from the orphanage, were becoming more prone to sickness, and some were even dying off without explanation. Nobody could truly explain what was happening, not the doctors, not the parents. The only explanation that the town orphanage could come up with, was Y/N's absence.
According to the orphanage, Y/N used to annually pump a year's worth of milk for the town since she hit puberty - on top of the milk she fed to babies at the orphanage . The sheer volume and quality she was capable of providing was unheard of. A fact Jungkook and many of the town's council members were astonished to find out. Before Y/N , they had been providing all the babies a fortified formula of milk that came from the next town over.
But, once that town's supply had dried up and they refused to help, their town had been getting by in terms of milk supply (without having to seek out costly alternatives) by drinking the milk Y/n produced. The town had been skimping and saving money, instead of buying costly formula--and had skated along on Y/N's abundant supply.
Even when Jungkook decided to buy costly formula from a distant city, to make up for the lack---it simply wasn't the same as Y/N's milk. And the effects of Y/N's milk were abundantly clear as , prior to, and after her supply , rates of infection were higher among infants--compared to when she supplied the milk. The babies of the town on Y/n' supply had flourished, they were a smarter, happier, healthier bunch.
The doctors of the town had to beg the question, if it was merely attributed just to the superior quality of her milk---or was it also her interaction with the babies as she had fed them? And as most elders of the town like to say, "True love cannot be bought".
Something the town had clearly lost out on in Y/N's absence. Y/N thought that the adults of the town wouldn't feel her loss. But they had. The adults had lost Y/N's kind presence around their children, and the eagerness with which she cared and provided support for busy working parents and even the elderly of the town.
Nobody understood why she had left so suddenly without warning.
Nobody except Wheein and Hwasa, who glared contemptuously in Jungkook's direction with disgusted gazes anytime he passed in the town square. And Jungkook was left with the horrible feeling, that Y/N had heard or seen something she wasn't supposed to. He had been trying to prove himself as worthy of this position, since he was in highschool- especially their Senior year.
He had said some harsh words about her at the time, to save face for liking someone rather unconventional in appearance. The entire group had been teasing him, and so had to do something to right their perception of him. He couldn't be known as the chubby chaser, if he was to be mayor.
As he matured, he felt tortured by the memory of what he had said about her that day. She hadn't deserved such disgusting, cold words that put her down. Clearly, she was more important than any of the predators in this town, the so called head honchos of this small town. It was abundantly clear just how much power her love had--- that they all had lost because of his stupidity and immaturity.
He realized it now, that she was the love of his life. And he cringed in pain, recounting how he called her a slut-when he very well knew that he had been her first. The memory stabbed him in his gut, reminiscing how he had ridiculed her body--- her life giving beautiful body. All the slurs he had hurled against her to gain the acceptance of a society, that was anyways crumbling without her.
Even the immature kids that they had gone to highschool with, most of whom stayed in the town, had understood what type of blunder they had made. Pushing Y/n away, harassing her for no reason, ridiculing her body that was valuable regardless of what it did , or did not produce. Most of those who did know what Jungkook did, ceased interacting with him.
Jimin had stopped talking to Jungkook after his statement that day. One thing that Y/N never got to see, was the way Jimin had slapped Jungkook for his cruel words, scoffing at him, yelling, "You miserable son of a ****, how dare you put down your childhood friend like that? Can you even call yourself a good person after what you have implied about Y/N"?
She had not looked up to peer at anybody's face during graduation, or else she would have seen the red imprint of a hand on Jungkook's cheek on the day of their graduation. She would have seen Jimin's righteous indignation as he continued to shiver in anger well into their graduation ceremony.
So, now Jungkook had to right his wrong. He had to somehow find Y/N, and convince her to come back to a town that she thought hated her. He had to somehow show her how lost he felt without her love, how what they had was all he could think of day and night. He couldn't get with anybody after what he had done to her, nobody was enough. He couldn't forget her. He couldn't forget her beautiful lush body stretched out beneath him as she mewled rhapsodies of love into his ear.
He couldn't forget how she listened to every one of his fears and insecurities, and smoothed her hands over his forehead, cupping his cheeks as she kissed him well into the night. His brain could not forget how he pounded into her, his sweat dripping onto her chest as he drinking sweet milk from her nipple-- her wrapping her thick legs around his back as she hugged him , hands around his neck - littering his face with tiny kisses ,cradling him as though he was something precious, as though he was worthy of all the love in the world .
He couldn't forget her love, her kindness, her warmth, her body. Her. She was unforgettable. There was not a second that passed, that he did not remember her shy smile and her warm eyes.
She had ruined him for anyone else, imprinted herself onto his soul. He had found out too late. He had to lose her to find out that he loved her.
And she had given him the greatest punishment of all eternity for his sins. By withdrawing the love he had spat upon mercilessly.
By leaving him.
tags: @yuna0309, @ghostlyworld, @cutiethecupcake
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ldysmfrst · 5 months
American Mate - (4)
First Case of Alpha Space
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 4 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 4132
Work count for Story: 16,244
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I have had to take time off work to accommodate many MANY doctor appointments. I started a Ko-fi if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have Injury, Anxiety, Panic attacks, comfort, Alpha Space, and Cultural differences.
BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit
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Is it really that big of a deal that you got hurt? My god, you were 35 already. You have never lived a sheltered life. You have had your fair share of broken bones, twisted ankles, scrapes, and bruises. 
You are always going on adventures, riding horses, and climbing things you probably should not be climbing. The external scars you bear are associated with stories that are good conversation starters when you feel like showing them. 
Things would be difficult for a while because you are right-handed. You have a few days of sick time saved up that you can use to start with. Hopefully, this will help you gain some kind of compliance from your award left hand. 
Work, however, is going to be the hard part. Luckily, your work is typically done on electronics, meaning nothing has to be handwritten. Even if you tried to write left-handed, no one could read it. You would bet money doctors had better writing than you did. Dictation software to save the day!
Hearing Derek’s voice broke you out of your thoughts regarding your near future. Watching him act cautiously while interacting with the other hybrid was interesting. There is clearly a difference in how he acts with Yoongi than Evie. Giggling to yourself at the mention of being a mate with Derek gains the attention of both. 
“Oh, sorry. The thought of being a mate, much less to Derek, was amusing, I guess.” 
You missed the slight frown that briefly graced both men’s faces. Derek thought you were implying he wasn’t mate material, and Yoongi thought you believed you were not worthy of being a mate.                  
“Thanks Y/n. I let you know that I am a catch despite being a Beta. Besides, this isn’t about me right now. We need to get the leadership involved with what to do moving forward. Are you okay if we bring in the others?”
“Yes, please. I need to speak with Director Johnson, fill out an incident report… um or dictate an incident report, and then get to a doctor.” Attempting to stand up, you are blocked by the golden-yellow eyes that have not stopped watching your every move.
”Mr. Min, I need to get some things done and take care of my wrist.”
Yoongi’s eyes narrow, and a soft growl pours through the room, causing your eyes to widen. You look over your shoulder at Derek with a ‘what-the-F-did-I-do’ expression, only to be met with a smirk.
“Y/n, I don’t think you understand what is going on. You haven’t dealt with a situation like this before. You may love hybrids but you still have limited interactions with our culture and this dynamic.”
Walking backward toward the door, Derek continues, “With the state of mind that Mr. Min is in, it might be best if a packmate explains.”
Derek opens the break room door to face Hoseok, Teahyung, Namjoon, and Jungkook, who are all staring. “Oh, Hi there.”
Then, as if someone had turned the mute off, they all started talking simultaneously. 
“Is Yoongi-hyung dropped yet?”
“그 사람 괜찮아요?”
“Why does she still smell hurt?”
“Wait, wait, wait, please,” Derek puts his hands up, motioning to stop.
“I do not know Korean for one and for two Mr. Min has gone into full non-verbal Alpha Space and I  am not sure he will be coming out of it anytime soon. However, one of you should go in to handle the situation  and she needs to talk with Director Johnson.”
At the mention of the director, a low growl came from Taehyung, causing Derek to take a step back and lower his eyes in an automatic response to a displeased Alpha.
The scent of calming leather gently flows over the group at the door as Namjoon steps forward. His mind is still reeling a million miles a second with you being their mate and you being injured. To top it off, Yoongi is on a deep level of Alpha Space.
“Sorry about that. I can come in, but the director is busy at the moment dealing with the playmates, corporate office, and Manager Sejin,” Namjoon apologizes as he enters the room.
He follows Derek to where his packmate and Y/n are situated at a table. Taehyung and Jungkook follow quickly.
They both kneel respectfully behind Yoongi. Their Alphas recognize that Yoongi is currently in charge of you, and it would be unwise to display anything that could be considered a threat by approaching you too quickly.
They both need to be close to you, and their instincts to be with their injured mate drive their actions. Looking you over for injuries, their eyes resting on your wrist with furrowed brows and set jaws. 
Taehyung’s eyes change to crystal blue as his tail flickers almost in time with Yoongi’s as he slips into Alpha Space. 
“Namjoon-hyung, Y/n is hurt. She needs a hospital, I think,” Jungkook says, his ears standing straight up on his head, one-pointedly focused on you and the other twitching between his Prime Alpha and the door. 
“It is not that big of an issue, Mr. Jeon, Mr. Min, and Mr. Kim.” Looking up from the trio in front of you and addressing the Prime Alpha, “Sir, I have specific protocols to follow due to company procedure. I have to talk with the Director.” 
A growl from one of the men in front of you freezes your words, unsure of what you did to cause their reactions. Internally, you groan because it seems all you get from them are growls, as if you vex them more than you humanly possible. 
“Miss Y/n, we have already talked to Director Johnson,” Namjoon says with a look of distaste. 
“He has been informed that you are now under the care of Bangtan Pack following hybrid customs.  It would be wise to refrain from talking about him at the moment, he did not leave a good impression with the pack.”
Your brows scrunch in confusion, making the hybrids want to coo at your cute face. Clearing his throat (aka his mind), Namjoon continues, “We have more pressing matters to attend to besides paperwork.” 
“You are injured, and we have to get you to a doctor. Manager Sejin is currently contacting one of our personal physicians that we normally use while on tour to have you treated.”
“What? Why would I use your doctor? I can just go to the local clinic.” Your scent spikes almost like a heavy perfume with anxiety with the flashbacks of your nightmare. 
“Please, I have taken up much of your time, and caused enough problems as it is. I can take care of myself. I don’t want to be a bother.”
At your words, you are surrounded by multiple growls and watched by now golden-yellow, crystal blue, and smokey gray eyes. Scooting back in the chair, you nervously ask, “Derek, what did I do?”
“Y/n, you really don’t get it do you? For as smart as you are, sometimes you can be oblivious.” He smiles and shakes his head, stepping back from the group and heading towards the door.
“Mr. Kim, as Prime Alpha, you might want to explain what is happening and what she should be expecting. Mind you, she has been fiercely independent for the last 15 years of her life.”
“I wish you the best with her. It won’t be easy, trust me, I know. Good Luck.” Derek bows slightly to Namjoon once he reaches the break room door.
Looking at you again, this time with a smile filled with adoration for his best friend and what he thinks your future may hold, Derek says, “Relax and have fun.” Then he turns and leaves the room. 
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As Derek leaves the room, he smiles at the remaining pack guarding the door. “Mr. Kim, Mr. Jung, and Mr.Park, I think your human does not understand what is happening.”
“Our human? So you know?” Seokjin questions with wide, cautious eyes.
Derek looks over his shoulder at the closed break room door. “At first, I thought it was just a typical Alpha reaction with him being the cause of Y/n getting injured, but his care and gentleness seemed to come from somewhere deeper. Add on the fact that your other two are fighting Alpha space. It would be hard to miss.”
“The other two?” someone asks.
Shaking his head, Derek looks back at the remaining three. “Yes, the younger Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon’s Alphas surfaced just before I left. Your Prime Alpha is going to try to sort things out, but he may need some back up.”
“Meanwhile I am going to find our boss and see what needs to be done before you all run  away with her.” Derek leaves the pack to mull over the new information.
“Tae has never been one to control his Alpha well when one of us is hurt. I am not surprised if he slipped once near her. Kook always runs on instinct too, so it makes sense he slipped as well,” Seokjin contemplates. 
“Should we stay out here? Miss y/n’s pack member said it would be better to go in and help Namjoon? Three of us in Alpha space with an injured mate is not going to be easy,” Hoseok adds. 
Nibbling on his lower lip, Jimin thinks of ways to handle the situation. Even though he is one of the younger packmates, keeping the pack calm is his gift. 
He just doesn’t know how to handle you yet, especially since you don’t know what you mean to the pack.
“Good, at least three of you are here, and I assume the rest have made their way into the room with Miss Y/n,” Manager Sejin says while walking up to the group. 
“I have spoken with Big Hit, the Director at Playmate Service Incorporated, and Dr. Blackwell. Everyone is onboard and the doctor is ready to go.”
“Thank you,” Seokjin says, feeling relief that no one seems to be fighting this. “Namjoon is in with the rest of the pack and Miss Y/n, we should go in. From what Mr. Gulley says, Miss y/n does not seem to understand the situation to the fullest. I just hope that Namjoon can clear some things up.”
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“Relax and have fun? What does he mean by that?” You mumble as you glare at the now-closed door that one of your best friends just shut. 
He willingly left you with four Alpha male idols. 
Three of them are kneeling on the floor with non-human eyes, and the Prime Alpha, looking around the room like the way to explain what's happening is painted on the walls.
Taking a breath, you say, “Mr. Kim, Prime Alpha… Sir. Derek is right. I have no actual experience with Alphas. I can tell that there must be some kind of instinctual drive going on, and there are trigger words or actions.”
“I don’t want to cause any more trouble than I already have. What do I do to make it easier for your pack?”
At your words, the kneeling Alphas gave a multitude of pleasant chirps. You looked at the three of them, a little confused. They seemingly smiled and made almost the same sound at what you said.
Okay, so they can growl and chirp. Your curiosity spikes when you think of what other animal-like sounds they can make as hybrids.
Drawing your attention back to him, Namjoon finds the words to explain what is happening, “Miss Y/n, you have done so much to help the Bangtan Pack feel welcome today.”
With a gentle smile, he continues, “So please relax, you have not caused any trouble, and we highly doubt that you will.” 
Thinking to himself, ‘At least, not in the way you seem to be thinking.’
“Alpha’s run with a higher level of instinct than your Beta packmember. As an Alpha, Yoongi instinctually feels responsible for your injury. In order to calm that instinct, a few things will most likely need to happen.” 
Watching as you seem to sit up with interest, he continues, “First things first, he and his Alpha need to get at least your injury treated.”
“He has to be the one to take me to get it treated? I can’t have him go with me to the clinic! There are fans and sasaengs and the media! What about your schedule? You always hear about the tight schedules Idols have and you have already spent all afternoon here over this.”
