#josei ghosts i mean
teapotart · 2 years
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Chemistry and Life comic update:
Chapter 9 - All About Love (I)
read on: WEBTOON | TAPAS
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gundamcalibarney · 1 year
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a whole year can make a difference!
doing and posting this days in advanced since i wanted to do some newer art! Sorry for November Rain being nonexistent here 😔💥 I am a coward who didn’t want to guess around with colours with it 😭.
[ Bios ] :
Josiah Joestar (he/him, The Passion) - Diligent yet very tired this man will go at great lengths for his loved ones. A man from a well known family of mariners, though a bit rough around the edges due to his rather strict upbringing he’s a sweetie at heart, though he prefers to not get into conflict destiny pulls him towards it and he unfortunately takes part in one that involves him against his brother Dante.
He was then later pulled into stranger circumstances once he is pulled into trans-timelinear and universal situations and is thrown into a small rut when told that Dante has been stirring up messes for a while and that exploded into something like this? He just turned twenty two why is everyone jumping to calling him grandfather. He however, is not immune to sometimes joining in whatever nonsense that has brewed.
John Joestar (he/him, Hermit Purple) - Rambunctious and acid tongued this Joestar who’ll pull any dirty trick in the book if it means that he’ll get the upper hand, a prankster and not afraid to spit out any cutting remark regardless of situation, he's got good intentions he just so happens to be a bit of an ass about it. Unfortunately known for crashing planes.
While training to battle the Pillarmen to get stupid rings out of him (and not the marriage kind!) he was ambushed by his Hamon Coach who turned out to be mind controlled and swiftly after that he's brought into wacky stuff such as fighting ghosts and meeting himself as an old man!?
Josei Horojo (he/him, Star Platinum) - Peppy and with his heart on his sleeve the boy has passion and damn will he show it! He's what one would call the boy next door, his cheerful attitude and willingness to help others is usually bound to bring a few people in. Josei's a bit of a mama's boy and isn't afraid to show it as he'll go on a Journey if it means helping her get better!
While he and his gramps were on their way home after the battle with DANTE he is later approached by a man with a hat and later his revived yet mind controlled companions! In what is a convoluted plot to once again destroy the Joestar lineage he must gather the Corpse Parts and other Joestars to put an end to these multi-universal and timelinear escapades!
Joudai Higashikata (he/him, Crazy Diamond) - Anxious and on the shyer end of things he just wanted to play for his baseball team. Joudai tends to question Everything, he doesn't know what's going on he would Like to know what's going on! He cares deeply for people and wants to help people but he just doesn't know How and often needs to be instructed on what to do but he gets better in the long run once the hunt for felines ensue.
During this hunt, he gets into a brawl with his mind controlled friends Hachiro and Sada and after knocking Sada out of it he's pulled into more confusing shenanigans which involve More relatives he’s never heard about!?
Gioro Giotere (any pronouns, Gold Experience) - Cunning and sharp witted while he can't guarantee you're complete safety they'll make sure you make it out alive. Zey're very stand alone, it's a pragmatic kid to boot so she'll do whatever he needs to do to complete a task or get closer to a goal that xer companions don't fully know at the moment, he’s not at all fond of the concept of a puppet for he finds regular ones unnerving and people ones spineless.
After the defeat of Divino he encounters strange people who arrived at the colosseum for their assistance and it involves the gathering of their other family (which she was surprised to know that it had) to stop DANTE, the name strikes a bit of familiarity to him as xe has heard the name be said by their mother…perhaps it could potentially meet zer father and get a few answers.
Joaquina Rojoh (she/her, Stone Free) - Stoic and adamant on what she wants this young woman will prove her innocence for a crime she didn’t do. A good eye for design she’ll spot discrepancies and flaws within structures (whether it helps in getting out or because she felt a bit catty that day) with ease, once she gets more properly acquainted and befriends a few of the inmates and strays that sit around she develops a protective streak and a Ride or Die relationship with them.
After her father’s memory and Stand film were stolen by Wyatt K. Spade and the field begins to shift Plus admittedly a bit frazzled by the whole thing she’s then walked up to by her own old man and while she’s reassured he’s ok-wait what do you mean this is the Younger version of dad. And What do you MEAN Jesus’ corpse is mind controlling some of her gang.
José Joestar (he/him, TUSK) - Ambitious and ready to prove himself this horse rider from the Philippines is ready to rise above and get that cash prize. He’s a suave and loud man and knows how to use his words to get what he wants, though he tends not to show it since he prefers to have his bravado up in public whenever possible he does form tight emotional connections and cares for those he considers close such as fellow racer Rajul.
In a battle that costed Rajul’s life he mourned as he was about to square off against the equally mournful Stand user that wants to access dimensions to reunite with their family a muscular purple man suddenly appeared and somehow the parts of the
Joyara Higashikata (they/them, Soft & Wet) - Inquisitive and easygoing like their alternate universe counterpart they have little to no idea as to what’s going on though they’re somewhat less questioning about how things go about. They’re often curious about many things being an amnesiac that literally just woke up on the beachside, they’re as a result a bit nosy and 100% willing to pry into whatever to get as much info as they can especially if it’s their origins in question,
What would’ve been a day spent trying to pursue who they are two women proceed to ambush them and their crush partner in crime Koena this kid in a baseball cap with the saddest eyes they’ve ever seen jumps in with a burrito that smells holy and soon enough they and Koena are dragged into shenanigans that involve family, an identity crisis, oh and more confusion.
[ Ability Overview of the Stands ] :
Can't be Standswap without Stands so I'll go over them all briefly, they're all sentient or semi-sentient by default and they won't be as prose posed as the bios for the Joestars.
[ Now & Then ] - A Stand awakened by DANTE piercing himself with the arrow and considered Josiah's posthumous one. It's predominant ability is to watch over people within the Joestar family, it's most effective for those who are direct blood descendants of Josiah than it does for those adopted or married into the family, it does this within the mirror it resides.
Speculated to have a humanoid form but it has never denied or confirmed these.
[ Wayward Son ] - The Stand of Josei Horojo, at first its main and at the time assumed sole ability is to punch stuff really hard however one too many incidents later and in the fight with DANTE it reveals it has the ability to slow time, it can do this for a maximum of seven seconds and is physically demanding for th euser.
[ Daytripper ] - The Stand of John Joestar, it has the ability to store things within a small subspace, effectively making it a hammer space of sorts. It has a limit to how big and how much it can store within it.
[ When Doves Cry ] - The Stand of Joudai Higashikata, this purple pompadoured Stand can change the material of the object it targets though for convenience it often chooses to use metals, it has the potential to change the material to something besides metal.
[ Endorphin Machine ] - The Stand of Gioro Giotere, it has the power to speed or slow down the growth process of most things and the ability improves along with Gioro’s skill level. Once stabbed with the Requiem Arrow it can fully control the physical maturation process such as the aforementioned speed and slow but also reversing and full stopping.
[ Little Wing ] - The Stand of Joaquina Rojoh, it can turn any material into a string like material though the speed at which it can do such depends on what material wishes to turn into string, she’s able to reconstruct and in some cases reshape them, she is able to do it on her own body however tends to do this somewhat sparsely as Joaquina says the actual sensation is…not that good.
[ Tango in the Night ] - The Stand of José Joestar, an ACT Stand that grows alongside him in skill to harness the Spin. At first allowing José to minorly manipulate small objects to being able to being able to bend dimensions to its will whenever the drive is reached. Rajul is both impressed and frankly terrified at this escalation of power.
[ Queenie Eye ] - The Stand of Joyara Higashikata, a Stand with the ability to fuse two objects together and a Stand that one Toyo Santos keeps a keen eye one. As of right now its power can only work on inanimate objects though Toyo suspects that it might grow as time passes.
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Spring Boy Dev Log #1
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I can't believe it's been a month since otome jam ended, I blinked and here we are aha. Suffice to say, I got distracted with a whole lot of other things in the past month, and I blinked and suddenly, here we were. I played a good dozen or so otome/josei jam entries in the mean time and dealt with real life things. All that to say, I meant to get more done. Oops.
The full demo will still likely release in the original window (late August about) and I did get things done, despite how my intro made it sound. Specifically, I worked a lot more on the art side than anything.
First and foremost, we have a proper main menu!
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I also did simple customization to the GUI. 
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Behold, a basic save menu.
I also did all the art for all the intro CGs, as well as did general edits to the script in regards to typos/grammar issues. Basically, a lot of what was done was going back and finishing what was in the original short demo. I'll leave Mickie's and Sparrow's CGs as a surprise, but here's Vasant's first CG!
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There he is, the game's poster pretty boy. I actually like how all the CGs turned out, and I hope you enjoy them too!
Lastly, I finished up the sprites for two of the characters who'll appear in the full demo. Meet Robin and Blythe!
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With that said, I just need to finish the writing of the final parts of the script (easy) and complete the remaining backgrounds (pain). Funnily enough I love drawing scenery when it's traditional art, but my traditional style doesn't translate well to digital style at all. At the very least, it was a much more severe learning curve in Memory Ghosts, and this hasn't been too bad. 
I've also been trying to learn how to code more things with Ren'py aka studying it more. There's a few things I'd like to do with this game, and hopefully I can wrap my brain around how things work.
Finally, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who checked out the demo!! Seeing people enjoyed it, even in it's current state, was nice to see and appreciate everyone who gave it a chance! The next time I see you it'll be with a demo that showcases the themes of the game a lot better aha. I'll see you then!
ALSO I forgot on my itch.io post to add this but also have a list of the other otome/josei jam entries I played and enjoyed:
Intertwine by Crescence Studios
DATA BR<3ACH by camrip, ponzer, and Mood Kindred
Assignment Project Blue by reidubu!
Karamu by Chattercap
Yamedomo by ty
Go check them out if you haven't already! I also still have a lot more I need to knock out, but I'm taking time with them lol and now that is all! Fare thee well and thanks for reading!
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hikago-fanfics · 2 years
The current genre is slice of life, isn't it? This genre may be less attractive to some readers, but writers in this genre do long contemplation before they write. Yup, not only imagining, but also contemplating. Thinking of one of the meanings of life, maybe his own life or someone else's that the writer wants to portray.
But actually for me, the story about Sai as a ghost is fantasy genre. Because in my belief the soul or spirit of a person who has died exists in another realm, cannot return to this realm. Even if someone ever met and talked with the spirits of the dead, it was only through dreams. If it happens in this world, then the person being talked to is another creature (have you ever heard of jinn or genie?) that resembles the dead person.
Hmm, looks like I've involved too much of my faith in my fanfics, huh. But only a small part really. Like just a glance. Are you interested? Look again at what I said in the previous "writer talk" (after the first "hikaru no ai" ended; before "hikaaki" started). I once mentioned the majority belief represented by 3 beliefs. Mine is one of them.
Btw, I'm used to writing romantic stories, but only for women and girls (you can say it: shoujo-josei). Actually, to explore romantic stories in the slice of life genre feels warmer and more real. It's not that I don't like writing. It's just that I need more time for it.
