lawlietscandystash · 10 days
Part 5 of my Wof x Persona au!
Chapter five: Wrath of the Seas!
As the Trio began their sneaking through the castle, they exited the small room that they entered from, and began their way through the main hall, only for it momentarily shift from a castles hall to the front of the school, making both Clay and Tsunami look momentarily shocked at its momentary distortion.
“Woah, so it’s actually literal?! I thought the school being the castle was just a metaphor or something!” Tsunami said, as Turtle pinched his snout.
“Obviously not, this place is still your school!” Turtle stated
“Wait, so do people from the school see us differently? or are we still in the mind and so aren’t actually there.” Clay asked, as he began to slowly sneak forward to avoid any sounds as Tsunami and Turtle followed with
“It’s the latter, yep. While this shows how he views the school, it will momentarily distort back to its true state, though should be noted these are extremely brief, and only certain areas have the constant shift between reality and his subconscious viewing. Those could even be safe spaces for later! Anyhow, we should hurry now!” Turtle explained and stated, as the three speed sneaked across the hall and down towards the dungeon area, but before they could foolishly rush in, Clay grabbed Turtle who subsequently grabbed Tsunami, as they saw one of the puppet guards up ahead.
“Dang, I guess we’re gonna have to fight our way forward! Clay, hand me one of those weapons you got I’ll help!” Tsunami said as Clay went to grab manifest his dagger, however ended up manifesting something a bit more…booming.
“Oh hey, it’s like Obsidians head! I didn’t know I also had one of these! Oh! I know, I can give you this, and them you can bludgeon enemies with this handle part!” Clay explained, as Tsunami nodded in agreement
“Okay, first of all, that is horrifying gun safety. second of all, using that right now would just give you away! Big Blue over here should just stand back as you and me handle this thing!” Turtle explained.
“What we need to do is attack from behind, even if we could handle them head on, it’s much better for us to catch them off guard and keep a low level!” Turtle further explained
“Oh, kind of like hunting! Except instead of hunting food, we’re hunting doll knights!” Clay responded, and Turtle despite having a clear face of bewilderment decided to just go with it.
“Yeah, sure. You just need to break the mask off them, then it’ll free them of the palace rulers control and allow us to deal with them without consequence! At which point you have my permission to be as loud as you want while we beat the crap outta them!” Turtle told Clay, who then nodded along with it as he then slowly crept up behind the puppet knight, and took a long deep breath, before jumping onto the back of the shadow, revealing its true form as its old armor went away, revealing itself as a small dragonet of an indiscernible tribe, with glowing yellow eyes and a long wizards hat and coat, almost like it was a magician.
Clay found himself intrigued by the shadow. It didn’t seem harmful, actually seemed kind of adorable, like a little toy he and his sibs might have played with when they were younger, and wondered perhaps he could try to talk to the shadow after he defeats it.
Naturally, it took very little effort to knock it down, but before it could be finished off, Clay decided to walk up to the shadow, and strike a conversation with it.
“Oh, what, come to gloat at beating weak old me? Everyone always makes fun of me!”
“I don’t think you’re weak at all!” Clay responded to the shadow, as it seemed to momentarily cheer up.
“O-oh! really? you think I can have potential as a true mage?”
“Sure! I think you could even join us!” Clay responded genuinely to the shadow
“Wow! no one ever believed in me! OH! I REMEMBER MY TRUE SELF NOW!” The shadow spoke, as it suddenly floated in the air.
“I am thou! Thou art I! I am The Magician Arcana, True Name:Blue Apprentice!” The Shadow then suddenly turned into a mask like Clays own, and rammed right onto his face, making him momentarily befuddled as Turtle looked just as confused as him.
“…what just happened?” Clay asked, as he felt a sudden surge of power in him
“You have harnessed the natural ability within yourself! The Wild Card.”
“Now we are joined together! With fellow spirits sure to follow!”
Clay heard Obsidians voice speak from within himself, alongside that of The Blue Apprentice, and Clay realized he now harnessed the power of two personas at once.
“That’s no fair! Why do you get 2 personas while I only get one!” Turtle asked, visibly a little upset.
“At least you HAVE a Persona! I don’t even have one!” Tsunami said afterwards, as Clay felt a little bad for having a power neither of his friends possessed…though he had to admit, it felt amazing, almost as though he had found another part of himself.
After the two seawings finished their whining, the trio continued through the dungeon…and found no one there, no guards, no prisoners, not even some dumb note saying they got the better of them like in the sillier stories Clay would be read as a child.
“Where the hell is everyone?! Maybe they’re up front!” Tsunami stated as she rushed over.
“Hm, seems they had them transferred for some reason…ughhhh, so much running around, it feels like one of those stupid novels that purposefully drags on…” Turtle depressingly said, as Clay suddenly grabbed the small cat like dragon and tossed him onto his back.
“There ya go! now you won’t have to waste energy!” Clay said to Turtle with a smile, as Turtle smiled back in gratitude after processing it, only for Tsunami to run back to them.
“I heard footsteps, lots of them!“ Tsunami said as she regrouped with them, as Turtle hopped off of Clays back and tried to quickly think up something before seeing a distorted door.
“Over there! It’s one of the rooms I mentioned before!” The 3 then quickly rushed inside, with Tsunami giving herself a breather.
“Well, we should be safe here! Whirlpools control over this area is pretty weak!” Turtle stated, as the room switched between a random castle room ti a random classroom.
“So this place meanwhile is a classroom? It’s so weird, to turn a place into a castle from a school.” Tsunami said.
“Now you’re catching on! This is a world where distorted desires materialize, no matter the true nature of the distorted location! for example, a mobster might view a city under his control as his bank, or even further than that! I call these places of distorted desires a “Palace.” This place is a castle because Whirlpool views it as such.”
“Really now…THAT SELFISH SON OF A BITCH!” Tsunami yelled as she threw a small chair against the wall, shattering it into a bunch of wooden pieces, as Clay placed his claws on Tsunamis shoulder to try and calm her down.
“Woah, seems you really hate this Whirlpool guy.” Turtle observed
“Hate doesn’t even describe it! I despise that bastard more than anything in the world! Him and my mother are practically two peas in a pod with how she coddles him and lets him do whatever he wants just because he praises her crap writing, her crap leadership, and her crap parenting!”
“Hey hey now, calm down alright? I don’t know what happened but this clearly isn’t something to get blinded over.” Turtle tried to say
“Turtle, I know you’re trying to help, but this isn’t really one of those times.” Clay interjected, as Turtle felt a small wave of guilt now that even Clay was against his words.
“I’m sorry, just trying to keep things safe…..soooo, you’re probably curious about the outfit right?” Turtle asked Clay, trying to change the subject.
“Yeah, I’ve been curious about that too!” Tsunami interjected.
“Well, that my friend is also caused by these distorted realities.”
“Of course it is…”
“It helps acts as a sort of shield against the distortion of the world, which can only come forth from a powerful will of rebellion! Essentially, it is your mind battling against theirs.”
“Wait, but isn’t Tsunami doing fine? How come nothing happens to her without it.” Clay questioned
“Well it’s simple, you’re around to keep her from ending up on the chopping block!” Turtle answered
“Well now that that’s wrapped up…Seriously, what ARE you???” Tsunami asked
“I’m a dragon just like you two! Honest-to-moons Dragon!”
“Maybe some crude attempt of a disguise as one! Firstly, your eyes look like a cats! Secondly, you’re extremely tiny yet have the physical body of a 4 year old dragonet!” Tsunami stated, as she momentarily clenched her teeth after Clay stepped on her tail for her rude comments
“W-well, this is just because I lost whatever my original form was!…I think. But I know how to regain it! That’s why I even came here, for preliminary investigations of how!…well, until I got captured and tortured. Yeah scratch what I said a while back screw this guy we’re making him pay no matter what!” Turtle yelled out, as he suddenly tripped against a shelf and a small contraption came out of it.
After Clay checked to see if Turtle was okay, he then looked at small item and realized it was kind of like a grappling hook. Usually nothing to special outside of small construction, Clay thought about Turtles words before, and realized that maybe he could use his own cognition to use this even further than that. Or at the very least, it could be a neat gift to give to one of his sibs in a year.
“Man, that was embarrassing. I’m okay though.” Turtle said as he got back up.
“Well, we should get going. Oh! Before we so though, I just remembered I brought some juice! Maybe they can heal us up if we get to tired and all that.” Tsunami stated, as she reached into her jackets pocket and handed it to Clay, as it then turned into a fine drink they could safely drink later, manifesting it away for now as the three exited the safe room.
“Let’s eavesdrop on some of the soldiers so we can figure out where they sent those prisoners to.” Turtle suggested, as the 3 peeked behind a bunch of barrels to listen in on them, hearing one of the guards mention a training hall.
“That should be just a bit ahead!” Turtle commented, as the guards walked pass them with no notice, and the three snuck pass them down towards the halls and saw a large gate door, which they proceeded to open it and walk through a small but well lit corridor, as they went slightly further down before stopping in their tracks as they saw 2 shadows speak to one another.
“Darn! I should’ve expected we’d see some shadows even with our evasions! We need to conserve energy though, so we can’t just rush at them!”
“If only I had a persona, I could help you guys shoot right through them!” Tsunami said, as a lightbulb went off in Clays head.
“Moons bless the Nightwing who made these.” Clay said as he manifested his gun, took aim and fired, making one shadow fade away as the other soon followed as Turtle himself got the memo and used his own weapon, a slingshot.