You start panicking about the hordes of people you hear about following the band around. God, the amount of bad publicity that would come from catching you and THE Suga of BTS at a clinic. You can’t imagine what nonsense they would come up with?
Your scent goes into an even heavier version; it takes on an almost alcoholic aspect. The kneeling Alphas instinctually send out calming pheromones while moving closer. 
Yoongi’s tail, still wrapped around your ankle, tightens while he gently rubs the back of your injured hand, which he is cradling protectively. 
Taehyung starts to purr softly, hoping that the sound will comfort you. 
Jungkook, on instinct alone, scoots up to your left side, nudges his head under your left hand, and rests on your leg.
The feeling of Jungkook’s head on your leg snaps you out of your thoughts and brings you back into the room. You hold still as you start to recognize similar comforting behaviors the Alphas are doing with those that Evie always does, allowing you to take a deep breath.
“Sorry. I was raised to take care of myself and not impose on others.”
“Miss Y/n, you are not imposing. Again, Yoogni ran into you while rushing out of the room, and it's his responsibility to make amends. Actually, as a bonded pack, it is our responsibility, too.”
“The pack? Like all of you? Is this why they are all like this, with their eyes and stuff?” 
Absent-mindedly, you run your fingers through Jungkook’s hair, softly scratching his scalp, soothing not only yourself but also the youngest Alpha. 
A soft chuckle escapes Namjoons as he watches your instinctual interactions with the youngest mate. “Yes, that is the best way to explain the eyes and stuff, as you put it.”
“Jungkook and Taehyung will find it easier to leave their Alpha Space since they are not the ones responsible for the injury but trying to be supportive to both of you.” 
Hearing a knock on the door, he calls, “Who is it?”
“Namjoon-ssi, it's Manager Sejin. I have some updates and a few questions. Can I enter?” The door opens slightly to reveal it’s him. 
At Namjoon's nod, he enters. The door remains open as the scents in the room are constricting in their density. He is followed by the rest of the pack, who take up guarding now from inside.
“Did you contact everyone?”
“Big Hit and the Corporate Director are on the same page and will follow the hybrid protocol, but details must be discussed once Miss Y/n has met with the doctor,” Manager Sejin reports to the Prime Alpha.
Moving to look at you, he continues, “I contacted Dr. Blackwell, thinking you may be more comfortable with a female doctor.” 
Glancing at the boys surrounding you closely, his scent changes with curiosity. He raises an eyebrow, looking at Namjoon. With a subtle nod, he confirms that something more is happening but does not move to explain.
Looking back at you, he gently smiles, “With the situation at hand, it may be best to limit other males around you until everyone is out of Alpha space. They tend to get territorial. Dr. Blackwell is on standby, ready to assess and treat you once we know where you will be.”
“Why wouldn’t she just come here, or I go to her?”
“Miss Y/n, Dr. Blackwell is a traveling physician. She doesn’t have a permanent office to use but she is well respected in both the human and hybrid communities.”
“Oh, I see. Well, umm…” you look at Namjoon and ask, “What option would be best for your pack?”
Namjoon’s chest puffs slightly at your show of respect to him as the Pack Prime Alpha despite the situation and your pain level. “Not to make you uncomfortable, Miss Y/n, but I think meeting Dr. Blackwell at our AirBnB would be best.”
You take a moment to think, your hand pulsing with pain. They cannot all fit in your flat; it's a mess after you tore through your closet to find the right clothes for today.
They don’t seem to like being here. Instinctually, even Derek and Evie prefer being in their dens when one of the three of you is hurt or sick. 
“Okay. If it is best for the pack, then I will go with you to the AirBnB and see Dr. Blackwell.” 
It’s almost as if a weight is lifted out of the room, allowing the pack to take a breath. 
“Yoon, Kook, and Tae. Can you give Miss Y/n some room? We have to take her to the pack house to see a doctor,” Namjoon says with a firm voice, gaining smiles from the men kneeling on the floor. 
Jungkook stands and curls into the Prime Alpha, his eyes returning to their natural color.
Taehyung rocks back on his heels but remains near. His body is more relaxed and his eyes are still crystal blue, shifting between Yoongi and you in wait.
After watching the two younger Alphas move around, your attention turns to the Jaguar kneeling with expectant but questioning eyes. 
 “Mr. Min, if I promise that you can stay with me, will you let me go get my things and then you can take me to the pack house?”
Yoongi’s face lights up with a gummy smile as he nods. Your breath hitches at the sight. How can the devastatingly handsome rapper look so adorable?
He stands up, his tail unwrapping from your leg. He softly takes both of your hands while he assists you in standing. You smile and mumble a small thanks as you step forward to leave.
“Prime Alpha, do you think I can talk with Derek briefly to let him know what is happening? This way he can talk to the direc… Boss. Talk to the boss and let him know that I am leaving for the day?”
“Yes, talking to him will be fine. He has been established as part of your familial pack and won’t be considered a threat to the pack if he comes around you now,” Namjoon answers, moving out of your way and motioning for the rest to let you pass.
Bowing slightly, “Thank you, Prime Alpha.”
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Making it to your desk is more complicated than one would think. 
Yoongi won’t leave your right side, while Taehyung won’t leave your left. Both act like it's code red and someone is trying to assassinate you. Then you have the rest of BTS trailing behind like some kind of posse. 
You keep your head down to avoid any strange looks or glares from whomever you pass. To your relief, you find Derek waiting at your desk with his head resting on his palms and a mischievous smile. 
“I see you are taking things in stride,” glancing at your plethora of bodyguards. “Did the Prime Alpha explain everything to you?”
Speaking up from the back of the group, Namjoon answers for you, “She is aware that we are responsible for her at this time and she will be treated at our temporary pack house by our doctor.”
You don’t miss Derek's look of concern as he tilts his head with curiosity at Namjoon. “I see, of course. You are just responsible for getting her treated.”
“Derek, can you please let the big boss know that I will be leaving with Bangtan Pack to seek medical care and once I have more updates I will let you both know?” 
Glancing at Yoongi and still seeing his lovely golden-yellow eyes, you try to ignore the slight flutter in your stomach, “I don’t think it would be good for me to talk with him myself still.”
Derek nods in response, “Manager Sejin has already given the boss a rough time frame for the near future. I suppose his managing skills came in handy. Don’t worry about us here. We can handle it while you heal.”
Standing up, Derek passes you your purse, which Taehyung takes. You try to grab it again, but only to have a black and white tail wrap around your arm and bring it back down to your side.
“No carry. Keep safe.” Taehyung almost grunts out in a deeper-than-deep voice, which short-circuits your brain.
Glancing at Derek out of the side of your eye, you see him briefly nod and smile encouragingly while he whispers, “It’s an Alpha Space thing. Best acknowledge his help.”
“Umm… Th-tha-hank you, Alpha,” you stammer out, willing the heat creeping up your neck to stop as your words pull a boxy grin from the Tiger.
“I think that is it,” you announce to nobody in particular. You smile awkwardly at Derek as he slowly approaches you.
“Y/n, you have been through so much. Not just today but in your life. You have always been the one to take the blame for others, working harder or longer than anyone else and caring for those who never return the favor.”
His eyes glance at the men surrounding you as he sees nods of understanding and looks of concern from them.
As a soft smile blooms on his face, he holds onto your good hand, “Take time for yourself and let this pack of Alphas take care of you. You deserve it more than anyone else I know.”
He pulls you into a hug. You briefly stiffen, waiting for the growling and pulling to start, but to your surprise, it doesn't. Relaxing into his hug, you take his words to heart.
A soft whisper in your ear, “You know you will always have Evie and me as your family pack, but right now, be open to the pack around you,” with one last squeeze, Derek steps back and returns to your desk.
“Now, shoo! Off you go. The boss said I’ll get to man the front desk for now.”
With a nod, you wave goodbye and face the hybrids behind you. After not finding Manager Sejin and a few others missing,  your eyes settle automatically on Namjoon, waiting for a clue as to what to do next. 
“Manager Sejin went down to get the cars. Seokjin-hyung, Hoseok-hyung, and Jimin also went down because we won’t all fit in the elevator.”
“Oh,” you feel a slight tightening in your chest after realizing you didn’t even notice they had gone.
“Miss Y/n, let's take you to get looked at,” Junkook says while inching towards the office doors.
“Yeah, sure. Sorry, I have everything. Lead the way.” 
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You follow the bunny and wolf hybrid while still sandwiched between the tiger and jaguar. Walking through the halls, you gain some attention from the people you pass. 
You’re a mere human surrounded by some of the hottest Idols in the world right now. So why wouldn’t they?
Not willing to look up, you keep your eyes cast down to the feet in front of you as you try to avoid what you are a gazillion percent sure are looks of disgust and hate towards you.
Once the elevator doors open, the tiger lets out a low growl. Glancing up, you see two fellow PMS employees quickly scamper out of the elevator and down the hall. 
That added to the embarrassment for now and when you return to work.
Namjoon and Jungkook take the back corners. Looking at the men by your sides, they motion for you into the elevator next. 
However, when you go to stand in another corner, you are quickly ushered back into the middle with Yoongi and Taehyung in front of you. 
The energy calms down as the doors close. The four Alphas relax now that they surround you and will start taking care of you. 
Even if your trust in them starts with an injury, they know this is their chance to show you what it means to be taken care of, acknowledged as precious, and loved endlessly by the seven of them. 
As the doors part, you're greeted by the remaining packmates waiting for you, smiles warm and welcoming. They're surrounded by more men in black, whom you assume are bodyguards. 
Turning to look at you, Yoongi speaks for the first time since he entered Alpha Space,  “Take home. Keep safe.”
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7ndipity · 7 months
“Are You Confident?”
fwb!Jungkook x Plus Size Reader
Summary: The one where you get fed up with Jungkook’s teasing and decide to take him up on his offer.
Word Count: just under 1.7k
Warnings: +18 mdni, smut. oral(m. receiving), swearing, Jk starts out fuckboy-ish but turns subby, slight dom reader, reader’s referred to as Noona, not proofread
A/N: This idea has been sitting in my drafts since early December, but I finally managed to finish part one! This is sort of a prequel to this drabble, so if you can read it too if you liked this one. I’ll also be posting part two and a masterlist(hopefully)later this week, so lmk what you think!
If you had to choose a favorite place in the whole world, you would choose Jungkook’s apartment without a thought. Not your own apartment, not you favorite shop, not even the dream vacation you’d been planning and saving up for forever, just being tucked into the corner of Jungkook’s couch, Bam curled up next to you, his massive head resting in your lap, subtly begging for pets as you vented to his owner about your most recent dating fiasco.
The guy one of your friends had set you up with had seemed nice enough at first, but as dinner progressed, things had progressively gone downhill.
“Did he least pay for dinner?” Jungkook asked, sprawled on the opposite end of the couch.
“I’d assume so, I walked out before the bill even came.” You replied, taking a long drink from your glass.
“Why do you even bother with dating anyway? You said before you hated it.” He asked.
“I’ve told you, I’m… lonely.” You said pointedly, avoiding his eyes.
He squinted at you, understanding suddenly flashing across his face.
“Ah, so you just need to get laid?” He asked, sitting back with a smirk as your face flushed with color. “Why didn’t you just say so? I could help you with that.”
“Ugh, shut up.” You groaned, getting up and heading to the kitchen.
“I’m serious.” He said, following you. “It’s better than fucking some random asshole.”
This type of conversation was a recurring thing in your friendship. Jungkook loved to tease you, and with a relationship that had grown as close as yours had, he had plenty of opportunities.
Your friends often joked that the two of you should just date already with the way you acted with each other, often toeing the line between what was typically considered okay for ‘just friends’. You’d slept in the same bed more times than you could count(a fact that had made Taehyung nearly choke on his drink when he’d found out), you’d even kissed at his friend's New Years Eve party after a few too many drinks and a similar conversation to the one you were currently having, lamenting about not having someone to kiss at midnight.
You didn’t know what had possessed you to do it, all you could remember was hearing the countdown and leaning in, connecting your lips with his for the briefest moment, only for him to quickly chase after yours when you had started to pull away.
Neither of you had brought it up afterwards, but the memory of it was permanently seared into your mind; the feel of his lips moving against yours, the way his hands had gently gripped your waist-
You shook your head, redirecting your attention back to the current moment, trying to ignore Jungkook as he leaned against the counter next to you.
“Look, if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine, I’m just offering a possible solution to your problem,” He said, shrugging as he grinned at you. “You know, if you’re really desperate.”
You scoffed. “You’re one to talk. When's the last time you even went on a date again?”
Your words had the desired effect on him, turning his expression sour.
“That’s different, I’ve been… busy.” He said grudgingly.
“Uh-huh, sure.” You grinned triumphantly.
“I mean it though,” He said. “If that’s really all you’re after, I’d be glad to help.”
You blinked at him in disbelief. “Seriously?”
“Yeah,” He shrugged. “I mean, like you said, it’s not like I've got anything going either. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, just two friends helping each other out.”
“That is, if you think you can handle me.” He added with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes, letting out an irritated laugh. “Please, I could handle you.”
“Are you confident?” He asked, quirking a brow at you.
“Yes.” You answered immediately, catching both him and yourself off guard as you stared him down.
Your words weren’t entirely true, you weren’t all that confident when it came to things like this, but Jungkook had a way of triggering your stubborn streak, whether it was with that cocky smile he always threw your way or the domineering tone he like to tease you with, something about him made you suddenly brave and willing to challenge anything he said.
Normally, that was part of what made your friendship fun, the two of you constantly bickering and at odds with each other, but this was much different than arguing over where to get dinner or what to watch on tv.
You were chest to chest now, able to feel his heart pounding surprisingly fast as he stared down at you.
“Prove it.” He said, his tone having lost its teasing edge as his gaze flickered between your eyes and your mouth.
That was all it took to make you break.
You closed the gap between the two of you, pushing him back against the wall as your lips clashed.
This wasn’t at all like the first time you’d kissed, there was no hesitancy or tender playfulness, it was hot and rushed and needy, full of tongue and teeth.
You were aware of a voice in the back of your head frantically screaming at you, something about how this was terrible idea and could ruin things between you and Jungkook completely, but you really couldn’t bring yourself to care as his warm hands found your waist, pulling you flush against him as his tongue fought with yours for dominance. He tasted sharp and sweet like the wine you had brought, his skin hot under your fingertips as your hands slipped from his shoulders to tangle in his hair, tugging lightly at the strands and earning a low grunt from him.
His grip on your hips tightened before sliding down to grope your ass, grinding you against the growing bulge in his pants.
A surprised squeak left you, making him chuckle against your lips as you mentally cursed yourself. You were not about to let him have the upper hand, not this quickly.
You slipped a hand down between you to palm him over his pants, squeezing just enough to cause what sounded very much like a moan to you to release from his throat, though you knew he’d tried to deny it.
Just as suddenly as you’d begun, you pulled away, making his eyes snap open in confusion.
