#I feel really bad for being such a dolt .w.
danurso · 3 years
It was a long day for weiss, not as long as it was supposed to be thanks to Ruby breaking a firedust vial inside the store, but it was still a day long enough that her teammates managed to make a number on her. She wanted to relax a bit and knew just the place. 
She stopped in front of JNPR's door and was about to knock when she heard a familiar voice.
Jaune: I should probably do that, shouldn't i?
Weiss: wasn't he supposed to be alone today?
Jaune: But i don't know, the base Pyrrha has been teaching me works so well already. . . . *Groan* sword styles are so complicated, and i'm just too tired. At least you're here for me.
Weiss: who?
Jaune: Having you around makes me feel a lot better, we should just lay down a bit for now. Can you make me company?
Weiss: *eyes twitching* Excuse me!?
Jaune: I really love you, y'know?
Weiss: *vein pops* That's it! *Slams door open* 
Jaune: *fumbling on the bed* W-WEISS!?!? I-i thought you were still on vale!?
Weiss: Who were you talking to!?
Jaune: N-no one! I. . . .m-my scroll! Yeah! I was talking to my sister on my scroll!
Weiss: We both know you're a terrible liar arc! So tell me, who were you talking to!? And where is she!?
Jaune: T-there's no one here! I'm serious!
She noticed him trying to sneakily push something behind his back.
Weiss: What did you got there?
Jaune: *Sweating* N-nothing. . .
Weiss: . . . .give it to me jaune.
Jaune: No. . .
Weiss: *reaching out* Give it to me!
Jaune: *trying to hold her* No! Wait! Weiss i-
Weiss: . . . . . . .
Jaune: *red* . . . . . .
Weiss: *holding a miniature plushie of herself* what. . . .is this?
Jaune: I-it's. . .you.
Weiss: I can see that, but why do you have a plushie of me? And where did you buy this?
Jaune: I made it myself.
Weiss: *shocked* You made it?
Jaune: Y-yeah, it wasn't that hard honestly.
Weiss: But why in the world did you make a plushie of me?
Jaune: *red* it's just. . .for when you're out y'know?. . . .so i wouldn't miss you as bad as I usually do.
Weiss: . . . .
Jaune: Weiss?
Weiss: *nosebleed* Yes?
Jaune: Are you okay?
Weiss: *wiping the blood* Of course I am. Now, i'm willing to overlook this, as long as you can make a plushie of yourself.
Jaune: Oh, I already did it. *Reaches under his bed and picks a jaune plushie* See?
Weiss: It's so adorable! Wait a second, why do you have a plushie of yourself?
Jaune: Oh, uhh. . .Well, I know you don't like being alone, so I made a plushie of me so when I'm with you, little weiss doesn't feel alone. *Sits them together and smiles* That way she has company too.
Weiss: . . . .would you excuse me for a second?
Jaune: Err, sure.
Weiss: *walks out the room*
Ruby: Oh, hey weiss! I imagined you would be he-
Weiss: *slams her head through the wall*
Ruby: !?!?!?
Weiss: *muffled* WHY DOES THAT DOLT HAVE TO BE SO STUPIDLY CUTE!?!?!? THIS MAN IS GOING TO BE THE DEATH IF ME I SWEAR!!!! *Removes her head from the hole and sighs* Do you need something ruby?
Ruby: *shaking* n-no. . .not really.
Weiss: Good, if you need me i'll be spending the afternoon with Jaune, little jaune and little me.
Ruby: Wha. . .?
Weiss: *walks back into JNPR's*
Ruby: . . . . .
Yang: Hey sis, did you find Ice- whoa, what's with the face? You look like you saw a ghost.
Ruby: . . . .yang?
Yang: What?
Ruby: Please promise me that you'll never let me fall in love.
Yang: ????
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Thin Divide: Among Us
Eight people, two imposters. Snuff them out or complete the required tasks. Good luck!
Nora:I call it now, it’s definitely Jaune.
Jaune:You see that make you look suspicious Nora, but that’s so in character of you that I’m pretty sure you’re just a crew mate.
Nora:Maybe that’s the plan? Hehehe.
Weiss:Are you blaming Jaune or incriminating yourself?
Ren:Don’t even. Just don’t, she’s gonna do this the entire game.
Ruby:Alrighty! Let’s do this guys. We have our tasks, just keep an eye out for anything suspicious....
Nora:I’ll be watching Jaune like a hawk! I’ll catch him in the act!
Jaune:This is going to be a long game....
Pyrrha:Or a really short one.
Several minutes pass. Everything seems fine and people are on task. Yet things are a little tense. No one is talking. They’re all learning the rules and being cautious. Nora casually follows Jaune to do wiring and go just about everywhere. She can feel it in her gut. “I’m onto you.” She thinks as he suddenly sprints around a corner out of sight. Suddenly, lights shut off. Things suddenly feel like a bad idea.
Nora:What the!? That’s cheap. Maybe stalking someone alone was a bad idea. Oh! I’ll get Ren t-
Emergency Meeting!
📢Yang: Oh, so that’s what that button- oh geez, Nora’s dead!
Ren:Wait, what!?
Everyone looks at the character icons to see Nora’s crossed out. Ren goes pale.
Ren:Nora! Who’s responsible for this!? Where was the body found!?
Blake:Nowhere, Yang pressed the button. However....*looks at Jaune* I did see her following you.
Jaune:You know why! I didn’t do it! Ren I did not do it.
Ren:I’ll vote you out right now. Jaune I swear-
Jaune:I just finished doing wires! I’ve been focusing on task and nothing else. Yeah I saw her spy on me, then lights went out. Now we’re here.
Blake:I’m just saying you had all the opportunities to do it. The fact that you’re so offended isn’t helping.
Jaune:We have no proof and you’re suspecting me!
Weiss:You were the one with her.
Pyrrha let’s not jump to conclusions. Someone could be framing him.
Ruby:Where was everyone? I was doing trash.
Blake and Yang:Med bay.
Weiss:This map is confusing. Communications, maybe?
Jaune:No, I was there. Unless there’s another one.
Ren:A room with a tree.
Yang:It’s totally Jaune. He’s alone and already knows the map.
Ruby:I know the map. Weiss is just bad. You’re bad if you don’t know the map!
Yang:I know it.
Times up. No one voted. Two imposters remain.
Jaune walked back two wards communications. The group had gotten pretty familiar with all the cool things possible. Cameras, vents, everything. This time two people followed Jaune. Yang and Blake. He started sweating.
Yang:Why are universe lady killer? Running out of luck?
Jaune:It’s possible. You two could possibly kill me then cover it up. Do your tasks!
Yang:We were together all the time last round. We’re in the clear.
Blake:It’s you that’s in the hot seat.
Ren:*getting oxygen* Who do you think did it?
Ruby:I don’t wanna point fingers, but Yang would totally thrive in this game. But Weiss is possible too. Stay focused. Killing Nora was to make you stirred up. Keep a cool-
Reactor Meltdown
Ren:That’s not good.
Ruby:You go left, I’ll go right! Be safe!
Jaune:I’m going to stop the-
Blake:It’s taking you awhile on that panel Jaune. Don’t tell me you’re stalling?
Jaune:No, I’m just bad! Let me go the reactor or we lose!
Yang:Ooorrr I go. If Blake dies then you’re dead! If you don’t finish that panel-
Jaune:You have 30 seconds!
Yang goes sprinting out of the room. Blake goes to do her task across the room. She’s definitely sure it’s Jaune. This plan is full proof. Yeah if she dies then that would suck but-
Jaune:Ummm why hasn’t anyone stopped the reactor yet?
The counter was already at ten. What was taking Yang so long!? Both ran to the door in a panic to reach the reactor but then-
Everyone spawned back at the button. Well not everyone. Yang’s named was crossed out, and Ruby had teary eyes with a finger pointed at Weiss.
📢Weiss:Ruby it’s not what you think! I-
Ruby:Oh I saw! I saw perfectly! Right on the bridge leading to the reactor panel on the right. You were right over her corpse!
Weiss:I know it looks bad, but I found her like this! I run because I saw 1 out of 2 on the panels-
Ren:Me. I was on the other panel. Ruby was with getting oxygen and chose to get the other one.
Ruby:Yeah I wasn’t expecting to walk in on a crime scene.
Weiss:Wait! I was all the way at the bottom of the map. You should’ve gotten there before me.
Blake:Oh now you can read a map!?
Weiss:It takes time! It has to be Ruby.
Pyrrha:I was in electrical by the way. I know nobody was with me but I promise I’m innocent.
RWBR:We know Pyrrha.
Jaune:I don’t think it’s you but the fact you’ve been alone twice now.
Blake:Oh no, you’re definitely still an imposter Jaune.
Ruby:NONE OF THAT MATTERS! I want Weiss out right now!
The reaper puts her vote in.
Ruby:Sister killer! You were by yourself too. I know you Weiss, always plotting. I came across a locked door while heading there that slowed me down. Nobody can confirm where you were, and you could’ve easily vented to get where you needed to be. You’re just mad I caught you so you self reported.
Weiss:That’s- I....don’t be a dolt. You all can’t be serious, right?
Pyrrha hugs a crying Ruby while the others have their heart ache at the sight. They all look at Weiss suspiciously, taking the risk to vote. It was unanimous. Weiss was immediately escorted to the air lock, struggling the whole way.
Weiss:You’re being tricked! I’m innocent!!
Ruby:Tell it to the souls you’ve taken.
She was shot into space. All of them watching her drift away. Ruby rubbed her eyes, then gasped.
Weiss was not an imposter. 2 imposters remain.
Ruby slowly backed away towards Ren. Right now, he was the only trustworthy one. Someone’s playing mind games and it’s working two well. Nobody had the chance to get anything done before Jaune presser the emergency button.
Jaune:Okay, we obviously need a minute to reevaluate-
Blake:You’re an imposter!
Jaune:We were in a room together! Why wouldn’t I kill you and vent away. At that point I could’ve made up a story! But no, I just wanna shoot asteroids!
Pyrrha:Fair point, it would’ve been a double kill.
Ruby:All of you look suspicious except for Ren! *votes Jaune*
Pyrrha:Ruby! He only pressed the button to clear the air!
Ren:He did just come up with a good argument.
Blake:I’m voting for Jaune.
Jaune:Well I’m skipping! Pyrrha please skip two before there’s two imposters and two crew mates. This is very bad time to throw caution to the wind.
Pyrrha:I agree. *skips*
Ren:....*skips* If someone dies next round and it isn’t Jaune then it’s definitely Jaune. You’re on thin ice, so are you Pyrrha. You agree with him easily.
Pyrrha:Ren, that’s not suspicious. I do that in real life.
Blake:And he’s using it to his advantage.
Jaune:You’ve been gunning for me since the start basically, even though you were with me. That’s pretty suspicious.
They all went their separate ways except for Ren and Ruby. This was dire. Everyone sounded sketch and friendships were crumbling. Next time for sure, a vote needed to happen. Pyrrha found herself going back near the button whe Jaune came out of a room to the right, alone. Both of them looked at each nervously.
Pyrrha:What are your tasks? I’ve already seen two other people enter that room before?
Jaune:I was checking vitals. We’re all alive and my tasks are done. What are you doing?
Pyrrha:I was gonna call another meeting. Say, are you saying I’ll go in that room right now and we’re fine?
Jaune:There is no body in there. Check for yourself. If I was an imposter then I’d be on cool down. Plus you could report and I’d feel the vaccum of space.
Pyrrha nodded and peeked in. No blood or anything. She went to the vitals to confirm that everyone actually was alive. The imposters must’ve known how risky things are now. It was fine. Tasks were almost done. Jaune was finally looking normal. She breathed a sigh or relief.
Jaune:Don’t tell me you were expecting a body?
Pyrrha:*red* I’m sorry!
Jaune:It happens. Honestly I thought you were about to stab me.
Pyrrha:I don’t like this game. It’s stressful. Doubting my friends isn’t exactly fun.
Jaune:What we need is a trap. A play that leaves Blake and Ruby red handed.
Pyrrha:You think it’s them?
Jaune:It has to be, and I know just the way to check one of them and keep us in the game. Pyrrha, I have a plan....
Ruby and Ren watched the cameras in silence. Blake was at the trash while Pyrrha and Jaune were near the button. Ruby looked at Ren and smiled.
Ruby:It’s Blake and Jaune.
Ren:How can you tell?
Ruby:Unless Blake has a similar task, I did trash already. Shall we question her, or wait for actual proof.
Ren:Tasks are almost done. We might be able t-
Reactor Meltdown
Ren:Shit, Pyrrha can’t press the button now.
Ruby:But this also gives us a chance! Imma about to catch them red handed! Ren, stay on cameras and watch me go to the left. That way you can report my body if get killed, or out them if they self report. Jaune’s not dumb. He has to go right in order to act innocent and cancel the meltdown. Pyrrha would catch on otherwise. Especially if Blake goes right and nothing is fixed or they’re both alive. Meaning...
Ren:Blake has to go left or stay where she is.
Ruby and Ren high-five and get to work. Ruby starts sprinting as fast as she can. Ren checks the right side and sure enough, Jaune has a hand on the panel. Blake comes up from the bottom to where Pyrrha is. It would be dangerous if Blake killed her, but then she would definitely get voted out. The faunus slowly gets closer to the red head when suddenly, the cameras get jacked.
Pyrrha:Go left!
Blake runs to the left to get the other panel. So far so good. Let’s see how right Jaune is. Pyrrha stared at the camera. Strange, she was certain it was on earlier. Now it was off, then flicked back on briefly. Seconds later, the meltdown ended but she didn’t press the button. Not yet. She was told to wait five seconds. In that amount of time, Blake might-
📢Blake:Guys, Ren is-
RJP:You killed him.
Blake:Wh-What? No, I found him on the ground in the camera room!
Ruby:Yeah, where you killed him. I thought you’d go after me. Sloppy mistake, Blake. Now we caught you.
Jaune:I cut off the meltdown, and Ruby had to get the other one. I found it funny how eager you were to get rid of me by vote. You killed Nora to add to the suspicions. You couldn’t kill me directly because of Yang. She wasn’t an imposter but stuck to you like glue.
Pyrrha:So you had your partner kill her because you couldn’t do it without outing yourself. But if Jaune died alone with you after all that blame then you’d be caught! If you payed attention then you would’ve saw the cameras were on this round. You killed Ren without him noticing then checked them yourself.
Jaune:You soon realized you could only self report because the meltdown ended. No way you could get to the panel that fast unless you vented. Now the real question is how committed are you two bluffing, Ruby Rose? If you don’t vote Blake....
Pyrrha:Then you’re definitely the second imposter.
Blake:Ruby don’t believe them! We know Jaune is definitely-
Ruby:*votes Blake* You betrayed my sister and made me accidentally vote for Weiss because I swept up in emotions. Just like how you got Ren to look at Jaune after Nora died. I’m done with you.
The others voted for Blake. The girl could say nothing. She was at a loss for words. The trap was perfect, calculated to a the last detail. Blake took a deep sigh and walked to the airlock, giving Jaune one final look.
Blake:Well played...
The airlock opened and the three watched their friend get launched into space.
Pyrrha:Jaune that idea was amaz-
Blake was not an imposter.
Pyrrha felt her blood go cold. Those were not the words she wanted to see. She didn’t even turn around to look her “friends” and chose to stare out the window. She felt both of them pat her back. 2 imposters still remained. A problem for her, the remaining crew mate. The sight of Ruby holding a gun and Jaune with a knife was visible in the window reflection.
Ruby:Knife or bullet. You deserve the choice.
Pyrrha:Jaune’s stabbed me in back metaphorically already. Might as well do it physically.
Jaune:That’s fair.
Imposters Win
[post game]
Jaune and Ruby:Oh yeah!!!! That’s why we’re leaders!
Weiss:You can’t say that after killing your teammates!
Nora:I demand an explanation!
