#jp: love is like a poison
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khaoala · 5 months ago
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❝Ryo-kun, you've never dated anyone before, have you?❞
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raphael-angele · 7 months ago
The Gift
POV: It's Regulus' birthday and he's opening presents at the breakfast table.
Regulus: Okay, so far I got a journal that cannot be opened unless I'm the one holding it; thank you, Evan. The Cain's Jawbone book; thank you, Barty. A brand new stationary set; thank you, Pandora. And a silver snake ring that has a needle that injects poison to whoever it punctures; thank you, Dorcas.
Pandora: Happy birthday, Reg.
Evan: Happy birthday, buddy.
Barty: Yeah, yeah, yeah, happy birthday and all that. So which one is your favorite?
Dorcas: You kidding? I win by a mile.
Evan: Oh, I almost forgot *pulls out a small box* This is from Potter.
Dorcas: Why was James Potter giving you a gift for Regulus?
Barty: And why was he with you in the first place?
Evan: Calm down. We bumped into each other in the halls and he asked me to give it to Reg.
Regulus: *opens the box* oh wow.
Pandora: What is it?
Regulus: *shows it to Pandora*
Pandora: Aww, that's so cute.
Barty: What is it?
Pandora: It's like an small pin of the golden snitch but instead of a ball, it's shaped like a star.
Regulus: *reads the note* "Still can't believe I caught you. JP"
Dorcas: Aw, Now that's just romantic
Barty: If Potter wanted to be romantic, he'd realign the stars to say, "I am untterly, undoubtedly, and deeply in love with Regulus Arcturus Black. I say with with sound mind and body. Love, James Potter"
Regulus, putting the pin on his robe: So whose gift is that one? *points to a box*
Regulus: ...no one?
Evan: *inspects* Well, it's addressed to you. And it says Happy Birthday. Maybe it's from your parents?
Regulus: Unlikely. Give it? *takes the box* Really nothing written on here.
Barty: Open it.
Regulus: *opens it and gasps*
Dorcas: What is it?
Regulus: *looks over at the Gryffindor table* Nothing *packs up the gifts, stands and leaves* Thanks for the gifts.
At the Gryffindor table:
Sirius: Hey, the birthday boy himself.
James: Oh, hi, babe.
Regulus: Hey. Sirius, a word? *they move a bit farther away*
Sirius: So what's up? Did you need something?
Regulus: The gift.
Sirius: Yeah? What about it?
Regulus: ...help me put it on?
Sirius: ...*smiles softly* Yeah, okay.
In the bathroom:
Sirius: You okay in there?
Regulus: *comes out of the stall with a roll of bandage*
Sirius: What do you think?
Regulus: *runs his hands through his torso, looks at the mirror and turns to the side*
Sirius: It's not too tight right? I think I hooked it on the right row.
Regulus: *cries*
Sirius: *goes up to him* Hey, hey, c'mon, don't cry. It's okay. What's wrong? Is it too small? Does it hurt?
Regulus: *shakes his head* No. It's perfect.
Sirius: Aww, I'm glad. Feels better right?
Regulus: Mhm.
Sirius: *sighs* I told you to stop using bandages to bind. You're gonna hurt yourself.
Regulus: I didn't have a binder to use.
Sirius: Well now you do. And this is a lot safer and comfier. Right?
Regulus: *nods*
Sirius: Yeah. Now, you have to promise me that you won't wear it for too long. If I find out that you've been binding longer than what's safe, I'm confiscating them. Understand?
Regulus: Mhm. I promise
Sirius: Okay.
Regulus: *hugs Sirius tightly* Love you
Sirius: *kisses the top of his head* Love you, too. Now, let's get you to class.
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mcgilou · 1 year ago
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" YOU brute! you totally planned this, didn't you! you must have conspired with beinfu, i know it! " despite her wailings of complaints magilou complied. for once she missed velvet's cruel treatment. " time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana! what did the beach say as the tide came in? long time, no sea! i don't trust stairs, they're always up to something! " it was a miracle magilou knew so many puns.
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okay. not bad, not bad—but if edna is anything, it would be a spartan. ( at least, for the sake of comedy. )
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❛  all right, now give me three more and you better add some zeal to it. this is now edna's comedy camp. i won't tolerate slackers. if you can't dish out puns fast enough without pause, then you still have a long way ahead of you. after you finish your puns, i better see you working on your tongue-twisters. i want five of those too. if that's too hard, then you can practice the normincarena.  ❜
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mobbu-min · 2 months ago
☆ yummy in my tummy ☆
part three
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a/n i've been following the halloween event pretty closely for the jp servers, and omg, i have fallen deeper in love with leona! he's just so gentlemanly and honestly, the type of guy you would totally bring home to meet ur parents! plus he looks so damn good! also scully such a cutie patootie! love his little mannerisms and design! i was a little sad that ace and deuce wasn't in, but that just means that they'll both be there for the next halloween event!
edit: so this was meant to be posted like a long time ago hence my og author note, but better late the. never ig. but my point still stands that skully is a little cutie patootie <3
included ignihyde, diasomnia + rollo
tw nothing
want more? here's part one + two
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ignihyde <3
⋆ He can’t help it! But the first thing that escape Idia's mouth is ‘Is this poison?’ He can't help it! He’s just a little awkward and has low self-esteem! Idia can’t phantom the idea that anyone, especially you, would take time out of their day to make and bring little, ugly him, food. (his words not mine) It’s literally a ten minute conversation where you have to explain to him that you wanted to this because you care about his skinny ass. And after he gets that through his thick ass head and into his big ass brain, does he explode into hot, hot red. Despite being a literal genius, Idia’s social department (self-esteem? self-love?) is severely understaffed. I don’t think Idia’s all that picky when it comes to food, he’s just not used to eating food out of his comfort zone. But batting your pretty eyes and asking ‘pretty please?’ is enough to get him to bend over.
⋆ If he could eat, Ortho would adore your food! (real talk, i can’t remember if Ortho could canonically eat through like idk a food cavity space thing or if i had just read that from a fic) Would ask for all types of things. But since he can’t, Ortho enjoys your food through Idia. He’s really happy that someone would take the time out of their day just for his big brother. By his data, doesn’t that mean you like his big bro? In all sorts of media, romantic partners make each other food to show their love! If Idia wasn’t such a danger magnetic in the kitchen, Ortho would force Idia to make you food too! So you’ll just have to settle with Ortho as your little helper instead. (he’s so excited to spend one on one time with his future in-law! teehee)
Diasomnia <3
⋆ My, make him food? How courageous you are, little human. Malleus gobbles your food down like it's his last supper. Food created by his child of man? How could he possibly let it go to waste! Compliments you to the moon and back. Though because it is Malleus, he does slip a few critiques. (he can’t help it! He’s a prince afterall) Malleus has never had an edible homemade dish full of love given to him, like ever. (sorry lilia, your food is full of love, just not edible) A warm feeling blossoms all across his body like blooming roses. If his tail was out, it would be swaying to the beat of his racing heart. Malleus didn’t think it was possible to fall deeper in love with you, but here you go, always surprising him. Perhaps, you’ll find a meal on your desk one day by the initials M.D.
⋆ Ohohoho? So you want to challenge a culinary master! Lilia will not be beaten by such a cute little human! You better start running tehehehehe- On another less scary note, Lilia enjoys your food immensely! Of course he could think of a few ways to make it much more protein packed and nutritious but that’s just his inner master chef coming out teehee. Beware, he insists that you must try his cooking, it’s only fair of him to treat you to a meal. Or even worse, insist that you too must cook together. Pray to the seven (or hope that Silver will be conscious enough to drag his father outta there) because you’re going to need it.
⋆ Wonderful… is the only word Silver is able to get out before he falls asleep. When he wakes, Silver is awfully embarrassed. Silver is blown away at your kindness. His face a perment baby pink the rest of the day. You thought of him and no one else. Surely this must mean something right? Still, Silver must do something for you too. It’s only fair. (what a sweet gentleman) he considers making you a treat as well, but considers otherwise. It might be unwise to be in the kitchen with his condition. But of course, it’s not like Silver won’t have any help! All the woodland creatures are more than happy to help Silver win over his crush’s heart! The next day you’ll have his treat flown to you by a couple of blue birds, chipmunks and rabbits gathering at your door with berries of all sorts. Silver thankful for such generous companions. If he had to face you, he might just fall into a coma.
⋆ He can’t help it when he says, “Are you trying to poison me?!’ and ‘Don’t you dare poison my Waka-Sama! I will fight you, human!” Sebek’s like a dog, barking and barking, until he smells the delicious scent of your food and suddenly, he’s stubbornly eating it at the table. Cursing himself for being so weak to delicious food (and your pretty smile) Oh how could he properly serve his Waka-sama if he’s weakened by such things?! THE CRUELTY! He does really enjoy your food. Typically he’s often left unsatisfied, his stomach growling with lingering hunger after his meals. But for some odd reason, every time he’s chowing down on your food, he’s satisfied. His stomach is silent but his chest is warm and fuzzy like dandelions. Are you sure you don’t have any magic? Sebek decides to keep his curiosity to himself. Just like the rest of diasomnia, you’ll find yourself faced with a box filled to the brim with food courtesy of the blushing, stuttering fae in front of you.
Extra <3
⋆ Very rarely does Rollo find time to sit down and eat. Between his studies, his duties as student president and world domination (kidding), he is much too busy to have anything more than a piece of bread and glass of water. You’ll have to drag him to sit his ass down to eat and even then he’ll be scolding you for messing up his schedule. But when the warm and homey scent of your food reaches his nose, his voice falls and mind clears. And all of a sudden, he’s very much aware of the ache in his bones, the growling of his stomach and the tight ringing of his head. Rollo listens to you tell him you made this just for him, heaviness hits his chest at the concern lacing your voice. Any other time he’d scoff and leave, but this is you. His friend. He doesn’t hesitate. The moment your food touches his tongue he’s done for. Perhaps the hassle of life is worth it.
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nieisan · 7 days ago
I really love Kalim as a character and I think he is so interesting.His personality goes around a strange selfishness that at first glance seems to be him being kind to others. He is a really selfish character because even when he acts ina way that can seem selfless (giving gifts, etc), most of the time it does not come from him. He would do things for others if he didn't have the resources he has now, that I'm sure of. But he does have them, so he uses them. "Them" in mainly Jamil who does everything for him (look at Silver School Uniform personal story to see it).
For example, the personal story when he tries to bring Idia to eat with him and more people are coming (Rook, Cater...) he makes the invitation, but he doesn't work. Also, in his dorm story, you can see that in the maximum level of that. We can see clearly in Book 4 that Jamil is giving in to this dynamic because he cannot really safely break it (I think in the EN translation this is a little bit lost, but in the JP direct one I have seen it seems implied that Kalim father anger could put Jamil's family in real danger). And then the whole Book 4 plot happens and you can see a change. Kalim doesn't want to see the real dynamic they share, but he is forced to acknowledge it.
Even then, I personally find it really hard to empathize with him. I understand why he acts like he does, but the unfairness of it all just makes my blood boil. The fact that Jamil servant title is like that makes everything worse. (the Viper's family servitude can be interpreted as a legal slavery thing, not because they don't get paid, but because they are born into it with no apparent way out)
And don't get me wrong, Kalim is a beautifully written character that doesn't have control over his life. Just look at the poison implications, he is someone whose life has more value than others (look at Leona's SSR Birthday Jacket personal story when he talks about who he would take to a desert island, for example). But even if that's true, he does NOT value his life as more than others, it actually seems to value himself as less. And that makes everything about him so interesting. That's one of the reason why I really love the fight with him and Jamil in Book 7 and how Kalim puts himself first and fight Jamil.
I just think the dynamics are so interesting and being genuine, I think Kalim is one of the most interesting characters to look at just because what he is and who he is supposed to be is so different.
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winterspellsfrozenkit · 23 days ago
Rook's nicknames and some small explanations
Yuu/Player - Trickster. I made a whole post on how us being called Trickster due to our connection with Mickey.
Grim - JP: Monsieur Kemakujara (Thick Fur)/ EN: Monsieur Peluche (Plush). Grim's nickname derives from the fact he is furry and soft.
Riddle - Roi des Roses. Riddle's nickname means King of Roses. All Dorm Leaders/Housewardens seem to have "Roi" which is French for King as part of their nickname.
Trey - JP: Bara no chevalier/ EN: Chevalier des Roses. Both forms translate to "Knight of Roses". Given Trey's whole thing in Book 1 is to try and protect not just the Heartslabyul students, but also Riddle himself, makes sense why he's the Knight of Roses.
Cater - Monsieur Magicam. This is pretty self explanatory, but Cater's nickname comes from his consistent posting to Magicam.
Ace - Monsieur Heart. Ace's card suit in Heartslabyul is a Heart, so Mr. Heart is pretty self explanatory.
Deuce - Monsieur Spade. Like with Ace, Deuce's nickname comes from his card suit in Heartslabyul.
Leona - Roi des Lions. Leona's nickname means King of Lions.
Ruggle - JP: Monsieur Tanpopo (Dandelion)/EN: Monsieur Dent-de-Lion. We get an explanation from Rook about this in Book 5. Ruggie's food money had run low as students are required to provide their own monthly food budget, so he was looking for dandelions in the sports field to eat so he wouldn't go hungry. Dent-de-Lion is the French word where we get the word Dandelion and it also means Tooth of Lion.
