#june flores
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starshin3 · 21 days ago
Project eden’s garden oc/sona qwq. I love this game so much it’s been rotting in my stupid brain since ch1’s release
His name is June Flores, the Ultimate Software Engineer! His animal motif would be a raccoon 🦝
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flowerishness · 8 months ago
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Magnolia sieboldii subsp. sieboldii (Korean mountain magnolia)
This early summer flowering magnolia is a late bloomer compared to most of the ornamental magnolias in my neighborhood. The petals open to reveal this amazing structure with a yellowish pistil and pinkish, light-purple stamens. This is a mountain plant and can survive temperatures as low as -30 Celsius (-22 F), far hardier than your typical magnolia. The southern magnolia, Magnolia Grandiflora, is the state flower of Mississippi and likes it hot and moist, whereas this species, Magnolia sieboldii is the national flower of North Korea. Why, I bet old Kim Il Sung himself had one growing in his back garden.
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alex31624 · 17 days ago
How about a Valentine's Day theme? Could you draw Daisy and Donald on a date? P.S. I've wondered with who they leave the girls with during their romantic evening lol^
Donald and Daisy fought Titans in their second date, they travel around the world and became parents in less than a year.
I think they would like to have simpler dates from time to time.
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A picnic in the park, serenade included. That's perfect for them.
Now, who's watching the twins?
A while ago I did an OC, a peruvian cock-of-the-rock named Manu. He served along side Donald in the Navy.
And I think, it's time to bring him back. But I remembered, I ship the guy with Dickie Duck, they would also be on a date. The solution?
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Manu and Dickie looking after May and June. They played all afternoon.
Thanks for the ask Anon.
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bookaddict24-7 · 11 months ago
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Otherworldly by F.T. Lukens
Hearts Still Beating by Brooke Archer
The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson
The Misdirection of Fault Lines by Anna Gracia
The Black Girl Survives this One by Various
Your Blood, My Bones by Kelly Andrew
The Break-Up Lists by Adib Khorram
Trajectory by Cambria Gordon
Darker by Four by June C.L. Tan
Draw Down the Moon by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
Something Kindred by Ciera Burch
No Going Back by Patrick Flores-Scott
Fate be Changed by Farrah Rochon
Call Forth a Fox by Markelle Grabo
Every Time You Hear that Song by Jenna Voris
What if...Loki was Worthy? by Madeleine Roux
Wrath of the Talon (Talon #2) by Sophie Kim
Happy reading!
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chloeatelier · 3 months ago
Can I request a blushing and/or smiling June Bride 2023 Rutile sprites? Thanks.
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Blushy AND Smily <3
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year ago
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Expression practice ft my friends/mutuals ocs!
Ocs from left to right
June - @crimsoncrim
Ozu - @zheph / zhephs-dlc
Kahula - @jacobtheeevee
Sara - @tired-needs-sleep
Blossom - @kyteau
Luci - @kiroons-hyperfixtations
Zai - @/k1pCS (twitter)
Miles - Pink/RozeTheeUwU (Me!)
Hephae - @superdummymags
Frost - @/MeteorsStrike (twitter)
Audrey - @spar-kie
Azel - @musedbye
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snapdragoned · 7 months ago
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More scenes from Weatherby's the next day. Cosmo tags along this time, mostly to hang out and socialize. They're up to Rank 8!
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flovverworks · 2 years ago
chroms son-in-law adventures reminds me of june brides figaro training episode with the whole "actually id like to play that role one day. 'do u think ure good enough for my rutile!!!' see?". i think they should bond over that
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months ago
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Feast of St. Anthony
The Feast of St. Anthony is observed every year on June 13 to honor the life and work of St. Anthony of Padua, who accomplished many things during his short time in this world as a priest. He was revered by his contemporaries and noted for his powerful preaching, vast knowledge of scripture, and undying love and devotion to the poor and the sick. They made him one of the most quickly canonized saints in church history. His fame spread through Portuguese evangelization and he became the patron saint of Lisbon, Padua, and many other places in Portugal. St. Anthony is invoked and respected around the world as the patron saint for the recovery of lost items. He is credited with several miracles involving lost people, things, and even spiritual goods.