Don't be disappointed just yet. Because there are still a few more chapters. Romantic chapters. Something like that. Some moments of Hikaru x Akari, but I don't want to leave Akira and Sai. I also want to write a little about grandpa because he is a warm character that I like in hikago. He's actually suitable to be placed in the slice of life genre, but it seems I really need to stop writing fanfics here. Sorry.
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canmom · 2 years
Toku Tuesday 40: Seinen Manga
Good evening everyone! We’re going to continue another week of ‘actual tokusatsu’: tonight on Toku Tuesday, our theme is, movies based on seinen manga...
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In the notional demographic system of manga, 青年 seinen means ‘adult men’, in contrast to the other major demographic categories of 少年 shōnen (teenage boys), 女性 josei (adult women), and 少女 shōjo (teenage girls). In practice these categories, defined at the magazine level, are very porous; a series can move between different magazines of different demographics, and they often serve more as genre classifications than ‘only x demographic will be interested in y kind of story’.
We can maybe see all four demographics as successors to the legacy of the gekiga movement of more adult-oriented comics; once, gekiga was conceived of as a different type of thing entirely than manga, but now it’s all conceived of as different types of manga and the oldschool Tezuka-style comics have almost completely vanished. I’m not exactly sure how or when that shift happened...
So, what exactly does seinen manga mean? I am nowhere near widely read enough to give a full overview, but the manga that I’ve read that falls into this category tends to include heavy psychological dramas, historical fiction, horror, nihilism, and of course (probably goes without saying) usually quite a bit of sex and gore. Many of Tumblr’s favourite mangaka, like Junji Ito and Kentaro Miura, fall into this demographic, but so too do works like Houseki no Kuni.
I think there may also be a visual component, in that the works I think of often show an emphasis on high detail, anatomical realism and very refined linework, although inevitably that depends a lot on the artist, and to a fair extent is shared with manga at large. Even within those trends, there is of course considerable diversity. Here, take a look at a few examples, all classified under seinen...
Homunculus, illus. Hideo Yamamoto.
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Made in Abyss, illus. Akihito Tsukishi:
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Vagabond (coloured version), illus. Takehiko Inoue
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Uzumaki, illus. Junji Ito:
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Berserk, illus. Kentaro Miura:
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Houseki no Kuni, illus. Haruko Ichikawa:
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Ghost in the Shell/Koukaku Kidoutai, illus. Masamune Shirow:
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Gantz, illus. Oku Hiruya
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Insofar as a lot of such manga depends on the specific qualities of illustration and comics, adapting them to film - whether animation or live action - can be a tricky challenge for a director. But there have been plenty of attempts! So tonight what I have for you are adaptations of two manga series I enjoyed. Which is mostly an excuse to talk about some manga I find interesting! To not keep you in suspense, that’s Gantz and Homunculus change of plans, Ichi the Killer.
Lets start with Gantz. This was perhaps the first really edgy manga I read, back at the age of... I want to say 17? It was a big shock at the time, but also was still pretty early in its run. I came back to it much later to read with adult eyes.
Gantz starts on a relatively small scale: a group of people who recently died wake up in a room, where a large shiny black orb containing a bald man on life support mocks them and equips them with strange weapons and suits before dispatching them to assassinate an ‘onion alien’. The series is deeply fascinated with gore, from the gradual ‘printing’ of people in space by the Gantz orb to the delayed, splattery dismemberment of the sci-fi guns. The protagonists soon discover the many dangers of their missions: they’ll get their heads blown off if they stray too far from the mission area, their superstrength suits can be overloaded, and their enemies become increasingly overwhelming. In between battles, Kei returns to his civilian life at school, unable to speak about what’s happening in the strange pocket dimension where the battles take place, but soon the violence spills out to threaten him at home as well.
But what of the actual thematic arc of the series, beyond the moment to moment action? This centres at first on the dynamic between Kei Kurono and Masaru Kato, reunited when they are killed by a train attempting to rescue someone who fell onto the tracks. Kei was once a very prosocial upstanding young man, but by the outset of the series becomes increasingly embittered; Masaru on the other hand looked up to Kei’s example when they were younger and tries desperately to save the people teleported by the orb. Spoilers, Masaru dies, and Kei - who survives enough missions to become confident navigating the battles - starts to attempt to live up to what Masaru saw in him and earn enough points to bring him back, along with everyone else who died, all contrasted against the nihilistic views of other successful survivors and the slaughter of the various groups pulled into the sphere.
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It’s also a story of... a lot of love triangles! Kei falls into relationships with various girls, from a popular idol who’s part of the Gantz team, to a shy schoolgirl. Sounds like wish fulfilment? No doubt, but as the series goes on, it turns into a story of an alien invasion by enormous giants who start to gather the humans as pets. It turns out the Gantz system was somehow a means to train humans to resist the aliens, put in place by a third alien power. The series splits into a number of different narrative strands, following humans trapped in the alien spaceship - Kei’s girlfriend Tae in particular - and the resistance on the ground.
Eventually, the humans win and start committing war crimes against the giants, and the third party reveals themselves to tell everyone that they are omnipotent, everyone’s suffering is pointless, and there is no god, and to demonstrate this point, they summon back various deceased characters and then kill them off again. But also reincarnation is in fact real! The series ends with Kei, finally reunited with Tae, going back into space to fight a duel with one of the surviving alien giants to protect the Earth from a last-ditch attack by the aliens.
A word must surely be said of Gantz’s attitude to girls. It’s undoubtedly horny as all hell; the camera loves to linger on nude shots and nearly every issue of the manga will have a cheesecake version of the suit at the start or end. It’s not unable to afford girls subjectivity or give them a place in the battles, even if the centre of the narrative is always Kei. The relationship between Tae and the alien giant woman who initially takes her as a pet but later starts talking to her is interesting, with definite shades of Fantastic Planet. But ultimately, all the girls desires are rather limited by the heterosexual imagination - a very frustrating limitation.
It’s quite a thing. It is a very chaotic story, with a keen sense for impactful and disturbing visuals. Although I know Hiruya intended from the start to slaughter most of the cast, I feel like the overall arc of the story can’t have been planned; rather what unites it is perhaps an overall attitude. The ideas it’s dealing with - hope, despair, nihilism and meaning - are perhaps familiar, and Kei is very much an anime protagonist boy not too far afield from his shōnen counterparts, but the underlying brutality helps give them a bit of weight.
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As a highly popular manga, Gantz has seen a few adaptations, although none attempt to cover the whole work. None other than Ichirō Itano, inventor of the Itano Circus shot in which dozens of missiles scatter across the screen (c.f. Animation Night 64) took it on in 2004, carrying on the ethos of his bloody 80s OVAs like Battle Royal High School. Maybe at some point we’ll take a look at that on Animation Night?
Five years later, a second attempt would begin: Shinsuke Sato’s live action film adaptation, consisting of three films (one made for TV), the first released in 2009 and seemingly fairly closely following the early parts of the manga, the second diverging with a plot in which there are two Masarus, one good and one evil. This project seems to have been reasonably successful, praised for the special effects, and would set Sato on a path to adapt more manga to film, including one of Bleach. Whether it can capture the sense of desperation that the manga expresses remains to be seen, but I’ll definitely be curious.
My plan for the second film was to take last year’s adaptation of Hideo Yamamoto’s manga Homunculus by Ju-On creator Takashi Shimizu. Unfortunately I hear it sucks, both as an adaptation and a film in its own right, stripping the manga of the complexity that is so vital, particularly in e.g. the rape scene where an exceptionally careful touch would be needed. I haven’t found even one good review of it, from fans or critics of the manga alike; fans are in particular unhappy that it substantially changed the second half of the story and removed a lot of character complexity.
So let’s abandon that plan and go for another gorefest, based on a different Hideo Yamamoto work: Ichi the Killer.
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Now, to be clear, I have not read Ichi the Killer, and I can’t comment on whether Miike’s adaptation is close or not. Regardless of its origin, the film garned immense controversy for being really hyper-gory (trust Miike!), portraying a spiral of yakuza violence surrounding an extremely unsympathetic main character. Critics say things like
"It's a paradox, but Ichi the Killer, a film that sets new boundaries in the portrayal of violence and bloodshed, takes a strongly critical stance towards the portrayal and the consumption of the violent image. However, it does so without ever taking a moral stance towards either the portrayal or the consumption, thus circumventing any accusations of hypocrisy on the part of the director. Miike does not moralise or chastise, but provokes the audience into questioning their own attitudes towards viewing images of violence. He steers them into a direction but leaves it up to them to draw their own conclusion".[5]
I suppose we’ll see for ourselves what that means. Miike is someone we have seen on many a previous Toku Tuesday, albeit more in the softer end with films like The Happiness of the Katakuris and Zebraman. So this is perhaps an opportunity to dive into the other side of Miike, the one who is known for his splattery films and pushing boundaries to breaking point. (Some of which we saw in his take on Jojo).
Ichi the Killer follows an unstable, sadistic man who loves to get off on watching other people commit sexual violence. He is manipulated by a man named Jijii who, acting behind the scenes, wants to kill off various factions of yakuza. Under Jijii’s hand, Ichi is given a number of false memories, convincing him in particular that he raped someone in high school, which shapes him into a horny murderer that Jijii can turn on whoever he wants removed. The plan, inevitably, goes to shit and the escalating violence soon reaches back towards Jijii himself. The whole affair sounds reminiscent of something like the Vengeance Trilogy (TT#29), and it has similar moments of ‘ooohhhhhh gross’ like skewers in ears.
From reading this film’s synopsis, it seems very few people walk away from this bloodbath intact, but sex workers seem to have both a fairly major role (almost all the women mentioned in the synopsis are sex workers) and don’t tend to live very long in this film. I feel like there is probably a lot to critically analyse here, especially placed alongside the other works of Hideo Yamamoto, but I should hold off until I have seen the film and also read the original manga.
So to summarise, tonight the plan is to watch Gantz (2011), and Ichi the Killer (2001)! In whichever order they first get onto my hard drive.
Unfortunately due to a paucity of seeds, I am still waiting for the films to download. Expect Toku Tuesday to begin in maybe an hour and a half, around 9pm UK time, and I’ll be sure to announce it here when we’re ready.
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filliteapot · 4 years
I'm going to use this part of what you said in a previous answer that made me really curious "the way of the authors to tell the story is another matter" to know your top 5 (or ~10) of that :)
Ah :D I guess the easier way to put it would be “This time I chose my favourite styles basing on art style mostly, but if I were to choose my fav storytelling/mix of art and how authors tells it/what they want to transmit, the odrer/the list would be different” :”) So some authors/stories on the list of my fav storytelling (not sure if it's the right term for what i mean but let's use this) are the same I put in the previous list. The titles and authors won’t be surprise for you, but I’ll list them anyway. Warning: I love talking about such things a lot, so I suddenly wrote a lot.
