#(related in the way that it informs how well they handle adjusting to the loss of arm)
you said you're holding yourself from going into details of your quizes dealing with an arm loss. can you elaborate on it here? :)
yea!! thank you for enabling me hfkdlsfjdl <3
will preface this by saying i'm working off of the fact that this is a high fantasy setting where heavy injury etc is way more common and also this is dragon age so things don't Have To Make Perfect Sense lolol
but n e way!
Gonna start off with June cos the Actual Arm Loss has much less impact on her. It still needs a lot of getting used to and adjustment in how she goes about doing things, and she does have times where she gets frustrated with how difficult mundane things are now, or with how slow the progress is, or with needing so much help.
It's the magic-y part that has the biggest impact; the mark's been there for a good 3 years, and her body had gotten used to having it there, so it suddenly being gone, especially after expanding so drastically, kind of fucks up her magic balance and drains her both physically and mentally for a long time. She also hadn't realised how used she'd gotten to intuitively tapping into the anchor's powers until she couldn't do it anymore, so that took readjusting as well.
Otherwise it doesn't take a big toll on her mentally though; if anything, she is kind of relieved to have the arm (or rather the anchor) gone. It's caused an insane amount of pain especially towards the end, and truth be told she'd seriously considered having it removed more than once, so in a way this being how she got rid of the mark is kind of ironic. But what's done is done, and she'd rather tackle the challenge than dwell on it.
As for the prosthesis, the first one she gets and main one she uses is basically a substitute staff -- or rather wand lol. Dagna designed it early on because June is used to bare-handed casting (don't do that at home kids), so she'd instinctively try to channel mana to a hand that Is Not There Anymore which was uh. messy. So! Simple device that lets her channel magic safely and accurately :) They've developed it since then to be more versatile and sturdy, but overall it's still light and simple enough to be easily strapped on and off and to not immediately break when she accidentally tries to lean on it. She does learn to control her casting better also, but on missions it's a practical tool to have. She does have some other simple, utilitarian prostheses for when she really needs a 2nd "hand" to say, grab or hold something, but rarely ever uses them unless she really needs it (too much of a hassle to put on and off & too exhausting to use for long) Full mech arm is being workshopped! Tbh mostly for fun than for "i need this" purposes, but since the Inquisition is still standing they have the resources to do it, and because June and Dagna (and Dorian) are nerds who don't back down from a challenge, they Will do it. Lots of experimenting with levels of complexity, materials, runes, magic, and how to make all that work together, and how to make it work in theory if surgical procedures were involved (neither of them are medics tho so uh. the results are questionable fdkjfs)
ok wow that got a lot longer than anticipated lmaoo so Ari under the cut!
Ari Does Not take it as well oops. Mostly bc Trespasser & the aftermath of it is already So Much (June is much more distanced from all of it but to Ari it Matters. A Lot.) and dealing with the loss of his main hand/arm on top of that is just Too Much, so with everything piled together rehab does not go nearly as smoothly. Doesn't exactly help that things he'd usually do to wind down like cooking or hunting or taxidermy are, well, hard to do now, so the stress and frustration pents up a lot and he's just. not having a great time. Luckily he has a good support system though and he does get better, eventually.
At least for Ari the magic aspect isn't as much of an issue. I do hc that the anchor gives non-mages some magic adjacent abilities, and the strength of its influence is more than enough to mess up non-mages mana balance as well, but it's not nearly as severe as it would be if he were a mage and takes a lot less readjustment (long term anchor fucked-up-ness notwithstanding).
Like June he also never gets a full on mech arm, and doesn't intend to. Ari isn't as close with Dagna and not as keen on experimenting, or has the time or brain space to invest in fancy gadgets, but he makes good use of utility tools to help him for things like keeping a clipboard steady or holding reigns, but especially for archery. The first solution was the mounted crossbow like in the epilogue slides, which.. works. It's not elegant and not always practical, but it does its job well enough and he does make sure to keep in practice with it. Later he gets a prosthesis with which he can draw a proper bow; with entirely different techniques he has to get used to, but he greatly prefers it. Takes a long time before he becomes proficient with archery again, but he's glad he doesn't have to give it up. Helps that at this point it is mostly recreational since he does way less field work over the years post Trespasser, which makes the limitations to speed and draw weight much less of an issue.
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Happy 1106 day!
1106 is also known as the Adler dorm number for Rayne Ames (and his roommate Max Land), so November 6th is commonly celebrated in the Japanese fanbase as "Rayne Ames Festival Day".
As a celebration, I've roughly translated Rayne and Max's fan book profiles under the cut! It's full of interesting information about them as an individual character that doesn't manage to get explored much in the main series, so hope you enjoy it!
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"A taciturn sword that sticks to his convictions, and a Divine Visionary that strictly speaks on one's back."
Rayne Ames
Quote: "You need to shut your mouth, before I shut it for you." (from Volume 13, chapter 117)
Small memo (near little Rayne and Finn image): A minimalist with a penchant for saving money, except for things related to rabbits and his younger brother.
A magician who becomes a Divine Visionary to change the Magic World from the ground up for the sake of his family. He's pursuing such a dream as he balances his work as a Divine Visionary and his responsibilities as a student. Profile (these have been translated in wiki and thus taken from there)
Birthday: March 3 Age: 18 years old Height: 175cm Weight: 67kg Dominant hand: Left Foot size: 27.5cm Family: Finn Ames (younger brother) Good subjects: Magic History, Magical Zoology Bad subject(s): Fortune telling Hobbies: Rabbit sucking, sewing Favorite food: Bean sprouts, vegetables Favorite words: Say what you want Favorite type of the opposite sex: Never thought about it Dislikes: Talking more than necessary Frequently visited school spots: Purchasing department How to spend money: Savings, rabbit breeding expenses How to spend holidays: Taking care of rabbits
Relationship Chart
Rayne to Mash: A troublesome junior Rayne to Finn: Must be protected at all costs Rayne to Kaldo: Thank you for taking care of my brother Rayne to Max: Only best friend Rayne to rabbit: *sighs softly* Rayne to Wahlberg: Old geezer who likes to boss people around
Magic: Sword Magic
A magic that can summon countless swords. The personal magic, named "Partisan", has a power level measured through percentages that can be adjusted, an average student usually can't even handle 10% of it.
The caption of Rayne calling out Partisan picture: It's one of the most deadly magic in the Magic World, but he brandishes it only for the sake of justice.
Divine Visionary: of Sword Cane, as well as one of the Directors of the Magical Items Department
All the magical items existing in the Magic World have very strict control. Newly manufactured tools are delivered to the Bureau of Magic to ensure safety. After carefully examining them and making sure the new items are safe, they'll be delivered to the citizens.
The caption of the Magic Mirror (used by Cell War against Mash): The loss of the Magic Mirror marks a great mistake for all of the directors of the department.
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Pick-up: An Awkward Big Brother
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Rayne, who rarely talks but always shows through his actions, makes people have a lot of trust in him, and many students follow his way too. However, his lack of words often causes many misunderstandings.
Quote for upper image: "I've always been really terrible at encouraging people." (Volume 6, Chapter 47)
Caption for upper image: He tried to put himself in the position of the junior who's taking reckless challenges.
Quote for left image: "I'll make sure that brazen kid, goes as far as he can go." (Volume 6, Chapter 46)
Caption for left image: He forced Margarette, who was after Mash, to retreat by using his Thirds.
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Quote: "Words only have a meaning when paired with actions. If you can't act, it's the same as not saying anything at all." (Volume 6, Chapter 45)
Caption: This principle came from his late parents who passed away without words or promises. Since that time, he always lived up to his words.
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Quote: "I still remember you used to come crying at me over the smallest things. You've grown up." (Volume 14, Chapter 119)
Caption for his moments with Finn: For the sake of his younger brother, he had always been shouldering many burdens. However, after seeing his brother's growth, he changed his mind.
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Pick Up: A Genuine Rabbit Lover for Life
It all began when Max suggested Rayne, who was at that time aiming to be the Divine Visionary, to start having rabbits out of concern for Rayne's mental health's well-being. Now, Rayne has never stopped to pour an extraordinary amount of love for his rabbits.
The caption of Rayne surrounded by rabbits: This scene too is a display of Rayne's "survival of the fittest" between the strong and the weak (?)
The caption of Rayne's rabbit handkerchief: Should you ever find a lost rabbit-patterned goodies, please give it to Rayne first and foremost.
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Mash's Room Corner (a corner to talk about gossip relating to the character, with Mash's commentary)
"I've been in the same dorm as Rayne since middle school but...that Rayne...there were quite a few times when the screws in his head were loose. He takes jokes a little too seriously, and because of that, I had to teach him lots of them." (from Max)
Mash: An unexpected side of a good person.
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The Secret Story of Rayne as told by ***!! (a corner about various characters' opinions of a character, in this case, their opinions of Rayne)
Ryoh: I understand the feeling of pushing yourself away for your family's sake, but sometimes relying on others is what makes a man, Rayne.
Margarette: I saw Rayne trying to help a lost child in the city. However, he accidentally made the child cry even more because of his unfriendly looks and unsociability.
Brad: So you've become the Divine Visionary through hard work. Well, depending on Mash's hard work, my promotion might not just be a dream anymore.
Cell War: Since you're one of the directors of the Magical Items Department, it's really difficult to sneak in. Still, the staff canteen's foods are really delicious.
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"Summarizing the Adler Dorm: Honest and full of conscience"
Max Land
Quote: "Let's solve this together!" (Volume 6, chapter 49)
Small memo (near the picture of running Max): His foot speed is number one! He also has a playful side when he pulls a prank and runs.
A third-year at Adler dorm who is open-minded and friendly. Since he is well-liked within the school, he often shares his wisdom and consults others.
Profile (these have been translated in wiki and thus taken from there with slight adjustment)
Birthday: November 19 Age: 18 years old Height: 168cm Weight: 64kg Blood type: O Dominant hand: Right Foot size: 26cm Family members: Father, Mother, Eldest brother, Older brother Good subject: Magic history Bad subject: Broom class Hobbies: Exploring the school while making his body smaller Favorite food: Deep-fried salamander Favorite words: 平凡 (Heibon: Ordinary or commonplace) Favorite type of opposite sex: People who have their own world Dislikes: High places Frequently visited school spots: Purchasing Department How to spend money: Book fees (mainly comic books) How to spend holidays: Going to Marchette Street with friends and taking care of rabbits when Rayne is away
Relationship Chart
Max to Mash: Junior Max to Rayne: You're so awkward I can't leave you alone Max to Finn: Like my own little brother Max to Carpaccio: Lately, when I look around, you're suddenly sitting next to me.
Magic: Size-changing Magic
This magic can change the size of people and objects. Up to 3 different people and/or objects can be resized at one time. This personal magic is very handy for support, as shown during the selection exam where he helped his ally.
Image caption: He made himself and Mash smaller to get away from the eyes of Deadervants.
Mash's Room Corner
I consulted with him the other day, but that guy has the face of an ordinary person but still manages to look handsome. It's plainly and doubly frustrating. (from Dot)
Mash: I feel sorry for Senior Max for being blamed unreasonably like that.
Pick-Up: A Selfish Desire as a Senior
He has a naturally caring personality who won't ever leave his troubled junior behind. But the truth is he just wants to "prove himself like a man", which he despises himself for.
Quote for upper image: "My premonition was right..." (Volume 6, chapter 50)
Quote for left image: "Say, Rayne. Did I do my best for the younger students?"
Caption for left image: Supporting the junior that Rayne is interested in.
The Secret Story of Max as told by ***!!
Tom: I invited him to join Duelo, but he declined because he is scared of heights. Senior Max, you're like a bamboo that's stuck on the ground!
BONUS (from the Q&A session with the original creator Komoto Hajime-sensei):
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Q17: In the final chapter, are Rayne and Finn of the Ames brothers able to get along again?
A17: Rayne (addressed as 'onii-tama here) is a tsundere, but I think they're able to get along well!
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Q18: Why does Finn call Rayne with "Nii-sama" instead of "Nii-san"?
A18: Because of the distance between them...
(A/N: In the original Japanese version, Finn does not call Rayne by name, but calls him "Nii-sama", this has a lot of meaning and nuances that unfortunately are hard to translate and doesn't have an English equivalent, hence the change. "Onii-tama" on the other hand is a baby talk version of "onii-sama".)
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onindusblog · 4 months
What is the Role of a Change Management Consultant?
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In an era of constant innovation and disruption, organizations must adapt swiftly to maintain a competitive edge. Navigating change effectively is critical, and this is where a Change Management Consultant (CMC) comes into play. But what exactly does a Change Management Consultant do, and why are they essential?
Understanding the Role
A Change Management Consultant is a professional who specializes in guiding organizations through transitions and transformations. They bring a wealth of expertise to help businesses manage the human and operational aspects of change, ensuring that changes are implemented smoothly and sustainably. Here are some key aspects of their role:
1. Change Assessment:
Needs Analysis: Evaluating the need for change and defining the scope of change initiatives.
Impact Assessment: Identifying how changes will affect various parts of the organization, including processes, systems, and employees.
2. Strategy Development:
Change Strategy: Developing a comprehensive strategy to guide the organization through the change process.
Stakeholder Engagement: Identifying key stakeholders and creating engagement plans to secure their support and involvement.
3. Implementation Support:
Communication Plans: Creating and executing communication plans to keep all stakeholders informed and aligned.
Training Programs: Designing and delivering training programs to equip employees with the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to changes.
4. Monitoring and Evaluation:
Performance Metrics: Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of change initiatives.
Feedback Mechanisms: Implementing systems to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments to the change strategy.
5. Sustainability and Reinforcement:
Continuous Improvement: Ensuring that changes are embedded into the organization’s culture and processes for long-term success.
Support Systems: Creating support structures to assist employees as they adapt to new ways of working.