“What are you-?” He panted, stopping in shock as you dropped to your knees in front of him.
“I’m helping you out.” You said simply, undoing his belt as you looked up at him with doe eyes. “Is that okay?”
He nodded, breathing unsteadily.
“I need words, Sweetie.” You said, making him flush at the petname as you fiddled with his zipper. “I can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me.”
“I want it,” He quickly blurted, giving up control with surprising ease as he stared down at you, eyes black with need. “I-I want your mouth, please.”
“Good boy.” You tugged his jeans down, revealing the prominent tent in his boxers, a small wet patch on the material showing just how eager he was.
“These are cute.” You commented, toying with the waistband before letting it snap back against his skin, making him jump slightly. “Purple looks good on you.”
“Noona, please.” He whined in frustration, his head falling back against the wall as his hips twitched forward involuntarily.
“Fine, since you’re asking so politely.” You pulled his boxers down, letting his cock spring free, hanging heavy in front of your face.
He was slightly bigger than you expected, the tip flushed deep red and leaking precum as you took him in your hand, making him shudder.
“Mm, should’ve known, even your cock’s pretty.” You mused, leaning in to give it a cursory lick, sucking the tip into your mouth for a moment before pulling back, leaving a few kisses along the underside of his length as you glanced up at him to gauge his reaction.
He was staring down at you slack-jawed, his breaths coming out in uneven pants as you pumped him with your hand.
He already looked slightly fucked out and you’d barely done anything to him yet, giving you a massive surge of confidence as you held eye contact with him, gathering as much spit as you could in your mouth before letting it dribble down over his twitching length.
“Fuck.” He muttered under his breath, squiming slightly.
Still holding his gaze, you took him fully into your mouth, sinking down as far as you could go.
“Fuck!” He gasped, his head falling back against the wall with a thump as you pulled back, swirling your tongue around him teasingly before sinking down again, letting him hit the back of your throat and holding him there for a moment before pulling off.
You quickly found your rhythm, bobbing your head up and down on him and using your hands on what wouldn’t fit in your mouth.
He let out a low whine, fists clenched so tight against his thighs his knuckles had gone white.
Noticing this, you used your free hand to guide his to your head, letting him tangle his fingers in your hair and giving him something to ground himself with.
All too soon, you felt him beginning to tense, his grip on your head tightening as his thighs started to shake.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum.” He whimpered. “Where do you want me to-?”
You only answer to him taking him and deeper and swallowing around him, making him cry out as his hip bucked forward, fucking your face as he chased his release.
“Shit, Y/n, I-” His words were choked off with a groan as he came, cumming down your throat in hot spurts.
He slumped back against the wall, breathing hard as you slowly pulled off of him, making a point to meet his eyes again as you swallowed.
“Shit, Y/n,” He said weakly as you stood back up. “That was-”
You cut him off with another kiss, feeling him twitch against your leg as he tasted himself on your tongue.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @ldysmfrst
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hobicakess · 7 months
tell us tell us
If u don't like mxm sorry not sorry
just thinking thots of you and jimin on your knees in front of namjoon. . . tongues lapping at at one anothers. . . and joons throbbing. . .
nastyy grown ppl stuff under the cut
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He's twitching you both feel it, playful giggling and teasing kisses causing the man above the two of you stomach to clench and tighten trying not to let his thighs start trembling from pleasure. His pretty babies, flushed, gorgeous and slutty taking turns swallowing his cock, kissing and biting at his thighs. He didn't know where to look, put his hands or if he should force your head down because he fed up with the constant teasing of the thick head of his cock. You pop off lewdly, spit glistening on your thick lips as you go and kiss Jimin. Everything was just so messy and nasty. . . and he loved it. His own hand reaches down to stroke his cock watching you two parts, tongues out and ready. With a groan his thick and heavy load lands onto his stomach, and both of your faces. You and Jimin giggle as he tugs you both up with him leading the sloppy three-way kiss. The sound of the door opening causes you three to part ways seokjin stands in the doorway with a shake of his head.
"When I said entertain them this isn't what I meant.."
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linniewrites · 1 year
We all have our issues | Chapter 2
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idol!jungkook x chubby!student!reader
Summary : you ask Jungkook to go grocery shopping with you, but the day doesn’t end as nicely as it started.
Words : 1684
Warnings : mommy and daddy issues, scolding, “fighting” in public, body shaming, crying, jealousy.
Notes : kook’s jealous, oc’s nervous, and sad, she gets bad memories and does something pretty bad, there’s some mean ladies in the store, and Jk is still just as whipped for her.
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“No, I’m sorry… you know I love Bam. But, she’s my cat, Kook. You can’t blame me for loving her more.” You argued over the phone, he wanted you to admit you liked his dog more than you did your own pet, Meimei.
“Yeah, I get that. But does she run to you when you come home ?” He asks in the most condescending tone. “I don’t think so…”
“Bam shits on your floor, so I really don’t know what point you’re trying to make.” He let out a surprised scoff and laughs at your reasoning. You twist open your lipgloss and apply a good layer of it before taking your phone into your hand and taking it off speaker. “I need some groceries, d’you want to come with ?”
“Sure.” You heard shuffling around and keys jingling. “Want me to pick you up ?”
“No, don’t bother, I’m just gonna take the bus.” You put your sandals back on and head out to the bus stop. Today had been a pretty short day, you only had classes in the morning and had been free since one pm. The weather was also really great, hence why you wore the long flowery summer dress that your friends always complimented you on.
“I’ll meet you there then, be careful baby.”
“You too, bye.” You hang up and shove the phone in your purse.
“Ooh, I’ll go get candies !” You giddily slap Jungkook’s arm as you point towards the snacks aisle. You each had gotten a small basket, because he had realized groceries were well overdue at his house.
“Get me some of those peach rings, yeah ?”
You nod and hurry to the where the sweets were stocked, softly humming to the tune that was playing around the store. When you reach the range of choices, you scan it quickly and finally find the one you were originally here for. Cherry, as well as coke for you and peach for your friend. Once your goods had been placed in your basket, you decided to go in search of new sweets to try.
"Look at kids nowadays, always trying so hard to set a bad example." An older woman mutters to her friend, pointing at you, in what she thought was a discreet way. You frown, confused as to what she meant, and finally notice that her gaze was set on your body, and on the candies you're holding in your hands in addition to those in your basket. Your shoulders noticeably fall, and you drop the candies back where you had found them. The two women are gone by now, but you’re still in front of the bright colored packagings, debating whether you should buy them, or restrain yourself. Exactly how were you actually setting a bad example ? By eating food you liked, or maybe it was because they didn’t allow their kids to have any type of “unhealthy” food. You’re shaken out of your thoughts by a warm hand on your shoulder, and you turn around to see Jungkook looking at you with a confused frown.
“Are you okay ?” He asks chuckling a little.
“Yeah.” You hold up the basket with the candies and point to his peach rings. “I got the candies.”
“Did you want to try these, too ?” He takes the flower shaped treats you were staring so intently at and throws them in his basket.
“No.” You quickly shake your head and reach to put them back on the shelf. “I was just thinking about something.”
“It’s fine.” He stops your hand from grabbing the plastic bag and laughs. “Baby, just leave it. If we don’t like at least we’ll know not to buy it again. Also, you love all candies, so I don’t think we should worry about that ?”
“Whatever, but you’re gonna eat them all alone, then.” You pout and turn back to continue shopping to stop him from asking more questions.
You both quickly take what you need and immediately head to the registers, where you’re greeted by a kind looking man.
“Hello.” He greets you with a smile, which obviously makes one appear on your face, kind people make you happy, what can you say ?
“Hello. How’re you ?” You ask as Jungkook’s stare wavers between the two of you.
“Very good, thank you.” He asks you how your day is going, and from then on starts a conversation between you two, further excluding your friend. Jungkook is snapped out of his trance by the sound of your credit card going through.
You and the cashier continue your conversation as he mindlessly scans Jungkook’s articles and with his eyes still in you, asks him for his payment of choice. Your friend remains silent and pulls out his black card, quickly paying and grabbing his bags to get away as quick as possible.
Just as you’re about to bid goodbye to your new friend, Jungkook wraps an arm around you and lead you out. He takes your groceries and puts them in his car, muttering something about him driving you home. Which he does, and after the long ride back to your apartment, he stops you at your door to ask you something.
“Baby, you wanna go out for dinner tomorrow night ?” His hands hold onto yours tightly, and he’s looking at you with his big, starry eyes, and yet, that doesn’t stop you from getting lost in your own mind.
“And a salad for the lady.” The kind woman sets your plate down in front of you with a warm smile. You ogle at the five different types of Syrian salad set on the plate and take your cutlery in your hands with a happy dance. Your younger brother snickers at your attitude but you pay him no mind, and start eating your meal.
“Ooh, that looks good.” Chuckles your dad, cutting a piece of bread and scooping some olives and hummus, groaning at the flavor. You bring the pate closer to the middle of the table, so that everyone can have some of it, and take some rice from the larger plate next to it.
A few minutes later, you go back for more salad, and gasp when you find the plate empty. “What ? You ate all the salad ?” You ask your father with a teasing smile, although it did bother you a little, you could still order another plate.
“You’re so mean, seriously. Why can’t you, for once, be nice and I don’t know, try to be a part of the family ?” Your mother rolls her eyes and wipes the edge of the plate with a piece of bread to taste the dish. “I don’t know where I messed up with you. Such a selfish brat…” She mutters, but makes sure she says it loud enough so you can hear it.
Everyone at the table is now staring at you, silently chewing their food. You set down your fork and put your hands on your lap, sending a smile her way before fixing your eyes on your hands for the rest of the evening. Throughout the whole dinner, you could feel your siblings stealing glances at you, and even people from other tables were now staring, wondering why everything was so quiet now. Once it’s time to pay, you stand up, but your parents push you away and pay before you can get a word in. “Swear to you, this kid is unable to get out of her house without causing a scene.” She sighs, letting her head rest against your dad’s shoulder.
Your body deflates even more after hearing her, and you were convinced you now looked even sadder than the deflated balloon men in front of the car sales shop two blocks from your house. You didn’t wait for anyone and simply left to get in your car, and go back to your apartment to cuddle with your cat.
“___ ?” He calls, bringing your attention back to him.
“Yeah ?”
“Dinner, tomorrow night, just you and me ?” He repeats with a hopeful look in his eyes. After seeing you laugh with the cashier, he wanted to make sure to shoot his shot so he’d get you all to himself. Not in the bizarre way, of course, if you rejected him, he’d accept it and try to move on, but you wouldn’t, he kept repeating to himself.
“Oh.” You stop yourself from truthfully answering and blink away the small teardrops that has found their way in your eyes. “I don’t think I’m the greatest person to go out with, Kook.” You chuckle awkwardly and wrap your arms around him in a hug that feels more suffocating than comforting. “I’ll see you another time, though.” You gently kiss his cheek and get inside your apartment building before he can say anything else.
You hurry back inside your home and quickly take off all your clothes to hop in the shower and wash away all the bad thoughts you were getting. When you step out of the room, Mei is here, meowing for you to cuddle her, and you do, but soon the tears can’t be stopped. So you just lay on your couch, you cat licking your hand in hopes of making you feel better, and tears staining your fluffy pink pillows.
Jungkook stands there dumbfounded, his eyes staring at the door with shock written all over his face. The shock doesn’t last long before it gets overwhelmed by sadness and disappointment. Still, he finds himself smiling like an idiot at your reaction. Even while rejecting him, you still gave him a hug and kissed his cheek, he brushes his fingers over the emplacement of your kiss, and blushes. It’s fine if you only want to be friends, Jungkook can accept that, as long as he has you in his life, nothing else matters.
taglist :
@gothvkth @beigerin @babycandy111 @jjanjankook @joonsboy
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silenttale22 · 11 months
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IDOL!BF!Jungkook x Chubby!reader Genre: Fluff, slight angst, suggestive(at the end) Warnings: curses, past/current low self-esteem, insecurities, avoiding, reader is a lil bit stupid, some sugar daddy theme(but not really), Word count: 5k Note: Hi there! As I won't be able to post another MHBTW chapter, I don't wanna leave you without nothing soooo, here's my Gguk`s fic I wrote when 'Seven' came out. I supposed to post it much earlier but kinda lost it in my drafts <sorry>
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Since you were in middle school, thinking about dating anyone seemed to you as something impossible. Always being insecure because well…you didn't look like someone who got the attention of the whole school. And yeah you could be loud and funny sometimes around your group of friends where…of course were also boys.
Handsome boys you used to have crushes on but the thing with any of them, who found their place deeper in your heart, became only a friendship and you couldn't even imagine it in a different way. 
Does it break your heart? At first, sure, but with the passing time you just get used to it, bottling up the emotions and just keep explaining to yourself that this is how the world is going…if you're bigger, not really 'cute' with your behavior, and despite tight clothes you prefer the baggy ones - your chance of having a boyfriend is zero.
That is why when you finished your school education, life seemed much different. Even after all these high school or college years, it was still so hard for you to change your way of thinking and your habits of pushing yourself into a corner with doubt that you could get someone's attention…and what even more - make someone to fall for you even a bit, was lingering to you without the change. 
So when one day, the principal from your department in the work office came up with the plan that you are the one - ideal person to be sent to deliver important documents to one of the biggest studios in South Korea, you never thought that everything would turn upside down in a few hours. 
When you arrived, the people who were supposed to take over the documents from you must have stayed late in meetings that had been going on since morning, so you spent a good few hours sitting at the reception desk looking at the wall or at the phone, as you couldn't just left the paper in the reception. Occasionally moving your gaze to the papers you had begun to memorize.
But when, out of nowhere, a group of young men with smiles on their faces walked through the main hall where you were already sitting half-asleep, you found it difficult to take your slightly blurry gaze away from the gentle and pleasing to the eye figures.
By pure coincidence, one of them met your gaze, and as an even wider, even more, charming smile came to his lips, you felt your cheeks begin to burn through the sudden rush of emotion. 
Your cold-as-usual hands quickly found their way to cool your warm - probably reddened - skin and you tried to push the brief attraction out of your head as quickly as possible when you looked down at your spilled thighs on the leather couch. You got up from it quickly, smoothing down your trousers and trying to collect quickly the documents in your folders, a number of which you had with you.
It took you a good 15 minutes to disappear into the toilet, but as you reached it you were still trying to calm the sudden euphoria that had erupted in your chest over a silly little minute exchange of glances. You felt like a childish teenager who had managed to get any interest in her object of admiration for the first time. 
However, could you even call it "getting interest"? A simple exchange of eye contact, no big deal. Yet it succeeded in confusing your mind.
At that moment, your head did not necessarily overthink the whole "escape" plan with precision. Because, again - how could you have known that when, right after leaving the restrooms and exiting the corridor leading out of the room, he would be standing leaning against the wall? The one you were trying to get away from as quickly as you could.
