#jonn of rin
lindalofbroome · 2 years
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21 - Quest
‘And then,’ Barda said simply, ‘we will go on.’
Lief slowly clipped the Belt around his waist once more. His heart was very full. He felt wonder and a kind of triumph when he thought of what had just passed. He felt excitement, eagerness and a thrill of fear at the thought of what was ahead.
But most of all he felt relief, and a deep, deep happiness.
The first gem had been found.
The quest to save Deltora had truly begun.
DELTORA QUEST 1 The Forests of Silence Ch 16 The Topaz
Sonia raised her hand, then glanced at him. Rye nodded. She had waited even longer than he had for this.
Sonia grasped the heavy ring that served as a handle for the wooden Door. She twisted the ring. She pulled. And the Door swung smoothly open, beckoning them in.
THE THREE DOORS The Third Door Ch 4 Time to Choose —
Now [the bukshah] needed water. And they would not expect him to fail them. To them he was not an undersized, scared weakling. To them he was leader, guide, friend. They trusted him absolutely. The thought flowed through him like warm, rich milk.
He raised his head and looked straight at Strong Jonn. ‘I will go,’ he said. The map he held fluttered in the little breeze that always came before the dawn. ‘I will go with you, to the Mountain.’
ROWAN OF RIN Ch 4 Seeing is Believing —
[Britta] glanced at her companions with envy. Vashti, Jewel and Sky were free to relish their success and look forward eagerly to the contest to come. None of them had anything to fear, anything to hide. One of them, certainly, had tried to put Britta out of the contest, but as there had  been no witness to the deed there was no real danger of discovery. No one on board carreid the burden of a great secret, as she did.
STAR OF DELTORA Shadows of the Master Ch 17 Dawn
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so i’ve wanted to do some anime screencap redraws in my style for a hella long time and i thought roddacember would be a good excuse to make myself to do it. and then i got carried away and did the other series too hahah
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archerofazzure · 3 years
31. solace
This scene was the first one I wrote for this Roddacember, and the one that struck me so deeply that I decided to do these ficlets in the first place. Something about Rowan having to take more responsibility than he deserves as a literal middle schooler is just so devastating. This moment was so crazy to me but in the book it's just glossed over like it's nothing, just another day in Rowan's life.
Marlie had never wanted children.
Bearing children was expected of a woman of Rin, of course, like working the farms in spring or participating in town meetings. While the people of Rin married for love, no one spoke of soulmates, of finding the perfect family. Such was life in a small town like theirs.
Marlie had grown fond of Allun the baker in the past years. He was in the corner of her eye now, laying out a bedroll. Perhaps one day they would wed and have children of their own.
Gazing at the frail, frightened boy across from her, Marlie had never feared anything more.
Rowan, the young Keeper of the Bukshah, stared blankly into the distance, knees hugged to his chest. He shivered despite the warmth of the fire.
The boy was quiet but hid his emotions poorly. He had not complained after nearly falling off the cliff they had climbed earlier that day. But facing swarms of spiders and a swamp of horrors, his wide eyes and balled fists betrayed him.
Rowan had always been a gentle child, a black bukshah amongst the strong Rin people. Marlie silently cursed the wise woman Sheba for dragging him into this quest. He should not be terrified to death on this cursed mountain, pulled into a struggle far greater than he. She rummaged through her travel bag, searching for anything she had to provide some small solace.
“It is not worth carrying this last piece of toffee,” she told him, handing over the candy. Her words distorted her true feelings, in the Rin way. “You could finish it for us, I am sure.”
She was taken aback to hear Strong Jonn and Allun the Baker provide words of comfort alongside her. Jonn suggested that Rowan look over their map one more time, while Allun muttered something sentimental about the moon.
Rowan looked at the three of them, bewildered at the outpouring of affection. His mouth formed a tight smile, as if they were the ones in need of comfort. He dutifully returned Allun’s comment, ate the toffee, and opened the map.
Marlie could never bear the responsibility of a child, she decided. It was too heartbreaking.
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occasionalcoherence · 4 years
What are your top five book quotes?
I have taken FOREVER with this question and I’m so sorry. I hope you see it. It’s an impossible question, but I needed to attempt it. The thing is I can’t remember everything I’ve read and loved at one time. Also I was so well-read as a kid, and I find it kind of embarrassing how little I’ve read in more recent years. Still love books, though. I’m going to try and hit a mix of the kinds of things that bring me joy/meaning.
“I realized that, sure, I was a Spokane Indian. I belonged to that tribe. But I also belonged to the tribe of American immigrants. And to the tribe of basketball players. And to the tribe of bookworms. And the tribe of cartoonists. And the tribe of chronic masturbators. And the tribe of teenage boys. And the tribe of small-town kids. And the tribe of Pacific Northwesterners. And the tribe of tortilla chips-and-salsa lovers. And the tribe of poverty. And the tribe of funeral-goers. And the tribe of beloved sons. And the tribe of boys who really missed their best friends. It was a huge realization. And that's when I knew that I was going to be okay.“ --Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian
I read this when I was fourteen and the way Alexie writes about the human need for belonging and love hasn’t let go of my brain. 
“After I grew up, I heard the chant of Fa Mu Lan, the girl who took her father’s place in battle…. I had forgotten this chant that was once mine, given me by my mother, who may not have known its power to remind. She said I would grow up a wife and a slave, but she taught me the song of the warrior woman, Fa Mu Lan. I would have to grow up a warrior woman.” --Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior
All of the content warnings for The Woman Warrior, but there’s this sense of longing for independence that Kingston spins into these romantic narratives. Plus I need to read more books written by Asian women. Or Asian authors in general. It’s a part of my identity I don’t get to see a lot in books.
