#june gets better and ari gets worse <3
you said you're holding yourself from going into details of your quizes dealing with an arm loss. can you elaborate on it here? :)
yea!! thank you for enabling me hfkdlsfjdl <3
will preface this by saying i'm working off of the fact that this is a high fantasy setting where heavy injury etc is way more common and also this is dragon age so things don't Have To Make Perfect Sense lolol
but n e way!
Gonna start off with June cos the Actual Arm Loss has much less impact on her. It still needs a lot of getting used to and adjustment in how she goes about doing things, and she does have times where she gets frustrated with how difficult mundane things are now, or with how slow the progress is, or with needing so much help.
It's the magic-y part that has the biggest impact; the mark's been there for a good 3 years, and her body had gotten used to having it there, so it suddenly being gone, especially after expanding so drastically, kind of fucks up her magic balance and drains her both physically and mentally for a long time. She also hadn't realised how used she'd gotten to intuitively tapping into the anchor's powers until she couldn't do it anymore, so that took readjusting as well.
Otherwise it doesn't take a big toll on her mentally though; if anything, she is kind of relieved to have the arm (or rather the anchor) gone. It's caused an insane amount of pain especially towards the end, and truth be told she'd seriously considered having it removed more than once, so in a way this being how she got rid of the mark is kind of ironic. But what's done is done, and she'd rather tackle the challenge than dwell on it.
As for the prosthesis, the first one she gets and main one she uses is basically a substitute staff -- or rather wand lol. Dagna designed it early on because June is used to bare-handed casting (don't do that at home kids), so she'd instinctively try to channel mana to a hand that Is Not There Anymore which was uh. messy. So! Simple device that lets her channel magic safely and accurately :) They've developed it since then to be more versatile and sturdy, but overall it's still light and simple enough to be easily strapped on and off and to not immediately break when she accidentally tries to lean on it. She does learn to control her casting better also, but on missions it's a practical tool to have. She does have some other simple, utilitarian prostheses for when she really needs a 2nd "hand" to say, grab or hold something, but rarely ever uses them unless she really needs it (too much of a hassle to put on and off & too exhausting to use for long) Full mech arm is being workshopped! Tbh mostly for fun than for "i need this" purposes, but since the Inquisition is still standing they have the resources to do it, and because June and Dagna (and Dorian) are nerds who don't back down from a challenge, they Will do it. Lots of experimenting with levels of complexity, materials, runes, magic, and how to make all that work together, and how to make it work in theory if surgical procedures were involved (neither of them are medics tho so uh. the results are questionable fdkjfs)
ok wow that got a lot longer than anticipated lmaoo so Ari under the cut!
Ari Does Not take it as well oops. Mostly bc Trespasser & the aftermath of it is already So Much (June is much more distanced from all of it but to Ari it Matters. A Lot.) and dealing with the loss of his main hand/arm on top of that is just Too Much, so with everything piled together rehab does not go nearly as smoothly. Doesn't exactly help that things he'd usually do to wind down like cooking or hunting or taxidermy are, well, hard to do now, so the stress and frustration pents up a lot and he's just. not having a great time. Luckily he has a good support system though and he does get better, eventually.
At least for Ari the magic aspect isn't as much of an issue. I do hc that the anchor gives non-mages some magic adjacent abilities, and the strength of its influence is more than enough to mess up non-mages mana balance as well, but it's not nearly as severe as it would be if he were a mage and takes a lot less readjustment (long term anchor fucked-up-ness notwithstanding).
Like June he also never gets a full on mech arm, and doesn't intend to. Ari isn't as close with Dagna and not as keen on experimenting, or has the time or brain space to invest in fancy gadgets, but he makes good use of utility tools to help him for things like keeping a clipboard steady or holding reigns, but especially for archery. The first solution was the mounted crossbow like in the epilogue slides, which.. works. It's not elegant and not always practical, but it does its job well enough and he does make sure to keep in practice with it. Later he gets a prosthesis with which he can draw a proper bow; with entirely different techniques he has to get used to, but he greatly prefers it. Takes a long time before he becomes proficient with archery again, but he's glad he doesn't have to give it up. Helps that at this point it is mostly recreational since he does way less field work over the years post Trespasser, which makes the limitations to speed and draw weight much less of an issue.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Ro's Bi-Weekly Edit
May 21st - June 3rd, 2023
In case you missed it, here's a roundup of the fics and ficlets posted this past two weeks!
Below the cut are links and snippets from 4 works from 3 series.
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Plans, part one of Time & Tines Steve Rogers x villain!Reader
Steve tilts the tea in your direction. “Here’s hoping you didn’t waste truth serum on me,” he cheers. “Might be the only drug completely useless both after and before Erskine’s formula.” You’re amused, a smirk lifting fading, dark lips. “Ah yes. Good, honest Captain America.” “To a fault.” “No.” Your seriousness stops him cold, and Steve’s smile fades. “It’s not a fault. You’re just rare.” You value honesty. He can work with that.
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Too Eager, a Bedrock and Blueprints tale, Rated Mature Ari Levinson x best friend!Reader
“Let’s get you comfy, okay?” He rolls the zipper of your skirt down at your side and yanks it free slowly. He runs his hands up your body and back, under your blouse, to unhook your bra, ghosting a kiss to your clothed chest before sitting back up to tug at your tights. He didn’t say anything about you only taking your shoes off at the edge of the couch, which means Ari is being remarkably controlled for how much he hates shoes in the house. As he playfully shimmies the long and frustrating tubes of nylon over your feet, you sit up to pull off everything up top, letting the blouse and bra drop to the floor and crossing your arms over your bare chest. “Cold?” You nod, and Ari takes off his own t-shirt right there to help you into. It’s warm from his body and each fiber smells deeply of a decade of comfort. His hands return to holding your thighs. “Better?” Yes, but you don’t want to talk about it.
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Sad Sack, a Common Education drabble Jimmy Dobyne x professor!Reader
"Is this because of one paper? Did something happen in another class?" You stop yourself from ripping the smoke right out of his mouth so he'll look you in the eye. Jimmy shakes his head and does it for you, rolling his tongue over chapped lips and then holding them in. "No, ma'am." You relax a little, waiting for him to elaborate. You're waiting the whole time Jimmy mulls over his cigarette. He takes out a lighter and then thinks better of it and shoves it back in his pants, leaving the hand buried in his pocket. "Can't have you thinking of me like that," he mumbles. "Like what if I just get worse? What if I'm stupid and...I don't want you to see me that way."
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Reversal Point, part five of Threadbare Steve Rogers x fashion designer!Reader
It’s Hellfire Night. There’s a crackle of road gravel as the limousine pulls right up to your curb, but you don’t see Steve first. Sam Wilson pops his head and torso out of the sunroof with a beaming white smile. “Ah yes, the woman of the hour,” he coos before glancing back down into the backseat. “Close your mouth, buddy. You’re gonna swallow a bug.” You giggle and approach the shiny black car. The door latch opens from the inside. “You look ama—“ Thud. Steve whacks his head on the door rim trying to step out. “Oh gosh, are you okay?” You make it to him just as Steve stands up straight on the sidewalk. It’s easy and instinctive, meant to be, the way his hands settle against your arms and sweep down to hold your delicately gloved hands. “You’re stunning,” Steve whispers. “That’s not a concussion talking?” “He’ll survive,” Sam yells from inside the car. “Pretty sure he ran through several solid walls just to get to the showers after our run.” “It was one glass door and I didn’t see it close after Davis,” Steve barks over his shoulder.  You tick your head up toward your apartment. “You and the windows, handsome. Not friends, huh?” He rolls his glittering blue eyes playfully, huffing, “Don’t you start.”
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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lunaleetarot · 4 years
Capricorn Year Ahead Birthday Spread
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Starting from the top clockwise, theme in the middle.
1. December 2020- The World- This card usually means you will have a good outcome. You have completed one stage of your life, and now you're moving on to the next. You’re made your goals a reality, and now you want to make new ones. Often you see this card with newlyweds in marriage or someone who started their own business. You will need to get comfortable in your new life. This is a travel card. You may be more involved in issues going on around the world. With the pandemic going on, this meaning may not resonate with most of you but I want to point out that it is a potential interpretation. 
2. January 2021-Death- As we move into 2021, you are undergoing a transformation. Perhaps you were warming up to a new life change last month and now you're ready to make that change happen with the death card. Although the name of this card is enough to turn you off, it could mean something as simple as a career or love life metamorphosis. You will be faced with a life changing decision. Sometimes we need endings to move on to something better, so this may not necessarily be a bad thing. Usually this is a dramatic change. You won’t come out of this the same person you were before. Keep in mind this card does have a sinister meaning. This change is going to be drastic. It can mean literal death, but it doesn’t always have to. The best case scenario for your January outcome is that this is the beginning of a blessing in disguise. You will likely feel sad or depressed over these events and should take extra care of yourself. Especially if this is an unwelcome change. This is a Scorpio card, so you may be dealing with one of them.
3. February 2021-The Emperor- This February you are going to achieve a level up in status. You will be an authority figure, or will have an authority figure take you under their wing and pull you up. I feel this has to do with career advancement. This will likely be a male. This is a person you love, that is in a higher social standing than yourself. You will have powerful and stable people around you. It could be in your career, where people see potential in you and want to promote you or invest in you in some way. Remember you don’t know everything. There’s a lot to be learned from this person. No matter how smart or capable we are, we need to enlist help to achieve our goals. If this doesn’t apply to your career, it could be your father, father-figure or husband. This is an Aries card so you are likely dealing with someone of that sign here. 
4. March 2021- The Fool- While winter melts away and spring begins to bloom, you will go through yet another transitional period. New beginnings for you this Spring!  I feel like you had one stable month in February, and now your back at the drawing board ready to reinvent yourself once again. You will have a burning desire to try something new. In this case I think you should go for it! If you overthink it you’ll only come up with reasons why you shouldn’t. Perhaps you are comfortable in February’s stable situation but you don’t find it rewarding emotionally or spiritually? I feel if you follow your heart's desires, all will go well.  However if this is nothing but pure rebellion be mindful of what you’re doing. Don’t just run away from your responsibilities. If you are no longer happy in February’s outcome there is the “right way” and a “wrong way” to leave it. This card can also mean someone else will do the running from you, so keep that in mind. This may be a risk that has no promise of reward, as a Capricorn I’m not sure you will be comfortable with that. You may go through a period of uncharacteristic indecisiveness. On the positive sign I feel you will have a lot of fun this month. You will have a level of enthusiasm and a thirst for life that will help you recover from January. Just don’t let your behavior get too wild. Especially if mental health is a concern for you. 
5. April 2021- Four of Pentacles- In April, you are going to be holding on tightly to all you have. This is a card about possessions and possessiveness. You need to pay attention to how much your financial habits and health.  In more extreme cases, this could be hoarding behavior. Perhaps all the change you went through in the beginning of the year has made you want to hold on to what you have. However it’s unlikely you will want to share with others. You may be holding onto things that no longer serve you. This doesn’t have to just mean material things, it can be emotions or relationships you’ve outgrown but keep holding onto. In love, you may want your lover all to yourself. You refuse to let them go. This behavior may make you look needy or even worse obsessed. After awhile this behavior may annoy your partner and push them away. If you’ve been supporting a family member, you are no longer going to be footing the bill. You feel like you shouldn’t have to cover their groovy lifestyle. Or it could be vice versa. Assign the roles as you will. This could also indicate a revision of a will or inheritance. However if you have money, you are lucky to be in the position to hoard in the first place. Many are struggling right now and don’t have it as easy. Keep that in mind when you cling to your purse strings. There’s nothing wrong with being frugal, but don’t become cheap. This is your own card, so I feel this is your energy. However it’s possible you could be dealing with a fellow Capricorn.
6. May 2021-Five of Cups- In May you will be hit with a wave of sadness. You may have fallen into self pity and don’t know what your next move will be. This is a shift for you into being more concerned about your personal relationships than you have been for the year so far. This is a break up card. I feel the overbearing behavior from last month will bring your relationship to an end. This is going to be very hard for you to deal with, but rest assured there is someone out there who is better for you. You and this person you're having the break up with weren’t a good match, your personalities weren’t compatible. But you don’t see that yet. Your life is not over by any means, Capricorn. Nonetheless, you are feeling doom and gloom over it. You should seek help for your feelings from a therapist or people who are understanding in your life. Just don’t try to battle this alone. If that doesn’t apply. It could mean a  fall out in your career. This will seem bad at first but you will gain valuable experience. Divorce and strained friendships could be at play here. All is not lost here, you will get a second chance after the dust settles. The universe likes people who get back up after being knocked down. This is another Scorpio card.
7. June 2021-Seven of Cups- Halfway through the year you will be faced with decisions. You will be faced with many valid choices, and will have to pick one. To make it even more tricky you will have a time frame to make the decisions. If you don’t make your choice soon you could go from having many options to having none. You will also hear a lot of opinions about it too, everyone in your life is going to give you their two cents. Keep in mind not everyone knows your situation or has your best interest at heart. The work you do this month will dictate what your future looks like. One positive thing about having a lot of options is that you will be living a comfortable lifestyle. However nothing is guaranteed in your future so think about what's best for you down the road. This is yet another Scorpio card!
8. July 2021- Six of Cups- Something or someone from your past is going to reemerge this month. This is the “ex” card. So if you want to get back with your ex-lover this is a welcome sign. If that doesn’t apply to you this is also a family expansion card. A case of childhood nostalgia may resurface because you are dealing with adult responsibilities now. If you want to have a baby this card is a good sign. This card can also mean the house you grew up in, or town. It’s up to you to apply how this would fit into your life. On the negative side, there may be people from your past coming back that you don’t want to see, or old drama coming out when you don’t want it to. Something near and dear to your heart may vanish this month. Watch out, because this could be because you are neglecting the things you care about. This is yet another Scorpio card.
9. August 2021- Queen of Cups- You have a loyal female in your life with strong intuition. She’s sympathetic towards those she loves. This could be your own energy or a female who is close to you like your mother, sister or wife. This person puts others before herself. No matter what she has their back. Sometimes this can be a negative when you're looking at a situation with rose colored glasses. This card can also mean you need to take on the traits of this person. You may not be thinking of the other’s point of view or you're just being down right selfish. You should aspire to be more like the Queen of Cups. How can you be more understanding of other people’s feelings? You may be dealing with someone born on the Gemini-Cancer cusp (June 19-24).