The Benefits of Hiring a Change Management Consultant
Organizations often face significant challenges when implementing change, including resistance from employees, disruption to operations, and potential loss of productivity. A CMC can help mitigate these challenges by providing:
Expertise: They bring specialized knowledge and experience in managing change, which can be crucial for complex transformations.
Objectivity: As external advisors, they can offer an unbiased perspective and address issues that internal teams might overlook.
Structure: By providing a clear framework and methodology, CMCs ensure that change initiatives are well-planned and executed.
Support: They offer support and guidance throughout the change process, helping to manage resistance and foster a positive change culture.
Industries That Benefit from CMCs
While any organization undergoing significant change can benefit from a CMC, certain sectors are particularly well-served by their expertise:
Healthcare: Implementing new systems and processes to improve patient care and comply with regulatory changes.
Finance: Managing changes related to regulatory compliance, mergers and acquisitions, and technological upgrades.
Technology: Navigating the rapid pace of technological advancements and integrating new solutions.
Manufacturing: Streamlining operations, adopting new technologies, and improving supply chain management.
Why OnIndus is the Best Change Management Consultant
When it comes to selecting a Change Management Consultant, OnIndus stands out as a leader in the field. Here’s why:
1. Proven Track Record: OnIndus has successfully guided numerous organizations through complex change initiatives, consistently delivering positive results.
2. Expert Team: The team at OnIndus comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in change management. Their diverse backgrounds and expertise ensure they can handle any change initiative with skill and precision.
3. Innovative Solutions: OnIndus leverages the latest tools and methodologies to enhance change management processes. This commitment to innovation ensures that clients benefit from cutting-edge solutions tailored to their unique needs.
4. Client-Centric Approach: At OnIndus, the client’s goals and concerns are always the top priority. They work closely with stakeholders to develop customized strategies that align with organizational objectives and foster a positive change experience.
5. Comprehensive Services: From initial assessment to post-implementation support, OnIndus offers a full spectrum of change management services. This end-to-end support ensures a seamless transition and sustainable success.
In conclusion, a Change Management Consultant is a vital asset for any organization facing significant change. Among the top choices for CMCs, OnIndus shines as a premier consultant, providing unmatched expertise, innovative solutions, and a client-centric approach. Partner with OnIndus for your next change initiative and experience the difference that expert change management can make.
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candor-whatwolf · 5 months
The Role Of A Car Accident Legal Representative In Rhode Island Area
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In the dynamic state of Rhode Island, the after-effects of a vehicle collision can be actually difficult. From browsing legal difficulties to coping with medical costs as well as shed earnings, the upshot of an accident may be a difficult knowledge. However, finding the assistance of a competent lawyer for an auto accident can easily produce all the distinction in guaranteeing your legal rights are actually guarded and also obtaining the settlement you should have.
Vehicle Crash Lawyer's Task in Rhode Island
1. Lawful Proficiency and Support
Some of the main tasks of an auto lawyer for an auto accident is to provide lawful proficiency and support throughout the claims procedure. From the minute you enlist their services, they operate tirelessly to assess the particulars of your case, compile evidence, and also construct a sturdy legal tactic in your place. Their thorough understanding of condition legislations and also laws permits all of them to get through the complications of the lawful system easily, ensuring that your civil liberties are maintained every step of the way.
In Rhode Island, vehicle crash laws may be actually elaborate, involving laws of constraints, relative carelessness guidelines, as well as particular requirements for submitting claims. A seasoned legal representative is going to have a detailed understanding of these laws and also how they relate to your claim, allowing them to provide you with informed direction modified to your unique situations.
2. Agreement as well as Legal Counsel
Another vital job of a lawyer for an auto accident is to act as your advocate during the course of negotiations along with opposing parties. Whether you are actually managing the different chauffeur's agent, doctor, or perhaps your very own monetary support system, possessing a skilled moderator in your corner can substantially influence the end result of your lawsuit.
Automobile collision lawyers are actually skilled at arranging reasonable settlement deals that include all your loss, including health care expenditures, dropped salaries, property damages, and discomfort and suffering. They know the methods often used by adjusters to decrease payouts and also may resist along with powerful debates as well as documentation to guarantee you acquire the settlement you rightfully are worthy of. Click over here now to find out most experienced lawyer for an auto accident.
3. Litigation Support
While several vehicle collision claims are actually resolved by means of negotiations, some lawsuits might need lawsuits to attain a beneficial outcome. In such circumstances, having a competent litigator at hand is actually important to effectively showing your lawsuit in court.
Automobile mishap attorneys in Rhode Island are expert trial legal professionals that are readied to prosecute your case if agreements neglect to yield a satisfactory settlement. They are going to handle all elements of the lawsuits procedure, from filing lawful records and also performing depositions to offering debates before a court as well as court. With their proficiency in courtroom procedures, they can efficiently promote for your legal rights as well as seek optimal payment in your place. To receive absolute best assistance, you may call along with attorney John T. Carroll.
4. Assurance
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Probably one of the most useful jobs of a car crash legal representative is actually supplying you with assurance throughout what may be actually a troubled time. Through entrusting your lawsuit to a skillful legal professional, you may concentrate on your recuperation and also reconstructing your lifestyle while they deal with the complexities of your claim.
Recognizing that you have a devoted supporter fighting for your liberties can minimize considerably of the worry as well as unpredictability related to car collision claims. Whether it is actually addressing your questions, giving updates on the improvement of your claim, or even providing emotional help, your attorney will definitely be there to guide you every action of the means, making sure that you experience supported and also equipped throughout the method.
To conclude, the function of an automobile mishap legal representative in Rhode Island extends far past legal portrayal. From delivering specialist guidance as well as agreement capabilities to delivering judicial proceeding support and also confidence, these specialists play a crucial part in helping mishap targets get through the intricacies of the legal system and get the compensation they rightfully ought to have. If you've been actually injured in an auto crash in Rhode Island, don't wait to look for the support of a skilled legal representative that will certainly prioritize your benefits and also supporter tirelessly on your part.
The Law Offices of John T. Carroll
1345 Jefferson Boulevard, STE 1E, Warwick, Rhode Island, 02886
(401) 461-9977
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rekhatech · 8 months
Safeguarding Your Well-being: The Importance of Group Personal Accident Insurance
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In the unpredictable journey of life, unforeseen accidents can disrupt the balance of our daily existence, leading to physical, emotional, and financial consequences. To mitigate the impact of such unfortunate events, Group Personal Accident Insurance emerges as a crucial safety net for individuals within an organization. This form of insurance not only provides financial support but also fosters a sense of security and well-being among members. This article explores the key facets of Group Personal Accident Insurance, its benefits, and why it should be considered an essential component of comprehensive employee welfare programs.
Understanding Group Personal Accident Insurance :
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Group Personal Accident Insurance is a specialized insurance policy designed to offer financial assistance in the event of accidents causing bodily injury, disability, or death. Unlike individual accident policies, group insurance provides coverage to a defined group of individuals, typically employees within an organization. The coverage extends to accidents that occur both within and outside the workplace, ensuring round-the-clock protection.
This type of insurance typically covers a range of scenarios, including but not limited to road accidents, falls, burns, and other accidental injuries. The coverage may encompass medical expenses, disability benefits, and even death benefits, offering a comprehensive support system for individuals and their families during challenging times.
Benefits of Group Personal Accident Insurance :
Financial Protection: One of the primary advantages of Group Personal Accident Insurance is the financial protection it provides. In the aftermath of an accident, the policy ensures that medical expenses are covered, reducing the financial burden on the affected individual and their family.
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Disability Coverage:
In the unfortunate event of a permanent or temporary disability resulting from an accident, the insurance provides disability benefits. This can include compensation for loss of income, rehabilitation costs, and necessary adjustments to the living environment.
Death Benefits:
In case of a fatal accident, the policy offers a lump sum amount to the nominee or beneficiary. This financial support can assist the family in managing immediate expenses and maintaining their financial stability in the long run.
Global Coverage:
 Group Personal Accident Insurance often provides coverage not just within the country of residence but also during international travel. This is particularly beneficial for organizations with a global workforce.
Peace of Mind:
 Beyond the financial aspects, the psychological impact of knowing that one is covered in the face of unforeseen accidents cannot be overstated. It fosters a sense of security and peace of mind, contributing to overall employee health benefits well-being.
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Conclusion :
In a world where uncertainties abound, Group Personal Accident Insurance stands as a shield against the unexpected. Organizations that prioritize the welfare of their employees recognize the importance of such insurance in promoting a secure and supportive work environment. By investing in Group Personal Accident Insurance, employers not only fulfill a moral responsibility but also contribute to a more engaged and resilient workforce. As individuals, embracing the protection offered by this insurance ensures that we can navigate life's journey with greater confidence, knowing that our well-being is safeguarded against the uncertainties that lie ahead.
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Why Hiring a Residential Mover Makes Moving a Breeze
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Moving can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. The thought of packing up all your belongings, organizing logistics, and ensuring a smooth transition to your new home can feel like a daunting task. However, there is a solution that can help ease the burden and ensure a hassle-free move: hiring a professional residential mover.
In this website, there are some key reasons why hiring a residential mover makes moving a breeze:
Efficiency and Expertise: Professional residential movers are well-trained and experienced in the art of packing, loading, and transporting household items. They know how to handle fragile items, disassemble furniture, and pack your belongings in a way that maximizes space and prevents damage. With their efficient techniques and expertise, you can rest assured that your possessions are in safe hands.
Time-Saving: Moving requires careful planning and can be time-consuming. From sourcing packing materials to packing and loading everything onto a truck, it can take days, if not weeks, to complete everything on your own. Hiring a residential mover allows you to save valuable time that you can invest in other important aspects of the move, such as setting up utilities, notifying change of address, and saying goodbye to friends and neighbors.
Insurance and Liability: Accidents can happen during a move, no matter how cautious you are. One of the benefits of hiring a reputable residential mover is that they are insured and licensed. This means that if any of your belongings get damaged or lost during the moving process, you will be compensated for the loss. Having this peace of mind can alleviate stress and financial burden. For more information about Insurance and Liability, view here.
Stress-Free Moving Experience: Perhaps the most significant advantage of hiring a residential mover is the peace of mind it provides. Moving can be emotionally and physically draining, but with professionals taking care of the logistics, you can focus on adjusting to your new home and surroundings. From start to finish, a residential mover will handle every aspect of the move, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience for you and your family.
In conclusion, hiring a professional residential mover can turn a potentially stressful and chaotic move into a seamless and hassle-free experience. With their efficiency, expertise, and attention to detail, you can trust that your belongings will be handled with care and arrive safely at your new home. So, sit back, relax, and let the professionals take care of your move. If you probably want to get more enlightened on this topic, then click on this related post: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-to-choose-the-cheapes_b_11565248.
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quantzigblogs · 1 year
A leading client in the FMCG sector uses category management to achieve 5% savings for the category
Originally Published on: SpendEdge | Category Management Assists a Leading FMCG Sector Client Realize Savings of 5% for the Category
Summary of the FMCG Industry
The products in the global FMCG sector are the first to fly off the supermarket or hypermarket shelves and are swapped regularly as a result of frequent purchases. The FMCG industry is very demand elastic, or sensitive to variations in disposable income. Over the coming years, macroeconomic variables like increased disposable income, better demographics, and the rise of organized retail in developing nations are projected to have a substantial impact on the FMCG sector's market share. Additionally, due to the growing adoption of mobile internet, businesses in the FMCG sector are increasingly focusing more on e-commerce.
However, our examination of current FMCG trends reveals that the sector's businesses face difficulties in terms of:
•Poor supply chain infrastructure: Lack of storage and transportation facilities, combined with growing raw material and energy prices, has posed a serious issue for the FMCG sector's businesses. For instance, food products typically have a substantially shorter shelf life, necessitate quick delivery methods, routine shelf replacement, and have very different distribution and storage needs.
•Many micromarkets: Because different micromarkets across geographies have different needs, different states have different category preferences. Players in this industry face a persistent difficulty in trying to strike a balance between market demands and customization-related inefficiencies. Firms in the FMCG business are being compelled to utilize category management solutions by a number of such causes and FMCG trends.
The Journey and Challenge of Business
Background of the client: The client who contacted SpendEdge is a global food manufacturing company. Through its manufacturing facilities, which are spread throughout more than 15 nations, they make convenience food items and snacks.
Problem with the client: The client was looking for ways to save costs across all of its operations in the Asia-Pacific area as well as identifying the most recent trends in FMCG and how they would affect the client's operations. The client was single-sourcing the premixes from a significant premix producer with whom they had a long-standing relationship. Due to the declining value of the currency and unfavorable weather circumstances that affected the supply of raw materials, the price of these premixes was on the rise. The price of premixes has to be optimized in order to produce significant savings. The main obstacle in doing so, nevertheless, was the client's poor understanding of the main factors that affected the premix cost as a whole.
SpendEdge's category management specialists used a thorough research approach and held interviews with significant FMCG stakeholders to assist the client in achieving its cost-saving objectives. In order to determine the key negotiation levers to impose favorable price terms with the premix provider and the most recent FMCG trends, the specialists additionally collated information from a wide range of proprietary sources, including paid industry databases, corporate presentations, and industry forums.
Client journey: The FMCG sector client identified the primary cost variables that affected the overall premix cost throughout this category management engagement. These included the price of quality control, as well as clearing and handling fees, as well as the cost of packaging, blending, transportation, and losses from wastage. Additionally, the client and the supplier were able to collaborate to create a periodic review and pricing adjustment procedure that would be advantageous to both parties.
The Outcomes
The FMCG sector client was able to lower the overhead expense allocations through forceful supplier talks with the aid of SpendEdge's category management technology. In order to cut expenses, they also built a supply chain model linking the producer of premixes and their raw material provider. As a result, the customer was able to save the category more than 5%.
To contact our specialists, click here.
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runacresinsurance · 1 year
How To File A Successful Business Interruption Insurance Claim?
