#jules breach
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world-of-celebs · 5 months ago
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Jules Breach attends Sport Industry Awards at Battersea Evolution in London on 12th May 2022.
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bruce-wyatt-burner · 2 years ago
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cyclopsarts · 5 months ago
Ok I really like the idea that some people have that after the events of tftpp somniphobia Sam goes on to become the sun daycare attendant but i raise something to go along with this. Jules becomes suns handler in help wanted 2 and that’s why suns so sassy with him this is not a theory just a funny idea
This is how I picture their first interaction v
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And then this sprung another silly idea for an au in witch I am dubbing welcome to the daycare in which Jules gets stuck as the moondrop animatronic after an accident while the pizza plex is re opening after the events of ruin (also in this au fazbear while fixing up the old animatronics decide to give each daycare attendant counter part thier own body)
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maxwell-wagnerbutolder · 1 year ago
Holy Moly I did it wrong
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ur-mag · 1 year ago
Cole Palmer forced to prod Channel 4 presenter Jules Breach on live TV in awkward moment after England’s win over Malta | In Trend Today
Cole Palmer forced to prod Channel 4 presenter Jules Breach on live TV in awkward moment after England’s win over Malta Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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alpha-mag-media · 1 year ago
Cole Palmer forced to prod Channel 4 presenter Jules Breach on live TV in awkward moment after England’s win over Malta | In Trend Today
Cole Palmer forced to prod Channel 4 presenter Jules Breach on live TV in awkward moment after England’s win over Malta Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 4 months ago
tuesday again 11/19/2024
no silly little witticism here this week! just heartfelt thanks for helping me pay my rent this month :)
absolutely wild pick from last week's spotify weekly recommenced, Things Will Fall Apart by Louis Cole feat the Metropole Orkest and conductor Jules Buckley. it's been on loop all week for me and im a little sad it won't pop up in my spotify wrapped
when you make a dance pop song with a full orchestra backing, it has a really interesting effect somewhere between Golden Age of Hollywood swashbuckling film score and marching band?
Yes, understood Things will fall apart just likе they should This little shred was good Don't think it through Things will fall apart, they always do At least, something's always true
the syllables are so choppy they don’t even register to me as English at first, i was fully willing to believe this was German for the first couple lines. like @dying-suffering-french-stalkers, i have a deep fondness for works about putting an era to bed. or works focused on the sunsets of things, or one of the last living practitioners of an art. putting the chairs up on the table, sweeping the floors, and turning the lights out and locking the door behind you. this song has that sort of quiet post-wake-party remembrance.
however once you think the song has ended but it keeps going, you can turn it off. you don’t really need that extra minute and a half of strings and light vocalizations.
Lately, Louis Cole has been doing live shows with the Netherlands’ Metropole Orkest and conductor Jules Buckley. Cole recorded nothing with the ensemble. In a press release, he says, “Sometimes, when I’m mixing my own solo stuff, I’ll feel like a song needs a little magical dust. But mixing an entire orchestra and your own rhythm section, there’s so much human energy! You don’t have to add any magic. It was there the whole time.”
i don’t hear many pop songs this millennium with a full orchestral backing. perhaps i need to look harder. unfortunately spotify took this extreme interest in this song as a newfound extreme interest in electroswing, which is really not what this song is. i hope this artist does more albums like this so they can wear grooves in my brain
very hard to focus on anything book length this week. some depressing local news (my local paper's links do Not want to preview nicely here, which is annoying:
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At a city council meeting in October, district Vice President Dan Joyce told council members that the management district was not attempting to "criminalize homelessness." The city’s civility ordinance bans people from sitting, lying down or placing personal items or bedding on sidewalks from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
cool piece from our pals at 404 Media. i am So fascinated by crime infrastructure
Based on interviews with malware developers, hackers who use the stolen credentials, and a review of manuals that tell new recruits how to spread the malware, 404 Media has mapped out this industry. Its end result is that a download of an innocent-looking piece of software by a single person can lead to a data breach at a multibillion-dollar company, putting Google and other tech giants in an ever-escalating cat-and-mouse game with the malware developers to keep people and companies safe.
