#jonny's best friend (plank)
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muses-of-the-memory · 2 months ago
Happy 26th Anniversary, Ed, Edd n Eddy!
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Tagged by: @hoshi-neko-hikari, @bluemajingirl, @the-world-hopper
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garbanzopaste · 3 months ago
plank theory - what if plank was inspired by eddy
little jonny sees little ed knocking about the cul-de-sac with his best friend eddy, and jonny thinks to himself, “boy i sure wish i had a smart-mouthed rectangular git to boss me around”
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mkorpse13 · 1 year ago
Time to ramble about my Ed Edd n Eddy Fantasy AU that I keep forgetting about.
I really like the idea of a lot of them being mythical creatures, it’s so fun to draw them as mythical creatures! I decided to give you guys the roles all the characters play in this au.
The pictures below each description is more of a reference than the actual design. Most designs will turn out to be much different from how the original design looked in each image.
(Any drawings of this au from the past are considered outdated as some of the designs have changed)
Ed - Half dragon that is learning magic
Ed, like his sister is half dragon. He had more human features but he still has visible horns and sharp teeth. He wears a cloak and wizard hat with star and moon designs all over them.
He practices magic and mainly learns from the picture books he reads. He somehow learns way better from pictures than he does from actual spell books and actual magic classes.
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Edd - Lizard Human Hybrid
Edd specializes in potions, and usually is a big help whenever you need a remedy for healing, strength, etc. He mostly is going on adventures with his two best friends.
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Eddy - Jester
When he isn’t entertaining the royalty, he is usually scamming the towns people or stealing with the help of his two friends.
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Kevin - Royal Guard in Training
He’s usually riding around on his horse or is training to be the top guard.
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Rolf - Faun
His family had recently traveled up to the village know as “Peach Creek”, where he meets his new friends. He is mostly seen at his farm, but sometimes has the free time to goof off with Kevin and Nazz.
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Nazz - Mermaid
She is usually found near the ocean talking with the village boys who make attempts to date her, she usually brushes them all off. When she isn’t being flirted with she’s usually hanging out with Kevin whenever he isn’t training.
(Didn’t have a picture for her 😭)
Jimmy - Princess
Jimmy prefers to be referred to as a princess and wear a princess dress as he thinks it makes him look more royal. He enjoys long walks in his garden or secretly running off to go enjoy his time with his friends of Peach Creek.
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Sarah - Human Dragon Hybrid
She is very fond of gold and treasure and tends to hide it from everyone else, although she gives Jimmy some when she feels generous. She has the more dragon features out of her and Ed.
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Jonny - Elf
He is usually found in the woods hanging out with his buddy, Plank. He can clone himself using certain spells, and is quite helpful with direction or when you are lost in the woods.
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Kanker Sisters - Witches
The three sisters are usually in their cottage far into the woods plotting their next evil plan against the people of Peack Creek.
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This AU idea is so fun, hopefully I can and even maybe make fanfics for it in the future :D
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faline-cat444 · 1 year ago
Vision of a soft modernized slightly aged-up continuity reboot for Ed Edd n Eddy
Few details before I try making the script samples and other rough ideas for some minor concepts.I'm mainly compiling several thoughts and jokes into something more definitive and cohesive.To start off there would be a new character serving as something of audience surrogate,we shall call her Evelyn Kanker but we won't know her relation to the sisters until the end of the episode.Compared to the rest of the cast Evelyn is slightly older,specifically around seventeen so she's a newly graduated high school student who came to Peach Creek to interview the community and put some rumors either to the test or rest.
The "modern" part comes into play was Evelyn is going to conduct interviews with her smartphone with the kids.Edd is the native she comes into contact with and along with the other two Eds will try to serve as tour guides for her stay in the area.
Evelyn:I'm going to have an extended stay in this area due to some rumors that have made me curious.First of all I think I need permission from your parents if I want to do this properly since it looks like all of you are minors...Where are your parents?
Edd:I'm afraid almost everyone's parents are at work and won't be back home until way later.
Evelyn:(No way that's concerning...)Ah well,I guess I can deal with that later.Just as long as you give me consent before I start up the camera should this be fine.
Edd:Why certainly.
Evelyn:First of all,tell me your name.
Edd:It's Eddward but on account two other boys who live here have that name and mine happens to be a variant with two Ds all the others tend to call me "Double D" to easier differentiate the three of us.But while it might sound like that they are technically saying "E-D-D".
Evelyn:...Are you aware of the breast size context that nickname comes with...?
Edd:The what now?
Evelyn:Well,at least you still have your innocence.Anyway,I'll pay you a quarte--
Edd:SHHH!That phrase is taboo around here.
Edd:Remember those two other boys I mentioned?They're my best friends and--
Eddy:DID SOMEONE SAY QUARTER?!Sure took you long enough to discover the other meaning of your nickname,Sockhead.Anyway,who is this chick?
Edd:Eddy,this is Evelyn.She's here to interview us and...What exactly are you planning to do with your footage?
Evelyn:Peach Creek has been the talk of some wild rumors on the internet--
Eddy:Internet,you say?Girl,are you an angel from heaven who is going to lead me towards a path of stardom?
Evelyn:Probably not,I'm lucky if my stuff even reaches the thousand view milestone.
Eddy:Maybe making me the star of your interview will change all that,the camera does tend to adore!Let's go get Ed.
Evelyn initially finds Ed's living conditions to be a little weird but quickly comes to accept it because she also has a minor affinity to things like monster movies and comics(But later on we learn she's more of the Japanese culture favorer).She also decides it's better to keep it a secret from Eddy how much some of Ed's collection might also be worth if put on the market.We get a mention to the original series by saying how they tried being tour guides before but it ended with "casualties".
Sarah and/or Jimmy become the next interviewees.Followed by Nazz which has Evelyn mistake her name as "Inez" at first.Kevin is encountered next which despite his tendency to call the Eds "dorks" she believes he sees them as good friends.She attempts to interview Rolf about his animals but he does not consent to being viewed through the "demonic crystal".Finally reaching Jonny which gets implications she also might be able to "hear" Plank.
At the end of the day Evelyn basically learns from the adventure all the rumors were true and the very boys who guided her across town instigated them all.She says she had a good time but has to go to where she'll be lodging to unpack and start editing her footage for the tell-all video.But before she steps foot in her car she notices a quarter on the ground,one problem though...It's Canadian.
Eddy:*snatches it*
I want to be sure you're not conning me out of a possible tip.Holy crap,it IS Canadian.You can keep it,that won't work to get a jawbreaker at the candy store.
