i-am-beckyu · 11 months
Writing for me atm be like this:
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and this
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and also this
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Oh and can't forget this!
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Yeah writing has been going great recently......
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nobodywritingao3 · 1 year
JORNOS spoilers without context
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These are terrible
Thank goodness I'm not a meme account. I would be failing miserably....
I'm so excited Aheushajjshdhshahah 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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jojo-incorporated · 2 years
After sprinting frantically through town, looking for anything that could help her, the cowgirl finally noticed the Jojo Incorporated building and rushed inside, breathing heavily. (@another-restless-knight)
There is only one person in the building currently, and that's Jorno himself, without his cape. "Evening."
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4mista44fan4 · 2 years
My only dream is to get home and not drown in the snow. The snowdrifts are knee-deep and will soon be neck-deep. Despite the fact that I love winter, it's not me who's crazy about it.. But I hope you're doing well! :)
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
BRICK BRICK BRICK!!! I THINK I MAY OF JUST ABOUT FINISHED CHAPTER 2 OF JORNOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe. almost. sorta? I think its almost done. If I can tie it together at the end of it where I wanted the chapter to end then its almost done!
you haven't posted it yet as far as i am aware so I AM ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT!!
i'm glad you got over that writers block for it too, it's always the best feeling :D
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beatlesforsale · 5 months
Good to see that this guy I knew from old social circle groups who was already a bit weird is still posting on his Tumblr about his insane feeding kink and basically fatting up his wife all while he has a new born. Literally going to kill your wife with your kink but you do you my guy.
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theygotbitchesinmedia · 2 months
okay. hear me out. i know you’ve said before no concept albums but this is one of my favorite pieces of media and means so much to my acceptance of my own womanhood and i really hope you just give it a chance.
taylor swifts The Tortured Poets Department is one of most groundbreaking and heart wrenching sapphic aligned media i’ve ever experienced, and it’s backlash by music review jornos is no doubt because of its focus on womanhood and queer love. the album embraces melodrama and emotional vulnerability, often using heightened expressions of emotion as a narrative device. swift’s lyrics are central to the album, with developed imagery taking precedence over catchy pop hooks. the album is also recognized for its references to other artists and poets, suggesting a lineage of “tortured” lyrical poets.
in terms of its significance in lesbian and feminist art, while there is no direct confirmation of the album being labeled as such, it could be argued that its themes of love, relationships, and emotional expression resonate with broader human experiences, including those within the lgbtq+ community. the album’s exploration of heartbreak and creativity might align with feminist ideas of personal agency and the rejection of societal expectations.
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you've got a glowing review
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nothingbizzare · 1 year
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Jorno and Fuggo they are chilling together talking about bugs
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waru-chan8 · 10 months
are there any problematic motogp riders i should know about or avoid?
Hi anon 👋👋. oh boy I'm going to get so much hate for this
You all people need to stop putting riders into pedestals and thinking they are perfects because they are not. They are humans, and they all have faults (some more visible than others). Also what someone considers problematic might not be for others. Like for example, Vale and Marc are both experts in manipulate the media to suit their narratives and that can be a red flag for some people. Or maybe Aleix being too direct can be seen as negative because his mouth has put him in so much trouble.
Anyway said this here (under the cut for those who want to avoid it) it is what I remember at the moment. If anyone wants to add something, feel free to do it.
First of all we have a lot of riders and engineers living in Andorra that is tax haven (Aleix, Pol, Rins, Fabio Q., Iker, Joan, Brad, Miller and The Team Suzuki ECSTAR crew used to live there, also Maverick used to live in Andorra (apparently he went back to Roses after having his daughter)). And Rossi also used to live in London and got in troubles for that.
Then we have the misogynistic comments from Miller (he said something of mocking a friend every time he lost in a race against María Herrera, the borderline treatment Vanessa, the Inside Pass host get from him and the mockery) and Pecco Bagnaia who said 'I was like a women in my period complaining ad moaning' after he broke his leg. Oh and don't forget Miller called other riders princesses for complaining about their bike instead of just riding it.
And we have racist comments from Yamaha's test rider Cal Crutchlow who refused to shake hands with an Asian fan during the pandemic and said something about all of it (pandemic) being because someone eat something he shouldn't. Probably there is more, but I don't really remember. And the worst part is that his team manager, Lucio Cecchinello covered it all. Lucio is also not a saint, he treats differently Rins than he does with Nakagami (brought Rins to his museum and told him to get a podium because it will be X (I can't remember probably 50 or 100) podium of the team, but I can't remember him doing it with Nakagami. There's also Gelete Nieto (Moto2 team manager (Correos Prepago Yamaha VR46 Master Camp or something like that)) who literally said that Asian riders do much worse that the European ones.