(via longreads) my interest in how and why systems fail extends to invasive species management. plus i used to live in florida just above the everglades and these fuckers (the snakes) were everywhere
[I]magine thousands upon thousands of pythons, their slow digestion transforming each corpse into python muscle and fat. Unaided, Florida’s native wildlife doesn’t stand a chance. “That’s what I think about with every python I catch,” Kalil says. “What it ate to get this big, and the lives I’m saving by removing it.” Biologists are taking a multipronged approach to the issue. They have experimented with enlisting dogs to sniff out both pythons and nests—a technique that has proved difficult in such hot weather and inhospitable landscapes. Ongoing projects use telemetry to track pythons to find “associate snakes.” Researchers use drones, go out in airboats, or even take to helicopters to locate their subjects in the interiors of the Everglades. Always, agencies and individuals are looking for the next best methods. “But for now, the python contractor program is the most successful management effort in the history of the issue,” Kirkland says. “We’re capturing more and more—something that is indicative of the python population out there and indicative of us getting better at what we do.”
continuing noirvember, watched hitchcock's Notorious to see if i still dislike hitchcock. the answer is yes. there are bond girls and there are hitchcock girls, and not that bond girls are paragons of female agency in film, but hitchcock girls are mostly fluttering little pathetic things. a scrap of agency they showed in the beginning of the film becomes a running joke and something their noses are rubbed in for the rest of the film. not for me!
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patrick mcgoohan is leading me into some real dad-ass movies. Ice Station Zebra (1968, dir. Sturges) is a real you're stuck at home sick with your dad and it's on TV for the whole afternoon kind of movie. they truly do not make two and a half cold war submarine espionage films in super panavision with an overture, intermission, and interact music any more. i get why howard hughes was really obsessed with this one. it is a suspense film, but full of people competently going about their business, which i find oddly comforting.
unfortunately i do not feel this really needed to be two and a half hours long. the loving closeups of sub interiors and instrumentation really did keep me amused, though. despite how cluttered every shot is with actors, there is tremendous clarity of purpose and motion with the camera movement. just a really technically brilliant film.
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how similar the russian and american control rooms and instrumentation were made me chortle. ties nicely into a little diatribe mcgoohan goes on much later in the film, "The Russians put our camera made by our German scientists and your film made by your German scientists into their satellite made by their German scientists." funny and darkly true! every allied nation had some sort of Operation Paperclip going on! mcgoohan is the focus of every scene he's in, as a spy who is really hanging on by the last remaining shreds of his fingernails.
i had a good time with it, but one of many cold war suspense films im glad exist in the world but don't necessarily need to see again. it might join Escape from New York as a film i put on when im very sick though.
this pc needs some sort of replacement something, bc it has a really persistent overheating problem. it only tolerates powerwasher simulator on the lowest possible settings and genshin impact on basically mobile settings. it does not even want to run new vegas. i popped my head out of goodsprings to look out over the desert at the Strip and it said no thank you! too many polygons! naptime!
speaking of genshin, major update this week and new character i will be pulling for. she has a sister who died in the last patch, which i do Not care for as someone with a beloved little sister, but her moveset and skills are unique so far in the game. i feel like her skills are little too complicated for me to fully take advantage of with my "hit enemy very hard until he is dead" playstyle but she has a limited flight ability that will genuinely be very useful for exploration.
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if i do not get her when i hit pity on the banner i won't bother pulling another nine times or whatever, bc the next patch has a character i really desperately want and i am saving for her
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the local crew is all getting art this year, bc i already have bristol board and a selection of small frames and zero budget. people who have pets are So easy to get gifts for bc u can simply get them stuff for their pet or that looks like their pet. way less gray cat than black cat merch in the world tho
aiming to send out international holiday cards by the end of the week, and canadian cards by american thanksgiving. the rest of you they'll get there when they get there ok
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chaosbarelycontained · 6 months ago
The Bones of You
North Country Boy Chapter 10
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x AFAB!OC
TW: None, I was feeling sappy
Words: 2k
Synopsis: The mission goes slightly awry
The team of six, small yet dangerously effective, stopped a mile from the ancient fortress, their vehicles partially hidden from view by giant boulders that littered the edge of the glacial valley. Jules had managed to tamp down the spectres of the past, locking them tightly away, and was now back in her ops head-space. She listened with laser-sharp focus as the Captain briefed them one last time, slapping each of them on the chest or shoulder in encouragement. He looked at Jules, scanning over her face for a second then winked and nodded before the team split into two groups and began to make their way stealthily towards their target.