“Y’know, while these aren’t that useful against actual dragons, they can REALLY pack a punch here.” Clay stated as he put the weapon away
“You’re a surprising marksman, I gotta say.” Turtle complimented him
“Oh, well I used to play with toys like these when I was younger, I was super competitive about it so I developed a bit of an aim for it. Just to check, are the shadows weak to these, or are these just stronger here? Because usually these just kind of leave a bruise at worst.”
“Correct! our weapons are indeed stronger here than in the real world, and will likely become only stronger with our mental fortitude and experience!” Turtle explained
“Ha! we’re really about to defeat these guys with a childrens toys!” Tsunami laughed as the 3 rushed through and made it to the room connecting to the training and study halls as a sign above it read “Whirlpools Training Hall of Care.”
“Hall…of Care? That’s the biggest bullshit I ever heard! Only thing Whirlpool cares about is himself!” Tsunami stated as the 3 walked into The Castles Hall of Care and were greeted by the pained screams of students.
“Those voices…they’re coming from over there!” Tsunami told the others as she rushed to where she heard the screams with Clay and Turtle close behind her as the pained screams only got louder until they finally found the source of the screams below.
Their they saw multiple dragonets being whipped by the palace puppets as “training” and “helping” as they were helpless to the guards attacks.
“DAMN IT, WHAT IS THIS PSYCHOTIC SHIT HES PULLING.” Tsunami yelled, as she had to be held back by Clay before she did something she’d regret.
“Look, I understand, but you need to keep your voice down!” Turtle whispered to them
“THIS IS BEYOND HORRIBLE TO THESE POOR KIDS, WE CANT JUST LEAVE THEM, DAMN IT, CLAY, HELP ME OPEN THIS!” Tsunami commanded as Clay followed, determined to help those dragonets just like her, until they heard a sudden faint voice.
“Please…just leave us alone…it’s useless…” One of the abused prisoners said to them.
“If we stay obedient, we’ll be fine…” another of the abused said, as Clay and Tsunami looked disgusted.
“Damn it, to think that bastard would have them feel so helpless!” Tsunami said as she held her head in frustration as Clay crushed the ground in his talons.
“Look you two, I know you want to help them, but it’s important to remember these are still just Whirlpools cognitions! Trying to help them here won’t have any effect. Trust me, if they were real, I’d be busting that door down with you! The truth is, all they are is just similarly looking dolls for Whirlpools mind to play with!” Turtle told the two, which slightly eased their nerves, but also made them angrier in other aspects.
“So while the school is a castle, the students are its slaves…” Clay thought out loud
“It’s a moon forsaken comedy with how much it lines up. This really is all in that frog eyed assholes head.” Tsunami added on, as she began to think to herself of how she can help still.
“…wait, these are based on real life, right? Then these people must exist in the real world to! They must be Whirlpools students!” Tsunami told the two, as she then developed a scowl on her face after she realized that Whirlpool truly does just view his students as slaves.
“Then that means if we can talk to them in real life, we might be able to get something out there! Even your mother would have no option but to be forced to put him away! Even if she got him a light sentence he wouldn’t be able to teach the same ever again, if at all!” Clay added on, as he and Tsunami gained some hope, as Clay pulled out his notebook and attempted to write inside it some descriptions of the people they saw, only for the pages to turn blank afterwards.
“Huh, so that book just has you write palace locations instead of letting you do anything on your own for it?” Tsunami asked
“Admittedly, I think it just writes it all down on its own.” Clay admitted, while Turtle simply looked confused as he had no idea what the two were talking about.
“I think I can memorize their faces and scale colors, We should probably get going soon though.” Tsunami admitted
“I believe there’s an easy exit just up ahead! So we’ll have to cut through there…Unfortunately we’ll also have to see what the other poor kids go through.” Turtle told the two, as the trio then rushed through the hall and saw the various horrible tortures they went through, from having to run forever without water with threat of being crushed by a spiked roller, to being forced to swim at depths far to deep for children to handle, and even one poor kid being pelted with stones over and over to shape their endurance, all making Clay, Tsunami, and Turtle suck to their stomach at the horrible abuse.
Just before exiting, they heard the scream of a small child beyond what they thought was an empty cavern, as Clay and Tsunami recognized the voice as none other than Anemones cognitive self.
As they looked down, they saw the cognition constantly be hit with a staff even while down, as a copy of Whirlpools voice constantly berated the poor child for being “Useless” or “Weak” and even claiming her to be selfish garbage that is a waste of space, and Clay and Tsunami both felt a burning hatred at what the poor girl was being put through by this piece of garbage “Teacher.”
“That poor kid…Maybe we can try to talk with her after all of this is over, try to help her before it’s too late I guess…” Clay tried to say, as Tsunami nodded her head in agreement. But even so, all the two could feel was sadness at what Anemone was being put through, and how her mother outright encouraged this horrific abuse while praising the man who did it. All of it just made the two saddened for the poor dragonet.
The 3 then began to rush through the exit up back to the castles main hall, expecting to escape without a hitch.
Only for Shadow Whirlpool to appear, with multiple Puppet Guards at his side, one larger and in golden armor next to him.
“To think you knaves would dare to intrude upon me again! You’re a bunch of hopeless buffoons! Intruding upon a kings castle!” King Whirlpool shouted to them.
“This school ain’t your castle lord dipshit!” Tsunami yelled back.
“We know all about the abuse you’re putting those poor kids through, we’re gonna take you down!” Clay yelled with Tsunami, as King Whirlpool lightly chuckled
“ “Barking dogs seldom bite.” as the saying goes. How far The Ugly Princess has fallen. Your dear old dad wore the face much better than all of you worthless ingrates that’s for sure! Guess there was a silver lining in Gills death though, he never had to see his idiot daughter make a fool of herself!” King Whirlpool taunted
“The hell are you getting at?!” Tsunami loudly questioned.
“Come on now, I speak of the Queens second disgrace! Who acted in violence against the greatest man to ever exist, and crushed her already weak relation to her mother. Oh I can only imagine poor Queen Corals sadness at her daughter’s selfish little actions.” King Whirlpool continued, as Tsunami gritted her teeth.
“The hell are you talking about?” Clay asked, as he had Tsunami get behind him so she couldn’t get hurt.
“My, I knew Mudwings were stupid, but I never knew they would blindly accompany others without knowing anything at all! To put it simply so your tiny brain may understand it, she attacked me in a fit of rage, betraying her mothers trust in the process and breaking away in a tantrum! Yet here she is, acting like a carefree monkey playing with its dung.” King Whirlpool mocked, as Clay got in a fighting position over his constant insults to his friend.
“Th-that’s not true!” Tsunami yelled.
“Such a tragedy! A poor dumb mudwing and small tiny freak led to their deaths by a foolish former princess! My, it almost sounds like the opening plots to one of the queens books!” King Whirlpool stated as he walked behind his guards. “Hurry up and put an end to these fools, I can’t stand their stench.” King Whirlpool ordered his guards as they suddenly surrounded Turtle and Clay without warning, with Clay bumping Tsunami out of the way before being kicked down to the ground, with Turtle kicked a few feet by one of the other guards right under Whirlpools talons as he stepped down on Turtle.
“Ow…you piece of…” Turtle tried to say solething, but couldn’t muster up any more words, as Clay tried to get up but was still surrounded by the guards without a way to fight back. Meanwhile Tsunami kept a fighting stance, though slightly terrified, she refused to show it in any capacity.
“I bet you fools came here on a whim, and now ended up like this. Is that correct?” Whirlpool questioned, as Tsunami was then knocked down by a guards shield and hurt in the process.
“That’s not it at all…” Tsunami said weakly.
“To think you would dare to raise your hand against me! After I bestowed such kindness in even teaching a stupid brat like you!”
“Teaching? All you did was abuse me just like you’re abusing these kids! You were trying to get me to attack you on purpose!” Tsunami shouted back with resistance, as she managed to get herself standing once again.
“You’re nothing but an eyesore! Of course I’d try to get rid of a loudmouth buffoon like you! I also knew your mommy would naturally side with me, though I gotta say, the dumb broad dislocating one of your wings was an extra icing on the cake of victory! Maybe I should break your other wing! Coral will just think it’s self defense anyway!” King Whirlpool began to cackle, as Tsunami looked at the ground in defeat.
“Damn it…am I gonna lose again?…Not only can I barely fly or swim anymore, hell even runnings a challenge…But I’m completely estranged from my family because of this asshole…” Tsunami explained sadly.
“So that’s why…” Turtle realized to himself, only to let out a pained yelp as Whirlpool continued to squish him under his talon.
“Once I deal with these two, I’ll make sure you’ll join them quite soon. HahahahahaAHAHAHAH!” Whirlpool laughed
“TSUNAMI! DONT LET THIS TOAD EYED ABUSIVE PIECE OF GARBAGE GET THE BETTER OF YOU! YOURE STRONGER THAN HIM! KEEP BELIEVING IN YOURSELF AND STAND UP AGAINST HIM!” Clay shouted from the ground, trying to think of a way out of his own predicament, but it was clear his words were not met on Deaf ears.
“…You’re right. I can’t let this trash get the better of me! All you do is use people like some damn puppets…you’re the real piece of garbage, Whirlpool!” Tsunami said as she walked towards him, and a fear from Whirlpool began to emit from himself
“G-guards! seize her!” Whirlpool yelled, as Tsunami continued towards him.
“QUIT LOOKING DOWN ON ME WITH THAT STUPID SMILE ON YOUR FACE.” Tsunami yelled, as guards began to surround her
It’s about time you came through.