10. September 2021-Ace of Cups- As we roll into September, we see the ace of cups which usually means a sweet and pure love! I believe this could mean the start of a new relationship for you! So expect your love life to be of interest to you this month. However this may not be a long term relationship, but enjoy it while it lasts. This is also a pregnancy card. Specifically the birth of a female child. If this doesn’t apply to you it could be your mother, sister, or someone close to you. This card can also mean a new beginning after a tragic ending. This card also means you will have a lot of dinner dates with friends and family. Hopefully we won’t have to socially distance anymore by then!
11. October 2021-Queen of Swords- With the queen of swords for your October, Halloween hi jinks will be the least of your worries. There will be a female in your business who loves drama and conflict. You may already know who this person is. She just wants to know the news of your life, she does not actually care about you as a person. Beware because this month she will be more involved in your life. This is a period of your year where you are going to feel very lonely. If none of this applies to you, it’s possible you need to adapt the queen of swords mentality. This person is very direct and to the point. I feel you are like this as well Capricorn. Even if she comes across as sort of a, well, bitch- at least others know where they stand with her. She tells it like it is. You may need to stand on your own two feet here and stop relying on others. You’ve got this Capricorn! You may be dealing with someone born on the Virgo-Libra cusp (September 19-24).
12. November 2021- The Chariot- This November will be a month of triumph for you! You will succeed in all of your endeavors this month. You won’t have any competitors. You will have an abundance of energy to make this all happen. However you may step on a few toes to get yourself in a higher status. The chariot can mean that you will use other people to get what you want. You should try to keep this behavior in check. Enjoy your accomplishments, but don’t live off them for too long. If you start to look down on others you will lose their respect. Modesty will benefit you in the long run. If you have a driving test coming up, you will likely ace it! If you are in a position of power watch how you treat your employees. You may be dealing with a Cancer here.
13. Theme of the Year- Seven of Swords- You or someone else in your life is causing trouble this year. Drama and conflict accompany this card. You're surrounding yourself with people who are not loyal to you. When they sell you out, it’s going to leave you feeling hurt and betrayed. You may get the blame for something you didn’t do. This is likely someone who is trying to cover up their own bad behavior. You will become the scapegoat. This person may be you. Consider if you are the type of person who tries to cover up their own bad behavior instead of facing the consequences. In less extreme cases this card can mean self-deception. You may be forcing yourself into believing you are happy with something you aren’t. This will start to affect you emotionally this year. Play your cards close to the chest. Be honest with yourself about what it is you truly want. You may be dealing with an Aquarius in this situation or someone of this sign will have a major impact in your year ahead.
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joosjehartman · 4 years
There are so many [Harry Potter character] x reader posts on here and I’m loving them😍😍 I wrote a Harry Potter fan-fiction book and I thought I’d share some of the chapters on here! It’s called Visions and it takes place during Goblet of Fire. Enjoy <3
There is nothing worse than being forced to spend time with a bully. How did I get myself into this situation in the first place?
I guess it started when I was nine and my parents moved us back to the UK. They wanted to go to my dad's hometown now that his mother had gotten sick. I was just one year old when they moved to the US, so I didn't really know my grandmother, but this way I could meet her before she would pass away.
I am what my parents call a Pureblood. I don't like to call myself that; it gives the impression that I'm a better witch than someone with No-Maj parents, which is not true at all. They were very skeptical of sending me to a No-Maj primary school, but they really did not have any choice. They both worked through the day so they couldn't home school me. This way I had to act like a No-Maj during the day, but I didn't mind. Most of the No-Majs I met were nicer than any wizard kids I was forced to hang out with on Long Island.
Hanging out with No-Majs was not at all a problem. I thought that they were very interesting and clueless, which made them kind of cute, I guess. My life changed, though, when some kids in my class started this magic game every time the teacher left. At one point some kid screamed Abracadabra (it sounded like another curse though) and I jumped behind a desk. All the kids looked at me in surprise and my friend Jannet, who believed I was just playing along, told me I had great acting skills. I smiled at her awkwardly and told her that I'd think about pursuing a career. I looked around and saw this blond kid called Dragon or something sitting almost traumatized behind a chair. I knew he was like me. And that's when my problems started.
I walked up to him and he just looked at me with this scared look on his face. "You should get up", I told him and lend him my hand. "People may think you're different". And I winked at him. He grabbed my hand and got up. The rest of the day I noticed someone staring at me, but I only paid attention to the teacher, who was teaching us how to multiply.
After school, the blond boy came up to me and my friends. I was startled because in the couple of months that I'd been at this school, I had never once heard him speak. His voice was much higher than I'd expected. Almost girly. "You're like me", he said in a whisper. The girls around me looked confused so I grabbed Dragon by his arm and pulled him away.
"Dragon, you shouldn't say that when there are No-Majs around" I told him sternly.
"What's a No-Maj? And my name's Draco by the way."
"Sorry, 'Muggles' is what you call them. And yes I am like you." I replied. Draco looked at me in awe. His look quickly turned to confusion, though when he looked around at my friends. "Why do you hang out with that lot then?" He asked with disgust around his face.
I really hated the disgust magical folk felt for No-Majs. MACUSA even forbids the interaction between non-magical and magical people. It's not that I wasn't used to the aversion to No-Majs, it just didn't sit right with me.
"They're my friends", I told Draco confidently. I didn't care if he didn't like that. Who was he to tell me what to think?
I was expecting some mean and condescending remark, but instead the boy got very insecure. "Would you maybe want to be my friend. I don't really have any. When I was in year 3 there was this accident and since then everyone thinks I'm weird." I was taken aback from his question. Come to think of it I had never seen him with friends. I did hear my friends call him weird once, but I thought that's what they thought of all the boys in our class. I did think that it would be nice to have a wizard as a friend. It is quite frustrating to not be able to fully be yourself around your friends. I smiled at him. "Sure, Draco, I'll be your friend", I told him.
Since that day we pretty much hung out everyday. I wouldn't say we were best friends, because I got pretty bothered about his Pureblood comments. My parents were more than happy that I became friends with someone from a wizarding family. Especially since he was a Malfoy. I didn't realize at the time that that was such a big deal. I guess the size of Draco's house should have been my clue. Whenever my parents picked me up after a playdate they would suck up to the Malfoys and, I don't know how or when, but our families actually became friends. This meant dinner almost every week.
At school Draco and I also hung out a lot. My friends started warming up to him, but he didn't really return the favor. My best friend Jannet had asked me why Draco's face was always scrunched up whenever she was around, I told her that he was allergic to her cat.
Draco started calling me R, as if Ari wasn't short enough.
A week before my eleventh birthday, 6th of June, my parents had organized a party. They were very excited for my letter to arrive. Draco's birthday was the day before mine. He got his letter on the morning of the 5th, so all through that day he couldn't stop gloating.
My party was the next day, but obviously I couldn't invite any of my No-Maj friends. I had told them about my sick grandma and that it was best if not too many people would come over, so she wouldn't risk getting any nasty virus. They understood.
Draco had stayed over at my place the night before, because he wanted to be there when I opened my letter. Really nice I thought, but once the letter came, he had already grabbed it before I could see it. "It's exactly the same as yours, Draco! Give it to me, I want to read it!" Grumpily he gave it back.
Dear miss Mills,
We are pleased to inform you.... blah blah blah.
I didn't really see how this letter was so special, but I guess the letter confirmed my magical status and therefore was of significance? It made my mom cry.
"Oh sweet Ariel, this is so wonderful", she sobbed. My dad was holding her. I could see him holding back tears. I hugged them and whisper shouted: "Mom, you're embarrassing me!"
"I'm sorry honey, I'm just so proud." She said and let out another loud sob.
"You shouldn't be embarrassed, I think it's nice", said Draco, sadness spreading over his face.
Soon after that, my mom dropped us of at school. All day long Draco and I discussed our Hogwarts future in hushed voices. We were both certain we would be sorted in Slytherin like our parents before us. I joked that green wouldn't look good on me, but he assured me that it woud look great.
Time flew by and before I knew it, summer holiday had ended. All my No-Maj friends were going to schools nearby, but I told them that I would be attending boarding school in Scotland, which is the truth in a way. Draco and I would be going to Kings Cross separately, because my parents wanted a last goodbye in private, which I was grateful for because they were very embarrassing. After about 5000 bone-crushing hugs, my parents let me go, and I got on the train just as the whistle blew.
"R, down here", I heard Draco say. I followed him as we entered a compartment. Two very large and scary boys were already sitting there. Draco introduced them as Crabbe and Goyle. I wanted to ask what their first names were, but Draco had already whipped out his wand and was boasting about it. I hadn't seen him since the beginning of the summer, since my family decided to go to New York to visit some old friends. We didn't go to Ollivander's together like we had planned, but it didn't upset me that much. I thought that buying a wand was quite an intimate occasion and I rather wanted to do it with my family. My wand was of hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core and was about 10 ¼  inches long. Short, like me. I was quite happy with it. Draco's wand was of the same wood and had the same core. I thought Draco's was quite simple, but it had a sense of elegance. Mine was prettier though.
"Did you hear?" Draco asked. I looked at him puzzlingly. "Apparently Harry Potter is in our year", he told us. Unlike most wizarding kids, I never grew up with stories about the legendary Harry Potter. Draco had told me about Harry Potter and You-Know-Who, when I was 10. He was some sort of a legend who defeated an evil wizard when he was just a baby. I always thought Draco was messing with me, but apparently the Boy Who Lived was real. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle went out to search for him on the train, but I didn't feel like going. Instead, I quickly changed into my Hogwarts uniform. When I was dressed, a girl and very upset boy came by to ask if I'd seen a toad, but I hadn't. They went away.
When we arrived at the station, some large man escorted us to some boats. I was in a boat with the boys I shared the compartment with, but our boat seemed to have a hard time keeping up with the others. Probably the weight of the two large boys that sat behind Draco and I. I wanted to point this out to Draco, but he had been in a bad mood ever since he came back from his Potter Safari.
The castle was very impressive. It was huge and the grounds didn't seem to end. All the kids around me seemed to be as amazed as I am.
Before we knew it a tall and slim witch called professor McGonagall was telling us about the houses and explaining what would happen when we would enter the Great Hall. Once McGonagall mentioned Slytherin, Malfoy looked at me and I smiled back.
After a while Draco's name was called and the blond boy walked up to the stool. The singing hat was not even touching his head when the Sorting Hat bellowed: "Slytherin!". He looked at me and I gave him a thumbs up. He mouthed at me: "You're next", and I nodded.
"Mills, Ariel", called Professor McGonagall and I stepped forward. The giant hat fell over my eyes blocking my view of the hall. I felt all eyes on me and my nerves were killing me. I obviously wouldn't be a great Gryffindor.
"Ah, another Mills", said the hat quietly. "Considering your family's history, I would seriously consider placing you in Slytherin. Your mind, however, argues something else. Best put you in... RAVENCLAW!" He yelled the last word. The table filled with young witches and wizards sporting blue ties stood up and clapped.
Obviously shocked I walked over to the table. I didn't know how to feel. I looked over at the Slytherin table and I saw Malfoy looking angrily back. He quickly looked away, leaving me hurt. I said down next to a blond girl who was sorted into Ravenclaw not long before me.
During the feast, I looked back one more time, but Draco had turned away and was now stabbing his food with his fork. I could hear something along the lines of "my father...." but that was the last I'd heard.
All year Draco Malfoy had been a real pain in the ass. When I had informed my parents of my house they didn't reply for almost a month, but they had ultimately decided that they were happy for me. All through year two and three, I would hear terms as "bloodtraitor" or "mugglefriend" from Draco, but I ignored him. Every time he would get near me I would turn around and walk away. Luckily, he greatest hobby was pestering Harry Potter.
Every summer I had gotten out of my parents dinner plans with the Malfoys until the summer between year three and year four, when my parents had brought me to a very important dinner with many Slytherin alumni. I was being forced to see my bully again. Who knew how this would end?
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/the-law-of-cause-and-effect-in-action/
The Law of Cause and Effect in Action
The Law of Cause and Effect in Action
By Hare in the Moon Astrology
Sunday July 12 2020
A heads up! The Law of Cause and Effect in Action…
This week’s astrology means business. The eclipse tunnel is active until the New Moon on July 20th -feel the waves after waves of continuous Dismantling, Overwriting and Disclosure, dramatic ebbs and flows and palpable magnetic shifts.
Those 3 eclipses one after the other are taking a real emotional toll and your resilience is being tested over and over. The June 21st Solar eclipse was in Cancer, last Sunday July 5th’s lunar eclipse fell across Capricorn/Cancer and the approaching New Moon on June 20th is in Cancer which means that issues of personal safety and security are taking a battering.
The waves during these constant magnetic shifts create dramatic ebbs and flows, exhausting your energy field, as it expands and contracts to harmonise with your inner and outer environment. Prescribe yourself earthing, grounding, extra hydration and as much rest as you can get.
On Sunday 12th, Mercury stations to turn direct in Cancer followed by warrior Mars in Aries encountering Chiron on Wednesday 14th.Mars tends to throw a lit match into whatever pile of tinder it finds, so things can escalate quickly, for better or worse.
Unconscious Mars manifests as anger, volatility, aggression, so choose courage, initiative and Skilful Will instead of Strong Will Mars’ conjunction with Chiron means his presence will be felt through Chironic themes – health, healing, chronic struggles, human fallibility and teaching what you need to learn.
One possibility is that COVID numbers could surge again in July, especially with Mars stoking the Chiron in Aries fire and amplified by the lunar eclipse.
Raising the stakes politically and personally, the Sun opposes Jupiter on July 14th, then Pluto on July 15th in the government’s sign of Capricorn before making a square to Disruptor Eris -the mechanism behind the lockdown and suspension of life as we knew it.
Finally, Venus in Gemini opposes the karmic Great Attractor, the most potent source of electromagnetic radiation in the known universe, which bends both space and time in a simultaneous view of the past, present and future. In the 3D world, dilemmas of Fate and Free Will increase such as those who refuse to protect others by wearing a mask or by breaking lockdown restrictions.
Don’t be attached to outcomes or to making anything happen or to understanding these new Freedom Codes- the new light is teaching you to align with the Creator State and be here Now.
