#jordan college
three-atoms · 22 days
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Illustrations for HDM: Northern Lights
By Nadiia Doicheva
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maddiviner · 1 year
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When I was (I think?) eleven, I found a copy of the first book in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials series (Northern Lights). It was in my English teacher's personal classroom library. She immediately let me borrow it, because she was always trying to encourage us to read.
And this? The passage above? Was so exciting to me as a kiddo.
Why? At that age, I wasn't quite in the teenaged "I know everything" mode. I did have the vague idea that smart people went their own way and didn't listen to anyone, though.
Of course, I was a kid, and well-aware of my own limitations. Still, I guess growing up in the 1990s, individuality got pushed a lot, and with it, self-sufficiency. Actual smart people, I thought as a child, could handle things on their own right?
But here? In this book, you've got a portrayal of super-serious academic adults listening to each other. The main speaker in the passage is a college president discussing funding. He's a smart guy. The matter at hand involves other universes and physics and lots of cool stuff like that. He's seen a bit about it, but doesn't understand it in its entirety.
The point, though? He's perfectly willing to admit the matter at hand isn't his field. He trusts his colleagues understand it, and he listens to them about it. Unfortunately, the matter at hand is interdimensional heresy, but he's choosing to place his trust in the experts anyways.
Of course, nowadays, we live in a world where everyone wants to "do their own research" on YouTube. It sounds good, of course, and it jives with what a lot of us learned growing up. Skepticism, lack of trust for authority, etc. I'm not even saying that can't be healthy.
It's just that experts exist for a reason. We have them so that we can listen to them. I know we shouldn't consume anything uncritically, but part of critical thinking involves looking to those who already know more.
It seems like with the internet having wrapped its gossamer claws around civilization, more and more people have stopped doing that, for better or worse. Anyways, I hunted down this passage again, on the Kindle copy, because this was on my mind.
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Am I the only one that thinks His Dark Materials would fit perfectly into the Dark Academia aesthetic but with a little twist? I see Dark Acadekia I immediately think of HDM
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david-sankey · 2 years
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"His Dark Materials" on telly started with Lyra Belacqua running round "Jordan College" Oxford. There was no Jordan College, but the name was partly influenced by Jericho, where there was an iron works (Lucy's - Eagle Works) and a wharf.   It's now very much gentrified, & I saw that Morse narrowly missed a mucky film at the "Studio Two" flix  (Phoenix Picturehouse now) in a repeated episode recently..... Anyroad, Lucy's gone and the wharf is being redeveloped . There's been a Loooong campaign and there still is, for the redevelopment to be done responsibly (the most minimal of minimum demands) and despite a unanimous rejection by the council of the developers proposals - they have taken the site to Planning Appeal  https://www.jerichowharf.com/news/news_item/time-for-a-turndown .   (photo shows St Barnabas Church behind Jericho Wharf) 
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evebeforethefall · 2 years
I miss Doctor Carne
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 334
So. Danny has discovered he might erm, might be technically a necromancer. At least as far as magic is concerned. Like even if it’s just via resurrecting himself the magic side of things (god, he’s more scientist- sided dangit) count it as such. 
Which means that half the time someone tries to summon a necromancing-esque being, he’s the one who gets tugged if he’s even a centimeter within range. It was annoying enough in high school, it’s no less annoying in this world they’ve all moved to. 
On the bright side, thanks to also being half dead himself, the summonings and other rituals can’t actually drag him somewhere. It just causes him to feel like someone was crushing a lung or two, which honestly nothing new. (Gosh were those days of vigilante work really that violent? Huh, guess they were)
What he wasn’t expecting was for a tiny child, a living child, to track him down despite him not existing legally or anything similar in this world, to revive their previous local child vigilante. Which like, hey, first of all, he has a few questions? Just a couple and yeah sure, he’ll shake on it- can he have your name first there kid…? 
Tim, on the other hand, is getting a little concerned when he realizes a lot of the questions the probable-fae keeps asking are in line with the stuff CPS asks. (Unknown to him, that is exactly where Danny is getting several of his questions about this scrawny vigilante kid. Erm. He might have to take the kid, for like, his own safety- hey Frostbite he needs your help he has some questions-) 
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apollos-boyfriend · 5 months
just remembered that last night i had a dream that an old captainsparklez tweet surfaced where he was like “yeah i was bisexual in college” and i while i have no substantial evidence i blame tommyinnit for this one
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damthosefandoms · 3 months
top gun is technically a batlantern movie by the way. just so you all know
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soupinaboot · 1 month
Do you think Batman ever just casually drops the most insane lore to people at random like it's nothing? Cause I do.