The fortress was perched on a low rocky outcrop at the point where two valleys converged, the dusty red limestone craggs blending into the carved stone blocks of the fortress’ foundations. When they reached the halfway point, Soap broke away, heading for the higher ground he’d scouted out to bed himself down with his M249 and a cracking view of the majority of the fortress compound. Price’s voice through her headset confirmed that Roach had done the same on the other side of the fortress.
The early morning sun had not yet breached the walls of the valley, leaving the expanse before them thick with shadows. It served to keep them hidden all the more and, for that, Jules was grateful. She was barely winded when she and Ghost reached the foot of the fortress and began to scramble up the ancient rock walls.
“West clear,” Soap verified from his vantage point.
“East clear,” Roach agreed.
“Copy that,” Price responded, huffing a little through the mic as he hauled himself up the rock face.
It was one of the easier climbs Jules had attempted. Time and erosion from the fierce steppes winds had left gaping cracks between the layers of rock and then the large stone blocks of the fortress.
“Reached the top, good to go?” Ghost said into his mic.
“Affirmative,” Soap verified, his comment echoed by Roach not a moment later.
Jules followed the Lieutenant up and over the wall, dropping down as silently as they could onto the worn slabs of the fortress’ courtyard. They stayed hidden in the deep shadows cast by the walls as they skirted around the perimeter, on high alert for any potential hostiles. They didn’t encounter any as they silently moved towards the room that Jules had identified as potentially holding the server, and that put her on edge. The other half of their team had only encountered two guards, who they swiftly executed with deadly precision.
Fortunately the fortress wasn’t of great size, which was normal for structures of that age, so it didn’t take them long to reach the small collection of buildings that they targeted. There were no doors to bar their way, and the windows held no glass, so their entrance into the first room had the advantage of being soundless. It meant that the two hostiles they found within were caught by surprise and were easily dispatched by Ghost’s deadly knife as he shouldered Jules out of harm’s way.
She couldn’t form words, as astounded as she was by his audacity, and simply gaped as he wiped off his blade on the leg of one of the hostiles.
“What the fu-“ she hissed, ready to tear him a new arsehole regardless of his rank, but stopped abruptly as Ghost stiffened and held his cupped hand to his ear.
She froze, listening intently, her grip tightening on her rifle as scuffs could be heard from the room beyond. Ghost closed his fist, pointing his thumb to the floor before raising a single finger, and Jules nodded in confirmation. Moving as one they flanked the doorway and then burst into the next room. It was mere seconds before Ghost had the hostile immobilised on the floor, his neck pulled back at an excruciating angle.
“Server,” he growled lowly, in Russian.
The hostile spat, refusing to speak, but Jules left them to it, her attention drawn to the rest of the room. There were no windows there but there were wires coming through the doorway and running along the wall up to the high ceiling. She tracked them with her eyes, splitting her attention to remain alert for any incursions. High up on the far wall there was a wide ledge, probably for some sort of raised storage in days gone by, but there was a congregation of wires leading to it and Jules could see a faint blinking light to the back of it. Bingo.
She stalked back over to Ghost, who still hadn’t manage to elicit any intel, and drove her knife into the hostile’s jugular, slicing it across his throat for good measure.
“No loose ends,” she murmured. “I found it.”
“Fuckin’ ‘ell. No flies on you, eh?” Ghost muttered, staring at Jules as if he was seeing her for the first time. He managed to mentally shake himself, dropping the body like a sack of potatoes and rising to his feet.
“Giz a boost?” Jules asked, gesturing with her chin towards the ledge.
Ghost complied without question, boosting her up onto the ledge and then standing guard below.
“Shouldn’t be long,” Jules muttered, accessing the port on the server and plugging in the palm-sized tablet she carried.
“Accessing the server now,” she said into her mic, informing the team of her actions.
It was laughably easy to begin transferring the data. There was barely any security on the system and the firewall they had was about as ancient as the structure they were standing in.
“Building cleared,” Price said, his voice carrying a note of surprise. “Thought there’d be more. Don’t let your guards down.”
“All clear out here too,” Roach agreed. “Too fucking quiet.”