Get your free July 12-19 2020 Week Ahead + Personal Sign Forecasts at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
New! August’s astrology takes us right into the eye of the storm……for the inside track ,sign up to my August 5D Report:” The Writing on the Wall”:www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 years
Transiting Mercury stations retrograde
Timeline (current events in bold):
Thursday, June 20, 2019, 17:11 UT - transiting Mercury enters Rx Zone, 23:56:52 Cancer
Monday, June 24, 2019, 01:14 UT - Mercury’s greatest eastern elongation
Thursday, June 27, 2019, 00:19 UT - transiting Mercury enters Leo
Sunday, July 7, 2019, 23:14 UT - transiting Mercury stations retrograde, 4:27:54 Leo
Friday, July 19, 2019, 07:06 UT - transiting Mercury re-enters Cancer
Sunday, July 21, 2019, 12:34 UT - Mercury-Sun Inferior Conjunction, 28:28 Cancer
Thursday, August 1, 2019, 03:58 UT - transiting Mercury stations direct, 23:56:52 Cancer
Saturday, August 10, 2019, 01:08 UT - Mercury’s greatest western elongation
Sunday, August 11, 2019, 19:46 UT - transiting Mercury re-enters Leo
Thursday, August 15, 2019, 06:53 UT - transiting Mercury exits Rx Zone, 4:27:54 Leo
Ugh. Here we go! And here are some “Leo Mercury Retrograde Survival Tips” from Chrissie Blaze’s book Mercury Retrograde:
Check that the tickets for the play you are in were mailed - or you may be without an audience!
Keep up your daily gym workouts - but don’t skip the warm-up.
Don’t hire a new managing director for your company just yet. Instead, review the candidates’ backgrounds carefully - and wait.
Be generous to all you meet.
Ms M will just add the standard Mercury Retrograde cautions: don’t buy anything electronic; don’t sign anything; back up your work; be patient with your cell phone acting up - it’ll most likely stop when Mercury stations direct.
Monday, July 8, Mars/Leo conjunct Mercury Rx/Leo, 4:25
And we’re off to a (literally?) blazing start. I’m hearing The Cosmos telling us “NO,” and we don’t much like it. What makes it worse is that, while Mercury is now very much in “introspective” mode, Mars and Leo almost never get that way. Optimally, we’re going to get an idea about how to do Mercury better, but we won’t be able to act on it right away; the Libra Moon today will facilitate.
Placements affected lie between 3:25 and 5:25 of all signs.
Friday, July 12, Neptune Rx/Pisces (18:36) sesquare Mercury Rx/Leo (3:36)
Second of three. This sesquare is all wrapped up in fantasy and drama. It has a hard time discerning reality. We tend to see things the way we want them to be, or the way we think they “should” be. (Dangerous word, “should.”) Our minds are so fixated on drama and ego, that facing reality is futile. Creative visualization isn’t supposed to be used for self-aggrandizement.
Placements affected lie between 2:36 and 4:36 of the fixed signs Taurus*, Leo*, Scorpio*, and Aquarius*; and between 17:36 and 19:36 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*.
Thursday, July 18, Ceres Rx/Sagittarius trine Mercury Rx/Leo, 0:31;  Jupiter Rx/Sagittarius (15:22) sesquare Mercury Rx/Leo (0:22)
Second of three for both aspects. With the trine, we’re trying to nurture our ideas; with Jupiter, we’re (still) going overboard, taking on more than we can do. The situation is a bit like handing a child a calculus textbook after they’ve mastered addition and subtraction. Don’t skip steps!
Ceres trine: placements affected lie between 0:00 and 1:31 of the yang signs Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
Jupiter sesquare: placements affected lie between 0:00 and 1:22 of the fixed signs Taurus*, Leo*, Scorpio*, and Aquarius*; and between 14:22 and 16:22 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*.
(* - the energies challenge each other.)
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votrealtcsse · 5 years
The Lavergne Family Heirs
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Genevieve Blanche Lavergne
Age: 28  Birthday: June 9th (Gemini)
The first born child of the most recent generation of the Lavergne’s, Genevieve threw herself into the world of business at a young age. Feeling obligated to prove herself, being born into a trade that is mostly dominated by wealthy men and having no interest in producing an heir herself, she shut herself off and became cold and calculating. Genevieve mostly handles the finances of the family business, often the one behind the scenes organizing parties and cementing herself as the primary face of the Lavergne company. Has no time for a relationship, resenting the traditional female role of a wealthy child to have a political marriage. Will break your finger if you try to romance her anymore than a fling. If you’re broke, you won’t even get close enough to go that far. Being the main financial advisor she is obsessed with money and everything that comes with it. Glitz, glamour, fame. Secretly dreamed of being an actress as a child. Despite being born wealthy she believes she has worked hard and earned everything she has, therefore she detests anyone who doesn’t lift a finger. Genevieve is of taller height, clocking in at around 5′10″. She has long, waist length dark brown hair and has a slender build highlighted by her long legs which actually make up most of her height. Has light fawn brown eyes that almost appear gold.
As the eldest, she feels incredibly protective of all her younger siblings, aside from Maxime. If you wrong her younger brothers in any way, she will be the first to tell you that you’ve majorly fucked up. Despite stating she doesn’t have a favorite, her true bias lies with Stéphane, whom she has doted on extra ever since they were young. They could also be considered the closest of the 6 children, almost in a clique-like fashion of judging others together.
She has a particular distaste for Maxime, and is in fact the driving force for the rift between him and the rest of his older siblings. No one wants to be on Genevieve’s bad side. She believes that he has no place amongst their family, having been taught by her paternal grandparents that blood was the only thing that matters in their world when they were teaching her the ins and outs of the business. Their paternal grandparents never approved of Maxime, and likely used their influence on Genevieve to further their beliefs. Since Maxime has a different father and doesn’t actually have any Lavergne heritage, she believes that he isn’t entitled to any of their inheritance, business ventures, or time. She feels incredibly slighted that their maternal grandparents left the majority of their inheritance to Maxime, knowing that he would be left out of the Lavergne side of the will.
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Antoine Clément Lavergne III
Age: 27  Birthday: August 27th (Virgo)
Antoine, being the first born son of the Lavergne’s, was named after his grandfather and his father before him. In contrast to Genevieve, he genuinely has no interest in the family business but is held to such a high standard by birth right that it is all but required of him. Leaving the financial aspect to his older sister, Antoine prefers to work quietly behind the scenes away from all of the formalities overseeing the various vineyards and winerys the family owns. He’s rarely ever spotted at home, constantly going on trips across the country quality testing and managing labor. He is the first of his siblings to marry, as he is the one most expected to carry on the family name. Since Genevieve has denounced her role in this, he feels extreme pressure from their paternal grandparents to produce an heir in a “timely” fashion. His wife’s name is Éloise Delphine Lavergne, and she is three years his senior. He has yet to have a child, but there are rumors circulating that she may be a couple months pregnant.
Being as soft spoken as he is, it’s rare for him to get involved in any family spats. Unfortunately for Maxime, he feels as if he has to go along with Genevieve’s harassment lest her rage be quickly turned onto him. Doesn’t honestly have an opinion either way on Maxime’s heritage, which honestly might be worse than actively bullying him. In fact, Antoine rarely has any opinions of his own, preferring to be told what to do by his grandparents, parents, wife, and of course his older sister. The ultimate coward and pushover. 
Antoine, in painfully average fashion, clocks in at about 5′8″. He has shaggy mousey brown hair, and dark brown eyes. Slightly toned build, has hints of muscle but nothing incredibly defined. Doesn’t look anything like a wealthy heir at first glance, much to the family’s dismay.
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Stéphane Raphaël Lavergne
Age: 24  Birthday: December 22nd (Capricorn)
Unlike his older two siblings, Stéphane feels almost no obligation to be an actual part of the family business. He has no interest in wine, other than drinking it of course, but don’t let that fool you into thinking he doesn’t hold the family name in high esteem. Quite the opposite, in fact. Stéphane is very aware of what it means to have been born into wealth and uses it to his advantage. He is actually a decently well known fashion designer, preferring to spread the Lavergne name to other forms of art than sit at the family home and deal with politics. His paternal grandparents support him heavily, eager to have another area of the market on which to build their estate. He is a frequent staple at many Lavergne family parties, mingling close to Genevieve and always making sure the two of them are the best dressed in the room at any given time. Being one of the most spoiled out of all of his siblings, Stéphane is known to throw world famous tantrums if he doesn’t receive the things he thinks he deserves. He’s frequently known to deny having a relationship of any kind formally, but it’s rumored that he has a secret boyfriend that he wishes to keep out of the public eye. The reason for this is unknown, given his very loud and attention-seeking nature. He has short, well maintained dark brown hair and soft, grey-blue eyes that are strangely uncharacteristic of the mostly dark eyed Lavergne’s. He has a slender build, his height landing just above 5′9″.
Similar to Genevieve, one of Stéphane’s favorite pastimes is alienating Maxime. He was frequently right by her side antagonizing him as a child, believing his presence puts an “irremovable stain” on the family name. He seems to not care about anything that happens to him, treating him like the scum of the earth. Despite this treatment of the second youngest he has nothing but unconditional love for his other siblings and constantly shows up at events for them to offer his support.
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Rémy Clovis Lavergne
Age: 22  Birthday: May 24th (Gemini)
Rémy, although he does not care about the family business nor the family name, uses it to his advantage in getting the things he wants. He is a partier at heart and loves to have a good time. He often will throw his name around to get attention or to impress the women he’s currently interested in pursuing, which there are quite a few at any given time. He’s a notorious womanizer, yet they still fall for his charm and good looks. He is often unfaithful, never being able to stick to a single partner for very long. Out of all of the siblings he’s deemed the most attractive and has a silver tongue. He can be found at any high end parties, nightclubs, or bars. He is often the one who abandons his task and leaves Maxime to deal with it, as he is lazy by nature when it comes to actually working. Although he puts up many fronts to make it seem like he contributes under Genevieve’s watchful and judging eyes. Since Maxime is the one who covers for him, it’s unlikely the siblings will believe him even if he were to tell them the truth.
Rémy is the tallest out of all the siblings, standing at a rather towering height of 6′3″. He has a remarkable face, looking the most like his father out of all of the siblings. He has long medium brown hair with startling chestnut eyes. He has been rumored to be able to make women melt with his smile. He’s well built and loves to dance, having noticeable muscles, but nothing that would interfere with his almost prince-like physique. 
He often times doesn’t care for the foolish sibling drama, but he does have a habit of joining in when he’s got nothing better to do. Rather than bully Maxime outright however, he often blamed Mazime for things that went wrong around the house, aiming to get him in trouble with their parents, rather than the other siblings. He now often will try and knock Maxime down a few pegs if he happens to be showing self-confidence in his presence as he finds it amusing to see people at their lowest or believing they’re lesser than him, which they are. 
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Maxime Eden Lavergne
Age: 20  Birthday: October 15th (Libra)
About page - [ x ]
Maxime’s main role in the family business is distribution, travelling to oversee the importation of Lavergne products to new regions and countries.
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Félix Sylvain Lavergne
Age: 16  Birthday: April 11th (Aries)
Félix is the youngest of the Lavergne family and probably the most well-liked by all of the siblings. He’s a kind-hearted boy with a bright future ahead of him. He’s not involved in the business at all yet, being a child, but he may dip his toes into it in the future. However, he’s not really interested in it and instead wants to become a doctor for children with special needs and disabilities. He has always been passionate about this field, as he himself was born hearing impaired. He now has cochlear implants, but for a long time when he was too young to have the surgery he would communicate with sign language. The deafness was inherited through his mother’s side, his maternal grandmother also being born deaf. He was the only one of the siblings to be affected by the gene. He still prefers sign language as his main form of communication, due to a stark speech impediment and stutter from not being able to hear well at his developmental years. 
He has a heavy interest in music now, having always loved the vibrations and what little he could hear when he was small, now being able to enjoy it fully and appreciate the art form. He has a soft spot for sweets. enjoying macarons the most. He loves to paint with Maxime and spend time with him at his home in Aragon. He doesn’t participate in any of the bullying directed towards him and in fact looks up to him. If he notices the others picking on him he often time intervenes and makes a point to show how disappointed he is in the others for their awful behavior.
Out of all of the siblings, Maxime is the only one fully fluent in sign language and fully communicates with Félix this way. They were both taught by their mother. Félix is a smaller male, standing at 5′3″. He has almost black brown hair with honey brown eyes. He adores the color pink and incorporates it into his outfits frequently. 
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bearingwater · 6 years
2019 Aquarius Forecast
You’ve got to learn the rules before you can break them, Aquarius. But with Saturn and Pluto cracking down in Capricorn this year, you’ve had just about enough of rules. After all, you’ve got to uphold your reputation as the “rebel” of the zodiac!
Still, your best kept secret is that you actually crave structure. You’d just rather create a system that works for you than conform to someone else’s. Remember, though: it takes more discipline to be different.
Over the last seven years, Uranus in Aries has stirred up a lot of controversy, both personal and political. And you haven’t been shy about speaking your mind—even if it’s alienated some of the people closest to you. Tempers have flared up and burnt out pretty quickly… but the long-term consequences for your relationships remain to be seen.
Once Uranus moves into Taurus on March 6, the cracks begin to show. And by the time Venus in your sign squares Mars in Taurus (March 21), you could finally reach your breaking point. Family members may never see eye-to-eye—but if they don’t get you, Aquarius, somebody out there will!
With Uranus in your fourth house, the next seven years could radically reinvent what “home,” “family,” and “belonging” mean to you. And at the Virgo new moon on August 30, a Grand Earth Trine (which includes Uranus) helps you put down roots for a new kind of tribe. The moon, sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Virgo bring healing for old trauma through mutually supportive relationships that simplify your life. And Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn give you the strength to live with the courage of your convictions.
The best news of all, Aquarius? With Jupiter spending most of the year in Sagittarius (your eleventh house of community) you won’t have to do it alone! Two Venus-Jupiter conjunctions (January 22 and November 24) bring ample opportunity to connect with other visionaries like you. And Jupiter’s squares to Neptune (January 13, June 16, and September 21) challenge you to transcend your differences and find common ground—just make sure you’re not selling out on the values you cherish most.
Career & Finance
You’re a spirit in the material world, Aquarius—but there’s no avoiding money matters in 2019.
After all, with Neptune still in Pisces, cash flow is “easy come, easy go.” And three Jupiter-Neptune squares (January 13, June 16, and September 21) make it even more tempting to live beyond your means.
Fortunately, Mercury will be spending two months in Pisces (your second house of finance), giving you plenty of time to balance your checkbook. From February 10-April 16, try keeping a money diary to track your expenses. If the numbers don’t add up, use Mercury’s retrograde (March 5-28) to rework your budget.
Mercury goes retrograde three times this year—and for better or worse, Aquarius, all three happen in career and money houses. Progress may be slow, but with the North Node in Cancer (your sixth house of work), trust that things are moving in the right direction.
The total solar eclipse in Cancer (July 2) could signal a new direction. Still, with Mercury retrograde for most of July, it’s probably too soon to switch jobs. Update your resume and brush up your interviewing skills, so you’ll be ready to seize your moment when the time comes.
Mercury conjuncts Mars twice this summer: once in Cancer, opposite Saturn and Pluto (June 18) and once in Leo (July 8). If you’ve been complaining about the same work problems forever, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is!
