#jude harley bizzarely
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skipping--tiles · 8 months ago
add me btw
thinking about how ive had spacehey for almost a year
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madsnufkinenergy · 7 years ago
Hiveswap Headcannon
Since Dammek has only had Xefros as the only living person he knows and they’re extremely close he doesn’t understand personal space. Jude on the other hand is the least touchy feely and unsocial person to be by. 
One day Jude is in the shower and singing (he has a very good singing voice) and Dammek just burst in the door and pulls back the shower curtain.
Dammek: Are you in a band?
Jude: *High screaming and flailing to try and cover himself up*
Dammek: Because you should be
Jude: Get OUT!
Dammek: *glances down* Woah...dude, what is going on down there?
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lil-king-louis · 3 years ago
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the reviews are in, louis is A Dog
thanks for the comments @bizarrely-jude-harley @eyobis-andthe-bunnycats 💖
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malpractique · 3 years ago
are you having fun playing sudoku ?
yes :-] i love it
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whats-up-with-ardatas-eye · 7 years ago
its looking at jude harley, bizzarely.
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gulescamisade · 8 years ago
[ The distant light of Sol-1 finally touches upon the ship, somewhere not too terribly far from earth, as they weave between the debris scattered in the system's asteroid belt. The system appears to be a hotbed of activity, patrolled by at least a dozen ships patrolling its orbit, though the tremendous amount of interference from an approximate fuckton of space rocks seems to be doing an adequate job of masking their approach, for now. The crew is ordered to be ready for the worst, considering the riskiness of their approach, with all of the Security members manning battle stations and engineering on standby for potential damage. There remains a small list of others commanded for presence on the bridge-- Horuss, Equius, Daelos and Roxy-- with special instructions prepared for the moment they manage to clear the asteroid belt. ]
DIRK: -at any moment they could be too close. in fact, they might be already, but who knows how long they can maintain what they're going to do. there's a lot of risks involved, but his gut is telling him now is the moment to give the signal.-
DIRK: -looks to this specialized group of folks.- Alright, guys, time to show us what you've got.
DIRK: If the plan goes awry, we'll just put up the ship's cloak and hope for the best.
DIRK: But it ain't gonna go awry. -he believes in the horses and his platonic wife.-
ROXY: =She made them all shirts, they BETTER be wearing them. A solid blue that reads V-SQUAD with (Not that kind of V) in small letters under it=
ROXY: i got a whole lot u cant handle dstri
ROXY: welcum 2 the sweaty gun show =flexes minorly but yes, time for the one with the void thing. She's sitting and touching the ground since it's a collaborative effort there's no need to go TOO crazy on her own=
TEREZI: =moral support=
ROXY: =she loves u Terezi=
HORUSSBOT: Udder nonsense. I have 100% confidence in my abilities. Nothing will trot off horse. -whirrs, his goggles blaring red. He has had quite some time prepping in the void for a task such as this. Now, it was time to put the thoughts into action into the motion of events.-
HORUSSBOT: -Of course, he can't turn down a gift from Roxy. Horuss is wearing the obligatory V-Squad shirt.-
EQUIUS: -This shirt is stupid and 100di% but it's also kind of cute that Roxy made these. He's focused. He's always focused, standing on the bridge after giving engineering THOROUGH instructions. Jake, do not heck this up.-
JAKE: -vigorous awoos from the engineering labs.-
EQUIUS: D --> We will do as we are needed to. This e%ercise will go off without a hitch
DIRK: -thumbs up at them and their confidence-
DAELOS: - Looking out of place with a t-shirt that's a bit too tight but he's more focused on carefully keeping an eye on the ship than his wardrobe-
JADE: -She's in her station as well, because there's no way she's sitting out on a mission so important, even if she doesn't feel quite as ready as her peers.-
ROXY: =She made it tight on purpose=
ROXY: =ur welc every1=
ROXY: =They're all wearing tight shirts=
ROXY: =Additional ur welcs=
EQUIUS: -He's probably going to flex out of it later-
