#judo academy
santaclaralocalnews · 2 months
June 21 – 23 was the USA Judo Junior Olympic National and International Championships, held at the David Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburg, Pa. Four young Santa Clara residents who study at Santa Clara’s Nakano Judo Academy attended this competition to demonstrate their Japanese martial arts smarts. Elijah Bergado, 10, won second place in the National Intermediate category and third place in the International Intermediate category, both for competitors under 28 kg. Read complete news at svvoive.com.
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pinnaclemaacademy · 2 years
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Wall to Wall Martial Arts is the largest Judo school in Louisiana providing specialized training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Judo for kids and adults. Contact Pinnacle Martial Arts Academy at 3188550456 today for more information.
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nandostateofmind · 5 months
Becoming A Purple People Eater……….
Goodbye to the Blue Belt and Hello to the Responsibility……..
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On December 9. 2023, it happened. The moment I dreamed of and the moment I feared all at once. Class was over and they sent us to sit. There’s anticipation in the air. Everyone is wondering why we are being directed to sit. This is jiu jitsu after all and promotions tend to come in seasons. My time had already come in September, I received my third stripe on my blue belt. I was happy as could be with that particular stripe because I know they judge harshly at my gym nothing is given, everything earned. I learned this the hard way being wondering aloud if my third stripe on my belt is the result of nepotism. When I made this statement on my blog I was told, with no hesitation or confusion, that I was not above the art. That my professor/ great friend does not care about my feelings above the art. That nothing was ever given without being earned that he wouldn’t tarnish the brand of the gym or the art itself to protect my feelings from how badly I suck. So, with that said I wasn’t due in my opinion.
Now when promotions are announced there is always an air of, who’s due? Who’s ready? And, this guy is long overdue. I love promotion day. Not because of me improving or expecting a promotion. I secretly enjoy being undervalued. I like sandbagging. I like being undersold. I like underselling and over delivering. I love to see promotions because I feel like in the gym on those mats is the only place where hard work is actually acknowledged, where putting in the work is a real thing. Where someone comes to test them against genuine resistance and see where they are. They are hard fought and rarely are they given without them being truly deserving.
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With all of this said I was not overdue. I was not ready. I wasn’t not “sandbagging,” I was a decent blue belt. Now when someone gets promoted a bit early like myself they often say, “they will grow into the belt.” Well, I’m in my growing phase. This belt has a lot of stigma to it if the YouTube videos I watch are to be believed. The clichés you hear are this, “this is the first advanced belt,” “a modern-day purple belt is as good as a 1990s black belt because the game has expanded so much,’ or my favorite cliché, which is, “if the professor gives you a purple belt that means he believes one day you will receive your black belt.” Well if those things are to be believed then I am feeling the pressure. There’s level to this game. Some purple belts can consistently submit black belts when they are elite at some aspect of their game, let’s say something like leglocks. Some purple belts compete frequently and are superior athletes. Then there’s me chubby 40-year dad of 2 with a job who works a lot of overtime. I also have an ego. I like to win and do well as much as anyone. So, there is that desire and drive to improve because for once something is actually expected of me. Here’s what my best is for what happened……
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I went on a jiu jitsu retreat by a miracle. Someone couldn’t make it and I was allowed to take their spot. It was an incredible experience. I did miss my family but the trip was unbelievably worth it. Amazing food, people and experiences so much wildlife. Most importantly while I was there I got to experience rolling with my professor for the first time. It went exactly as expected. He destroyed me with such ease it felt like we weren’t doing the same martial art. I was dying and he was relaxed just moving and playing. I have no idea what he saw during that roll. I have no idea what he saw in me upon return from Costa Rica either but he felt I was working and decided it was time. How in the hell am I going to question him? I am unworthy of questioning his judgment at all so here I am with the weight of his decision looking into the future, hoping to never disappoint him. That’s the pressure or purple and role I have as a 40-year old.
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Then there’s the role I love, the teacher. I love when I understand something really well and can explain it proficiently. Now, I have no illusions of owning a school one day. I don’t plan on being a legendary competitor that began in his 40s somehow. I don’t have a wrestling background no matter how much I wish I did. No judo and I’m not Brazilian. My whole goal is to one day be good enough to teach. That’s it. Nothing more nothing less. I’m returning from injury and being out for 6 weeks. So, here I am returning to the mats after a hiatus ready to get after it. Looking to get better, looking to not be someone’s rest round, looking to be worthy of the belt. Brown is off in the distance, I am not in any rush. So, let’s lift up our glasses and toast to purple.
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trimurtieducation · 5 months
Physical Fitness and Military Training: The Core of Maharashtra’s Defense Academies
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Physical fitness and military training play roles, in shaping the defenders of our nation. In Maharashtra defence academies are more than institutions; they are crucibles where young individuals undergo experiences that mould them into strong disciplined and resilient individuals ready to serve their country with unwavering dedication. Among these academies Trimurti Pawan Pratishthan stands out by emphasising the role of fitness in the overall development of its cadets.
The Significance of Physical Fitness:
Physical fitness serves as the foundation for any training program. It goes beyond appearance and encompasses strength, endurance, agility and mental toughness. The defense academies in Maharashtra understand that a fit and healthy body is not just desirable but necessary for soldiers who may face challenging and demanding environments. Physical fitness enhances the effectiveness and operational capability of our forces.
Military Training; Going Beyond Physicality:
Military training extends beyond exercises; it takes a holistic approach to instill discipline, leadership skills, teamwork abilities and a strong sense of duty. The defense academies, in Maharashtra acknowledge the importance of nurturing rounded individuals who possess not physical capabilities but also mental resilience and moral integrity.
Cadets undergo training programs that equip them with the skills to overcome challenges, foster strategic reasoning and demonstrate unwavering dedication to the principles of honor, courage and duty.
Maharashtra’s Defense Academies: A Breeding Ground for Future Leaders:
Trimurti Pawan Pratishthan, one of Maharashtra’s prominent defence academies, stands as a testament to the state’s commitment to producing exceptional leaders for the armed forces. The academy places a strong emphasis on physical fitness, viewing it as the bedrock upon which the character and capabilities of its cadets are built.
The academy’s approach to military training integrates physical fitness seamlessly into its curriculum. Cadets are exposed to a variety of physical challenges, ranging from obstacle courses to endurance training, ensuring they develop the stamina and resilience required for the demands of military service. This comprehensive training regimen at Trimurti Pawan Pratishthan ensures that cadets not only meet the physical standards but exceed them, setting a benchmark for excellence.
