random-racehorses · 11 months
Random Real Thoroughbred: PRIDE OF JOY
PRIDE OF JOY is a filly born in 2001. By KINJITE out of GO JOY. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/pride+of+joy3
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nshayden · 1 year
HBD 2 ZURA(虽然迟到了)
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aglaydis · 2 years
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actuallytj · 5 years
Jay, opening the knife cabinet to no knives: >:O
Jay, busting into the bathroom to Jo showering: WE'RE OUT OF- Jo stop screaming, it's just me, WE'RE OUT OF KNIVES AGAIN—
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d-kun-02 · 5 years
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Look at me finally doing something for the 2M accomplishment!
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angiezstuff · 5 years
thoughts on joy3? (jo x jay3, by the way)
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Its adorable 🥺💖
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h-planb · 5 years
NRFTI Ship shit
Here take some nrfti ship songs uwu!!
Stosuh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_5JCHMhztM
Jaysuh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSgeezIP0mk
Jayphen/Stay3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pzOBI3PD8E
Persona!Jayphen/Stay3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQtftST1tGw
Joy3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj2exR0oaR8
Jophen?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBcK-0MXG5M
Josuh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcQyjZ0AXQs
PolyPlan In General: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxePgQZ9I6U
Worker 45 when she was still alive, heavily crushing on Angel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bu0bm3LHcw
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swordofthephoenix · 5 years
i wrote this all in one day help
yes this is the prequel to the joy3 wedding. sue me. i saw my chance and i took it. fuck you.
i needed a christmas fic to post and this is what happened. enjoy, fuckers.
comments + reblogs are better than likes, so feel free to reblog and yell in the tags! if you like my writing, feel free to send in a request!
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boredfaneliza · 5 years
33, joy3, 39, stosuh
33. How do they eat ice cream? What's their favorite flavors?
Jo eats his ice cream like any normal person. Lick it then take a bite. Jay probably bites first then licks it later.
Jo's favorite flavor would be either chocolate or vanilla. Jay's favorite flavor is sometimes tropical or peanut butter.
39. Who leaves little notes in the other one's lunch? (Bonus: What does it say?)
Stephen because he likes to remind Hosuh to take care of himself. In the notes, it says "Make sure to eat, also YOU BETTER SLEEP GOOD TONIGHT OR NO KISSES FROM ME >:P"
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Overrated Love Stories
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Summary:  Joe knew very well that Jay didn't like cliches. He didn't give flowers, he didn't think long walks on the beach were romantic, but that was nothing. That didn't mean he didn't love Joe any less. And Jow knew that. But it didn't mean he didn't want something every once and a while.
Read on Ao3
Jay had never been one for romantic gestures, be it towards him or doing it for his partner. He preferred to just tell him that he loved him, or slyly flirt with him rather than doing something big and romantic. Joe understood that. He was sometimes the same way, not wanting to have someone skywrite something for him or anything like that. But there were times where he wanted to have that feeling, the fuzzy warmth, and embarrassment of course, at knowing that the person whom he loved was thinking about him. He always made sure to let Jay know that he was thinking about him, sometimes with a little doodle or by making him food before he left for work or class.
He was lucky, he got to work from home, and all his classes were online. He could spend all day if he wanted on planning something romantic for Jay. Though, of course, there were days where he wanted to be told he was cute, or to be given flowers, or even just a note saying that Jay was thinking about him. But that wasn't how their relationship worked most days.
Jay came home to find Joe curled up on their couch, his laptop on his lap and drawing tablet pen barely being held in his hand. Soft snores came from his lover, his glasses askew. The blonde sighed, walking over to him as gently as he could. He saw a little doodle on the screen, his avatar giving flowers to Joe's, and he paused for a moment. Did Joe want him to get flowers? He'd never been one for such a thing.
He sighed, taking the pen from his partner's hand, saving the picture, and closing the laptop. Joe had a very bad habit of falling asleep on the couch where he often drew, or at his desk. Pressing a soft kiss to his forehead, he picked him up carefully. It wasn't too much of a burden, Joe wasn't particularly heavy, and Jay had brought him back to bed on many occasions. Once he was set on the mattress and glasses removed, Jay pulled the covers over him. Now, he would go to bed with him under normal circumstances, but he was curious about what he'd seen on the computer screen.
Did Joe want to be romanced? Did he want flirting and flowers and all that junk? They'd been together for almost two years and yet not once had this come up before in their relationship. Usually, they communicated all their wants and desires as soon as it happened, so they could make sure to keep one another happy and be sure they were taking care of each other. Why was this different?
Jay knew why this was different. It was because he had always found such things irrelevant, they were a waste. He liked to live in reality, where violets were purple, people died when their hearts skipped, stars only existed in the sky and in drawings, flowers weren't a good symbol of love because they just died in a week or less, and there was no way in hell one should eat breakfast in bed as it would just get crumbs all over the bedding.