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Business interruption insurance is one of the most important types of insurance that a business owner needs to have. The reason for this is simple: it protects you against losses that can be caused by an unexpected event or disaster, like a fire or severe storm.
If your business suffers from such an interruption, then this policy can reimburse you for damages incurred as well as lost profits in case you are forced to close down your operations temporarily or permanently because of damage done by such events.
In this article I'll explain how to file a successful claim with your insurer if you've suffered from an interruption in your business
Gather Necessary Documentation
As a business owner, you'll want to keep all of your necessary documentation for at least six years. The insurance company will need proof of income, property damage and other expenses during the time period in which their clients were affected by the disaster.
Keep copies of all invoices and receipts from vendors who helped with clean-up efforts after a storm or other event. You should also save any emails from customers thanking you for rescheduling appointments due to weather-related issues; this kind of communication can be used as evidence when filing an interruption claim.
Notify Your Insurance Provider Promptly
In order to file a successful business interruption insurance claim, it's important to notify your insurance provider promptly. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be for them to process your claim and get things moving forward.
To ensure that you receive the maximum amount of reimbursement possible for any damages sustained by your business during this time, provide all necessary information as soon as possible. This includes providing evidence of damage (such as photos) and filing all reports immediately after they are completed so that there is no delay in receiving payment.
It's also important not make any false statements or misrepresentations during this process because doing so could lead to penalties or even cancellation of coverage altogether!
Provide Detailed Information
Business interruption insurance claims are often filed in the midst of a crisis, when you're already stressed out and trying to figure out how to get back on your feet. In order to make sure your claim is successful; you'll need to provide detailed information about what happened--and why it happened.
Here are some things that will help your business interruption insurance claim:
The time of day when the incident took place (e.g., evening or morning)
The type of incident (e.g., fire)
How long it took for police or firefighters to respond and get control over the scene
Work with an Experienced Claims Adjuster
A claims adjuster is an employee of the insurance company. They are trained to handle claims and will work with you to get your claim processed. They will help you understand the process and answer any questions you may have about your business interruption insurance policy.
The best way to ensure that your claim is handled properly is by working with an experienced claims adjuster who has experience dealing with similar situations before, especially when it comes to understanding how much money should be paid out for each situation based on its unique circumstances.
The process of filing a business interruption insurance claim can be overwhelming and intimidating. However, if you follow the guidelines outlined above and work with your local agent, there's no reason why your claim shouldn't be successful.
0 notes
fatehbaz · 2 years
This is whiteness: the pretense that the lines that demarcate the boundary between me and you protect you, protect me, from the wilderness of all that cannot be contained (and must be kept at bay). The truth is, the wilderness was cleared, but never quite colonized. And that is why whiteness is alive and well. To police a job half-done. [...] At arms length, we see these workings -- the cleared forest, the dying planet, the dead children -- as somehow disconnected. [...] All that remains is the clearing. And a mess. But this can be handled. This is how mediation does its work, in the name of and as logistics. From here on in, things will be managed. [...] This science of loss -- “which is to say the science of whiteness, or logistics” -- is predicated on the end of sharing, on the destruction of the excessive share, the annihilation of that which exceeds the one-two form whose dramaturgy relies of the intervention of the mediator. [...]
Clearing produces property. Property produces dispossession. “All property is loss because all property is the loss of sharing.” [...] This is how the logistics of genocide -- the genocide of relation -- does its work. [...] Logistics: the slave ship, but also the body-as-individual. [...] Mediation as the figure of what comes between, of what fills that “empty” space. The adjuster, the divorce lawyer, the priest, the government agent. [...] It is the way surveillance takes on a personality from the outside in. Whether formally or informally, mediation sets the tone for an interpersonality that, by definition, can only be lived at a distance. [...]
In The Three Ecologies, [Guattari] makes a plea to invent new ways of being committed to and involved in the urgent call to transversalize experience, ways that move beyond how the state lays claim to existence [...]. There is an echo in this ecosophic call to Moten and Harney: 
Rather than dissipate our preoccupation with how we live and breathe, we need to defend our ways in our persistent practice of them. It’s not about taking the streets; it’s about how, and about what, we take to the streets. What would it be and what would it mean for us jurisgeneratively to take to the streets, to live in the streets, to gather together another city right here, right now?
Ecosophic logic is a refusal of the clearing, of the ways in which we seek to inhabit the space already colonized. It recognizes the lure, and understands the commitment to change that the gesture of taking the streets embodies. But ecosophic logic asks a different question: What if instead we practiced living by creating new conditions that didn’t center us, that didn’t inadvertently redeem that central and self-centering figure of man and its mediating logistics? [...] What if we moved at the pace of that accidental detail tangled with the weeds we have been wasting so much time clearing?
Ecosophic logic is an urgent call to refuse the ongoing clearing that denies, decries, and violates the force of blackness in the ongoing genocide of all that resists the count. [...] To refuse means to move into the accursed share of life-living twisting in the troubled interstice, to move with that anarchic share of existence that keeps giving life. [...]
“That abolition starts with the self.” [...]
Incessant clearing, colonialism without end, in the afterlife of slavery, results in systems out of kilter. Ecological destruction has finally begun to register, centuries too late. The question of how to bring things into a metastability that is conducive to life-living must involve a reckoning with the deadening force of mediation. We don’t need another apology. We need to get out of the way. [...]
The infraface of the three ecologies -- “the world as one to the world as many … the world as many to the world as one” -- is immediating. Immediation is not the opposite of mediation. Rather, it is the force of a thirdness irreducible to a between-two. Immediation is the more-than [...]. There is one ecology multiply intertwined. [...] In the words of The Invisible Committee, 
the exhaustion of natural resources is probably much less advanced than the exhaustion of subjective resources, of vital resources, that is afflicting our contemporaries. If so much satisfaction is derived from surveying the devastation of the environment it’s largely because this veils the frightening ruin of subjectivities. Every oil spill, every sterile plain, every species extinction is an image of our souls in rags, a reflection of our lack of world, of our intimate impotence to inhabit it.
To become in excess of a person, to activate the conditions for a life-living that worlds in the bodying, is a social and environmental act. [...]
Text by: Erin Manning. “Out of the Clear.” e-flux 125. March 2022.
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shihalyfie · 3 years
“There is no one right way to live”
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Adventure and 02 really make up an unusual series in many ways, and I think one of them is how kind it is to the human condition. One of its most consistent commitments is to portraying its kids as “real children” -- as in, messy kids with some very deep nuances to their behavior, in ways that don’t reflect what you’d usually expect from media tropes. In some ways, it ended up backfiring (tropes are not inherently a bad thing, and it’s led to miscommunication that persists to this day because the audience has to fight a tendency to read the characters through the kinds of tropes we’re all expecting to find), but it also had the effect that these kids could be intimately relatable to the audience in ways that “textbook” portrayals of kids often wouldn’t be.
Adventure had eight main characters in its human cast, which was extended to twelve in 02 -- a massive balancing act -- and yet took the stance that none of these twelve characters’ very different ways of thinking or living life are fundamentally wrong. Rather, it celebrates the differences between them, and encourages them to embrace them about themselves. But it also does not shy away from the struggles those with each line of thinking might have in terms of communicating and interacting with the world. It’s easy to say words like “be yourself”, but what does “be yourself” really mean?
“Each character’s way of thinking”
Most people tend to define “character development” by “how much the character changed over the course of the narrative”, but if you look carefully, not all of the characters change that much. In fact, Koushirou and Miyako’s character arcs are about how they shouldn’t have to change much about themselves!
What we do get to see, however, is everyone’s intimate thought processes. We’re given so much information about each kid’s background and how it shapes their ways of thinking, and how they react to given situations, that you can get six fanfiction writers who have studied the series well and give them a completely hypothetical situation with some of the characters, and most if not all of them will roughly agree, because each kid’s thought pattern is so well detailed that you can easily imagine how they’d behave even when the scenario is hypothetical.
This, despite the fact that Adventure and 02 rarely use internal monologue (this is something specific to its Japanese version; while Japanese anime generally has less of this compared to Western shows, Adventure and 02 are unusually low on this even compared to later Digimon series, and it’s a possible byproduct of the narrative being eventually revealed to be from Takeru’s perspective and not someone truly omniscient). This is something that also somewhat backfired in that characters who are difficult to read or unaware of their own feelings become very difficult for the audience to read, so you have to read their behavior patterns and put two and two together (such as Takeru outright lying about his feelings regarding his childhood in Adventure episode 12, or Sora’s testimony about her confrontation with her mother not quite tracking with what’s actually depicted in Adventure episode 26). It does, however, have a very powerful weapon that it uses to help the audience understand each character’s mentalities and what they’re thinking at a given moment...
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Digimon partners! In a sense, “talking with a Digimon partner” is a replacement for internal monologue, because the kids spill their internal feelings to their partners as if they’re talking to themselves. (Protip for all of you fanfic writers out there who struggle to figure out how to integrate the Digimon smoothly into the narrative: “cutting out most of your internal monologue and replacing it with a conversation with a Digimon partner” is one of your most reliable fallbacks.) This is helpful for characters like Koushirou, who initially starts off Adventure as very isolated from the others but immediately takes well to Tentomon, and Ken, who spends a good part of 02′s third quarter still very emotionally distant from the others and not entirely willing to open up to them, but very conversely willing to open up to his own partner. Iori converses about his conflicted feelings regarding the situation with Upamon during the process of forming his Jogress relationship with Takeru, and, back in Adventure, Takeru himself was willing to show his more “less well-behaved” side in front of Patamon that he normally wouldn’t when he was constantly in the presence of elders.
On top of that, Digimon partners being reflective of the kids’ own personalities in some sense means that they are very good at asking just the right questions at the right time, or saying perfectly well-timed things that the kids needed to hear the most, to get them to reconsider their position or realize that they might be going in the wrong direction...
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Moreover, we get a lot of help in 02 simply by virtue of the fact it’s about relationships -- I’ve said this a few times before, but 02 is not a series about platitudes or toxic positivity, and has a strong emphasis on “you must understand the other person’s feelings if you want to truly reach out to them.” Showering happy platitudes about friendship on them means nothing if you’re still technically dismissing their feelings and making zero attempt to figure out why they feel this way! Therefore, everyone only accepts Ken when they each come to understand his feelings on the situation, and the Jogress arcs involve the relevant parties making active attempts to “understand the other person’s feelings” and what exactly makes them behave the way they do, before addressing their problems using what they need most at that moment. Being able to push people forward in a positive direction requires having a proper understanding of all of the negativity that came with it, accepting them in spite of that, and choosing to address what they need.
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And in 02 episode 49, Daisuke says something that embodies a lot of Adventure and 02′s attitude towards these things: it’s not a sin to have feelings. Your reaction or way of seeing things, based on your backgrounds and experiences that have shaped you, is not something you can be blamed for having, whether that means being worried, sad, frustrated, angry, resentful, what have you. The only question is what you do in response to your feelings.
It’s easy to say “be yourself”, but that’s obviously a problem if you “be yourself” by rampantly ignoring what other people think and trampling on other people’s feelings, and it’s also a problem if “being yourself” is causing problems for others, and it’s especially a problem if “being yourself” is also hurting yourself while you’re at it -- so what does it mean to be true to yourself?
It’s not about your inherent personality traits, it’s about what you choose to do with them
As I said earlier, Adventure and 02 all arguably celebrate the fact that everyone is so different, and has their own skills to contribute to the group. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and everyone makes up for each other’s weaknesses when they work together. And some of these characters do change in order to become “better people”. But what does being a “better person” mean? How does that tie into still “being true to yourself”, and yet changing at the same time?
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02 episode 18 has Miyako in possibly one of her worst bouts of loss of control -- she has an effective panic attack and starts yelling at everyone in all directions, resulting in Hawkmon getting hurt. However, everyone here understands that Miyako meant well and was trying her best given the situation, and nobody scorns her for it, with Hikari even arranging for Miyako and Hawkmon to have proper space to emotionally air things out. Again: it was not a sin for Miyako to have feelings of anxiety, but it was a problem once those feelings led to causing trouble for others -- as in, trampling on their feelings, not having enough regard for their welfare, and such. Well-intentioned or not, Miyako just caused problems, and for that, Miyako labels herself as a “bad” person (tying into her ongoing character arc that involved negatively comparing herself to more mature and put-together people). However, Hawkmon assures her that he likes her the way she is.
But Miyako can’t keep going on like this -- it would obviously be very bad for her to keep being inconsiderate and trample on others’ feelings! But what does happen is that Miyako simply learns to channel these traits in the correct direction -- it’s established that, on the flip side, her being over-the-top brings joy to other people by making them laugh (02 episodes 31, 36, 38), and her aggressive personality is able to reach out to those like Hikari who are too closed in and on another unhealthy extreme! And as it turns out, she is capable of channeling all of those “aggressive” qualities into “aggressively”...reaching out to others and proactively supporting them; all she needed was a bit better sense of regulation so that her energy would go to the places she wanted them to be, rather than rampantly all over the place to the point of causing trouble. She didn’t have to fundamentally change herself into someone like Mimi or Hikari; it was just about adjusting her way of going about things just enough so that she could become more considerate.
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Even all the way back in Adventure episode 10, all of the “problems” caused in this episode specifically have to do with Koushirou ending up (accidentally) being inconsiderate to Mimi and Palmon and not taking their feelings enough into account. Again, Koushirou is not treated as if his feelings are wrong or malicious -- he even states that he thinks that the research he’s doing will help everyone in the long run -- but his way of handling this situation is awful, and, regardless of his intent, Mimi and Palmon are feeling abandoned and tossed aside.