Jules watched as the percentage bar filled, coming closer and closer to the end of the transfer. A light blinked in the corner of her eye and she turned her attention towards it. It flashed again, and then again, a rhythmical pattern that seemed to get faster. Weird. The little yellow LED was on a small box attached to one of the side ports on the server, with two wires leading away from it. They ran along the ledge and then, once they reached the edge, tracked down the wall. Jules’ tablet pinged its completion and she disconnected from the server but not before she realised that the little LED was blinking even faster than before.
“Done,” she announced, before rolling and dropping off the ledge.
The expected contact with the floor didn’t happen as two large hands wrapped around her waist and stopped her descent, slowly lowering her to the ground. She froze for a second, the hands not moving - in fact she swore she could feel them tighten a little - as she stared up at Ghost’s enigmatic expression.
“Gerroff!” Jules snorted, wiggling away from the Lieutenant and trying to ignore her racing heart as she stalked over to the edge of the room to track the wires from the ledge.
She found them again and followed them, hunkering down as they disappeared into a crack where the wall met the floor. A waxy substance filled the crack and a sinking feeling filled Jules’ chest. She swiped a gloved finger along the mystery substance and raised it to her nose, pulling down her bally to get a better whiff.
“Soap, you copy?” She croaked, nervously.
“Copy, Tiger,” he responded.
“You know of any IEDs that smell like almonds?” She sensed Ghost stiffen behind her, not knowing if it was from her discovery or the undisguised apprehension in her voice.
“No’ that I…wait. What colour?”
“Fuckin’ shit balls,” Soap cursed. “Archaic bastards, usin’ 808. Primed?”
“Affirmative,” Jules swallowed thickly.
“Get tha fuck outta there, Tiger,” Soap exclaimed, a hint of panic in his voice. “Captain, I recommend ye hoof it.”
“Copy that, Soap. Everyone evac, sharpish,” Price commanded.
They wasted no time in retreating. With the fortress clear of hostiles they headed for the closest gates, not even considering to attempt the struggle of scaling the walls once more. Jules ran as fast as she could, her legs pumping and her chest heaving, but the giant strides of the Lieutenant quickly began to extend the distance between them. She wasn’t sure they were out of the blast radius yet but Ghost slowed just a little to let her catch up. She didn’t look at him, focused as she was on getting as far away as possible but then there was tension on the back of her vest, her feet were off the ground and she was flying through the air as an explosion sounded from behind them.
Air rushed out of her lungs as she was crushed by the 6’2” behemoth that landed on top of her. A pain shot through her ribs and she winced as she looked up into Ghost’s whiskey-coloured eyes.
“Did you just fuckin’ chuck me?!” She hissed.
* * *
“Rob’s just upstairs puttin’ three tubs worth of gel in his hair. He’ll be down by next Christmas,” Jules said to Simon, who leaned against the counter in her kitchen as he waited for his best friend. “I swear half his kit bag is gel when he comes home for a visit. Where y’off to anyway?”
“Just the pub.” He beckoned her towards him and she went eagerly, standing in front of him with a grin. “Wish you were comin’ with us.”
“Yeah, I know, but Rob don’t want me crampin’ his style.”
Simon snickered. “That muppet wouldn’t know style if it hit ‘im in the cock.” His hands went to her waist to pull her closer.
“You got that right, an’ yet he manages to pull a bird every bloody week. Y’should ‘ave fun tonight, the pair of you.”
“There’s only one bird I’ve got my eye on,” he said, squeezing her waist a little.
“Oh yeah, that Tracy that lives near the park. I heard she’s a right goer,” Jules teased.
His hand cupped the back of her neck, his thumb stroking her cheek. “Y’such a dick, come ‘ere.”
Jules grinned cheekily and slid her arms around Simon’s neck and stepped into him, raising her face as he dipped his head down to kiss her. A quick kiss became another, and then another, each deeper than the last until Jules found herself lifted and placed on the kitchen counter. She wrapped her legs around his waist as they both became lost in each other.
“What the fuck is this?!”
Jules froze with a gasp and Simon’s head whipped round before he turned his body to put himself between her and an irate Rob.
“Easy mate,” Simon rumbled placatingly.
“Easy? I come back from Preston an’ see you wi yer tongue down our Jules’ throat! How long’s this been goin’ on, eh?” He craned his head to look at Jules. “Don’t tell me yer shaggin’ him.”
“What if I am, Rob. S’none of y’business,” Jules snarled, her chin raised defiantly.