Conclusion: In conclusion, physical fitness and military training are inseparable elements in the journey of preparing individuals for the challenges of defence service. Maharashtra’s defence academies, with Trimurti Pawan Pratishthan at the forefront, understand the importance of cultivating not just strong bodies but disciplined minds and resilient spirits. As the cadets’ graduate from these institutions, they carry with them the legacy of rigorous training, a commitment to service, and a profound sense of duty towards their nation. Trimurti Pawan Pratishthan continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future defenders of Maharashtra and, by extension, the entire nation. Through its dedication to physical fitness and military training, the academy stands as a beacon of excellence, producing leaders who are not only physically fit but also mentally and morally prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.
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judoforum · 1 year
Un paso más.
Para seguir mejorando, debemos estar con los mejores. Nace un proyecto innovador, mezclando deporte, tecnología y conocimientos compartidos. El Club Fórum se integra en este proyecto que surge de la complicidad de profesionales del deporte con ideas vanguardistas. Nuestro Club aporta sus conocimientos en yudo y estos profesionales (graduados en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte),…
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writers-potion · 4 months
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Writing Weapons (7): Unarmed Combat (Hand-to-Hand Fighting)
In a fight situation with no weapons, characters will stick with the kind of fighting they're familiar with: grappling or striking.
Martial arts: judo, wrestling aikido, jiu jitsu, sambo, lucha libre, glima
Suitable for: entertaining fight scenes
Aim in lethal fight: chock or strangle
Words to use: grapple, wrestle, twist, pull, pin, roll, throw, toss, squeeze, press, chock, strangle
Holding the opponents down to the floor is called a "pin"
Martial arts: boxing, kick-boxing, karate, muay thai, capoeira, taekwondo
Suitable for: entertaining or gritty fights
Aim in lethal fight: blow to head
Words to use: strike, hit, box, kick, punch, chop, slap, kick, chop, hammer, pound
Mixing Martial Arts
Some martial arts combine grappling and striking techniques.
A skilled martial artist is probably an expert in eiher striking or grappling, but also has basic skills in the other.
Easier to stick with one group for one character - the hero's friends can complement each other if they have different martial art backgronds!
Investing a Fantasy Martial Art
Spiritual Elements connected to the general magic/religious system of your story world.
Mental Focus that allows the martial artist to amplify the effectiveness of attacks.
Small rituals, like bowing to the guru before and after every fight to obtain some kind of "blessing"
Restricted admission to pretigious martial arts academies
Specialist techniques that require combining physical action with spells, or a symbolic act that activates magic.
Exams: students must prove themselves through a series of tough (life threatening) tests to obtain access to the most important lessens of the practice.
Special garmetns
Secret codes between members
Winning Factors
Skill - the most important. A skilled fighter can take on someone who is much larger than them, but unskilled.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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universitypenguin · 1 month
If the Call of Duty characters were in the Olympics…
Price would compete in the Modern Pentathlon. As one of the youngest cadets to ever graduate from the Royal Military Academy, John received a well-rounded education that helps him master the multiple sports that comprise the Modern Pentathlon. His experience as a leader and soldier, combined with his innate adaptability, makes him particularly suited for this event. The pentathlon demands a unique combination of physical prowess, tactical decision-making, and mental resilience, all of which are qualities that Price has honed during his military career. Whether it's fencing, swimming, equestrian show jumping, shooting, or running, Price's ability to perform under pressure and his endless pursuit of excellence would undoubtedly make him a top contender.
Gaz would compete in the Triathlon. With an impressive tolerance for physically and mentally demanding tasks, Kyle is highly skilled at maintaining the right mindset and pushing forward when others would’ve given up long ago. Known for his endurance and adaptability, Gaz’s ability to transition between different skills highlights his speed and agility. The Triathlon, which requires proficiency in swimming, cycling, and running, suits Gaz’s all-around athleticism and mental toughness. His grueling military training and his enjoyment of high-pressure environments have prepared him well to tackle the physical and mental challenges of a multi-sport event. His ability to remain focused on long-term goals and his determination to overcome any obstacle in his path would make him a natural in this demanding endurance competition.
Ghost would compete in Shooting. With his background in marksmanship and sniper training, Simon "Ghost" Riley is well-suited to the sport of shooting. Ghost’s ability to maintain perfect stillness and his sharp, focused sight are critical in competitive shooting, where precision is key. His calm, composed demeanor under pressure—some might even call it “cold”—allows him to block out distractions and shoot with deadly accuracy. Years of sniper training in the SAS have conditioned Ghost to thrive in situations where split-second decisions mean the difference between success and failure. His ability to remain collected in high-stakes situations would serve him well in the Olympic shooting events, where patience is just as important as physical skill.
Soap would compete in Judo. Having spent his younger years as a goalkeeper in football (soccer), Soap developed the agility, balance, and quick reflexes essential for Judo. Judo is a sport where competitors always have to be thinking one step ahead of their opponent, and Soap has proven himself to be a smart tactician, willing to take risks. His background in the SAS, where he earned a reputation for his speed and precision in urban warfare, makes him particularly adept at the grappling techniques and strategic movements required in Judo. Soap’s combative spirit and hands-on approach, coupled with his ability to anticipate and counter his opponent’s moves, would make him a formidable competitor on the mat. His resilience and quick thinking under pressure are exactly what judokas need to excel in this demanding sport.
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poomphuripan · 9 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally To Love, Take Care and Cuddle With Every Night
@bunnakit awww thank you for the tag 🫶 as an asexual i can't say i spent much time thinking about fucking anyone (so coming up with this list was really hard ;_;) but if any of these characters propositioned... i would NOT say no 😉
10. Phob (Something In My Room)
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if there is an award for cutest ghost of all time in a BL series, i think Phob will take home easily. Phob deserves better sex. my meow meow friendly ghost Phob, i will tuck you in bed my ghost sweetie 🥺🫶
9. Shao Fei (History 3: Trapped)
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my righteous cop with a strong sense of justice, i really love Shao Fei so much. Shao Fei doesn't beat around the bush and is really straightforward with his wants, I LOVE HE!
8. Khuafah (Sky In Your Heart)
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Khuafah, the HOT CHARMING doctor that you are. i would volunteer to get sick every day just to visit him 🫠
7. Gene (Lovely Writer)
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if Gene ever needs to write a straight romance novel, i'm happy to make out with him for research purposes 😉
6. Pisaeng (Be My Favorite)
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most patient boyfriend who tries super hard to get you plushies? yea i would bang Pisaeng in a heartbeat, no doubt. in fact, i believe Pisaeng would be considerate and wait for me to be ready (Pisaeng babe i'm always ready for you 😉)
5. Tennoji Haru (Trillion Game)
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while Trillion Game is DEFINITELY not BL, but Meguro Ren was in Kieta Hatsukoi so my boy should get a PASS 😤 Haru is confident yet humble, self-proclaimed selfish yet always selfless. god i love competent men *swoons* Trillion Game is out on Netflix, please check out my boy Haru and his boy(friend) Gaku and their start-up adventure together 🥺👉👈.