For the rest of the series, Koushirou learns to hone his existing skills in analysis -- even his fixation tendencies are treated as a potentially valuable trait -- and, once we learn the details about how he started keeping distance from everyone due to the shock of learning he was adopted and his social anxiety tendencies in Adventure episode 38, Koushirou momentarily tries to force himself to use casual language, and his parents assure him that he doesn’t have to force himself to change. In the end, it’s not an inherent sin for Koushirou to have social anxiety, nor that he needs more time to adjust to becoming more casual with others -- according to Adventure episode 54, he does want to get closer to others eventually, but even Tentomon says he shouldn’t force himself. Koushirou “working past” his social issues doesn’t mean he suddenly has to turn himself into a socialite overnight, but rather, he simply needs to do enough to be able to communicate with others without (accidentally or otherwise) ignoring others’ important feelings. Thus, in 02, he’s still working on becoming less distant from everyone, but he’s managed to become someone who can communicate with and organize people, and is well-respected for it.
A recurring theme in Adventure and 02 is that there’s a good and a bad side to everything, and so if we look at the twelve kids over Adventure and 02, we can see that a lot of the “good things” and “bad things” about them really stem from the same thing:
Taichi: Being an ambitious person who can oversee people in disparate places and bring them together (good) also means that he’s not always good at checking the nuances or other potentially negative contingencies, and can be rather insensitive (bad)
Yamato: Being emotionally sensitive to others means he can be passionate and open about everything, and compassionate to others (good), but also means he can get explosively angry and lose control of himself (bad)
Sora: Being caring towards others and supportive (good) means that she can also end up developing self-destructive tendencies due to her perceived obligations to others (bad)
Koushirou: Being constantly curious and fixated on learning more means he can get to the bottom of things and answer questions that others can’t (good) but also means he can get too absorbed in it and not be able to take others into account (bad)
Mimi: Being extremely sensitive and empathetic means that she’s open-minded, compassionate, and all-loving (good) but also that she takes any kind of discomfort or emotionally draining thing extra hard, and may all too often be unable to take a stand even when she really should (bad)
Jou: Being constantly invested in everyone’s welfare and compelled to help them means he’s very honest and dutiful and otherwise reliable (good) but also means he can make very reckless decisions because he’s so stressed about everyone and everything (bad)
Takeru: Being good at maintaining an atmosphere of moderation and generally being able to handle very tough things means that he has a very strong grip on himself and doesn’t cause trouble for others easily (good) but also means he’s prone to sudden and irrational emotional outbursts because he’s suppressing so badly that he gets no catharsis and isn’t being honest about his own feelings (bad)
Hikari: Being compassionate and all-loving means that she can put her foot down easily for the sake of others and advocate for kindness (good) but also means that her desire to not be a burden on others makes her compulsively unable to vocalize any of her own personal problems to the point of self-destruction and passiveness (bad)
Daisuke: Being so deferential to others and pure-hearted means that he can focus practically on what needs to be done and be a supportive person to others (good) but also means that he’s prone to insecurity, defensiveness, and lack of assertiveness in the face of others (bad)
Miyako: Being over-the-top and full of bright energy means that she can bring joy to others and can reach out to those who have troubles (good) but also means that she has difficulty having restraint from losing control of herself (bad)
Iori: Being humble and a principled person means that he’s good at approaching things directly and driven by a constant desire to do good (good) but also can be so fixated on those principles that he clings onto them even far beyond practicality, and is constantly restraining himself more than should be necessary (bad)
Ken: Being assertive and able to have firm will means that he can get what he wants done for others and show kindness when he needs to (good) but also means that the same assertiveness can be used for uncontrolled sadism and inflicting pain on others (bad)
So, again: all of these characters are encouraged to embrace all of the good things about themselves, and to channel them in ways that are productive or healthy or help them live happily alongside others; all of those “bad” traits also being there doesn’t necessarily mean they have to blot out those personality aspects that have good sides to them as well! It’s just that those “bad” things need to be kept in check so that they don’t cause trouble, and you can read all of these character arcs in ways that involve everyone changing just enough to make sure those “bad” things don’t go rampant and cause problems everywhere -- and everyone’s an imperfect human being, so it’s unlikely that they’ve completely gotten rid of those entirely even into adulthood -- but they have better awareness of what they need to do, and how to better adjust themselves into better people.
Look at the difference between Ken and Daisuke -- Ken had to go through some massive changes because, as the Kaiser, his “bad” traits were going over the top and causing all sorts of harm to everyone, and there was a huge journey he had to go through to get that all in check, whereas Daisuke was always clearly a very pure-hearted person from the get-go and didn’t have to adjust himself as much. Yet you could say the same thing about both of them -- by Ken learning that his efforts and assertiveness were misplaced, and by Daisuke getting around his constant insecurity and need for validation in order to better lead everyone forward, they basically did the same thing, just in different ways, and they’re both better people for it.
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And it’s also the philosophy Jou endorses in Adventure episode 50 -- Mimi and Jou aren’t people who are necessarily best at fighting, and this isn’t inherently a sin. It’s just that they need to find ways to productively play to their own strengths in ways that are true to themselves. If Mimi can’t bring herself to engage in direct violence, she can at least use her skills to bring together everyone else who wants to protect the Digital World and prevent more casualties, and if Jou is, by his own admission, “not strong”, he can consider a path ahead of him that involves becoming a healer who can help those who are wounded, and prevent casualties that way.
There is no one right way to live.
What it is you want to do
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Here’s an interesting question about the 02 epilogue, and, while we’re at it, 02 episode 50 as a whole: Why are “careers” brought up so much? Timeskip epilogues are hardly new to 02 (and of course have popped up in media for years thereafter), but not all of them involve careers, and even fewer of them have that much focus on shoving “careers” into your face as the main centerpoint, especially since usually this kind of thing would be about family lives or romance or something (and we can say a lot about how the 02 epilogue cared so much about the career thing that it was blatantly prioritizing it over the hot-topic romance issue of Yamato and Sora).
Because, in the end, a career -- or, perhaps, a “future aspiration”, because various details about how the epilogue is presented indicate that “the career that defines your income and adult life” may not actually be the correct term here -- is the ultimate manifestation of “what it is you want to do with your life”. The point driven home by 02 episode 50 is that such a thing should be “what you want to do”, and, given that this was originally supposed to be the Adventure ending before 02 was conceived, it also ties into Adventure’s own theme of “finding your own path”. All of those “careers” listed in the 02 epilogue feel a lot more nonsensical when you think about it in terms of the material hobbies they had during the series, but make significantly more sense when you frame it in terms of what kind of personality each person had and what they would prioritize. Materially, if you think about what Taichi had as a “hobby” during Adventure and 02, it would be soccer, but when you think about him being “an ambitious, wide-reaching leader who brings people from different places together”, his career of “diplomat to bring two worlds together” makes much more sense. It wasn’t about what they’re doing to pay the bills; it’s about “what’s most important in each of their lives”.
And, as far as the series is concerned, none of these decisions are the “wrong” ones; if there’s a “wrong” decision, it’s the one 02 (and later Kizuna) warned you about, in terms of blotting your own self out and making yourself unhappy because you did it for the sake of society’s expectations instead of for yourself. There’s even a difference between the Adventure group and 02 group in their own priorities, in that the former is more individualistic and far-reaching in terms of personal ambition, and the latter prioritizes mutual support and living simpler lives as long as it makes them happy, and as far as Adventure and 02 are concerned, that’s all fine, because those are choices that suit their own dispositions and fit things that they want to do first and foremost.
Everyone is different, everyone has different priorities, and everyone has different ways to live. Everyone has different perspectives and feelings, and once the arguments are ironed out, those should be cherished and celebrated.
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world-of-aus · 4 years
Family Matters - (Part 3)
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky x Reader
Word Count:3,334
Warnings: manhandling, a surprise twist!
Author’s Note: Chapter 3! Updates for this series will be every Wednesday and Fridays! Thank you all for reading, liking, commenting, and reblogging, all of that means so much to me! - xoxo
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You go to flee but his hands are quicker, he grabs a hold of your biceps squeezing tightly keeping you from moving, a pained groan slips past your lips. The bearded golden blonde from before is surging forward, taking big steps as he closes the distance between the two of you. You cower in fear, your body pressing into the wall of muscle behind you, he stares down at you, a smirk pulling at his lips, “well, well, well, look what the cat drug in,” he grins, “wait till boss gets a load of you.”
His eyes move away from your fearful face to the cold set of eyes behind yours, “bring her in, don’t want to keep the boss waiting.”
“W-wait no please,” you cried pushing against the solid block of muscle.
The fingers tightened on your skin causing a whimper to fall from your lips, “start moving, or I’ll move you myself,” the voice hissed in your ear, “and trust me, you don’t want me to have to move you.”
Another whimper falls from your lips as your painfully pushed forward. You follow the man in front of you on shaky legs as the broad man from behind pushes you through the threshold down to the forbidden corridor.
He thrusts you through the open French doors of your fathers office.
“She’s here boss,” the golden blonde speaks up.
You watch with baited breath as your fathers chair turns, your breath catches in your throat.
Thick, lustrous, tousled, dark brown hair framed his chiseled face, strong and defined, his features molded from granite. His eyes a deep mesmerizing ocean blue accompanied with streaks of the lightest grey throughout. Dark brows were sloped in question, lips drawn in a hard line across his face, you cowered under his stare. Strong hands pointed to the seat in front of him, “sit” he commanded.
You swallowed unmoving, his features molded immediately to one of anger, “you’d be wise to listen,” he murmured darkly. Finger nails pressed harder into your skin, indented crescents sure to be left behind, “move it,” the man behind you grunted, shoving you forward. You gasped catching yourself on the chair, the man before you had requested of you to sit in. On shaky legs you rounded the chair, adjusting yourself onto it, your fingers stark white from the grip you had on the bottom of it.
The man before you ran a hand over his face, thumb brushing over his chin as he drank you in. He cleared his throat, his hand pointing to the man that still loomed behind you, “you can go,”
His eyes were still on your shaking form, “It’s truly unfortunate to have to have met under these circumstances,” he began leaning forward on his arms, “so sorry for your loss, such a tragic thing to have occurred,” he cooed.
You sat there eyes blown wide, body shivering in fear, “w-who are you?”  
A smirk pulled at the corner of the man’s lips, “m’ sorry where are my manners,” he grinned, “the names James Buchanan Barnes, though I’m sure daddy told you about me didn’t he?”
A knot formed in your throat, face paling, a low chuckled brewed from within him, “you look like you’ve seen a ghost, and I might as well be looking at one from what your father informed me of,” he paused raising a brow at you, “you are y/f/n y/l/n aren’t you?”
You nodded your head numbly, “well I'll be damned, looks like your father was a liar, thief, and traitor all in one, no wonder Pierce had him on such a tight leash,”  
The room began to spin your ears ringing; James caught on, his fingers snapping off to your side, strong hands gripped at your shoulders keeping you upright in the chair. Your head lolled side to side, as you tried to clear the disorientation away. You shook your head, “please, I- I don’t” you sucked in a breath of air, “I d-didn't please”  
“Get her to the couch, now,” he demanded to the man behind you.
Hands were finding there way from your shoulders to under your arms as they lifted you up. You held onto the hands for dear life as you stumbled your way to the lush leather couch, your head falling into the cooled material beneath you.  A shaky sigh left your lips, the hidden secrets of your fathers luxurious life style was all coming to surface, and you were caught in the crossfire of it all seemed,  and you had been unaware of it all. Taking in deep shaky breaths you attempted to calm your nerves, you knew they would do you know good in this unforeseen situation.
You felt the couch dip next to you, a glass of water held out to you, you looked from the glass to the man offering it to you, “it’s water,” he murmured, an impatient sigh left his lips when you made no move to grab it from his outstretched hand, “I take it you're not as easily swayed as your impressionable father was?”
You shook your head, “please, I had no idea what my father did in this home, I want nothing to do with any of it, you can have it all, I'll sign it over to you, just please,” you pleaded.
James barked out a laugh shaking his head, “you really expect me to believe that you had no part in your father’s plan, that man was a rat, no offense,” he muttered, “your father obviously couldn’t be trusted,” he slid closer than, your frame shrinking into the cushions as his stormy eyes bore into you, “so tell me, what makes you so different?”
You didn’t know if there was any convincing this man, obviously your father had betrayed him in unimaginable ways, but you knew you needed to try if you wanted to get out of this.
“I swear I didn’t know, my father never allowed me down these corridors when he was down here, it was forbidden to me, my father would never let me hear the end of it if I was caught down here, please,” you pleaded once more, “I swear I didn’t know what my father was doing behind these closed doors.”
James went to open his mouth but was cut off, when three raps sounded at the open office doors, his eyes moved from your’s to the doorway, “he’s here,” grunted the man from earlier. A cheshire grin overtook his face, he rubbed his hands together as he looked at you once more, “shall we get started?”
Your dragged from your father’s office, to your kitchen table where many nights you had spent sitting alone with your mother over one of her specialty meals.
“ouch, you’re hurting me!” you whined to the man that had man handled you from before, as he forcefully pushed you into the chair directly across from the two other men in the room. He hovered over you a snarl leaving his lips, you cowered in fear.  
“Enough!” a voice barked out, your head shot up in fear.
James who had been previously sitting next to Wilson the man from earlier, was now looming at the table fists clenched on the wooden surface, “have some damn respect,” he hissed at the man, “or do you need to have a talk with Steve again?” He growled.
The wicked mans face fell, a look of fear  overtaking his features, “ n-no boss won’t be necessary,”
“Good,” he grunted “get out and send Steve in,”
The burly man practically bolted from his spot next to you, the golden blonde entering the room picking a spot right at the doorway, a menacing glare aimed at you.
Your head is snapping back at the sound of someone clearing their throat, Sam is looking over at you through the rim of his glasses, “shall we begin?” he questions.
“right,” he starts, “as I've already informed Ms. Y/l/n you are the co-owner of this house, and with the tragic passing of her parents, the father’s half has gone off to her in a will,” he informed Barnes, “Ms. Y/l/n has informed me that she would like to just sign over all rights to you, apparently she no longer resides in the area and does not wish to have any ties to this area.”
James turns to face Sam, his hand on his chin his brows furrowed deeply, “did you tell her about her father and what he owes me?”
