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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years ago
I love your Kryptonian hcs! I was wondering if you have any Martian hcs? I really love j'onn and itd be cool if you had any hcs!   
Martian Headcanons
I don’t have anywhere as many headcanons for Martians as I do kryptonians but I do have a couple, so here they are :)
I believe things like gender are completely different on Mars before Martian society was wiped out. Because of their ability to shapeshift things like gender were very loose, and they probably only really had one type of pronouns that everyone used, as physical appearance was just built on what you wanted to look like.
Martians didn’t have much of a spoken language because they all possessed something like telepathy, so they communicated mostly through that than they did with speech.
Martians mate/marry for life, so if their spouse/mate dies that’s it. They, like kryptonians to some extent, are able to sense when they’ve found their perfect match, though its through their telepathy and other mind powers, where kryptonians is more through their senses and a pull they feel for their other.
Any Martian is able to carry child, or impregnate someone else if they so please, thanks to their shapeshifting. Its typically the strongest of the two that carries the child, as they are able to be pregnant without fearing for their health or the child’s.
Martians don’t purr or make any noise in that regard, but they do something you could compare to two cats wrapping their tails together. With their telepathy they’ll hold onto each other to some extent, though its mainly with their minds so there’s always a connection.
Kissing on the lips is a human concept for the most parts, so Martians tend to press their foreheads together instead. This can be a platonic, familial, or romantic move, it all depends on what they are projecting with their mind when they do.
Martians are the best partners when it comes to communication in relationships, as they can sense if you are distressed and will find time to sit down and talk about it. Two Martians will communicate with their telepathy and have the issue solved quicker than we can keep up, but if you are a human or just not a telepath, they are good at talking too.
Because they are vulnerable to fire, Martians aren’t the biggest fan when it comes to heat, so they tend to like it colder. So, with a Martian lover you can expect to have to wear warm clothes in the winter or to sleep. Though, when your partner notices they’d turn up the heat for you. They wont die from it, they are just more comfortable in the cold, but seeing you comfortable is most important to them.
If you aren’t a Martian and are dating/mated to one, they might alter their appearance when you learn what your type is, because they want to be appealing and attractive to you. Youd have to sit them down and explain that, their appearance isn’t what’s important to you, and you love them as they are.
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daisysliv · 3 years ago
Hi! If you’re still taking requests, can you do one with Mon-el’s first Christmas with the reader? Thank you!
first christmas | mon-el
notes: okay, i tried to do a full fic with this request but no matter how many times i rewrote it, something wasn't clicking so instead i present to you a short but sweet little headcanon!
and yes, i'm aware this is a gif of kai parker but it fit the christmas theme more than any mon-el gifs that i saw.
anyway, i hope you enjoy!
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It was his first Christmas and you wanted it to be special
You wanted it to be one that he would remember forever and love so you went out and bought everything you needed to make it special
You bought decorations, gifts, and ingredients to bake all your favorite Christmas sweets- and found some Zakarian Ale for him
He's been trying to find that drink for months but was always unlucky
"Will he like it?" You asked Kara, placing all the drinks in the fridge. "I mean... all the decorations and stuff,"
You wave your hands around you to gesture to the apartment that was lit up with all kinds of Christmas lights
"He'll love it," the Kryptonian reassures you. "And if he doesn't... I will break his face,"
"No threatening her boyfriend, Kara." Alex scolded from the kitchen, a beer in her hand.
"You threaten him all the time." J'onn deadpans
Alex stares at him for a moment before mumbling incoherent excuses
"Point is, he'll love it."
"Fingers crossed." You mumbled
You wanted this to go right because Mon-El deserved an amazing first Christmas and he was going to get it
Nothing could ruin it- you wouldn't allow it
You picked Mon-El up from the DEO early Christmas morning and took him to breakfast at Noonan's
You both got an order of peppermint hot chocolate and sticky buns which he practically swallowed whole until you told him to slow down and just enjoy it
After he finally slowed down enough to appreciate the sticky buns, he was groaning in delight at the taste of the sweet food
The hot chocolate received the same response
"I have something for you," You told him during breakfast and reached into your bag to grab a small velvet box and passed it to him
He raised an eyebrow at you, tentatively taking it from your grasp
"It's not going to hurt you, Mon-El, it's a Christmas gift."
"Oh, I... I didn't get you any- anythin-"
You hold up a hand to stop him, "It's okay, being able to make your first Christmas special is enough. Now, open it!"
He smiles and carefully pulls it open, his brows knitting together when he see's the item
"A key?"
"It's to my apartment. I know you're getting tired of living at the DEO so... I want you to come live with me."
His mouth opens agape, not believing your words
Mon-El knew how much you valued your own space and couldn't believe you were willingly asking him to invade that space
"Are... are you sure?"
"One hundred percent. Now, hurry up. We have a date at the ski hill."
Maybe taking him to the ski hill wasn't the best idea considering that he was still learning how to handle his powers
It took him less than five minutes to break some of the ski's and that was all the motivation you needed to get him out of there
"I didn't mean to break it!" He laughed behind you
You hid a smile and turned to face him, your hand reaching for his
"I know but! We can't risk you breaking anything else so we'll just go back to the apartment and have everyone over earlier,"
Mon-El nodded and followed you silently as you walked towards the bus stop and pulled out your phone to text Kara
Leading Mon-El into your now shared apartment, you watched his face closely
Everything in you wanted him to love it and the smile that spread across his face told you that he did
"Whoa, this is... this is- Is that Zakarian Ale?!" He rushes over to the counter where the drinks were
A giggle passed your lips at his reaction
"How did you find this?" He turns back to you
"I know people."
