#martial arts academy louisiana
pinnaclemaacademy · 1 year
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sdfggjklasddasfklkl · 19 days
Jiu Jitsu in Thibodaux: Unlocking the Benefits of Martial Arts in Your Community
Thibodaux, a charming city in Louisiana, is home to a growing community of martial arts enthusiasts who are discovering the numerous benefits of Jiu Jitsu. brazilian jiu jitsu This Brazilian martial art, known for its emphasis on ground fighting and submission techniques, offers a unique blend of physical fitness, self-defense skills, and mental discipline. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a complete beginner, Jiu Jitsu in Thibodaux presents an opportunity to enhance your well-being and connect with a supportive community. Here’s a look at what makes Jiu Jitsu a standout choice for martial arts enthusiasts in Thibodaux and how you can get started on your journey.
The Essence of Jiu Jitsu
Jiu Jitsu, which translates to "gentle art," focuses on leveraging technique and strategy rather than relying solely on strength. The art emphasizes:
Ground Fighting Techniques Jiu Jitsu practitioners are trained in various ground fighting techniques, including submissions, joint locks, and chokes. The goal is to control and subdue an opponent through skillful application of these techniques.
Self-Defense Skills Jiu Jitsu is renowned for its effectiveness in real-world self-defense scenarios. martial arts brazilian jiu jitsuThe techniques are designed to help individuals defend themselves against larger or stronger opponents by using leverage and technique.
Physical Fitness Training in Jiu Jitsu provides a full-body workout that enhances strength, flexibility, and endurance. The dynamic nature of the practice helps improve cardiovascular health and overall physical conditioning.
Mental Discipline Beyond physical benefits, Jiu Jitsu fosters mental discipline and strategic thinking. Practitioners learn to remain calm under pressure, think critically, and develop problem-solving skills.
Community and Camaraderie The Jiu Jitsu community is known for its supportive and inclusive atmosphere. Training partners often form strong bonds and encourage each other, creating a positive and motivating environment.
Jiu Jitsu Training Options in
Thibodaux offers several options for individuals interested in exploring Jiu Jitsu. Here are some key places where you can begin your training:
Thibodaux Martial Arts Academy Thibodaux Martial Arts Academy provides comprehensive Jiu Jitsu training for all skill levels. Their experienced instructors offer classes that focus on technique, self-defense, and competitive training. The academy’s welcoming environment and structured curriculum make it an excellent choice for newcomers and seasoned practitioners alike.
Louisiana Jiu Jitsu Louisiana Jiu Jitsu, located in Thibodaux, offers specialized programs in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Their classes cover a range of techniques and applications, from fundamental movements to advanced submissions. The school emphasizes both technical proficiency and practical application, ensuring a well-rounded training experience.
Thibodaux Fitness Center Thibodaux Fitness Center features Jiu Jitsu classes as part of its diverse fitness offerings. Their program integrates Jiu Jitsu techniques with general fitness training, providing a holistic approach to physical health and self-defense.
Local Jiu Jitsu Clubs Thibodaux also has several smaller Jiu Jitsu clubs and training groups that offer specialized classes and open mat sessions. These clubs often provide a more personalized training experience and foster a close-knit community of practitioners.
Benefits of Practicing Jiu Jitsu in Thibodaux
Convenience and Accessibility With multiple training options available in Thibodaux, it’s easy to find a Jiu Jitsu program that fits your schedule and preferences. Local classes allow you to integrate training into your routine without the need for extensive travel.
Community Engagement Practicing Jiu Jitsu in Thibodaux allows you to connect with fellow martial arts enthusiasts and become an active member of the local community. The supportive environment encourages personal growth and fosters lasting friendships.
Personal Growth and Achievement Jiu Jitsu training provides opportunities for personal growth and achievement. Whether you’re aiming to earn your next belt, improve your technique, or simply enhance your physical fitness, the journey offers a sense of accomplishment and progress.
Enhanced Self-Defense Skills Training in Jiu Jitsu equips you with practical self-defense skills that can be applied in real-life situations. The techniques are designed to help you protect yourself effectively, regardless of the size or strength of an attacker.
Holistic Health Benefits In addition to physical fitness, Jiu Jitsu training contributes to overall mental well-being. The discipline and focus required in practice can reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall quality of life.
Getting Started with Jiu Jitsu in Thibodaux
Visit Local Academies and Schools Explore local Jiu Jitsu academies and schools to find a program that aligns with your goals and interests. Attend introductory classes or observe training sessions to get a sense of the environment and instruction.
Speak with Instructors Meet with instructors to discuss your experience level, training goals, and any questions you may have. Instructors can provide valuable insights and help you choose the right class or program for your needs.
Try a Class Many Jiu Jitsu schools offer trial classes or introductory programs for newcomers. Taking advantage of these opportunities allows you to experience the training firsthand and determine if it’s the right fit for you.
Commit to Your Training Once you’ve found a program that suits you, commit to regular attendance and practice. Consistent training is key to improving your skills and reaping the full benefits of Jiu Jitsu.
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thibodauxmartialarts · 9 months
Thibodaux Martial Arts: Unleashing the Power of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
In the heart of Thibodaux, Louisiana, a hidden gem awaits those seeking physical and mental empowerment through the ancient art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). Thibodaux Martial Arts, with its dedicated instructors and vibrant community, stands as a testament to the transformative power of martial arts in shaping both the body and the mind. tae kwon do classes
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, often referred to as the "gentle art," is a martial discipline that traces its roots to Japanese Jujutsu and Judo. What sets BJJ apart is its emphasis on leverage, technique, and strategy, allowing practitioners to overcome larger and stronger opponents through skillful application of joint locks and chokeholds.
At Thibodaux Martial Arts, BJJ is not just a sport but a way of life. Students are welcomed into an inclusive and supportive environment where they can learn and grow at their own pace. The benefits extend far beyond the physical aspects of self-defense, as BJJ fosters discipline, resilience, and mental fortitude. tae kwon do karate
One of the key principles of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the concept of positional dominance, teaching practitioners how to control and submit opponents from various positions on the ground. This strategic aspect not only enhances one's self-defense capabilities but also promotes problem-solving skills and adaptability in the face of challenges.
Thibodaux Martial Arts offers a comprehensive BJJ program suitable for all ages and skill levels. From beginners looking to explore the fundamentals to advanced practitioners honing their techniques, the academy provides a nurturing environment for continuous growth. jiu jitsu classes for Kids
In addition to the physical benefits, BJJ at Thibodaux Martial Arts encourages camaraderie and mutual respect among students. The journey of mastering Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu becomes a shared experience, creating lasting friendships within the tight-knit community.
Whether you are seeking a dynamic workout, self-defense skills, or a pathway to personal growth, Thibodaux Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offer a holistic approach to achieving a healthier and more empowered lifestyle. Join the journey, embrace the art, and discover the incredible transformation that awaits you on the mats.
View More: jiu jitsu for kids
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
The Planets, Elevated
As the Most Elevated indicates a drive to express one’s creative essence and core ego values before the world. This individual will shine amongst their circle of peers. This person’s 15 minutes of fame can extend to a lifetime of fame in one area of life or another. The world is a stage they play on. They were put here on earth to display their creative gifts and talents. They tend to be leaders. Tend to be worshipped. Popular. If the elevated planet is conjunct the Midheaven, this is a strong indicator of celebrity. Martin Luther King had his Sun in Capricorn as the Zenith of his chart. Albert Einstein’s Sun was his most elevated as well.
As the Most Elevated is more inverted than the Sun. Whereas those born with the Sun highest in the chart can feel an urge toward leadership or expressing their egoic and creative impulses in a public way, those with the Moon highest are more often drawn to project their personality or their emotions into the spotlight. Many actors and musicians have this placement. Individuals with the Moon at the Zenith of their chart can become well-known for their nurturing talents. Their emotions. Their moods and the creativity surrounding them. Their temperament and what they create with them/ expressing their emotions to the public can gain them notoriety. The late John Lennon of Beatles fame had his Moon as his most elevated. Academy Award winner, Meryl Streep’s most elevated planet is the moon as well.
As the Most Elevated indicates a native with an urge to project one’s ideas or verbal skills before the world. They will find many ways to get their voices out there or “broadcasted to the public”. The sign the Planet is in indicates how this will be done. This individual will be renowned for their linguistic, mental, and/or intellectual talents. Could become well known for their teaching abilities, writing abilities, communications abilities, or public relation abilities. Writer Sylvia Plath had Mercury in intense Scorpio as the highest planet in her chart.  
As the most elevated indicates a desire to project beauty and/or harmony in some way before the public. Widely desired/admired.  Marilyn Monroe was born with Venus as her highest planet, and she became virtually synonymous with mainstream ideals of beauty. They will be the Models, the creatives, The fashionistas, the person with a “nice girl or nice guy” persona.  This placement often leads to occupations directly or indirectly involved with aesthetics and design. Tom Hanks, widely considered as Hollywood’s nicest leading man [A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, anyone?] has Venus as his most elevated. Marilyn Monroe and David Bowie both did as well.