ROXANNE: -At her station as well, mentally cheering on her daughter. U go bby, she believes in you.-
ROXY: =Feels mom-couragement, internal warmth and weeping=
ROXANNE: -<333-
EQUIUS: -The human disease called love-
[ The ships are still just dim blips on a sensor, and it really seems like they're going to stay that way-- it's a long circuit around the sun and the nearest doesn't seem to be making any move to intercept them. The effects of being under a cloak of void are almost imperceptible to the majority of the crew. ]
ROSE: -There are still a few who'd feel it, though. She's laying her head down and closing her eyes, wincing at even the softest lights in her room. This is not an altogether COMPLETELY pleasant sensation, right now.-
HORUSSBOT: -The void portal device will be running in the engineering labs. Now it is a matter of manipulating the void pocket within outwards. Like a droplet of oil moving through water, so will the ship move undetected through space. Horuss, unlike EVERYONE ELSE, is not distracted in his task of breathing out and letting the Nothing seep from his essence. The edges of his robotic form warble out of the corner of people's eyes. Everything is trotting along as planned.-
DAVE: -he's manning his section of security on the ship, overseeing guards and in ready position should anything go wrong. there's a lot of stuff on his mind about this trip, but he's not focusing on it. he's just making sure he's ready to take action if and when it is needed.-
EQUIUS: -He's barely in focus, unless you are of course focusing on him. Equius settling down to concentrate on his task, positively exuding the void from his entire being. What he lacks in the finesse his teammates have he more than makes up with sheer POWER.-
HORUSSBOT: -Well Horuss is more thorough and studious about it. So there.-
ARADIA: -standing on another level by the atrium, she's just watching. not in caution, but in waiting.-
ROXY: =She's just here to have a good time and be helpful=
EQUIUS: -Shhh fellow horse. You are amazing too. Just not as amazing as me-
MEULIN: -She's there with Dave, smiling supportively every now and again if she catches his gaze, but otherwise remaining serious, bristled with anxiety.-
DAELOS: -In a similar way he also seems to be imperceptible, though in a slightly different way. It's not that it's hard to see him, but people may forget that he's there for a time. He's absorbed in the ship's sensors and radar.-
DAVE: -it makes it easier to be sturdy for someone else, because he can tell meulin is feeling anxious. he gives her a nod when she smiles- nothin to worry about
DAVE: we all know what were supposed to do
DEREK: -he's REALLY counting on y'all for this to work, cuz he'd rather not drive everybody right into danger.-
DAVENFORTH: -Manning his security section, in full uniform. His trench coat flutters gently. But how?-
ROXANNE: -That would be the ideal yeah... But it will work! Optimism is important guys.-
MEULIN: RIGHT! -Except that they're heading into the playground of probably the biggest threat to them currently, and she's sure that before this is done, there's going to be some blood on her claws. Will she be able to handle that when the time comes? The fact that Dave is there, that he's been there every other time she couldn't handle it, is really the only assurance she can cling to for now.-
NEPETA: =She's ready, for the rumblings. Spiny is also ready for the rumblings, pets the lorge lizard=
[ The PLAN continues to go smoothly-- even at a cautious pace, Earth is growing larger and larger, the ship slowly beginning a controlled descent onto the planet. Things seem to be a bit different, with all of the voidiness wrapped around the ship, and any of the heat or pressures of gravity from re-entry seem to slip right by them. From an outside perspective, it would look bizzare, if it were possible for it to look like anything at all. They glide down towards the wider area of the Pacific Northwest, in the direction of a relatively obscure meeting place-- Baseball was both made illegal and cancelled forever, evidently, and it's almost unreal how delapitated the diamond has become, visible from high in the sky, in only a short period of open occupation. ]
RILEY: -she desperately wishes she had something to do at the moment with so much on her mind, so she's walking around the ship instead of sitting and waiting-
QIRIN: =baseball banned?? how awful=
ROXANNE: -Earth wtf.-