But the boy, unfazed with dreamy eyes, waited patiently holding a few sheets of paper in his hand. Another plan come up quickly, you thought - trying to walk past him unnoticed.
 Maybe this time it will work out for you?
His hand soon reached over your shoulder, making you come face to face with the most beautiful being you could ever meet. 
"You dropped this getting up from the sofa" he said with a friendly smile after staring into your eyes for a moment, pulling a paper towards you that must have fallen out of your bag 
"Oh, thank you," a quick nod and you were about to pass his figure when once again a slender hand covered in tiny tattoos blocked your way.
"Will there be any chance of us seeing each other again?" his question knocks you completely out of your right mind, so for a moment you stare dully into his face, not knowing if it's all a stupid joke, or if you're dreaming and your head is making up some sick scenario, or if it's all true after all..." Hello? You there?" his hand waves in front of your face, bringing you back to reality.
"I-I don't know. I don't think so," you mutter under your breath rather than answer him, but the boy without even waiting pulls out his phone with the keypad on in your direction
"Maybe then there's a chance to get your phone number and know your name?" You can't resist his smile and his deer eyes begging for any kind of contact so you tap a few numbers into his mobile phone, saying also your name, and the boy almost with jumps wanted to leave your figure when this time it was you who stopped him with your hand
“But, wait! Can I at least know your name or something?"
"Oh, right. Sorry,” he chuckled quietly “I'm Jeongguk." 
“Nice to meet you then” You smiled at him and even your constant insecurities disappeared for a second.
And from day one the two of you used to text almost all the time. It was hard for you to take your phone away sometimes because it kept buzzing every freaking time. 
At first, you were excited because damn, he was still interested in you. You felt like you never did earlier. Being especially happy that you're not being judged by the way you look.
It seemed as the both of you had so many topics and it more than once made your heart flutter. You finally met someone who understood the rules of your favorite games or was eager to learn the new ones just because he wanted to know more about the things you like. And you could listen to him talking about new songs, choreographies, or when it was enough for his career being mesmerized by the sound of his voice and excited about every little thing…It happened that you even listened to the latest news from the motorization world, which Jeongguk seemed really fascinated by.
And it made you really happy. 
Happy that you already have someone like that. Even if it was only for a while, only by phone…because what's the point in planning any meeting if you know very well that it will only bring the end of this friendship forward? Your head was always filled with this damn lack of confidence, so the thinking that maybe it would be better to end things sooner will be better. 
You couldn't imagine the picture of yourself right next to Jungkook, you just couldn't.
It's hard to think about the possibility that people won't judge you…and what's even worse…that they can judge Jungkook, why would he ever suffer in any way because of your looks?
And yeah, despite every nice feeling you had inside, after a while, for a person like you - not used to this kind of constant attention, especially from someone like Jeongguk…his messages started to irritate you a little bit. Even if they still made you happy at some point, something seemed not right. He seemed clingy to you, in some way maybe even annoying…and with passing time it became too much. 
Or you just thought it was too much…
That's why at first your phone was in constant silence mode, often ignoring the texts all along, pretending that you're busy…with work, with home stuff, with everything. Of course, sometimes you answer, from time to time trying to swallow down the enthusiasm filling you inside. Especially trying to calm down so often pounding heart inside your chest when a boy comes up online every freaking time when you send the shortest answers you could come up with. You've been sometimes answering with a dot or...emoji only, swallowing down the hard knot tightening inside your throat.
Eventually, you stopped answering at all. Knowing that he will just stop after some time because yeah, you're nothing special. Easy to replace. And you really thought that you were right when the phone stopped buzzing at every possible moment. 
You thought that you're life would be filled with the same old silence as earlier. 
However, the moment when the messages stopped popping up, an even heavier feeling dropped onto your chest. A silly longing for someone you barely knew began to embrace you with tight arms, and at certain moments you've been kind of cursing yourself a little. Because why do you feel so bad about the decision you made on your own. You may have made it under the influence of negative emotions flooding your head, but it was still yours.
With each growing feeling of guilt in your chest, you were soon reminded of who you were. What do you look like with your extra back rolls, extra scars, or stretch marks from growing too fast in some places. You run your hands over your cellulite-covered thighs and guilt turns to self-disgust. And then you realize how you sometimes behave, often interested in 'what's masculine', not really keeping your nose in fashion magazines or surfing the internet to find sales on new beauty products.
So the mere fact that the boy let it go shouldn't surprise you. 
And yet it did hurt a little. 
It was one of the next days when your phone was lying without any sounds in your bag. You were leaving the office late at night, and through an intense week at work and the previous weekend without sleep, your body was heavier than bags filled with grain. Your eyes were closing by themselves through being irritated by the light, so when you left the building lit by fake lighting, you felt quite relieved.
When you closed them for a short moment, you felt a sense of comfort. As you took one step after another with your eyes closed, you hit an unfamiliar object with a stronger impact. But it was softer than a pole, and yet was still hard and delicate to the touch under your fingertips. Only after a moment did you realize that it was the material of someone's shirt, and a sudden embarrassment crashed all over you. You jumped away quickly almost losing your balance, but strong hands grabbed you by the waist again pulling you close in a just as smooth manner.
"Am I that scary?" Your eyes widen as you hear the familiar voice that has lulled you to sleep more than once through your headphones, and your gaze drops to the tattooed hand clutching tightly at the fabric of your shirt.
"I-no, I mean, you.." is what you began to lose yourself in your own words through which you eventually let out only an annoyed huff, but the familiar hand begins to caress you with a thumb where it still safely keeps you from falling. 
You feel the warmth spreading from this place and for a brief moment you feel so good, so different...but the thought that he's only doing this out of pity, and inside he squirms with disgust because has to hold someone like you, makes you want to push his hand away and get as far away from here as possible.
“I thought something bad had happened. You stopped responding so suddenly” you swallowed saliva heavily, avoiding his gaze, hearing that worried tone.
Because you knew that if you put an eye on his face, not only would the sense of guilt eat you up, but the fear that the lingering self-sense of inferiority would grip you even tighter, cutting off your access to oxygen. There was always this agonizing dread inside, every time you found yourself surrounded by pretty people. And Jeongguk in special was a pretty person. A person who could nevertheless intimidate the other one.
“I just simply wanted to get out of the way quicker,” you muttered, feeling that it wouldn't do any good at all, but then again, sooner or later the boy would get bored anyway, right?
There was no point in dragging this out.
“What the hell? Getting out of the way? What are you talking about?" this time you laughed meekly at his tone of voice, full of wonder, perhaps in the full sense of sadness.
He must have been not only a good singer but also an actor
“Jeongguk I know how I look. And it was really nice of you to, like uh, that you wanted to... talk to someone like me, but I don't need attention out of pity,” you said, finding the courage to look him straight in the eye.
And you soon regretted it, as the sparkling gaze scanned your face with all possible stars. A knot tightened in your stomach by the way with which Jeongguk looked at you with a twinge.
"Did you actually think my messages were...pity?" The boy tried once again to look you in the eye, but this time you avoided that look at all costs  "I barely have time to look at my phone, and even more rarely I look at the messages.. but with you I did because I wanted to. I wanted to get to know you and with each another conversation I wanted even more"
"But, why?"
"Because you caught my eye, and well, now I can even say that I like you. Even if you played with my feelings a little. I wanted to get your attention at all costs. I wished that all the planned meetings were going to happen. Because I found in you someone who understands me. Who isn't just looking to get laid for my money." your brow furrowed, still feeling an uncomfortable tightness in your chest
"It doesn't make sense."
'Maybe for you. It makes a lot of sense to me, so if you doubt so much that my care and attention...Is caused by genuine affection, then let me prove it''
"Huh? What do you mean"
"I want a chance from you. I want to stay by your side until you kick me out yourself. There won't be a day you're disappointed in me. Every day of the week, every month...I'll do anything to make you feel good about me. Break my heart if you want to, but for now, let me be with you."
And from that day on, your heart didn't stop beating faster for Jeongguk even for a moment, and just like he said, he really did. There wasn't a day that the smile on your lips wasn't dancing because of him.
You can't lie, it was hard for you to get used to him at first. It was very often that your boy would shower you with some kind of gifts with every single meeting. As he couldn't understand that his time was completely enough for you.
That for you, it was enough to hold his hand in yours. To feel his fingers touching you softly when the two of you were out, assuring that he was right here. Staying up late at night, when he fell asleep tired on your tights (because it's the most comfortable pillow ever) just to watch his relaxed face and stroke his hair gently as he pouts adorably then.
 It was enough for you to watch him playing on the console, pretending that you're reading a book behind his back, sometimes even knowing the plot of the game better than he does and helping him with quests. That's why, from time to time, he was pushing his head back and catching you staring so both of you giggled at the end. 
It was enough to just have him. Nothing more was needed.
But even if Jeongguk knew that very well, because that was one of the reasons he fell for you more and more, he wanted to spoil you. Wanted to give you everything as he promised. And sometimes it was hard for him, to buy you something that reminded of you so so much, just to be scolded by his girlfriend as you never really wanted this gift. This expensive gifts, because when he came home one day with handmade paper flowers for 'his beautiful girl', your face lit up and you were about to cry. 
Because that was one of the most genuine things someone did to you. He spends time making these flowers…thinking about you all the time while doing it. It made your heart flutter. Most of the things connected with this boy did.
"I don't want your money Jungkook, so please stop with these expensive gifts," you said once, as he came home with another necklace for you
"That my love, so just accept it" he huffed with a pout
"Koo, it's too much. You have to stop buying me stuff. I love it but I love you more, okay?" your hand gently brushed his cheek as he whined quietly
"But I want my baby to be happy"
"And I am more than happy when I'm with you Bun"
But does it change anything?
Yea, for a week so you could have another damn gift. And as time passed, you kind of got used to it. You knew that this is just one of the ways Jungkook showed his affection, but sometimes you wished to snap his head off because damn it feels so much like you'd have a sugar daddy or something like that. But in that case…it was enough that you're just here with him.
Promising your boy that he's not letting you down.
"Gguk," you said when your boy with a smile came inside the room hiding something behind his back when you've been lying down on a couch.
As he didn't even answer, you closed your eyes with a loud huff as a sign of being ignored and tried to play cool as his heavy steps could be heard around the apartment. Your nose twitched as it was reached by the faint scent of his cotton perfume. And this time you heard giggles coming closer but you tried to brush it off just like Jungkook did and fight with a smile dancing on your lips.
Quiet music played from the TV so you could relax after a whole day in the office, where never-ending phone calls were so often ripping your head apart. Not going to mention filling out all of the boring documents, every time the same, and all it did was hurt your eyes. But it was your job. Even if you couldn't bear it sometimes. 
That's why you needed this calm time at home. When your head could finally rest. Where you could change your formal clothes into a big Jungkook hoodie and sniff it every time when the unknown stress lingers on you. But as much as you needed it, you needed your boyfriend's arms around you too.
And as for your wish to be fulfilled, a shadow falls on you, and as eyes open wide, his face hovers over. Now, miserably losing the fight, when a smile appears on your lips. And firstly boy hovers even more over you, brushing gently your hair so after that a soft peck lands on your forehead.
But as he hears your giggle, making his heart go crazy, Jungkook can kiss it more than once, making you laugh. And he'd love to do that over and over again just to make you happy like that. And yeah, he's only starting as he slowly goes down with warm lips, touching your cheeks and lips making you giggle again and again as he tries to reach your face fighting with the couch backrest. Often losing his balance and falling a little bit stronger on you.
"Hello to you, my pretty Sunshine," he said pinching your cheek, and finally only looked at you from a small distance 
"Hi Bun, tired?" you asked seeing his a little miserable face but he only sent a small nod.
"I swear, you look the prettiest in my clothes" you laughed, as he began to play with the strings of the hoodie
"How the recordings are going?" he smiled now, still standing behind the backrest hiding one of his hands behind his back
"Good, it was good. But I missed you sooo...."
"Googie" you chuckled when he took his hidden hand to see the bouquet of sunflowers  "Aish, boy I told you to stop," you said but couldn't resist seeing him pout so you got up to peck his lips with a smile and a quiet thank you.
You took flowers from him to put them into the water but it wouldn't be a normal day if Jungkook's arms weren't wrapped around you so you were walking with extra weight...but what a sweet weight.
"You know, I was there and they are just as pretty as you so, I had to."
"Yea, yea. You had to," you rolled your eyes playfully just to be gently stabbed with his fingers, which made you whine as you tried to free yourself from his arms
"You not going, I missed you"
"Gguk, you need to eat"
"'m not hungry"
"Yeah, and later the fridge will be empty." you turned around still in his embrace, and brushed your fingers through his long hair falling on his forehead "Put your ass on the chair"
"But..." he begins with a pout
"You can sing for me" and knowing that this will bring a smile to his face again, arms around your waist loosen to let you go as the melodic voice of your boyfriend filled the apartment with random songs interrupting the giggles from time to time when you tried to dance to the melody he was making.
Even if at first you thought the boy would actually listen to you and just keep watching the whole time, Jeongguk changed your mind quite quickly.
After a couple of minutes or so, he was standing right next to you, asking meekly what he could help you with. Oh, and just try to get him out of the kitchen...his body would hover quickly over yours and a low whine with tiny kisses would escape his lips. So this time too, you let the boy peel the vegetables or just stir the noodles every now and then when you really needed to focus on the recipe. 
And maybe in front of him, you pretended to be annoyed a lot, or even angry that he was circling around under your feet stealing your kisses, or tickling you gently when he found an opportunity to go behind your back. But you both knew that if you really were you wouldn't have that small smile on your face, and you yourself wouldn't sometimes reach out to him with the gentle touch on his arms.
"As you already know... we're in the middle of shooting a video for that song you heard" he begins, as the two of you sat finally down to eat
"Seven days a week, or something like that, right?" the boy snorts with laughter as you lift your head from above your plate, a bit dirty at the corners of your mouth, that Jeongguk doesn't hesitate to brush clean
"Mhm, precisely correct"
'Mm, that's good, right? You said it's going good”
"Yeah but, you know…as the lyrics say…" your facial expression changes for a short while and you quickly try to mask the shadow of worry with a small smile.
"There's someone with you in the music video, right?" he nods quickly, and a hum leaves your lips.
"Yeah, a girl" you chuckle, recognizing the tone of his voice. Knowing that he's already anxious about this chat.
"Well, looking at the words in the song that's the whole point, am I wrong? And I heard something from people when I've been last time bringing you cookies, so yeah…we can say I knew" 
"The cookies were from you?!" You rolled eyes and tried to joke some more about that only to push away the uneasy feeling sitting hard on your chest. 
You really didn't want Jungkook to be extra worried about your stupid growing anxiety at this point, so you wanted to play it cool. And it wasn't even along the lines of you being angry at him. It's just simply the fact that a slim, beautiful actress has to spend so much time with him face to face concerned you because it's not hard to fall in love with pretty people.
