prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
"Well, you don't have to say anything! I'm really glad that you like it, it's a rather old ornament, solid gold and everything! I hope it fits alright, I made sure to have it cleaned and everything."
Any worry Enrique might have had over his late gift instantly melted away as he saw Christina's face upon opening the package. While he didn't want to play up the gift at all, he wanted her to know that this was more than another piece of jewelry, easily obtained from any store. "Oh psh, of course you deserve this! I was thinking of doing something larger, but I know how you dislike more flashy presents. If you're not too busy tonight, would you like to come over? My housekeepers have been asking about you, and you know how they can get."
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prince-enrique replied to your post: “Hey, Christina? Could we talk for a moment? There…
“Well…in that case, don’t go off at me about it being expensive or anything! It’s a hair pin that belonged to my grandmother. It took a long time to track down because…well, let’s just say that my family isn’t the best when it comes to organizing.”
She opened the beautiful box, regretfully tearing a bit of the wrapping he probably spent hours on. Inside the box was the most beautiful hair pin she had ever seen. Was Enrique really giving this to her? Something that belonged to his grandmother? Once again, Enrique showed his selflessness. If only there was a way she could give to him the way he does to her.
“I don’t know what to say.”
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“This is so beautiful… Are you sure I deserve this? We aren’t even married yet!”
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
"Nice to see you back in Amestris. What happened? Get caught up with your fancy flying machine plans?"
"Oh, you know me! Busy as always. And no, as much as I would have loved to have gotten more involved with that project, I was sent away for a much more...mundane reason. But I'm back now, ready to resume my duties! I hope you have been getting along well in my absence."
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
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the-serpents-daughter replied to your post: "Hey! Haven't seen you in hell knows how long,...
“Damn straight you’ve become a bit of a stranger.” Kit half teased while poking his chest lightly with a chuckle. “Or at least let people know you are going to be away for a bit.” She smiled, “I’ve been quite good. So has Bear, he is much bigger now”
"I really don't mean to be! I just get so frazzled at times, I really don't mean to fall off the face of the earth like this." Then again, he did have more free time than one would expect someone with his occupation to have. Still, he couldn't feel a pang of regret when the subject came up. "Oh gosh, little Bear? Dogs seem to grow so fast, I can't even begin to imagine how big that pup has gotten since I saw him last. I hope he hasn't been giving you too much trouble!"
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
"Hey! Haven't seen you in hell knows how long, where the hell have you been?" Kit poked his chest looking angry a moment before grinning and sticking her tongue out at him. "Seriously though, we need to hang out sometime."
Enrique whipped around, startled at first by the voice greeting him. In a moment this shock evaporated, replaced by a cordial grin. It always pleased him to see a familiar face. "Why, hello there! It has been a while, hasn't it? I've been so terribly busy lately, I have been something of a stranger, hmm?"
Knowing better than to take Kit's mock anger literally, the prince let out a chuckle and bowed his head. "Well, I suppose it is my fault for not being more sociable. It would be quite refreshing to spend some time with a friend. How have you been lately?"
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
I banged a meat tenderizer against a pot!
[I know I don't get on much, but I just wanna say happy new year! It's probably been new years for you future people since forever, but us primitives living in the past are just enjoying the start of the year. Anyways, I just wanna say thanks for all the fun I've had so far with roleplaying, and hope there's a lot more to come! Hope all of you have fun, and try to stick to your resolutions! ^_^]
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
Happy 2800th Post Day Everyone!
[On this day, on this year, in this month, I posted my 2800th post. And so it was that this post was not the 2799th or the 2801st, but it was the 2800th. And it was good.]
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
"Lonely? I'm sorry...I really haven't been on top of things lately. And as for tonight, I'm completely free! I would love to talk about the wedding, we really haven't done much planning. What sort of things were on your mind?"
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healingxbird replied to your post: “/holds out a plate of steak and potatoes/ Enrique…
“Lately. I’ve been missing you… I know you’re busy with work and everything else but… I’ve been wanting to talk about our future and the date for our wedding or… You still want to get married, right?”
“Of course I do! How could I ever decide that I didn’t want to get married? I’m sorry I’ve been so busy…I’m really going to try and be here for you more often. What was it that you wanted to talk about?”
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
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healingxbird replied to your post: "/holds out a plate of steak and potatoes/ Enrique...
“Lately. I’ve been missing you… I know you’re busy with work and everything else but… I’ve been wanting to talk about our future and the date for our wedding or… You still want to get married, right?”
"Of course I do! How could I ever decide that I didn't want to get married? I'm sorry I've been so busy...I'm really going to try and be here for you more often. What was it that you wanted to talk about?"