It was so stupid. He'd always thought so, and Joe liked to laugh with him at some of the sentiments. It was fine with him. And as much as he hated the thought of it, Joe was more important to Jay than whatever prejudice he may have against romance, so before he could go to sleep, he got to work.
When Joe woke up in the morning, the first thing he noticed was that he was still dressed in the same clothes he'd worn the day before. Great. That meant he fell asleep on the couch again, and Jay had to carry him back to bed. It was a habit that Joe was ashamed to say that he was all too deep in, with most nights of his week ending on the couch and mornings still starting in bed.
He really loved his partner, and always made sure to thank him whenever he could. Speaking of, where was Jay? He sat up and blearily glanced around, reaching out for his glasses case on the bedside table, only to come into contact with a piece of paper that had definitely not been there before. When he pulled it closer so he could see it, he was slightly shocked to see what it really was. A note, from Jay. With a heart. A simple good morning message, but it was enough to send his heart all aflutter.
Something smelled amazing, he realized as he put his glasses on. Was Jay cooking? He never made breakfast. Lunch and dinner, sure. But not breakfast. What was going on?
"Jay?" He called out as he exited their room, heading down the hall towards the kitchen, "Jay, you there?"
"In here!"
Joe looked into the kitchen and his jaw nearly dropped. Jay was cooking pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes by the smell of things, and had already poured out a glass of chocolate milk for him. They almost never had pancakes. Always eggs or oatmeal, or some other thing which was healthy and supposed to give them energy. But something just decadent, like pancakes? No way, that wasn't how they normally operated, even if it was Joe's favorite breakfast food.
"Okay, what gives? You never cook breakfast."
"Nothing, really, I just wanted to cook for my boyfriend before I headed out to class today." He shrugged, handing him his plate with a kiss when he came over. "Because I love you."
"What the heck? Did I forget some holiday? Is it our anniversary?" Joe whispered to himself, glancing at the calendar, and realized that their anniversary wasn't for another two months. It wasn't February, so not Valentines, and it wasn't either of their birthdays. So what was going on?
Jay's expression was unreadable, as usual. Either angry, neutral, or happy. Nothing new there.
"Do you really think that it only takes some holiday or special day to be shown you're loved?" Jay asked, his tone expressionless as he flipped the pancakes. "Is that really what you think?"
Joe sighed, setting his plate down on the table next to the glass of chocolate milk which had been set out for him. Jay was not a chocolate type of person, preferring orange juice with his breakfast in the morning. All the little things which made him, well, him. Those were what Joe loved the most. And he knew that Jay hated cliche romance, he hated it with a fervent passion. That was fine, Joe knew that, but he was also weak for those same cliches which his boyfriend detested.
"I just know you don't like this sort of thing, and the note was nice, but it doesn't seem like you. And knowing you, it doesn't feel like you want to really do this unless it was for my sake."
"You're right, I don't like doing this. But I love you more than I despise these stupid, overdone cliches, so it's whatever."
Joe wrapped his arms around Jay's waist, resting his head on his partner's shoulder after giving his cheek a soft kiss.
"I know you love me. You don't need to do anything big to prove it, you do that just by spending time with me."
He felt Jay sigh more than heard it, and the way he leaned into the hug only served to prove his point. Oh, he was sure that he'd find plenty of little notes telling him how much he loved him, or how cute he looked, or just of encouragement, and those were fine. He loved those kinds of notes, Jay would sometimes write them for him whenever he saw him having a hard time and didn't want people around. Jay wasn't a people person, but there was one person he loved more than his own biases, and that person had him in his arms then.
"C'mon, let's get some breakfast, you did put all this effort into making it after all."
"Eh, it's mostly from a box. I'm calling in sick from class today, I'd rather spend it with you."
"Well thank you very much," Joe laughed, "I'm honored."
"You sure you don't mind not having all the big romantic gestures?" Jay asked as he set the final pancake onto a plate, grabbing the butter and syrup to go with it as Joe released him so they could go sit at the table.
"Mhm, I don't mind. I've got you, and that's what matters to me. Sure, sometimes I'm bit by the romance bug, but that's the same as getting a craving for chocolate or whatever."
Jay couldn't help but laugh. This domestic romance, without the big gestures and cliches, as just the two of them together, that was all they really wanted. Because dear god, as much as they disliked cliche romances, they loved one another twice as much.
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eliza-writes-stuff · 5 years
My Sunshine (Joy3)
Hehe I was inspired by the name uhh sunshine from a fanart I saw hehe...
Anyways! I hope you enjoy!!! :D
It’s bright out there despite being cold outside. The festive season is coming. There’s already some decoration covering shops everywhere. Let’s hope Jo doesn’t slip on ice on the pavement while walking with his boyfriend. However, they’re holding hands, so he’s lucky.
“Hey, do ya wanna go in the cafe? It’s warmer there.” Jo suggested. He pointed a small cafe next to a flower shop. It has some wreaths hanging on the sign.