DEREK: Damn that was a smooth ride. -grins back at everyone from his pilot's chair.- DIRK: -naturally he believed in them, but damn is he relieved when they start to land. eyeballs the dad.-
VRISKA: -she's looking bored wherever she's supposed to look out for. can't she do something IMPORTANT?! they are absolutely wasting her skills. she sighs dramatically from where she's assigned-
ROXY: shes sweet talkin me ;P =shes also sweating a bit the ship is fuckin lorge=
[ There's AMPLE ROOM for a landing, even if it's a severely makeshift spaceport and there isn't too much room for wiggling. They'll also DEFINITELY demolish this whole fuckin thing when they take off again. They touch down on a flat land that is nonetheless a bit overgrown with crabgrass and weeds, sensors reading no ships in the sky anywhere in the surrounding area. There is a definitive ALL CLEAR. ]
QIRIN: =John, it's all the more reason we are here. Fight. Win. Homerun.=
ROXY: =sports=
DAELOS: -Wipes sweat off his brow as they land. That was very stressful.-
DEREK: -touches this baby down nice and gentle...- Well folks we made it. DIRK: -he's already trying to message jamison or jude or whoever will pick up, really.-
HORUSSBOT: -Robo neighs and doesn't sweat at all. The sweat is in his soul.-
JOHN: -whistling Georgia by Ray Charles somewehre in the lwoer decks as they land.-
JAMISON: =They'll be there in two shakes Dirkington! He's brought his various makeshift weapons also!=
JAMES: -Hovering by his Aunt Jolene, most likely. She must be at the ends of her tethers being in Condy territory. Their old home, Earth...-
EQUIUS: -He breathes out deeply. Sweating greatly. He flexes uncomfortably in this cotton prison-
DIRK: -god bless you, jamison harley.- Alright, everybody sit tight. We're gonna make this quick.
DIRK: -gets on the intercom to address security.- Open up the docking bay. They'll be here any minute.
ROXY: =listen she tried to make them super absorbant=
JOHN: -Ooooooooooh he wants out. He feels like a dog getting amped up to go for a walk. He's so overcome with nostalgia that he forgets to be scared.-
DAVE: -he's on it and he'll bring meulin with him-
JOLENE: -most certainly, nephew. just knowing they're near james' house -- the neighborhood where her sister used to live... knowing the state it must be in now. at least she's keeping it under wraps... FOR NOW.-
KARKAT: =surprise it's him not-security-dude=
KANKRI: -From where he is he suddenly gets the feeling that John should calm down.-
DAVENFORTH: -Messages Derek: "Way to not fuck up 👍" -
KARKAT: =hes here to welcome and also punch=
DAVE: -you're always secure in my heart karkat-
JAMES: -stern and gentle hand on his Auntie. Please have a cookie.-
MEULIN: -Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and following Dave! She's trying to make a special effort to be quiet.-
ROSE: -A little bit of a stumbling stagger, squinting at all the lights still, but she's out of her office and TRYING to breathe. It's a really bad time to have a whole bunch of migraines, but she'll deal for now.- REDGLARE: -HERE FOR APPEARANCE PURPOSES of course. She's resting on her staff and waiting by the docking bay.-
DEREK: -responds back like Thanks my guy. 👍-
JOLENE: -pets james' hand vigorously... then nibbles a cookie.- :I
ROXANNE: -She is also heading for the docking bay, her services may not be required but do you know how long its been since she has even seen a glimpse of her home planet? Too damn long, she will take what she can get by watching from inside the dockingbay.-
MEULIN: -Watches the docking bay slide open. Exciting...-
DIRK: -and he'll love it. sports.-
QIRIN: =wrong sport, dirk=
DIRK: -no?-
JOHN: -WHATEVER DIRK, YOU'RE NOT HIS DAD. he's being good for now though and just rocking on his heels.-
JOHN: -he's got all the medical equipment you could ever want ready in his sylladex.-
RILEY: -this is hells of nervewracking. she didn't think she would be nervous, but here she is, waiting outside the docking bay behind everyone else. she just wants to make sure she's alive and breathing, then she can leave her alone for a little while-
ROSE: -twists the cap off an aspirin bottle, spilling a few pills into her palm and swallowing them dry.-
DIRK: -makes his way to the docking bay just to see them in and give more direct orders in case SOMETHING goes wrong, which he can't help feeling it will.-
ROXY: =Is Rose around her? She's gettin EYEBALLED=
QIRIN: =these kids..=
JOHN: -Takes a break from being excited about being on a baseball diamond he played at as a kid and HAS A CONCERN AT ROSE.- hey, you ok?