There’ll be no more time to waste once Mercury settles into Scorpio (October 3-December 9, retrograde October 31-November 20). With Mercury and other inner planets opposing Uranus, constant interruptions make it hard to keep your eye on the prize. But they’re also a reminder of the need for work/life balance.
Yes, Aquarius, you can have it all… as long as you remember success isn’t “all-or-nothing.”
Love & Romance
Over the last two years, eclipses in your sign and the opposite sign of Leo have put you through some major relationship rites of passage. Whether it brought painful endings, joyful new beginnings, or both, one thing’s for sure: after this, Aquarius, you’ll never look at love in quite the same way again.
The Leo lunar eclipse on January 20 brings this chapter of your love story to its logical conclusion. And by the new moon in Leo on July 31—the same day Mercury stations direct—you’ll be ready to start writing the next one!
Mercury spends the summer going back and forth between Cancer and Leo. In each of these signs, he’ll meet up with action-oriented Mars (June 18 and July 8), driving home the message that love is a verb. We all need to hear “I love you” now and then, but actions speak louder than words—and it’s the little things you do for each other every day that add up to a truly great romance. What has your partner done for you lately, Aquarius? And what can you do to show them you’re the real deal?
Keeping it real can be a bit of a challenge this year, with Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (January 13, June 16, and September 21). And in June, Venus in Gemini throws more fuel on the fire! Her aspects to Jupiter and Neptune on the twenty-third and twenty-fourth have you feeling fun and flirty… but the attraction may be quick to fizzle out. Even if you’re head-over-heels, a night out with friends sounds a lot more exciting than a quiet evening in.
The tables are turned in Virgo season, when a Venus-Mars conjunction (August 24) opposes Neptune and squares Jupiter. This time, it could be a case of “all work and no play.” Yes, relationships do take work… and when Venus and Mars team up, there’s nothing they can’t do. But if love isn’t fun, Aquarius, you’re doing it wrong—so make sure playtime is also a priority!
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ironwoman359 · 6 years
(Taylor’s Traits)
Ariyana: Prompts! Prompts prompts prompts, answer all the prompts! Prinxiety angst! Logicality breakup hurt/comfort! Moxiety comfort after bullying! Patton being mind controlled to fight Virgil! 
Dael: Your creative exploits are fulfilling, but please do not forget about this very important List of Things that need Doing. 
Ellie: Awwww look at all these comments, people are so sweet, they love your work, Ari! 
Claire: Uh, I know Ari wants to write and Dael wants to work, but consider this: The Sims. 
Dael: Recreation is important as well, but some of these things need to get done or we are going to regret it tomorrow...
Leah: Oh my god we have so much acne why won’t it just go away!
Dael: Leah, if we keep picking at it and trying to pop new break outs they aren’t going to get better, they’re going to get worse– 
Ariyana: I don’t want to alarm anybody, but I am totally stuck on this mind control fic, do we jump right into the mind control or should we show the abduction leading up to it...
Claire: Not to freak you out Ari, but it’s gotta be good if we’re going to post it, we can’t post garbage. 
Leah: Everything we do is garbage, and people are gonna know and they’re gonna leave us, not that they even care much to begin with, but if you post garbage they’re going to hate us, but if you don’t post anything they’re going to get bored of us and leave, and if this ACNE doesn’t go AWAY you we’re going to look HIDEOUS in the wedding photos! 
Dael: Oh god, we haven’t called the hairdresser or the photographer back yet, why would you bring the wedding up, Leah, we haven’t even done anything on this List for Today yet and– 
Leah: We forgot SO MUCH today, it was a total failure! 
Ellie: These comments are so nice...but why aren’t there more of them? why did so few people comment? did we do something wrong? 
Ariyana: I can’t work under these conditions, I don’t know what to do. 
Claire: It’s getting late we need to sleep. 
Dael: Guys PLEASE we have to do something...
Leah: We are the WORST! 
Ellie: How much do our followers really care about us, really? How authentic to our true self are we on this blog? 
Claire: Dael, I am begging you, we need to get to sleep, please try and rally everyone. 
Dael: I– 
Leah: This is it. We are finished. We’re going to fail at life forever now.
Ellie: Is posting this fictional conversation between fictionalized aspects of ourself like this the right thing to do or is it a thinly veiled, manipulative cry for attention from people we are desperate to please and terrified of disappointing/offending? 
Claire: Please Ellie, you know I can’t handle it when you get Meta like this. 
Dael: Okay, everyone enough. Ari, to say that you are a failure as creativity because this mind manipulation fic is giving you trouble is absurd, because you literally wrote an 800 word story in one sitting this morning before work that has almost 600 notes and dozens of comments across tumblr and AO3. Last night you wrote two other ficlets that also have hundreds of notes and overwhelming positive response. You have been on a streak, just because that streak is fading doesn’t mean that you are failing. 
Leah, your list of concerns are legitimate, but you must learn to calm down when presenting them, as your current method is not helpful to anybody. The acne will go away if we properly research treatment options and stick to a self care regimen. Even if our skin is not perfectly clear by June, we have hired a makeup artist who will do airbrush foundation for us, so we will look fine. The things that we do are not garbage, as again evidenced by the extremely positive response that our fics received yesterday and today. There was much that was forgotten today, yes, but there were also things accomplished, to ignore those things in favor of dwelling on what was forgotten will only lead to greater crisis. 
And Ellie. It is understandable to be worried about people’s perception of you, especially considering the number of followers that we have amassed in our time here on tumblr, but to think that none of our followers care for us is simply untrue, and you know this. Not everyone will be pleased all the time, but clearly the majority of our followers have positive feelings towards us, as they are still here. 
As for posting conversations like this...well, your goal is to be more authentic, yes? Even if this is a dramatized version of our thought process, with different aspects of our personality being characterized and given turns to speak, it is still a fairly accurate picture of what’s gone through our head in the past half hour or so. I do not believe it is manipulative to let people know what we are feeling, both the highs of being happy they like our work and the lows of being worried that we will not be able to consistently satisfy. And if someone does decide not to stay, then they are making the best choice for themselves, and that is admirable. 
While I do regret not having all of our tasks done for the day, I do believe Claire is right. At the moment, making sure we get enough sleep is the most important thing so that tomorrow, we can easily catch up on what we have fallen behind on. As such, I am going to be okay. As will all of you, correct?
Ariyana: I...yes, I am going to be okay. 
Ellie: I am going to be okay. 
Leah: ......
Claire: I’m gonna be ok. C’mon, Leah. 
Leah: ........there’s still a f*ck-ton of things wrong with us. 
Ellie: Leah, LANGUAGE!
Leah: But I guess I’m going to be okay, for now. 
Dael: Good. Now, Ari, if you would please?
Ariyana: Gladly. Thank you for this, by the way. The other fic still isn’t coming but after doing this...I feel better. Goodnight everyone!
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I’m going to be okay. Love you guys, g’night! <3
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astrolocherry · 7 years
  The Transit Lounge 2018 - 2020 
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The cosmic ceremony of Saturn in Capricorn, Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces is the time of the great fall from grace. The betrayers of trust, authority, and privilege (Capricorn) delusional in their entitlement (Neptune) are served a life sentence (Pluto) for the greater good of humanity and its future (Uranus). We have been practicing and preparing for this cosmic grid for quite some time beneath the challenge of Pluto squaring Uranus 2012-2015, Pluto in Capricorn forming mutual reception with Saturn in Scorpio 2012-2015, current Jupiter transit in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. Rather than the dense arrival of widespread misfortune and loss, this remarkable planetary collaboration is more about anticipating the arrival and clearing the entrance of a new cycle and collective agreement. 
Louis Acker ascribes the combination of Saturn and Pluto to the ‘worst abuses of power and corruption’. The Hollywood abuse scandal we saw in October grew into the onslaught as Jupiter entered Scorpio. No secret could fit inside its hidden box any longer, unleashing a cosmic sonic boom that dismantled the patriarchal hostage of power, hierarchy, entitlement, and those who protected it (Capricorn). Pluto is the planet that responds to violation, abuses of power, and secrecy. This is only an increment of what we can expect to see as these cosmic patterns start to make real waves together. Everything will come out in this cosmic nuclear waste wash. 
Uranus in Taurus trine Saturn in Capricorn  Saturn in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 
“as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interests of the ruling class -- whether that class be hereditary royalty, oligarchs of financial empires, or entrenched bureaucracy.” ― Frank Herbert, Children of Dune
In May 2018 Uranus will cross into the sign of Taurus until 2026 and continue making visits into Aries until March 2019. Venus becomes Mars as Taurus is exchanged for Aries. Taurus has a much slower pace and response time than Aries. For the better, it can regulate the volatile pace of this change. For the worse, internal inertia collides with the speed of light and the rate of change is not happening quick enough. There is no chance to settle in with Uranus in Taurus, because a month later in June 2018 Saturn in Capricorn makes a 3 part appearance by form of trine until November 2018. Although Saturn and Uranus never quite make direct contact,  these opposing past and future forces lap the edges of one another, gaining enough inspiration and agitation that beckons to come together to fight and fly. 
There may be a reduction in the forms of political violence, antagonism, and ruling by oppressing with fear. This is characteristic of the declaration of personal ideology, shouting, the infantile performance that triumph over truth, evidence, and accountability we have seen during the political years of Uranus in Aries. Uranus provokes abrupt cataclysms that reset the status quo. Taurus is a sign of finances, the opulent, and the wealthy.  Life may start getting very uncomfortable for residents in the bubble of affluence, the rich and privileged that salivate from the power and influence that money commands, financial institutions taking bets on their customer’s assets while promising to safeguard them, executives who sold their soul for a salary, the balcony from the top that would rather the poor, disadvantaged, and the homeless be removed from their view from the window.
Taurus is how we measure value. Uranus can restructure our definition of wealth. It may be to reflect the qualities of this energy like our brilliant thinkers and geniuses, our scientists and activists, our eccentrics and our artists, and the richness of our friendships and relationships. The significance of Uranus in Taurus is that last time Uranus shook up Taurus was during the great depression. But with intensely active Capricorn and Saturn energy captivating the world, the focus of this re-structure is more on establishment, banks, and governments. Governments will be under pressure increase the distribution of resources (Taurus) back into the people (Uranus). The leaders elected during this period may have grand and progressive vision and crusade strongly for equality, globalisation, science, and education. Taurus likes to implement prepared and considerate change that is timely in development but endures for the longterm. Uranus wants it now, but Taurus is slow to move. Chaos and instability arises on all fronts of personal and business security and longevity. Stability is acquired through the inner experience, seasonal and earthy intimacy, and independently creating capital from natural talent and aptitudes 
Uranus is the stimulant of the revelation and change demanded by Saturn in Capricorn and Pluto in Capricorn. For example dynamics influenced by Pluto’s entry into Capricorn during 2008 and the subsequent financial collapse. Your neighbours lost their home, your friend lost his business, your parents were forced to delay their retirement... but the elite maintained their wealth... and even better, they managed to increase and expand their reign. Chaos ensued, but nothing has really changed. This is until Uranus in Taurus mixes everything in the cosmic blender and turns the world upside down to so that loose change is shaken from their pockets and resources free fall and fly to and from every direction. 
For many years a lot of predictive astrology speaks about the coming utopia and endless love and awakening and elevating dimensions and chakra 3rd wheel something. Saturn is also making a long lasting sextile for most of 2019 with Neptune in Pisces and it really stimulates our longing for an ideal. I am not going to go there even with such a powerful cosmic performance because we were made grand promises at the end of the mayan calendar and the square before and eclipse previous and so on. Pisces is a dual sign so we wouldn’t even be able to come to an agreement of what the vision is. The great climax of Capricorn has been historically associated with our entrance into the light or dark age. While powerful transformations will occur with major shifts, these planets move slowly and never rush their influence. Think of like the prosecution taking many years to converge the evidence and make a critical conviction. I (hope) with the cosmic resources available that transiting Uranus moving into Taurus regenerates the collective responsibility (Uranus) to the environment (Taurus), The mother of humanity (Uranus) with the instinct to protect mother earth (Taurus), and this also extends to the feeding, resources, and nourishing aspect of Taurus into global and humanitarian (Uranus) malnutrition and lack of supply. The siding circumstance with this may be increasing technology and manufacturing of GMO’s. The contact of Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in taurus will draw focus to earth’s mortality (Capricorn) and temper (Uranus), and activate the necessary scientific (Uranus) and financial resources (Taurus) into preservation earth (Taurus) and humanity (Uranus). Uranus has a quick and hot temper that cracks Mother Nature Taurus. There may be unexpected weather patterns that form rapidly aggravating storms, earthquakes and shockwaves, and weather that impacts our agriculture and the way we develop technology for sustainability.  I may be boarding the Neptune in Pisces carnival ride, but Taurus is the ruler of gold, and it has been said and spoken by higher beings and forces that the substance of gold can repair and rebalance the earth and climate.
Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn 2020 The apex of building celestial gesture is no doubt the event of transiting Saturn and transiting Pluto coming together at 22 degrees Capricorn on January 12, 2020 or 12/01/2020. If you have a good memory, that date may seem familiar, because the ending of the Mayan calendar occurred on January 21, 2012 or 21/12/2012. Also, the date that Saturn makes its first crossing into Aquarius is 21/03/2020. I don’t know really what this means, but it gives me the sense that great cosmic collaboration and higher preparation is being directed into this. 12 is of course the the 12 zodiacs tribes and completion of the cycle. 4 is the numerology and vibrates to strength, stability, found in the charts of monks, priests and other religious leaders and reflects the higher qualities of Capricorn. 2 is ruled by the moon in numerology which is the astrological opposer of Saturn, and notably ascribed the quality of ‘duality and polarity’ alongside ‘the lover, provider, the ultimate survivor and resilient force’ . There is a tremendous spiritual potency directed here so don’t forget that the whole universe is right behind you 
Remember that Saturn is the devil in tradition so it can really bring out the fear and fanaticism in those with extremely rigid theologies, like the returning antichrist or satan messiah. No, you will not wake up and see fiery embers across the sky. When I was new to learning this stuff hearing something like that would have really scared me. The significance is that the ‘antichrist’ or ‘devil’ is the symbol that shows its face through the suppressors, corrupt leadership, greed and gluttony, and politics of fear. Second, astrology can’t predict the end of the world. Astrology is very focused on the ‘next transit, the next planetary pattern, the next challenging condition written in the cosmos’ and does not exist without collusion from future and higher selves. The unconscious collective would not be challenged to advance through the sign and integrate the experiences and necessary inner and spiritual material for entering the next developmental phase, such as Pluto entering Aquarius in 2024. 
