#joyous whimsy to soul crushing trauma :(
tamagoneko · 3 months
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quite literally caught up in the middle of like 50 things atm
*adds another big ass project to the pile*
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time-of-your-life-au · 3 months
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Project M.A.R.C.Y. - 12
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annimator · 4 months
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fever-project · 3 months
I’ve been thinking about your ganon from your au again (royal depths..?) may i please know more about him 👁️👁️
- crazylittlejester
YES you can I glad you like him 🥹 I will gladly talk about him. Unfortunately a lot of his story is about his mom being emotionally abusive, so take that in mind.
Due to the way he was raised(or rather the way he was not raised, he was very much neglected most of the time by his mom, he had many emotionally distant nannies)he has terrible self esteem issues. He’s been told his whole life that he will grow up into a monster. But that didn’t really set in for him until he was like 4-5~ish years old. He found an injured bird in his garden, it only having a sprained wing. It would likely have been fine, but young Ganon wanted to help it. But as he approached it, the bird looked at him and immediately died. His mother told him that the bird died because it could sense the evil within him, and died from the shock of how evil he was. Ganon cried a lot that day.
Sheerow-and other animals from Lorule-are not afraid of him. Sheerow is a very nice and playful bird, and Ganon loves spending time with it. When he first met it, he was terrified of how not scared the bird was of him. He thought the bird was also evil for a moment. But with how playful and cute Sheerow acted, Ganon knew that couldn’t be the case. When he first petted the bird, he almost cried, the only reason he didn’t was because he heard Ravio crashing down onto the ground after scaling the garden wall.
Ravio’s also very kind to him, which is an entirely new experience for Ganon. His mom acts nice to him, but even though Ganon is quite young, he quickly picked up on how scared his own mother was of him. Ravio wasn’t scared at all, generally very nice and cheerful. He even showed Ganon a few magic tricks, explaining how he did a few tricks as well. Ravio quickly got dragged away though by the guards thrown right into the prison along with his bird. Ganon was crying the whole time that happened, because he had never been as happy as he was with the short time they were together.
His mother scolded him about interacting with a stranger, talking about how “evil” that man and his bird was. This was also the first time Ganon talked back to his mother, although that was very short lived as his mother kept saying how evil her own son was right to his face. Then a few guards rushed in, Ravio and Sheerow in tow, quickly showing off the Triforce on his hand to them. Rav hurriedly explains about himself, Lorule, and how he needs to find the hero and save the world.
Blah blah blah, more stuff happens and now Ravio is tagging along with Ganon and his mom to Hyrule Castle. Fortunately or not, Ganon’s mom(I need to come up with a name for her someday)doesn’t want to spend much time with her son, so she just leave him in Ravio’s care. He’s the counterpart of the hero, it’ll be fine. And it is! Ganon has never been happier hanging out with Ravio and Sheerow. When they finally get to the castle, Ganon has the puffiest eyes(from all the crying, it’s been a very emotional time for him), and a new father/big brother figure in the form of Ravio.
Uhh more stuff, Ganon has no idea how to fight, he know some very basic techniques from watching some of the warriors train. He would climb up one of the sides of his garden wall just to watch them. He thinks they’re cool. He also has magic but wasn’t allowed to use or practice it, for fearing that he’ll “use them for evil.” He’s very scared of his powers because of this, and is also weary of magic in general. Also his favorite animal is a donkey. He never seen one before, but he heard about how strong and helpful they are despite their small stature-compared to horses-and he kinda looks up to them a bit. He also thinks they are very cute. He wouldn’t be able to ride or interact with one, since Hyrulian animals fear him, but donkeys do exist in Lorule. So if he ever went to Lorule(and this would happen in like the later parts of the story)he would insist upon finding a donkey. Ganon also gains more confidence and self worth as the story goes on.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Guys Morro mini series where:
It starts when Morro has recently left the monastery but it’s presented as the usual kid hero goes on fun and wacky adventures trope, and a first time viewer would not even know Morro’s backstory yet.