Evelyn:Gobstoppers still cost a quarter around here?There must be a catch.Are they individually wrapped in plastic and about the size of a gumball?
Eddy:Gob what?I'm talking about jawbreakers.They're about this big.
Evelyn:The name doesn't lie if that's true.I guess I know where I need to visit tomorrow.
Evelyn drives off and we see her end up at the Park and Flush knocking on the door to the Kankers' trailer.This is where we learn she's their older cousin and besides the internet articles most more personal stories about goings on came from Lee,Marie,and May.She says she understands why they are so infatuated with the Eds and believes it's better if she hides her relation to the Kanker clan for the time being.So would end the introductory episode.
As for something else that could play around with more recent changes in childhood play would have Ed's model kit hobby essentially play a role to the plot.Specifically he ordered a kit but what was delivered was massive.Ed builds it in a snap to reveal it's a giant mecha robot.Whatever is more in-line for the show's usual wackiness I guess they either try to turn it into something that can actually move around,they try to charge money to seeing it up close,and/or it's destroyed by the episode's end/remains in one of the backyards as an eyesore for the remainder of the series.
Evelyn is still playing a semi-prominent role through this and the next few episodes in trying to get a feel for the cul-de-sac lifestyle but eventually more-or-less gets phased out but is at least implied to be recording nearly everything the Eds are getting up to and eventually has an episode where she shows off what's been uploaded about her findings and experiences.Through this her identity as a Kanker also is brought to light.As a shoutout to how in the pitch bible it mentions Edd mails his socks to girls he has crushes on he might initially take it as a shock and go "AND TO THINK I WAS PLANNING ON MAILING MY SOCKS TO YOU!" but all she says to this was "Guess that explains why you wanted my address."
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reneg661 · 1 year ago
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Is an immigrant from a far and distant culture known to us only as The Old Country. The most evidence was shown in "No Speak Da Ed." There, it was revealed that he is familiar with a trickster named Gerta who lives in Norway. During flashbacks in that episode, he is seen being chased by a person in a wolf costume. Rolf works on his parents' small farm within the Cul-de-Sac and leads a scouting group called the Urban Rangers; a Boy Scout-like group consisting of Jimmy, Plank, and Jonny. Rolf often refers to himself in third person, as well as being the "son of a shepherd," in which he takes great pride. He hardly minds the Eds unless they make a fool out of him or insult his culture, after which he is not afraid to use brute force. When his superhuman strength is unleashed, it rivals Ed's; however, it should be considered that he is the second strongest character in the show, since he was seen lifting a tree with difficulty while Ed can lift a house single handed. Regardless, Rolf's strength depends on his mood rather than his biology. In multiple episodes, Rolf is shown to have green teeth. As shown in "If It Smells Like an Ed," he has an obsession with jujubes. Rolf, like the other kids, shares the same infatuation with jawbreakers. Rolf confuses the rest of the kids with his unusual customs, sayings, and food-making. He is one of the few characters who gets respect from all the kids. His best friend is Kevin, and he relates well with Jonny, as he tends to be an outsider as well. Rolf has a very strong accent and is exceptionally hairy. Although he has not revealed his age, he claims that his hair is premature (as mentioned in "Scrambled Ed"). He has a strong liking for meat, and when he agreed on a bet to not eat meat for a whole day, he became severely emaciated almost instantly, not even having enough strength to open the cafeteria door or bite through celery. Seafood is shown to be an integral part of Rolf's traditions in many episodes, particularly in "Dueling Eds,' in which sea cucumbers, dead fish and eels are featured, and in "Button Yer Ed," in which Rolf's breakfast feast is shown to be composed entirely of seafood. Nobody except Rolf and his family knows what country he is from. It is apparently fictional, though often suggested by fans to be a Northern or Eastern European country. Rolf speaks English with a strong accent and also has a tendency to refer to himself in third-person.
Rolf (c) Ed, Edd N Eddy Art (c) reneg661
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clairethecutepup · 2 years ago
So, you remember the plans for that Ed Edd n' Eddy (Assassin AU) fan comic series? Well, I think I've finally gotten it figured out, and I'd like to make this post to help ensure I don't forget (and maybe get people interested). Click "keep reading," if curious.
I've decided to forego the concept of "werebeasts," but only for the comic of C2ndy2C1d's AU idea. For a different and fully original series involving assassins, I'll utilize it 'cause it'll feel less jarring and all then. I mean, I'll give myself points for trying to give a reason why animal-hybrids existed in the AU's world, instead of basically telling the audience just to accept the fact; but let's face it, good excuse/reason or not, it always felt off and more a likely turn-off to viewers than anything.
If you really wanna know the whole "werebeast" ordeal: the organization's lab managed to reach a breakthrough, in form of living tools that combined animalistic and humanistic abilities, and they planned to offer these new creations to the more interested assassins for better/easier job completion. If you want an example, the best I can describe is to think of it like a "Kiba and Akamaru" situation, from the Naruto series, except with some animal/human-hybrid than a ninja hound. Again, it can be an interesting concept and idea, assassins working with animal-hybrid partners that serve them as needed, just perhaps not fitting for the "Assassin AU" of EEnE.
I'm still using Claire and Yami, though, they're just normal full-humans now that utilize a respective wolf/fox theme to them. However, there are a few extra changes: Cio will be added to the cast and HE'S the one with the Eds, Claire is now with Sarah and Jimmy (pray for the kid), and it's a concept of apprenticeship than being assigned to some "master." Yami and Nazz will still be paired up, as a dynamic Japanese-styled duo of swordsmanship and Ninjutsu (NOT like Naruto but the actual art).
Why apprenticing? Well, the organization decided its... "recruits" would have a higher success rate in "graduation" and the like, if they were given prior field experience, before the time comes to prove themselves. Yeah, let's just say, the resulting numbers weren't meeting the demand, with how they currently ran things... So, for some extra financial compensation (cue Eddy immediately dragging his friends into this), the veterans have a chance to train a greenhorn; but that means they share the consequences, if a pupil fails to properly graduate. If the pupil graduates, it's really up to them and their mentor whether they'll continue partnered up and all.
Mentors get to choose one candidate from a list of "most compatible" ones, and then that trainee will be under their wing for a bit. Nazz picks Yami because of her Japanese-based interests (more technique than racially-related), The Eds pick Cio because his brains are sure to pair well with Double D's (thus Eddy can make HIM do all the mentoring and rake in easy bucks), and Sarah and Jimmy pick Claire because I hate the kid and enjoy seeing them bully her.