4. Charn (Laws of Attraction)
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while i can't guarantee that i can give Charn a good time, i believe that as a fellow lawyer i can assist Charn with any case work he got. Like i said, i am a sucker for competent men 😮‍💨.
3. Tangmo (Great Men Academy)
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you don't understand how obsessed i am with the og golden retriever, nation's boyfriend, Tangmo. it's been 4? years... i have not let him go... gentle soft boi but great at judo too? i think Tangmo and i should have our wrestling sessions ending up as makeout sessions.
2. Joe (My Stand In)
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this is kind of a cheat but i've read the original novel for My Stand In (Professional Body Double by Shui Qian Cheng) and i can confirm Joe/Zhou Xiang is the sweetest soul, most precious, unluckiest gay ever (Ming, you are on sight, watch it sir or imma steal Joe away). i'm super excited for My Stand In because i hope i get to fall in love with Joe once again the way i fell super hard, head over heels for him when i finished this danmei novel within less than 24 hours. (was this shameless PR for Poom Phuripan's new BL series next year? yes, yes it absolutely was 🤗)
1. Khun Yai and Jom (I Feel You Linger In The Air)
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if i don't have a gentle lover like Khun Yai Kritsada Palathip or a soft boyfriend like Jom Ravit Pittayanan then what's the POINT. i want both of them so BAD. also isn't it such a crime that Yai lives his entire life the rest of his live in celibacy, having fucked only ONE person (the love of his life) in his lifetime. LET ME IN. i will love both of you equally.
+ bonus: Chef Guy (Bake Me Please)
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did you REALLY think i was gonna end my list without current loml, our resident sad boi, considerate and caring Chef Guy? 😅 Guy deserves a spot on here because well i'm absolutely feral for this man. Guy is just the nicest guy and i will literally do anything for him. Guy had me at hello but my heart truly broke when he comforted Peach saying he doesn't want to see Peach who's given him so much positivity, cry 😭.
oooooh that was soooo hard ;_; i love all these characters, maybe one day i need to start listing the female characters i'd totally hypothetically bang too because WOMEN ARE HOT 🔥.
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Damian the Dog
Inspired by Grumpy Cat, written by @adrestar
So what if Marinette moved to Gotham Academy, probably because of Lila bullshit or Guardian Duties.
She is mostly alone so she get a dog who she named Damian.
I actually look up on what type of dog she would have because I don't have a lot of knowledge on dogs. I wanted a small cute black dog. I am going with a Pomeranian or a Scottish Terrier.
It's all fine and going dandy. When one day, Damian overhears the new girl talking about him.
Marinette of course has zero interest in celebrities so she has no clue she is in the same class as Damian Wayne. Her classmates asked if she had any pets so she starts talking about her cute little Dami and showing off pictures of him.
"Look at my Dami. Isn't he adorable?" Marinette cooed, "I just love running my hands through those thick black luscious hair."
Damian gets the idea that Marinette is a stalker or a fangirl who is deluded herself into thinking she is dating him but brushes her off as mostly harmless. He can correct her at any time she steps out of the line.
Let the misunderstandings commence!
Fast forward the next few days, where Marinette keeps talking about her dog and no one has clued her in on the fact that there is a human with the same name as her dog going to classes with her.
Human Damian thinks she has very active imagination, going as far as to fake bite marks on her arms after a supposed passionate embrace.
(Damian the Dog is still being trained. Idk abt raising dogs so I hope I am right.)
The weekend arrive and Damian is at the dog park with Titus. Then he heard the insufferable voice calling out for him,
"Damian. Where are you? Come out. Damian. Dami."
He hid himself for a while, hoping she will give up sooner or later. But no, she keeps coming closer to the spot where he was hiding and calling out his name. Then, Titus blew his cover by coming back with the ball he was sent to fetch.
Thinking he had no choice but to reveal himself, he burst out of the bushes, scaring Marinette.
Meanwhile, Marinette was at the dog park to let Damian out of the apartment and get some exercise. She was kept an eye on him as he ran around but after a phone call from Jagged Stone for a new jacket, she had lost sight of her dog.
Then, while she looked for Damian the dog, someone jumped out of the bushes, giving her a scarce.
She realised that he was a boy from her classes and before she could ask if he had seen her dog, he began yelling at her.
"Listen up, harlot. Get out of your delusional fantasies of dating me and leave me alone." He yelled at a very confused Marinette. Human Damian continued to threaten her with lawsuits on the grounds of stalking, defamation and false claims.
Marinette gets fucking pissed at what the rude guy was yelling at her for no reasons but before she could retort, he stomped away with his dog trailing behind him.
"Come on, Titus. We don't have spend more time with this waste of space."
Marinette is so furious that if she was in Paris, she would have been akumatised for sure. She decided to calm down and go look for Damian, not the human. Arriving at home, she found a lawyer waiting for her and they handed her a thick files of all the charges she was being sued for. It was official she had met someone worse than the Chloe Bourgeosis.
So Marinette decides to stress bake about the problem. Ultimately, she made too much and decided to give away some to her next door neighbour, Jason.
Marinette had been living in Gotham for about a month and Jason knows about her habit to stress bake. They first met when Jason accidentally snuck up on her and she judo-flipped him who was 3 times bigger than her. Jason is impressed and Marinette is mortified. They became friends. Jason cooks her meals sometimes and she bake him desserts. It was a fair trade.
Anyway, Jason asks about her problem and Marinette starts a rant about this rich entitled dick she met who was from her class and she had coincidentally met him at the dog park while looking for Damian. Then, he called her a bunch of insults and names, accused her of stalking him and he had sent lawsuits to her address. Which was bad because she had her business as MDC to consider and this will affect her income.
While ranting, Marinette saw Jason's law degree which he had displayed, partially for his cover as a normal civi but mostly to brag to his siblings about being the only one who graduated from college and law school and rub it in Bruce's face. (We all seen the Jason became a lawyer to get Joker a death sentence post right? So Joker is dead here.)
"Can you be my lawyer? Or can you recommend me one? I promise I can pay you."
Jason patted her head, "Pixie, I will do this for free. I don't know which prick decided to mess with you but I will make him pay. Besides, I can't stand guys like that. You are actually doing me a bit of a favor to knock someone like that down a few pegs. Legally."
Marinette insisted to pay him but Jason compromised to get a cake for an entire month instead for taking the job.
When Jason looked through the papers, he noticed it was from the Wayne Family Lawyers so he decided to go to the Manor to get to the bottom of it. Jason arrived in the middle of Damian on a warpath.
He asked Tim who was the closest and furiously typing on his laptop about what is going on with Damian.