(Ask me my top 5-10 anything)
1. Literally anything by Takaya Natsuki. You have no idea how #tired I am of all the discussions about both adaptations of her Furuba (which is better which is worse no listen to me bc I Have an Opinion of High Authority) when not a single adaptation quite got her style in storytelling, foreshadowing and especially presenting her characters’ personal drama. I think I espcially love her for not throwing it all in your face right away, being careful at hinting at things (so that you don’t quite get some parts of the characters’ thoughts and inner struggles until you learn the facts and it hits you) and for leaving you some space to use your own brain what you think about this or that storyline. (Tamura Yumi does it too which makes her my second fave author). Also, years after reading and rereading her works I see better how storylines are entwinted and unfolding, and it still makes me yell “HOW does she do it” every time I go back to Furuba and her other works and see something new. I love her Hoshi wa Utau (which hits hard and is painfully real in the matter of parents/children’s conflicts), and Liselotte to majo no mori (darkish fairytale with hopeful messages) and wish more people knew about them too, not only Furuba.
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2. Kouno Fumiyo’s Yunagi no Machi Sakura no Kuni. I first read this manga a long time ago and was dying of happiness when it got published in my country bc oh my gosh. It’s a historical thing, it’s a heavy thing, she does have such unique style (my first thought was ”ah looks cute, like children books illustrations” and then it killed me) and approach to place panels on pages or transitions between scenes or past and present (I think some comic researcher or smth even called it innovative). The page that struck me the most was a spread near the end of this story, presenting a character in his older years sitting on the beach of a river in Hiroshima and him in the same place right after the war. Perhaps it doesn’t sound so original but this work and these two pages live rent free in my soul to this day.
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3. Ando Yuki’s oneshots (and Machida-kun). She is my favourite short stories author, she just knows how to tell it so that I got tuned in from the start. Be it a school slice of life or basically Edith Piaf’s song Hymne à l'amour presented in the form of manga oneshot, they give me immense joy. And oh, there’s almost always a twist near the ending I can’t predict. Her characters act a bit weird and take weird decisions sometimes but I think it’s what makes them feel so real to me.
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And it’s cheating, but while I’m talking about oneshots, I want to mention Midorikawa Yuki and her shorter-than-Natsume stories. Because they give me a similar feeling to Ando’s oneshots - the atmosphere is different, but the way they touch my heart is the same. Don’t get me wrong, I love Natsume and its structure (main characters and their personal jouney through unrelated stories of other people/not humans), but I love Midorikawa’s shorter stories much more.
4. Takamatsu Misaki’s Skip to Loafer. One of the best slice stories I’ve ever read. Right amount of drama and comedy, a cast of characters with different problems and motivations. I can’t help but think “Oh I wish I were able to create a story like this one day”. Also, someone wrote about it: “let me live the wholesome high school life i didnt have” and ugh I felt it :”))
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5. Yazawa Ai’s stories: Nana and Gokinjo Monogatari. Did “Nee, Nana” moments kill my soul every time it was used in the story? Yes, absolutely. Did it make me cry? Don’t even ask.
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6. Nishi Keiko’s stories: Otoko no Isshou, Koi to Gunkan. A person I know described her stories like this: “If life goes the wrong way, it’s better to go home”, and I think it sums it up. Both of the stories I listed are about ordinary life in small towns, they both me melancholic and somehow cozy feeling. Both stories have themes and characters that don’t really interest me much, but when I read them, I usually cry. It’s another A+ slice of life author imo.
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7. Tsukuba Sakura’s Mekakushi no Kuni. It’s dear to me for special reasons. There a girl who sometimes sees future when touches other people, there is a boy who sees the past all the time he does the same, there’s another boy... And NO evil organizations chasing them for their superpowers, NO global plots or problems or author’s will to condemn society, no deep philosophy questions about time and so on. Just normal slice of life of not so normal peoplewho try to cope with this particularity they have and fit the world they live in. (I wish authors realized the potential of such slice of life centered urban fantasy but they keep failing me aiming at the Global, sigh)
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8. Torino Nanko’s Toripan. It’s basically authors essays on her daily life and mostly birdwatching, but ugh it’s so good. Peak comedy about birds and heartfelt pages for when she speaks about her memories or remarks on nature, it’s so full of love towards this world and life. After I read Toripan I feel like I become kinder and better :DD
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(author’s A+ faces and haiku about sparrows in the winter)
9. Watanuki Yoshiko’s Manatsu no Delta. I read it some time ago and my first thought was “Wow, this IS how you touch an unpleasant yet existing problem”. I’ll certainly be waiting for this author’s other works.
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10. Ikuemi Ryo’s stories, especially the ones featuring metaphorical ghosts (Kiyoku Yawaku, Torch Song Ecology) and Taiyou ga Mite Iru. Joseis with ghosts are my fave thing on earth, and Ikuemi’s great at it. But she can make any theme totally worth digging into, be it school life or cheating and complicated family relationships. I think TGM is her work that left the deepest trace in my soul because I was reading it when it was ongoing, for three years, and it’s basically just something that makes you die slowly looking at how not so bad people fk up their life decisions bc of their unresolved traumas and issues but you can’t take your eyes of it and then need several years of therapy after reading such manga. And she doesn’t even preech or say you should not live like this. She’s like “this is a life story I want to tell, take whatever you want from it” and I’m like “gooosh this is so painful and looks so real and makes me feel things, I love it”. Ikuemi Power as it is. (Life teaches me nothing, I lowkey want to read something like TGM again and Akaneda Yuki’s Saraba Yoki Hi fulfills this wish of mine, but uh I’m so glad it’s rarely updated)
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(text: Nire is here to kill me)
Thanks for such ask, it was fun :D
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withania-somnifera · 4 years
usemono yado - hozumi
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overview: usemono yado is a josei supernatural... romance? tragedy? in three volumes. it centers around an inn, the inn of lost things, where the spirits of people who have died with regrets can come and stay until they find the thing they’re looking for, at which point they move on. people who stay for a very long time become workers at the inn, chief among them the mysterious childlike landlady, who helps many of the guests find what they’re looking for. there is also a ‘shady’ man named matsuura, who often escorts guests to the gates of the inn, and who has a mysterious connection to the landlady. the story is mostly episodic, told in seasonal tales of each guest and their lost item, with the third volume escalating to the story of the landlady herself. 
available in english? yep!
nsfw? no, though there are instances of violence 
things i liked: i want to say this was recommended to me a long time ago in a search i made for things that were a certain kind of depressing and supernatural but that might not be true, i might be combining it with something else. anyway the melancholy and mysterious mood of this was potent and good for me, and the way that it slowly ramps up into just unapologetically tragic, unflinchingly sad, in the last volume was very satisfying for me personally. i thought it was delicately written and well executed. i like the art a lot as well. 
things i didn’t like: i don’t really have any specific complaints about this, but i did kind of forget about it for a while, meaning to finish it up after i had finished something else, but then just didn’t come back to it for a few months, which probably means it wasn’t particularly gripping. i’m glad i did eventually remember to pick it back up, though, because the final volume was worth the trip for sure. 
i would check this out if: you’re into stories of ghosts, loss, regret, lives lost and lives wasted, stories without much hope in them. supernatural tragedy sluts join me in the pit. 
i would avoid this if: you’re looking for a happy ending to any of the episodes or overall, you require a lot of action to be entertained, you want to invest in a romance that isn’t pre-doomed 
sample pages:
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im-gleeking-out · 4 years
You Are My Shooting Star
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose not to Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death
Category: F/F
Fandom: Glee
Relationship: Heather Morris/Naya Rivera (Heya)
Characters: Heather Morris, Naya Rivera
Tags: At the bottom!
Words: 1650
TW, Major Death!!
Heather sat on the couch, aimlessly flipping through the channels on her TV and sobbing. She had turned her phone off and left it on the coffeetable, ignoring any messages or calls. The piercing pain in her chest hadn't gone away for hours, and she just wanted to breathe normally.
She'd found out the news just this morning, and it knocked the wind out of her. Not just the wind, the soul, the life out of her. Drained. She'd cried till she'd almost thrown up, and even then she didn't stop, while she hugged Jenna, standing on the shore of the damned lake that took her away.
She didn't want to live, didn't want to breathe, didn't want to exist in a world that didn't have her best friend in it.
Just then, the door clicked open. Startled, she turned off the TV and put the remote down.
Naya's head poked through the door, and Heather burst into a fresh round of tears.
In one quick motion Naya was on the couch next to her. Close enough she could smell Naya's signature perfume and feel her breathing. "Heather, it's okay," Naya said softly, cradling her face. "It's okay, it's okay, you're just fine."
Heather sobbed into Naya's hands, her own wrapped around her head, trying to bury her face into her legs. She curled up on their couch, folding into herself. "Oh my God. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sorry," she gasped. "We tried. We tried so hard. We tried so, so, hard and it wasn't enough. I'm sorry."
Naya never wavered, letting her sob.
"Your dad went swimming, your mom begged the lake to give you back, we shouted your name, I almost jumped in myself, I tried to organize a search party-" Heather gasped, sobbing and heaving. "We tried so hard to get you back."
"Heather, hun, you're just fine, seriously, you're okay, you're okay darling," Naya said softly. "Shhhhhh. May I hug you?"
Heather nodded vigorously, and Naya pulled her into a hug, wrapping her arms around Heather's trembling body. She stayed there, holding her and rubbing circles into her back. Heather just shook in her grasp, willing herself not to cling to Naya and never let go.
"Are you okay?" Heather gasped shakily. "Are you really here?"
"I'm okay," Naya smiled. "And no. I'm gone. The water doesn't hurt my lungs anymore though."
Heather tucked her head into the crook of Naya's neck. "Can you stay a while?"
Naya's hand continued to rub circles on her back. "Not too long," she said. "Just long enough to promise you that I'm not sad or scared anymore, okay?"
"Please don't go," Heather sobbed. "We're supposed to grow old together, we're supposed to raise our children together and the end up in a nursing home together. And then when we die we can go through walls as ghosts together and scare the shit out of people."
Naya laughed quietly. "It was time to go," she said. "I know you don't understand and you think I was supposed to live longer, but I'll be alright, okay? And so will you. It won't be all at once, and probably not soon, but I promise it won't hurt as bad."
"What about Josey?"
"He knows. I made sure to tell him too," Naya said. "It's okay. He's okay. Take care of him for me, will you?"
"Yeah," Heather wiped at her tears furiously, until Naya replaced her hands with her own and gently thumbed away the fresh tears. "Yeah, I was planning on it anyway. Josey needs a mom. You're a hero, you know that?"
"I am?" Heather finally caught Naya off guard.
"Yeah. You died saving your son. He's alive because of you."
"Oh, wow," Naya stared down at her lap. "He's going to grow up and be so amazing."
She got up and moved over to the sink in Heather's house. The open plan allowed Heather to still see Naya from the living room, or she would have gotten up to follow her. She didn't want to lose sight of her best friend, not again. She came back with a glass of water. "Here, drink this. It'll help you feel better." She smoothed out the blanket and sat down next to her.
"The very same substance that took you away," Heather grimaced, and took a few sips.
"I can't stay much longer," Naya said. "But before I go, I promise you something. I'm watching from above, and I see your wins, and I see your losses, and I'm here for you. Write letters on balloons. I'll get them."
"Please don't go," Heather whispered, crumpling once more into Naya's body, tucking her head on her chest like she always did behind the scenes of Glee. "Please don't leave me. Don't leave us."