Jaune:Ren is too smart and figures things out fast. Had to kill you first anyways. You saying I was an imposter was just an unfortunate coincidence. But let’s talk about how you were my only kill.
Pyrrha:Ruby, you killed everyone else!?
Yang:I walked halfway up that bridge thing to the panel and then she comes running down it and kills me. Now I’m watching as ghost as she jumps into a vent and waits for Weiss to find me to put on the most believable performance of her life. You killed me, then cried about it!
Weiss:I was pleading to a murderer! You put blame on Jaune so he could do it to you and throw the trail off!
Ruby:I also told Ren that it was either you or Yang, that way he’d vote the way I wanted. I think Blake was the real crown of the plan.
Jaune:This is why you don’t blame people so fast. You had to go.
Blake:Ren, what happened to you?
Ren:*face palming*So I was watching everyone until the cameras went out, which I now know was Ruby’s doing, because she had the nerve to kill her camera last. She looked right into it as she jumped into a vent back to me.
Ruby:If you were watching then I knew you were still there and alone. I killed him, took a vent back to where I was supposed to be, stopped the meltdown, and pinned the death of Blake. All with the simple lie about me taking out the trash and not killing Ren earlier.
Jaune:And I used Pyrrha’s trust. Thank you.
Pyrrha:Don’t talk to me! You got me to skip a vote and vote Blake off! Ruby, you cried in my arms! How could you use me like that!?
Jaune and Ruby:Because you’re so helpful! Thanks Pyrrha!
WBYNR:Yeah, thanks Pyrrha.
Pyrrha:*red* I’m sorry!!!
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melonishus · 3 years
Frostbyte Week Countdown (Day 6)
Hey everyone, I'm doing this skit for the countdown to @frostbyte-week. I hope you enjoy
[Weiss went rigid as several spikes plunged into her chest. She gasped in surprise despite knowing what she was in for when she rushed in front of Penny . The feeling of being stabbed is never expected , even if you’ve been stabbed before , a sudden prick before realizing something was very very wrong ]
Penny - WEISS !
[Weiss fell back as the claws retracted , Cinder looking at her fingers coldly before turning back to Weiss]
Cinder - Well I suppose it’s only appropriate [licks blood off fingers] Unfinished business from Haven
[Penny rocketed off with Weiss as Jaune took to the battlefield , pausing by a gate and overlooking her friend]
Penny - Weiss NO[hands move over Weiss’s body as she tries to think up what to do] It was not supposed to happen this way
Weiss - I know ….I’m sorry
Penny - [starts crying] I do not know what to do
Weiss - I do you dolt [chuckles as she places a palm against Penny’s cheek] I want you to live Penny Polendina [coughs blood] You go and make more friends , and let them know just how great you are
Penny - I do not want other friends , I want friend Ruby, I want YOU
Weiss - We’ll still be there. If you think death will keep me from you , you’re crazy
[Penny's hand brushed against the staff of creation, her eyes widening. She looked out over the battlefield , the last of the citizens were rushing out of the portals]
Penny - I am afraid that might not be possible Weiss
Weiss - Excuse me ?
Penny - I will do what I can for you
[Penny takes the staff]
Penny - [whispers] Ambrosius
[The gate world shook, knocking Jaune off his feet. Cinder looked out over the field to see Penny holding Weiss]
Cinder - NO
[Cinder shoved Jaune off the balcony and rocketed to Penny as the floor disintegrated around them. Her hand just barely missed seizing Penny as they both plummeted into nothingness and disappeared]
[Penny woke up with a throbbing headache in the middle of a lush jungle-like field. She sat up and felt a bandage around her head, which hurt to the touch. Looking around in a fog, she heard the sound of a campfire and then saw the familiar shape of ...]
Weiss- Penny.... [crawls to Penny's side] You need to rest [gently lowers her back down]
Penny - Weiss ! I !
Weiss- Don't. You need to rest, so the dramatic hugs can wait....
Penny - [cries] You're safe
Weiss- I am [places hand over heart] I'm not sure how you did it, but I do seem to be alive
[Penny hugs her tenderly, Weiss frowning a little but returning the gesture]
Weiss - I'm a little worried... something's not right with me
Penny - [tense, as she pulls back to look Weiss] Everything is fine. Where is the staff
Weiss - I found it close to you. I didn't see a reason to throw away something that could LITERALLY make an...
Penny - [snatches the staff] We are never using it again
Weiss - [confused] Penny ?
Penny- [frowning as she hugs the staff close to herself] I mean it Girlfriend Weiss
Weiss- We're on a deserted tree island, I don't think we'll have much of a choice if we need food ...
Penny - We will be fine...[stands up] We are together, and that's all that matters
[Weiss sighs and takes a taste of her concoction, frowning again]
Weiss- Sorry Penny, it seems I'm still not much of a cook.... [serves Penny a bowl of porridge] It's so tasteless....
[Penny quietly took the bowl, looking guilty as Weiss examined herself. She took a bite and found her face growing warm, so much so that it had become unbearably uncomfortable]
Penny- Oh MY [starts trying to wipe off her tongue as tears roll down her face]
Weiss- What's wrong ?
Penny -The food has broken my tongue !
[Weiss tries to summon an ice shard with some dust she scavenged from the barrel of gambol shroud, but finds herself unable]
Weiss- I'm sorry ! It seems I've become helpless
[Penny clutches to her, guilt renewed in her pain]
[Weiss stands up and walks up next to Penny, placing her hand on her shoulder]
Weiss - Penny...what’s wrong
Penny - I think I did something bad [looks down] And no one will want to be my friend anymore [looks down]
Weiss- I’m sure whatever you did wasn’t that bad… we all had to do some things in Atlas we regret, but….
Penny - Let us go find our friends ….
[Penny glances back at the food in fear]
Weiss - I’m bringing it along
Penny - But Weiss …
Weiss - But Weiss nothing, you have a meat person stomach now. You need to eat
Penny- [flailing in fear] But it HU
[Weiss kisses her on the lips, Penny freezing in place in shock]
Weiss- How about now….
Penny- S….Shutting down
Weiss - Penny, you don’t do that anymore
[Penny faints]
Weiss - Oh, I guess she does
[Penny wakes up to the sight of Weiss’s lips drawing closer to her own, in a panic, she covers her mouth with her hand]
Weiss- [muffled] Oh Penny, you’re ok
Penny- [red] W...what
Weiss- Oh Penny, you’re ok
Penny- I mean...why
Weiss - I didn’t know how to check if you were breathing, so I attempted CPR
Penny- O….oh
Weiss - What did you think I was do….
Penny- kissing
Weiss- O...oh
Penny- [nods]
[They both turn around so they couldn't see one another and made various gestures of silent despair as they fought off their embarrassing demons]
[Ruby and Blake emerge from the jungle, and find Weiss and Penny in the depths of despair]
Ruby - Hey guys =D
[Both girls are unresponsive]
Ruby - Wow really….
Blake - [kneels next to Weiss] Not even a little happy to ….
Weiss- [mumbles] She thinks I’m a buffoon
[Ruby crouches next to Penny]
Penny- [mumbles] I already did this, and now I flinch away from kissing ? She must hate me
Ruby - ….you two had kissing problems didn’t you
[Weiss and Penny collapse and cry]
Writing Requests are OPEN
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shoichee · 4 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could do a Hizaki Shogo X F!reader fic where Hizaki walks into his s/o holding onto a picture frame of them both and singing "Love Like you" and maybe a soft fluffy ending?🥺💕 Reader is usually hyper and happy go lucky but at that moment reader is calm and just so soft that they look at the picture frame with the softest eyes and that makes Hizaki feel warm? Hope you have a Nice Day/Night! Thank you!!
i spy a haizaki fan over here~ okay, i am very very sorry it took very long to get this out, but i hope i wrote him well D: to be honest, he’s the most complicated guy to write for by far and while i dont think its crazy toothrotting fluffy compared to my other scenarios, i hope you enjoy this too!
Haizaki x Reader
Word Count: 1990
Note: swearing, and is a LITTLE BIT risque? i mean, this is haizaki
»»————— ☼ —————««
You two were only supposed to be friends with benefits.
You definitely weren’t his type. Nope, you definitely weren’t. Not when you endlessly made so much clamoring in the hallways with your friends or bounced around like a kid on sugar. It definitely leaves a sour taste in his mouth when you are a literal carbon-copy of Kise Ryouta, someone who he absolutely despised.
Yet, it’s probably how he can render you to a completely different side of soft whimpers and gasps in every tryst for the past two months that made it all worth the effort of chasing after you. Besides, he knows you reciprocate the same level of desire for him, and it gives him a massive boost of an ego. Especially when you actually use your annoying voice for something more worthwhile than socializing with your classmates… especially when you rasp out his name in desperation in such vulnerable moments. He constantly feeds on your vulnerability like it’s his lifeline, but he will never admit that.
So why is it that he’s so taken aback when he sees, yet, another different side to you, the usual sickenly energetic side he’s secretly grown accustomed to?
“If I could begin to be… half of what you think of me…”
He doesn’t know whether to be disgusted about the fact that he feels bad for intruding on something that feels so intimate and pure or the fact that he’s craving more of this side of you, the side that he’s afraid is all an illusion in his mind that he’s somehow concocted in a fever dream. The gentle lullaby you were humming irritates him all the more, yet he’s glued in his spot, so torn about whether to rudely interrupt you to demand for another escapade or relish in the lulls that is undoubtedly soothing him.
“I could do about anything… I could even learn to love…”
Somehow, the lyrics affected him on a personal level, and he grits his teeth, hating the fact that he relates to it so deeply. Here you are, humming the soft jazz as a smile of absolute adoration spreads across your lips. Lips that he’s all too familiar with yet a complete stranger to. He doesn’t know whether to feel smug or remorse when he sees that you're admiring the selfie you took of the both of you the other day on a whim. Smug because at least he knows you’re completely whipped for him. Remorse… because it almost makes the two of you look like an actual couple… something that he’s not too keen on, yet he’s been toying with that idea recently whenever he meets up with you. It feels so wrong that someone like you is so heavily entangled with someone like him, but he wants to monopolize all of that for himself all the same.
“I always thought I might be bad…
Now I'm sure that it's true…
'Cause I think you're so good…
And I'm nothing like you…”
It was just a song, he knew it, yet it feels like you truly felt that about yourself. He never understood you even after all those times you’ve met up, all those times he’s stripped you to your most defenseless state. He thought he can figure you out like the past girls he’s been with… their games, their desires, their motives. He hates it; your entire being pisses him off and intrigues him all the same, and he wants more of you. He doesn’t understand… don’t you know what he’s capable of doing to you? Have you not heard of what he’s done to others? Why do you still treat him so… normally?
“... I wish that I knew…
What makes you think I'm so special…”
Does he think you’re special? He doesn’t know, but he can admit that you’re the longest fling he’s had so far. He scoffs and spits to ward off a stray thought that crossed his mind, the intrusive thought that you emanate the same inviting warmth like his single mother. The only warmth he’s ever sought out was the body heat of another girl in the heat of passion; such a want of intimate warmth, like the one he was experiencing right now, has always been so foreign and uncomfortable.
“E-Eek!! H-How long have you been here?!” Haizaki snaps out of his thoughts to face a mortified you clutching your phone close to your chest. There was the side of you he’s always known.
“Hah? Do you think so highly of yourself that you think anyone would fucking waste their time to eavesdrop on you?” he sneers, watching you only roll your eyes at him. You only walk closer to him while Haizaki watches your every move like a hawk with his narrow eyes.
“You’re the only one who would spit so damn loudly,” you say. “You really oughta stop doing that. It’s gross.” He only rudely scoffs at you before he turns his back on you.
“I just came to look for you for a quickie,” Haizaki says, licking his thumb like he usually does. “7 p.m. if we’re doing it.”
“Ah, before you leave!” you call out to him. “What do you want for your bento?”
“What.” Haizaki slightly halts in his place before he turns his face to you with a condescending sneer, but you can see the slight confusion swirling in his eyes. “Are you fucking shitting me right now?”
“No, I’m absolutely not!” you loudly huff. “I’m actually serious! You picked such a later time than usual, and I’m not gonna go starve myself just for sex. So do potato wedges sound good?” Haizaki only narrows his eyes at you, wondering why you go through such lengths for such a short-term relationship. He gives a mirthless chuckle.
“Whatever you’re doing won’t make me stick by your side like a loyal dog, I hope you realize that,” he says. “Don’t go crying off when you see me having fun with another girl.” In truth, he hasn’t really thought about flirting off to another female for months since he’s met you, but at least he wants to put it out on the table that if you were indeed looking for something serious… then he wasn’t the right guy for you.
“I know,” you say shrugging casually. “Everyone knows who you are after all. I figured you’d be hungry if I am too.”
“No one’s a glutton like you.”
“Yeah? Well you still find me attractive enough despite that.” You give a satisfied smirk of your own when Haizaki merely turns away to walk. “What, Haizaki? No comeback for this one?”
He stops to give a hard glare. “All your yapping made me not want to fuck you anymore. I’m gonna chill at the arcade.”
“Ooh! Ooh!” you hoot excitedly, stars shining in your eyes. It seems that his other comment completely unphased you. “Let me come too! Please?” Even despite his rebukes, you hold your own against him and even make them backfire against him. Even despite him knowing that he’s a terrible influence, you still shine so brightly.
“... You’re paying for your own tokens. Don’t expect me to give you a single dime.”
“You really think I’m a freeloader?!”
“I might just take some of your coins, too,” he leers, again licking his thumb. “Don’t go crying either if you get left behind like a dolt.”
“If you do that,” you threaten, crossing your arms, “I’m gonna steal your coins too! Plus, you stick out like a sore thumb! I can easily find you anywhere, y’know!”
Haizaki doesn’t bother to reply and keeps on walking further before you gasp and chase after him.
“H-H-Hey!! We’re going now?! I thought we're still meeting at 7?” He merely tunes you out, but you knew he slowed down his pace for you to catch up, albeit slightly. “W-Wait! But like… I won’t have time to make the bento, and—”
“Shut up, (y/n),” he says. “Fast food exists for a reason.” Why would someone like you go through so much effort to make homemade food for someone like him? He feels somewhat better that at least he wouldn’t feel the tiny guilt of taking your bento off your hands. You widen your eyes like you just realized that restaurants existed.
“Oh yeah, huh!”
“You’re paying for your own shit, too.”
“Well, duh!”
Haizaki continues to stroll with his bag slung over his shoulder, not even remotely sparing you a glance, but he knows you’re right behind him when you’re skipping around so excitedly. Was being with him that enjoyable to you? He hasn’t done anything remotely kind to you.
“Hey, hey, Haizaki!” He continues to ignore you. “Doesn’t this feel like a date to you?”
“Keep dreaming, wench.”
“You’re a royal asshole, you know that?” you sigh, still trying to match his stride. Haizaki is very much aware of who he is. What he doesn’t know is why you still keep sticking to him like a remoraid.
“Why are you so annoying?”
Translation: Why are you persistent in being with me?
You seem to know the hidden meaning of his throwaway question, and Haizaki frowns harshly at how sharp you were.
“I don’t know. You’re the more obnoxious person in everyone’s eyes anyways,” you snicker. “Still, don’t you ever get tired of hearing people talk shit about you?”
Translation: Why do you act like this?
“You really know how to get on my nerves. Shut up if you know what’s good for you. I don’t know who’s gonna break it to you, but I’m not the guy who you think so highly of.”
“I never said that about you though,” you frown. “Unless… you really did eavesdrop on me after all?!”
“Tch.” He only walks faster to try to leave you behind, and you immediately run in a panic to catch up.
“Okay, okay! I’m kidding, alright?!” you say, but both of you knew that you were secretly smug about it. He’s starting to regret bringing you along, but deep down, he thinks it’s the best decision he’s made in a long time. Still, he’s more irked when you begin to shamelessly hum the same song, the one you sung moments before, to gleefully tick him off.