“’What the hell is Havarti?’ Gus asked. 
‘Semisoft Danish cow cheese,’ Casey said. ‘You’ll love it.’ 
‘That… sounds disgusting,’ Gus said. ‘You should have just called it cheese. I don’t know if I can eat cheese from a semisoft Danish cow.’” -- TJ Klune, How to Be a Normal Person
Ridiculous comedy is extremely important to me. I love this book more than I can explain. Gus is so easy to love, and he doesn’t realize it.
“’He is not alone,’ Marlie objected. ‘Rowan is with him.’ Val and Ellis stared at her as though she were mad. 
‘Of what use to Jonn is a scared weakling like Rowan?’ Val demanded. ‘He needs a strong, courageous companion to—’
‘He had five strong, courageous companions.’
Allun lifted his head and looked her straight in the eye. ‘They all ran away.’”--Emily Rodda, Rowan of Rin
Look. This is a kid’s book. It’s a total predictable cliche:  “weakling outcast kid was the hero all along.” But Rowan’s gentleness is portrayed as his Great Strength. As a masculine-identifying person, that’s a message I still need all the time. He doesn’t go through a Change to become Socially Acceptable. He was always like this, and it turns out to be what they need.
“Perhaps home is not a place but an irrevocable condition.” --James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room
I don’t have an addendum to this one.
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theimaginatrix27 · 5 years
Been thinking about Rowan of Rin lately, since I eventually intend on buying the books from Audible, and I feel like Tumblr would appreciate the first book owing to the twists on the tropes, most prominent in the “Seven ways the hearts did break”.
Like, Ellis is set up as this big, silent, grumpy dude who could be shaken by literally nothing, and he’s petrified of spiders. To be fair to him, I think anyone would be scared silly by spiders that big in such great numbers, but it’s not what you’d expect from his character type and it humanises him.
Bronden, this “strong female character” who’s tough as nails and has a barbed tongue, once had a best friend as sweet and gentle as Rowan is now, and losing her was why she became so hard. If you didn’t cry with her when you read the part where she thought she had Minna within reach, you’re lying.
Then Val, as big and buff as her twin and also a “strong female character”, who cannot bear to be separated from her brother, which is honestly so beautiful.
Allun has been so kind that the reader doesn’t want to see him go, but when he does, you get some insight into his insecurities. I don’t remember books 2-4 as well as I’d like, but I hope they helped him learn to swim after all was said and done. No-one would tease him for it now and it’s a skill worth having, even if he would never be a strong swimmer.
Marlie’s claustrophobia is another weakness that makes a lot of sense, and again, humanises her, for all that she’s been decent up to this point. By now the theme seems to be “however tough you think someone is, they’re human, and humans have some weaknesses they struggle with, and that’s okay.” Of course Rowan’s whole arc is about realising his own strength, and part of that is being faced with the weaknesses of those he has felt out-of-place among for so long.
But also we have Strong Jonn’s breaking, as he crawls through that tunnel that presses in on him from all sides, unable to turn back, but growing wearier and weaker as they go, until he is utterly spent, and Rowan, faced with the prospect that Jonn might very well die, finds in himself what was there all along, but which he had not expected to find there. Courage, strength, ingenuity. Not excessive amounts, but enough to save them both.
Rowan of Rin is a really freaking good book.
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therpf · 7 years
3 Descomplicado Passos, Apoiado Por Estudos
Perder gordura RÁPIDO, com SAÚDE PLENA E ENERGIA SEM LIMITES. Há diversas maneiras de perder peso rápido de uma enorme quantidade de quilos. Não obstante, a maioria delas vão te fazer ficar com fome e notar-se insatisfech@. E a não ser que tenha uma força de vontade de ferro, a fome será capaz de contigo e acabar desistindo de seus objetivos. A deprimido verdade, que quem sabe de imediato tenha verificado pessoalmente, é que as idéias usuais, comer menos, correr mais, não funcionam a alongado período. Descrever as calorias, fazer exercício todos os dias tentando rejeitar a sua fome. Isso é um sofrimento supérfluo, e também uma perda de tempo e uma forma de desperdiçar tua preciosa força de desejo. Poderíamos chamá-lo de “ A perda de peso para os masoquistas ”. Com a qual quase todo o mundo se apresenta por vencido.
Prepare-se para perder peso sem vigor.
Talvez seja desse jeito bem como, que hoje em dia sofremos de uma sério epidemia de obesidade. Felizmente, há uma forma melhor de conquistar o teu propósito. Prepare-se para perder peso sem vigor. Restringir o teu apetite de forma importante. Como queimar gordura sem ter que passar fome.
Melhorar ao mesmo tempo a tua saúde metabólica. Tudo é apoiada por estudos científicos. O passo 1 e o passo dois, você irá ver que eles estão mais focados na dieta para perder calorias e o terceiro passo mais retornado ao exercício para perder calorias, fazendo bem as duas coisas atingirá seu objetivo Se você quer perder gordura tem que começar por impedir o açúcar e o amido ( como o de pão ). Durante mais de 100 anos, tem havido um número eterno de dietas pra redução de calorias à base de eliminar os hidratos de carbono. Na atualidade, os modernos estudos prontamente demonstraram que uma dieta baixa em carboidratos é a forma mais capaz para a perda de calorias. Obviamente, é possível perder calorias com qualquer dieta, só precisas de comer menos calorias do que as que quemes o
A dificuldade com este conselho descomplicado é que ignora o extenso dificuldade que enfrentam as pessoas que praticam isso: A Fome. A maioria das pessoas não gosta de “ só você deve consumir menos ”, quer dizer, morirte de fome para todo o sempre. Isto é fazer uma dieta de masoquistas. Mais cedo ou mais Tarde acabará jogando a toalha, voltando a comer o que comías e, dessa forma, a subir de peso, é o que se conhece como “efeito ioiô”.