"I wish I could stay forever," Naya said, her voice breaking. "I'm sorry I can't."
Heather finally looked up, and Naya was crying too.
"I know, I fucking know this is not how it was supposed to be. And I know you think it's not fair that I'm not here and you are," Naya whispered. "I know, and I'm sorry."
"It's not!" Heather screamed, throwing the glass on the floor. "It's not! You're supposed to be here! This isn't happening! You're alive, and you're going home to Josey, you're going to take care of him and everything's going to be okay!"
"It's not," Naya said, sobbing. "Heather, please, I know it hurts so bad right now. I know you can't swallow around the lump in your throat. I know you're so, so, so, sad. I know you're angry that I got taken away and I know you don't think it's fair. I know you're probably confused and scared. And that's okay. Just please, try to remember, I'm not hurting anymore. I'm okay. I'm at peace. I don't feel a thing. I want you to not worry about me."
"Won't you, please, just stay with me," Heather begged. "Just stay here and make it okay for a little while longer. It still hurts for me! It still hurts." She pulled Naya against her, feeling her drop her cheek against the top of her head.
"I have to go," Naya said, wrapping Heather in a hug again. She wiped at her tears. "I'm an angel now. I have my wings, and you are the human I've chosen to protect. You, and Josey, and the other Glee people, okay? I am always watching over you. When you see a shooting star, that's me, cheering you up."
She planted a kiss on Heather's forehead. "You're going to be okay. I'll protect you from above. I promise, okay?"
And with that she left Heather on the couch and slipped out of the door.
Heather got up immediately, yanking open the door and running out on the street. "NAYA!"
"NAYA, PLEASE!" Heather dropped to her knees, not caring that the asphalt was searing hot, burning her knees. "Please, please come back. Oh God, oh God, this can't be real please. Bring her back. Nay Nay, please, please, please, oh God."
She let the tears fall freely, down her cheeks and onto the road, until her husband came and grabbed her, bringing her back inside and hugging her till the tears stopped. When she'd finally slowed to hiccups, he loosened his grip on her.
"Hey, babe," he said, not leaving her hugs, and reaching across the coffee table. "Mrs. Rivera wanted you to have this. They found it in her personal belongings."
He handed her a small box. She opened it, and inside there was a silver necklace inside, with a small, flat circle pendant.
On the pendant it had an engraved shooting star, and "Naya" written beneath it.
There was a sheet of lined paper, folded and squished beneath it. She unfolded it and began reading.
 Dear Hemo,
 I don't know if you'll remember this, when we're old and have Alzheimers and roll around nursing homes together, but in the case of that happening, I wanted one of my family members to give you this. We made this promise to each other during Glee when everyone thought we were having an affair and we wanted to fuck with them.
  If you're reading this, it means I'm no longer on this earth. I don't know what we've done together yet, but I bet it's a lot by this point, and I'm sure it's been fun.
 You're an incredible person, Heather. You can't forget that. You helped me, and so many other people, and I don't want the fact that I'm gone to stop that. Spread the love you gave me on other people. You were one of the best people in my life and I never, ever, ever want you to forget that.
 You're the most beautiful human being ever. Your life radiated everything good in this world and I wanted to be with you all the time. I love you, from the bottom of my heart. You are my best friend and that will never change.
 No wonder people thought we were having an affair, huh?
 Anyway, to put an end to this rambling, you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Spread love. Spread light, Heather. You are a pure ray of sunshine, you are the best mom, and you'll succeed at everything you have already done and are going to do.
 I am watching over you, from above. I promise. I'm protecting you. It's all okay. I'm real happy - I have a lot of friends, and I get to finally see Cory again.
 Read this letter again. And again. Never forget, Heather. I am your shooting star, when you look up, I'll be there.
 Love, love, love, and more love
Heather wiped away the tears streaming down her face. "Oh God. Never forget. Fly high, shooting star."
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socialyawkdude · 5 years
A intro to manga, anime and light novels
Hello again, long and first time readers..
Its time for the long-awaited manga review section. Now before we get into the nitty gritty there a few things we need to cover first. Seeing that I will be coving light novels, mangas, and anime there are a few terms that we need to go over. Most of these terms will be covering the different genres and subgenres. Seeing that not everyone is literate in this word, it may be a good idea to cover this before we get into the good stuff.
What I'm about to go over are the genres of light novels, manga, and anime. Like many television shows and movies; manga and anime are broken up into different genres. Many of these are pretty self-explanatory, while others are more unique, as you are about to find out. I have included a few examples with of the sub-genres. I'm no expert, as I’m learning along with a few of you. Some of the examples I've given are some that I've read or heard of.
 List of Major Anime/Manga Genres
Slice of Life
 Looking at this list you can see many familiar genres of movies and TV, that you may watch. I won't go into a detailed description of these, because everyone should know these. Now for the sub-genres, it's a bit of a different story. Many of these are unique to anime and manga. It is these that I will give a little description along with a popular anime or manga.
 List of Anime Subgenres
Cyberpunk= This type of anime is a subgenre of sci-fi. It usually displays a future where society has become more ingrained with technology at the expense of social order. The setting is typically a dystopian future where the technology may be doing more harm than good. 
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Game= The game category encompasses shows revolving around the idea of gaming and playing. The anime can feature a card game, board game, puzzle game, or even a virtual online game. As long as it concerns any playable game of any kind, it belongs in this category. Sometimes, even video game-based shows can count in this selection.
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Ecchi= The word ecchi comes from the sound of H in the word hentai, which in turn means pervert in Japanese. This sub-genre is generally accepted as being full of sexually provocative scenes (mild enough to be viewed by the general audience) and scenarios derived from innuendos and humorous situations. It’s a fact that ecchi shows are taking an upswing nowadays as more and more titles are produced every season. More often than not, ecchi is paired up with comedy as both genres compliment each other well. This, in turn, serves as a buffer that prevents the shows from crossing the line and delving into something less appropriate for general audiences. 
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Demons= Originally just an infrequent theme, the rise of demonic characters and themes have given rise to this sub-genre. The term demon does not only encompass literal demon characters. It also extends to other entities such as monsters, beasts, ghosts, and other demon-type figures. The demons present can come from biblical backgrounds or come from Japanese culture. Believe it or not, this category doesn’t just come hand-in-hand with the horror genre; it surprisingly blends well with other genres as well. 
Harem= If you see a reluctant male character surrounded by multiple female characters who all adore him, then you’re probably watching an anime of the harem sub-genre. This type of show typically features more than two female characters go head-over-heels for a single male character. Anime in this category is typically within the comedy and romance genre. It's possible that a harem anime can have no romance and feature mostly slapstick comedy.
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Josei= Josei is actually a demographic but is also considered a general category in anime. It specifically targets female viewers around the age range of 18-40. These shows depict life and romance in a more mature light, usually with more grounded realism and less idealistic fantasies. The sub-genre is fairly wide and doesn't necessarily have to focus on romance. It merely needs a narrative that caters to the mature woman. Josei originated from manga during the 80′s. Girls who grew up reading shoujo stories from previous decades wanted stories for adults.
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Martial Arts= Martial arts play a big role in every anime that has fighting/battles in it. Whether it's hand-to-hand combat, swordplay, gun fighting, or armed combat, there’s some kind of martial art element that plays through them. But did you know that there are shows that are primarily focused on martial arts itself and their battle techniques? There’s a lot of them, and they mainly involve hand-to-hand combat and technician battles.  
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Kids= A lot of people say that anime is just for kids, but that’s not really true. As a matter of fact, there are only a few numbers of anime that are precisely catered towards children. These shows are contained within the kids' sub-genre. These shows are mild, light, and insightful, which makes them perfect for children 12 and under. 
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Historical= As the name suggests, historical anime revolves around events in history and moments of antiquity. Shows of this sub-genre are typically set in Ancient Japan and the feudal period. Other settings such as the Middle Ages and medieval period of Europe exist but they’re much more rare in anime. As long as the time or setting (or even elements) are old and ancient, then the series can be considered a historical anime. 
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Hentai= Hentai literally translates to "pervert" in Japanese. This is the R-18 (mature) domain of the anime world. This sub-genre commonly depicts nudity and highly explicit content. Unlike ecchi, the focus here is on explicit sexual content rather than on storytelling and narrative progression. That is why the shows in this category are usually brief and lacking in substance.
Isekai= Isekai translates to "another world." This sub-genre typically has a     narrative where a protagonist somehow gets transported to a different     world. The new world is more often than not in a fantasy setting,     occasionally with traits pulled from JRPG games.
This category of anime exploded during the 2010′s and arguably dominated the decade. A good portion of isekai anime is adapted not from the manga but rather from light novels. The most popular series in this sub-genre maybe Sword Art Online. While the world featured there was just virtual reality, it did feature a fantasy setting that would be mimicked in other anime. 
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 Military= As the name implies, this sub-genre involves the military in one way or another. War may also be a huge part of military anime. One thing to note about this category is that it is often coupled with the mecha and action genre.
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Mecha= Mecha stands for mechanical (as in mechanical units or robots). You’ll never see a mecha anime without a robot or mechanical suit in it. That’s the most important element of it. And while this sub-genre is rising in fame as the days go by, it almost always uses a standard formula to carry the plot. As a general trend, mecha is often seen alongside the military, sci-fi, and action genre.
This may very well be the most iconic anime sub-genre as there is a multitude of memorable shows in this category. The mecha can be considered to be one of Japan's most popular exports. Some of the earlier iconic titles from the late 70s and 80′s include Mobile Suit Gundam, Mazinger Z, and Super Dimension Fortress Macross. Neon Genesis Evangelion is considered to be an iconic and dark deconstruction of the genre as it examined the psyche of young pilots. GurrenLagann was a massive hit that brought the genre back to its hot-blooded and idealistic roots. With a rabid fan-base that loves mecha designs, this genre is one that has been consistently popular over the years. 
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Music= Anime shows in the music sub-genre aren’t that popular nowadays, but they do exist and they are very timely. These shows typically focus on singing, dancing, or playing musical instruments. These usually fit within the larger categories of comedy and drama.
Parody= A parody anime is one where countless numbers of other anime references are showcased throughout the plot. It might be a popular running gag, a famous symbol, a character reference, or any other attempt at bringing another show into its domain. One anime worthy to note is Gintama. They often use similar elements from other anime to showcase in their own show.
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Police= The police sub-genre emphasizes the life and struggles of law enforcement in their line of duty. Police-based characters have shown up in numerous shows and     there are now anime that could be considered as police procedural. This genre isn't exclusive to police officers; detectives, investigators, and enforcers of any type are included as well. 
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Post-Apocalyptic= Post-apocalyptic anime basically show that is set in a world that is in a dystopian state. This could mean the world is destroyed and/or humans are nearly extinct. Post-apocalyptic settings were merely a theme in the past, but an influx of titles bearing this backdrop over the years have made it become a sub-genre on its own. This type of anime has become more and more popular by the day. 
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Reverse Harem= A reverse harem anime is typically a harem series where the gender roles are switched around. There is one female character surrounded by multiple male characters who are all potential love interests. Like the traditional harem genre, anime of this variety is usually within the comedy and romance genre.