Even through his nasty attitude, for the first time, you had a taste of different sides to Haizaki in the arcade. The side of him that genuinely enjoyed being competitive with you during various rounds, even with his usual jeers… the side of him who always puts himself on the outside of the sidewalks when it got dark… the side of him who tried to teach you the workings of some of the games, albeit in a condescending way… the side of him who waited for you to finish your food at the tables, even if he kept making unnecessary comments on your appetite. Haizaki doesn’t know why he’s doing these things… perhaps he wanted to feel what it’s like to be in a committed relationship? Perhaps he wanted another taste of the same feeling he had felt when he first heard you sing?
There was something so innocent about this entire “date,” that both of you couldn’t help but wanted to learn more about each other. For the first time, Haizaki lets his guard down around you, and when he's so entertained in your presence, he suddenly doesn’t care as much about it. Your relationship was far from perfect, but between the two of you being a complete mismatch, there was a spark of something undeniably genuine and pure… the intimate warmth that Haizaki had lacked and craved for so long.
Even just for now… he wants to hold the fantasy of being in a committed relationship with you close to his heart for as long as he can. He sometimes wishes he could hear you sing again, only for him, to feel the gentle lulls again.
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part six (aka me losing my mind over the final problem)
Hi, I am once again reminding you all that I've formed a parasocial relationship with the crackhead detective 👍 This made me overly emotional for the fact that he didnt even die
But like
hhhmmmmmmmm those were certainly an interesting 14 pages
Yeah, I already made a post about how the final problem relates to yuumori's final problem and how incredibly sexy it is but yes now I'd just like to relay to you how absolutely heart brocken i am over this lol I will eventually get to reading the post hiatus stories i just. I haven't emotionally recovered from this yet
Yelling below the cut somehow this reaction feels longer than the story itself. but it's about half cracking jokes and half sobbing so be prepared
I mean, starting off strong with "well yknow since i got married my and sherlock's Very Intimate Relations had to be modified and all but we hadnt seen each other in a while so it was kind of jarring to see him crawling in my second story bedroom window clutching Wounds and closing the shutters absolutely fucking wasted losing his mind over some dude named moriarty"
We've been over this but. Oh my god why are they gay
I just like????? Imagine how fucking bizzare that would be to just see your old homie crawl into your window bleeding on your floor and asking to exit the other way in case he's followed like "hey bro can we Talk i hope you're not busy" WHAT IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO, SAY HE IS? Imagine watson just like "no dude I'm fucking busy go get killed"
But legitimately. That's certainly something. And like, I see a lot of books starting like this lmao but. Holmes's stuff usually starts off kind of easily with watson going "yeah so lately ive been Experiencing Sherlock Holmes" and spend 20 minutes on exposition with them having a Conversation but no. mans just fucking escaped a hitman and went directly to his boyfriend's house having apparently Never Before In His Goddamn Life mentioned his actual nemesis to this guy. How the FUCK has watson never heard of him before.
Im also loving how he calls moriarty a "mathematical celebrity" awhi;grih;oaewhhta;ioh;iaewh;ii;oewh;eh;rg mans just. ok lol hes a Math Celebrity that had to quit his math teacher job because EVERYONE JUST KNEW HE WAS A CRIME LORD LIKE THEY TOOK ONE LOOK AT HIM AND WENT MANS DEFINITELY HAS BODIES IN HIS BASEMENT I DONT WANT HIM TEACHING HERE
But yeah, it was interesting to see what the big deal about og moriarty was... especially since the deal simply did not deliver. There was not really a big deal. It's like reading the first chapter of a book and immediately skipping to the climax. Everything is so hyped up and clearly having been building for years and you just get like NO CONTEXT. I swear Moriarty wasn't goddamn mentioned any time before this. He's just suddenly the big guy and watson has just never fucking heard shit about this guy.
What's so funny about this whole situation is that I just. Cannot objectively know anything about Moriarty at all because sherlock just... does not go into what this dude's alleged crimes even were, other than. The fact that he like. Does them. He's just really involved in crimes. How? Why? For how long? In what way? For what purpose? NO FUCKING CLUE HE JUST. HE JUST DOES. And there's nothing to really suggest that Moriarty was honestly a really evil guy. They're all like trust me he was just. he was just really bad but show absolutely No examples of being such. The most evil thing we saw Moriarty do personally was call sherlock stupid for letting him get into the apartment. And even then he immediately followed it up with complimenting him lol
yeah, my impression of Moriarty was like. I expected him to be worse, honestly. I expected him to be like a cartoon villain because he was kind of made out to be one and then he's just honestly a really polite and refined guy?? Mans strolls the fuck into 221B like hi shawty and it is Not like yuumori obviously man's holding a gun but like. What the fuck they are just. They have never met before but They Clearly Have and it's. its so weird
Like honestly I don't dislike og moriarty. He's really what william tried to be (and fucking failed, but beside the point) but like. Dude's so powerful and for what. He just walks into the apartment with No Pretense like why sherlock holmes is that a revolver or are you just happy to see me oh my goodness you are a dolt why would you hold the gun that way. disgusting. disgraceful. dreadful. Oh my god. I love him I'm sorry
abngnahhghifeah;iewh and Why does sherlock describe him like that hes like "MANS A REALLY REFINED LIZARD /pos" HIEHIFEHW:HGIHOEWFEEW FOR WHAT. FOR W H A T
baaaaaaaaghhhhhh but likeeeee they went STRAIGHT to "you know what I'm here for" "you know how I'm going to respond" "well then" "yeah" "mhm" "damn well it really do be like that sometimes" "ur really smart by the way" "im fucking aware let's kill each other as we both Thought in our Minds" "yes lets" AHDHDHDHDFS WTF THIS IS INSANE
But damn uh. mutual destruction my beloved this is very different from sherliam but im not. im not. opposed to it tucks hair behind ear
I just. Holy shit they really went "if you destroy me I will ensure that we both go down hand in unlovable hand" "I wouldn't mind that"
Annnnd I just noticed that the actual lines for this part kind of. that kind of happened in chapter 31 when sherlock was like i would Gladly die to take down the lord of crime and william was like. hahahah yeahNO NO NO NO
And then watson is like wowww that was cool you wanna spend the night and sherlock is like "UNFORTUNATELY BESTIE I AM BEING FUCKING TRACKED DOWN ID LIKE YOU TO NOT DIE WITH ME"
This bit gave me a Moment Moment because oh my god. Then watson is like "no shut up i'm coming with you i don't care" and i just had to Take A Minute because THEY SWITCHED PLACES AAH SHERLOCK IS TRYING TO KEEP WATSON SAFE NOW AND WATSON IS NOW MORE RECKLESS BC OF HIM AND. AHHHH
Completely random but. How sherlock still refers to 221B as "our rooms" to watson even though watson hasn't lived their in years........ shawty i am emotional.........
But. Ok as funny as this is. They have this fucking Conversation on the train to switzerland where sherlock is like "I have not lived in vain" and watson is like "YOURE NOT DYING" and hes like "i have not lived in vain. like i said. this will not be a bad way to die" UHHHHHH DAMN SHAWTY
hhhhhh and it just Gets. it. it. it Gets. These fuckers get to switzerland and they stay in a hotel and then leave for reichenbach but watson gets this goddamn letter telling him that hes needed at the hotel to basically save this lady's life. And he doesn't. Like. he doesn't even want to go he's like FUCK IT SHE CAN DIE IM NOT LEAVING YOU but sherlock convinces him to go fULLY KNOWING THE LETTER WAS FUCKING FAKED BY MORIARTY JUST AS A PLOY TO GET HIM ALONE
God I just. Wow sherlock really did that huh. He really went and did that. And I went over it in the post about this compared to yuumori but it just RUINED me how watson just. Never saw what happened and there's just so little information about it that all they have is these assumptions and pieces that just suggest that these guys met up, walked up to the goddamn waterfall having a nice civil conversation about how talented and smart they both were at this and how they revealed their methods to each other and complimented them because of course they did
And they just sat up there talking to each other so long and Moriarty legit waited politely or even possibly was the one that suggested he write a letter to watson in which sherlock just went "damn lol moriarty's pretty nice actually anyway uhhhh sorry watson ily ✌" and just like. left it up there in his damn cigarette box
But just like. damn the insinuation that moriarty just sat there and watched while he wrote that entire goddamn letter, sealed it up, and then got up and went alright buddy let's go but it makes no goddamn sense if they wanted to actually kill each other and assure they themselves would survive I could name like 23 different ways they could have managed it so easily and they Didn't. they were really set on mutual destruction huh. There's no way they were even trying to do anything but Die Together at that point and that's Something huh
It absolutely baffles me how they could say that these guys had plummetted like, holding each other tho. Like. ok lol but How Do You Even Know
It was certainly a ride. But the fact that Watson had to actively try to think like Sherlock to figure out what happened in the scene was just. The cherry on top. Especially after they'd consciously started to switch roles in this i just. Damn.
In conclusion uhhhhhhhh gay people real I suppose
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ironwoman359 · 5 years
When one character doesn’t realize they’ve been accepted into the family/think of themselves as outsides, until they get hurt and everyone takes shifts watching over them and taking care of them and One taking punishment for the whole group with Logan?
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Content warnings: homophobia, implied use of the f-slur, fighting, being beaten, bruises, bleeding, cursing, let me know if I need to add anything else!
Logan was used to ignoring assholes on the street. He himself had always attracted a fair bit of attention, with his bright blue hair, multiple piercings, and aggressively spiked clothing. Since he’d moved to a new school and started tagging along with the small band of punks who attended, all of whom had their own unique, out there styles, the sneers and jabbing words had only gotten worse. 
However, Logan also was not stupid. While he was more than ready to throw down verbally at anyone who tried to “put him in his place” and physically with someone who just couldn’t let it go, he was aware of his own limits. At just under 5'8" and barely 150 pounds, he knew that some wars were better left fought on the intellectual battleground, or not at all. 
The three guys in the alley had been big. He shouldn’t have gone back. If he were honest with himself, he couldn’t even articulate why he had. Despite his seemingly sweet exterior, Patton himself was nonetheless quite used to harassment over his presentation; Logan was under no illusions about needing to defend the pastel punk’s honor.
But then that word had fallen from the thug’s lips, and Logan saw the way Patton flinched and balled the edges of his pink skirt in his fists, and in that moment, all of Logan’s logic went out the window.
The fight didn’t last long; even with the switchblade Logan carried on him at all times, he was hopelessly outmatched.
Before he knew it, he was lying on his side in the alley, each breath he took sending pain shooting across his ribs. The blood trickling from his freshly split lip tickled his chin, but he couldn’t muster up the energy to wipe it away. If he were perfectly honest, he’d be content to just lie down here in this nice, dark, cool alley and take a nap…
Yes, a nap sounded lovely right now. But before he could let his eyes close, he saw 3 blurry figures moving towards him. Perhaps that gang had come back for another bout of fun. He really shouldn’t have picked a fight with them, but there wasn’t much he could do about that now.
Logan suddenly decided that he didn’t much want to be conscious for the second round of beating, and he let his mind slip away into oblivion.
“Be gentle, Princey, we don’t know how bad his ribs are!”
“I know, Emo Knightmare, this isn’t the first time I’ve had to patch one of you dolts up after a fight, remember?”
“Guys, wait, I think he’s waking up. Logan? Kiddo, can you hear me?”
Logan groaned, cracking one eyelid open. He was lying flat on his back with something cold pressed against his left eye, which after a quick test, Logan determined to be swollen shut. For some reason, his shirt was off, and Roman and Virgil were leaning over his chest, their quiet bickering falling away as he stirred. A first aid kit was open at Virgil’s feet and Roman was holding a bundle of gauze in one hand.
“W-what…” he croaked, but Patton, who Logan realized was holding an ice pack up against his face for him, made a shushing sound.
“Take it easy, Logan don’t push yourself, okay?”
“You really took a pounding, man,” Virgil said in what most would assume was a nonchalant tone, but that Logan could hear the undercurrent of worry in. “This is typically where you say ‘you should see the other guy’ but, uh, I did. And I gotta say, I don’t think you won this one.”
“Astute observation,” Logan grunted, allowing Patton to push his head back against his pillow. “You really don’t need to bother with all that,” he added, looking to Roman and nodding at the gauze in his hand. “I have my own medical supplies at home, I would have been perfectly capable of patching myself up.”
The three punks stared at him like he’d grown a second head, and Logan blinked.
“What did I sa-”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Nutty Professor,” Roman interrupted. “We’d never leave one of our own to fend for themselves. What do you take us for, petty thugs?”
Logan fell silent again, and Patton adjusted the ice pack against his face, frowning down at him.
“Lo, honey? Are you okay?”
“Yes,” he said quickly, not wishing to cause Patton even more distress today. “I just simply…” he paused, uncharacteristically unsure of his words.
“You what, L?” Virgil asked, and Logan shifted, looking away from the three of them.
“I was not aware that you considered me one of your own, as you put it, Roman.”
“Oh, Lo honey…” Patton sounded absolutely heartbroken, and Logan got the feeling that he was the worst person on the planet for making Patton feel that way. “Of course you’re one of us…you’re part of our famILY!”
“Us freaks gotta stick together,” Virgil agreed, a small smile on his face. “Dealing with all of your problems alone isn’t very punk rock of you, you know.”
“I, that is, I-” Logan was not enjoying this new phenomenon of not being able to find his words around the others, and Roman chuckled.
“I gotta say, if I knew telling him to his face that he was wanted would be enough to make him speechless, I’d have done it ages ago.”
“Roman!” Patton chided, and Roman held up his hands.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding! But…seriously, Specs,” he added, his voice going soft. “You are wanted. And if you think you can go and get beat up by a bunch of homophobic assholes without us hovering over you while you get better? You’ve got another thing coming.”
Logan took a breath to speak but hissed in pain instead, one hand flying to his chest.
“Okay, enough chatter, this is gonna suck, but we need to figure out if any of your ribs are broken, got it L?” Virgil asked, and Logan nodded.
The three of them went back to their first aid efforts, and Logan let his head fall back against the pillow, distantly aware of Patton running fingers through his hair. As his eyes drifted closed again, he found that he actually wanted to believe what they were saying. The part of him that longed for companionship, the part he’d tried to repress for so long was rising to the front of his mind, but instead of pushing it away like normal, Logan let it surface and drink in their words. 
It was a dangerous thing, hope. But as he drifted off to sleep to the sound of Roman and Virgil resuming their quiet banter and Patton’s soft humming, he decided that for once, it was worth it.
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bssaz97 · 4 years
Are you the one who wrote Rowan traveling back in time to meet his parents? And if so, how would he react regarding questions about his relationships? Would anyone point out that the girls weren’t just being friendly?
A/N: Yes I am he, thank you for asking 😊
Rowan’s Trip To Beacon (Sorta...) Omakes #2
#1. Relationships
- Beacon Mess Hall -
Yang: “So Rowan, got any friends in your time?”
Rowan: “Friends? Oh yeah I have plenty of those.”
Blake: “Any you can give any details on?”
Rowan: “Mmmm. Yeah it shouldn’t hurt too bad. Well, regarding my closest friendship will probably beeeeee... (‘Crap what’s a quick name swap out I can give without blipping anyone from existence? Uhhhh...’) ...Elina. She’s a friend from Mistral.”
Nora: “Cool. Anything you can tell us about her?”