History of Feast of St. Anthony
St. Anthony of Padua was born Fernando Martins de Bulhões to a wealthy and prominent family in Lisbon, Portugal on August 15, 1195. His father, Martin de Bouillon, was a descendant of Godfrey de Bouillon, commander of the First Crusade, while his mother, Theresa Tavejra, was a descendant of the fourth king of Asturia, Froila I.
Anthony was educated at the Cathedral School of Saint Mary near his house, where his teachers suggested that he become a knight at the king’s court. However, his father believed Anthony was better suited to intellectual pursuits and wanted him to help manage the family’s estate and become a nobleman. To his father’s dismay, Anthony joined the Canons Regular of St. Augustine when he was 15 and entered St. Vincent’s convent of Lisbon in 1210. Anthony soon asked to be transferred to the Holy Cross Monastery in Coimbra where he spent eight years studying theology and was later ordained a priest. During this period, he befriended many friars following Francis of Assisi, who built an order of friars and traveled extensively, preaching to non-believers.
In 1220, he joined the Franciscan order inspired by five Fransicians who were martyred in Morocco. He, too, hoped to preach to Muslims and be martyred. On his way to Morocco, he became seriously ill and was forced to return home, but his ship back to Portugal was blown off course and finally landed in Sicily. Because of his deteriorating health, he was not allowed to pursue missionary work. Instead, he taught theology in Bologna, Italy; and at Montpellier, Toulouse, and Puy-en-Velay in southern France. He won great admiration as a preacher and was noted for his simple yet profound teaching of the Catholic faith. He died on his way to Padua, Italy on June 13 in 1231.
Feast of St. Anthony timeline
Saint Anthony is Born
St. Anthony of Padua is born Fernando Martins de Bulhões to a wealthy and socially prominent family in Lisbon, Portugal.
The Franciscan Order
Anthony joins the Franciscan order, hoping to preach to Muslims and be martyred.
Saint Anthony Passes Away
Anthony becomes sick with ergotism and dies on June 13 on the way to Padua, where he is now buried.
Anthony is canonized by Pope Gregory IX on May 30, 1232, at Spotelo, Italy for his spiritual teachings and devotion to the Church.
Feast of St. Anthony FAQs
What do you eat on St. Anthony’s day?
Spaniards are fond of beans and prepare them in many ways. Bean and Escarole Soup with or without pasta is often cooked in Spanish families and is offered to the poor on St. Anthony’s Day after Mass.
Where is the town of Braham located?
St. Anthony had a prized and expensive book of psalms that went missing and he thought was probably stolen. He prayed that the book would be found. A novice who had taken the book suddenly returned it and even returned to the order. The stolen book is said to be preserved in the Franciscan friary in Bologna, Italy.
Why is St. Anthony often painted with a baby?
The baby in the paintings depicts Baby Jesus and is reminiscent of the vision that Anthony had in Camposampiero. It expresses his attachment to the humanity of Christ and his closeness to God.
How to Observe Feast of St. Anthony
Go to church: Visit the church on this holy day to feel closer to God and to ponder upon St. Anthony’s spiritual teachings. Dedicate the day to learning more about his preaching and incorporate it into your life for a more fulfilling life.
Help the needy: Follow St. Anthony’s teachings of devoting yourself to the sick and the poor by donating money, helping out at soup kitchens, and spending time with those less fortunate than you. Any amount of time devoted will be appreciated.
Celebrate at home: Have a wholesome family dinner with your close family members by cooking up a delicious homecooked meal. Read more about his teachings in the many books written about him and share these fascinating stories with your children.
5 Remarkable Facts About St. Anthony
He preached to the fish: St. Anthony was once seen preaching to fish in Rimini to the surprise of non-believers, but soon a large crowd of fish had gathered to listen to him.