... Okay, that's just the OUT-of-story reason I have, aside from her fighting style working well with theirs. The two will claim it's because they wanted a little extra spending money-- specifically, they want this giant plushie that'd be a great addition to their base. They also, especially Sarah, enjoy the idea of having someone to boss around and all, and you could "practically see [Claire] trembling in her photo~"... However, Claire's predictable meekness/timid-ness, making for a fun and obedient "toy," doesn't convey their full reason for choosing her specifically, nor are "serving toys" the main reason why they even entered the apprenticeship program... Sorry, but THAT isn't getting spoiled here.
As for Kevin, Rolf, Jonny and the Kanker Sisters, they won't be getting apprentices for their own reasons: Jonny and Plank already have to worry about getting just THEMSELVES safely out of their explosions, Kevin is more of a lone wolf and only partners with someone when necessary, Rolf would have rather passed on his knowledge of farming than assassination, and the Kankers probably would "be busy enough, without having to watch some helpless twerp" (perhaps as Lee would put it).
So yeah, I finally feel good about the fan comic now, and I can't believe I hadn't thought of it sooner! Heh, sometimes it's the simplest of solutions, like learning to get over Claire not actually being half-wolf... Aw well, I'm excited to start work on it, in between my fully original works, so I hope you all are, too!
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urfaveisobjectum · 3 years ago
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Jonny 2x4 from Ed, Edd n Eddy is Objectum and best friends with Plank!
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book-o-scams · 4 years ago
'Sorry Wrong Ed' Alternate Ending Storyboard Sequence
Check out Al Kang's Ed, Edd n Eddy portfolio!
Al Kang worked on the show during seasons 3-4 and had roles on the storyboard and prop teams apparently. (IMDb says he was credited as Al Choi at the time, but it also says he worked on season 1 episodes, which doesn't line up with the timeline he mentioned.. anyway.)
I discovered his portfolio a few months ago after seeing fandom discussion of the alternate 'Sorry Wrong Ed' ending. I was pleasantly surprised to find a few other treats as well! But yes, I even sorta liked what I learned about 'Sorry Wrong Ed' in the process... (I threw in a little analysis comparing the two endings at the bottom)
I noticed Al seemed to mix up the order on these, so I thought I'd try my best to figure out the right order. This was the most confusing one for me to try and figure out the order of since almost all 8 pages were out of order. I think I finally figured out what's going on in the original ending.
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So this alternate ending starts at an unknown point with Eddy flat on the ground, presumably injured, picking himself back up. At this point in the final cut of the episode, Eddy has just been squashed by a tree, but this seems more like a different injury, and he's not even retaining his injuries from the truck scene... The scenes with Jonny and Plank from the final cut of the episode seem to not exist at all here, Jonny and Plank don't appear in this sequence.
Anyway, Eddy picks himself up in the middle of an on-going scene, sees Jimmy drop a coin in a jar for Ed, who has inexplicably turned the cursed phone into a scam on his own. Edd is glaring at the off-screen kids, who have somehow learned about this phone and are excited to kill Eddy with it.
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Eddy: "Jimmy! No!"
Jimmy answers the phone: "Hello?"
Ed: "HA HA HA"
Edd: "You people don't seriously believe--"
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Then we sync up with gags that did happen in the ending of Sorry Wrong Ed, with context that makes its tone a little more sadistic than random. Jimmy's paid phonecall drops the sandbox on Eddy.
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This page has the most skeletal dialogue...
Kev: "Yes." (I think he's meant to be fist pumping because Eddy got hurt, more of a "Yes!")
Jimmy: "BAD LUCK EDDY PHONE." (this dialogue must have been a placeholder)
Edd: "HA HA" (sarcastic ha-ha or did Al mean to write "Ed" for this?)
Jimmy seems to offer the phone to Edd.
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We sync up again with Edd's denial from the final cut of this episode, except now it actually makes sense that he's so one-track-minded, because there are people actively arguing with him and keeping him disengaged from the victim.
Edd: "There must be a cargo plane overfilled with playground supplies..."
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Sarah interrupts him.
Sarah: "Oh, that's for me."
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Eddy at this point holds Ed responsible, as he should, and starts running to stop Ed or Sarah. Ed offers no explanation for his betrayal.
Eddy: "Ed! What are you doing!?"
Sarah: "Hello?"
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Sarah's paid phonecall summons the hippos, the most random moment in the final cut of the episode. Note how both of these slapstick gags were storyboarded on the same generic background, seems like the lane or an empty lot, but clearly a different location than Eddy's front yard from the aired ending.
And that's all we have to go off of!
I'll put my updated opinions below the cut, but suffice it to say, I like the episode a little better now! Knowing what the ending was going to be and trying to figure out the choices that led to the ending we got, I feel more appreciative that it didn't end up a lost episode or something and less annoyed that it was 11 minutes of one joke.
I know I have a reputation for not finding slapstick funny and disliking this episode, but violence was never my only issue. Lots of episodes have lackluster slapstick that I just let wash over me. My point that never gets as much focus is that this episode never felt FINISHED to begin with. It's just a slapstick vacuum with no ending and no point, and it used to be frustrating to me not knowing for sure if my hunch was right or not that it felt like the episode just wasn't working and they had to cobble it together from the scenes that almost worked.
I am surprised to say I like the episode more now that I know that is pretty close to the truth. Judging from this peek into the episode's development, this episode seems to have reached Danny Antonucci's and/or Wootie's (the episode's lead board artist) limit for being mean-spirited with the characters without a reason. I'll still probably avoid rewatching it, but knowing the episode has no ending specifically because it's been trimmed to bare bones is somehow reassuring.
The most obvious flaw to this original ending is the lack of motivation for Ed's or the kids' actions. The kids presumably still weren't in the rest of the episode, so there's really no reason for them to be here other than reiterating the same idea from 'Your Ed Here' and 'The Good Ole Ed' that the neighborhood kids are always looking for a reason to gang up on Eddy, something that isn't really true of those characters in earlier seasons.
I think I can imagine how, on paper (in the writers' outline), this episode sounded funnier. Trying to imagine this ending as part of the whole episode, I think the script's idea of the final joke is that Ed is not satisfied with ending the tests at the point where they tried to return the phone to Rolf. I think Ed converts the curse-testing process to a scam at that point, building off of how Ed already wasn't processing Eddy's safety in anything so far, and is probably more focused on proving to Edd that curses are real (as Ed was previously in league with Evil Tim). The addition of Ed running his own tests and the kids arguing Eddy's point against Edd's while Eddy's busy, does sound more like a complete manic cartoon boiling point than the way the finished episode just petered out with Edd as the sole antagonist. But unfortunately, in visual execution, suddenly piling in so many aggressive characters and so much random violence at once, would only really result in it petering out at a higher volume.