Rowan: “Sure, she’s a bit of a shy girl and doesn’t really like big crowds. Elina is like her dad in that regard, but her mom is very outgoing and full of energy who can’t pass up the opportunity to go on an adventure. Elina prefers to spend her free time reading manga or watching Mistrali anime, usually I watch it with her sometimes but she has really good taste. She’s rarely ever upset but lately... she’s been starting to lash out on her mom a lot. Mom said it maybe something to do with her growing up and to ignore it but I think it might be something else. We’ve known each other since we were little so I know that she wouldn’t act like that unless something was on her mind. I hope I could help somehow. Well, anyway the next friend that I have is.... Atlanta. She comes from a very influential family and she’s from Ma-Uh, Atlas! Yeah definitely Atlas. She’s incredibly smart and does great in everything she does: sports, dancing, music, although she’s not a particularly good singer though which is ironic because her mom apparently has a great singing voice. Speaking of which, out of all of us she’s the oldest and acts like a den mother to us. She’s kind, compassionate, and the best secret keeper if you wanted to tell her anything. It’s very hard to get on her bad side but when she does you definitely know you messed up. *laughs* Overall she’s a great person that always wants the best for others. Oh! But then there’s uh.... Chris. He’s a very determined guy, whatever he sets out to do he gets it done and it’s hard to change his mind. He’s also one of my oldest friends.... but lately, he hasn’t talked to any of us as of late. He had someone from his family that died a few years back that really affected him deeply. Chris used to be easy to talk to, pretty street smart and if you needed him to be around he’d be there for you, like the older brother I never had. We used to play soccer together whenever he or I can to visit and we’d stay out until dark. But now... he distances himself from his family and doesn’t talk to anyone much anymore. We’ve all tried contacting him and even tried visiting him to let him know that we still think about him but as you could probably tell that didn’t work either. He’s focused on being a huntsman too, and that seems to be all he could think about at the moment. I know his parents have been taking him to therapy sessions to help him through his grief, even then the only person he seems willing to talk is Atlanta but that’s usually because she doesn’t back down from his distancing.” I wish he would be willing to talk to us, talk to me, it’s been more than a year since I last spoke to him and I want to be there for him like he was there for us when we were younger. Be the brother that he never had either..........” *Rowan didn’t know or hadn’t noticed that a few teardrops starting to fall down his plate.*
Jaune: “Hey Rowan you ok there?” *placed his hand his shoulder*
Rowan: “Huh? Oh yeah, sorry got lost in the moment I guess.” *starts wiping his eyes*
Pyrrha: “That’s quite alright Rowan. It seems that you are close to your friends.”
Rowan: “Yeah they’re my best friends, even if we’re continents apart. It may not be ideal for some but we have a bond that’s strong enough to make it work. At least most of us.”
Ruby: “How about in your school, any friends you have there?”
Rowan: “I have a few.... I think.”
Weiss: “What does that mean?”
Rowan: “Weeeeeell...”
*Previous Story Referece*
#2. Clarity
- Beacon Mess Hall -
Rowan: “So after that, they stayed over for a bit but then they left after the sun went down. Although the weirdest thing happened the next day. Whenever I went to go talk with either of them they sorta just ignored me or said they were busy with something. Do you think it was something I said?” *he turns to the group*
RWBYJNPR: “.......”
Yang: “Oh my gods...” *hands covering her face*
Weiss: “I had my doubts before, but now I know for a fact that you two dolts are the father and mother of this child.” *looks at both Ruby and Jaune while pointing at Rowan*
Ruby/Jaune: “Huh?”
Jaune: “Why’s this our fault?”
Ruby: “Yeah I don’t see what’s wrong with this picture. He said no so what’s the big deal?”
Ren: “I think what Weiss is trying to say that while Rowan may have addressed the situation to his friends, its the way he did it was questionable and may have hurt their feelings.”
Rowan: “Hurt their feelings? How did I do that?” *very confused and concerned*
Blake: “....Is he serious? He can’t be serious can he?” *very confused*
Rowan: “What? What’d I do? Guys if it’s something I said please tell me me because I’m drawing a blank here!”
Yang: “Dude those girls, the ones that came home with you and wanted to ‘hang out’ were totally into you! And what you said about not being into dating probably hurt their feelings.”
Rowan: “Wait Jill and Holly... they wanted to date me?”
Rowan: “...Ohhhh. Oh. OH! Oh...” *he laid his head down in shame onto the table they were sitting in*
Jaune: “.....I still don’t get it.”
- Fin -
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darksaiyangoku · 5 years
RWBY: Finale
Jaune and Ruby are both exhausted, dropping to their knees. It was over. With the combined efforts of both their teams, they finally defeated Salem.
Jaune: Ruby.
Ruby: Yeah?
Jaune: We did it. It’s finally over.
Ruby: *smiling* Yeah.
Weiss: *coughing* So what happens now?
Ren: We rebuild. We rebuild our lives from this day onward.
Blake: No more Grimm to terrorise the innocent.
Sun: Not gonna lie, that does sound kinda boring.
Yang: Yeah, but after all the shit we went through, I think we all deserve some peace. I know I need a break from adventuring.
Sun: *smirking* Knowing you, that’d probably last 5 minutes.
Nora: *panting* Man, I’m exhausted. I dunno about you guys, but I could go for a long sleep.
Yang: I hear that!
Blake: Ditto.
Ren: That doesn’t sound too bad.
Jaune: Hell yeah.
Weiss: You read my mind.
Ruby: Oh my god, sleep!
Ozcar: Yes. I believe a rest is well earned.
The team returned to Vale. While most of the city was in ruins, many innocents had survived the calamity. Ozcar located an abandoned building and set camp for the night.
Ozcar: It’s not much, but we’ll have to make do.
The team agreed and pulled out their sleeping bags, all drifting off as soon as they hit floor. Ruby looked at Jaune and smiled. She placed her hand on his before she too closed her eyes.
2 months have passed since that fateful day, and what Ren said came to pass. Everyone was rebuilding, in some cases literally. Vale still had a long way to go, but it looked more alive than ever before. At the local pub, Team RWBY, ORNJ, Sun, Taiyang, Qrow and Raven all gathered round, raising a glass for their victory.
Ruby: To saving the world!
WBYJNRSOQTR: To saving the world!
They all necked their drinks back and Ruby happily looked at all her friends and family. Peace was finally achieved and her loved ones were all here, safe and sound. Everyone was now moving forward with their lives. Weiss became the new head of the Schnee Dust Company, Yang decided to take a teaching position alongside Ren, Nora and Jaune. Blake and Sun got engaged and became the new leaders of the newly restored White Fang, returning it to the peaceful organisation it once was. Ruby herself became a Huntress for Hire, travelling around Vale to fight any remanants of Salem’s Cult.
She took a quick glance at Jaune and blushed. It was a long time since they both confessed their feelings to each other, but they never moved forward with it. Even after Salem’s defeat, they would either just stare into each other’s eyes or just make small talk. Ruby’s smile faded and she began to leave her chair. Jaune saw this and his smile faded too. He was about to leave his chair but stopped himself.
Yang: You okay there, Ladykiller?
Jaune: *turning around* Yang? O-Oh yeah. I’m fine. Just a little-
Yang: How long are you two gonna do this?
Jaune: *blushing* D-Do what?
Yang: Avoid each other. It’s clear that you want to be with her, hell you even told her you loved her. So why don’t you seal the deal?
Jaune: *sighing* I don’t know. I really want to, but I can’t help but feel like I’d be hurting you in the process.
Yang: *putting her hand on his shoulder* Jaune, the time we had together was amazing and I’ll cherish it forever. I’ll always love you, but you and Ruby deserve to be happy. That would truly mean the world to me.
Jaune: Really?
Yang: Really. *kisses his cheek* Now stop moping and go to her.
Jaune doesn’t hesitate and leaves her side. A proud smile appears on Yang’s face as she sees him stop Ruby from leaving.
Jaune: *places hand on Ruby’s shoulder* Ruby!
Ruby: *turns around* Jaune?
Jaune smiles at her and she smiles back.
Ruby: What is it?
Without hesitation, Jaune cups his hands on her cheeks and pulls her in for a deep kiss. Ruby’s blinks in shock before closing her eyes and returning the kiss, wrapping her arms around Jaune’s neck. Soon they pulled apart for some much needed air.
Ruby: *blushing* You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that.
Jaune: *blushing* Sorry I kept you waiting.
Ruby: *giggling* It’s ok. It was worth it.
Both of them kissed each other again, only to break apart when they heard their friends reactions.
Weiss: *spitting her drink* They’re kissing!
Nora: Finally!
Yang: *grins*
Ren: *also grins while giving them a thumbs up*
Sun: Man, you guys took forever!
Blake: Ugh, it was a such a headache watching you two!
Qrow: *nods approvingly* Just like you and Summer, huh Tai?
Taiyang: *tearing up* My little girl’s growing up!
Raven: Oh for God’s sake, pull yourself together!
Ruby: *face going completely red* Ummm. *pulls her good over her face*
Jaune: Wait, you all knew?
Blake: Of course we knew! You two could not be any more obvious!
Ozcar: Tell me about it! *sees that everyone is staring at him* What?
Weiss: Even you knew about these dolts?
Ozcar: *sighs* Miss Schnee, I’ve been alive for thousands of years, you don’t think I’ve seen countless situations similar to Mr Arc and Miss Rose?
Weiss: *shrugs* Fair enough.
Nora: So when’s the wedding?
Jaune/Ruby: *going red* NORA!
Nora: Don’t “Nora” me, Fearless Leader. We’ve waited a long time for two to be together-together. We’re not waiting that long for the wedding.
Jaune: *getting increasingly flustered* I haven’t even proposed to her!
Sun: Well, get right to it! Also, dibs on being the best man!
Blake: Sun!
Sun: What? I know Neptune’s not gonna get married, this may be my only chance.
Ren: Sorry, but as a member of Jaune’s team, the honour of best man falls to me.
Sun: There’s no rule that says that!
Ren: *hands him a napkin with the words “Ren is the best man” written on it* There is now.
Sun: *deadpans* This is just a napkin with ketchup.
Ren: Which says that I am the best man.
Sun: *groans* Fine! But I’m organising his bachelor party.
Blake: *glares at him* You better not be going to any Strip Clubs.
Sun: Uhhh........ no?
Blake: *continues to glare*
Yang: I call being maid of honour!
Weiss: Wait, why do you get to be maid of honour?
Yang: Because I’m her sister. Duh!
Weiss: *sighs* Fine, but I’m planning the wedding!
Yang: *rolling her eyes* Of course you are.
Taiyang: I can’t believe my daughter’s getting married!
Qrow: Dude, all they did was kiss!
Raven: *groans* I really should’ve stayed with the tribe.
Jaune: *turns to Ruby* You okay there, Rubes?
Ruby: *fidgeting* Yeah, it’s just....... everything’s moving a little fast. They’re already planning a wedding!
Jaune: Eh, don’t worry about them. They’ll cool off eventually. Just focus on me.
Ruby: *smiling widely* So..... now that we’re together-together, what do you want to do?
Jaune: *smirking* I can think of a few things.
Ruby: *leaning in* Oh? Like what?
Jaune: *also leaning in* Kissing you until the sun sets.
Ruby: *closing her eyes* Ready when you are, Vomit Boy.
Jaune: *closing his eyes* Always, Crater Face.
Ruby and Jaune closed the gap, embracing each other for a long, passionate kiss. No more waiting, yearning or delays. It was just them, a reaper and a knight. Finally together.
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theavengerfairy · 4 years
One Step Closer - Prologue
Previously known as “Gravity”
Before we start the story, I just wanted to give you, my readers, a couple disclaimers. First and foremost, this fanfiction and pairing is NOT AN ATTACK ON RUTHARI OR ANY OTHER RUNAAN SHIPS! Second, this story takes place in a parallel but alternate timeline where Runaan isn’t married or in any prior relationships and his sexuality is open to the interpretation of each individual reader. Please think before you comment and just be kind to one another, myself included. Next, there is an original species of Ocean elf in this story as opposed to a Tidebound elf character because I started this story and created the particular character long before the name of the Tidebound elves was released. Lastly, the time frame for this story is between seasons 2 and 3. That is all; now please enjoy the story.
Opeli just had to pick him. Given the nosedive that his luck had been taking as of late, Marcos shouldn't have been surprised when the aforementioned advisor of Katolis' High Council chose him out of all the other competent souls in the Royal Guard to go seize from Viren's former study any magical objects that could prove potential dangerous to the kingdom, a category to which the mage's entire collection more or less belonged to, and dispose of them, but as the soldier drove along the bumpy, winding trail through the woods that enclosed the castle, his internal organs continued to twist themselves into a knot so complex it would have baffled even the most proficient pretzel chefs in all of Katolis.
"You need to relax, Marcos." he tried to reassure himself as he gripped the reigns of the two slow but stocky Clydesdale mares pulling his cart so tightly that his knuckles were turning the color of alabaster, the tightness in his chest leaving him feeling somewhat winded since he couldn't draw in a deep, solid breath of crisp air. "Viren is locked up tight in the dungeon, and without him, none of these items can hurt you....probably."
Glancing back at the bed of the wagon behind him, he half expected to find that one of Viren's trinkets had managed to wiggle its way out from underneath the large tarp that he had secured over his load and snuck up behind him, ready to pounce, but he found nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe he was just being paranoid. Maybe this was just going to be another ordinary assignment where nothing went wrong.
Then the horses gave a frightened shriek, and Marcos' voice along with two others screeched out an equally shrill reply as the guard yanked sharply on the reins, bringing the cart to so abrupt of a stop that he nearly went tumbling from his seat onto the two mares' backs.
"Benny! Jaime!"
Once he had managed to settle down the startled horses with a few gentle pats and soft shushes, Marcos shifted his attention in the direction from which the other voices had come only for his heart to drop like a stone in his stomach when he saw two identical little boys sprawled in the dirt in front of him, their caramel-colored eyes brimming with tears behind their slightly long, unkempt hair as one caressed his left shoulder and the other clutched his right arm tightly to his chest. Hearing the rapid thumping of running feet and heavy panting, the soldier's hand instinctively flew to grasp hold of the hilt of his sheathed sword only to fall back his side when a slightly older youth, likely the two boys' brother given his similar hair color and skin tone, broke out of the brush and dropped into a slide, throwing his arms around the two kids as soon as they were within reach.
"This is why I told you two not to play near the road! You need to be more careful!" he scolded them, his voice reprimanding but gentle as he drew the twins to him.
"W-We're sorry, Luka!" they blubbered in reply, clinging to him tightly as he helped them to their feet.
"Don't be upset with them. I should've been watching where I was going." Marcos exclaimed as he leaped down onto the forest floor and made his way towards the huddle of siblings only to stop when the older boy, Luka, shot him a warning glare. "They're not hurt, are they?"
"They're just a little bruised, lucky for you!" Luka snapped sourly as he positioned himself protectively in front of his brothers, his leery eyes flitting back and forth between Marcos and the two horses, who had begun to munch innocently on some tufts of grass that had shot up in the middle of the road. "You should keep those beasts under better control before they actually harm someone!"
Marcos blinked slowly once, twice, three times before quickly throwing his fist over his mouth to try and suppress the surprised chuckle, causing Luka's scowl to deepen.
"You think this is funny?! You royal guards really are just a bunch of insensitive, pompous boneheads, aren't you?!"
"No, no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. It's just that Momo and Bae-Bae here are the most docile horses out of the entire royal stable; they wouldn't hurt a fly. Your brothers just startled them is all." Marcos hurriedly apologized. Noticing the skepticism still painted on Luka's face along with the fear radiating off of Benny and Jaime, who peered at him nervously from behind their brother, he removed one of his armored gloves and stooped down along the side of the road, plucking a handful of the dandelions growing there, "Here, I'll show you."
Though still somewhat scared, Jaime and Benny leaned out a little bit farther from their hiding spot and watched with interest as Marcos held the flowers out to the two mares. Lured by the sweet aroma, the two horses raised their heads and tenderly nibbled on the treat until there was nothing left, followed by gently licked the soldier's open palm to make sure they got every trace of the taste.
"See? Nothing to be afraid of."
"Uh huh. Whatever you say. Come on you two, we better get home." Luka griped rather loudly as he grabbed his brothers' hands and started pulling them in the direction from which he had come.
Marcos' brow creased with concern. "Are you sure you boys are okay? Why don't you let me escort you home? It's not safe for a bunch of kids to be wandering alone in the woods."