Marriage saint: He is known as a marriage saint in Portugal, Spain, and Brazil because legends exist of him reconciling couples.
Feast of all Feasts: ,Boston’s North End holds a feast every year on the weekend of the last Sunday in August in honor of St. Anthony called the "Feast of All Feasts."
Celebrated follower of Francis of Assisi: St. Anthony’s fame spread with Portuguese evangelization and he is known as the most celebrated follower of Francis of Assisi.
Poisoning: According to a story, St. Anthony’s food was poisoned by non-believers who challenged him to eat the food anyway —-which he did after blessing the food and coming out unharmed.
Why Feast of St. Anthony is Important
St. Anthony helped the poor and the sick: St. Anthony quickly became a champion of the poor in Padua. Among other acts, he influenced the local government to pass legislation that protected the poor from going to prison if they could not repay their debts.
He was a great orator: His presentations were so forceful, simple, and eloquent that he was asked to preach all over Italy and the regions of France. His theological expertise and inspirational oration also impressed the leader of the order, St. Francis, who enlisted Anthony to teach theology to other Franciscans. This was a unique honor, as he would have a huge impact on the order’s future and the Church.
He is celebrated all over the world: From the Americas to Asia to Africa, St. Anthony is revered all over the world. Outside of Europe, there are churches dedicated to him in Texas, Tamil Nadu and Goa in India, and the Philippines, among other places. He also inspired many artists who painted him frequently.
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starshin3 · 15 days ago
Blackmail art wip of june… i dont think ill ever finish it but i like it!
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perfettamentechic · 2 years ago
16 maggio … ricordiamo …
16 maggio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: John Aylward, attore statunitense. Conosciuto per aver interpretato il ruolo dell’ex presidente DNC Barry Goodwin nella serie televisiva della NBC West Wing – Tutti gli uomini del Presidente, e del dottor Donald Anspaugh in E.R. – Medici in prima linea. E’ stato uno dei fondatori, nel 1973, al teatro di Seattle Empty Space, ed ha lavorato regolarmente come membro della compagnia del Seattle…
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vestaignis · 6 months ago
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Азорские острова - край вулканов и гортензий.
Название островов, скорее всего, происходит от устаревшего португальского слова «azures», что буквально означает «голубые». Синего цвета и его оттенков здесь и впрямь много, особенно в мае и начале июня, когда острова покрываются цветущими гортензиями. Жители острова Флорес даже ходят на работу через поля диких гортензий. Азорские острова – это рай для тех, кто любит природу.
The Azores are a land of volcanoes and hydrangeas.
The name of the islands most likely comes from the obsolete Portuguese word "azures", which literally means "blue". There really is a lot of blue and its shades here, especially in May and early June, when the islands are covered with blooming hydrangeas. Residents of the island of Flores even walk to work through fields of wild hydrangeas. The Azores are a paradise for those who love nature.
Источник://t.me/krasivye_mesta_turizm, /ybis.ru/ostrova/azorskie-ostrova-gortenzii,/miss-hohotyn007.livejournal.com /1110530.html, /oir.mobi/704214-azorskie-ostrova-gortenzii.html,/ybis.ru/ostrova/ azorskie-ostrova-gortenzii,/ru.pinterest.com/pin/656047870752312063/, /aaavolkov.livejournal.com/8175.html,klau.club/974-azorskie-ostrova.
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 4 months ago
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🌙 What to Read After Watching Agatha All Along 🌙
❓ Who is your favorite fictional witch?
🦇 Enjoying Agatha All Along on Disney? Check out these books featuring witches, covens, chaotic queers, & everything in between, perfect for fans of Agatha All Along! List below!