Tsunami suddenly collapsed to the floor as she felt like her brain began to bash itself like a hammer, swinging her tail in the process and breaking one of the puppet guards into pieces by proxy.
Since your name has been disgraced by this oaf already, why not form a pact and gain power to deal with this oaf?
Tsunami shouted loudly from the constant pain, making the remaining guards back away in fear they may be destroyed by accident next.
Let us raise your weapon and wreak havoc against those who dared to disgrace you! The other you within desires the very same!
Tsunami shook across the floor grasping at her head from the agonizing pain as the contract forged itself
I am thou, thou art I. Now stand forth against your oppresors, AND FLOOD THE OCEAN WITH THE SKULLS OF THOUS ENEMIES
A metal mask appeared upon Tsunamis face as she stood tensely against the guards.
“Hmph, what do you think you can even do! Just cower in fear!” The Golden Guard yelled, only to be ignored as Tsunami ripped her mask away and let forth a scream that was like the thunder itself,
The castles hall began to shake, as the ground broke apart from rising winds mixed with powerful waves as they manifested into a mighty beast, with a blade replacing the left hand as a dagger was held in its right. Its wings were like that of silver and blue diamonds, with a ferocious yet beautiful face topped with a crown like hat. Its lower body was like that of a constant storm, it wore a long deep blue coat over its silver underbody that complimented its blue scales, held up by 2 other blades within its possession. Top it all off was a constant thundering from its body like that of a constant roar.
Dozens of guards were ripped to shreds by the Persona and the earthquake it brought forth, allowing Clay and Turtle to free themselves and stand by with Tsunami as she let forth a massive smile upon her face at her newfound power.
“Hahaha! Now that’s what I’m talking about! Now that I got this power! I think I owe these bastards some payback!” Tsunami exclaimed.
“D-Don’t mock me, you brat!” The Golden Guard yelled, as it prepared to fight
“BLOW THEM ALL AWAY, HURRICANE!” Tsunami commanded ferociously, preparing for the ensuing battle to come!
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lawlietscandystash · 20 days
new intro post soon if i remember to make it
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lawlietscandystash · 1 month
part 4 of my Wof x Persona au
Chapter 4:Rising Waves
Clay awoke from his dream, though, he was much more sure it was real than before, realizing now it’s connected to the castle, and are related to his persona. Though he had a million and one questions, Clay knew he needed to most importantly focus on one thing, that damned school.
He prepared to leave the cavern, and saw Kestrel wasn’t around this time, likely still resting at wherever it is she sleeps…that or she died, admittedly, the former was more realistic. Clay then exited the cavern, making sure to flip the sign to Open, and headed off, enjoying the rain as it landed and slipped off of his scales, he wondered if Rainwings liked rain even more, though, from what he remembered, it actually stood for Rainforest, so maybe they didn’t like rain.
As he flew, Clay also decided to listen in on a conversation between two seawings, talking about the recent crash flight, which Clay found boring for the most part, though a part that slightly freaked him out was that these had been so common that they could be small talk, in fact, this crash might’ve not even been the same one he and Kestrel had seen!
He tried to pay less mind on it, and simply soared back down with some other students, one that caught multiple peoples eyes was a pale orange, almost yellow colored skywing, whose scales were similar to the inside of a sweet peach, with a blank but innocent stare to herself, almost like she didn’t have a single thought in her head. Part of what interest Clay about her though was a small pouch around her neck, wrapped by a gold chain around her neck that looked like it was practically glued to her with how tight it was on her long neck.
“Isn’t that her?” whispered a student, bad enough for Clay to eavesdrop but seemed to be good enough for the skywing to not notice.
“The one with the nosering and brown pouch?”
“Yeah, her. Ugh, she’s so thin, it’s not fair!”
“I don’t know, I think thicker is-“ It was at that moment Clay decided to tune them back out and simply continue back on his walk down towards the school, accidentally bumping into the skywing as he did.
“O-oh! apologies I didn’t mean to bother you sir! I’ll slow down so you can get more up ahead if you’d like! I don’t want any trouble, really!”
“Woah woah woah, hey, it’s fine, I just accidentally bumped into you, you don’t have to change your pace up, just keep it how you’re going! Besides, it’d be my fault if anything!” Clay reassured her quickly, slightly weirded out at the skywings skittishness, since he had heard they were mostly prideful and confident.
“guess ya shouldn’t believe l stereotypes, hm…guess I’m not much different…” Clay thought to himself, feeling kind of like a jerk for his mental assumptions
“Oh, you look sad, I’m sorry! really, um, I should be going fast now! You go to the same school, right? I’m a second year myself. Okay BYE!” The skywing then ran off, as Clay wondered if he scared her that badly to where she’d decide to run away.
“Ugh, I’m terrible at this! I wouldn’t be shocked if she heard the rumors about me to…probably thinks I’m some psychopath…just push it down Clay, just push it down, and get to school…”
Clay entered his first class of the day, which seemed to be taught by a man named Webs, who was teaching general pyrrhian history. Clay had a feeling he would start by teaching about The Scorching and so decided to stare outside of the classroom and look around at the view.
He saw large growing tree in the distance behind some of the schools trails, nicely made caves that could fit a surprising amount of dragonets inside, a near pitch black Nightwing that seemed to be staring directly at him while perched on the side of a cave, a river that led into the ocean and seemed to be the Seawings main traveling point, a nice cloudy sky, and the now processed fact that a Nightwing was stalking him.
Clay tried to look around for his little Nightwing stalker again, trying to make them out, but they completely blended in, like a bark of wood in a pile of mud. Even so, Clay kept trying to focus, a little more and more, until finally he thought he found someone-
“HEY MUDWING, ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!” Webs yelled, as he then tossed the chalk he was using at Clay, who without even looking caught it midair, but had now had his concentration completely disrupted in the process.
“Here’s your chalk Sir, sorry for not paying attention.” Clay told the baffled Webs as he handed him his chalk before walking back to where he was sitting.
“Y-yeah, you better be…” Webs said in a failed attempt to reassert dominance, as multiple dragonets could now be heard snickering at Webs’ humiliation, assuming they weren’t in awe at Clays casualness in catching the chalk.
“Best case scenario, I was seeing things. Worst case scenario, that teachers now the death of me.” Clay thought to himself, before focusing himself on Webs’ history lesson.
“Have you heard about that Skywing girl?”
“Didn’t she get hand chosen by Queen Scarlet herself? She must be really special, I wonder what for though?”
“I heard people saw her get harassed by that criminal! poor gal, having to deal with pieces of crap like him.”
“Assault, Blackmail, Drugs, I bet he’s done it all!”
“I hear he’s ready to bite people if you just look at him funny…”
Classes were over for the day, and Clay decided to use his time looking for that Nightwing he saw before. He was to vivid for him to be fake, but Clay could tell they didn’t wanna be found so easily.
“Are they a stalker? An assassin? Someone who has a hard time talking with people and stares at them instead? Okay probably not that last one, or at least unrelated to that if they did have that problem? I wonder if I’m like that, I mean, I mainly just talked with my sibs and aunt so maybe my social skills aren’t as good as I expect. Wait, I’m getting off topic here! Focus on finding the Nightwing, and don’t let any Seawing distract you-”
“Yo!” Tsunami rushed over, making Clay jump for a moment in shock
“Jeez! ya trying to ambush me or something?!” Clay said, completely losing his train of thought
“Oh come on dude it wasn’t that big a deal! ugh, look, I wanna talk about that castle from yesterday alright?” Tsunami explained, as her and Clay began to walk away from the school for a moment and stand on the outskirts with some rocks in the forest for them to sit on an talk
“I mean, I tried telling myself it was all some weird shared dream… But I couldn’t do it. I can’t act like nothing happened! It’s all connected to that smug bastard Whirlpool after all! I wanna find out more about that place, no matter what… and well…you’re the only person I can rely on for this. So, you in?” Tsunami asked him, and Clay felt something inside himself warm up hearing how she truly does trust him…it was nice, he didn’t know how to put it into proper words, but he did know his answer to her request
“Let’s do this!” Clay affirmed with passion, holding his tail as Tsunami intertwined it with her own
“Sweet! glad we’re in this together man! I think our best course of action right now is to retrace our steps from before. In the meantime, you’re flying home right? should we go our separate ways in the investigation?”
“No no, if ya want we can walk together instead!” Clay told her, as Tsunami suddenly beamed with a smile
“Sweet! keep an eye out for any strange buildings while we walk!”
“Tsunami seems like a pretty decent gal. I don’t see anything wrong in going along with this, even if we don’t end up finding the place, having someone to talk with just feels nice anyway!” Clay thought to himself, as he and Tsunami began their walk around to investigate
“Let’s see, if a castle like that really exists, we should find it in no time… When they’d even find time to build that big thing though?” Tsunami wondered aloud, as she and Clay kept looking around
“We walked that way from here, right?”
“Yeah! That’s when ya got up in my face and began your rant to me on Whirlpool and stuff.”
“Good to know! Ha! I did get in your face didn’t I? I think I saw the color of your eyes at the time. Brown, right?”
“Yeah, yours are translucent green.” Clay told her, which Tsunami was surprised at, since she didn’t think someone would just know a persons eye color shade off the top of their head.
“Ha! neat! Well, lemme know if you notice something!” Tsunami told him, as the two walked through, and saw…the school
“We’re at school???” Clay questioned, as surprised as Tsunami was at what they weren’t seeing.
“There wasn’t anything out of place along the way, right? I didn’t see a castle either…Did we make a wrong turn?”