“How long?“ Rob asked the pair of them.
“Long enough,” Simon replied.
“Long enough for me to love him, alright, Rob? So shut yer gob, yeah?” Jules blurted, her face heating. She felt Simon stiffen and then he turned, grinning at her with his eyebrow raised. “Oh, y’can wipe that cocky fuckin’ smirk off yer face an’ all, Riley. I said what I said. Fuckin’ deal with it.”
Rob laughed, his hands raised in surrender. “Fine, fine. Whatever. I mean, I know I said take care of her, pal, but I din’t mean literally.”
“Yeah, well, sorry mate.” Simon gave a sheepish shrug.
“Are we goin’ to the fuckin’ boozer or what?” Rob announced, as if the revelation of their relationship had never happened.
“Yeah, you sure ye’ve got enough gel on your head?” Simon quipped.
“Piss off,” Rob threw back as he sauntered out of the back door.
Simon turned to Jules, a soft look on his face. “Thought he were gonna twat me for a minute,” he admitted.
“Well at least we don’t have t’sneak around anymore,” she said quietly.
“True,” Simon hummed, dipping his head to kiss her softly. “Love you too, Princess,” he murmured, before following Rob out of the door.
Taglist: @aykxz98 @spicyspicyliving @wickizer
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lacependragonwrites · 10 months ago
Writeblr Re-Intro & Pinned
Hello! I'm Lace. Also Wally and Wallace. I love nicknames. It's a trans thing. Remaking this because the old one was long and outdated.
I'm just about thirty, queer as fuck, and use they/them and he/him pronouns. I'm also multiply disabled and chronically ill, and I talk about being autistic and anxious a lot!
In a very long-term relationship with @thetiniestnerd, who I make breakfast for most days.
My Writing
Typically adult or new adult.
Genres: science fiction, fantasy, science fantasy, urban fantasy, romance, mystery, thriller, that sorta thing. V much a genre blender.
Currently have two main wips and a third universe sandbox I like to play in a lot: TMI, Starkyda, and Beurkratti in that order. See below.
Focused a lot on queer and disabled characters and narratives
Lots of relationship dynamics, complex relationships, as well as polyamory
The Metahuman Initiative
An urban fantasy/science fiction series focused on people with superpowers, known as metahumans, within a massive, high-tech city specifically designed to study them.
Main characters are Nat Carter, Rini Callaghan, and Marlowe Hierro.
After being released from prison, six months after the murder of their family, Nat is given a new home in the Callaghan Institute, where they race aggressive and suspicious police officers to find the true killer of their family and get the closure they need, whatever it might be, before the cops decide Nat is their real target.
At the Institute, Rini, Professor Callaghan's adoptive daughter, takes poorly to Nat's arrival, and to try and alleviate the problem, the professor assigns Rini to find a mysterious and terrified metahuman that just arrived in the city - Marlowe, who currently has no idea who they are or what to do.
But Veda has a lot more going on than can be seen on the surface, and as the three of them delve deeper, the horrors and truth of Veda City, and how it connects to each of them, begin to show themselves.
WIP Intro Post
A steampunk/science fantasy series focused on multiple groups of people vying for control of a floating island on the edge of the apocalypse. Some groups include dragon riders at a fascist military academy, criminals in the literal underbelly of the city, council members and politicians with their own agendas, and a farmer and midwife who just wants to go home.
Main characters are: many.
For three hundred years, the Blight has pushed out from the massive breach at the bottom of the ocean and infected not just the waters, but the entire world. Now, as the inhabited islands become the next target for the Blight to swallow up, a beacon of hope is appearing on the island closest to destruction: Tairkyda.
Saoirse Cuirc is thirteen years old when she declares to the statues of the gods that she is a girl, not the son so many believe, and becomes the first person in three hundred years to see the Goddess.
And the first person in history to be Chosen to wield the mortal portion of her power.
Now, six years later, at nineteen, Saoirse is entering Tairkyda's mandatory military academy alongside her best friend, Lucian, and their freshly hatched dragons. But Saoirse isn't the only outsider, this year, and it's clear that most of those in power don't want any of them here.
Jules, who found a dragon egg one morning while doing chores, is a midwife and a farmer who just wants to go home, but the rare power of their dragon, and the strength of their bond, means Jules isn't going anywhere. Not if they want to have somewhere to return to, at least.
