#jsab player 3
iso-draws · 2 months
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@ EVERYBODY Hand me your pentagons for shapes of may!!! I'm only doing pentagon week because i'm graduating soon and only have time for the (most important) shapes I want to do but please reblog and send me your pentagons!! Right NYEOW!!!! I wanna prepare in advance for this.
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jsabtdfandtsoec · 2 months
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Corl ref.
I usually draw the circle player with a headband, a ninja headband, sooooo you know what that means. I decided to make his design look like a ninja, but he isn't Japanese or a actual ninja, his just a really big fan of ninjas, he actually does have really good ninja skills tho.
Haha heartlocket, determination.
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spectra473 · 2 months
I just realized, you guys have probably never seen a LOT of my character concepts. I have like- 17 of them.
Welp, better late than never I guess. Lets start with the four most important/relevant/omnipresent characters of any JSAB story, the heroes of Paradise!
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Heheh >:3
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portalspectre · 2 months
Laramie was a warm up doodle yesterday and my sona was something random this morning
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eesodraws · 1 year
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Back at it again with the Shape Shenanigans appreciation <3 @shape-shenanigans !! :D Enjoy dude.
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potatobugz · 5 months
things i noticed in my most recent jsab playthrough that u might not have:
- the square starts off broken at the beginning of the game ? like theyre in pieces and those pieces come together to form the player
- the corrupted flowers make piano noises when they first pop out of the water
- theres a part in sevcon where, when the circle in the middle is absorbing other circles, it kind of bounces to the beat every time a circle hits it! its hard to see if youre not paying attention (completely understandable)
- in subwoofer dubstep, the rain from the ceiling actually fills up the level with water (this might be common knowledge but i personally never noticed until now)
- the helicopter leaves a trail of rainbow particles when they fly :]
- in that one part where the square is on a conveyor belt running from buzzsaws, the piles of stuff being shredded are various trees and things from paradise, one of which is the bird cage from the lost chapter!
- the 3 birds from the lost chapter also appeared at the end of the game before the extra chapter was even released
- the pink boss guy has a machine in the factory with the sole purpose of pushing flowers over. this boss is like a middle school bully i love them
- i also like that the background in Try This has many elements from the factory in the overworld. ik its pretty obvious. i just think its neat
- i might make a separate post abt this but the boss is very clearly Bug Coded. and the changes to their appearance they go through throughout the game makes me think of metamorphosis. you understand
- like an evil butterfly
- in the lost chapter, theres what appears to be several fossils underground. this implications of this drives me nuts
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Here's a list of the characters that are gonna be in my jsab au
yippie !!
•cyber (square player, aka corrupted icarus/silly) he/him
•pyro (triangle player) she/they
•venn (pentagon player) he/him
•pi (circle player) they/them
Uncorrupted shapes:
•triste (sad cube) he/they
•helie (helicopter :3) she/her
•echo/captain echo(b oat) (may change this name later,,,) he/him
Corrupted shapes:
•fresh (evil pink bastard) he/it
•barracuda he/it
•allysum/lycan/lichen (still kinda deciding on their name-) he/they/it
•cubic he/they
Side characters/characters that aren't really important to the story-:
•Macabre they/it
•Arachnida (spiber) it/its
•nova (sun) it/its
•Electra she/her
•Trenta he/him
•bee he/him
•cipher they/them
•mellow she/her
•soren he/him
(I have a few others too but I don't have names for them yet 💔)
Just wanted to make this in case anyone ever wants to ask any questions about them !! :3
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mahoganystudios830 · 5 months
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Yknow what? *jsab-ifies your mlp infection au*
Also, I’m working on pony designs for player 1, 2, and 3 because life’s too short to not be cringe
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mugzymiik · 8 months
i created it like yesterday but I ALREADY HAVE SO MANY IDEAS
so basically it's called "JSAB: Disloyalty AU" and i Think its gonna be really clear why its called that once i start explaining
ITS GOT A LOTTA CHANGES COMPARED TO THE ACTUAL GAME but thats why its an au shhhh/lh
ANYWAYS heres the au
SO BASICALLY the players are called Keepers of the Tree (or just Keepers). this one may change. and Cube is basically their dad. dilf/j I MEAN I MEAN I MEAN I MEAN WHAT
so the Keepers are called Square, Triangle, Pentagon and Circle (basic i know✌️😔i might come up with actual names for them sooner or later tho)
and here's the kicker.