A principal vantagem das dietas baixas em hidratos de carbono é que realizam com que você quer ingerir menos. Mesmo sem descrever calorias, a maioria das pessoas estão acima do peso comem muito menos calorias numa dieta baixa em carboidratos. O açúcar e o amido realizam com que se aumente a fome, evitando que se reduza o apetite para os níveis desejáveis. Conclusão: você Poderá consumir tranquilamente sem ter que permanecer contando calorias.
Um estudo desempenhado no ano de 2012 mostrou que as pessoas que seguem uma dieta baixa em carboidratos de queima 300 calorias a mais por dia, sempre que descansam. Em poucas expressões: Uma dieta baixa em carboidratos diminui a fome e faz com que possa ser menos difícil ingerir menos.
Jonn fredy arias diz:
Flexão do quadril
Ysrrael Adrianzen Parco diz:
Puxada pela polia dorsal: Dois a três x quinze
Pode mesmo vir a aumentar a queima de gordura, estando em repouso. São muitos os estudos que confirmam que uma dieta baixa em carboidratos é a maneira inteligente de perder peso e melhorar respeitáveis marcadores pra saúde. A fração mais considerável é que reduzcas os açúcares e amido ( carboidratos ). Estes são os alimentos que sensibilizam a secreção de insulina. Se não sabia, a insulina é o principal hormônio de armazenamento de gordura de nosso corpo.
No momento em que não há picos de insulina, a gordura tem menos difícil para sair de tuas reservas de gordura e o nosso organismo começa a queimar gordura ao invés carboidratos. Outro dos benefícios da diminuição da insulina é que os rins cortam o exagero de sódio e de água do seu organismo, o que consegue apagar os inchaços. Não é raro perder até quatro quilos ( às vezes mais ) pela primeira semana de ingerir então, eliminando peso pela gordura corporal e água. Este é um gráfico de um estudo que compara uma dieta baixa em carboidratos e uma dieta baixa em gordura em mulheres com sobrepeso / obesidade. O grupo de pessoas que toma uma dieta baixa em carboidratos podes consumir até se constatar cheio, sempre que que o grupo com baixo teor de gordura tem restringidas as calorias e sente fome. Ao diminuir os carboidratos, a insulina baixa e você começará a ingerir menos calorias de modo automática e sem ter que ir fome.
Em poucas palavras, a redução de insulina põe a redução de peso no “ piloto automático ”. Conclusão: Eliminar os açúcares e amidos de sua dieta eliminam seus níveis de insulina, reduzindo o apetite e faz você perder peso sem ir fome.
Cada uma de suas refeições precisa possuir uma fonte de proteínas, excelente referência de gorduras e outra de legumes e miserável em carboidratos. Fazendo então tuas refeições, você vai ter um consumo de carboidratos no intervalo recomendado de vinte-50 gramas por dia. Peixes e frutos do mar: Salmão, truta, camarão, lagostas, etc., Uma dieta alta em proteínas é benéfico para emagrecer mais rápido. Está provado que uma alimentação proteica aumenta o metabolismo em oitenta a cem calorias por dia. Quando se trata de emagrecer, a proteína é o nutriente rei. Não tenha terror em encher seu prato com esses legumes baixas em hidratos de carbono. Você podes consumir grandes quantidades delas e ocasionando-a não mais de 20 a 50 gramas de carboidratos por dia.
source https://necessitae.com/3-descomplicado-passos-apoiado-por-estudos/ source https://rhadiary.tumblr.com/post/168113022831
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rhadiary · 7 years
3 Descomplicado Passos, Apoiado Por Estudos
Perder gordura RÁPIDO, com SAÚDE PLENA E ENERGIA SEM LIMITES. Há diversas maneiras de perder peso rápido de uma enorme quantidade de quilos. Não obstante, a maioria delas vão te fazer ficar com fome e notar-se insatisfech@. E a não ser que tenha uma força de vontade de ferro, a fome será capaz de contigo e acabar desistindo de seus objetivos. A deprimido verdade, que quem sabe de imediato tenha verificado pessoalmente, é que as idéias usuais, comer menos, correr mais, não funcionam a alongado período. Descrever as calorias, fazer exercício todos os dias tentando rejeitar a sua fome. Isso é um sofrimento supérfluo, e também uma perda de tempo e uma forma de desperdiçar tua preciosa força de desejo. Poderíamos chamá-lo de " A perda de peso para os masoquistas ". Com a qual quase todo o mundo se apresenta por vencido.
Prepare-se para perder peso sem vigor.
Talvez seja desse jeito bem como, que hoje em dia sofremos de uma sério epidemia de obesidade. Felizmente, há uma forma melhor de conquistar o teu propósito. Prepare-se para perder peso sem vigor. Restringir o teu apetite de forma importante. Como queimar gordura sem ter que passar fome.
Melhorar ao mesmo tempo a tua saúde metabólica. Tudo é apoiada por estudos científicos. O passo 1 e o passo dois, você irá ver que eles estão mais focados na dieta para perder calorias e o terceiro passo mais retornado ao exercício para perder calorias, fazendo bem as duas coisas atingirá seu objetivo Se você quer perder gordura tem que começar por impedir o açúcar e o amido ( como o de pão ). Durante mais de 100 anos, tem havido um número eterno de dietas pra redução de calorias à base de eliminar os hidratos de carbono. Na atualidade, os modernos estudos prontamente demonstraram que uma dieta baixa em carboidratos é a forma mais capaz para a perda de calorias. Obviamente, é possível perder calorias com qualquer dieta, só precisas de comer menos calorias do que as que quemes o
A dificuldade com este conselho descomplicado é que ignora o extenso dificuldade que enfrentam as pessoas que praticam isso: A Fome. A maioria das pessoas não gosta de " só você deve consumir menos ", quer dizer, morirte de fome para todo o sempre. Isto é fazer uma dieta de masoquistas. Mais cedo ou mais Tarde acabará jogando a toalha, voltando a comer o que comías e, dessa forma, a subir de peso, é o que se conhece como "efeito ioiô".