[At first, there's the distant sound of a rumbling engine, but it doesn't stay distant for long. It's getting pretty loud pretty rapidly.]
PENNY: -HERE COMES A CAR, otherwise known as a scuttlebuggy, and there's none other than a feisty redhead behind the wheel. Crammed in the car with her is a few too many people, and on top of it is... well.-
JAMISON: =CAR SURFING, barechested with homemade screw/nail grenanades. A potato-zooka strapped to his back and a modified nail gun in each hand=
ROSE: Yes.
ROSE: In most of the important ways, yes, I am fine.
ROSE: My head is not terribly pleased with me for existing, but we've had these kind of disagreements before.
DIRK: ... -looks into the fucking camera-
JOHN: :/ hey are you sure you're up to this? you should stay behind if you're ill.
DAVE: -wow-
JOHN: -gdi-
ROSE: I'm sure.
ROSE: I've been looking forward to this, as twisted as it sounds.
PENNY: -BROOM BROOM I'M IN ME OWN CAR. She doesn't seem to be stopping for anything. She's gonna drive this car right into the docking bay!!!!-
ROSE: I want to meet them.
ROSE: I've been speaking to Jane for some time now.
TESSERACT: =His head is stuck out the window, tongue lolling with a huge doggy grin!=
JUDE: -A VERY FRAZZLED MAN IS IN THE PASSENGER'S SIDE. he's holding on tight to the dashboard while also looking around everywhere. in front of them, behind them-- and when he looks back oh god THEY'RE GOING IN.-
ROXANNE: -Those are some sweet driving skills.-
DIRK: Jesus Christ--
DIRK: -side steps...-
DIRK: -more crazy ass family-
RILEY: -that's definitely piper driving-
JAKE: - :D from the engineering labs if he were here. It's a family reunion...-
JOHN: -it's a puppy-
REDGLARE: -of course they are. OF COURSE YOU ARE. She's just gonna FLY UP INTO THE AIR-
JOEY: =she's halfway out the same window, just feeling the wind rush through her hair, waving at those they pass by like she's on a parade float=
PENNY: -TIRE SCREECHING as she nyooms this car up into the ship, hitting the brakes so they can avoid running into anything or anyone-
JOLENE: -waddles down here just in time- jamie--! ... JOLENE: >_>
ARADIA: -has been in the air since they landed. she smiles at redglare-
JOHN: -look, more mysterious relatives. he floats up, waving.- hey everybody!!!
JAMES: -follows a shade bit more cautiously. Uncle. James disapproves of your shirtlessness. It's indecent.-
JAMISON: HUP! =as the tires screech, flies off into a front flip and STICKS the landing= ..... Would you all like to meet my kids?? :D
MEULIN: (=゚・゚=) ... -jesus-
JUDE: -leaning heavily against the door, he opens it and just.. spills out onto the floor.-
JOHN: -lol-
DAVE: -slow claps-
JUDE: -a pile of awkward gangly limbs.-
JOHN: -hovers near Dad- :O
JOEY: =doesnt even bother with the door. She's crawling out!=
TESSERACT: =no me first!=
PENNY: -puts the car in park and turns it off, opening her door up and stepping out so she can flip her hair and huff.- WOOOOO.
JAMISON: Awwww brighten up Jude the Dude! =lifts Jude=
RILEY: -aaaaaaand yep. that's her.-
JUDE: hhhhh... -HOISTED, then looks around wildly. WHO ARE ALL YOU PEOPLE.-
JOEY: =trolls of course! psh!=
ROXANNE: -Your new forever neighbors probably, jude.-
JAMISON: =Also helps Joey out the window= Jojo look!!!!
JOHN: -walks right up without a second thought- hi! i'm john! can i pet your pupper?