Tim answered, "Apparently there's this girl who is stalking Damian. She claimed to be dating him at school and she showed up while he was out with Titus, looking for him. Right now, I am just checking if she is just delusional and harmless or someone dangerous."
Jason connects the dots between Dog Damian and Human Damian and he tried not to burst out laughing right then and there. "That's good to hear. Anyways, I came here because I forgot something. I am going to see Alfred before I go. Have fun with the lawsuits."
Jason spent the rest of the way home, cackling and the funniest way to win the case.
On the day of the court date,
The rest of the Waynes are surprised to see Jason there in a suit. Dick was understandable, Tim was just there to make sure it goes smoothly, Bruce is also reasonable, Damian is the 'victim'.
"Todd, why are you here?"
"You'll see."
Then, they started telling people to enter before they could get more answers. They soon found out that Jason was the lawyer for the other side.
"Todd, you traitor. How dare you work for the opposition!"
Marinette had arrived with a pet carrier with a dog which Damian claimed was to appeal to his animal lover side.
blah blah blah. Legal procession. I don't know how it goes.
Anyways, it is time for Marinette's defense.
"Your honor, I would like to present evidence which proved that my cilent is innocent in all the charges the plaintiff has accused her of."
Jason brought out the pet carrier and took out Dog Damian.
"Your honor, this is my client's dog. She was gifted this dog before she moved here to Gotham. I have the receipts to prove this."
"What is the point of this?"
Jason dramatically held up the adorable fluffy black dog which looked like a doll in his hands, "Your honor, the dog's name is Damian." Jason claimed while staring straight at Human Damian.
Dog Damian woofed at the sound of his name. There was a shocked silence that followed.
Jason proceed to give more evidence that yes, the dog name is actually Damian like giving commands using his name and adoption certificate to get rid of any doubt.
"He claimed to have heard her talking about her dating but what were the actual words you heard her say?"
"That I am adorable and she likes running her fingers through my soft dark hair."
"Your honor, my cilent was actually bragging about how cute her dog is and how she likes petting Damian the dog's obviously black fur. And you also claimed that she stalked you to the dog park and called out your name several time. She was there by coincidence because the park is the closest to her apartment and she was calling his name because she had lost sight of Damian. Dog Damian I mean. It was Human Damian's fault for assuming she was calling out for him."
Jason continued to explained how each claim was Damian's own misunderstanding of the situation and there are statements from his classmates who confirmed that Marinette was talking about her pet dog. They didn't told her about Human Damian because they found it funny that her dog had the same name.
"In addition, my cilent had no idea who Damian Wayne was. Only knowing him as her classmate. "
Tim is right now filming and having the best time of his life as he watched Damian wished that the ground would swallow him whole. Dick is trying so hard not to laugh while Bruce's lips were twitching.
Jason decides to make a counter-law suit for the emotional damage and potential financial damage Human Damian had caused Marinette by suing her for millions when she was just a struggling student, getting by on her own income in a foreign country.
Marinette stopped him, "Jason, this is enough. I am fine with a hand-written apology."
"The amount I am asking for is just a drop of water of an ocean for them. They are that filthy rich. Besides, you can get that motorcycle side-car for Damian you had been eyeing a while ago. You can also use the money to buy dog stuff that you couldn't before because of your budget."
Marinette hesitated and agreed. The case ended with it in Marinette's favor.
Tim approached them as they exited with Marinette hugging Damian (the dog) and Jason grinning in glee over his victory and simultaneously humiliated Damian (the human) in the process. Tim high-fived Jason.
Tim offered a job to Marinette because he had done a background check on her due to the potential threat she posed and found out about MDC. He does it because he liked her talent and it would look great to have Wayne Enterprise on her resume. Also the best dirt on Damian.
Marinette told him that she would think about it and he gave her a card.
Damian wrote the apology letter, very embarrassed by the entire trial. His pride wouldn't recover for a while and he took it out on Jason who knew about it the entire time and didn't tried to stop and clear up the misunderstanding.
The next day at school, Marinette went to Damian's seat and said, "Good morning, Human Damian."
"Why are you calling me like that?"
"I am sorry. I thought you would appreciate the clarification of which Damian I am referring to. I wouldn't want to end up in court again after being branded as a delusional fangirl of yours because I was just talking about my adorable Dami. I meant to say My adorable dog, Dami. Human Damian."
For the next few months, everyone keeps referring to Damian as Human Damian.
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dogbunni · 2 years
i think something fascinating is how nendou is supposed to be too dumb to notice anything but really? a lot of times he does notice quite a lot (especially when it's about Saiki), he just tends to either not question it, or drops it as soon as Saiki or someone else disagrees.
Like when Saiki was standing up for him when he was accused of stealing his classmate's purses, Nendou *knew* Saiki was somehow involved simply because he saw him stare angrily at Takahashi.
When Saiki's dad was replacing Saiki at the surprise party, or Toritsuka was standing in for him, Nendou was always the first to notice.
It's also interesting how he always manages to happen to be helpful to Saiki in a way? His likeability has to drop? Let's give him a hug. There's too much attention on Saiki bc he was good at judo? Nendou makes it so all the attention is on himself. There's bugs in Saiki's house? Well good that bug-crushing Nendou is there! The Newspaper Club bothers Saiki? Well...Nendou at least tries to get rid of him. A literal bookshelf falls on Saiki? Nendou takes the hit for him AND THEN ASKS HIM IF HE'S OK.
And as much as Saiki acts all disgusted, he does see the good in him. The first thing Saiki does when Saiko is about to leave is get Nendou to talk to him bc he knows he's good tlat that sort of stuff. When those girls are inviting him on a fake date Saiki WRITES HIM A SWEET NOTE bc he doesn't want it to break his heart.
I just-
i can't ok-
too many feelings-
I've been looking at this ask for hours I just keep coming back and reading it again.
nendo truthers we are so valid and also honorary members of PK academy
but also. YES ALL OF THIS. I've been SAYING nendo may be book dumb but he has high stat in wisdom. part of the reason why I ship him and saiki is bc they compliment each other that way. like saiki is a genius, but he's also a dumbass. he (despite literally reading minds) just doesn't really GET people. he goes about trying to be normal in the least normal way. and then nendo will not know basic math but still say the most beautiful and profound things when only mildly provoked. I'm too tired to cite sources rn but if anyone else has screenshots to hand. gimme.
anyway. I literally have a one shot in the works about this topic. just nendo dropping some sweet words of wisdom on saiki without even really realising how sage and intelligent he's being and saiki's life being forever changed (for the better) by it. thank u <3
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lady-sci-fi · 2 months
Star Trek TNG and DS9 Crew Olympics
The summer Olympics sports each main crew member would be best at or most interested in. (Taken from the official 2024 sports list).