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tragicotps · 7 months
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Random gifs of Marisa Coulter smiling [6/∞]
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korkalations · 7 months
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three-atoms · 1 year
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Asriel Belacqua: a passionate Northern explorer with a great fortune
Marisa Coulter: a passionate scholar married to a rising politician
they fell in love as soon as they met // she found herself with his child and thought it best to hide the baby away // but someone whispered to her husband what had happened and he came a flying down in a murderous passion; Asriel challenged him, and they fought there and then, and Asriel killed him // the consequence was a great lawsuit; the judges punished Asriel by confiscating all his property and all his land; Marisa turned her back; the court decided the baby was to be placed in a priory // but Asriel wouldn't stand for that; he took the baby to Jordan College and dared the law to undo it // Asriel went back to his explorations; he wanted to go to the source of Dust itself // then came all this anxiety about Dust; Marisa spotted the chance to set up her own power base //
in the end, they leapt, seizing the great beating wings of the Authority and bearing them all down into the abyss
for Lyra
quotes adapted from Northern Lights by Philip Pullman
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mothinabottle · 2 months
Imagine. Imagine a new ritual in-game where the temple tries to convert a demon PC back to a normal human again. Like some type of shit involving a high rank temple member cumming inside PC 7 times (Because 7 is the holy number supposedly? Jajsjajsja)—Preferably Jordan
Spoiler: It doesn't fucking work. This is just an excuse to have porn with plot, ok??? I am at my wit's end cuz I haven't been able to draw Jordan in a GOOD while and I just need them???
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usarmytrooper · 11 months
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 74
When a new black-haired blue-eyed person appeared in the manor, one could easily be forgiven for thinking that Bruce’s adoption problem had struck again. So color many a batkid surprised that no, this kid isn’t a new sibling, no he didn’t get grabbed from the street, and actually he’s here for Alfred. Apparently Alfred never found it important to mentioned that he has a husband- that the kid kind of implies isn’t human what with the casual way he says he himself is half human- and that this kid is apparently their child. For once it’s Bruce’s turn to come home to a surprise sibling. 
Danny on the other hand just learned that his Clockpa has a semi-mortal partner who has offered to take him in, (in another dimension even! And there’s aliens!!) while the ancient takes care of some stuff at home. And yeah it’s in a rich-manor but Sam has proved that not all rich people are evil, and based off of Mr Pennyworth’s stories the Waynes weren’t bad either. Though based off of the others’ reactions perhaps he should wait to mention that there wasn’t one new family member but three…
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
(moodboard or fic or whatever you’re feeling up to bby)
i crave seeing this man be put in situations you wouldn’t automatically think to put him in, so give me frat boy!adam warlock who only joined because his parents made him, ya know legacy and all that + the philosophy student who is the opposite of someone you’d ever see at a frat but gets roped into helping him pass a class!
Creations: select a hottie + scenario/AU/trope/prompt** and I will a playlist/moodboard/fic (please specify the creation you are requesting)
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join the celebration!
hjasfghjkdhga now hold on bc fratboy!Adam sounds so hot I'd drop the last bit of my morals for 24 hours with him 😩 I have a million headcanons running thru my mind rn so we'll start off with some light appetizers 😜 sorry this took a million years to write and that its so frickin long 😭
First and foremost, Adam wears crop tops and short shorts unironically and he fuckin ROCKS them! All the other frat boys don't look as good as him
He also wears gold chains bc why tf not
His parents met in the partnering fraternity and sorority that did charities and events. They then got married and had Adam straight out of college. Since the birth of Adam, his parents had it set in stone that he would work hard to attend the same university and join the same fraternity as his father.
As an underclassman, Adam genuinely enjoyed the frat life. His parents were proud of him. He was dating Gamora, the most popular girl in the sorority and of course another legacy. He was basically set to become president of the fraternity by his senior year.