School= There are countless anime that use the school as a setting. An anime can be considered a part of the school sub-genre if a school is the primary setting and the anime deals mostly with school and student life. This type of anime is usually seen within the comedy genre, though there are some entries in drama as well. 
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Seinen= Seinen is actually a demographic but is also considered to be a category in anime. It’s a sub-genre that specifically targets male viewers around the age range of 18-40. The shows here are depicted in a more mature light and often include more explicit content such as gore, sex, and violence. More cerebral narratives are present as well.
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Shoujo= Shoujo refers to the demographic of young girls. This sub-genre specifically targets female viewers around the age range of 10-18. Most of the time, shoujo anime works hand-in-hand with the romance and comedy genre, particularly with the former. The protagonist is traditionally female and the narrative focuses on romance as well as personal growth. The world in these shows is often very idealized.
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Shoujo-ai= Shoujo-ai literally translates to "girls love." The typically young female characters in shojou-ai anime show love and affection for each other. The romance is usually milder in comparison to the more explicit yuri genre. Shows in this category portray blooming feelings of love and romance rather than intimate relationships. 
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Shounen= Shounen refers to the demographic that this type of anime targets, which is male viewers around the age range of 10-18. These shows are usually a combination of action and adventure and are typically adapted from serial manga series. As such, these anime tend to have lengthy runs. One Piece currently has over 800 episodes and is still running. These shows are typically the most popular with mainstream audiences. They have done very well when exported to foreign markets thanks to their relatively simple plots and focus on action.
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Shounen-ai= Shounen-ai literally translates to "boys love." The male characters (typically younger boys) in these shows display tender affection for each other. The romance in shounen-ai is generally milder when compared to the more explicit yaoi genre. There is usually more focus on developing romance than actual relationships.
Space= The setting of space has always been massively popular. With so much anime taking place there, it has become a sub-genre in itself. Any anime set in the cosmos can be labeled in this category. Space anime is often within the larger mecha and sci-fi genre. 
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Sports= Pretty much self-explanatory, sports anime are shows that cover characters engaging in athletic competition. Popular choices in this category include basketball, tennis, baseball, and soccer. Other sports exist as well (including those that you wouldn’t expect showing up in anime). As time goes on, more and more of these series are produced. Just like real sports, shows in this sub-genre are action-packed!
Super Power= You know you're watching a superpower anime if you're seeing an array of explosive superpowers scrambling right on the screen. If you see bursts of energy balls, death-defying attacks, and opposing forces battling it out throughout the story, then that means you're probably witnessing a show in this sub-genre. These shows generally fit in the action category.
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Tragedy= As the name implies, the tragedy sub-genre revolves around tragic events or phenomenon where the characters are deeply involved and affected. Tragedy comes in diverse varieties such as disasters, accidents, misfortunes, and deaths. These shows are often very dramatic and can pull the heartstrings of audiences.
Vampire= As vampires have become so popular throughout the world, it’s no shock that they’ve also infested the world of anime. There are lots of titles now featuring vampires and they’re not just exclusive to the horror category. They’ve also manifested themselves into other categories such as comedy, romance, and drama.
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Yuri= Yuri is essentially the more mature and explicit version of shojou-ai. The female characters are typically older and the series examines their more mature relationships.
Yaoi= Yaoi is the much more sexually explicit counterpart of shounen-ai. This sub-genre covers male-to-male relationships (typically older boys) in a more mature light. There is more emphasis on serious relationships and intimacy.
 Well, there you go… a not so short overview of the genre and sub-genres of anime, manga, and light novels. Hopefully, this will help newcomers to this wonderful of books and tv. It is now time to reveal the first series in the socallyawkdude’s manga review….. Tales of Wedding Rings by Maybe.  The volume 1 review should be up soon, as i’m finishing up the art work for the post.
Till then this is your friendly neighborhood sociallyawkdude signing off.
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ruinestagehouse · 2 years
Here's a bit of a PSA, it's not okay to completely rip off a character from another artist and then display it as completely yours.
I'm genuinely peeved with the amount of times I see this occur, and it just happened to a friend of mine with (one of) the main characters of her story. She's a decently popular artist, with actual books written regarding her characters. The individual in question follows her, so this was not a case of similar designs (which can happen and is not what I'm talking about at present. To clarify, sometimes two unrelated person's will make similar characters due to similar tastes and influence. This is not a post about those people, they've done nothing wrong.)
If you really like a characters design, then yes, be inspired by it! Saints only know I get inspired by my friends all the time. Ruin's long white hair? Inspired by both @/ghost-plasm's Sona and Redbalence's Celeste Superbia whilst the front hair bits were inspired by Josei-Ki's character Underella. The open jacket and visible abs was inspired by just about every bloody character @/synthena draws, and also partially because her tastes rubbed off on me. The clothing colors are simply my favorite colors, whilst the spirals in his eyes are something I thought was neat based upon the eye patterns found in common character creators which I will continue to shamelessly screw with for fun, even if nothing comes of the characters I make. The long black nails were inspired by, again, Redbalence's character Celeste Superbia who likely gives nail salons a nightmare and a half. It's, also just because I'm a sad goth who would actually wear long black claws if I could swing it at my job. I cannot. I work in maintenance, and it would be the death of me to fix things with nails like that.
The point is, you can be inspired. Be inspired by as many people as you want, in fact, be inspired by any artist you think is neat! Have a diverse pool of inspiration to draw from, I promise you it will help in the development of more diverse characters while you learn and grow.
The issue here is when the entire design of a character, including story elements, is lifted. Changing the characters hair and eye colors is not making a whole new character, and it's plainly disrespectful to the artist to completely copy them and then act as though it is yours.
Yes, when we begin drawing, sometimes we make crummy knock-off characters. We may draw characters that already exist and say they're ours. If you think we're here to shun those kids, bugger off. Everyone did that as a child, and if you think it's okay to harass little Tommy over his Wholly-Original-Superman-Tommyman-Protector-of-Gotham then piss off.
We're taking about the teens and young adults with art skills so bloody advanced that they're at times, on par with the artist they're copying, waltzing in and stealing a character wholesale only to move a few color sliders over and claim it as theirs. That isn't okay, and I don't understand why people think it is.
If you want to draw that character to practice art fundamentals, go for it. The issue comes in when you draw them, and then claim they're yours. Yes, I get that it is art taboo to compare characters, we find it discouraging and rightfully so, but that does not mean we should avoid calling out blatant artistic plagerism.
If you have two drawings, one of your character and one of the character you ripped off to make that character, and they look exactly the bloody same? Then there is a problem you need to sort, because while saying "I think your character is too similar to X" may feel discouraging, how do you think the artist they stole from feels when you say the copycats OC is "fantastic" and "well designed"?
Particularly when you follow the artist that was stolen from.
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eu-de-nil · 6 years
Natsuyuki Rendezvous
“My hands can cultivate the earth. They can plant trees and sow seeds. They can even carry the manager. But will I ever be able to make her smile like that?” - Ryōsuke Hazuki (Natsuyuki Rendezvous)
To sum it up: Part-time worker falls in love with shop owner but her late husband ghost gets in the way. Natsuyuki Rendezvous is based on the same-titled manga written by Haruka Kawachi (yes, the one who wrote Sekine-kun no Koi).
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In Indonesia, these mangas go by title ‘Summer Snow Rendezvous’, published by Elex Media in four volumes. If you need something to watch in the chill, lazy afternoon with mellow tone, just pick this series. Anyone who’s into josei* or fan of drama may like it better, though.
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Who’s cutting onion here..
* Josei (女性 meaning woman) is a category of manga marketed to women, typically 18-30 years old (source)
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Manga the Week of 5/18/22
SEAN: It’s May, but the winds are blowing here like it’s March. What manga is blowing our way?
Airship debuts The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes (Natsu e no Tonneru, Sayonara no Deguchi), the latest in a long line of “kind of depressing romance novels with a sci-fi bent” light novels that have been out here lately. For once it’s not based on a film, though one is coming soon.
ASH: I’ll admit, it’s a subgenre I frequently enjoy.
SEAN: Also in print: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation 16 and Reincarnated as a Sword 10.
We also get early digital volumes of Adachi and Shimamura 9 and She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man 4.
From Cross Infinite World we get The Dragon’s Soulmate is a Mushroom Princess! (Ryuu no Ban no Kinoko Hime – Unmeida to Konyaku Hakisaretara, Kinoko no Hentai ga Yattekimashita). If you can imagine Kinoko Komori from My Hero Academia as the heroine of a romance novel, you pretty much have this one. Expect mushroom puns.
ASH: I do love mushrooms. And puns.
SEAN: Ghost Ship has a 10th volume of Parallel Paradise.
A very tiny week from J-Novel Club, which only has The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar 20 and My Instant Death Ability Is So Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a Chance Against Me! 10.
In print from Kodansha, the debut is a box set, as we get Cells at Work! Complete Manga Box Set!. It is what it sounds like.
ASH: I really enjoyed this series as it was first being released.
SEAN: Also in print: Bakemonogatari 13 and Sayonara, Football 10, the manga that I always forget to mention because Kodansha doesn’t list it on their website.
Digitally we get two debuts. The Untouchable Midori-kun (Midori-kun ni wa Sawarenai) is the latest josei series, this time from Kiss. A woman goes to meet her new neighbor… and finds they went to school together! Can romance develop? Unlikely. He’s an idol singer, and she’s an adult film actress! Kodansha says this is for fans of Tokyo Tarareba Girls.
MICHELLE: Huh. I guess that means me, then.
ANNA: I might check it out.
ASH: Pretty sure I’m one of those fans, too.
SEAN: When a Cat Faces West (Neko ga Nishi Mukya) is from Afternoon, and is from the creator of Mushishi. That really should be enough, but it’s apparently about a woman trying to find out why she’s 35 years old but has the body of a tween.
MICHELLE: I’m excited to see more by this creator!
ANNA: This sounds so wacky.
ASH: Mushishi is one of my absolute favorites, so I’m likewise excited to see more of the creator’s work being released in English!
SEAN: Also digital: Blue Lock 13, Boss Wife 4, GTO Paradise Lost 17, I Guess I Became the Mother of the Great Demon King’s 10 Children in Another World 5, Irresistible Mistakes 2, and Piano Duo for the Left Hand 3.
One Peace gives us The Music of Marie (Marie no Kanaderu Ongaku), a Comic Birz title from the creator of Short Cuts, Lychee Light Club, Genkaku Picasso, and many more. It’s a fantasy about a world watched over by Maria, a mechanical goddess. What’s her secret? This is complete in one omnibus.
ASH: Speaking of favorites, I am also a fan of Usumaru Furuya’s work, so I’m very happy to see this release.
SEAN: From Seven Seas: COLORLESS comes from an artist called KENT. The story itself is from LEED’s Comic Border, and is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi story where the world has lost all colors.
ASH: Count me curious.
SEAN: We also get My Next Life as a Villainess Side Story: Girls Patch. Did you read the Bakarina novels/manga and get frustrated that there wasn’t enough yuri? Read this anthology. You will still think it does not go far enough, but it’s certainly more than the main series.