Sam sighed running a hand over his head, his fingers working off his glasses as he stared back at the man annoyed, “no Buck it didn’t cross my mind, she was already shaken up coming into my office you really want me throwing that on her, she probably would have bolted the second I laid out that contract her father signed?”
You cleared your throat, “excuse me gentleman but I’m sitting right here,” you gritted out, “if it regards my father, it obviously regards me, so either of you mind telling me what it is my father signed”
Bucky turned to look at you his head cocked to the side as he eyed you, “I’m sorry,” he started, “for a second there it sounded like you were telling us what to do,” he shifted his body to fully face you now, “you don’t get to ask the questions y/n”
You could feel your fear be replaced by anger, you had had enough of people belittling you because of who your father was, and apparently how he lived his life, you’d be damned if you stayed in his shadow, enough was enough, you would not be quieted.
“Listen here Barnes,” you snarled, “I’m not sure what relation my father had with you but I can assure you I was unaware of it, I lived my life locked away in my room, aside from the times he  would send me and my mother out of the house,” he opened his mouth but you cut him off, “and another thing, I've had just about enough of you men telling me what you think you know about me, when in reality you don’t know the half of it,” you gritted out, “my father may have lived his life a certain way but I can assure you I had no part in it, and I definitely had no say when my father kicked me from this very home at the ripe age of 18!” you hissed, “so yes you can believe what you want, but I will not allow you to further disrespect me, I have in a single night lost both my parents who I have not spoken with since I was 18 that was seven fucking years ago, and I get here only to find that my dad was involved with the mafia, he owes some asshole money which  apparently he planned to collect, and oh get this you, you” you gritted pointing your fingers at him “you are the co-owner of this house again something I was unaware of.”
You were heaving with rage by the time you got all the words that had brewed inside of you, James seemed unbothered by your little explosive episode.
“you done doll?” he questioned bored.
“don’t call me d-”
His fist met the table startling you into silence, “i think you’ve said enough,” he hissed, “it’s my turn to speak, so you’re going to sit there and you’re going to listen got it?” he questioned brow raised.
“do you understand?” he questioned again when you didn’t give him a response the first time.
You nodded your head, “you see y/n you brought up a great point in your petty little rant, and that was that your father owed money to some asshole,” he was grinning devishly then, “and do you know who that asshole he owed money to was?” he questioned through gritted teeth, you didn’t answer but inside you were filled with dread because you knew the words that would come out of his mouth would not be good, “awe why so quiet now sweetheart, you had a lot to say just now, what happened,   cat got your tongue?” he scoffed, “that asshole y/n was me, and your father still to this day had yet to pay me my money that he stole because if it had been borrowed I would have seen it,” he stood from his chair, “see about seven years ago, I paid your little daddy a visit, and I told him he either pay me my money or that contract he signed after signing the one to this house, would be valid, and I would take the one thing he promised to hand over if he couldn’t comply, did daddy dearest ever tell you what it was he wagered or are we going to keep playing this victim card you y/l/n’s seem to be real good at”
You were scared again, you shook your head not trusting your voice, “see daddy owed not only money to me, but that old man also owed, Pierce and Rumlow,” your skin was vibrating in fear, the names of all the men detective Stark had mentioned were coming up. The thing is those two fools didn’t think of a way to collect seeing as he worked for them, so regardless they would get their money one way or another, thing is your father decided to play with fire when he asked for my help, and well I needed to make sure I was going to get my money back so I had my good friend Wilson here,” he said patting Sam on the back, “i had him work up a contract with your father, and in that contract it was stated that If he could not get me money after sometime, that he would have to give up whatever he had promised on that contract, and man would you believe what that old man put,”
Your hands were shaking in your lap, he leaned forward then, eyes menacing, “that old bastard promised me,” he gestured towards himself, “he promised me that if when the time came to collect and he didn’t have the money, that you,” his finger turned to you, “ you would be handed to me.”
Your face paled, you father wouldn’t do such a thing, he was a mean man, but there was just no way he could be this vile.
“t-that c-can't be,” you replied shakily, “my father would never”
“oh no?” he questioned, “then I guess you didn’t know daddy to well,” he muttered sliding a file towards you.
Your shaky hands reached for the file, you opened it looking over the contents, a shaky sob left your lips. Your father had actually done it, he had actually signed you off to this man if he wasn’t able to pay him his money. You shoved the file away from you looking up at the two men with watery eyes, “please, you don’t have to do this, I'll,” you chocked back a sob, “I'll find a way to fix his mess, just please,”
“now wait just a damn minute,” Bucky cut you off, “you father may have promised you to me, but I'm not sleazy like your old man,”
You wanted to sigh in relief but you knew there was something he was holding back from you something he wasn’t telling you, and from how your day had been going you were sure it wouldn’t be any good either.
“now I'm going to need you to just sit a second longer, and my good friend Sam is going to explain something to you, and trust me when I say it is in your best interest to take into account everything he is about to explain to you,”
Looking to Sam you waited, the dread coursing through you, “Now Ms. Y/l/n when Mr. Barnes initially found out what you father had signed over if he was to have to come collect, I can assure you he was angered at the audacity your father had to sign your name on that line,” he eyed you, “Mr. Barnes still has a means to collect, but he’s chosen to go about it a different way, it’s in regards to this house,” he added.
“he can have it; he can take whatever he wants pl-” Bucky sent you a look efficiently cutting you off.
“as I was saying, Mr. Barnes met with me months prior to all this with the beliefs that you were no longer in the picture and his original intention was to just collect the house when your father had given him word that you had passed tragically one day,” he paused, “upon hearing of your return recently and that it was actually you in the flesh, Mr. Barnes decided he wanted to change the means of your fathers contract,” he sighed rubbing at his temples slightly, “Mr. Barnes has asked me to inform you that he will settle your father’s debt IF and only IF you agree to take owner ship of the home with him-”
“I can do that,” you cut him off.
Sam sighed, “please let me finish,” he muttered, “you would be taking your father’s ownership, but you must also come home, and you must stay here in this home,”
You were taken aback, “excuse me?” you questioned, you were getting upset again, “you can’t possibly do that, you can’t make me agree to any of this this is-”
“Now Ms. Y/l/n it would be in your best interest to agree to this, there is no other way,”
You scoffed looking over at Bucky, “how is there no other way, you can’t just force me to come home, and make me stay here,”
“Steve, Sam, would you give me and y/n a couple of seconds” Sam stood wordlessly following Steve out of the kitchen. Bucky rounded the table, “Look y/n, you can either do it this way, or I will collect the way I originally intended and I can promise you doll, you don’t want me to do that, I'm offering you a home, safety from the goons your father worked for, and a worry free life, this would all be yours at no cost to you, so long as you do as I say, and all you’d have to do is sign,”
“y-you can’t ask that of me, I don’t have to agree to any of this, I'll go to Detective Stark”
Bucky threw his head back in a howl of laughter, “sweetheart, I'm not asking anymore,” he replied the smile vanishing from his features, “I've been done asking, now” he spoke again his voice much lower, leaning in closer “I'm going to have my men come back in and we’re going to get this contract signed, I'm honestly doing you a favor here, you have nobody left, mommy, daddy, all your family is gone y/n, there’s no one for you to go back to, no one for you to run too, so it would be in your best interest to be the good little girl we all know you to be and sign that name of yours right next to mine on that contract,”
You swallowed, you were terrified of the repercussions that might come if you didn’t agree, and he was right, you had nobody left, so this couldn’t possibly be any worse. A shaky sigh left your lips, “fine, I'll sign,” you murmured lowly.
Bucky was grinning wolfishly, “that’s my girl,”  
You moved away from him glaring, “I'm not your girl” you hissed.
“the contract say’s otherwise,”
You cocked your head at his words, but weren’t able to question him as he beckoned for his men.
Sam, Steve trailed in, Detective Stark following in behind them, Bucky grinned at your confused expression, “w-what is he doing here?” you whispered.
“oh Detective Stark?” he questioned a smirk pulling at his lips, “he’s here as a witness,”
Chapter 4
Family Matter’s Tag-list: @broco8 @spideyxxboi @scuzmunkie​ @person-born-winchester @jennisahoe @rougeone0911 @ilovesupersoldiers @loveofmychips
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lo-55 · 4 years
Playing With Fire Ch. 3
You’ve decided. You’re going to marry Maki. 
You’re going to marry her and adopt Sputter and Flare, and you’ll all live happily ever after in the cathedral and- 
You’re broken out of your thoughts when Maki smacks you so hard you literally see stars and throws you on the ground. 
“... owe.”
If everything else hadn’t cemented the fact that you were really living inside Fire Force, the pain of Maki’s fist and the hard concrete under your cheek sure would have. Holy hell, how was she so strong?
You roll over on your back to look up at her. 
“I bet,” you begin, “that you could bench press me if you really wanted to.”
Maki’s cheeks pink and she huffs down at you. “Why aren’t you using your pyrokinesis? Do you think I can’t handle it?”
I have no idea how to do that! 
“Nope, Nope! I’m sure you could wipe the floor with me, it’s not that miss!” You said quickly. “I was just in awe of you, sorry,” you salute quickly, and watch pink crawl across Maki’s face. 
So cute!! 
“H-honestly! At least use your spear!” 
You perk up. Spear? The Sun Spear? Is that what you have here? An answer! Finally! An answer! 
Maki takes your surprise for something else. “No one told you that they’d sent it over ahead of you? You should really keep better of your gear.” 
You dip your head quickly. “Yes, yes. Sorry. Can you show me where it is, please?” 
“Sure,” Maki smiles at you, “We’re about done for now, anyhow. Let’s go back inside and wash up. Sister Iris and Shinra should be waiting.” 
Maki takes you back into the cathedral, away from the training area on the roof. The cathedral really is pretty run down. The walls could use a good scrubbing, the floor boards either need to be replaced or are missing entirely, and there’s a lot of cracks in the tile and missing corners. The windows are fine, if not dusty, and the stained glass pieces are really beautiful. The whole place smells faintly of burnt wood and gun oil. It’s not bad, but its certainly unfamiliar. Everything is so vivid. The way it smells. The sound of the building settling, and the birds outside, and the voices of your new comrades. 
It’s amazing. 
Kinda terrifying, but crazy cool too. 
After a quick shower for each of you Maki shows you to the weapons room, where a long, thin case is rested against a wall between two racks of guns. Obi’s shield is propped up in one corner, along with a couple of his weird stabbing things that he puts infernals to rest with. You’ve been here two days now, and you’ve seen him use it twice.
You don’t know how, but you know instinctively that that case belongs to you. 
You go to it. There’s a strap along the back, like the kind on a violin case. You carefully set it on a table, mindful of the bullets stacked on top of it. With a few clicks you undo the buttons on either end and open up the case. Inside is a long staff, deep red in color and capped at the bottom with copper colored metal that curves into a diamond point. On the opposite end is a thin band of the same metal, that reveals the inside to be hollow. 
You pick it up carefully, testing its weight in your hands. It feels natural. Even though you’ve never actually fought with a spear before your body knows where to hold it, and how to spin it around elegantly until you’re facing Maki again. Your body knows how much space you’re taking up, and how not to hit the walls, while your brain geeks out over the fact that you’re actually holding the Sun Lance. 
So cool! 
Is it conceited to say that you’re super cool? Or that this was hella badass? 
You were almost bouncing on your toes you were so excited. 
“Wow, I didn’t know you missed your spear this much,” Maki smiled at you. “You look good with it.” 
“Aha, you think so? It’s just nice to have it I guess. This has been, I dunno. An adventure already. I’m in a strange place, with strange people, and I’m in an awfully dangerous situation. It’s been an adjustment, ya know?” 
You feel like a fool for rambling, but Maki smiles at you kindly. 
“I understand. Even though I was raised in a military family, it took me a while to get used to life as a fire soldier too. Don’t worry too much about it, and you know, we’re always here to help. It’s not like you have to go it alone.” 
You’re heart warms with her words. “Yeah. Thank you, Maki. You’re really a nice person.” 
Once the Sun Lance is safe in its case the two of you leave the armory, and make your way to the dorm rooms. 
Since the company is so small, each person gets their own room. In bigger companies you would be in actually dorms, or barracks, but the eighth only has Obi, Hinawa, Maki, Sister Iris, Shinra, and yourself. Arthur will be here soon too, and Tamaki. Your small company will grow soon. 
Your own room ended up being at the top of one of the towers on the west side of the cathedral, opposite of the garage. Which meant that last night, when the alarm had gone off, you’d been the last to arrive at the Matchbox. Near the garage are the locker rooms, and the communal showers, although there’s more bathrooms scattered through the base. 
In the center of the cathedral is the courtyard where Sister Iris purifies herself, and grows flowers. 
It’s really a nice place. 
“Thank you,” you say again, and Maki nods to you and leaves you to climb the steps on your own. You shut the door and lock it behind you. 
Your room is scant, all things considered. A bunk bed it pushed into each corner, with a desk underneath it. You’ve claimed the one nearest to the window. There’s a wardrobe on the opposite side, and a small, stocky book shelf. 
You need to hang up some pictures or get a rug or something. It’s entirely impersonal. 
You rest your Sun Lance up against the corner by the window and go to sit at the desk under your bed. You’ve already unpacked your few belongings into the wardrobe and the drawers of the desk, including the diary from ‘Fuyuki’. 
Your ‘sister’. The game honestly hadn’t told you a whole lot about her. Just that she disappeared, and what few flashbacks you would have now and again. Like the one you got when you touched your ring and the lighter.  
You open it up with careful hands. 
Inside the handwriting is familiar, even if the words aren’t. There’s no mistaking your hand writing. It looks like a serial killer in a movie has left a ransom note made out of letters cut out of magazines. 
I wonder if there’s cereal in the kitchen. 
You always think better when you’re snacking. 
To keep your thoughts in order, you scatterbrain.