Meanwhile Edd's characterization is made much more structurally sound in the original ending. He's annoyed FOR Eddy's sake, and the only reason he's not actively helping Eddy is because like 3 other characters were supposed to be arguing with him while this was happening. It seems extremely apparent to me that the cuts made to this ending were for the sake of mitigating Ed's reputation in the fandom, as well as the kids', and I think it's really unfortunate that Edd's characterization was the cost for salvaging everyone else's. I'm glad I already considered his behavior in 'Sorry Wrong Ed' non-canon, because now it feels like the reason the aired ending is so out-of-character is just because Edd is basically arguing with the ghost of the original scene. I formally forgive 'Sorry Wrong Ed'. Production turnarounds are tough and AKA did their best to not turn this into another forgotten 'Special Ed' episode that simply wasn't working.
I think ditching the original ending was ultimately the right call. It was not an exemplary episode, but I can admit it's less out of place to have a pure "vacuum of violence" story than it would've been to essentially give the kids a supernatural revenge plot like this. That would've been really weird to have to accept-- Eddy definitely wouldn't want to be friends with anyone at the end of the movie if THIS was their past. Changing it to an unaware Jonny and a questionably aware Plank being responsible, indeed, was a vibe that landed much more like standard EEnE fare. It was weird enough that the kids all saw Santa in JJJ, can you imagine if they all knew curses were real AND participated in attacking a neighbor with one??
If there was a silver lining for me the first time I saw this episode, it was that none of the kids were directly involved in Eddy's suffering. It made the questionable reality of the cursed device slightly more acceptable that only the Eds and Rolf know about the curse. If this ending had happened, I would've reacted the same, but I would've rejected its continuity even more than I do now, because it would just feel like they animated one of the DC Comics (where the kids can blow the Eds up with fireworks at the end or the Eds can randomly be crushed under an avalanche of anvils)-- the art could end up gorgeous but the characterizations don't exactly land as real human beings, the balance this show strives for typically.
And I think that's all I wanted to say! In the end, I found myself liking 'Sorry Wrong Ed' slightly more than I used to, all thanks to this glimpse into how the animation production system morphs the outcome of a cartoon. Thanks so much to Al Kang, for sharing your art and this insight into the industry! I don't know whether he did both the gesture drawings and the revised art, but judging from his other boards I think the cleaned up art is his, and I liked seeing the poses that almost were!
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jenifern · 3 years ago
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Ed Edd n Eddy is an animated series that premiered in Cartoon Network in January 4th 1999. The show lasted 5 seasons and ended in 2009. The premise of the show is that Eddy would come up with a get rich quick scheme to make enough money to buy a jawbreaker. Double D (Edd) would execute the plan by creating the business physically (like a shop stand for example) using scraps of materials like cardboard (since they’re children and would use materials around them due to their imagination) and Ed would cause havoc with his dopey personality and tends to ruin Eddy’s plans. The show is set in a few places, like the junkyard, the school, the playground and trailer park, but it mostly takes place in the Cul De Sac where all the kids live. Every episode depicts their lives and the crazy adventures they go through.
The creation of the show was actually caused by someone daring the creator of the show, Danny Antonucci to create a children's show. While working on an advert, he unintentionally created the designs of Ed Edd n Eddy; when he saw his drawing he knew he was going to se them for a show and envisioned it. He further developed the characters and faxed the drawings off to Cartoon Network, kickstarting the creation of Ed Edd n Eddy.
- Eddy - Eddy is a selfish, money hungry kid who always comes up with ideas to make money in order to buy a jawbreaker . He can be quite hot headed at times and always clashes with Kevin.
- Double D (Edd) - Double D is the smart one out of the trio, he is often reasonable and shy and hates confrontation from the other kids. He creates all the wacky inventions for Eddy’s business ideas.
- Ed - Ed is dopey and unintelligent and tends to be taken advantage of because of his personality. He goes along with the other two and tends to cause trouble which annoys the other kids and that results in him and/or the other Eds to get beaten up.
- Sarah - Sarah is Ed’s younger sister who has a really bad temper and tends to be bossy. Her best friend is Jimmy and she’s always seen with him. She likes to threaten Ed by snitching to their mom.
- Jimmy - Jimmy is Sarah’s best friend and is quite emotional and weak. He tends to be scared of everything and relies on Sarah to stand up for him.
- Kevin - Kevin is a mean bully who rides his bike all the time. He hangs out with Nazz and Rolf and has a heated feud with Eddy.
- Nazz - Nazz is the Cul De Sac’s sweetheart, with most of the boys having a crush on her. She's usually nonchalant and nice to everyone.
- Rolf - Rolf is the from the old country and refers to himself as ‘the son of a shepherd.’ If he’s not hanging out with Kevin, he’s usually tending his farm. He is very proud of his heritage and talks about it often.
- Jonny - Jonny is a strange kid who usually hangs out alone with his best friend Plank (a plank of wood), who only he can hear. The kids get annoyed by him and he gets made fun out of.
- Kanker Sisters - The Kankers are the antagonists of the show who live in the trailer park. Non of the Cul De Sac kids like them and they are infatuated with the Eds. The Kanker sisters were created from Antonucci’s childhood, where two girls would harass him for a kiss in grade 8.
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jknerd · 4 years ago
An, Ann N Anny AU: Jonny 2x4
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Full Name: Jonny Cosgrove
Nickname(s): Jonny 2x4, Melonhead (by Anny), Jonny Wood-Boy (by Rolf)
Age: 15-18
Gender: Male
Credits: Loner with imaginary friend
Family: Uncle Cosgrove (paternal uncle)
Friends: Plank, Frank (childhood-best friend; “original Plank”), Rolf, Kevin (sometimes), Nazz (sometimes), the Ans (sometimes)
Enemies: The Ans (sometimes), The Kanker sisters, The Kanker Cousins
Jonny Cosgrove an imaginative and talkative loner in Culdesac who is often a nuisance to the other peers. He is frequently seen with his imaginary friend; a wooden board with drawn-on eyes and mouth named Plank. However, it is revealed that in age 5, he once had real friend named Frank who was the only friend Jonny had but when he had to move away, the imaginative boy begged him not to leave. Which is why Frank gave him a wooden 2x4 sized board with smiley face as his replica for Jonny. Since then, Jonny began to treat Plank as Frank’s incarnation.