“I feel like we’d have noticed it along the way right? It’s weird…”
“Let’s just keep looking around! we’ll find something, for sure!” Tsunami stated confidently, as the two retraced their step, and ended up eight back at the school
“For real?!” The duo said simultaneously
“What the hell’s going on…hey, you had a book on you right? back then at least.” Tsunami asked, and a lightbult went off in Clays head.
“Oh, yeah! Maybe it can get us to that place!”
“Yeah! mind if I look at it?” Tsunami asked, as Clay got it out of his bag and handed Tsunami the little book, as she snatched it and began taking a look at it.
“What’s this eyeball-looking thing anyhow?”
“I think it’s a cute logo honestly, can’t seem to get rid of it though.”
“I think it looks creepy- wait really? man, what a weird book, if not for current situations I’d tell ya to get an exorcist, now let’s see here…BOOYAH! written in right here! nice hindsight Clay!”
“…hehe, yeah.” Clay said, knowing completely well he didn’t write that in, but not wanting to freak her out.
“Ah man, we’re geniuses! Let’s do this!”
“Do you know how to?”
“Not at all, but I think I can do this! maybe I just gotta push down and!…” as Tsunami pushed down, the Book began to react
“Beginning navigation. Whirlpool… Academy… Abuser… Castle… Beginning Navigation.”
“Alright! and then we go a certain direction and-” before Tsunami could finish her sentence, the area suddenly began to shift around them both
“What the hell???” Tsunami said out loud, as Clay and her kept next to each other as the book floated into the air, and reality distorted around them, with the schools grounds rising to massive heights in the shapes of a castle, until Tsunami and Clay suddenly stood on top of a drawbridge
“It’s the castle from yesterday! We made it back after all!” Tsunami said as she and Clay rushed through the bridge and the to the front of the castle, looking in the sky as they saw dozens of puppets like dragons guarding the higher parts of the castle to prevent anyone from just flying in.
“So, seems what happened yesterday was for real after all- WOAH, YOU GOT THOSE CLOTHES ON AGAIN!” Tsunami pointed out, as Clay realized he was in his nearly all black attire from when he used his Persona. “That happened last time too, huh!? What’s with that outfit?!?”
“I have no idea! It’s pretty cool though!…you jelly?”
“HELL YEAH I AM, why can’t I get a cool suit too?! Man even without that this makes no sense at all!” Tsunami yelled out, as the two then saw a pair of familiar green and golden eyes that revealed itself as Turtle, still in his attire from before and slightly strange form.
“Hey, can you quit the commotion you’re making? !”
“What the, you? what are you still doing here?”
“Shadows started acting a little different, as though something had changed for them, so I came back to investigate. What are YOU two doing here? you barely managed to escape last time!”
“as I recall, you didn’t do much better, no?…Ya mind explaining what this place even is? Is it the school?” Clay asked, and Turtle nodded his head
“Correct! It takes the form of a castle in this place, hence why it looks like this and not like the school. Basically, it looks like a castle to its ruler!” Turtle detailed
“Its ruler?” Tsunami questioned
“If I remember right, his names Whirlpool, correct? This is how his distorted heart views the school.” Turtle stated
“Whirlpools distorted desire?…Ugh! can’t you just explain it better! I’m so lost!” Tsunami demanded, as Turtle sighed
“I shouldn’t have expected a moron to get it anyway.” Turtle said, rolling his eyes, as Tsunami then began to march at him
“What did you just say you little weirdo?!” Tsunami said through gritted teeth, until they all suddenly heard pained cries from inside the castle
“What was that!” Clay demanded, wanting to help whoever that was as fast as possible
“It must be the slaves that are held captive here.” Turtle answered, simply opening up even MORE questions of what was happening.
“For real?!” Tsunami asked, as she suddenly heard even more pained cries, “SHIT, it’s for real! Damn it, I saw some people held captive here yesterday… probably some of Whirlpools students…” Tsunami mentioned
“It must be a representation of how he treats his students in real life, bruising and abusing them to massive means without a care of their wellbeing.” Turtle added on, as Clay remembered Anemone from the day before, and how hurt she looked
“Damn it…was that what was happening to her?! I knew Whirlpool was awful but…damn it, she barely even looked two years old!” Clay thought to himself, wishing he could do more for her, that maybe he could do something about her “teacher” especially if Coral was going to just ENCOURAGE it instead of stop what was happening to her own daughter…
“What’s more, because of your guys escape yesterday, he must have lost his temper, and is taking it out on his prisoners in here.”
“THAT SON OF A BITCH!” Tsunami yelled, as she swung her tail against the castles large door, shaking it in as she did it, “YOU HEAR THAT WHIRLPOOL? THATS GONNA BE YOUR FACE WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU.” Tsunami yelled as she continued to bash on the door, Clay was honestly tempted to join her
“Doing that isn’t gonna open it, but…I can see you have your reasons, so I won’t budge you on it.” Turtle said, as Tsunami calmed down
“Hey, Turty.”
“Do you know where those voices are coming from?” Tsunami asked, and Clay showed interest in it as well
“You want me to take you there?…Well, I don’t see why not, though, only if he comes with us!” Turtle said, looking at Clay
“Let’s go.” Clay said without any hesitation, wanting to help these people as fast as possible.
“For real?… thanks man! I knew I could count on you…” Tsunami said, as she and Clay shared a smile
“Alright, let’s do this! follow me!” Turtle said as he walked over to a small familiar opening on the side to the castles door.
“This, is our infiltration point!” Turtle explained
“Ain’t that where we busted out from last time?” Questioned Tsunami.
“That’s right. Not barging in through the entrance is one of the basics of phantom thievery!”
“How exactly were we supposed to know that?!” Tsunami questioned, as Clay nodded in agreement
“I’ll teach ya the ropes as we go. Come on now, follow me!” Turtle told them as he jumped to surprising heights, as Clay and Tsunami were left alone to talk to one another.
“So, uh… sorry for draggin’ you into all of this, you really don’t deserve to be wrapped in my shit…But, UGH! I just can’t forgive that bastard for doing whatever the hell he wants! And I hate that my mom just lets it happen because he kisses her ass, they’re both the worst!…Really, though, thank you for comin’ along, I owe you big time man!” Tsunami told him, as Clay smiled back at her
“Hey, I wouldn’t have it any other way! If I gotta fight 50 castles worth of your problems, I’d still help you out, what else are friends for?…so…do you want to hold onto me while I make that jump?” Clay asked, as Tsunami snorted for a moment, before answering
“That would be appreciated, yeah.” Tsunami said as she went onto and held onto Clays back, and he jumped through into the castle, keeping himself steady to keep pressure off Tsunamis wing.
“Man, this place is almost as creepy as last time…” Tsunami stated as she hopped off of Clays back.
“Mm-hm, just make sure to do as I say, all right?”
“Gotcha!” Clay and Tsunami stated simultaneously as they followed behind Turtle into the Castle.
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lawlietscandystash · 2 months
Part 3 of my WoF x Persona au!
Chapter 3: Shifting Tides
Clay and Turtle began to make quick work of the enemy shadows, with Turtle using his persona precisely as Honu took down the enemies precisely, while Clay used Obsidian to burn and blast through them.
Clay was beginning to get tired from the use of his Persona, but before a shadow could strike him Clay tackled into and knocked the shadow off guard, then swiping it with his tail and blasting it with a breath of fire to take it out.
as another shadow tried to attack Clay, he suddenly manifested in his hand a dagger and managed to slash and dissipate it, surprising even himself as the sudden weapon.
“Not bad Clay! Seems those muscles ain’t just for show either.” Turtle congratulated as he took out the last shadow using a cutlass he manifested.
“…aren’t these kinda useless since we have claws?” Clay questioned, ignoring Turtles congratulation to him
“Nah these are sharper, and less stress on the front legs!” Turtle answered, which after Clay thought about it for a moment made sense to him
As Turtle had predicted, the battle was short and easy, with him and Clay not struggling even a little.
“Forgive me for not mentioning it before, but I gotta say, your Personas pretty impressive! never seen something quite like it!”
“Is that the snake gun fire man thingy?” Clay asked
“The thing that comes out all dramatic like?” Tsunami added on
“Yep! Think of it as like a manifestation of the heart, with Clay taking his mask off showing his inner most self.” Turtle explained, with Clay suddenly reverting back to his normal self as he talked.
“Jeez! does it just time out after a moment or something???” Tsunami asked bewildered, with Clay looking even more confused than her
“It seems to be a mix of Clay not having full control over his power yet, and Whirlpool still not quite seeing him as a threat.”
“So, do you just look like that then?” Tsunami blurted out, with Clay stomping on her tail after she did
“N-no! I’m sure my real body is just fine! with normal eyes, and a lovely physique!” Turtle insisted
“Hey now, I think you look fine just the way you are, this gals didn’t mean to say that!” Clay said, trying to cheer Turtle up after Tsunamis rude comment
“Oh don’t worry, I can tell jacket girl over here isn’t the brightest!” Turtle insulted, making Tsunami visibly miffed
“Hey! stop it, both of you. Right now, we need to work together!” Clay got in between the two of them, before then turning towards Turtle. “So, is our deal still on?”
“Of course! let’s go!” Turtle lead them back to the entrance hall and down a corridor to its left.
“Finally! we can get out of this nightmare!” Tsunami said as she went to open the door, only to find it locked. “Damn it, it’s not opening! D’you trick us?!” Tsunami yelled at Turtle, who rolled his eyes
“Oh please, as if we’d take that way to get out of here! come on, I know a way out.” Turtle then lead them to a small room on the opposite side of the corridor, and in it was barely anything aside from a ventilation shaft and some supplies.