A principal vantagem das dietas baixas em hidratos de carbono é que realizam com que você quer ingerir menos. Mesmo sem descrever calorias, a maioria das pessoas estão acima do peso comem muito menos calorias numa dieta baixa em carboidratos. O açúcar e o amido realizam com que se aumente a fome, evitando que se reduza o apetite para os níveis desejáveis. Conclusão: você Poderá consumir tranquilamente sem ter que permanecer contando calorias.
Um estudo desempenhado no ano de 2012 mostrou que as pessoas que seguem uma dieta baixa em carboidratos de queima 300 calorias a mais por dia, sempre que descansam. Em poucas expressões: Uma dieta baixa em carboidratos diminui a fome e faz com que possa ser menos difícil ingerir menos.
Jonn fredy arias diz:
Flexão do quadril
Ysrrael Adrianzen Parco diz:
Puxada pela polia dorsal: Dois a três x quinze
Pode mesmo vir a aumentar a queima de gordura, estando em repouso. São muitos os estudos que confirmam que uma dieta baixa em carboidratos é a maneira inteligente de perder peso e melhorar respeitáveis marcadores pra saúde. A fração mais considerável é que reduzcas os açúcares e amido ( carboidratos ). Estes são os alimentos que sensibilizam a secreção de insulina. Se não sabia, a insulina é o principal hormônio de armazenamento de gordura de nosso corpo.
No momento em que não há picos de insulina, a gordura tem menos difícil para sair de tuas reservas de gordura e o nosso organismo começa a queimar gordura ao invés carboidratos. Outro dos benefícios da diminuição da insulina é que os rins cortam o exagero de sódio e de água do seu organismo, o que consegue apagar os inchaços. Não é raro perder até quatro quilos ( às vezes mais ) pela primeira semana de ingerir então, eliminando peso pela gordura corporal e água. Este é um gráfico de um estudo que compara uma dieta baixa em carboidratos e uma dieta baixa em gordura em mulheres com sobrepeso / obesidade. O grupo de pessoas que toma uma dieta baixa em carboidratos podes consumir até se constatar cheio, sempre que que o grupo com baixo teor de gordura tem restringidas as calorias e sente fome. Ao diminuir os carboidratos, a insulina baixa e você começará a ingerir menos calorias de modo automática e sem ter que ir fome.
Em poucas palavras, a redução de insulina põe a redução de peso no " piloto automático ". Conclusão: Eliminar os açúcares e amidos de sua dieta eliminam seus níveis de insulina, reduzindo o apetite e faz você perder peso sem ir fome.
Cada uma de suas refeições precisa possuir uma fonte de proteínas, excelente referência de gorduras e outra de legumes e miserável em carboidratos. Fazendo então tuas refeições, você vai ter um consumo de carboidratos no intervalo recomendado de vinte-50 gramas por dia. Peixes e frutos do mar: Salmão, truta, camarão, lagostas, etc., Uma dieta alta em proteínas é benéfico para emagrecer mais rápido. Está provado que uma alimentação proteica aumenta o metabolismo em oitenta a cem calorias por dia. Quando se trata de emagrecer, a proteína é o nutriente rei. Não tenha terror em encher seu prato com esses legumes baixas em hidratos de carbono. Você podes consumir grandes quantidades delas e ocasionando-a não mais de 20 a 50 gramas de carboidratos por dia.
source https://necessitae.com/3-descomplicado-passos-apoiado-por-estudos/
0 notes
kristineayran · 7 years
3 Descomplicado Passos Apoiado Por Estudos
Perder gordura RÁPIDO, com SAÚDE PLENA E ENERGIA SEM LIMITES. Há diversas maneiras de perder peso rápido de uma enorme quantidade de quilos. Não obstante, a maioria delas vão te fazer ficar com fome e notar-se insatisfech@. E a não ser que tenha uma força de vontade de ferro, a fome será capaz de contigo e acabar desistindo de seus objetivos. A deprimido verdade, que quem sabe de imediato tenha verificado pessoalmente, é que as idéias usuais, comer menos, correr mais, não funcionam a alongado período. Descrever as calorias, fazer exercício todos os dias tentando rejeitar a sua fome. Isso é um sofrimento supérfluo, e também uma perda de tempo e uma forma de desperdiçar tua preciosa força de desejo. Poderíamos chamá-lo de " A perda de peso para os masoquistas ". Com a qual quase todo o mundo se apresenta por vencido.
Prepare-se para perder peso sem vigor.
Talvez seja desse jeito bem como, que hoje em dia sofremos de uma sério epidemia de obesidade. Felizmente, há uma forma melhor de conquistar o teu propósito. Prepare-se para perder peso sem vigor. Restringir o teu apetite de forma importante. Como queimar gordura sem ter que passar fome.