<3 Fuyuki 
 The first entry is dated for 193 AC. After the Cataclysm. It’s 198 now, so this was given to MAIN (to you?) five years ago. That would have been right before she graduated the fire academy and joined her company. A year before she disappeared, around 194. 
It feels invasive to read the diary of the person whos life you’ve taken over, but you need answers and you don’t have a lot of options here. 
I can’t believe Fuyuki gave me a diary! That’s so lame, and super girly. I don’t really want to write in it, but she gave it to me so I guess I should? Even if I am kinda mad at her. She left to go to school years ago and she never comes home! She’s so mean but then she’s nice and its so frustrating! Not fair. Stupid sister. 
But i’ll try i guess. There’s not much else to do in the house. None of the other kids really wanna play with me, and the Yagi’s are busy watching the littler kids. And maybe i’ll have kids and their kids will have kids will have kids will have kids and i’ll be their super cool ancestor and they’ll read this for inspiration or something. 
Good god, how old were they when they started writing this? Twelve? How old even were you? 
Fuck it. 
You kept reading. They/you weren’t a regular writer, with long months going between entries. Some of them were sad, some of them were happy, most of them were angry. They had a lot of complicated feelings on the sister who had abandoned them to what was basically a group home outside Asakusa, and then bitterness at themselves for being so angry when she disappeared. But most of it wasn’t that useful. It was about grades and teachers, and grief. They got into a lot of fights, and they were something of a scrapper. They were briefly enrolled in martial arts classes, but they had to quit because they were too rough with the other kids. So they were a scrapper, but that wasn’t anything related to fire. 
You rubbed your temples and glared at the diary. How did it answer your questions but leave you with more? 
Why is this my life now? 
So much here didn’t make sense, nonetheleast the fact that you were here to begin with. Well. At least you finally knew what your pyrokinesis was right? Even if using it was nearly impossible, and you couldn’t make sense of everything. 
Of course, there were plenty of things in this world that didn’t make sense. Like how sound could turn fire into ice. 
Bringing back the dead made more sense than that! 
You cross your arms and glare at the diary. So far the only useful bit is the part where you’ve had some decent training. Everything else is just the most vague information about the investigation into her sister’s disappearance. That much you already knew, although you didn’t have time to read everything in it. There were big gaps that you just knew were holding important information! 
At a loss, you flipped to the very last written on page, halfway through, and froze. 
Staring back at you was your own face. A small picture. It was your resume for the squad assignments, with your own check boxes and preferences listed. Underneath it was the list you had written before, of Everything You Knew. It was short, with little screen caps here and there. You flipped the page and found it filling itself in with ink that didn’t come from a pen, finishing up what it started on the page before. 
A new page started, this one listed your stats. 
In game there were a hundred levels. You had gotten maybe halfway through? A third if you rounded down. And it listed your level at 40. Underneath had your attack power, defense, stamina, agility, and your special moves. 
You were weirdly well rounded. Three out of five bars for everything, except the SM, which only had one. 
But, you hadn’t put that there! 
You quickly flipped it back and forth before you went to the very, very last page in the diary. On the back cover the ink finally finished filling out. A progress bar. 
You stared at it for a long, long time, trying to work over everything was happening. 
Now you knew what you could do. Just not how to do it. 
You were out of options at this point. You were just going to have to suck it up. 
You were going to have to ask someone for help directly. 
Shinra looks up from his work when you plop into the seat across from him, your arms crossed across your chest. It would be a lie to say you’re not nervous. You’re not even totally sure how you’re supposed to ask these questions, but you don’t have any other way to go about this any more. 
You tried the diary. You’ve spent two and a half days trying to get your ignition ability to work without help. Admittedly, you hadn’t even know how your ability was meant to manifest at the time, but even now you can’t get it to work.  
“Oh, hey there,” Shinra offers you an awkward smile. You grin right back, trying to project as much happy-go-lucky-nothing-wrong-here-!-�� as you can. It’s made easier by the fact that prior to a few days ago, no one here had known you as anything more than a passing acquaintance. 
“Hi Shinra. I’ve got a weird question for you,” you announce bluntly. 
Shinra looks a little more wary, and he’s starting to smile. 
“Oh yeah? What is it?” 
“Ah, it’s pretty simple actually. How do you activate your abilities?” 
“How do you-” 
“No, I heard you,” he holds up his hand to cup you off. “It’s just a weird question.” 
“Hey man, I told you it was gonna be one.” 
You stare at each other for a long minute before Shinra huffs and looks towards the ceiling. He might not be the best person to ask. Maybe you should ask Maki, but Shinra makes you feel secure and you trust him more than anyone else just yet. 
“How do I activate my abilities? I dunno. I guess for me it’s more like I have to turn it off.” 
You tilt your head, listening intently to Shinra. 
“When I was a kid… I had a hard time controlling my flames. They started up suddenly, and burned through my shoes and pants. I ended up wearing these extinguisher boots, and shorts, so I wouldn’t destroy everything around me. It took a long time to figure out what was going on, but someone finally explained it to me. For a lot of third generation pyrokinetics, the thing that triggers out ability is the memory of the first time they happened.” 
You falter. “But, wait. Didn’t yours activate when-” 
“Yeah,” he cuts in, shooting you a grin that’s anything but happy. Your heart clenches in your chest. 
“Oh god, Shinra…” That meant that every time he used his powers, he had to remember his mother’s ‘death’ and his brother's disappearance. He had to think of pain and fear and grief, and he used his flames so often-
“It’s okay,” he cuts in. You can’t imagine what kind of face you’re making. “It was painful at first, and it still is, but it’s a good reminder for what I’m fighting for, and why I’m working so hard towards that goal. I will find a way to stop human combustion. I will make sure no one else ever has to grieve the way I did.”  
“Shinra,” you say softly. “You really are something.” 
Shinra tries to shrug off your words, but his smile is a little more genuine. “I just wanna be a hero.” 
“You will be,” you promise him. It’s all you can do not to tell him the truth then and there. His mother is alive, and suffering. His brother is alive, and suffering. 
They need help. 
But you hold your tongue. You don’t have any way of proving it to him, and there’s already so many things that are different here than they were in the game, or the show. Your presence being one of them. 
You let out a breath. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up something so painful.” 
Shinra shakes his head. “What made you ask?” 
“Honestly?” you rubbed the back of your neck, “I’ve been having trouble using my abilities since we left the academy. I thought maybe if I asked you how you do it, I might be able to figure it out.” 
Shinra looks startled. “Really? I guess that explains why you haven’t used them in the last few days. You never really held back when we were training.” 
“Sorry to disappoint?” you offer lamely. “I just can’t figure it out.” 
“Well… Have you thought about when you first activated your powers?” 
“That’s just it,” you say sadly. “I don’t remember when it happened at all. So that’s not really an option for me.” 
You frown, and draw in on yourself. You can’t help it. You have no way to activate the powers you now know you have, and you’re in a bad place to be powerless in general. Not to mention these people are going to expect you to help, and you can’t help, and if you can’t help then- 
Shinra’s hands land on your shoulders, startling you. It’s a warm touch, one that sinks into you with comfort and kindness. Shinra looks seriously at you, his red eyes bright and intent. 
“Whatever happens, I know you’ll figure it out, and I’ll help you as much as I can. Even if I have to protect you in missions for now. So put your trust in me for now, okay?” 
Your heart thumps hard in your chest and heat spreads through your body. It grows hotter and hotter, centering somewhere in your chest and your back. 
Light blooms behind you and you barely turn your head to see a flicker of white fire over your shoulders, wings stretching over your back. They’re small, going no further down than you’re elbows and no further up than your jaw, pale and white and glowing. 
You recognize the feeling in your chest with a start. 
It’s care. Friendship. You want to help them. You want to fight for them and earn and keep their trust. The flickering embers of love bloom into a fire across your shoulders and flutter with undistinguished feather’s. 
~ ~
A/N So! Phoenix is my favorite power, but everyone else seemed inclined towards the Sun Lance, so I smashed them both together!
If you’re so inclined, let me know what you think :D
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0cultando-me · 4 years
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In relation to accident injury victims, the losses can vary greatly and Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. will help during these situations.
Medical Expenses
When a car crash injury occurs, the medical costs can add up and it's best to seek compensation. Whether it be a small or significant injury, the costs can involve emergency visits, follow-up visits, examinations, medications, and much more. This list is endless and it's hard to pay these bills without assistance. In addition to these costs, you could possibly face surgery-related expenses based on the injury. As a result, it's best to have an attorney present constantly to gauge these expenses and find out what's the proper move going forward.
Please note, there are specific regulations into position to figure out if compensation is valid. A vehicle accident attorney in Columbus will help with these details and knows what can be done with your specific case. You may want to call Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. and learn more about accidental injuries protection and other connected options regarding legal policies in the state California.
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soufflesstuff · 4 years
Artificial Intelligence Lead Generation for Attorneys
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A run-of-the-mill legal representative isn't going to cut it when the goal would be to win your case. It's essential to look for a specialized legal professional with ample experience managing cases in Columbus. This segment of law consistently change with each passing day and it's necessary to pick a law firm that may be on top of things from day 1.
An experienced lawyer understands what to consider and how to approach legal matters associated with the case. This ensures mistakes aren't made and quick adjustments are possible whenever necessary. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is definitely the gold standard to get a reason and yes it starts with a team of competent legal professionals having the ability to aid in auto-related cases. Once the initial assessment is complete, legislation firm is certain to get as a result of work and analyze each angle in depth before coming up with a strong strategy. This is actually the advantage of deciding on a well-qualified law firm with a team of proven experts in auto accident cases. This team is enthusiastic about its work and guarantees you access the compensation you deserve.
Don't become another case number in Columbus and know your rights like a client. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is about helping clients because of their cases and ensuring the best approach is obtained from day 1. This includes keeping you informed about proceedings and the way the truth is advancing all the way. This is actually the amount of personalization required to win you over and be sure the truth is handled inside the right manner advancing. Rather than selecting a traditional "settlement" firm, why not choose Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. and know you are choosing somebody who cares?
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Driving a car is typical and something the standard person does regularly. Even a safe driver can wind up about the wrong end of your accident as someone else drives recklessly on your way. When a car crash occurs, it's essential to recognize the appropriate risks and progress with valid legal representation.
In accordance with modern research, a huge number of crashes take place in the heart of Columbus monthly and that number continues to rise.
When put into an issue like this, it's essential to understand what's going on and who to call. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is a lot more than prepared to aid in all legal matters and is a phone call away. Simply speak to a legal representative, find out about your alternatives, and know you are likely to be treated correctly from day 1. This is actually the charm of selecting a qualified law firm in Columbus as soon as you can.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states approximately 2.4+ million people are involved in accidents causing injury. Using this group, over 30,000+ wind up dying in auto accidents.
An auto accident can occur to anyone and it's necessary to recognize what you can do when you're involved. Finding yourself in a collision can bring about an accident and it's best to seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Once medical assistance is searched for, it's a chance to speak to a competent legal professional and find out about your alternatives. A competent legal professional will take the time to analyze what is going on and the way it needs to be handled as soon as the facts are written down. This may significantly help in presenting a strong case and making certain your rights are taken care of. This can be a major advantage of choosing Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. and knowing your legal rights will be in good hands.
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Whether it be a motorcycle accident, car crash, pedestrian accident, or any other auto-related accident, Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is the correct choice to your case.
When you find yourself associated with a Columbus collision, it might be hard to understand your alternatives and what constitutes a legitimate case. To avoid guessing, please take the opportunity to reach out to Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. and find out about what you can do. An auto accident attorney will guarantee the best measures are taken and your legal rights are the target.
So what can Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Help With?
When it comes to accident injury victims, the losses could differ and Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. can assist in these situations.
AI Lead Generation for Attorneys
When a car crash injury occurs, the medical costs may add up and it's best to seek compensation. Whether it be a small or significant injury, the costs can involve emergency visits, follow-up visits, examinations, medications, and a lot more. A list is endless and it's difficult to pay these bills without assistance. Together with these costs, you might face surgery-related expenses dependant upon the injury. As a result, it's best to have attorney present all the time to evaluate these expenses and determine what's the best move moving forward.
Please note, there are specific regulations set up to ascertain regardless of whether compensation applies. An auto accident attorney in Columbus can assist with one of these details and knows what you can do within your specific case. Feel free to call Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. and learn more about personal injury protection and other connected options regarding legal policies in the state Ohio.
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Finding yourself in a car crash is a long term concern and it can result in lost income as time passes. Whenever a person has been far from help months because of the injuries, it might commence to hamper their financial well-being. Whether it be a day's worth of wages or maybe more, the adding expenses can become overwhelming for many individuals. As a result, it's essential to receive appropriate compensation to your trouble and be sure this lost income is replaced. If the relevant injuries are permanent, it's important to get into compensation for future lost earnings too.
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Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. takes the time to look into and collect evidence concerning the auto accident. The law firm has become among the finest at exactly what it does and yes it begins by analyzing the client's case. The group will pour through everything inch by inch to make sure all things are understood in depth. This can be a stepping-stone towards delivering complete compensation to you.
The reason for Your Crash
Finding yourself in a car crash is a challenging situation and it's best to concentrate on your state of health and legal standing. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. can take the opportunity to recognize what caused the crash, what evidence can be obtained, and how to be sure your case is presented effectively. Each detail is vital across the long haul and means you can create a strong claim within your favor.
The law firm begins by centering on the car accident, liability, and regardless of whether there are actually supplementary factors to bear in mind. Each detail is vital inside the build-up of a case and can significantly help to help have a positive verdict.
Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is focused on investigating the car accident and is appreciated for identifying the client's legal situation. It will help establish additional court action towards collecting evidence, analyzing facts, and making certain all things are to be able. This includes using assistance from industry-grade accident reconstruction experts. This law firm is prepared to go that step further because of its clients and yes it starts by delivering state-of-the-art resources for the case.
Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. remains to be the ideal selection for those seeking to manage their case properly and want the best law firm in Columbus. This top-rated law firm has become the best fit for clients inside the city and is ideal for victims seeking to present a strong, fact-based case. The group is professional, passionate, and can attempt to deliver full compensation to the people needing it. When it comes to fighting a legitimate battle and making certain your rights are kept intact, Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is the only option worth taking into consideration. This is exactly what helps to make the law firm an excellent fit for everyone. Get Artificial Intelligence AI Lead Generation for Attorneys today!
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Alex ze Pirate Mini Review 3: About pacing and terrible dark revelations played as jokes.
And here we are at the second part of the arc, which was titled “Abandoned”. And just as a word in advance: While “Underappreciated” was mostly defined by the shitty behavior Sam experiences by his crew and how Dobson crossed comedic lines to the point Alex and her crew come off more as abusive than “funny” in the way they treat Sam or interact with their environment, this one is defined by another major issue Dobson has in his bigger stories overall: Pacing.
 See, the right pacing in a story is really one of the most important basics a creator kinda has to grasp. He or she needs to know primarily the following things in relation to pacing, when planning out a story: What are major events/storypoints/key scenes I want to work towards to, what happens inbetween these points and at which speed do I get from point A to B, C etc.
Cause the truth is, a lot of stories out there follow certain tropes or expectations, particularly when they are part of a certain genre, so people more or less have ideas when a certain “point” is hit, what the next point, if not even the endpoint is going to be down the line. And people also kinda want to reach the endpoint of a story, particularly if they expect doing so will finally give the protagonists they care for (and the audience itself) some sort of satisfying conclusion.
The one thing you can now do however, which can in the worst scenario totally kill an audiences/readers enjoyment of the story and even break your creation apart, is get the pacing wrong. For example by unnecessarily dragging out your story instead of just getting to the point, especially when people just want to reach the next major beat, resulting in increased annoyance by them. This can e.g. be seen in a lot of fanfics when writers create damn arcs within their own shit, or (to give a professionally published work of fiction as example) the manga Bleach, when instead of fighting Aizen and his two major supporters directly, the “war” against him was unnecessarily dragged out by having e.g. a pointless flashback sequence that barely shed new light on certain characters and gave EVERY damn main and sub captain of the Shinigami a shot at some random villain/minion Tite Kubo created on the spot but no one cared about really, just to make the story arc run longer.
Obviously, the opposite can also be the case, where people just rush too fast from one point to the other instead of giving the audience time to even properly comprehend or explain what happened and why it happened. Which can get additionally frustrated, when by rushing through plot points the work of fiction gets overloaded with concepts and ideas that may on first glance look interesting, but don’t have any real payoff in the big picture of things, making it come off as pretentious in some cases and pointless overall. Like the movie Southland Tales, which deserves to be burned off the surface of the planet.
 The “best” case scenario when pacing a story, is to know when you need to slow things down (give characters and the readers e.g. moments to breath and emotionally comprehend a situation they are in, giving also insight into a characters emotional state or personality) and when to speed things up (e.g. when there is a big battle, to know which moments are meant to focus on, but also when to be “faster”, giving really the impression that time is of the essence, that high stakes in a short amount of time are given and to hit a key event at the right moment to get a satisfying reaction from your audience)
 And now, after giving a glance on my general opinion on pacing, in order to avoid me commiting the cardinal sin of dragging things out, lets just get to Dobson’s actual artwork.
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  As you can see, the chapter starts off again with the island, but this time now with Sam not part of the picture and its consequences (no one cleaning up the place in the morning). This is not really a bad thing to start the chapter of, primarily because it creates a nice contrast to the beginning of the first part.
Page 3 to 5 however…
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Lets just say I get what Dobson tries to show here, but I think is exaggerated to a degree that kinda hurts the narrative; the fact that without Sam, shit does not quite get done.
The problem is the execution of the idea. See, instead of putting the fact Sam is missing into the forefront, the fact stuff has not been done is. Stuff the crew should be able to handle after a very short time of adjustment easily. I will admit, Talus suspecting they were robbed but then asked if he had also looked into the cabinets, is kinda funny. I mean, it fits the character (and sometimes people in real life) to be so adjusted to seeing a certain situation as routine every day, that when it is slighty changed they may initially assume the worst but in reality just one convenient step of the routine was left out. Less forgivable I think is the fact that seeing how Sam did the clothes the day prior, I have to wonder how dirty those guys are that already everything is left in piles of dirt to the point they have only the following alternative as wardrobe.
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Halloween costumes.
…. Ok, why is there Halloween, and likely a modern day variant of its celebration, in a comic set in a fictional world compared to ours, in a time period it would not exactly exist anyway? Christ on a pogo stick, consistency is all I ask for. Oh and of course NOW they realize Sam is gone. Because they finally put together that their daily luxuries they took for granted are no longer available.
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Hey now, Talus. You all are guilty of being terrible friends. In fact yu are so terrible, you would make Twilight Sparkle vomit at the sight of yours. Also, why of all characters are you wearing a costume? Unlike those two bitches, you still had clean clothes on a few pages ago. Speaking of bitches, Atea in the middle panel looks readyto be edited in a cumshot video. Just saying for all those “creative” editors out there.
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 YAY! Lets get our slave back so he can do all the stuff we care about but do not want to do.
Seriously, if Dobson tries to convince us they want to get him back because they care for him as a person, he fails miserably. Both by the choice of wording in this page, where Atea and Talus react angrier about the fact that without Sam things don’t work smoothly, rather than concern about his well being, as well as any behavior expressed in the previous chapter. These people are not reacting like friends in worry, they act like spoiled brats. Especially Talus who could still get his stupid burgers if he, as the cook of the crew, would just do his job. All he has to do is additionally open a few cabinets. Also, where in the heck is Uncle Peggy? Oh just go to the next pages so we are getting this over with.
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Oh great, the lolcat pirates are back. Because they were so hilarious the first time. And look, they got defeated again. And what is their contribution to the story? To give information on where Sam may have gone.
And it is here now where I have to stop and come back to the pacing issue. Cause the last ten pages here? They are a good example of what I meant with rushed pacing and how it ruins things.
Once more I need to say, I get it. I get the major points Dobson wants to get across. That a) Sam is gone that b) without him things are not all that good for the crew anymore c) they decide they want to find him d) they get information of where he is by going after the one feline that can provide a potential hint. Four major story points Dobson wants to get across. And he is free to get them across. But the way he does it, is just way too fast. Neither the characters, nor the reader really gets time to comprehend that Sam is gone and what that means aside of the surface level loss of luxury Alex and Co are now experiencing. The emotional weight of Sam’s “loss” is pushed aside for the sake of cruising through the plot defined by its surface premise, as fast as possible. And considering that the meat of this story is supposed to be how much Sam means to the others as a person as well as his personal tragedy, intend and execution, thanks to this pacing, does not compute.
Pacing and overall structure are way off and fail to engage us in addition to just killing any suspense in what is going to happen next or surprise us in an interesting fashion. In other words, I am not entertained by this story. It is not funny, it is not sad, it is not “adventurous”.
Personally, I would suggest to actually use the “premise” of those ten pages and turn them at least into two independent chapters of this story overall, to give the premise actually some meat on the bone. The first chapter being a multipager with the crew realizing Sam is gone first BEFORE realizing that without him their luxuries are gone (putting also emphasize this way on the fact they care for Sam also more as a person instead of just the things he does for them) and then once they realize he is missing, deciding to go after him. Only to realize that when they want to prepare themselves for the task (getting their gear together as well as lunch e.g.) that everything is dirty or damaged because Sam normally takes care of it. Leading to a sequence of them having to experience doing Sam’s work for once, making them already there indirectly in part realize what he all does they took for granted.
The second chapter would then be them on the sea, trying to think of where to look at and eventually stumbling upon the cat pirates. Only instead of defeating them easily this time and getting the information, expectations are subverted and the cats actually fight back first, leading to a more hilarious confrontation where Alex and her crew can actually also show how they can be funny and badass, instead of Dobson just always “talking” and trying to convince us they are cool. And look, I do not expect a multi chapter One Piece like battle against the cat captain who turns out to be a master of Scratch Jutzu or something the moment he sniffs catnip. But please, give me something in this story. Some conflict, some diversion, something for characters to actually do that shows they can be badass, funny and awesome. Something that is as cartoony as Dobson likes to claim Alex ze Pirate is, but has never shown in its entirety.
Instead we get to this page, where of all characters Talus is the one who finally seems to realize how he and others took Sam for granted.
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 And again, even this page is a good example of terrible pacing. Cause this realization, now shoved in within this and the next page? It would mean so much more if it happened in parts somewhere else in this story before or after, slowly to everyone stepwise. Cause then it would actually feel like a “development” of a chain of thoughts and internal realizations. Instead it is half heartedly thrown in all at once in those pages, to get the point across that NOW Sam’s “friends” finally realize, they took him always for granted.
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Congratulations on realizing that you are the real scum in this story. What do you expect from me now? To give you hugs and feel pity for you like you are characters in Steven Universe, all because you had an epiphany? You do not deserve mine or any readers sympathy, just because NOW you feel bad for your terrible behavior. Cause if I did, it would just feel rewarding in a certain manner. And you do not deserve a reward. You have to make things up first or at the very least put in some sort of effort to show me, that you are not just feeling bad, but are willing to change for the better. Otherwise you are in the future still just the same toxic abusers you were two pages ago.
... man, that really felt like me already venting at Steven Universe.
Anyway, we have reached the town where Sam is from…
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And it looks NOTHING at all like the artwork from Legends implied parts of the town to look like
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Where are the badly drawn docks? The houses that imply this is not just a small village on the beach but an actual small town? The twon square where they sell underaged boys as slaves? Jesus Christ, what is the orphanage going to look li-
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Nevermind. The orphanage is crushed. And all the people that lived in it are dead.
... WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU, DOBSON! This is genuinely a sick joke here. Look, I am all for black and dark comedy myself, but this feels cruel. I need to remind you, Alex ze Pirate in Dobson’s eyes was also meant to be a comic for all ages. Meaning something also little kids should be able to read and enjoy. Pushing aside how much of that would be bullshit by the shitton of sexist and sex jokes in other strips of the comic alone, this here is not the kind of joke I would like to see a little kid being exposed to when reading any form of story.
Look, I am not saying you can’t make fun about death. But Death is also a major part of life, which many of us are already being exposed to at an early age. And I think it is important that when we talk about death as a subject in a story for kids, we should actually address it in a “mature” manner the kid may understand. That death, as in the genuine loss of a life and not e.g. an awesome interpretation of the Grim Reaper as written by Terry Pratchett, is tragic. That it means permanently losing someone you or someone else loves. That when talking about it, we should talk about it in a serene manner. And there have been great kids stories who tackled the subject directly or indirectly. A Land Before Time for example, the loss of Littlefoots mother and how he “copes” with it while the majority of the plot still focuses on an adventure to find the Great Valley… that is great. But this thing here that Dobson does? To create a shocking revelation and then sell it as a joke based on the fact that Alex, Atea and Talus react with jawdrops to it? It is not handling the death of those children with any form of gravitas in a story that supposedly is meant to be emotional and play with your heartstrings. And yes, we know nothing about those kids, they are essentially non entities to further the plot. But in context of the story, you have to consider, those kids that are “unimportant” to the reader? For the character of Sam, those people were family. At page 14, we as readers start to realize what Sam finding this locket and going back to his hometown only to find out everyone he knew is dead must mean for him. We, people with even an ounce of empathy and understanding how tragedies should be in part written realize, that shit just hit the fan for Sam and that the story should genuinely focus on how Sam would deal with such a tragedy. But does Dobson treat this revelation with any grace or dignity? NOPE!
It is just a bunch of information dropped on us randomly by an old guy who (I guess similar to Dobson) does not even care that kids died. They are just a plotdevice. Oh and also most of those kids died of an infectious disease where most people die of dehydration after literally shitting non stop. Just to add additional gravity and dignity to the loss of prepubescent lives that should count as Sam’s siblings.
You know, I have to change my opinion on Alex. She is not the worst abuser of Sam. The worst person to ever abuse Sam is Andrew Dobson himself. Cause at least Alex did not kill his extended “family”. And to think this “children comic” was written by the same guy who made a “So you are a Cartoonist” strip where he talked about how kids media can tell more mature comics with more gravitas than live action stuff and novels meant for people that aren’t just children, young adults or mentally stucked manchildren. Dobson, after this page you have no right to call your stuff “appropriate for children” or mature anymore.
I am genuinely furious at this page right now as that I can go on. So here, have the last page of this chapter so I can wrap this up and enjoy some good forms of fiction…
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Well Atea, everyone he knew from this village and potentially cared about died in an house collapsing with no one having removed the remains still and he is going on a cemetery. UNLIKE DOBSON WHEN WRITING THIS, USE YOUR BRAIN YOU INSULT TO LESBIANS!