He places the bottle back on the counter and walks back over to you, a smile tugging on his lips
"Do you now?"
"Uh huh, now come on. I have a couple things for you."
Dragging him into the living room, his face lit up at the sight of the Christmas tree
He can't remember the last time he felt this much joy looking a tree with colorful lights around it and shiny balls around them
"Mon-El, do you like it?"
"I love it. No one has ever gone through this much trouble for me,"
"You were the prince of Daxam, yes they have."
He waves his hand as if to ignore your words. "Yeah, but they were forced to do all that by my parents. You did all this just because."
You didn't realize until this moment that it was true, everyone on Daxam was forced to worship him and it wasn't until he got to earth that he was treated like some other person and not a prince
"I wanted your first Christmas to be special."
"It is. Thank you, Y/N," He turns hid body towards you and cups one of your cheeks in his hand. "I... I love you,"
You smile brightly, your heart skipping a beat
Hearing someone say I love you felt foreign to you as nobody but your family and friends have said it, anybody you've loved romantically has never loved you back
"You do? You aren't... you aren't joking, right?"
He looks confused at your question before he remembers you telling him how everyone you've loved romantically never felt the same, his heart sinks
"I'm completely serious. You make every day on this planet worth it and I'm so happy just to know you."
"I love you so much," You whispered
He smiles and finally presses his lips to yours
Pulling away, you let a smile take over your face
"Merry Christmas, Mon-El."
"Merry Christmas, Y/N,"
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notes: if you would like to request something from the prompt list, you can find it here, just be sure to add the numbers and if its angst or fluff! if you want to request something that is not on the list, go right ahead and send in the ask!
add yourself to my taglist!
PERMANENT TAGLIST ( if it's crossed out that means i couldn't tag you )
@prettylittlemoonlight @drayshadow
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kj-1130 · 4 years ago
Sister Bonding Time
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Main masterlist
December 1st       December 3rd
    You complained to Kara and Alex that your hair was getting all tangled. They had never dealt with kinky or curly hair so this was as much of a learning experience for them as it was for you. 
     The Danvers sisters went online looking for the best reviewed products and went to the store to pick them up for you. They came back with at least 3 arm-fulls worth of bags. 
     While you looked up tutorials on what humans called ‘YouTube’, Alex and Kara started to sort out the products; from deep conditioners, shampoos and pre-poo, protein treatments. They had it all. 
     You finally found a decent tutorial and did what they did to a certain extent. 
     The sisters helped you wash your hair, which was an entire process in itself since it was so long and thick. After that, it was left to deep condition since it was so dry due to lack of proper maintenance. Hours later, you finished the process with detangling it—while putting more products in it—and leaving it to dry. 
     When that was done, the three of you practically collapsed on the couch. That definitely could’ve been counted as workout for the week. 
     “Thank you for the help. I remember my mother doing similar things for me.” 
     Alex turned her head and smiled at you while wrapping you into a side hug. 
     “It was no problem kiddo. We’d do it again for you in a heartbeat.” 
     “Oh rao. Let’s just remember to do it earlier next time. It’s almost midnight.” 
This isn’t necessarily related to winter but i thought it’d be nice to show baby danvers slowly getting adjusted to her new life and family. consider it fluff.
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sapphicdepressionn · 7 years ago
Katie, Chyler, and Melissa Comfort You When You Answer A Dating Question After Your Ex’s Death
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You sat zoned out in your chair between Katie and Melissa as the interviewer asked Melissa and Chris about their love life.
You weren’t the biggest fan of Chris but Melissa could do worse so you didn’t have much to say on that topic so you never really listened when they talked about it.
“What about you, y/n?”
You jumped back to attention looking back at the interviewer with a startled look.
“I’m sorry? What was that?”
“Are you seeing anyone special? I never really see you with anyone.”
Your eyes dropped to your hands as a sad smile graced your face and you instantly felt your hand being taken by Melissa on your right and Katie’s hand resting on your knee on the left.
The whole cast knew about your ex’s death that had occurred about three months ago and they knew that dating was a touchy subject. The two of you were in a lowkey relationship because you knew how messy things could get when you’re a celebrity dating a non celebrity and putting it in the eyes of the world.
You and your lover had been going out almost two years when the wreck that changed everything happened.
The cast had been amazing with you, especially Katie, Chyler, and Melissa. They had stood by your side at the funeral, they wiped your tears away and made sure you ate when you would call them at three in morning sobbing about how you couldn’t sleep without your lover next to you, they calmed you down when you had panic attacks on set and couldn’t function enough to do your scenes.
It had been rocky and it had been hard for the cast and crew to get anything done with you in the state you were in. At one point, you feared you would be fired due to your inability to keep it together but the producers and directors quickly extinguished your fears of that happening.
It had been really bad and you still have your weak moments, but you were now healing and getting stronger and your cast/friends had now become family to you especially the three women that had stayed by you no matter what.
“Oh, I don’t date.” You told him as you looked up to face him with bravery about the topic.
You would not cry.
The interviewer looked at you strangely.
“Why not?”
“Just.. personal reasons I guess.” You shrug and suddenly realize how tight you’re squeezing Melissa’s hand and you quickly loosen it to a gentle hold.