“There are no nations! There is only humanity. And if we don't come to understand that right soon, there will be no nations, because there will be no humanity. ”
― Isaac Asimov, I. Asimov
The archetype of Saturn and Capricorn is Chronos, Father Time, Mortality, The Grim Reaper, The Alchemist. The archetype of Pluto is the God of Death and Rebirth, The Crone, Greater Destiny, and Soul. The suggestion is that death will arrive on many doorsteps at the same time, one that cleanses the soul of humanity. One that perishes mass corporate, financial, institutional, social, and egotistical foundations that suppress this soul. Plato described Uranus as an upward ascent and The World of Divine Ideas, so as one that existed on a higher vibration. These suppressive autocrats and ideologues retain our physical body and conscious experience inside of their own, chaining our spirit onto earth while it longs to respond to the call of the frequency it now belongs to. Why do the policies and representatives of government so rarely reflect the plight and authentic desire of their people? Why is power retained in such small hands with such small minds? Media tells us to be angered and outraged by low income earners, welfare recipients, asylum seekers, foreign aid... and not the atrocities committed by their government and rulers. These individuals were elected by fraudulence and dishonest reporting, the maniacal pursuit of having power rather than having any idea how to use it properly, and to maintain their class of elitism. The politics of division, fear and terror, the ignition of dissent between the people that weakens their resolve and shared resources is closed avenue. Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn is conditioned to collaborate and unify. The people have been unfairly accountable for the misconduct of leaders and establishment. We’ve seen this in significance after 2008 with increased government debt. The poor, the sick, unemployed, single parents, refugees, students, anyone suffering hardship were demoralised as parasites on the public purse and the root of debt. The very social services and benefits that they relied upon were slowly dried up, underfunded, and under resourced. It’s almost as if it were these organisations that disregarded federal laws and regulation that cost hundreds of thousands of people their employment. Now they will realise the power that is inherent to their people, the people are the source of power that is is leased, a power that is only supplied by those who can also deny, a power that is not theirs to engorge on but to nurture, protect, and re-distribute. Saturn is not only resistance and business. Saturn also symbolises the spiritual path, the practically enlightened, our ultimate capability... and Saturn is the last planet that will sell you short or deny you or the world its positive prospects. 
In 2008 Pluto plunged us into the thick of Capricorn. We became intimate with confronting and satisfying its brutality, beauty, command, excess, and unrelenting desires. There is no need to fear the world ending, because you have already died beholding Capricorn and confronting Pluto, and you have always returned with more life and will than you left with. Saturn contacts Pluto as it finalises its passage through Capricorn, and the significance is the resources and wisdom acquired when the master was home and available for personal mentoring. You are not permitted to pass the gates of Saturn without demonstrating your expertise and efficiency, you’ve spent years practicing and mastering this... so why so worried?
you can read about the conditions of transiting Saturn in your horoscope on this link http://astrolocherry.com/post/169103538760/transiting-saturn-in-capricorn-saturn-transit
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manchandakaran · 6 years
What’s in store for you with May’s “Flower Moon”
In the ancient era and even today, whenever a person needs to check seasonal changes, the Moon is used as a tool to do this. From the beginning of time, we used the lunar month and its phases, and now we include the solar year as a tool as well.
Today we use terms like “Full Moon” or “New Moon”, before these terms were used, our ancient elders used names to describe the Full Moon. The Full Moon for the month of May was termed as the "Flower Moon". This was to imply that flowers bloom during the month of May.
It is very important to understand how this entire concept works and how it can impact you. All phases of the Moon do play a role in our horoscope. The distance between the Sun and the Moon becomes an important criterion to understand the Full Moon, New Moon, Waxing or Waning Moon. Remember that the disposition and aspect of the moon can negatively or positively affect a person depending on where the Moon is located in their chart, and during a full moon.
The up and coming full moon will transit through the Sagittarius zodiac sign on 29th. of May 2018. As the moon represents our mind, our soul and our emotions it is going to create an impact accordingly for all 12 zodiac signs in the following manner:-
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Sun - In Taurus
Moon - In Sagittarius
Mars  - Capricorn
Mercury - Taurus
Saturn  -Sagittarius
Venus  - Gemini
Jupiter - Libra
Rahu  -Cancer
Ketu -Capricorn
Special Note: Aries, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces moon signs show no planets at that time, but they will be impacted. Some people's moon sign in their natal chart is combust, which can also have an impact. If you are not sure, please consult me at your convenience.
If you know your moon sign, please see the list above to see which planet your moon sign will be sitting in, then please read below for a general forecast.
1) Sagittarius Sign:- As it is easily visible from the above imagine that the 1st house is our Ascendant or Lagna which is ruled by Sagittarius sign. Here it is important to mention that the 1st house represents our body and one's personality. On the full moon day, our 1st house will be occupied by planet Saturn and the Moon. As the Moon which rules our mind, emotions and soul is conjunct with Karmic planet Saturn, in Jupiter sign. It means for Sagittarius moon sign people the entire month of June will going to with full of negative surprises and a different king of the burden will remain on you. It can be either due to wealth or health or relationship or another thing which is important for you. This one-month phase and majorly fortnight from the day, is going to be bad for you.
Remedy: Try to maintain your ego to avoid issues.
2) Capricorn Sign:- This house is known for speech and wealth is occupied by planet Mars and Ketu (south node of the Moon). The results which are indicated in this space for people who are of Capricorn zodiac sign are a bit in terms of average. This sign is ruled by planet Saturn and where Ketu holds the friendships with the Saturn on one side and on the flip side Mars holds negative relationship. As this house is the house of speech, which means your words can become a reason for your success and failures, either way it will be what you say, that is going to determine what you will get as a payback.
Remedy: Try to control words.
3) Aquarius Sign:- The 3rd house is related to one’s courage and siblings and lord of this house which is already placed in the first house with the Moon is giving you a bit relief for Aquarius moon sign. You can expect some good news from your elders or friends or some lost hopes can revive, or some sudden gains can happen. Whatever be the case the major gains will be because of your timely actions. The flow of energy will be there which will lead you to tap up the right course of action.
Remedy: Listen to your instincts.
4) Pisces Sign: The 4th house is related to one’s home, luxury life, and mother. This full moon is going to be very beneficial for Pisces moon sign. Ruling planet Jupiter which is making a favorable case for luxuries and comfort in your life for this one month, you must try to take the opportunities whatever comes in for you.
Remedy: This situation can make a case of enough greed and placement of Jupiter is in the negative sign since 2017 Sep. It is important to control your greed and act quickly.
5) Aries Sign: The 5th house is related to intelligence level, education, and children and the ruling planet is already placed in the second house which is planet Mars. When we speak about Mars then we speak about anger for sure. Moon is cold and calm and Mars is very aggressive. Due to this placement, the coming month for you can be in your favor and great news can come up. Moon here giving you the calmness which is actually increasing your intelligence level leading to prosperity, It is the best time to make deals and gain the things from it.
Remedy: It’s better to understand that people who are younger than you, are human too. Don’t overreact impulsively with anyone,otherwise, things are in your favor.
6) Taurus: - The 6th house deals with enemies and secret issues, where planet Mercury becomes combust with Sun and in Venus sign. I will say this is the worse sign to be in for this particular time frame as nothing favors you at all. The more you try the more trouble will come. Some disease can happen too that can increase your tensions. It is a time where you are in mid of things as you won’t get any clarification for anything.
Remedy: When time is not in favor then it is better to lay low, as it is for one month only and not for entire life.
7) Gemini: The 7th house relates to our life partner, partnership, desires etc. and when the planet of love and desires "Venus" is placed in the house of Mercury, then nothing much to say for this connection. This time frame is all about what and how you can present the things. One small move can become a game changer for any relationship or related concerns. It is quite visible that Gemini moon sign will be going to get some mix result in this phase.
Remedy: Hold major decisions and try to conclude them after 10 June 2018, try to avoid arguments when it comes really connected to love ones.
8) Cancer Sign: The 8th house deals with the longevity and vulnerability of a native. People mostly misjudge this house and use this to consider the age of a person. The fact of matter here is this house deals with longevity in all aspects, for example if you are a student then how long you can study and what can be the possible outcomes and so on. When we check the coming month from the Moon sign perspective then we see here that Cancer sign is ruled by the Moon and the only sign which Moon rules. Full Moon is a state where the Moon commands with all power and brings brightness. Placement of Rahu in this sign indicates a that you can come to lose the power of judgment and can act in a bit chaos manner. No doubt here that you will remain under the command and will dominate but some negativity can occur which can spoil your mood.
Remedy: Do not take things for guarantee and avoid some major decision for the first week after the full moon.
9) Leo Sign:- The 9th house is related to religion, luck, and ethics and here the lord of the house is the Sun, which is known as the father of our solar system and also considered as to be father in our Vedic astrology. Placement of Sun in the 6 house is nullifying the bad results if any for the Leo sign. This nil impact will increase your luck and may bend you to be more religious in the coming month.
Remedy: As the things are looking good for you, you simply need to get rid of bad associates if any around you.
10) Virgo Sign:- The 10th house is related to the profession, father government sector, and reputation and due to the combustion of Mercury in the house of disease and enemies with conjunction with the sun and Moon conjunction with the Saturn in the first house is not bringing any good news for you for this particular month. If you are expecting any gains then they can stop, your hard work won’t pay you much and you can come under frustration.
Remedy: If you are into business then risks are not at all advisable. Speculations and gambling should be totally avoided.
11) Libra: The 11th house is related to gains and Income, speculation gains and what to expect when we see planet Jupiter is placed in it’s enemy sign since last year September. Almost 9 months now from such placement and now this flower Moon is all ready to give you the rewards which were missing before. No doubt there is an enmity but due to positive placement for the month of Venus here and an eye of Saturn to it, this is becoming positive for you and if are from Libra Moon sign then this is your chance you were waiting.
Remedy: Opportunity will not knock at your door, you need to snatch it and take advantage of this favorable time.
12) Scorpio Sign: The 12th house is related to expenditures and foreign connection. When the ruling planet is in the house of wealth where they are in the negative environment then it means this particular phase will impact your source of income adversely and lead to many unwanted expenses. This is not a good phase and you should curtail some unwanted expenses.
Remedy: Kindly save money and don’t lend to anyone to avoid losses.
If you are looking for horoscope analysis, then you can contact me always.
Please include your date & time of birth including the location in your initial email to me. Fees are contingent on your requirements and will be divulged at our preliminary meeting via email.
Warm Regards
Manchanda Karan
Your Astro Service
Contact:   8595- 171 -  695 (my what’s app number)              
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Thank You
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horoscopesbygil · 7 years
Horoscopes by Gil Hizon -  December 3, 2017 - January 6, 2018
On the muthafucking rampage for the rest of the year.
SAGITTICARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
We know, we know. That look on people’s faces when you tell them you’re a SAG is unfair, but somewhat warranted. You may be the easiest person to get along with and love, but honey, you do come with a set of -- let’s just say -- “unexpected quirks.” Hey, it what makes you YOU. They take a while to get used to but when bitches are more affiliated with that shit, they’ll just love yo ass more. =====
CAPRICORN-ON-THE-COB (December 22 – January 19)
Another meeting, another forced smile on your face. And the polite nodding -- Look, queen -- you’re miserable because you’re dragging yourself to a sit down with someone who has yet to take an interest on your work or who you’re about. Honey, if you’re the only one putting the effort in a relationship, whether it’s personal or work-related, then it’s time to take this muthafucka off your grid. =====
AQUEERIUS (January 20 – February 18)
You’re not one to do the New Years Resolution thing, but this coming year, you be all about it. If I were you, I would start that shit NOW. For one thing, you’d be waaay ahead of errbody else. Second, no one will be checking up on yo ass to see how you’re doing - you know how annoying that can get. And third, you like to do secretive shit anyway; that behavior will be in line with your character description. =====
PI-SHEESH (February 19 – March 20)
And just like that, you get the break which you’ve been needing for a while. Whether it’s relationship oriented or work related, it is a much needed parting of the heavens. You won’t be able to believe it at first, just because you’ve been sitting on a mountain of NOs, but it’s happening, queen. Don’t take too much time with the “I can’t believe this is happening to me” bullshit. This is when the real work begins. =====
ARIES IS BURNING (March 21 – April 19)
Speaking of investments, when was the last time you put a stake on alone time? We are nearing the end of the year and a lot of things have happened to yo ass (well, that too, allegedly). It really is a great time for a moment of reflection on your part. Take your time with this one. You learned a lot. It’d be nice to list that shit down so you don’t forget. Here, use my iNotes. =====
TAURY SPELLING (April 20 – May 20)
Aaand you’re back to driving yourself cray-cray with how everyone else is doing in their respective careers. It has gotten to the point that you’ve become glued to all your social media accounts to get the latest developments, which has left you with absolutely no time to tend to your own career needs. Whatever happened to staying in your own lane? =====
GEM IS EXCITEMENT (May 21 – June 21)
A recent falling out in a what-you-thought-was-worthwhile partnership has left you feeling vulnerable and secretive AF. Now it seems like every time someone takes a chance on you or even looks your way, yo ass gets paranoid. It helps to be on guard, but you have got to understand that not everyone is out there to take advantage of yo shit. =====
KUH-KUH-KUH-CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
Putting yourself first before others will leave your friends’ jaws open for a full minute. Understandably, this much-needed selfishness is new territory to you, Ms. Altruistic AF. No matter how uncomfortable you feel at first, this is for the betterment of your soul. Pampering yourself will give you a full recharge. You need to be at your best state when you come back to helping busted bitches. =====
LEO MCQUEEN (July 23 – August 22)
You are being pulled into another clique. In the old days, this is something you would care about and take pride for. But now you’re grown. You’ve recognized the pros and cons of being in a select club, and from where you’re standing, this new group feels like it can bring about a whole ‘nother set of problems yo ass just don’t need. Are you grown enough to walk away? =====
VIRGO/BEYONCÉ (August 23 – September 22)
So we’re loving your “take no prisoners” approach to things nowadays. You are really on a mission to make sure that no one fucks with you for the rest of the year. Our only concern is your health. Although it’s cute to channel your inner Olivia Pope when you’re righting wrongs and proclaiming your diva demands, but picking every battle in front of you may result in a heart attack, or worse, constipation. Leave some room to chill the fuck out. =====
LIBBY JUJU (September 23 – October 22)
Let me cut right to the chase. You’re nice AF so everyone tries to take advantage of you. On one hand, being so goddarned charming goes a long way. You make it easy for bitches to work with you which leads to a lot of party invites. But during crucial times, it would help yo ass a great deal if you put yo foot down once in awhile. You still gotta get your work done! =====
SCORPIES (October 23 – November 21)
Welcome to another episode of “What is this Bullshit?” -- the show where you analyze a situation and point out the ways people engage in immense fuckery. In this segment, you will unearth the truth behind Sally from Acquisitions’ secret phone calls in the Supplies Room. You’ll come to find out that she’s been planning a surprise party to celebrate your recent promotion. It’s not bullshit anymore is it? =====
(DISCLAIMER for all entries: This is all a shitshow!)