Also coming from Seven Seas: Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest ZERO 6, Classroom of the Elite 2, and The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter 6. There’s also the 2nd novel of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi.
ASH: Here and actually ready for the second volume of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation!
SEAN: Tokyopop debuts Mame Coordinate (Mame Code), a Comic Ryu series about a girl trying to be a model but failing due to her rural manners. Can a new manager help?
Viz Media debuts Crazy Food Truck, a Comic Bunch series about a man driving his food truck through – you guessed it – a post-apocalyptic desert. He runs into a naked girl and takes her onto his truck… but she has people after her! Honestly, I’m interested just for the title.
ASH: Same. I’ll bite.
SEAN: Also from Viz: Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End 4, Golden Kamuy 26, Mashle: Magic and Muscles 6, Undead Unluck 7, the 21st and final volume of We Never Learn, and Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead 6. Well, now we know why Viz was so quiet two weeks ago – its Jump stuff got moved here. Also, RIP We Never Learn, a series that managed to face off against The Quintessential Quintuplets, which infuriated its entire fanbase, and STILL come in second.
Yen On’s light novel debut is I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too (Isekai de Cheat Skill wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai wo mo Musou Suru ~Level Up wa Jinsei wo Kaeta~), a title that makes me tired just reading it. The synopsis does as well. A bullied kid finds a doorway to another world, and gets the standard isekai package… which he can also bring home with him. Not gonna lie, I will be avoiding this with great avoid.
Also from Yen On: Baccano! 19, Dragon and Ceremony 2, Eighty-Six 10, The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt (Hey, How About Treason?) 9, No Game No Life 11, Spy Classroom 3, Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town 9, and Wandering Witch 8.
Yen Press debuts I Want to be a Wall (Watashi wa Kabe ni Naritai), a josei title from Enterbrain’s B’s-LOG Cheek. He’s gay and has a crush on his childhood friend. She’s asexual and being pressured by her parents. Can a marriage of convenience solve their problems? I’ve heard good things about this.
MICHELLE: I’m thrilled by the consistent stream of josei we’ve been getting lately!
ANNA: Me too! I just have to read, like, any of it!
ASH: Also same, but I’m particularly interested in this particular title!
SEAN: Yen also has I Cannot Reach You 4 and No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular! 19.
There’s quite a lot I want to read this week. How about you?
By: Sean Gaffney
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 years
How to Commission Stuff and Support My Work
I’ve added a “How to Support my Work” page to my tumblr, which gives instructions on how you can commission and support me through Ko-fi and Patreon. You can see it at the top of my blog or visit it directly through this link.
Here is what’s written on the page:
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Do you like my content? Well, you can support me and allow me to keep doing what I’m doing through commissions! You can commission liveblogs, posts, stories and even AMVs from me.
One way to do this is through Ko-fi. You can visit my Ko-fi page here. You can directly request any liveblog through there. My current rate for liveblogs is $12 dollars an hour- so buy 4 ko-fis to get one hour of uninterrupted liveblogging of whatever you want (I can guarantee at least one chapter/episode of the thing will be covered, even if it takes longer than an hour). The same amount of money will also buy you a 500 word post or story if you want one of those.
Another way to support me and commission my work is through my Patreon , available here. By pledging just one dollar, you’ll be able to vote on a monthly liveblog.
You can also sign up for $12 pledge to get your own personal liveblog, post, story or so-on every month, and the Patreon lets you get a discount if you do bigger pledges. For instance, you’d have to pay $24 through Ko-fi to get a one-time two hour liveblog, but for a $20 pledge on Patreon, you get one two-hour liveblog a month! That’s four dollars less! The discount gets continues as the pledges get higher.
My Patreon page goes into great detail about the rewards patrons can get, so I encourage you to check it out. The current goal is to hit $100, which will net every patron a free graphic novel from my collection.
If you want to check out my professional credentials before paying anything, I’ve got you covered. This is my writing website, which contains my professional history and published work as a freelance writer.
You can contact me through this page if you have any questions or want to hire me long-term. I’m willing to consider whatever service you think I’m qualified for. Want an editor, ghost-writer or tutor? Give me a shout!
And you can check out my liveblogs page for my work in that area. This post goes further into my policy regarding how to approach liveblogs.
Here are my sponsored liveblogs so far:
Zettai Karen Children
Sukeban Deka
Devilman Crybaby (complete)
Dungeon Meshi
Mahou Josei Chimaka (complete)
Eyeshield 21
March Comes in Like a Lion
Butterfly Soup
I’d be eternally grateful for any support you could give me, whether through Patreon, Ko-fi or otherwise! I need all the help I can get. Thank you!
If you can’t pay but want to support me, please reblog this post to get the word out! It means a lot to me!
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drink-n-watch · 6 years
Genre : Josei, Horror, Mystery, Psychological Thriller
Studio: J.C.Staff
I’ve been on a business trip for most of the week. This means no Buddy, no anime and very little sleep. For those of you who aren’t forced to go on those and think they sound like fun, let me tell you right now, they are not. If you take nothing else from this review, remember this, you should get paid more if you have to travel, it’s not a benefit. I finally stumbled home on Friday evening and first (only) thing I did was watch Angels of Death. Priorities!
we all know what Alice in Wonderland was really about, right?
I mentioned the obvious Alice in Wonderland motif running through Angels of Death in my episode 1 review. In fact, I have noticed that anime in general seems to be very inspired by Alice, even more so than western fiction. I wonder why. It’s a great story don’t get me wrong . I hope we get a wave of little prince next, I love that book.
The ghost of Alice is back in fine form as Ray gets thrown right back into Wonderland. I’m pretty sure she’s hallucinating (dreaming) at this point but the rules of the Angels of Death universe have always been shaky at best so it’s hard to tell. In any case, Rachel finds herself once more separated from her port in the storm, Zack so of course she immediately follows a suspicious white rabbit down an enormous hole. Not a metaphor, this is literally what happened.
And just as Alice, she landed herself in a trial rigged from the start against her. There were a few things I really liked about this episode. The entire trial conceit is a nice sneaky way to essentially put together a recap episode just before the finale, even throw in some clips and everything, while making the whole thing feel new and as if it’s actually advancing the narrative.
It also made me realize just how much of a brick Rachel is as a character. I mean Rachel is just the basic materials of a character not an actually realized person. She could become anything but she is still pretty much nothing. A plot device to move the story forward. As such, other characters don,t have much to work with when they share a scene. It’s fine for Zack, even great, as all Ray needs to do is temper him for the dynamic to work. But for everyone else…
Fact is, all the previous characters were way more interesting and somehow felt more fleshed out this episode, and I really believe that it’s because they got the chance to play off each other. Not that anyone had evolved or anything. Cathy, Eddie, Danny and the Padre (Abraham Gray – I had to look it up) are still exactly the same people we met before, but they work well as a group. They are simply much better as supporting characters. Of course they do go a bit extravagantly crazy again, that’s the show’s signature after all. But it really didn’t bother me at all. It worked well within the fever dream atmosphere of the episode.
even Cathy’s design seemed better…
Angels of Death has never been shy about it’s thematic representations. Once again Rachel had to face her demons as both illusionary ghosts and judges. Danny, represents the judgement of rational as his own sanity splinters and breaks, as Ray defies logic. Eddie is the judgement of the heart, constantly betrayed and disappointed by the uncaring and selfish Rachel. He is all about feelings but Ray has no consideration for the feelings of others and few of her own.
Cathy is the most literal judgement of law and society. We do know that Rachel is not particularly interested in the rules of men. She shows little hesitation in doing what she needs to achieve her ends in the fastest way possible. I would not be surprised to find out that Ray has a criminal past of some sort. As for Mr. Gray, the good reverent has appointed himself as representative of the judgement of God. By now we all know how that goes.
That ending shot of a crucified Ray about to be burned as a witch was a bit much for my tastes however on the whole I enjoyed the episode a lot. The purity and extent of Rachel’s faith has been put into question repeatedly over the course of the season. Most notably the Reverent keeps asking what Rachel will do if God has a different plan than what she had in mind. But to me, this boils down to an even simpler and more intriguing question, what if God doesn’t like you? No real reason really, but you know how you sometimes just don,t mesh with someone, what if that was your relationship with God?
They found you sort of annoying or maybe a little boring and just didn’t really see things the same way you did. What then? Maybe it’s a silly question, but I would watch a show about that.
relax I’m still going to watch this show too!
Here are a few more – once again the show is making me want to play the game. Have any of you guys reviewed it?
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Angels of Death ep 10 – Back in Wonderland Genre : Josei, Horror, Mystery, Psychological Thriller Studio: J.C.Staff I've been on a business trip for most of the week.