✨ Payback's a Witch - Lana Harper 🌑 How to Get a Girlfriend (When You're a Terrifying Monster) - Marie Cardno 🌒 These Witches Don't Burn - Isabel Sterling 🌓 This Spells Disaster - Tori Martin 🌔 The Scapegracers - H. A. Clarke 🌕 Beetle & the Hollowbones - Aliza Layne 🌕 The Twice-Sold Soul - Katie Hallahan 🌖 In Charm's Way - Lana Harper 🌗 Brewed with Love - Shelly Page 🌘 Carry On - Rainbow Rowell 🌑 So This Is Ever After - F. T. Lukens ✨ Spells to Forget Us - Aislinn Brophy
✨ Basics of Spellcraft - L.C. Mawson 🌑 How To Succeed in Witchcraft - Aislinn Brophy 🌒 Sweet & Bitter Magic - Adrienne Tooley 🌓 The Midnight Girls - Alicia Jasinska 🌔 Labyrinth Lost - Zoraida Córdova 🌕 The Shattered Lands - Brenna Nation 🌕 Otherworldly - F. T. Lukens 🌖 Coven - Jennifer Dugan & Kit Seaton 🌗 The Dark Tide - Alicia Jasinska 🌘 Queen B - Juno Dawson 🌑 Her Majesty's Royal Coven - Juno Dawson ✨ Wild and Wicked Things - Francesca May
✨ Cemetery Boys - Aiden Thomas 🌑 The Last Sun - K. D. Edwards 🌒 The Jasmine Throne - Tasha Suri 🌓 The Sun and the Star - Rick Riordan and Mark Oshiro 🌔 The Witch and His Crow - Ben Alderson 🌕 Lord of Eternal Night - Ben Alderson 🌕 The Crimson Crown - Heather Walter 🌖 Tonight, I Burn - Katharine J. Adams 🌗 Witches of Ash and Ruin - E. Latimer 🌘 The Severed Thread - Leslie Vedder 🌑 Pumpkin Spice & Poltergeist - Ali K. Mulford and K. Elle Morrison ✨ Love and Other Wicked Things -Philline Harms
✨ Off With Their Heads - Zoe Hana Mikuta 🌑 Practical Rules for Cursed Witches - Kayla Cottingham 🌒 Two Broke Witches - Kate Starling 🌓 Bitterthorn - Kat Dunn 🌔 The Honey Witch - Sydney J. Shields 🌕 The Witch and the Vampire - Francesca Flores 🌕 Spell on Wheels - Kate Leth, Megan Levens, Marissa Louise 🌖 The Witchery - S. Isabelle 🌗 The Hummingbird Coven - Augusta Owens 🌘 Children of the Night - Cara Malone 🌑 The Hex Next Door - Lou Wilham ✨ Malice - Heather Walter
✨ Mortal Follies - Alexis Hall 🌑 The Balance of Fates - Raquel Raelynn 🌒 Edie in Between - Laura Sibson 🌓 Doughnuts and Doom - Balazs Lorinczi 🌔 A Spell for Heartsickness - Alistair Reeve 🌕 Evocation - S.T. Gibson 🌕 The Spells We Cast - Jason June 🌖 An Education in Malice - S. T. Gibson 🌗 Rise and Divine - Lana Harper 🌘 Not Good for Maidens - Tori Bovalino 🌑 A Dark and Starless Forest - Sarah Hollowell ✨ Netherford Hall - Natania Barron
✨ The Poisons We Drink - Bethany Baptiste 🌑 This Poison Heart - Kalynn Bayron 🌒 Over My Dead Body - Boo Sweeney 🌓 Girl, Serpent, Thorn - Melissa Bashardoust 🌔 The Bewitching Hour - Ashley Poston 🌕 Pushing Daisy - Isla Winter 🌕 Daughter of the Bone Forest - Jasmine Skye 🌖 Keep Your Witches Close - Colette Rivera 🌗 Mooncakes - Suzanne Walker, Wendy Xu 🌘 Snapdragon - Kat Leyh 🌑 Runaways - Rainbow Rowell & Kris Anka ✨ Witchlings - Claribel A. Ortega
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pedgito · 9 months ago
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It's the season of Summer Lovin'—and with the perfect...men. A Pedro Pascal character extravaganza all wrapped up into a series of locations, hidden behind numbers of your choosing and carefully crafted for each Pedro boy. If you're interested, please be sure to read through the following instructions and important information below:
There are 50 moodboards to choose from, first come first serve. (none of these pictures dictate the appearance of reader, this is all purely for vibes and up for your own interpretation) All request need to be sent through my askbox!