And Wren Hashimoto, who has spent years fighting against the belief that they are weak and frail, and who takes the opportunity of a dragon and a chance to bear their teeth to show just how ferocious they can be, without help.
Both of them will soon find themselves with far more power than they've ever known, and far more responsibility than they've ever wanted.
The three of them form the triad of Chosen who will lead the rest to save the world. But how do you stop a vicious, alien fungus from the ocean? How do you unite a people who are determined to hate you? How do you save a world that wants to hurt you so they can take your power and save it their way, instead?
And how do you create a home you actually want to return to, rather than the patriarchal, fascist regime that has led Tairkyda for centuries?
A sprawling, epic fantasy with urban fantasy and science fantasy elements - a genre blend of a world inspired by the 80s - taking place in a world of many, fantastic creatures, oodles of queerness, and at least one apocalyptic level threat a month.
Following many characters, Beurkratti is a series about friendship and connection, about mystery and intrigue, and about how the search for information in the past can lead to great things in the future.
We drop into Beurkratti right as the apocalyptic level threats are starting to get worse than usual, and the Wardens, keepers of peace and safety around the world, start trying to bring things down to normal and see what changed.
From this, we follow dozens of characters across many different stories, including Katya, a half-orc Warden with chronic pain and a service shoulder dragon who travels Beurkratti looking for answers to the inevitable decay of the mind all Wardens suffer, as well as helping out wherever she can.
And if she comes across a brothel or two along the way - hey, bonus!
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workersolidarity · 8 months ago
[ 📹 Scenes from the moment when Zionist warplanes bombed the Jules Tower in the Al-Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, shattering the building to pieces and ejecting plumes of smoke, dust and shrapnel through the air. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 289th day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 4 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 64 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 105 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or whose bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.
On Sunday, Turkiye's President, Racep Tayyip Erdogan, said of the recent advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague, that the Court's opinion will awaken the global community and that the Zionist entity must face strong enough punishment for its actions that would deter any other country "from considering such cruelty again."
Speaking on a plane returning from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Erdogan said that "Israel must face the consequences of its actions, ensuring that the punishment serves as a stark deterrent against anyone considering such cruelty again."
Erdogan went on to comment on the advisory opinion of the ICJ by declaring that "I hope this decision and previous ones not implemented by Israel will bring an awakening in the international community."
The Turkish President also encouraged the United States to exert pressure on the occupation, and said it should withdraw its support for the "murderer" Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his administration to end the "oppression" in the Gaza Strip.
"The whole issue is for those who stand for justice against Israel's actions to unite, ensuring everyone stands alongside the decision of the ICJ. We can only disrupt this game with such a stance," Erdogan said.
"To end this oppression, it is necessary for the US administration to pressure Israel and withdraw its support from murderer Netanyahu and his associates," the President added.
This comes after the ICJ slammed the Israeli occupation of the West Bank of Palestine, declaring that the Zionist entity must end its occupation "as rapidly as possible," while also demanding that Tel Aviv make full reparations to Palestinians for its "internationally wrongful acts."
The ICJ also found that the Israeli occupation has committed multiple breaches of international law, including activities the Court likened to "Apartheid."
In other news, Zionist Defense Minister Yoav Galant announced on Sunday that he will remove restrictions on the use of warplanes and other military aircraft in the occupied West Bank, and further, issued orders for the Israeli occupation army to "eliminate" the battalions of armed resistance in the western Palestinian territories.
"I also removed restrictions on the use of military drones in the West Bank to reduce the risk to soldiers' lives," Galant added.
The statements were made during a session for the assessment of the situation in the occupied West Bank, held with the newly appointed commander of the Central Command, Avi Balut, who's division is responsible for the occupied territory.
Additionally, also attending was the Commander of the West Bank Division of the occupation army, Yaki Dolev, along with the commander of the Border Guard forces in the West Bank, Barak Mordechai, as well as field commanders and representatives of the Shin Bet security apparatus.
During the meeting, Galant received briefings on the "most active forces in the area to thwart operations, eliminate armed organizations in refugee camps, and improve security measures in local authorities", which refers to the illegal Zionist settlements in the West Bank, to "enhance the security of the population (settlers)," according to a statement issued by the Israeli Defense Ministry.