As the most elevated Indicates a drive to project energy and strength before the world. Muhammed Ali had Mars as his most elevated planet. Ruthless ambition. Renowned undefeated heavyweight champion in boxing. Martial arts ruled his life and where he received the most notoriety. Definitely a feisty placement as well as one that will make the native hard to ignore. This placement indicates a leader. The types to set shit off. The type to be the “boss” in whatever field of work they choose. Spearhead some sort of militant movement. The ‘Gangster” placement. Very often seen in the charts of those who take part in sports. Franklin D. Roosevelt had Mars as his most elevated planet and he was the driving for behind America’s decision to partake in WWII. Founding father of the Mafia Lucky Luciano also had Mars at the zenith of his chart.
As the most elevated Indicates there is confidence about matters of career or dealings with the public. As a result, this is one of the leading chart indicators of popularity and success, as well as general “good luck,”. Global awareness, travel, teaching, and philosophical/spiritual matters will be their forte. The “prophet” or “guru” aspect. Someone who’s calling in life may involve lots of travel or they can be a “citizen of the world”. Angelina Jolie has Jupiter at the highest point in her chart and not only was her film career a huge success, but she also became a bit of a 2nd Mother Teresa, traveling internationally to adopt children, and doing humanitarian work worldwide. There is also an interest in different spiritual teachings [i.e the Cambodian prayer tattoo on her left shoulder blade.]  This is one of the hardest-hitting horoscopic indicators of popularity and success, as well as general “fortune/luck” in life. Basketball heavyweight Michael Jordan has Jupiter at the Zenith of his chart as does Kim Kardashian. This is also an indicator of one who can become famous or well known for their ideas/thoughts on spirituality. If Jupiter is in Virgo, the native can become renowned for their writings on esoteric or spiritual matters.
As the most elevated Like Jupiter, Saturn near the top of one’s chart can show considerable success and prominence in one’s life. But unlike Jupiter, this usually involves far more work and a few tough building blocks along the way. There’s a “late bloomer” quality to the lives of these natives. Many instances, they can experience great struggle in building their career and reputation — that constant ‘between a rock and a hard place”. Yet these people often live to see great rewards and prestige as a result of said hard work. The types to be in inevitable positions of authority in whatever they do but also the types to hold themselves to impossible standards. They must be the best. They will often become well known/ be in positions that involve structure. For example, Queen Elizabeth has this placement, I don’t know a life more structured than the life of a monarch. Spanish artist Picasso was born with Saturn in Taurus as his highest planet; he was subject to enormous criticism regarding his art early on, but eventually found prosperity and fame as a result of his discipline and productivity. Bill Clinton has Saturn at his Zenith and became the leader of the free world. Jazz musician Louis Armstrong rose from an intensely difficult childhood in Louisiana to become a pioneering artist admired by audiences all over the world.
As the most elevated indicates a native who possesses a fiercely independent streak and a desire to pursue uniquely personal or unconventional life paths. The weirdo who becomes famous for being.. well, a weirdo. Needless to say, this generally makes it difficult for these people to adapt to rigid routines and structured environments, and in terms of career, they like to have/need as long a leash as possible. They think outside the box and as a result, can gain prestige for doing just that. The “fuck it I do what I want” aspect. This attitude may make them famous and even admired. Geniuses. Actor Steve McQueen had Uranus in Aries as his highest planet, and virtually became Hollywood’s poster boy for the ‘Rebel’ archetype. He also spent time in reform school as an adolescent. The late great Nipsey Hussle had Uranus at the Zenith of his chart and he lived his life in unapologetic opposition to the law being part of the Rolling 60′s Crip gang. You can see this rebel spirit in many of his songs that went platinum. Many Astronauts including Edgar Mitchell have this placement. Those with Uranus as their most elevated see “beyond”. This also indicates the maverick spirit of innovation. This placement is often connected to technology or the media [remember, Uranus has an ‘electric’ energy to it]. A prime example is Apple computer founder Steve Jobs who had Jupiter and Uranus in conjunction as his highest point.
As the most elevated indicates a spirit of “reaching for the stars”. I see this planet most elevated in the charts of those renowned for their artistic talents. ESPECIALLY in music and the arts. Many actors have this placement, which is fitting considering Neptune is the planet of dreams/fantasy, and actors are paid to pretend to be someone else. Famous for the mask they wear. Powerful spiritual impulses. An inspiring individual. Can become famous/well known for their idealism or the spiritual messages they send out to the world. When well aspected or unafflicted it can indicate an individual who can become revered for their fantastical ideas. Walt Disney’s most elevated planet was Neptune and I feel many of us can agree that his classic works of fantasy shaped our childhoods. His billion-dollar empire still stands today decades after his death. Elevated Neptunian Bruce Lee not only brought martial arts to the attention of thousands but also expounded on its spiritual philosophy in writings and interviews. He even created Jeet Kune Do, a martial art deeply rooted in spirituality, wrote a book about it, too. 44th President Barack Obama has Neptune as his most elevated planet and his campaign slogan “hope” gave many just that during the 2008 election. An affliction to this most elevated planet can still make one very well known but not necessarily for the best reasons.  When afflicted it can be a dangerous placement and one can suffer or make others suffer from fanatical or delusional teachings. Cult leader Jim Jones had Neptune has his most elevated and his spiritual teachings resulted in the death of hundreds of naive and innocent people due to drugged [Neptune] kool-aid.
As the most elevated indicates that an individual’s career or sense of “calling” will be involved with any or all 8th house dealings. Sexuality, death, transformation, secrets, the occult. Megan Fox has Pluto at the highest degree in her chart, though she is a Taurus, her MC is in Scorpio and conjunct her Pluto which is the most elevated. She comes off an undeniable Sex [Plutonic/8th house] symbol. Same for the late great musician Prince, who was very public about sexuality. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia has his Pluto closest to his MC and he was a KGB spy. This is definitely a placement of someone with considerable power. Not one to be underestimated. Capable of covert manipulation and may/can become famous for it. They may also become well known for dealing with dark matters. Jack Kerouac, who celebrated the bohemian “underworld” had his Pluto elevated. Mary Shelly, author of Frankenstein became renowned for a book that had to do with a monster made of dead bodies transformed through supernatural means. It is now one of the first books parents will read to their children on Halloween.
Honorable Mentions
There’s been an ongoing discourse about Asteroids/Hypothetical Points being considered “elevated.” It’s a topic of debate within the astrological community. However, if we are to entertain them, this is what they can mean:
As the most elevated indicates a calling in life dealing with healing. Dealing with the pain of others and making things better for them. A teacher that is known for helping others find their way.
As the most elevated indicates an individual feared and admired for their rebellious sexual spirit. The seductress/seducer. The individual can become loved or hated for their ability to put their wily charms on both men and women. Audrey Hepburn had Lilith at the zenith of her chart, quite close to Saturn near the MC.
As the most elevated planet may become famous for their marriages or whom they are married to.
Famous for their devotion or well known for becoming homemakers.
As the most elevated can indicate someone known for their wisdom. How they temper their instincts with discretion.
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conanaltatis · 4 years
Thanh Le is new ONE Featherweight World Champion, knocks out Martin Nguyen at 'ONE: Inside the Matrix' in Singapore
Thanh Le is new ONE Featherweight World Champion, knocks out Martin Nguyen at ‘ONE: Inside the Matrix’ in Singapore
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Thanh Le
Thanh Le, 35, of the United States and Vietnam is the new ONE Featherweight World Champion. The Vietnamese-American mixed martial artist is the sixth MMA fighter to hold the ONE Championship belt.
Le trains at Fifty/50 Martial Arts Academy in Falls Church, Virginia, USA and Midcity MMA in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. He challenged then ONE Featherweight World Champion Martin “The…
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bjjbrick · 6 years
Epi 263 BjjBrick Extra Tim Credeur
  This episode we have Tim Credeur. Tim is an American Mixed Martial Artist, UFC veteran, and 3rd Degree Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt. He also has the distinction of being the first BJJ Black Belt in Louisiana.
We talk about:
Growing up with martial arts in his life
His first thoughts while seeing early UFCs
His first MMA fight
Why it is important to be consistant
Starting BJJ
What methods of starting jiu-jitsu works best for the long term
Advice for doing a tournament
Training tips for developing your game
How to normalize competitive environments
Gladiators Academy
Tim Credeur on Instagram
Books Tim Recommens
Principles by Ray Dalio
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
The Subtle Art Of Not 
Discipline Equals Freedom by Jocko Willink
Giving a F--- Mark Manson
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The E Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
Tip: Roll one extra round if you have time
Question: What do you eat before you train?