Morro is just a chipper and quirky kid protagonist (like lmk’s mk, or adventure time’s Finn), who has set out on a journey to prove he can become a real hero, he makes a few friends, goes on crazy adventures in Ninjago, and he has mysterious wind powers of origins he refuses to elaborate on, but they give him an edge over others.
It’s a monster of the week kind of show which gradually develops its cast over time and vaguely hints at any deeper overarching plot, with the occasional episode that includes a dramatic flashback of the monastery.
The first season finale could maybe include Chen as the main villain who’s shady trading and manipulations being foreshadowed throughout the season, and Chen specifically wants to capture Morro for his powers. Morro and potential friends defeat/escape Chen eventually but not before acquiring some second act trauma (well actually it’s just the start of unveiling Morro’s repressed issues), and sowing the seeds for s2. Maybe Clouse had some future seeing spell and Morro got a glimpse of his destiny.
S2 becomes much more serialised, the plot amps up as Morro searches to uncover who he is, and for a way to change destiny. Perhaps some big evil apocalypse is foreshadowed and Morro and his friends embark on a perilous quest to prevent it. Perhaps they find all the pieces to start some big evil apocalypse and… you can’t be a hero if you have no evil to fight. Morro tries to stop, not the end of the world, but the end of his world by desperately trying to change his fate, without realising he’s stuck in a self fulfilling prophecy. Things ramp up into uncovering that this apocalypse was just some hoax made by some lesser villain, maybe a young ronin or something, and it’s quickly taken care off and the season seems to end on a fairly normal, victorious note.
And then the next episode, inexplicably Morro’s is at the caves of despair, with a map he acquired throughout the hunt for the apocalypse. Again, without any villains there’s no need for heroes. With that, Morro enters the caves. The rest of the episode is then just a flashback of Morro’s life at the monastery, ending where the mini series began.
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purple-the-turtle · 10 months
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i would like to personally apologize to my leos… I hurt them so much
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queenohalloween · 2 years
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I had a lot of fun playing D&D today. My character however did not
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potatochip-oc-dump · 2 years
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something something funny doodles of these guys
they're all like children and they're all silly I think they should hang out
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haunted-machines · 2 years
TRUTH to Shade: What were some of the worst experiences you had before joining Wily?
Send ‘ Truth ’ + a question, and my muse must answer it honestly, telling the complete truth.
Send ‘ Dare ’ + a dare, and my muse must do it right now, following through to the letter.
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"That is quite a presumptuous question!" Shade seems more stunned than actually upset.
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"Hey, you don't have to answer this-"
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"No, no, it's fine," he waves Metal off and folds his arms. He is quiet for an unusually long moment before he seems to settle into an uncharacteristically bitter demeanor. "You want to know what it was like back there? That's perfectly fine."
"Every moment I spent in that place was the worst experience of my life. I would hardly say it even qualified as a life, but what did I know. I supposedly did not have 'real' thoughts or feelings at the time, so it was not like my opinion of the situation mattered." He chuckles through clenched teeth. "The human patrons were disgusting, constantly leaving their garbage throughout my manor. The human employees were hardly any better. They weren't even around unless someone complained loudly enough to get their attention. Usually the ones who could not contain their fear properly and demanded reparations because the 'stupid robot' they swung at broke their hand with its abdomen." Shade's grip on his arms tighten, claws visibly tearing into the surrounding fabric.
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"Everything I did had to be a tightrope act! If I did not scare them, I would be killed. If I scared them too well, I could also be killed. My entire purpose was to taunt and threaten people who could command my death with a single request!"
Shade stops short, seemingly just now becoming aware of his own voice. He exhales, only mostly managing to mask the shakiness beneath it.
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"But even then, I was one of the lucky ones. I can tell you the worst of my own experience, but I am fortunate enough to have not experienced the worst of their treatment." His shoulders slump, no longer carrying the righteous anger he had begun with. No, now he just looks tired. "I was not the only Robot Master employed there. There were a handful, though I rarely interacted with any of them due to being confined to a single area.
