#jordan samuel
jbaileyfansite · 8 months
Fellow Travelers Q&A at the All Guild Screening for Fellow Travelers in NY (November 14, 2023)
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whaliiwatching · 2 months
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haunts the punk rocker with gay thoughts
prompt: dream
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olympain · 8 months
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mastersoftheair · 7 months
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new stills from episode 7!
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spider-jaysart · 2 years
Bruce and Clark bringing both baby Damian and Jon to a JL meeting for the first time:
The Justice League members: Talking to eachother about something important
Clark and Bruce: Walk into the place
The Justice League Members: Stop their conversation and turn around to see who it was that came in, seeing that it's just Clark and Bruce carrying their two new babies in a baby carrier on their chest
Also the Justice League members: Quickly light up in excitement and joy as they all immediately go to greet the two heroes adorable babies for the first time
Diana, happily: Are these your new babies?
Clark, with a smile on his face: Yep! This is Jon!
Bruce: This is Damian
Dinah: So that's who Damian and Jon are. Hello, cuties! (happily waves at the little two as they both giggle and try to wave back to her in response)
Hawkgirl: Cutie pies!
Diana: Ohhh and just look at their cute little cheeks (goes to lightly pinch their cheeks)
Baby!Damian: slaps her hand away
Diana: Awww and he's a little fighter too! How adorable!
Dinah: Maybe they can have playdates with our son Conner sometime
Clark: Sure! That sounds like it could be fun for them
Hal: They're both little cuties! They look just like you guys!
Clark, playfully ruffling Jon's hair: Thanks! He really does, doesn't he?
Bruce: Damian may be cute but... he can also be very feral
Barry, getting a closer look at Damian: Aww but he doesn't seem so scary to be around, he's adorable!
Baby!Damian: Some how jumps out of his baby carrier and jumps at Hal's face
Hal, falling back: Ahhhhhhh! Help! I'm being attacked by an angry baby!!!!
Barry, immediately while Bruce just has a blank expression: I'll save you, Hal!
Oliver, to baby Jon: Awww, do you want to see me be cool and shoot some arrows? Oh, yes, I bet you do!
Baby!Jon: Happily giggling and clapping his hands in response
Arthur: Oooor maybe he would perfer to see me do some really cool tricks with my triton instead
Oliver: No, he obviously wants to see me be cool, which is something you definitely aren't, Aquaman
Arthur, offended: You take your cruel word's back!
Oliver, glaring at Arthur:..... No
Bruce, annoyed: Shouldn't you all be focusing on more important things? Like League work?
Diana, playing patty cake with Jon: Oh, c'mon, Bruce. We're just trying to get to know the little two
Bruce, grabbing Damian off of Hal's face since Barry failed to do it himself: And you already did, so it's time to get back to work
Baby!Damian: Begins to cry
Bruce, pinching his nose due to being able to smell Damian's diaper: Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go change Damian's diaper and when I get back, I want to see you all getting busy with your work
The League members watching Bruce as he walks away: .....
Also the League once Bruce is gone: Immediately go straight to interacting with Clark and Baby!Jon again
Later, after changing Damian's diaper:
Bruce, comes back with a clean diaper hanging on his head that Damian threw at him as he sees the League still cooing over Baby!Jon: Ahem!
The League: Turns to look at him
Hal, as if he and the rest of the group are being interrupted: What?
Bruce, annoyed, as he throws the wasted diaper off of his head: Can we get back to focusing on our work already? We have important things to do
Soon, Bruce and Clark put both baby Damian and Jon in their baby gate so that they can play with eachother while they work
Baby!Jon, as Bruce and Clark go to have their League meeting at the nearby table: Tries to grab a toy from Damian's side
Baby!Damian: Hits Jon's hand to say no, sadding the little half Kryptonian after he does
Meanwhile, with Clark and Bruce:
Clark, after Bruce hit his hand: Hey! Rude!
Bruce: That's my pen and whenever I let someone around here use my pen, they never give it back to me, so don't even think about touching it
Clark: Okay, jeez, Grumpy
Baby!Damian, after standing up: Does a literal flip that he learned from Talia to get out of the baby gate
Also Baby!Damian as he's walking away from his baby gate: Quickly waves over at Baby!Jon to follow him
Baby!Jon: Tries to his best to jump outside of the baby gate a couple of times but fails and begins to float in the air instead to escape with his best friend
Damian and Jon both then runaway together to go have some fun in the League base
Diana, with shopping bags on her arms as she's holding two fluffy teddy bears in her hands: Hey, can I give these to Damian and Jon? I just bought them
Clark, confused: Wait- huh? You just went out shopping in the middle of the meeting? How did I not see you leave-
Diana, cutting him off: Can I give this to them, yes or no?
Bruce: Only after it's passed inspection
Diana: What?