For as long as you have been with Jeongguk as your boyfriend, there has never been a time when you doubted his feelings. Whenever a shadow of uncertainty ran across your face, it was soon caught and soothed with tender gestures, which the idol lavished you with. But what could you do, that habits from the past so easily returned to you?
"Sun, I know you. And I know you can be…" almost as if he knew what kind of thoughts were running over your head. The tattooed hand quickly grabs yours, doing circles with the knuckle on it, 
"I'm fine Gguk, don't worry' bout me. Just do a great job as you always do. It's fine, I promise." You send a smile and continue eating. "Hope Hybe found this actress to be the prettiest one so ARMY could be happy" you added, feeling his eyes on you
"Then you should be the one starring in it" You rolled eyes again, and sent a quick look at him to see his shiny but nervous eyes
"Bun, I said it's okay"
"But you're sad."
"No, I'm not" you cut it, as you continued to eat your food, ignoring his eyes on you.
And of course…he huffed like the offended child, always knowing better so the rest of the dinner was silent. 
"You coming lie down with me?" a question fell from your lips, as the dishes were put into the dishwasher and both of you headed to the bedroom.
"Can I?" He asked, making you to look at him with disbelieve
"Better question, why wouldn't you? Thought I'd feel the strong arms of my man this evening" and his face lit up immediately but as quickly is felt sad again.
"I let you down" he mumbled, and your happy expression fell down
"With m/v" pout decorated his lips again, and the sadness overcame you again. The soft sight left your lips, as hand reached to hold his.
"Oh, Googie. What are you talking about? I told you I'm fine. Of course, it will be a bit hard for me to know that my pretty boy is recording with some pretty girl, but you never let me down. I trust you, okay? Don't even say that you let me down ever again."
You came closer to him and grabbed his pouty face in hands to squish it adorably and kiss the sadly twisted lips. Your eyes met and again you could see the small stars shining inside his espresso-brown ones. 
"I love you" words came out as you nuzzled nose with his.
And it was enough for Jungkook to pick you up just to fall together on the bed a minute later so he could hide his head in your neck, slipping his hand through the hoodie to stroke your belly gently with his fingers. Squishing the skin a little bit harder from time to time, just to massage it after it.
"Damn you're much better than this stress relieving toys," boy said, after squishing your skin one more time
"'sxuse me?" you gasped with a rough voice, looking down at his hidden face, feeling his hands freeze on your belly. You were about to snap his hand off but he was quick to hold you tighter and look at your face.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in the negative way you probably thought. I mean that your presence soothes me down, and just laying like that means everything to me" he explained fast, and you caught hardly anything but as Jungkook's hand again began to caress skin, a soft huff left your lips
"Yea, yea…" you murmured, feeling his eyes on you
"And the fact that I'm freaking addicted to your skin its the other point" you groaned, trying to hide face into the sheets but as a laugh left Jeongguk's lips, you couldn't not look at his face, as the wrinkles decorated his small nose making you leap with joy inside.
"So…" he began again, making you look down at his face now pressed to your boobs. Your fingers were playing with dark, messy hair and a hum encouraged him to speak his mind "Should I talk to PDnim and get you to the M/v?"
"Googie..." you giggled as he rubbed down his nose onto your chest and looked at you with doe eyes
"What? The lyrics will match better. Your waist is the only one I kiss, and your lines are the only ones I wanna trace" you snored at his words, but couldn't deny it didn't make everything inside explode with an amazing feeling connected to love and care.
"Yeah, and I hope I'm the only one you leave with afterglow" you pondered quietly, so the giggle came to ears as an answer
"Wanna check?" his brow snapped as he came even closer to your face, and rubbed his nose softly on yours 
"Maybe?" you smirked and it was enough for him, as rosy lips peck your skin with tiny kisses, with each successive one assuring how important you are to him.
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stopaskinf · 2 months
“I wish you roses, and roses, and roses, and roses”
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Summary: Flowers and attached notes of BTS boys
Genre: Fluff, angst(?), descriptions of hardships and arguments between Tae and Reader but ending is hopeful
CW: Nothing
A/N: Who would have known my fall back into flower language would align with me doing my first prompt challenge thing. I used a bunch of them, so they will be highlighted in the notes.
Giving credit to @writinginstardust for their huge brain🫡‼️‼️ 🫶🫶
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Jungkook: sunflowers, yellow tulips, red tulips
“For my sweetest pookie.
I can’t write much on this card because the company gave me a word limit. Poor me. Can you feel my pout through this? I wanted to tell you that I dreamt about you last night. I saw it so clearly. It was late at night and we were stargazing outside. Bam was sprawled out on our laps like the lazy kid he is while you talked to me about your day, childhood, and everything. I don’t remember which story you were on but I remember you smiling at the end. God, I told you how much I love your smile right? I want to see it again soon. Seeing your blinding smile, I rush back into the house to fish for this bouquet. When I gave you the flowers, you rolled your pretty eyes. Still, you gave me the warmest smile I’d ever seen. It felt like deja vu.
- From Jungkook”
Yoongi: tarragon, daisies, morning glory, gardenia
“Hello dear.
I’ve missed you. Last night I woke up in an insomniac haze. For a second I thought that I was home. I saw you standing in the shadows gazing into me. I came to you and you held me while I clung to you. You smelt like vanilla and lavender. You smelt like home. Then reality hit me like a brick. Genuinely. Once my vision cleared I had a thumping migraine between my eyes and a stiff-as-shit neck. You always did tell me not to fall asleep in my studio chair. I spent the next hour lying in the dark on my studio couch like a wounded orphan. I wish I had told you. I should have told you. I would have been less alone. Less in pain. I don’t think I’m cut out for this job, I swear.
I can see you rolling your eyes, but I mean it this time. I’m coming home tomorrow. Finally, I can’t wait. - Yoongi”
V: Saliva (Red, blue, purple), Red carnation, baby’s breath
“Hi, clover.
You miss me?
I miss you. I’ve been thinking about you all day. I feel dreary. I’m working on a small ceramic mushroom…It’s not going well, It’s too lopsided. The sky is covered in a light gray fog. I hear the rain splash against the windows while Yeontan barks. We were supposed to see each other but I’m all alone now. Are you still upset? I was harsh. I felt the fearful pain of you leaving me, so I was determined to hurt you back. To make you feel what I felt so strongly. However, when I went back to lick my wounds, memories of our bliss came back stronger. Every touch. Every kiss. Every midnight walk we had when we both couldn’t sleep. The mornings waking up together. I was a fool. I always am, but more so in these moments.
When I see you again, can I hold your hand? I miss your warmth. And you - Your Alien”
Jin: red roses, pink roses, white roses
“Did you know my mother adores you?
Yeah, you’re all she ever talks about. “Oh, they’re so sweet.”
“Have you no manners? You see them looking so beautiful and you don’t say anything?”
“Yah, Seokjin how’s my favorite child doing?” Then when I tell her I’m fine, she goes “Quit joking, you know who I’m talking about.” How upsetting! I’m her actual son, but compared to you I’m chopped liver! Still, I can’t blame her. I’m the same way. I missed you during enlistment. I also missed the boys. Though not as much when compared to you. I see them 360 days out of the year. They’re staples in my life, but you…you’re my world.
My private heaven. My home. And I’ve been away from my home far too long. I intend to fix that. Get ready!
- From, Kim Seokjin ♥️”
Namjoon: Magnolia, cactus, succulents, aloe
“If the devil were to ever see you, he’d kiss your eyes and repent.” - Farouq Jwaydeh
Good morning, my Divine. I hope your day is going well. Mine could be better. It’s not bad, but not great. Just a day. I’m in a rut. I went to the studio and tried to write but my slack brain didn’t want to. Instead, it wants to focus on you. Where is my love? Have they finished the book I gave them? Have they thought about me today? As I think about them every day? How often do they think of me? I could close my eyes and still envision them perfectly. It’s wrapped itself in roses and lilies and recites love poems and scenarios. It’s excruciating shit. So, I’ll give it and myself an outlet. For starters, do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting. You’ve left me so lovesick that I’m borderline diseased. My waking hours are anguishing. My feet feel heavy and my head spins. My third rib begs for its return to my body so that my heart can be caged away once again. I know this is a lot to take in. I want to talk about it more with you when I’m less of a shell of a man. I won’t resent you if you don’t reciprocate. I’ll be pained, but I’ll come back to you. If do you reciprocate…Either way, say you want me, and I’m yours. - Kim Namjoon”
J-hope: honeysuckle, forget me nots, chrysanthemum (red)
“Hellooooooo. I hope your day has been as lovely as you are, honey. By the way, what kind of jewelry do you like best? I can’t pick. Gold makes you look stunningly regal but Silver shows the depth of your skin and eyes. This bouquet and the jewelry were both supposed to be same-day gifts, but the company never gave me any damn updates! How unfair is that! So now, these gifts have been forced apart. It’s so cruel. 🥲
I know I could call you about this instead, but it’s too different. I’ve been gone too long. I said I needed a refresh. A moment to connect back to what I want in life. Well, I have! The sky is so clear. The sun is shining. The forecast said there would be nice weather. They were absolutely right. My feet feel lighter. So does my heart. The cloud that hung over me has gone and I’ve stepped out of the box that’s kept me trapped. I’m ready to take my first step, but I want you there with me.
Tell me what you want.
Of the jewelry, I mean. I can’t afford to spend the whole day shopping! I love you. - Jung Hoseok”
Jimin: white jasmine, hibiscus, daffodils, white camellia
“Hello Darling ♥️.
I just realized how much I love you.
Well, not just realized, but I still needed to remind you. It sounds corny, but I’m very sincere. Besides, there’s no occasion for when you should declare your love right? Sure, there are preferred moments, but what’s wrong with keeping love fresh and exciting? Shouldn’t you want your lover to voice their love for you every day?
No, but honestly, It’s crazy, really. No one’s ever made me feel like this.
I’ve dreamt about this for as long as can remember, but only now have I found it. The person who I thought of every second of every day. The person who colored my dreams at night. The one I envisioned whenever I sang love songs. The one who I searched high and low for without fail or doubt.
I’ve waited so long for this.
So long…
I just needed to remind you. I’ll spend the rest of our lives reminding you. So don’t worry, I’m here. - Love Mochi”
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sour-ggrapess · 1 year
KISS IT BETTER🥟 jeon jungkook.
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𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒jeon jungkook x plus size fem feader
should i make a nsfw ver?
⊹˚. ♡taglist - @chimmy-licious@shescharlie @bangtanattic
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𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ just a whole lotta fluffly angst, kisses and crying
"What's wrong, Booka?" Jugkook says as he scoots closer to you on the far left of the couch , his round, big eyes filled with concern. His arm wrapped around your shoulder, and his head was cocked to the side. "What's been bothering you?" he asks softly, his voice filled with genuine empathy. "People are just so mean." You tell him as you feel the lump in your throat form mid-sentence, yet you fight to get the rest of the words out without sobbing like a baby.
"Who did it to you, mamas? You know I'll fix it." He wasn't even lying; he's gotten into lots of fist fights over you and won, but this time it's different. "These girls keep touching and talking about my stomach." Your sobs started mid-sentence, making Jungkook mad and broken all at once. His grip on your hand tightens as he clenches his jaw, anger simmering in his eyes. "No one should make you feel like this," he said, his protective instincts kicking in. You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down as you continue. "Im ok, Kookie; I just want to lay down." Jungkook's expression softens, his thumb gently rubbing circles on the back of your hand. Baby, look at me." "You are the cutest, best, and softest girl ever, and I'm sure all those guys I beat up that tried to take you from me would die to just touch that soft belly of yours," he says as he rubs your belly gently, making soft giggles escape your mouth.
He whips away the tears that are starting to roll down your cheeks with his kuckel: "Can I cry on your shoulder? I feel better. I just want to let it all out." You wine out with hiccups as he holds you tightly, offering comfort and solace in his embrace. He holds you even tighter, reassuring you that it's okay to let it all out. "You don't have to hold back anything with me," he whispers softly. As you bury your face in his shoulder, you feel a sense of relief wash over you, knowing that he will always be there for you. "You know this, but I fucking love you so much, and every inch of your sexy body is perfect. You are my favorite, and if I could, I would spend every moment of my life with you." "I would give up everything just to see you happy." He says it with a kiss on the top of your head. In that moment, the weight of his words and the depth of his love envelop you. His unwavering support and unwavering affection make you feel cherished and secure. You can't help but feel overwhelmed by the intensity of your emotions for him as well. Every time he expresses his love, it feels like a warm embrace that soothes your soul. You never thought it was possible to feel so deeply connected to another person, but he has shown you a love that goes beyond words. As you look up at him, his eyes filled with sincerity, you realize that you are truly lucky to have a man like him.
"Mama, when you feel better, we can lay down while we watch rotten mango together. Steph made one about AOA" You peer up at him with big, watery eyes as he makes eye contact back, and he slowly brings his face to yours as your lips collide. In that moment, time seems to stand still as you feel an overwhelming rush of emotions. The taste of his lips against yours is both familiar and electrifying, deepening the connection between your souls. As you melt into each other's embrace, you can't help but feel grateful for the love and happiness he brings into your life. Your hands grasp his face as your nails graze his ears, sending shivers down his spine. The intensity of the moment heightens as you both surrender to the passion and desire that have been building between you. Every touch and every breath become a symphony of shared intimacy, solidifying the unbreakable bond that exists between your hearts. 
"If you weren't my perfect baby, would I kiss you like this?" he said as he looked down at you with adoration in his eyes, in between small pecks on your lips  
His head was between your thighs as he laid on your tummy as a pillow , feeling the warmth and love radiating from your heart. Jungkook, are you even watching it? "Or are you too busy being mesmerized by me?" You peered down to see him gazing up at you with a mischievous smile on his face. You couldn't help but blush, knowing that he was completely captivated by your presence. "Pookie, you already know the answer to that question." You replied, feeling a mix of flattery and amusement. You lay your head back down to feel soft kisses all over your torso, sending shivers down your spine.