JOEY: aunt jo!! :'D
JAMES: -Kind of just stern, silent, and shiny eyed. ;__; Don't mind him. These were just family members James was sure were lost in the war decades ago.-
JANE: -She's squished in with a dog in the back seat, and she finally manages to crack a door open and step out, looking a fair bit disgruntled. Hello, she's a familiar face...-
TESSERACT: =tackles john right to the floor, licking his face in slobbery kisses=
JOLENE: -HOBBLES OVER TO THE FAMILY- joey!! jude!! -crashes into the lot of them with a big hug-
JAMISON: =Hauls around Jane too, ALL THESE KIDS=
JOHN: -YESSSSSS. Much hoo haing and petting as his face is kissed.-
ROXANNE: -Oh wait is james okay, shes gonna be looking at him with his misty eye thing happening.-
DAVE: -none of their family's reunions were ever anything like this. it's so...happy. and welcomed.-
PENNY: -grinning a little at the family reunions... her eyes aren't wandering.-
JOEY: =just hugging her auntie so tightly!!!=
JANE: Oof--!?
JANE: Everyone!
TESSERACT: =YES, this boy likes the john human.= TESSERACT: BORF!
JOHN: aww he's so friendly! -PAT PAT PAT PAT-
JANE: Oughtn't we shut the-- door?
JAMES: -Don't look at him... But yes do. He maintains that polite distance.- JAMES: -He is also very ? about the very familiar shape of Jane in the group.-
TESSERACT: BORF BORF BORF!! =dancing around john=
JANE: ...
JANE: -freezes in place- ...Dad?
JOHN: -STARES AT ALL THESE...COUSINS? SIBLINGS? VAGUE FAMILY MEMBERS CURIOUSLY. eyes widen particualrily at the jane and dad interaction.-
JOHN: -still papping tesser-
RILEY: -she's studying her from a distance, making mental notes of sad observations she'll stow away for later-
PENNY: -leans against her car and just casually lights up a cigarette. Those aren't banned in spaceships, right??-
JAMES: YES. -now striding forward, his uncertainty be damned.- WHAT EVER WERE YOU DOING ON EARTH?
TESSERACT: =lick!=
ROSE: -She's DEFINITELY not at her best, right now, but hopefully it doesn't show at all as she tries to make her way through the group and make it to the face that is familiar. FAMILIAR TWOFOLD because she did see her once over the chat program.-
ROSE: It's—
ROSE: Good to finally meet you.
ROSE: -and then she stops, glancing at James slightly quizically.-
ROSE: I have a suspicion it should be within my nature to comprehend how this is supposed to work, and far be it for me to sully this occasion,
ROSE: But is your name sincerely Janeway? You ought to have disclosed you were named after a Star Trek character.
DIRK: -in the process of closing the hatch. it's all good.-
DAVE: -hey, that one redhead looks weirdly kind of like his mom-
JOHN: -goddamnit dad.. he laughs at that.-
JAMES: -Arguably one of the best of the series... but he digresses. Just ask what John's middle name is. Do it. It's Tiberius.-
JOHN: -Well.-
JANE: -She glances at Rose, laughing incredulously, and back at who she is pretty sure is her father, eyes stinging.-
JOEY: =she wandered over to Tessie and this guy who looks strangely family.=
JOEY: hehehe hi im joey =Holds out a hand to shake=
JOEY: tesseracts a bit excitable
JOEY: sorry he squished ya
JUDE: -he's happy somewhere under all this crippling anxiety-
JOEY: =bro no=
JOHN: hey! i'm assuming we're related in some way but i don't know how yet. nice to meet you anyway though!
JAMES: THIS IS OVERWHELMING. -No... don't cry. He offers a hand out to her.- JANE.
JADE: -She's made it down here, too, tail wagging and peering around bodies to try to figure out what's going on.- hey!!
JOHN: -fist bump.-
JAMISON: =will a hairy dad smoooch do him well, hes getting one=
JOEY: =Snrk= of course JOEY: =BNPS=
DAVE: -there's jade. good. it's kind of cute seeing her so excited about this. it's really cute. he's missed it-
JANE: Dad... -just sort of... stops hesitating and rushes over to SQUISH HIM IN A REFRIGERATOR-MANHANDLING HUG.-
JOEY: family is family :)
JADE: !!
