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Campus Stories #1: Textbook, Haruskah dibeli semua?
Tahun ajaran baru sebentar lagi dimulai. Saya ucapkan selamat datang kepada adik-adik calon mahasiswa baru yang sebentar lagi akan meramaikan gedung perkuliahan. Berhubung masih dalam suasana euforia back to campus, saya terinspirasi untuk berbagi mengenai kehidupan perkuliahan saya jaman dahulu kala. Rencananya saya akan membuat beberapa postingan seri #CampusStories yang berisi tips and trick dalam menghadapi kerasnya dunia perkuliahan. Wahai para mahasiswa baru, tentunya kehidupan perkuliahan berbeda dengan kehidupan di SMA. Salah satu contohnya, tidak disediakan buku paket dari sekolah sebagai referensi belajar. Di awal perkuliahan, ada minggu perkenalan dimana dosen menyampaikan silabus mata kuliah serta referensi yang digunakan. Tidak seperti zaman SMA dimana satu mata pelajaran menggunakan hanya satu referensi, satu mata kuliah memiliki paling tidak 2 atau lebih referensi ajar. Haruskah dibeli semua? FYI, harga textbook yang asli itu mahal ya, terutama jika menggunakan referensi berbahasa asing, paling tidak harganya mencapai sekitar 200 ribu rupiah atau lebih. Let's say terdapat 5 mata kuliah di semester awal ini. Asumsikan setiap mata kuliah membutuhkan 2 buku referensi, jadi perhitungan kasarnya yaitu
5 matkul x 2 textbook x Rp 200.000,- = Rp 2.000.000,-
Yup, 2 juta rupiah bukan jumlah yang sedikit untuk membeli buku teks (yang pada akhirnya hanya akan memenuhi kamar kosan dan mengumpulkan debu karena jarang dibuka. Yes, that's true story anyway).
Bagi saya uang sebanyak itu lebih baik untuk beli makan (dan novel, skincare, make up, serta baju). Jadi harus bagaimana, kakak? Ada beberapa tips yang bisa saya bagikan terkait pengumpulan textbook ini,
1. Di awal perkuliahan akan ada banyak pihak yang menjadi penjual buku dadakan, mulai dari unit mahasiswa, himpunan ataupun senior. Jangan langsung panik dan membeli semua textbook yang ditawarkan. Kuncinya, hadirilah perkuliahan selama 2 minggu. Di awal perkuliahan, dosen biasanya akan memberikan silabus mata kuliah serta referensi yang digunakan. Tanyakan kepada beliau, referensi apa yang paling penting (apakah perlu untuk dimiliki, atau dimana referensi tersebut bisa diakses).
2. Setelah mengidentifikasi referensi mana saja yang utama dan perlu dimiliki, saatnya kita manfaatkan hubungan pertemanan dan relasi. Jika memiliki kenalan kakak kelas di jurusan yang sama, tanyakan apakah kita dapat meminjam buku yang kita butuhkan dari senior tsb. Syukur kalau ternyata malah mendapat sepaket buku hibah. Tidak punya kenalan senior? Ya ini saatnya untuk berkenalan. Lumayan kan sekaligus memperluas relasi di kampus.
3. Sudah tanya-tanya ke senior ternyata kehabisan. Tenang, masih ada buku dari perpustakaan yang bisa dipinjam. Setiap kampus pasti memilki fasilitas perpustakaan kan. Disana pasti tersedia berbagai textbook yang dibutuhkan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Sayangnya, waktu pinjam terbatas (biasanya sekitar 2 minggu) sehingga kita harus memperbaharui pinjaman buku secara berkala. Selain itu, jumlah buku terbatas sehingga harus bergantian dengan mahasiswa lainnya.

4. Nah tips berikut ini adalah tips favorit saya. Saya lebih menyukai referensi dalam bentuk softfile daripada bentuk cetak, karena mudah diakses dan ringan (bermodal koneksi internet, laptop atau tablet pc, dan tidak perlu membawa gembolan buku berat) dan yang paling penting free of charge. Banyak situs berbagi yang menyediakan textbook secara cuma-cuma. Kalau mau yang legal, bisa cek website nya Project Gutenberg atau kunjungi Openstax yang merupakan kerjasama dari Rice University, dengan Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation serta yayasan lainnya. Setelah menemukan referensi yang dibutuhkan tinggal di download ke piranti kamu deh. Bisa diakses di laptop, tablet PC, bahkan smartphone. Saya sih lebih suka menggunakan tablet 8 inch, lumayan meringankan beban bawaan ke kampus namun tetap nyaman dibaca.
5. Tips terakhir untuk kamu yang tetap kekeuh untuk memiliki versi cetak. Bisa dengan mencetak softfile (di print dengan ukuran lebih kecil, misal 2 halaman dijadikan 1 halaman) ataupun dengan memfotokopi buku punya teman. Yah memang masih butuh modal lebih, namun paling tidak budgetnya tidak sampai 2 juta rupiah lah. Kalau mau mengeluarkan sedikit usaha, kamu juga bisa memotret bagian yang kamu perlu dari buku temanmu (ya tidak perlu satu buku, cukup bagian pentingnya saja, semisal bagian latihan atau suatu ringkasan skema).
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The Simple Love
D: Love is complicated B: I don't agree with you. Love is simple D: Really? Why? How? B: Love is simple, because love is you
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Ya Allah, Make this Ramadan a turning point of our life!!