You glanced over at Chyler who was behind you and to the right and she gave you an encouraging smile as Melissa squeezed her hand once again and Katie’s hand on your knee rubbed a soothing circle.
You sighed and felt your bubbling anxiety dissipate slowly, knowing that you would be okay with these three amazing women by your side and a wonderful cast and crew to back you up as well.
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kaciidubs · 7 years ago
Remember (Winn Schott x Reader) Chapter 4
Finally, after posting the teaser a whole ass month ago, here’s chapter four of Remember! Also, I don’t know if I mentioned this in the earlier chapters, this entire series was actually inspired by Jeremy Jordan singing It’s All Coming Back to Me Now which can be found here. The next few chapters will embody that song more often but for this chapter you’ll have to listen to this. (I love Game Grumps and Ninja Sex Party so when this came out I just HAD to) You’ll know when it comes in, trust me :) 
Also, sorry in advance, this chapter I filled in a bunch of things because I didn’t feel like littering around a whole bunch of filler parentheses because I feel like it ruins the flow of things. Anyways enough of that, lets get to the chapter.
Chapter Title: Food Truck Palooza 
Summary: Food, Fun, and Music, who couldn’t have a good time with these things? It gave Winn a chance to relax, as much as he could, and take (Y/n) out for the afternoon.
| Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Masterlist |
The idea of going to a food truck was a great idea when Winn first came up with it, but once the car doors shut and the ignition started it seemed like the stupidest thing he could have ever come up with. They were shrouded in instant silence, aside from an advertisement playing over the radio station. He felt his heart beating within his chest as he tried to come up with something clever and witty to say but the only thing he could think of was the beautiful woman sitting patiently in the passenger’s seat. 
“So… What type of food trucks so they have around here?” Her sweet voice brought him out of his thoughts and gave him something new to focus on. “Uh,” he cleared his throat, feeling it grow dry by the second, “T-There’s a little lot area where they usually have three trucks there, they switch out every few days so it’s really a surprise.” Y/n nodded slowly in agreement, giving a small smile in thought as Winn started to pull away from the DEO.
There was something familiar about the smell of Winn’s car, something that pulled at her heart and made it ache as she continued to breathe it in.
The car ride continued on in a slightly awkward silence, soft music playing from the radio as Winn drove; humming softly to the song that was on. “How long have you been working for the uh…” Y/n started, instantly forgetting the name of the facility she was at for however long.
“The DEO? Oh, for a while now actually. I used to work at CatCo as the IT guy, but I decided it was better for me to work at the DEO with Kara, Alex, and J’onn.” “Kara, Alex, and J’onn?” Y/n was turned slightly towards Winn as he talked, determined to find out more about the man who would be hosting her around. “Oh, right, uh… They’re my friends who work there too. I’m sure you met Alex, you know, the lady with the short hair? Asked you a bunch of questions when you woke up?”
Winn snuck a look at her face out of the corner of his eye in time to catch the determined and focused look that took over her features. He felt his heart melt as a smile grew on his lips, one that he didn’t want to hide or leave.
“Oh yeah! Okay so that’s Alex, got it. What about, um, Kara and J’onn?”
“Well Kara wanted to see you but the doctors came in again to check up on you so I’m sure she’ll try again sometime. J’onn, he’s actually the founder and director of the whole place so he didn’t have enough time to make it to see you once you woke up.” Y/n nodded slowly, processing the information given to her before looking out of the passenger window. “Oh! The food truck square!” Winn laughed and nodded, turning into the lot where other people had parked their cars to enjoy the trucks in all their glory.
“Welcome, Y/n, to the lot of food trucks.” Winn announced happily, watching as she gazed happily at the numerous food choices before her. There had to be about seven different trucks; tacos, soul food, burgers, foreign food, even a cupcake truck was there! “Winn… This is like a dream… A big, beautiful, food dream!” She giggled happily before turning towards the man in the drivers’ seat, catching his gaze in her own.
Her heart leapt as her eyes met his, his beautifully forest green eyes seeming to draw her in like a fish on a line, and she was not fighting it. Before another second could pass Winn looked away, a pink blush dusting his face as he cleared his throat, “W-Well what are we waiting for? It’s not gonna last for long!” Not wanting to ask anything about the moment or, rather, not wanting to ruin it Y/n nodded, getting out of the car only to be engrossed into the music and people chatting happily as they ate.
Winn stayed for a moment inside of the car, sighing as he shook his head. He couldn’t do this, it felt like every time he would look at her things would go back to being how they were; she would be there and she would smile and everything just seemed right. Her eyes would have that little twinkle in them that made Winn believe she was pure magic, that made his heart swell and think that if he were to die right then and there he’d be completely fine with that.
“Winn! Come on the cupcake line is getting long and I don’t want to miss it!”
He looked up, watching as her figure bounced on her heels and pointed at the truck where, indeed, the line was getting considerably long. 
She was there, he knew some part of her was there and where there was one there had to be the other. If he had to wait three weeks, three months, three years, he would do it. It would be worth it. All for her.
Finally getting out of the car, Winn chuckled as Y/n ran over to tug on his hand, “Gosh you’re so slow, and I mean that in the nicest way possible, but there’s food, Winn! You’ve gotta be more enthusiastic!” This only made Winn laugh harder as he held his hands up in submission, “Okay, okay! How about you tell me what you want and I’ll get it, my treat.”