Melhorar ao mesmo tempo a tua saúde metabólica. Tudo é apoiada por estudos científicos. O passo 1 e o passo dois, você irá ver que eles estão mais focados na dieta para perder calorias e o terceiro passo mais retornado ao exercício para perder calorias, fazendo bem as duas coisas atingirá seu objetivo Se você quer perder gordura tem que começar por impedir o açúcar e o amido ( como o de pão ). Durante mais de 100 anos, tem havido um número eterno de dietas pra redução de calorias à base de eliminar os hidratos de carbono. Na atualidade, os modernos estudos prontamente demonstraram que uma dieta baixa em carboidratos é a forma mais capaz para a perda de calorias. Obviamente, é possível perder calorias com qualquer dieta, só precisas de comer menos calorias do que as que quemes o
A dificuldade com este conselho descomplicado é que ignora o extenso dificuldade que enfrentam as pessoas que praticam isso: A Fome. A maioria das pessoas não gosta de " só você deve consumir menos ", quer dizer, morirte de fome para todo o sempre. Isto é fazer uma dieta de masoquistas. Mais cedo ou mais Tarde acabará jogando a toalha, voltando a comer o que comías e, dessa forma, a subir de peso, é o que se conhece como "efeito ioiô".
A principal vantagem das dietas baixas em hidratos de carbono é que realizam com que você quer ingerir menos. Mesmo sem descrever calorias, a maioria das pessoas estão acima do peso comem muito menos calorias numa dieta baixa em carboidratos. O açúcar e o amido realizam com que se aumente a fome, evitando que se reduza o apetite para os níveis desejáveis. Conclusão: você Poderá consumir tranquilamente sem ter que permanecer contando calorias.
Um estudo desempenhado no ano de 2012 mostrou que as pessoas que seguem uma dieta baixa em carboidratos de queima 300 calorias a mais por dia, sempre que descansam. Em poucas expressões: Uma dieta baixa em carboidratos diminui a fome e faz com que possa ser menos difícil ingerir menos.
Jonn fredy arias diz:
Flexão do quadril
Ysrrael Adrianzen Parco diz:
Puxada pela polia dorsal: Dois a três x quinze
Pode mesmo vir a aumentar a queima de gordura, estando em repouso. São muitos os estudos que confirmam que uma dieta baixa em carboidratos é a maneira inteligente de perder peso e melhorar respeitáveis marcadores pra saúde. A fração mais considerável é que reduzcas os açúcares e amido ( carboidratos ). Estes são os alimentos que sensibilizam a secreção de insulina. Se não sabia, a insulina é o principal hormônio de armazenamento de gordura de nosso corpo.
No momento em que não há picos de insulina, a gordura tem menos difícil para sair de tuas reservas de gordura e o nosso organismo começa a queimar gordura ao invés carboidratos. Outro dos benefícios da diminuição da insulina é que os rins cortam o exagero de sódio e de água do seu organismo, o que consegue apagar os inchaços. Não é raro perder até quatro quilos ( às vezes mais ) pela primeira semana de ingerir então, eliminando peso pela gordura corporal e água. Este é um gráfico de um estudo que compara uma dieta baixa em carboidratos e uma dieta baixa em gordura em mulheres com sobrepeso / obesidade. O grupo de pessoas que toma uma dieta baixa em carboidratos podes consumir até se constatar cheio, sempre que que o grupo com baixo teor de gordura tem restringidas as calorias e sente fome. Ao diminuir os carboidratos, a insulina baixa e você começará a ingerir menos calorias de modo automática e sem ter que ir fome.
Em poucas palavras, a redução de insulina põe a redução de peso no " piloto automático ". Conclusão: Eliminar os açúcares e amidos de sua dieta eliminam seus níveis de insulina, reduzindo o apetite e faz você perder peso sem ir fome.
Cada uma de suas refeições precisa possuir uma fonte de proteínas, excelente referência de gorduras e outra de legumes e miserável em carboidratos. Fazendo então tuas refeições, você vai ter um consumo de carboidratos no intervalo recomendado de vinte-50 gramas por dia. Peixes e frutos do mar: Salmão, truta, camarão, lagostas, etc., Uma dieta alta em proteínas é benéfico para emagrecer mais rápido. Está provado que uma alimentação proteica aumenta o metabolismo em oitenta a cem calorias por dia. Quando se trata de emagrecer, a proteína é o nutriente rei. Não tenha terror em encher seu prato com esses legumes baixas em hidratos de carbono. Você podes consumir grandes quantidades delas e ocasionando-a não mais de 20 a 50 gramas de carboidratos por dia.
Via https://necessitae.com/3-descomplicado-passos-apoiado-por-estudos/
source http://necessitae.weebly.com/blog/3-descomplicado-passos-apoiado-por-estudos
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lindalofbroome · 9 months
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14 - Foreshadowing
But always, just as he was about to fall asleep, the other, darker thoughts came creeping back, and made him afraid to close his eyes. Finally he did sleep — a shallow doze filled with nightmares. He was back in Sheba's hut. But now its four walls were made of rock, dripping with water and slime. And Sheba was huge, her nose long and pointed, her hair greasy grey tails swinging like thick ropes around her grinning face, her eyes red and piercing. Strong Jonn and his mother stood there with him, but they made no move to help as the Witch bent towards him, closer and closer, till her face was all he could see and her breath scalded his cheeks. "If you are the only one afraid, skinny rabbit, you are the only one with sense," she croaked. And she opened her mouth to scream with laughter, but she had no tongue, and the inside of her mouth was as yellow and smooth as cheese. ROWAN OF RIN Ch 3 The Heroes
i was planning on doing one of sheba's prophesies because those are always 😘👌 idk theres something so fun and i guess also satisfying about having a cryptic riddle foretelling the future and having it slowly unfold over the course of the story
the fate's hand prophesy in Zebak is probably my favourite because i looooove the symbolism of the group as the hand and also what a cast of characters 😌💖
the plot arch of Travellers is also one of my favourites and big fan of the secret enemy prophesy too. big fan of all the themes of change to embody metamorphosis throughout the whole story!!!