Jack - JP: Monsieur Tough Guy/EN: Monsieur Fier-a-bras (Braggart). This is likely tied to the tough guy facade Jack often puts up trying to be a lone wolf.
Azul - Roi du Fort/Roi de l'Effort. This means King of Effort.
Jade - JP: Monsieur Keikaku-han/EN: Monsieur Premedite. Keikaku-han is a premeditated crime and Premedite means Premeditated.
Floyd - JP: Monsieur Yukai-han/EN: Monsieur Spontane. Yukai-han is a crime committed to enjoy the chaos/commotion that comes after, while Spontane means Spontaneous.
Kalim - Roi Dore. Kalim's nickname is supposed to be Golden King or King of Gold, likely the latter.
Jamil - JP: Monsieur Multi/EN: Monsieur Pyramide. Jamil's JP nickname likely refers to his versatility of tasks he fulfills for Kalim, while his EN nickname is more driven by the fact Pyramids are supposed to guard the kings that are entombed inside.
Vil - Roi du Poison. This means King of Poison.
Epel - JP: Monsieur Hime-Ringo (Crab Apple)/EN: Monsieur Pommette. Hime Ringo is a pun because it is the word for Crab Apple (referring to Epel's temper) but it also means Princess Apple (referring to Epel's effeminate looks). Pommette is like the apple of the cheek.
Himself - Le Chasseur d'Amour. This means Hunter of Love.
Idia - JP: Roi de ta Chambre/EN: Roi de sa Chambre. This is King of One's Own Room/King of His Own Room. It's tied to how Idia is a recluse who rare leaves his own room.
Ortho - (Pre Book 6) JP: Monsieur Oningyou (Doll)/EN: Monsieur Marionette. (Post Book 6) Monsieur Wonder. Ortho's first nickname is due to the fact he's a robot which could be considered an advanced form of doll or puppet, but when he gets his own free will, Rook changes his name to Monsieur Wonder due to the miracle of Ortho becoming "human" in a sense.
Malleus - Roi des Dragons. This means King of Dragons.
Lilia - JP: Monsieur Koukishin (Curiousity)/EN: Monsieur Curiosite. Both mean Mr. Curiousity, which given Lilia isn't very forthcoming about himself, makes sense.
Silver - JP: Monsieur Onebou (Sleepyhead)/EN: Monsieur Endormi. These refer to the fact that Silver can't stay awake.
Sebek - Monsieur Crocodile. Sebek's fae heritage from his mom is a crocodile fae. This is pretty confirmed given Baul/Baur moved from Sunset Savannah to Briar Land which would later become Briar Valley.
Neige - Roi de Neiges. This means King of Snow/King of White Snow.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months ago
Halloween Bingo Card 2024: Poison - Terry Silver x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @anamiad00msday @stelacole @withakindheartx
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Terry learns there’s a naked painting of you through his own contacts in the art world. He’s asked them to notify him when your ex JP tries to put anything new on the market because he doesn’t trust the fucker not to retaliate after the shit he pulled at the sex club. He had hoped he’d made his point back at the Red Room but then he gets a text that makes him realise his faith was misplaced.
In one week’s time JP plans to reveal his latest masterpiece ‘Poison’ and that painting, it’s of you, bare for all the world to see.
Terry spends the next half an hour studying the image, he takes in the definition, the contours, the shades. He’s kissed every single part of your body, he would know it by touch alone and he sees it right here in this painting, everything from the pale birthmark on your inner thigh to the scar on your right knee.
The press release that’s going out alongside the piece states it’s based on an ex, a toxic relationship that JP was involved with, one where his partner belittled him, berated him, burned his paintings. All those things he did to you, he retells it through his own lens.
Terry sees it for what it is, a weak man’s attempt to torpedo your career. JP wants to humiliate you, debase you, that’s what the invitation to the sex club had been about that night. He wanted to put you back in your place, exert his control but Terry, he will never let that happen. So he buys the painting, in fact he buys every one of JP’s paintings and then he takes them in a car to the other man’s house, dumps them on the lawn in his backyard, the exact same place he destroyed your work and sets fire to them right before his eyes.
“That is you career going up in smoke.” He tells the other man as they watch it burn. “Every time you release  a new painting, no matter what it is, I’m going to buy it before it ever reaches the public eye. Then I’m going to come back here and do this over and over and over again until you get the message that Georgia is off limits.”
He watches the moment that information dawns on JP, the moment he realises the reach that Terry has, the malevolence.  With no paintings out there in the world, no new work being produced JP’s name will fade into obscurity, that fame he covets, that power he thinks he wields, it dies along with every single image that Terry destroys.
“When I get done scrubbing every trace of you and your shitty art from the internet it’ll be like you never existed.” Terry informs him, his hands tucked into the pockets of his suit trousers. “You’ll be nothing but a footnote in her story and I’m going to make sure it stays that way.”
To a man like JP who craves that notoriety it’s worse than any beating Terry could have given him.
Bones heal, bruises fade but legacy, that’s forever.
Love Terry? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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the-conversation-pod · 25 days ago
The Very Important Internet BL (VIIB) Awards 2024
It's time for NiNi's and Ben's favorite annual tradition: our VIIB Awards! Come join us as we hand out awards for Acting, Ships, Immortal Technique, and Top Tings!
Then, stick around as we talk about our special class awards for queer works that don't necessarily qualify as QL.
We will include the Winner's List at the top of the transcript below (so scroll past it if you want to avoid spoilers).
The timestamps will now correspond with chapters on Spotify for easier navigation.
00:00:00 - Welcome 00:00:55 - Introduction: It's Awards Season Once More 00:02:09 - Acting! 00:08:00 - Ships Ahoy! 00:16:31 - Immortal Technique 00:29:05 - Top Tings 00:41:43 - Special Class Awards 00:43:11 - Special Class: Honourable Mentions 00:47:36 - Special Class: Mark Pakin 6th Man Awards 00:51:13 - Special Class: Standout Queer Narratives 01:06:00 - Outro
The Conversation Transcripts!
Thanks to the continued efforts of @lurkingshan as an editor and proofreader, we are able to bring you transcripts of the episodes.
We will endeavor to make the transcripts available when the episodes launch, and it is our goal to make them available for past episodes (Coming soon thanks to @wen-kexing-apologist). When transcripts are available, we will attach them to the episode post (like this one) and put the transcript behind a Read More cut to cut down on scrolling.
Please send our volunteers your thanks!
Winners’ List:
Rising Star: Aungpao Ochiris Suwanacheep (Dynamite, Cooking Crush; Khaopan, My Love Mix Up, TH)
Best Cast: Modi (Wei Qian), Kurt Huang (Wei Zhi Yuan), Tammy Lin (Wei Li Li), Kim Jae Hoon (San Pang) (Unknown, TW)
Best Pair: Tay Tawan Vihokratana (Karan) and New Thitipoom Techa-apaikhun (Achi) (Cherry Magic Thailand, TH)
Best Actor: Lee Tae Vin (Tae Myung Ha, Love for Love’s Sake, KR)
Best Ghost Ship: Mawin/Ton (23.5, TH)
Best Friendship: Three Must-eat-eers: Prem, Dynamite, Samsee (Cooking Crush, TH)
Best Side Ship: Fire/Dynamite (Cooking Crush, TH)
Best Main Ship: Shiba/Haruto (Doku Koi: Doku mo Sugireba Koi to Naru (Love Is A Poison), JP)
Best OST Song: “Camino” - Let Free The Curse Of Taekwondo, KR (performed by Gogang, music and lyrics by Gogang and Jung Mijin)
Best Music: 4Minutes, TH (Banana Sound Studio, composer: Toy Terdsak Janpan, MS: Pimmata Patpibul, Jeerapat Jongkolsongkroh)
Best Production: Love For Love's Sake, KR (AD: Ha Ye Rim)
Best Original Story: Hwang Da Seul (Let Free The Curse Of Taekwondo, KR)
Best Adapted Story: Toyama Erika (I Became the Star of a BL Drama, adapted from BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita by Suzuri Machi, JP)
Best Direction: 25 Ji, Akasaka de (At 25:00 In Akasaka), JP (Dir: Horie Takahiro and Kawasaki Ryo, DP: Hanamura Yasushi, Ed: Kitani Mizuki)
Best GL: Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna (She Loves to Cook and She Loves To Eat) (NHK, JP)
Best Pulp: Knock Knock, Boys! (Kongthup Production/WeTV, TH)
Best Romantic Comedy: Doku Koi: Doku mo Sugireba Koi to Naru (Love Is A Poison) (TBS, JP)
Best Romantic Drama: 25 Ji, Akasaka de (At 25:00 In Akasaka) (TV Tokyo, JP)
Best Genre Romance: Love For Love’s Sake (Wavve Studios, KR)
Show of the Year: Let Free The Curse Of Taekwondo (Studio Him Energetic Company, KR)
Honourable Mentions: 
7 Days Before Valentine (TH) - Experimental
Tadaima Okaeri and Twilight Out of Focus (JP) - Animated
6th Man Awards: 
Dome Jaruwat Cheawaram (Cooking Crush, Jack & Joker)
Title Kirati Puangmalee (We Are, Wandee Goodday, Kidnap)
Standout Queer Narratives: 
Ossan no Pantsu ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka (Don’t Care For An Old Man’s Underwear) (JP) - family drama
Marahuyo Project (PH) - community drama
Love In The Big City (KR) - slice of life drama
Kimi no Tsugu Kaori wa (Fragrance You Inherit) (JP) - family drama
Interview With the Vampire (US) - southern gothic drama
00:00:00 - Welcome
Welcome to The Conversation, the Queer Media And Brown Liquor Podcast.
I'm Ben, the media critic.
I’m NiNi, the VIIBs queen.
And we are your drunk Caribbean uncle and auntie who are sitting on the porch in the rocking chairs.
We’re here to talk queer film and dramas, with a special focus on Asian QL.
So if you like to dive deep into queer stories…
If you like cracked out takes on art and commerce in queer media…
If you just enjoy simping for attractive people…
We believe in simping!
Tune in!
00:00:55 - Introduction: It's Awards Season Once More
*trumpet fanfare*
And we're back. It's time for our favorite annual tradition. It's time for the VIIB Awards.
Yes, we are here to discuss all the best things that we saw in 2024 and that you should watch, as well. We've got five main categories in the VIIB Awards. Acting, ships, immortal technique, top tings, and our special class awards.
For those of you who are new to us, this is the Very Important Internet BL Awards. NiNi and I started our show on this and we will be handing out plates once again to our favorite boys, girls, and otherwise stellar performers.
NiNi got deep into her cups before we started and she was late, so unfortunately I am also deep into my cups already.
So we're just gonna have some fun and try to get through these as quickly as possible before we get blotto.
00:02:09 - Acting!
Let's start with our acting awards.
The great thing about being an actor is that you're invited into people's worlds that you normally would never be invited into. People want to tell their stories, they want to be seen, they want to be understood. As an actor you just get to go on these incredible journeys that most people are never invited to or never have an opportunity to travel.
Mark Ruffalo
And the first award is Rising Star. Our awardee for Rising Star this year is Aungpao Ochiris Suwanacheep, who played Dynamite in Cooking Crush and Khaopan in My Love Mix-Up. 
We love Aungpao on this podcast. We loved Dynamite. It was the first thing we ever saw him do, and we fell immediately in love with the character. And every time I've seen Aungpao since then this year, he has delivered. So I'm really looking forward to seeing what he does next. Very excited about him.
I'm so excited for him. I thought he did a great job in both of his roles despite feelings I have about both shows. Congratulations, sir. We will be sending you a plate.
Did we ever decide what we're putting on these plates? We're going into the third year of the VIIB awards and we don't know what's going on these plates.
It is clearly gonna be like two Caribbean mason jars full of like a fruity drink.
It’s gonna be brown liquor! [laughs] 
Hell yeah.
*xylophone sound*
Our next award is going to the Best Cast of the year, and this award is for the best ensemble performance, including individual performances, chemistry, and interplay.
This is going to go to the cast of Unknown, including Modi–also known as Chris Chiu, Kurt Huang, Tammy Lin, and Kim Jae Hoon. 
This was really a special cast playing off a really complicated dynamic which takes place in-world over the course of years. So we had to watch them play maturing characters in ever-changing dynamics the whole time. Really stellar group performance from them and it resulted in some really standout individual scenes that are easy highlight reel footage.
They were the best cast that we saw this year in terms of the way that they gelled together and the individual performances. So congratulations, plate for you guys from Unknown.
What's our next award, Ben?
Best Pair! Best Pair goes to the best couple performance, including individual performances, chemistry, and interplay between them. This is basically going to, because this is a romance show awards, the best couple that we saw from the acting pair this year.
Best Pair for 2024 is Tay Tawan Vihokratana and New Thitipoom Techaapaikhun playing Karan and Achi in Cherry Magic Thailand.
Cherry Magic Thailand was one of the best things that we saw last year, and Tay Tawan and New Thitipoom have been around for a really long time. They’ve been working together for about eight years, and every time they come back they're better and better and better, and I think that Cherry Magic Thailand was probably the best that I've ever seen them. I have not always been a New fan but he has shut my mouth lately, and I love Tay Tawan.
Best pair of the year.