 "Jungkook I love you"
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bts-fanfic-sideblog · 2 years
ok so ot7 (namjoon centered) x fem!chubby!reader (because this is totally not self indulgent)
(lowercase on purpose)
reader is an artist and posts mural concepts based off kpop bands and someone in BTS’ staff finds out she made one for them and hires the reader to actually paint that mural in a practice room
so uhhh reader live streams their process and has the boys guest star on some of the streams for fun as like part of some promotion thing to keep the hype around both the artist and the mural high
reader has their own pretty big following that love reader before getting hired by the company, but the sudden attention from the BTS fan base kinda backfires because some of the fans get jealous that the reader gets to hang out with them for like hours on end at least twice a week
a majority of them like reader though because the fan base is honestly pretty chill
i want this to be sooo cute, like the boys celebrate reader’s birthday on stream. reader gets sick and the boys make little secret missions to go to her apartment and take care of them. dinners to celebrate milestones of the boys and they invite reader because she’s a friend now
maybe smut??? but not like “OH GOD THEYRE F U C K I N G” but more like “they’re experiencing each other for the first time because they’ve been dancing around dating for so long that the wait was worth it” kinda thing
if i ever do write smut, it’ll probably be in its own separate post opposed to have it within a chapter
⚠️spoilers for my own fic that i feel might be a big plot point and i probably should let it be a surprise but i want validation⚠️
so i want to have a scene where a sasaeng finds a way into the building to basically attack reader, but reader ends up outsmarting them or something and locks them IN the practice room from the outside
then the sasaeng starts having a tantrum essentially and throws paint all over the mural (like halfway done at this point) while reader is like “security hello??” and like freaks out in the hall because what the fuck that’s terrifying
uhhh sasaeng gets arrested and taken away and the room is an absolute mess, the boys are all there trying to comfort reader while they basically just kinda blankly stare at the mess on the mural
but surprise surprise it just wiped off easily because reader is smart and puts varnish or something on after every stream (don’t ask why i don’t know i just wanted reader to be cool)
so reader gathers their jacket or rag around their arm and takes huge angry swipes at the “ruined” mural to reveal the untouched painting underneath. people take videos, making it into the news outlets and magazines and websites saying like “look at this badass, don’t fuck with her”
(edits get made out of that footage because i said so, and honestly good for reader)
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4niniz · 2 years
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Scream for me - Jungkook x plus size reader
Summary: the town serial killer falls in love with y/n.
A/n: heyyy🤤 so I didn’t wanna start this yet but I am because I’m out of i ideas. Also I’m super hurt about Jin and the way they are rushing his album just to get him in the military.
Warnings: mentions of death of loved ones, blood, rough mirror sex, oral (m receiving), yandere, black mailing, squirting, praise kink, overstimulation
I never think I’d be fucking the towns cereal killer ghost face that killed all my friends and my first ever boyfriend, but here I am.
“Fuck! Y-y/n, keep sucking.” He growled as he face fucked me, hold my braids into a ponytail while pushing my head up and down on his 9 inch length. “Y/n I fucking love everything about you and your beautiful body, I love your curves and your juicy ass, the way the sides of your body turns into rolls whenever you move a certain way.” He moans as looks at my ass through the mirror right in front of us.
His words so crazy and manipulative but yet so sexy and made me feel like the most prettiest girl in the world. I felt like he loved me and I felt safe around him, but he’s a fucking cereal killer that killed my boyfriend and my best friend and could possibly kill me and my family.
He pushed my head all the way down on his lengthy cock causing me to gag and spit mixed with precum to drip out my mouth. I felt his long thick length twitch in my throat, he pulled my head off and took a deep breath, “I-I want my kids in you” he exhaled as he grabbed my hand to help me up. He bent me over right in front of the mirror I just deep throated him in front of, my hands gripping the wall as he pushed his thick tip in my tight lips, his cock still made me gasp as if it was my first time. “F-fuck please m-move” I gasp out as half his length fits into my fat pussy. He starts speeding up and letting out hard moans and curses every time he trusts into me. “If you ever fucking leave me- aughh! I’ll fucking Kill you and your family.” He groans out of pleasure and jealousy, “mhmf! Harder p-please” is all I could react with from all the over stimulation and fear. I really regret telling him to go faster. All I could feel was his dick slamming into my cervix, every single thrust making me closer to cumming. “I fucking love your juicy ass tits and ass! I wanna fuck every part of your body.” His words making me clench and my eyes to twitch and fight to stay open, he releases his nut all in side of my pussy, that warm feeling making me release right after. “ I fucking love your chubby cute body, y/n. He growls as he grabs his ghost face mask up off my bed room floor
“But why do I feel like you only like my body and the fact of controlling me?”
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candywife333 · 10 months
My Little Saesang (Part 2)
chubby reader x idol jungkook
Summary: Y/N had been a super fan for a while. Some would say bordering on saesang or creep level. She didn't think she was one, till she experienced an incident that made her stop being a fan. She had never thought that Jungkook or any of BTS ever noticed her, as she was part of the masses of obsessive fans. But they had. Especially, one doe eyed idol in particular. He never thought he would miss his fan, or shall we say saesang. Yet, he couldn't help but notice her absence. He took her comforting presence, her kind eyes, hair disheveled in excitement, and wide smile for granted. And he didn't know when her presence started to matter to him so much. When exactly did she become such a constant in his life?
Disclaimer: The Jungkook represented in this fic does not reflect the true actions or thoughts of the real life Jungkook. Please treat this fic as exactly what it is, fiction
Triggers: Critique of fandom culture and kpop as a whole, identity crisis, eventual smut
Note: Not proofread. Slated to be approximately 4 parts or less.
Jungkook POV
It took me about two weeks, but I did start to notice her absence. I never got her real name. But I and all the other members christened her with the moniker of strawberry shortcake, for how tiny and chubby she was, and also how flushed her entire face and neck become as she jumped up and down to our songs. We called her berry or SS for short. The few fans we had from the beginning, we either knew their actual names or had little nicknames to commemorate them.
She was a fan of the entire group, but I knew I was her bias, and so did the other members. It was obvious, the way she left tiny gifts wrapped in gold and red ( as though it were perpetually christmas year round for her) addressed towards me. She even took fancams of me, her eyes furtively moving along my body , gasping when she caught sight of my abs over the years. I wouldn't deny that sometimes I played up my antics for the camera just so I could catch her mouth wide open in an "O" petrified in shock as she bopped her head up and down manically.
Berry was not there. And it was starting to really bother me. It shouldn't in fact. She shouldn't matter that much to me. Yet, I always had her in my corner since debut. I always had her eyes on me, watching over me. It felt comforting even though she had gotten a little too close for comfort twice or thrice by accosting me with gifts on sets of music video shoots or backstage. Her specialty was with desserts. She would always leave me coffee infused brownies and tres leche cake towards the end of the year right in front of the HYBE building, addressed to me specifically with a cheery little note wishing me for christmas and new years.
And now I was staring at the entire crowd at MusicBank, surveying the area to see her familiar face. She was usually in the first row, bopping her light stick in an erratic manner, mouthing the lyrics to the song, staring at me with excited eyes that lit up with glee. The girl really didn't seem to love material things, because she would always wear the same red beanie and pearl earrings I had been seeing for the past 5 years. Her clothes were always a nondescript black or brown shade, pants and a sweater. She never really donned feminine clothes in all the years I had noticed her.
As I looked for her, I could only find her associate, the ARMY who always stuck by her, who we had named Specs. The tall, lithe limbed girl glared at me. It felt like she was piercing daggers through my skull as she squinted though her black thick framed glasses. She had always had a smile on her face, and now she looked so angry. Yoongi always had a tiny crush on her. She had supported him for ages, even paying for his meals many times when he was still a trainee. Why was she so indignant?
Before I could start questioning all of this even further, Yoongi came up to me with a hand on my shoulder, noticing Specs, "How is my baby doing? And why the hell is she glaring at you like you murdered her first born child? Did you do anything to her?", he questioned in a worried tone of voice. I answered back, "Of course not. I don't really interact with fans that personally. You know that hyung".
He continued quizzically, raising one eye brow up, "Where is berry? My baby Specs is alone today? You really must've done something to fuck things up. She isn't even looking at me. Totally ignoring me. The hell, she usually smiles softly at me and today she looks like somebody pissed on her breakfast. What gives"?
I had no idea what was going on. Our loyal fans for years, people who we didn't necessarily consider saesangs, but just sort of obsessive in their devotion, were either not present or ignoring us. What the hell was becoming of this fandom?!!!!
That's when I saw Berry push through the crowd. And I was so shook, that an earthquake could've come through and swallowed me up and I wouldn't have cared. Berry was dressed in a peach colored floral fit and flare dress with her customary pearls in her ears and what looked like heels on. The only way I knew was that she looked taller than usual. She had a floral ribbon in her hair, lip gloss on, eye make up on point. What the hell was she up to all of a sudden?
Her hair was streaming down her back in waves, loosened from the customary ponytail I saw all the time. She hugged Specs and a few other armies who I noticed she always had around with her. She kissed another army in a wheelchair on the cheek, plopping a pastry box in her hands and wrapping her neck with a scarf. With the deadest look in her eyes, lifeless and devoid of the usual pretty sparkle, she stared at me, as though it were some sort of messed up farewell. WTF??!!! Why did this feel like a good bye? She just looked so done.
She didn't smile at me or any of the members. She gave her light stick to another baby Army in 3rd row, she looked back once wistfully, and left the place through the door.
Where the fuck was she going?!!!?!
After the performance, dreading the fact that Berry left right in the beginning (something she had never done even once in the past years) , I walked up to Specs in the front row. The gangly girl looked super shocked to see me right up in front of her. I squeaked out in mild panic, "Where is your friend? She looked all dressed up and cute today. Does she have plans or something?"
The initial shock wore off on Specs face as something akin to irritation filtered through, "She has a date today , with a coworker I believe. That's why she is dressed up. But you don't need to know that. Today was her official last day as active super fan. She is still a fan, but she's decided to convert from offline to online fan. That's it". Specs said all this with a finality that started freaking me out. I stuttered, "SS-S-S-S-he became an online fan. Meaning, she won't show up in person to our events anymore"?
Specs muttered derisively, "Do you not understand anything I just said. Korean is your first language right? I just told you she is done being such an avid fan". She snorted, looking tired with a distant glaze in her eyes , "Maybe even I should stop. I am getting too old for this shit. My mom keeps telling me to get married, and here I am attending all this stuff, obsessing over millionaires who have more money than I ever could in my life. I am becoming an old fucking lady and I don't even have a husband or family of my own. I guess all of us older armies might need to redirect our lives back towards ourselves".
She stomped away after that remark. Yoongi ran up to me as I walked back stage. He inquired , "Is Specs still there? I was going to ask her for her number".
I grumbled out with my hands on my head, "She left hyung. So did berry, a while ago. I think we are losing our OG fans. Berry never left me once in the last few years. Even when we became so famous in the US, she never stopped attending my events, even some of the big ones in the US. What went so wrong that she is quitting?"
Yoongi choked in confusion, "You mean to tell me that both Specs and Berry are quitting. They ain't even that old, maybe late 20s. Oh no, fuck!!! My baby, Specs, I never told her how much she meant to me. What did she say?" Yoongi, shook my arm hard, trying to squeeze answer out at me. "She said that she is becoming too old for this and maybe she should get married soon, because her mother is pressuring her".
Yoongi's eyes popped wide open, panic and fear evident in his eyes, squeaking, "WTFFFFF. Since when did they give up on us like this? I can't let Specs go. She has been with me before I was famous , looking like a homeless dude, and even now. I have to get her back!!!! The fuck, I need to talk to the ARMY fanclub president for her contact". He scurried off in anxiety, leaving me back to stew in sadness. What had I done so wrong for Berry to leave me after so many years? Something must've ticked her off. Shit, the chocolate. It all hit me in a frenzy. It was the Godiva chocolate. That limited edition Christmas chocolate she had left for me that day on set.
It had been one of the hardest days in my schedule, and just seeing her face had made it all better. But the irritation had gotten to me, and in my anger at being hangry on a diet, I had thrown the chocolate in the trash. Oh no. Wait. A dreadful thought entered my head. What if she thought, that it was my rejection of her support and love as a fan? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She probably thought I hated her or something when it was just a bad day.
What bothered me even more, was that she had skipped my event to attend a date. A date with a guy who was not me. This thought filtered through my head, and I froze. Why did it aggravate me so much that she was on a date with another dude? Then I imagined her soft eyes, gleaming with love as she stared at another guy, kissed him on the cheek, sharing a chocolate cake with him and partaking in a chocolate-fililed kiss on the lips.
I felt like literally crying. I don't know why I did. But, I just did. I had to find her no matter what and I had to do it fast, before she gave up on me.
The date had been fine. Jung-shik had been a cute guy, all brown curls , shy smiles and blushes. He was one of the art managers at KBS who I had met at the bakery. We talked about work, music, and art, eating cheese cake at a cake cafe. He had been a true gentleman, asking me what I wanted to have and opening the door for me, even going so far as to drop me near the bus station.
I sat at the bus station, waiting for my ride back at him when I saw a billboard of the sexy man himself, Jungkook. I could never escape this guy it seemed, even in death. I had felt his stare at me and Kim Hee today. It was odd, he never stared at individual fans like. He did that with particularly beautiful Armys---total models and divas I tell you. But, never with me. Even Yoongi stared at Kim Hee like they had three kids together, like she was coming home with him, like she was married to him---as much as that girl liked to deny it.
I never felt him even acknowledge me, with a glance, till today. I could feel the smoldering presence digging into my skin. Probably cause I dressed up for once today. As I was about to get on the bus that had pulled in, I saw a flash of black fluffy hair.
Before I could get on the bus, a strong sturdy vascular hand encircled my wrist, stopping me from getting on. Looking up at this man's face, I realized who it was. Doe eyes pierced into my face with a cutting glare, a sneer on his face, chewed up lips contorting in anger and ......something that felt like envy, "Who the hell did you go on a date with Berry? You better not be giving my chocolates away to anyone else".
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ldysmfrst · 4 months
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Welcome to American Mate's Master List! The Taglist is CLOSED for this story.
This is an OT7 x Plus Sized/Chubby Reader story. The story will have Mature Scenes. The chapters with these adult themes will have (M) in the chapter name, so please 18+ readers only. Within the chapters, at the start and end of the Mature scene will be the following banner, if you want to skip them.
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The Hybrid K-pop group BTS is on tour in America; of course, things don't start out the way they should, but after an encounter with Y/n, things change but will everyone follow Fate?
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Chapter 1 - Two Weeks Early
Let's introduce you to the world of Hybrids and Playmates. It really is quite simple until a VIP Potential Client's manager walks into your office two weeks early, and it's only a skeleton crew right now.
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Chapter 2 - The Playmate Meeting
Bangtan Pack arrives at Playmate Services Inc., USA Idol Division. It's time for the pack to meet the unsigned Playmates, but things don't go as well as planned.
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Chapter 3 - Following Instincts
Dealing with the aftermath of the accident, Bangtan Pack reacts upon instincts, some more than others. Y/n learns a few new things.
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Chapter 4 - First Case of Alpha Space
Y/n may call herself a Hybrid supporter but never has she dealt with something like this. Y/n gets to see firsthand some of what an Alpha is like when they get a little lost in their instincts.
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Chapter 5 - Heated Discussions (M)
Y/n didn't want to cause trouble, but that seemed to be all she did. However, Bangtan Pack thinks sometimes the trouble is worth it.
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Chapter 6 - A Proposition for You
Things get intense for Bangtan Pack and Y/n, but not in a good way. Meeting the doctor tonight has bigger implications than Y/n thought was possible.