Then we have Fabio Quartararo, who had endangered himself and other riders by riding with his leathers open and throwing the chest protector in the middle of a race track while there was a race going on. And when celebrating a victory, we throw a golf a ball where there was still bikes on track.
And Pecco Bagnaia during the 2022 summer got drunk in Ibiza, got in the car and had an accident (crashed it into a roundabout) and only got a slap in the wrist. He also dedicated a special helmet to Dennis Rodman (if you don't know him, go and read his wiki page). There something less controversial about him, but still put him as a red flag. When he doesn't get what he wants, he goes to the media and cry and gets it. He also believes no one can race him on a race on the race track and never will admit his mistakes. And because we are on the Pecco topic, Ducati just put all o this under the rug and gives him whatever he wants. Ducai actually banned one jorno for commenting on one of this thing because it annoyed Pecco.
And let's not forget Johann Zarco, the dirtiest rider of all! He is like a kid on the track, when he knows he is going to lose and he doesn't want to and got the wired crossed, he does dumb stuff to endanger other riders. He recently had an incident that ended in red flag, and was the cause that Maverick and Vale where reborn during Race 1 in Austria 2020. And previously he tried to grab the break of another rider at the end of a race (last lap, after the final corner) because he knew he was going to lose de to the slipstream (Zarco was fighting for the championship that year and winning that race would have helped him)! Fortunately nothing happened in there but it could have ended in disaster.
And the ex-riders:
Dani Pedrosa, actually spend a night in jail for cheating on a boat exam and got arrested. He apologised immediately even if it wasn't necessary.
Aspar (MotoGP legend and Moto2, Moto3 and MotoE team owner) and Jorge Lorenzo got in trouble with the Spanish public tresor.
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diosrodeo · 2 years
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Jorno jovana
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munchkin1156 · 11 months
so many wipsssssssssssssssss
The things we don't say (have I given enough)
Rescue me from my despair
"Did you just say the ENTIRE doughnut!?"
Your life will be the death of me
"Y'know, I used to think-" "You used to think? Well that sure explains a lot." (This one sounds like a fun time :3)
Yesss it is a loooott of wips...
The things we don't say (have I given enough) is a royal fic, with giant royal sbi, and human thief's bench trio. Tommy was adopted by the royals and he grew up there, but always felt like he was useless and worthless, being human in a castle of giants. So he runs away, without saying anything, only going to come back once he has their weight in gold. The way he gets the treasure is... Not exactly honourable, and it's how he meets Tubbo and Ranboo, also thiefs, and willing to help Tommy. They become friends quickly. Now, I'm not saying any more because I don't want to spoil anything (and cause you know what happens already), so let's move on to the next one.
Yes, I can see that you've guessed what Just try not to crash is, and yes I am forced to give you more info. Just try not to crash is a jornos submission fic for @i-am-beckyu, which miiight be Wilbur giving Tommy a remote control car, + shenanigans. This fic was supposed to contain pure fluff, and it still might, but I'm on g/t angst brainrot, so you can never be too sure >:] (They ended up naming the car Carl because of Techno, since they asked for a name)
Rescue me from my despair is with faerie Tommy and human Wilbur, with Techno and Phil appearing later... it's a oneshot about Wilbur and Tommy being (technically) brothers, but Wilbur is scared to tell Techno and Philza about Tommy, since faeries tend to lead people towards unspeakable dangers. The rhyme in the beginning goes so:
Don't listen when the fae calls,
Doesn't matter how much they coo,
You're safe if you ignore them,
But when you follow them, the dangers true.
Sooooo yeah, that might not be the best beings to befriend. So Wilbur gets hurt in the forest before Techno and Philza come to visit him, (they visit weekly, and Wilbur hides Tommy everytime) and Tommy has to convince the humans that no, he is NOT trying to murder them, he is trying to save Wilbur. (I do like this idea :])
"Did you just say the ENTIRE doughnut!?" Was a funny idea I had where a borrower attempted to borrow (yoink) an entire doughnut from under the humans nose, just because they could. Obviously they get caught, and shenanigans ensue.
Your life will be the death of me is a soulmate doll au, in which the borrower has the humans... Voodoo doll? Let's just go with that. Anyway, the borrower has the humans doll, borrower size of course, and see it as a lucky charm, taking it with them everywhere. It seems to work too! They can do a ton of risky things, super dangerous too, and get harmed without getting hurt! Super lucky, right? Well... the human is very concerned about their soulmate. They know that the soulmate will take the others pain when holding the doll, so they are very careful as to not hurt them. Apparently the soulmate does not know that, for they have gotten harmed multiple times. What on earth could they be doing!? And to top it all off, the house they just moved into seems to have mice. Just great. Now they need to go buy traps from the store...