“Now then, you two know what to do next right?” Turtle turned towards them, with the two momentarily looking confused until realization struck Clay.
“We have to open the ventilation shaft and crawl through it!”
“Very good! You’re just a natural at this aren’t ya Clay! Seems Jacket Gal didn’t quite catch up on it though.”
“My name’s Tsunami you little green freak! And I was getting there, Clay just said it first!” Tsunami angrily but quietly shouted, as she then climbed over to the shaft. “So, we just have to get this metallic mesh off, right? easy! And a one, and a- WHOA” Tsunami popped the vent off easier than she expected, nearly falling off the small platform she went on and onto her back if not for Clay managing to catch her just in time.
“You alright?” Clay asked as he gently put her on the ground, making sure she didn’t put some pressure on her wings.
“Yeah, I’m fine…Crap, the guards didn’t hear us, did they?”
“Let’s not wait to find out, you two should try getting out first instead of wasting time!" Turtle yelled to them
"Wait, but what about you?" Clay asked, concerned for the little dragons safety.
"Relax, I just plan to investigate a little more! I'll be perfectly fine!" Turtle comforted
"...Okay, just make sure to keep yourself safe."
"I promise big guy, now get outta here!"
Tsunami and Clay then crawled through the vent, and out of the castle to safety."
"Those two...they seem useful, especially Clay, if my judgement is right about them." Turtle pondered, as he prepared to sneak around the castle some more.
As Clay and Tsunami ran from the castle, the world around them began to distort back to normal, until finally they were back in the normal world in the middle of one of the offshore cities near their school.
"Do you think we actually made it back?"
"I hope so." Clay responded back, while Tsunami began to massage her head
"I don't even know where to begin, what the hell even was that anyway? I mean, that castle, Whirlpool, and that weird Dragon with cat eyes! It just doesn't make any sense! THE HELL IS GOING ON" Tsunami began yelling, attracting the attention of two stationed Seawing guards.
"Tsunami! what are you doing out here, and why are you with a Mudwing of all things! And what's with all your yelling!" One of the guards berated, with his weapon ready at Clay, until Tsunami stepped in between.
"Put a claw in it! We were trying to get to school when we ended up in some strange castle! This guy in fact saved my life, so you better treat him with a little more respect!" Tsunami berated the guard, who become a lot meeker afterwards, which surprised Clay, wondering how Tsunami could talk like that to the guard.
"Um, Madam Tsunami, pardon me, but you wouldn't happen to be on drugs would you?" The other guard asked, which immediately made Tsunami visibly angry.
"WHAT KIND OF STUPID ASS QUESTION IS THAT???" Tsunami yelled at the guard, who backed away for a moment.
"Really, Madam Tsunami, we just need you to go to school! Otherwise, we won't have a choice but to contact your mother, The Schools head, Queen Coral!" One of the guards finally managed to get out their demand, and Clay for a moment was only slightly surprised to learn she was Queen Corals daughter, since they did have very similar scale colors, what really surprised him was how someone like Coral could mother someone like Tsunami.
Tsunami seemed to have gone silent at the threat of being faced with her mother.
"...Fine, I'm going." Tsunami then began walking away back to the school, with Clay rushing over next to her.
"So, you just gonna follow me around like some overgrown puppy?"
"Well, we do happen to be going in the same direction, so I guess it works out now, doesn't it?" Clay shot Tsunami a smile, and she almost seemed to cheer up a little, and the two continued to rush over to the school, with part of them wondering if it would still look like a castle.
When they arrived to it however, it was no longer the castle they had seen before, instead being similar to the school Clay had seen before, with multiple buildings, classrooms. and offices interconnected by trails.
"This is so weird, we came the right way didn't we? I swear we did! It was a castle just a few minutes ago! What's going on here?!" Tsunami wondered, as the two were suddenly met by none other than the toad eyed weirdo himself, Whirlpool.
"I could ask you the same thing, and, what's this about a castle?"
"Whirlpool?! The hell are you doing here, shouldn't you be doing your shitty private lessons or something?" Tsunami snapped
"Now now, no need for the hostility! I just happened to get a message from two guards about a Princess and her Mudwing companion being caught ditching school!" Whirlpool explained, and Tsunami immediately gritted her teeth as she realized those bastards snitched on her and Clay after all.
"Damn it, that's not what we were doing at all! Ugh, you've already told my mother haven't you?"
"Dawwww, Poor Queen Coral doesn't need the stress of dealing with a burden like you, just head over to the counselor so we can all get on with our day." Whirlpool smugly said, his oily voice still creeping Clay out
"...Fine." Tsunami began walking up the school steps, glaring at Whirlpool as he seemed to glare back at her, before walking into the school to the counselor.
"Oh hey, you're one of the transfers aren't you? I believe we met earlier?" Whirlpool questioned Clay, who simply nodded. "Well, I'll overlook this for today. Just remember what Queen Coral said, one slip up, and you're expelled, and put right back where things like you belong, understand." Whirlpool told Clay, who once again simply nodded.
"Good, now hurry up over to The Faculty Office, I'm sure Orcas tired of having to wait on a Mudwing of all things, good luck trying to enjoy your new school life." Whirlpool sarcastically said to Clay as he walked back into the school.
"Is that the criminal we heard about?"
"I can't believe trash like him is allowed to be around people."
"I heard he practically killed a dragon!"
"Better to just keep away from him, he'll probably toss you under the bus!"
"Why doesn't that stupid beast just do everyone a favor and disappear?"
As Clay walked through the school to the faculty office, he heard all of these and more, though he tried to keep a straight face on, he couldn't help but feel alone and isolated by all the voices, knowing this was how most people saw him, not just as some Mudwing, or even as some idiot, to these people, he was nothing more than a criminal. They didn't even know what he did, but it clearly mattered to none of them. The worst part of it all is Clay knows he would still do the same thing even if presented with the consequences, because he could never allow himself to let his sib be hurt.
Finally, Clay found the faculty office, and immediately spotted Orca, in part thanks to her dark blue eyes and recognizably depressed face.
"Ughhh, why can't the universe just give me a break...what gave you the idea you could be over half a day late on your first day? Do you have any explanation for yourself?" Orca questioned, and Clay decided to be honest with her.
"I got trapped in a castle."
"... That is positively the dumbest excuse I've ever heard, I would've sooner believed you summoned an ancient dragon from a mountain and had to kill it with a piece of fruit. Besides, from what I heard you got caught sneaking around with that dumb sister of mine."
"What do you mean by "That"?"
"Whatever, just don't get involved with her okay? She's nothing but trouble for everyone around her."
"Don't talk about her like that." Clay momentarily snapped, which surprised both him and Orca.
"...Whatever, break is almost over anyway, classes are going to end after 5th period today because of the recent accidents on the trails, I'll make sure you introduce yourself when class resumes. Now follow me." Orca then walked Clay out of the faculty office and down to her classroom. "Try and be serious about your introduction okay? Do NOT say something stupid or unnecessary." Orca instructed Clay as they continued to walk down the hall, passing by two students.
"Woah, do you think that's the guy?" "From the rumors? Probably, he definitely looks like he could beat someone down."
“Woah, it’s one of the mudwings from that program thing?”
“Do you think it’s the criminal one?”
“Hopefully, I met this slow Mudwing earlier so it’s either this one or whoever the hell the 3rd one is.”
“Honestly I can’t believe he had the gaul to show up late on his first day! This dude’s something else”
“Try not to look him in the eye though, he might turn into a savage again and maul you.”
“All of you, shut it.” Orca yelled out to her class, making them all shut their mouths immediately.
“Now then, allow me to introduce one of the members of The Destiny Program. Today, we…had him attend from the afternoon on since he wasn’t feeling well. Well then, Mudwing, mind saying something to the class?”
Clay was silent for a moment, before finally speaking up for his introduction. “My name is Clay…I’m looking forward to attending with all of you.”
“Huh, he seems polite, but I bet when he loses it”
“Well, didn’t he get arrested for attacking someone?”
Clay heard them clearly, and he hated that that’s what they all thought of him, but kept a neutral expression on for the time being.
“…hm, well, I think I’ll have your seat…over there, the only one open. If any of the people around him don’t mind, can you share your text books with him?” Orca asked, with the students groaning at having to help him, and Clay took his seat.
As he did however, he began to feel a strange feeling of being watched by unknown eyes, unlike the others within his class. He looked outside the window, and for a moment thought he had seen a dragon whose scales were near pitch black, before suddenly disappearing, meaning Clay was either being watched, or those guards who initially took him and Tsunami hit him harder than he thought.
“Well, anyway, there’s supposed to be some rally in a few days. Your classes all changed up, so try to use that time to get to know each other, maybe even know your fellow tribes.” Orca said, reading off of a note she made for herself. “Eh, you’re all probably just gonna hang around your friends anyway, ya little brats…Well then, let’s get class started.”
After the school day was over and Clay left the classroom, the trail outside suddenly shifted into a castle hall, then back to normal, constantly shifting, practically giving him a headache.
“Hey, what are you standing around for?” Orca asked as she walked out of her class to check on Clay.
“This…isn’t a castle right?”
“Wow, you really are sick today aren’t you? Try and rest after school today, I really don’t need to deal with this for more than a day. Oh, by the way, seems people already know about your little criminal past, just so I don’t have to deal with whining later, I’ll tell you now I’m not who told them. Ugh, I really can never catch a break, why am I the one who has to deal with this crap.”