Galant continued by emphasizing "the need for the continuous and systematic elimination of all armed organizations, and stressed that the IDF has full support for working to achieve this goal."
Following the conference, the statement cited Galant as stating that "terrorism is boiling in this sector, among other things as a result of guidance from Iran, Hezbollah and other factors seeking to undermine the situation."
"Yesterday we carried out an attack in an area 2,000 kilometers from Israel (referring to the Yemeni port of Hodeidah), and now we are in the heart of the State of Israel, and we will know how to operate here as well. A few months ago, we lifted the restrictions on the operation of air force planes, including the attack in the Central Command area, in order to thwart terrorism without putting soldiers in unnecessary danger. If necessary, we will expand this issue," the Defense Minister said during the meeting.
Defense Minister Galant also stated that he has instructed the Central Command and Army Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, to "ensure that all the actions of the terrorist brigades inside the refugee camps are thwarted and that we crush these brigades, in Jenin, Tulkarm, Tubas and other places."
"We will act as needed, we will not allow the citizens of Israel to be endangered as a result of the actions of terrorists directed from Iran," Galant concluded.
Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continued its war of genocide in the Gaza Strip, slaughtering Palestinian children and other civilians, while one-by-one targeting the few remaining housing units and public infrastructure, and detonating residential buildings with explosives and airstrikes.
Beginning on Saturday night, IOF warplanes bombed another commercial facility housing displaced Palestinian families in the Armeida area, east of the city of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip.
Medical sources with a local hospital told official Palestinian news agency WAFA that at least 6 civilians were killed and dozens of others wounded, after occupation forces bombed a commercial facility in which displaced civilians were being housed in the Armeida area of the town of Abasan Al-Kabira, east of Khan Yunis.
Following that strike, during the early morning hours of Sunday, Zionist fighter jets bombed a residential house belonging to the Khalifa family in the Al-Bureij Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, killing 7 Palestinian civilians, including women and children, and wounded a number of others.
Similarly, occupation aircraft bombarded a residential home in the Al-Nuseirat Refugee Camp, killing 4 civilians.
The Israeli occupation's war crimes continued when occupation warplanes bombed a civilian home north of the Nuseirat Camp, killing a young child, while another Zionist army raid targeted a residential building north of the camp, wounding at least 5 Palestinians.
In the next Israeli atrocity on Sunday morning, occupation fighter jets bombarded a residential house belonging to the Ghurab family in the New Camp area of the Nuseirat Camp, resulting in the martyredom of one Palestinian and wounding dozens of others.
Israeli warplanes also bombed the Al-Da'wa area, in the vicinity of the power station and Salah al-Din Street, northeast of the Nuseirat Camp, while occupation drones fired missiles into the same area.
Zionist forces went on to target in the vicinity of the Kuwait roundabout in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, leading to the deaths of two citizens who were transported to Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in the city.
Palestinian medical sources are reporting that more than 60 victims of Israeli bombings have been killed since dawn on Saturday.
The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has also reported that their rescue crews managed to recover the body of one dead citizen, along with two others who were wounded after occupation fighter jets bombed a civilian residence in the town of Bani Suhaila, east of Khan Yunis, in the south of Gaza.
PRCS also said that their rescue crews also recovered three bodies of martyrs who were murdered as a result of Israeli bombing of the Al-Shaboura Refugee Camp in central Rafah City, in the southern Gaza Strip.
The paramedic organization added that the occupation continues to bomb and shell the Al-Bureij Camp, in central Gaza, with a local residential apartment building targeted in an Israeli bombing that killed 4 civilians.
Later on Sunday, occupation forces bombed a residential home in the Qizan Al-Najjar neighborhood, south of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, killing at least 3 Palestinians, including two young children, and wounding several others.
A number of civilians were also wounded after the Zionist occupation army shelled a Mosque in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing war of extermination in the Gaza Strip, the death toll now exceeds 38'983 Palestinians killed, including well and above 15'000 children and more than 10'000 women, while another 89'727 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, begining with the events of October 7th, 2023.
This brings the total number of Palestinian casualties to 128'710 or the equivalent of 5.59% of Gaza's 2.3 million residents.
July 21st, 2024.