For more Horoscopes By Gil Hizon, click here, gurl!
And look! Mama made the news!
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phynxrizng · 7 years
Your Horoscope This Week THE ASTROTWINS JUNE 4, 2017, 5:30 AM   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Had enough of the "Wham, bam, thank you...hot damn!" attractions? There's no disputing their place in our personal love trajectories. And with romantic Venus in hot-blooded Aries on and off since February 3, it hasn't been that easy to settle down in 2017. But this Tuesday, the love planet settles into a steadier groove as she hunkers down in stable-but-sensual Taurus until July 4. Cue up the slow jams and let things unfold in a more organic way. Venus governs the way we spend money, so this cycle can green light the purchase of a luxury object. Just make sure it's as practical as it is beautiful — Taurus loves things that stand the test of time. Does it seem like there is no justice in the world? With globalist Jupiter in Libra stuck in a low-power retrograde since February 6, we've seen our fair share of corruption playing out on the world stage. But this Friday, June 9, Jupiter snaps back into action, exposing all the back-channeled B.S. that's been hidden from our view. With the red-spotted planet in Libra until October 10, our freedom-fighting spirits will be reawakened — and there could be at least one more Women's March sized protest for the history books again. Doubling this impact? Friday also features the annual full moon in outspoken, worldly Sagittarius. Like a lunar truth bomb, these moonbeams help Jupiter reveal what is real. The wake-up calls could be game-changing. Make way for progress — even if that means pushing back against a herd of dinosaurs...again! ADVERTISEMENT  1 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Gemini May 21 to June 20
Should you keep it open-ended or clearly commit? This week, the answer is: both. On Tuesday, enchanting Venus floats in your 12th house of dreamy escapes until July 4. When it comes to your social (and dating) life, you want the freedom to move around spontaneously, without being fenced into plans. But that same day, your ruling planet, expressive Mercury, comes home to Gemini until June 21, making it important to be clear about your needs, desires, and boundaries. Be careful of the double standard here. You can't demand straight answers from other people if you're not willing to give them yourself. The cure? Just be honest that you need to go with the flow and only agree to legit plans when you're 100% sure you can honor the promise to show up — on time. Need to mourn an ex or simply find yourself again after getting lost in love? The next three weeks are a prime time for this. Do you, Gemini. On the other hand, if it's time to make a love thing official, Friday's full moon in your relationship house will help you set it all in stone.
The talent scouts could come a-calling on Friday as live-out-loud Jupiter wraps a four-month retrograde in your fifth house of fame, creative expression, and romance. A passion project or bold initiative that got sidelined in early February could pick up steam again. Traveling could be part of the picture with jet-setting Jupiter's influence. Since the fifth house rules amour, your Summer of Love is officially underway as of Friday. Don't rule out long-distance relationships — or cross-cultural clicks close to home. Load the shared calendar with dress-up dates or take a gamble on some new right-swipes. Baby fever could strike with Jupiter in this fertile zone of your chart or you could birth a creative project that helps you put your name on the map. 2 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Cancer June 21 to July 22
Lift your nose from the grindstone, Cancer. On Tuesday, charming, sociable Venus grooves into Taurus and your liberated 11th house until July 4. You're overdue for some wild and spontaneous nights on the town. And though you prefer to roll with a tight-knit crew, you'll collect some great new friends during this Venus phase. Stay open to "the more, the merrier" as a guiding philosophy. Looking for love? Digital dating could turn up some lucky swipes over the coming four weeks or you may be uncharacteristically willing to enjoy a casual hookup here and there. In an LTR? Make a point of socializing more as a pair — and even trying something a little kinkier in bed.
If you're ready to put down roots or just feel a little more centered around home and family issues, you'll be happy to hear this. On Friday, adventurous Jupiter wakes up from a retrograde in your domestic sector that began on February 6. Since early 2017, you may have felt completely untethered or utterly stuck in one place. As Jupiter makes this positive U-Turn, you can correct course on your living situation — a critical aspect of life to the home-loving Cancer! If it's stability you're seeking, Jupiter could reveal a lucky real estate listing. Maybe you'll screw up the courage to evict a toxic roommate or get a studio apartment that's all your own. Need more flow? Rent an RV for festival season or bounce between two cities. Working with women will bring you tons of good fortune for the coming four months. Make it a sister act, Cancer — or join forces with your enterprising relatives for a family biz. 3 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Leo July 23 to August 22
Mixing business with pleasure? Rarely a wise idea. But, as charming Venus mingles in your 10th house of career from Tuesday until July 4, you might just pull it off. You could make a love connection through a work function or start a kitchen table business with bae. The key to success? Mapping out clear agreements and roles so that you don't wind up in a power struggle. Writing out a contract might seem awkward, but it can actually be a relationship-saver when tension inevitably bubbles up. Now for the pleasure part: Friday's full moon in Sagittarius could mark one of 2017's romantic high points. Plan a special date or go mingle where the good catches are chilling. Love is in the air and things could get "babies and baubles" serious — fast!
Are you still seeking your soul twin, Leo — or a partner for a dream project? That kindred spirit could arrive on Friday. That day, lucky Jupiter snaps out of a retrograde and zips ahead through your third house of partnerships until October 10. The white space on your calendar is going to fill up quickly during this in-demand cycle. Some of your standing one-on-ones might have to evolve into group hangs in order to accommodate all the people you adore. Don't get sucked into a clique. Free-spirited Jupiter wants you to spread your wings socially. Got pals in distant ports? You could spend the summer couchsurfing to reconnect while checking out cool new cities. This intrepid Jupiter cycle is perfect for road trips, festival-hopping, even bi-city living. Expand and explore! 4 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Virgo August 23 to September 22
Mix it up, Virgo! Love planet Venus slides into Taurus and your worldly, adventurous ninth house from Tuesday to July 4. Date in every census category and make up a few new ones of your own. Sparks could fly with someone of a different cultural background or family upbringing than your own. Traveling is red-hot for romance — a good reason to buy those festival tickets. (My tent or yours?) If you're already happily attached, deepen your bond with a dream vacation for two this June. Bonus points if you have to go through customs to get there! Friday's full moon sets the stage for a sexy staycation — or even a girls' trip to a beach house for the weekend.
But all play and no work just ain't the Virgo way. On Friday, lucky Jupiter snaps out of retrograde mode and races ahead through your financially savvy second house until October 10. You could make major bank over the next four months, so leave room in your summer schedule for career goals. Jupiter the gambler nudges you to take more risks with your professional trajectory and maybe go back to school. If the ivory tower isn't calling, how about poring through a software tutorial or signing up for a weekend training that can round out your skill set? You might enjoy working as an independent contractor or helping a start-up company get off the ground. Traveling for work is also possible with Jupiter's jet-setting fingerprints here. Bottom line: Be flexible. And entrepreneurial, too. Pitching a project or great idea could bring a tidal wave of prosperity. 5 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Libra September 23 to October 22
Mind-body-soul connection? Yes, please. Rolling in the deep will be your preference as your ruling planet Venus plunges into Taurus and your seductive, mysterious, and intimate eighth house from Tuesday until July 4. Time to remove the pleasantries and get real with your romantic interest. Everyone has a shadow side and it's time to see the full spectrum of who you've been sleeping with. Without that, how can you know if you accept them for better and for worse? Discussing tough issues (like your childhoods or past mistakes) will be easier with diplomatic Venus here. Just work them out in private instead of venting to friends or trying to discuss while having drinks at the bar. Warning: The vibes could get heavier than your positive sign prefers, so make sure to take breaks for casual fun, too — especially under Friday's fun-loving full moon.
Leave room in your schedule for independent exploration! On Friday, liberated, expansive Jupiter wakes up from a retrograde that began on February 6 and gets back into powerful, direct motion. You're the lucky beneficiary of Jupiter's beams: The red-spotted planet is touring Libra from September 9, 2016 to October 10, 2017. There's been so much change and new data to process ever since — it's almost been unsettling since it's happened so fast. No hitting the emergency brake! The next four months are a major moment for Libras to pursue your dreams and get back into the driver's seat of your own destiny. Step out of your comfort zone. Maybe it's time to relocate, leave a toxic relationship or job, or make traveling part of your summer lifestyle. Jupiter rules higher education, so if grad school or a specialized training is on the agenda, start filling out the application ASAP. You only get Jupiter in your sign every 12 and a half years. Seize the moment! ADVERTISEMENT   6 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Scorpio October 23 to November 21
Want to turn that spring fling into the real thing? Good news, Scorpio. This Tuesday, romantic Venus lands in Taurus and your seventh house of relationships until July 4. Create a zero tolerance rule for the ghosting types and stop dwelling on that phantom ex. The coast is clear for you to create something real with someone who is ready now. If you've been playing the long game with a love interest, this Venus phase could nudge you to the next step — clearing out closet space, moving in together, or making wedding or baby plans. Best of all? Charming, diplomatic Venus makes it easy to discuss your desires, without feeling like you're "pressuring" anyone.
But don't pressure yourself either, Scorpio! While your sign craves certainty, you don't need to be pushed into something you're not ready for yet. Friday's full moon in Sagittarius and your "keep it simple" second house helps you vocalize your position. That same day, indie-spirited Jupiter rouses from a four-month retrograde in your dreamy, flowy 12th house. Your urge to escape the mad world and all its societal pressures (and maybe follow your favorite band around the festival circuit) will be strong. And hey, maybe you should just take that celestial sabbatical this summer. On October 10, Jupiter will cruise into Scorpio for the first time since 2005, giving your ambitions wings. You'll be far too busy to slip off for a spontaneous couchsurfing adventure then. No matter where your flip-flops are planted, you'll crave more stillness and spirituality over the coming four months. Start your mornings off with journaling, a guided meditation, and a few yoga stretches. Sessions with a therapist, shaman, or acupuncturist (or all of the above) can help you clear psychic clutter that may be standing in your way of success. Add more green foods to your plate over the summer — and flood your system with fresh H2O. Detox from junk food and shitty relationships so you can start with a clean slate in October! 7 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Sagittarius November 22 to December 21
Would you like some solid earth under your statement sandals, Sagittarius? You can embrace a more grounded groove starting Tuesday, as social, romantic Venus moves on to Taurus and your healthy living zone until July 4. With Venus in Aries and your wildly dramatic fifth house for most of 2017 thus far, you may be exhausted from all the fiery fluctuations you've had to deal with from people. And while the wild times have been entertaining, stability is starting to look a whole lot sexier now. Take a time out from the FWBs to make room for a more consistent connection. This radiant phase is all about self-care. Recommit to a healthy eating and exercise plan to get centered in yourself. Already attached? Turn your bedroom buddy into your workout buddy. Those sexy endorphins will get you both in the mood more often. We'll raise a green smoothie to that!
It takes a village to build your dreams — even a free agent like you has to admit that. But with your ruling planet Jupiter in retrograde in your teamwork zone since February 6, finding the right "village people" to raise the roof on your plans has been complicated AF! Good news: This Friday, Jupiter makes a positive pivot into direct motion. The right collaborators crop up again, whether you're replacing or simply reconfiguring your dream team. Stop playing the popularity game and go find your soul squad. You can use Jupiter's wide-eyed sense of wonder to scout out new scenes. Is it time to polish up your web presence? Between now and October 10, make sure you represent when people google your name or search for your work online. A small investment into designers and developers (and a good photographer) may be required, but it will pay off in the end when you attract more high-impact opportunities. 8 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Capricorn December 22 to January 19
Summer style inspiration: incoming! This Tuesday, glamorous Venus heads into your fashion-forward fifth house, awakening your inner Solange. Forget about following trends. Set them instead, Capricorn, by wearing whatever captivates you. Doing something edgier with your hair could be fun for summer, from purple strands to a sci-fi bob. Since Friday features the annual full moon in Sagittarius, plan on making a head-turning splash that day when all eyes will be on you. Love-wise, your mojo is sky-high between now and July 4, with interested parties coming out of the woodwork. Don't rush to select a favorite — not until you've adequately tried every option on the sampler platter. Already found true love? This Venus cycle could send you apartment hunting, ring shopping, or even spur some baby-making if you're ready to board the mothership!
On Friday, you'll return to mogul mode as daring Jupiter snaps out of a four-month retrograde that began February 6. Got an entrepreneurial idea cooking? Your startup could take off at a gallop with Jupiter in this power position until October 10. Maybe you're just looking to rise through the ranks within an existing company. With Jupiter's gambling instincts spurring you on, let the powers-that-be know of your desire for growth opportunities. Fortune favors the bold, even if you're offering yourself up as the right hand woman to an industry influencer. And, yes, it's summer, but forget about traipsing into the office in your denim shorts and festival band tees. Step up your wardrobe with career gear that makes you look like a seasoned exec. First impressions are everything, Capricorn. 9 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Aquarius January 20 to February 18
Home, sweet home? This Tuesday, beautifying and harmonious Venus settles into Taurus, your domestic sector, until July 4, giving you a strong urge to feather your nest. Pull off shoestring chic with these stylish IKEA hacks. Decorating and feng shui-ing has a dual purpose: to create visual harmony and set up Chez Water Bearer as an entertainment hotspot. A VIP love interest could be sleeping over more often now and talks could turn to cohabitation if you're ready. Female friendships also flourish, so host a dinner party — as soon as Friday, under the communal Sagittarius full moon — even if you're all sitting on pillow piles on the floor.
On Friday, you might start your weekend with a shot of truth serum as candid Jupiter snaps out of a four-month retrograde in your outspoken and worldly ninth house. No more hiding your authentic feelings and ideas. Speak from the heart — even if it causes some initial tension. Long-distance relationships could heat up with Jupiter's about-face, for business and pleasure. Prepare to rack up some miles between now and October 10, or even apply for Global Entry, if your heart lies beyond national borders. Got a side hustle in mind? Get to work, Aquarius! This enterprising Jupiter phase could turn your startup into a full-time gig. But do your market research before you, say, launch a handbag line in an already crowded market. Need to polish up your skill set? Jupiter is the master teacher so enroll in a summer semester course (abroad, even) to sharpen your skill set and raise your pay grade. 10 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Pisces February 19 to March 20
So many people, so little time! This Tuesday, your popularity spikes big time as charming Venus flows into Taurus and your curious, communicative third house until July 4. Variety is the spice of your summer social life now, whether you're enjoying a rotating cast of friends or a more well-rounded social calendar with bae. Let your inner culture vulture take the wheel and pick up tickets to DJ sets, festivals, whiskey tastings, and more. When it comes to your guest list, the more is the merrier. Just don't saddle yourself with the organizer's role, since you'll want to reserve the right to arrive and disappear as you please.