I was really impressed by them because taking over a work that is so beloved and having to perform characters that already have very strong, memorable performances is a really difficult task to do. And I think these two did a good job balancing our expectations of their dynamic based upon previous outings with meeting the demands of the work that they were adapting. That was an incredibly well done execution by both of them.
*xylophone sound*
Our final award in the acting category is our Best Actor, and that's for the Best Performance of the Year. Ben, who is our Best Actor for 2024?
It's Lee Taevin for his role as Tae Myungha from Love for Love's Sake. 
Lee Taevin really wanted to take on a role like this, and he did such a great job playing the complex layers of darkness and difficulty that his character is carrying in this. It is hard to get too deep into the nuances of his performance without spoiling it for those who have not listened to our previous episode or watched the show. But in a year with some really, really strong performances within BL, the top performance goes to Lee Taevin.
He really stood out this year. I mean, we had a little bit of a hard time picking this one, but we landed up on him because Tae Myungha is such a visceral character. I felt everything that they wanted the character to have us feel. All the confusion, all the despair, I really, really felt the depth of his work.
Lee Taevin the veteran actor amongst the cast here, and he's the type of actor who clearly elevates other actors around them. That's a pretty important skill for him to have developed at his relatively young age. 
So congratulations, sir. Hope to see more of you next year.
00:08:00 - Ships Ahoy!
Moving on to our ships category.
It's time for our SIMPY Awards! Let's go girls!
Hot Priest: Love is awful. It's awful, it's painful, it's frightening. It makes you doubt yourself, judge yourself, distance yourself from the other people in your life. It makes you selfish, makes you creepy, makes you obsessed with your hair, makes you cruel, makes you say and do things you never thought you would do.
Sister: There's something wrong with your priest.
Hot Priest: It's all any of us want and it's hell when we get there so no wonder it's something we don't want to do on our own. I was taught if we're born with love then life is about choosing the right place to put it. People talk about that a lot, it feeling right. When it feels right it's easy. But I'm not sure that's true. It takes strength to know what's right. Love isn't something that weak people do. Being a romantic takes a hell of a lot of hope. I think what they mean is when you find somebody that you love, it feels like hope.
Fleabag, Season 2 Episode 6
I'm going to let Ben take it away with our first award in the ship category, which is the Best Ghost Ship. It should have happened and we should have seen it. So who is our best ghost ship of 2024?
It's Mawin and Ton from 23.5.
This is how Euro can still win. We're gonna give him an award [NiNi laughs] because they should have let him kiss one of the twins in the last goddamn year or so.
He should have let him kiss both of the twins. He had the chance.
We went with this one because there was an interesting narrative reason for them to have leaned into the tension that his character, Mawin, was developing with Ton, particularly because of his crush on a different character. In this case, more than any of them, they should have let them kiss…just a little bit.
Euro, we love you on this podcast. One of these days they will let you kiss a boy. I swear.
*xylophone sound*
Okay, moving on to the greatest of the ships, Best Friendship.
This goes to our best besties of the year. This is not an award for the people who are the best at supporting the romantic outcomes for a couple. It is about the characters whose friendship itself is so critical to the function of these characters' lives that it in some ways challenges or even supersedes any of the romances that occur in the work. 
Our winners for Best Friendship go to the Three Must-eat-ers Prem, Dynamite, and Samsee from Cooking Crush, because without their friendship Cooking Crush does not work at all. It is probably more central to the story than the relationships between Prem and Ten and between Dynamite and Fire. They focus on each other and they care about each other and they're allowed to get angry at each other and when they're angry at each other they apologize for the stupid shit that they did.
We had two veteran actors who I love a lot playing Samsee and Prem with a newcomer in Dynamite. And I think it was really impressive to see the two veterans support the newcomer and create a beloved character as a result. 
This group has a real fight and breakdown in the show that challenges the core friendship itself. I found myself more moved by the resolution of the fight this friend group was having than I was any of the romantic challenges.
Congratulations to the Three Must-eat-ers. We will be sending you a plate.
*xylophone sound*
On to Best Side Ship, NiNi's favorite award every goddamn year! [both laugh]
We decided this year that we were not gonna fight over this award. The best side ship goes to the secondary couple who best reinforce the themes of the primary couple's story.
Ben, you tell the people who has won.
It's going to Fire and Dynamite. You thought I was done awarding Aungpao. [snickers]
We're never done awarding Aungpao.
You had this really interesting dynamic with Ten fighting his dad and Prem dealing with his own anxieties where on the opposite side you had Dynamite presenting himself as really forthright and open about what he is and Fire avoiding his mom. These two balanced out very well with their main couple of their show and it's not a surprise that the best side ship went to also the show with the best friendship because the character and relationship writing on this show was really stand out.
This was one of Neo's, not best known performances, but truly one of my favorites that he's done. I really liked what he did with Fire, especially coming off of playing Boston. That man is an incredibly talented actor and we are very lucky that he shows up so often for us.
Congratulations Fire and Dynamite, we will be sending you a plate.
I just want everybody out there who thinks I hate GMMTV to know that, while I do have beef with them, I am not incapable of applauding good work when I see it.
*xylophone sound*
All right, Best Main Ship. We are in a romance genre. We're here for couples that we believe can make it. This always goes to the couple whose love story we actually buy into and believe. These are the people you return to. These are the ones you show people and they're like, what should I watch? These boys! Sit down!
NiNi, who is our best main ship of the year?
Our Best Main Ship of the year is Shiba and Haruto from Love is a Poison, Japanese title Doku koi: Doku mo sugeriba koi to naru. 
The show was hilarious and had so much heart and Shiba and Haruto's relationship at the center of it all is really what pulled me in. The acting is amazing, the writing is amazing, this is a true battle couple (@lurkingshan). They got together and decided that they were going to stand shoulder to shoulder, back to back and fight off everybody who tried to come for them.
I believe in them. I believe that they'll last.
This show has a fist bump involving rings that legit made me understand what it means to swoon. This show whipped ass! It may seem like an oddity show, ignore that part. Just go fucking watch it (@solitaryandwandering). 
This show understood all of the reservations the audience might have from their initial reaction to them and went out of their way to demolish them. This show was fucking fun and I really loved these two so much. I will be thinking about that man's fake posing during their photo opportunities. I'll be thinking about that towel sequence where he threw it on him in the onsen. Don't think I forgot! [NiNi laughs] These guys were great.
They even got to have a yukata moment.
They sure did! [snickers]
They fell in love so hard and it was delightful to watch.
I just love when a couple fights for each other, especially when one of them can't.
My god. He squared up and then got his ass beat. And it was incredible. [both laugh]
No notes.
00:16:31 - Immortal Technique
It's time to do some more traditional awards. We're moving on to Immortal Technique, where we talk about technical and production related awards.
This is one of my favorite sections every year because this is the one that rewards you for paying attention to details.
This is also the one where we basically talk about the people behind the scenes, the people whose names are in the credits but who don't get a lot of credit, and we always love to give that credit out on our show.
As a director I, I kind of, I, I have quite a good ability at—at the very beginning when we're first starting to write the screenplay—I have quite a good ability to imagine the film in my head. Like you know even the very first page of, of, of the script as we do it I can start to imagine the camera angles, the music, I can start to feel how the film's coming together and I sort of have this imaginary film starting to be put together and that's right back at the beginning. And uh, in this case we started this process about five or six years ago and then what happens during the course of the movie is that this this film that's playing in my head always gets modified because as you design the sets, you know then the sets that we've designed replace the ones that I originally sort of imagined and then as the actors come on board their faces put fit into the characters I imagined. And so my little internal movie is always changing and being updated so that, um, it's, it's you know it always ends up better. Everything, every time my film in my head gets changed it's, it's improving all the time because all these all these other people are coming on board and giving their input into it.
Peter Jackson, interviewed by Charlie Rose, 2002
We're starting with Best OST Song, and this is for the song as recorded. The style or genre, does the song fit the mood of the show, composition and arrangement, production and performance, usage and listenability. Basically, is it a bop and do you think about it a lot? 
So Ben, what is our Best OST Song of the year?
This was actually a pretty extensive discussion we had in the background about this one, but in the end, we are excited to award Camino from Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo, performed by Gogang, music and lyrics by Gogang and Jung Mi Jin.
Man, I love this song. Every time it came on at the beginning of an episode, you just felt yourself sinking into the place that the show wanted you to be. It starts off with this acapella harmonizing that just really got you into your feelings. And then a little bit of piano, a little bit of strings, It was very not flashy, but really effective. 
If you have not watched Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo, I don't know what you're waiting for. Listen to the song in context, then go listen to it out of context. It's a great song.
I'm rewatching it right now with Emily. We just started the first episode and legit, the intro starts and she's like, it's one of those shows.
Exactly, puts you straight into the right place that you need to be in.
*xylophone sound*
Our next award is for the Best Music. This is the use of music overall. Scoring, music supervision, music editing. It's all about where and how music is used throughout the entire production. As usual, we had a lot of feelings about this one. But in the end, NiNi, we decided to award...
4 Minutes. The composer is Toy Terdsak Janpan, music supervisors Pimmata Patpibul and Jeerapat Jongkolsongkroh and done by Banana Sound Studio.
4 Minutes, one thing that it did do well was everything around the production. And the music in particular was very evocative and very effective at setting mood. The show worked very effectively through the soundscape. It was well done. Kudos to them.
*xylophone sound*
On to Best Production! This is kind of a catch-all award goes into production design and art direction, set design and dressing, location choice, costuming and hair, makeup, and a little bit of sound design color grading and editing. This is about shows that do a good job with their world building, their aesthetic, and basically do they really capture the vibe.
Best Production this year goes to Love for Love's Sake, art director Ha Ye Rim.
You've got a person who is essentially isekai'd into another world. Like he passes out in our world, wakes up inside of what feels like a video game. And they have to convey a lot of details about what's going on with the mechanics of the video game and all the ways that the world is behaving around him. None of this is very easy to do, particularly on a very short runtime. And they manage to give us all of the information and details we need without huge exposition dumps. And they do such a great job.
There are some key details, particularly the work they do with Tae Myungha's eyes and his hair in particular. This is one of those shows that really rewarded us as viewers for paying attention to more details than just what was happening in the subtitles or when the boys were at their prettiest smiling at each other. Paying attention was such an important part of really being able to embrace and understand this experience.
It was incredibly impressive, the way that they built up the video game world and all the ways that the video game starts to glitch. It starts so subtly, you almost can't tell and then by the time it builds up you start thinking back to all the little things that showed up in the background that told you that the game was glitching. It is really serious attention to detail that they put into this show and for that we award them a plate.
*xylophone sound*
We're going to move on now to the writing awards, the first one is Best Original Story. So that is for premise, story, screenplay, stage directions, dialogue, character voice, all the things that go into writing an original story.
This year's award goes to Hwang da Seul for Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo. Welcome back, ma'am, and well deserved. 
My goodness gracious me. Good job, ma’am. This was one of the most stunning experiences we got to have this year. Once again, you were determined to make us love some boys and then break them up for a ridiculous amount of time and make us really root for them to get back together. And holy shit, you did a great job this time. This was honestly such an unexpected and really special experience. 
The reason why we award Original Story is a significant amount of BL is adapted. A lot of productions, for a lot of valid reasons, rely on adapting existing work that already has a fan base that's ready to support it again and advocate for it. It's always really impressive when someone does something original that manages to cut through the noise and become one of the most memorable things we may have ever watched in genre.
The writing of that confessional scene where Shin Juyoung takes his cross off and puts his forehead on the wall and confesses through the wall. I mean, I don't know how somebody comes up with that, but I got goosebumps.
There's the bit where Hyunho is going to Dohoe's house to get something. And Shin Juyoung shows up and we just see the three of them staring at each other in a hallway. There is not much dialogue in this sequence, but that is such a charged moment. Incredible stuff.
*xylophone sound*
So from original story, we're moving to the Best Adapted Story. This is for adaptation of a source work from another medium or another culture. 
Ben, who wrote our best adapted story?
Toyama Erika for I Became the Star of a BL Drama, adapted from BL drama no shuen ni narimashita by Suzuri Machi. 
This was the first thing we watched on New Year's Eve into New Year's. This was the show that set the standard of the year for me. This show was legitimately funny. In a really short runtime, they captured the total essence of the story. 
What a solid experience to start the year. And good news, gays, theys, and thems—it’s getting a sequel. [snickers]
[laughs] We are. We are. I'm so excited about that.
Congratulations to Toyama Erika, who wrote, I'm sorry, the best line of the year when the writer of the drama within the drama says, “We will drown the audience in the BL goodness.”
That line stands alongside “Every fujoshi has a dick in her heart.”
Congratulations to our original story and adapted story writers, Hwang da Seul and Toyama Erika. We will be sending you plates.
*xylophone sound*
Our final technical award goes to Best Direction. This award is for overall vision, filmmaking style and visual impact, photography, cinematography, shot selection, and direction of actor movement and expression. This is usually awarded to the directing team, which usually consists of the director, the director of photography or the cinematographer, and the editor. 
Ben, which show had the best direction of 2024?
It's going to 25 Ji, Akasaka de, AKA At 25:00 in Akasaka. Directed by Hori Takahiro and Kawasaki Rio, DP Hanamura Yasushi, and edited by Kitani Mizuki. 
We just awarded I Became the Main Role in a BL Drama. And then this show released and I was like, are we doing this again, but moody? And they said, we sure are! 