“That’s rich, considering you’re not the one being isolated.” Clay thought to himself, as he prepared to fly off.
“I’d head straight home if I were you, your caretakers probably really angry at you missing so much of your first day. Also, about my little sister Tsunami, don’t get involved-” before Orca could finish her sentence, Tsunami walked over to her and Clay.
“Well, speak of the devil…What do you even want? I heard some soldiers caught you and the mudwing here skipping school.” Orca snarked
“Ugh…It was nothin’.”
“And you’re still wearing that stupid jacket.”
“Sorry ‘bout that,” Tsunami said, clearly not meaning it in the slightest, as she then whispered to Clay, “Meet me in the woods behind the eating center.” Tsunami then walked off, as Orca simply sighed
“See, this is why I don’t want you involved with her.” Orca told Clay before she began to fly off away, and Clay prepared to the do the same when he then noticed Whirlpool and Coral speaking with one another.
“Honestly it’s so disappointing you have to have that type of person in your school, My Queen. He’s already started associating with your problem child. I mean really, he’s a student with a criminal record and culprit in an assault case! At this rate, it’d be pointless how much I contribute to the school, no matter how hard I try for you…” Whirlpool melodramatically spoke, and Clay was seriously hoping someone would put soap down his throat to get rid of how oily it is, and his creepy unblinking eyes.
“Oh, Whirlpool, you poor thing! You know you’re not only my star, but the schools star! Your status and fame as apart of my council brings so much to this school. Some savage Mudwing and my foolish daughter could never ruin what you’ve made!” Coral reassured, and Clay felt like he could barf
“Oh, my Queen, you are simply to kind for this weak soul. Well, I understand. I’ll continue to do my best to answer your expectations!”
“Wonderful! Oh, and how is my daughter Anemone doing in her studies?”
“Unfortunately, she seems to be falling behind slightly, despite all my teaching and discipline, she never seems to get it, such a shame Orca turned out the way she did, she was far more brilliant than Anemone.”
“Quite true, quite true. Nonetheless, she holds special power, and she will require your guiding hand! I’m sure I will help you find a way to strengthen your teaching. In the meantime, keep doing all you can!” Coral told Whirlpool, as the two then went their separate ways, and Clay prepared to meet with Tsunami.
“I should head over the woods to meet with Tsunami…behind the eating center, I wonder where that could be?” Clay thought to himself, when he noticed a young Dragonet walking along one of the trails, she had a unique pale blue and light pink scale coloring, like one of the dolphins Clay saw when he first had to leave the delta. Clay also couldn’t help but notice she seemed to have a bruise or two, as well as a small limp as she walked.
“Hey, kid, do you know the way to the eating center? Actually, do you need me to take you to the nurse? You seem really hurt.” Clay said, as the dragonet looked momentarily jittery, before calming down.
“Um, I’m alright, thank you…and, the eating center should be that way…” The little dragonet said, and Clay gave her a smile
“Thank you so much! You’re a big help!” Clay told her, and the little Dragonet seemed to brighten up after he told her that.
“You’re welcome…my names Anemone.”
“Mine’s Clay.” Clay then gave her a small pat on the back and was on his way to the behind of the eating center to meet Tsunami. As he walked towards it he saw two other members of The Destiny Program, one being a Nightwing with black and purple scales, and what Clay assumed to be a Sandwing dragonet with golden scales, and being slightly smaller than the Nightwing. Clay could tell the two were enjoying talking with one another, and wondered if they somehow knew each other before the program.
Finally, Clay made it to the woods behind the eating center, where he saw Tsunami waiting on a rock.
“There you are…sorry calling ya up like this. I bet Orcas already gold you stuff like, “don’t get involved with her,” huh?”
“Yeah…she claimed you’re nothing but trouble.” Clay told her honestly, leaving out how he snapped at Orca when she first said it to him.
“Figures, then again, I guess we’re in the same boat. I heard you have a criminal record, everyone’s talking about it! No wonder you’re so gutsy.” Tsunami tried to compliment him, but Clay looked a mix of embarrassed and disheartened at everyone knowing about it.
“…What do you think was up with what happened? You know, how we almost got killed in a castle…It wasn’t just a dream, was it? You remember it to, yeah?”
“Yeah, I remember it.”
“well, I guess even if we both remember it it doesn’t mean much…I mean, even if it was a dream, ya not only saved me from Whirlpool, but jumped through a hallway of fire for me, so yeah…Thanks, Clay.” Tsunami said, as she smiled at Clay, who gave a small grin back
“Ah, it was nothing, like I told you before, you’d done the same for me.”
“But man, that Whirlpool we saw…You probably don’t know about them, but there’s some rumors about him.”
“Whirlpool…he’s the demeaning toad eyed guy isn’t he?”
“Yep! That asshole! No one says anything about him because not only is he practically my moms favorite person, but he’s some “respected scholar” who wrote a couple nonfiction books on animus magic, won him a bunch of awards and status in the process. The way Whirlpool was kind of that castle felt crazy real ‘cause of that…I wonder if we can go back to that castle again…Ugh, forget it. Must’ve been a dream! has to be!…Sorry I dragged you out here, you’re the only one I can talk to this stuff about.” Tsunami kept talking as she got off the rock she was on, “Honestly, you and I are pretty similar! I think we’ll get along just fine as “Troublemakers” I’m Princess Tsunami, but just call me Tsunami! I’ll come talk if I see you around. Don’t go ignoring me, alright? Well, seeya!” Tsunami said as she walked off.
“Guess that’s my cue to go back…Man, Kestrel’s gonna be pissed…I hope she doesn’t hate me cause of it, she seems like someone who’s been through a lot…” Clay thought to himself, still however feeling as though someone was watching him, as he took to the skies and flew off home…well, what he has to call home for now.
As Clay walked into the cavern, he saw a waiting Kestrel at her counter, her face filled with a disappointed anger.
“I got a message from some Seawing guards. I hear you ditched half a day on your first day of school!” Kestrel said sternly, as Clay looked down at the floor.
“I’m sorry, there was…complications…” Clay explained, knowing Kestrel wouldn’t believe him if he told her the full truth.
“Just when I was beginning to think you had it together this morning!…Look, just behave yourself! I’m serious, a single wrong step and your life is over. You do know what probation means, right?!” Kestrel sternly questioned him, and Clay silently nodded, and despite her best efforts Kestrels expression began to soften, it was hard to stay mad at a kid like Clay after all.
“…Good, look, just go downstairs and go to sleep already, I have someone to see in a little bit. And don’t forget to lock things up before you go to sleep, I don’t think either of us wants to deal with something like a break in.” Kestrel instructed Clay, as she prepared to head out.
Clay looked upon the old room and felt a rising sense of loneliness once again, and headed to his small resting area for him, wanting to just sleep so he could wake up and be away from this room, maybe even get a chance to properly hang out with his new friend, Tsunami, or find a way back to that castle…
“Was that castle real? Did me and Tsunami really imagine it?…I should just rest instead of wondering about this more, maybe I’ll have a more clear head afterwards…” Clay thought to himself as he fell to sleep upon the cold, stiff floor.
As Clay awoke, he found himself in a cell once again, with the same two little scavengers and the strange looking Nightwing that called themself “The Stonemover.”
“About time you woke up! ON YOUR FEET INMATE!” shouted the louder scavenger, who banged their baton against his cell. As it did it occurred to Clay he was somehow able to understand these two little creatures, but knew their was more pressing things to wonder about.
“Our master wishes to speak with you. Do take his words to heart for your own sake.” said the calmer scavenger, as Clay looked towards The Stonemover.
“Now, let us celebrate our reunion! It is good to see you once again, Mudwing.” The Dragon rumbled, as Clay once again felt shaken by his voice.
“Hm…? My my, you’ve awakened to your powers! And special ones at that! Now we can finally begin your rehabilitation!”
“My rehabilitation?” Clay questioned aloud, wondering what The Stonemover could mean.
“There is no meed to understand it for the time being my new friend. You will be training the newly awakened power known as Persona. Personas are, in a way, a “mask”…an armor of one’s heart when confronting the world! I have high expectations for you, Young Mudwing.” The Stonemover told Clay, who was still deeply confused by everything around him, even with the revelation of his abilities.
“Now now, there is no need to worry! You will learn soon enough…If I may ask, have you come to appreciate The Metaverse Navigator? It is your little book which appeared to you. Using it shall allow you to come and go between reality and Palaces. I have bestowed it to you as a means to train you as a thief.”
“The Navigator is a gift from our MASTER. You better make good use of it!” The louder Scavenger yelled to Clay.
“Devote yourself to training so you may become the thief which our master wishes you to be.” The calmer scavenger said.
“I can see how disheartening this may be if one is to do this on their own, and luckily for you, Young Mudwing, I am a generous man. Should there be others who would prove beneficial to your journey, I will grant them this ability as well. Know this is all for you to grow as an excellent thief, young Mudwing.” The Stonemover spoke to Clay, who began to drift away from his slumber, and soon awaken back into the real world.
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lawlietscandystash · 2 months
it's my birthday today woohoo
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lawlietscandystash · 2 months
Part 2 of my WoF x Persona Au!
Chapter Two:Leap Through Fire!
As Clay emerged from the flames of his Persona, he now wore a black tailcoat over a high necked waistcoat and black pants, which hid most of his muscular body, with the white bird like mask upon his face once again, now worn with pride, as His Persona continued its introduction from before.