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nikelyzed · 7 years
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JSeries Festival 2017 Report
Jakarta, 9th December Upperroom Annex Building 10th Floor
First of all sorry this report was written on broken English because I do believe it’ll be a total fiasco if I wrote it in Indonesian, trust me Please forgive me if there’s any grammar / spelling mistakes (´;ㅿ;`) Also, taking photos was strictly prohibited when the talk show started inside the venue, that’s why I only have 4 badly taken photos on the photo session for the report orzz
If you’re looking for certain guest artist report please just scroll down because it’s gonna be a poorly written long ass report LMAO
This is the shortest dead-lined trip I ever done in my life, like it’s less than 2 weeks & I almost surrender because of office deadlines were crammed up into 4 days Also my phone was broken when the announcement was out Jakarta is a complicated place & I’m hella afraid straying there all alone, but luckily I have some friends who offer me place to stay 。゚(゚^o^゚)゚。
Special thanks to Maya & Shadent who let me stay at their place [and I still feel bad kicking Maya from her bed LMAO I’m so sorry orzz]
December 8th 2017
So the day before I was going to Jakarta, I woke up at 4am to pack my stuff but still almost late for the train departure LOL The train supposed to depart at 7.35am & I just arrived at the station at 7.20am I was running around like an idiot I swear 😂
I arrived in Jakarta at 11am  went to the ticket venue as soon as I can I met with friends I already know & some new friends, which I forgot--😂 They even let me touch their bromide collection [& took photo of it gsxcvjgacxg]
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I’m screeching like an idiot when I saw SatoKiyo bromide because-- do I need to explain this part???  ((유∀유|||))
After exchanging email reservation with the ticket & having lunch, we went to karaoke & I almost lost my voice in the process
At night I really want to bang my head because I’m contemplating whether I should draw a gift for Ogotan or not since there’s no announcement of gift box for guest artist & I forgot to ask the staff about it too orzz But I decided to draw art gift for him in the night yet unable to finish because I was too sleepy, exhausted, & nearly heat-stroked because Jakarta heat is never a joke to begin with If you’re weak against sun-heat like me please bring umbrella / hat & put as many sunscreen & sunblock as you can, I mean it
December 9th 2017
The next day I woke up at 4am sharp but was shocked to my spine because Maya was sleeping on the floor instead on the bed  (´・_・`) Since we both still sleepy we decided to continue sleeping again but now it’s my turn to sleep on the floor ofc
We woke up again at 7am & doing satan speed preparations because the traffic is gonna be nasty if we’re late for real
We managed to arrived on the venue at 9am something I took a shortcut to get to the empty spot because my bag is hecking heavy & I can’t wait to sit, this resulting to the gate-border-thing to snap & fall, sorry security-san I’m too eager orzz
After that we sit on the line until open gate time I spend my time rolling around back & forth to some friends while waiting I even can continue the gift for Ogotan & finished it on time Since we forgot to buy envelope for the fan letter I decided to sacrifice my red folder file to contain all the letter for Ogotan
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I swear I was nervous as heck when people start staring at it like hjvghcvaxhjdvvf no I’m not cheating on Ryuji this is just a normal gift yet some people still teasing me about it until now ((유∀유|||))
Oh I also met friends from previous karaoke session Alchemilla, Caneera, Kuyo, Maya, Evelyn, Salfa, Shadent, Nopi, Ika, Nindita, Nadya, & idk the rest please remind me because my memory was as bad as Higekiri or even worse---  ┏( .-. ┏ ) ┓
2:45pm Open Gate
We’re running a little bit late from schedule but finally we entered the hall I got the first row seat on the middle wing, I sit on the left side right across to the press chair row on the left wing Never have I felt so blessed before, it’s so close to the stage I swear I can even jump over the fence if I want to, but of course I won’t do that la I still have some sanity intact
The rest of this report was based on my memory so please kindly tell me if I made any mistake over the schedule / what the artist said or do OK?  |ω・`)
The MC was Hiroaki Kato [the cool & kind oyaji] also a pretty lady who I failed to remember her name oops sorry  (´・_・`)
In the opening we have many dorama screenings, & if you’re curious the list of dorama can be found here 
Saso Yuki fangirl section
The first guest artist to appeared was Saso Yuki the P*cari Sweat girl on youtube I never think she will be this pretty up close I swear she’s prettier IRL, the photo / video you saw were nothing hvfkacvxgyuedf  (///﹏///).。oஇ
She greets & introduces herself in Indonesian. The rest of talk show was about acting & stuff. She also talk about the making of P*cari Sweat TVC Yuki Saso hope Indo & Japan can have greater relationship in the near future
IDK if it’s just me, but when I was too busy gaping like a fish & stare at her for solid minutes, she look at my direction and waved and smiled so bright AND I JUST DIED HDVGSHHJVCSJBC I swear she’s sooooooooo sooooooooooooooo pretty that you could melt when she’s smiling LOL I forgot things she said since I was dumb-strucked by her beauty
After that we had another screening time
Nano fangirl section
The next guest artist to perform was Nano She’s also gorgeous up close & she’s very happy to perform in Indonesia since she was cancelling her previous concert in Jakarta due to some circumstances She also told us that the venue her concert supposed to be held was this exact venue we’re sitting on & we’re going “whoaaa” in unison
When Nano was going to sing, the sound system died--- The audience was very supportive & cheer her up with kind words The Nano support team was amazing, you guys rocks!  (≧∇≦ ) If I’m not mistaken Nano sing “Savior of Song” & “The Crossing” It was amazing performance, we stand & sing along together
Next we have another screening time
Isomura Hayato & Yahagi Honoka fangirl section
After screening time, there’s guest artist arrived & I scream on top of my lungs because I thought it was Ogotan But false alarm, It’s actually Isomura Hayato from Kamen Rider Ghost & I still screamed anyway  ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`) This talk session was also attended by Yahagi Honoka-chan & I was dumb-strucked by another beauty LMAO Seriously she’s so cute up close  (灬ºωº灬)♡
Their first impression of Indonesia was it’s hot but they both like it since its freezing winter on Japan Both talk a lot of things, about acting & stuff. Both were asked if there’s drama collaboration with Indonesia will they interested or not but of course the fans said the deadpanned big big no since Indonesia soap opera quality is kinda-- well-- you decide la--😂
I don’t remember what they talk because I forgot to take notes of it But there’s this section when Hayato-kun asked why he become a Kamen Rider, he said it’s his dream to protect girls [he clearly said ‘Josei’ here] Hiroaki-san teases us “Who want to be protected by Hayato-kun?” And this dork whose name is Hayato-kun just casually stretch his hands out to audience direction while nodding, like offering a hug Of course the fangirls roars the signature “KYAAAAAAAA” including me Who don’t want to be protected by a handsome guy anyway??  (//∇//)
Another funny thing, when I was staring right into Hayato-kun [he’s so gorgeous IRL I swear] idk if he realized I was staring or he’s actually looking at the press which is right across my seat-- He look at my direction A LOT & I pretend to stare at Honoka-chan, this happened many many times it feels awkward LMAO o)-(;;; I keep chanting “Hayato-kun please don’t look over here, just lemme enjoy your gorgeous face peacefully”, but he keep looking at my direction once in a while Oh well, considered it blessings  ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
When the times up we had another screening TADAAAAAH it’s YOWAPEDAAAAAAA I was soooooo prepared to see Ogotan but since I can see towards the backstage entrance it’s actually a female silhouette walking to the stage
Being a country field person I’m, I still scream because she was also one of my childhood fav actress on Heart movie since she’s so cute & relatable as duck LMAO
She talked a lot about acting, awards she won in Japan, & so on The funny part is, when she was asked what kind of movie she like to watch she gesture “mampus gue” with her lips which can be roughly translated as “sht I’m screwed” 😂   
No worries Yuki-chan, we understand that fangirl feeling, really 😂 😂 😂
After talk with Yuki-chan, the kameko-ninja-guy set some band property so I relax a little, thinking it was Rei performance
Never been I’d be so wrong in my life
Ogoe Yuuki massive fangirl section
When Hiroaki-san announce the next guest artist I nearly fell of my chair because FINALLY OGOTAN APPEARED HOLYDUCKXVHSVKVXHTXAKOZ
I wonder if I actually died on the spot because Ogotan look so gorgeous & cute & pure & angelic idk man I’m wheezing my life out  (´×ω×`) He wore a suit which has the same color as my attire & I got teased again orzz
First he was greeting us with a broken Indonesian along with a sheepish smile His jumbled face when he ask Hiroaki-san how to read the Indonesian language, it was soooo so cute, so pure, so angelic, so fluffy hhhnnnggghhhhhhh He continue the gibberish Indonesian greetings cutely which we all failed to understand, the audience went “???” & he also went a little “???”  😂 
Its okay Ogotan, we still love you 😂 
His first impression of Indonesia was it’s extremely hot ofc Hiroaki-san offered if he had any intention to bike around while in Indo But of course the Ogotan support team won’t let him, giving him the no gestures and chanting “dame-dame-dame” together  😂  We don’t want Ogotan to bike in these messy road & of course Indonesian sun is unhealthy for his flawless skin so NOPE  ლ(ಠ益ಠლ WE SHALL PROTECT OGOTAN AT ANY COST!! - said someone
He talked about acting, dorama, and also butai. He explained to us the differences between dorama & butai, their specialty & so on For example is when he’s on Yowapeda butai he only use bike handle, while in dorama he need to bike for real
Between the talk he sends lots lots of heart gestures, both Korean heart finger sign & full fledged love hand sign toward the audience & there goes the audible “KYAAAAA” signature roaring from back to the front including me LMAO
He keep smiling & shooting heart & sending loves & waving & idk man
I feel so attacked when he look at a folder file I was carrying earlier I decided to showed it to him when he’s looking & making “it’s for you” hand gestures He smiled at me, HE SMILED AT ME FOR DUCK SAKE & SEND ME A FULL FLEDGET HEART SIGN WITH BOTH HAND & I JUST MELT IN THE NAME OF LORD I WAS NEARLY DIED LMAO  。゚( ゚இωஇ゚)゚。
It’s hecking embarrassing so I just cover my face with the folder file but Ogotan seems to know I was a weakling & he keep shooting me heart sign & tilt his head cutely & I died again & again LMAO OGOTAN STOPPP I CAN’T HANDLE IT GXBXCHSGLGBLTFXGKHS
[I need to apologize to Ryuji later I swear]
He talks about a lot of stuff but I barely remember what he talk on stage since what I heard & remember were just "KYAAA KYAAA KYAA” from start to the end I kinda feel bad for Hiroaki-san because his translations were drowned between sea of fangirl screams  ( ;∀;)
When the talk session time is up, there goes another fangirl scream, the saddest one you’ll ever heard, it feels like you just kicked a kitten / puppy
I was also started crying without I realize because I always cry when fangirling By I mean crying was rolling literal tears from my eyes because I’m a weakling to every people I adore including actors, singers, whatever
Here comes the angst I’m so so sad because we only can see him for about 15 minutes & after that idk when will we can see him again so I started crying for real but inaudible one ofc
By the end of the talk, Ogotan said something like : “Thank you for loving me. It was my motivation & it supports me to keep going on. Thank you very much & please take care of me too in the future”
I don’t remember the exact thing he said but he does say ‘Aisarete’ something something & on here my friend who understand Japanese better was already bawling  。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚ 。
AND CAN YOU GUESS WHAT?? HE LOOK AT MY DIRECTION AGAIN & SEND ME ANOTHER HEART SIGN & OF COURSE I WAS CRYING EVEN MORE LA OMFG WHAT A WRONG MOVE OGOTAN LMAOOO CRYYYYYYYYYYY  .˚‧º·(ฅдฅ。)‧º·˚. He also kindly send me a “nakanaide” gesture with his lips & I’m sending him an OK sign while wiping my tears LMAO what am I doing with my life, really I started thinking if I’m being delusional & Ogotan never did any of these but please, just let me be 😂💖
After that Ogotan fangirl time was over & I’m still crying LMAO HAHHAHAH He keep shooting hearts & smiles so bright it can light up the whole universe The audience finally fall silent after he return to the backstage
After Ogotan talk is over, it’s Rei turn to perform At that time my soul was still flying & can’t even process what’s happening because my head hurts so much from too many screaming & crying LMAO
BUT TADAAHHHH there’s a surprise attack by the end of the event LMAO.
There’s actually some envelope attached at the bottom of each audience chair Inside each of the envelope there’s a name of guest artist written, there’re 10 envelope in total
7 of the lucky audience will get a board which autographed by the guest The other 3 was the luckiest mustard ever existed on earth who got a chance to take a photo with the guest artist LIKE (ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻ Since I’m bad in gambling of course I don’t get any la what do you expect
I can hear envy screeching from back to the front, in this segment finally we’re allowed to took some photos, & there’s a crowd photo from the stage too but IDK Press-san tachi, I’m waiting for the better photo here  ( ˘•ω•˘ ).。oஇ
I’m unable to took more than 4 photos because I was squished to the gate from back & it’s hard balancing phone with one hand so here comes the blurry quality photos I managed to snap between the chaos
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While taking photos we managed to catch Yuki Kato attention Being the good fangirl we’re, we keep gesturing her “THIS THING IS FOR OGOTAN” while pointing at Ogotan continuously LOL She replied with hand gestures “How should I tell him about it???”