And we loved it. I cannot believe we got similar premises in the same year and both were standout productions of the year. I'm a sucker for actors playing actors. And I really loved the work that went into this particular show.
The way that the show plays with the camera, inside the show inside the show, the way the camera kind of zooms in to immerse you in the moment, and then pulls back out to show you how fake the moment is.  They really make an effort to blur that line between real and fake, which is a big theme in the show. So very well done.
My favorite section every year. BL is really silly sometimes and there's a wide range of quality. And I don't think it's always for a lack of effort on people's part. But damn is it really good to have some things that are good enough that you are willing to show it to some of your bougie friends to make them sit down and watch some fucking BL. Thank you to everyone.
Thank you to all of our Immortal Technique winners. You will be getting your plates in the mail if we ever get around to sending out these magical plates. [Ben laughs] But y'all did good and we love you.
00:29:05 - Top Tings
Let's move on to our top tings. All the best things that we saw this year.
Historically we've awarded these on some genre lines, but primarily country lines. With the greater diversification of the genre and also the absence of certain countries for economic and political reasons, we have opted to not award based on countries anymore.
We are going to be awarding on genre-oriented categories only. With that being said, NiNi, take us in.
MC: Gentlemen, pray silence for the President of the Royal Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things.
President: I thank you, gentlemen. The year has been a good one for the society. Our Members have put more things on top of other things than ever before. But I should warn you, this is no time for complacency now. There are still many things that are I cannot emphasize too strongly,  not on top of other things. I myself on my way here this evening saw a thing that was not on top of another thing in any way. Shame indeed. But we must not allow ourselves to become too despondent for we must never forget that if there was not one thing that was not on top of another thing, our society would be nothing more than a meaningless body of men gathered together for no good purpose. 
Monty Python, The Royal Society for Putting Things On Top Of Other Things
We're going to start with the Best GL. Well, there's no competition really in 2024.
It is Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, AKA She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat from NHK in Japan. 
NHK really delivered for us and I was so relieved when they actually came back to continue the She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat story. Because after the first 10 episodes, we were not finished.
The ongoing exploration of queerness and relationships between women in the modern era was just so excellent in this show. It had adult women of various ages interacting with each other across those age lines and trying to support each other in meaningful ways. And we got really great development on the core relationship.
There was a lot of new GL this year and I'm looking forward to some more projects and I hope we have a wider field to choose from next year. But this is unequivocally our winner of the year. Nobody can compete with the chosen family scene. It's over for everyone else. I'm sorry.
I love the way that they expanded the show, expanded the cast to bring in somebody new moving into the apartment building, to bring in Nomoto's internet friend that she turned into a real friend. Really expanding the world and getting more into the relationships between all of these characters, all of these amazing women. I love it so much. It's the best GL that we watched this year.
*xylophone sound*
Our next award goes to the Best Pulp for shows with a small budget that have a big impact. It's very hard sometimes when you're working on tiny budgets to say big things. And it's really impressive when that show clearly has a strong creative handle on what it wants to do and what it wants to accomplish. It's easy to award the studios that have a lot of money and a big actor pool and can produce a lot of stuff. Something's probably gonna be good if you try often enough. It's always really cool when a small team comes out of nowhere and delivers one of the best things you saw this year. 
With that in mind, NiNi, who is our best pulp of the year?
Surprising absolutely no one, our best pulp of the year is Knock Knock Boys! by Kongthup Production and WeTV from Thailand. 
Knock Knock Boys! was an amazing pulp that used its small budget incredibly well. Some great acting, some sharp writing, just incredible all around. Took what they had and ran with it. I still think about Almond and Latte not having sex at the beach. I think that's one of the best scenes that I've seen this year. A great little show.
This show absolutely fucks. Go watch it!
Nothing more needs to be said.
[laughs] Girl, I am halfway through this bottle. I need to slow down.
I'm so leaving that in. 
*xylophone sound*
Our next award goes to the Best Romantic Comedy. Live, love, laugh. I'm leaving that in as well. 
Ben, What's the funniest and most warmed we felt all year?
This year's winner is Doku koi: Doku mo sugireba koi to naru AKA Love is a Poison. 
The show was just that funny consistently for 12 weeks. It's hard to be funny for 12 weeks. This show earned every single laugh it got. And they use their laughs to tell some really dirty jokes.
I just keep thinking about the succulents. [both laughs] The succulents making all those sighing noises. The succulents were one of the best things about this show and if you want to know what that means you should go watch it. It's an incredible show, incredibly funny. I laughed out loud multiple times. It's a delightful romantic comedy.
*xylophone sound*
Our next award goes to the Best Romantic Drama.
NiNi, who is our awardee for this year?
Once again from Japan, the best romantic drama is 25 Ji, Akasaka de, At 25:00 in Akasaka by TV Tokyo. I am stuck on this show in a way that I did not expect to be when I watched it. Just the emotions involved between Hayama and Shirasaki and how long they've been going on and how tangled up they are because they are working together playing lovers and can't really disentangle real from fake.
I really think about the way Niihara delivers “Asami-san” across the entire show. And I really feel like this show kicked into overdrive. I think it's around the end of episode four when Shirasaki is struggling with delivering the big confession scene in the drama they're recording within the show. The way we arrive at the end point of that, it's really one of the most effective episodes of television we got in BL this year.
I'm not gonna stop thinking about it ever, I think. Congratulations to 25 Ji, Akasaka de. You get a plate.
Moving on to the Best Genre Romance. This is for romance blended with sci-fi, fantasy, horror, action, and or mystery elements.
This year's winner is Love for Love’s Sake from Wavve Studios.
It's really hard to do sci-fi well and give the audience an interesting relationship to sit with. Without spoilers, I really like that the audience has had a wide field of complex reactions to the end of this particular story. I think that that is a really strong indicator of how well the show explored the various things it wanted to do. It's really, really hard in sci-fi to do relationships that are meaningful because in sci-fi, it's more about the human condition and exploring complex ideas. The characters are more stand-ins for societal ideas that the story wants to pick at. 
This was an incredible job with a newcomer, no less, delivering on a really compelling and complex relationship. Man, I'm still thinking about that shoes moment.
My god.
Hold on, I'm in my feelings.
The VIIB awards when Ben gets in his feelings. No, it was really so good.
He shouted that man's name and he said run and then his shoes let off sparks and I screamed in my house. The scream I scrumpt!
This is really a great one. One of the things about genre romances, it's really important for the genre elements to matter, for them to be integrally integrated into the story and the themes. That's one of the things that we look for in a good genre romance. 
When Tae Myungha got the ability to see who Cha Yeowoon dislikes the most and he's going around and surveying the field, that hurt my feelings.
My lord that was a moment to end moments.
This really was an excellent show. This was not an easy decision for us, but this is why this show pushed ahead.
Congratulations to Love for Love's Sake. You get a plate.
*xylophone sound*
All right, Ben.
It's time, baby! Show Of The Year!
We are ready to award the best fucking thing we watched this year in QL.
If you ain't watched fuck-all this year because you're too busy, you got too much else going on. If you only have time for one BL, please go watch our awardee, Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo from Studio Him Energetic Company.
It wasn't even close. I'm sorry to everybody else this year. [both laugh]
It was not. It was not even close.
Look, last year I almost fucking murdered NiNi over La Pluie. [NiNi laughs] 
I do remember. 
We met in person and I almost fucking killed her over the show.
But this year it wasn't even a discussion, really. Obviously we enjoyed some other things, but one show really stood out and this was it. Hwang Da Seul is back. And she's killing the fucking game.
We already spoke extensively about this show in an earlier episode, but we barely scratched the surface of everything we could have talked about in that show. That was a complete viewing experience. Not a moment of our time was wasted on extra bullshit. This was a stellar show and it is hands down head and shoulders above the other things we watched this year.
I just keep thinking about Dohoe asking Juyoung if he dressed up for him while he starts undressing him. Amazing show, incredible show. We can talk about it forever. 
Congratulations, Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo. You will get a plate. That's gonna wrap up our standard class awards.
00:41:43 - Special Class Awards
Now we move into where Ben really gets to enjoy himself. Ben would not do the VIIB Awards if we did not do special class.
Here's the background for the new people. When NiNi first approached me about doing a podcast together, she's like, let's start with an award show. Like it's the end of the year. Let's award the shows we really liked this year. And it was all like super queer cinema type stuff. And NiNi's like, okay, but I want to give BL shows awards. 
So we compromised and we put all of the queer shit whose primary goal was not to tell romantic stories overall into their own special class so we could highlight them. We thought this was a good compromise because BL is a romance genre, and the shows that I typically like to award here are not romances. But these are the shows that I support BL for. The market that enjoys BL has enough crossover with some of these types of queer dramas that it enables them to get made. So, it's time to hand out our special class awards so I can once again talk about all of my favorite things.
00:43:11 - Special Class: Honourable Mentions
Let's begin with our honorable mentions. These go to shows that we think contributed to the genre for any number of various ways.
And I want to say to all of you out there nervously waiting. Remember one thing. No matter what happens tonight, you're all winners. Because as you know, it is an honor just to be *wails* NOMINATED! 
I’m fine, fine, fine. 
Nathan Lane, 1995 Tony Awards
I wanted to highlight in the honorable mentions 7 Days Before Valentine. We talked about this one a little bit in one of our grab bags. This was a highly experimental piece that I really enjoyed and has surprisingly stuck with me. I still keep thinking about it. It's not BL exactly. It's kind of BL-ish. It's not, it's queer, it's not queer. It's very genre, it's also not genre. It's a little bit of everything when I described it in the grab bag, I described it as something that made me feel like I was sitting in a theater watching actors do an experimental play.
It is from the same screenwriter/playwright/director who also gave us 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us. We wanted to highlight that Punnasak Sukee is still working.
It's very different kind of work but, I think, really worth watching. Our other honorable mentions come from Japan.
It's time for the Anime Awards. Brother in the booth, play the sound!
*bright sparkle sound*
There were about 10-odd anime projects that were BL or BL-adjacent that came out last year, only some of which were reasonably accessible to Westerners.
I want to highlight Tadaima, Okaeri and Twilight Out of Focus. Tadaima, Okaeri  is the best Omegaverse project that came out in this year. Wild time to be in BL. But Tadaima, Okaeri uses the convention of that genre to tell a story about a married gay couple with kids who are still growing their family, and it's really heartfelt. So many stories we watch are about guys getting together and the uphill challenges they fight to do that and whether or not we believe in them. This story was one hundred percent about that belief we had in them. These guys are together. They've already gone through their BL drama. We're watching them build a home. We're watching them raise their son and then their daughter.
This was a really unexpected and really incredible viewing experience. Omegaverse is not for everyone, but truly this was one of the standout narratives that I got to experience this year. I still think about this family at least once a week.
On the other end of the spectrum, Twilight Out of Focus was about a film club at a high school that allows us to explore three different relationships where in two of them, someone is already a known gay. This was a really special show that was unpacking a lot of BL presumptions. Studio Deen came back this year with Twilight Out of Focus. And it's continuing to ask the question in a context where a lot of people's first experiences with queer storytelling and queer identity is coming through BL, what responsibility does BL have to the boys and girls and other kids who are discovering themselves and BL is informing how they're going to interact with their potential partners? This show does this in a really elegant way without dunking on BL in the process. Also, the animation is gorgeous, truly.
Both of these are available on Crunchyroll. Please give them a chance.
00:47:36 - Special Class: Mark Pakin 6th Man Awards
We are moving on in our special class to the Sixth Man Award, or what we like to call the Mark Pakin Awards, because that's who we originally awarded this award to.
Interviewer: What was your preparation as sixth men? 
Jamal Crawford: You have to warm up different. Got my body…I knew I'd be cooling down, so I'm over…I didn't go to the bike, but I'll go to the hallway 'cause. I was stretching when I was on the bench. I was stretch off and I was mentally, more than anything, I would mentally put myself in the game before I got in the game. Oh, they're playing like this. They playing that pick and roll. He's sitting back right there. Okay, he's going for hands up. Oh, he's going for the left hands, okay. So I'm putting myself in, so I'm playing the game before I actually play the game. I'm like, you got more more. How much you see on my other plan? You like this, okay. You got to stick to it right here because I'm trying to send you left back to your right mother. This guy. That one guy is blitzing because he can get up the other guy. So I'm just watching different things, dude, and so I'm putting myself in the game, but I'm making my own adjustments. Before the play even happened.
Jamal Crawford, 3-time NBA 6th Man of the Year
This award acknowledges the most valuable and versatile supporting actors of the year for on-screen and off-screen contributions. Our sixth man is somebody who can come on to a project, and just fire away, go right in. Basically, it's a gunslinger. It's coming off the bench and doing everything that needs to get done.
We've got two sixth man awards to hand out this year and I'm going to let Ben take the first one.
My award is going to Dome Jaruwat Cheawaram for his acting work in Cooking Crush as Samsee and for his composer work on Jack and Joker. 
Dome has been around BL for a very long time. I still listen to the song he sang for Until We Meet Again. This man has been in the streets with us for a long time. And I think he did a really fantastic job with the Samsee character. This man is always working. He is in the background somewhere doing something to entertain people. And we really wanted to acknowledge that this year.
So congratulations, sir. Thank you for all the work you do. And I really hope that people continue to appreciate your presence.