Despite these odd traits, he is quite good-hearted and gullible, easily forgiving people no matter what they do. He is one of few people who doesn’t mind the Ans as he befriends them even though Anny’s scams often upset him. The only time he is social skills boost up is when his old friend Frank is around as when his old friend returned from traveling, Jonny let go of Plank and immediately went to have conversation or spending time with him. He actually doesn’t mind doing whatever Frank or “Plank” told him to. Because of his strong attachment towards him, many peers often insult or mock him believing he is gay. However, Jonny is type of a guy who considers friendship as his priority of life.
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muses-of-the-memory · 1 year ago
Hikari was helping Double D with the chick egg project in the science lab. She decorated hers with a bow and a diaper.
"Greetings, fellow Cluckers!" Edd shouted using a megaphone. "The Happy Cluckers Club is now called to order." He said examining an egg under an incubator thoroughly.
Jonny sweats as Edd looks it over. "Egg-ceptional progress, Jonny." Edd congratulated.
"Right on! We're gonna have us a family, buddy!" Jonny shouted to Plank, happily. "And what do we have here?" Edd asked about Hikari's egg. "Your egg looks adorable as you, Hikari. A perfect match." Edd smiled.
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urcharactersclasspect · 4 years ago
Psst. Can I get some more details about Nazz and Jonny being Bards of Heart? That's a really interesting take imo!
Boy do YOU have an ESSAY to read
As a disclaimer, Ed Edd n Eddy isnt really a very deep show- Theres just tidbits of something deeper sometimes you can gather about the cul de sac and the kids we focus on in the show. Ive watched through the show from episode 1 to Eddy's movie and the last episode. But its been a hot second since Ive been a kid myself and I havent really sat down to watch it in a long time tbh.
Another disclaimer is, even though they share a godtier does not mean they will have the same personality! Since Personality by itself pretty much is not as relevant to classpects as much as how the aspects seem to bend around the person in question as they grow and delevoped. That being said..This is gonna be a long ass read. Im so sorry. I have THOUGHTS on everything.
For Nazz, throughout the show we see her literally making almost every boy in the Cul De Sac crush on her, she has no confirmed feelings until the last movie, where she and kevin want to date. Unlike most heart players in canon and the ones I have met or seen good protrayals of, i dont think she has unrequited feelings and we clearly see as much, but it sure does give me the same energy as Dirk's frequant troubles to just finally spit out his feelings for Jake through extreme indirect means, and how Heart players are actually way better at controlling how or showing how they really feel waaaay more than people give them credit for- This isn't to imply heart players are Emotionless and never show emotion, but Heart players are firmly NOT all sweethearts who are innocent, do no wrongs and are definitely not always bubbly fangirls like Meulin- Hell, even Meulin isn't really probably being honest with her own feelings on things either.  On the contrary, they can be very intense with what they are passionate about whether it be romantic or just an interest of theirs. And usually, like Dirk, they are very self aware of that fact. So they sometimes try to hold back things about themselves they are all too aware of. Sometimes to a detriment, but not always. For Dirk, its his emotions in general he tries to keep to himself. For Meulin its likely her resentment of her team members and holding back her anger at Kurloz or maybe even her feelings for Kurloz still being there.
For the Bard part of her classpect, its the idea that Bards Mirror their opposite. The thing about Nazz is shes actually very responsible! Often giving an air of being very well put together for a kid to the rest of the cul de sacs kids and cool headed more times than not. Its part of the charm. Of her acting cool and casual- And just how she behaves regularly like nothing bothers her, but sometimes you can tell it does or just might (almost like a passive ghost of hpow Dirk acts). You learn over time shes actually very smart, too; she gets very good grades, is a model student who cheerleads, and even was seen as responsible enough by the parents of the cul-de-sac to babysit Eddy. Which definitely says something, I think. This is usually how we see Mind Players- Dirk being so cool headed but only the surface is  too. Since its the stereotype at this point that Mind players are the calm ones (which I have my own opinions on too but thats another essay for another time).
DESPITE this chill and responsible facade on the surface, Nazz has SEVERAL times shown some genuine Heart player impulsiveness or thinking with her heart on a sleeve. She allows Edd into her bathroom without even thinking about it, even when it wasn't cleaned up. You see how she acts on emotion like humouring Edd a lot through the show even by kissing him at one point and dancing with him even when it wasnt the popular thing to do, she humours Kevin but lectures him for his own impulsiveness on pure anger towards the Edds frequantly, passively destroying someone elses impulses and making him think before he acts a little more; In spite of this too, she also can get violent towards the Edds herself and irritable when things dont go her way, and we even learn Nazz for all her coolness and popularity, still has insecurities shes VERY emotional about- her hair being one. Much like Dirk does about this or that. Im sure theres further proof to get what Im saying across, but Im rambling as is. So thats where Ill end that tirade, I think it REALLY fits Nazz.  So theres my conclusion.
For Jonny 2x4. Its easier to tell you why I think it fits him, and Id say its for far more obvious reasons when you really get down to it. Hes probably an example of a Bard that simply hasn't learned how to gauge his aspect very well in every day life, leading to him becoming more of an annoyance to those around him much like how you see Cronus or Gamzee be treated. Someone who hasn't quite "gotten it" yet. I don't think this is nessasarily because Jonny is stupid though, at least maybe not as stupid as he makes himself out to be, since hes shown to definitely have some intellegience, more like its because hes Younger (theres no direct ages we know of?), but he does act a lot younger than Nazz so thats my best assumption, and hes also in a seperate enviroment from Nazz, who I personally see as a far healthier Bard for reasons I'll be getting into in a minute here. just know. Jonny has similiarities to Nazz with how the Heart aspect bends around him; Theres too many instances to count where hes just being impulsive but he tries to come across as braver or calmer than he really is. But if I admitted all of them for Jonny, we'd be here all day long and you'd be reading even MORE.
Lets just go with the obvious signs outside those then.
Jonny is a very lonely kid. This is similiar to Dirk too; Jonny is never seen with any genuine friends except his attempts to befriend the Edds, as stated before some kids in the cul-de-sac consider him to be an annoyance due to his own impulsiveness, and this because hes a very socially awkward kid because even in his own home theres rather dark implications of Child Nelgect or something happening. Even the Creator of the show states this interesting quote in an interveiw: "He'd be more or less thrown out the door at 9am and only let back in when it got dark or if it was time to eat. He had an imaginary friend. " Hes that lonely kid who was so lonely and felt so much so he had to resort to Imaginary friends, imposing an identity to an object that seemingly has a similiar personality to his own or a personality that meshes well enough for them to "get along" and to not get along sometimes- this is seen constantly with Jonny talking to Plank. Jonny sometimes disgrees with the morality of Plank, but hes also best friends with Plank and if I remember correctly, Jonny even says at point they are as close as brothers- PLank knows him more than he knows himself, as Jonny says. Sometimes Plank suggests even illegal things - things a little kid like Jonny (supposedly) wouldn't know about or do himself. Almost like Jonny knows weird things from listening to his parents and imposed them onto Plank, making Plank "real" so Jonny could stay in his own head and pretendHE doesn't know anything. If that makes sense.  Much in the same manner as Dirk having conversations of various focuses with HAL and objects he himself has inputted his will or rather - his Soul and Heart onto.