Ogotan seems realizing what’s happening & smiles to us cutely And the front row died again LMAO
I swear Yuki Kato is a fangirl in crime, thank you for helping us Yuki-chan!  ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧*
Finally, the event end for real  ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`) I was running around to find a way to give Ogotan’s gift art & apparently there’s a gift box [which actually is a gift desk] prepared for it by the staff
We part our ways & I’m recharging my flying soul with friends, eating Yoshin*ya while contemplating whether is it a real life or just a fantasy
After that I went to Shadent’s home for resting, we watch some Kamen Rider episodes before finally collapsing on bed in less than 5 minutes LMAO
It was really a fun day, I’m having a great experience & I’m gonna cherish this memory forever ever ever and ever!!  。✧*。( ´∩•͈ω•͈∩` )✧*。
Otsukaresamadesu JSeries Festival Jakarta!  See you next time!!  (。•̀ᴗ-)و ̑̑✧
Please bring Ryuji in the next event, I beg you  ((유∀유|||))
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politicalstash · 7 years
Members if campground dvd selection on one shelf lol
Movies 3 pack- Dodgeball, Me,Myself and Irene, There's Something About Mary 4 pack- Mo'Nique I Coulda Been Your Cellmate, Katt Williams 9 Lives, Bruce Almighty Losin It, Tony Roberts Wired 5 pack- Edge of Darkness, Conspiracy Theory, We Were Soliders, Payback 4 pack- Robocop, The Terminator, Red Dawn, Road House. 4 pack- Miami Vice, Jarhead, The Kingdom, Ray 4 pack- Casino, Carlito's Way, Mobsters, Carlito's Way Rise to Power 4 pack- GoodFellas, The Departed, The Aviator, Mean Streets 3 pack- BraveHeart, Gladiator, Hercules 8 pack- Knockout, Valley of Angels, Bloodrayne, Lords of the Street, American Breakdown, Garrison, Extracted, After The Dark 8 pack- The Code, On The Edge, Dead Heist, King Of The Adventure, Way of War, Sacrifice, Elephant White, Act of Vengeance 4 pack- Office Space, Mrs. Doubtfire, My Cousin Vinny, Super Troopers, 4 pack- Midnight Cowboy, The Usual Suspects, Thelma and Louise, Platoon 3 pack- Patriot Games, Eagle Eye, Echelon Conspiracy 4 pack- The A-Team, A Good Day To Die Hard, Unstoppable, Man on Fire 4 pack- Trouble with the Curve, Gran Torino, J. Edgar, Invictus 2 pack- Little Man, White Chicks 4 pack- Which Way Is Up, Brewster's Millions, Carwash, Bustin' Loose 4 pack- Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison 2 pack- The Outlaw Josey Wales, Pale Rider 5 pack- Trading Places, Dream Girls, 48 HRS, The Golden Child, Another 48 HRS 3 pack- Juno, Napoleon Dynamite, Little Miss Sunshine 3 pack- Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, Austin Powers In GoldMember 3 pack- Revenge Of The Nerds, Revenge Of The Nerds ll, Revenge Of The Nerds lll 3 pack- Legion, Priest, Gabriel 3 pack- Animal House, Dazed And Confused, Fast Times At Ridgemont High 4 pack- Me, Myself, And Irene, Super Troopers, The Girl Next Door, Grandma's Boy 2 pack- P.S. I Love You, The Lake House 2 pack- Kevin Hart Laugh At My Pain, Kevin Hart Seriously Funny 4 pack- Act of Valor, Limitless, Machine Gun Preacher, Paranoia 3 pack- Gamer, The Next Three Days, Setup Forest Gump Special Collector's Edition Pablo Escobar The ATV Movie Destroyer Librium World Surf Inspiration 3x Hypnotic Ocean Journey Accepted Ace Ventura Pet Detective Ace Ventura When Nature Calls Anger Management Alex Cross All About Steve Gabriel Iglesias Aloha Fluffy Anchorman Aviator Alien Outpost 2x A Knights Tale American Hustle Armageddon Armored The A Team Alice in Wonderland Avengers AVP Alien vs. Predators AVP Requiem Bad Boys Bad Teacher Barber Shop 2: Back in Business Batman Begins Battleship Beastly Because I Said So Bedtime Stories Benchwarmers 3 pack- Beverly Hills Cop, Beverly Hills Cop ll, Beverly Hills Cop lll The Big Lebowski Collector's Edition Big Top Pee Wee Biker Boys Bill Cosby... Far from finished Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure Little Black Book 4 pack- Blade, Blade ll, Blade: Trinity, Blade: House of Chthon Blades of Glory The Blind Side Blow Bowfinger Blue Collar Comedy Tour The Body Guard The Boondock Saints ll: Saints All Day The Bounty Hunter The Bourne Supremacy The Bourne Ultimatum Boys Don't Cry Braveheart Brian Regan Standing Up Bad Words Brother Grimm Bride Wars Bruce Almighty Blast The Bucket List Camp Rock 2 Captain America: The Winter Solider Captain America: The First Avenger Cars 3x Click 3x Chuck and Larry Center Stage Charlotte's Web Coach Carter Cliffhanger Cold Mountain Collateral Con Air Casper Catch and Release The Condemned Coraline Couples Retreat Cowboys and Aliens Coyote Ugly Crank Chicken Little Crank 2: High Voltage Crazy Beautiful The Crucible Dance Flick Dane Cook Vicious Circle The Dark Knight Rises Dark Shadows Platinum Comedy Series Dave Chappelle Dawn Of The Dead Dear John Death Race 3: Inferno Death Race 2 Definitely, Maybe Descent 2 The Dilemma Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights Django Unchained Dolphin Tale Doom Doomsday The Davinci Dead in Tombstone Dodgeball Domino Due Date Double Jeopardy DrillBit Taylor Finding Dory Drumline End Of Days The Dukes of Hazzard Easy A Envy Eragon Escape Eternal Sunshine Everybody's Fine The Expendables The Expendables 2 Facing the Giants The Family 2x Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer Fight Club Fire With Fire 50 First Dates 2 pack- Footloose, Flash Dance Forrest Gump Free Willy Freedom Writers Friday the 13th From Hell 2x Four Brothers Four Christmases Fun With Dick And Jane Gabriel Iglesias Stand-Up Revolution Green Lantern The Gambler George Carlin: It's Bad For Ya And Life Is Worth Losin Get Hard Grease: Rockin Rydell Edition Get Rich or Die Tryin' Ghost Ghostbusters Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Ghost Rider 2x G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra G.I. Joe: Retaliation Gladiator GoodFellas 13 Going On 30 Goldmember A Good Day To Die Hard The Goonies 3x The Green Mile Gridiron Gang How The Grinch Stole Christmas Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn 2x Hancock The Hangover The Hangover Part ll Hansel and Gretel Harold and Kumar: Go To White Castle Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets The Heat Hellboy Hellboy ll: The Golden Army Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy High School Musical 2 High School Musical 3 3x Hitch Hitman Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 1 2x The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Hulk The Incredible Hulk The Hurt Locker Identity Thief The Illusionist Immortals Inception Independence Day Inglorious Basterds Insurgent The Internship Into The Blue Invincible Idle Hands I, Robot Iron Man The Island Jack Frost Jack Reacher Jeff Dunham Spark Of Insanity Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas Special Jeff Dunham Minding The Monsters Jennifer's Body Johnson Family Vacation Joyful Noise Jumper Just Go With It Just Married Just Like Heaven From Justin To Kelly Katt Williams: Pimpadelic Killer Eliter Killers 2x King Kong Kingsman: The Secret Service Kingdom of Heaven Knockaround Guys Kung Fu Hustle Kiss The Girls Kung Fu Panda Ladies 49 Land Of The Dead The Last Castle The Last Dragon The Last Stand Looper Legally Blonde 2 Lemony Snicket's: A Series Of Unfortunate Events Let's Go To Prison Liar Liar The League of Extraordinary Gentleman Life Of Pi The Longest Yard Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers 2x Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring Lost In Space 2x Man On Fire Madea's Big Happy Family Madea's Witness Protection Madea Goes To Jail Madea's Family Reunion 3x Matrix Reloaded Maggie The Magnificent 7 Martian Child Max Mad Max Major Payne 2 pack- MIB, MIB II Mario Bros MIB Michael Clayton Michael Jackson: History: The King Of Pop Mr Deeds Mask Meet The Fockers Meet The Parents Men Of Honor Michael Jackson Number Ones Michael Jackson Mr 3000 Mrs Doubtfire Miss Congeniality Mortdecai Monster Monster's Bail Monster-In-Law The Monuments Men 2 pack- Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat Annihilation My Super Ex Girlfriend Napoleon Dynamite National Treasure Neighbors 2x Never Back Down My Baby's Daddy Never Been Kissed The Nice Guy Night At The Museum: Secret of The Tomb Night at the Museum Margaret Cho: Notorious C.H.O The Notebook The Nut Job O'Brother, Where Art Thou? Non-Stop Ocean's Twelve Ocean's Thirteen Kill Bill Old Dogs Open Range Pacific Rim Vin Diesel the Pacifier Paddington Padre Kino: The Legend of the Black Priest Parker The Patriot Poltergeist Peter Pan The Phantom of the Opera Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest Point Break Practical Magic Predators Premium Rush Premonition Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Princess Bride The Proposal Pearl Harbor P.S. I Love You Pulp Fiction Mo'Nique Phat Girlz 2 pack- The Purge, The Purge: Anarchy The Pursuit of Happyness Real Steel Redline Rush Hour 2 Red 2 Remember the Titans 3 pack- Pitch Black, The Chronicles Of Riddick, The Chronicles Of Riddick: Dark Fury Rise of the Planet of the Apes Robin Hood Prince of Thieves The Rock Rocky ll Rocky Balboa Ron White A Little Unprofessional The Rookie Rounders The Rum Diary Saving Private Ryan Sabotage 2x The Sandlot School of Rock The Shawshank Redemption Snitch Scott Pilgrim Silent House Shaun of the Dead Sherlock Holmes She's the Man Step Up Revolution Snow White and The Huntsman The Social Network She's all that Soul plane Scooby Doo Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed Shallow Hall Son in Law Song One Sorority Row Spider-Man 2x Spider-Man 2 3x Spider-Man 3 Space Jam Spy Stand and Deliver Starship Troopers Star Wars: The Force Awakens Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Stuck on You Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street Taken Taken 2 Taken 3 This is 40 The Ringer The Croods Thor Tomb Raider The Time Machine The Time Traveler's Wife Toneloc T.V. 2 Tombstone Total Recall The Exorcist Trading Places Training Day Transformers Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Transformers: Dark of the Moon The Bucket List The Eye Transformers Beginners Troy Directors Cut Two for the Money The Man From U.N.C.L.E True Grit UFC: Best of 2012 Unforgiven Unknown Uptown Girls Unfinished Business Van Helsing The Vow Warm Bodies The Wedding Date The Wedding Planner The Wedding Singer A Walk to Remember Walking Tall Wanted The Waterboy War Dogs We Bought a Zoo Where the Wild Things Are Kevin Hart What Now While You Were Sleeping White Chicks The Whole Nine Yards Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit Wild Card Wild Hogs Wings of Life The World's End World War ll X-Men Origins: Wolverine The Last Stand 40 Year Old Virgin Zombieland Zookeeper Zoolander 2 Guns 8 Mile
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