i just did a maris art so i didn't want to use the prophesy in Keeper of the Crystal and honestly when i chose sheba i honestly was envisaging the one in Bukshah where she and unos were huddled in the hut with a raging fire and the whole intense atmosphere, piercing eyes of intent, her snarky wisdom.
but i ended up going with the original, the first, the beloved, probably for nostalgia lol. Rowan of Rin was my first rodda book but thats not the only reason it's one of my top tier favourites. i love its story and its themes of bravery and how the saviour of the village was not a mighty warrior, but a gentle and kind soul.
but oh my god before i started sketching i randomly remembered rowan's dream after visiting sheba and like. ive read this book a bajillion times okay. but i only jUST saw a parallel?? i dont think it's a coincidence??? but i remembered that sheba's eyes were described as piercing and red, and i remembered that because i was like woah thats intense. aND YOU KNOW WHO ELSE HAD RED EYES. THE DRAGON. i remember this only because of when i drew the dragon of the mountain that one time.
so i go back to look at the dream scene. obviously this whole scene kinda went over my head the first time because i was like. eight. give or take. but when i picked it up again when i was older, i quite liked how kinda whacky it was? and i was like wow this is the weirdest and truly the most dream ive ever read lmaoo. i was like wow rodda really wrote things that rowan experienced recently and was thinking about aND made it whacky and weird.
and something i always thought was the most weird was that sheba is described to have a mouth full of cheese, and i always took it as yeah. rowan gave her cheese. it's haunting him now lol. but now?? with my eyes opened??? cheese = food, stuck in her mouth. you know who else had food stuck in its mouth?? the dragon of the mountain.
i was intending of drawing the dream itself but it was going to be a whole thing lol so i just drew when rowan was helping the dragon hahaha but behold my madman red string connection parallels ✨
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He was back in Sheba's hut. But now its four walls were made of rock, dripping with water and slime.
mountain top cavern, snowy and icy and probably a bit gross
And Sheba was huge, her nose long and pointed, her hair greasy grey tails swinging like thick ropes around her grinning face, her eyes red and piercing.
ngl i've found this description to be a bit [raises eyebrows] because stereotypes, but now it's like. oh maybe big nose is actually just dragon snout.
sheba definitely has an intense gaze normally, but a red and piercing gaze is like the intimidating but pained and fearful gaze of the dragon.
i got nothing for her hair. could just be description for her. could be folded wings maybe. maybe the dragon of the mountain is an Eastern dragon type even.
Strong Jonn and his mother stood there with him, but they made no move to help
jonn is, of course, weak and pinned to the wall by this point and cannot help.
i don't think jiller is as literally relevant, but we can kinda say that she cannot help also because she had to stay behind to look after annad etc
the Witch bent towards him, closer and closer, till her face was all he could see and her breath scalded his cheeks.
drawing rowan's attention to the face, uh. divine? guidance towards the answer.
sheba's breath was hot like the dragon's fire breath.
"If you are the only one afraid, skinny rabbit, you are the only one with sense," she croaked.
im choosing to interpret this as like, his fear gives him pause and allows him to consider. he seeks knowledge, before he acts, in contrast to his elders who act first, know later. kinda like benefits of Deer In The Headlights mode O-O lmao
could also just be a reminder, even affirmation that he and he alone can solve the villages problem and save it from disaster
And she opened her mouth to scream with laughter, but she had no tongue, and the inside of her mouth was as yellow and smooth as cheese.
perhaps opening her mouth to cackle can parallel the dragon unhinging its jaw, looking like it's about to eat you whole, but doesnt
cheese stuck in mouth = animal bone stuck in mouth
..oh my god??? i actually think this is just my headcanon but at the end of Bukshah sheba says "that the medallion she gave [rowan] may look like base metal, but it is made of pure gold, and she expects it back the moment she returns. she says that you could not take her place in a thousand years, whatever you may think" via allun, and idk when it happened but i think i did in fact imagine that rowan would be the wiseman some day. due to his insight, his experiences, his level-headiness and stuff like that.
sheba could just be messing around, enforcing being a spiteful and jealous old woman, but just passing on the message that she wants the medallion returned.
but also. maybe she knows he's gonna take her place someday, and she is hinting at it to him. i would imagine this definitely going over his head at the time, since he's you know. a child. but who knows, he's pretty discerning. anyway
it could perhaps be argued that sheba gave rowan the dream alongside the map, but i doubt it. i choose to believe it's his own. maybe im grasping at straws here about it being a supernatural dream, but if it is,,,,,,,,, it could be just the beginning for rowan.
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lindalofbroome · 2 years
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14 - Kindness
Allun glanced at [Rowan’s] sad face. ‘The same moon is shining over Rin, you know,’ he murmured, pointing to the sky. ‘Think of that.’
‘It is not worth packing this last piece of toffee, Rowan,’ said Marlie, holding out the package. ‘You could finish it for us, I am sure.’
‘The map should be dry by now. Do you not think so, Rowan?’ asked Jonn casually, at almost exactly the same moment.
Rowan realised that all of them were trying to comfort him in their own way.