He is a great actor. He's a great musician, and he is one of our Sixth Men of the Year.
Our second Sixth Man Award this year is going to go to Title Kirati Puangmalee from We Are, Wandee Goodday, and Kidnap. He's been around and he continues to be around. And this year he gave us three very different performances.
He's been with us as early as Love By Chance and he started with GMMTV for us on Be My Favorite, playing a heel there. Once Gunsmile left GMMTV, he stepped into that role to be the dude we hate. Good job, sir. You're doing a great job.
This year he also played people that we liked, so great. He was one of the best parts of Kidnap because his character was entirely unhinged and nobody ever called him on it. Delightful. Every time he shows up, I know I'm going to have a good time. He is a good, solid actor, he can show up and do whatever you need him to do. 
So congratulations to Title Kirati Puangmalee for being one of 2024's sixth men.
00:51:13 - Special Class: Standout Queer Narratives
We are on to our final awards, our Standout Queer Narratives of the Year.
Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopping, spectacular. Never the same. Totally unique. Completely not ever been done before. Unafraid to reference or not reference. Put It in a blender. Shit on it. Vomit on it. Eat it. Give birth to it. 
Lady Gaga
These awards acknowledge queer drama works that are not primarily romances.
We're going to be talking about five different shows this year. Ossan no pantsu ga nandatte iijanaika!, aka Don't Care for an Old Man's Underwear from Japan, a family drama. We're going to be talking about Marahuyo Project from the Philippines, a community drama. We're going to be discussing Love in the Big City, a very complicated adult coming of age drama,Kimi no tsugu kaori wa, aka Fragrance You Inherit from Japan, a very interesting family drama. And finally, Interview with the Vampire Season 2, a Southern Gothic drama from the United States of all places.
We almost never talk about Western shows in standout queer narratives.
That's how good that show is. That's how good it is.
Let's start there then.
Interview with the Vampire Season 2 continues this narrative. Louie and Claudia are in Europe and we're dealing with the fallout of their attempt to kill Lestat at the end of Season 1. What's so special about Season 2 is honestly, Jacob Anderson. I also want to give some special shout out to Delainey Hayles, who has to take over the role of Claudia in this season. And she does an incredible job. Assad Zaman and Eric Bogosian really step up in this season and play some really stellar stuff, and Emily would kill me if I didn't mention Ben Daniels’ work as Santiago. 
This is fundamentally a gay drama about unwell divorced people. And it remains one of the most compelling watches that I get to look forward to.
I have not watched this one yet. I'm working on cutting down my list this year by actually watching things. So this is on the list, definitely of things that I'm going to watch. It's been making too much noise for me to not watch it.
I will say sincerely, as someone who really swoons for really strong actor chemistry and performances, if you had watched Interview, you would not have awarded Best Pair to Doku Koi.
It's standout queer narrative, they don't go into the BL parts.
You all see why this award show works the way it does! [both laugh]
But sincerely, that's how good the two of them are. they're not really in a proper romance because they're so fucked up. [NiNi laughs] But goddamn, Jacob and Sam are the two men I look the most forward to playing queer characters. And this show has a complex lens on queerness over the course of centuries, which adds an incredible layer to the performance.
It's hard to do sequels to romantic stories. I loved the second season of Interview in many ways more than I loved the first season, but I would not have been able to enjoy the second season without the first season. That is truly what makes a second season really good, when it builds on what the first season did and elevates that to a whole new level; a really special experience this year. It is rare that I go out of my way to recommend Western Queer TV on this podcast. But in this particular case, I highly recommend Interview with the Vampire.
It's on my list and steadily climbing.
The next show on our standout queer narratives list is a show that we actually haven't talked about yet but will be talking about coming up soon. Fragrance You Inherit, Kimi no tsugu kaori wa from Japan, a family drama. 
Without getting too deep into it, which we are going to do on its own episode, Ben, just give the people a little taste of what Fragrance You Inherit is about.
Fragrance You Inherit is about a single mom and her son. And it's about her meeting the son's new girlfriend, who happens to be the daughter of her college crush. The son's girlfriend is the spitting image of her mom, and this is fundamentally a show about really kind people trying to do right by each other as they navigate some unresolved feelings across two different generations. 
This is a show that could have gone a really ugly route, but I really liked that this was fundamentally a show about people trying to take care of each other. And it was a lot of fun watching a show where the primary stress comes from everyone being really polite about some very difficult things. We get to see an older lesbian who knows she's a lesbian but hasn't told her son, navigate the unresolved feelings she had for her closest female friend in college while their children pursue a really meaningful romance between them in a way that I think honors the desires and perspective of all of the characters involved. It's a really special experience and was a real surprise for us at the end of the year.
This is from Ishibashi Yuhuo who also did Our Dining Table, Tokyo in April Is…, I think, and a few other standout Japanese dramas that we've watched in the last few years. 
There were not enough shots of shoes. I would not have known it was her.
[laughs] She does love shoes. 
This comes from a manga by Ogawa Maruni and it really surprised me. It's a GL but not a GL. It's about having built, after disappointment, having built really good, meaningful, happy lives, and then having that rocked a little bit by unresolved things from your past and where that takes you. It's also about parents and children. It's also about being honest with people in your life and how not being honest with them can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. It is a great show. We will be talking about in a lot more detail coming up in a subsequent episode, but we wanted to award it a Standout Queer Narrative Award.
We already discussed Love in the Big City in an earlier episode, so we will not go on at length about it here. But we are once again stating for the official record of the VIIB Awards, that this is honestly the show not to miss this year. There is so much that went into getting this show even made.
The entire experience we get with Go Young across his 20s and four difficult periods of his life is honestly one of the most meaningful queer experiences I got to have in communion with other people in the last couple of years. Everything about reading Love in the Big City and watching Love in the Big City is one of the most memorable experiences I've had with queer media in a long time. And I cannot overstate how good this show is and how significant the existence of the show is. 
This show for many ways fills the same sort of place as Moonlight in my queer cinema taste in viewing. I can't really chat with a queer cinephile who hasn't watched Moonlight, and Love in the Big City  is very quickly becoming one of those things. If you haven't watched Love in the Big City do not talk to me. 
Watch this one, for fuck's sake! It's that good. You owe it to yourself to get this into your psyche.
We talked about this show for maybe close to an hour and a half of pre-edit time and we barely scratched the surface. Since our episode went out, we have been continuing to talk about this show and finding new things to delve into. We are not going to talk about it forever, but we could. Watch it, it's worth everything, and it is one of our standout queer narratives of the year.
Our next standout queer narrative is Marahuyo Project from the Philippines. Thank god JP Habac came back this year. I was starting to lose hope.
I'm so glad that ANIMA Studios is still in it. And I'm so glad that they came back with a project like this. It felt really special to me in a year where I found myself really struggling to connect with youth queer storytelling, this show said it was LGBTQIA +, and it meant that with its whole fucking heart. And it put its whole ass on the line to tell the stories that it wanted to tell. This was a great viewing experience. And if you care about queer art, this show is available for free on YouTube. Please go give them some support.
I just can't stop thinking about the back of Archie's neck.
Mmhmm. And about Adrian Lindayag and everything that he does for queer activism in the Philippines, and I'm so glad that he got to play King.
Amazing show, amazing music, amazing writing, amazing direction. Oh my god, King's fourth wall breaks. Amazing. It was just such a good show with a lot of heart, a lot of real deep complex feelings to delve into.
The funniest thing about dealing with the VIIB Awards is, like, each one of these shows would have decimated other categories it was in. Like, Marahuyo Project would have decimated Best Music. It would have been no contest. 
It really would have, it really would have won best music.
I almost fought for it. I was like, I don't care. I'm giving it to them anyway. They're like dragging me off stage so I–
[laughs] Shhh, come on, come on, come on. No, shhh, it's time to go to bed, come on.
We would have given Love in the Big City show of the year. Interview, if everybody else had watched it, would have definitely won genre romance, flat out. Like, that's how good all of these shows are.
But ultimately they are not romances.
But that's the point. [snickers]
Our last show is Don't Care For an Old Man's Underwear. We talked about this show at length earlier. This was so spectacular. This was a show where our primary character is an ignorant, misogynist, middle-aged man, and we were rooting for this man very early on in this show. And we loved him by the end of it. This show is so aspirational in a way that even some of our BLs can't really stand up to. Like this show believes that misogynistic old men can do better and have meaningful, loving, supportive, and positive relationships with their families if they just listen to them a little bit more. Good job, everybody. Way to really shoot for the best outcome you could possibly get. 
This show really modeled what relationship rebuilding and healing could look like in a way that I think is really helpful. And I really liked that a very well-known and popular Japanese comedian was in the lead role of this. Dramas like this are often really important because you have people with clout they've earned well outside of the queer narrative space doing really meaningful work in it. And these are the kinds of projects that often reach a lot more people than the BL that we talk about. Like, I feel like more people are gonna have had a gay storytelling experience because of Interview with the Vampire, more than some of these BLs we've talked about on here by a long shot. And I think for the Japanese viewing audience, I think many of them would have probably engaged with Ossan no pantsu far more likely than they would have engaged with any of the BL we highlighted on this list earlier. 
Really important to highlight these kinds of projects because these are the projects that are useful for you to show your friends and family. If you're interested in sharing BL with them, these are very good starting points to get into the rest of the genre because they are not BL, but they do open people's minds up to viewing queer media from places they might not have normally expected to get that.
Well said and I just love Makoto's turns of phrase. I think about them a lot, saying that the idol that his wife likes is the Okita family benefactor.
That is exactly where my head went, too. “So Random is the Okita family's benefactor. I understand.” [laughs]
It's such clever writing, the way that he recasts ideas into a way that he can engage with them in an attempt to understand the things that he doesn't understand. I really enjoy that the writing puts him into the role of doing that work.
All of the shows on these lists, of course, because it's our VIIB Awards, these are really the things that we loved watching. But I think I have a special place in my heart for Oppan.
01:06:00 - Outro
We talk about a lot of shows in this podcast. We highlight a lot of things. These are the things that will be talked about well beyond this year, or at least we hope they will. Please go watch them and be part of that conversation.
I think the other thing that the VIIB Awards forces us to do is even in a year that we're struggling a little bit, it reminds us that, no, actually there was a lot of good stuff, too.
So anyway, there we are. Those are our VIIB Awards. We're gonna put up our final awards listing as part of the transcript for this show. So look out for that when it comes out on Tumblr. But that's gonna be it from us. The 2024 VIIB Awards are over.
I'm currently showing Emily Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo and Love in the Big City at the same time.
My gosh, so you're giving her the exact same experience we had. Good job.
I sure am! [laughs] Can you believe that we got both of these shows at the same time? Like, how did they think we were supposed to process both of these shows simultaneously?
They weren't thinking about us, bestie. They were just like, no, we're just going to put the things out. It's time.
Incredible. I just love the idea that a bunch of new Korean viewers who might've become interested in QL following up on Love in the Big City had Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo right there being advertised at them. Like, that is so stellar.
That was a very good four weeks.
That is going to wrap us up on the 2024 VIIB Awards. Oh my god guys, we're done for another year.
This year, let's see what's gonna happen. Is Ben gonna not watch in the summer so he doesn't get cranky? Stay tuned to find out.
[laughs] No promises, no demands. Love is a battlefield.
Woo. We have drunk too much brown liquor, it is time to go. We out. 
Say bye to the people, Ben.
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lawlietscandystash · 14 days ago
Posting this weirdo for once (he's the OC I mentioned in a previous post)
Art + other info under the cut
His name's Kirara Sakuragi (or Sakuragi Kirara, if we go by JP naming customs)
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[He uses he/it pronouns. Thought I'd mention.]
He works as a bartender (name pending) at a bar that was previously owned by his great grandfather before his passing. The Yotsuba group frequently drops by there. Midou is his best friend and he thinks Namikawa is a complete snob.
This is more adjacent to DN XIII rather than canon: Kirara was possessed by a Shinigami when he was in his 20s, while literally dying. The Shinigami likely wanted to use his corpse as a puppet and speed up his death, but Kirara literally just. managed to overpower it through sheer will and gained control of his body back. Now he's got funky powers (including reading lifespans, he can even decipher them) and can't die.
Before that, he was still a total freak, is a cannibal, and knew Higuchi from their highschool years all the way to university. They were so on-and-off that it was pretty much a game to see when they'd break up with each other. Kirara loved to pick apart his insecurities and could read people way too easily, which Higuchi HATED. It's a wonder how they still live together now and haven't burned down their house in the process.