Hehe, can you imagine what would happen when the human gets hurt from their own trap? I can >:)
"Y'know, I used to think-" "You used to think? Well that sure explains a lot." Was supposed to be for g/t July as banter, buuut I got sidetracked... Anyway, this was just a fluffy oneshot with a slight argument, with borrower Tommy and human Techno, because bedrock bros go brr.
Thank you for the ask!
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
Does tubbo have a role in this au? If so, in what chapter will we see him? Since Tommy has no idea how big the world actually is, and then he sees it on a map, does he think the world is flat? What about his backstory? Did he get bullied back at the colony? If he did, maybe he flinches whenever someone raises their hand. Do the crafts ask where he came from? If so, what's his excuse? Do they believe his lie, or are they suspicious? How do colony's work in this world? Is the reason he was so small to begin something to do with his size shifting ability? What if he meets one of the old borrowers from the colony? What would his relationship have been with Tommy? Nice to him, pitying him, or bullying him. What would their reaction be to him size shifting? I want to know everything.
sorry if I'm asking too much, you don't have too answer everything. Have some cookies as an apology 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
So for now the main characters are just sbi. I may add other characters if I can think of how it ties in with the story but for now just them. (Although Tubbo and Ranboo are mentioned in this somewhere so you never know)
This is canon. Yep definitely canon. Im going to say in a previous house he saw a map on a table once and heard it was the world. But doesn’t realise it’s obviously not to scale but def thinks the world is flat. He has a very heated argument about this with the twins and refuse to think otherwise without proof.
Constantly. As I said he’s different. The borrowers of this colony really did not like that he was different and they made sure to remind him of that. They’d either outright ignore him or deliberately make him do the worst jobs possible. Some borrowers (especially the ones around his age at the time) would deliberately go out of their way and hurt him for fun. So yes. Tommy in the beginning flinches a lot when he thinks he’s about to get hurt or someone moves to fast. Takes a long time for him to not be so tense about it but everyone is very patient about it and understanding when he semi outlines the abuse. The trauma of it all still a bit too fresh in his mid for detail
Yep of course they ask where he comes from! The Crafts wanna know who they need to go beat up. But I’m not gonna say if Tommy does or doesn’t say yet. Mainly because I’m not sure. But if he hadn’t yet, he’d tell them after the reveal properly.
Colonies in this world work a lot like the one in the 1997 The Borrowers movie in terms of how they have civilisation set up. There’s traders and stores and all sorts of things but they’re spaced out heavily and more built in underground caves then sewers. It’s more common for borrowers to live in forests and such then towns, but they have tunnels connecting places everywhere. This is how Tommy went from living in the smack bang middle of nowhere in the forest to living as an innie borrower in a house. Most borrowers know of the tunnels so a lot of innie borrowers are actually traders in a sorts that they’ll live in houses and bring back the ‘exotic human Bean’ things to trade in the colonies. Tommys parents however we’re not born in a colony, tho they knew of them, and lived mainly outside. But they were not very kind people and when Tommy was born, it just became more obvious to them that their child was different and so rather than waste supplies on a child they now didn’t want, they abandoned him.
Yes. Tommy being smaller than everyone else is because of his sizeshifter abilities. Sizeshifters born are kind of stunted in height. It’s part of how you can identify them. They’re also just a lot thinner and more lanky in appearance because they have the ability to change size and this somewhat allows them to do that. (Or I think it’s just funny to describe Tommy as lanky) but yeah even as they get older, they’re just a lot weaker physically too which would be fine because their shifting sort of makes up for that aspect. So while Tommy is an inch shorter then everyone else his age in the colony, if he knew he could size shift, he wouldn’t have been hindered as much.
If Tommy ever met someone from the old colony again, I think he’d probably just run out of the walls to find Wil, Phil or Techno. I think itd probably be one of his bullies that hurt him the most and Tommy would just go into panic attack mode and run for his life while probably being chased by them. He’d then run screaming into the room for someone while the bully still pursues them, and then of course he shifts. They’d be terrified and book it back to the walls and get away as fast as possible, while Tommy receives comfort cuddles.
Tommy is just scared child that runs from danger. He needs therapy.
You can never ask too many questions. Ask me more! I need the distraction. Thank you for the cookies ✨anon✨! Have some more lollipops 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
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nobodywritingao3 · 1 year
because you're talking i memes, have snippet of jornos:
But as a meme :3
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this took too long to do...
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jojo-incorporated · 2 years
(Bd-wireroses - Shi) There is a guy riding around on a whole ass skeleton horse. He looks completely lost.
A caped man with brown hair sees the guy on the horse and approaches him cautiously.
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4mista44fan4 · 2 years
life situation... :(
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momma-skeleroma · 19 days
Giohnathon Gioestar
Gioseph Giostar
Giotaro Kugio
Giosuke Higashikata
Jorno Jovanna
Giolene Cugioh
Giohnny Gioestar
Giodio Gioestar
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