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
"/holds out a plate of steak and potatoes/ Enrique dear, would you like to eat dinner with me? I know you're busy and all..."
"Oh no! I'm not too busy at all! And even if I was...well, I couldn't in all conscious refuse a meal like this." Planting a kiss on Christina's cheek, Enrique sat down across from her. "So, how have you been lately?"
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
"Oh! If you're not too busy or anything. I didn't know if you took the day off, so I didn't want to intrude too much, but if you insist, I can certainly stay for a while!"
Handing the cake off to Christina, Enrique stepped inside after her. He couldn't help but fret about the taste; in his haste to make the dessert, he had failed to properly taste it. While he didn't doubt his abilities too much, he had hoped to maintain a high level of quality for Christina, especially on her birthday. Perhaps he could sneak a taste before she took a bite? That seemed a tad bit rude, perhaps...
"So, do you have any plans for your big day? It's a shame when a birthday lands in the middle of the week, I really must insist that we do something special for it! And don't think that cake is the only present you're getting. It was just a little...thank you, of sorts. For everything. You might even say it's not that related to your birthday at all! B-But...that's not to say it isn't a birthday cake, it wouldn't be a birthday without one, hmmm?"
@healingxbird | Happy Birthday, Princess!
“I was mulling over exactly what to get you for your birthday, and since you don’t seem very…thrilled about the more extravagant things I’ve gotten you in the past, I decided that the best way to say thanks for everything was to bake you something, very appropriate I might say. I hope it turned out okay though…it’s a cake! Dark chocolate, your favourite, hmm?”
In his hands was a somewhat plain looking cake, plain because the prince was worried that it would end up far too messy if he tried to do anything fancy with it. Still, it was rather elegant, an even layer of frosting with a somewhat overly complicated birthday message written out.
“It’s not exactly a steak dinner, I’ve never been very adept at making things other than sweets. But it’s all yours! I mean…unless you wanted to share. I just really wanted to wish you a happy birthday! This just seemed…appropriate, so to speak?”
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
@healingxbird | Happy Birthday, Princess!
"I was mulling over exactly what to get you for your birthday, and since you don't seem very...thrilled about the more extravagant things I've gotten you in the past, I decided that the best way to say thanks for everything was to bake you something, very appropriate I might say. I hope it turned out okay though...it's a cake! Dark chocolate, your favourite, hmm?"
In his hands was a somewhat plain looking cake, plain because the prince was worried that it would end up far too messy if he tried to do anything fancy with it. Still, it was rather elegant, an even layer of frosting with a somewhat overly complicated birthday message written out.
"It's not exactly a steak dinner, I've never been very adept at making things other than sweets. But it's all yours! I mean...unless you wanted to share. I just really wanted to wish you a happy birthday! This just seemed...appropriate, so to speak?"
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
Imagine Person A overhearing Person B singing in the shower and sitting by the door to listen.
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
[Omigosh, sooo cuuuuute~<3 Yet another adorbs, melting mah hearts :3]
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
[I just wanna say thanks to everyone who still follows me despite my leave of absence ;w; I'll try my best to repay that kindness!!!]
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prince-enrique-blog · 12 years
Suddenly the door opened at a much more rapid pace than Enrique was used to. It wasn't like Christina to be so sudden about greeting people, was she really that eager to see him? Taking a step back in surprise, the prince was suddenly greeted by the sight of a woman who looked somewhat like Christina, but very clearly wasn't.
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"H-Hey now, settle down! I didn't realize that Christina had hired a maid, but I'm very sorry if I'm interrupting your cleaning! I can just come back later if..."
The prince stopped mid-sentence as he mulled things over. It didn't seem likely that this person was any sort of maid, as she very clearly didn't look the part. But Christina always answered the door, even when guests were over, seemingly relishing in the chance to greet whoever it was that was visiting. Had she just stepped out for a moment?
"I don't believe we've ever met before," he stated, quickly recomposing himself, "You're one of Christina's friends, I take it?"
Waltzing up to Christina’s door, Enrique rattled the door knocker before standing at attention. Under his arm was a box of dark chocolate balls, Christina’s favourite. It wasn’t any special occasion in particular, but Enrique felt like it was appropriate to surprise her. After all, it was almost the holiday season, and it never hurt to do a little preemptive gift giving, particularly to one he was so keen to please.
After a few moments of waiting, Enrique knocked again, this time taking the time to peer through the peephole. “Hello, Christina? You’re not out and about are you? I brought you a present!” Hanging back once more, Enrique patiently waited for the door to open. There wasn’t anywhere he had to be, so if he had to wait for Christina to return from where ever she was, this was hardly a problem.
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