Jean-Luc Picard - Fencing (While he likes horses, this is clearly his favorite activity, and I don't see him wanting to really train a horse for all that).
William Riker - Beach Volleyball (He'd go for something team-oriented and this suits his casual fun-loving vibe).
Data - Climbing (The blend of physical ability and mental calculations would appeal most to him).
Geordi LaForge - Athletics Running (Seriously, LeVar Burton was a ridiculously speedy runner with any distance and ground, that I've worked it into my fics as a Geordi trait).
Beverly Crusher - Road Cycling (Something with a steady endurance feels right for her).
Worf - Athletics Hammer Throw/ Shot Put/ Javelin (Something to show off his strength and physical ability while keeping his probable feelings of not wanting to accidentally hurt anyone).
Deanna Troi - Artistic Swimming (Feels very "pretty" and also somewhat unusual).
Benjamin Sisko - Wrestling (Captain of the Starfleet Academy wrestling team).
Kira Nerys - Shooting (Give her a gun and targets, she'll be perfectly happy).
Jadzia Dax - Judo (She'd love to throw people around and maybe be thrown around herself).
Julian Bashir - Triathlon (Tennis is the obvious choice, but I think he'd like to push himself with running/swimming/biking).
Miles O'Brien - Canoe/Kayak (He loves doing this so much he keeps wrecking his shoulder).
Odo - Rowing (Relates to his kayaking outings with Miles, but also appeals to his sense of orderliness).
Ezri Dax - Rhythmic Gymnastics (Something fun and playing into her physique).
Feel free to add on with your thoughts and for other crews!
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pinnaclemaacademy · 2 years
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spicykaraage · 11 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Kunimitsu Tezuka
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Birthday: October 7th (Libra)
Blood Type: O
Relatives: Grandfather (Kunikazu Tezuka), Father (Kuniharu Tezuka), Mother (Ayana Tezuka)
Father’s Occupation: Company Employee (trading company, his grandfather was a judo instructor for the police force)
Elementary School: Seishundai First Elementary School
Middle School: Seishun Academy Junior High School
Grade & Class: Third Year | Class 3-1 | Seat 12
Club: Tennis Club (Captain)
Committee: Student Council (President)
Strong Subjects: World History
Weak Subjects: None
Frequently Visited Spot at School: Library
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup German Representatives
Favorite Motto: “The enemy is within oneself.”
Daily Routines: Writing in his diary
Hobbies: Mountain climbing, camping, fishing
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Favorite Color: Green or Blue
Favorite Music: Classical (Beethoven)
Favorite Movie: Famous classics whether Japanese or foreign
Favorite Book: Foreign books ➜ German-Japanese dictionary (he carries it around with him) [23.5]
Favorite Food: Unacha (broiled eel over rice with dashi poured over it), räucheraal (German smoked eel) [23.5]
Favorite Anniversary: August 23rd
Preferred Type: A girl who tries her best in everything (even if she’s a bit scatterbrained), a serious but cheerful person [PP] ➜ He tries not to think about it now [23.5]
Ideal Date Spot: Fishing in a stream near a mountain ➜ Zugspitze [23.5]
His Gift for a Special Person: A letter of gratitude
Where He Wants to Travel: Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu
What He Wants Most Right Now: A photobook of famous mountains across the world ➜ Mountain diorama kit [23.5]
Dislikes: Laziness, colorful cakes [23.5]
Skills Outside of Tennis: Woodworking, preparing fish [23.5]
Spends Allowance On: Books
Routine During the World Cup: Keeping a diary in German, watching foreign comedy dramas
Height: 179cm
Weight: 58kg ➜ 61kg [23.5]
Shoe Size: 27.5cm
Dominant Arm: Left
Vision: (With glasses) 1.5 Left & Right
Play Style: All-Rounder
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Signature Moves: Drop Shot, Zero-Shiki Drop Shot, Selfless State, Pinnacle of Hard Work, Pinnacle of Great Wisdom, Pinnacle of Perfection [23.5], Tezuka Zone, Tezuka Phantom, Zero-Shiki Serve
Number of Laps He Runs in a Year: 5,870
Favorite Brands:
Fitness Test Results:
Side Steps: 63
Shuttle Run: 121
Back Strength: 131kg
Grip Strength: 55.5kg (left)
Backbend: 60.8cm
Seated Forward Bend: 29.1cm
50m Run: 6.43 seconds
Standing Long Jump: 241cm
Handball Throw: 37.1m
Endurance Run (1500m): 4:39
Overall Rating: Speed: 4.5 / Power: 4 / Stamina: 4 / Mental: 5 / Technique: 6 / Total: 23.5
Kurobe Memo: “I obviously intended for him to thrive as a First Stringer, but unfortunately he withdrew. It’s only a matter of time before he reaches the top level of the professional ranks.” [RB]
What’s in His Bedroom [10.5]:
Lure collection // A collection of lures neatly arranged hanging on his wall, he likes using his lures as decorations
Photo of a mountain he’s climbed // He had it printed extra large and hung it on his wall. Seeing it calms him
Small locker // A locker for storing his fishing rods and equipment. The doors are glass so the contents can always be viewed
Dresser // He always has his school uniforms neatly folded and placed on top
Bookshelves and a boombox // His only objects of entertainment, he has a considerable amount of books in his possession
What’s in His Bag [10.5]:
Glasses case // He is protective over his glasses and handles them with care
Notebook // He writes an extensive amount of notes for each of his classes and keeps it with him for review
Omamori // He’s kept it with him since he was little. He’s not a religious person, so it’s kept more out of habit
A (foreign) novel // The Big Bad City by Ed McBain. He likes foreign stories and reads them often since they help him learn English
Reference book // He reads it on the bus to and from school
Wristband // He has several different kinds and changes them each day depending on his mood
English-Japanese dictionary // Used to look up words he doesn’t understand when reading foreign books
Spray-on deodorant // Gatsby brand. He hates uncleanliness and always uses it after sweating in matches. He buys five bottles a month
What’s in His Travel Bag [23.5]:
Japanese tea // Siegfried had snuck into his bag and tried some of it
The Prince of Tennis 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 11/02/2001
He likes outdoor activities since they help relieve his stress. He feels that nature heals him
He is actually always tense and nervous about guiding the club members
His favorite mountain is the Matterhorn. His father had taken him to climb it when he was a fourth year in elementary school
He is described to have sharp and fine facial features
Since entering middle school, he has not lost in any official or practice matches
No one else in the Seigaku Tennis Club matches his level
He has trouble looking upward to the right since his hair blocks his view
He gives very terse responses when asked personal questions
He dislikes flirtatious girls and prefers someone as serious as himself. He is currently not interested in romance, however
Despite how skilled he currently is as a player, he was not good at tennis when he first started
When asked if he’s afraid of anything, his reponse is that people cannot grow if they don’t have fears
He is the only member of Seigaku who does not call any of the other members by their nicknames
Konomi states that the editorial staff like to uphold Tezuka’s serious and stoic image despite what he thinks
His personality is described as someone who thinks before he acts and is so perfect that even his friends envy him
His name and appearance is based off of Kunikaze Tezuka, a character in Konomi’s other manga series COOL
Konomi describes him as “strong overall” and considered number one. He had been created since at the time, it was rare to see a character much stronger than the protagonist be on the same team
He and Momoshiro were the first Seigaku members Konomi had created
The Prince of Tennis 20.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2003
