#joseph II
recvachka · 7 months
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best-habsburg-monarch · 10 months
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Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, reigned 1556-1564
Charles V's right hand arm man
From @master-of-the-opera-house:
Good taste in armour: Madonna with child chestplate?? Fox helmet?? SLAY
Mostly uncredited in his role as Charles V's Silly Rabbit in the HRE. Helped his brother take the reigns waaaay before he officially became Emperor, first in 1522 ((lad was only 19!!)) and then in 1531. That's like over 20 years of Lack Of Credit.
Managed to band-aid the reformation situation: ultimately succeeded at reforms ((better than Joseph II did seeing he's up against him))
Ultimate Power didn't make him Act Out like Charles V or.... Joseph II.
Went from being loved in Spain to hated in central Europe to Respected again, how many people can win that back??
Slutty twink proportions like what do you need that small of a waist for for other men to grab it?? ((see armour))
Pretty hands
the HOT SIBLING according to contemporaries including Maximilian I yum
Had 13 kids which is an insane feat if you're a Habsburg who isn't Maria Theresia. Maybe the above had to do with it?
Looked like drag queen/the WINNER of Drag Race France Paloma if you're delusional enough
from @minetteskvareninova: he was completely faithful to his wife and a veritable wife guy? As a 16th century monarch??? The scandal. Are you even a Ferdinand I. girlie if you don't mention Anna Jagiellon?! Ferdinand himself would be PISSED.
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, reigned 1765-1790
Reformer, Patron of the Arts, Archduke of Mommy issues
From anon: "I mean... Does this dude even NEED propaganda?! If this guy doesn't make you root for an absolute monarch, then noone will. Like with the caveat that enlightened absolutism is still absolutism and thus still not a GOOD way to run a state - well, Joseph II. was truly the most enlightened of absolutists. Just the fact that he abolished serfdom and instituted religious tolerance in Habsburg domains is enough to make him stand far above all of his predecessors and successors. Like, all of the other contestants can go home. None of them could ever top that (Franz Joseph I. had several opportunities, but wasn't keen on taking them). Even his other reforms were at worst misguided, but driven by genuine desire to better his country. Plus, you have to feel bad for him - the poor guy busted his ass for the country, just to have to take back a lot of his reforms simply because they were too ahead of their time, both of his marriages were unhappy (partially his own fault, but only partially) and, lest we forget, both of his kids died young. Voting for him is the least you can do for my poor baby!"
anti-Joseph II, from anon: Joseph II anti propaganda cheated like hell and treated his nephew Franz I (II) really mean by denying him company and food sometimes and also insulting him all the time. only good thing about him was that he was in Amadeus (1984) which was a banger film
from the tags:
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marianadecarlos · 22 days
I came back for more habsburg talk . as usual ) not actually invested in spanish habsburgs but i really like the austrian ones .
Opinions about Maria Anna of Neuburg ? I actually really love her sister Eleonore Magdalene ( mainly known as the wife of Leopold I ) , she was so cool
Are you into Habsburgs apart from the classics™ . My favourite one is Francis II and Joseph II ... but eh i just guessed you were more into very early modern monarchs only ?
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His second wife was Maria Anna or Mariana of Neuburg (she has the same name as Mariana of Austria, I wonder how they detour confusion every time someone pronounces their name)
Charles tried his best to respect her but Maria Anna was Selfish, ambitious, cold, and harsh. She cared more about her political ambition than Charles. She was only nice to Charles in public or when she needed something which led Charles to dislike her instantly. Maria Anna bonded with Mariana of Austria at first but that relationship quickly soured. These two have opposite views in terms of politics and personality. Maria Anna was jealous of her sister Eleonore Magdalene, She expressed her jealousy in her letters and complained to her parents how she wanted a bigger dowry, especially after finding out that Marie Louise of Orleans received a higher dowry than her. Her parents responded by telling her that Marie Louise had a bigger dowry when she was alive because her family is more powerful than theirs and if she wanted a bigger dowry, she must have a son. Maria Anna liked Leopold the first and always complimented him in her letters. The country at that time was suffering economically because of the Little Ice Age resulting in failing crops. Maria Anna stole expensive jewelry and money from the Royal treasury which made both Queen Mariana and Charles furious. She demanded a higher pension. Her attitude was unbearable for everyone. She was forced to sell her jewelry for the loans she owed and to maintain her luxury lifestyle. As years passed by Maria Anna failed to be pregnant. She was claimed to be pregnant on different occasions but no she never did. Charles then gave up hope for a child. Maria Anna’s and Queen Mariana's fights got worse, To the point that they personally insulted one another. In one of these fights, Maria Anna jabs personal insults at Queen Mariana, Queen Mariana responds by reminding Maria Anna that she became queen because of her. That fight was so heated that Charles had to interfere to defend his mother from her. In 1696, Charles’s mother Mariana of Austria passed away devastating him. For Maria Anna, She was happy because no one would interfere with her plans or she thought. With the death of Queen Mariana of Austria, Maria Anna now advanced into the political foreground. However, the Spanish court rejected her. After Mariana of Austria's death, she tried to distance Charles from his ministers and insert her influence on him. Charles and Maria Anna often argued about the succession. She wanted Archduke Charles (Leopold I's son) Her policies were not great resulting in riots in Madrid. The rioters entered the palace hoping to see the King and address their situation. She went to the balcony to address the people yet they did not listen. Charles II went to the balcony and the people apologized and asked him for forgiveness. Charles II responded "I apologize to you for not knowing your suffering much former"
Maria Anna and Charles contracted an illness resulting in them having to shave their heads and wearing wigs.