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    Catch us next week for another episode of The BjjBrick Podcast
The BjjBrick Podcast is in iTunes, Stitcher radio, and Google Play Music for Andriod
Check out this episode!
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academyxrpg · 6 years
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CHARACTER NAME: Desmond Nathaniel Coulson
FC: Matthew Daddario
STATUS AT ACADEMY X: Head of Campus Security / Recruiter
BIRTHDAY: September 20, 2004
AGE: 25
ABILITIES:  Basic Human Abilities, Skilled Martial Artist, Skilled Marksman, Skilled Archer, Skilled in Melee Weapons
NOTABLE FEATURE(S): Thick Southern drawl
Desmond Coulson, also known as Des, was born on September 20, 2004 in Shreveport, Louisiana to Paul and Isabella Coulson and was an only child. Both his mother and father were SHIELD agents and were often sent out of town on business, during which times he would go to New York to spend time with his uncle Phil. Due to the fact that he had to take time off during his parents’ deployments, he was unable to attend traditional schooling and homeschooled, taking classes online with teachers appointed by SHIELD due to his parents being well respected within the organization. When he wasn’t schooling, he spent a lot of his time outdoors learning how to shoot guns, archery and martial arts to keep himself grounded. He aspired to one day follow in his parents and uncle’s footsteps and become a SHIELD agent.
Des had a close and loving relationship with his parents. So much so that when he told them at age 13 that he thought he was gay, they fully supported him as he explored his sexuality. He came out of the closet at 14 but was met with prejudice within his neighborhood in Shreveport which was made up of predominantly older religious people who were taught, and in turn taught their children, that being gay was an abomination and to be gay you had a disease that needed to be cleansed. They tried to push for him to be sent to “straight” camps to which his parents, ever the outspoken couple, told them exactly where they could shove those conversion camps. Needless to say, Des didn’t have many friends growing up which made for a lonely life considering he didn’t have any siblings or cousins that he could hang out with. This only motivated him to focus on his studies so that he could get out of Louisiana and join his uncle in New York.
Two weeks before Des’s 16th birthday, tragedy struck. His parents took a mission down in Brazil apprehending former Hydra operatives spotted in the Amazon. After taking the men into custody they flew home only for their jet to get shot down by unknown Hydra operatives, wanting to ensure that the captured operatives didn’t get a chance to expose the whereabouts of the remaining members of Hydra. Their plane crash landed somewhere near Florida, killing everyone onboard,  and it took a while before officials could sift through the wreckage to identify the bodies. Des was in New York with his uncle when they got the call that forever changed his life. Des was orphaned at the age of 15 and forced to start over with his uncle Phil as his legal guardian in New York. Des mourned took the loss of his parents hard, resorting to cutting to help deal with the pain of their loss. When he cut a little too deep once and nearly lost his life from blood loss, his uncle stepped in and took on a more active role of helping him get back to himself so the he could move on with his life. Phil told him that his parents would have wanted him to be happy and live, not wallow and cut. Des started taking martial arts and meditating to help cope with his negative emotions and eventually, with his uncle’s help, pulled himself out of his lowest point.
At the age of 18, Des became one of the youngest students to graduate from the SHIELD Academy with top marks in all of his classes. Due to his skills and dedication to the organization, Des quickly rose in the ranks of SHIELD. After the death of Nick Fury, his uncle took over as Director of SHIELD and he was assigned Phil’s old job of liaison and recruiter for the organization in its attempts to rebuild after the fall of SHIELD under Director Fury’s leadership following his death. Needing a new place to train future agents of SHIELD, Des helped his uncle find a new Academy for aspiring agents. It was upon hearing of the new Academy and safe haven for mutants, future heroes, and Asgardian refugees started by Tony and Pepper Stark, that Des convinced his uncle to strike up a deal with his friends to also include SHIELD training as part of the academy for those aged out of the general education classes. Thus the new SHIELD Academy was born inside of Academy X.
Des met Adam Fandralson when he first arrived to Earth, being sent by his uncle with a team to investigate a disturbance in the countryside near Syracuse, New York upon the Asgardian’s arrival in their realm. He and Adam immediately hit it off and due to his status as a Warrior and prior training in Asgard, he was welcomed into the SHIELD organization and became Des’s partner. When Adam took a job at Academy X as a hand to hand instructor under James “Bucky” Barnes, Des was assigned the job of working at the Academy alongside his partner as a recruiter for SHIELD and the Academy as a whole. Des was also hired as Head of Security at the Academy and is in charge of maintaining security at the Academy with the help of his appointed security staff.
Desmond can be described as a very friendly person, often getting along with nearly anyone and everyone he meets. He can be very charming and flirtatious at times, often confusing the females he unintentionally flirts with due to the fact that he has been openly gay since he was 14 years old. He is very dedicated when it comes to his job and maintaining the safety of all of the students within the campus of Academy X. He is loyal to a fault, often risking his life for those he cares about most. He can be a little moody at times, often a bit sarcastic with a dry sense of humor. On the flip side, Des likes to have fun and will often go out with friends when he isn’t working or trolling bars after work. Though he has never had a serious boyfriend, Des considers himself a hopeless romantic and looks forward to the day he can find that special someone. After moving out of his depression as a teenager, Des developed a live life to the fullest philosophy, living every day as if it were his last. He tends to get a little awkward around men he finds attractive because of nerves but once he warms up to a person he likes to talk and joke around with people.
Adam Fandralson - Best Friend / Partner - Des met Adam when he first teleported into Midgard/Earth and they became fast friends to the point of being nearly inseparable. He would do anything for the Asgardian and vice versa. They both consider themselves like brothers and would do anything for one another to make sure that they are both happy and safe.
Jian Hogunson - Close Friend / Romantic Interest - Des met Jian when he moved to New York following the death of his mother when he showed up at the SHIELD headquarters attempting to find a way to get to Asgard to find his father, Hogun since SHIELD knew how to get into contact with Thor. Upon hearing that his father at been killed in Asgard prior to Thor moving what was left of his people to Midgard, Des helped him cope with the deaths of both of his parents as he had been through it himself. Des found him attractive from the very beginning but considering the circumstances surrounding the beginning of their friendship, he chose to not say anything about his attraction to the half Asgardian. He really likes Jian and wants to ask him out to see where things lead upon hearing that the Asian man was bisexual, he just hasn’t gotten up the nerve to ask him out. Maybe now that Jian joined the Academy on the SHIELD track, he will finally make his move.
Torunn Thorsdottir - Close Friend - When Torunn crossed over into their reality from an alternate reality upon the destruction of the world she once lived in, Des was with Adam and one of the first people she met. Though he knows that his best friend is attracted to the blonde, he doesn’t say anything to her hoping that one day they will end up together since he thinks they would be good for each other. He and Torunn, however, have a very close and almost sibling like relationship. Like with Adam and Jian, he would do anything for her.
Cassie Lang - Friend - Des met Cassie when he moved in with his uncle and they hit it off. She would often come to him for advice about what it was like being gay as he was the first gay person she had met around her age and she didn’t feel comfortable talking about stuff like sexuality with the adults they lived around. She knows he has a thing for her best friend, Jian, and she constantly tries to get him to tell him how he feels.