Kirara's his biggest fan AND biggest hater. He screws up his drink order every single time on purpose and has considered poisoning it <3
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yuurei20 · 2 years ago
Rook nickname compilation, English vs Japanese vs French
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Grim JP Pronunciation: Monsieur Kemukujara JP Meaning: Monsieur Thick Fur
NA Pronunciation: Monsieur Peluche JP Meaning: Monsieur Plush
(Both the pronunciation and meaning were changed on NA for Grim, as well as for Jade Floyd, Jamil, and Epel)
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Prefect JP/NA Pronunciation/Meaning: Trickster
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Neige JP/NA Pronunciation: Roi des Neiges JP Meaning: King of White Snow
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Ace / Deuce JP/NA Pronunciation/Meaning: Monsieur Heart JP/NA Pronunciation/Meaning: Monsieur Spade
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Cater NA/JP Pronunciation/Meaning: Monsieur Magicam
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Riddle JP/NA Pronunciation: Roi des Roses
("de" during the Phantom Bride event, but that may have been a mistake)
JP/NA Meaning: King of Roses
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Trey JP Pronunciation: Bara no chevalier NA Pronunciation: Chevalier des roses
JP/NA Meaning: Knight of Roses
(While both Trey and Riddle have "roses" in the meaning of their nicknames, Riddle's is translated while Trey's is not: his "roses" pronunciation is in Japanese)
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Leona JP/NA Pronunciation: Roi des lions JP/NA Meaning: King of Lions
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Ruggie JP Pronunciation: Monsieur Tanpopo NA Pronunciation: Monsieur Dent-de-lion
JP/NA Meaning: Monsieur Dandelion
(NA gets a pun, as "dent-de-lion" is French for dandelion but literally means "tooth of the lion")
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Jack JP Pronunciation: Monsieur Tough Guy NA Pronunciation: Monsieur fier-a-bras (should be fier-à-bras)
NA Meaning: Monsieur Braggart 
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Floyd JP Pronunciation: Monsieur Yukai-Han JP Meaning: Monsieur "Joyous crime (a crime perpetrated out of enjoyment of the commotion that follows)
NA Pronunciation: Monsieur Spontané NA Meaning: Monsieur Spontaneous
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Jade JP Pronunciation: Monsieur Keikaku-Han NA Pronunciation: Monsieur Prémédité
JP Meaning: Monsieur Premeditated/Deliberate Crime NA Meaning: Monsieur Premeditated
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Azul JP Pronunciation: this is possibly incorrect French, and sounds like it could be either "Roi de fort" (which should be Roi du fort) or "Roi d'effort” NA Pronunciation: Roi de Fort during a vignette, Roi de l'Effort during Beanfest
JP/NA Meaning: King of Effort
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Kalim JP Pronunciation: possibly incorrect French, and sounds like it could be "Roi d'or NA Pronunciation: Monsieur Dore / Doré
JP/NA Meaning: King of Gold / Golden King
(The pronunciation (ドゥール) does not match d'or (ドル) or doré (ドレ) ("dore" is not a word) so it is a mystery)
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Jamil JP Pronunciation/Meaning: Monsieur Multi NA Pronunciation/Meaning: Monsieur Pyramide
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Vil JP/NA Pronunciation: Roi du Poison JP/NA Meaning: King of Poison
(Vil is the only person for whom Rook does not use an honorific, using "-kun" for all other characters when using first names, which he does often.)
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Rook JP/NA Pronunciation: le Chasseur d'Amour JP/NA Meaning: the hunter of love
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Epel JP Pronunciation: Monsieur Hime-Ringo (Literally: Monsieur princess apple) NA Pronunciation: Monsieur Pommette
JP Meaning: Monsieur Crab Apple NA Meaning: the part of the cheek that rises up when you smile, this can also be interpreted as an apple pun (pomme = apple)
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Idia JP Pronunciation: possibly incorrect French, sounds like it could be "Roi de te chambre" NA Pronunciation: Roi de sa chambre
JP Meaning: King of one's own room NA Meaning: King of his own room
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Ortho (until Book 6) JP Pronunciation: Monsieur Oningyou NA Pronunciation: Monsieur Marionette
JP Meaning: Monsieur Doll
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Ortho (after Book 6) JP/NA Pronunciation: Monsieur Wonder JP Meaning: Monsieur Miracle
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Lilia JP Pronunciation: Monsieur Koukishin NA Pronunciation: Monsieur Curiosité
JP/NA Meaning: Monsieur Curiosity
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Malleus JP/NA Pronunciation: Roi des dragons JP/NA Meaning: King of dragons
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Sebek JP/NA/Pronunciation/Meaning: Monsieur Crocodile
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Silver JP Pronunciation: Monsieur Onebou NA Pronunciation: Monsieur Endormi
JP Meaning: Monsieur Sleepyhead NA Meaning: Monsieur Asleep
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kero-cure · 2 months ago
Me, The survivor of past long term tormenting by Toei that playing with my shipper heart (lol)
After latest episode of Boonboomger, I was looking at my room ceiling for a while. My thoughts mixing betweeen "Well, Nothing to worry. This is kid show anyway. I believe in their eyes-to-eyes communication. Everything is gonna be okay." and "Ahhhh... When this suffer gonna enddddddd? SHOW ME HAPPY ENDING GODDAMMIT!!!".
Then I thought again "I didn't suffer that much with my otp-related story when I watch toku for a while now... Last time was when...?" And then I remember that recently I talked with my local friends about how Tiremeter become my toku ship that I went so crazy about them a lot since last time that was...
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The best match bois from Kamen Rider Build.
Yes. That long. When it was on-airing period I was on full brainrot over them. I read lots of doujinshi/fanfiction and thought about story of them a lot. But because that time I didn't know how to access and go blend inside JP shippers community. So I don't have much doujinshi of them. I have 5 and all of them I found on secondhand shop. If I was able to access that community at the time it was on-airing, I could have more of it.
After that I didn't have a ship that I went so crazy like them. I had some fun and good time with Zi-O trio related ship or some dynamics in Revice. (When I was on student aboard in Japan, I went to watched Evil-Live & Demons V-Cinema 2 times and I really like that duet song. But the actual reason I went to watch 2 times is first time was for avoid spoiler (and take the information back to my friend who's actual shipper) and second time was for Demons henshin sound card. I'm Hiromi stan and that sound card with his voice was sooooooo gooooooooooooooooood lol) But after Build ended, I couldn't found the ship in tokusatsu that I enjoy & brainrot as much as The best match bois, Until I met Tiremeter. It took 7 years to me to finally have another full brainrot ship in toku fandom.
And then I remember one time that I was tormented a lot by how story of Build was going that time. And I experienced it real time....
That was... Episode 34-39. You know damn well what was happening that time.
And this is my reaction back then...
EP 34: The Severing Best Match
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Oh no! New enemy that look soooo strong! This will be tough fight.
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What! My bunny boi got poisoned and about to die!? PROTECT HIM AND HELP HIM WITH ALL COST MY DRAGON BOI!!!!
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Wait... My dragon boi got possessed by that alien!!?? WTF!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!?????
EP 35: Tower of Destruction
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EP 36: The Star Hunting Evolto
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EP 37: The Ultimate Phase
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EP 38: Mad World
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Look how sad my boi is... "That should be you but it isn't you who I know..."
All around me are familiar faces.... Worn out places, worn out faces... Bright and early for the daily races... Going nowhere, going nowhere...
EP 39: The Unstoppable Genius
Are you gonna come back home now bunny boy? This episode will be your ultimate form debut so pls pls pls...
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It took 6 episodes, 6 weeks, finally my suffering came to the end.
Now Boonboomger have 5 episodes left. I don't think this situation will continue until the end since Sentai will come with peak and hopeful last fight. So that mean this time torment will never go that much longer than, or as long as that time.
I'm a survivor of that period so... I'M GONNA SURVIVE THIS TIME TOO!!
Think about this made me relief a little bit. I think lots of toku girlies had been face a long otp torment like this in other series too. So... Let's look forward for them until the end :D.
//back to inhale more copium, just in case
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crackshipoftheweek · 5 months ago
Crack Ship of the Week back again with another post! (After nearly an entire month) Lately I've been working a lot of 10+ hour shifts at my current job, along with helping out at my family's restaurant, updating my résumé, and searching for other jobs to advance my culinary career, so I've been really busy, sorry for not posting in quite a while. On the plus side, I've managed to network with some industry professionals higher up the ladder, and I was recently contracted by a personal chef agency!
Without further ado, let's bring out
This Week's Crackship:
Party Poison (Danger Days) × Johnny Silverhand (Cyberpunk)
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Ship Name(s):
Poison Hand, Dim Mak (see notes below for explanation), Rockerboys, Ronin (see notes below for explanation)
Why It's Crack:
No interactions (separate canons)
Why It's Cracked:
Canons share many similarities. Both are cyberpunk series set in an alternate universe California in the near future (now partially set in the near past, as well), following a war or series of wars that negatively impacted the United States' geopolitical power, costing it territory that would be filled in by an independent city-state (Battery City in Danger Days, and Night City in Cyberpunk) and the resultant power vacuum being filled in by megacorporations (Better Living Industries in Danger Days and Arasaka in Cyberpunk. Like Arasaka, Better Living also seems to be a multinational corporation with at least some notable amount of presence in Japan, hence Better Living having had a .jp domain during the Danger Days album's promotional period, as well as using both English and Japanese writing in much of its content). Crossover potential abounds
Both fill very similar niches in their respective stories (renegade rockers who rebel against corporate overreach with the power of punk rock, and occasionally this gun they found. They both became the exemplar of their respective series' spin on the "rebel with a cause" archetype [Killjoys in Danger Days, and Rockerboys in Cyberpunk])
Both lived and operated in similar timeframes, not taking into account Johnny's engram who stars in Cyberpunk 2077. Party was active in the 2010s up until his death in 2019, and Johnny was active throughout the 2000s up until his death in 2023)
Both are war veterans (Johnny is a confirmed war veteran who deserted the US Military in protest of the government's corruption and purposeful destabilization of Central and South America. Party Poison was likely one of the many Killjoys to take part in the Analog Wars, as implied by the lyrics of The Only Hope For Me Is You)
Both died a similar death, to somewhat similar people, for similar reasons. Both raided the main HQ of their respective antagonistic megacorps in order to rescue an abducted loved one (surrogate little sister "The Girl" in Party's case, and former lover Alt Cunningham in Johnny's case), during which they were brutally gunned down by their corporate foes' bald and sociopathic enforcer (Korse and Adam Smasher, respectively)
Both dye their hair. Party Poison's hair is dyed red (natural color unknown afaik), and Johnny Silverhand dyes his hair black, with it being naturally blond.
"Dim Mak", also known as "Poison Hand" or "Touch of Death" is a purported system of acupressure-based martial arts said to have originated in ancient China and been culturally imported to Japan. Count Juan Raphael Dante, an eccentric martial arts practitioner who taught karate in the 60s and 70s, also claimed to be able to teach Dim Mak to prospective students, infamously advertising this alleged service in the back page ad spaces in Marvel comic books of the time. This likely was seen at times by Gerard Way, an avid comic fan, as he titled one of the songs in the wider Danger Days multimedia project as Black Dragon Fighting Society, which shares an identical name with the martial arts organization founded by Count Dante. "Dim Mak" is also the name of a record label founded by Steve Aoki, who made a remix of the famous My Chemical Romance song "Welcome to the Black Parade". This fact is also relevant to the ship as Dim Mak distributes punk rock music, with punk rock being the primary genre performed by both Party Poison and Johnny Silverhand.
"Ronin" was chosen a ship name due to their shared status as outlaw warriors, similar to (but generally less shitty towards bystanders than) the ronin of Sengoku and early Edo-period Japan. Party is an outlaw vigilante who fights against BLI, whereas Johnny is a former US soldier who deserted and fled prosecution by moving to Night City. In addition, this name was chosen in reference to Johnny's band, Samurai. Keanu Reeves, who portrays Johnny in Cyberpunk 2077, also starred in the 2013 American remake of The 47 Ronin (unfortunately)
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sakurapika · 1 year ago
Reviewing New Year Sale Outfits in Twisted Wonderland
In Japan, New Year's Day (お正月, or "Oshogatsu") is the biggest holiday of the year, and it is also my favorite. That being said, the TWST artists never disappoint when it comes to the art for this event, so let's review all of the cards!
Spoiler warning for upcoming ENG and JP sever event cards, including some Groovy art!
Round 1: 2021-2022
Kalim Al-Asim (SSR)
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Look at him, he's so festive and cheerful
This Kalim, as well as Deuce's SR, have a special place in my heart. I started playing TWST the summer it came out, but I wasn't a "serious" player until around New Year. Kalim and Deuce were my first "duo magic" pair, and I love their interactions in the story as well.
I love his headband ribbon and how it matches his obi. The sparkly hakama also suits him. I'm excited to see Jamil's version of this outfit as well, but we all know it'll be a very long time until Jamil volunteers to work retail during the peak season.
12/10 he's so cute
Deuce Spade (SR)
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I was surprised that this was just an SR, and that you could get him by finishing the event story. His outfit is so detailed!
I chose his Groovy art so you could see that he's wearing sneakers with his outfit, which I found funny. Cater is wearing similar shoes in his own SR, so it must be part of the Heartslabyul New Year attire. It still feels very in-character for Deuce.
The silhouette of his outfit is interesting. His jacket is short like a suit jacket, but has the sleeves of a haori. There are lots of elements of his dorm uniform, like the pins and sash around his waist.
Not only does he look awesome, but he chose to work during the New Year's Sale to buy a present for his mother.
12/10 very cool and wholesome
Round 2: 2022-2023
Ruggie Bucchi (SSR)
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Aside from Vargas Camp and his birthday cards, Ruggie doesn't have a lot of SSRs, so I'm happy for him. I look forward to getting him in the English server soon.
I love how Ruggie seems to have picked up a lot of merchandise from around the store. Aside from a fan, which all the boys are using as their "weapons" for battles, he has a little koi bag, which I love so much (I have a similar one). The little toy he's holding is called a den-den daiko (でんでん太鼓), which is popular for young children.