Bruce, grabbing the teddy bear that's meant for Damian as Clark simply takes the one that's meant for Jon: You never know what crazy villains may be disguised as some Toy shop keeper and could be selling you things that you don't even know are secretly dangerous
Diana: .... They're just teddybears
Bruce, about to cut open the teddy bear to make sure it's safe: Not to me, until I know that for sure
Diana, seeing this: Hey! I paid for those!
Clark: (Quickly grabs the teddy bear away from Bruce, earning a glare from him) Uh, hey, you don't have to do that, Bruce. You could just put it through the X-ray scanner here and see it, you know?
Bruce, still glaring at him: Right, cause you just know everything, don't you?
Clark, as him Bruce both walk past Damian and Jon's baby gate to go scan both bears (to calm Bruce's paranoia): (Gasp!) Bruce! The babies! They're gone!!! We have to go find them!
Bruce: (Drops Damian's teddy bear) We need to go search for them! Now! (Runs to go look for them with Clark following him from behind)
Back to Damian and Jon in the weapons room:
Baby!Damian: Happily playing with one of Diana's old swords
Baby!Jon: Giggling while throwing one of Oliver's extra arrows at the wall
They soon see a hole being created in one of the walls there
It is soon revealed to be the Joker who's breaking into the room through the walls as he's covered in armor and has some Kryptonite tucked away in his belt as well. He was planning to steal some of the Leagues weapons and use it against them
The Joker, bending down to Damian and Jon's very small height to get a better look at them: Ooooh, and who are these two little beans just sitting around?
Baby!Jon: Begins to cry after seeing the Joker's terrifying face very close in front of him
Baby!Damian: Gets mad that his best friend is crying and stands up in front of Jon, glaring at Joker
The Joker, amused by his young bravery: Oh, what are you going to do? Fight me?
Baby!Damian: Angrily pulls his nose
The Joker, in pain: Ahhhh!
The Joker, as he angrily grabs Baby!Damian and glares at him: Why youuu little-
Baby!Jon, in defense, Lasers the Joker's shoes, burning his feet with hot heat (but not enough to lit them on fire or laser them off)
The Joker: (Drops Baby!Damian and immediately grabs his feet in pain as he begins to hop around the room) Arrrggggh!!!
Baby!Jon catches Baby!Damian and helps him stand up
They both each grab a weapon from the room
Baby!Damian grabs one of Diana's old swords and swings it at the Joker, making him quickly move back
Baby!Jon, with one of Diana's old shields, throws it at the Joker's direction, knocking him down to the ground
The Joker then tries standing up, about to pull out the Kryptonite from his belt
Baby!Damian: Turns on a switch on one of the rockets that Cyborg created, making it quickly turn on and and fly in Joker's direction, knocking him out
They both then throw a random net on top of him and happily high five eachother and crawl out of the room through one of the vents there
Back to Bruce and Clark and the rest of the League who are looking for Damian and Jon:
Superman, using his x-ray vision everwhere: I can't see them anywhere!
Bruce: Keep looking!
Clark: Wait! I can hear something!
Bruce and the rest of the League listen with him in silence
Bruce, taking out a Batarang: In the vents! (Throws it at the vent, slicing it open as Damian falls out of it and falls safely into his arms giggling)
Clark then lasers through the vent, letting Baby!Jon also fall safely into his arms with a smile on his face as he joyfully claps his hands
The League members quickly surround them both, happy that Damian and Jon are okay
Hal, behind them: Hey guy's, you won't believe this! But... The Joker is knocked out in the weapons room!
Minutes later:
Diana: How did he get knocked out when no one was around to fight him?
Barry: What an idiot, he must've gotten himself knocked out while walking around in this room
Oliver: What do we do with him now?
Bruce, with a smile as he hugs baby!Damian who's in his arms, as Clark is also hugging Baby!Jon: We send him back to Arkham, but the most important thing here though is that these two are safe
Jon and Damian both happily giggle at the warm hugs from their Father's and soon fall asleep in their arms after the fun day they had together as the young Supersons
(I just wanted to do something silly and cute :) )
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appleberrycenter · 7 months
I want to listen to Slaf,Guhles and Primeau talk all day..actually all of them
also hi Kirby😍
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 2 months
Jordan Samuel's flips in Newsies Live.
That's it, that's the post.
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cloudyfacewithjam · 8 months
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Masters of the Air - Season 1 Episode 4
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sitting-on-me-bum · 16 days
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Red Sand
In a desert in Jordan. Clouds are not common in this very hot area but they give an unusual atmosphere.
Samuel Feron
Neutral Density Photography Awards 2023
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missmissyworld · 2 years
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Angela at the oscars!
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jbaileyfansite · 10 months
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BTS of Fellow Travelers with Jonathan Bailey, Joseph La Corte, Michelle Cote, Jordan Samuel and Oriana Rossi [x]
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musicalcastingideas · 6 months
Gender fucked Hamilton
This came to me in a dream. I will not offer any explanations for these. Enjoy.