Thinking about this some more. I think an arguement could be made that Jonny isn't actually a Bard of Heart, but maybe a Bard of MIND. But IM not so sure.
If i think of anything more to add to this, I might revisit my thoughts on it later and reblog or edit it more.
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histeetharenotsoft · 5 years ago
honestly i have no idea how i’m supposed to make it to ep 165
because 162 killed me, like 3 times
spoilers below the cut!
but this is the first time we’ve actually Heard him, not secondhand or with spooky ghost echo, just as a normal voice on a tape. and i just want to hug him so much because ohhhh boy he has no idea what’s going to happen and also i am love him
“do i get to hear them?” “perhaps. if you live long enough.” shut up gertrude shut the fuck up don’t just mention gerry dying so casually its Rude
hmmm i might write a fic where jon, sasha and gerry are somehow all the archivist because I Can Do What I Want
ooo here we have more fire in the archives foreshadowing
did. did gerry’s chair scrape when gertrude raised her voice. like he flinched. someone hug this man
and then his voice goes all quiet when gertrude is lecturing him and Mary Keay Can Catch These Hands
“you are occasionally useful despite your foolishness” wowwww gertrude. what glowing praise. don’t just say that to his face come onnnn
but “useful” though. “useful”. i know we already know gertrude is an ‘ends justify means’ type character but goddamn if that isn’t just a perfect description of her relationships with people: categorised by their use to her plans and nothing more
“the network of sinister tunnels that snake beneath the archive” gertrude definitely knows about the tunnels lets be real. she’s just protecting jurgen leitner stupid idiot motherfucking jurgen leitner goddamn fool book collecting dust eating rat old bastard shithead idiot avatar of the whore
what i wouldn’t give for gerry to have canonically beaten up jurgen leitner more than once. that’s going in my triple archivist fic
“what happens if we fail” oh. oh no. oh no whats gertrude going to say
“i suspect death puts us beyond their power” hmmm. seems like a fair point but i feel like the end would come up with some fuckery because this universe is a bastard and doesn’t let anyone get the rest they deserve. this isn’t really important to the plot (at least I Hope Not) but the thought of eldritch fear gods being able to reach us after death... chills
“[actual death] is preferable to lingering in a world they control” oh no that’s not good for jon to hear
“they might even stop death entirely.” hmmm. HMMMMMM
“and taxes?” “taxes i imagine will continue” hell yeah jonny get his ass (’him’ being capitalism). also i know the coronavirus lockdown isnt exactly an apocalypse caused by eldritch fear gods forcing themselves through into our world, but considering the shit thats been going on? yeah i imagine taxes would continue
“could it be undone?” “no, i don’t think so” oh no. oh no jon. jon nooo. he’s just playing it over and over and god he must be feeling so guilty and helpless. he also gets a hug. and another. and then three more. then one more but it lasts for like an hour before i have to phase back into my own dimension
TIM AND SASHA i’m still not prepared to hear their voices i love they
sasha is so competent she’s incredible and i am in awe of her
hell yeah tim is drinking his respect woman juice
“jimmy magma. joany magnum? jack magnet” asjdfhakjfhakjhfk tim you’re the best
“what if we kill him” Fuck Off Jonny You Can’t Do That
holy fuck we got canon timsasha. also “you’re not the love interest”??? sasha was a lesbian. source: me, also a lesbian. who can Do What She Wants
“you might be the character they drop after the pilot” sasha no dont say that!!!! as the character who was dropped after the pilot (ok season not episode but still) i have determined that is Illegal. and yes i know sasha was killed off for entirely valid reasons and not just dropped but shhhh i am hurting
“i dont have anything keeping me here” oh sasha. oh you sweet summer child. i wish that was the case. i really do
“no such thing as the real you”? “it’s all just masks”??? jonny stop stop im already dead you dont need to kill me again
(god i fucking hate that i get the stanislavsky bit. i only did drama gcse but the exam was terrible because none of the exam board’s practice questions were even anywhere close so no one was prepared and i spent so long revising all these pointless notes on how to answer the difficult questions and i regret it So Much and any reminder of that fucking bullshit exam i had to do Fills Me With Rage
“if you get eaten alive by improperly filed statements, me and martin will avenge you... we’ll burn this place to the ground.” god i am in pain. not only do we have more archives arson foreshadowing but we also have this line that hits like a punch in the gut because they didn’t avenge sasha, did they?
“i find it highly unlikely this sasha ever even existed at all” “i’m unforgettable” shut up shut the fuck up is this allowed? IS THIS ALLOWED???? because it fucking shouldnt be. it’s murder jonny time lads!!!