11/10 congrats on getting the job, Ruggie!
Cater Diamond (SR)
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I chose to show his un-Groovy art, because it's easier to see his outfit.
His clothes are similar to Deuce's, except that his "vest" is red, and he is wearing a button-down shirt underneath. The mix of Japanese and Western influences reminds me of Taisho-era clothing. He looks like Kazushi Tatsuishi in the anime version of My Happy Marriage, which also happens to be set in the Taisho Era.
It's hard to see in this picture, but he has a hairpin in his hair!
10/10 he slays
Sebek Zigvolt (SSR)
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He looks so dramatic with his gloves and fur collar, but are we surprised? He's a Diasomnia student, after all. I wish they had given him a different hat, though, because it looks almost identical to his dorm uniform.
This one makes me laugh, because he poses like my dad. Not seen in this image is Sebby's neon-green geta, which I think my dad would love (he likes having shoes in unusual colors).
10/10 who needs fireworks on New Year's Eve when you have Sebby?
Vil Schoenheit (SR)
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He stole the show.
At first glance, his outfit may bear too heavy a resemblance to the regular Pomefiore uniforms, since they're already inspired by kimono.
With his fascinator hat, netted gloves, and black nail polish, though, Vil adds a sense of mystery and intrigue to his outfit. He looks like he is playing the role of a Taisho-era socialite who poisoned their lover and is now actively avoiding the police.
Either that, or he got divorced from Rook. After all, it looks like he is wearing a furisode (a type of kimono meant for single women) rather than a tomesode (worn by married women), like in his dorm uniform.
11/10. The storytelling potential is limitless.
Round 3: 2023-2024
Trey Clover (SSR)
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I love his scarf and hat. His coat looks longer than Deuce's and Cater's, and more like a haori. Overall, it looks like a cozy combination.
Like Cater, he is also wearing a button-down shirt under his kimono, and his vest is green. Heartslabyul is the only dorm that gets a character in this event every year, so it's nice to see that the outfits are personalized for each character.
He looks like he could be someone's uncle, but you know for sure that he'd spoil his nieces and nephews.
10/10 very classy, if he was working at the store and I came to visit, I'd trust him.
Ortho Shroud (SR)
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Something I've always found interesting about Ignihyde clothing is their use of sharp shapes and geometric patterns, especially in Ortho's case. I wonder how Idia's version of this outfit would look.
Ortho and Idia must've had so much fun creating this outfit together!
Infinity/10 if Ortho were trying to sell me anything, I'd buy it, regardless of whether I actually need it.
Rook Hunt (SSR)
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He's wearing RED EYELINER!
His outfit is quite different from Vil's. While Vil is wearing a furisode, which is traditionally worn by women, Rook's outfit seems to have a more traditionally masculine silhouette (of course, this is just my interpretation). This probably means that Epel will get to wear an outfit similar to Rook's next time as well.
The peacock feathers on his red hat is also a nice touch.
His pose and expression remind me of Wen Kexing from the C-drama Word of Honor. They also have similar personalities.
10/10, he looks like he just stepped out of a period drama. I look forward to seeing the fanarts of him with Vil.
Jade Leech (SR)
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Jade's card has to be my favorite from this year's lineup. I just love how they translated Octavinelle's suits into kimono, while keeping details such as the purple bow tie.
I'm obsessed with his haori--it looks fluffy. I'd like to buy five.
His pose is so...
Like Trey, he looks like someone's uncle (it must be the fedora). However, unlike Trey, he looks like someone's uncle who may or may not be part of the Yakuza. Instead of giving you money on New Year, you owe HIM.
He also looks like he goes door to door selling products, and is about to sell me what he guarantees is a genuine Toshiba toaster oven and absolutely not an overpriced knockoff that will short-circuit and cause my entire neighborhood to lose electricity.
11/10 I will buy that toaster oven anyway.
Which cards are you most excited for? Let me know!
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zzthekaiju · 8 days ago
For this part, we're finally starting to look at the bulk of MH's monsters, the Wyverns. To start, the ones that bear the closest relation/resemblance to birds. In truth, they are divided into two sub-categories: the Theropod Bird Wyverns, and the True Bird Wyverns.
Little side-note before I go on, but one thing I've always found to be a little amusing is how almost every big monster is called a "Wyvern", despite most not looking anything the typical image of winged dragons with only wings and legs. My theory is that because Wyverns have only four limbs, so do all the monsters here named after them. Makes sense, right?
We'll look at the first one now. To sum up, these are basically raptors. No strings attached, these are big, JP-style raptors. Since this is a fantasy world, I'm more than willing to let some paleo-inaccuracy slide (though this franchise has ways of surprising me pleasantly). That said, I believe it was a major power move to label the most raptor-like of monsters as birds back during the time when there were still people in furious denial about real-life prehistoric raptors being the most bird-like of dinosaurs.
The Theropod Bird Wyverns:
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"Get 'em, boys!"
Most of the Theropod Bird Wyverns all operate the same. A bunch of small raptors led by a really big one. And the hilarious thing is, the smaller raptors don’t do jack diddly squat to impede any hunter who has even the slightest idea of what they’re doing. The beginner hunters they’re meant to fight could literally pretend the minions don’t exist and it wouldn’t make much of a difference. Still, it’s nice as a part of their ecology, so I let it slide.
ANYWAY, the first one is the Velocidrome and its underlings, the Velociprey. For a starter, I love it mainly for its color scheme. The bright hues, especially the blood-orange claws, contrasting with the black stripes make this a visual treat, and there's something intriguing about how its hands are shaped almost like demonic rakes. Impressive for the first “large” monster ever fought in the franchise. 8/10.
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(Coughing up sand) "Get 'em, boys!"
The Gendrome and its Genprey are the desert raptors, and they're not quite as interesting visually as their inland relatives. They fight by inflicting paralysis via their long fangs. Cool, but those fangs kinda make it look like they're wearing a mustache from a distance. Just not my thing, these guys are, especially when there are more interesting alternatives. 5/10.
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"GeT 'Em bOys!"
Now here's a monster that got beaten with the ugly stick one too many times. The Iodrome and the Ioprey occupy the swamplands, and they've got some rather unusual designs to match their supposedly unpleasant abode. With heads shaped like hatchets and the ability to spit poison, they're definitely memorable for just how weird they are compared to their compatriots. Oh, and despite having to keep moist most of the time, they can inhabit volcanoes for some reason. Maybe that fact about the moistness is more of a "because they can" thing. I dunno, they just look so sickly, it's hard to look at them. But points for standing out in a crowd. 6/10.
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"Assault the others, compatriots."
Giadrome is just a re-skinned Velocidrome with ice powers. Not impressed. 2/10.
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"Tear 'em up, guys!"
The Great Jaggi marks a turning point in these types of monster. The Dromes all but got replaced by these bulkier, almost deadlier breeds. This guy may not be as vibrant as the Velocidrome he replaced, but he's a standout for just how much abuse his kind keeps inviting upon itself. Jaggi are described as being to larger monsters what chihuahuas are to bigger dogs. In that they will bark and taunt anything and anyone with no heed to the consequences. That might explain why Jaggis were such a punching bag in the series for the longest time, to the point where they've all but retired the big one while the little ones remain. It's a shame, as I like that streak of white hair and the very clearly JP Dilophosaurus-inspired frill on its head. Bring back the Great Jaggi, Capcom! He's a boisterous weakling, but he's our boisterous weakling! 7/10.
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"Shhh...tear 'em up, guys."
On the flipside, the Great Baggi and the next Bird Wyvern here managed to escape being stuck in previous generations. Though if I'm being honest, looks aren't what make the Baggi neat. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice design with that horn almost looking like a pompadour haircut, but their trump card is the power in their spit. You see, it contains a sort of sleeping agent that makes its prey drowsy and unable to fight back. So the Baggi's prey could be peacefully sleeping as it's ripped limb from limb by the predator and its underlings. That's all kinds of messed up! Thankfully, it doesn't do enough to down a hunter that badly, but it sure is something to think about. 6/10.
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"TEaR 'Em uP, gUYs!"
Just as the Iodrome was the resident raptor swamp freak, so too is the Great Wroggi. I'll admit, I'm a little put-off by the weird almost pig-like snout it has on top of its bloated neck sac that helps it produce the poisonous gasses it lobs at foes. But I like how its skin looks like that of a frog's, and I don't know if anyone's pointed this out, but I find myself fascinated by how its tails is shaped like that of a leaf. Just a neat little detail that goes a long way. 7/10.
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"Aye, let's tear 'em up, party dudes!"
Because Great Jaggi got put on sabbatical, his replacement was the equally powerful (not saying much) Great Maccao. However, unlike the Jaggi, it's no team player, as these raptors are cowardly in nature and will often abandon one another if the going gets tough. That already means the Jaggi has one over them. Then again, I admire how their designs bring to mind how raptors were very much feathered, and it makes for some gorgeous plumage. Plus, I like how they fight by balancing on their tails and kicking like a reptilian kangaroo. It makes for a frantic and interesting fight. Still, I'll take the foolish resolve of the Jaggi over the good-looking cowardice of the Maccao. 6/10.
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"Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine-"
Monster Hunter: World all but replaced the Theropod Bird Wyvern's signature mob tactics most likely due to giving that strategy to some Fanged Wyverns instead. So, the two new ones introduced go at it solo. The Kulu-Ya-Ku is notable for just how...well, it's got the head of a dodo bird, what do you want me to say? This thing isn't intimidating in the slightest. And it isn't supposed to be. This overgrown plucked turkey spends most of its time using its specially-designed hands to grab and run off with eggs, like how many used to perceive the Oviraptor of real-life prehistory. What's amusing is that if one attacks the arms while it's holding an object, it will comically drop it to the ground and break whatever it was holding, be it an egg or even pots and rocks it attacks the hunter with. Points for having character over my preferred aesthetics. 6/10.
And yes, I'm aware of that one incident in which one got its hands on a crystal from FF:XIV. The sheer absurdity of seeing this joke of a Wyvern get that big and one-shot HR hunters was certainly an experience.
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Another far less funny solo Bird Wyvern is the Tzizi-Ya-Ku. It has the same build, except it has a darker color scheme, and it's head looks like a perpetually angry Dilophosaurus. But then there's its trump card, a pair of fish-like fins that open up and literally flashblind any creature unlucky enough to be in its way. This works on hunters and even large monsters, which makes them accidentally helpful on several occasions. It's a fun design overall, and a pretty amusing gameplay feature when it's not trying to flashbang you. 8/10.
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"Karera o hikisaite kudasai, min'na!"
Monster Hunter: Rise would see a return to the pack-hunting Bird Wyverns in the form of the Great Izuchi. Already, we have ourselves a banger, with a raptor covered in feather-like fur and with a head not unlike the cunning weasel it's based off of. Yes, this monster is based on a Japanese weasel of myth known as the Kamaitachi. The catch is that this Yokai weasel was said to wield scythes on its feet to cut travelers with. It was a means of explaining the cutting pain of cold winds in the mountains, but here, it's better explained by the blade-like end of the Izuchi's tail. And it can swing that blade around to the point where you almost forget that it's meant to be a beginner's monster. But being a beginner monster doesn't take away from how neat it is. 8/10.
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The Sunbreak expansion of Rise would give us a new Bird Wyvern...with no leader. Which is a shame, because the Boggi have so much charm put into them! If you couldn't tell by the big ears and manic expressions, they're basically goblins if they were also raptors. But alas, they're relegated to common small enemies, with no Great Boggi in sight. But why not?! I can't get enough of the little guys' dopey expressions, imagine what a bigger one would look like! Either way, show these obscure buggers some love, why don't you? 7.5/10.
Now that we've seen the Theropods, we can now move on to the second type of Bird Wyvern, the ones that actually try to look and act like birds, that is.
The True Bird Wyverns:
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"You think I'm funny? Thanks!"
Admittedly, the first "True Bird Wyvern" only looks like a bird thanks to its head. Other than that, The Yian-Kut-Ku looks like a typical Wyvern. Though by typical, we mean "kinda goofy". That head looks like a mix between a parrot and a pelican, complete with big frill "ears". Actually, it kinda looks like the sort of thing that would pop up in a bestiary of medieval beasts. And that's what makes it so charming, on top of having a vibrant color scheme. I also like how its head is shaped like that specifically because it can swallow Konchus even when they're rolled up. 7/10.
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"You think I'm funny? HOW DO YOU THINK I'M FUNNY?!"
On the other hand, the Yian-Kut-Ku has a larger, and far less approachable cousin. The Yian Garuga feels like what would happen if its smaller kin got sick and tired of being the butt of everyone's jokes, and became as edgy and vicious as possible. You'd think that'd make it several steps up for me, but it sort of loses the scrappy charm of the Yian-Kut-Ku in the process. Still, you got to admire this thing's tenacity. It's so ill-tempered and bloodthirsty, it'll attack monsters many times its size and still be able to walk out of the fight if it can't win. Plus, it's got a metallic-sounding roar that can stun said large monsters too. So yeah, a bit on the edgy side, but at least this guy wears that on its sleeve. 7.5/10.