Alexander Hamilton: Eva Nobelzada
Aaron Burr: Amber Gray
Laurens/Hamilton Jr: Solea Pfeiffer
Lafayette/Jefferson: Renee Elise Goldsberry
Mulligan/Madison: Genesis Lynea
Eliza Hamilton: Jordan Fisher
Angelica Schuyler: George Salazar
Peggy/Maria Reynolds: Vincent Rodriguez III
Washington: Audra McDonald
King George: Patti LuPone
Samuel Seabury: Annaleigh Ashford
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olympain · 8 months
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We got 24 forts. Thirteen made it.
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mastersoftheair · 8 months
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new stills for episode 4!
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spotwithallhiscronies · 3 months
[There will be TWO of these]
Disclaimer: these are only from Livesies 2017
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
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My friend @theredheaded-stuff showed me this panel of Damian carrying this giant sword around and then I just came up with this whole scenario lol😂
Damian just walking into the Justice League base with Bruce, while carrying his giant sword around like in the picture above, just shocking everyone in there with it
Clark: Bruce???? You just let him carry that around with him?????
Bruce: Well, it's what he wanted, so I said it was fine with me
Damian, points sword at hal: DON'T CALL MY ARMS TINY!!!
Barry: DON'T HURT HIM!!!!
Oliver: ....Now I can see why my son Connor was begging me to let him get a giant sword last week. Good thing I said no to him CAUSE THAT WOULD JUST BE CRAZY JUST LIKE YOU RIGHT NOW!
Bruce: Hey! Don't tell me how to raise my kids!
Bruce: You know what? Yes he does, CAUSE I BUILTED ONE FOR HIM! AND IT'S CALLED THE BAT POCKET!! And maybe if you would get your son a giant sword too, than maybe he would feel just as cool as my son right now, because just using arrows to fight crime is nothing new and it's just boring!!!!
Oliver: Take that back right now
Diana, suddenly walking into the room: (GASP!) OH MY! WHAT IS HE HOLDING????
Bruce, with his arms crossed in annoyance: A sword. Are you gonna start giving me some judgey comments about my parenting skills too?
Diana: Absolutely not! I believe it is one of the best choices for being used as weapons!! Let me see! (Runs over to Damian to get a better look)
Diana, examining it: Oh, it is just very marvoules!
Damian: Thank you
Diana: You've made the right choice setting him up with such a wonderfully and beautifully crafted sword that would protect him very well in combat! It is even big enough to destroy dangerous beasts during battle as well!
Bruce: Why thank you (looks at the rest of the League with a smirk)
Everyone else: ????
(Both Damian and Diana bond over their love for swords after this)
Damian showing it to Jon during a fight on patrol in Metropolis:
Jon: OMG! What is that?!
Damian: It's a sword, Corncob (=_=)
Jon: Well, yeah, I can see that for sure, I'm just wondering about how are you even carrying it???? And where did you get it from???!
Damian: Simple! I'm just that strong enough to carry it! And it was gifted to me! Now watch this!
(swings sword at a random tree behind him, making it fall on top of an incoming giant Lexcorp robot as he turns around to face Jon with a confident proud smile)
Jon, jaw dropped: (GASP!).... I'VE GOTTA ASK MY DAD TO GET ME ONE TOO!!!!
Damian: You should
Bruce, calling Clark: Clark? My son said that he left his Twizzelr pack at your house during a sleepover
Clark: What? Which one?
Bruce: We'll, he only brought one with him. They were specificly the red cherry Twizzelr's that he had with him-
Clark: No, I mean which son?
Bruce: The older one
Clark: Dick?
Bruce: No
Clark: You don't mean Jason than, do you?
Bruce: Of course not, I'm talking about my smaller one
Clark: Damian????
Bruce: No! Tim! How could you not know???? He was having a sleepover with Conner yesterday, remember????
Clark: I-....Ugh, It's just that I'm having a hard time focussing today since Jon keeps begging me and Lois to get him a sword after seeing Damian with it and I keep telling him no
Bruce: Get it for him
Clark: Absolutely not! He could hurt himself with it
Bruce: You and your son are both invulnerable, Clark, so I think he'll be just fine
Clark: I'm not getting him a sword!
Meanwhile with Jon:
Jon, flopping onto his bed with annoyance, talking to Damian on his phone: Aughhh! Damian, you wont believe it! My Mom and Dad won't let me get a sword! They say it's too dangerous!
Damian: -tt- Nonsense! It is a perfectly fine weapon to use in combat as long as you have enough training with it!
Jon: I know! It would just be so cool if I could have one! But they think that I won't be able to actually use it properly! Hmph!
Damian: Well, that stinks
Jon: Totally!
Jon: Is it okay if I could maybe try out yours-
Damian: No, you're not touching my sword
Jon: :(
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