ROWAN OF RIN Ch 9 Moving On
wild coincidence rocks up when im having a horrible time but anyway im tired and low energy and couldnt come up with anything creative to represent this moment thats very dear to me, so i just sketched them literally
like theyre all so sweet :’) emotional support adults that do look out for you ;-;
i’ve already ranted about jonn as a good step-dad but like allun and marlie are the cool uncle and aunt <3 i dont have the braincells to articulate it today but i have many feelings
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lindalofbroome · 3 years
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04 - Caring
‘All well, Jonn?’ he asked, as cheerfully as he could. ‘Nearly there now.’ And was struck by a sudden memory. An echo of Strong Jonn’s voice, saying those very words to him. In just the same way, on thta first morning, as they walked away from Rin. Rowan caught his breath. Had Jonn’s heart been aching for him then as his ached for Jonn now? And for the same reasons? Had he then be wrong, quite wrong, about Jonn all along?
Rowan of Rin // Ch 12 Bravest Heart
when i first reread Rowan of Rin when i was older and read that jonn was in love with jiller i was like ‘hey wtf??’ and when rowan was trudging up the mountain in ch 5 thinking angrily “What right had Strong Jonn to look at his mother like that? What right had he to hold her hands as if he were more to her than her dead husband’s friend?” i was like yeah??? it was definitely mutual interest, but it still would’ve been so much to process for rowan, even without the whole threat to his entire village. 
but i also think that these two have an underrated relationship. 
because they go from this awkward wariness to genuinely loving each other. rowan thinks that jonn is just looking after him out of a sense of obligation. that he’s only doing it because of his mother and it would break her heart if something happened to him. and i think a part of that is true. 
but i think that jonn was also genuinely trying to connect with him. he definitely did with annad. the only problem was the point of the entire series, and that rowan is just so different from most people in rin. jonn could connect with annad because they were similar,, anne with an e is stuck in my head now, so they’re like kindred spirits <3 but rowan? they’re opposites. there’s like a window in between them and they can see but not touch.
then the stream dries up and it has catastrophic consequences for the village and it shatters the glass.
they are united under a common purpose. and jonn, out of a tentative act of love, extends his hand passed the threshold but rowan is too angry and shocked and terrified to accept it.
one by one, the members of their party bow to their fears and return home. but this is never rowan, reknowned for his cowardice. he persists. despite everything. “I will not go back!” he says “You cannot make me. I must hold the map for you. I must find the water for the bukshah. I promised them.” (ch 11) i think thats when jonn gained a bit of clarity about the young boy who was the village oddity, who puzzled him for a long time. he understood what it was to make a promise and to stop at nothing to see it through. “By my life, I promise I will bring him home to you[, Jiller].”  (ch 5) he understood the determination, the blood, sweat and tears, the ache in the heart. and i think that jonn started to admire him. he admired that above all else, this child, the runt of the village, could show such courage in the face of a danger that turned away six of their bravest. that this child, the shame of the village, embodied its most praised quality when even he lay down and gave up.
'Jonn, do not go to sleep! It is too cold. You are too weak! You will freeeze! You will die! Jonn, get up!' Jonn did not move. Rowan sobbed, beating at the ground. ‘Jonn, I cannot go on alone! You know I cannot! Sheba did not foretell this! Sheba said the bravest heart would carry on. That is what she said. And I am not the bravest heart. I fear everything! Everything!’
Jonn’s pale lips curved. 'Yes, skinny rabbit. So you do,’ he murmured. ‘Fearing, you climbed the Mountain. Fearing, you faced its dangers. And fearing, you went on. That is real bravery, Rowan. Only fools do not fear. Sheba knew that. Sheba knew everything, all along.'
Rowan stared. And slowly an icy calm settled on him. He knew what he must do. ‘Sleep now,’ he whispered. ‘I will look after you.’
Rowan of Rin // Ch 12 Bravest Heart
im on the verge of crying now but just,,, the way that rowan starting caring for jonn and realising that he was falling into the patterns that jonn had earlier in their journey,,,,,, and “Had Jonn’s heart been aching for him then as his ached for Jonn now?” (ch 12) and this understanding that’s grown between then because of this harrowing journey.... 
jonn was slipping and his hand was falling back to his side of the window but rowan siezed it in a tight grip and did not let go. they grew to be good friends and they loved each other and they trusted each other. and i love that when they returned home,, even though jonn was exhausted and injured, he made sure that the villagers all knew what he knew. he made sure that they knew that the quest’s success was rowan’s success. he made sure that there could be no mistake in their minds.
and throughout the rest of the series you can see that they were both very important to each other and they were no longer bonded only by jiller. that they had a connection outside of her and they loved to be with each other. im gonna add some quotes in a rb
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lindalofbroome · 4 years
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Jonn and Jiller
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lindalofbroome · 5 years
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17 - Important moment
trying to catch up, so did a sketch that i’m not too proud of,,
but regardless, the whole story of Rowan of Rin is very important to me. the moment when the story reveals that Rowan is the bravest of them all, despite being shunned as a coward and a weakling in his village is a moment that means a lot to me. 
Rowan of Rin was the first Rodda book i read from what i remember, so it’s always held a special place in my heart. but when i reread the series earlier this year, properly read it, i think i fell in love with it all over again. suddenly it meant so much more to me now as an adult. to be frank, i’m a very anxious person and i really saw myself in Rowan; the seclusion, differing interests, feeling like a disappointment and not knowing how to undo that feeling, etc. it’s that warm feeling of representation that makes Rowan very special to me, you know?
besides. Rowan of Rin is such a cool book, in my opinion at least. like showing different forms of fear and inabilities? the riddles? DRAGON? the fact that the stream that provides for Rin is snow and ice melted from the mountain by the Dragon? the importance of the Bukshah in more ways than one?
i love this book so much, and i love Allun,,, my goodness,,,,,,,,,,,
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lindalofbroome · 5 years
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because i love the development of Rowan and Jonn’s relationship, and i wanted to sketch them collecting some apples from the orchard.