“I am The Dark Son of Gaia, Obsidian, I am the soul of the rebel within you! If you so desire, I shall grant you the power to relieve yourself of this crisis”
“Give me your power, and destroy them all, Obsidian!” Clay said with a strengthened resolve and confident aura around him, as he destroyed what was left of the guards, and Clay grabbed Tsunami and threw her onto his back and began to hold her there with his wings.
“Wh-What’s going on!” Tsunami shouted on top of him, still haven’t fully taken in whatever is happening
“I don’t know! But it feels amazing! Let’s get the hell out of here now!” Clay yelled as he ran out of the cell door and saw the cowering Shadow Whirlpool
“H-how could you! who do you think you are stepping to The King!” Before He could finish, Tsunami jumped off of Clays back and socked the so called king in his froggy eyes
“Yeah! you like that you son of a Batfish?!” Tsunami yelled, as Clay then picked the “King” up by his tail and threw him into the back of cell they were previously in with zero effort, then burning the lock with his fire so it wouldn’t budge
“Get back here! you can’t do this to me!” King Whirlpool shouted helplessly as Tsunami hopped back onto Clays back, and the duo ran off.
“So, what was that anyway?! that strange serpent(?) thing, and clothes, why are you wearing clothes now?! fancy ones at that!” Tsunami kept questioning, and Clay couldn’t even hope to give her an answer, as it was all as confusing for her as it was for him…though also a lot more fun.
as they kept running however, Clays attire suddenly changed back to normal, the duo both looked completely bewildered while still keeping on the run, until they finally found a large gate and without thinking, Clay tried to run into it, and though they made it momentarily budge, the gate stayed up, and instead Clay was left with a mild pain as Tsunami herself fell off from his back after the impact
“Maybe if we slam it the same time it could break down?” Clay asked Tsunami, who seemed to be in a sudden massive pain, which Clay saw was mostly in the area of her wing joints
“Your wings…did Whirlpool do something to them?…it’s not my fault right?”
“As if that bastard could, and no, it ain’t because of you…but, I don’t wanna talk about it…” Tsunami seemed to become surprisingly depressed in a quick time, and Clay decided not to push on the obviously painful subject.
“I understand, I’ll keep carrying you then, and we can find another way.” Clay offered, and put Tsunami back on him, with her clearly still in pain at her wings lower joints.
As the two continued through the dungeon area, Clay nearly walked into a hallway when it suddenly bursted with flames.
“Shit, that’s not good! how the hell do we get out now!”
“…Do you trust me?”
“I mean, a little? I don’t see how that factors right now”
“Just get under me, and I’ll wrap you with my wings for the next part, hold em tightly u like a blanket if you have to!”
“Wait…are you going to launch yourself through the fire?!? are you insane! you’ll turn into a crispy mess and I’ll end cooked alive!”
“Just trust me! I can easily get us through this!”
“…alright, just….don’t get us killed, okay?” Tsunami said, as Clay covered her under his wings, and he launched through the fiery pathway, going 3 quarters through before rolling them through the end
“Three moons, we’re actually okay!”
“Told ya!” Clay stated as his body quickly cooled off from the leap through fire
“Wait, did your persona give you some fire immunity or something?”
“Not at all! I was just kinda born with it!”
“Wait, you were born from a blood red egg! That’s badass!”
“…huh, guess so! y’know you’re way better than I thought you’d be…can I be honest? I completely thought you’d book it back there, at the cell, before you summoned that ghost thing, so, thanks for not leaving me to die!”
“Bah, you’d have done the same for me!” Clay gave Tsunami a smile, as she seemed to glow on part of her scales, and Clay now looked a little confused and curipus
“Oh, forgot other tribes don’t know those, um, that was aquatic for- eh, it doesn’t matter much.” Tsunami seemed to let whatever she said, as the two then saw a group of shadows approaching, and Clay jumped into a small hiding spot for them both, until the guards finally went away, and they continued their trek through the dungeon area.
“Damn it, if we don’t find a way out of here soon, I feel like we’ll be done for!” Tsunami voiced her frustration, as the two suddenly heard a clanking sound near one of the cells up ahead, almost like something, or someone, was trying to get their attention
As the two slowly made their way to the cell, Tsunami noticed multiple prisoners in various cells, all various young seawings that seemed to be void of consciousness, just standing in their cells, void of any emotion. The worst part of it all, was Tsunami could almost recognize each face as they passed through.
“Hey, everything alright?” Clay asked as he saw Tsunamis discomfort
“It’s…it’s nothing, I’ll tell you in a second I guess, let’s just find out what the hell is over there.”
As the duo creeped upon the final cell, they kept their guard up in case it was some sort of trap.
“Hey, you two! you’re the ones who started rushing through the castle dungeon right?” said the voice in the cell as Clay and Tsunami continued to etch towards them, before jumping forward and looking straight ahead…and seeing no one.
“huh? where are they? Shit, was it actually a trap!” Tsunami wondered out loud, even though she was clearly in no condition to fight it wasn’t gonna stop her from trying if she has to.
“Hey! Big Guy, Jacket Gal, I’m down here!” The two heard the voice once again, and looked down to see a small seawing like creature, wearing something similar to bandit clothing, and physically looked about 4 and a half years old, but was only the size of a 2 year old Dragonet. The strangest part though were his dark green eyes, which not only had what appeared to be traces of gold apart of them, but also shaped similarly to a cats!
“Woah! what’s with your eyes!” Tsunami blurted out
“You’re not castle soldiers right?” The Green Dragonet asked, more scared in tone
“As if we’d ever work with this shitheel! We’re trying to get the hell out of here! If anything, you look more like an enemy! you ever got creepy eyes like Whirlpool!” Tsunami stated
“How can I be an enemy you dunce! I’m locked in a cell!” The Seawing pointed out, now a mix of scared and angry
“Hey, don’t worry. You want us to help you out right?” Clay comforted them, though slightly thrown off initially by their eyes, he could tell they’re a kid just like him or Tsunami, though younger by a year or two.
“YES! please! They threw my key away, so I really need your help out!” The Seawing pleaded, and Clay tried to figure out a way to get them out
“Perhaps I can be of assistance?”
Clay heard Obsidian in his mind once again, and after a moment of concentration managed to bring it forth, momentarily freaking out Tsunami yet making the young Seawing excite
“You have a persona! great! just have it take off the door!” The Seawing instructed
“…you may want to back away for this one” Clay stated, as an image came forth in his mind, and he pointed towards the doors lock. Obsidians head then began to morph, changing into that of a shotgun, and blasted off not only the lock, but most of the cell, leaving The Seawing shocked yet intrigued while Tsunami was baffled at what Clays persona just did.
“I’m sorry, did that thing just turn its face into a shotgun?!” Tsunami asked, as The Younger Seawing jumped through the hole in the door
“Must be a power of your Persona! Truly impressive for someone I can tell is just starting out!”
“…So, what’s up with the eyes?” Clay asked, now that The young Seawing was free
“I’m not sure, far as my memory goes, I’ve always had these golden greens!” The Seawing State stated, clearly proud of them
“No, he meant why are they like a cats.” Tsunami stated. “Also knowing why you’re so small would be nice.”
“That’s none of your business!…well, now that I’m free, what do you say to a partnership? you helped me out, and now I’ll help you out!” The Seawing offered, holding out his hand to shake
“Sounds good to me.” Clay shook the young Seawings hand, and they shot each other a smile.
“Turtle.” The Young Seawing told his name
“Moose.” Clay said back, making Turtle and Tsunami both look confused
“Wait, um, no, my name is-” before Turtle could explain, Clay began snickering
“Oh my moons, I’m just messing with you two, I know how Seawing names work.” Clay kept laughing, as the three now continued through the dungeon, finding a drawbridge over a large abyss with a statue of Whirlpool next to it.
Clay was about to suggest flying, until he realized 2 things. First was that since Whirlpool himself was a dragon, why would he imagine a drawbridge if he himself could fly over it, meaning it may be another trap. The second was that Tsunamis wings were not in good shape to put the strain of flying on them. Clay then looked towards Turtle for answers, with which he delivered
“Well, Clay, since you seem to know things better than Jacket Gal over there, I’ll mainly show you how to go about something like this.” Turtle said, with Tsunami looking angry at the insult. “As you’ll seen soon enough, this statues mouth contains a secret button! press on that, and you’ll make this drawbridge lower in no time!”
Clay did as Turtle instructed, and the drawbridge lowered itself just as they hoped.
“How the hell were we supposed to know that?!?” Tsunami questioned
“Pff, you’re such an amateur, Jacket Gal, now let’s keep going!” Turtle stated, and the 3 ran across the drawbridge, only for them to suddenly be surrounded by castle soldiers, and Clay suddenly went back into his Phantom Thief attire
“SHIT ITS THEM.” Tsunami shouted, clearly frightened as she grabbed a random candlestick to defend with
“You really are amateur! as if that would do anything to them! Just stay still and don’t get hurt.” Turtle said as he jumped off of Tsunami and next to Clay. “Say, you can fight right? Let’s do this!” Turtle then concentrated, as he then became surrounded by a beam of green light.
“Come forth, Honu!” Turtle shouted, as he manifested a giant emerald colored being that seemed to be partly turtle and partly dragon like in its appearance, with a large powerful golden brown shell upon its back that also sprouted a set of long dragon wings. It also powerful arms that had flippers partially stick out from the forearms and legs. and held in its claws a gigantic fishhook with a sharp edge to it. It wore a slightly open coat fitted with long shoulder pads fitted with a green cape with golden edges, and its head was similar to a seawings, but with long white horns similar to that of its hook replacing the normal seawing horns. To top it all off was a pair of black pants held by a massive belt buckle shaped similar to a Turtle.