It is stated that in a previous life, he was an explorer. He is described to have never stayed in the same place, and always moved forward with a desire to improve. He had lived in extreme situations where failure meant death, and was said to be calm, collected and always prepared for every possible situation
He has always been somewhat mature and sensitive to beautiful things since he was younger
He is very self-disciplined, independent and has a personal set of rules for himself
He is described to be suited for professions such as starting his own business by himself or being a novelist
He is an honors student
His secondary sport would be kyudo
He is the character Konomi would like to go up against if he were in the series
His injury and departure was to initiate Seigaku’s growth without him. Since he was their strongest member and final trump card, Konomi felt that there was no sense of urgency in them losing and wanted to emphasize the whole team’s changes by the time he returned
The Prince of Tennis 40.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2007
He writes in his diary to record his daily efforts as well as take time to analyze himself. It is a custom he’s set to identify his weaknesses and continuously improve himself
His I Ching Hexagrams are 1. Qián and 13. Tóng Rén respectively
He often makes (unnoticed) efforts in order to facilitate his relationships, such as forcing himself to socialize and/or subtly trying to lighten the mood of situations
He actually has a side to him that gets lonely easily and dislikes being in dark places
He has surprisingly gotten into comedy programs. He’s recently been watching “The Battle of Big Eaters” and actually really enjoyed the “Yakiniku Battle” in Genius 341
He is currently unsure who will be the next captain (it is eventually revealed to be Kaidoh)
He is the second character Konomi has the least in common with, the first being Ryoma
Konomi states he would like to form a doubles pair with him and be able to perform his Tezuka Zone and Tezuka Phantom
Konomi had wanted to depict Tezuka having great difficulty during his match against Kabaji
He is described to “not do doubles” by Konomi, which is why he had played one-on-one against Chitose during their doubles match. However, Konomi states he may team up with Ryoma in Wimbledon someday
Konomi states Tezuka will most likely be seen in Germany sometime in the future
The Prince of Tennis II Official Character Guide: PairPuri Vol. 1 | Publication Date: 11/04/2009
Mizuki claims to have seen him smiling while writing in his diary
The Prince of Tennis II Official Character Guide: PairPuri Vol. 2 | Publication Date: 12/04/2009
When asked what he pays attention to when leading the club, he replies with everything, but self-management and discipline being a top priority
He finds being captain to be difficult, but believes the club members would be fine without him
He finds nature healing but also enjoys the interactions he receives when mountain climbing
He does not believe in having a full day off but states if he had one, he would read in his bedroom or go fishing with his grandfather now and then
When asked about his special skill, woodworking, he states it’s come in handy when making racket racks
He is described as being a “leader” type captain
His keyword for leading the club is “discipline”
When an issue arises in the club, he writes about it in his diary and seeks solutions
Currently what weighs on his mind the most is instilling talent and confidence in the first years
He finds members who are talented but don’t show passion are the most difficult to handle
He would like a computer, projector or humidifier for the club room
If he were able take all of the club members on a trip, it would be to Mount Fuji
His favorite sports besides tennis are fishing, skiing and mountain climbing
The people he holds in the highest regard are his father and grandfather
When asked about the story behind his family name, he refuses to answer and states it’s a personal matter between him and his family
He is unsure if he’s good at cooking, but states he tries to do what he can. A dish he is able to make is eel kabayaki
His favorite drink is water/mineral water
He prefers rice over bread
When asked about the possibility of a past life, he replies that the concept is not scientifically proven and therefore is unable to answer
When asked if uses a hair dryer, he replies he does not
He gets confused and slightly irritated after being asked irrelevant questions in his interview
Since meeting Kawamura’s father, the latter often compares his son to him
Kikumaru has agreed that he does not look the same age as the others
Konomi had him wear glasses to give him the image of a perfect and disciplined man
His catchphrase “don’t let your guard down” was created to give him the image that he’s humble and tough on himself, especially during his serves
Tezuka’s special moves were created to express his power to dominate the court
Konomi states that when he draws him, he is careful to add in a touch of warmth within his strictness
One of His School Days:
5:30am - Wakes up, has breakfast after stretching and strength training
6:30am - Listens to an English lesson on the radio
8:40am - 1st Period: Social Studies (world history)
9:40am - 2nd Period: Calligraphy
11:00am - 3rd Period: Math III
12:00pm - 4th Period: Music (classical lesson)
12:50pm - Lunch, unacha (bento)
1:20pm - 5th Period: PE (hurdles)
2:20pm - 6th Period: Science III (physics)
3:20pm - Summarizes a Student Council proposal report
4:00pm - Club activities, free practice
7:00pm - Returns home, bathes
7:30pm - Dinner
8:00pm - Watches a recording of “The Battle of Big Eaters” on the TV
9:00pm - Reads (mostly foreign books)
9:30pm - Writes in his diary, reflects on himself and the day
10:30pm - Goes to bed
The Prince of Tennis II Official Character Guide: PairPuri Vol. 5 | Publication Date: 03/04/2010
He is shown holding back laughter after watching Koharu and Amane’s comedy skit
The Prince of Tennis II Official Character Guide: PairPuri Vol. 6 | Publication Date: 06/03/2011
He, Fuji and Kikumaru are shown having a chat with Yamato
The Prince of Tennis II 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 09/04/2013
He can speak German
He recently bought a new pair of climbing boots and is wondering which mountain to climb next
Konomi states he will still be prevalent in the series despite moving to Germany
The Prince of Tennis II 23.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 05/02/2018
Franksteiner helps teach him German
He is well-accepted by most of the German team, has a strong sense of camaraderie and wants to lead them to victory
He had intended to become a professional since he was seven years old
He had gotten into tennis when his father gifted him a racket when he was younger
Konomi states he is not the type to do any club activities half-heartedly
The Prince of Tennis 20th Anniversary Book: Tenipuri Party | Publication Date: 08/02/2019
He was initially hesitant about joining team Germany, but ultimately decided on it since it was necessary in becoming a professional
He enjoys the intense training with Volk
He felt that playing against his former teammates would be difficult to do at first, but then became excited about it. He states that fighting as allies is not the only way to improve themselves, and believes facing each other can provide new growth
He quickly adjusted to life in Germany and likes how disciplined it is, more so than Japan
He enjoys browsing secondhand bookstores and attending classical concerts (when time and money allow) during his off days in Germany
He states that while he has not mastered the German language yet, he is also able to communicate with facial expressions
He has known Sanada since they were younger due to their grandfathers being friends and former coworkers
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trimurtieducation · 5 months
The Rigorous Physical Training Cadets Undergo to secure us.