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After Charles II died, she was exiled by Louis XIV in Bayonne. Louis XIV exiled her because Louis did not want her to have influence on Felipe V. She negotiated with Archduke Charles during the war of Spanish succession. Her years of exile are filled with loneliness. Maria Anna during those years felt alone. During her exile, she encountered her niece Elizabeth of Farnese. Her friendship with her niece was nice to read. She would give Elizabeth Farnese advice and express her concerns in letters. This friendship resulted in her returning to Spain where she gets to spend the rest of her life. Overall I feel bad for her because she was blamed for not providing Charles an Heir. At the same time, I did not like how she treated people, especially Charles. The only thing I like about Maria Anna is loyal to Charles and never sleeps with anyone else. She took care of him when he was ill.
2. I am into Habsburgs apart from the classics my favorites are Maria Theresa of Austria (Marie Antoinette's Mother), Marie Louise (Napoleon's second wife), and Joseph II (Maria Theresa's son, Empress Elizabeth or Sisi
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dougielombax · 2 months
TOO MANY NOTES??????!!!!!!!!!!!
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owls-and-cakes · 11 months
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Campus der Universität Wien - Vienna, Austria
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tiny-librarian · 2 years
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Portraits of Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria, daughter of Joseph II and Isabella of Parma.
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dreamconsumer · 10 months
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Emperor Francis II by Joseph Hickel.
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heatherfield · 1 year
Did they really just have Joseph II of Austria say, "Wham, bam, thank you ma'am" to Louis XVI? 😂
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artemlegere-art · 10 days
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Representation of the Ballet Le Triumphe de l'Amour
Artist: Georges Weikert
Representation of the Ballet le Triumphe de l'amour by Christoph Willibald Gluck a Schonbrunn at the marriage of Joseph II with Marie Josephine Antoinette de Baviere on 24 January 1765 On the right, the future queen of France Marie Antoinette.
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michaeljonesonfilm · 3 months
Why mingle with a crowd of libertines, prostitutes, and strangers, listening to their remarks, and perhaps making similar ones?  How indecent!.. The King is left alone all night at Versailles, and you mix in society and mingle with the riffraff of Paris!..  I really tremble for your happiness, for it can not turn out well in the long run, and there will be a cruel revolution unless you take steps against it.
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userjohndeacon · 2 months
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best-habsburg-monarch · 10 months
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Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, reigned 1765-1790
The tags keep calling him a poor meow meow From anon: "I mean... Does this dude even NEED propaganda?! If this guy doesn't make you root for an absolute monarch, then noone will. Like with the caveat that enlightened absolutism is still absolutism and thus still not a GOOD way to run a state - well, Joseph II. was truly the most enlightened of absolutists. Just the fact that he abolished serfdom and instituted religious tolerance in Habsburg domains is enough to make him stand far above all of his predecessors and successors. Like, all of the other contestants can go home. None of them could ever top that (Franz Joseph I. had several opportunities, but wasn't keen on taking them). Even his other reforms were at worst misguided, but driven by genuine desire to better his country. Plus, you have to feel bad for him - the poor guy busted his ass for the country, just to have to take back a lot of his reforms simply because they were too ahead of their time, both of his marriages were unhappy (partially his own fault, but only partially) and, lest we forget, both of his kids died young. Voting for him is the least you can do for my poor baby!" anti-Joseph II, from anon: Joseph II anti propaganda cheated like hell and treated his nephew Franz I (II) really mean by denying him company and food sometimes and also insulting him all the time. only good thing about him was that he was in Amadeus (1984) which was a banger film
Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, reigned 1831-1889
This time with the beard From anon: "1: The Glorious Beard. Now that is the beard of an emperor. Small children could get lost in it while sharing their Christmas wishlists. 2: Under his monarchy Slavery was abolished without a civil war (whistles innocously in how long it took) 3: Pedro de Alcântara João Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocádio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga is an amazingly long full name"
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geraldtheoceanman · 2 months
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i am never making something with this much detail ever again
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yllu-stration · 5 months
Tattoo flash sheet inspired by Simon "Ghost" Riley (2022) because I hate the ones they gave him in the game 😇
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batty4steddie · 2 months
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Joseph Quinn & Joe Keery screaming. shh we're all pretending they're in the same movie.
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