is. is jon crying. oh no
and then he gets fucking posessed by the cabin?? i love how the format of the statements has changed its very interesting
The One You Love The One You Love The One You Love
jonmartin are so in love that even eldritch fear cabins can’t not see it. jonny really said “you can read their relationship as platonic... but i am going to do my goddamn best to make that hard for you” huh
and fuck, this statement. it’s so creepy and i love how we cant distinguish which entity it is, because does it even matter any more? the list of 14 was a human creation anywhere, i think the ‘different parts of a body’ metaphor l*itner used is makes more sense now. it doesn’t matter which part of the body is attacking you, it matters that you’re being attacked in the first place so figuring out which part it is isn’t really a priority any more
but i think it’s mostly stranger and spiral? i also get very vague corruption vibes from the description of the planks because “they are warmer, softer and more yielding than the timber they present”? ugghhhh. corruption has often been associated with this kind of ‘wrong’ warmth (think jon amherst) and it also brings to mind that episode where the guy nails meat all over his walls and the rot makes the statement giver’s ceiling collapse. but then there’s the lonely there too, because yes jonmartin have each other but jon says it himself: “it will not let you feel the warmth of joy this love may claim to gift”. just try tell me the concept of being unable to find happiness in love isn’t Lonely, even if it’s not entirely true
but yeah basically i love the merging of entities present in this creepy statement
“our tomb” huh. the pov changes here, it’s gone from talking about jon in second person, to talking as jon in first person. so if jon wasn’t possessed by SpOoKy CaBiN like i thought (because if he was, why would he suddenly switch like this? it doesnt make sense)... then what was making that statement? my instinct is to say it was The Archivist or rather, The Archives talking about jon but like a separate personality, which... yikes
“[this will be] my chrysalis. it is time that i emerge.” monster jon? monster jon. this line gave me chills because damnnnn i love me some good eldritch!jon
“i wanted to leave and hunt down elias” hell yeah jon go and brutal pipe murder that bastard its what you deserve
martin has packed bags already and he brought tea and i love him so muchhhhh
and jon’s smile is AUDIBLE he loves martin so much my tiny heart can’t handle it
“we got this.” “apparently so 😍 “ just tell me you can’t hear the heart eyes in jon’s voice. oh wait. you cant
“we can’t fight the world, martin” “says you” afkjhasfkjhadkjghdakjghakdgf
to summarise:
get ready for me to type out the same summary for all 40 episodes because jesus fucking christ. jonny’s writing never fails to make me Feel All The Emotions at once. i give this one a spooky sentient cabin out of 10
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aptronyms · 5 years ago
How do each of the eds play animal crossing? Like what's their game style
OOO i made a post about this once but now i get to go IN DEPTH
double d has like. the perfect town. hes got those lillies of the vallies and has caught every bug, fish, and deep sea creature. hes filled his mueseum and has every type of fruit. he has pathways and his house is really pretty and decorated with a lot of bugs. he has an intricate storage system and a daily routine. ed ran through his flower field (which is divided by color, rarity, and species btw) and destroyed 1 (one) flower and double d didnt let him into his town for a month. isabelle is his favorite
eddy still lives in a tent bc he REFUSES to pay tom nook. whenever he goes to double ds town he writes stupid stuff on his announcement board thing like “ligma” or whatever. he doesnt play as much as the other two bc after a while it becomes a bit repetitive for him. once redd came to his town and he was PUMPED and bought something and put it in his tent and the next time double d came over he told him it was a fake (he could tell just by looking bc hes a fucking dork) and eddy got so pissed he didnt play the game for like three months
ed loves talking to all the villagers he wants to be their best friend.... he has a lot of villager pictures and always writes them letters. once a villager he liked moved away and it took forever for the other eds to get him to stop crying. he keeps shaking trees even tho he KNOWS theres bees in there and he always gets stung he never runs away in time. his house is very unorganized and it has roaches and double d refuses to enter it. his town has a lot of weeds. he fills his storage space and starts storing things just... outside on the ground.
not an ed but jonny has a save file for plank thats all
@ everyone pls feel free to add on any takes u have ^_^
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johnisthewarlus · 5 years ago
humping on a cornflake part 11
mark: the plan worked. the trackers are installed.
john: wow wat a journey. we destroyed evil :D... and lost a friend :(... shite. wen we arrive at the hotel, news people are swarming the place. 10 mics are shoved in my face (and one up my ahole, but that was Paul’s dck). “jon wheri have you guyz been” “jahn r u all ok” so many questions are asked. but then one little boy reporting for his school newspaper asks “joan weri is brian?” pal busts down crying and then the three of us join in. “he’s dead” pau screams. i hold rinchy in front of us like a wooden plank and shove everyone out of the way until we get to our hotel room. once we’re in the room, we change into pajamas and get into our beds. pol is still crying, so i hug him against my bear chest. i don’t mean bare chest, i mean i’m wearing a bear onesie. his tears get all over the fur. “jonny i wanna see bri again” he whimpers. “i know, i know” i whisper soothingly “we’ll get some LSD soon enough.” that calms him down, so i lick his face and he licks mine and then we go into full on camila cabello shawn mendez kissing mode. out of the corner of my eye, i see rinky standing over us watching. “go away” i say. he hisses and goes back into his bed. then we sex.
ringo: geo’s stomach is harder than steel. “we should trying cutting into you with diamond hehe” i flirt. “wtf” he says. we stare at each other in awkward silence. i chuckle awkwardly. “wanna suck my dck” i ask. he nods and zips under the sheets. a few minutes later, that’s done and jon and pal are done so we all get up. then we realize we have to get a new manager. “wat do we do” i ask. “we need to find a new manager” says joan. “how do we do that” joj asks. just then, the beatlemobile crashes thru the window and skids to a stop. “wtf we have to pay for that!” jahn yells. “shut up and get in” says the beatlemobile. we all shuffle in, me and georhe in the back and jorn and pau in the front. “why are we in here” jorge asks. “pull my shift stick” the beatlesmobile says. jon does it. then the car moans. “haha just kidding” she says “you just turned on new manager mode.” “wtf is that” jahn asks “and since when do we hav a new manager mode?” the car explains “bernie gave me some LSD so i visited bri and he put the mode in. now i can take you to my calculated best fits.” “how long will that take” i ask. “in turbo mode, not very long” she replies. “wha-“ and then the beatlemobile zooms off at the highest speed ever. the first stop we arrive in is antarctica.
george: “who tf lives in antarctica” i exclaim. the doors open and this random dude greets us. “welcome to the arctic city” he says in a eerily calming voice. we follow him thru the snow until we reach giant gates that lead to a giant city. “wtf why is no one talking about this” i ask. “they’re too busy writing about us” ring says and then dabs. i scowl at the dab and stab him. he pulls the dagger out of his back and slits my throat. i throw the dagger away and we chuckle. #justcoupletings. the dude brings us to a house wheri a man in all white greets us. “they call me the silent leopard” he says in a deep voice. we all look at each other uneasily. then he whips off his shades and says “haha just messing with you, my names jackie chan.” we all laugh and shake his hand. “we’d love to have you on board jackie” pau says “wat are your koalafacations?” “i’m a good stuntman and actor and no one knows but i actually make counterfeit coins in my free time” jackie tells us. “that’s cool but wat does it have to do with music” joan asks. “music? i thought i was auditioning for the role of shrek” jackie says. “oh” i say “we should probably move on then... whire’s the beatlemobile?” once again, it comes crashing thru the wall. we all yell wtf and jackie flips is off as we fly away bc we just destroyed his house.
paul: we arrive at our next location, witch is somewhere in australia. a man greets us when the doors open but he’s upside down. “welcome to the land down unda mate” he says. “let’s get tf out of here” i say. we all get back in the beatlemobile and it frantically flies away. “sorry” it says. “it’s okay, you didn’t mean to” i tell it. we fly again and finally arrive in venus. wat? of corse i don’t mean venice, i mean venus. the beatlemobile gives us space suits and we step out. we’re too fab to be crushed by the gravity. we walk across the lonely land till we get to a shack. “is it yoko again?” i ask. the beatlemobile nods. “beatlemobile that’s my wife” jon says “you can’t sleep with your manager.” “you did with bri” the beatlemobile says. joan looks around and makes us all get back in the car. we sit in awkward silence till we arrive at the next location. new york, new york. so nice, they named it once. wait no that’s not how the phrase goes. anyway, we walk into grand central, wheri a tall figure appears before us. “hi i’m george” the man says. “no i’m george” joj says. “i’m also george tho” the man says “i’m george martin.” “wat are your qualifications” i ask. “i do music” george martin says. “you’re hired” i say, smiling. we shake hands.
mark: the units are ready at grand central. they’re closing in.