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Military academies have a known reputation for shaping individuals into disciplined leaders by providing an education. An integral part of this journey is the physical training that cadets undergo. In this blog post we will delve into the importance and impact of the training regimens that shape both the bodies and minds of future military leaders.
Physical Fitness as the Foundation:
Physical fitness is not merely an aspect of life within the military; it serves as the foundation upon which a cadet’s capabilities are built. Institutions like Trimurti Pawan Pratishtan understand that having a healthy body is crucial in meeting the demands of service. As such rigorous physical training becomes a part of their routine serving as a cornerstone in shaping their experiences.
Discipline Through Physical Challenges:
The demanding physical training routines implemented in academies serves a purpose. Beyond improving fitness, they instil a sense of discipline. Cadets learn lessons in punctuality, commitment and perseverance as they navigate through workouts obstacle courses and endurance drills. Each push up completed, and every mile run becomes an opportunity to develop resilience and mental fortitude.
Varied Training Approaches:
The physical training programs offered by academies are designed with an approach, in mind. Cadets engage in a range of activities during their training, which includes exercises strength workouts, agility drills and team oriented tasks. This diverse training regimen aims to enhance not their strength but also their agility, flexibility and ability to work effectively as a team. All vital qualities, for success, in the field.
Endurance and Mental Toughness:
Military life often demands physical endurance and mental toughness in adverse conditions. The rigorous training cadets undergo prepares them for the challenges they may face during their service. Whether it’s enduring long marches, carrying heavy backpacks, or navigating challenging terrains, physical training hones the cadets’ ability to persevere under pressure.
Team Building through Physical Challenges:
Many physical training activities in military schools are designed to foster teamwork and camaraderie among cadets. Through collaborative efforts in obstacle courses or group exercises, cadets learn the importance of mutual support and effective communication — skills vital for any military operation where teamwork is key to success.
Leadership Development:
Physical training is not just about building individual strength; it is a crucial component of leadership development. As cadets progress through challenging physical regimens, they learn to lead by example, inspire their peers, and make quick decisions in high-pressure situations. These experiences on the training ground lay the groundwork for effective leadership in the field.
Beyond the Physical:
While the physical benefits are evident, the impact of rigorous training extends beyond the physical realm. Cadets develop mental resilience, a sense of purpose, and a heightened self-discipline that serves them well in all aspects of life. The lessons learned during physical training become ingrained in their character, shaping them into well-rounded individuals.
The rigorous physical training that cadets undergo in military schools is not just about building strong bodies; it is about forging resilient, disciplined, and capable leaders. Trimurti Pawan Pratishtan and similar institutions recognize the transformative power of physical training, weaving it into the fabric of their holistic education. As cadets sweat, push their limits, and overcome challenges, they emerge not only physically fit but also mentally prepared to face the demands of military service and leadership. The crucible of physical training in military schools is where character is honed, and leaders are forged.
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diamondcrownacademy · 11 months
DCA Info Part 5: Subjects and Clubs
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The following subjects are thought at Diamond Crown Academy
Basic Classes
Magic History - The study of the historical figures of the academy and the histories throughout the years.
Incantations - Verbal spells that require learning a specific language while waving the magic pen in a certain pattern.
Basic Etiquette - The study of proper manners, posture and communication.
Ancient Rune Reading - The study of ancient writing and spells that are cast through magic rune stones.
Animal Linguistics - The study of animal language, and conversing with animals.
Music - Theater and musical performances.
Alchemy - Minerals, plants and many other ingredients are fused to create something entirely new.
General Magic - Magical spells for offense and defense as well as spell breakers and minor hexes.
Study of Magical Relics - The study of old relics and the identification of their history and uses.
PE Subjects
Fencing/Sword Fighting - There is various swords used as well as various sword-handling.
Obstacle Run - The tracks are set with magic traps and obstacles that students need to overcome.
Derby Racing - Horseback racing.
Magical Shift/Maglift - Using magic to throw discs towards a goal.
Griffin Disc - Riding griffins while having to chase a gold disc and place it on the team's catching net.
Martial Arts - Taekwondo, Judo and many other physical combat activities.
Marathon Run - Running a set amount of kilometers.
Side Note: If a student does feel anxious then they're allowed to be excused, Actius dislikes forcing students to do physical activities if they feel uncomfortable. But since he is allowed to run the class however he wishes, he'll just have them write some papers regarding physical education as a substitute or maybe have them do light jogging instead.
Extra-Curricular Classes
Animal Care - Basic study of caring for animals and identifying what they require.
Magical Beast Study - Study of magical beasts as well as taming them for the purpose of gathering information before they are released.
Party Hosting - Learning how to host an event.
Needlework and Jewelry - Sewing clothes and making accessories. The finished products are worn by the students.
Cultural Dance - Dance to different cultures.
Art - Study of art and any form be it, sculpture, painting, metalwork and many more.
Ballroom Dance - Learning the steps of the waltz and many other dances performed by nobles.
Theater Club - Stage plays performed by students, the club expects a lot from their members to deliver their roles to utmost perfection. Allison and Evonie are members of this club.
Horse Grooming Club - The horses are used for the derby but also performance. So this club focuses on taking care of the horses as well as training them to do tricks. Ella is a member of this club.
Gardening Research Club - Planting rare species or mixing seeds to see what plant will grow. Vidya is a member of this club.
Volleyball Club - It's volleyball. You smack a ball, also you get hand strength to slap the soul out of someone.
Chess Club - Students play a battle of wits and strategy.
Book Writers Club - Students write novels or short stories and present them during club meetings.
Comic Otaku Club - Fangirling over 2D boys or girls and having the waifu and husbando wars.
Fairy Keeping Club - A club for making sure that the fairies on campus are given proper treatment, such as treating broken wings, keeping their homes clean as well as learning about the body language of fairies.
Magical Artworks Club - Students paint with enchanted brushes to create moving portaits. Rozeline is a member of this club.
Roleplay Game Club - The students play, Dragons and Maidens (Note: This is likely Twisted Wonderland's version of Dungeons and Dragons) and sometimes play the game while wearing a costume of their avatar. Perrine and Cerule are members of this club.
Aviary Club - Bird watching, as well as bird keeping are the clubs main activities. Jinlong is a member of this club.