“This’d be light work for even one of us! but with us both? It couldn’t be easier!” Turtle declared as he and Clay prepared to face the shadows.
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lawlietscandystash · 2 months
no one could ever make me hate near from death note
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lawlietscandystash · 2 months
Gaza is annihilated, world
How long will we remain silent, world? till when Now the Zionist occupation committed a massacre and left behind more than a hundred martyrs The targeting took place in safe areas In the camps and tents of the displaced, how long will you remain silent, O world? We are being exterminated here every day How difficult is life for how long? partner Support the cause, perhaps you will save us from this death
Gaza is annihilated, world
What are you waiting for, support me and leave a like, maybe I will be the martyr next time 💔💔
Share and support pregnancy 💔💔🍉
@90-ghost @helppeople @northgazaupdates @fairuzfan @aitea @palentonga @gazanarchive @free
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lawlietscandystash · 2 months
I'm Nour Alanqar, and reaching out to you during a time of unimaginable hardship. I am 26 years old, married to Ashraf Ismail, who is 32, and together we have three beautiful children: Hussein, 6, Rajaa, 5, and Youssef, just 10 months old. Our lives have been turned upside down by the devastating war in Gaza, and we desperately need your help.
My daughter Rajaa is a radiant beam of sunshine, bringing boundless joy, warmth, and love to everyone she meets.
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On a dark night at the beginning of the war, our area was subjected to massive bombing. The explosions reached our home, forcing us to flee into the night, running amidst periodic explosions and searching for survival. We made our way to southern Gaza by morning, seeking refuge in Rafah.
This is our home, filled with our memories and moments of joy and happiness, now reduced to rubble. Its destruction shattered our hearts.
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In Rafah, we found shelter in a crowded warehouse filled with strangers, all of us struggling to find basic necessities like food, water, safety, and cleanliness. Despite these challenges, we were again hit by direct bombardment. My husband was injured in the shoulder, and the scene around us was filled with blood and corpses. The cries of my children in those moments still echo in my head.
A fragment of what it once was, and now, what it has become.
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We moved several times to places described as safe, only to face new tragedies. During this period, my precious daughter Raja contracted hepatitis, adding to our suffering.
It was incredibly difficult for me to endure these disasters, especially as I was in the process of giving birth. Youssef was deprived of proper breastfeeding and the necessary nutrition for his age. Hussein's right to education and a safe childhood have been cruelly taken from him.
My baby Youssef, whom I clung to throughout the war, running with him through the rubble of shattered homes to escape.
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At an age when Hussein should have been enjoying his childhood, all his rights were taken away from him.
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Our situation is dire, and we need your support to rebuild our lives and provide a future for our children. Your kindness and generosity can make a profound difference. Your contributions will help us secure safe shelter, access to medical care, and the basic necessities of life.
Please, consider helping us during this critical time. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to safety, stability, and a chance to rebuild our lives.
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lawlietscandystash · 3 months
new pfp wahoo
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lawlietscandystash · 3 months
Help Maram and her children leave Gaza🇵🇸
Important 💢
I am Maram from northern Gaza. We have been displaced for 9 months, and the situation is getting worse every time.
We are in a genocidal war. We lost everything we owned: our house, my husband's job, and my own business.
Today, I am in need and urgently requesting your help. Your donation saves our lives. Do not forget me and my family from these massacres that happen every day.
Donation link 🇵🇸👇
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lawlietscandystash · 3 months
"No Injuries" Deemed the Worst Imaginable News in Gaza
"No Injuries" is a perplexing phrase that emerged during the ongoing genocidal war in Gaza. In the early days of the war when I was in Gaza, multiple friends outside Gaza made Facebook posts about their families that ended with the phrase "No injuries".
Very confused, the first troubling thought that popped up in my head was "Is that good news or bad news?" On face value, it seems like good news, but being a person from Gaza, you know that there is no more devastating and soul-crushing news than "No injuries".
Have you ever experienced transitioning from having a sense of relief followed by extreme shock and heartache just in a few seconds? A few seconds took me to realize that the intended meaning was that every single freaking one was killed in cold blood at the press of a button in the airstrike! Men, women, children! Everyone!!
How does one live after receiving such news? What is the point of living once you lose every single one of your family--parents, brothers, sisters, wife, and children? What kind of dreams do you aspire for? What is the point of getting out of bed in the morning? What is the point of working? What is the point of existing?!
A person has to do whatever it takes to save his/her family. Please help me get my family to safety in Egypt until there is a ceasefire hopefully soon.
[Vetted by el-shab-hussein. # 151 on the spreadsheet of Vetted Gaza Fundraisers List]
Please donate, reblog, and share widely.
@riding-with-the-wild-hunt @ibtisams @vakarians-babe @90-ghost
@sayruq @fairuzfan @sar-soor @fallahifag
@el-shab-hussein @taamarrud @humanvoicebox @plomegranate @queerstudiesnatural @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-lindigo @soon-palestine @communistchilchuck @palestinegenocide @northgazaupdates2 @northgazaupdates @ghost-and-a-half @kyra45-helping-others @kyra45 @commissions4aid-international @feluka @sayruq @nabulsi
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lawlietscandystash · 3 months
greattriumphlady/Valentine Hamad Nakuti/Lavender Hamad Namisi is a documented scammer profiting off of the genocide. they are not diabetic and they are not palestinian. search the other names they go by on here: leila rajab, remmy cheptau, tasneem r'm, leila mohammed rajab, tasneem remmy rajaab, valentine rajaab, wafula valentine, salima abdallah, tasneem abdalah, Tasneem Majuma, Magandalina Auma, taheera abdallah, Dorine nanjala, dorine rajaab, Jastus Kimanzi, daisy akinyi, daisy rahaab, taheera mohammed, Mutsui Martin Mohamed, merrine sussy rahah, merrine atieno, Marystella Majuma, emmily kimesis, nakhumicha Ruth, Florence Khaid, Florence Mohamed Khakasa, Florence Hamid, Beatrice Akoth Oduor, fatuma ruth ali, Mwanasiti Heri
would you mind deleting their scam from your blog, or clearly labeling it as a scam so it doesn't spread to others?
please familiarize yourself with the posts of some current scammers while they are still under these usernames: atomicollectorlady, greattriumphlady, thoughtfulpersonpersona, cleversuitsoul, al-rasher, mellowpaperluminary, supportdeeanaah, furiousinternetenemy, happydefendorhologram, scentedsublimenightmare, stevenmm, zaynabu, karldrogo2, gaziianaliifatmaah, gloriousdestinycollector
i really recommend looking at their pinned posts in order to better recognize scams, not just using this list as a blocklist, because once they are terminated they each will immediately remake their scams under a new username
Just deleted the post, thank you for letting me know.
This is really important to keep in mind.
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lawlietscandystash · 3 months
My name is Ashraf Alanqar, and I am 30 years old. My wife, Widad Issa, and I have a one-and-a-half-year-old son named Bakr. We used to live peacefully in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, in a house we built just a week before the war began. I worked as a farmer and owned a large chicken farm that provided for my family.
Beloved of my heart (Bakr)
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Then the war came and destroyed everything. Our home was reduced to ashes, and our chicken farm was obliterated. We lost our home, our livelihood, and even our basic rights. We've been forced to move from place to place in northern Gaza, simply trying to survive.
My House before...
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Me.. while trying to recognize what has happened..
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The terror we feel as we flee from heavy bombardment is unbearable. The sound of explosions around us, the constant fear as we navigate through the rubble of destroyed homes searching for safety and food, haunts us every day. My son Bakr is constantly scared and suffers from severe malnutrition and skin diseases due to the lack of food, water, and sanitation.
Our beautiful memories.. :(
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We urgently need your help. I am asking for your support to fund this campaign to move my family to a safe place, provide us with a proper home, and ensure we have enough food, water, and medical care.
Baker used to play with his dog.
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Your donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in our lives. We desperately need your support and solidarity during this difficult time. Together, we can restore hope and safety to Ashraf and his family.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering my plea. Your support means more than words can express. Together, we can turn a story of loss into a journey of hope and resilience.
With deepest gratitude,
Ashraf & the Family
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lawlietscandystash · 3 months
Recently I have been very sick from spending a lot of time on the streets, enduring cold and this worsened my health, I was afraid this would happen, and it did. I have to be with oxygen cylinders to be able to breathe better when I got agitated, I am lacking a lot of air, and I am left without breathing, I am going to be discharged but I need to be in a cool, warm place, without humidity, and they ask me to take care of me a lot.
Unfortunately I do not have all the resources to keep me safe, that is why I need your help, whatever you can contribute to me will be of great help.
Fundraiser link
Thanks and be blessed ❤️
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lawlietscandystash · 3 months
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sketch from a few days ago. probably
chekhov my beloved (he's a doctor that's batshit crazy and in love with some guy)
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lawlietscandystash · 3 months
Hello, I am Muhammad Atallah.
I live in northern Gaza. On 25/2/2024, I went to Al-Nabulsi roundabout to bring humanitarian aid. I was waiting for help, and here I was shocked. I was surprised by an explosive bullet in my left hand, which led to its complete disappearance and the need for a bone transplant. The reason for going to that place was the lack of food and hunger in the family. At that time, my sister was pregnant with her daughter Malak, and my father was not there because he had to travel for treatment and take a dose of chemotherapy. Here, I ask you to participate in donating and participating in my campaign. Thank you.
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Please donate and help😭
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