There's no maximum word count, but we suggest a minimum of 500 words if you're interested, but that is only a suggestion. Write as much or as little as your heart demands.
(Located under the read more) All numbers are separated by 10 location and labeled 1-5 on each, so when requesting a number please do so in the following manner, [ 'camping, #1' or 'barbecue, #5'] and in the chance that number is already taken, I will message you privately to re-choose.
These moodboards will come with the following requirements: a character, a location, and a quote/sentence that all must be incorporated into the fic, everything else is up to you!
All requests will take place June 2nd-3rd and entries will be due to be posted June 20th-22nd!
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#1 — taken (@ladamedusoif)
#2 — javier pena x reader, like snow on the beach (@janaispunk)
#3 — dieter bravo x reader, poolside (@ovaryacted)
#4 — taken (@sp00kymulderr)
#5 — oberyn martell x reader, doves in the wind (@beskarandblasters)
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#1 — tim rockford x reader, confessions (@wildemaven)
#2 — jack daniels x reader, the cowboy & the thief (@schnarfer)
#3 — frankie morales x reader, it's hell on earth to be heavenly (@hellfire-state-of-mind)
#4 — marcus pike x reader, a fine romance (@doscharolastras)
#5 — taken (@ramblers-lets-get-ramblin)
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#1 — marcus moreno x reader, you see me, i watch you (@iamasaddie)
#2 — taken (@beefrobeefcal)
#3 — lucien flores x reader, met you once saw you thrice (@undercoverpena)
#4 — joel miller x reader, wedding in the apocalypse (@i-own-loki)
#5 — frankie morales x reader, do you feel it too? (@burntheedges)
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#1 — taken (@the-blind-assassin-12)
#2 — dieter bravo x reader, cabin down below (@eupheme)
#3 — taken (@pr0ximamidnight)
#4 — frankie morales x reader, bagged & tagged (@inept-the-magnificent)
#5 — din djarin x reader, sway the stars which dazzle like pearls (@lady-of-glass-and-bone)
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#1 — taken (@whocaresstillthelouvre)
#2 — joel miller x reader, sunshine (@couldsewyouastitchandsavenine)
#3 — jack daniels x reader, hit the road jack! (@thelastofhyde)
#4 — joel miller x reader, until men fell at their women's feet and asked for forgiveness (@jomiddlemarch)
#5 — dave york x reader, still (@sizzlingcloudmentality)
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#1 — jack daniels x reader, hot chocolate (@punkshort)
#2 — taken (@starstruckunknown-princess)
#3 — taken (@vivian-pascal)
#4 — max phillips x reader, the eternal night (@ozarkthedog)
#5 — dieter bravo x reader, no solo riders (@missredherring)
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#1 — taken (@leslie-lyman)
#2 — frankie x reader, beneath the silent boughs, whispers of dangers flow (@joelalorian)
#3 — javier pena x reader, flora and fauna (@hellishjoel)
#4 — dieter x reader, a lesson in nature (@the-orange-tabby-cat)
#5 — joel miller x reader, stranded (@joelscurls)
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#1 — taken (@amanitacowboy)
#2 — javier pena x reader, una noche en medellín (@luxurychristmaspudding)
#3 — marcus pike x reader, we'll regret this in the morning (@thesluttylittleknee)
#4 — dieter bravo x reader, princesa bride (@rhoorl)
#5 — joel miller x reader, my place or yours (@criticallyacclaimedstranger)
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#1 — javier pena x reader, like a fever (@pedgito)
#2 — joel miller x reader, consider it a favor (@chaotic-mystery)
#3 — taken (@quinnnfabrgay-writes)
#4 — taken (@rulexofxnines)
#5 — marcus moreno x reader, a little help goes a long way (@iluvstrawberry)
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#1 — taken (@carusolikey)
#2 — din djarin x reader, a perfect day (@flightlessangelwings)
#3 — pero tovar x reader, moonlight flight (@sawymredfox)
#4 — marcus pike x reader, when's the last time you lived (@avastrasposts)
#5 — joel miller x reader, who we were (@studioghibelli)
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Please make sure to tag your entries under #SummerLovin24 and tag either @chaotic-mystery, @amanitacowboy, or myself (@pedgito)! These will all be reblogged through the week of June 20th-22nd!