Your mojo is rising this Friday as Jupiter rouses from a four-month retrograde in your eighth house of seduction and intimacy. After an introspective — and somewhat introverted — start to the year, you're ready to dive into the deeper end of the dating pool again. Vagueness has no place in love for you now, Pisces; in fact, it will be a buzzkill to your sex drive. With Jupiter in this perma-bonding position until October 10, clarifying "next steps" with dates and mates is a must. If you can't get a straight answer, you may have to move on. But don't freak out! With your magnetism expanding by the minute after Friday, commitments are looking highly likely in your future. Business-wise, Jupiter's pivot could bring some big money opportunities before fall. You could make a bundle from selling products (even real estate) on commission, a juicy tax return, even an inheritance or royalties from your band's EP. Friday also features a full moon in your career zone, which could bring a certain victory for your professional life. Score! ADVERTISEMENT  11 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Aries March 21 to April 19
Need a minute to catch your breath — and grab a cold shower? You've hosted creative, romantic Venus on and off in your sign since February 2, a rare blessing when it comes to your charm, but an exhausting pace to maintain for the long haul. If you weren't a total love goddess, you may have chosen to take a break from romance to do you. Starting this Tuesday, you won't have to be so extreme about it. Venus floats on to Taurus and your slow and steady second house until July 4, making everything feel more...predictable. You'll find this month-long phase to be a real relief, Aries. Not only can you get your feet on solid earth, but you'll have an easier time focusing on — or finding — a person who loves you unconditionally and truly has your back.
Don't worry: Cupid won't abandon you just because Venus left your sign. On Friday, jovial Jupiter wakes from a four-month retrograde in Libra and your seventh house of relationships. The idea of committing will seem far more appealing after Jupiter's about-face in Libra, which lasts until October 10 — but only with someone who respects your need for independence and personal space. A co-adventurer could pop up on your radar, someone who is both an ideal sexual partner and travel companion. Attached? Get plans in motion for your Cuba trip — or maybe a destination wedding. Worldly Jupiter could even set a long-distance or cross-cultural relationship in motion. Get your freak on while racking up the frequent flier miles: double points! 12 OF 12   ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Taurus April 20 to May 20
Is it time to raise your romantic standards? This Tuesday, love planet Venus makes her annual stopover to Taurus until July 4, helping you clarify your heart's deepest wishes. Fantasize freely. Uncensored visualization brings you much closer to your intended target. With Venus here, you'll be utterly magnetic, whether single or spoken for. Beam those charms selectively so you don't lead anybody on. This is the time to take the lead in love. Update your preferences and let bae know what needs to change in order to keep you satisfied. You'll be glad you did, since Friday's full moon could bring one of the sexiest — and most emotionally intimate — moments of the year.
On Friday, your fitness mojo gets a reboot as active Jupiter rouses from a retrograde in Libra and your sixth house of wellbeing. Since February 6, you may have found it difficult to commit to a regular routine because of a few annoying health challenges. You're back on the mend — and the wellness wagon — starting Friday as Jupiter powers up your vitality until October 10. Take those workouts al fresco and even turn your active lifestyle into a social thing by joining a dance troupe, skateboarding squad, or hiking meetup. Jupiter's turnabout will make you more adventurous at work. You might start up an independent project, take on a position that involves travel, or put in a transfer to the Paris office. A side hustle could also pad your pockets now, so get those business cards printed and start selling your skills.  ASTROTWINS WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ZODIAC SIGN JUNE 4 2017 HEALTH • HOROSCOPES • SPIRIT ILLUSTRATED BY ALIA PENNER. PHOTOGRAPHED BY JASON RODGERS. Welcome to Refinery29! Join the discussion!  RECOMMENDED STORIES This Underwater Lounge Is Calling To Us What To Expect From A "Wonder Woman" Sequel Is THIS Why Frank Ocean Dyed His Hair Bright Pink? Chrissy Teigen Just Threw Shade At Trader Joe's Selena Gomez Just Proved She's Still A Justin Bieber Fan The Modern Woman’s Guide To Riding A Bike To Work by Taboola MORE FROM SPIRIT This Is What A Ghost Really Sounds Like SPIRITSARA COUGHLIN13 HOURS AGO The Complicated Origin Story Behind Wonder Woman SPIRITSARA COUGHLINJUN 2, 2017 Your June Horoscope, Revealed HOROSCOPESTHE ASTROTWINSJUN 1, 2017 This Body Artist Is Turning Her Meditative Painting Into Seriously Gorgeous Images SPIRITRACHEL SELVINDEC 9, 2016 This Is The Deck That Will Get You Into Tarot Cards SPIRITSARA COUGHLINMAY 31, 2017 This Christian Holiday Is Also Known As "The Birthday Of The Church" SPIRITSARA COUGHLINMAY 31, 2017 The True Story Behind Joan Of Arc — & Why She’s Still A Powerful Role Model SPIRITSARA COUGHLINMAY 30, 2017 Your Horoscope This Week HOROSCOPESTHE ASTROTWINSMAY 28, 2017 This Jewish Holiday Is About Way More Than Cheesecake HOLIDAYSARA COUGHLINMAY 26, 2017 Why Fasting During Ramadan Isn't Just About Food SPIRITSARA COUGHLINMAY 25, 2017 Why Ramadan Is About More Than Fasting SPIRITSARA COUGHLINMAY 24, 2017 What You Need To Know About Ascension Day SPIRITSARA COUGHLINMAY 23, 2017 Your Horoscope This Week HOROSCOPESTHE ASTROTWINSMAY 21, 2017 3 Things We Need To Stop Thinking About Geminis HOROSCOPESSARA COUGHLINMAY 19, 2017 © 2016 REFINERY29TERMSPRIVACYABOUTPRESSADVERTISINGJOBSFEEDBACKR29 NEWSSITE MAPRSS BY USING OUR SERVICE, YOU AGREE TO OUR TERMS (EFFECTIVE 2/07/2017) AND PRIVACY (EFFECTIVE 2/07/2017). REFINERY29 NAME & LOGO AND R29 LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OF REFINERY 29 INC.

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lunaleetarot · 3 years
Cancer 2021 Year Ahead Birthday Spread
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Starting from the top clockwise, theme in the middle.
June 2021- Ace of Swords
This month you will figure out the source of some of the conflict in your life. This will be a new conflict in your life. Although this ace will show you the origin of drama in your life, there will be an opportunity to turn it around for the better. This is an extreme card. You will either experience great love or great hate this month. This card also predicts quick and forceful action. If you commit to the task and give it your all, you will have a swift outcome. Your determination will be great. You’ll have the extra stamina you’ll need. You may need a health treatment this month. This may involve scalpels, scissors or knives. Accidents, surgeries, dental visits or even cesarean come to play with this card. A situation may begin to progress very quickly. You will receive clarification and answers very shortly. That’s not to say the end is near, but you’ll learn more about the situation at least. You may be dealing with an air sign this month (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius).
2.July 2021- The High Priestess
Secrets, intuition and mystery will be a theme for you this scorching month. The outcome of the events unfolded this month are not meant to be known. This is a card of psychic ability. You will have an increase in your intuition (which is already pretty spot on as a Cancer). You will have strong suspicions. You may suspect infidelity in your partner. Your intuition may be telling you something in your life isn’t right. A lover or business partner may be keeping a secret from you. You will sense this dishonesty this month. At this time the secret may come out to light. However I would let the information present itself naturally rather than playing Nancy Drew.
3. August 2021- Six of Wands
Victory, glory and success will come to you in the summer haze of August. You will have victory in all your endeavors this month. Your hard work will be recognized. The effort you’ve put in will pay off, and you will bask in the glory. This will be a long-term success. You will be looked up to as an authority at this time. Your social media following may grow. You will also be rewarded financially. Your ego will get a boost as well. If this doesn’t ring true for you, this can also mean you let your pride get in the way of your happiness. You can’t admit when you're wrong and can’t handle when someone knows more about a subject than you do. If not kept in check, this could lead to your downfall. This arrogance will turn people away from you. You may appear to be a know-it-all. You may be dealing with a Leo a lot this month.
4. September 2021- Temperance
This September it will appear nothing is happening (in the best possible way). You will achieve contentment in every area of your life. You will also experience healing in every sense of the word. This is the quiet after the storm you went through in the early summer. You now find you can relax with room to breathe. For some of you, this card can be a warning that you need to balance. Don’t wear yourself too thin this month. If you’ve been worried about your health, this is a sign that all will work out fine. Your home life will be a happy one. You will make your home your sanctuary and find comfort there. You may be dealing with a Sagittarius this month.
5. October 2021- Six of Swords
As summer turns into fall, you will begin to see some movement. You're going to make a move in some area of your life this month, Cancer. You may be traveling away from or towards conflict. You may have the opportunity to get out of your hometown and go someplace different. This could be another country for some of you. Or this could mean you made steps towards a personal goal or desired outcome. You're making progress even if you don’t believe you are. You may be dealing with an Aquarius frequently this month.
6. November 2021- The Star
You will be very hopeful as we move into November. You will see signs of promise in your current situation. If you’ve been considering giving up on your dreams or love life- don’t. You will get results this month. Your dreams and wishes will come true at this time. You will get what you want, but not what you expect. However the outcome will be what’s best for you. Destiny is at work here. It will all work out in the end. You may be dealing with an Aquarius again this month.
7. December 2021- Three of Swords
This festive month you will be hit with heartache, pain and possibly infidelity. It won’t be holly or jolly for you, Cancer. This will be an emotionally painful time for you. Your relationship (romantic or another kind) is failing, and to make matters worse other people have become involved in the situation. You will be dealing with a lot of sadness. This will be a difficult time for you, perhaps the worst month of your year ahead. This card usually means break-up or divorce. An outsider may come between you and your partner. Cheating is often associated with this card. If it isn’t in romance, it can be a different type of drama. You may feel betrayed by someone you thought you were close to. You may be dealing with a Libra frequently this month, or this situation may involve one.
8. January 2022- Four of Wands
As the new year begins you will find some much needed stability. Last month was rough for you, but I feel all will be going well in your home life come January. If not right away, it will by the end of this winter month. At this time you will be focused on your family. You may even get reassurance on a family issue. At this time you may be making a home move or will be considering one for the future. You may decide to undergo some home improvements. If that is the case I see this paying off, even if it is stressful at the time. Just be mindful not to become too introverted, you need to put yourself out there, Cancer. Especially because of the three swords in December. You may be dealing with Aries frequently this month.
9. February 2022- Seven of Cups
Choices, ideas and inspiration are coming to you in the romantic month of February. This month you will have to make a choice. There will be many and each will seem valid in their own way. To complicate matters, you’ll likely have a timeframe to make this tricky decision. Quick action will be needed here. Otherwise you can go from having many options to none. Many people will be giving their opinions on what they think you should do. Not everyone will have your best interest at heart, and you would be wise to keep this in mind as you consider your decision. You may feel overwhelmed or confused, especially if your decision making skills need work. You may be dealing with a Scorpio frequently this month.
10. March 2022- The Hanged Man
As we enter Spring 2022, prophecy, waiting and sacrifice are in store for you. You may find yourself playing the role of the martyr. You’ll have to let go of something close to you to get something else in return. You may have to give up your time, money or something else that you love. You will feel sadness when you give up whatever this is. You will be on edge this month. The outcome of a particular situation looks uncertain. You may feel desperate to take action, but the hanged man is cautioning you to wait until you have more information. This card can also mean sickness and illness. If this is the case, treatment will be a long road for you, but necessary for you to get well again.
11. April 2022- Three of Pentacles
April will be a time of apprenticeship, fine tuning your skill and learning. You will develop yourself this month. You're putting the skills and talents you were born with to good use. Because you have a natural talent, your skills won’t go unnoticed by those who matter. The hard work you put in this month will pay off in the end. This marks the start of your journey, not the end. You may need to push yourself a little harder to see results. The prospects are good. That’s only the case if you apply yourself though. Don’t assume because you're talented at something you know everything about it. This way of thinking is arrogance, Cancer. There are people out there who are better than you. You may be the subject of envy for people who aren’t as naturally talented as you. They may try to call you out. The Three of Pentacles is telling you to rise above their pettiness. You may be dealing with a Capricorn this month.
12. May 2022- King of Pentacles
This month you may be dealing with an established man, or you want to take on the traits of someone of this persona. This month you (or someone close to you) will be all about business and making money. This month your financial situation will improve for the better. This won’t be a one large sum, but something more permanent. This card holds the meaning of riches. You will have a more traditional approach to life. You may follow in your family’s footsteps. This King follows the same religion, occupation and outlook that their culture expects of them. At this time you should appreciate the power of tradition. This may also be a sign that a new romance will be a stable and lasting figure in your life. However this card can also mean your being too materialistic and money focused. It can also mean you're unwilling to let go of the way things were done in the past, to a fault. While tradition is a good thing, it isn’t always appropriate.
13. Theme of the Year- Ten of Wands
This year you will have a lot of stress and burdens. You will have to work much harder than you’ve had to previously, and there is much work to be done after that. Over the course of the year, you're going to have to decide if you want to get serious and complete the challenge ahead of you or if you want to give up. This card isn’t telling you what to do, it’s just letting you know the year ahead will be a difficult one. You’ll have a lot on your plate this year. Your juggling family, business, work or other obligations. You go to bed at night thinking of all the work that lies ahead. You're overwhelmed. Stress related illness may crop up for you, so be sure to make time for self care when you can. For some of you, this is a card of pregnancy and childbirth. Perhaps adjusting to parenthood or adding another child to your family will wear you thin. In business, you feel like you're pushing and pushing but you feel like there is no end in sight (I see this getting better Spring 2022). Remember you're working hard for a more comfortable life. This year you're pushing towards the life you want. You may be dealing with a Sagittarius a lot this year. You may need to enlist the help of a group of people in April to get projects off the ground. You should seek out help from a priest, therapist or counselor. July, September and March of 2022 will be significant months of your year.
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 years
Transiting Sun enters Cancer
June 21 - July 22, 2019
In ordinary times, Cancer season would be relatively quiet. Lucky us that our times are extraordinary, for in 2019, Cancer season is also eclipse season. First comes the total solar eclipse of Tuesday, July 2, at 10:38 Cancer; two weeks later is the lunar eclipse of Tuesday, July 16, at 24:04 Capricorn.