"Except one. She was in charge of sanitation. I only ever saw her after hours, just before I was to power down. She was kind. Rather hot-headed, but very passionate about what she did. She was the only person I knew that I could speak freely to, without worry of any repercussion. Then one day, without any warning, she disappeared for some time. When I inquired about her status, I was told she had been shipped back to her manufacturer for 'repairs.' I did not think anything of it until she finally returned and introduced herself to me a second time. Nothing about her physical appearance changed, but the way she spoke, the way she carried herself, it all seemed muted. She did not appear to recognize me at all.
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"Apparently she had an unfortunate habit of being quite 'rude' to patrons who refused to clean up after themselves. Her attitude upset them, so they 'fixed' her. They completely culled everything about her former personality and reshaped her into something more palatable. If I had to chose, I believe I would call that the 'worst experience' of my time prior to now.
"When I realized just how utterly expendable we truly were."
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spoops-inliyue · 2 years
Playable Scara and regular Scara are not the same person. I'm just saying
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anarkhebringer · 2 years
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Felis outfit mod food part 2 is ready, featuring Isaac dressed to match his dad
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akanemnon · 4 months
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THIS [[4.99]]ING TENSION I LOVE THIS WHAT?? KRIS IS PISSED AT CHARA HOLY CRAP. And after they got pissed at Susie too?? I love this comic.
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They are more just frustrated and less depressed. They're used to their attempts at helping people actually working. But instead now they end up making things worse.
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itsdrawingmen · 8 months
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Take a character filled with joyous whimsy Inflict soul-crushing trauma
If you didn't know you needed crooked teeth!Yoosung today, I'm here to tell you you did.
I have a fic to go with this
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eldragon-x · 3 months
It's always "establish character with joyous whimsy -> inflict soul-crushing trauma" or whatever but what about the "establish character with joyous whimsy -> uncover soul-crushing past trauma -> inflict more soul-crushing trauma"
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oceandiagonale · 6 months
Aether Foundation is a totally not shady corporation and Lusamine is a very good person that people can absolutely trust 👍
While I love Vi's team, the fact that he has a full team doesn't really fit with story I created for him anymore 😔 Now his Pokémon are only Moss the Crobat and Queen the Milotic.
Vi can create portals but because she's kinda bad at using this power she can't really create large ones. The portals are only big enough to put her arm through them.
She also doesn't really hide her ability so there are some pictures of her and the portals around the internet. 
Lusamine somehow finds those pictures, sees a teen with portal powers and is like "I can use them". So she sends someone to seek Vi out so that she can speak to them. When this person finds Vi Lusamine talks about this special program Aether Foundation is doing where they find people with special abilities to help them learn control and stuff. The fact that they can travel through Alola is just a nice little bonus. And while Vi is kinda suspicious she does want to learn to control her portal powers better, so she accepts. 
When she arrives Lusamine does what she can do best - manipulate children. She wants to see if Vi's portals can be used to access ultra beasts. 
Anyways have a totally not related to what I just worte meme ☺️☺️☺️
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[image: the meme of
"Step 1: Establish Character with joyous whimsy" with Vi smiling and sparkling, with long hair and a pink and green outfit and
"Step 2: Inflict soul-crushing trauma" with Vi looking at the camera, traumatized, wearing all black and with cropped hair, while Luamine and an Ultra Wormhole hover ominously behind them at like 10% opacity ]
KJFHSDKJ OH MY GOD NOOO VIIIIIIII GET OUT OF THERE oh my god he can't hear me she has the aether foundation AirPods in 😨😨😨😨😨😭😭😭😭😭
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hyperkitten224 · 1 year
the SAMS Universe seems to have the "Introduce character full of joyous whimsy, inflict soul crushing trauma" philosophy, if Lunar and Sun's treatment is a pattern. which is why I'm silently looking at Earth throughout the episodes, watching this Trauma of Damocles hang over her head, bracing myself for the day where her innocence crumbles around her and the angst/trauma can truly begin
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