Y/n looked at him with a shocked expression, immediately shaking her head, “No, I couldn’t do that to you! I can pay for my food, really it’s fine!”
“Y/n, it’s okay! I’ll pay for your food, it can be a ‘Get Well Soon’ gift!” Winn smiled, knowing there wasn’t any way in hell she’d back down without a fair fight.
“Winn, come on, you don’t have to!”
“No, but I want to!”
“Okay, okay, how about this,” She placed her finger square on his chest, looking him in the eye with a face that could melt hearts, Winn’s to be exact, “I’ll pay for the cupcakes, you can pay for the food. That way it can be at least somewhat fair.” Winn smiled and nodded, unable to say no to her final offer of payment. 
“Alright, you have a deal.”
After discussing what food to get and what type of cupcakes to get, and how many, they situated themselves at a picnic table not too far from the small stage where the music played. 
“Winn, did you know they have like 180 different combinations for cupcakes?! I want that cupcake truck at my birthdays, wedding, and funeral.” Y/n laughed happily as she held the container of twelve cupcakes close to her heart, careful to keep the frosting perfect on each one.
Winn tried to contain his laughter, biting his lips as some chuckles slipped through, “Oh my god, you got twelve?! What on earth compelled you to get so many?”
“…They had vanilla with brown sugar frosting… Something inside of me screamed to get them!” Her statement only caused Winn to laugh harder, tears pricking the edges of his eyes as he struggled to catch his breath. Y/n slowly started laughing too as she carefully placed the box on the table. “Hey, you should be happy I didn’t get the eighteen-count box, then we really would have a problem; be happy its six and six!”
After a few moments their laughter died down, Winn pushing a takeout box to her side of the table, “Here’s your food by the way, three soft shrimp tacos with a side of french fries, which are very crispy might I add.” Y/n gasped and shot Winn a false hurt look, “You ate some of my fries?! This is war, Winn!” 
“Only two! Besides, I’m not that cruel, I put some of my fries in there to make up for it.” He shot her a grin that made butterflies erupt within her stomach, fueling the growing blush on her cheeks. “Okay, you’ve evaded war this time.”
The rest of the afternoon flew by, filled with corny jokes, bubbling laughter, and some fry tossing; which was cleaned up afterwards. Both two cupcakes in the hole, they started to get ready to leave; noticing how some of the food trucks were making their final calls for orders.
“Winn, this was amazing, thank you for-” Y/n stopped talking as soon as the sound of drums and maracas reached her ears, “Oh my god, they aren’t.” Winn paused while gathering the napkins into his empty box, looking up at her with a raised eyebrow.
I hear the drums echoing tonight, but she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation
She’s coming in twelve-thirty flight, the moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me toward salvation
The lyrics made Winn’s heart ache. 
This was one of their songs they belted out around the apartment, making up silly choreography and completely ignoring whatever they were originally supposed to be doing; which was usually cleaning. 
Maybe this was going to help her remember?
Her chocolate brown eyes met his, a light seeming to shine behind them while her face exuded happiness.
Maybe, just maybe, this would be the key into unlocking her memories.
“I used to sing this all the time with my mom! It’s the best song to get lost in when you don’t want to do anything.”
Winn could have sworn that if the music wasn’t so loud he could hear the sound of his heart shattering and his hopes being drop-kicked across the country. 
He smiled, deciding to hide the hurt that pumped its way into his veins. She remembered the song but there was something else that told him she could remember it in the scenario that involved him, she just didn’t know it yet. “I love this song, I sing it while I’m cleaning my apartment.”
She couldn’t sense the sadness behind the words as her smile grew, “Then you can sing it with me! Come on!” Before Winn could object she began singing, halting him and any word that was going to come out of his mouth.
It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you~
There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do!
Upon her physical cues to get him to sing Winn chimed in,
I’d bless the rains down in Africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had~
He chuckled lightly as she bobbed and rocked to the song, getting lost in the next few lyrics. Watching as she continued to sing, he finished cleaning off the table and threw the boxes into a nearby trash. 
No one said this would be easy, he knew this would be harder than almost anything, no, everything he’s gone though, but he wasn’t going to give up. He wasn’t going to stop until she got herself back. 
He looked over to her and watched as she was now dancing with some little kids in front of her, egging them on with their sporadic movements. A smile found it’s way on his lips when she turned to look at him, laughing happily as she gestured towards the children in front of her.
Hurry boy, she’s waiting there for you.
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mcgrathandwives · 7 years ago
Christmas Season with Supercorp.
Word count: 2639
Part 1 of a 3 piece series.
Lena offers to hold a Danvers Christmas at hers.
As the cold set in, the street lights flickering on, Lena Luthor sat in her office at L-Corp awaiting an important update from the labs 18 floors down. Jess called through to say a Miss Danvers was waiting to see the young Luthor. As Alex walked through the office the ghost of a smile on her face Lena couldn’t help but giggle.
“Alex! I’m guessing you’re here to collect me? Did Kara send you? I know she’s supergirl but if she wanted me to come home like this she would’ve came herself surely?”
Alex smiled at the mention of her sister’s name and seeing how happy her friend looked. Their friendship developed after she broke it off with Maggie.