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eene-fangirl · 6 years ago
Request, Platonic, Post-Bps, The cul-de-sac kids and the Ed's are hanging out at Kevin's during a storm. The lights go out, and Eddy has a panic attack. Based off of how in one of the official Ed Edd n Eddy comics, it is referenced that Eddy is scared of the dark.
“Come on, defeat that monster! My money is on Godzilla taking over the world!” Kevin bellowed at the TV screen.
Eddy leaned over to Ed and whispered, “Has Godzilla ever taken over the world?”
“He’s always close but he normally gets defeated,” Ed whispered as he chuckled.
“Just what I thought!”
That night Kevin’s dad was gone leaving Kevin to host a movie night at his house. The cul-de-sac kids sat around in the basement talking, chowing down on snacks, and having a blast. Now they were down to movie #3.
“Hey, Kev! Plank wants to know if there’s any more of those tasty mozzarella sticks cookin’ in the oven!” Jonny’s voice blared over the movie. 
“First come, first serve, Jonne,” Kevin said eating the final mozzarella stick.
Nazz glared at Kevin, nudging his side. “Come on, Kev. You bought three boxes of mozzarella sticks from the store. You only cooked two boxes so far.”
Kevin groaned, shooting a look at her. “This is the best part!” He complained.
“These movies are all the same plotline,” A annoyed Sarah pointed out. “You’re not going to miss out on anything!”
“Rolf would enjoy a tender piece of that chicken leg!”
“We still have food down here!” Kevin complained gesturing to the plate loads of chips, quesadillas, potato skins with bacon, and much more.
“Ooh! Could we have more popcorn!” Ed excitedly asked flying into the air like a chicken.
Grumbling, Kevin had no choice. “Okay, fine! I’ll get everybody seconds! Man, you guys are greedy,” Kevin grumbled as he disappeared up the stairs.
“I supposed a glass of water is a tad late in the question?” Edd asked nervously twiddling his fingers together.
As the movie continued, Godzilla was just starting to climb an immense building. Helicopters were flying towards the monster. The epic battle was just about to start.
“This is the part…”
Sarah covered her brother’s mouth. “No spoilers, Ed!”
“Oh dear, I hope the monster has a safety net to fall on!” Jimmy worried as he cowered behind a pillow.
“What are yah talkin’ about, Jimmy? It’s a monster!”
“He still has feelings, Eddy,” Ed commented.
Eddy rolled his eyes. “Come on, get the monster and turned off his lights! He’s gonna…”
Suddenly the room went dark. The power had gone off in the entire house. The kids screamed, trying to figure out what was going on as the bumped into each other.
“Hey, who turned out the lights?” A panicked Eddy yelled out.
“Oh dear,” Edd said. He immediately started searching for Eddy.
“Hey, Kev, did you turn out the lights as revenge on us?” Jonny yelled into the blackness. “All we wanted was more snacks!”
“Peek-a-boo, where are you?” Ed joked around.
“Ow, you stepped on my foot!” Sarah whined.
“Rolf cannot see anything besides darkness!”
“Gee, Plank, either this is Jimmy’s hair or Rolf brought one of his chickens!”
“Ow, you’re poking me in my eye!” Jimmy cried.
“Everyone remain calm!” Nazz instructed struggling to walk through everyone’s pushing and shoving. “I’m sure the power will turn back on momentarily!”
And just like that, the lights were back on to everyone’s relief giving the room its needed light.
“Oh, thank goodness!” Edd took a breath of relief. 
Kevin quickly came running down the stairs, guilt pressing at his eyes. “Sorry, guys, I must have blown a fuse with all your orders.”
A whimpering noise, similar to a baby’s cries, was heard from the corner of the room. Eddy had wrapped himself tightly between his arms and legs making somewhat of a safe fetal position. He was also trying to catch his breath which sounded raspy.
“Eddy?” A worried Edd asked.
The other kids gathered around standing on guard for any emergencies. They’d never seen Eddy in such a vulnerable state. 
Sitting closely, Ed and Edd stayed near speaking to their friend in a soft tone of voice. 
“What is wrong, Eddy?” Ed asked.
Edd immediately felt to his knees placing a gentle hand on his friend’s shoulder to calm him. 
“What’s going on?” Kevin whispered over to Nazz. 
Nazz shrugged. “I’m not sure. I think the darkness must have scared Eddy.”
“Follow my count, Eddy,” Edd instructed. “!… 2… 3… breathe…”
Eddy followed along with Edd. Soon his breathing was back to its regular normal pace. However, Eddy refused to look up at everyone. 
“Are you alright, Eddy?” Edd asked him.
Before Edd could touch him again, Eddy raced up the stairs.
“Where is he going?” Jonny asked.
“When one has to go, they have to go,” Rolf commented as if he were a fortune cookie.
Ed, Edd, and Kevin followed Eddy who had just made it outside into the fresh night air.
“Get lost!” Eddy growled like a dog.
“Eddy, stop! Nobody is looking down on you!”
“Just forget about it, okay?!” He snapped, his voice heavy and on edge.
Kevin stepped in front of him, resting two hands on his stiff shoulders. “Hey, man, you’re not the only person who has panic attacks!”
Embarrassed, Eddy averted his eyes. “It’s nothin’, okay?”
“Nothing?” Kevin questioned. “That’s wasn’t nothing!”
“I’m afraid of the dark, okay? There are you happy! Who gives a damn?!”
“Eddy, language,” Edd scolded.
“Who cares?!”
“We care!” Kevin argued.
Eddy’s whole expression changed into one of gratitude. His heart warmed feeling so understood from all this support. He felt so undeserved of it all. Why was he like this? 
A hand wrapped around his shoulder. “We got you, man. We’ll help you.”
Feeling tears come into his eyes, Eddy dipped his head to the pavement. “Thanks.”
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