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"Gobble, gobble, mofo"
Gypceros is...well, he's not winning any popularity contests soon. For one thing, the more you learn about its design, the worse it gets. It's skin is made of a material similar to rubber, it's tail can extend like a worm somehow, and it loves nothing more than to blind prey with the odd hammer-like head crest on its unfathomably stupid face. Oh, and in previous generations, it could rob you of items. And to top off this living pile of spite and unease, its favorite trick is to pretend to be dead near the end of its fight, only to spring to life and hit hard.
So yeah, not a big fan of this oversized plucked turkey. As far as I'm concerned, they belong in a Nerscylla's wardrobe. 3/10.
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"Could someone help me out here? I got lost."
Hypnocatrice is an odd case. It's actually an immigrant from the MMO Monster Hunter: Frontier. But it somehow got to be in Freedom Unite...and that's it. It's a shame too, because out of all the Bird Wyverns, this one might actually be the most bird-like. With a head like a stork and some pretty feather patterns, Hypno here certainly catches the eye. But other than that, there's nothing terribly special about it, other than its pacifistic attitude and the ability to lob drowsiness-inducing spit. It has its fans, and I don't blame them. After all, absence makes any being seem more appealing. 5.5/10.
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Now here's one of the more OUT THERE Bird Wyverns! Qurupeco is just the right blend of intriguing and ridiculous I look for in early-game monsters. It has some of the prettiest plumage out of this monster type, with pretty greens, blues, and red adorning its body. It also looks like a cross between a duck, a pterosaur, and as you might have noticed from that large red throat sac, a frigate bird. But that sac isn't just for attracting mates. The Qurupeco's ace in the hole is the ability to mimic other bigger monsters' sounds, and amplify them with that sac and the odd trumpet-like thing at the top of its beak. And rather infamously, its bag of tricks includes the call of the dreaded Deviljho (which, nine times out of ten, screws over both it AND the hunter it sicced the monstrous pickle on). But without its backup ability, it still has some other cool moves, like the combustible mucus it can spit at foes, or cover its flint-like wing-claws with so that they create a small explosion when slammed together.
My God, what is this thing doing stuck in the third generation?! It's flowing with vibrancy and creativity! Bring it back, Capcom! I don't care if it summons a monster leagues above my ability. I can take it (I most definitely cannot)! 8.5/10.
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"Wenk, wenk."
Yeah, Gargwa are labeled as True Bird Wyverns, but they're not large monsters. If anything, they exist to serve the same purpose as everything in the Herbivore type of monster. That being tasty canon fodder for everything around them. That's not to say they aren't appealing, being comically round emu-geese. I like them, they look like something from a fantastical fountain park. 6/10.
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"They kicked me out of Ga'Hoole, said my magic act was...too intense. What do they know?!"
So it seems that anytime we get a new True Bird Wyvern, the designers at Capcom pull out all the stops to make it as unique as possible. Thus, we now have our first owl-based monster. And about time, too. Owls have massive potential as monster designs. The Malfestio here just has so much presence. You can't tell from the image, but the insides of its wings are so such beautiful shades of blue...with a dark secret. You see, this jester-like owl has the unique ability to inflict the Confusion status ailment with the scales on its wings that dissipate into a golden mist with enough force...which it then can blow straight at you. Getting hit by this causes the controls to invert for a while. That's really neat, and makes for a unique fight! Plus, it's a man-sized owl. That's just cool. 8/10.
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"Oogly boogly!!!"
At first, one might be put off by a name that sounds like "pukey pukey", especially when you learn that this thing vomits globs of poison (and fires it out of the tip of its tail). But the Pukei Pukei more than makes up for it by being a very pretty, if somewhat bizarre, bird. Okay, "bird" is stretching it a bit, but this is the same type that invited the Gypceros in. At least this one has feathers. The fact that it combines those features with those seen in geckos only adds to the neat factor. While its tendency to attack smaller monsters while running from bigger ones paints it in a sort of bully image, a certain crossover event quest from World shows that they're not all that bad. 7.5/10.
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"Wings of - thwack!-regret!"
Rise is one of my favorite inductions in this franchise mostly because a lot of the newcomers wear their mythological inspirations on their sleeves. In this case, the Aknosom is based on the Karakasa, a living parasol with a face and one leg to hop on. This beast's intro cutscene does just that (though why is unclear), and it adds a boatload of charm. Aside from that one stance, the wings are designed to look just like an umbrella, and if you look closely, the center of its vibrant head-frill looks an awful lot like an eye. This is on top of just being so unique as a monster based on a Japanese crane. The only reason I don't rank it higher is because I'm a little put off by how it has a distinct lack of body feathers, giving it an unsettlingly naked look (or, based on its fire powers, that of a burnt chicken). Still, it's a winner in my book! 8/10.
And there go the Bird Wyverns! Next up, the stars of the franchise known as the Flying Wyverns!
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ryuichirou · 8 months ago
A couple of replies, a longer one about fandom.
hadesdancehall asked:
YESSSSS YES YES I AM SO HAPPY YOU GET IT LOL Rook and Tettere are the same, the idea of this crossover was driving me crazy, I had to draw it. Look at him go, singing about continuously loving every single person until he finds the one…
Fun fact about this sketch: we have no idea why I drew Alte-Rose!Malleus there. It’s been a while since I drew this sketch, and I completely forgot… I guess she had to deal with this Tettere too, so it kind of fits lol
Anonymous asked:
I know you aren't really type to give information just gorgeous art. But in your last reply post you said you do traditional art and just coloured them digitally.
So I'm wondering... How do you do it!?
Because everytime I try to do that it looks so weird. I can't seem to get the colors as vibrant as I can when I'm only doing digital.
Thank you for praising my art! But Anon, I do give information :c I wrote a reply about this exact topic just a couple of days ago which is filled to the brim with links about everything in my art process + have a guide about exactly this topic.
Your colours might seem off for a number of reasons, it’s hard to tell exactly why by just guessing. It can be related to your software/display or directly to your choice of colours.
Anonymous asked:
Ryu, your dissatisfaction with Twisted Wonderland's age rating is very understandable! The game is allegedly a joseimuke game aimed at adult women, especially in light of the fact that this is a gacha game and that adults—who earn a regular income—will be the true target market. It's a little frightening that adults who play these kinds of games have to be so careful about how we express our affection for the characters lest we be labelled as predators or worse, p*dos. Making adult gamers feel bad for enjoying these "children" who are clearly meant to be adults. They're fictional, and most of them definitely don't look or act like boys their age. Some characters appear so mature; this really struck me as being university attendee coded. It's not like the ensemble is exclusively comprised of children, you know? The game revolves around attractive anime boys who are intentionally created to appear older than they actually are. Unfortunately, despite the fact that i enjoy Twisted Wonderland, it is the first fandom where i experienced Ageism in a fandom.
Trey is, if my memory serves me correctly, one of the most well-liked characters in the Japanese fandom (i remember there used to be a JP poll asking which character in Twist was the most loved). Most likely due to his personality, which again makes sense given that the majority of Twist users are grownups and Trey's portrayal of a character who, despite being a young adult, is quite mature.
Furthermore, even though I realise I'm going to sound like Idia, I detest how the "Normies" entered Nerd/Geek spaces after gaining popularity and then pretended to be uncomfortable with what they saw. You came to OUR space, dude! What did they expect?!
Anon! Sorry for replying late, and thank you! You’ve made so many very good points.
It really is an obvious joseimuke in how the game is written, how the game operates (the gacha system, like you mentioned) + even the type of merch that exists for this game. If you think about it, this is probably the best way to determine the actual target audience of any piece of media: just like Prince of Tennis is technically a classic Shonen Jump series, but all the merch they have is clearly aimed at adult women (purses, perfume, etc).
So yeah, even if that wasn’t the case, calling people predators over shipping themselves with Azul would be a bad thing to do, but in this situation especially it’s absurd to call people out for interacting with TWST pretty much the way it was indented…
What you said about the characters’ age and Trey specifically is so true. To be fair, this could be said about any joseimuke-like title with a big ensemble of boys, Prince of Tennis included. All the characters there are 12-15 years old, but god some of them look over 30.
I think it is important to keep in mind the intended age to a degree (= I dislike how the EN translation tries to dance around mentioning the boys’ age), and Twst does a good job at keeping these boys authentic when it matters, but it doesn’t mean that people won’t ship them with other characters or themselves. And no one questions it and no one finds it weird because it isn’t. It’s not that deep, it has nothing to do with how real teens look or act, this is a fantasy in people’s heads, it’s escapism, it so different and so far removed from the regular boring life it’s insane. It’s so difficult not to sound like Idia, SO I FEEL YOU ANON.  Someone called it the moe factor that some people just don’t get. So I guess it really is about people being normies sometimes lol I wish they would leave already.
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emblemxeno · 6 months ago
Here's my Hot Take ideas on emblem bracelet stuff if I were in charge. A lot of these aren't really "creative new ideas" and more just my dumb brain shuffling things around.
-Hector, Soren, Chrom/Robin and Veronica stay. Give Robin more bond conversations. Élivágar is Veronica's first engage weapon, Hliðskjálf is the second, and Enclosing Dark is the last, with all having adjusted stats to compensate. Change Veronica's writing to match her post Book 2/3 character; not being like Book 6 is excusable, but being like Book 1 and 2 is less so.
-I'm swapping Tiki, Camilla, and the House Leaders. In the name of fairness, I'll use characters from the same games.
-Caeda: Soar high, Emblem of Compassion; Bracelet of the Winged Princess.
She gets the spheres like Tiki did, and gets Camilla's Soar engage skill with the same unit type bonuses. Engage attack is called 'Belief in Love' and functions the same as Tiki's Divine Blessing; as such it also has the same unit type bonuses as Divine Blessing as well.
Engage weapons are Gradivus, Hauteclere (she can use it in the DS games if she goes Dracoknight and gets high enough Axe rank), and Wing Spear. Other skills are Axe and Lance proficiencies, Spd/Luck stat skills, and Lance Guard. Her bond stat bonuses are Spd, Res, and Luck.
-Takumi+Leo: Lead us, Emblem of Revelation; Bracelet of the Rival Princes.
While I'm aware that Camilla wasn't called the Emblem of Revelation in the JP version, I still think that there should either be a neutral character or a balance between Nohr and Hoshido rather than just have Camilla.
I wanted to be more creative than just picking Azura, so I went with a duo emblem idea instead.
They get the Friendly Rivalry sync skill where they alternate each turn starting with Takumi, and with the alternating they each give separate bond stat boosts; Takumi gives Str/Dex/Spd and Leo gives HP/Mag/Res. Friendly Rivalry transforms into 'Black and White' when engaged, where the unit gets all the stat boosts. Engage Attack is 'Gravity Storm' which has the same attack pattern as Dark Inferno, but instead of setting flame tiles, it reduces movement of all enemies caught in the attack. AOE is increased when done next to Corrin.
'Black and White' type bonuses-Backup: Avoid +10, Cavalry: Hit +10
'Gravity Storm' type bonuses-Covert: Applies smoke terrain on tiles where enemies attacked are, Mystical and Dragon: same as Dark Inferno.
Engage weapons are Ganglari (both princes have canon sword prowess, and the weapon has connections to both their fathers), Brynhildr, and Fujin Yumi. Sync skills are Groundswell, Darting Blow (reference to Hinoka), and Savage Blow (reference to Camilla). Other skills are Sword, Tome, and Bow proficiencies, Str/Mag stat skills, and Bow Guard.
-Rhea: Dream well, Emblem of Saints; Bracelet of the Archbishop
Both maps where you fight her in 3H reference Dreams (To the end of a Dream and Following a Dream) so this invocation still works. Highkey went with her because after getting shafted in Three Hopes, she really needed a win.
She gets the Gambit sync skill and can freely choose between Flame, Shield, and Poison, but it's no longer inheritable. She still gets Lineage and Weapon Sync. Final sync skills is the inheritable 'Crest of Seiros', where a unit's strength or magic is treated as if buffed by 5 points when using an offensive engage attack, referencing how the Crest of Seiros in 3H increases combat art damage by 5.
Engage skill is 'Ascension' and grants the same stat bonuses and weapon restrictions as Tiki's Draconic Form. Instead of turning into a dragon or donning Rhea's monastery clothes, the unit gets Seiros' armor and Blonde hair with green tips (though that might conflict with Leif and Eirika's engage hair color changes idk). Engage attack is 'Divine Frost', where unit transforms into the Immaculate One, lets out one big breath attack, and makes tiles in a 3x3 square in front of them into ice tiles. Doing this next to Byleth lets the unit move again to take advantage of the ice.
Other skills are Arts, Tome, and Sword proficiencies, HP/Luck stat skills, and Special Guard. Engage weapons are Dragon Claws, Agnea's Arrow, and Sword of Seiros.
-Player finds Caeda's bracelet on the Somniel instead of the House Leaders'. This means you can get the special conversation with Marth early on, and get the rest of the special conversations in the latter half of the game after losing Marth if you so please, cuz the rest of the bracelets are related to latter half ring Emblems (this makes sense to my OCD brain, don't worry lol). You find the Silver Card on the Somniel too.
-Rhea's paralogue is the Silver Snow final map at Garreg Mach. Takumi and Leo's paralogue is the Valla map where you dragon vein copies of your army onto the north and southern halves.
-Takumi and Leo take either C or B bond supports, and both are present in the A supports.
-A Divine Paralogue that lets Ephraim speak because I find the idea of playing a paralogue to untape his mouth extremely funny. Make it the Ruled By Madness chapter as well.
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