Lena had became a massive supporter of Alex’s crush on Sara which she showed by the constant teasing, this brought both of them together fairly quickly. As a plus this way Lena had herself a proper drinking buddy, everybody knew how much both women liked their scotch. Sitting on Lena’s sofa, chuckling Alex replied “Kara doesn’t know I’m visiting Lena. I’m here to see if you can maybe do me a favour?”
Lena turned from Alex pouring them both a glass of the whiskey she kept for Alex’s visits and the odd tough night. Passing the glass to Alex she took in her friend’s slight change in posture. Alex sat slouched, her eyes looking tired, her face paled and smile gone. This wasn’t an uncommon sight for Lena to see her friend in but it still troubled her, knowing that Alex usually put on a smile for her friends and mostly for her sister. Lena was confused at first at how openly emotional Alex chose to be with her, although it would sound horrible to anyone who didn’t see the depth of their relationship, but Lena felt a sense of comfort and pride that someone as emotionally concealed as the D.E.O agent could trust her over National City’s hero with her deepest feelings.
“Of course how can I help?” Alex took a deep breath before turning to Lena, “I want to get in touch with Sara…” Lena only smiled. “Alex I’m not 100% certain I can come up with the technology but I can give it ago if that’s what you’d like? I’ll try my best, that I can promise you but the results of doing it may take a little time.” Being engulfed by Kara was always surprising to Lena but she slowly got used to the younger Danver’s strength but one thing she’d never get used to was Alex and her bear hugs, like the one she was currently forced into, placing her hands on Alex’s back and patting it softly, Alex let go smiling at her announcing she was the best.
“Before we go to game night Luthor I want you to help me get the drinks in! So let’s get moving!” Just as Lena was about to object, her email notification rang. Alex could only smile as she watched Lena dash to her desk.
“Perfect the results came through!” Lena pressed her call button to say that Jess and the others could head home for the night. By the time she had checked her other emails and locked her safe Alex was holding the Luthor’s coat open, as well as carrying her handbag. Smiling at each other, Alex helped Lena with her coat. They left the office and heading to Lena’s car.
They stopped at the store for Alex to buy the drinks, Lena wondered towards the pet shop she seen three of the cutest little puppies, a rabbit and two kittens. Watching as the kittens played with each other and the rabbit hopping around its enclosure she noticed the puppies, two on their hind legs, tails wagging and their small barks she couldn’t help but smile at how energetic they were, reminding her of Kara. The other puppy was asleep, she thought it was adorable!
As Lena was admiring the pets Alex had came out of the store looking for the Luthor, scanning the street she spotted Lena’s blue coat outside the pet store, chuckling to herself about how alike Lena and Kara were. She made her way over to her friend, trying not to startle her. Once she got there Lena turned around with the biggest smile she could muster, Alex had seen that smile on Lena’s face multiple times but it was only when Kara was around. Still chuckling, she checked her phone to see the time, 7.20pm flashed across her screen. Game night started at 7.30pm and they were still 15 minutes away.
"Let’s go Luthor, we’re already running late and we’re about to get a really annoyed Supergirl coming down on our asses if we aren’t there in the next 10 minutes.” Sighing Lena grabbed two bags off of Alex and helped her to the car, on their way Alex picked up the pizza’s Lena had ordered everyone, well Kara but everyone would get at least two slices.
Arriving at Kara’s door for 7.33pm on the dot, Lena unlocked the door.
“Babe we’re home!” Smiling at the word ‘home’ Lena never really thought she’d be one to say that. To Lena ‘home’ was considered just where she lived but once she met Kara her definition changed drastically. ‘Home’ became Kara or where ever Kara was. Soon her thoughts were interrupted and her smile only got bigger as her blonde haired, blue eyed hero came over to take the bags off her sister and girlfriend. “You got pizza! Yay! Hi Alex!” Kissing Lena’s cheek, whispering a small “Hello” causing Lena to blush.
Kara used her superspeed to empty the bags and collect the plates for the food she took a seat beside her girlfriend on the floor as the superfamily consisting of James and Winn on the sofa, Sam on the chair beside Lena and of course Ruby and Alex sitting across from Kara and Lena. Once everyone had gone through their pizza’s and Kara on her third, they split into teams and had played at least two rounds of monopoly that Ruby and Lena were kicking ass at. Ruby had called being in Lena’s team resulting in Kara pouting and the others laughing at her reaction, they declared that Kara should finish her food before playing. James and WInn were put out within the first half hour, Alex and Sam barely scraping through.
Kara couldn’t help but smile at her little family. Her sister actually looking happier since the FlashAllen wedding and her first encounter with a certain blonde ‘sassy assassin’ she’s been non stop talking about, Winn and James actually taking a night off, Sam a single mother who does absolutely everything she can to provide the best for her daughter Ruby.
Ruby became a huge part of the group dynamic, she was incredible, smart, adorable, Kara could go on for days about everything she admires and loves about Ruby, she would go as far as saying Ruby is becoming the apple of her eye, she would do anything for Ruby. No! She does do anything for Ruby and of course to top it all off Lena. Yes, she has her friends and sister, she has Ruby her “niece” but the best thing in Kara’s eyes is the green eyed girl she fell hopelessly in love with. Lena is Kara’s whole heart, everything she could have ever asked for. Lena brought Kara’s world crashing down on top of her in the best way. From the moment they met as Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor, to being a Super and a Luthor then it just being Lena Luthor and Kara Zor-el.