CIRCLE IS BLIXER (aka The Boss™)
so basically UH OH Circle went rogue and decided to become evil and creates an infection using the Tree of Life, one that turns anything and everything pink
thankfully the Tree doesn't turn (yet <3 maybe), and Circle gets driven out BUT NOT BEFORE HE TURNS HIMSELF PINK!!!!!!
Circle is angy. he renames himself to Blixer, to disassociate himself from the other Keepers
everybody is sad asf for a while and a few years pass, Circle/Blixer shows up and goes "HEY BITCHES. time to pink the place lol" (that line is a /ref IF YOU KNOW WHAT ITS FROM ILY/P)
and so the Keepers (now just Square, Triangle and Pentagon) have to go and beat the shit outta their brother😢😢and Cube comes with bc ofc he does
yada yada yada. sometime while fighting an infected Triangle gets hit and gets infected themself and later becomes Barracuda
so Square and Pentagon gotta fight an infected Triangle (Barracuda), and they end up de-infecting him and thats how they realize HEY!! we can de-infect people holy shit
and so they meet Lycan, who falls into the pinksauce BC OF FUCKIN COURSE HE DOES. idiot/j (affectionate)
Square, Triangle and Pentagon fight Lycanthropy and then travel to a few places before they end up fighting Circle (and Cube gets infected like right before rhat whoopsie)
idk man. Circle may or may not die in the end
and this is all i got so far 😭
oh yeah and im debating making Lycanthropy's name Lycan Thropy/hj first name Lycan. last name Thropy. bc i think rhat would be funny as shit
(pronouns of all the chars mentioned:
Cube: he/they
Square: they/she
Triangle/Barracuda: any pronouns
Pentagon: they/them
Circle/Blixer: he/him
Lycanthropy: he/him)
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scribz-ag24 · 1 year
Stupid question but which one re-evolved first, Duskull/Dusknoir or Treecko/Grovyle?
First, don't say it's a stupid question, I would love to share ideas for the au and talk more about it, especially 'cause I personally am not very creative on my own, so interaction helps immensely.
Second, gonna be honest here, I actually have no idea. I haven't really put much thought into actual plot lmao. The AU doesn't even belong to me really, I just took jsab's one and came up with little interactions that I found funny and/or cute (in my defense, i was starving for actaeonshipping content xd). I didn't plan an actual timeline/story, and I feel that way anyone can come up with their own interpretation of it, which is fun. (and also less complicated cause the logistics of a swap au would be,,,,,,,,,,,,complicated i think).
However, since you asked, I am going to list some random ideas I had about how it could happen, which sort of mixes with possible story beats ig. Sorry beforehand for the length and change of subject lol.
tldr: imo it depends on what story you wanna come up with and whatever serves it better (i.e. you want it to happen post game, so you follow the game's plot; you want it to happen during the story, so sth weird happens, etc.)
So in PMD:EOS world, pokémon evolve through the Luminous Spring. The player can't evolve until the spring regains its light once the flow of time is fixed. So either we have Grovyle and Dusknoir re-evolving after Dialga is defeated, respecting canon, or we tweak it a bit to make it more interesting.
A way to alter the spring method would be by stealing a headcanon I saw someplace I can't remember (oops): that pokémon, while they usually rely on the Luminous Spring, on very rare occasions can evolve through high levels of stress to protect themselves. I personally like this theory because it explains why there are evolved pokémon in the future, like Grovyle and Dusknoir themselves. They were born in a paralysed world, with no magic skinnydipping, so what's up with that.
When I say this ties in with story beats is because I feel the choice here can make two different versions of the swap, 1. treecko and duskull literally take the hero and partner role to the very end (plus a face off against darkrai ig??), or 2. respect the game's kind-of-chosen one narrative by having partner keep their relic fragment, and making grovyle and dusknoir's main mission to help hero and partner work together again. The problem with this AU is that, if taken seriously, it would need a DEEP reconsideration of the game's events and characters. When does the swap occur? Why does it happen, is Darkrai involved again? If Hero and Partner are still there, does that mean the story of eos happened beforehand but had a bad ending? How do two characters whose actions are immensely influenced by their knowledge of the future act when stripped of their canon motivations? Do they keep behaviours and reflexes (perhaps theyre a bit more ambivalent with violence/more morally gray than hero and partner) or are they a blank slate? Do they feel compelled to evolve because they have a weird feeling that they're in a body strange to them? This is why I only draw the fun two panel interactions!