"We're fine. Besides, I'm sure whatever royal mission you're on is much more important than us." Luka crowed back before disappearing into the foliage with his brothers, the leaves and branches concealing them so well that the only evidence left of their presence was a steadily fading rustle as they left Marcos alone without another word.
"O-Okay! Just be careful!" he called after them, though he figured the effort was likely futile. Heaving a heavy sigh, he started to climb back into the driver's seat of the wagon only to halt when a potent uneasiness washed over him. Biting the inside of his cheek, he swiveled his head to look scrutinizingly back at his cartload of magical knickknacks, but once again nothing appeared to be out of place.
"You're being paranoid again, Marcos! You'll never make a good guard if you don't stop being such a scaredy cat!" his conscience squawked irritably, its voice sounding oddly similar to that of his disapproving Aunt Cadence who had always insisted on him becoming a healer like his uncle. The likeness made him shudder and he hastily spurred the two mares forward before his mind had any more reason to scold him, ignoring as best to could the nagging dread that continued to construct a bird's nest for itself out of his stomach and intestines.
Luka's eyes did not leave Marcos until he and his cart were no more than a speck in the distance, and as he dropped down from his hiding spot in the large oak tree that overlooked the road, his lips twisted into a wicked sneer.
"All clear!" he shouted.
Immediately, Benny and Jaime darted out of the bush at the base of the tree and scrambled to their brother's side, eyes gleaming with excitement as each boy nudged the another aside so that he was the center of Luka's attention.
"How did we do, big brother? Huh, huh? Were we good?" Benny chattered eagerly, his words all tumbling together into one giant, incoherent heap as they flew from his lips at inhuman speeds.
"Well, the two of you smearing your snot on my shirt wasn't really necessary, but other than that, you devils weren't bad." Luka clucked smugly, lovingly ruffling the boys' hair before resting his hands on his hips and leisurely throwing back his head. "What a dolt! That was almost too easy!"
"Too easy?! If it was so easy, you should've been able to keep him occupied for longer!"
Luka's smirk wavered slightly as his eyes flitted over to the raven-haired girl emerging from another one of the nearby bushes, meticulously plucking twigs and brambles out of her two stubby braids and brushing the dirt off of her skinned knees and elbows, but but it soon returned when he caught a glimpse of the sack dragging in the dirt behind her.
"Maybe you should've just worked faster, Lennie." he taunted her in the way all brothers do, snatching the bag out of her hand and surveying what was inside. "Still, it looks like you managed to scrounge together a decent haul....."
His voice trailed off as he stared into the sack, disbelief and disgust distorting his imp-like face to such a degree that the twins' couldn't help but grow curious and try to catch a glimpse of their sister's gains as well.
"What the heck is this? What garbage did you grab, Lennie?" Luka sputtered, his lips puckering and nose wrinkling as though the articles in the bag were actually emitting so horrid order that only he could smell.
"It was all garbage, Luka; that guy had nothing on him but junk! You picked a dud target!" Lennie trilled defensively.
"Okay, maybe I did, but you're the one who still snitched some of this rubbish!"
"Well we can't exactly go home empty handed! I grabbed whatever I thought looked restorable!"
"Restorable? We're thieves, not artisans, Lennie! These scraps are useless to us!"
Benny shot Jaime a perplexed look, "What's an artisan?"
Jaime shrugged his shoulders, "Beats me. Hey Luka, can Benny and I at least look and see if Lennie grabbed anything that we might want to use for our fort?"
"Psh, knock yourselves out. Go ahead and pitch whatever is left over, but don't throw away the sack this time, alright?" Luka grumbled before tossing the stolen scraps at the twins' feet and resuming his argument with his sister.
Benny and Jaime pounced on the bag faster than a pair of famished dogs, nearly ripping in two in their haste to flip it over and empty its contents onto the ground. To anyone who did not know their magical value, most of these items did indeed appear to be no more than worthless trinkets, but two innovative, imaginative mind of a child, even a bag of trash can prove to be a treasure trove.
"Jaime, look at this! It looks like a finger!"
"Why would there be a finger in a jar?"
"Because it's cool!"
"Hey, this looks like one of those rune stones from the book we snitched from the old librarian!"
"No way! That's totally fake!"
"Well so is your finger!"
"Is not! Hey, look at this-"
And so the boys continued to examine and sort each object as Luka and Lennie bickered, completely oblivious to their younger siblings' enterprises as they hurled petty jabs and insults at each other much like kids themselves, and aside from the occasional squabble over an item's identity or sorting, little trouble arose between the twins until they both grabbed hold of the last item, a small purse made of stormy gray cloth.
"Hey, hands off! I touched it first!"
"No way! You got to hold the last one!"
Clenching their tiny jaws in determination, the brothers pulled on their side of the purse, straining against one another till the bag finally tore in half and a flash of gold caught their eyes.
"Benny, Lennie actually got money!"
"Shh! Don't shout it!"
Glancing back at the two older children to ensure that they hadn't heard Jaime's outburst, Benny hurriedly began stuffing the handful of coins into the pockets of his pants, much to the astonishment of his lookalike.
"What are you doing?"
"Lennie and Luka always get all the credit even though we do all the hard work, but if we give these coins to Papa..."
Jaime's eyes brightened when he caught his brother's implication and his plump, youthful lips curved into a broad smile. "Let me hold onto some! Let me hold onto some!"
"Alright! Alright! Keep your voice down!"
After checking again to ensure that Lennie and Luka were still fully engaged in their spat, Benny quickly handed Jaime two of the four coins in his pocket only for the latter to suddenly scream and drop one of them, startling his brother in the process and thus rousing a squeal from him as well. Ironically, it was this unified exclamation that finally earned the attention of the other siblings.
"What the heck are you two squawking about?! Are you trying to get somebody's attention?!" Luka barked.
"S-Something moved!"
"What?! Where?!"
"O-On the coin!"
"Coin? You guys found coins?!"
"What were you saying about my haul being nothing but garbage?" Lennie quipped smugly before strutting over to the twins and plucking the discard coin off of the ground, "You probably just saw your reflection, you big baby-"
Her words were cut off by a surprised gasp as she too dropped the coin, though she hastily snatched it up again before it could hit the forest floor. Bringing it close to face, she stared at the glistening surface in disbelief, unable to believe her eyes.
"Oi, could you all stop screaming?! I'm starting to go deaf here!" Luka lamented, but his remark flew right over Lennie's head.
"...Luka, you know anything about coins with moving pictures on 'em?"
Brow furrowing skeptically, Luka strolled up alongside his sister and leaned over her shoulder, but all suspicion left him when he saw firsthand the blinking eyes, silently babbling lips, and flailing fists of what appeared to be an elf rippling along the surface of the coin.
"...I've never seen anything like this in my life...." he drawled, his jaw agape with disbelief. However, after a moment, a mischievous glint ignited in his eyes. "I bet Pops hasn't either! He's gonna love this!"
Lennie barely had time to comprehend what was happening before Luka suddenly ripped the coin from her hands and took off in a sprint, leaving her frozen in a state of shock until her mind finally caught up and she darted after him with an angry screech.
"Luka, come back here! That was my find! I'm giving it to Papa!"
In the blink of an eye, they both were gone, and Benny and Jaime simply stared at one another in silence for a moment as they too tried to process all that had happened. Lifting up his right hand, which still held the other coin, Jaime slowly opened his fist and stared down at the golden piece.
"Does that one have-"
"Uh huh. Do yours?"
Checking his pockets, Benny nodded mutely, and slowly, the two boys started to smile.
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The Latest Scheme
Secret Valentine’s Day Gift for @prettyboysugden
Happy Valentine’s Day Lucy!
The Latest Scheme
Aaron was very frustrated. He had spent most of the afternoon trying to pick a car apart when he realized that there were actually working parts in good condition still on the car. He then had to be careful stripping the car and that had taken longer than usual and he still had another car to strip. He needed to finish this today as the pick-up for them was tomorrow. Adam had scoffed off earlier under the pretense of “needing some time to work on his relationship with Vic” which was mostly him grovelling to Victoria for his latest misstep.
He was hunched under the hood as he heard footsteps on the gravel leading up to the scrapyard. At this time and the way the person was walking, it could only be one person. Well that was it for the cars. They couldn’t be finished by tomorrow and Adam was going to have to take them himself the day after and moan about it. He knew whatever he was here for at this time, it would not end well for Aaron.
He braced himself as he continued to work. At least he could pretend to resist the newest scheme for a bit longer. Who knew if he played his cards right he might even get him to help with the cars!
“I bought you coffee and a scone. Wanted to bring you cake, but there was only one slice left and I wanted that so you have to do with the scone I’m afraid.” Robert said.
Oh this was bad. Aaron definitely needed a lawyer for this if he was being offered coffee and scone for free on a Wednesday afternoon.
“No. I’m not doing it. Whatever it is this time. I am not breaking into you ex-fiancé’s home to steal her dad’s old dirty love letters or breaking into the safe to get his will, and I am definitely not impersonating a millionaire to steal his clients. I am done with your schemes to take over Home Farm. At this rate I will either end up back in prison or killed by that nut-job Lachlan!” his voice raised as he turned to Robert. By the end he was shrieking.  
“Calm down, will ya? I am not asking you anything you paranoid freak! Can’t I just bring my best mate in the whole wide world a coffee and a pastry?” Robert said teasingly with a smirk that Aaron knew meant death and destruction was on the way. He knew his friend well.
He took the coffee and the scone from Robert suspiciously. They both leaned against the half striped car. The truth was that his friendship with Robert had taken him by surprise. Almost one year ago, the two of them had found their ways separately back to Emmerdale. A series of bad decisions and even worst consequences had resulted in their first “meeting”.
Aaron shouldn’t have been surprised on how often they got into schemes together. Criminal activity and misdemeanor was the foundation of their friendship. What was surprising that after accepting a coffee from Robert and a drink on a night out, they had hit it off immediately. Their bickering and Aaron’s temporary absence of “best friend” had resulted in them becoming fast friends. It was a mutually satisfying friendship.
Aaron had convinced Robert to tell Chrissie the truth about his feelings or lack thereof for her and break off the engagement after Lawrence threatened him yet again. Robert however, had taken his advice and blackmailed Lawrence; he would break if off with her, if Lawrence had made him a shareholder in the business. Obviously Lawrence had refused. This was how Robert had come up with the brilliant idea to steal old photographs and love letters of previous lovers that proved Chrissie might not be Lawrence’s biological daughter. Obviously he couldn’t get his own hands dirty and who did he know who could do it? Aaron obviously. That is how Robert ended up a silent partner in Lawrence’s business, the main investor in Holy Scrap (as a thank you to Aaron for his hard work), Diddy Diner (because he was capable of caring for his family, thank you very much), and as of last month, an equal partner in Home James Haulage.
Robert’s interest in Home Farm was no longer necessary but as he was a grade “A” control freak and couldn’t let anything go if he could make more money out of it, he sometime still screwed with Lawrence. Aaron thought it was out of boredom mainly.
Now the reason Aaron was involved, or at least how he justified it in his own mind, was that he was a great friend. Case in point, Adam and how many times he had saved him. Aaron was ride or die for all his friends. That is what Aaron told himself and Chas and Paddy whenever they questioned his friendship with Robert. The truth though, was a bit different.
Aaron was totally in love with Robert. If he was honest with himself, he was insanely attracted to him from the first time he saw him and if Robert would show any indication that he might be interested, Aaron would confess his feelings on the spot. However, he knew Robert was straight. Aaron put it down as another case of unrequited love for best friend. God knows he already had the experience with Adam when they were kids, and as that experience had taught him, he would soon get over his feelings for him and instead become amazing friends. If he could only stop staring at Robert’s lips as he was sipping his Americano, then he would be fine. God those lips were just begging to be kissed.
“So, there is something I need to tell you.” Robert said in a very suspiciously casual manner.
“I knew it! You want me to do something stupid. Why can’t you just enjoy what you have right now and don’t do anything stupid to ruin it?”
“Well because, Azza, I am not someone who can do that and anyway, you wouldn’t like me if I was!”
“Who says I like you?”
“Well you’re still here. And might I add that in all of our shared endeavors, I didn’t really have to persuade you. You could have said no anytime. You are just as bad as me!” Robert said with his signature smug face. God, Aaron could just slap him. Or kiss him. Whichever that would wipe that smugness off his face.
“So go on. What is the price for this coffee that I have to pay? Are we breaking into a bank? Or perhaps organizing a hit?” Aaron said as he continued to sip his coffee.
“Don’t be so dramatic, you dolt! It’s nothing illegal. And certainly nothing that would get us in trouble. So you know that Chrissie has a sister, right?”
Aaron nodded. He knew that when they discovered that Chrissie was not Lawrence’s biological daughter, Lawrence had done anything to keep that information away from his daughters, especially Rebecca, as he was certain that would cause a rift between his daughters.
“Yeah. So?” Said Aaron.
“Well, what you don’t know is that before I got engaged to Chrissie, Rebecca and I used to fool around. It got more serious with Chrissie so I ended it with Rebecca. She didn’t have access to Lawrence as Chrissie did. She stayed away after that until she heard me and Chrissie are done. Now she is coming back. And the thing is that she never really got over me.” Robert said as if he was proud of the fact that someone had difficulty getting over him. Aaron could sympathize.
“So what? You want to blackmail Lawrence some more now? Give me money or I’ll tell your daughter sort of thing?” Aaron said grumpily. He knew Robert had flaws. He would even concede that Robert wasn’t going to win the best person award, but sometimes he wished he had a little bit if decency and not think of money and power all the time. It made Aaron more conflicted inside. He was best fiends (and maybe, sort of, kind of, a little bit, in love) with someone who didn’t bat an eye at blackmailing and emotional manipulation. Well, C’est la vie.
“No you idiot. I’m done with them. It’s actually the opposite of that. See Rebecca texted me a few days ago to let me know she was coming and I quote “so we could finally be together properly” and I don’t want that life anymore. So what I need is something else.” Robert said. Strange thing was he kept his eyes down. It was the first time that Aaron had seen him like this. It was as if like he was almost shy about what he was about to ask.
“Spit it out then!” Aaron said impatiently.
Robert took a deep breath and blurted “willyoubemyfakeboyfrienduntilshegoesaway?”
“You what?”
“Will you be my fake boyfriend until she goes away?” Robert repeated slower this time.
Aaron was gobsmacked. On one hand that was the most outrageous request he had ever heard and he just wanted to laugh out loud. On the other hand, this was the plot of one of his many fantasies which normally ended with him under Robert. He didn’t know to laugh or to cry. His lack of response must have alerted Robert.
“Look you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. It was just an idea. If she thinks that she has a chance with me, she will make my life hell until I give in and play her game which is basically torturing her sister and I don’t want to be dragged into another sibling drama.” Robert said.
Aaron composed himself enough to ask “but you are okay with everyone assuming you are gay?”
“Well, bisexual actually. And this way I can finally come out to my family as well. Killing two birds with one stone and all.”
“I’m sorry; did you just come out to me?” Aaron asked. He was completely confused. Did that mean he had a chance with Robert? Did it mean that Robert was available to him? But wait a minute, if he was, then did it mean that Robert didn’t like Aaron that way as he hadn’t come on to him. Robert wasn’t shy. If he liked someone he would just tell them. So that meant that he didn’t fancy Aaron. Universe had a cruel sense of humor when it came to Aaron.
“To be honest I thought you knew. Well at least we know you have a rubbish gaydar!” Robert had the audacity to say!
“So what? You thought a little romance with the local gay will get the woman to back off? And why does it have to be me? I mean Finn would be a more believable option for you. I mean he is prettier and he hangs on every word you say. So why not ask him?”
“Well Finn isn’t really my type!”
“And what, I am?” Aaron was hysteric now.
“Well yeah! I mean have you seen you?? You are fit and hot and very very sexy without even realizing it! I mean every time we walk into a bar, I am surprised that men don’t just pounce on you!” Robert said with an animated voice. Aaron was speechless. Did Robert just say he was sexy?