She was always staring at her girlfriend and half the time she doesn’t know she’s doing it and honestly she can’t stop. From the smile that Lena carries to the pain she’s learning to get over. Lena was Kara’s definition of perfect. Watching the way Lena interacted with their friend group, with her family especially Alex and Clark, Eliza loved Lena like a third daughter she made a point of everyone knowing that. But the way Lena was currently fixated on Ruby had Kara’s heart singing. Being a CEO and a Luthor it wasn’t expected of her to be anything but a stone cold monster but Lena was a literal light, she’s warm and welcoming, she gives the best hugs (Ruby and Kara can definitely vouch for that), she listened and when it came to Ruby? Lena was a go to for advice when Sam wasn’t around, hugs and movie nights when she missed her mom. Lena knew how Ruby felt but she also knew were Sam was coming from and that had been proven to be beneficial in Lena’s relationships with both Sam and Ruby. It was clear to anyone who seen the way Lena and Ruby interacted that Lena was meant to be a mother one day. The thought of Lena being a mom. Not just any mom but a mom with Kara was enough to make Kara burst with happiness. Alex, Ruby and Sam glanced over at the alien with her half empty pizza box staring longingly at Lena, Alex and Sam just smiled knowing both the girls they loved dearly and like family were happy, the happiness they’ve seen them. Ruby however started to giggle drawing in the attention of James, Winn and of course her partner in crime Lena. Everyone was looking at Kara, Kara was still totally oblivious to it all, still staring at Lena with the biggest heart eyes she could, Lena grew a blush when she realised that Kara was staring at her. It took Winn to push Kara lightly for her to snap out of her intense stare, blushing when she realised she had been caught Sam had decided that she and Ruby would only stay for the end of the game then call it a night because they had plans the next day. Winn and James agreed they would leave too.
The game finished at 9pm on the dot. Everyone but Alex had left, Alex only stayed because she and Lena were a good bit into their second bottle of wine. This then caused the two of them to get a little tipsy. Not many people can drink Alex Danvers or Lena Luthor under the table but they both of them gave each other a real run for their money. Kara enjoyed the nights she could watch two of her favourite people get along so well. Even if it was the two of them getting drunk and her being sober due to earth alcohol not affect her alien body. There was never a dull moment between the three of them.
“LEEEEEEEELEEEEEEEEEE, I have to tell you something but you can’t tell Kara okay?” This brought Kara out of her thoughts, giggling at her sister’s state, she looked at the Luthor who was currently looking around for any sign of Kara. Deciding after looking at Kara three times, the Luthor dhad came to the conclusion Kara wasn't there to hear the older Danvers secret.
“What is it Als?” Again Kara giggled because if either of them were sober they would cringe at their new nicknames. “I love you” *hiccup* “You’re my best friend Leelee”. Lena had tears rolling down her face, Alex Danvers, D.E.O agent called her, ‘best friend’. “Als, I love you too! You’re my best friend!” This then caused Alex to let her tears fall. At this point Kara couldn’t help but laugh, causing both the slightly more intoxicated women on the floor, crying to look at her. Smiling she passed them some tissues and asked if they were okay. They then ended up on the sofa cuddling. Lena in Kara’s lap and Alex at Kara’s left side. They sat like this for about half an hour before Alex broke the comfortable silence.
“Leelee, are you coming to the Danvers Christmas?” Christmas was Kara’s favourite holiday. She fell in love with it the moment she got here, Alex on the other hand wasn’t as fond of Christmas as her sister and Lena? Lena didn’t enjoy the holiday because she never really celebrated it being a Luthor and all so as the years went by she just treated it as a simple day, of course she gave her employees the few days off to be with their families, she has multiple PhDs she knows not all families were like hers, that still didn’t mean it wasn’t another sting in her heart. Before Lena could answer, Kara had jumped in, “Of course she is coming! Why wouldn’t she be? She’s my girlfriend and mom loves her!” Instantly Lena cuddled into her girlfriend’s side trying to hide her blush. “Leelee my momma loves you more than me and it’s not fair!” This only adding to Lena’s blush. Alex had seen this, giggled and started to tease Lena.
“Kar? How are we going to fit everyone in here? There’s like a hundred of us!” Pouring three glasses of wine Lena passed one to Alex, one to Kara and stared at hers in her hand. Kara pulled Lena closer to her. “Alex there’s only 11 of us, no more for you” looking at her girlfriend continuing, “You madam no more. You’ve got a meeting tomorrow afternoon and then you’re finishing up for christmas. No more do you hear me? Don’t move I’m going to fly Alex home.” Lifting her sister into her arms Kara was out the window and into the sky leaving an intoxicated Lena laying on the sofa missing the warmth of her girlfriend.
As she was sitting on the sofa awaiting Supergirl’s return, Lena began to think. ‘Kara’s apartment is small’, “We could do Christmas at my place!” she hadn’t realised that she said it outloud or that her giggling alien girlfriend was home. “Are you sure babe? It is a lot of trouble and you’ve had way too much to drink.” Lena jumped, turning and smiling at her girlfriend a little confused because she walked through the front door rather than fly through the window. With a dash of her superspeed she swooped her drunk girlfriend off her feet and into their bed. Kara had them both changed and under the blankets. Lena in her drunken state kept giggling, it was rare Lena giggled but still the sound alone made Kara fall in love with her all over again. Pulling her girlfriend closer, she whispered “I love you Lee” before Lena’s breathing evened out, Kara fell asleep not too long after.