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daizybethea-blog · 6 years
This Week’s Wedding Announcements
Alicia Hunt Ciccone and William Benjamin Thomas have been married April 14 on the Liberty Warehouse, an occasions area in Brooklyn. Decide Daryl L. Moore of the 333rd District Courtroom in Harris County, Tex., officiated, with blessings from the Rev. Anthony Andreassi, a Roman Catholic priest. Ms. Ciccone, 28, works in Houston as a guide at Bain & Firm, the Boston administration consulting agency, for which she primarily advises power corporations and different industrial companies. She graduated summa cum laude from Amherst Faculty, and acquired an M.B.A. from Stanford. The bride is the daughter of Barbara Hunt Ciccone and Dr. Joseph Ciccone of Brooklyn. The bride’s father is a psychiatrist in personal apply in Brooklyn. Her mom is a scientific psychologist, additionally in personal apply in Brooklyn. Mr. Thomas, 33, is a lawyer at McDowell Hetherington, a legislation agency primarily based in Houston, the place he focuses on power and enterprise litigation. He graduated summa cum laude from Texas Christian College and acquired a legislation diploma, magna cum laude, from Baylor. The groom served six years within the Texas Military Nationwide Guard, deploying to Baghdad as a area artillery officer. He’s the son of Barbara C. Thomas and William R. Thomas of Austin, Tex. The groom’s mom retired as a instructor at Highland Park Elementary Faculty in Austin. His father retired as an proprietor of Sonic Drive-In franchises within the Austin and San Antonio areas. The groom’s earlier marriage resulted in divorce. The couple met on a blind date in Houston in 2014. Jane-Coleman Harbison and Michael Anthony Cottone have been married April 14 on the Church of the Assumption in Nashville. The Rev. Gladstone Stevens, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony. The bride, 29, is a historic preservation specialist with the Tennessee Historic Fee in Nashville. She graduated from Denison College in Granville, Ohio, and acquired a grasp’s diploma in historical past from McGill College in Montreal, the place she attended as a Fulbright scholar. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in public humanities from Brown. She is a daughter of Patricia B. Harbison and William L. Harbison of Nashville. The bride’s father is a accomplice with the legislation agency Sherrard, Roe, Voigt and Harbison in Nashville and a former president of the Tennessee Bar Affiliation. Her mom is a breeder of championship Lakeland Terriers in Nashville. The bride’s paternal grandfather, the late William J. Harbison, was a chief justice of the Tennessee Supreme Courtroom from 1980 to 1982 and from 1987 to 1989. The groom, 28, is a lawyer at Bass, Berry and Sims, a Nashville legislation agency, the place he practices state and native tax litigation. He graduated from Center Tennessee State College in Murfreesboro, Tenn., and acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Tennessee. He’s a son of Juliann M. Cottone of Fairview, Tenn., and the late Daniel J. Cottone. The groom’s mom is an artwork instructor on the Fairview Elementary Faculty. His father was the proprietor and operator of a heating and air-conditioning enterprise that was additionally in Fairview. The couple met in 2014 on the marriage ceremony of the bride’s brother. Sara Michelle Hokin and Dr. Jonah Nathaniel Rubin are to be married April 15 on the Palmer Home Chicago, a lodge. Rabbi David Wolkenfeld is to officiate. The bride, 33, is the nationwide director of operations for Sport On! Sports activities four Ladies, a Chicago-based group that focuses on empowering ladies by means of sports activities. She graduated from the College of Tampa in Florida. She is a daughter of Sheri S. Hokin and Gary S. Hokin of Deerfield, In poor health. Her father is a monetary adviser at Hokin Funding Advisors in Northbrook, In poor health. Her mom is an insurance coverage dealer for Hokin Sternberg Insurance coverage Companies in Deerfield, In poor health. The groom, 35, is a gastroenterology fellow on the College of Maryland Medical Heart in Baltimore. He graduated from the College of Pennsylvania and acquired a grasp’s diploma in medical sciences at Boston College, from which he additionally acquired a medical diploma. He’s a son of Tamara L. Rubin and Joel D. Rubin of Chicago. His mom retired as a instructor at Romona Elementary Faculty in Wilmette, In poor health. His father is a lawyer at Seyfarth Shaw, a agency primarily based in Chicago. The couple met in November 2015 in Chicago by means of the relationship app JSwipe. Courtney Anne Walker and Dr. Bobby Allen Garcia have been married April 14 in San Juan Capistrano, Calif. The Rev. Domingo Romero, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony on the Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano. Mrs. Garcia, 33, works in Newport Seaside, Calif., as a senior vice chairman for portfolio administration on the Pacific Funding Administration Firm, an funding administration agency in Newport Seaside. She graduated from Columbia and acquired a grasp’s diploma in monetary engineering from the College of California, Berkeley. The bride is a daughter of Michele S. Walker and John F. Walker of Collegeville, Pa. The bride’s father is the chief working officer of PharmScript, a pharmacy chain primarily based in Somerset, N.J. Her mom is a scientific guide pharmacist working with PharmScript. The groom, 33, is a fellow in feminine pelvic medication and reconstructive surgical procedure at Louisiana State College in New Orleans. He graduated from Yale and acquired a medical diploma from the College of Texas Southwestern. Dr. Garcia is the son of Mary Ellen Garcia and Robert A. Garcia of McAllen, Tex. The groom’s mom retired as a preschool instructor at Cavazos Elementary Faculty in Edinburg, Tex. His father is a bodily training instructor and soccer coach at Barrientes Center Faculty in Edinburg. The couple met in 2016 by means of the League, a relationship app. Margaret Lindsey Kempner and Ian Barton McLean have been married April 14 on the Beverly Hills Lodge in Beverly Hills, Calif. The Rev. Lee Lasko, a minister ordained by the Unity West Church of Santa Monica, officiated. The bride, 31, who goes by Meggie, is a founding father of Kempner, a girls’s vogue model primarily based in New York. The bride additionally owns Meggie Kempner Design, and inside design firm in New York. She graduated from the College of Pennsylvania. She is a daughter of Cynthia H. Kempner and James L. Kempner of New York. The bride’s father is the president of LSH Companions, an impartial boutique funding financial institution in New York. The bride’s paternal grandmother, the late Nan Kempner, was a New York socialite. The groom, 33, works in New York as a senior vice chairman of Oaktree Capital Administration, an alternate funding administration agency primarily based in Los Angeles. He graduated from Harvard. He’s a son of Lindsay B. McLean and Stuart T. McLean of Cincinnati. The groom’s mom is a historian on the Indian Hill Historic Society in Indian Hill, Ohio. His father retired as a Medicare gross sales consultant within the Cincinnati workplace of Humana, a medical insurance firm primarily based in Louisville, Ky. He’s an impartial medical insurance agent in Cincinnati. The couple met in 2013 by means of a mutual pal on the Breakers Lodge in Palm Seaside, Fla. Rebecca Lynne Weiler and Dr. Bret Kenneth Sohn have been married April 14 at Disney’s Wedding Pavilion, an occasions area in Orlando, Fla. Rabbi Karen Allen officiated. The bride, 34, is a psychological well being and profession counselor in personal apply in New York and Nashville. She primarily works with sufferers coping with profession modifications, profession transitions and melancholy. She can be a singer, and has carried out at Carnegie Corridor as a part of the choir Important Voices USA. She graduated from State College of New York at Oneonta and acquired a grasp’s diploma in counseling from Fordham. The bride is a daughter of Robert Okay. Weiler of Syracuse and the late Andrea B. Weiler. The bride’s father is a legislation accomplice and chapter lawyer for the Syracuse legislation agency Bousquet Holstein. Her late mom was a social employee in Syracuse. The groom, 36, is a doctor and a fellow within the division of rheumatology at Vanderbilt. He graduated cum laude from St. George’s College Faculty of Medication in St. George’s, Grenada, and acquired a grasp’s diploma in immunology from New York Medical Faculty. Dr. Sohn is a son of Nancy R. Sohn and Stephen E. Sohn of Scarsdale, N.Y. His mother and father each work in Scarsdale. His mom is the president and chief govt officer of a market analysis firm bearing her identify. His father is the proprietor of a martial arts and health heart bearing his identify. The couple met in 2015 at a wine bar in Gotham West Market in New York. Lisa Helene Miller and Drew Joseph Michael Bradylyons have been married April 9 on the Thurgood Marshall United States Courtroom Home in New York. Decide Edgardo Ramos of the US District Courtroom for the Southern District of New York, officiated. The bride beforehand served as a legislation clerk for Decide Ramos in 2013 and 2014. Ms. Miller, 34, works in Miami as an assistant lawyer at the US lawyer’s workplace for the Southern District of Florida. She graduated cum laude from Cornell and acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Virginia. The bride is a daughter of Linda C. DeMarco Miller and Dr. Randolph A. Miller of Brentwood, Tenn. The bride’s father is a professor of biomedical informatics at Vanderbilt. He’s additionally an elected member of the Nationwide Academy of Medication. Her mom is an assistant principal at Martin Luther King Jr. Educational Magnet Excessive Faculty in Nashville. Mr. Bradylyons, additionally 34, is a prosecutor for the fraud part of the prison division of the US Division of Justice in Miami, the place he works primarily with circumstances involving well being care fraud. He graduated from Georgetown. He acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Michigan. The groom is the son of Kathleen Brady and Michael J. Lyons of Cambridge, Mass. His mom, a psychiatrist, is the director of Session