“Look forget it. It was a stupid idea. You clearly aren’t comfortable with it. Just forget about it.” Robert said while avoiding looking at Aaron.
“So are we on tonight to watch the game? Is Adam coming as well? I can make some snacks if you wanted to come earlier” Robert changed the subject.
Aaron cleared his throat. He couldn’t believe what just had happened. Robert seemed to be embarrassed by his accidental confession and clearly didn’t want to talk about it. Aaron suddenly felt shy as well. He never was good at taking compliments. And he didn’t know if Robert was complimenting him or coming on to him. He decided to play along with Robert’s deflection.
“Yeah, yeah. Adam said he would bring the beer. I can bring some crisps if you want. Say 5 ish?”
“No need. I will be making fish and chips. Just come by 5 and we’ll be all set.”
After a few awkward moments of silence, Robert chugged down the rest of his coffee, nodded his head and left the scrapyard.
Aaron could not move. He was sure that drool was falling down his face as he was unable to close his mouth. He was having an out of body experience. There was no way that Robert bleeding Sugden was attracted to him.
But it seemed that he was. He actually came out to Aaron and admitted that he found him attractive at the same time. It was as if someone had figured out all of Aaron’s deepest desires and had made them come true. So did that mean that he wanted to be Aaron? Surely he would have said something if he did. Instead, he had changed the subject and left. Perhaps Robert wasn’t ready and Aaron could respect that. He would follow Robert’s lead and act as if nothing had happened.
He would definitely do that as soon has his heart stopped hammering in his chest! He needed some time to calm down first!
Tonight was a game night. It had become a semi-usual event that Aaron and Adam would go to Robert’s place a couple of times a week for watching football and playing games or watching films on Robert’s giant TV. If Andy and Robert were on speaking terms that week, he would sometimes join them.
For some reason, Aaron put extra effort into getting ready. He then felt foolish for taking extra time because it was just their usual football night. Nothing more.
He finally decided on his usual black jeans and black hoody. But in the off chance that the universe wasn’t fucking with him, he put on his green sweater under the hoody. He felt ridiculous. There was no way that Robert wanted him.
A few hours later, he was completely convinced Robert wanted him.
It all started as soon as he got there with Adam. From the first moment, there was a charged feeling between them. It got so bad that even clueless Adam knew was something out of ordinary. Aaron was extra aware of Robert and he was trying so hard to not to be obvious that it was painful. During the game, Adam kept looking between them suspiciously. When Robert went to the kitchen to grab more beers, Adam finally snapped.
“Hey, what’s the matter with you two? Have you had fight or something?”
“What? No! Of course not!”
“Then what’s with the weird looks?”
“There are no weird looks! Shut up Adam!”
But when Robert came back Aaron turned red and turned away to look at the telly.
After the game, Adam was tired of both of them acting so strange, when Robert had gone to the loo, he ditched Aaron.
Robert came down the stairs a few minutes later. He froze on the doorway when he realized it was just him and Aaron.
“Where’s Adam?” he asked.
“Oh he just left.” Aaron was trying to sound casual.
Robert nodded his head and came to sit on the other side of the couch that Aaron was sitting.
“Another beer?” he offered.
“Nah you’re alright. I have to work early tomorrow and I don’t wanna be hungover.”
“So… fancy a movie? Or we could play some Fifa if you wanted?”
“What I want is you.” Aaron heard himself say. Fuuuuuuuuuck. Did he just say that out loud?! Judging by the way that Robert’s eyes widened and his face went red, it was safe to assume that yes, Aaron had said that out loud.
“I mean …. Not that… I mean I want to …. Look, just uhm…. Could you forget I said that?” Aaron spluttered. He was an idiot.
“uhm… how… why… really?” Robert said in reply. He didn’t seem repulsed by the idea. Aaron decided to take a chance. He had already ruined everything. What was a little love confession between friends?
“Yeah. I mean I do fancy ya. I mean more than fancy… like sort of kinda inloveish … yeah?” Aaron was hoping for a lighting strike or a giant hole in ground to swallow him so he could escape this utter humiliation.
Robert was silent for several excruciating moments. Enough to trigger Aaron’s fight and flight response. And since this was Robert, Aaron chose flight.
“So I guess I will be going. No need to you know say anything. And I guess I will see you around. Or not if you know, you don’t. So uhm. Yeah. Sorry. And thanks for you know. Yeah. Sorry.” Aaron said as he was pulling on his hoody and retreating to the front door. As he was about to open the door a pair of strong arms caught his arm and shoulder and turned him around.
Before he could say anything, Robert pressed him against the wall by the end of the stairs. His face was inches away from Aaron’s and he was directly looking at his eyes. Aaron held his breath. This was the look that had made him fall in love with him in the first place. The green eyes with such intensity, directing all of his attention towards Aaron. The heavy breathing and his parted lips was setting Aaron’s body on fire.
Robert finally broke the spell and looked at Aaron’s mouth.
“How do you know that you love me?”
It took all of Aaron’s strength to form a response.
“Because you are all I think about and every time I see you, it feels as if my heart wants to jump out of my chest.” Aaron said, without skipping a beat, looking directly at Robert’s eyes. The time for shyness and hiding was over. He had laid his heart to Robert. It was up to him to either take it or break it.
Robert was blushing which made his freckles more noticeable Aaron wanted to kiss all of them.
Robert took a step back. His face was unreadable. He had finally made a decision. He reached out with his hands and took Aaron’s hands in his. He brought one to his lips and kissed the back of his hand. He then looked at Aaron and smiled.
“You know?”
“I know.”
There was no more words needed. Robert didn’t let go of his hands as he took him upstairs. Aaron didn’t think he would ever stop smiling.
Later as Robert’s head was cradled between Aaron’s neck and shoulder and they were catching their breath, Aaron remembered something from earlier.
“So does that mean when you tell the Whites that you have a boyfriend, then it won’t be a scam anymore?” Aaron said as he was playing with Robert’s fingers.
“Is that your way of asking if I want to call us boyfriends?” Robert said while smiling into Aaron’s shoulder.
“Hmmm, well I have a small confession to make. When Rebecca called before, I already told her I wasn’t interested and I was seeing someone else.” Robert said.
“Hang on a minute, so this morning, what was that? You trying to get in my pants by using a scam as an excuse?”
Robert lifted his head and looked at Aaron apologetically.
“Well, I wanted to ask you out but I didn’t know how to do it. I’m sorry.” He seemed genuinely upset.
Aaron looked at him with a frown for a second before deciding to put him out of his misery. He then cracked a mischievous smile which prompted Robert to bite his chin.
“Ow! Stop it you muppet!” Aaron pretended he was hurt. Robert bent his head and kissed him where he had bitten him. He then turned to Aaron’s lips and they were both busy to think about anything else for a while.
“So what’s the latest scheme then, if not blackmailing the Whites?” Aaron said the next morning as he was drinking the coffee that Robert had just made. Robert turned around from the stove as he was making their breakfast. He was only in a t-shirt and underwear. He looked good enough to eat!
“Well, to be honest I am sort of bored with the Whites. But the other day I heard something particularly interesting that I think it would be an amazing thing to do with my brand new boyfriend.” He responded with a glint in his eyes. Aaron knew instantly that this was going to be one of those schemes that would either get them arrested or in feud with the locals. God he loved this man!
“Alright, let’s hear what am I going to go to prison for this time.” He already knew he would do it no matter what.
“Hey I resent the implication that I would risk my boyfriend getting caught.” Robert protested.
“Soft lad. Go on, let’s hear it.”
“How do you feel about puppies? Specifically how do you feel about messing with a couple of puppy breeders and potentially having to take over a breeding operation?”
Yup, he was in trouble alright.
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undeadwicchan · 5 years
Rewatching RWBY: Volume 2, Episodes 1-4 [Live Blog]
The Volume of Bees, Arkos, and just ships ahoy!
[Episode 1]
Everything looks so much better already, the quality definitely increased.
Oh hey it’s JJ. as Mercury! It’s definitely been awhile since I heard his Mercury. He deserved better from RT tbh.
So long shadow people, we hardly knew ye…..
The amount of tension… oof … my back is getting the chills….
So in code of conduct. You attempt to or leave the White Fang, you get killed….. White Fang those are some cold rules to follow by….
Speaking of the White Fang… It seems there’s signs of lingering feelings from Blake towards Adam… based off the fact she drew a picture of Adam and a rose….
Ah it’s good to see everyone again. ;w;
I’m going to miss these moments with them.
God damn it Barb.
Hello Neptune!!
Sun gushing about his new crush is adorable af omg. “The best part is, she’s a faunus” I take it he doesn’t really like humans with the exception of Team RWBY and his own team.
Omg who threw Jaune at the window? Probably Nora or Yang....
I like how they made Sun’s eyes darker to match Blake’s hair.
Sun looks happy about all this chaos. I love him.
And now for the most badass food fight in animation.
You can tell Blake is being more open and free with her friends by the episode. It’s nice. She deserves to be happy.
I remember in the trailer where Ruby was holding Weiss, they made it seem like some serious shit is going down, but no it’s from a food fight lol.
Nora sent Yang FLYIN’
Blake got BTFO’d
It’s art.
Brb crying because we don’t see them laughing together like this in Volumes 4 and 6….
“After all it isn’t a role they’ll have forever…” *Flashbacks to Volumes 4-6*
Btw, that’s Ozma.
Asdghk Emerald looks so happy and proud at what she did to Tukson when telling Cinder.
Never change Roman. Never change.
Seriously why do they need all this Dust.
Opening time!
I love that transition with Ruby in the sky and Ozpin in his tower.
Team SSSN!! Although we won’t really see them in action until Volume 3, rip.
Team CFVY!! I love them so much aaaa.
Ozpin isn’t skipping leg day damn.
Okay so… They’ve constantly foreshadowed and hyped up a Weiss vs Emerald fight yet, WE STILL DON’T HAVE IT.
[Episode 2]
Holy shit Beacon looks so good in the updated visuals.
Glynda has some beef with James we still don’t know why though.
Ozma here, and yeah. So where are those people that say “Ozpin is using those students for a war!” when in reality, he hopes they never go near a war ever.
Omg the Yuigioh callbacks.
That X-Ray and Vav comic tho
Pyrrha lol!
I feel you Weiss, I feel you *looks at Mario Party*
“Hello again”  *silently weeps post Volume 3*
I swear they gave Blake the grumpy cat face (rip Tartar Sauce…)
And so S.S. Iceberg begins lmao
Seriously where is that. Beacon? The police department?
That’s Ozpin talking.
Neptune kicked everyone’s ass lmao
Weiss has definitely changed and Ruby and Yang might’ve rubbed off on her.
Blake has a point.
“I love it when you’re feisty” That’s hella gay Yang.
Haven uniforms look so nice, yet I highly doubt we’ll ever see Sun or Neptune in them.
[Episode 3]
Aw Jaune is trying, but he really needs to learn when a girl isn’t just interested in him…
Student Ozpin in the background!
Weiss, what did you expect, Sun is a MONKEY faunus.
Weiss is starting to have a crush on Neptune, it’s cute.
Ruby is literally White Rose shippers at that moment.
Oh since they’re at Atlas now in V7, I wonder how HUGE the CCT is there, now that Weiss brought it up.
Ahhh Penny ;v;
Omg that fake smile at the end..
The moment they name dropped Winter aa…
Nuts n Doltssss <3
Did Ironwood really had to bring Atlas propaganda with him to Vale too?
I feel bad for that old man, first his shop and now his truck.
“You promise you’re my friend right?” Penny ;v;
I feel like it was somewhat obvious. Half of the fanbase was like “Oh.” and the other was like “SHE’S A ROBOT WHAT?!”
[Episode 4]
Nuts n Dolts x2 <3
I can’t wait to meet Penny’s father in Volume 7.
Ironwood… you on the other hand would send out a child onto the battlefield…
Omg what’s in there Ruby?
Ahhhh Junior!
Oh hey it’s the twins! I wonder how they’re holding up currently.
“Grimm masks… that’s kinda dark…” “So is the guy who started it,” *Looks at Adam*
Also the only time you’ll see Sun and Blake even wear those masks.
Okay so I have an issue with this. See I love Roman, but this would seem more in line with Adam’s line of work. Hell, what is Cinder making Adam do this whole time?!
…. What if Adam is the one getting those and sending them to Torchwick and the others to use.
I just realized Sun decided to button his shirt up and it looks like a male version of Blake’s top now, coincidence? I think not.
Pfft Neptune.
Hi Neo!
Jfc how fast can they run, why are the streets empty here.
I love Micheal as Sun, he’s like perfect for the guy lmao
Oh god, F in the chat for those drivers on the highway.
Neptune’s weapon is pretty dang cool.
Party time now.
I remember everyone going BONKERs over Ruby using ship names for team attacks when this episode first aired.
Blake and Weiss are so in sync right now!
That’s gotta smart for Yang.
And the fanbase went crazy over Neo too lmao.
Aghhhh Weiss no please… bad pun.
LMAO Sun and Neptune decided to chill at a noodle stand
Oh man, I really love Volume 2 guys….
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scientifthicc · 6 years
tyrus headcanons
this is a list of some headcanons i have about tyrus (both before and after it becomes canon). feel free to add more :))
tj falls for cyrus pretty fast, but cyrus’s happens slowly and he doesn’t even realize it for a while
when he thinks cyrus isn’t looking, tj is staring at cyrus like all the time. with major heart eyes like man he’s crushing so hard.
but he also does it when they’re having a conversation too cuz uhhh tj has it bad and he’s absolutely terrible at hiding it. he’s a little too obvious but cyrus is really fuckin oblivious.
cyrus comes out to tj before he realizes he has/before he develops a crush on tj
cyrus says he’s at the basketball games to support buffy but cmon. he is super supportive of buffy but he cannot stop looking at tj the whole time.
but then what’s he gonna do once buffy moves??? what excuse can he give???? cyrus hopes he can get away with “i like..... basketball????”
tj is so bad at flirting with cyrus. like, s o b a d man. he tries to lean against the pole of the swings saying, “hey. you come here a lot?” and missing the pole. and since he can’t think straight ;) around cyrus he can’t come up with another pickup line, ever. it’s always the same one.
cyrus has trouble focusing when he’s with tj. he’s literally so distracted by him and is always stuttering
both hold eye contact longer than they need to (once they both have feelings for each other). they don’t realize they both have a crush on each other because, duh, they’re oblivious idiots
blushing at each other as well while still being oblivious bc they’re dolts
tj putting his arm around cyrus but trying to act like he’s doing a Bro Move (tm) but he’s actually just being super sly. except cyrus believes it’s a Bro move, but his skin is still on fire
as ive stated: cyrus is so stupidly oblivious
tj is literally the WORST cook. he tries to make a breakfast in bed for one of cyrus’s birthdays but it ends in a disaster and cyrus ends up having to get up out of bed anyways to help him cook some real food. but it’s ok because they have fun. (ok this is more of an au and now i really want a fanfic of this sksksks pls somebody hook me up)
cyrus steals tj’s basketball sweatshirts, jackets, etc. and wears them constantly
tj loves to ruffle cyrus’s hair. cyrus tries to do it back but he’s too short
tj is super defensive of cyrus and will fight anyone who literally glances at cyrus the wrong way
(i didn’t come up with this one) tj is an aggressive kisser.
