nathanreese · 9 years
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André Bratten: Gode
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nathanreese · 9 years
T Brand Studio has had a great year. Happy to have helped a number of these come to fruition. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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I spoke with Miranda July about her theater performance, “New Society,” and a bunch of other equally interesting things for T Magazine. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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I talked to Escort about how hard it is to write happy songs. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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I talked to Julia Holter about things that she likes. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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My review of Halsey’s “Badlands” for Pitchfork. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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I reviewed Alice Cohen’s song “Backwards” for Pitchfork. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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I talked to Yo La Tengo’s Ira Kaplan about basketball, swamp pop and classic sitcoms for T Magazine. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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Wrote this short piece for Mental Floss magazine a while back about why, if you’re not a morning person now, you probably never will be. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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I reviewed the new Michael Stasis album for Pitchfork. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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nathanreese · 9 years
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An edited version of my recent interview with Twin Shadow (top left) in last week’s Sunday Times. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
pick up the Sunday New York Times today for a short piece by me on the front of the Arena section about music poster artist Dan Stiles.
A photo posted by Nathan Reese (@nathanreese) on Jun 7, 2015 at 1:41pm PDT
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nathanreese · 9 years
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I talked to Tyondai Braxton (of Battles fame) about his new HIVE project for T Magazine. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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I talked to Paul de Jong (formerly of The Books) about his painstakingly assembled new music video. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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I talked to The Strokes’ Albert Hammond Jr. about ties for T Mag. 
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nathanreese · 9 years
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I talked to Nicolas Winding Refn about his love for vinyl, his new series with Milan Records, and why he loves Robocop. 
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