Lena woke up groaning as the sun broke through Kara’s loft, she searched for warmth but found cold sheets. This only made her groan louder. As if on cue Kara stroled in wearing her supergirl costume, smiling at her girlfriend.
“Y’know you offered to host Christmas?” giggling at Lena’s concerned face she continued “You don’t have to it’s a lot of bother...Leelee.” Lena glared at her girlfriend. “Oh you and ‘Als’ couldn’t stop calling each other adorable nicknames until ‘Als’ and ‘Leelee’ stuck.” Lena groaned louder than before, rolling over to hide her face in the pillows, the only thoughts crossing her mind were ‘Alex is going to kill me’ and ‘Fuck I guess I’m hosting Christmas’. Lena’s phone dinged with Alex’s name flashing across the screen, unlocking it she found an apology in her text message and the dreaded question she hoped the older Danvers would’ve forgot
‘so xmas @urs then?’
“So my love, we need to go buy decorations for my place because we’re hosting a Danvers Christmas!” Although she was smiling and the burst of happiness she had from Kara’s squeal, Lena couldn’t help but internally scream ‘what the fuck have I gotten into?’
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ruffiorocks · 5 years ago
Just reading a fan fic and was reminded of that one time Jonn came to the Danvers wearing Kara's Mother's face!!! Just so he could make a point!!
Of all the things on this show that could have traumatised Kara besides the destruction of her planet i would have to say this would be at the top of the list!!
As someone who has lost a parent and gets a lump in my throat if someone even looks like them, I can't imagine what this would do to an already traumatised teenager!! Plus this isn't even that long after the event! Kara has not had time to process her mother's death at all! Any progress she could have made would have been shattered by Jonn f**king Jonzz!"
Ugh I'm remembering just how much I hated this scene and Jonn looked so pleased with himself afterwards!
Those few seconds of joy little Kara had because she thought her mother who she believed had burned to death on her exploding planet was actually there and alive.
Why did anyone think this was a good idea??
Ugh rant over!
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iamsuperconfused · 7 years ago
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer Characters: Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Jonn Jonzz Additional Tags: SanversWeek, Day 7, Soulmates AU, 2x03, I imagine sanvers swearing a lot in their mind. Summary:
Soulmate AU from their first meeting, in 2x03
Chapter 3 for Valentine’s day! and for @sanversweek
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ao3feed-detectivedanvers · 8 years ago
Always in my thoughts
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tEwPqr
by Iamsuperconfused
Soulmate AU from their first meeting, in 2x03
Words: 1902, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Jonn Jonzz
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: SanversWeek, Day 7, Soulmates AU, 2x03, I imagine sanvers swearing a lot in their mind.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tEwPqr
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ao3feed-sanvers · 8 years ago
Always in my thoughts
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tEwPqr
by Iamsuperconfused
Soulmate AU from their first meeting, in 2x03
Words: 1902, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Jonn Jonzz
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: SanversWeek, Day 7, Soulmates AU, 2x03, I imagine sanvers swearing a lot in their mind.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tEwPqr
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ao3feed-dctvfemslash · 8 years ago
Always in my thoughts
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tEwPqr
by Iamsuperconfused
Soulmate AU from their first meeting, in 2x03
Words: 1902, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Jonn Jonzz
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: SanversWeek, Day 7, Soulmates AU, 2x03, I imagine sanvers swearing a lot in their mind.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tEwPqr
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kj-1130 · 4 years ago
Let’s Chase
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Main Masterlist
December 7th
     It was another boring day inside the house. There was nothing for you to do, so you decided to go annoy your newfound sisters for fun. 
     Walking down the hall, you found Kara on the couch watching movies and Alex in the kitchen trying to find something to eat. You kind of got concerned when you saw her seeing as neither of them could cook. Like at all. Ever since you came into the household, you’d make food for them. You honestly didn’t even know you could cook at first. When you went to the stove one day it all just came to you naturally. 
     Walking over to the couch, but still keeping your eyes on the kitchen, you plop down practically on top of Kara. She grunts in response to the unexpected weight that just dropped on her. 
     Looking up at her with an innocent smile, you steal some of her popcorn. “What’s up?”
     She playfully rolled her eyes and pushed you to the other side of the couch. “I’m watching a movie and Alex was going to attempt to make something.”
     You barely let her finish her sentence before you sped off to the kitchen to stop whatever inevitable disaster that would follow if Alex started to cook. 
     “Put your hands above your head and step away from the stove!” 
     Alex jumped in surprise and stepped back from where she was. 
     “That is good, that is good. Now lower the spatula.”
     The oldest Danvers sister chuckled and shook her head. She dropped the spatula and started to chase you around the apartment. 
     “Kara! Kara, help me!”
     The mentioned simply ignored the chaos and continued watching her movie. 
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kj-1130 · 4 years ago
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Main Masterlist
December 6th
     It was getting colder outside, that was obvious. You’d been flaunting your new winter fashion anytime you went outside. Kara and Alex had been keeping track of any traditions, foods, or drinks you had or hadn’t tried. Recently, hot chocolate was given a go. It was a very confusing moment, but there was also a lot of excitement. Chocolate was one of your favorite snacks that you tried and to hear it came as a hot liquid as well was very fascinating.
     You easily became addicted to the drink and it was definitely one of your favorite things on earth. 