JUDE: -it's her...-
JAMISON: =HE'S smiling SO WIDE, they look a bit like the kids from the photo he showed her=
JOEY: =Glances up at that!= o:
JAMISON: =look at this photograph....=
JOHN: -sorry joey he gets distracted for a bit when he sees this. awww.-
JOHN: -he doesn't often see his dad like this.-
JAMES: -Is presumably LIFTED like some fragile case of a refrigerator. Horfs gently and with much indignity.- ... -and then smiles.-
JAMES: -rests a hand into her hair.-
JADE: hi!!! :D
JUDE: ... hello -finally manages to wheeze out-
JANE: -sniffs- You...'ve been here the whole time?
JADE: im jade!
JUDE: jude
JUDE: harley
JUDE: ... an unnecessary nugget of information to share but there it is
JOHN: -HE JUST FEELS REALLY. EMOTIONAL. This father/daughter thing in his peripheral and the fact that they just landed in his home town.-
JAMES: -putting arms around her now to lift her too.- EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT NOW.
ROXANNE: -Shes kind of creeping from the back but she can't help but be in awe at James being so highly emotional. Not that its unwarranted, that is his kid after all. But ahhh this is what a real family reunion should look like and its beautiful to watch unfold.-
JADE: i was a harley too! but now im a strider
JAMISON: =...right that=
JADE: i guess i never really stopped being a harley though :p
JAMISON: Aww well you're still a harley!! :D YES
JOHN: -clears is throat- so uh. sorry. joey. nice to meet you and everything. wait...i already said that. pfft. i am a little bit flustered!
JADE: haha!
RILEY: -what's up roxanne i'm back here too-
ROXANNE: -Please no.-
JOEY: wow.... :D so were related to striders now? who are the striders? where are they?
ROXANNE: -Except she will glance at Riley like "You seeing this amazing shit?"-
JANE: ...Dad, no, I... -pulls away from him a little to look at him- JANE: ...-glances around at Jude, and then Rose.-
JOHN: there's one! -points at dave-
JANE: ...I... no.
JANE: I'm... not from here.
JOHN: and there's one....-points at dirk-
DAVE: -raises hand-
JOHN: and there's one. -points at riley-
DIRK: -waves-
JOHN: they're kind of like roaches.
JOHN: everywhere!
RILEY: -looks back at roxanne like bitch if you knew....-
DIRK: Y'all can't even talk.
ROXANNE: -Good thing she dont.-
DIRK: There's literally a dozen of you right in front of us.
DAVE: we dont even have that many
PENNY: -blowing out clouds of smoke. She'll figure out all this relation stuff later.-
JOHN: well now we have some competition going at least.
JOEY: =glances between Dirk and Riley= all right jade which one did you marry
DIRK: -don't look at me-
JADE: pfff that one!
JADE: -points at Dave-
RILEY: -don't look at me????-
DAVE: -raises his hand again- hey
DIRK: I'm gonna let you guys get back to that. We need to get the hell outta dodge. -absconds for the bridge-
PENNY: yeah thats the pretty one.
JOEY: =waves to dave= hi fam
JAMES: -watches her expression carefully and notes what she says. Taking a small moment to register the information. Plug it into everything he already knew versus everything there was still left to learn.- ... -Takes Jane by the cheeks and smooches the top of her head.- JAMES: THERE WILL BE TIME TO DISCUSS IT.
PENNY: -calls out helpfully-
DIRK: -daelos come with him to the bridge-
DAELOS: -oh yes of course.-
DAVE: -did you just call me pretty-
DAELOS: -follow like a good horse.-
JOHN: you are pretty dave. -MAKES KISSY FACES.-
DAVE: im beautiful shut up
JOHN: hold on a minuite. -pops between jane and dad.- hey! i think i met another version of you but we're sort of unofficially brother and sister so hello again!