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objectheadzine · 9 months ago
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Thank you for your patience! I'm happy to present our artists for the 2025 edition of the Object Head Zine:
Potentialforart | Corviday | Kimberly Wang | Louise Kay Uy | Cosmicloak | jeong | theHoleyness | Nighto | Blacklimes | Autumn Haynes | Jenny Park | Shibara | Juliette GMM López | Lemonjuiceday | Cacoethic + Lenalis | Vetiverfox | Caitlin Ono | Inktrashing | Jackarais | Pastachyan | nauma | april | siins | Kosse | PigDemonArt | CHRISQI | R-GIE | BunnyangelArt | K_Duffles | 1000 Dead Draculas | Rainboopz | Krispy | Feefal | Andrea C. | JOU | Kai_QS | Winiberto J. Garcia | Mina Martinez | koloquials | Kaz Fantone | Den_Ai_D | Nisnow | Iris | Andrhomeda | KIDSID | Yuki M / KAISEI INK | TK Pinkerton | Guillermo Saavedra | SkyShard | June Flores | Sarah Skrutskie | bluequills | Nikru | corruptimles | Jara Draws | Chroma | ZOOT | Null | Dr.Jingles | Solaire | arcadechan | planetsandmagic | Poofylion | cowsaresushi | Kadin DiStefano | Frouponic | Mangozic | Tien
Thank you all for applying, I can't wait to see what our participants create!
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akitasimblr · 5 months ago
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and this is the finale of mad about dodo! MAD started on the 10th of june and i think we have come a long way! i hope all of you enjoyed the BC, i sure did! the first round was a blast for me in terms of gameplay - i love the chaos, i admit it! 😆 and i grew too much attached to all the contestants and at this point i wish i could marry them with all my single harpers so they would all appear in the family tree <33
@demonicrosebush lucy was a true player. she was graceful since day one and no deserted island will take that off of her. her late night jokes by the fire will be remembered by all contestants too <33 lucy did develop some romance with both martha and daisy flores so... who knows!!
@panicsimss tempest, another pixel that owns my heart! i absolutely adore her and her paranoid trait. who also love her are alejandro and anselme, these three are besties for life!
@jonquilyst quiet and kind lucian was probably the contestant with more friendships! he was dear to everyone, and particularly to me 🤍 oh and maybe hazel too, with whom he developed some kind of romance *wink wink*
@changingplumbob shay was a favourite of mine since day one. she's fun, she's bold, she's awesome! and both lucian and eleina agree with me!!
@mdshh daisy... i love to look at her, hope you don't mind me saying. this girl was never afraid to get her hands dirty, she played hard but fair! i actually like that of all contestants, it was with lucy that she developed a stronger friendship :)
@tipsy-clouds my dear sierra! i have a bittersweet feeling about her second place because she really had a great chemistry with dodo. also interesting to note is that araminta and sierra did develop a beautiful friendship so i hope this softens any broken hearts 🤍
@ethicaltreatmentofcowplants araminta, the first sim to be submitted to this contest and the last to stand <33 araminta went through this challenge with elegance. she won dodo's heart with grace and... a very bold first impression outfit, am i right? 😏🤍
to you and to the other contestants' watchers, my deep gratitude for sending and trusting me your sims, for following their silly adventures, for engaging daily with my posts, you have no idea how that kept me motivated! thank you for being part of this and be sure that all contestants will forever be part of my harpers lives. you were all amazing!
🌴previous | the end🌴
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