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Chapter 7 - Is This a Joke
After proposing to Y/n the option to become their playmate, the Bangtan Pack struggles to convince her to accept their Prime Alpha's offer. Will Y/n be persuaded or will she run from Fate unknowingly?
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Chapter 8 - Time to Tell the Family Pack (M)
While the Bangtang Pack is excited to have Y/n join as a "Play"mate, that may not be the case for her family pack.
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Chapter 9 - Shadows of the Past (M)
It becomes clear that pack dynamics can vary from pack to pack. This sometimes leads to interesting reactions. It's where the past can be seen influencing the present that will shadow all.
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Chapter 10 - A Date in the Right Direction
After the visit from Dr. Blackwell, some of the Bangtan pack start behaving differently. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Maybe the eldest Alpha has some insight. (This chapter is Seokjin-centric in honor of his coming home from the military)
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Chapter 11 - Just a Staff Member Part 1
Chapter 11 - Just a Staff Member Part 2
Y/n stands up for someone else, and everything starts falling apart. Last night was a dream but the reality of the situation finally hits.
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Chapter 12 - Everyone Deserves a Second Chance
It's time to make a choice that can make for an adventure or change y/n's life.
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Chapter 13 - Shall we?
It's time for the date with Namjoon. Getting ready becomes more fun than you think it could be with an unexpected surprise and new friends, but what happens as the night goes on?
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Reader Asks
Has the Bangtan Pack been with a woman before?
How would The Bangtan Pack react to finding Y/n dancing?
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Additional Content
Meet Alpha Giant Flemish Rabbit Jungkook's Family
Patreon Artwork Poll Results (1)
American Mate (5) - Extended Scenting Scene (M)
American Mate (8) - Extended/ Additional Scene (M)
Take a look at Chapter 12, Hobi's Fire Red Suit.
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plussizeficchick · 8 days
Close to You | Denki x Chubby!Reader
Summary; Denki doesn’t play when it comes to threats to your relationship, even at the expense of his friends.
Warnings: smut (p in v, implied cunnilingus, breeding kink (I mean it’s me😂) slight quirkplay) mean!Denki (but really only to his friend, he takes it out on your pussy though😣) dickhead!bakugo. Not proofread!
SN: I will be posting the Jungkook fic soon!!😭but this is just a little snack I had preplanned until then😉😂
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You weren’t quite sure how you got here.
As soon as Denki stormed through your door, everything had been a bit of a blur. The only things you were able to make out of the senseless rambling was “fucking dickhead” “can make her come harder than anything” “gonna fuckin’ breed her”.
That, that had your pussy quivering.
While you were busy pondering what brought on this sudden shift in your boyfriend’s mood, Denki was thinking of all the different ways he was going to show everyone just how much you’re his.
— —
“Does he always talk to you like that?” Denki looks up at you from where his head is resting on your lap. “Who?” He asks, brows furrowed in confusion. 
You’d both decided it was time for you to meet his friends and he couldn’t have been more excited about it. You met with the group at a homey sports bar for the more relaxed atmosphere and besides a few minor flubs, he thought you all got along well. You and Mina made plans to get your nails done together, you recommended the rolling papers you use to Sero, and Kirishima hadn’t found someone with his sense of humor in ages. You even managed to bring Bakugo out of his shell, bouncing recipes off of one another seamlessly. So he wondered what went wrong.
“Bakugo, I don’t really like how he talks to you.” You try to convey without looking controlling. “Like when he calls you stupid and things like that. I mean he even had you running around, getting stuff for him today like you’re some “errand boy”.” “That’s just how he is,” Denki waves you off. He was used to Bakugo’s antics after having gone to school with him, so he knows better than to take it to heart. “And he doesn’t genuinely mean it when he calls me dumb.” He chuckles, focusing his attention back to what’s playing on TV. You sigh, a bit unsatisfied with his answer. “You know your friends better than I do,” You start, carding your fingers through his blonde tresses. “I just don’t think it’d kill him to be a bit kinder to you. You’re not in high school anymore, you don’t have to cater to him.” You say, pressing a kiss to his forehead. But what you said got him thinking.
— — 
If Denki was being honest, he was pretty accustomed to the way things were. And if he hadn’t met you, he was sure that this would’ve been his everyday life.
You hadn’t meant to initially, but you made him realize that there was a sort of hierarchy within his friend group with Bakugo at the head and after being with you for so long, he realized he was actually getting fucking sick of it.
Sure, Bakugo’s kind of behavior is expected when you’re a hormonal teen struggling with new emotions, but now it’s time to get a fucking grip.
He hadn’t even meant for everything to go down the way it did, but Katsuki’s nothing if not a shit starter.
— —
“and then Mina’s gonna pick her up so they can get their nails done. I’m pretty sure they’re gonna head back to (Y/N)’s place to get ready and we can pick them up from there.” Kirishima explained to Denki, whilst simultaneously narrowly dodging a blue shell in Mario Kart. Denki grunts in frustration, his character having slipped on a banana peel. “That sounds good, gives us plenty of time-” He’s cut off by Katsuki’s brash voice sounding from the couch. “Hey, Dunceface, go and get me a milk carton from the kitchen.”
Now, normally Denki would’ve made a playful comment about Katsuki being lazy before getting up and doing what he was told, but after being with you, after spending so much time working on bettering himself not just for you, but for himself, he’s not just gonna be walked all over anymore.
“Nah I’m in the middle of something, anyways, Kiri. I was think-” “HAH?! Did ya fuckin’ hear me? I wasn’t asking-” “Is it really that serious, Bakugo? I’m doing something so just get it yourself.” He scoffs, rolling his eyes at Bakugo’s immaturity. Both Kirishima and Sero watch the display with baited breath, unsure why Kaminari suddenly has a death wish. Bakugo’s eyes widen at the blatant disrespect, sparks threatening to shoot from his hands, however, Kaminari doesn’t back down.
Katsuki narrows his eyes before a humorless chuckle escapes him, “Oh, I get it. Ever since Chubs decided to fuck with your dumbass you think you’re a big man. But no matter who you fuck, Dunceface you’ll always be the idiot who can’t function after using their quirk.” Bakugo practically spits. 
If Katsuki had said something like this around a year ago, Denki would’ve probably sulked and went to do what Bakugo had told him to, but now, he felt nothing but pure indifference. “You know something Bakugo, I really used to admire you,” Kaminari starts, a smug smirk making its way to Bakugo’s lips. “I really thought I wanted to be strong like you. But now, now I just feel sorry for you. I mean you spend everyday comparing yourself to Midoriya, you’re shitty to everyone who fucking cares about you and you’re so insufferable to everyone else that no one else genuinely WANTS to get near you.” A humorless chuckle leaves Denki’s own lips, grateful to finally get this off his chest. “You think people want to be around you because you’re cool when the only reason they can even stand to be near you is because of how dangerous your QUIRK is. People wouldn’t give a fuck about you otherwise.” Kaminari stands, collecting his stuff before moving towards the door, “I’ll see you guys later,” He emphasized to Kirishima and Sero. “Maybe you can get him to be an actual decent human being.” He scoffs, walking out of Kirishima’s apartment.
Bakugo’s left stunned, Kirishima’s shocked and Sero’s impressed. Though, it doesn’t take long for Bakugo’s shock to turn to anger, explosions ready to burst from his hands. “He’s. Fucking. DEAD!!” He exclaims, and that’s all it takes to snap Kirishima out of his stupor, trying his best to calm the explosive blonde down.
— —
It’s difficult for you to form a coherent thought with the sound of skin slapping against your ears.
You’re on your knees, arch pressed deep into your back as Denki slams his cock deep inside you. You gasp at the intrusion, but you have no time to recover as he sets an unforgiving pace. “He’s a fucking bitch. Doesn’t know shit.” He growls under his breath, hips canting against the fat of your ass, the sight of the rippling skin making his mouth water. You’re trying to talk, want to ask him what happened at Kirishima’s place, but then he’s slamming against that gummy spot deep inside and you keen. 
You’re limp, practically dead weight as Denki flips you over onto your back. He has your knees pressed against your chest, your pudgy tummy folded over as he slams his hips against yours, the fat jiggling deliciously. 
“Please,” you gasp, trying to catch your breath as he aims directly for your g-spot, your cunt clenching at his unforgiving pace. “Fucker thinks he knows shit about us, I’ll fucking show ‘im.” Denki mutters under his breath, cock throbbing at the warm wetness surrounding it.
He’s ravenous, tongue laving at your neck, sucking the skin harshly. You whine as his hands reach to pinch your nipples, your clit twitching signs of your impending release. “Please, baby. Let me cum, please.” You beg, tears threatening to pool in your eyes. The sight has Denki feeling a bit merciful, after all, you weren’t the one to rile him up. 
So he pulls back a bit, sitting back on his haunches to grind his cock deep inside you, hitting spots you couldn’t dare reach on your own. He guides one of his hands down to your clit, using little shocks from his quirk on the bundle of nerves.
The feeling sends a new wave of arousal gushing from your already sore cunt, but you’re nothing if not greedy for his cum. “Want you to cum in me, baby. Wanna feel you fill me up.” You murmur, cradling his face in your palms. You do your best to keep eye contact, though, with the way his cock is drilling inside you, the action is difficult. You connect your lips together and the act has Denki’s hips stuttering before he thrusts once, twice and he’s filling you up, snatching your nth orgasm unexpectedly from you.
You slowly pull away from each other, though Denki is sure to keep his cock nestled deep inside you, flipping you both over so that you’re on top of him. You trace shapes on his bare chest, slowly coming down from your highs. “You wanna tell me what that was all about?” 
Denki sighs as he thinks back on what led him here. There was no doubt that the dynamic in the friend group has shifted, whether that was in his favor or not remained to be seen but what he could see was right in front of him.
You were his present and his future, and as he slips his cock out of your sore cunt and the rush of his cum gushes from you like a river, his mouth waters at the idea of this being his new everyday. He shakes his head as he pushes you to lay back, situating himself between his new home.
“Just wanted to be close to you.”
— —
Taglist: @xogabbiexo @kinq-sleazee @dabilovesme @blkchxrryblyss @tenyaiidasslut @cherries-c0la @bookwormsenpai @bl--ankhaeji @thicksimpx @namjoonswifeyy @nasty-quillz @musicisme333 @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @celi-xxmoon @c0pkiller
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linniewrites · 1 year
We all have our issues | Jungkook
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idol!jungkook x chubby!student!reader
Summary : She asked me if she was pretty
Well, it's clear that the girl's a fraud
There's really no way of winning
If in their eyes you'll always be a dumb blonde.
Series warnings : mommy issues, daddy issues, age gap (Jk is 25 while reader is 20), crying, talk about anxiety, depression, abuse, mentions of panic attacks, school induced stress, fear of dogs (?), insecurities, body shaming.
List of Chapters :
Chapter one : you sleep over at Jungkook’s for the first time, and realize that, you do, indeed, see him as more than a friend.
Chapter two : you ask Jungkook to go grocery shopping with you, but the day doesn’t end as nicely as it had started.
Chapter three : family reunions had never really been your things after all.
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keen-li · 8 months
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Non idol jk x fem reader
Warnings: a little public indecency, a little honesty, and a little person.
You allow the summer sun to sink into your skin as you have your head leaned back and eyes closed. The man sat next to you on the picnic blanket he got from his grandma can't help but find the sight of your relax face and exposed neck pleasing. If he wasn't your man you'd call the cops on him for being a creep.
"I can literally feel you staring kook" you say breaking away from your previous position to look at him.
"Good" he says simply. He's still eyeing you like it's the first time he's seeing you.
You switch your legs to get into a more comfortable position for your legs. Your skirt hikes up a bit and like a bunny he's fast to get another little blanket to cover your legs. You chuckle at that little action.
You embrace the little blanket and pull it to where you're comfortable.
"It's nice to be out with you" he says softly moving closer to you like he wasn't close enough already.
"Yeah it's nice to be out and just chill together" you lean into his embrace. You and jungkook try your best to keep your interactions in public spaces PG, so only minimal touching and little kisses float between the two of you. But jungkook could only hold himself for so long, until he was tickling your neck with kisses and licks.
"Jungkook" you call put warning him. "In public remember?"
The little place where you were sat was a little enclosed cause of the large trees but it still didn't mean you weren't in public and the group of school goers weren't in your direct contact if you tilted your head to see past the tree. Plus they could probably hear your giggles that jungkook didn't want to stop hearing.
He still had his mouth on your neck not heeding your warnings.
"Jungkook" you call out and he hums against your neck making you feel like letting out the moan you've been holding.
"A baby jungkook" you say like you've just seen godzilla, you place your hands on his chest to maybe let him know he should wait for home but he takes it as encouragement instead. He kissed you more.
"Jungkook a baby"
He chuckles.
"Y/n, darling. I thought you were the one who didn't do PDA"  he smiles. "And you want me to put a baby in you here? new hair colour, new era?" He mocks your little statement from when you showed him your new hair colour.
You literally want to smack him right now.
"But are you serious about the baby thing? Cause I can-"
"That's not what I mea-"
"Oppa" jungkook quickly pulls away from you and snaps his head when he hears the little sweet voice coo from behind him. When he turns, his eyes widen when he sees the little baby girl, who's probably half a quarter of his height or shorter. She's in a little cute red dress with her little cute back pack and a packet of snacks in her hands.
Jungkook pleads with everything in him that she didn't see what he was just doing and scarred her for life. This was probably the baby you were meaning. 
He turns his head to ask you with his eyes.
"I told you there was a baby"
"You could've been more specific"
Yeah you could've been but seeing the embarrassed and panicked look on his face you're glad you didn't.
"Oppa can you open this for me" she asked and your heart could melt form her cuteness. You smile at her cute chubby cheeks you just want to pinch them, she seems a little nervous though switching her gaze from jungkook to you. She looks like she was having a little trouble choosing who to ask but she landed with jungkook who was closer. Her voice stammered a bit speaking to him but you dont blame her, jungkook looked intimidating with his tattoos and piercing but he's the cutest and softest person when you speak to him.
And you watch him grow even softer as he speaks to her.
"Uhh yeah sure" he grabs the packet she handed him.
"What's your name" you ask her leaning forward from were you were, trying to find a place in the conversation.
"Si-eun imnida" she speaks proud of her name and seemingly growing comfortable.
"Awwww, a pretty name for a pretty girl" you coo back.
"Isn't she cute jungkook" you turn to face the man who was struggling a but but finally got it.
"Yeah she is" he hands her back her snack "Where's eomma si-eun" he asks as she clasps the bags with her tiny hands.
"Eomma?" She starts to look around and you both follow her gaze not able to find or seeing anyone.
"Convenience store, she's in the Convenience store"
You hum knowing there is a Convenience store near by.
"We should take you to eomma" he coos at her.