JOEY: thats the spirit
JOHN: -he's excited, dancing around the group like Tesseract.-
JUDE: -he wants to correct everyone on how they're related exactly... so badly... he has a chart-
RILEY: -crosses her arms, finding the nervousness quickly shifting into some kind of sickening bitter sadness.-
JANE: ...Yes. There will be.
JANE: -she pulls back, looking at John and Dad, but her expression has lost quite a bit of its mirth as she refocuses on John-
JANE: I'm afraid we won't have as much time.
EQUIUS: -Messaging Jake: D --> It my understanding that this is your relation we have acquired. You have my e%press permission to greet them-
JOHN: -blinks- huh?
JAMES: WHY DO YOU SAY THAT? -He would like to understand you, daughter.-
JADE: -From her spot amongst the fam, she's started growling softly-- and the tone begins to rise.-
JUDE: ... -is she growling???? -
DAVE: -looks concerned over at jade- jade
JAMISON: =Watches this with furrowed brows= .....she's not so territorial... she was excited to see you all... Jade, dear...?
ROSE: -She frowns, reaching for Jane's shoulder.- ...I... understand if this is a bit much and you need some air.
JOEY: =laughs a little nervously=
JOEY: hey...
JOEY: you okay there?
JOHN: oh yeah! don't feel pressured to mix right off the bat. i'll withold my hugs if you want.
JUDE: -territorial????? iS SHE PART DOG NOW??? guess that would explain the ears- uh
JANE: -She reaches into her sylladex, daintily extracting a bright red tiara and placing it atop her head.-
JANE: I'm sorry, Rose. But also, not really.
ARADIA: -not surprised. just watching-
JADE: -Silence. And then,- B͖̞̞̩̫̦̬̀A̳̟̬͚̝̣͔͡R̡̻K̫̪̮̘
JOHN: uh...
JOEY: 8(
JAMES: - ? Stern fatherly concern.-
JUDE: -looks between jade and jane and his stomach just drops-
JAMISON: Jade? =Why does he feel the strong urge to chokehold his own daughter??=
JAMISON: =Tries to pat her arm...??=
DAVE: -furrows his eyebrows cuz that sounded funny. it's only natural that he go to her. something was really wrong- yo jade
RILEY: -UH?????-
JOHN: -looks back and forth between jade and jane, with a growing sense of unease.-
JOEY: =her first instinct is to glance over at Jude and the look on his face begins to damage her calm=
JUDE: dad, don't!
TESSERACT: =actually WHINES and begins to back away=
TESSERACT: =tail is now tucked between his legs=
JAMISON: =FOR ONCE ABOUT GUNS= Whoa there... jude? Jude no... are... what are you... =Looks back at Jade=
JADE: -She looks up, ears twitching, and her entire body now is sparking -- not unlike before, but ten times more powerful, enough to raise the hairs of anyone around her. She snaps her head to Jude when he cries out, reaching out a hand, and there's a powerful surge of energy that suddenly seems to swallow them up.-
JAMISON: WHAT THE FRIG-CRIMINY FUDGE BASKET!?!?? =Tries to huddle the childrens protectively from..... the child....singular????=
JAMES: -Oh jiminy no. Whatever this terrible energy is, James is attempting to shield John and Jane from it. Regardless of anything else.-
JOEY: =tries jumping in front of her brother because that's HER BROTHER=
DAVE: -tries to yell as she does that- JADE
JADE: -Any attempts they make to hide are, unfortunately, in vain. One after another, everyone finds themselves vaulted through space in a flash of blinding green and warping surroundings, all very disorienting until almost everyone on the ship is elsewhere.-
ROXY: =Rude....=
ROXANNE: -Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fuck-
JOEY: =instinctively grabs Jude's hand=
JOHN: - Manages you yell- dad!!! and that's all he gets to do before he's swept away who knows where. -
TEREZI: =she was still on the bridge at the time and yes...yes it was super disorienting. Thank you Jade.=
REDGLARE: -She's in the process of attacking when she disappears. She doesn't have long at all-- maybe she'd hesitate, plead, try something else if she were in a different state, but it already seems hopeless. Dangerous. She disappears before she can get close enough to attack Jade. She'll have to unpack the consequences of that impulse another day, it seems.-
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