Leaving all that aside, here are some scenarios that could happen (...because we are just making shit up so anything can happen):
They evolve through struggle, like I presume they had to do in the future. Maybe Treecko evolves sooner, on account of being more reckless and referencing his status as a starter pokémon that evolves at level 16. Once Duskull evolves he prolly carries the team for a while, tho, since Dusclops was supposed to be a fully evolved pokémon in gen 3, and is iconically stronger than Dusknoir when it carries an eviolite. Then again, Grovyle and Dusknoir in game are way stronger than they would be in a mainline game, so perhaps they maintain some muscle memory that helps them in combat (funny how two amnesiac pokémons, who barely remember their own names, are somehow so accostumed to battle, huh, weird). I'd say the best place for an evolution would be the dark future, maybe they escape from prison without facing the sableye -cause a prison cell isnt that big of a deal for someone who knows dig and someone whose actual pokédex entry is "It can go through walls!"- and evolve in a fight against partner?
The evolution doesn't follow game rules at all, instead it's a physical manifestation of their old memories. Hero never remembers their past (sorry grovyle), but this is pure self indulgence so maybe the other two do, or at least are more encouraged to do so or get more information (celebi for grovyle, and dialga for dusknoir).
Following that last point, Celebi and Dialga, two time travelling pokémon, actively interfere to help them get their memories back/get them up to speed with the situation, each to their own interest. Perhaps this involve a separation arc between Treecko and Duskull, à la Gates to Infinity. This would serve to make them less dependent of each other, and mature on their own for a while, differenciating them from hero and partner.
They don't re-evolve, they save the world/help save the world like hero and partner would do.
My favourite option is Dialga helps them somehow with time magic after the battle is over and time is fixed. The sole point of it is getting Dusknoir and Grovyle -with their memories back- to awkardly leave together on a slow stoneship that shoots rainbow, for the sole reason that it would be hilarious.
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d-mond06 · 1 year
Random JSAB stuff
Have these quick drawings
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Blixer, the idea is that he has 4 arms (2nd pic), let's pretend he's using his two arms to control that cannon
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And the players (guardians) 1, 2 and 3, I'm still working on 4
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guacomelon · 1 year
I have accumulated too many "humanoid-shape character with a flat square for a head" designs from those fucking games. WHY DO I HAVE 4 JSAB SQUARE PLAYERS AND 3 PA HALS/NANO BOTS
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Every Popular GD Player Who Was on Tumblr Before the Twitter Exodus
Hi! This is gonna be a short post about something I catalogued nearly a year ago, just never made into a tumblr post until now.
As a brief introduction, "GmdTumblr" is the unofficial name (from I think Jaye?) given to the community of Geometry Dash players on tumblr. Many actual GD players arrived during the Twitter exodus in April 2022, but some people arrived well before then. So without further ado, here’s all of them I could find.
1. Blitzer
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I've mentioned them a lot before. List demon slayer, GD moderator, verified the update to the extreme demon “Tenth Circle” by DeniPol. They made a tumblr account like six years ago and came back to it occasionally to see GD posts. Of the few that existed back then, I made a bunch, so they found me before I found them.
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2. JoelyMammoth
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Hosted the megacollab “cloup”, which was beaten by players like Sunix and SrGuillester. The level is so bad it’s good, it's one of the highest-quality intentionally bad levels. Also, she's currently hosting a new megacollab, it has 100+ creators and is still open, if you haven't joined it yet and you're a GD player you totally should.
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3. AgentJDN
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This was a wild one to discover. He’s still active.
AgentJDN was a Filipino creator who became popular in early 2.1 for levels such as "Mission Madison" and "Operation Madison". These were demons with custom gamemodes, some of which got over a million views on YouTube.
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I was aware for a while he used to be on tumblr. However, the last post on his blog was dated 2016, and that’s before Update 2.1 even existed (he built his most popular levels after 2.1 released), so I just assumed he was inactive now.
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But to my surprise, he’s far from gone! He just rebranded, and moved on to different games. His tumblr account is still active as of a month ago, and he seems to be an incredibly talented and creative artist. You can find him today in the JSAB and SMW communities, so if any of these present ventures interest you, I highly recommend checking him out. (Though if you do, please don’t bug him about being AgentJDN. He probably doesn’t want to be reminded of his younger self.)
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4. paqoe
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Paqoe joined tumblr in December 2021, so she still counts in this list. She’s an extremely skilled player, beating both extreme demons and challenges, and her achievements include verifying “Silent Clubstep”—a 7-year-old IMPOSSIBLE level—and beating VSC, the #1 hardest challenge in the game.
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Paqoe is friends with Blitzer, with the latter even drawing the thumbnail for her Silent Clubstep verification. The thumbnail now proudly appears alongside the video on the official Demonlist website.