"She's so cute" you say moving closer to her to fix her falling bag strap "this bag is big for you si-eun" you say trying to adjust the straps and she allows you to, she watches your hands move.
"Eomma said this bag is for big girls" she releases a little giggle after. You chuckle back.
"Eomma is right, it is for big girl and you are one."
"Especially if you came here by yourself" jungkook adds.
"Yeah" you and jungkook laugh.
Jungkook watches you handle the little straps and straighten her clothes and he can't help but think about when you both do decide to have a child and how you'd be a good mom. But little does he know that you're thinking about how he'd be good dad too.
You watch her assuming her mom is getting some errands done and so you keep her company.
"Oppa what are those?" She points with her snack dust covered fingers to jungkook's arm "appa has them too" she informs.
"Oh these?" He moves his already short sleeve upwards "these are tattoos si-eun" he says her name with so much care and softness.
"But you oppa have more than appa" she informs once more "appa only has three" she lifts up her three fingers.
"Ohh is that so?" He smiles at her.
"But appa doesn't look good in them"
You and jungkook let out a cackle as si-eun talks about her dad.
While still laughing he speaks "how about me do I look good in them?" It's funny how he's seeking validation from a little girl, but everyone knows that little kids are always honest so her answer is vital.
She tilts her head a bit analysing jungkook's arm and face. He flexes his arm and brings his arm into her focus so she can get a clear view.
You laugh at jungkook's obvious need of validation from her.
"Uhhh" she thinks "you look nice" she says simply but he doesn't seem satisfied.
"Only nice?" He tries to bargain a better answer. "Mm?" He bargains.
"Actually oppa you look handsome with them" jungkook finally gets the answer he wanted.
"Ah you see baby even she agrees" you roll your eyes, he's saying it like you've ever told him he doesn't look hot with the tattoos.
"I should get you some sweets for that si-eun" he chuckles.
"But oppa-" She interjects his blushing.
"But oppa I don't like that" she stretches her hand pointing to his lip where he's lip ring sat.
"This?" He plays with it with his tongue. She nods.
"Si-eun you don't think oppa looks cute with the lip ring?" You ask almost in a laugh.
She shakes her head showing her detest for the silver. You turn to jungkook and laugh. You thought he looked hot with that lip ring, you liked it a lot especially when you kissed.
"You hear that oppa?" You say chuckling and calling him oppa to mock him.
"She's a kid she probably doesn't understand.  She'll end up getting one when  she's older" he tries to save some of his proud.
You laugh and he knows you're gonna be making fun of him later, so he needs he's own ammo.
"How about unnie si-eun? what do you think of her hair?"
Si-eun turns to face you and you cuss jungkook in your head, cause if she says anything to make you regret getting yiur her coloured you're gonna have to call your hairstylist. It's funny how her opinions matter to the both of you.
You watch her analyse and think of an answer and you're so nervous for her answer.
"Unnie looks very pretty with her hair"
You rejoice at her answer and jungkook scoffs, he did think you looked great but he needed ammo too.
"Ahhh si-eun you're the best, I'll ask your eomma if you can colour you hair like mine too. Do you want hair like me si-eun"
She nods "eomma said I can get my hair coloured one day"
"Oh? Then I'll take you to unnie sana so she can do your hair like mine too"
"Ahhh unnie you're the best" she squeals happy at your offer. You smile at  this little 5-year old girl who you just met and are making plans with.
"We'll have a girls day with your eomma too"
You hear Jungkook scoff and you can't help but laugh.
"You're so salty"
"I'm not" Oh but he is "lets go find your eomma, si-eun" jungkook says.
You've spent quite some time talking to her and you bet her mom is probably worried.
Before jungkook can stand her little hand stretches out to hand him a lollipop.
"Oh is this for me" he says touched.
"No, open it" She says with so much attitude that you can't help but laugh at jungkook.
"Oh okay" he says laughing at himself too and opens the lollipop for her "here you go si-eun" she takes it.
You and jungkook stare at each, smiling at each over the situation.
"Oppa here"
She says in her cute voice and stretches her hand and hands him a lollipop.
"Do you want me to open this too" he asks to be sure and protect his feelings.
"It's yours"
"Thank you"
"And this one's for you unnie"  she hands you your own lollipop and you take it.
"Baby, do we have some chocolates?" you ask jungkook.
"Yeah in the bag"
So you reach and search in the bag and pull out a chocolate bar.
"Babe that's a rum flavoured one get the tiny ones" he warns.
"Oh my bad" you laugh you didn't even notice. So you grab the little ones you found and gave her two.
"Thank you" she says with a cute smile.
"You're welcome"
"Si-eun-ah" you hear a woman's voice announce and you watch as a middle aged woman comes to where you're sat.
"Si-eun-ah why did you go so far? I told you to stand by the tree" the woman picks her up and puts her on her hip.
"Eomma! Unnie and oppa gave me a chocolate" she exclaims to her now relaxed mom who notices the chocolates.
"Oh really did you say thank you" si-eun nods. "Did she?"
Her mother turns to you.
"Yes she did" you give her a smile which she returns.
"Thank you for staying with her, I got a bit worried when she wasn't were I told her to be."
"Ahhh,  it wasn't a problem. We enjoyed staying with her" jungkook says
"Hope she didn't say anything weird"
"No she didn't" you smile.
"Eomma" she calls to her mom "I told oppa I don't like his lip earring" she says amused and jungkook lowers his head laughing at the situation and name.
"Omo, si-eun-ah" she exclaims feeling embarrassed for her daughter's forwardness and turns to jungkook "I'm so sorry for that"
Jungkook waves his hands "no need to apologise its alright."
Her mother nods appreciating his understanding.
"Lets go si-eun and meet appa" she turns to you guys now. "Thank you, it was nice meeting you hope you have a good day."
You guys say your goodbyes.
"Bye bye" si-eun yells and from a distance you can hear her tell her mom about jungkook's tattoos.
"Lets go home now..." jungkook pulls you out of your thoughts.
"...and go make our own si-eun"
You chuckle at that.
"You can't be serious" you start packing the things.
"Oh I'm serious" you've talked about having kids someday but you both know it wasn't anytime soon.
"But first we have to get rid of that lip ring, advice from si-eun" you joke
"She's a kid she doesn't know what she's talking about" you laugh at him and how he's still clearly wounded.
"You're so wounded"
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yongbokology · 1 year
idk if you’re taking any requests or not but if you are could you write jungkook x thick poc 🫶🏽✨
ofc lovely, idk if you meant thick in terms of like reader having a fat ass or a chubby bodied reader or both but for now let’s go with the latter
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piercer!jungkook x chubby bodied! poc reader
warnings; possible grammatical errors but f it we ball. smut. ginger yoongi cameo
poc coded for my poc girls
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“fuck i’m so nervous..” you mutter to yourself, knee bouncing as you wait for your piercer to get their equipment ready.
you had just finished signing what needed to be signed and now you were waiting your turn but as the seconds went by you were thinking about booking it the hell on out of there.
“relax girl, you’ll be fine. i’ve been getting pierced here for years. they’re going to treat you right, i promise.” ninging’s reassuring you with her dainty, manicured hands, clasped over yours.
you weren’t scared about a needle going through your nipples but you were starting to become a tad self conscious about if it’d look good or not. you heard that this piercing in particular was a confidence booster and it made you want to get them even more.
before you could relay the message to your best friend, a ginger haired male appears from behind the black curtain that sectioned off the next room. with a nod towards said curtain, he gestures you over to follow him and with baited breath.. you do.
your throat feels dry and give one last look to ningning who’s giving you a thumbs up with a big grin stretched across her lips.
you let out a breath and pull the curtains back, entering the next room. your eyes are instantly met with a black chair you’d see in a dentist office and a whole set up that looks expensive as fuck.
pictures of people with various body modifications, tattoos and piercings litter the walls. your eyes travel across the room, taking everything in until they land on a pair of soft brown ones and it’s then, you finally see him.
he’s standing at one of the four corners of the room, cladding his hands in black latex gloves. his dark hair frames his face beautifully, falling a little bit above his broad shoulders. a lip ring hangs onto the bottom of his lip, a silver bar to match on his brow. the rolled up sleeves to his shirt gives you a view of arms, one littered with beautiful ink.
his lips curl into a smile as he immediately notes you ogling at him. the feelings mutual though as he takes in your figure. your outfit complimenting every part of you. there’s something about your presence that’s drawing him in and it’s not just your body.
“alright, i’m gonna go on break.” the gingered male announces, turning on his heels to exit the room.
now it’s just you and who you assume to be your piercer.
“you can have a seat in that chair over there,” his voice is sweet. it doesn’t match his looks at all but hey, you’re not complaining.
“I’m jungkook by the way.”
you bite your inner cheek as you make your way over to the chair, holding your purse close to your stomach, waiting for further instructions. As you sit in the chair it’s dawning on you that this hot ass fucking piercer, looking fresh out of the front page of vogue, is going to see your tits.
The thought makes your chest feel heavy, you chew on your bottom lip in an attempt to control your mind from wandering elsewhere.
With all the shuffling behind you, you presume that he’s getting his equipment ready. You're lost in your thoughts, constantly turning on your phone to check the time and for notifications even though you knew there weren’t any. Your head snaps up at the sound of his voice, slightly startled due to the fact that it’s been a while since he spoke.
He’s standing next to you now. Matter of fact, towering over you, a soft expression etched onto his face.
“You know, if you’re uncomfortable with me doing it. Our female piercer is like coming in thirty-”
“No! I’m fine honestly,” you reassure the man but he’s not so convinced.. So you hesitantly press further. “I’m not worried about that.. It’s just that i’m kind of having doubts about getting them.”
In all of jungkook’s seven years as a piercer, he’s heard it all. He was familiar with the nervous looks and anxious ticks. He’s heard all in the questions and concerns in the book. So with that being said.
“You know,” he starts, resting his tattooed arm on the chair while leaning down towards you, that fucking grin forming on his lips again. At this point he’s close enough to the point where you can smell the faint scent of thc that’s over powered by the minty gum that he’s currently chewing.
Your heart is in your throat as your eyes are basically bulging out your head. You usually weren’t one for people being in your personal space but this was okay.. More than okay.
God, you felt like such a perv for wanting him to come in closer.
“I’ve heard that i’m pretty convincing. Why are you doubting the piercing?”
You swallow thickly, blinking rapidly as you try to find your voice. “I’m kind of worried they won’t look good on me.” your voice is small.
Jungkook is slightly taken aback, a hint of confusion spreads across his features before he drops it and flashes you a warm smile. “If that’s the case, you have nothing to worry about.. But if you want a second opinion, lift up your shirt for me.”
Your insides are internally screaming at the last part. Even though you were aware he was just doing his job, the tone of his voice was taking effect on you. So much so that jungkook notices the way your thighs subconsciously push together. Oh, he likes this.
It takes you a few seconds to actually grab onto the ends of your shirt, lifting it up over your breasts.
Jungkook runs his tongue across his pierced lip, eyes glued to your chest and for a while he doesn’t say anything and you begin to feel more self conscious than before. As you begin to pull down your shirt, he grabs your wrist with his free hand, he’s looking at you with an intense stare that makes your heart leap out of your chest.
“As a piercer, you have nothing to worry about,”
You find your lips moving faster than your mind is able to comprehend.
“Personal opinion?”
Jungkook’s gaze drops down to your chest before flickering back to your face.
“I’ll show you, if you let me,” he’s dropping down to his knees, face leveled between your thighs, tilting his head while he’s looking up at you. “Please?”
You immediately find yourself nodding. You feel your core heat beneath your shorts. You’re slightly startled when he pushes the lever down, bringing your chair down so that he’s face to face with your tits.
He’s staring up at you as he’s leaning in, looking for any signs of uncomfort. He’s so close now. His breath fans onto your sensitive bud, closing his eyes as he takes it into his mouth. It warm. So warm.
Your lip is pulled between your teeth as you watch him. His tongue swipes over your nipple and it’s then that you feel something small poke against it and it dawns on you that he has a tongue piercing. The realization makes your cunt flutter, you try clenching your thighs again but is obstructed jungkook whose body you forgot was in between them.
His hands find their way to your plush thighs, smoothing his palms over them as his eyes flicker open.
You can’t control the obscenity that’s flying out your mouth. “F-fuck.” you whimper which makes jungkook’s dick twitch in his pants.
He removes his lips from your now wet nipple, kissing the top of your knee. “You have to be quiet for me, pretty girl ‘kay?”
You look up towards the fluorescent light and silently nod, cheeks heating in the process at the nickname he threw in there.
He’s smiling before going back in but this time giving your other nipple some attention. His ministrations are ten fold this time. His tongue swirls against your nipple while sliding one of his hands onto your clothed cunt. His hand slides under your pussy, rubbing his nimble fingers against it. You’re responsive with a soft gasp leaving you. This makes jungkook smile and he switches from working his tongue on you to full on sucking your tit.
You look down to see jungkook and god does submissive look so good on him. He’s got an innocent look going as if he’s not making out with your tit and totally not trying to finger fuck you in the process.
The sight makes you moan softly, your back arches off the chair and this makes jungkook’s fingers move faster. He somehow finds your clit through your shorts and rubs it, applying pressure.
Your moans are music to his ears, he’s half hard but could probably cum off this alone. Pleasure looks absolutely gorgeous on you and he’d do anything to see you like this again.. Maybe even forever.
He’s lost in you until your breathing is heavy and you’re looking down on him again. “J-jungkook,”
He’s humming against your nipple “hm?”
“I’m gonna cum.” you’re whining at this point, face twisted and ridden with euphoria.
In one swift move that leaves you utterly speechless because he’s practically handling you with ease, he unlatches himself from your nipple and tears down your panties and your shorts down to your knees. He wraps his arms around your deliciously thick thighs, pulling you down towards the end of the chair, leaving your pussy exposed to him.
He takes a moment to admire how wet you are for him, practically drooling at how pretty your pussy is. He wastes no more time and attaches his lips to your clit, sucking on it harshly. His tongue delves down your slit then back up to your clit, flicking it with the ball of his tongue piercing.
your hands fly to his hair, tugging on it which makes jungkook moan into your pussy. the vibrations adding onto the immense pleasure you were already feeling.
your eyes roll to the back of your head, lost in the midst of it all as he goes from licking at your clit to full on fucking you with his tongue. your mouth is ajar at the feeling and soon enough you’re creaming around his tongue, a broken cry falling from your pretty lips.
jungkook laps it all up like a man starved. you shudder at the feeling of being overstimulated but you taste so good he basks in it, hoping that you have more for him. when he realizes that you don’t he taps your thigh to get you to look at him.
it takes all the strength you have left and crane your neck down towards him, slowly opening your eyes. jungkook smiles at the fact how utterly fucked out you are but still manage to look so pretty.
“piercing free of charge if you can squirt for me.”
please this was supposed to be like a small drabble
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