Asher Vs. Florence Club - A secret club made by Faustus. Only those who know the password are allowed to join. The password asks if you prefer the color pink or blue.
Griffin Scout Club - The griffins are ridden to forests and the students do the scout activities such as recognizing carvings to mark directions. There's also scout cookie sales where they train griffins to deliver packages of cookies to customers. Elu and Briar are members of this club.
The Griffin Scouts was an idea of Actius. He manages the club activities and schedules, and he also manages the griffins used for the scouting team.
The griffins are not like horses, they have a more high standard when it comes to people riding them. Only senior members of the club who has earned a number of badges to receive their senior badge could only ride griffins. Elu and Briar are two of the few who have senior badges. No one owns the griffins, they are called in the summer and autumn for the scout club activities and when winter rolls in, Actius lets them go to migrate to a warmer climate.
Novice scouts are the ones who have to get community service badges, expert scouts have to survive in the wilderness and learn secret codes and symbols to get badges and become senior scouts when they have a certain number of badges and have completed the griffin test. It's when the scout stands a meter away from a griffin flock and have a griffin approach them and offer them a feather as a sign of mutual respect and that they are a worthy rider.
Actius is still stern but a bit more hands on with his teaching, he will show the students how to properly tie a certain rope knot or how to pitch a tent. Even the griffin scout cookie sale was also being taught by him, his cookie recipe is to die for.
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jaquik · 11 days
Fanfic Preview: The Wild Wind And The Scarlet Sea Part 6
Hey, haven't done a preview in a bit, so here's a snippet of the next chapter of my Ranma and Sailor Moon crossover fic.
It didn’t take too long for the five of them to make their way to the campsite and sneak up to the main building, where loud sounds of combat could be heard. “What’s going on in there?” Usagi asked. It only took a few seconds for Makoto to fully recognize the noises. “Pretty sure that’s martial arts sparring,” she stated, making sure to keep the excitement out of her voice as much as possible. Apparently it didn’t work very well as Usagi nudged her in the side. “Ah, see? Aren’t you glad we decided to come here after all?” she said with a smug grin. “Eh, it’s not that big of a deal,” Makoto casually said, “but, we should probably check it out anyway.” She very nonchalantly rushed through the hallway to a door where the sounds were coming from, the other girls arriving close behind. They all took a peek inside, finding a large gymnasium-like area with a bunch of Mugen Academy students in white gis. And right in the center were two students having a judo match. One of whom, right in the process of throwing the other over his shoulder, was very familiar.   “Oh crap, it’s Haruka,” Minako whispered. “Dangit, the one hottie I didn’t want to run into.” “Right, we should get out of here before he spots us,” Ami said, a noticeable bit of nervousness leaking through her voice. “Why do we need to do that?” Usagi innocently asked. “Hey, if he’s here, does that also mean…” She leaned in more and whipped her head around checking the entire room. “Usagi, we need to go!” Rei hissed out. “Hey Makoto, what are you doing, come on!” The brunette wasn’t really listening though. She was too focused on watching the blond’s fighting techniques. Something about them sparked an itch of familiarity in her mind. She also couldn’t help but notice how the bright fluorescent lights gave the boy’s hair a slight reddish sheen. It was an interesting detail, but for some reason, it felt like it was important. Why did- “Enjoying the show, ladies?” With several yelps of surprise, all five of them found themselves collapsed in a pile right in the doorway. Looking up, Makoto saw the aquamarine haired Michiru standing in the hallway wearing a cream colored gi of her own and looking down on them with an amused expression on her face.  “Huh? What’s going on?” Haruka called out. Michiru hummed and responded in a slightly sing-song tone. “Oh, nothing much. Just some hikers that seemed to have wandered their way in.” “What? Oh, bunhead!” Haruka had a look on his face as though he suddenly remembered something, although it quickly shifted to his own amused expression. “So you girls are doing some camping, huh? Or did you decide to hike all the way up here to check out my awesome training skills?” Makoto growled and scrambled to her feet. “For your information, we’re doing some training of our own on this mountain!” A cocky smirk grew on the boy’s face. “Oh, well in that case how ‘bout a nice little judo spar. That is, if you think you’re actually up for it, short stuff.” “Short stuff?!” Makoto’s eye began to twitch. How dare this jerk, just because he happened to be a little bit taller than her. She was well above average height for a girl her age, even more so when she chose to ignore certain countries in the world. Stupid Sweden. “Yeah, I’m totally up for kicking your scrawny little car driving butt. Bring it on!”
It only took a few minutes for Makoto to get ready, changed into a gi and standing opposite the smug jerk. Even after the call to begin was made, Haruka just stood in place with an expectant look on his face, which only pissed her off even more. Alright, time to show pretty boy just what a Sailor Senshi can do. In a flash, she rushed into his defenses and got a hard grip on his gi. Ha! This is too- Makoto blinked and looked up at the ceiling, her mind still processing just how fast she was countered and hip tossed onto the lightly padded mats. Before she could react, Minako and Ami were at her side and slowly helping her up. “What is wrong with you?” Minako yelled at Haruka. “She could have been really injured. How dare you treat a girl so harshly” “If she can’t handle a simple throw like that, then it’s her problem,” Haruka shot back, a scowl on his face. “It has nothing to do with being a guy or a girl. If you really are strong enough, then none of that should matter.” Makoto growled as she shook her friends off and got to her feet, taking a couple of seconds to steady herself. “Oh yeah? Try me again and I’ll show you just how strong I am!” Haruka was about to step forward again when a hand on his shoulder stopped him. “Now, now,” Michiru said in a sweet, almost chastising tone, “I do believe that it’s my turn now.” “Really? You?” Makoto regretted the words the instant they left her lips. Dammit, sure the girl was a concert violinist, but she of all people understood that strength and femininity were not incompatible things. Michiru’s serene mask cracked for just a moment. “Oh, is it really that much of a surprise?” “No, of course not!” Makoto quickly realized just how much of a verbal landmine she just stepped on, and started to wave her hands in front of her in a warding gesture. “I’d love to have a spar, and I can definitely tell that you’re a martial artist too!” Haruka started to snicker, but was quickly silenced by Michiru not so lightly elbowing him in the side, although his amused smile didn’t drop. “Very well.” The calm expression was back on Michiru’s face as she tilted her head slightly as though a thought just occurred to her. “How about we try something other than judo this time?” “Uh, sure,” Makoto hesitantly responded, put off guard by the aquamarine haired girl’s demeanor, but still determined to prove herself. “Do you know kempo?” “Oh, a little.” Michiru flashed a ghost of a smile as she gave an unreadable look over to Haruka, who raised an eyebrow. Makoto smiled and gave a nod. “Okay, then maybe I can teach you a few things.” “Oh yes,” Michiru responded. “I’m very much looking forward to this lesson.”
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