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bestmechanicaustin · 3 years
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Bicycle Services near Austin TX: Are you looking for the Best Bicycle Services near Austin TX ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin, a well maintained properly functioning drivetrain ensures that as much of the power you input is felt in the bicycle’s output as possible. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Bicycle Services around Austin TX. We serve Austin TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Bicycle Services At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Bicycle Services near Austin TX: Bicycles are refined pieces of advanced engineering. Like any precision machine, bicycles benefit greatly from regular service and maintenance. Bikes that are regularly used can easily develop less than optimum function in multiple systems without their rider noticing the incremental changes that occur over time during use. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin, even bicycles that are not regularly used can develop issues from sitting that affect their overall performance and their owner’s enjoyment of them. While much of the basic maintenance can be done with a few tools, anything more can require special tools and training to ensure the best results. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin, why invest in a high quality bicycle unless you are going to provide the care necessary to keep it in prime working condition? Gears to Wheels- Power Input and Output Caring for your bike’s drivetrain involves much more than just making sure that the gears are shifting properly and the tires have enough air. While these are essential to proper operation there are many more moving parts that need to be considered. Ensuring that all of the components are functioning takes special tools and know-how. The difference between a well maintained drivetrain and a poorly cared for, worn one is obvious in function and power output efficiency. The well maintained drivetrain will function smoothly, put power to the ground efficiently and quietly do its job without you thinking about it. To ensure optimum function you need to assess every bearing, gear and pawl between your pedals and the ground. This involves work outside of the scope of the average home mechanic. Regular bicycle service tune ups can be the difference between recording a PB or a DNF. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin, a well maintained properly functioning drivetrain ensures that as much of the power you input is felt in the bicycle’s output as possible. Tires and Wheels- Ride Quality, Traction and Handling Everything changes gradually on your bike. Not only from riding, but also from age which causes rubber to dry, lose elasticity and grip, and can cause greases and oils to break down. This can be very hard for many riders to sense causing them to ride components till they are well past their prime. Tires are consumable components which need regular replacement and wheels need basic maintenance to help ensure that they function properly and have a long life. They should be inspected before every ride to make sure that they have sufficient rubber, are inflated to the right pressure, have no cords showing, and no visible cracks. There is nothing you can do to your bike that will as profoundly alter its handling for the better as having the right tires for your riding type, style and conditions. Properly trued wheels with clean and greased bearings and drivers are one of the most important pieces of maintenance you can have done. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin,It will help improve performance while saving you money on replacement parts by improving your ride quality, reducing rolling resistance and improving handling. Bodies are complicated. So are bicycles. Each of us is unique and has different physical constraints. Your body and your bicycle should fit each other perfectly, and it makes a lot more sense to adjust the bicycle to the body than the body to the bicycle. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin, professional fitting will align your bicycle to your body, which will help you be comfortable and efficient while riding. I use a strategy of learning to address your individual needs, which will make you more comfortable on your bike. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin will work with you to understand your goals of riding, physical limitations, injuries, strength, flexibility, and range of motion, to create an ideal position that brings health, not pain, to the body. Through a process of education about position, form, alignment and balance, I will help you begin a new understanding of your relationship with your bike. Bicycle fitting Bicycle fitting is the process of adjusting a bike for a cyclist to optimize their comfort, performance and efficiency. Cyclists often experience overuse injuries such as cyclist's palsy, cyclist back, and Anterior Knee Pain. and this is often due to an incorrectly set up cycle. Bike fitting aims to prevent injuries, increase efficiency, comfort and improve performance for all cyclists. Bike fitting is for anybody who cycles, particularly if an overuse injury has occurred, to maximise their enjoyment and performance. Indication Bike fitting is for anybody who cycles. A good bicycle fit goes a long way to prevent overuse injuries and helps muscles and lungs function at best ability, all improving performance and enjoyment. ● everyday cyclists ● touring cyclists ● tri-athletes ● Clinical Presentation who complain of: buttock; back; lower limb; upper limb and neck pain associated with cycling. Often the cyclist may have tried pressure garments to relieve areas of pressure eg gel pads in gloves, gel seat covers, upright handlebars. Often these are a band aid solution to an incorrectly fitted cycle.
To fit or not to fit? Bicycle Services near Austin TX: There are of course ways to set up your bike position yourself and this is still what most people do. There are plenty of handy online guides out there if you don’t feel you want to splash out on a bike fit. The decision whether to get a fit or not will also depend on how seriously you take your cycling. If you are riding purely for fun and perhaps use your bike infrequently using an online guide will be fine. However, if you are looking to race or ride sports then it’s certainly something to at least consider. One way to look at a bike fit is as an investment. It’ll certainly start you off on the right foot as it were. If you do go for a fit, ensure you do your research first. Bear in mind that as you develop and change as a rider (weight loss, increased flexibility, core strength) your position may change too. It’s a fluid, dynamic ongoing process. Many top pros regularly tinker with their position as they evolve as riders. Ultimately it’s up to you. You certainly don’t need a bike fit as most of us (including myself) have got to where we are using trial and error and a basic knowledge of the ideal set up, as well as taking advice from experienced riders. But, if you have the budget, are serious about your cycling and keen to ‘fast forward’ through the trial and error phase and want to fully optimize your cycling efficiency, then go ahead. Visit your local Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin to learn about their bike fit services. Happy riding!
The Importance Of A Good Saddle Seat And Why You Have To Change It Bicycle Services near Austin TX: Pain from your bicycle seat doesn't have to come with the territory. Pain in the saddle can be an indication of many things, including an incorrectly sized seat, inadequate padding and poor positioning. Diagnosing your saddle pain and correcting it can help you enjoy your ride without worrying about potentially damaging any sensitive tissue. A correction to your saddle position could also improve your pedaling efficiency, giving you more power on those tough hills. Sizing Up Your Seat Eliminating saddle pain starts with a correctly sized seat that properly distributes your weight. More padding isn't the solution; you want your contact point with the saddle to be directly on your sit bones, which jut out from your pelvis underneath the flesh of your buttocks. To find your sit bones, try sitting on a table or other flat surface. The two points that contact this surface most firmly are your sit bones. Find a saddle with a width that matches these contact points. Most bike shops have an accredited bike fitter on staff that can assist you in finding the exact measurement. Less Is More With too much cushioning, you may be distributing your weight between your legs, where pressure and vibration can damage sensitive tissue. A good bicycle seat uses high-density foam that matches your sit bones and provides good cushioning without improperly cradling your weight. A channel down the center of some bike seats eliminates contact altogether, which can relieve saddle-related pain or numbness. Finding the right balance between cushion and support is key to eliminating your pain, so don't be afraid to ask to try a few saddles at your local bike shop. Sitting Pretty The proper position in your bicycle seat can make a big difference in your comfort. With your bike leaned up against a wall, mount your seat and rotate the pedals so that one crank is pointed straight to the floor. While seated, your knee should be just slightly bent and you shouldn't be straining to reach the pedals. Now that your seat is correct, lean forward, grab the handlebars and adjust your stem height until the position is natural and your neck isn't craning. If you can't get your positioning right, check that your bike frame is the correct size by matching your inseam to the manufacturer's sizing chart. If it isn't correct and you do a lot of cycling, it's worth your time to try and get a properly sized bike. Finding a Short Solution A pair of cycling shorts is a necessity for rides further than a few miles. All professional cyclists use them, and they come in a wide variety of price ranges, styles and materials. Cycling shorts have a chamois pad built in that provides extra cushion when you're in the saddle and can relieve a lot of issues associated with cycling such as soreness, chafing and numbness. If you want to get the most out of your ride, coupling your seat with a pair of cycling shorts is the safest and most comfortable way to ride.
TIPS 5 Bicycle Fit Tips That’ll Improve Your Comfort and Power Bicycle Services near Austin TX: How you position yourself on the bike makes a huge difference in terms of comfort, power, and aerodynamics. While it’s a good idea for all cyclists and triathletes to get a professional bike fit, there are some basic guidelines you can use to troubleshoot problem areas and generally set yourself up in a neutral position. The goal is to achieve a position that allows you to ride your bike without creating any injuries and one that will allow you to ride your bike for years. As an added bonus, the right fit will also make you more efficient and powerful. Try a Saddle Before You Buy Finding the right saddle can be a bit of a process because it’s important to find the curvature, width, and shape that is comfortable for you. Saddles with more curvature (and/or a channel down the center) are often great for athletes who have limited flexibility through the hips and lower back. The curvature allows you to rotate your hips forward more easily without putting too much pressure on sensitive areas. The width and amount of padding in the saddle also have a big impact on comfort and performance. Finding the right saddle may take some time and some trial and error, so work with your local bike shop – many have a loaner program – so you don’t have to make a huge financial investment. A quick ride in the parking lot is often not enough to tell you whether a saddle will work for you in the long run Determining Saddle Setback Move the saddle forward or backward so your knee is over the pedal spindle when the crank is in the 3 o’clock position. Again, this is a good starting point, and then you can adjust your cleats fore and aft as needed. Use your thumb to feel the ball of your foot on the inside of your shoe. With a pen, put a small mark on this point of your shoe so you can set the cleat using this as a landmark. Basics of Setting Saddle Height While you can dial this in perfectly with a professional fit, here are some guidelines for roughly setting up your saddle height. These are especially useful when you have to jump on a loaner bike or even a bike in a hotel fitness center. Start with the saddle in a level position, parallel to the floor. Sitting on the saddle, pedal with your heels on the pedals. Your foot should maintain contact with the pedal without having to rock your hips. Pay Attention to the Shoe-Pedal Connection The pedals are your third point of contact with the bike.  It’s important that the platform is large enough to feel secure (not like you’re standing on ice cubes). And the most critical piece will be adjusting the cleats properly, to make sure you have a stable and tight shoe to pedal connection that will ensure optimal power transfer and allow you to ride injury-free. As a general starting point for many riders, you can set the middle indicator on the cleat slightly back, about 5mm, from the ball of your foot. The angling of cleats and the lateral distance they are set from the crank (Q-factor) is dependent on each rider’s individual body structure, however, you want to make sure you don’t feel any twisting or tension in the ankles, knees, and hips while pedaling. You can start with the cleats set straight ahead and make minor adjustments from there. Note that each foot could require different angling. Handlebar Width and Reach Makes a Difference Bicycle Services near Austin TX: With the handlebar, look at the drop and the width of the bars. If you have relatively small hands or a shorter torso, look for a shallow drop bar. The width of the bar should match the width of your shoulders, which will keep your arms in a neutral position when your hands are on the brake hoods. You also want to ensure the handlebar reach is neither too long or short, as it can cause neck, shoulder, back pain, and compromise bike handling. You should be able to reach the hoods with a comfortable bend in the elbows without feeling like you need to scoot your body forward or backward on the saddle.
COST Bicycle Services near Austin TX: All bicycle services are carried out using professional bicycle tools, greases, and lubricants. Prices quoted for services are estimates only. Thus, prices may vary if other problems are found during the service. If the price variation is significant we will contact you for approval - otherwise we will go ahead with the repairs. Senior bike mechanic has 28 years’ experience in our workshop. Headset repack from $15 Hub repack from $20 Gear adjustment from $25 Brake adjustment from $12.50 Precision wheel truing from $20 Disc brake wheel truing from $22.5 Disc brake bleeding from $25/brake Recoil a dropout from $30 Fit a tube and/or tyre from $10 Recoil a crank arm from $30 Bicycle service from $79 Fit a bottom bracket from $25 BMX bicycles from $49 Fit a chain from $10 Geared bicycles from $79 Re tap a bottom bracket from $25 Frame strip and rebuild from $130 Fit a headset from $20 Annual overhaul from $130 Disc brake truing from $15 Precision wheel building from $37.50 Reface disc mounts from $20 Realign a frame from $25 Reface a bottom bracket from $25 Fit a suspension fork from $35 Disc brake adj & clean from $25 Pack a bike in a box from $30     Flat tire repair – $18 (inner tube replacement included) Bicycle Assembly – $55 Includes assembly, basic tune-up, fitting and free adjustments Basic tune up – $70 ● Safety check ● General cleaning ● Brake and derailleur adjustment ● Adjust bottom bracket, headset and hubs ● Clean and lubricate chain and derailleurs ● True wheels (on-bike) Tune Up Plus – $100 ● Includes everything in the basic tune-up plus thorough cleaning (replacement parts extra) Specific part overhauls – $25/per part Complete overhaul and cleaning (November thru March only) – $150 (a great deal!) ● Bring your bike to a Like-New condition and save $100s (replacement parts extra) Prices quoted for services are estimates only. Thus, prices may vary if other problems are found during the service. If the price variation is significant we will contact you for approval - otherwise we will go ahead with the repairs. Senior bike mechanic has 28 years’ experience in our workshop. Standard bicycle service Our standard bike service includes: ● Alignment of derailleur hanger and adjustment of gears and lubing of gear cables. ● Adjustment of brakes and lubing of brake cables. ● Measure chain for stretch and report on life. ● Lube chain and all pivot points. ● Adjustment of wheel bearings, headset bearings, and bottom bracket bearings. ● General check on tension of all bolts and screws. ● Inflation of tires to recommended pressure. ● Minor in frame wheel truing. ● Alignment of handlebars ● General clean ● Test ride Annual overhaul ● An annual overhaul includes everything in the Standard Bicycle Service plus the following. ● Full clean, grease, and repack of both front and rear hubs. ● Full clean, grease, and adjustment of the bottom bracket. ● Full clean, grease, and repack of the headset. ● Full clean and relube of the drivetrain. ● Test Ride. Wheel Truing All bike wheel repairs are carried out using either DT, Sapim, or Wheelsmith plain gauge or double butted spokes. The double butted spokes can be either plain stainless steel or black.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Can I come in and work on my own bike? Yes! Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin offers do-it-yourself access where we provide you with tools, parts, and guidance so you are able to service your bicycle yourself. No experience is necessary as long as you are actually able to do the work yourself. And there is no cost for DIY service access but we ask for at least a $15 donation an hour to Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Coop for the bicycle stand and tools used. Most DIY tune-ups take about an hour per bicycle. If you are interested in working on your own bike, you are most welcome at the Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin shop on Wednesdays 6-9pm, Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 12-5pm.
How much to get my dusty bike in rideable shape? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin offers full tune-ups for $75 excluding part replacements, please see our Additional Repair Services page for more information.
What is the turnaround time for bike repairs? Anywhere from next day to a week during peak season.
I’m having problems with my bike. Do you know what the problem is? How much does a repair like this run? We can’t say for sure without you bringing the bike to the shop. Please refer all questions to the Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin shop manager at 703-549-1108.
Can I sell my used bikes or parts to Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Coop? Sorry, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin does not purchase used bicycles or parts. However, because of our 501c3 non-profit status, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin can provide you a tax deductible receipt for any material or financial donations you wish to make.
Do you require appointments? Nope!
Do you do mobile repairs? Sorry, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin currently does not have the capacity to support our customer base through mobile repairs. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin does support bike rodeos where we visit local schools and affordable housing in underserved neighborhoods. For more information, please see the Community Services pages on the Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin website.
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