Liaison Psychiatry for the Division of Public Well being at Tewksbury Hospital in Tewksbury, Mass. His father is a professor within the Division of Psychological and Mind Sciences at Boston College. The couple met in 2009 whereas working at Mayer Brown, a legislation agency in Manhattan. Portia Jamel Brown and Chaz Christian Clark have been married April 14 on the Sugarboo Farms, a non-public property in Blairsville, Ga. Ayan Das, a pal of the household who was ordained by means of the American Fellowship Church, officiated. The bride, 32, works in Atlanta as an account govt, in promoting gross sales, for Google. She graduated from Stanford and acquired a grasp’s diploma in enterprise analytics from N.Y.U. She is the daughter of Andree Y. Glenn of Memphis and Dr. James W. Brown of San Antonio. The bride’s father is a dentist in personal apply in San Antonio, who achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel in the US Navy. Her mom is the proprietor of Mustard Seed Studio, a stitching store in Memphis. She is the stepdaughter of Stephanie Brown and Dr. Steve Gadbois. The groom, 34, is a software program engineer in Atlanta at BlueFletch, the place he works on cell apps. He graduated from Morehouse Faculty in Atlanta. He’s a son of the late Valerie M. Manns of Honolulu and the late Benjamin Okay. Clark, who lived in Brooklyn. The groom’s mom was a nurse. His father was a company chef in Manhattan. The couple met in 2014 on Tinder. Dr. Priya Jitendra Ghelani and Dr. Shawn Laxmikant Shah have been married April 14 on the Omni Mandalay Lodge at Las Colinas in Irving, Tex. Mamta Kapadia, a Hindu priest, officiated. Dr. Ghelani, 29, is a fourth-year chief resident on the Jacobi/Montefiore Emergency Medication Residency Program within the Bronx. She graduated from the College of Texas at Austin and acquired a medical diploma from Texas Faculty of Osteopathic Medication in Fort Price. She is a daughter of Daksha J. Ghelani and Jitendra Okay. Ghelani of Richardson, Tex. The bride’s father retired as an digital engineer from the Dallas location of the Raytheon Firm, which makes a speciality of protection, civil authorities and cybersecurity options. Her mom is a medical coding specialist at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. Dr. Shah, 31, is a second-year gastroenterology and hepatology fellow on the NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Heart in Manhattan. He graduated magna cum laude with a level in microbiology and immunology in addition to economics from the College of Miami, and acquired a medical diploma from Florida State College. He’s a son of Kirtida L. Shah and Lax H. Shah of Pembroke Pines, Fla. The groom’s mom is a saleswoman at Bombay Bazaar, an attire wholesaler in Miami, which his father owns. The couple met in July 2013 at a Jain Household Institute convention in Detroit, and later that summer season had their first date at a Thai restaurant in Boston. Dr. Ghelani was doing a rotation close by at Boston Medical Heart on the time, whereas Dr. Shah drove down from Lebanon, N.H., the place he was doing a residency at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Heart. Diana Catherine Banks and Emile Christopher Thompson have been married April 14 at St. Augustine Catholic Church in Washington. The Rev. Robert Boxie, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony. Ms. Banks, 36, is a senior counsel on the American Bankers Affiliation in Washington. She graduated from Stanford College and acquired a legislation diploma from Harvard. She was beforehand a deputy assistant secretary of protection throughout the Obama administration. She is the daughter of Yon N. Banks and William C. Banks of Columbus, Ga. The bride’s father retired from the Military, having achieved the rank of sergeant firstclass at Fort Benning, Ga. Her mom, who’s retired, labored as a custodian on the Swift Denim manufacturing unit, which manufactured denim shirts and denims in Columbus. Mr. Thompson, 34, works in Washington as an assistant United States lawyer for the District of Columbia. He graduated from Morehouse Faculty in Atlanta and acquired a legislation diploma from Wake Forest College in Winston-Salem, N.C. He’s a son of Marian C. Thompson and Charles E. Thompson of Durham, N.C. The groom’s mom serves on the board of trustees of Howard College in Washington. His father, who’s retired, was a mortgage dealer for a number of impartial brokerage corporations in North Carolina. The couple met in 2015 on Memorial Day at a barbecue hosted by mutual pals. Whitney Oudin Flesher and David Henry Tutor have been married April 14 at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, a church in Palm Seaside, Fla. The Rev. James R. Harlan, an Episcopal priest, carried out the ceremony. The bride, 29, is an M.B.A. candidate at N.Y.U. In September, she is to hitch the Estée Lauder Corporations, a cosmetics producer with headquarters in New York, as a part of a management improvement program. She graduated from Tulane and is a member of the Susan G. Komen Larger New York Metropolis’s Younger Professionals Committee, a philanthropic group. She is the daughter of Dora J. Flesher and Gregory W. Flesher of Little Rock, Ark. The bride’s father is a accomplice of Frost, an accounting agency there. He’s additionally the president of the George W. Donaghey Basis, which offers scholarship assist to the College of Arkansas at Little Rock. The bride’s mom is the volunteer chief monetary officer of Constructive Environment Reaches Children, a nonprofit youth group in Little Rock. She can be the president of the board of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Basis. The groom, 34, works in New York as a counsel within the Securities and Trade Fee’s Division of Enforcement. He graduated with honors from Wesleyan College and acquired a legislation diploma from Columbia, the place he was a Hamilton fellow. He’s the son of Maxine S. Tutor and Gerald W. Tutor of Newton, Mass. The groom’s mom retired as a psychiatric nurse practitioner within the Boston space. His father retired as a lawyer in personal apply in Newton. The couple’s first date was in 2014 at Bell E book and Candle, a restaurant in New York. Kiyomi Lillian Sakai Burchill and Joseph Daniel Couk have been married April 14 at Beatnik Studios, an artwork gallery and occasion area in Sacramento. Darrell Steinberg, the mayor of Sacramento, officiated. Ms. Burchill, 34, is the deputy secretary for legislative affairs on the California Well being and Human Companies Company in Sacramento. She graduated with distinction from Stanford and acquired a grasp’s diploma in public administration from the College of Southern California. She is a daughter of Naomi J. Sakai and Jim W. Burchill of Davis, Calif. The bride’s father retired because the president and chief govt of a public affairs agency bearing his identify. Her mom retired as an administrator and a counselor within the counseling and psychological providers division on the College of California, Davis. Mr. Couk, additionally 34, is an info expertise guide within the Sacramento workplace of KPMG, the auditing, accounting and consulting agency. He graduated from California State College, Chico. He’s a son of Jane E. Couk and Dr. Richard S. Couk of Chico. The groom’s mom manages his father’s personal dental apply there. The couple by no means bumped into one another throughout the six months in 2014 that they lived solely three doorways away from each other. They met at an area crowded music venue a 12 months after she moved. Jennifer Younger Zeckendorf and Michael Benjamin Tannenbaum have been married April 14 on the Union Membership of the Metropolis of New York, a non-public membership. Rabbi Dr. Ronald Sobel officiated. Ms. Zeckendorf, 29, is a junior structure skilled within the San Francisco workplace of the structure agency Skidmore Owings & Merrill, the place she primarily works on residential buildings. She graduated from Yale and acquired a grasp’s diploma in structure from Columbia. The bride is the daughter of Constance H. Zeckendorf of East Hampton, N.Y., and Arthur W. Zeckendorf of New York. The bride’s father is a co-chairman of Zeckendorf Improvement, an actual property developer there, and Terra Holdings, an organization that owns and operates Brown Harris Stevens and Halstead Property, two New York residential brokerage corporations. Her mom retired as an actual property agent in New York. Mr. Tannenbaum, 30, is the chief monetary officer of Brex, a monetary expertise and bank card firm in San Francisco. He graduated summa cum laude from Columbia. The groom is the son of Sara L. Goodman of Sudbury, Mass., and Steven N. Tannenbaum of Wellesley, Mass. The groom’s mom is a property accountant for The Bulfinch Corporations, an actual property agency in Needham, Mass. The groom’s father is the chief vice chairman and chief monetary officer of Tedor Pharmaceutical in Cumberland, R.I. The groom is the stepson of Wendy C. Tannenbaum and Peter B. Goodman. The couple met at a mutual pal’s Halloween social gathering in 2014. Jennifer Anne Crutchfield and Brian Duncan Price have been married April 14 at First Presbyterian Church in San Antonio. The Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller, a Presbyterian minister officiated, with the Rev. Dr. Scot Sherman, a minister with the Reformed Church of America, collaborating within the ceremony. Mrs. Price, 34, was till March a lead on the sustainability and social impression workforce at Adobe in San Francisco. She graduated from the College of Virginia, from which she additionally acquired an M.B.A. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in financial improvement from Boston College. She is the daughter of Jana Heischman Crutchfield and William G. Crutchfield Jr., each of Charlottesville, Va. Mr. Price, 37, was till April 6 a developer of pc software program on the Mountain View, Calif., workplace of Addepar, a monetary expertise agency. He graduated from Stanford. He’s a son of Jane Smith Price and James C. Price of San Antonio. The couple met in February 2017 by means of the League, a relationship app. The bride and groom determined to go away their jobs to journey around the globe for at the least six months after the marriage. Marianne Eagan and Kevin Thomas Burrows have been married April 14 on the Ebell of Los Angeles, an occasions area. Donald Voogd, a cousin of the groom who’s a Common Life Church minister, officiated. The bride and groom, each 29, met at Harvard, the place they every graduated. Ms. Burrows is the director of operations at Partnership for Well being Analytic Analysis, a well being providers consulting agency in Beverly Hills, Calif. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in worldwide well being coverage from the London Faculty of Economics and Political Science. The bride is a daughter of Thomas V. Eagan and Judith A. Eagan of Coral Gables, Fla. The bride’s father works in Miami as a accomplice with Squire Patton Boggs, a legislation agency primarily based in Cleveland. He’s additionally a deacon on the Church of the Epiphany in Miami. Her mom is a center college arithmetic instructor at Epiphany Catholic Faculty. Mr. Burrows is a screenwriter in Los Angeles. He’s a creator of the animated net collection “Gents Lobsters” and a author of the movie “Eggplant Emoji,” which is to be launched by Netflix. He additionally acquired an M.B.A. from Stanford. The groom is a son of Eric A. Burrows of Scottsdale, Ariz., and Linda S. Burrows of Solvang, Calif. The groom’s father is a historical past instructor at Mountain Pointe Excessive Faculty in Phoenix. The groom’s mom beforehand served as a president of each the Santa Ynez Valley Basis, a social providers group, and the Solvang Arts and Music Basis, a supplier of music education schemes. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/15/fashion/weddings/this-weeks-wedding-announcements.html?partner=rss&emc=rss https://www.news9ontime.com/this-weeks-wedding-announcements/
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onenationprinc-blog · 6 years
This Week’s Wedding Announcements
Alicia Hunt Ciccone and William Benjamin Thomas have been married April 14 on the Liberty Warehouse, an occasions area in Brooklyn. Decide Daryl L. Moore of the 333rd District Courtroom in Harris County, Tex., officiated, with blessings from the Rev. Anthony Andreassi, a Roman Catholic priest. Ms. Ciccone, 28, works in Houston as a guide at Bain & Firm, the Boston administration consulting agency, for which she primarily advises power corporations and different industrial companies. She graduated summa cum laude from Amherst Faculty, and acquired an M.B.A. from Stanford. The bride is the daughter of Barbara Hunt Ciccone and Dr. Joseph Ciccone of Brooklyn. The bride’s father is a psychiatrist in personal apply in Brooklyn. Her mom is a scientific psychologist, additionally in personal apply in Brooklyn. Mr. Thomas, 33, is a lawyer at McDowell Hetherington, a legislation agency primarily based in Houston, the place he focuses on power and enterprise litigation. He graduated summa cum laude from Texas Christian College and acquired a legislation diploma, magna cum laude, from Baylor. The groom served six years within the Texas Military Nationwide Guard, deploying to Baghdad as a area artillery officer. He’s the son of Barbara C. Thomas and William R. Thomas of Austin, Tex. The groom’s mom retired as a instructor at Highland Park Elementary Faculty in Austin. His father retired as an proprietor of Sonic Drive-In franchises within the Austin and San Antonio areas. The groom’s earlier marriage resulted in divorce. The couple met on a blind date in Houston in 2014. Jane-Coleman Harbison and Michael Anthony Cottone have been married April 14 on the Church of the Assumption in Nashville. The Rev. Gladstone Stevens, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony. The bride, 29, is a historic preservation specialist with the Tennessee Historic Fee in Nashville. She graduated from Denison College in Granville, Ohio, and acquired a grasp’s diploma in historical past from McGill College in Montreal, the place she attended as a Fulbright scholar. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in public humanities from Brown. She is a daughter of Patricia B. Harbison and William L. Harbison of Nashville. The bride’s father is a accomplice with the legislation agency Sherrard, Roe, Voigt and Harbison in Nashville and a former president of the Tennessee Bar Affiliation. Her mom is a breeder of championship Lakeland Terriers in Nashville. The bride’s paternal grandfather, the late William J. Harbison, was a chief justice of the Tennessee Supreme Courtroom from 1980 to 1982 and from 1987 to 1989. The groom, 28, is a lawyer at Bass, Berry and Sims, a Nashville legislation agency, the place he practices state and native tax litigation. He graduated from Center Tennessee State College in Murfreesboro, Tenn., and acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Tennessee. He’s a son of Juliann M. Cottone of Fairview, Tenn., and the late Daniel J. Cottone. The groom’s mom is an artwork instructor on the Fairview Elementary Faculty. His father was the proprietor and operator of a heating and air-conditioning enterprise that was additionally in Fairview. The couple met in 2014 on the marriage ceremony of the bride’s brother. Sara Michelle Hokin and Dr. Jonah Nathaniel Rubin are to be married April 15 on the Palmer Home Chicago, a lodge. Rabbi David Wolkenfeld is to officiate. The bride, 33, is the nationwide director of operations for Sport On! Sports activities four Ladies, a Chicago-based group that focuses on empowering ladies by means of sports activities. She graduated from the College of Tampa in Florida. She is a daughter of Sheri S. Hokin and Gary S. Hokin of Deerfield, In poor health. Her father is a monetary adviser at Hokin Funding Advisors in Northbrook, In poor health. Her mom is an insurance coverage dealer for Hokin Sternberg Insurance coverage Companies in Deerfield, In poor health. The groom, 35, is a gastroenterology fellow on the College of Maryland Medical Heart in Baltimore. He graduated from the College of Pennsylvania and acquired a grasp’s diploma in medical sciences at Boston College, from which he additionally acquired a medical diploma. He’s a son of Tamara L. Rubin and Joel D. Rubin of Chicago. His mom retired as a instructor at Romona Elementary Faculty in Wilmette, In poor health. His father is a lawyer at Seyfarth Shaw, a agency primarily based in Chicago. The couple met in November 2015 in Chicago by means of the relationship app JSwipe. Courtney Anne Walker and Dr. Bobby Allen Garcia have been married April 14 in San Juan Capistrano, Calif. The Rev. Domingo Romero, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony on the Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano. Mrs. Garcia, 33, works in Newport Seaside, Calif., as a senior vice chairman for portfolio administration on the Pacific Funding Administration Firm, an funding administration agency in Newport Seaside. She graduated from Columbia and acquired a grasp’s diploma in monetary engineering from the College of California, Berkeley. The bride is a daughter of Michele S. Walker and John F. Walker of Collegeville, Pa. The bride’s father is the chief working officer of PharmScript, a pharmacy chain primarily based in Somerset, N.J. Her mom is a scientific guide pharmacist working with PharmScript. The groom, 33, is a fellow in feminine pelvic medication and reconstructive surgical procedure at Louisiana State College in New Orleans. He graduated from Yale and acquired a medical diploma from the College of Texas Southwestern. Dr. Garcia is the son of Mary Ellen Garcia and Robert A. Garcia of McAllen, Tex. The groom’s mom retired as a preschool instructor at Cavazos Elementary Faculty in Edinburg, Tex. His father is a bodily training instructor and soccer coach at Barrientes Center Faculty in Edinburg. The couple met in 2016 by means of the League, a relationship app. Margaret Lindsey Kempner and Ian Barton McLean have been married April 14 on the Beverly Hills Lodge in Beverly Hills, Calif. The Rev. Lee Lasko, a minister ordained by the Unity West Church of Santa Monica, officiated. The bride, 31, who goes by Meggie, is a founding father of Kempner, a girls’s vogue model primarily based in New York. The bride additionally owns Meggie Kempner Design, and inside design firm in New York. She graduated from the College of Pennsylvania. She is a daughter of Cynthia H. Kempner and James L. Kempner of New York. The bride’s father is the president of LSH Companions, an impartial boutique funding financial institution in New York. The bride’s paternal grandmother, the late Nan Kempner, was a New York socialite. The groom, 33, works in New York as a senior vice chairman of Oaktree Capital Administration, an alternate funding administration agency primarily based in Los Angeles. He graduated from Harvard. He’s a son of Lindsay B. McLean and Stuart T. McLean of Cincinnati. The groom’s mom is a historian on the Indian Hill Historic Society in Indian Hill, Ohio. His father retired as a Medicare gross sales consultant within the Cincinnati workplace of Humana, a medical insurance firm primarily based in Louisville, Ky. He’s an impartial medical insurance agent in Cincinnati. The couple met in 2013 by means of a mutual pal on the Breakers Lodge in Palm Seaside, Fla. Rebecca Lynne Weiler and Dr. Bret Kenneth Sohn have been married April 14 at Disney’s Wedding Pavilion, an occasions area in Orlando, Fla. Rabbi Karen Allen officiated. The bride, 34, is a psychological well being and profession counselor in personal apply in New York and Nashville. She primarily works with sufferers coping with profession modifications, profession transitions and melancholy. She can be a singer, and has carried out at Carnegie Corridor as a part of the choir Important Voices USA. She graduated from State College of New York at Oneonta and acquired a grasp’s diploma in counseling from Fordham. The bride is a daughter of Robert Okay. Weiler of Syracuse and the late Andrea B. Weiler. The bride’s father is a legislation accomplice and chapter lawyer for the Syracuse legislation agency Bousquet Holstein. Her late mom was a social employee in Syracuse. The groom, 36, is a doctor and a fellow within the division of rheumatology at Vanderbilt. He graduated cum laude from St. George’s College Faculty of Medication in St. George’s, Grenada, and acquired a grasp’s diploma in immunology from New York Medical Faculty. Dr. Sohn is a son