Jay hummed, “but you’re warm, but okay sunshine.” Jo giggled at the compliment and squeezed his hand a little.
They walked towards the cafe and went inside. It smells delicious. Some sweet treats were on the display: cookies, brownies, and other cakes. Covered in green and red frosting. Jo can’t stop drooling at the sight. Jay chuckled and had to tug him to get his attention. They strolled to the counter, but there’s a line. Their stomachs grumbled.
“Hey, I’ll get our order while you find us a seat okay?” Jay said. “Don’t worry, I’ll grab one of those chocolate cakes.”
Jo nodded and gave a small peck on Jay’s cheek before walking away. Flush in the face with a dopey smile. Now, he just has to find a seat. Maybe one of those couple seats next to the window. He walks to one of the high tables with two chairs. Jo takes a seat and sighed. He should check his phone.
Jo picks up his phone from his pocket. Solving the lock screen’s secret code: a wallpaper of Jay and Jo hugging. He smiles at it. There’s some text messages from Hosuh, who says that he’s baking with Annabelle. Photos of them in floury mess and purple frosting covering their cheeks. As much as he hates it, but he wants to check on Tumblr. A magnificent and terrifying website. He taps on the app.
Oh, good lord. There’s ship fanart of Jo and Jay. He giggled at some of one user’s short story of Joy3? Weird ship name, but it’s nothing worse.
“What are you giggling about?” Jo glanced up from his phone and Jay stands there. Jay takes his seat. “Is it a picture of me? Please delete it because you saw me. I was so dead inside this morning.” He chuckled.
“Hey, you’re still handsome! You kinda look cute when you’re tired.” Jo keeps giggling even when Jay pinches his cheek. “Besides you, I was giggling of us,” then he showed his phone. “Check it out.”
Jay takes the phone and open his eyes a little. Jo had to stop sighed when he sees his boyfriend’s sunset eyes. Jay’s brow raised up a little before chuckling and giving Jo’s phone back. See? Jay looks cute, no matter what.
“Okay, that was, um, interesting.” Jay chuckled one more time. “But why do you  get to carry me?”
“Obviously, I’m the taller one here.” Jo laughs when his boyfriend flicks his forehead. “It’s true.”
Jay pouted, “fans said I’m the true charmer.”
“Sorry, but strength beats charisma!”
The waitress arrived, “Here’s a chocolate cake for Mr. Catalanello and peanut butter cookies for Mr. Ko.” She sets down the plates full of the sweet treats, then a cup of hot chocolate and coffee. "Enjoy, gentleman.” She leaves the two alone.
Jo’s drooling again. He picks up the fork and takes a small piece. He bites into it. Oh my god, it tastes so good. He’s heaven. Chocolate and Jay. He finally got everything he needed when he goes to heaven.
“Slow down, I don’t want you choking on food already.” Jay takes a bite of the peanut butter cookie. It must be taste good. He hummed before snickers. “You got some frosting on your chin.” Jay point it out. Jo grabbed a napkin and wipes of something on his cheek. “It’s still there, let me get that.” Jay reached over the table, so his thumb can wipe it off. And he did. Then he licks it off and lets out a happy sigh. “Delicious like you.”
Jo can’t help, but crackup, “you’re so cheesy.”
“Whatever you say sunshine.”
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f-l-o-r · 5 years
i didn’t know joy3 existed until like a day ago but it’s my new favorite thing
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newday5418 · 5 years
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Vsmart Joy 3 sở hữu cụm 3 camera sau khủng nhất tầm giá bao gồm camera chính 13MP f/2.0, ống kính siêu rộng 8MP và camera phụ 2MP. Mua Joy 3 tại CellphoneS giá rẻ nhất và nhiều ưu đãi khủng.
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actuallytj · 5 years
but consider:
@artistnotsogrump @nanamiyaa
if you two are in my boat, we can sail it to Joy³
SO 👀
reblog if you wanna be a part of this, we can design lightsticks and whatnot, make outfits and scenarios
we should probably take it to discord or something tho since Tumblr gcs are kinda weird
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dariusnhat · 5 years
Vsmart Joy 3 duoc cung cap suc manh boi con chip xu ly Snapdragon 632
Vsmart Joy 3 được cung cấp sức mạnh bởi chip xử lý Snapdragon 632 với tùy chọn 2GB/3GB RAM và 32GB bộ nhớ trong. Hotsale mở bán từ 14/2-16/2, Joy 3 giảm sốc còn 1.99 triệu tại CellphoneS.
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bumble-bee42 · 5 years
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I’ve been drawing a lot since I’m on break so I’m posting a lot sO I’ve made a Good Omen AU in my mind and i wanna draw a lot about, i know this could of been easily stosuh, but i didn’t want to draw that and do another ship i love a bunch. I also low key want to make Dan God lol
sum doodles
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