(or this one either) but he can be really gentle
cyrus constantly sneak attacks tj with hugs
(how do i explain this one correctly help) when they’re like both standing together tj will always have his arms wrapped around cyrus and cyrus will lean back into tj’s chest (so basically they’re both facing front and tj is like bear hugging him from the back??? pls tell me if this doesn’t make sense)
(this is an obvious one) tj: big spoon. cyrus: little spoon
tj kissing the top of cyrus’s head
tj cupping (is that the right word???) cyrus’s chin when they kiss
they’re watching a movie on cyrus’s couch or bed (in his room, i would think. cyrus seems like a dude to have a couch in his room) and cyrus falls asleep in tj’s arms :’)
tj trying to teach cyrus to play basketball (and failing)
cyrus sitting on his shoulders
sleepy morning cuddles and kisses
whenever tj thinks about cyrus he can’t stop himself from smiling whether it be a small smirk or a full on cheshire cat smile.
both always get so happy when either starts using a new nickname
tj does the Pout (from the swing scene) a lot and cyrus is such a sucker for it. he loves it. he melts internally
tj always steals cyrus’s baby taters
p i l l o w f i g h t s
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My Eyes—A Songfic
Word Count: 3.4k
Relationships: Royality, one-sided Logicality and Prinxiety
Warnings: Panic attack mention? I can’t think of too many specifics, but it’s full of angst and pining
A/N: First of all, I’m sorry. I worked on this freaking oneshot for hours yesterday, and hours the day before, and hours the day before that. And I just couldn’t post it before today. I’m sorry about that. But here it is anyway. I used the song My Eyes from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (not the kind of song you usually use for a songfic but shh, it was really fitting). Here it is on AO3. 
Any dolt with half a brain
Can see that humankind has gone insane
To the point where I don't know
If I'll upset the status quo
If I throw poison in the water main Logan slammed his book shut. Why wasn’t this working?
Whenever Logan felt frustrated, he picked up a book and read. That was his favorite coping mechanism, and it had been ever since he had formed. The other sides knew it too. But now? It was only making him more frustrated. Every time he turned a page, he wanted to rip the page out of the book and throw it across the room. Which was terribly illogical—what would be the point of destroying a book?
Perhaps it would release some pent-up aggression.
Logan shook his head. What was going on with him? He usually loved books. But then again, he’d never needed a reason to love books before today. It had simply been a constant, another item in a list of facts that everyone accepted—Logan loves books. But why? What was the purpose of reading if you couldn’t do anything with what you learned? Sure, knowledge was an invaluable treasure, the ultimate tool. For a human. But Logan was a side, trapped in a place that only halfway existed. He could read whatever he chose to, learn about anything he wished, but what could he do with the information he learned? Nothing.
And besides, he knew that reading was only distracting him from what he really wanted to think about.
Listen close to everybody's heart
And hear that breaking sound
Logan looked up from his closed book to see Virgil sitting on the couch opposite him, staring at it. Virgil’s headphones were on, blaring music so loudly that Logan could almost make out the words from across the room.
Logan frowned at Virgil until he had his attention, pointing at his own ears and indicating that Virgil should turn down the volume. Music that loud could cause hearing loss. But when Virgil met Logan’s gaze, his eyes were shining with barely restrained tears. He shook his head slowly.
That was odd. Why would Virgil want to risk his ability to hear? And why did he look so upset?
Then Logan realized that it wasn’t just Virgil’s music he was hearing.
“It really sounded amazing, Ro!” Patton’s voice, coming from the kitchen. Logan flinched.
“Patton, I sang that song over an hour ago. And that hour was filled with magic and much more exciting things than a silly song.” Roman’s rumbling laughter filled the area.
“But I loved it! I could talk about how good it was for hours!”
“Well, seeing as you practically already have—”
“You could say I’m pretty vocal about it!”
“...Oh dear.” Roman said, prompting a giggle from Patton. Logan’s heart clenched.
“Go away, go away, go away,” Virgil whispered, eyes shut tight. Logan understood the loud music now—in fact, he was about ready to grab a pair of headphones and blast some Pink Floyd himself. Hearing loss would be a blessing.
Hopes and dreams are shattering apart
And crashing to the ground “Goodness, you’re amazing. I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to be your boyfriend—I wasted way too much time dreaming about it!” Patton said. The words were like a spear through Logan’s heart.
“You wasted time dreaming? I’m the fanciful side! I spent hours planning our wedding, dates, a honeymoon, and especially my confession! I had a magnificent spectacle all mapped out and I didn’t even use it! It was a little pathetic, to be honest...” Roman trailed off, embarrassed. 
“Now, don’t you dare say that, you are absolutely perfect! And I love you!” Patton squealed, running across the kitchen.
“Oof! Patton, that’s—ow, wait, no—ah!” The sound of two bodies collapsing onto the tile floor filled the mind palace. The right-brained sides laughed. The left-brained sides grimaced.
“Sorry! Got a little excited!” Patton said sheepishly. Roman couldn’t respond through his glee.
There was something dreadful taking over Logan, squeezing his heart with a clawed hand. Logan locked eyes with Virgil again, who was trembling violently, hands white-knuckled around his phone. He looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack. I cannot believe my eyes
How the world's filled with filth and lies Logan stood up and moved to sit on the couch, placing a hand on Virgil’s shoulder. Virgil jumped.
“Perhaps we should relocate to my room. The antics going on in the kitchen are upsetting both of us,” Logan suggested grimly. 
Virgil stared at the logical side, eyes terrified. When he finally nodded, Logan set his jaw. His hand covered Virgil’s shoulder.
“It’s quite alright, my beating heart,” Roman chuckled as Logan and Virgil sank out in unison.
When they reappeared in Logan’s room, Logan was startled but not surprised to watch Virgil collapse on the floor immediately, tugging at his own hair.
“I still can’t believe... They... They really got together.” Virgil said faintly. Logan sighed.
“I know, Virgil. They did.”
“Do... They don’t know.”
“That’s correct. Unless I’ve made a miscalculation somewhere, neither of them know.”
“I can’t... I can’t live with that.”
“We are clearly being forced to.” Logan walked away from the anxious side to sit down on his version of Thomas’s couch. But it's plain to see
Evil inside of me
Is on the rise
“I know what you must thinking right now, Virgil,” Logan glared at his folded hands. “This will be difficult for the both of us. But at least you can be glad that you do not have my dilemma.”
Virgil looked up, makeup running down his cheeks. “W-What does that mean… Wait…” Virgil knit his brow. “Didn’t you and Patton had a fight a while ago?
“Yes, two months ago to be exact. It’s what I was referencing.”
“P-Patton never told me what that was about.”
Logan was struggling to keep up a mask of indifference. “It happened when he tried to confess...  To express his adoration for me.”
Virgil did a double take. “His… His what? He liked you?” Logan nodded. “Then why—”
“I renounced him.”
“Oh.” Virgil quickly looked away from Logan, as if the sight would burn his eyes.
“He chose a bad time; I was in a bleak mood. I had surmised that there was something sinfully wrong with Logic being able to feel, to love. I had far too much self-hatred bottled up inside me, which I took out on Patton and... And now I’ll never obtain his affections again.”
Virgil was staring at the floor in shock. “I-I’m sorry.”
“You shouldn’t be.” Virgil looked up at Logan in dismay. “I should be sorry. My defective emotions are the reason we’ve lost our chances with Roman and Patton,” Logan insisted. He gripped his knees, fury wracking his face. “I brought this upon us, Virgil. And I’ll never be relieved of it.” Look around
We're living with the lost and found “At least let me help you up.” Patton struggled to get out from underneath Roman’s body.
“Patton, I am the gentleman of this relationship, let me help you up!”  
“But I’m the one that pulled us to the floor in the first place!”
“And I’m the one that must get us off of it.” Roman hoisted himself off of a protesting Patton and up onto one knee.
“But that’s not—whoa!” Patton exclaimed as he was suddenly lifted up into Roman’s arms, held bridal-style. He suppressed a giggle. “Hey, I can get up on my own!”
Roman huffed. “Well, in that case...” He slowly began lowering Patton to the floor again.
“No, no, don’t do that!” Patton squealed, fiercely hugging Roman’s shoulders in protest.
“That’s what I thought.”
“You silly goose!” 
“I am a prince, if you please.” Roman smiled down at the man in his arms, who beamed back.
Just when you feel you've almost drowned
You find yourself on solid ground
Roman began to walk toward the stairs. The steady rocking of his body, the sound of his heartbeat, the way he held Patton like he was holding the most precious thing on Earth… Patton snuggled into his boyfriend’s chest. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this content. After weeks of loneliness, it was nice to be appreciated. Safe. Protected.
What a word. Patton, as a self-proclaimed dad, was the type to do the protecting, not the other way around. He had always been confident, never needing someone to come to his rescue. But every foundation must crumble. And two months ago, Patton himself had been the one to crumble.
Being rejected by Logan was the worst thing he’d ever had to go through. None of Thomas’s scornful crushes or failed friendships compared to it. Logan hadn’t just turned Patton down—he’d forgone the entire concept of love and reduced Patton’s feelings to shambles. Unlike any heartbreak that had come before, it was Patton that was being attacked, not Thomas. And it was life-shattering.
Someone had had to fix him. And Roman had stepped in to do it. He’d saved Patton from the dark.
Logan’s words still rang in Patton’s ears from time to time. But despite it all, Patton was an optimist. A stupid, stupid optimist. He wanted to help Logan be better.
And you believe there's good in everybody's heart
Keep it safe and sound
With hope you can do your part
And turn a life around
If only he could talk to Logan without remembering his pain.
“Are you okay?” Roman asked. He must have noticed the tormented look on Patton’s face, because he’d stopped walking, gazing down at his boyfriend with concern. Patton looked up to meet Roman’s warm eyes.
“Yeah. Just thinking.” Patton took Roman’s sash in his hand, rubbing the fabric between his fingers absentmindedly.
“Best leave that to Logan.”
Patton tensed up like a coiled spring, and Roman realized what he’d just said. “Wait, no, that’s not what I—shoot. Patton, I’m sorry. You were thinking about what he said, weren’t you?”
Roman shut his eyes guiltily. “Look, I… I won’t mention him if you don’t want me to, it can be just you and me—”
“No, I should talk about it.” Patton sighed. “I know I’ve told you this before, and I know he hurt me so badly but… I refuse to believe Logan hates me. He just doesn’t understand love like I do. Like we do.” He clenched his first around the sash. “I bet he could learn if he wanted to, if he just… Tried…” The lump in Patton’s throat threatened to choke him.
“Patton, love, it’s okay. I’m here.” Roman nudged the door to his room open and carried Patton to the four-poster bed, where he gently laid his lover down. Patton took a shuddering breath, and as the tears began to form, Roman crawled up onto the bed to lay beside him.
I cannot believe my eyes
Is the world finally growing wise?
Patton sobbed into Roman’s chest, and Roman wrapped his strong arms around him.
“I-It’s been two months—”
“Shh.” Roman ran one hand through Patton’s hair rhythmically.
“I-I can help him, I sh-should be the one to… To help him… B-But I still can’t face him.”
“You don’t need to do anything. You’ve done so well already.” The covers had been balled up beneath them, but neither side noticed, completely immersed in each other.
“B-But he’s the logical side. And I’m th-the heart. We work together. He doesn’t deserve to be avoided, he didn’t mean to hurt me!”
“Then why do you think you’re so upset, love?”
Patton sobbed harder. “Because I’m… An idiot, is what I am.”
“You’re anything but. Oh, what’s that thing Joan always says… ‘No Stupid Feelings’?” Patton’s tears dripped onto the rumpled-up quilt.
'Cause it seems to me
Some kind of harmony
Is on the rise
“I-I just need to help him.”
Roman gave Patton a smile like sunshine peeking through clouds. “You have what they call a heart of gold, you know? Still wanting to teach Logan about love after how he burned you.” Patton’s tearstained cheeks dimpled with his smile, and Roman chuckled despite himself. “Or I suppose in this case you are a heart of gold.”
The two sides giggled faintly, their eyes sparkling in the light of Roman’s dim fairy lights. Roman brushed another of Patton’s tears away with his thumb. How did Patton get this lucky?
“I love you so much it hurts, Patton. You mean more to me than anything.”
Patton curled up against Roman, listening to his steady heartbeat. There was so much caring in that heart. So much. And he was choosing to share it with Patton.
“Even more than Disney?” Patton murmured, grinning into Roman’s chest.
Roman laughed, and held Patton closer. “Far more.”
The two lovers’ hearts warmed in unison.
Anyone with half a brain
Could spend their whole life howling in pain
The dark is everywhere
And Patton doesn't seem to care
That soon the dark in me is all that will remain
After Virgil had calmed down enough to return to his own room, Logan spent at least an hour pacing a hole in the floor, running his hands through his hair. Why had he denied for so long that he was a creature with feelings? Sure, they were halfhearted feelings, not as intense as the others’, but they still existed. Ignoring them, demonizing them like he had done was a purely illogical thing to do. It had utterly wrecked his chances with Patton. Or frankly, their relationship in general—Patton still avoided his eyes, a sign of emotional torment! Denying the facts, such as the fact that Logan had emotions, was supposed to be the opposite of Logan’s job. He was the embodiment of Thomas’s logic! How had he made such an oversight?!
Logan wanted, desperately, to stop. The only thing he was accomplishing right now was stressing himself out. But he just kept thinking, turning his brain into a swirling mess of self-punishment. What was wrong with him?! This didn’t make any sense!
He needed to calm down. Now. What calmed Logan down? Books? No, the thought of reading sounded about as appealing as being stabbed in the head with Roman’s sword. What else calmed him down? Perhaps… Water? Yes, Logan could use a glass of water. He sunk out of his room.
Take it slow
He looks at me and seems to know
The things that I'm afraid to show
And suddenly I feel this glow
An hour later, Roman and Patton were watching Disney movies in Roman’s room—Winnie the Pooh, to be exact. Patton’s head was in Roman’s lap, and Roman was carding his fingers through his hair. Patton was completely relaxed, relaxed enough to fall asleep, but he refused to do so. He wanted to enjoy the feeling of being touched by Roman while fully conscious. And hey, the movie was his favorite.
His bout of crying from earlier had been forgotten. Right now, Patton was was simply trying to enjoy his good mood while he had it, before it gave in to sorrow once more. And it was easy to do so—the bliss of being with his boyfriend eclipsed all else.
“Hey, Ro,” he whispered.
“What time is it?”
Roman checked the Cogsworth clock on his bedside table. “10:24.”
“Good, the others won’t be asleep yet. I wanna make some popcorn,” Patton said. He patted his stomach with a cheeky grin.
“Of course. Foolish Roman, why didn’t I think of that sooner?”
“I’ll go microwave some. Pause the movie for me?” Patton sat up slowly, stretching his arms.
“Sure. Would you rather I get it?”
“Nah, I can handle it.” He slid off the bed and stood, adjusting the sleeves of his hoodie. “I am a Pop, after all.”
“Ugh, and a corny Pop too. Is there any winning here?” Roman groaned as Patton sunk out.
Listen close to everybody's heart
And hear that breaking sound
Hopes and dreams are shattering apart
And crashing to the ground
Where was it, where was it, where was—here! Logan reached into the cupboard and pulled out his favorite cup, the heat sensitive one. As he filled it up, the plastic turned from white to blue.
After hours of thinking about Patton obsessively, his brain was utterly fried—a shocking thing to say, considering that he practically was a brain. He almost feared that he’d think himself to death, at the rate he was going.
His cup topped off, and he took a sip, eyes closed. When he opened them, he spotted Patton’s favorite mug sitting on the counter, hot cocoa powder stuck to the bottom.
Oh, who was he kidding? Patton would never forgive him. He didn’t deserve forgiveness. And it hardly mattered what Patton thought of him, for he was dating Roman now—any chance Logan ever had at a romantic relationship were out the window.
He’d be better off just pretending that everything was fine. He had been doing that for two months, anyway.
“Oh. Hi, Logan.” He jumped like a sprung mousetrap.
Patton was behind him.
And I believe there's good in everybody's heart
Keep it safe and sound
With hope you can do your part
And turn a life around
Patton reappeared in the hallway, humming the tune of ‘Winnie the Pooh’ merrily. How much butter did Roman like on his popcorn? He had forgotten to ask. But when he reached the doorway to the kitchen, all thoughts of popcorn left his mind.
Logan. Standing by the kitchen counter. Sipping from his favorite cup. For a moment, he simply stood there, staring at the logical side, his mind completely blank. Then he stepped back into the hallway, hoping desperately that Logan hadn’t heard his humming.