of Nancy R. Sohn and Stephen E. Sohn of Scarsdale, N.Y. His mother and father each work in Scarsdale. His mom is the president and chief govt officer of a market analysis firm bearing her identify. His father is the proprietor of a martial arts and health heart bearing his identify. The couple met in 2015 at a wine bar in Gotham West Market in New York. Lisa Helene Miller and Drew Joseph Michael Bradylyons have been married April 9 on the Thurgood Marshall United States Courtroom Home in New York. Decide Edgardo Ramos of the US District Courtroom for the Southern District of New York, officiated. The bride beforehand served as a legislation clerk for Decide Ramos in 2013 and 2014. Ms. Miller, 34, works in Miami as an assistant lawyer at the US lawyer’s workplace for the Southern District of Florida. She graduated cum laude from Cornell and acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Virginia. The bride is a daughter of Linda C. DeMarco Miller and Dr. Randolph A. Miller of Brentwood, Tenn. The bride’s father is a professor of biomedical informatics at Vanderbilt. He’s additionally an elected member of the Nationwide Academy of Medication. Her mom is an assistant principal at Martin Luther King Jr. Educational Magnet Excessive Faculty in Nashville. Mr. Bradylyons, additionally 34, is a prosecutor for the fraud part of the prison division of the US Division of Justice in Miami, the place he works primarily with circumstances involving well being care fraud. He graduated from Georgetown. He acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Michigan. The groom is the son of Kathleen Brady and Michael J. Lyons of Cambridge, Mass. His mom, a psychiatrist, is the director of Session Liaison Psychiatry for the Division of Public Well being at Tewksbury Hospital in Tewksbury, Mass. His father is a professor within the Division of Psychological and Mind Sciences at Boston College. The couple met in 2009 whereas working at Mayer Brown, a legislation agency in Manhattan. Portia Jamel Brown and Chaz Christian Clark have been married April 14 on the Sugarboo Farms, a non-public property in Blairsville, Ga. Ayan Das, a pal of the household who was ordained by means of the American Fellowship Church, officiated. The bride, 32, works in Atlanta as an account govt, in promoting gross sales, for Google. She graduated from Stanford and acquired a grasp’s diploma in enterprise analytics from N.Y.U. She is the daughter of Andree Y. Glenn of Memphis and Dr. James W. Brown of San Antonio. The bride’s father is a dentist in personal apply in San Antonio, who achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel in the US Navy. Her mom is the proprietor of Mustard Seed Studio, a stitching store in Memphis. She is the stepdaughter of Stephanie Brown and Dr. Steve Gadbois. The groom, 34, is a software program engineer in Atlanta at BlueFletch, the place he works on cell apps. He graduated from Morehouse Faculty in Atlanta. He’s a son of the late Valerie M. Manns of Honolulu and the late Benjamin Okay. Clark, who lived in Brooklyn. The groom’s mom was a nurse. His father was a company chef in Manhattan. The couple met in 2014 on Tinder. Dr. Priya Jitendra Ghelani and Dr. Shawn Laxmikant Shah have been married April 14 on the Omni Mandalay Lodge at Las Colinas in Irving, Tex. Mamta Kapadia, a Hindu priest, officiated. Dr. Ghelani, 29, is a fourth-year chief resident on the Jacobi/Montefiore Emergency Medication Residency Program within the Bronx. She graduated from the College of Texas at Austin and acquired a medical diploma from Texas Faculty of Osteopathic Medication in Fort Price. She is a daughter of Daksha J. Ghelani and Jitendra Okay. Ghelani of Richardson, Tex. The bride’s father retired as an digital engineer from the Dallas location of the Raytheon Firm, which makes a speciality of protection, civil authorities and cybersecurity options. Her mom is a medical coding specialist at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. Dr. Shah, 31, is a second-year gastroenterology and hepatology fellow on the NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Heart in Manhattan. He graduated magna cum laude with a level in microbiology and immunology in addition to economics from the College of Miami, and acquired a medical diploma from Florida State College. He’s a son of Kirtida L. Shah and Lax H. Shah of Pembroke Pines, Fla. The groom’s mom is a saleswoman at Bombay Bazaar, an attire wholesaler in Miami, which his father owns. The couple met in July 2013 at a Jain Household Institute convention in Detroit, and later that summer season had their first date at a Thai restaurant in Boston. Dr. Ghelani was doing a rotation close by at Boston Medical Heart on the time, whereas Dr. Shah drove down from Lebanon, N.H., the place he was doing a residency at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Heart. Diana Catherine Banks and Emile Christopher Thompson have been married April 14 at St. Augustine Catholic Church in Washington. The Rev. Robert Boxie, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony. Ms. Banks, 36, is a senior counsel on the American Bankers Affiliation in Washington. She graduated from Stanford College and acquired a legislation diploma from Harvard. She was beforehand a deputy assistant secretary of protection throughout the Obama administration. She is the daughter of Yon N. Banks and William C. Banks of Columbus, Ga. The bride’s father retired from the Military, having achieved the rank of sergeant firstclass at Fort Benning, Ga. Her mom, who’s retired, labored as a custodian on the Swift Denim manufacturing unit, which manufactured denim shirts and denims in Columbus. Mr. Thompson, 34, works in Washington as an assistant United States lawyer for the District of Columbia. He graduated from Morehouse Faculty in Atlanta and acquired a legislation diploma from Wake Forest College in Winston-Salem, N.C. He’s a son of Marian C. Thompson and Charles E. Thompson of Durham, N.C. The groom’s mom serves on the board of trustees of Howard College in Washington. His father, who’s retired, was a mortgage dealer for a number of impartial brokerage corporations in North Carolina. The couple met in 2015 on Memorial Day at a barbecue hosted by mutual pals. Whitney Oudin Flesher and David Henry Tutor have been married April 14 at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, a church in Palm Seaside, Fla. The Rev. James R. Harlan, an Episcopal priest, carried out the ceremony. The bride, 29, is an M.B.A. candidate at N.Y.U. In September, she is to hitch the Estée Lauder Corporations, a cosmetics producer with headquarters in New York, as a part of a management improvement program. She graduated from Tulane and is a member of the Susan G. Komen Larger New York Metropolis’s Younger Professionals Committee, a philanthropic group. She is the daughter of Dora J. Flesher and Gregory W. Flesher of Little Rock, Ark. The bride’s father is a accomplice of Frost, an accounting agency there. He’s additionally the president of the George W. Donaghey Basis, which offers scholarship assist to the College of Arkansas at Little Rock. The bride’s mom is the volunteer chief monetary officer of Constructive Environment Reaches Children, a nonprofit youth group in Little Rock. She can be the president of the board of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Basis. The groom, 34, works in New York as a counsel within the Securities and Trade Fee’s Division of Enforcement. He graduated with honors from Wesleyan College and acquired a legislation diploma from Columbia, the place he was a Hamilton fellow. He’s the son of Maxine S. Tutor and Gerald W. Tutor of Newton, Mass. The groom’s mom retired as a psychiatric nurse practitioner within the Boston space. His father retired as a lawyer in personal apply in Newton. The couple’s first date was in 2014 at Bell E book and Candle, a restaurant in New York. Kiyomi Lillian Sakai Burchill and Joseph Daniel Couk have been married April 14 at Beatnik Studios, an artwork gallery and occasion area in Sacramento. Darrell Steinberg, the mayor of Sacramento, officiated. Ms. Burchill, 34, is the deputy secretary for legislative affairs on the California Well being and Human Companies Company in Sacramento. She graduated with distinction from Stanford and acquired a grasp’s diploma in public administration from the College of Southern California. She is a daughter of Naomi J. Sakai and Jim W. Burchill of Davis, Calif. The bride’s father retired because the president and chief govt of a public affairs agency bearing his identify. Her mom retired as an administrator and a counselor within the counseling and psychological providers division on the College of California, Davis. Mr. Couk, additionally 34, is an info expertise guide within the Sacramento workplace of KPMG, the auditing, accounting and consulting agency. He graduated from California State College, Chico. He’s a son of Jane E. Couk and Dr. Richard S. Couk of Chico. The groom’s mom manages his father’s personal dental apply there. The couple by no means bumped into one another throughout the six months in 2014 that they lived solely three doorways away from each other. They met at an area crowded music venue a 12 months after she moved. Jennifer Younger Zeckendorf and Michael Benjamin Tannenbaum have been married April 14 on the Union Membership of the Metropolis of New York, a non-public membership. Rabbi Dr. Ronald Sobel officiated. Ms. Zeckendorf, 29, is a junior structure skilled within the San Francisco workplace of the structure agency Skidmore Owings & Merrill, the place she primarily works on residential buildings. She graduated from Yale and acquired a grasp’s diploma in structure from Columbia. The bride is the daughter of Constance H. Zeckendorf of East Hampton, N.Y., and Arthur W. Zeckendorf of New York. The bride’s father is a co-chairman of Zeckendorf Improvement, an actual property developer there, and Terra Holdings, an organization that owns and operates Brown Harris Stevens and Halstead Property, two New York residential brokerage corporations. Her mom retired as an actual property agent in New York. Mr. Tannenbaum, 30, is the chief monetary officer of Brex, a monetary expertise and bank card firm in San Francisco. He graduated summa cum laude from Columbia. The groom is the son of Sara L. Goodman of Sudbury, Mass., and Steven N. Tannenbaum of Wellesley, Mass. The groom’s mom is a property accountant for The Bulfinch Corporations, an actual property agency in Needham, Mass. The groom’s father is the chief vice chairman and chief monetary officer of Tedor Pharmaceutical in Cumberland, R.I. The groom is the stepson of Wendy C. Tannenbaum and Peter B. Goodman. The couple met at a mutual pal’s Halloween social gathering in 2014. Jennifer Anne Crutchfield and Brian Duncan Price have been married April 14 at First Presbyterian Church in San Antonio. The Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller, a Presbyterian minister officiated, with the Rev. Dr. Scot Sherman, a minister with the Reformed Church of America, collaborating within the ceremony. Mrs. Price, 34, was till March a lead on the sustainability and social impression workforce at Adobe in San Francisco. She graduated from the College of Virginia, from which she additionally acquired an M.B.A. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in financial improvement from Boston College. She is the daughter of Jana Heischman Crutchfield and William G. Crutchfield Jr., each of Charlottesville, Va. Mr. Price, 37, was till April 6 a developer of pc software program on the Mountain View, Calif., workplace of Addepar, a monetary expertise agency. He graduated from Stanford. He’s a son of Jane Smith Price and James C. Price of San Antonio. The couple met in February 2017 by means of the League, a relationship app. The bride and groom determined to go away their jobs to journey around the globe for at the least six months after the marriage. Marianne Eagan and Kevin Thomas Burrows have been married April 14 on the Ebell of Los Angeles, an occasions area. Donald Voogd, a cousin of the groom who’s a Common Life Church minister, officiated. The bride and groom, each 29, met at Harvard, the place they every graduated. Ms. Burrows is the director of operations at Partnership for Well being Analytic Analysis, a well being providers consulting agency in Beverly Hills, Calif. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in worldwide well being coverage from the London Faculty of Economics and Political Science. The bride is a daughter of Thomas V. Eagan and Judith A. Eagan of Coral Gables, Fla. The bride’s father works in Miami as a accomplice with Squire Patton Boggs, a legislation agency primarily based in Cleveland. He’s additionally a deacon on the Church of the Epiphany in Miami. Her mom is a center college arithmetic instructor at Epiphany Catholic Faculty. Mr. Burrows is a screenwriter in Los Angeles. He’s a creator of the animated net collection “Gents Lobsters” and a author of the movie “Eggplant Emoji,” which is to be launched by Netflix. He additionally acquired an M.B.A. from Stanford. The groom is a son of Eric A. Burrows of Scottsdale, Ariz., and Linda S. Burrows of Solvang, Calif. The groom’s father is a historical past instructor at Mountain Pointe Excessive Faculty in Phoenix. The groom’s mom beforehand served as a president of each the Santa Ynez Valley Basis, a social providers group, and the Solvang Arts and Music Basis, a supplier of music education schemes. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/15/fashion/weddings/this-weeks-wedding-announcements.html?partner=rss&emc=rss https://www.news9ontime.com/this-weeks-wedding-announcements/
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pinnaclemaacademy · 2 years
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Wall to Wall Martial Arts is the largest Judo school in Louisiana providing specialized training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Judo for kids and adults. Contact Pinnacle Martial Arts Academy at 3188550456 today for more information.
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Website : http://shreveportmaa.com/
Address : 1112 Pierremont Rd, Shreveport, Louisiana 71106
Phone  : 318-425-9583
Martial Arts Academy primarily focused on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
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bhealthline · 7 years
A Collection Of The Finest Sporting Goods Manufacturers
By Arthur Johnson
At current day, there are all sorts of sports and outside activities that an individual could enter when they would like to get a more energetic way of life. Including an array of sports like swimming, running, basketball, golfing, surfing, horseback riding, and martial arts. To be able to run places and all of the moves necessary for every task, an individual must have the correct attire and the equipment to market efficiency and precision in standing or every motion. Following this logic, there are numerous brands and companies that specialize in creating these items. While so many of them exist, only a few of them truly upholds the standards with the sporting community or industry and because of this, they have become the primary choice for most practitioners and professional athletes. In line with that, the succeeding paragraphs will be relaying a definitive list of the best Sporting Goods Louisiana manufacturers around today. To start this checklist is a significant business as well as franchise business that the majority of males, ladies, or even youngsters know with. Adidas was initially developed in nineteen forty 9 in Germany as well as they concentrate on the development of clothes, footwear, as well as various other devices that the common go-getter could require. As a result of its large prestige in this area and their high quality items, they have actually ended up being one of the most effective supplier within Europe as well as is thought about the second-rate worldwide. Nowadays, it is going by Igor Landau, their present chairperson and also head. The second addition to this article is Admiral Sportswear, most notably recognizably by its standard white and blue logo. While primarily a textile company, it made headlines when they started to create products for sportswear, most notably for athletes participating in football and cricket. Due to the nature of its main demographic, the company is most popular and prominent in the United Kingdom. However, it has branches across the world and an online website to browse their wide array of items. Launched by an entrepreneur called Kihachiro Onitsuka, Ashikkusu or even more commonly known as ASICS, is a multinational firm that creates mainly sneakers for men, girls, and kids. The company obtained its name that when translated means a soul ought to maintain a body despite the fact that its creator and chief base of operations is still in Japan. AISCS is known for their premium excellent running shoes that a whole lot of athletes advocate because of endurance and its comfort, aiding during marathons or instruction. Champ is one more company that is largely based in the USA and also was developed almost ninety 8 years earlier in North Carolina. Their primary brochure consists of clothing for all sort of sporting activities, primarily for tennis, golf, horseback riding, affordable Frisbee, as well as much more. It was not constantly the multi as well as effective million service that it has actually ended up being today. Their primary resource of revenue was the development of sweatshirts for armed forces academies prior to making the shift right into sporting activities when Champ was very first produced in the late nineteen hundreds. The following enhancement to this post is ERKE, a Chinese possessed supplier that has actually been around considering that 2 thousand. As a result of its success, it was understood to have a yearly turn over of around 2 hundred as well as fifty million UNITED STATE bucks every year. Among the reasons it has actually come to be so preferred as well as has actually boosted its presence is because of that they fund the tools as well as provide as well as garments that the Chinese Olympic group makes use of every year. Another Asia based supplier is Fila Incorporated, which is was founded first in Italy before being taken over by its more successful counterpart in South Korea. Before they started creating athletic footwear and various other accessories, Fila Inc. Focused on the creation of undergarments for both genders. It was when they began setting up an endorsement deal with famous tennis players during the early seventies that they cemented their reputation as one of the best in this particular industry. SAETA International is your last addition to this list. It generates the very same products that the brands supply. What sets it apart from the others is it they utilize elements and only the best fabric to produce their line. In reality, it has been the top provider Colombia and continues to be proven to host their representatives and at events and nationwide or contests.
About the Author:
You can get an overview of important things to keep in mind when buying sporting goods Louisiana stores sell at http://ift.tt/2xHFMnc right now.
A Collection Of The Finest Sporting Goods Manufacturers from netdz http://ift.tt/2k7XETy
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Martial Arts in Crowley, LA
Martial Arts in Crowley, LA
Vilanova Brazilian Jiujitsu Crowley
BJJ Fundamentals class video at Level Seven in Crowley, Louisiana.
We shot this a few days ago at our academy. The BJJ fundamentals class had a blast with the class and helping us film. Thank you!
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conanaltatis · 4 years
Covington, Louisiana's Brendan Allen decisions Kyle Daukaus at 'UFC Vegas 4'
Covington, Louisiana’s Brendan Allen decisions Kyle Daukaus at ‘UFC Vegas 4’
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Kyle Daukaus, Brendan Allen (©UFC)
Brendan “All In” Allen, 24, of Covington, Louisiana, United States won three consecutive Ultimate Fighting Championship bouts. Training at Clementi’s Gladiator Academy in Slidell, Louisiana, he was one of the winners at “UFC on ESPN 12,” also known as “UFC Vegas 4.”
Featuring 10 mixed martial arts matches, “UFC Vegas 4” took place at the UFC APEX in Las Vegas,…
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pinnaclemaacademy · 2 years
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pinnaclemaacademy · 1 year
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