#Rowan of Rin
thisisindeedausername · 8 months
"i grew up reading percy jackson", "i grew up reading harry potter" yeah ok but where are the people that grew up reading deltora quest i need to find my people
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lindalofbroome · 9 months
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16 - Envy
i was feeling silly asldkfjhas
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toshitophchan · 9 months
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Roddacember 2023 Day 12 | Memorable Deception Moment
Deception is either making you go 0.0 or >:O, there is no inbetween
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book--brackets · 1 year
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lampochkaart · 1 year
I don't think I ever posted those illustrations to Rowan of Rin (Rowan of the Bukshah/Rowan and the Ice Creepers) that I made for my artschool.
Here they are!
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sweetzscore · 5 months
favorite underrated book series?
Anon when I tell you this ask got me jumping out my bed to sift through my bookshelf. Warning for a lot of words
A while back I read these old books ‘The adventures of the Wishing Chair’ and ‘The Wishing Chair, again’ by Enid Blyton. They’re children’s books, published in 1937 and 1950, respectively.
Another series I’m fairly fond of is Jessica Townsend’s ‘Nevermoor, the Trials of Morrigan Crow’ (fun fact, my copy is signed!) it follows the story of a girl cursed to die on a certain day at midnight, but a mysterious man comes to take her away to a secret city called Nevermoor, there’s three books in the series as far as I’m aware.
For younger readers (or older ones, too!), the ‘Friday Barnes’ series by R.A Spratt follows an exceptional girl surrounded by non-exceptional people. She solves a mystery for her detective uncle and uses the prize money to send herself to an exclusive boarding school. Chaos ensues
You didn’t think I was done, did you? Because I’m not.
ANOTHER great one (and I don’t know how underrated it is) is Australian author Emily Wood’s (AKA Jennifer Rowe) ‘Rowan Of Rin’!! I’m pretty sure her other series ‘Deltora Quest’ is more popular (I haven’t read it) but I do own a large hardback of all five Rowan stories shoved into one book. It follows a timid farmer boy forced to go on a journey up a mountain to save his village
Anon you have awakened a beast in me. Unfortunately I am a fucking nerd, always have been and I love books to death (even if I don’t touch one for months) and am prepared to talk about it for hours.
In conclusion: I don’t have a particular favourite I do, however, have a collection of series that I love that you’ve maybe never heard of.
And you can ignore this part if you want to because now I’m just prattling about the Authors:
So R.A Spratt is an Australian author, also responsible for ‘Hamlet is not okay!’, which surprised me because I know that book but I didn’t know it was by her! Wow
Townsend is also Australian, but she doesn’t really have any books beyond Nevermoor. And actually, I’m noticing a trend, because Emily Rodda is also Australian. Makes sense, because I’m Australian, of course I’d be reading Australian authors.
Anyway Theo is a fucking nerd thanks byeee
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areawest · 3 months
having an intense obsession with the rowan of rin books is like a rite of passage for autistic australian children
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on-a-quest · 11 months
Emily Rodda books (Taylor's Version)
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goawaypopup · 10 months
Roddacember Day 3: Monsters and Animals
Now this is a tough prompt to choose for. Rodda's creatures are almost always excellent, especially with the focus on their ecology and how they fit in with their world.
I'll give an honorable mention to the many Australianesque reptiles of Deltora and co, like the unnecessary variety of deadly snakes, and the grachs, the deadly three-tailed repto-beasts that the Zebak use as beasts of burden. But I think for today I'll lay the focus on Deltora's dragons.
Perhaps that's too easy, but you and I both know that dragons are cool as frick.
Deltora's dragons actually stick closer to the tropes than most fantasy series portray them. They breathe fire and fly and dragon around the place. They embody both the ancient, wise guardian of the land, and the dangerous reptilian megafauna (and they do a damn good job at both). They even have secret names that let you command them, and color coding too.
If you're like me, their classic, unsullied dragonliness was plenty to win you over. Dragons are, honestly, probably the ideal subject for Marc McBride's (the cover artist's) fantastical, snaggletoothed style, and the text puts in work to build the right atmosphere as well. Remember the only time a dragon appears in the first two series?
The party is crawling through an overgrown cave (to get to the adventure, of course), and they pass a golden mass, in shadow.
An immense reptilian eye opens and fixes Lief in its gaze for a long moment.
And then they continue on and try to forget that happened.
Chef's kiss.
They don't sacrifice their wildness and their innate power, when they appear as conversational partners.
I do perhaps wish their ways of life were explored some more, and I have thoughts on what we do know of them, but that's for another time.
The Dragon of the Mountain, from Rowan of Rin, does intrigue me in particular. Dragons are very famous to the continent of Deltora; it used to be called the Land of Dragons, even. What's one doing here?
Personally, I subscribe to the theory that this dragon is indeed from Deltoran stock. Dragons are tied as deeply to their homes as the gems of the Belt are. Forta is not quite the last of her stock; over the western sea, a deserter sleeps on high, guarding a land that can't quite sustain them in the same way. But they still muster the strength to roar at dawn.
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draconiclore · 1 year
Emily Rodda, about to invent the most horrifying monster known to man: i'm a children's book author :3
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theoakleafpancake · 9 months
Alright, I’m doing it. I’m expanding beyond DQ and am heading into the other series
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lindalofbroome · 1 year
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Roddacember 2023!!
Roddacember runs during December to celebrate all of Emily Rodda’s books. With a new prompt every day, make a piece of fan content of your choice. You can draw some art, write fic, make a playlist, rant about something, or whatever you vibe with! Remember to tag it #Roddacember 2023 so we can check it out <3 I’ve also created an AO3 collection for those who would like to write fics!
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This is my attempt at taking the best of the past years and bringing something for everyone. What I've come up with are three levels of abstraction that (hopefully) serve as different levels of difficulty. The first week-ish draws more from 2019's style, and the last couple weeks are the more recent style, with the middle being a segue between them. (i kinda struggled to make questions, but you're welcome to use the prompts as keywords for your own!)
A reminder that you don’t have to commit to every day. Take care of yourself. You can make it more manageable by skipping days. It’s also okay to alter the prompt slightly for grammatical purposes, if you so wish (e.g. growth –> growing) or to cut out irrelevant words (e.g. animal or monster -> animal). Feel free to interpret the prompts as metaphorically or as literally as you want! If there’s anything you are confused about, feel free to ask me in the notes or DMs or whatever. You can also check out what the fandom did previously at #Roddacember 2022, #Roddacember 2021, #Roddacember 2020 and #Roddacember 2019.
Prompts in text below:
Your Favourite
01. Character 02. Place 03. Animal or monster 04. Something you wish was real 05. Magic 06. People, culture, or tradition 07. Filli❔ 08. Relationship of any kind 09. Symbols or signs
Memorable Moments:
10. Epic 11. Courage 12. Deception 13. Power 14. Foreshadowing 15. Playful 16. Envy 17. Solution
18. Ripples 19. Design 20. Trade 21. Nurture 22. Technology 23. Intricacy 24. Mend 25. Twisted 26. Pathway 27. Watch 28. Growth 29. Time 30. Unity 31. Essence of Rodda
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toshitophchan · 9 months
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Roddacember 2023 Day 21 | Abstract Nuture
Love when having allergies and needing to be looked after with medicine saves the day
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book--brackets · 1 year
Round 1, Poll 3: The Spiderwick Chronicles vs Rowan of Rin
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Idk if anyone else got into this Emily Rodda series as much as I did, but I'm 💯 down for a Rowan of Rin TV series
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