At the beginning of his junior year, his whole world flipped upside down. His father died suddenly, and Ayesha was having a hard time grieving. On top of that, Gamora left Adam for Peter Quill, current president and Adam's arch nemesis.
All this caused Adam's straight A's turn to straight D's. With Quill as president, he threatened to kick Adam out the fraternity if he didn't bring his grades up.
And this is where you come in.
You are the top student in yours and Adam's philosophy class. It kinda helps that you are a philosophy major and always leading discussions during lectures. All your classmates were annoyed of you talking the professor's ears off, except for Adam. Without anyone's knowledge, he would jot down your talking points in case they would be useful in the future.
After the second exam of the semester, he finally approaches you after class, asking you to tutor him. Without hesitation, you agree, mainly because you have always seen him in your classes and found him attractive.
During your study sessions, you both got to know one another, realizing you have more in common with each other than Adam did with Gamora. He eventually confesses to you that he didn't care all that much about the frat life and he willingly agreed to rush because of his parents. You reveal to him that your parents practically disowned you after going to a college away from home and majoring in anything outside of law or medicine. You and Adam almost shared a kiss that night. That was until your best friend and Gamora's step sister, Nebula, came home from work.
Adam invites you to one of his frat parties where you're stuck to his hip the whole time. A drunk Quill encounters Adam, constantly harassing you throughout the night. Fed up with Quill's antics, Adam and you finally leave.
That was until Quill said, "Once you get tired of Adam's dumbass, you know where to find me. It won't be the first time a girl realized I'm ten times the man Adam Warlock will ever be."
Adam was ready to beat his ass, but you pushed him to the side, strutting towards Quill and back-handed slapped him across the face, sending him to the floor. You stoop down to Quill's level, muttering through gritted teeth, "You're right. Adam will never be you because he isn't some scumbag like you." Then, you took someone's cup of beer and poured it all over Quill before leaving with Adam.
As Adam was dropping you off at your apartment, he pulled you into a heated kiss and thanked you for standing up for him. When you shut the door behind you, you did a happy dance which Nebula caught you in the middle of. This, then led to you both staying up the rest of the night to spill the details of the party until you and Adam kissed.
Next week in class, Adam surprised you with your usual coffee order from the cafe on campus. On the coffee cup, there was a message that wrote:
"Dinner and movie at 7? I could use a study break :)"
Your face was warm from smiling so hard. You couldn't wait to finally go on a real date with Adam and neither could he.
Adam showed up to your apartment with a bouquet of flowers. You had to do a double take because it was the first time you haven't seen Adam wearing shorts and a crop top. He wore a buttoned shirt with jeans and his hair was neatly combed back.
"What happened? Did you run out of shirts that show off your abs?" You joked, leading to Adam picking you up and spinning you in the air before kissing you sweetly.
"Gotta look nice for my girl, you know."
You raise an eyebrow, taking the bouquet from him. "Your girl?" You curled your lips inward to hide the goofy smile on your face.
"Is it okay if I call you that?"
"Only if it's okay for me to call you my boy."
The date proceeds and it consists of a lot of hand holding, kissing, and you laying your head on Adam's shoulder. At the end of the date, it was obvious neither of you wanted it to end. While making out in his car, Adam reached for the bottom of your shirt, trying to pull it over your head until you stopped him.
Adam's face was full of concern. "I'm sorry, I should have asked if you were okay with this. I don't want you to think-"
You interrupted him by pressing your lips to his. "Don't worry, Adam. You didn't do anything wrong." You looked over at the window of your apartment, realizing no light came from inside. "Do you want to come inside? Nebula is most likely out for the rest of the night."
With that, Adam followed you into your apartment. You two barely made it into the bedroom before your hands and lips were all over one another. You fucked on the sofa before moving to the bedroom to cuddle.
As you were dozing off, Adam whispered, "I think I'm gonna quit the frat."
Now you were wide awake. "Why? I thought you loved it."
"For a while I did. I felt like I had to care for my parents. Now that we are halfway through junior year, none of that matters anymore." Adam paused to move your hair out of your face. "Besides, I'm thinking about applying to work at the cafe. My girl deserves all the free coffee I can make her for the rest of our college years."
"You are the sweetest." You kissed Adam on his forehead. "Whatever you want to do, I'll support you along the way."
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