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However, she recently got into some controversy on Twitter, and her public image took a hit as a result. I can’t really comment on it, but it remains to be seen where things will go from here.
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portalspectre · 3 months
Ah yes. Me forgetting to post something despite thinking I did. Oopsie
Alr so there’s an image limit. I’ll post everything else I wanted to here in a sec
A quick note for how the shape bodies work- they don’t have bones and their body is made of something like energy. Take a glow stick for example: you crack it and it glows. That works for if a shape broke a bone minus the glowing; it’d release a type of healing energy. But the bodies are easily infected with corruption since there’s really no system like a human that works to keep them healthy. Eating isn’t needed but they do it anyway because their ancestors did, as they didn’t have the same body make up as the people now
Psyria: (now) it/its and she/her pronouns
My sona/self insert if you will. I do have a lovely partner and you’ll see her in the other post. They don’t have a Tumblr tho
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Fallyn: the boss boi in my au
Still in jail lmaoo. They do have the underbite.
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Cuda: obviously the Barracuda boss 💁‍♀️
She has scars from the explosion, though some healed and the majority still visible were from the rocks caving on her after her fight
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Percival: the flower boss from the volcano
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Cubi: well um. The cube. Lmfao
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Aubrey: triangle player
Yep he’s dating Cubi
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Honey: The emotional lil fucker and the circle player
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Laramie: pentagon player
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True: the square player
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I’ve already shown her, and her partner. You can find that pretty easily.
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F/O List
I’m so sorry this is long overdue- but here’s all my f/os from obscure indie games no one cares about!
Romantic F/Os
P03 FROM INSCRYPTION. It is my main f/o and the one I think and talk about all the time, please prioritize this one about all the other ones- My S/I for them is Aster!
Lambert from Cult of the Lamb (S/I: Luna, dm for ref)
Jestar Heart from Project Arrhythmia (S/I: Mabby, my main sona)
Squid from Will You Snail (S/I: N/A)
Despot from Despotism 3K and Despot’s Game (S/I: N/A, can you see I have a type)
Pal from The Michells vs. the Machines (S/I: N/A, yeah I definitely have a type)
Boss from Just Shapes and Beats (S/I: also Mabby)
Green Mage from Everhood (S/I: I have a gnomesona but it’s horribly outdated)
Familial F/Os (all DMGverse)
Leshy from Inscryption
Luke Carder from Inscryption
Kaycee Hobbes from Inscryption
Lonely Wizard from Inscryption
Goobert from Inscryption
h0peless$oul from Pony Island
Louey from Pony Island
Rebecha from The Hex/Inscryption
Weasel Kid from The Hex
Moji from The Hex
Bryce from The Hex
Chandrelle from The Hex
Lazarus from The Hex
My BitBuddy Zeelo (holy crap that’s a lot)
Platonic F/Os
Unicorn from WYS
Gramble from Bugsnax
Filbo from Bugsnax
just any bugsnac tbh
Charlie, the name I gave to the player character of Card Shark
The Comte du Saint-Germain from Card Shark
Smallfry from Splatoon 3
Tinkaton from Pokémon SV (yes)
Nautilus from Project Arrhythmia
DXL from Project Arrhythmia
Nano from Project Arrhythmia
Sad cube from JSAB
Penny from Pokémon SV
Bin from Progressbar95 (uhhhh)
Pink from Everhood
Whew I know that’s a crap ton of F/Os but thanks for reading so far!
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potatobugz · 2 years
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More Beatstuck things!!! aka just miscellaneous doodles of ideas I have.
The gist of Beatstuck is that it's a jsab/homestuck sorta crossover au where the shapes play a version of Sburb. because . mixing my interests together is really fun. The four player shapes and the jsab bosses are playing separate games, essentially their goal is to merge both of their sessions together so they can finish the game and create a new universe! Shenanigans ensue.
Jsab doesn't really have a ton of like,, concrete lore. so I am using the age old technique of "making shit up" <3 I have a ton of jsab headcanons just lying around & I'm so glad I get to finally use them
anywho, there a few things I've changed since the last posts. Skya is the thief of void since I thought it fit better and Cirk isn't the bard of time anymore (though I haven't figured out what their classpect would be instead yet) I am still. sorta conceptualizing all this so be prepared for certain stuff to change at random </3
because I didn't wanna make this post super duper long, there's a few bonus doodles under the cut (mostly of like character dynamics n things like that I think) :]
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dear jsab fans I am so sorry for putting home suck in your tag
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