     You had just got done reading a chapter of a book Lena recommended when you started craving some hot chocolate. Getting up from your comfortable bed, you made your way to the kitchen, passing Kara who was seated on the couch. 
     You looked high and low for that box. In every cabinet, every nook and cranny where it could possibly fit. 
     “C’mon, c’mon. Where is it?”
     Kara heard the commotion and your quiet mutterings; super-hearing of course.
     “What’re you looking for?”
     “The hot chocolate.”
     “There isn’t anymore.”
     “What do you mean there isn’t anymore?!”
     You whipped around and looked at Kara like she was crazy.
     “Th-that’s not possible!”
     Your sister shook her head and chuckled. “It is quite possible because you’ve been drinking them nonstop.”
     You groaned and dragged yourself to the couch and plopped down next to Kara. She wrapped her arm around you and laughed at your tiny misfortune. 
     “Stop laughing, this isn’t funny!”
     She simply continued laughing and pulled you deeper into her side. 
     “Don’t fret little one. We’ll go out and buy some more tomorrow.”
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kj-1130 · 4 years ago
Meet the Fam
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December 3rd     December 5th
     After being with the Danvers sisters for a number of months, you’d heard numerous stories. They varied from adventures at the DEO and being Supergirl, to goofy memories from their childhood or recently. A common theme in quite a few of their recollections was the people mentioned. There was a Winn, Nia, Brainy, Lena, James and Jonn. From what you heard about them, they seemed like pretty good and cool people.
     “When can I meet your friends?”
      For weeks, you’d been asking them to meet these people who obviously held significant positions in your new sisters’ lives. Their seeming personalities intrigued you. 
     “They’re actually coming over later today’ game night,” Kara said sheepishly.
     You lifted your head from the tv and looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. “And you are just telling me now?”
     You chuckled and shook your head, going back to watching the television. 
     It was around six in the evening when the first knock came around. Alex went to open the door, and in came the first guest; Lena. You were in your room doing your hair--which was a task within its own-- when the eldest Danvers came knocking at your door. 
     “Hey kiddo, Lena’s here. Come meet her.”
     You happily skipped down the hall to the living space and looked to the couch where the guest was. 
     Tilting your head, you looked closely at her. It was kind of your thing to analyze people; a specialty if you will. 
     “No need to be nervous. I am excited to meet everyone.” You walked over and stuck your hand out for her to shake, “It is nice to meet you, Lena Luthor.”
     The rest of the introductions went in a similar direction. You’d read them, assure them that there was no need to be nervous, then properly greet you. 
     Game night was a blast in your opinion. Everyone played some board games and Nia taught you how to play uno. Safe to say, you were pretty much a part of the superfriends now. 
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kj-1130 · 4 years ago
Shop ‘Til You Drop
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Main Masterlist
December 2nd      December 4th
     As the temperatures in National City continued to drop, the need for more winter clothes increased. You had arrived on Earth in early fall, which meant most of your wardrobe contained thin sweaters, long sleeved shirts, and jeans. Kara and Alex promised to get you more clothes as the weather changed, and they decided it was about time to fulfill that promise.
     Fortunately, Kara wasn’t on patrol at the moment, and Alex had gotten a break from the DEO. They had taken you to different stores and now you were in a local one that you couldn’t understand the name of. It was in some weird font you had never seen before. 
     Right now, the two sisters had you trying on different coats. There was a green one with what Alex called a cotton inside. Then there was a pink faux fur coat. You had to ask what faux meant but it was all good. And there was a simple blue one with both zippers and buttons. 
     While trying on the last coat, a black one caught your eye. It was absolutely perfect to you and you just had to get it. 
     Kara saw you staring longingly at it and went to grab it while Alex was helping you out of the too large coat that you were currently swimming in. 
     “Here ya go. One black coat for you madam,” Kara said in a weird posh accent. She got a giggle out of you, which to her made it worth the tiny amount of embarrassment if she got to hear your beautiful and innocent  laughter. 
     You put the coat on and automatically knew it was the one and it seemed the other Danvers’ knew as well. 
     After putting on a tiny fashion show in the small hallway of the shop, the three of you left with bags on each arm(recyclable bags of course). There were two pairs of boots, a scarf, earmuffs, the glorious coat, and matching necklaces you had found( “so you could always have a piece of each other with us,” you said). 
     “I really do appreciate all you guys have done for me. I don’t remember much from my home planet, but I know I miss it. You guys make me not miss it as much. I am...what’s the word?”
     “Grateful,” Alex said chuckling. “We know you’ll never replace your family or life back home, but we can make new memories here.”
     “I love you guys.”
     “We love you too, baby.”
     “This moment is great and all, but I’m starving.”
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sapphicdepressionn · 7 years ago
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A/N: So this is it guys! The majority of you voted for this version of Maia Danvers! Chapter one of my “third Danvers sister” fan fiction. This will have multiple chapters that I will try to post at least one chapter a week hopefully… I also have to make sure to answer you guys’ requests so we will see how this goes. Thank you guys for the support and input and please let me know what you think of this so far! Also, I know things are very vague in this chapter on certain things about Maia but I do this on purpose because I plan to dig deeper into her darkness as the story progresses. I already have the end game planned but I am so open for suggestions from you guys and what you would like to see from my character and the Supergirl characters. 
 Disclaimer: Maia Danvers is my own, original character (and possibly a few future characters are my own as well). All other Supergirl characters are owned by DC and The CW. 
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