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lindalofbroome · 4 years
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26 - Alliance
[Jonn] bent and picked the leaf of a slip-daisy, twisting it between his fingers. Rowan knew that the leaf was part of the Welcoming. Slip-daisy leaves were made of three round lobes joined together, as clover leaves were. They were used as a sign of the friendship between the Travellers, the Maris folk and the people of Rin.
Rowan and the Travellers // Ch 3
Rin (left to right): Marlie, Allun, Lann, Sheba, Rowan, Annad, Jiller, Jonn
The Travellers: Ogden, Zeel, misc Travellers
Maris: Perlain, Keeper, Umbray, Fisk, Pandellis
Zebak: Farmers and working Grach, Zebak Generals, Soldiers and fighting Grach
and i love the alliance between the Travellers, the Maris, and the Rin folk. how they rise against the Zebak, defending their homeland again and again. they each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but in times of trouble they remember that together they are strong.
Allun stared pointedly at the three-lobed leaf in Ogden’s hand.
‘Our peoples have been allies for three hundred years,’ he said. ‘For three hundred years our fortunes have been linked, so that we have been separate, but one.
Rowan and the Travellers // Ch 14
i also love the symbolism of the slip-daisy. how it’s a symbol of their faith and their trust in each other, and grows naturally in their homeland, and how it’s commonly found (and of course the importance of the slip-daisy to fend off dangerous plants)
this one has been ready for ages lmao
i just did a loose sketch of people and used some brush pens. i had a fun time with this one (unlike a lot of my other art which has stressed me out aksljdfh)
i also wasnt planning on drawing the Zebak, i was just vibing and i ended up drawing them in as well. uh, “it took my fancy” as Zeel said
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lindalofbroome · 4 years
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05 - Inspire
‘Fearing, you climbed the Mountain. Fearing, you faced its dangers. And fearing, you went on. That is real bravery, Rowan. Only fools do not fear.’ 
- Jonn, Rowan of Rin // Ch 12
okay not gonna lie, i mostly had a terrible time with this one. the idea was taking the arch of RoR1 and make it into one of Rin’s silks. but i guess there’s so much landscape art to do here (which is so far out of my comfort zone) that i got really burnt out trying to do this one (and the fact that it’s such a big piece certainly didn’t help. lmaoo i spent all my art energy on the centre with rowan and the dragon that i could barely do anything else. i got so overwhelmed (and coupled with other stuff) that i started having a full breakdown and i just felt so useless.
but at some point i managed to get my phone and was scrolling through some stuff when i came across @toshitophchan ’s post for the ‘inspire’ prompt. at this point i felt so low that i was ready to give up on this piece and pretend it didn’t exist. but i was reading this post and honestly i was stuck on the second paragraph which was about how Rowan is an inspiration and this was when i remembered the whole point of this artwork.
because i’m a big anxious mess most of the time. i’ve definitely improved over the years, but life’s a struggle when your brain is constantly sounding the alarm. and when i reread the Rowan of Rin series recently it all just hit me different. like suddenly i’m seeing myself in this character. he feels out of place, and no matter how hard he seems to try, he isn’t going to match the expectations of his village. he is afraid of so many things. and yet he was the one to save his village. he was the one who brought the stream back to his home, to his bukshah. and only he would have been able to do so. and it just warms my heart to see someone like me succeed. like, it gives me hope? usually when i see inspirational things my first reaction is something along the lines of “not me tho” but when i see Rowan, i get more of a “maybe i can do something too”. it’s more positive.
Rowan inspires me because he is like me, and if he can conquer the Mountain, then maybe i can try a bit of digital landscape painting.
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lindalofbroome · 4 years
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11 - Young
‘They are listening,’ she whispered. ‘Look at them. Wait till they hear what you did, Rowan. Wait till they know the dangers you faced to save the village.’
She puffed out her chest. ‘I hope they know I’m your sister!’ she added.
Rowan and the Travellers // Ch 7
im just so soft for how proud of her brother Annad is. she’s so full of love and admiration for her oddling (and yet not) of a brother.
i think she was too young to understand how different Rowan was to most of the villagers in Rin, and then when he brought the stream back home for the bukshah he became a hero to everyone, but no one more than Annad. i think she’s always loved him and has relied on his judgement and his knowledge.
‘If we do not act soon, [the bukshah] will die.’
‘Not Star,’ whispered Annad to her brother, who was the keeper of the bukshah. ‘Star will not die, though, will she, Rowan? Because you will give Star water from our well.’
‘Bukshah cannot drink from our well, Annad,’ said Rowan. ‘It is not sweet enough for them. It makes them ill. They can only drink the water that flows down from the Mountain. It has always been so. If the stream stays dry, Star will die like all the rest.’
Rowan of Rin // Ch 1
i love her boldness and her confidence in her big brother, but also in herself. she would 100% be down to fight for what she believes in and to defend her loved ones.
Rowan stared, open-mouthed, and did not move. He was terrified of Sheba. His mother nudged him. ‘I will go,’ piped up little Annad, beside him. ‘I am not frightened!’ Laughter rippled through the crowd.
Rowan of Rin // Ch 1
i like to imagine Rowan and Annad growing up and being very supportive and understanding of one another. they may not necessarily be in sync or understand each other on an empathy level, but they understand each other on a sympathetic and compassionate level. they know how each other will react to certain things and how to help each other and what they love and what they hate and such. they are best friends, filled with so much love and admiration for the other. and i hope they give each other courage, by showing different types of bravery and different ways to overcome obstacles.
this is Rowan and Annad in their wedding finery, on their way to Jiller and Jonn’s wedding 💕
also, the struggle of wanting to draw little Annad as big for her age, and Rowan small for his age, and ending up making them both look 8-10 or something oops
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