What was he supposed to say? This was the first time he’d seen Logan since getting together with Roman! Should he just go back to Roman’s room? He probably should. Roman would understand. He began to sink out.
And stopped himself.
Why was he letting Logan dictate his life? It had been two months since the fight! He’d talked to Logan several times since—stiffly, sure, but they’d still talked. And he was going to have to do so again many times more. He ought not delay the inevitable. And wasn’t he going to try to help Logan? How could he do that by avoiding him?
He took a deep breath. This was okay. He was okay.
He stepped into the kitchen.
“Oh. Hi, Logan.”
I cannot believe my eyes
“H-Hello. Patton.”
“You’re up late tonight.”
“It’s only 10:30.”
“Ahem. Right.”
How the world's filled with filth and lies
“What are you cooking?”
“Oh, you know. Good ‘ol movie night popcorn.”
“Movie night? With whom? Roman?”
“Er. Yeah.”
How the world’s finally growing wise
“How are things? With Roman?”
“Oh, they’re great. He’s amazing, he’s really helped me back on my feet.”
“I see.”
“Wait, I mean… I mean… Yeah.”
And it's plain to see
And it’s plain to see
“Look… About Roman?”
“Uh, y-yeah?”
“I am… Well… I was just going to say, to ask… Er.
“What’s that, Teach?”
“Could you just… Remind him to adhere to the schedule I laid out for him?”
“Oh. I mean, sure.”
“Great. Thank you.”
Evil inside of me
“Um, that reminds me…”
“Yes, Patton?”
“I wanted to talk to you about, uh, something…”
“A-About what?”
“Oh, j-just about… The next video! Roman wanted to ask you about some technical thing.”
“Oh. Ah. Of course. I will bring it up next time I see him.”
Rapture inside of me
“Well, looks like the popcorn is done!”
“It does appear to be.”
“I guess I’ll… See you tomorrow?”
“Yes. Tomorrow.”
Is on the rise
When the painful conversation was finally over, both sides facepalmed, angry with themselves. They had chickened out on saying what they had meant to, and they felt… Lost. How would things ever be healed?
Patton was comforted by a boyfriend who loved him. With Disney music playing in the background, the two formed a plan to talk to Logan properly, and Patton fell asleep feeling confident once more.
Logan did something he never did—cried. He returned to his room, and sobbed until he fell asleep, glasses still on and tie still tightened. No one was there to wipe away his tears.
Patton would be okay.
Logan would never be okay again.
A/N: Sorry for the rather weak ending, but I’m just so done. I don’t have a tag list for non-WFADR fics, but I can make one if anyone is interested.
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soft-stxrlight · 7 years
Thunder and Lightning | Harrison x Reader
request: Can I request an one shot please? (: Harrison and Tom come back to your shared apartment as it's heavily raining &storming inside, and Haz finds you in, like, the silliest place, maybe in the tub, with a pillow over your head or something because you're really scared of thunder? And at first they don't take it seriously until Haz realizes you really are afraid and he comforts you like the good boyfriend he is!!
a/n: hey guys! sorry i’ve been kind of inactive, i was having a tough time and also i’m applying to colleges but i’m back!!
warnings: light panic attack, swearing
word count: 881
Another loud crack rattled the windows of the crammed bathroom. You felt stupid for the shaking that would not cease, you were 20 for god’s sake. How much more childish could you be? Unfortunately, you couldn’t even focus on being mad at yourself when you saw the blinding white light blaze once again. You clutched at the too-soft pillow like your life depended on it, which as far as you were concerned, it did.
“It’s fine, I’m fine. It’s f-fine, I-I’m fine.” You choked on the therapeutic words, remembering your childhood therapist telling you that if you reassured yourself, you could calm the nerves. Bullshit. You were still a pile of nerves and fear every time the forecast so much as suggested a 15% chance of a storm.
You peeked out from behind the rest of your makeshift pillow bunker. Everything seemed so sinister in shadow of the storm, the porcelain sink gleaming at you, the bottles lined up on the counter just waiting to be whisked away in a flurry of cold air and pelting rain. 
The only thing that ever truly helped you was the feeling of the shocking cold of the tub beneath your skin. You leaned back into it and rolled up the back of your shirt with quaking hands.  You squeezed your eyes shut and focused on your breathing. It was hard, your breaths whooshed into you and were slammed back out immediately. It always felt like you were suffocating and sometimes it got so bad that you would clutch your neck as though trying to pry open your airway to relieve the pressure.
You heard a light bang and jumped a bit, but this was different than the raging storm outside. Shit. The door. Tom and Harrison must be home. In your panic, you managed to forget that you’d recently moved in with your best friend Tom and your boyfriend Harrison, and up until now, you had been fortunate enough to never be with them during a storm.
“Y/N! You’ll never believe what happened, when Tom and I were leaving the gym there was this H U G E puddle and Tom, being the dolt that he is, didn’t see it. He totally wiped out and the best part: there were tons of paparazzi there to see it!!” Harrison was shouting loud enough for you to hear him over the storm.
“Wait, Y/N? Are you home baby?” You heard some worry in his voice. Your face contorted as it dawned on you that he would find you and you’d have to come clean. This was absolutely mortifying.
“Alright mate, I gotta use the bathroom, text her eh?” You heard Tom’s voice clearer then Haz’s and knew you were busted. Your final defense was compromised when the bathroom door swung open. Your terrified yelp made Tom jump.
“Oh my god, ha ha Y/N, what’re ya doing in here? Haz, I found her.” You looked at the curly haired man-boy through the cracks in your fortress, he had an amused yet quizzical look on his face.
“I-I’m scared.” You whispered as your boyfriend appeared over Tom’s shoulder. They both began to smile.
“Aw are you afraid of the storm baby?” Harrison asked, cooing a bit. You wanted to smile with him but you were anything but happy.
“You built a pillow fort?!” Tom asked, giggling a bit.
“I-I’m not joking guys, I’ve b-been afraid since I w-w-was a kid,” Your voice cracked with emotion as tears filled your eyes. Both boys faces fell as they realized you were being serious. Harrison quickly walked over to you and gently rearranged your pillows, climbing into the tub with you he pulled your shaking frame against him and held you tightly.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re the bravest person I know, most badass. But we all have weaknesses.” He looked down at you with a look so full of love and compassion that you sobbed and buried your face in his chest. He began rubbing soothing circles in your back and started humming Skinny Love, it always calmed you down for some reason.
“Yeah, Y/N. We’ll sit with you and keep you safe, we’d never let anything hurt you. Including mother nature.” He gave you a reassuring smile and a little wink.
You smiled at him through the tears and then looked back up at the wonderful man holding you. Haz gently smoothed your hair and settled back into the tub, pulling you on top of him and in between his legs. Somehow, you felt... safe.
After about 20 minutes the storm started to calm down, both boys stayed the entire time, humming on and off and giving you words of encouragement.
Suddenly, Tom cleared his throat, “Uh I hate to do this but, I needed to go to the bathroom like 30 minutes ago so like, should I just close the curtain and go or-” You snorted at him and Haz tossed a pillow at Tom’s face.
Glancing up at your blonde haired hero, you spoke to Tom without ever breaking eye contact with Harrison, “I think we are good to go.”
Harrison picked you up and began to carry you bridal-style to your bedroom, presumably, and you turned to Tom, mouthing a sleepy thank you.
tags beneath the cut
@littlemisscaptainfandom @fanficsandcoffee @tomllholland @purecout-ure
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iateyourburrito · 4 years
Episode 2
Ohhhh there's Gabe. That bastard.
Book? Porn. That one guy is y i k e s.
Jeffery archer books are evil?
You can't have a War without War.
Gabe is a fucking dolt.
Thank you for my porn!!!!
We are the fallen. We are the rotton.
A mailman
Hello Carmine.
Guns, lots of guns.
I love that mailman.
Time and sometimes people.
They're late. Why is everyone late?
Adultery has nice hair.
She should have been aflame ten minutes ago.
Oh bugger.
John and Virtue Device.
2214: invest in master Jobb's machine.
Four horsemen of the Apocalypse prophecy
Computer did not work.
He breaks computers. How the fuck.
He has bad luck....
Witch hunter man.
Newton had money stolen by witch hunter Shadwell
The picture goea rawrg.
Never disappoint Crowley as a plant.
The most luxurious and verdent plants
Scissors go stab
90 miles in central London
Our dog doesn't like me.
Wendsleydale has an idea. He knows about Baskin Robbins.
Anathema is trying T-T
Witches Witches. They know about Anathema
Burning witches. Oh my g a w d.
Azzy is like... Trying too.
Laundry cock-up.
The British Inquisiton
Anathema is worried for a second.
I'm being tortured! It h u r ts! It really does!
It feels loved!
Big spooky family.
Crowley is actually really scary holy shit. he made a guy faint
Where are the nuns.
They wanted real guns so they got what they wanted.
Sorry to break up an intimate moment.
Angles aren't a cult. They're Ethereal.
Azzy feels love.
He hit someone. Jk someone hit him
Snip snap her wrist js un broken
Azzy added a bike rack.
Da bük
Mmm cake
Humans cam find other humans
The dog is outside
Adam is asleep
Rats, we're rats, we're the rats
Agnes Nutter and Azzy is scared.
Oh azzy. You've been tempted.
A child's drawing.
Cold coca oh no.
Number, hym, taddsfield.
He's found him.
0 notes
motherfuckermorgan · 7 years
decided to write some lesbians, based on my oc space adventure story in progress “Captain Jet”, in the style of a fire emblem support conversations. let me know what you think about these gays. if you are on mobile i am so sorry for the loaded text you are about to get if they still dont have good read mores
C-Support btwn Janet + Marina MARINA: Heyyyyyyyyyyy Janet!! JANET: M-Marina! Jesus Christ, don't scare me like that, I'm in the middle of filing some paperwork! M: Paperwork? Jet's making you do that? J: Well no, I decided to take it upon myself since I didn't want to burden Ben too much. It's not like Mac's gonna help him, or anyone on this damn ship. M: Aw, don't get too angry at Mac! He's lazy but he uh, he uh.... He's a good fighter! J: Everyone considers you and Craig the muscle of the ship, Mac's a skinny little fucker. M: He knows his way with a sword though, way better than me! I only know how to shoot big guns, and I'm not talking about my muscles. J: What's he gonna do with a sword? A dude with a pistol could take him down easily. M: They're not trained in melee combat like he is, so he can just go up to them and attack them! It's not like he's a big target! J: You really gotta stop defending Mac for being as lazy as he is. M: I'm not defending him! ...Okay, I am defending him, but he's my friend! J: And I'm your girlfriend, dude. Back me up a little bit! M: You know I can't badmouth anyone, it's not in my nature! I'll back you up by helping you file some of this stuff though! J: I guess that's something. Thanks, Marina.
B-Support btwn Janet + Marina M: Heyyyyyyyyyyyy Janet! J: Marina? What're you doing? M: Better question, what are you doing? J: I mean, it's pretty obvious that I'm on cooking duty tonight... M: Oh! Right. My bad! Sorry to disturb you. J: No, it's no bother! You're never a bother to me dear. We can chat for a bit. M: Well I'll, make this brief then! I love you? J: You love me? M: Yeah! J: Well, I love you too babe. Was that all? M: Well, no, but... J: But? M: I-it's nothing important! Don't worry about it! I love you! J: I love you too! Want a taste of my cooking so I can be sure I didn't accidentally poison it? M: Y-yeah! That sounds good! *tastes a bit of sauce* Yep! It's good! I think I must be leaving now! (she exits) J: I guess this whole space adventure is starting to take a toll on her, she's must be starting to miss having me around as much... I should do something special for her.
A-Support btwn Janet + Marina J: Alright, places everyone. Don't fuck this up for me. MAC: What are we doing anyways? I haven't kept up. BEN: Janet's holding a surprise birthday party for Marina, since her birthday passed while we were in the ship. MAC: Oh. Right. Why are we holding a birthday party for her? Nobody else has gotten one, not even the captain. J: Would you shut your mouth Mac? Maybe when you get yourself a caring partner you'll understand. MAC: Alright, yikes. Didn't expect my relationship status to effect whether or not I could ask a question. J: She's coming, shhhhhhhh. (Someone flicks the lights) Janet/Mac/Ben/Craig: Surprise! Happy birthday! (They all realize that Jet walked into the room) Jet: Surprise? I just wanted to get some ice cream from the fridge. J: No no no no no!!!! You're not supposed to be here dude! Jet: Well, I'm sorry that nobody told me what's going on! It's my ship. M: Hey, what's all the screaming in here? (Marina stares at everyone) M: Aw man, we're throwing a surprise party for Jet and you didn't invite me? T-that's fine! I'm okay with that! Gotta go! (Marina exits) J: No no no, wait, Marina come back! Jet: She's already gone. She seemed pretty upset too. She was struggling to keep her usual smile. J: God damn it, why didn't we think to tell Jet first? Ben, you're the tactician, why didn't you think of that? Ben: Well uh, I haven't had a surprise birthday party in years, and I figured if I didn't have to tell my parents about it then I wouldn't have to tell my captain about it. Bad calculation on my part... J: Your parents just... let you throw parties without their consent? Craig: To be fair to my bro, our parents weren't around much so we were able to get away with that kind of thing. J: Right, right... I'll make this right on my own I guess.
S-Support btwn Janet + Marina J: Marina? M: J-Janet! Hey... what's up... J: I'm sorry, that birthday party from earlier... that was meant for you! You went away so fast that I didn't get the chance to tell you... M: Oh, right. Haha, I'm a dolt sometimes... J: Don't talk yourself down like that, where's the usual bright and happy Marina I know? M: I just... I've wanted to talk to you about something for the past few days but I keep catching you while you're busy! And you're so exhausted at night that I wouldn't want to bother you with it then... J: Come on Marina, I love you! You can tell me anything at any time. M: This is big though... It's nothing something I can just drop on you at any time... J: What is it then? You tell me. The time is right, we're alo-(notices Mac spying in the hallway) Would you piss off? Mac: Sorry, I just wanted to let you both know that we're eating cake now. But you can share this tender moment, I'll fuck off. (Mac exits) J: Alright, now we're alone and you can tell me. I promise. M: I-I love you, Janet, a lot! So much more than anyone else in the galaxy! We've been to incredible locales and none of them have been as incredible as you! J: I know you love me, babe, you don't have to be nervous to say that! M: It's more than that! I don't want these adventures to ever end! I want to see everything this universe has to offer with you! S-so that's why! I bought you this! J: I-is that a ring? M: Yeah! Yeah it is! But if you are not ready for it then that is fine! I thought I would just offer! O-or you could put it on your finger! Like you just did! Haha! J: I've never seen you this nervous for anything in your life. M: W-well! I never thought I'd get this far with the person I love and respect so much! You're the absolute greatest person ever, there's not anyone that can match your charm... M: I try my hardest to remain optimistic and believe I can do anything but... you! You're so fantastic and like out my greatest dreams! It's almost intimidating... J: Will this calm your nerves a bit? (Janet kisses Marina) M: Yeah... yeah. That did work! Maybe you can try it again for good luck? J: Haha, I guess I will. (They kiss again) M: Janet, I want to spend every single moment I can with you. I want to be with you forever! You're the most spectacular person I know! J: I feel the same exact way with you... I'm sorry if I've come off as cold and distant at all but... I truly love you so much. More than anything else. M: So it's settled? We can get married? J: Haha, as soon as the next day off hits, we're planning this whole the whole marriage together! M: I'm so excited for it!!! Jet: (enters the doorway) Hey, you guys still want cake? There's a few pieces left, but not for much longer if we continue to leave Mac and Craig with it. Ben can only hold them off for so long. J: I've already got the taste of something better than cake, Jet. (Janet and Marina kiss again) Jet: Like what, what's better than cake? Can I have some? M: This is a girls only taste, Jet! Jet: What, what gender roles are we enforcing here, didn't we agree those were bad a long time ago. What
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