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Poirot and Miss Marple anime
Good quality versions of all 39 episodes of Agatha Christie’s Great Detectives Poirot and Marple (2004-2005) anime series have appeared on Youtube, complete with English subtitles!
1x01: The Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan
1x02: The Riddle of the Cheap Flat
1x03: Strange Will
1x04: The Faultless Maid
1x05: The ABC Murders, Part 1
1x06: The ABC Murders, Part 2
1x07: The ABC Murders, Part 3
1x08: The ABC Murders, Part 4
1x09: The Prime Minister’s Disappearance, Part 1
1x10: The Prime Minister’s Disappearance, Part 2
1x11: The Riddle of the Egyptian Tomb, Part 1
1x12: The Riddle of the Egyptian Tomb, Part 2
1x13: Tape-Measure Murder
1x14: The Case of the Gold Ingots
1x15: The Blue Geranium
1x16: The Mystery of End House, Part 1
1x17: The Mystery of End House, Part 2
1x18: The Mystery of End House, Part 3
1x19: The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding, Part 1
1x20: The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding, Part 2
1x21: 4:50 from Paddington, Part 1
1x22: 4:50 from Paddington, Part 2
1x23: 4:50 from Paddington, Part 3
1x24: 4:50 from Paddington, Part 4
1x25: The Plymouth Express, Part 1
1x26: The Plymouth Express, Part 2
1x27: Motive versus Opportunity
1x28: The Disappearing Cook, Part 1
1x29: The Disappearing Cook, Part 2
1x30: Sleeping Murder, Part 1
1x31: Sleeping Murder, Part 2
1x32: Sleeping Murder, Part 3
1x33: Sleeping Murder, Part 4
1x34: Twenty-Four Japanese Thrushes
1x35: The Case of Davenheim’s Disappearance
1x36: Death in the Clouds, Part 1
1x37: Death in the Clouds, Part 2
1x38: Death in the Clouds, Part 3
1x39: Death in the Clouds, Part 4
Happy watching!
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No one to talk to about your worries and problems? Have you tried talking to the Best of All Listeners?
(via islamographic)
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I’ve got a lot of questions about this during my Art Center time, so I drew it ! This system came from when I had to manage my time during art high school (8am-5pm everyday) with 2 waitress jobs. Everybody has different working method, but I will be more than happy if anyone gets new idea from it !
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I’ve got a lot of questions about this during my Art Center time, so I drew it ! This system came from when I had to manage my time during art high school (8am-5pm everyday) with 2 waitress jobs. Everybody has different working method, but I will be more than happy if anyone gets new idea from it !
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I’m always thankful for good friends and try to be a good friend back. :D
Also, new Chibird iMessage Stickers out for iOS10!
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Food Journal
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Stuart: I also love how you never use swear words
Sheldon: you know, turns out you can hurt people just as well without 'em
The Fetal Kick Catalyst, TBBT S10E06
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23 science facts we didn't know at the start of 2016
1. Gravitational waves are real. More than 100 years after Einstein first predicted them, researchers finally detected the elusive ripples in space time this year. We’ve now seen three gravitational wave events in total.
2. Sloths almost die every time they poop, and it looks agonising.
3. It’s possible to live for more than a year without a heart in your body.
4. It’s also possible to live a normal life without 90 percent of your brain.
5. There are strange, metallic sounds coming from the Mariana trench, the deepest point on Earth’s surface. Scientists currently think the noise is a new kind of baleen whale call.
6. A revolutionary new type of nuclear fusion machine being trialled in Germany really works, and could be the key to clean, unlimited energy.
7. There’s an Earth-like planet just 4.2 light-years away in the Alpha Centauri star system - and scientists are already planning a mission to visit it.
8. Earth has a second mini-moon orbiting it, known as a ‘quasi-satellite’. It’s called 2016 HO3.
9. There might be a ninth planet in our Solar System (no, Pluto doesn’t count).
10. The first written record demonstrating the laws of friction has been hiding inside Leonardo da Vinci’s “irrelevant scribbles” for the past 500 years.
11. Zika virus can be spread sexually, and it really does cause microcephaly in babies.
12. Crows have big ears, and they’re kinda terrifying.
13. The largest known prime number is 274,207,281– 1, which is a ridiculous 22 million digits in length. It’s 5 million digits longer than the second largest prime.
14. The North Pole is slowly moving towards London, due to the planet’s shifting water content.
15. Earth lost enough sea ice this year to cover the entire land mass of India.
16. Artificial intelligence can beat humans at Go.
17. Tardigrades are so indestructible because they have an in-built toolkit to protect their DNA from damage. These tiny creatures can survive being frozen for decades, can bounce back from total desiccation, and can even handle the harsh radiation of space.
18. There are two liquid states of water.
19. Pear-shaped atomic nuclei exist, and they make time travel seem pretty damn impossible.
20. Dinosaurs had glorious tail feathers, and they were floppy.
21. One third of the planet can no longer see the Milky Way from where they live.
22. There’s a giant, 1.5-billion-cubic-metre (54-billion-cubic-foot) field of precious helium gas in Tanzania.
23. The ‘impossible’ EM Drive is the propulsion system that just won’t quit. NASA says it really does seem to produce thrust - but they still have no idea how. We’ll save that mystery for 2017.
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Having Allah on your side, doesn’t mean sailing on an ocean with no waves. It means sailing in a ship, which no storm can sink. It doesn’t mean you will not have storms. You will have storms, you will have waves. But when you have Allah on your side, no storm will sink your ship.
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