One thing this means is that practically all of Cancer season falls into an eclipse zone. These extend between ten days before, to three days after an eclipse - and since we have two eclipses, we’re therefore “eclipse zoned” from June 22 - July 19. Don’t make any major decisions, if you can possibly help it, between those dates! Eclipses get us all riled up, but after the dust settles life looks very different.
This is all complicated, naturally, by the presence of big bad Saturn and bigger worse Pluto, both retrograde in Capricorn. They both are indicative of a developing reality (their conjunction won’t mature until January 12, 2020) which is harsh, painful, and absolutely necessary to confront.
And Cancer doesn’t want to. It wants to hide in its shell, fingers firmly plugging the ears, eyes tightly closed. It longs for the good old days of yore, when it wasn’t hassled by all this cold, hard reality. That we can’t do this anymore, for the sake of our planet, should be obvious.
So as we move through Cancer season, with its eclipses staring us in the face, let’s find new ways to feel safe and to have domestic tranquility. It may not be time to do anything just yet. Ms M is eyeing a jaw-dropper of a Virgo New Moon on August 30, for which the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Juno will all be crammed into nine degrees of the Zodiac. Let’s use our Cancer imaginations, then work on our Leo willpower, to bring about the best possible use of that energy. (Aspect discussions taken from Bil Tierney’s excellent Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.)
Friday, June 21, Juno/Leo semi-sextile Sun/Cancer, 0:32
This is a waning semi-sextile, as the Sun and Juno are moving toward their 29+ Leo conjunction this August. It may set the tone for our Cancer wishful thinking, as these semi-sextiles tend to be otherworldly and transcendental/immanent (due to their associate with Pisces/12th House). We could easily find some creative inspiration for a “higher level of self-awareness.” Remember that Juno is the protector of the helpless, and elevate that energy into something higher. Remember, too, the old saying - to make a friend, be a friend.
Placements lie between 0:00 and 1:32 of all signs.
Sunday, June 23, Ceres Rx/Sagittarius inconjunct Sun/Cancer, 2:14
This is a waning inconjunct/quincunx. Bil writes that this “is an aspect centered around the use or abuse of intense desire and willful emotionality. We are eventually to make long-lasting adjustments on the feeling level. The planets involved need to undergo mutual transformation if they are to provide inner resources that we can draw upon during crucial times of need.” Ms M is thinking specifically of that kind of sloppy, sentimental “patriotism” so often on display in the US. I wish we would all feel about the whole world, the way we feel about our internal images of “my country, right or wrong.” To quote G. K. Chesterton, “It is like saying, ‘My mother, drunk or sober.’”
Placements affected lie between 1:14 and 3:14 of all signs.
Thursday, June 27, Uranus/Taurus sextile Sun/Cancer, 5:47; Chiron/Aries square Sun/Cancer, 5:53
Finally, some major aspects. The waxing sextile to Uranus/Taurus gives the Sun fresh, new ideas about how to live better in our climate-catastrophic world (or maybe the necessity of needing to learn); the waxing square to Chiron/Aries, though, shows the “need to establish a new support system or vital base of operations for ourselves, suggesting the relinquishment of former security symbols.” It is by no means going to be easy for many of us; we may question our basic right to take such actions as well, for fear of ridicule or punishment.
Placements affected lie between 4:47 and 6:53 of all signs; and between 19:53 and 21:53 of the fixed signs Taurus*, Leo*, Scorpio*, and Aquarius*.
Saturday, June 29, Vesta/Taurus sextile Sun/Cancer, 8:11
Vesta sometimes seems to me like a mini-Sun, as it’s the Lady Asteroid connected to personal integration. This waxing sextile sees us (if we choose) taking the first steps of learning how to be a more whole person, perhaps more in tune with Mother Earth (Taurus and Cancer). However, we’re sixty hours before the solar eclipse. Anything we begin now, even study, is liable to change.
Placements affected lie between 7:11 and 9:11 of the yin signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Saturday, July 6, Pallas Athene/Libra square Sun/Cancer, 14:51; Sunday, July 7, Ceres Rx/Sagittarius (0:47) sesquare Sun/Cancer (15:47);  Monday, July 8, Jupiter Rx/Sagittarius inconjunct Sun/Cancer, 16:12; Tuesday, July 9, Saturn Rx/Capricorn opposite Sun/Cancer, 17:12; North Node/Cancer conjunct Sun/Cancer, 17:30; South Node/Cancer opposite Sun/Cancer, 17:30
Ugh. Sandwiched between the solar eclipse on the 2nd and the lunar eclipse on the 16th, here we get a good idea of the forces opposed to our growth and development. Intellectual arrogance, laziness, succumbing (eagerly) to distractions, fear of disapproval. The 9th may be especially difficult, with a First Quarter Libra Moon squaring the Cancer and Capricorn placements. The solution is Aries’ courage, independence, and pioneering spirit.
Placements affected lie between 13:51 and 18:30 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*; and between 0:00 and 3:30 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Libra*, and Capricorn*.
Thursday, July 11, Neptune Rx/Pisces trine Sun/Cancer, 18:37
Today the Scorpio Moon will turn this into a grand water trine. We’re looking for “emotional enrichment,” and we “respond to subtle undercurrents of life easily.” This setup may indicate a “cherished period of seclusion, privacy, stillness, and rest,” but without a strong mental and emotional attitude this could also degenerate into “an escapist temperament too vulnerable to effectively channel its emotional overload in a constructive manner.” It’s important to make an effort with this, because….
Placements affected lie between 17:37 and 19:37 of the yin signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Sunday, July 14, Pluto Rx/Capricorn opposite Sun/Cancer, 21:53
This could go any number of ways. We could be projecting our own toxicity onto others (or vice versa), and/or experiencing life-or-death power struggles in our relationships, and/or giving in to feelings of hopelessness and despair. If we handled Thursday’s grand water trine correctly, we have some protection from the potentially ugly vibes, as well as the spiritual skills to face them.
Placements affected lie between 20:53 and 22:53 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*; and between 5:53 and 7:53 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*.
Tuesday, July 16, Eris/Aries square Sun/Cancer, 24:19
This aspect matures about six and a half hours after the lunar eclipse. It exposes our fears and attitudes involving “Others” - are we ourselves being “Othered” and are we “Othering” anybody? If we feel we’ve been left out of something, watch out. In general, it’s a pretty icky day, without a lot of support from the other planets and planet-type-thingies, and with Venus/Cancer exactly opposite Saturn and the South Node, square Pallas, and conjunct the North Node. That’s a lot of cardinal energy.
Placements affected lie between 23:19 and 25:19 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*; and between 8:19 and 10:19 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*.
Sunday, July 21, Mercury Rx/Cancer conjunct Sun/Cancer, 28:28
This is the Inferior Conjunction, important in Mercury’s cycles; it will be blogged about when the time comes.
Placements affected lie between 27:28 and 29:28 of all signs.
(* - the energies challenge each other.)
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astrolocherry · 7 years
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The cosmic ceremony of Saturn in Capricorn, Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces is the time of the great fall from grace. The betrayers of trust, authority, and privilege (Capricorn) delusional in their entitlement (Neptune) are served a life sentence (Pluto) for the greater good of humanity and its future (Uranus). We have been practicing and preparing for this cosmic grid for quite some time beneath the challenge of Pluto squaring Uranus 2012-2015, Pluto in Capricorn forming mutual reception with Saturn in Scorpio 2012-2015, current Jupiter transit in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. Rather than the dense arrival of widespread misfortune and loss, this remarkable planetary collaboration is more about anticipating the arrival and clearing the entrance of a new cycle and collective agreement.
Louis Acker ascribes the combination of Saturn and Pluto to the ‘worst abuses of power and corruption’. The Hollywood abuse scandal we saw in October grew into the onslaught as Jupiter entered Scorpio. No secret could fit inside its hidden box any longer, unleashing a cosmic sonic boom that dismantled the patriarchal hostage of power, hierarchy, entitlement, and those who protected it (Capricorn). Pluto is the planet that responds to violation, abuses of power, and secrecy. This is only an increment of what we can expect to see as these cosmic patterns start to make real waves together. Everything will come out in this cosmic nuclear waste wash.
Uranus in Taurus trine Saturn in Capricorn Saturn in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
“as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interests of the ruling class – whether that class be hereditary royalty, oligarchs of financial empires, or entrenched bureaucracy.” ― Frank Herbert, Children of Dune
In May 2018 Uranus will cross into the sign of Taurus until 2026 and continue making visits into Aries until March 2019. Venus becomes Mars as Taurus is exchanged for Aries. Taurus has a much slower pace and response time than Aries. For the better, it can regulate the volatile pace of this change. For the worse, internal inertia collides with the speed of light and the rate of change is not happening quick enough. There is no chance to settle in with Uranus in Taurus, because a month later in June 2018 Saturn in Capricorn makes a 3 part appearance by form of trine until November 2018. Although Saturn and Uranus never quite make direct contact,  these opposing past and future forces lap the edges of one another, gaining enough inspiration and agitation that beckons to come together to fight and fly.
There may be a reduction in the forms of political violence, antagonism, and ruling by oppressing with fear. This is characteristic of the declaration of personal ideology, shouting, the infantile performance that triumph over truth, evidence, and accountability we have seen during the political years of Uranus in Aries. Uranus provokes abrupt cataclysms that reset the status quo. Taurus is a sign of finances, the opulent, and the wealthy.  Life may start getting very uncomfortable for residents in the bubble of affluence, the rich and privileged that salivate from the power and influence that money commands, financial institutions taking bets on their customer’s assets while promising to safeguard them, executives who sold their soul for a salary, the balcony from the top that would rather the poor, disadvantaged, and the homeless be removed from their view from the window.
Taurus is how we measure value. Uranus can restructure our definition of wealth. It may be to reflect the qualities of this energy like our brilliant thinkers and geniuses, our scientists and activists, our eccentrics and our artists, and the richness of our friendships and relationships. The significance of Uranus in Taurus is that last time Uranus shook up Taurus was during the great depression. But with intensely active Capricorn and Saturn energy captivating the world, the focus of this re-structure is more on establishment, banks, and governments. Governments will be under pressure increase the distribution of resources (Taurus) back into the people (Uranus). The leaders elected during this period may have grand and progressive vision and crusade strongly for equality, globalisation, science, and education. Taurus likes to implement prepared and considerate change that is timely in development but endures for the longterm. Uranus wants it now, but Taurus is slow to move. Chaos and instability arises on all fronts of personal and business security and longevity. Stability is acquired through the inner experience, seasonal and earthy intimacy, and independently creating capital from natural talent and aptitudes
Uranus is the stimulant of the revelation and change demanded by Saturn in Capricorn and Pluto in Capricorn. For example dynamics influenced by Pluto’s entry into Capricorn during 2008 and the subsequent financial collapse. Your neighbours lost their home, your friend lost his business, your parents were forced to delay their retirement… but the elite maintained their wealth… and even better, they managed to increase and expand their reign. Chaos ensued, but nothing has really changed. This is until Uranus in Taurus mixes everything in the cosmic blender and turns the world upside down to so that loose change is shaken from their pockets and resources free fall and fly to and from every direction.
For many years a lot of predictive astrology speaks about the coming utopia and endless love and awakening and elevating dimensions and chakra 3rd wheel something. Saturn is also making a long lasting sextile for most of 2019 with Neptune in Pisces and it really stimulates our longing for an ideal. I am not going to go there even with such a powerful cosmic performance because we were made grand promises at the end of the mayan calendar and the square before and eclipse previous and so on. Pisces is a dual sign so we wouldn’t even be able to come to an agreement of what the vision is. The great climax of Capricorn has been historically associated with our entrance into the light or dark age. While powerful transformations will occur with major shifts, these planets move slowly and never rush their influence. Think of like the prosecution taking many years to converge the evidence and make a critical conviction. I (hope) with the cosmic resources available that transiting Uranus moving into Taurus regenerates the collective responsibility (Uranus) to the environment (Taurus), The mother of humanity (Uranus) with the instinct to protect mother earth (Taurus), and this also extends to the feeding, resources, and nourishing aspect of Taurus into global and humanitarian (Uranus) malnutrition and lack of supply. The siding circumstance with this may be increasing technology and manufacturing of GMO’s. The contact of Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in taurus will draw focus to earth’s mortality (Capricorn) and temper (Uranus), and activate the necessary scientific (Uranus) and financial resources (Taurus) into preservation earth (Taurus) and humanity (Uranus). Uranus has a quick and hot temper that cracks Mother Nature Taurus. There may be unexpected weather patterns that form rapidly aggravating storms, earthquakes and shockwaves, and weather that impacts our agriculture and the way we develop technology for sustainability.  I may be boarding the Neptune in Pisces carnival ride, but Taurus is the ruler of gold, and it has been said and spoken by higher beings and forces that the substance of gold can repair and rebalance the earth and climate.
Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn 2020 The apex of building celestial gesture is no doubt the event of transiting Saturn and transiting Pluto coming together at 22 degrees Capricorn on January 12, 2020 or 12/01/2020. If you have a good memory, that date may seem familiar, because the ending of the Mayan calendar occurred on January 21, 2012 or 21/12/2012. Also, the date that Saturn makes its first crossing into Aquarius is 21/03/2020. I don’t know really what this means, but it gives me the sense that great cosmic collaboration and higher preparation is being directed into this. 12 is of course the the 12 zodiacs tribes and completion of the cycle. 4 is the numerology and vibrates to strength, stability, found in the charts of monks, priests and other religious leaders and reflects the higher qualities of Capricorn. 2 is ruled by the moon in numerology which is the astrological opposer of Saturn, and notably ascribed the quality of ‘duality and polarity’ alongside ‘the lover, provider, the ultimate survivor and resilient force’ . There is a tremendous spiritual potency directed here so don’t forget that the whole universe is right behind you
Remember that Saturn is the devil in tradition so it can really bring out the fear and fanaticism in those with extremely rigid theologies, like the returning antichrist or satan messiah. No, you will not wake up and see fiery embers across the sky. When I was new to learning this stuff hearing something like that would have really scared me. The significance is that the ‘antichrist’ or ‘devil’ is the symbol that shows its face through the suppressors, corrupt leadership, greed and gluttony, and politics of fear. Second, astrology can’t predict the end of the world. Astrology is very focused on the ‘next transit, the next planetary pattern, the next challenging condition written in the cosmos’ and does not exist without collusion from future and higher selves. The unconscious collective would not be challenged to advance through the sign and integrate the experiences and necessary inner and spiritual material for entering the next developmental phase, such as Pluto entering Aquarius in 2024.
“There are no nations! There is only humanity. And if we don’t come to understand that right soon, there will be no nations, because there will be no humanity. ”
Isaac Asimov
I. Asimov
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