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world-of-celebs · 3 months ago
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Jules Breach & Hayley McQueen
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bruce-wyatt-burner · 2 years ago
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mlynar-nearl · 2 years ago
it's still so funny to me about twenty thousand leagues that with the polish to indian edit, jules verne failed upwards into making a far more progressive point about imperialism and period racism by making a man who is by all measures a wealthy genius who possesses knowledge that the western world could barely conceive of
an indian man.
which would have been an entirely unheard of concept. just the other day my mother sent me some stuff her older brother dug up from the indian colonial period (in case this breaches containment: i am indian-american, my mother and her brother were born in india and their parents experienced the end of the colonial period and the partition) including records that indian natives needed a permit to use a chair in a british office.
it might have been a behind the scenes edit to avoid provoking russia but making nemo "prince dakkar of bundelkhand" says something a hundred times more profound than the original draft.
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king-midas-fortnite · 3 months ago
Journal Entry: New Beginnings
We've made it to a new island. A new chapter.
Another eventful night, another rift, and another island.
A few had been on my Yacht once again during the change. My crew naturally, along with Jules, Wade, a couple recent acquaintences, and Valeria. She had to leave the apartment I had only just gifted to her. Unfortunate, and I'm sure not pleasant for her either, but I'm not in the least bit disappointed to have her back on board. It's probably selfish of me to feel grateful for her consistent presence in the wake of yet another massive change that scrambles all of our lives. However, selfishness is one of my known traits. And Valeria provides me a peace I have felt so rarely in my life.
Perhaps on this new island, I won't make the same mistake of getting her a gift that Tina, Wade, Perceus, and just about everyone other than myself could see as me saying, "please give me space." (Insert a sigh here.)
I like to think of myself as an intelligent man. Evidently, there are still areas that need work. Work I am willing to put in. For her.
Anyway, it seems Jones and his "reality warrior" group managed their own safe passage through the rift. This might sound strange for me to say, but I am pleased to feel relieved. He and I are by no means friends, but we are not enemies. As well...he was right, after all. I had originally wanted to try and stop the altered version of my device from activating. I'd wanted to prevent another disaster like the one that lead to my death as the leading side affect to my failure. However, it was Jones who'd convinced me that it needed to happen. It was his belief that it's activation would put us all back on the correct path. Or at least, whatever path the Zero Point deemed correct. He was right, and here we find ourselves in a new place.
I heard the merit in what he said to me then. However, rather than directly help in the efforts of him and his team, I decided to "aid" them by simply not interfering. Aside from my usual sleuthing around to keep myself in the loop (haha), I stayed out of things. I could not bring myself to have a hand in causing the same event once more. Regardless, I am glad he, Evie and their group were able to make it over safely.
I haven't a clue if Kado made it through. I'm sure he managed, cockroach that he is. I do not know where he is, and I don't care for that. His unpredictable behavior was bad enough when I knew where it was coming from. I'll find out what little cave he's made for himself here soon enough. If I don't, I'm certain Valeria will. Whether or not she'll tell me is another question, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. As well, I will try and breach the topic of his incredibly suspicious actions once again whilest I continue to try and get to the bottom of it.
All of that aside; This new island is beautiful. I'll keep from getting too comfortable for now, given the frequent upheavals of my reality this last year, but I do admit that it's pleasant. I have not decided where we'll be docking the yacht long term (maybe hopeful to believe there will be a 'long term'). A bit more observation of this place is necessary, I think. A meeting with Empress Mizuki as well couldn't hurt, if she'll see me. I'll reach out to her soon.
That's all for now. Here's hoping that things settle for a little while. Not something I like to admit even in a private journal, but I'm starting to feel my years after escaping death, fighting with gods, skirting dangerous wastelanders, battling self-proclaimed bringers of Doom, defeating a devil, revisiting old memories, and being thrown about different realms.
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ur-mag · 1 year ago
Cole Palmer forced to prod Channel 4 presenter Jules Breach on live TV in awkward moment after England’s win over Malta | In Trend Today
Cole Palmer forced to prod Channel 4 presenter Jules Breach on live TV in awkward moment after England’s win over Malta Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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alpha-mag-media · 1 year ago
Fans astonished Peter Crouch is only 6ft 7in as ex-England star towers over Jules Breach in TNT Sports coverage | In Trend Today
Fans astonished Peter Crouch is only 6ft 7in as ex-England star towers over Jules Breach in TNT Sports coverage Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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